Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, September 28, 1861, Image 2

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Vroligter i an Nana:
Kir. Having purchaseelfor our office the "Right" to use
Pick's Accoontatot tried Pupatch Patent, aft, or nearty all,
f our ( *Worthen now have their papers addressed to them
tegular/y by a sinpularly unique machine, which fastens
on the white margin a small colored "ad dress stamp," or
'label, whereon appears their name plainly printed, followed
Aby the date tip to which they have paid for their papers—this
'being authorised by an Act of Cbngress. The date wilt
falwovale advanced on the receipt of subscriptimi money,
e.fact accordance with the amount so received, and thus
be an ever-ready and valid receipt; securing to every one,
'unit at all times a perfect knowledge of his newsper ac
count, so that i f error is made he can immed i ately de
tect it and have it corrected—a boon alike vaivable to the
publisher and subscriber, as it must terminate alt painful
misunderstandings between thew respecting accounts, and
thus tent foperpeluate their important relationship.
*.* Th ose in arrears will please remit.
The old postage stamps are still received
•in offices where new stamps have not been
furnished. But none are taken in Pitts
burgh. Here the sew stamps only are
either given out' or received. Hence per
sons sending payment to us will please to
send only the now stamps; and send none
but three cent stamps. The old stamps are
utterly useless here ; and - the five and ten
cent, andlarger stamps, we turn into money
with great difficulty.
Uv. P. N. litdowatt.—This gentleman who
has been the laborious arid faithful book
keeper of our neighbor, The Christian Ad
vocate, has retired to a farm in Fayette
County, Pa. He has our best wishes for
his health and happiness in his retirement
from the to 1O of the newspaper.
Iftip the Missionaries.—A: box of well
assorted warm clothing, in Autumn, is a
delightful spectacle to a missionary and his
family. Will our ladies think of this?
These laborers bare been obliged to submit
to a reduction of twenty-fi-ve per cent. in
the appropriation of the Board. A little
help in the way of raiment becomes
hence more needful. Those who would
make their gifts most highly useful will
ascertain, through the Board's Secretary or
otherwise, a family whom they may aid,
and they learn by writing to the mission
ary, the size and sex of his children, (siee
also of himself and wife.) Adaptation be
longs to economy and benevolence.
Installetion.—On the evening of the 3d
inst., the Presbytery of Luzerne, received
the Rev. Archibald Alexander Hodge, and
installed him pastor of the church of
Wilkesbarre, Pennsylvania. The Rev. C.
R. Lane preached the sermon; Rev. T. P.
Hunt proposed the constitutional ques
tions ; the; Rev. M. J. Hickok, D. D.,
charged the pastor, and the Rev. S. F. Colt
the people. Mr. Hodge enters upon the
discharge of the duties of his new pastoral
relations in •this important field, so long
successfully cultivated by the beloved Dor
rance, who has ceased from his labors, under
very encouraging circumstances, for these
times of dissensions.
The Rev. T. P. Hunt has returned to the
army,as Chaplain of the Seventh Regiment of
Pennsylvania volunteers.—Cor. of Pres.
A very large number of ministers are
needed as chaplains. Three hundred thou
sand men need three hundred ministers.
And they should be good ministers, tru
ly evangelical, and fond of labor. A.
lazy man has no business in' the Chap
Just now there are, out of charge, some
excellent men of our connexion ; men who
hadlopations South, but retired on account
of the rebellion; modest men, who would
not e : obtrude themselves, but who are well
adapted to take the spiritual instruction of
our regiments.' We suggest that those who
are in favorable positions, should bring
such men to the notice of the Governor,
and of our regimental officers.
It is very discouraging to a minister to
see but few members of the church come to
the weekly prayer-meeting. Perhaps he
has a large and attentive congregation on
the Sabbath—perhaps not more than a
dozen or a score are at the prayer-meeting.
And some of that small number seem to
come from a sense of propriety, rather than
from a desire to meet with God. It is very
discouraging to the minister who desires to
see fruit from his labors. He knows that
no abiding impression is made on the minds
of such of his hearers as habitually absent
themselves from the place where prayer is
wont to be made. Who ever knew an emi.
neatly pious man or woman who habitually
neglected the prayer-meeting?
It is very discouraging to a minister to
be compelled to believe, that a large num
ber of the members of his church have no
real sympathy with him in his work. They
may like him as a man and as a minister,
but they have no real sympathy with him
in his efforts to save men. They would
like to see file church prosper, and would
have no special objections to a revival ; but
they have no earnest desires to see Chris
tians advancing in holiness, and sinners
converted to Christ. They have no sym
pathy with their minister in the great work
to which his life is devoted.
It lq very diScouraging to a minister to
find thOse on whom he placed peculiar re
liance—whom he regarded as pillars on
which he might lean—failing to give him
the expected e aid. In every congregation
there are some who are, to the minister,
what AARON and Hun were to Mos Es.
Many a minister would have given way to
discouragement—would have left the field
in which he was appointed to labor—but for
the' support given by the sympathies,
prayers and efforts of a few members of his
church. But sonCetimee those on whom he
thus relies, fail him. It is very discourag
ing.' It is as when an armor-bearer
It is very discouraging to a minister to
see those who have been converted by his
instrumentality, and whose spiritual growth
he was most, solicitous to promote, back
sliding from the. faith and from holiness.
