Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, December 29, 1860, Image 1

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Editors and Proprietors.
SisoLo S i uuscannuoms SOO
iiF.l.lYstm /X EIMER OP TOO CITIES 2:00 ,
Fur Two Liounits, WO will nand by mail twenty nunt'tere
and fur Oio Dottatt, thirty-01mo motion,
I.Ptsturs eendink us TwexTr eubsorlbers Rout npwardes•wlll,
I.IJ ihoruby untitled ton paper Without diarist'.
Bonne%le ehualll'bu prompt, u L ttle before the'yearexplmi
Bond paymunte by Rife hands, or by mall.
Direct all lettere to DAVID (N 4
Nor tit; Nroobiterlan Banner
A Common Mistake.
MY DEAR FRIEND 11--- - ---:—Your ques
tion I will first answer ;.::and then give you
my reasons. I say then, emphatically and
without hesitation, No; do not by any
means, think of absenting yourself from
the communion .of the Church, for the
cause that you.mention. The wrong-doing
of a fellow-member is not a sufficient rea
son why you should fail in your duty, or
forgo your ; ;privileges. If he has done
wrong to, you, that is no ground for your
doing, wrong to yourself and' to the cause
of Christ, as you certainly would, if you
should-iefuse to sit doWn at the commun
ion table, and to do whatthe . Saviour com
manded you to do in remembrance of him.
- Btit you do, not know that the brother
has down i.he wrong. It may be that he is
quite unconsoious oven of your suspicions
against him. And, perhaps, if he has
done the wrong which you , allege, he would
be prompt to make every suitable acknowl
edgment and reparation, on your kindly
representing to him your feelings of the
injury he has done you., The whole diffi
culty may be removed, by just following
the Saviour's direction, recorded in Matt.
xviii. ',fear that the wisdom and kind
ness of that process . for healing difficulties,
is not deeply appreciated by the Saviour's
disciples : "If thy brother shall trespass
against thee, go and, tell him his fault, be
tween thee and him alone." Perhaps he
did not do it; perhaps he did not intend
to do it; perhays he is More sorry for it
than yen are—just go to him and talk the
thingnver in a Christian, brotherly, way;
and if that do not settle the matter, the
Saviour's farthbr directions are for your
I am aware that the course which you
have thought of persuing is very common,
but it is none the more wise or becoming
on that account. It is one of the strange
obliquities of human temper—punishing
ono r,ielf for. the fault of another. It is:like
the angry child throwing himself down,
and beating his head upon the floor, because
some one has-offended-him. It is a sort of
church discipline, not laid down in the
Bible, and would subvert, all government
and 41 1 , r. Why should you excommuni
cate. self because you think some mem
ber.A ie Church bas injured you ?
I beg you, dear H—, to look more.
closely into your own bosom, about this
matter. Is there not as much activity of
passion, as of conscience, in it ? And,
therein, do you not commit as great a wrong
to him, as he has done to you ? This• is .
not the way to heal : a difficulty. This is
not the my to keep up a pure communion.
It will, of course, draw the eyes of the
Church, and of the world too, upon the
"difficulty" between you and him; but
this is not Christ's way of ".telling it to
the Church," Mat; aviii : 17. My dear
brother, excuse me for being so plain spo
ken. I have seen so much evil resulting
from this practice of keeping back from
the communion, on account of hard feel
ings toward a fellow-member, that I am
constrained to use great plainness of speech.;
especially as a Mend whom I esteem and
love, has asked my advice in relation to his
own course. I earnestly and affectionately
advise you to go to the approaching column
niort dismissing all *resentful feelings to
ward' Mr. A—, praying God to, forgive
ifierMitattra - deieyotrieroWaTillnik:'
ina. with joy and faith of the very nature
of the ordinance—a symbol of the Saviour's
death for sinners, and a seal of the forgive
ness of sins. Read over the eighteenth
chapter of Matthew to which I have re
ferred. Dwell for some time on these
words near the close of it, "I forgave thee
all that debt, because thou 'desiredst me;
shouldst not thou have cempassion on thy
fellow servant, even as I had pity on thee ?"
Hoping that you will have much comfort
in the fello*ship of the Saviour and his
people, and earnestly praying that you
may, I am, Christian brother, sincerely
yours, J. F. M.
For the Presbyterian lian'ner
American Tract Society.
"It is more blessed to give than to re
ceive." Pressing applications are now be
fore the Committee of the American Tract
Society, New-York, from India, Turkey,
Germany, Italy, and other parts of the
world, for immediate aid. Italy is now a
most inviting field. If means were fur
nished,, much might be done. At a recent
meeting the Committee made a grant for'
Italy of three hundred copies of Bunyan's
Pilgrim's Progress in Italian; and a gen
tleman in New-York puichased two hun
dred additional copies, which were shipped
in the same vessel.
Another gentleman in New-York, who 'is
deeply interested in the religious training
of young men preparing for the .ministry,
and has often furnished them with useful
books, has just presented a copy. of the
" Life of Knill," published by the Tract
Society, to each member of the 'Union Theo
logical Seminary in New-York, and to each
member of the Theological Seminary at,
Princeton, New-Jersey, in all about three
hundred .copies.
• Another gentleman has presented one
hundred and sixty copies of " Fuller's
Backslider" to the students of the Wes
tern Theological Seminary, Allegheny, 'Pa.
Two other gentlemen have each purchased
of 'the Tract Society one hundred copies of
the " Seaman's Narratives " to give to
A. distinguished Professor, who has read
the "Memoirs and Correspondence . of Dr.
De dridge," just published by the Society,
a , 4g It has a special adaptation to minis
t ,Mid students," and asks if some gen
tleihan of'competent' means would not es
teem it a privilege to furnish each student
in the Western Theological Seminary with
a copy of this interesting volume ?
A Penny a' Day,.
When in our boyhood we ,read in the
Bible about the men' working in .-a vine
yard for a penny a day, we remember that
it seemed like very small wages indeed.
But let us see about this. In those clays a
pen, ny was about as large as fifteen of our .
cents, and as money was some ten times as
valuable as now, the penny a day was as
good as one hundred and fifty of our cents,
so that those men really got as good wages
as the best men now oenerally have in har
vest time, that is, a dollar and a half a day.
