Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, September 28, 1861, Image 1

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Eaitors and Proprietors.
i °row. T.25'
11eLIv tame In NIVEA% OP ran RtTlao, 2.00
Yn r TWO Douai's, we will send by mall seventy number
I for Oxa DOLLAR, thlrtAhree atuttben.
Ikon sending att2tratirr Subscribers and upwards, will
thereby entitled toe paper without charge.
..isurais should be prompt, a little before the year expires
end payments by wile bultdP, or bY
1 beet all lettere to DAVID arKINKLY:
`Pittsburgh, Pa.
• Jr the Presbyterian Banner.'
What Lack I Yet? --Ne i lllfew xix ; : N.
t is evident that. the/Person who asked
; ,question felt that', on his part, there
nothing lacki , and that : in his own
he could de and and receive eternal
It. is else, ident Worn the,eagerness
whioh pressed the .question, that
19 /
tat he I, t that, he bad done all, there
iu hiseheart a want which he could not
1, tout which disturbed his peace, and
re,stless, his soul. His spinitual can
t is similar to one .who falls asleep
i t
•F idiering from pain. Raw restless
disturbed the sleep; how..undefined
sling ; how .dim the Conception <of
it is that annoys., Just so. this per
the spiritual blindness that was upon
• disturbed by that craving of. the
which. thee Spirit of God alone
igh Christ can fill. It pricked his 9on
le, reached his heart,renderedhollow his
, and yet he knew , not what was wanting.
Jo in the tone of one assured that.all
right, yet devoid of that peace the heart
1 when it, really possesses:that which.its
ire demands, he asks, " What lack I
'" When the fever is high and thirst
mines the body, if• perchance sleep
s us, scarce are we locked in its sweet
race, until thirst causes sweet visions of
to rise before us. We see it
ing from the , fountain or rising drip.
from the well. We see it fill the
is, even feel. it cool and, refreshing to
touch, but when we attempt to drink, it
our efforts.: Just so it is.with those
, without Christ, attempt to satisfy the
itual wants of their hearts. It will not
stayed. In their feverish dreams.,they
p,see the gushing fountain,.and floods of
,er flowing by their feet; they may
ip, and in imagination drink, but their
•st is no more quenched than his: who,
let burning With fever, dreams that he
qiiaffing the sweet, cool water. After
have done all they can ;'after they have
4 erved the law from their youth up, they
411,1a0k one thing. To the eager, anxious
ueuiry, " What lack I yet?" Christ
romptly answers, "One thing thou lack
t. Go sell that thou, halt; give
.) the poor, and thou , shalt have
reasure in heaven, and , come follow
e." He does not say that hii moral life
d deeds of charity are of , no use. On
e contrary, he tells him that for all these
ere is laid up in heaven a reward; but he
ues tell him , that with all he has. lone, and
oughtin addition, he should part with all
is goods to the,poory, he would still lack
ne thing to obtain,eternal life. He would
of lose his .obedience .or exercise his be
evolenee in vain. They , would be noticed
nd recorded in heaven, and for them he
. ould receive a suitable reward, but that
eward would not be eternal life. This •is
II e rock upon which the multitude make
li, ipwreok.. They propose to , secure eternal
ifs by obedience to:the moral law and works
charity. God has not promised life in
eturn for these. Ho loves, all efforts to
,eep his law. Hi is pleased with the
leart open , to the ory of the needy, and his
vor will be upon all auoh; but he has .not
omised neither will he give, eternal life
such conditions.. To all such he says,
Thou , lackest one thing yet, come and
Ilow. me." This is the only condition
Ipon which God secures to men eternal
tfe. It is only when we follow Christ that
Is Spirit.. can dwell in the heart, heal it of
ie disease, of sin, and make it glad in the
tssession. of spiritual health. This is
it all our endeavors' to live moral
cannot do. There is in ;the soul the
ling fever. of sin which nothing will
Joh but the blood of Christ. There
the deep wounds of sin, which nothing
heal but the. Spirit of Christ.
A. B. M.
For .tlie Presbyterian Banner.
Presliytery, ottAck 110 g.
e following paper on the State of the
4try, was unaniniou4y passed by the
ibytery of Des Moines, at its late meet
at Wintersett., the fundamental principles
it Constitutional, equAable, and. 4:le
idly popular Government have been,
large section' of out common country,
..ed and set aside, and as a consequence
re now reaping the legitimate fruits in
Ilion, treason, and, civil war. And
•eas, we regard this wide-spread rebel
not merely as revolutionizing the best
of government, but as involving the
.uction of both civil and :•religions lib-
And whereas, all that has rendered
.ppy, prosperous as a people, : all that
istiriguished us as a, nation anion , " the
.11S of the earth, is rightfully t, be at
ted to the influence of our holy reli
to the special interposition of the
or nations And whereas, any .Na-
infliction, whatever be its, form,
;ati ve of the Divine displeasure; for
curse causeless shall not come.' There-
Resolved, That in the present civil
we are to recognize the just judg
of Heaven for our National sins :
are called upon as a Church, and as
An citizens to humble ourselves uli
e hand of God; to call to
his distinguishing goodness to us as a
; and to seek by prayer and suppli
, and the confession of our sins and
is of our people, and the sins of our
the interposition of Divine , mercy,
is anger may be turned away from us,
tr national integrity way be preserved,
Constitutional law and liberty main-
solved, That we feel it to be a. high
uty to support, by all proper means,
feral Government, aT the only repre
ve of our Nationality, and of our
Constitutional and civil authority.
end we invoke the Divine protec-
Irl guidance for our Chief Magistrate,
i counsel ors, for our Senators. and
`ors, for the Chief of our armies, his
officers and soldiers.
;dyed, That We cordially approve of
ton of the'last,Generalf.ssembly,
;e to the state of thecliantry, and
conduct of our Commissioners in
rig that action, believing it to.