These things are very discouraging. On
the other hand, it is
to the
faithful Minlater to know 'that Christ will
always , be 4,the prayer : pmeting, though
there may be Every few of his professed fol
lowers there---that Christ will never fail-to
sympathize with him in his work—that
Christ will never fail to yield him all the
aid he has a right to expect.
A G.PM /11.081 A PtItSIAN POBT.—The
hekeak.are . a_print from the pen' of God's
'eer th b from per a erlB a om the
,DowsiofilAt(,beti.uty; the au. spark.
froptthaliglit,ef his wisdom; - a the i elFy,
is SIM:4)IO'6 ale 'sea of his poier:
The ardor with which multitudes have
flocked to our National standard, in the
day of danger, and the readiness with
which capitalists have tendered their mil
lions o f money for the public use, pr6ves
that we have a country worth saving. The
cost of saving - it, both in life and treasure,
is likely to be immense; but, by a patriot
ic people, the sacrifices are promptly made.
This shows their appreciation of a govern
ment of law, and of National unity. They
have a country worth saving. And they
do not appreciate it too highly. It is
worth all that is consecrated to its preser-
But if our country in its social institu
tions, its trade, commerce, laws, personal
security, &c., is" so valuable, what is . it
worth as to its religious advantages? The
value of an open Bible, and a free relig
ion, none can estimate. These are not en
dangered by the rebellion ; and we do not
allude to them with a view more .highly to
stimulate public sentiment towards the wag
ing of an effective war. Our object is
rather to incite the Christian community,
and especially Presbyterians, to the full
discharge of a Christian duty. We would
have the benefits of a tree religion, Gospel
ordinances, and a pure faith extended to
every city purlieu, and every village, and
every little settlement, in,Our widely-ex
tended country; that is, we would stimu
late the Presbyterian Church to a renewed
and vastly elevated zeal in the cause of
Domestic Missions. If the preservation
of our country and our happy government,
are worth the services and the endanger
went of the life of hundreds of thousands
of men; and the, expenditure of hundreds
of millions of treasure, what is the value
of our religion ! And if citizens will
make such sacrifices to save the govern
ment, what should Christians do to extend
the Church ?
And the country has its social and civil
value, very much from the influence )f
Domestic Missions; that is, this country is
valuable beyond all other countries, from
the prevalence of a free, enlightened, and
pure Christianity; and this Christianity
has, , by missionary labors, been made to
permeate the land. Methodism is, very
much, a missionary enterprise. Baptists
and Lutherans, have sent out their minis
ters to extend their field of occupation, as
the settlement of the country has extend
ed. Episcopalians also send their heralds
to the poor. But especially have ortho
dox Congregationalists, and Presbyterians
abounded in this work. They are, emphat
ically, missionary churches.
The Gospel was planted, sustained, and
made to flourish, in the Northern New-
England States, by missionaries; so also
in Northern, Middle, and Western New-
York ; and in North-Western Pennsylva
nia ; and in all the mighty West. It is
greatly to the influence of the Gospel
preached by those servants, those sent
ones of the Church, that we now have
myriads of enlightened freemen pressing
down from those regions. to preserve an
honored and beloved country; but espe
cially is it owing to their toils that we see
there millions of human beings, the aged
and the young, moral, virtuous, educated,
happy—themselves preparing for joys im
mortal, and training a still more numerpus
race to succeed them as good citizens, and
to follow them to joys above.
Our own Church, among the first in this
work in the order of tithe, and second to
none in liberality, zeal, and influence, has,
for ,some years, had about six hundred mis
sionaries in the Doniestic field. To sustain
these, we had been collecting about $lOO,-
000 annually. We thought this to be lib
eral; but it is not the amount which is now
expended by the Government in even the
tenth of a day! But such as it was, we
are not keeping up to our standard. Our
collections are falling off. We have been
contracting a debt. We have been obliged
to reduce the compensation of missionaries
something like twenty/ five per edit. Thig
his been a necessity on the part of our
Board, but it is still a wrong. It ought
not to have occurred. The churches should
not permit its continuance.. No calls of
of our country can annul the Gospel's
claims. Domestic. Missions must be sus
tained. What individual—even the hired
female--could not give twenty:five cents ?
What family could not give a dollar ? How
many could give five or ten dollars, or even
greatly increased amounts ? Look at the
Scriptural call ; look at your debt of grati
tude; contemplate religion's value, individ
ually and socially, for time and eternity;
mark the beneficent influence of our mis
sionary work, and then answer as to the
amount you must give to the missionary
cause. And, even though it may cause a
feeling of shame, dwell upon the thought
that the people are expending, more in one
day, to preserve the .country by arms, than
our Church expends in, gen ; years, by
DomeF;tic Missions, to conserve it in the
Gospel ! We want a country, and we want
all its people to be taught of God.
We must not think that our Domestic
missionary work is done, now that our set
tlements have reached the Pacific Coast,
and we have our'ininisters. planted on the
margin of the ocean. We have a few
there, but not near the number needed.