So also when that good Samaritan gave
two pence to the landlord to take care of
the man who fell among thieves, you see
it was equivalent to about three dollars,
which would probably pay for his board
two weeks in a country tavern where board
was'very cheap. This gift of the Samari
tan was in addition to his raiment, the oil
and wine, and to the promise to pay any
thing more that the landlord might expend.
By the same reckoning, how much was that
box of n very costly" ointment worth,
which Mary used upon the Saviour ? When
the disciples asked if their should kitty two
hundred pennyw6rths of bread, how many
loaves were they calculating for, at about
six cents a loaf—a large price in those
days ? Remember, to reckon money worth
ten times, as: Elliott 118 now, and to. call a
penny worth fifteen amts.—Agriculturist.
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VOL. IX., NO. 15.
lacasionn 'imams IV FRANCS—THE Nsw FRENCH
LONDON, December Ist, 1860.
THE NEWS FROM CHINA is of a some
what startling character especially as to
six Englishmen 'being taken prisoners by
the Chinese. These gentlemen included
the Secretary of Lord Elgin"; Mr. Parkes,
the Interpreter to the Allied army; Capt.
Brabayon, and the Time's Correspondent.
The news will awaken great anxiety for
their fate ; although it is affirmed that they
were well treated. Negotiations were pro
posed by the, Chinese Government, and the
Emperor's brother was mominated to con
duct them. But Lord Elgin , demanded,
first of all, 'that the prisoners should be
given .up. It is certain that if any vio
lence be done thew, a terrible retribution
will follow. As it. is, the Tartar cavalry,
amounting to thirty-thousand, have been
twice repulsed, with great slaughter, and
the Allied army was encamped within six
miles of Pekin. It is thus absolutely in
the power of the Allies. It is 'Lord El
gin's policy not to destroy the Tartar dy
nasty, but his own successes hastens its disso
lution on the one hand, while the Taeping
Insurrection is causing it to crumble on
the other.
THE FRENCH EMPEROR has promulg,ated
a decree, by which hi gives further liberty
of "debate, and of legislation also, to the
Chambers. Hitherto they have been noth
ing better than hollow make-believes, the
fawning, sycophantic Registrars of the Im
perial will and fiat. Even when there was
permitted a little "noise and fury," by
some one or two speakers, it signified
nothing. It but made pooiLiberty "more
conspicuous by her absence." °Even now
it is hard to believe that there will be
really a free press, free speech, and Consti-
Autional government. Perhaps the French
are, as yet, unfit for full liberty. Certainly
an infidel and, unciedly, nation is, so.
,Liberty, with such, becomes Licenie ; and
never have such proofs of this been given
as by France herself, in 1793, and likewise
in 1830 and 1858.
has been forbidden in France by Imperial
decree, on the ground that it is made a pre
tence for combinations which are employed the secular government, as well it
may be, and inconsistent with the interests
of the Church of France. The Emperor
is now Pope in - France ; at least as far as is
well possible for him to be, without break
ing with His Hiplines and the French
Bishops altogether. 'A neW pamphlet has
been in circulation, openly advocating the
position that the Gallic= Church should
be ruled entirely by the Emperor as its
head, and that the Pope should have no
jurisdiction in France at all. The pamph
let, after a wide circulation, was suppressed
by the Home Minister. This is. the way
in which appearances are preserved, while
yet 'the public mind is familiarised with
new and startling ideas, and thus it has
been &alums that " coming_ events east
'Count Persigny a warm friend to the'
English Alliance, is about to become Min
ister of State at Paris. He will be suc
ceeded as Ambassador at the Court of Lon
don, by Count Flahaidt, who is seventy-five
years of age. -He was a very distinguished
officer in the armies of Napoleon, and was
with him on the battle-field of Waterloo.
He is familiar with this country, having
been long a resident in Scotland, as the
husband of the Bhioness Keith, the daugh
ter of a distinguished British Admiral.
The amenities, kindliness and semi-kinfolk
feelingthus cherished, coupled with an in
timate knowledge of English habits and
feelings, 'make the appointment acceptable
to the nation: v
Au STRIA. has now in Venetia an army of
one hundred and thirty thousand-men, with
an immense artillery force, all the cannon
being rifled. She has also an exterior ar
my of one hundred and fifty thousand, so
placed as to he ready to protect the shores,
of the Adriatic, and the landing in the
Spring of a Garibaldian force ' such as
might rouse disaffected populations, includ
ing the Hungarians, and such also as would
come up as reserves; if united and free
Italy precipitated itself upon the fortresses
of the QUalitilateral: "thi - the other hand,
the Sardinians have a superior fleet tothat
of Austria, and an ever increasing and
well equipped army. If the struggl is-to
come—if Austria refuses to sell. - Venetia
(and *there are rumors: that it has been
talked over by diplomatists at Paris,) then
what a tremendous convulsion will -mark
the history of 1861.
The effect: of the armed condition. of
Austria,.on her finances, meanwhile ru
inous, and at Vienna a forced loan, weure
told, is spoken of. The Hungarians seem
diyided somewhat as to the acceptanCe of
the concessions; but there seems no doubt
that the majority are dissatisfied, and a
smouldering fire, may, ere long,'hurst into
a fearful conflagration.
had a decision given by Lord Jewiswoode
(one of the Lords of Session,) adverse to
its claims of spiritual independence in deal
ing in the way of discipline and deposition
with an unworthy minister. The case is
known under the title orthe " Cardross
Case." Mr. McMillan was a recognised
minister of the Free ilikure,li 'of Scotland.
He was triedhy his Presbytery on certain
charges of immorality, and found c cruilty.
The matter was appealed to the general
Assembly. When the,Supreme Court was
about to enter on its consideration with a
view to a final settlement and decision, Mr.
McMillan, by his counsel, applied to the
Courts of Law, and refused to submit to be
tried by the Assembly.
• claimed re
dress for the violation of his pecuniary
rights. When this was announced to the.
