Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, December 22, 1860, Image 1

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Editors and Proprietors.
Pi ;in LH 13tro99airriona , 81a
TN Ci,uns 1.24
tnnartatte El RITZIER OP xtrEl Wise .. .2.00
FOr T IVO Dow Arts, we will send by mall seventy nuOpers
and for O:TR DOLLAR, thirty-Om lumbers. ~
Pastors sunaing 118 TWENTY subscribers mut upwards,
b 3 thereby entitled to a paper without charge. .
Renewals should bo prompt, a little before the year expires
ilond payinents by safe Imbi, or by mail. .
liir4iet aflutter* to DAVID M'MNNBY £ 00.,
Pittsburgh, Pa.
The theory of our ChUfch, supported by
the clearest SeriPtiral authority, is that
great care and thoroukli'examination arc to
be exercised by the,Pi.eaby teries, in the intro
duction of men te the holy ministry. For
this purpose a regular series of trials with
respect •to their''knowledge, aptness to
teach, and•fittidss , for the ministry of recon
ciliation In. all its Varied interests, are pre:
scribed. members of the different
Presbyteries are solemnly bound to act
faithfully in this matter, that they may be
able to arriVe at some *ell-grounded con
einsion, as far as it' is possible todo 'so,
with regard to the intellectual attainments
of candidates, their general character fot.
prudence arid soundness of judgment, 'an r d
especially with respect to their 'personal
piety. Whilst exercising the'greatest kind
ness, and manifesting- the tenderest affec
tion, they've not to. be influenced by' mere
sympathy, 'but they del& decide the case
of each one aceording'to the teachings of
the Word of God, and the Standards of the
Church, This is a duty from which they
have no right to shrink ; which they can
not evade before God and the Church with
out blame.
But there is reason to fear that our Pres
byteri es are in danger of making a retrograde
movement, and of taking it for granted
that applicants who have passed through a,
regula,r College course, with more Or less
credit 'to themselves, and entered the Theo
logical Seminary, are therefore fully com
petent to the work' of the ministry. How
ever, it should be borne in mind that our
Theological Seminaries, however useful,
excellent and necessary, are not the Pres
byteries;' and that the Presbyteries have
no right `to commit virtually the decisions
at to the qualiilealions of candidates, to the
• Professors of Theology. This is a respon
sibility the 'Presbyteries cannot roll over,
on others. •
Again : the want ef ministers is great;
the call is urgent. The harvest is perish
ing for want of laborers. And the desire
to meet these claims is natural and right.
Consequently we look with favor upon
every consecration to this great work; .and
are willing to allow many obvious imper
fections to be no bar in the way of those
who profess'a great desire to proclaim the
glad tidings of the Gospel. So far has
this feeling , gained ascendency, that we
have more than, once or twice <heard it in
timated of these who were endeavoring. to
form an accurate opinion as to the qualifi
cations of candidates, by thorough exam
ination and 'a little delay; that- they were
resisting the Holy Spirit. Is 'it not a
fast that in many instances Presbyteries are
less careful to test the capabilities of candi
dates for the ministry, than County Super
intendents are to test the capacities of the
teachers ,of the Common Schools? And
after licensure, Presbyterial oversight, in
most cases, previous,to ordination, is a, mere
form. After a young man has been ii
censed, so long as he is free from scandal,
there is but little inquiry, 'Presbyterially,
as to the manner in which he acquits hiM
self, and any farther inqUiry as to his re
ligious experience is a mere form. •
But such was not the custom. ofour
fathers in Western Pennsylvania. The
want of ministers was great and pressing,
ariltthey . longed, 'played, and 'labored for an
increase. But this did not'lead them to be.
unmindful 'of their obligations to watch
well the door of entrance to the ministry'
of reconciliation. Warmly did they wel
come the licentiate that made his appear
ance in their 'bounds ; but just in proportion,
to the cordiality of their greeting was their
desire to assure themselves, as far as possi 7
ble, according to the Word of. God and the
a w of the Church, of his worthinbss, both
mentally and spiritually. Of this, ample
evidence is left on record.
We were reminded of this the other
day when looking into Dr. SMITH'S admi
rable " History of Old Redstone'-" for an
other purpose. It was not enough for this
venerable body that a yew:T.:mai) 'desired
to preach the Gerspel, or even that he pos
sessed, a certificate of licensure. Several
instances are 'recorded of the Presbytery's
refusing permission to a licentiate'to preaih
even' when there was not:the least 'ahadow
of immorality,, quid of the cheerfulacquies- ,
°once of the licentiate with the decision.
Those fathers .desired some 'reasonable
proofs of experimental piety, as well as of
surmient learning; and they required
" regular " papers, of those who, sought a :
connexion withi them. .
On the 20th of December 1785 ; Mr.
Mitx. .A.DDISON, from a Presbytery in
Sootland produced a certificate of his been
sure.and also of his good deportment. At .
the!same time application was made for his
labors,ltorn the town of Washington, 'until
the next Meeting of . Presbytery, and a re
quest was alio. presented that some one
would be appointed .to moderate a call, for
Mr. ADDISON, from the '.same place. But
after conversation' with him, the Presby
tery though pleased with his ability and
address, did not see the ,way dear to re
ceive him without some limitation. Yet
permission was given to Mr.' Ai:11)180N to'
preach in Washington until the' next meet , '
ing. After some time he, gave up preach-,
ing, became a lawyer of distinction, and
was an active and liberal supporter of the
First Prasbyterian church, Pittsburgh. At'
Pigeon Creek on the 15th of August, 1786,
Mr. Ryan 11101u - 480N, a candidate from
the Presbytery,
_of Ante, in Ireland., ap
plied to be taken, under the care of this
Presbytery ; but the members did not , see
their way clear to adinit him. In 1791 a
MAnoN, a candidate of the Presbyl,
tery of Carlisle came to Pittsburgh ,and
preached to the First church a year or
more; but when he applied to `Presbytery
fur ordination inOctober 179'3 he was
not able to give satisfaction " on, the sub
ject of his experimental,aequaintance with
religion." Ha immediately 'hpplied for
his dismission, and left. He was followed
J.)y a young man named STEELS_,SAMPLE,
who also did not receive ordination. Af-
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terwards he became a very eminent. lawyer.
And great care seems to have been exer
cised in the full receptionef the Rev. ROBT.
STEELE, the predecessor of Dr. HERRON.