;en urgently called for, as shown
facts, as already referred to, and
T, we most cordially and affection
;e the members of all our churches
nit our bounds, to carry out the
ies inculcated in that action, as a
duty to God, to the Cburch, and to
le , ountry.
dyed, That this Presbytery regards
.cere pleasure the act of Congress
lending, and.the act of the Pre d
,ppoin ling a day of humiliation and
ad supplication to Almighty God, in
the deplorable civil war in which
volved. And it is earnestly recom
to all our churches to observe the
last Thursday. of September) by
t ie religious services."
M. BarmuELDF,R, Stated Clerk.
cr DUTIEB.- , --We are apt to mis
°cation in looking eat of the, way
n to exercise greep,and rare air 7
by stepping over the ordinaiy
lie directly in the road before
we read, we fancy' we could be
and when we come to act, we
‘r a provoking word.--gannah
.." -
. •
VOL. X., NO.‘2.
Vor the Preebyterum Banner,
The Action of Beaver Presbytery on Parson-
The , church; by every consideration of
self-preservation, progress and success,
ought to take the subject of Parsonage
houses to her heart. T 1 e Presbyterian
Church has always held the standard of
ministerial qualification high.
She looks for her most talented and edu
cated, as well as pions sons, to preach the
Gospel. In this she acts wisely. But the
poor provision. . made for their support
, n many instances, after they enter upon
the sacred work, is a great loss of strength.
Whatever tends to promote the efficiency of
the ministry, leaving out of view the idea
of comfort, should receive the serious at
tention of, eve* established congregation.
And among the things having an impOr
cant bearing in this direction, is the erec
tion of parsonages, or houses .for the accom
modation of the Pastors.- .In 'some locali
ties the Fathers attended to this matter by
securing a farm,,upon whicha dwelling was
erected for the, minister's family and which
was 'secured in perpetuity to the congrega
tion for this purpose. No such provision,
however, is to be found within our bounds,
.the result is that , great inconvenience
often arises to knewly-settled pastor. No
suiiable house can be had to rent, and
hence he must go into a .house where, his
faMily is but •poorly accommodated and bis
opportunities for, study, very materially in
terfered with. Now, if in inch aeme, the,
congregation had a suitable parsonage, the
minister would ; at ence be at home, and,
there he could ,stay, without the vexation
and trouble of frequent moving. The wept,
of such provision is a serious loss both to
the pastor and the people. Otherwise, the
newly-settled minister must purcbase land
and build, or purchase property already im
proved, this requires an immediate, outlaY
of capital which few, very few, can. com
mand, ;and frequently entails upon the pas
tor a.„ debt that oppresses his spirit and
cripples his usefulness for. years. It seems
to us, therefore, that no time should be
lost; but that all our churches should bi
tiate„measures. for the attainment of this
most:important object. In view, therefore,
of the foregoing considerations , :
Resolved, That .Parsonages, , in the pres
ent-state of our churches, have become, a
necessity. „
Resolved, That it be recommended toall
our churches to take measures for the erec
tion of Parsonages as SOOl3 as 'possible.
For the Presbyterian fanner
An unsound Doctrine
In the published • Res*tions of a Pres.
byte4--see Banner, Sept. 14—we find
this statement: " Any established' Govern
ment becomes, by the fact of its- existence,
'an ordinance of God,' and its Executive ;
officers 4 God's ministers'" ' The italics are
mine. .
This doctrine is not, sound. The mere
fact of its,existence does not make, or.rove,
a Government to be the ordinance of God.
It is its moral character, as founded in
principles of justice, and. Organized, and
administered for the good of men, that
mar,ks it as God's ordinance of Civil Gov
ernment, (see Rom. 1. Pet. ii.; Con
fession of Faith, XX, XXIII, and XXXI.)
The dovarnment of the United States is
the ordinance of God; not because it exists;
but because of its moral character; and
we pray every day, that it may .prove itself,
Not a,terror to good works, but to. the
evil;" and show that the civil ruler is
" the minister of God, a revenger to . exe
cute wrath, upon him that doeth evil ;" and
that he " beareth not the sword in vain."
But were a band of pirates, to seize a ter
ritory, and establish a government, to plun
der other people, and murder or enslave
them, their established Government would
not become by the fact of its eistence,
"an ordinance of God," and its Exccutive
officers " God's ministers." Their govern
ment world be an ordinance of the devil,
and its officers the ministers of the, devil,
doing his bad work. We must distinguish.
So Algernon Sydney wrote, "He that ( pre
tends to the veneration and obedience due to
the ministers of God, must,, by his actions,
manifest that he, is Ei a. And though I arn
unwilling to advance a proposition that
may sound harshly to tender, ears, I am in
clined te.believe, that the same rule i which
obligee' lie to yield obedience to the good
ariagi,trate, who is the minister of God, and
assures us, that in obeying him we obey
God, dogs equally oblige us not to obey
those, who make themselves the ministers
of the devil, lest in obeying them w6,.obey
the devid, whose works they do. * * * *
The Apostle, commanding our obedience to
the minister of God, for our good, com
mands ins not to be obedient -to the minis
ter of She devil to our . urt.; for we can
, not serve two masters." (Discourses on
Governvbent, Vol. Ill) This 'is the teach
ing df she Bible and of common ems,
The Vovernatent of the Southern Con
federacy, based avowedly , on' slavery as its
foundation and chief corner-stone, coty
spiring the overthrow of the best Govern
ment in the world, and the destruction of
liberty, and living by perjury, treason, re
hellion, robbery and murder—exists, that 's
a fact-; but it is an ordinance of the.ilevil.
it should be established for five
hundred :years, and succeed in stealing and
killing even more, extensively than it has
yet beenlable to,)t would not beconio, " by
the fact a/ is existence, gan ordinance of
God,' antil its Executive officers God's
ministers' are commanded to be subject
to civil a rthority. It may be heir duty
to obey r lers that are badmen. "Infidel
ity, or di;irence in religion, Both not make
yea the i ag,istrate's .just.and legal author
ity, nor ft e the people from their due obe
dience to him," (Conf. of Faith.) The
ruler may be different frnm youiutreligion,
may bet , ;infidel, or a wicked man ; but
that doestait make void his just and legal
authorityt nor free the people, from due
obediened:ta.him. Very ,true. Rut when
any. Government
despotic tyranny, depriving its subjects of.
their rig tty.or compelling them upon
wrong - dot, t, t , subverting the very ends of
governme t,,, it, ceases to be n'od's, moral
ordinance, nd loses its claim to.conscien
tious abed' am.