Vast regions there are yet to be filled
emigrants. , And there are intervening
tracts vast also, which have been passed
over, but which are yet to receive settlers,
and become densely populated. These will
need successive thousands of ministers, the
earlier ones of whom must be sent and sus
tained by the older churches, and many of
whom will for a long time need aid. And
there is, as yet, no State in the Union, and
no large city, and but few counties, so rich,
and so thoroughly evangelized, as not to
need the Doniestic missionary. This then
is no time for relaxing effort, no time for
diminished contributions. The poor we
have with us, in even increasing numbers,
and to them the church is bound, always,
to preach the Gospel.
We are rejoieed : , to perceive that the
skies begin' to , shine more brightly upon
our Board of DCmestic Missions. Their
meeting was largely attended.
Dr 4APPNELSETT'S declinature of the ay
poiottnent of Superintendent on the Pacific
eceist, - ,, was duly presented; and was accepted
ittatiPniously.' This relieves the Board of
two thousand . dollars of salary, and of a
large_ KIM ; of travelling expenses.. It was,
also stated that nearly six thonsand dollars
had been paid, the previous month, to our
missionaries. This sent gladness to many
hearts. It is the purpose of the Board to
discharge their indebtedness to the mission
aries as rapidly as funds are received ; and
we cannot but plead, and hope too, that
pastors and churches will address them
selves earnestly to the work of collecting
money, and supplying the Board's wants.
It is a shame—yea, a sin—that our work
men, previously employed at scarcely living
wages, should have their allowance reduced
one-fourth, and then be obliged to wait for
months for the balance. We must get out
of such a condition; and must never per
mit its recurrence.
But let not the churches take up the idea
that the Board means no more than to pay
their debts; or no more than to do this,
and restore salaries to their former state.
Greatly beyond all this is contemplated.
ONWARD, is still the watchword. They
would supply every vacancy, and send 'a
minister to every new settlement, and aid
every feeble congregation. This is their
purpose, and they would accomplish it by
economy, by judicious appointments, by not
pledging themselves beyond their' means,
and by urging the churches to a full exer
cise of the grace of giving. Shall we not
have a revival of this grace ? Shall we not
abound in this grace?
The Board claim that they are the serv
ants of the churches. They would carry
out their will. They would merit their
confidence. Let us then renew and enlarge
our liberality.
Thousands of our readers will be startled,
to learn that the Rev. ALLAN D. CAMP
BELL, D.D., died at his residence, near
Manchester, a short distance below this
city, at four o'clock last Saturday morning,
after a brief but severe illness. He was in
the seventieth year of his age, and during
this long life had occupied prominent and
very responsible positions in the Church
and in the community. Few men among
us were so well known, and but few had so
many friends. ,
He was a native of the city of Baltimore,
where his father was a successful merchant,
a devotedly pious man, Ja member of the
Associate Reformed Church, and one of
the liberal founders of that church which
in after years departed from its early faith,
and followed the lead of the gifted but er
After passing through a regular College
course, ALLAN D. CAMPBELL : studied
theology with the celebrated Rev. Jouri
M. MASON, D. D., whom he always
held in the highest estimation, and of
whom he always spoke with the greatest
respect and affection. As a student of
theology, he was contemporary with the.
Rev. JOSEPH_ MCELROY, D.D., and others
well known in the Church. Like his
great teacher of theology, he united with
the Presbyterian Church.
During the early part of his ministry, he
preached the Gospel in various places. At
length he accepted a call to the pas
torate of the First Presbyterian church
of Nashville, Tenn., then, as now, one
of the most important churches in the
South-West. Hardly another church in
the land comprised within itself an equal
amount of intellectual, social, and• political
influence. This was the church where
General JAcw.soN worshipped, and with
. whom his pastor was on most intimate
terms. Often in trying emergencies did
the bold old veteran seek counsel of his
pastor; and in turn the pastor was indebted
to the General for much excellent advice,
and for most unslarinking support. For
General JACKSON, contrary to the custom
of many, always stood by his pastor to the
last. Owing to the effect of arduous and
incessant labors on his health, Mr. CAMP
BELL was. con;tpelled to resign this most in
terestin , charge, where success had crowned
his labors, and :where he is still held in
affectionate remembrance.
After the organization of the Western
Theological Seminary, he was sent to Eu
rope to solicit contributions for that insti
tution—especially for kits library. In this
he was exceedingly successful, and many of
the most 'valuable works in that library
were secured by him, though it is to be
greatly regretted that many of the rare and
standard books he brought back were de
stroyed in the fire that consumed the Old
Seminary building some years ago. For a
time he afterwards officiated as Professor of
Pastoral Theology in the same institution.
And to the time of his death, lie was both a
Trustee and Director of that Seminary, in
who welfare he always took the greatest
interest, and for which' he frequently acted
as agent.
During the progress of the Old and New
School controversy, be took a decided stand
with the Old School party, and labored and
prayed for its Success. He. was a Presbyte
rian from conviction, and not from mere,
convenience. He firmly believed that Pres
byterian doctrine and polity comprehended
the great 'system of faith and practice
taught in the Word of God:, and he had no
patience with any system or any man that
sought to eviscerate our noble Presbyterian
ism. For some. time he acted as Stated
Supply to the Fourth Presbyterian church,
of Pittsburgh, and afterwards to the Second
Presbyterian church of Allegheny. Though
for several years without any, regular pasto
r ral charge, he preached the Gospel when
ever health permitted and opportunity
offered. If any ministerial brother was
sick or absent from home, Dr. CAMPBELL
was always willing to supply his place.