Though he - had been fuliy ordained to the
ministry, in Ireland, this Presbytery in Oc
tober, 1800, assigned 'Mtni atrial sermon to
be delivered, at the next Spring meeting.
At the meeting in April, 1801, the sermon
was delivered but not sustained. Another
text was assigned him fora sermon at the
meeting in the Fall. This sermon was de
livered in October, but shared the mine fate
as the first one. Still' another text was as
signed for aserinon in the following Spring!
And at this meeting in April, 1802, he was
at length allbwed to take his Seat as a member
Of Presbytery I These instances are snffieient
to show the 'care, judgment, and conscien
tioustiess`With which our fathdrs
. acted in
the important matter we have been donsid
ering. May their example not be lost up
on their successors.
The minister' of the Gospel is often
placed in very, trying circumstances.
And probably he is never more at a loss
than when called to the bedside of one
suddenly stricken down by disease or acci
dent, who has at,most only a. few days to
live, and who has never given any evidence
of being converted to God. §p.clua, case as
this calls into exercise all his affection,
firnaness, 'and. Christian, prudence, that he
may ,be able to lead the ,sufferer to the
Lamb of God, , and at the:. same, time .deal
tenderly with the life that is so rapidly,
ebbing: away. And not unfrequently the
mistaken caution of relatives, and the in
fluence of ungodly physicians, do much to
impede the , pastor .and to interfere with the
proper improvement of the precious. mo
ments that remain. In the little book he
fdra,us we have
_a beautiful example of 'pas
toral fidelity and love, united with great
skill in bringing before the mind and im
pressing upon the heart of a promising
youth who had received an injury from
which *there was no hope of recovery, and
Which terminated fatally in seven days, the
very 'truths of the Gospel suited to his con
ditio'n, and Which there is good, reason to
'believe, were blessed of God to the saving
of the soul. 'At the same time the hearty
cooperation of parents; relatives, and phy
sicians with the pastor,is worthy of, all coin
This touching record by Mr.'
WniLS must be a halm to the wounded
hearts of the parents, whilst it will be of
igreat benefit to :ministers and Christians,
generally, in directing them to the proper
treatment of those whose coUrse has' been
suddenly arrested, and who are soon to ap
pear before God.
SON. ' By J, D,lVggq, pastor of thejouth,Titirg
Street Presbyte;ia
Pp. 199. RO6ert Carter 4. Bratkers.
Pittsburgh: Robert S.. Davis,
Religious Counsels.
- 'D a Ai FRIEND.—I , *as as anxious
to see you, as you were- to- see me, and'
when I heard that you had been in
and had called at my house, I greatly re
gretted that my absence had occasioned
disappointment to •'us both. Our 'fernier
conversations'assure t me that you desire'
further communication, on the, subject of
religion. And, apprehensive that your fail
ing strength may not permit you again to
come this 'distance, I employ the 'pen 4 4 0)
convey tit few thoughts on Cthat subject
which taw appears to, you Art, its true
light, full of interest a.n.d. importance.. .
It is serious'thing, to have the message'
brouglit home to one's-selfirhichwas once
brought to King Hezekiet,t " Set thyliouse
in order, for thou shaltldie, and 'not
of this, you are perfectly, ; aware ; as you
have Passed througltthe uncertain, and, du
bious`Stage Or your inalady, and iegaid its
`progress'noW as resistless - and sure. But
time is given for repentance tend trust in
the Divine. Saviour. , I am happy : to know
-you are not, only, inclined, but anxious, 1
so to employ it. You are, not destitute of
spealitive knowledge Of the Gospel
scheme oftsalvationt; yet .1-will: reiterate it'
in the. simpl'est. termstattid form. You are
a sinner .;and need ; , salvation ; a.--helpless.
sinner,. arid need it -from the power and
grace of GOd. The grOund on which the,
,smner is Saved is, the obedience, and 'death
of 'Christ in ;our stead: t 7 Ifis righteousness
is- accepted day our offended God, and . reckzi
,oned or iraputed to ,our, acommt--not, .of
'course, to sinners who Jefuse it, but to
those who accept'and trust it. That 'fruit,'
is denemiriated in the Serintniee l , , :-faith;'
and sinners tare' said' to` 45e saved throug,h .
tfaith, and' tot be justified. by:faith. t! It- is an
:approval of God's, way of savingsinful men,
through the Merit of. Christ's, death an,
approval's° entire and cordial, that We would
riot wish to have the plan different from what'
it is,. nor 'to Have our- own righteousness
reckoned at, all, as the ground. of tour .ac
ceptance. Faith
. includes,. also, a hearty
,choice Of God's way of saving us, in,,pref
deuce' to any conceivable plan; beildes, this'
is.expressed by the Word'ttust. -The sense
and. conviction of sin will produce a. -two
fold emotion, a fear of itsdreadful penalty
and a shame and sorrow that we have of
fended God. Repentance of sin always
accompanies faith in the Gospel. This
you will not suppose, is merely a regret of
transient continuance. Repentance is ta
hearty sorrow for sin and aversion .to it, op.
crating to produce reformation of life and
conformity to the law of God. It is. bean
tifully joined with faith', repelling the' af
fections'nnd habits from 'what is 'evil, as
faith attracts them to that which is good
and true. And both are the, - result, of, the
Holy Spirit's influences on the, soul,, with
out which we would never' repent or be-
Beve.l ' -
Yon? Concern about the futUre welfare of
your; •sotili iet seasonable and proper. You
shoudd follow the leadings of that concern,
nor allow anything, to prevent, or delayyour
closing with the• offers of Divine mercy,
by castiig yeurielf at the feet of Jesus,
earnestly7trustfidly, crying' Lord save me,
Goa be merciful ;to •me it sinner. Trust
not in your , works - or, religious, exercises, -
but trust in the a tonement . anthintercession
of 'Chriit.
, .
Then will you be safe, e and , hope, and
happiness will come to your, anxious mind.
Death will be measurably 'Or wholly strip
ped of its terrors,• and eternal life with its
holiness and felicity, .will be attractive and
pleasant to contemplate. As a,poor tin,-
deserviag sinner, commit yourself to the,
allLsufficient and meritorious Saviour, and
he will by no means cast you off.' - itevolie
in your mind the precious assurance,that he ,
gives, .".Whosoever cometh to me in
.Far-the Presbyteritut 'Banner
no wise , cast out;" or the. beautiful and
impressive paraphrase of it,
" The'soul that to Jesus has fled foi repose,
I will not, I will not desert to his foeS;
That soul,. though all hell hduld' endeavor to
never, no never, no naver, forsake."
