WfiMOW ALLISON . S. LITTLE I AVID WIKINNEY 80 CO. Eaitors and Proprietors. TERMS IN ADVANCE. .sINOLB SUBSCRIPTIONS 01.50 i °row. T.25' 11eLIv tame In NIVEA% OP ran RtTlao, 2.00 Yn r TWO Douai's, we will send by mall seventy number I for Oxa DOLLAR, thlrtAhree atuttben. Ikon sending att2tratirr Subscribers and upwards, will thereby entitled toe paper without charge. ..isurais should be prompt, a little before the year expires end payments by wile bultdP, or bY 1 beet all lettere to DAVID arKINKLY: `Pittsburgh, Pa. • Jr the Presbyterian Banner.' What Lack I Yet? --Ne i lllfew xix ; : N. t is evident that. the/Person who asked ; ,question felt that', on his part, there nothing lacki , and that : in his own , he could de and and receive eternal It. is else, ident Worn the,eagerness whioh pressed the .question, that 19 / tat he I, t that, he bad done all, there iu hiseheart a want which he could not 1, tout which disturbed his peace, and re,stless, his soul. His spinitual can t is similar to one .who falls asleep i t •F idiering from pain. Raw restless disturbed the sleep; how..undefined sling ; how .dim the Conception