The slay ill doctrine of passive altedien,ce
to civil pc er, just because it happens in,
the permissive providence of God to exist,
is wide-sprea t t, and permeates, more.or less
distinctly. m thoroughly, the minds of
many, people It is neither rational,.: nor
Christian, nor ; Presbyterian, nor American:;; ;
and,should bt,rooted out of the earth.
**ate of 11. - ElHsi
At a meeting of the Middle Class in the.
Allegheny l'h:ological Seminary, Septem.,
ber 113th, ifs F.., the following testimonial
to the worth, of Mr. H. Ellis, late
member, was adopted
WeEREAWod, hisinscrutible.provi.
denee has sok' fit to, remove'our beloved
brother,' D. 4. Ellis, from. his earthly la
berm to-his 'fi*,revfard ; therefore,
illesaved, •Fhat in this affliction we
reeognise Gage right to clainaltis own, And
For the Presbyterian Bantn:
*. PITTSBURGH, -- SATURDAY _,§.vlp.T ,FM.BEt(:',2B,.- 1861:
hear in-it his voice saying unto no, "Be
ye also ready."
Resqlved, That in brother, Ellis we be
held a bright intellect, a warm heart, and
an earnest Christian devotion.
Resolved, That as a Class, we have kit
an earnest and diligent student, and an ex
ample of a brigbt Christian, diameter.
Resolved, That we tender our Christian
sympathy to the bereaved friends, counsel,
kng them 'not to mourn 'as theser•without
hope,tut to remember that witihthe Chris
tian, to be absent from the,body. is to be
present with the,Loil.
G - EO. ' J. dRESSMAN )
Nearet -Howe.
".Beaven f is my Fatherland,
/leaven is my home."
O'er the hill the sun is setting,
And the eve is drawing on;
Slowly droops the,gentle twilight,
For another day is gone;
Gone for ayeAts,raee. is over,
Soon the darker , shades will cone;
Still 't is sweet to know at even,
We are one day nearer home.
4, One .day. nearer," 8 493s.the;ParMle.r,
As he glides the waters o'er,
While the light is softly dying
On his distant native shore.
Thus the Christian oir life's ocean,
AB his light.boat.euts the foam,
.I.n. the .evening cries with rapture : —
" 1 am. one ,day nearer. home."
Worn and weary oft the pilgrim
Haile the.setting of the sun;
For his goal,iaone day , nearer,
And hlsjourney nearly !lane.
Thus we feel, when o'er life's desert,
Heart and, sandal'sore, we roam;
As the twilight gsthers o'er us,
+ We arcone day nearer home.
Nearer home ! Yes, one, day nearer
To our Father's house on high—
To the green fields and the fountains
Of the.landabeypnu the sky ;
.For the henvens.grow brighter o'er us,
And the laOps hang in.the dome,
,And our tents are pitched stillcloser,
For we're one,
.day nearer home.
For the Presbyterian Banner,
MESSRS. EDITORS :—Permit me through
your paper to acknowledge the receipt of a
valuable box of clothing, from the Ladies'
Sewing Society. of; Pisgah (Presbyterian)
church, of Jefferson County, .Penna.;_and
otlcrs,.for the use 91 : myself. and family.
For, this they have our . most sineere thanits.
Such acts of kindness are worthy of the
highest commendatiOn. For they afford
much needed aid and comfort to those who
are_ laboring to build up the 'Redeemer's
kiregdom in destitute, places. Surely it is .
a day of sunshine in the Missionary's home
when a box is opened, unfolding its much
needed gifts accompanied by the names of
well remembered friends. '
May the kind donors ever experience the
truth of the declaration of -the Redeemer:
That, it is more blessed to give than to' re
.ceive, and at last hear the Saviour say in
asmuch as ye have done it unto one of the
least of these my brethren, ye have done it
unto me. D. L. McComß.
Algona, KosFuth Co., lowa, July 36, '6l
PARIS, August 28,.1881
FROM PARTS, en route to Geneva, I write
you: Six years ago, your , " Correspond
ent " was here at the Evangelical Alliance ;
now the same body invites others as well as,
myself, to meet With Christians of all na
tions within sight 'of the Alps and their
eternal snows, and in one of the strong-,
holds whence Vrotestantism sent forth, in:
the 16th century, light and, liberty, over
I left London by the " tidal train " from
the London Bridge Station, on Monday
morning last. We swept rapidly through,
golden fields of grain bowing to the "sick.le,
or already cleared; and past hop planta
tions, whose " bind " this year, • from re
cent dry weather and warm sunshine, is'
better far, than was anticipated. We reach
Folkestone Harbor soon after noonday. On
those breezy chalk cliffs, stretching all the
way- from Dover to Satidgate, and including
Folkestone heights, one would' wish for a
while to linger—for what air is more pure or
healthy ? This is the place, where the Rev.,
William Arthurs, so long an invalid, says'
he always "'feels better than any where
- else, save in the desert." My advice:to
Ameriean clergymen who have got the, pro
fessional sore throat, is, not .to • repair to
the dese,rt of • Sinai.; but if they are. not
intent, as well they may, on visiting in
June- and July the mineral waters of Soden
and- Emms, whose virtues I myself have
proved, simply to come• to Folkestone in
Kent, overlooking the Channel that di. 7 .
vides France and England, and• with the
glorious tadk-ground: of beautiful, hills and
fertile waving fields. They must abjure
books and study, keep silent for a couple of
months, meditate as they , ; can / on the mar
gin of the sounding sea,, ascend Shakes
peare',s cliff and Caesar's Camp (that hill
where tradition says he concentrated his
newly-landed forces,) live almost entirely
in the open, air, eat heartily SO as to satis
fy the keen appetite , sure to come to, thent,,
and then judge, how health-growing, and
bracing is the place.