Yours, sincerely,
• -
Par the Prebsyterian Banner
Truth as ..Needful as Sincerity.
From my intercourse with the world, I
suppose that nine-tenths of irreligious peo
pie. feel no responsibility for' what they be
lieve. Tito' cannot see how they can be
guilty, if they are sincere and Imnest in
their belief. It is true that honesty of
purpose cry ireatly modifies, the guilt of
an erroneous` belief, but it neither makes
it right' rnor takes away its evil,;COnse
quences. Your ; confidence in an unskillful
physician will not amend his mal-practice.
Being sincere in your choice, you will have
no reason for self reproach, but it will net
relieve from the injury that he has inflicted
upon you
,The•evil consequences'of our.smistukes we
must suffer;. :whether , they pertain to the
body or the soul,, to earth or heaven. 'ln
religion 'there is a right, and there is wrong.
If you are in, the righti the reward will be
yours ; but if in the wrong, youimust suffer
in ,proportion: to that wrong. What!dread
ful consequences follow wrong •-.belief, even
in this world! Take the case of the multi
tude, the day Christ 'was' crucified.. They
were honest in what they did. A blind
zeal for the honor of God urged, them -en.
When the , deed WAS done it could , not be un
done. They. had slain their Messiah. His
bleod.was upon them They must forever
carry with them the consciousness that they
had slain the Prince of Life.
Thus it ever. is 'in the. drama of our
earthly life—we must in .all cases reap the
fruit of our sowing.; If we ," sow the
wind" we " shall reap the whirlwind."
If we take up false opinions in reltgion,
they will quickly land, us in a dangerous
position ; from which; unless- discovered in
time, t here, will beau; escape::: ' . T,1f,0,a6 Jews,
however honest.and devout,,were v gailty of
the blood of their MesSiah, and efforts
whatever will cancel the deed. Repentance
and a -new, life might, and 'for manyof them
did; procure pardon ; butstill; the Sad truth
remains" that they crucified the Lord of
Glory., But many of them•passed the line
of repentance, and henceforth it isltbpos-
Bible for them to .have removed either the
crime or its'guilt. It cabinit be too deeply
impressed' upon the -min'd• that we 'are
responsible for what we .believe ; and•that
we will be rewarded according toourbelief,
and not our sincerity.
, ; If our trust is in
the truth of .045 d, we shall reap life; but if ,
our trust has been -in a'lie, we shall reap a
harvest of dies. This truth we see
trated every day. ~ • - •
Let, us take one incidenCfrom real life,
to show that though perfectly sincere, our.
mistakes may be followed by dreadful and
irreparable'suffering. The cabin of a poor
couple, the parenta of Tour 'small children,
stood near ' =the'-railroad track: • The fathers'
was at work on the railroad.; The mother
had occasion to visit:the neighboring vil-„
lage. She could not take her, children
With her, and she' feared to leave theni at
liberty,leStAhey`shdhldwancler to the rail;
road and 'be killed: with ;the , train. • , She
called them into tie ; house ; put out the fire,
and locked, them in,; secure as she .thought
from: harm, but she had overlooked a boa
of inatehes which lay within their reach. '
They wereofound, and with characteristie
thoughtlessness the children began to. play
with them upon the. bed. Soon the bed
was inflames, then the Fright-.
erred, they.ran to the door, but it had been
lo'cked by nibother's hand. They call ;upon
their mother's' mine, but bo' indther 'hears
their piercing cry. „The flames !•grOw•
stronger and , stronger, ;the children scream
Wilder and wilder. A neighbor. attracted
bylheir ories r runs to their rOief. •It was
a sad sight that met his eyes- he=" burst'
into that dwelling. , Two.of these; littlebnes
were blready dea7d,,,axid another was, strug- :
gling in the
_jaws of a frightful burning
death. The' fact that thoughtlessly 'those
children began their Play'did - not relieve
the frightfulness nor reality of their deatk
The-fact , that -,:she acted for the best, does
not. relieve the desolation of that nother'S
heart, nor takeaway her . agony.
.Just so it
is in spiritual concerns. If we' trifle`
the things •of bternity,:they consume
us. ; .,lf , we, drink into onr hearts ,lies,
though the cup be, presented,by a mother's,
hand, we must in our bearing the dread
ftil consequence'. 'Sin may seem to you .
little - thitig, and' its'' consequences - eagly
avhided,-but be not. thus ,deceived Those
children thought it .but ;,a little- thing , to
strike a match and then , extinguish ,the
flame, but When the'dwelling was in
hair hopeless ! 'So' Whensin has taken hold
upon 'the issues-of year
gie invain ofU its !consuming
p,ower ape .your i soul .like,••,•tlae.
devouring, flames. ,'Beware how You trifle,
With sin Nothing but the that is in
Jestri 'mike-yen free Tail -6' Obtain
that , truthin lifevand you 'make a dreadful ,
shipwreck of your being. • But.take Christ
,portiontand you liveforever.
A.- B. M.
Donation Party'.
On Wethiesday last, the . , paitor of the
Birmingham church,' Guernsey •County, 0.,
was ,wonderfully. • surprised.' by, the appear-2
ance at, his residence., in,Autrinv of, er, joy
ful and well::appointed band, consisting of a.
large "representation' of the Birmingham
church. After surrontiding'the house; and'
giving the Alarm to•dts ,, inhabitants; they'
commenced taking,possession, of the differ
ent ;apartments;.; '
so depositing,: in their,
appropriate places the contents of ,Certain
baskets and boxes, begs 'and pipers, they
brought with them, Stored with pleasant:
and valuable articles. of ecinanierce. The
granary, smoke=house; ; pantry, cellar,. and
wardrobe, were all amply stored.
After some time, amidst the hurry
and ',alirpriSe, 'the pastor :end his lady :
were invited' to' be 'seated a.t . a iable,l
filled-,with the good ,and , nice things
of t:his life. Jt was, truly, p. feast of
love, and' an exemplification : of those geed : ,
old' limes when the foliewers of the Re
deeinerlbrought their individual' gifts and'
poured them into the toinmon. treasury.