Assembly in session, the offence was con
sidered one of open contumacy and rebel
lion, and it,was unanimously resolved that
the, delinquent should have the sentence of
deposition passed upon .him, and it was
pronounced Accordingly. The Court of
Session decided the Free Church to put in
pleas to meet ; the action brought against
them. These pleas were two—lst„ that
" the sentences complained of being spir
itual acts, done in the ordinary course of
discipline by the Christian Church, toler
ated and protected by'law, it is not compe
tent for the Civil Court to' reduce them,
and the actions should therefore be dis
2. "As the actions, in se far as they con
clude for the reduction of the sentences
complained of, do not relate to any question
of civil right, the action cannot therefore
be maintained."
Lord jewiswood " repels" these pleas.
Thus for the first time since Non-:Estab
lished churches have been tolerated bylaw
in thin country, it has been held by a Civil ,
Court, that it has right or authority to sus-:
twin or ic , nore their spiritual sentences, and
o declare them to be legal or illegal. There'
is claimed for the Civil Court, general and
supereminent authority, and thus if this
sentence be finally confirmed and held;to be
law, " there is no act that can be performed
by a Church of Christ,., of whatever charac
ter, and in whatever circumstances, that
can be counted free from civil control.
This is confirmed cvlien, in the, reasons
given for the judgment, the Lord Ordinary
asserts that a Non-Established church is
known to the law only as an association
which owes its existence to, and draws its
assent from the power of members " an as
sertion which necessarily implies that its
acts can be dealt with and set aside in the
same way, and to the same effect, as might
the acts of'any voluntary Society, associ
ated for any secular purpose."
Thug speaks the Committee of the Free
Church, in its report to the Commission of
Assembly which met last week at Edin
burgh. It also adds: "The Free Church
has never pretended to lieny the full au
thority of the Civil Court to dispose of all
matters of civil interest arising out of any
spiritual:decision pronounced by, her. courts.
But she must, assert that, notwithstanding
such decisions may be indirectly or, inci
dentally connected with civil rights they
are yet in their proper, character spiritual,
and cannot be dealt with as, matters for
civil control.
Doctor Oandlish,,the 'real leader of the
Free Church Assembly, and thp man above
all others qualified by intellectual power
add analytic acumen to deal with, legal
questions, never, since the Disruption,
shone out more fully hs " a bright particular
star," than at the meeting of the Commis
sion in Edinburgh, on Wednesday last.
His health, which had been seriously im
perilled, has been now fully restored, ,and
in full physical and mental vigor, he grap
pled with the Lord Ordinary, and in a mag
nificent speech, worthy of his best days,
enchained the Conunission for an hour and
a half; and spoke forth utterances which
will wake up an enthusiastic response from
the hearts of multitudes. He met and re
futed all the prejudicial.statements made
as to the summary exercise of discipline
on Mr. M'Millan by the Assembly. The
following is the concluding portion of his
I say that these parties distinctly declare that
they want the reponing of Mr. Mapmillanin his
church' of Cardross, so as to bring this. Church
into the position of being compelled- to own the
civil power in this very matter. , (Hear, hear,
hear.) Ido not know anything: about Mr.. Mac
millan himself, but I have evidence of that: fact
that it is declared by the partiesooneerned that
they do not want damages, but an actual seduc
tion of the sentence and the seponing of Mr.
Macmillan. I believe thatis really the question
raised by certain parties who would 'like the
Church of. Christ to be brought into .a state of
thorough prostrate subjection to the civil power.
(Hear, hear.) In regard to the course of prac
tical duty, I'hope the Commission will'approve
of appealing.the case to the Inner louse. But
the case will require to be managed,in a broader
aspect, and I hope this ,Commission will appoint
a large committee of ministers and eldera over
all the Church, to - be entrusted'with the ibity,of
'cooperating with the Assembly's committee, and
especially to.takemeasures for enlightening the
country—(cheers)--enlightening our people on
the subject, obtaining the. necessary, funds for
conferring and consulting with - brethren, mem
bers of other denominations, and securing in
:this great question the ceoperation of our friends
in the United Presbyterian, the old Presbyterian,
and other non-established bodies. I rejoice to
'think that we have the fullest assurance .on the
part of influential men in all these. bodies, and
amonethe . Independents as - .well, of their full
B:3tiiipathr with - Inc' and thhif
to stand by us, if we should be involved in a
serious struggle for our own very.= liberties.
(Cheers.) I hope the committee will be appoint
ed to discharge that duty, not' only in Scotland
but in England, which, I. believe, snap be the
better of having a question of this sort to look
at. (Cheers.) I earnestly hope that this Church
will deem the present struggle atleast as vital'as
the struggle which ' seemed to be ended at the
Disruption. To my mind, it is even more so. We
had then an alternative'; we could pass from the
-platform- of 'the Establishment to ithe broad
ground of religious toleration, and we were told,
that if we 'did that our liberties would be' all
safe. 'Now, we have no'other alternative;. no
platform on which we can take refuge. If this
judgment of the Lord Ordinary is declared to be
law, ive will then just simply require to stand
and suffer. We. cannot escape then; we, will
then be in a somewhat analogous position to that
in which the - Protestant Church . in France is,
both - the Protestant Church connected with the
State, and the Free Protestant Church in France.
No one:would say that these Churches are toter.
ated. They exist, no doubt, and have a certain
liberty of actiOn ; their - ministers are permitted
to preach; but their Synods are not permitted to
meet in 'the freedom of Ecclesiastical action.