And he frequently preached to people in
out-of-the-wa.y places, and to the inmates of
the House of Refuge, the Marine Hospital,
the Orphan Asylum; the County Jail, and
the Western Pennsylvania Hospital. In
the cause of Temperance he was most en
thusiastic, and for it he labored long and
assiduously. And ever since the organiza
tion of the Board of Colportage, he was one
of its most active members. In all educa
tional and humane movements he took a
deep interest. He was a diligent and use
ful member of the Board of Directors of
Common Schools, and a Trustee of Wash
ington College, which some years ago; hon
ored him with the title,of Doctor of Divin
ity. , -
-To his own family he- was strongly at
tached. His brOther is' a:. r diStingnished.
Priofessor, in, the . Theological Seminary, of
/the Rthermed.Dutels Church, atNewßrims-,
wick, 'New Jersey; a sister is the wife of
the Rev. IsAA.o Gunn, D.D., of the Pres
bytery of Northumberland, and a daughter
is married to the Bev. JOHN Kxnu, of Mo
nongahela City.
Dr. CAMPBELL was intensely patriotic.
He had seen times of peril for his country
in the war of 1812, when he witnessed
the battle of Baltimore, and was not
far distant when the . Capital was seized
by a foreign soldiery. For the suppression
of the present dire rebellien he longed,
prayed, and labored. Frequently, during
the Sum Mer, has he told us that it was
only'his infirm health that kept him from
offering himself as a Chaplain to some regi
ment:in the field. And he
no small honor that he had a grandson old
enough and brave enough to devote him
self to his country for its redemption from
treason and rebellion. When the Home-
Guards paraded on the last Fourth of July,
he walked with a captain of one of the
companies throughout the entire route.
He was exceedingly liberal and hospita
ble. His purse was open to all the claims
of benevolence, and many a theological stu
dent and poor Minister have been the recip
ients of his bounty. He could never refuse
assistance to a needy brother minister.
And his house wag always open to his
brethren, many of whom. he entertained—
many of whom now -recall, with grateful
feelings, his heartYre4;inpartionsliip and his
willing benevolence.
Such a man is missed ; many mourn his
departure. His work is finished; his race
is run; he has received his reward. Coun
sellor of our youth and friend of our more
mature years, farewell ! Never did we re
wive aught but kindness from thee;.never
will we think of thee but with Affection.
And at last, after life's troubled scenes are
over, may we reach that better land whither
thou art now gone.
For some time the BOOK TRADE in Bos
ton, as elsewhere throughout the country,
has been exceedingly dull. But as an evi
dence of improvement in this as well as
other branches of business, the house of
Brown & Taggard, did as large a business
last week as at any corresponding period in
their business experience. their noble
edition of Bacon's - Works is a credit, not
only to themselves, but to the whole coun
THE RESIGNATION of the pastorate of
the First Presbyterian church, of this city,
by the Rev. David Magill, intimated some
time ago, has actually taken place. The
Session passed resolutions highly corapli
mentary to Mr. Magill, as a scholar,- a
preacher, and a man. The future of this
church is not as hopeful as could be wished.
Its position .is unequalled in Boston, and
the edifice is one of the finest in the Pres
byterian Church. And, here a pastor suit
ed to the. field, with a little help from
abroad might do a great and good work.
For the enterprise to fail would be most
SACHUSETTS who lived in Revolutionary
tiined, was the }loll: William Eustis, who
died in 1825. During thirty-six succeeding
years, only one death occurred among those
who filled the Gubernatorial Chair--
namely, Hon. John Davis, who died in
1854. The name of Hon. George N.
Briggs was last week added tope list of
deceased Governors. Of his predecessors
in that office, Levi Lincoln, Edward Ever
efit, and Marcus Morton survive. Gov. An
drews is his sixth successor.
LEGE numbers nearly eighty, one of the
largest that 'has' ever entered the Institu
buryport, Mass.,'ls one of the ablest and
most versatile lawyers now living in the
United States. He has long been one of
the leaders in the Democratic Party,. and
has been honored by his party, and his
country. During the last Presidential can
vass, he was an intense Breckiuridge Dem
ocrat.. But e from the beginning of the
Southern rebellion he has stood firmly by
the Government' in defence of the Union.
In a late speech at Salisbury, he thus elo
quently gave utterance to his sentiments.
I opposed the President in the 'last elec
tion, and othere of us did the same, hon
estly, openly. Much as I resisted the pres
ent Administration, as it was coming into
power, I here declare, that whatsoever has .
been said of me, or thought of me to the
contrary, I have from the 4th of March,
1861, sunk all opposition. And let me tell
you on this seventeenth day of September,
that but one thing remains to the United
States, and that is to conquer victory.