Pshall not detail the incidents:of the
brief passage of. the restless channel, nor
contrast with the vialade du mer of some,
the excellent 'sea ,logs" of others—in-'
eluding that excellent and Rev. Mr. Birks,
the son-in-law of, the lamented Bickersteth,
and one of the Honorary Secretaries of the
Evangelical Alliance ; or better still, his
genial converse with. Dr. Denham, of Lon
donderry, and other passengers. Nor shall
I minutely trace the progress of the train,
as it passes fromßouloome Paris-ward,
through the flat and marshy plains of Nor
manby. As We move rapidly along, there
is pointed out the harbor, where the Duke
of liormanby—afterwards William the Con
queror—is said to have gathered his
fleet and troops. for that successftil inva
sion of Saxon England, which was so. sug
gestively brought• .to, mind last week; by
the -inauguration - . of a commemoration pil
lar recently erected (by Imperial command)
on the seashore.
Neither, may .I stay-for I am in a mail
andfast train--at Clermont, once a French
string-hold, which Edward- 111. besieged
and, took; nor do more than notiee in pass
ing, the beautiful groves =and chateaus-on
the sides of beautiful Chantilly, whither
the. great Conde retired in dblusti.from
the frowning presence. of an ungrateful
Night in Paris is charming.. The bright
though waning moon, .-throwing her silvez
inbeamk. prodigal fullness, on. columns,
churches, palaces, and, thepoble.faca,des of
new streets and thoroughly." Palladian"
architectures. The. CafeS are all gaily
lighted up, and the motlerpompany, seated
outside on those straw-botiomed chairs, are
busy, in discussing ices An't other ; refresh
ments, and, all the.while chattering with
volubility most, mareelloug. The Column'
in the Place Vendome, the' Tuilleries Pal
ace, the Louvre, Cleopatra% needle, the
noble , fountain t: it. noble. Place De La
Concorde,,all conic out at,,night, mere ma
jestic in their sclema and majestic gran
deur, than beneath the' garish _eye of day :
And then is not the Cliamps,
with, hat sportive band of'youngsters, who,
seated on. little woodenhorses chase. one
another . as the merry gelound ' makes,
'rapid revolutions ;
.and with
_the voices of
that band of singers from yonder canopied
gallery, who, - (accompanied by a hand of
music,) ever and anon, elieit the• plaudits of
that brilliant crowd, .who scattered all over
the gardens of one of ;he ; hotels, drink,
their. cafe au tact or their, via ordinaire f
Such, night scenes in ; Paris this sweet
Autumn season do strike a stranger just
come from a less genial' clime. In the
balmy air itself he feels.elastic and refresh :
ed; All is novel, and thertfore. he enjoys
Early morning, too inf''Paris has its
charms. - Wordsworth, the , poet, o.,ce wrote
down in his pocket-book a noble sonnet
when standing on Lotidem Bridge in the
early Summer, ere the „noise of ,rushing
commerce could assault his. sensitive. ear,
and before dust and *eke had thrown
their murky veil over the metropolis. But
early, as well as all day long, Paris has a
purer sky than London. 'Even the old
streets_ arid.. buildings,in this dry and se
rene atmosphere, stil preserve -in . ; a large
measure, their native whiteness. But see
how surpassingly bright, tied fair. is that
long facade. either. side , of.the..newly
faced, if not newly-built Rue Saint Honore,
, as also that.magnificent Lonvre begun ages
ago, continued afterwards and then left.long
incomplete, but completed ;within the , pe
fie& of 1852-1851, by Napoleon 111.
point of fact, it is almosta neW,City,
even since last visited it The Municipal
ity, under Impellial inspiration, have been
pulling• down and buildf i ng, up ineeesautly,
and with marvellous, rapidity, and results.
'One' effect is the& lodgentents are dear,
,and ;
house-rent in thl best situations something
fabulous—the poor and' the working class
being sufferers. New Boulevards salute the
stranger, and invite him to long walks in
every direction. Yonder, for example, near
the Madeleine, is, the Boulevard de Mal-
sherbe t stretching Ndrthward toward 'Mont
martre as- yet not. half finished,. but
destined to be quails aVinoepto:--as coin
plete and beautiful ware the ho - ueee already
built. This is the Boulevard which`(and
in every new Bbulevard he has a strategic:
purpose,) was"recently inaugurated by a
speech, from .:the Emperor.'
But how pleasant Eit is, when " the
morning early," you pass, toward, that,
bridge over the Seine, on Whose further
side; and just, behind the statue of Henry
itau .find Les Rains Pour Natation,
and after watching. awhile t,he j liven ile and.
somewhat alarmed pupils 4 that talkative
swimming-maSter who walks along edge
of the basin, (holding up the boy dive with
light cords passed beneath the arms,) to take
e. plunge and, swim youreellf, and to ,come
forth jebilant, inyigorated,,and braced, up,
for the day!
And then, as you come back, see how the
shoeblacks (not juveniles, like the London.