We'may be reduced:to that position. I am not
sure that even in obedience to civil courts we
could give up our meetings in Synods and Pres
byteries, and forget the maxim of =John - Knox—
No Assembly, no free Gospel. (Cheers.) We
would scarcely be, in the position of our fathers
before the Revolution. They were not permitted
to meet in these 'courts ;'we are, , Intl we would
meet contrary to law, and discuss questions at,
our peril. An'd . there would perhaps be even an
, aggravation of the wrong done' to us, if. The law
were such as not to prevent our meetings,. as
they were hindered in France and in this country
before the Revolution, but - to allow our meetings
only to declare that whatever we did—in session,
I .de . cliting so Mid so not to be admissible ter the
Communion'table, and onward through the Pres
,byteries up to .the General Assembly—that we
might meet and carry,on our business, but did so
at the peril of having our sentences reduced and
ourselves subjected to civil pains and. penalties,
unless we did consent to their , reduction—l say
that that i 9 a" state of matters the m
very conte
plation of whicirshould fill all"theloversof their
country with very serious alarm. We would
still exist as a Church, and have a certain meas
ure of:liberty as.a. Church ;. we would' stillact as
a Church in many departments of duty.; ( but we
would be acting under coercion and compulsion
or, -if we did not choose to'aubmit to that, and
make the civil judges the ultimate Court, of ap
peal, we must submit to persecution ; for ttpan
not be fairly denied that to allow . a Church to
carry on her 'proceedings under such a risk as
there would be ever impending over us,. would be
to abridge the measure of toleration ,granted to
that Church. I would earnestly , hope that this
question, if revived, may be found to' be as the
same question has always been found to be in
Scotland, associated with manifest tokens of the'
Divine presence and, blessing in the Church.. I
dare say, there are some—and I myself might be
inclined to sympathise with them very much—
who may regard the intrusion of this que.stion
as at this crisis peduliarly unseasonable. There
may be those—and I might largely symptithise•
with them--who may grudge the attention of the
Church being, as they think, distracted from the
great spiritual movements and awakenings, and
our great duty in connexion with these awaken
ings, to' a struggle of this' sort, 'a struggle. - ap-:
patently on a point of law. `l'hope that all'
who may be inclined to cherish suoh, a feel
ing, before they indulge it, will, make, them
selves acquainted with the past; • and if they
do they will See that these two things have
very frequently gone together: in the history of
the Church of Scotland—a struggle.far her inde-.
pendence and an outpouring of the Spirit of
God. (Dr. Candlish sat doWn amid great ap
DOCTOR CULLEN has issued a pastoral,
full of blasphemous language, as to the
Virgin Mary and the Festival of the, TM
maculate Conception. "On that festival
we commemorate .her exemption from the
stain of original guilt. Boina. ° destined to
become the mother of the eternal Son of
God, who, in his justice, hateth sin and
iniquity, it was meet-that among the chil
dren of Eve she should be free from m.the
contagion of every sin. Bright as :the sun,
beautiful as the moon, terrible as the army
of battle, from the first dawn of her exist
mice, SHE Was the cause of hope and
joy to fallen 'Man. * * 'Oh, with` wliat
affection'will our'Holy"Mother'stretch% out
her hand ttrassist us in' our trials :and diffi
culties." ,
This'heresiarch,goes on to dwell on the
'evil of mixed " marriages; denouncing
*mixededucatiOn aleo; •po‘iririg forth: a
lanienlititioll - asliAlie date Of thin a'jFn
Italy--affirming e. that th, triumph of the
wicked there is short; an' concluding with
the werds : " The grace o — Our LOrd Jesus
Christ, and the intercessi)n t iehis Infinite
ulate Mother; be ' with all." He has
been visiting in Gran elorman . prison,
Dublin, the. notorious Mi :s: Aylward, who
has been condemned' to a si;nionths'. incar
ceration for, persisting in herrefusal ,to tell
the Judges where 'certain ,ki‘inapped Prot-'
estant children were. Cullen; ere ilow;hits.
pretended . that he is not in. favor.of kid
napping; now he fully endorses it. The
1 " martyred" lady lives on the fat of the
earth, and holds' leVees 1t he prison, re
ceiving the homage of her
which make
These , are the things Make Ahe
heart sad, in visiting, and; also
the South and West of Ireland. ,Popery. ;
is the curse of the,country,Avlterever it is
found; degrading and destrpying another-,
wise noble race. There hiis been a 're;
cent murder,' committed lit the county of
Donegal, of Mr. Murray, it most worthy ':•
man, and a land-steward to orm of the pro-;;,
prietors there. The peopled alwaysshelter
the .murderers. It is much to be re
gretted that the `Protestant Bishop of
Tuani has been empleyiAg the forces
of the civil power to ejeet -:a% considz.l
erable body of tenantry vl e ;a4 l , 4l altw . *';,,
itary, estates. The . prop,ertyi Ales[het'te•t' .
long f,ophis See; it comes tea:lin as the son
of the late Lord Plunkett,' ho was a 'fa-
mous orator at the bar in lift 'day, and - the
son. of a PresbYterian mhfister. But, as 1;
the Times indicates, even while the tenantry, ;
may have been refractory4nd Tonic' pay,
no rent, it is a scandal to Protestantism
when a Bishopis the instigator' Of 'legal
proceedings that end in the casting down of
hovels in the depth ofnter, and the f
turning out on the road old and bed - -
ridden people. '9
7 . .
COLPORTAGE IN Lottnolis now aboutto
be brought into operation, ri.
, an extended
scale, by Mr
It .
blin, who has
grown rich 1?3 , his partners
~,p in the Lon
don Grata Percha Works, red_who has re
solved tnciniseerate his wePth to the high
est ends. A meeting, a - -which several
eminent persons attended has been held,
for, -the explanation .of the enterprise.
Qualified 'agents are lido "'selected, arid
they_Will 'sell pure. and he. by literature in
and around 'the metropolis :13 the masses of
the people. "The Pure )Literature So
ciety", has affected much.;; in this way.
already. It is found that teeny people, are
willing to avail themselves of good intel-:
leetual and, moral pabuluml and will aban
don'that which is evil, inhe former be
supplied to them.. id r: , ..,.
Great , social evils arise at Pairs, from, the
penny theatres, and other Anioralizing, ex-
hibitions. An experiment:was Made, not ,
long since, at the Fair of VoYden, in 'Sur
rey, .of an exhibition of dissolving views,
with suitable explanations i The effect was
: most gratifying. The seal means of inno
-cent recreation, and of pal education, is
ling extensively emplofed in' London
itself, in connexion with - tli:e Bible-woman
movement. One gentleriihn ;has devoted.
months to go, night aft"eight, through
the Bible women's dis ',ts, to exhibit
f ic
Scripture views, to the at delight and
benefit of the people: * .