In such a time as this to talk of politi
cal parties is not the thing. Party now is
but the dUst in the balance, the foam on
the wave, in comparison with Union and
victory. When peace shall again revisit
us, tb n, and not till then, will I criticise.
Win t* - hundred ands - .fifty thousand of
ten two ,uncired and fifty
my fellow-citizens are in arms for the de
fence of the Government and the country.
I will not do it.. We must have victory to
insure respect from the South, to dictate
proper - terms of peace, and to stand up in
the face of the world, friendly or opposed,
to have their profound regard. I have
been called disunionist, secessionist, and
traitor ; but I believe I can truly say that
no man in Massachusetts has lost more and
sacrificed more: than I have, in friends, cer
tainly in political power. I speak of my
party and for the moment the loss of coun
try. Are any so absurd, so malicious, as to
suppose that I would have made these sac
rifices for nothing ? I forgive them. I
have for thirty years, from the time when
I perceived the clouds of the coming storm
gathering in the North, and above all in
the South, done all that I could in more
than, one party to avoid it for my country.
And let us now in this great Temple of
Nature, by the music of this sounding
ocean, swear to be faithful to the Govern
ment of the United States, and to restore
.tbe Constitution of our country. ex.
oldest Democratic paper in New-England,
having been established more than one
hundred years ago, gives notice, of suspen
sion, unless its revenues are largely in
creased. This venerable paper ought not
to be allowed to go down.
running its, works twenty hours a day, and
has turned out five hundred riflesv a week
for some time. But last week the estab
lishment began to run twenty-four hours
every day, .Sabbath excepted. This is
about as much aw can be "got;out of" one
„day,Conneetieut. „ „
Two WIDOWS, twin sisters, aged eighty
eight years each, were at the camp of the
Sixth and' Seventh Connecticut Volun
teers at New. Haven, last week. : They
were born before the Revolution, and , have
lived to see the first attempt to destroy the
nation established in their childhood.'
AFFAIRS, noticed at the beginning of this
month, continues to progress steadily.'
The loss of Southern dealers, and the em
barrassments arising from war are over,
Ad a prosperous future seems to open be
fore the merchant, the mantfacturer, and
the farmer.
DEMOCRACY, has adopted the , People's
State Ticket as their own. This is. a bold
movement, and places those formerly led
by Mayor Wood and his brother, uncondi
tionally' in support of the Goyernment.
The miserable attempt that was lately made
to divide the people of the .city and state
of New-York on the great question of sup
porting the Government has entirely failed,
and has brought down universal indigna
tion on the heads of its originators
ing the experiment of breaking the Sabbath
for the last five months, by publishing a
paper on that day. It now says the thing
does not pay,and abandons 'the 'under
taking. The Tribune has had an opportu
nity to show how much conscience it has in
breaking the laws of the land and the laWs
of God in this matter, and but few will re
gret the result of the experiment Every
one will in the end find that it does not pay,
even in a worldly point of siew, to disregard
the holy Sabbath. We regret <to know
that the Times is issued on Sabbath. Some
thing better than, this was to be hoped from
the Christian profession. of its editor.
LAST WEEK we gave a specimen' of the
threats uttered by Mr. McMaster, lite of
the Freeman's Journal, in his new paper,
the Freeman's Appeal. He went on from
- bad to worse, until he merited a place in
that now populous watering place in
New-York harbor, Fort Lafayette. When
the officer came to arrest him, he at once
assumed the air of a martyr, demanding to
have the hand-cuffs placed on . hitn, in
- which he was gratified . ; threatening, the
life of Mr. Seward; Secretary of State, and
various other things of like import. On
his way to the Fort, he , exhibited his
manacled hands from the carriage window,
to excite popular commotion ; but not the
least sympathy was manifested ' Some
years ago, Mr. McMaster married a Pitts
burgh lady, Miss Fetterman, daughter of
the late W. W. Fetterman, Esq. We will
give a few extracts, taken from column
after column of the same sort in. his Paper,
that our readers may see how entirely jus
tifialde the Government was in suppressing
both the paper and the editor. The Eng
lish is not very good, nor is the spirit the
most amiable. He says :
" We have lost a few subscribers because
we have persistently condemned the vio
lations of the Constitution, by either set of
factionists—Jeff. Davis and Co. openly and
fiagitiously--Lincoln & Co. hypocritically,
because pretending to hold office, only, by
virtue of the Constitution, he and they
hive been violating." The war Measures
of the G,overnment he denounces as " New-
England despotism run . mad ;" " arbitrary
violence ;" "utter lawlessness." "We are
convulsed and- torn by that devil from
the tombs--New-England Protestantism."
" Could a bawdy set of wild, unconfined
lunatics, beset by the devil of fanaticism,
and canting for years upon the negro and
negro slavery—which have been here all
the time, for two hundred and fifty yeirs—
have sufficed to set a ,whole community,
from the Lakes to the Gulf, and from, one
ocean to the other, into a state of childish
bewilderment—stopped the plough, in the
furrow, the ship upon the main—paralyzed
the multiform avocations of industry, trans
'formed the man of peace into the soldier,
and flung the whole nation into
could any such cause uperate such an effect
as that ?' "'There will not be found, for
money any more than for affection, enough
of men to keep Lincoln and his .Adminis
tration safe in Washington!' "The. Free
man's Journal stops where freedoM stopS,"
" What we suffer, what we are yet to suffer,
is for the maintenance of law against brute
force, for Christian civilization against
demoralized Paganism." " 'Why, 0 Lord !
hast thou suffered so evil a man to rule us ?'
and a voice from heaven answered, Be
cause I could find no viler man on earth 1""
Surely it was high time for such a vender
of treason as this, to be prevented from do,
ing any farther injury.