Brigades, but mostly old men,) begin to
polish the " understandings " . of< the citi
zens or the strangcrs; how, then passes by
an ainbulance r yagen, with sick, soldiers for
the military rospital; how, then come next
carts heaillt laden with hay and straw,
preceded and followed by cavalry,- how, at
the gates_ of :the, various . barracks, you see
soldiers of the line, with their closely fitting
peaked caps, their small yet wiry figures,
their red and flowing trousers tucked up
midleg, over .the newly invented buskin of
brown leather ,which ascends: over the Miele
and above the white
gaiters ; how, t e
the Zouave, hardy and bronzed veteran,
bears himself *aridly, with' a little' forest.
of medals on his breast; how, the splen
didly equipped. Imperial.. Guard, lodged
near the Tuilleries, lofty instpture and
proud in aspect, have become the favorite
mainstay of In:Teri:diem 'now, .
just as their
fathers were up till they perished in the
lasi .charge —led • by Maithar Ney —at
See, too, how buying ,:ane.; selling, has
begun, especially among the Dames de
;Halle Fishmarket, and in the public shank
bles,' where veritable and excellent beef,,
rich in fat, sirloins, (but soon to be over
done and spoiled. in .the,.cooking,)t present.
themselves; where the mutton so inferior,
yields to its rival and' superior veal; which,
killedearlier than in England, but not, too
young,furnish those 'cottelets which, for
a Britain . who loves his Southdown mutton,
provides a welcome change and substitute.
Next, let us—a party of three-1--break
fast at the Boulevards des Italliones. The
coffee, the. bread, the butter, the cutlets, the
salle " imprisonipg coolness;' the iced
water, the white napkin the tair table
cloth, the marble , table, the, tout en,entUe—
But a passport is wanted. France is now
open to an Englishman's card de visite ;
but in regions beyond,. the old passport,
system, though doomed, reigns still. And
so we: re .air. to the ; 'AmbassadCr i s house,
and after a abort delay, are prepented with
a passport free of charge, by, a handsome
young man, who, though he may have;. in
his'veins . " the blood of all
. the - awards,"
is far more polite than that humbler,born
Jack in office, the porter, who shows you
into the waiting-room.
OUT OF .v -D
ARTS, are we borne, ..,by a
.voiturier, whose vehicle we hire by the
‘hour. this , an intelligent fellow, far, su
perior to the London cabman—a politician
to boot. He is a Republican, as most of
his class-are; Orleanismle likes next best ;,
Imperialism. helovexnot, it is " trop,4leer"
too stern •and repressive. , We drive .to the
famous Bois de Boulogne, thee property of
the Municipality of ‘Paris, and. within the
bou , dariee. of the Capital. We = pass
through the Arc de Triomphe, with all its
memorial and martial scuipture.and entab
lature. We drive over, beautiful roads to
the Cascade, along the valley of Long
champs, past tbe Racing 'Stand and Course,
and -up., to the =Bridge of .Saint Cloud—
whose old. , Palaee and its new , Imperial
Chateau are full iin view, the woodieTand.
houses ,of the neighboring town All hot and,•
glowing in the, broilinc , sun.
Returning hotacward,.Werepefred'te the
"Chapelle," - erected in memory of the la
mented Duke of Orleani, the brave leader
in Algerian wars, the -eldest son of Louis.
Phillippe, whose sudden and violent death,
by the4unning away of, his, horse with t his
carriage,,his leaping out causing fracture of
the skull; it is not - too much to say changed
not only the dynasty of French ink, but
the destiny Of France, itself. Sadly solemn
and impressive is, that:memorial buildipg,
with its Mosaic floor, its : two, altars ;,of
white marble Mingled with jet, its sable coV:-
ered chiiirs; above all, that forth of the ,
dead red-touchingly sculptured , by clecom..;
plisl,ted sister's chisel, (aigreat.amilptur; ahe
was and is) and, last, that greatpaint
ing tlechirnher behind the chief altar,
where the Royal father 'and mother and
weeping- sisters, and- Gui.zot and African
Generals, las, well as7,Marshal Soult, t all
watch and wait, in sorrow- unutterable as_
the wounded.young Prince all unconscious
breathshis life, away:. Politically, the
, , .
greatest . change effected of late in Paris, is
the construction of a magnificent Boule
vard, right through .t, .e Quartier de Saint.
Aloimer—so,long the ; stronghold of the Pa
ris Red Republicans. The Emperor has
thus fairly unearthed and scattered them.
No barricades'May nciiv arise with fierce
and half naked insurgents behind them. A
park , or two of flying,tartillery would, sweep
elean..thaaq ) ,m,iles of, they open Boulevard
stretching away 'to ,the Column., of. Italy,
and to. the old= site of the infamous Beadle.
TheraGrox- PARIS is what it has ever
been since Coligny and the 'Huguenots
disappeared in the massacre of Saint Bar
tholome It is Spectaenlar,, superstitious,
heartless and hollow: Enter that magnifi
cent Grecian, structure of :the Madeline at
M and :you find one priest. succeed
ing another 'in' saying mass. AS I take a
back seat, I see sixteen women and four
men far- from the main altar: 'The
%priest is in, splendid robes, with 'shaven.
crown and with his back to the people—as
their intercessor . , forsooth, with God
hews and oreSaes himself; no vow is heard,
but he repeats the magic lormule, Hoc eat
corpus meum, and 10,.as Pope Innocent put
it, (i.-Thepriest's hands have created G,od,
The bell''rings, the deibteee P'rostrate
themselveS; the priest uplifts the host sev
eral times,. and: the bell rings again.-and
again, Six ~w omen only were the commu
nicants—and the
,priest, tripping down the
altar steps, puts a consecrated wafer (each
particle of which, says the Tridentine
Council, contains a " whole Christ,") on
the tongue of each retripient. He has al
ready," received," keeping the cap for him
,Priests meet you every where in their
long black rebes—very like are they to
black beetles; the oiie class, the originals,
creeps on the ground; the other "creeps!'
toe, (although erect) into houses leading
captive silly, won:ten," and becoming their
directOs and 'miters. Frenchmen, as a
rule, are' skeptics - ; 'they detesi the priests,
and if ever there is another Revolution,
wee be to these satraps of the. Papacy.
There are orders _of clergymen different
from the." regulars,' smell as the Christian
" Brothers of the Oratory," who, I - see, an
nounco by' placards &grand "Lottery" for
holy purposes, inviting the faithful to get a
fortune, (if they can,): . and.the blessing of
the Church,, at the. same.r time, by the
small sum of one franc for a share ! " Think
of that, my* 'little dears !" I mean, let
,Protestants in 4merica think what they
deprive tl-emselves of by rejecting Rome
and her .Lotteries !