THE CHII4INEY-SW.k,EP f London form
one class, athong whom tip i ace and power
of the Holy'Spiiii; have f en"ltt'opertitio .. '
The other 'day I heard:of two of this class,
who had been very wicked,: coming.; to a
prayer-meeting with tears, asking permis
sion to be allowed to join in the associa
tion. A Christian chimney-sweep was the
informant, with 'regard-to'this, communi
cating it to the. servant mf a family where;
one morning, he was employed.
Chimney,-sweep Tea Meetings:are among
the notable things of these days. About
twelve months ago, as ".Priscilla,' a Bible
woman, was abroad in' her district, a sweep
liiing there said: "There has nothingleen
done for us poor sweeps. I should like to
have a tea-meeting ;, do you think your
Lady " (Superintendent ; ) "would help us ?
,I know if a lady take anything up, she
Will 'go through with it." Nairn/ two
hundred sweeps, with a great many of their
wives, sat do•ivn together, in a spacious
school-room, lent for the occasion. The
behaviour of the party was admirable. The
editor of the British Workman cheered the
meetirig' by bis' presence. He told them
thathe should like to have a Sweeps' Tract
Society, and gave one, guinea 'toward it.
He• also, gave a copy of" The Band of. Hope
Almanac," for 1861, to every man present.
The sweep who had beere the principal
agent in collecting 'his - brother-sweeps, at-
tempted tnaddress the meeting, but he was
so overcome that he could only raise his
arms, and falter out, "I am not ashamed of
the Gospel of Christ." Then staggering
to his
,place, covered with feeling, he buried
his face in his hands, and sit down. The
effect was electrifying, and melted nearly
every sweep in the room into tears. Another
sweep steed up ao d,pointed to the spotwhere
'he had'received his first impression of Chris
tian truth, twenty-two years before, as a
Sunday scholar,'adding : " I-have'-not - been
in _the room "since then. I have • known
something of the misery of sin, but have
never forgetten the teaching I here re-,
ceived, and , now I myself am a teacher, and
otherwise usethily eniployed on behalf of
my fellow-men." He raising.
.his voice and saying : "Try religion, my
fellow-tradesmen; try, the religion of Jesus,
who died to save your iouls, for yourselves.
I never knew, happiness till I beeame a
Christian- man." - Again the tears' rolled
down the rough faces of the listeners, and
two men, notorious as drunken and 'repro
bate, wept bitterly. •
Anoth,er, in recommending his sooty
companions to become religious and act
as men, doing men's work, in making theni
selves useful to others, dwelt on the oppor
tunitVes afforded. of speaking to the servants'
of families, 'and :related a touching anecdote
in point. A,poor girl, whom he saw when,
he went <to .sweep a chimney, finding he
knew something of religion, and being very
unhappy, and without a friend, opened 'her
mind to hiin,mnd told hiinall her.sorrows.
"I laid down my brush," said he, "and
presented to
.her. Christ crucified." Well.
is it asked by a writer in the Book and. its
Missions; " What more could the most gifted
and erudite teacher have done for , the relief
of her soul's misery.?'.'
It is, well ~ to remember that upon' : this
class, :not only, in London, but throughout
the Provinces, a socially elevating influence
has for sometime beeii in operation, through
tha passing of Lord Shaftsbury's Act abol
ishing the practice.of sending children hp
the chimneys,- and the universal Use of the
Rammoneur systemmf cleansing. -It is of
Christianity even' in a boy, under the old
'regime; that ,Deputy Judge :Payne: relates,
in his usual quaint manner,ehe anecdote
of his thrusting' his head out of the
chimney-top, - and carolling out the jubilant
strain: .
'‘‘ The lorroirs of the mind
Be banished from this place;
Religion never was designed
To make our pleasures less." •
It is also worthy of teCollection that
William Carter, a master ehimney-sweep,
and one Of - the-converts in' connexion with
Reliivallwbrk . which -begin: in . - Elaint4ilW
11 'll4* .iine(dflidiell'osi,)
efficient evangelists,. to the xnasses, in thea
tres and public rooms.
A GREAT, BLESSING. has been.. brought
to the ; most degraded of the population of
Edinburgh, and also to very many of, the
populdtion of" Glasgow, by the exhortations
of Messrs. R. Radcliffe and Richard
Weaver. The'' social evil" has received
a,check, and.many poor,creatures have been
restored not only to their
.parents,, or
friends, or have had asylums and honest
induStry_provided for them, but have, there
is good reason-to believe, been truly washed,
and sanetified, and justified. J.W:
'P. S.---Dr. Croley; a City Rector, well
known, as a popular, writer, is no more. He
fet down suddenly, in one of the great
thoroughffires i and died immediately. He
Was seventy-five = years old 'and was an
alumnus. of Trinity College, 'Dublin.
..Another monthly; calld The Temple
Bar.:, Magazine; has • just appeared. It is
edited by George Augustus Sala. Thaek
eritY, in his Cornkill, greets it with a kindly:
Chevalier - Bunsen died= at >Bonn, on the
Rhine, slew days ago, aged seventy. His
recent Rationalistic writings and views have
been vedr mischievous.
lergymen 8 181Y88.
If it be said, the duty , of a clergyman's
wife is only that,of every ; other good wife
to her husband—she is 'nuttried to the' iniu
-only, and she-is not installed over the
•parish, , but her husliandi.Bso.—lin .reply; it
may be said, All this is literally true, but
practically false; ; for she is considered,
equally with her husband, the property of
the parish. She is expected not only to
preside over all of his domestic concerns=
to- visit all 'the families of the , parish!---le
be the at all; the , " female prayer
meetings,". and " Mother's Associations,",
and the ' President, Treasurer, or Directress
general. of the "Ladies' Benevolent and
Beneficent Societies ;" 'but also' to be the
model for all .other females, in dress t de
meanor, and economy--to be at : the ba. of
all who are. afflicted with sickness—to at
tend- every marriage. and every funeral—
in a Word, to be omnipresent, at halite and .
'abroad; in priVate and inpubliC.`
, Isto: woman, unless she-belnade of iron;
or•of 'lndia , ru.bber,. can accomplish all this.
I ,have often thought of the following
sentence, which I onee heard a clergyman
use in an address to a parish, :upon the in
itiation 'of a pager. "Remember," said
he, that you settle this Yuan, as your min
ister, net. his wife." Whether this people
rememberedit or pot, I am> not apprized.