VENTION has just closed its sessions, which
were held in Dr. Cheever's•church. In the
report of the state of the Church it is said
that according to the best attainable an
thority there are 1,100 Universalist,Sabbath
Schools in the country, 8,500 offieers and
teachers, 74,500 "pupils, and 800,000 li
brary books We are confident this esti
mate is altogether too large. It is the cus
tom of heretical sects to claim a large
portion, of the indifferent and non-church,
going population as, belonging to them,
when they really for the most part repu
diate the doctrines of those , who claim
them. The avowed T.Tniversalists in' this
country are by no means as numerous as
some of the leaders of that pestilent heresy
would make. us believe.
Du. CIiKEVER has returned from Europe.
He immediately commenced preaching `on
the subject of slavery, just. where .he left
off previous to his departure for Europe.
Efforts are being made for an ENLARGE
MENT OE THE NAVY YARD, which is now
too small for the work demanded of it.
The Philadelphia inquirer gives the fol
lowing INTERESTING FACTS concerning the
Mint : ,
A small gold coinage havin g been lately
needed by the Government, the Mint during
the whole of last month and tbe first ten
day of this month, was occupied 'three days
each week/coining half and quarter eagles,
the remaining three days being employed
on double eagles. Now that the Govern
ment demand for small coin is not so pres
sing, a return has been made entirely in
the gold coinage to double eagles, in order
to accommodate banks and the bullion deal
ers in furnishing gold for the new iaational
loan subscriptions.
Three millions of dollars in gold bullion
are now in the va - ults, which will at once
be coined. The coinage of one million of
dollars in double eagles require four days.
The entire mint coinage thus far this month
exceeds, in gold, silver and copper, three
millions Of dollars.
Each succeeding year exceeds its prede
„cessox ite receipt of bullion: Zile receipts
from California for, the twelve mouths pre
ceding the first of , June last amounted, in
round numbers, to $32,000,000. The Kan
sas mines yielded in that period $2,091,000,
against $626,000 the year before; a very
considerable increase, which, it is thought,
will be augmented during the coining term, -
notwithstanding the present enlistments.
Of domestic silver bullion, $600,000 was.
received during the year preceding the first
of June last, of which $200,000 was from
the Washoe region, $13,000, from Lake Su
perior, $12,000 from Arizona, and $6,000
from North Carolina. The remaining $369,-
000 was procured from the ore of California
and. Kansas gold, which contains ten per
cent. of silver.
Mowrii being the seventy-fourth ariniver
sary of the adoption.of the Constitution of
the United States, was celebrated. in , this
city, by a military turn-out, salutes - of can
non and an oration. An immense throng,
of military and citizens aisembled in that.
historic spot, " Independence Square."
An earnest . and appropriate prayer was of
fered. by the Rev. Mr. Jeffries i „of the Bap:.
List church. An "introductorraddress, fall
of eloquence and patriotism, was then made
by Mayor Henry. 'The oration was then
delivered in his best style, by the Hon.
George M. Dallas, formerly Vice-President
of the United States, and' late Minister
to England, appointed by. Mr. Pierce.
The oration closed with these stirring
words : • -
No doubt, fellow-citizens no doubt, this
contest must lead to great effusion of blood;
to vast expenditure, to alternations of Vic
tory and discomfiture, and'to an immense
aggregate of suffering, Sitch have been'
the consequences of. civil war at all dines
and wherever they burst forth. •
"'lt must be confronted with a stern and
steady gaze. Every sinew should - be braced,
and, if necessary; 'while the country is in
peril, every heart in every hosom, every
dollar in every purse, every drop in every
vein;= be held at'its serece. -
When we shall have thus done-all that a-
great' people can and ought to do 'to rescue
from insurgent violence the American
Union, involving, as it low, the safety;
order, liberty and peace of countleas mil
lions, then will the shads"Of our venerated
sires smile upon their sons and we may
look confidently to a just Heaven` for sue-
Central Presbytery, ofPhiladelphia.Aeld
on Saturday, Sept. Alexander M..
Jelly, a graduate of the' Western Theologi
cal Seminary, was ordained and installed
pastor of the church .of Belmont Rev.'
Br. J. M. Olmstead presided; Rev. Dr: G.