Even, were such meetings , not ~so profitable.
to the„pastor as this has been t, his purse,
and his household stores, they would doubt
less' be advantageous. to him in 'the
charge of'' , his pastoral duties, in dismay of
enconrag,ing ,b,im in his work, and.of bring , :
ing his ; people ;together on.; the common ,
platform of their Christian character and
Christian hope. That our dear friends may
lose nothing,' but iather gain much more
than they have , parted with, and more
speakably; in, spiritual blessings, is v'the
grateful prayer of their obliged pastor,and
his family, and that may s meet in our
heavenly Father 'S tonne, 'attain the enjoy
ment of its infinitely „greater and more
'lasting PrMleges. Let • other charges go
and 'do likewise: . KNOX;
Antrim, December 8,1.860:
portunity to show
°isles the generous
come given .the
Prince. of Wales, $37
Ambsgador, on. a visa
There that yenerahll
locks and Puritan
aspecit `always inspire
the midst of a happy
'For the FrefibYtitilan Banner
TO Essex,Powsa OY EVAN
11:0 'onuion oF
*Warta WUXI...SUS PLS./it,*
the joys of the best o
over both their sons,
tiplied` journeyings
ieve there neVer-wat
politically speakin g
dent Buchanan's inv
that never did the
as high , in English
Socially and religie
Prince,cannot fail
ertee; and a quarrel
issue in .am` interne(
between the two
VICTOR -Emmik.
some time after hi
.consolidated his .
pointments of able
of the Two Sicilie*
sliming constituti
less it will be a' lo
will be ,Tight, am
Popery, and despo
debauch and dem+
frequent, fearful lie:
reigned in the 'h
Francis as a King is
secret adherents who
be powerless as to p,
will still fester as
,e 6
the triass.
The King of Tin' :• E
'flannel, has yet ,
to m iluer elm hearts. of-the
Neapolitans, whose,rtal and. sole f 4 King:of
Hearts". is at. pretnt Garibaldi. Eyep
when the " Hymn ''to Victor Emmanuel
is sung, the masse demand , ; that which
exalts the name 'o Garibaldi,' and with
• s 4: ,
impatienteagernes' ' • they - ;7.cry , '•out ' liar
his return to, , Nti, les., ,'"There -• is no
doubt that, his dep i arture , was , a, State.
necessity : , His proper task was over for
the present, and he is ' too ' pure-minded '
and single-hearted to be fit either for King- '
craft or State-craft, ouch asare'now in vig
orous exercise. "'it;is betterX , says .the
London Review, (1. _new .weekly , journal,
edited rby Charles, - *okay, , 1L.7).,) " for,
Garibaldi, better for Italy,;,-better :for all'
Europe, that ,he„ should:' , withdraw for, ;a
while from the,- ar . ena of, politics. The
dean work has bew,dorte, ,and thee dirty
work is about, to commence. it is, easier.
to conquer kingdoms.than to govern ibena.
GOVernment, at hest, is, bnt an unclean
biisinesS, and - eveei-111 be ~s6,'as.lOng as
men are men, and.a i rg'in r oie etfeitceScrun
ble for place and poANer, telfmhd, perquisite,
'rank ). _ station and'" -
live vbfiy Viand honesty y e laborrof
the!ir' hands, or the honorable exercise of
th'e.talents Which God liai
" Such a scramble, under.- eiremistanees
of more than ordinary.great,animosityand
jealousy, is inevitably in thenew kingdom.
Sich: men as :Garibaldi are too pure and
high to mingle in such work, or even . to
come in contact with the intriguers' and
schemers. :For many reasons - it is not only
noble 40 generous; but truly;: politic and
sagacious in him to withdraw for a while to
his farm Land 'cattle; and hold, 'himself' in,
reserve fen!, greater *occasions : is -sure
to need him ;:-'atid 'that ha' May enjoy,rfor
the sake . ofltaly; the health joVtody that
will fit him for: future' enterprise, as well is
the - health of mind which always - - re Wards
and consoles';such . disibterasted and simple'
honesty aa; . his, 'Must he the ardent' 'wish of
a' fin' Wider.' circle 'than is' form ed -by the
twenty-five millions- of . -hiS grateful 'eeiin
tryMen ; of 'at circle -that includes 'every
friend , of libertyboth in the Old 'World
and-the -New,-and in the heart and Memory
of: whom he' is already Yanked as' greater
than Tell, andL.the!eqUal of -Washington"
A surprise' awaited -, Geribaldi, oniiis ar
rival at his :little •'rocky` island- . of ',Japrera.
It' had previously . ;been- almost a- barren
rock, or -at, .beet,-;,supplying food for seine
Cows and goats;'and vegetables for the use
of, man. When Garibaldi landed` -there;'
after his departure , ffonr . Naples, it seemed
as if a magician's wand had been Waved 'over
it.' Beautifully laid out' gardena; `are an
elegant- villa, 'exquisitely finished; met his
astonialfed 'gale. Kink, ;Victor
was the magician here; he it was' who gave
the orderafor ithis,tranaformation,:andthiis
delicately , prepared. a pleasing , assurance
thaLdeeprn his heart of hearts is treasured
the image of the man who has added eleven
millions. to' his "subjects.'
The- farewell words - of G aribaldi'to - his
volunteers, may be'rega'rded as -• a political
manifesto, suclicas -mayAvell • make- austria
to tremble. He blows a trumpet, blast, and
demands that, one million of armed men
shall start - froni - the'earth; - and be ready to
do, and dare, aiiit.die;?iit need be, by Feb
ruary o r March,
.1861 ; That :-Ine.,an,s,"4o,utp
thing Vihich----unleas Austria take counsel of
prudenee; and not 'Of Pailat i advieers—will',
inevitably hurl the'
fortressea,, of_ the 'Quadrilateral; and- moreo ,
than ; this, s rouse,ellungary itself, =by landing ;
a powerful,., force; on the shores, the [.!
Adriatic, which, even as a ", diversion ? "' in
the military sense,of the word, will terribly •
distraet the Austrian' generals. "
'AS to iliffirmed'that4i-with - f ,
her casual. obstinacy, -with bankruptcy star 4..
ing her, in the face, she is determined -;not
t0.,,5e11-yenctia, but to61;14 . for, it. l , And
yet there is an Austrian press now'suffi
ciently free - to point out, that, eVentilVene
tia were saved3o AuStria - by a- bat
tle,, or„'hy. :series victories,- still fa,;:
vast bedy of, Italians,,under one King,- are
sure-to renew their attacks, year, by year,
to the exlianstion of 'Austrian resources.