GAMBLING'', ii("' there is in
Paris—roulette:tablesin splendid gambling
houses for rich comers from all the
Billiards, with ,betting--women playing to
gether at cards inside the Café—men
(Forking men) outside at night—while sthe
soldiemdo the same almost - all day long in
the barracks and guardhouse.
Its !‘ , temples". are scarcely visible, and are
kfew and far betwpen. Neyertheless,,,French
and Paris Protestantism has got increased.
life. True revival is really here.
Adieu for the present I close in haste
;for the post. My next, I trust, God wil
'ling, will contain notes of the opening of
the Geneva Conference. J..TV.
Paul's Great Question.
There is a striking illustration of the true
character -of the Christian in'the question of
Pa Lord., what wilt thou have 'me to
do ?" It;was eminently characteristic of the
man. himself. Hewes a trim ,of great .I.etivity
and energy. He had, shown this by, his,
zeal in behalf of his faith, and his devotion.
to 'the service of God. Trained in the
strictest school of the ancient faith, with
clear_ and exalted intellectual convictions of
,truth, he was led to see in the religisn i of
N'est's an element of power .over the minds
and hearts of man, which threatened the
subiersion of the system he had so ardently
cherished. His soul was .stirred with im
patient and holy ardor ,in. defense of his re
ligion ; and with a. commission: to go , forth
and . root up, if possible,, the new datrine,
and persecute all who adopted it,, he was a
powerful opponent of the Church of. Christ,
He had. received a new revelation, on his
way, to Dappacus; and when that great
chee,ge had been effected in his soul, and,
the violent struggle had been terminated
by his subniisSion to the Saviour he had
persecuted 'all the activities. of his heart and
mibd were.developed in-a new direction, and,
his first demand,know how he could'
consecrate, his ,po givers and his labors to 'the
service of Christ. He is our example, and
will remain a pattern to men iii every age
till the end of time. \ •
Paul, believed in action.. He was not con
tent with simple faith, hope, and ex.peri
ence of the power of converting grape. His
faith was to be witnessed by his - vvip.ks.
His hope was to be exhibited by nis
testimony. His experience was to: hel-en
'idled, quickened, and deepened, by. the,
constant, exercise of the new powers of Di
vine_ greee.„ -Life, is action. Dead trees bear
no fruit. Stagnant Streams water no ver-.
dant meadows." 'Pulseless 'hearts serid'no
blood-through living veins. Silent tongues
kindle no ~responsive harmonies. Dumb
witnesses ,utter no soul-stirring truths. So
Paul, feeling'that the constraining love
Christ was a, Motive-Power which could
arouse, convert; subdue, conquer, and
quicken dead souls to 'life, and conscious
that,:this power. had , been given to him;
went forth to eadure all things, if he 'Might
win Soils to Chriet.
Eyeyy converted soul has this power. It
is the. same in kind, if not in degree.
There is a• unity in 'this love of Christ. It
comes from one common source; it operates
by the same means on souls inv.olved in one
common spiritual curse, and. it produces
the same fruitS., If all have not the same,
degree of ability to testify or to' labor, we
all have it in some degree. • The true lover
of Christ Will not dishonor his-Master by
practical denial of its possession, if he be
conscious of his duty.
Were Paul living to-day we believe that'
he would' not be all idle man in the Chnrch.'
'What a boundless field of influen'ee would'
lie open before him -With a zeal and a
boldness of' utterauce like , that which .filled.
his discourse on Hill, how would
voice:Ve" heard ainong our modern idols
trieS';and our timeserving conventionalistn,'
and - our:menty-gettingl and pointing away
from earth to: the Cross, how. would he -an ,
fold the truths of life and immortality I
His, life would be a blazing epistle, whose
language would be in, letters of living fire,
and whose powers 'Would be felt throughout
the world.
But though,dead,Ae , speaketh. his
example and his written word, he calls us
to be up and at the Master's : ,. service.
"What wilt thou have me to , do?" should
be , the earnest cry of every follower' of
Christ. ' 'The world is ripening to ' the har
teit. DM the ireaPers:?r W here are
WHOLE NO. 470.
those who love the cause of Christ?:Where
are the men and women of self-sacrifice,
who count all thi Ngi but loss for Christ'?
Where are the talents sand the 'energy of
the. Chinch, that need now to be thrown,
izto.the battle-field,of. opinion 4E4 progress,
and'striking the omnipotent blows of truth
at the principalities and powers, shall, work
for' the *rifled . emancipation when 'all men
shall be made free with the truth as it is in
Jesus ?
The Sabbath ettool, and,the
honest" ,communities, but few, Sabbath
School scholars are found attending on the
stated preac ing of the Gospel. Their
parents send them to the Sabbath School,
-but seldom take them with them to,church:'
It seems to be taken for granted., that when
the children have attended, the exercises \ of
the Sabbath ,School, they , have attended
upon alrthat is necessary for them. Nev
er, however, was amore fatal Mistake com - -
initted. The stated preaching Of the Gos
pel is -of Divine = appointment,. and the
means of graCe: furnished directly, in., con
-13, exion with the services of the sanctuary,
are those especially established by the
great Head of the Church for the salvation
of sinners and the edification of saints.
No .others introduoidr , by.,,Merc - hunian au
thority, how excellent soeyer ,they may, be,
can form an adequate substitute for them.
Thee children need theM as Much as the
adult. They 'as well as their parents
should regularly participate in them. It
is important, that children; attend the Sab
bath School, but it is much more import
ant that they attend upon the stated
preaching of the Gospel. If the privi
leges of the' former cannot be enjoyed e*
cept at the expense of the latter, iu that
ease these privileges must be foregone. It
is better not to send the ; children to the
Sabbath School, if the sending of them
prevents, them from attending upon the
regular services of the sanctuary. •
Rather would we see all Sabbath Schools,
highly important • as' we regard' them, blot
,out of existence, than that the children
should thereby - be deprived of their birth
right privileges in the house of God. We
do not, however, see that the enjoyment of
the privileges of the one should.necessarily
interfere with the enjoyment of the privi
leges of the other, The children can at
tend the Sabbath School and the public
ministrations of t.e Gospel also:- German
Ref. Messenger.