But it may be stated' as a general fact, that
few, parishes do.
It is iie marvel' - that clergymen's wives
." break down". (as the expression is,)when
it is considered how_much they are compelled
to do. ' Usually they have as.many children
as, other women ; and, generally, they en
tertain as; many " strangers " as others do.
Imagine the ministerin his study, where
he must .not be disturbed. The " help," if
she has " help," which many have not,:and
CM but ill afford, is busy in the kitchen.
The good. woman is in the "nursery," with
`three or'four children, all of whom dernand
a mother's 'constant care. ; Th door-bell
rings and Mrs.. H—,. the' deacon's .wife,
and,fikiss the deacon's daughter, en
ter,- The "maid ef all work " has, run te
'`.the . denr; and ushered - them into the "sit
ting:roOiii,"andtheri informed her.mistrnss.
Bit-how can•she leave Eel., children,'when
one i t s but‘half• dressed, andanother is sick,•
and 'a: third is Crying for this or that ?
Then• she, must" change , her, dress," as, she
cannot appear before II Mrs.and her
daughter, occupying the station which she
:clods; and they do, in the church •and par
iah, in a.. nursery apparel. The dress is
changed in, a lurry—the children still cry
ing, and she meets , her company , with, her
nerves all'exeited, and her heart palpi-
The, ordinary: compliments are passed,
and Mrs. i says "Icalled early this
morning toinquire about the new private
school, which has just been' opened in the
"village,. as L understood you thought of
sending your-oldest daughter. . I concluded,
upon consulting with the deacon, that if
yon knew enough about the school fo send
your daughter, 'you could inform:x:lm what
f had better do about sending • If—. I
was sorry to trouble you about it, but ;I felt
'as though I could not send her, until I
knew your mind about the matter2,'
fine, the teacher is sufficiently recommended,
and-111V.' — concludes' she will Send
to the•school.
They -have just arrived ate the door to
leave, when Esquire ; T. walks up and en:
ters. l4'e says : "I called 'to see „Mr. M
a moment, 'about the wood, of whieb.
spoke to me. I suppose he in - his staidy
atAhis honr and does- notwish to be ,dis
tuthed.. - .Verhaps you would do just as
well; ma'am. :I was, going to ask whether
you would, have it half pine, or not? I
burn more-pine t lan ar woo .
'The lady replies.: "" I heard my 'husband
say he preferred the hard wood, as it lasts
so much longer; ' The wood question is
soon settled, and Escpife, T. is about leav
ing; when up comes's yonag man, a,strang
er; with rosy cheeks, and' beard upon 'the
-Upper lip, and with manyhows and -scrapes,
- and a good degree of: confidence, enters,
and introduces himself as Mr. , alma
osic-teacher from ihe city.
'Addressing hiniself to Mrs, M. `as the
lady of the!house; whom he could nat'well
mistake (as he heard Esquire T: pronounce
her name when he departed, saying, " good
morning;'.'_) "I.was informed by Mrs. G.,
'one of your people, that she thought your
two daiighters ought to take niusie-lessons,
as they were 'old- enough ; andthe Minister's
children, above' all, others, ought to learn
uttaic, as it is so important that they.should
be able to sing; and, as we pay him a good
salary—six hundred dollars a year—he can
certainly'Well afford to"give them such an
education as should be an example to his
people." AL concludes, very much
to the disappointment of the music -master,
that she will not have her daughters take
lesgons yet, as they ate young, and she does
not feel that Elk. 'can affth:diti; and the city
music-teacher 'leaves.
But as he withdraws, shesays to herself,
What could . Mrs.. G. mean by speaking so
about, our salary? D,oes. she uot know:
that we cannot live upon hundred dol
'lam, and never have lived . upon it. She
•mtist:know;it. ' - • • •
The children (in..;the plight in which
Mrs. M. left them. when the first callers
came) had now remained so for an hour or
more; and just as she was approaching the
nursery to look after them; Betty appeared,
with :anxious countenance, and inquired,
" What were we to do abont: dinner 7 The
market-an•had not came, and they. were,
to have company to dine!! deair
exclaimed Mrs': M., "'what more can I
do?" At this crisis the door-bell rang
again ; and
- 'Dips the dress-maker,
made : her' appearance. Betty ushered her
into the. "sitting-room," when she com
menced as follows : " Mrs. 'lt., the land
lord's,wife, at the .hotel, was very much
pleased-with Mrs. M.'s flew 'dress, last Sab
bath, and'slie '(thn diesailitileer) wa.s_going
to, the city ; wither to e a t just snob one.
. tt . and what was the
',ricrac • •,..04141tOgoilit oileiriciltemalijot
WHOLE NO, 431.
Was it a Paris pattern ; ?.She never did
see a dress sp beautiful, and -fit so.well!" ,
Betty hastened to the nursery to inform
her mistresS, and•to' requestler immediate
presence; as the dressmalpr was in'a hurry;-
for they had been delayed so long , already,
that the ears would start and leave them.
„ .
But Mrs. M. bad fbund the children in
such condition that site could not leave
them immediately, so, as the dress-Maker
could not wait, she had to leave without
the necessary information. • .
When• Miss P. communicated her ill-suc
cess to the landlord's wife, the latter was
quite discetaposed. Her visit to the city
would be of no use, as she might hunt
from street to street, and store to store; and
spend the whole day .withoutat last finding
• one where. Mrs. M. bought her dress;
and if she foimd it, of what use would it
be, unless she could know where it was cut?
She did wish their minister's wife could
leave her children .a minute. .They were
no better than other, people's children ' if
they were the minister's, though:, their
mother thought they were. She hasn't
spark of politeness about her, if. she is the
minister's wife. She don't know what
good manners are; if she did, she wouldn't
treat her in ,this way, when her, husband
po44,en, dollars a,year toward the...minis
ter's. support. It was astonishing how un
grateful' some creatures were. Iler hus
band should leave that meeting, that he
should. She'd let the parson , know that!!