W. Musgrave preached the sermon; Rev.
J. R. Johnston delivered the charge to the
pastor, and Rev.. Work , the charge
to the people. The occasion was one of
exceeding . interest,and Mr. Jelly enters'
upon a field of great promise and useful-
THE REv. 13, d'. WALLACE, D.D., form
erly a resident of Pittsburgh, Pa., but now
editor of the New School Presbyterian
Quarterly' Review, who is a graduate of
West Point, was invited to * become Colonel
of a 'regiment to be, raised, consisting; of
pions and moral . men. Dr. Wallace re
plied, .expressing his ,high sense- of the
honor conferred on 'him, his devot• n. to
his country, and that every natural i filia
tion would lead hhn to accept, but r Peet_
fully declined from &sense of his di
a minister of the Gospel, for the foil
reasons :
The Bible, Miro - 1101mA, forbids mil
to take the sword, while,it urges Oh
people to fight on- numerous occL i __
The tribe of 'Levi
. never fought, t ough
the Jews were among the Most
-e of
nations. Aaron never fought, Der S uel,
nor Elijah, nor Isaiah. , Saul was se eiply
punished for offering 'sacrifice, arid if phut
and Phinehas, when they carried the ark
unnecessarily tc( battle, perished. David
was not allowed to build the Temple be
cause he was a man of blood. '
,'Yet military
leaders, both under the old and new dis
pensations, were highly honored.
Church history confirms my view. It
has been deemed unseemly in every age,
for ministers' to take military' Comuland.
The exceptions are so rare as, to confirm
the rule. ' - '
If I were a layman I think 'that. noth
mbuettaaebska.lute physieal inability' caul , hold
, GlI
~., •
REV. 7110*. AS M. NNINGRAM, fprm-
s t
erly of the. Associate Reformed, Chur It of
St Louis, and more recently the Pres yte
rian Church :(0. 5.,) in ' itidianapOli and
Chicago, has accepted a call to th Al
exander church, Philadelphia, and h
tered upbn his labors.
Rev. OAR LAWSON'B'POSt Office add:
changed fronißUckhattnon, Vitt, t
ton, Blair County'Pa.
Mr. G. N. JouNs.rorr was ordained
Presbytery of Beaver, on;:Sept. 1'
the Gospel ,ministry, ; and
of the church of New Salem.
Rev. D. W. PHEW& Post Office
is changed from New'Orleans,
Wheeling, Va.
Cerfespoadeace of the BUNT
NEW-YORK, September 17, /
The arrival of Prince Napoleon
Prince de JOinville in this city
simultaneously with'each other, is c
a curious coincidence. One the
the throne of France under the .B
dynasty, - and the other the:defeat
under.the Bourbons. . Their intel
hostile, and their aspirations for pi
posite.'and belligerent. Louis
the father of Prince de •Joitry
driven from'power into exile,byll
parte•faction, and, the Bourbons' (
another revolution in the wheel . ' o
to reestablish- themselves in thi
Empire. Strange, indeed, this v'
same city, on the opposite. side •o
lantie, at this hour, of these - 610 i
young men, bath - aspirants-= and
one of the highest political posith
in the world.
The war feeling , deepens and
as the depth of the rebellion is
and the power to subdue it is en
is true the North never expec
.perate a struggle: It could
brought to believe, until compe
front it, that'the South would
entire country in overwhelm
,and at, the expense of hundre
lions-of dollars and, thousands s
the miserable, hollow, snicidali
of State rights. But realizing'
and that'the life orntleath'Of 'o
stitutions are involved, it now
braced, as a stern necessity, I
will be prosecuted
.to the bitte
fully believed 'the men draft(
South are nearly all that
from their. sparse - pOpulatic
populous North has scarcely
whatup may be called .its,
This city has sent some tw
Soldiers , - but ..the idlers an
nie u , .*ho=sitoilld serve their
hour of its extremity, seem even larger
than ever. Yet there is scarcely a day
passes, without one or more regiments leaving
this city for the seat of -war. Including
troops, sometimes three regiments will ar
rive and depart almost simultaneously. If
other portions of the country contribute in
like proportion, they should have three
hundred thousand in Maryland and Vir-
',gin ia.
The improvement in the sanitary condi
tion of the troops in the camps and gar
risons around Washington, is the subject of
great congratulation. The sickness is
slight, and evidently, in these respects, our
-army is vastly in advance of the rebels.
But the moral and religious Improvement
of the men is also of vital importance, and
this needs as vigilant an effort as their good
order and health. The active advancement
of the former does much toward the actem
plishment of the latter end. The'efforts o f
the Secretaries of the American Tract So
'ciety to diffuse the right kind of reading -
1 \
*among these men; is worthy of all p' ise.
The applications for their publications h e
. become so constant and pressing, both fro
a rmy and. .navy chaplains, and Christie.
scl,ldiers, that unless a generous public
conies to their aid with more funds, they
will. be compelled to withhold their sup
plies. Already they have sent some twenty
;;thousand of their volumes, specially pre
pared for scddiers, to the camps and gar
risons at Washington, Fortress Munroe,
Fort Pickens, Cairo, and along the Potomac
and :the upper Mississippi. These are ex
clusive of millions of-pages - of tracts dis
tributed in , German, French., and English,
but are embraced in their Soldier's Pocket
and`' .Soldier's Camp 'libraries, made of
beautiful biographies of eminent Christian
soldiers, whose influence-and.example have
been , blessed the world ov e r.