The Young Soldier Dying.
"Bring me my knapsack," said a young
soldier who lay sick in one of the hospitals
at Washington. "Brig me my knap-
sack." - ,
"What do you want, of yourknapeaek ?"
inquired the head lady of the band of
" I want my knapsack," again said the
dying ;young - .man.
'His knapsack was him and as
he took it his eye gleamed with pleasure,
and ,his face was covered all over with a
smile as he biought out from it his hidden
" There," said he, that is a Bible from
my mother. And this—Washington's fare
well address—is the gift of my father.
And this "—his voice failed him.
• The nurse looked down to see what it
was, and there was the face of a, beautiful
"Now," said the, dying young soldier,
" I want you to put all these under, my
She did• as she was requested, and the
poor young man 'laid down on them to die,
requesting that they should he sent to his
parents when he was gone. Calm and
joyful was he in dying. It was.only going
from night to endless day—from death to
eternal glory. So the young soldier died.
The Great Object.
The, great object of Sunday School teach
mg was the' conversion of 'the young mind
and heart to the knowledge and service of
Jesus Christ. The time was when a differ
put object was contemplated—namely, sim
ple instruction in reading and writing, and
loading the memory with facts. What' ob
ject, however, could be so noble and sub=
lime as that in which the humblest young
man or woman could :become ,;a co-pastor
and fellow-worker with Christian ministers,
in leading souls to Christ? What so noble
as -to tako young, ragged children from
some &the purlieus - of this great town,
unprotected by human care, unloved by pa
rental hearts ' and to Airing them to the feet.
Of Christ!' Which was the greatest, man,
Sir Henry Havelock going to the relief of
Lucknow‘cor Sir Henry Havelock the sim
ple lay Baptist preacher ? That' was a
point of casuistry which some persons
Tight be at a loss to determine - 4 but to his
pr. Archer's) mind, it was, cleaiund ob
vious that Henry Havelock, the glorious
'Warrior, was a greater man When preaching
the Gospel or singing a hynn: with a few
of his soldiers, and instructing some of
their children, in the path of eternal truth,
than When leading on the marshaled legions
of his country to - the relief of that great
centre of vice and iniquity, and the rescue
of those who were struggling under op
pression. ' •
They were not to go to the Sunday
School to teach mere science, or politics, or
philosophy, in the common sense of the
teriit, but to present'Mple story of the
living, the dying, and the risen ltedeener.
If that course, was adopted to a greater ex
tent by teachers and,by Christian parents,
what a genialounny gtow, would be ca - st
over our homesteads! what a sweet and
bleased influence would be spread among
the congregation I When the Moravian
missionary of Herrnhuth tried,, to. teach
the arts of gardening and, carpentering, lie
made but little pr6gress ; but when he read,
aloud that charming Part of the Gospel,
the •three= last chapters of John, Kainack
said: ".Oh ! read it again; that is what we
The,chapters were read again and
again, until there rolled down,, that savage
man's cheeks tearica' contrition and melt-
ing • pathos. 'Let\ teachers ever bring out,
thatsimple story, because they felt it and
understood it; and let"lhent in things
have a clear and definite, idea of ,what they
meant to teach • before t,hey, attempted to in
struct their. pupils, for no one could preach.
or teach distinctly, unless he knew *hat he
,aimed •at:—Rsr: .Dr . Archer before the
Irondon. Sabbgth, School Union. .
4..Volcitito,.Can Do.
Cotopaxi; in. 1738,. threw its. fiery rockets
3,009 feet above crater,, while in, 17141
the hlazipg.mass, struggling., for san outlet,
roared so-that'iti awful' voice was heard ,a
distanee of more thin 600:Miles, In 1797'
the crater of Tunguragua, one -of ilia
peaks of the Andes, flung out torrents of
mud which dammed up rivers, opened new.
lakes and in 'valleys of-a thousand feet
wide made 'deposits of six hundred, feet
deep. The stream in Vesuvins, which in
- 1737 passed through Toiredel Greed, eon:
tamed 33,000,000 cable, feet of mal ,
ter; and in 1794,. when ;; Torre Greco:,
was destroyed a , second time, they mass:9f
lava"amounted to" 45,00,000 cubit feet.
In 1679 Etria,.poured Toith Rand which
'covered eighty-four equifre milts of surfate,;
1 --,.'..•': ', ;=0,",i'......:,
r ~ i,s
ra -PR
Publicsa ion office
i 3
• U/iPPNI,BI3.i BUTS Prnswican, PA.
1.4 " . " . Z.LV W - A!" a(TTH,WAT Cox, or Tv; AND CHSBTNIPP
A Square, (11 'llms less) n insertion ; 60
. cente ; each
!oubsequenthato 40 rtion, cental Wine beyond,eight, 5 pis
A , Nilquarirper quarter, $4,0; li ne 83 penis
A REDUCTION rnacie:to advertisers pith(' year.
BUSINESS NOTICES of Its lines of 1(011,11.00 sacs 94.
• dltteusi line, 10 cents. ,
_ .
.Which - measured 100,000,000 cubic feet.
'On this occasion the scoria) formed the
Monte Rossi, near . Nicolosi, a cone two.
miles in circumference and 4,000 feet high..
.The streain 'thrown out by Etna in 1810
was in motion at the rate of a yard per
day, for nine months after the eruption ; and
it is on record that the lava of the same
•mountain ' after a terrihle,eruption, was not
'.thoroughly Conled and Consolidated ten years
after the event. In the eruption of Vesuvius;
A. D. 70, the scoriae and ashes vomited
forth far exceeded the entire bulk of the
mountain; while in 166 b Etna'disorged
more than twenty times A's own. mass.