Hungary is not satisfied, and it is affirmed
that 'a - , well:kbowri military tailor 'llia -
calved a recent order -fin% three thousand
Hungarian :uniforms. Everything I doubt
lesa will rim , done to terrify Austria , into.-
the selling . oP-Irenetia, and; it is affirined,
that ere long there *ill appear' in one of
the Paris' papers, a „manifesto Of a very
boding character,, sufficiently indicating. to
Austria that . if , she 'remain obstinate, the
French arniy next year stand side by
side with that of Itary,-and rush to ler :as
sanit, 'aria Overthrew. But for the terrible . 1
bloodshed that•9nust follow, all lovers- of
liberty and truth,- all who remember what
a wicked; cruel, persectiting, and 'Anti-
Ohriatian power Austria, iS,, and has - been,
and how basely she has hound her neck to
the !yoke of the Papal Concordat, may well
desire that, she should be troddeadoWn into
the very dust of . riiin. And it doeS . seem
as if there, were a judicial infatuation
fallen on this ,vale power, and that ,she has ,
not, ::yet; drunk tol,the dregs the cup of.
Retribution put into her ' trembling-hands:
• d
&LL 'WORDS AND .Fl 7— •
earliest .op
j she appre
, States to the
'she American
ulsor Castle.
'hose, silver
tal fake :anil
las `be:en' in
mid , mothers,
1, after mul
,ino:s. rbe
thing cloner—
accept Presi
,a am sure
nation rank
'on as now.
visit of the
Saxon nations, .is
•emained at Naples
le entry:: hasi
,on various
for the gveruleut
everythiniryl,lA _ as
aspect. :Nedertfiet
6 before lmatters
populations :whom
have, combined ,to
!ze. 13rigmidage
ie and duirdge have
uzzi,' and although
Gribund; yet be has
ill, indeed, lere long,
lie mischief but,who
upting things among
INSURGF,NTS a have received;
.anotber pluci
!dation, by a mommuni.cation,in ,the, _Worth,
Chinese Herald. Hieng-Ten, now, promo-
ted to the rank .of King, .
has far more
knowlncige : -of Christianity, of politics, and
of 'foreign affairs„ than. his cousin,, ,the
Chief. His yosition such as to enable
him to have books circulated to correct
error, and give the people, a deeper insight .
into the nature of true ChriitianitY thus
in, a book recently issned,,we find the sub
jects of original ; sin, actual transgression,
r9Poutanc,e, and regeneration,,, as • well as
.Ged's willingness to forgive sin, the neces
sity Of atonement, the vicarious sufferings
of Christ, and - ffeedorn front sin as essen
tial to true , happineSS all treated of with
great ;clearness. Here are a: fewsenten pes
"'The treavenly,Father , being willing to
• Heavenly' lirother became,
-ransom for 'men:: '."Shoirld ' the '
Father , . be unwilling ito forgive, we must en-
.treat the,J;ltavenlyf Brother : to. mediate for
When the, lieavenly, Father beholds
`the ,Meiit 'of his Son, he will' necessarily,
him aa'beiring the sins of' all of 'us
tto pardon sin, because sin is impu
ted to the Heavenly Elder Brother." • And
again : When sin . . is washed away, one
Can a; sinful.
Tkod)iyitity'vf Christ is it • xPlieitly
taught: He thought it no,.robbery to be
equal: with God. Should anyone ask why
it is " - necessary for Christ, being God, and
therefore oinnipotent; to be born and be
come ;man, ,forithe purpose of saving man;
then let him'-know that if the Saviour had
.not becomemaa, he,would be merely a pure
Spirt ,In . that case how could.,lie spread
his religion, establish an example, be
nailed' to theieroSS,. and sbed his blood ?
If once it was necessary that he should take
Outman, bodyithen.he might instruct men;
and:become their substitute . If; there, be
there must be punishment Though it
sinlesswas the Son of God became a.;
stitute, , aecording to idatice,' 'punishment
could not be : avoided: , This is suffieidif to
show that the line of -heaven is just and
in '`Scotland, and although travelling in as
private-a manner as posiible,she has been
the subjeat,,Several• tintesief !popular ova:-
tions. , 'The ;;lord. Provost ;of .Edinburgh
has waited upon iher, with an„ address from
the Town - Council. She has inspected,
wi#li great interest,` .11olyrood 'Castle ' so
painfullyikiggestiVe'of The history of Maty,
Queen of. Scots, - the murder of Rezzio, and
the turbulent days:and fierce •struggles of
the sixteenth century. She has: visted the
and inspected its ancient Royal
apartments. So, likewise, Dalkeith,Craig,
Millar Castle, HawthOrnden, and Roslen
castlel,,and—previously--Mellron Abbey
and, Abbotsford., .been places .of •
pilgrim inspection and,repair,on, her, part,
- "She is in delicate"health; and the death
of her sister, the Duchess of Alba, ne:t
long since, was the cause of• agonizing dis
tress,and as,she is understood to be a dev
i eine of Rome :(the result of her Spanish
Edimition,) she is no doubt troubled in
the part that her spOuge; the
Emperor has'played; and4A:playing toward
the Holy Father." The. Scotch say that
,she is blood and desdent on one side of -the
!linilise, - Of'their'liiid‘` and country, a 'Pe-,
' seendatit tlie old family-of the 'Xilpat-'
,The -Pally Telegraph thus discourses.
the Empress and her ;visit to ,Scotland
,It is so rarely that sovereigns can be emancipa
ted tram the golden 'shackles of etiquette and'
ceremonial: observances, !that we 'may be, excused
for again calling attention to the. quiet, and un,
&Mutations sejourn Whieh'ilin ErepresS Eugenie
ismakingin North She has evidently
'made up her mind to. enjoy herself ; and: the
good sense and good feeling of the public in ab
staining from any"-more ?overt reedgnition than'
the usual, demonstrations of respect, cannot ; ,be ;
foe highly' commended. The simple and modest
deportment of Eugenie, her limited siiite, the ut
ter absence trom -pomp-and ;parade which •marks
her progress, contrasts most favorably with-the
'Voyage , to Maderia,•of the 'consort of Francis
:Joseph,,with a whole squadron full of Hof-Kam
,merers and Hochwohlgeborn Frauen,. :with the
stately , journey of Queen of Spain through
her 45.rovinges,lattended by a_retinue of •we know'
not how many e clozengrandetis with
biltheir:veins. The Empress 'Eugenie has tray
i.elled like any, other private lady—as the -Duch
ess of Montrose, fer instance, did the other, day,
*hen:she - so narrowly - scaped being involved - in
thC, terrible. catastrophe at Atherstone. She has!
wandered, about the, streets. of Auld Deckle,"
and seen the spurions Portraits of the. Scottish.