All this Was soon carried to the ears of
,Mrs M. and her husband, by - Miss Spinster,
-whi) boarded at the hotel, and who was a
very gootifriend of the minister and his
wife. "'Lam so good a friend to you,”
said she, that ,I can't hear such things
.said about our minister's wife without tel
ling you on't. Some people keep every-
thing from the minister till all • the parish
get against' him, and then he has to leave,
and makes a great stir, and'we're all broke
up, and have to get a new minister. -But
that was never my - way. I don't think - des
Christicta. When I hear anything, against
minister or, his wife, I always come right
off and tell him on't ; and I think, if ev
erybody'd do so, it would save a great deal
of trouble, because, you know, he ought to.
know what :the people say about him, and
who are his friends, and who,are his me.:
"-But the landlord's wife is dreadfully
Put out; and there's another thing, now
I'm here, which I ' spose 'I ought to
tell you.. My Aunt Q----, you know
she's an old. lady, and been a leading mem
ber in thechnrch a great many yearS, long
before you came here, and she'sgot Money,
and paid ever so much to help the parish
along. She says she's very sorry you of
fended the landlord's wife so, for though
she'd heard that he didn 't.keep-a very or
derly house, and sold' liquor, and had diutc
,ing parties, and other Company from the
city, yet he helped support you; and We
can't afford to-lose anymore:from. the par
ish now, since so many have gone away of
late.' She says she don.'t think you
meant to offend Mrs. 8., but yeti didn't
consider how hard it comes upon a few. of
us who have to bear.' the heat-and:burden'
of supporting you. .It .didn't used to be
so, when our last minister, was here (dear
,man,) and his wife too I What a woman
she was? She loved everybody, and visit
ed the poor as well as the rich. But they
. - , ...0t-kind- , of discouraged. and.a., richer-soci
ety gave him, a call, he-left us; and
Any aunt says; 'we never got along so well
since; and she don 't know what we're . ,
coming to new, if the landlord 'won't pay
any more.'
"Besides, my aunt (she's had to pay so
much here a great while, that she keeps
the run , of things pretty well) says, (,shels,
heard of two or three, families, down to
t' other end of the parish, which are going
to leave because you dont 't visit 'em more.
They see you only at•church,...on Sundays,
no,more 'than though you wasn 't.our min
sister, and, they say, they, should , think Mrs.
might call one:e in a.. while if you
can 't."
Thus Miss Spinster ran on, till the com
pany came (a neighboring. clergyman = and
his wife and daughter,) and then stayed : to
It' was Friday, and the Preparatory Lea
ture came in the afternoon, and the Tisit
ing clerical brother was to preach it, as
used to be the , general practice in olden
time in the State of " steady habit's." ~
Mrs M., poor woman, though she had
not had a moment . 's rest, prepared herself
to attend the lectitre, as well as she mild,
which was, howeyer, but thinly attended by
the =church. •
The poor pastor's health, and, especially
that of his wife, had begun to fail; and when,
at - night;` they came to retire, - she could,
suppress her 'sorrow ,no longer). Nature
wasoverpowered--the drops of , this - last
day's trial had caused the cup, to overflow
--the heart was breaking ; and she b,urst
`forth into a flood of tears.
When nature was a little releaved by the
breaking up of this; fountain of scalding
tears, Ars., M. said - :," 0 -dear ; ! husband,
what shall we do.? I have labored . , and
suffered,:and 'tried` to do the best I could,
till I fell as though I can 'do' no More. I
have neglected my children,' neglected "my'
household atiairs,:and•negleeted you;'all , to
try. to perform my, duty to,,this people,, to
do them good."
In a few days, Mrs. M. was taken sick,
It was not sickness of the body only, 'but'
that also; of " wounded which
none eau bear. It was alovr, lingering fe
ver, with delerium, such as attends extreme
exertion and over-action of both mind and
body. It was her last sickness—that by
which she was`takerillonie 'to her Father's
house:above. It.was.death.from a broken,
heart !—death . , from . a fastidious, ungrate
ful, wicked people. And when the day of
final reckoning coines, on whose heads Will'
the blood of 'this poor, innocent, devoted,
but-unfortunate wife and r,mother, fall ?--
G'orn,ell's " Haw to Enjoy,
" Go on, Sir, Go oft." 7
Arago ; says, in-'his autobicgraphy, that
his master in mathematics was a, word or
two of adviee.wlAch he found in the, bind
ing of one of his text-books. Puzzled and
,discouraged by the difficulties which he
met with in his early studies, he was'altilost
ready to' give over the pursuit. Some
words ' Which, he found; on waste leaf
used to stiffen the cover ef lks paper hound
text-book caught his eye ,a 0 interested
him. "Impelled," he says, "by an inde
finable curiosity; dampened the cover of
the book. and carefully unrolled the leaf, to
see.what was on the other side. It proved
to be a, short letter. from .IrAlernbert to a
young person_ disheartened,. like myself, by
the: difficulties of mathematical study, arid
:who had: written to' hirn for 'Counsel: Go
on, 'sir, „go - on,' . was the counsel which
I D'Alembert gave him.. ',The, difficulties
you. meet will resolve themselves as you ad:
vance. Procee:d, and light will dawn
. and
shine wittk increasing clearness on your
ig That maxim," says Arago,2" was my
greatest master in mathematics."
Following out these simple words ," Go
on, sir, go on," made him. the first astror
nomiear mathematician of his age. "'What„
make of-us-144Whik.
• • •
• ,
• • •
The list of savans . in Geneva would equal
that of Zurich in length, and no words of
ours could add to their -renown. It was ,
not the birth-place of Calvin, but was the
theatre of • his labors, and' many of the
scarcely less bright and shining lights of
his time. His house is still the Mecca of
Protestant pilgrims. Rousseau was born
in Geneva, and she gave Solone to Eng
land; Le Clem to Holland, Lefort to Rus
sia, and Neckar to France. Here, too, was
the home -of Vernet, of De Luc, Provost,
Banlacre, Romilly, Le Sage, Diodati,
let, Pictet, Berenger, D'lvernois, and Isla
bert. 'Voltaire did not live in the city,
but it was the scenery around her waters
that tempted him' o form his little para
dise at Ferner, and that has tempted from
time to time nearly all the beaux esprits of
Paris; and her lake has been the 'nucleus.