Vesuvius has thrown its ashes as far as
Constantineple, Syria and Egypt; it hurled
stones eight pounds in weight to Pompeii,
a distance of six miles, while similar masses,
were tossed 2,000 feet above its summit.
Cotopaxi has projected a block of 109 cubic
yards in volume a distance of nine miles,
and Sambawa, in 1815, during the most
terrific eruption on record, sent its ashes as
far as Java, a distance of 300 .miles surfacer
andl' ut of a population of twelve thousand
sonls, only twenty escaped.—Recreative
Science. „ .
REWARD OF FtnELITY.—NeSet forsake
a friend. When enemies gather around;
when sickness fails on the'heart; when the
world is dark and. cheerless, is the time to
try true friendship. They who turn from
the scene of distress betray their hypocrisy,
and prove that interest, only moves them.
If you:, have a friend. who loves you, who
has studied your interest and happiness, be
sure to sustain him in adversity. Let him
feel that his former kindness is appreciated,
and that his love was not thrown away.
Real fidelity may be rare, but it exists—in
the heart. They only deny its worth and
power who never loved a friend, or labored
to mak,e a friend peppy.
A COWLING ETEitNITY.—And Paradise,
Paradise lost, is awaiting you, and stands
before you with unfolded gates, and time
hastened' past, and eternity prepareth
itself to roll on forever. And the body
loseth its strength for labor, and its relish
for sensual things; and both haste to an
end; and rest corned', and refreshment in
the presence of God ; and every blessing
of our'first parents, with every supciadded
blessing which arises from the sense of
dangers past, from the glorious knowledge
of redeeming love,
and from the certainty
of salvation, and deliverance, and eternal
FAITEL—A little fellow, eight years old,
who ' 4 as without a relative in the whole
world, was asked by .a lady if he did not
have fears as to whether he would get
along in life. The child looked up, with
a perplexed and inqUiring eye, as if un
certain of her meaning, and troubled with
a new doubt. " Why," said he, "do n't
you, think God will take care of a feller, if
he puts his trust in him, and does the best
he can ?"
BEAUTIFUL"IDEA.—In the mountains of
Tyrol, it is the custom of the women and
children to come out when it is bed-time,
and sing their national songs un it they
hear their husbands, fathers and brothers,
answer them from the hills on their return
home. On tl e shores of the Adriatic such
a custom prevails. There the wives of the
fisherman come about sunset and sing a
melody. After singing the first • stanza,
they listen awhile for an answering melody
from off the water; and continue to sing
and listen till the well-known voice comes
borne on the waters, telling that the loved
one is almost home. How sweet to the
weary fisherman, as the shadows gather
around: him, must be the songs of the loved
ones at home, that sing,to,cheer him; and
how they must strengthen and tighten the
links that bind together those humble dwel
lers by' the Sea I
11.014 TO HAVE PEACE.—A friend once
asked-Prof. Franke how, he maintained so
constant a peade of 'mind. "By stirring up
my mind a hundred times a day," replied
Franke. " Wherever I am, whatever I do,
I say, Blessed Jesus, havel a share in thy
redemption ? Are my sins forgiven ? Am I
guided by thy Spirit ? ..Renew me, strength
en me' By this constant intercourse with
Jesus, I enjoy serenity of mind and a set
tled peace of *soul."
Summer storm is a rain of riches; if gold
and silver rattled down from the clouds,
they would not enrich the land so much as
soft, long rains. Every drop is silver going
to the mint. The roots are machinery, and
catching: the willing drops, they assay them,
refine them, roll them, stamp them, and
turn them out coined berries, apples, grains
and grasses. All the mountains of Califor
nia are not so rich as are the soft mines of
A CAUSTIC `REPLY--Drs. South and
Sherlock were,disputing on some religious
subject, when the latter accused the other
of using wit in the controversy. " Well,"
said South; " suppose it had pleased God
to give you ' wit, what would you have
done ?"
of Illustratina nothing is too common in
our . Sunday: ,Schools to be passed over.
Many teachers, seek to purchase the for
bearance-not to say the interest—of their
scholars,. durilig the ordinary exercises of
the class,. by prothising to tell or read a
story to Ahem., if the sermon is quiet
ly listened to afterwards—that the
children : shalt each have a sugar plum
if they are good, and if they will
take their physic afterwards without any
d,eniur. This most mischievous prac
tice. On the other hand, :by taking up the
Attention.of the,Olas.s by relating tales and
atiecilotes, : however good, merely to amuse
and keep them quiet, is also au abuse; let
our illuStptiens be 'aids to doctrinal truth,
never iMlTstitutes for it—let them be short,
simple, and' pointed—carefully distributed
throu,gliontthe lesson.
.M.EALs.—The ~ffindoos are said to have
thought that the English had no religion
at all; and the' following story current in
India confirms the statement. Some mis-
Sionaries; recently arrived at Bombay, were
asked to dine with a party of Europeans.
13efore.taking,theix seats, they stood rev
erently at the table to observe a custom
which the' others had king neglected.
When the missionaries clasped their hands,
bowed their heads, and said grace, the
native servants, arrested by this strange
proceeding, are' said ,to have whispered to
one another :`l 4 Why! they have a religion
after all; Bee, they worship' the knives
andlcorks !"
FEAIt'I6TOT LlinGHTEL—Learn from the
( earliest /days to inure your principles
against the ; perils of ridicule. You can no
more, exercise your reason; if you live in
the constant dread of laughter, than you
can 'enjoy ydur life, if you are in the cab
stant terror'of death. :•
ouoonChildb nod is like a mirror,
.catching and-refteetang ont irkl,
piOPS or profane thought,' lifter's d,' hy 'a
parent's , lipstnitY operato upOn.the' young
heart .as9ollol snray'of water throw n upen. poll:44 Steel. staining it with rust;'
which no after scouring 'earrefihtt . ." ' '
mr,a - rrisyti -