Kingsitt Holyrobd, and maiergone theeusteMary
boredom of the attendant ; ho shows Queen•Ma
,rf.S bed ChaMber and the stains of Rizzio's
blooVon thejflooring. • -She. 'has seen Arthur's
Seat, and the Scottish ..regalia, and,. Alons
and the gable of John Knox's house, and all the
restit •thefinethings whiCh the worthy:burghers
of Edinalave to show:; :arid, when she has had
her fill. of the Caledonian metropolis, her ,Majes
- ty•goes taenjOYthelignified hospitality of the
Duke of Hamilton-4mt, from first to last;: with.
; out the nuisance of guards of honor, triumphal
arches, and Corporation addreSses. How the
kind : Eugenie , must 'wish ,that .11. termination
could be put to all those troublesome things !
'Buti n 10 1 1.16 brightest day, the longest holiday: .
must, hare an end, and the Empress must :ere;
:long'; go baek in that grim boarding-school-of`
that Imperial aeademy'nf 'compliments--with
ushers and its chamberlains; its, duenntts And.its
'ladies of honor, with prefects - to cringe, and
!Itiekiteys' to• eioneh,••ind' gnards to salute;' and
:masters 'of ,•the ceremonies 'to do;,their Oni
,spiriting. As happy as a queen! As happY ase
an 'Empress ! t Ah! there are plenty Of. thorns
amongi-the. roses.; After ,all, , the, untitled and the
l but whom Providence has blest ,with
wealth,itn` - have the 'best of it: They
eau, go hither and thither as 'they ehoose ;.--they
lean enjoy theeujeyment,,cf_soeial Intercourse
and the'•amenitieS 'or CenverSa'tion. • `Their time
and.their life, under heayen,areitheir own, and
in the midst of poWer and grandenr they are not
the•plaything&. of herald' •or the Slaves 'of 'a
gentleman usher,,
' 'rumored that' after Tecruiting , ' her
sticrigth,by.a,sojourn,with the .Duchess' of
Hamilton (a foreigner, and. also a near, re
lationlsf Louis ,napoleon,) She will Come
back by Windsor Castle, and that the EM
peror will join- er • there. ~ This is not un
•it would4urnish a fresh- pledge
of the jmperial, desire, to •keep, .on .good.
terms with Enoland. He means mischief,
it is believed;to Austria. The latter failed,
as you know; in enlisting theCiar, , and the
Rcioce Regent',of , Prussia rto do :battle for
V l euetia, „andnow L we areexpecting, ere
long, Manifesto of warning to Austria,
froth France, to cease from her obstinacy,
as previonilyindicated. General Benedek,
the new Commander i n Chief •in Venetia,'
sets lorth,. in an, f',order of the day,"-hi s: resolves to, glit t , or if need, be, to die for
his kaster, Francis Joseph.. This .is a
virtual - delWrice to Piedmont, and it may , FriMbe 'also ; but iftheSe two Powers
unite;! they• will tread down , their common
foe in,,,the .dust 'of ruin., r . • ',
A DEPTITATIONAL VISIT for onn , of our
Loudon Societies,:into. the. County of Es
sex, has furnished ; me with ,fresh opportu-:
nities of studying English life and man
ners rural districts,-as' well as' of the
State of religion-both within - and beyond
the .pale of
,the l iEstablishment. I went
.down,on,a Saturday evening to ,Braintree,.
a market 'town about forty-five Miles from
=Leiden.' 'Here, and "at the - neighboring"
town orßeilking, I preached thriee'on the
Lord's dayl, to large congregations of. hide
pendent Dissenters,: for the friends of the.
British ,T,ews Soeiety. I fomid that the
great weight of the middle classß and,arm,
`ring population,Welonge'd riOt felted dthifeh,
'but' to' Nonconformity. Here are two re-
markable and , able ministers ; one of them
of Scottish birth, but educated at Homer-
ton, College, London, and for fifty-eight
years'a pastor over one flock. As a Chris
tian' gentleman, a faithful pastor, and a
wise..and• judicious man, the moral, social
and spiritual influence exercised by him
.during , so very long a period, 'has been re
markable; as well as beneficial in the high
est degre.e. When tthe fiftieth year of his
ministry had arrived, his 'people erected a
beautifuli building for schools, to 'comment
Braintree' is 'famous , in the history of
modern ecclesiastical strife between Church
men and Dissenters. It was here that a
contest in reference to church rates was
carried. on -for lyem.l4 r and the tenacity and
perseverance of the , Dissenters ultimately
'triumphed-so affect the whole future
:of? the question. , -.The" , base of Braintree---
ultimately appealed tO the House of Lords
leis tna final decision; that no rate could
be imposed•on any 'parish (for' the repair's
of 'the - church, washinglbf , surprices, tc:,)
where - there was a clear )najority ofrate
payers voting against it.
A spirit of prayer and earnestness is
very , perceptible, in the districts which I
visited: There was a large gatherinc , at
Braintree, of inisters...andj
Olyte r ghotlittieAllgOfee"
aymen., form
• muhary to the liondotil :1111ssionarf
ciety on theone hand, and for Horne Mis
sion work on the other: F - ronk one divis-
ion of the country; £lso4er annum is eon-
tribute& to thS •flindS of London Mis-
sionary Society. 'And :.I may herumention
that the eldest' son: of the martyred Wil
liams, E - romanfp, is about to be' associl
ate& with the .venerabla pastor alrea.dy de
scribed, as.his colleague: and successor.
.The County Home Missionary Society is
intended to strengthen the weak churches,
by , 'funds , needed •to sustain' the ministry,
and also, to lireakfresh ground in 'spiritu
ally destitute =districts. And that; these
abound is, alas! - too .evident, and that while
there: is a numerous Episcopal clergy and a
richly-endowpd , Establishment, perhaPs
thereinno County - in England
,where the
soil is'so rinh, where such golden havvents
wive, andt where herdstiand'ilocks abound.