around whiCh have gathered those of all
the world, especially the unfortunate who
must fly from oppression, or who sought a
solace for their misfortunes. The history
of- these alone would form, an 7interesting
volume, without including what they have
themselves written._ Byren 9 ,d it " beau
tiful as a:dream arid one can almost re
joiCe at the affliction which sent him forth
a lonely wanderer when he reads the Pris
oner of Chillon, Manfred,. and Cade Sur
old, the songs 7hicla he sang 'on Genevahs
banks. Madame de Stael, surrounded .by.
her brilliant coterie, lived at Coppet. The .
new castle was owned first by Count Do : .
lina, and net fell 'into the. hands Of a richbanker of St. Gall, not a millionaire *lively,
but the lord of many millions. hi the
reign and through the injustice of Louis
XIV., he was despoiled, and died in the
miserable hut of a poor woman of Ver
sailles. It then became the pOss6ssion of
• the Minister of this king, -the father' of
Madame de Stael. She was the -magnet
which attracted-all-the sages, philosophers,
and literati of the' :then .k.nalth world—a
constellation, perhaps the most ,brilliant
which has ever shone upon it. Napoleon
scattered them to the fbur wiads,though
he could'not put out their light—alas!
that he ihould have learned Afterwards so
bitterly what it is to be a `fugitive and
exile. There is scarcely a sod of the Re
public which has not been pressed by the
foot of the unfortunate.
Publication ()thee
GAZETTE BUILDINGS; 848 - rim Si:, Dirielitmaix, PA. ,
A Square, (8 lines. or less,) one, insertion, 40 cents; each
subsequent insertion, 40 cents ; eactlylineloyond eight, 5 eta.
A Square per quarter, $4.00; each line additional, 83 cents.
.4L-Banneriorr 2011413 to advertisers by the year:
BVSINESS NOTIGES,of TEN lines or less, $l.OO each ad
ditional line, 10 cents.
heroea of faith, what stuns in holy wisdom
should we, become just saves
acting out that
maxim, , " ao on, go on."
" Then shall we know him, if we follow
on to know the. Lord; his going forth is
prepared as the morning." If the world
should refuse to open its eyes to the day
because it does not begin•with noon ' instead
of the first faint struggle of twilight with
the dominion of darkness, it would lose the
day altogether. So with the soul which does
not admit / with humble and thankful glad-
MN, the first lash of the spiritual dawn,
the first beams of that " true light which
lighteth every man that cometh into the
world." It remains in perpetual night—a
night which passes at last into the black
ness of darkness. But admitting and re
joicing in these morning rays, we enter on
that" path of the just which shineth more
and more unto the perfect day."
„ . .
The Leafs •
At.ittso-faelpit4on-4theik,ist.inrAiN t iktw
s escriptive and analyta4asgages.
The following is from the 'last volume of
the Node' rn Painters':
The leaves, as we shall see imniediately,
are the. feeders. of the ptant. Theis 'cwn
orderly habits of succession must not in
terfere with their‘Main business of finding'
food. Where :the sun- and air are, the deaf
must go, whether it be out of order or not.
So, therefore, in any group, the firsteonsid
eration, with the young leaves is much like
that of yiiung bees-how to' keep out of
each 'other's w. that every one may leave
its neighbot4' as much free-air pasture as
possible, and obtain a relative freedom for
itself. This would be quite a simplematter,
and produce other -simply-balanced- forms,
if each branch :with open air all round, it,
had nothing to think of but reconcilement
of interest among its own leaves. But
every branch has others to meet or to cross,
sharing with them,- in various advantage,
what shade, or.eun, or rain is to be had.
Hence, every. single.-leaf-cluster presents
the general' aspect er a little family entire
ly-at unity among themselves, but obliged
to-get-their diving: by various- bhifti; con
cessions, and infringments of the family
rules, in order not, to invade the privileges
of other people in their neighborhood.
And in the arrangement of these conces
sions• there is an exquisite sensibility
among the leaves. They do not grow, each
to his own•liking, till against one
another, and then turn back sulkily; but,
by a watchful instinct, far apart, they an
ticipate their companion's courses, as edg
ed' tissues guide themselves by the sense
of each-other's remote. presence, and by a
watchful penetration of leafy purpose in
the , far future. So that every shadow
which one casts on the next, and every glint
of sun which edcli reflects to the next, and
every tench which', in toss 'of storm, each
receives_from the next,. aid or arrest the
development of their advancing form,
and direct, as. will .be-the. safest- and, best,
the curve of every fold and .current, of every
vein. And this peculiar character exists
in all the' structures thus developed, that
they are'always visibly the' result of a vo
lition on the part of the leaf meeting an
external force or fate to which it is ever
passively subjected. Upon it, as upon a
mineral in the course of formation, the great
merciless influence of the universe, and
the-oppressive powers of minor things im
mediately near it,.. act continually. Heat
and cold, gravity,,and.the.other attractions,
windy pressure, cr. local and unhealthy
restraint, must, in Certain'-inevitable de
grbes,•affect the whole of 'its life. But it
is life which they affect; a life of progress
and will—not. a merely. passive accumula
tion of matter.".
Iu Important Distinction.
Rev. W. McMahon, a venerable Metho
dist, minister, is writing reminiscences of
his early life. He founded the first Meth
odist Church in Huntsville, Alabama. The
scene, of the following anecdote, we believe,
is located somewhere in that part of the
State: .
" I had preached this year to a hardened
congregation of wealthy sinners, where
there was no society, and, I suppose, they
thought themselves free from responsibility,
so far as pay was concerned. When I was.
preaching my last sermon to them, I re
marked that I had preached to them some
time the 'best I could, and that if I had.
not preached as well as others, I had
preached aakicheap a , Gospel as any other
man ever did; ,that for all my labor among.
them, I, had; not received as much as ,would
wrap my little finger with dons. .As
was taking my leave of them, there. was
some feeling. manifated,Vrien
,large, fat
old man came up tci the pulPit, 'blubbering
and wiping his eyes, and said : God. bless
you, sir _ ; " if We poor critters do n't pay you,
the; Lord will.''l understand,' said I,
e flits jigrd 'is the very good for his own
contratt",. ever-heard -heard that he was
hound to pay your debts.'