- But the most valuable and effective
work they have published, is the " Sol
dier's Pocket Bible," prepared under the
direction of Cromwell, for his troops. He
believed that . the men who frayed most
would fight- bait; and ifter the religious
element extensively-entered his army, it is
asserted, he never lost a battle. This
if Bible." of the old Pnritan Commander
has become nearly extinguished, only two
copies of it being known : one in the British
Museum, and the other owned by a Bos
ton .gentleman. It was from this latter
that the present edition is printed, by the
,Traet Society, and now they need the funds
to circulate fifty thousand copies of it im
mediately, in the army and navy. It must
produce incalculably good results wherever
it has.- an opportunity - to diffuse its light
and truth. The better the habits and the
more*elevated the character of soldiers, the
less will disease or insubordination infuse
themseltes -into the ranks. The more
ready-also will they be to imbibe Gospel
truth, and devote themselves to their heav
enly • Master. Individuals and churches
can hardly; do a more praiseworthy act, or
indirectly accomplish so much good, as by
pecuniary aid just now, that the Tract So
ciety may liberally circulate its valuable
publication's. - , . .
The , newspaper press of this city has
generally been loyal to the Government,
but in three or four cases, where the edi
tors persisted in every species of misrep
resentation and calumny, the Post Office
Department very properly refused to cir
culate these treasonable sheets. This
brought about an immediate change in the
Jouinal'of Commerce ; but the Freeman's
Journal, a: Raman Catholic paper, edited
'by a renegade:: Protestant, becoming unin
durable aftei being :properly admonished,
MeMasters, its editor, , has been arrested
and sent,-,to the Government boarding
house, Fort Lafayette.' The . Daily News,
owned by, Ben. Wood, a great Southern
lottery speculator, after both • abusing and
defying :the 'Government, :has. been com
pelled, by foree of circumstances, to sus
pend its issue. The only open disloyal
sheet now remaining, is the Day Book, a
watched and insignificant evening sheet.
If. editors can't provoke a mob to de
stroy the office, and, thus secure pay for it,
it will soon die by virtue of starvation.
t ,. as
This 'body convened at Kenton, Ohio, Sep
tember 7. yitithont sending for publication
business transacted of a Merely local char
rooter, I forward-you for insertion into the
columns of the - Banner, two subjects sub-
Mitted to, and I/lumina:ins& adopted by the
The following are the resolutions expres
sive of the:Presbytery's support of measures
looking to ''`the proper observance of the
Christian Sabbath in our. Federal army :
Resolved,_ That we heartily, and unquali
fiedly approve of the PrecliMation of Ma.
jor-General` McClellan, given' at WaShing
ton, Septeinber 7, respecting the proper
observance of the Sabbath by the officers
and men` under his command.
Relayed, That we make'those who have
gone forthsfrom our midst , in' defense of
their sacred rights, the special subjects of
6ur prayers; and specially recommend that
they avail themselvei of the privilege and
duty of attending Divine ,service on the
Sabbath, and use their influence to insure
quiet and rest- on that day.
The committee appointed to examine the
Minutes of the General - Assembly, made
the following report
Msolped, That Presbytery most heartily
approve of the resolution of our last Gene
ral Assembly on the state of the country, as
one which both the state of the Church and
that'of our country imperatively,'demand.
Resolved, That the PresbyterY recom
mend to our churches the proper obeserv
aim& of the day appointed by the President
of the United States, (26th inst.,) as a day
of fasting, humiliation and prayerti View
of the present distraited state of our be
loved land. - S. R:KosT.
ss is
th, to
a., to
d the
ei o
AI anecdote of John G. Whittier is told
by the Boston Transcript, as follows,: " On
a recent occasion he was travelling with a
friend over a New-Hampshire railroad, and
during the conversation, Mr. Whittier's,
memberfriend, who is also a ember of tlie - ;Society
of ,lbliends, told - the, poet that he -was on
his way to contract for a lot of oak timber,
which he knew, would be used in building
the gunboats akt.sintliftli, and asked him
whether he thought it was exaCtly in con
sistence with the peace doctrines of the
Quaker dennmination.- Without saying
anything "caleulated to deetde the question,
thetwo arrived at their parting place, when.
31r. Whittier, shaking his friend's hand,
said : Moses, if thee` does fiunish any of
that oak titriber,.thee spoke of, be sure that
it is alsoNsd.' -
The Botheehildi are now chief owners in
the Louden Times. Suspicious people see
in this faptyan explanation of , its persistent
attacks •uPon American credit, which they
hope will enable < them to _get the loan
cheaper: It Would be singular if we should
bring the.. ' a close,' Without going to
jew.or Gentile in England for help.
,„ , -
Gel:lerel Lyon s, will gives all his property,
B=ml-thirty' thoniand; dollars, to th e Gov
ernment.. His labo r , his possessions, a nd
his life - have all been laid upon the altar of
the country which - hb loved. No man can
do more, and - „his name and memory is
henceforth embalmed. among the most pre
cious of the - nation's treasures.
_ • '
, anu.
_family, who redo
next:doer. to. the;Persian Ambassador, in
,Paris,i.recently declined. his invitation to
attend :the festival in honor of the Shah's
hoeause it ,tee on the Sabbath.
apa te
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) • Bona
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.8 known
Irgea. It
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'zioaa , fully,
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4 litry ukthis,,
' For the Presbyterian Banner
Findfat Presbyteiy.