But =probably there is Ina a County where
the Churchnf England , has' SO feebly and
imperfectly , done , its work as areal 'benefac
tor :to the people. Stolid rural ignorance;
opposition .ort the' part , of the clergyt
times past, to, popular educatiOir as tending
to Radicalism; Fellows the , two
cities presented to. College =livings ; and in
general, curie and Care bf
souls; with the great majority of the Rec
tors and Vicars of nearly'sii. hundred•and
'fifty parishes; "High`and Dry" 'Church=
uren—some alio fond of ' sporting, 'and in
general, tfat, lazy , , and lethargic—for gener-'
.ations.past the , people .have been fearfully
'neglected, and' left-tO die in` their sins
A small infusion only of Evangelical
life is found amongst. the-1 Essex 'clergy.
,One of these • was introduced"by • a, pious.
nobleman, Lord Itayleigh, whose' wife is'
equally devoted; and is a sister of the' 'a
men ted Headley Vicars. But the Evangel-'
icals in Essex - are " conspicuous bytheir
absence,' and must feel 'themselves ill -at.
ease, aave.that they , have •13 ow; at last, got'
an' EVangelical Bishop in .the person of
Doctor Wigram, of whose appointment by .
LordPalmerstow, and his , being sworn-into
'office (by the - Ecclesiastical officers of the
Prerogative-Court,) at the Church of Saint
Mary Le Bon, CheaPside, duly -chroni
cled some,montha ago.
An Episcopal Charge 'it was privi
lege-to hear, and at the same time to wit
ness- a great-gathering of the Essex clergy-.
Yesterday, on-my way, homeward, I spent
The day at Chelmsford, with the view Of
giving an address by request,). in, the
evening, in connexion ,with the Chapel of
a pious minister who' begins to see tokens
of spiritual'-quickening:' Travelling from
another town by- train; I .saw a number-'of
clergymen entering it; and arriving at
Chelmsferd, - 1 found by: bills in the shop
windows; by their gowns, walking'
toward the old Parish church,that Epis-'
copal Visitation was about to'be held. Ac
cerdingly I repaired to the place of gather
ing. The Bishop sat in the church, in,
front .of the,; communion 'table. He is
about sixty-five years' of =age ;. lit person he
is tall and vigorous ) and his face is very
like that • - .of Lord Palmerston 'who,' know
ing his eminently practical habits in: his
own neighborhood. in Hampshire,- offered
him the mitre,,even although he belonged
to the Conservativeparty.
'ln front and on either Side of the Biah
op 'sat the dlergy, and-also the church-war
dens-,-the latter chiefly farmers, ruddy and•
Bucolic in their aspect—,--not distressed by:
too much ‘• thinking," ; and., from what I.
have heard, having very little interest in
the spiritual welfare 'of their resnectivo
parishes. There ..was 'a considerable Icon:
grcgation of the public in attendance *so:
The church .. in wlikel we.,were assembled,
never echoes with the i tine, pure, old Gos
pel at at Alt' is''death -in 'the pulpit.
The clergyman ,once said .to an.: Agent of
the American Missions Aid Society who
called on him for hi coliperation, and who
remarked, " e combine alldenominations
who preach - the Gospel,"
pel - is very different from -my Gospel."
Alas, this , was too true, awfully-true:
,The Bishop read in a very distinet,voice,
his Written charge. : Ilia great objectswere,
—104; to enlist )ay cooperation with, the
clergy in the Spiritual work fof their re-
Spective -parishes, to'iepredete that jealousy
of Jay-interference , on•,the .part of earnest
Christians, who, from being,-repressed.:
their attempts, went off, to other commun
ions; 2dly, to point out.personal hin
draneesin-the ministry !itself, to iisefulnesa
and success. a The 'Bishop told how, that•
for nearly forty yearsle-had .been:enaaged.
in .pastoral work,, among. nopulations,7large
and small, in-city and eourttry, arid his. one
aspiration ever had, been to, draw forth the
exertions •of his best ,members in-, aggres
sion on, the ; ignorance and.rspiritual death
around him.; encouraging them "to,.act
fearlessly on his behalf, aad in his name,
under, their Christian impulses, not merely
tending the lambs of the cock, but..
shepherding, the, full grown : sheep, and
when they wandered,'bringing them back
to,the fold.. The clergyman that discour
aged such efforts and _who "looked with
distrust on any kind-hearted brother or sis
' ter who
,enterecl the cottage with a Bible,
to read and, pray," snail n man 4 Mliclmot,
underitand the, power , of godliness, and did
, not understand his calling, would never
brings_ ommon people to godliness, or com
mend the Christian Gospel to their re
'gards. This VMS not Christ's way."
It is to, be feared that in few parishes in
-rural diatricts where the clergyman himself
is not 'Evangelical, will there be found
materials for such lay agency as the Bishop
The concluding part of the Charge was most
admirable not only in its faithfulness, but,
in gentleness and wisdom, suggestive • rather
than aCcusitory. No man . , but one at once
courageons, ,conscientio n s, ,and , prudent,
could have spoken such words, to such an
audience. Here is the pictorial sketch ; of
classes of plergy,, types of every one of '
which, be it remembered, sat,-before,-the
Bis ll 9 : I ,
Aire, WaS a•kind-hearid:i;apectahle clergy-
A Square, (8 lines or less,) one insertion, 60 cents; .each
subsequent insertion, 40 cents; each line beyond eight, 5 cta.
A Square per quarter, 54.00 t each line additional, 33 cents,
A REDUCTION made to advertisers by the year.
BUSINESS NOTICES of TEN lines or less, $l.OO each ad
ditional line, 10 cents.
NO. 430.
man, a country gentleman in his habits and
prejudices, a friendly counsellor in worldly con
cerns, and a. good neighbor, satisfied with things
in his parish as they ever had been, yielding to
the appliances of modern times reluctantly . and
with great caution and distrust, and dreading
enthusiastic dissent without considering what
dissent implied as to the ,_past history of the
Church. Would that lgother put his hand to
such a plow as would break up, the. soil of men's
hearts, and harrow out its weeds, and planCin it.
fresh seed, that it, might become like land renew
ed,. where thorns and briars.should find scope for
growth no more ? Here was Et Tounger brother,
atbletic and vigorous, rejoiCing in his`muscular
powers and bodily prowess, and,. it,-might be,
distinguished for honors at, his Uni7ersity. His
zeal and aptitude for games and diversions were
his temptation, and he persuaded himself,' per
haps, that he found opportunities for influencing
other young men for good, while he joined% with
them in recreations which were not immoral or
wrong in themselves ; and he forinally connected
himself by name -with cricketing, archery, and
other clubs, publicly playing in competition for the
honors assigned to such pursuits. • Then the pub
lie papers praise his unrivaled skill; "iand the ene
my who watched for their halting, and the world,
sneered at the Church which was upheld by such
a minister ; it being said that he was a, specimen
of all the rest. Of course, if Cards,-
coursing, shooting, the ball-roon, the theatre,
and the opera were outlets through which men's
passions were to be , gratifted, and means by
which the precious time given to those young
clergymen for purposes widely different and
solemnly promised by them to be appropriated in
a right manner, was wasted—the case wasiin
finitelY W9178?-,4-10,4eIrchlot.,ant-Lthe-n t y ames of
,kuhapl i me,„-Ataf id tkaymeAy i O ,
Minn° deitired to t fiz rinenee - Mae Inth. whom
-they mixed. But there'might poSsibly he some
who had no turn for energetic pursuits—clergy:
men singular in their dress, and worldly in their
language, with an unseemly habit and demeanor,
such =as smelting or adopting the modern ex
cesses in cultivating the hair, or in the character
of the books which were spread on their table—
acts all showing - that they wished_ to stand on an
' equality with the &Alienable and . the fast young
men'of the day, persuading themselves, perhaps,
like the, others he had mentioned, that they
might find op'portunities of introducing religion
. into ccimpardes.where it would not otherwise en
ter • and then there were men less offensively re
ma;kable—nien. of more routine in their official
duties, who left nothing undone that propriety
Publication Office._
required, and would gladly ask what more was
required, and diligently do it. Others there
were:whose - earnestness was spent in clothing re
ligion with external., adornments, in beautifying
the sanctuary with costly decorations, 'and in
dignifying worship by a semi-intoning voice,
and ,by reviving the ancient names ;of ecclesias
tical rites by studying symbolic representations,
to irepreSs outward signs On'worshippers, and by
conventional gestures and.attitudes, and by the
adornment of their persons,
they marked them
selvcs out as distinctly differiiim b from their
brethren, and • manifested the 13ObOOF to which
they.belonged. Were any' of those methods the
means by which the. heart of society was to be
touched, the drowsiness 'of sluggish' men roused'
into activity, ; and. the regeneration of parishes to
be accomplished? Was that, upholding the Elsa,
plicity which was in Christ. ?• • Had they
the. Gospel which he brought and preached in a
manner emphatically adapted to the poor and un
learned man?
T.IIE. SQUIRES country districts, oft
times show great detestation of Dissent.
In 'one town visited by me, a. house was to
.let, - ; it was applied for by the Independent'
minister; , but the tenancy was refused to
him.. -.ln -like .manner,.in the. same town,
there is a row of cottages, and the Lady of
the Manor will not suffer a Dissenting -fam
ily to live in one of them. J.-W.
The Just Never Die.
" T o Ave , #7„tha Ff mory of those= love is not to ; die."
It is not death to die—
To leave-this weary road,
AnC midst the brotherhood on. high,
To be at home with,God. '
It is not deatii to dose
• The eye.long dithmed with' tears,
And-wake in . glorious repoie;
To 'spend,oternal years.
It is not death to bear
The wrench that sets us free
From dungeon chain, to breathe the air,
Of boundless liberty.
is not death to fling
Aside-this , sinful dust,
And rise, on strong, exulting wing,
To live among the just
Sesus, thou Prince of Life !
Thy Chosen cannot die;
'Like thee, they conquer in the strife,
To reign with thee on high.
"it Will be Time Enough in the Morning."
Miring a precious revival season in a
congregatiowin the "Sunny South;"
Mrs. H , the mother of a large and, was awakened to a deep
concern for the welfare of her immortal
soul. Her husband was a,'Ronian Catholic,
a•man. of the world eagerly pursuing its
interests, and bountifully supplying his
home With 'die good things of this life.
'Night after night was Mrs.' 'H
foundovitlf•down-cast and tearful - eyes, in
the house of , But *hen sinners
were invited forward to receive the counsel
and prayers of God's people, her heart
failed her. - What Would her husband say !
What: would 'her gay, thoughtless, friends
say I How . can you meet their mocking
smiles, whispered the :tempter; and heed
ing his voice she, left that sacred place re
solved to lie seen there no more. Many of
thd young, of those in life's meridian, and
of the bowed with age - were gathered intolhe
fold ;, whilst Mrs. H became doubly
devoted to, the god of ,this, world.
,Several months had
,passed when I was
startled to hear of the sudden and hopeless
illness of Mrs. H . When our pas
tor,ealled,4. knew by:the agonized expres
sion of his countenance, -where he had
been and the. sad realities of that solemn
scene. He had been sent for at midnight,
by the almost frantic husband. When Dr.
M approached the bedside of that
dying woman and spoke to her of death so
near and , the awful issues pending upon
the present hour, she turned from him with
the expression,." It will be time enough in
the morning, lam top sick now." Time
enough in the morning! repeated Dr.
M . The morn has come, but that
soul knows naught of time, for it is depart
. ed. .
The Spirit resisted, •bad taken its
sad flight l. and that poor, • lost soul passed
into' eternity trusting to the delusion that
it would' l lie time enough in the morning.
Reader, if•you are thus trying to com
promise with God's Spirit; if you are
quieting ,yonr conscience by persuading
yourself into the belief that "it will be
time enough' in the morning," oh ! think
there is a. possibility, aye a probability that
that morn to you, as to Mrs.'H , may
be, eternity. Like her, you may wake
up :in perdition; with, the half uttered
expression on your lips, "It will be time
enough in the morning," and those flaming
walls take nfund echo t in your ears for
ever, and forever—" It will be time enough
in the morning."
INTELLEar.—People 'of small intellect
are very -, dangerous enemies, because they
are likely to have few extraneous thoughts
to divert them, from their immediate object
of' malice, because they are shrewd noti
cers of :Personalities, and personal weak
nesses; beca,use theretis" nothing which' a
fool land •a mean xnan enjoy. so much as to
catch a wise and honest one at a disadvan
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