E P. AVNINNEY J. ALLISON S. LITTLE. DAVID M'KINNEY & CO., Editors and Proprietors. TENNIS UN ADVANCE. Pi ;in LH 13tro99airriona , 81a TN Ci,uns 1.24 tnnartatte El RITZIER OP xtrEl Wise .. .2.00 FOr T IVO Dow Arts, we will send by mall seventy nuOpers and for O:TR DOLLAR, thirty-Om lumbers. ~ Pastors sunaing 118 TWENTY subscribers mut upwards, wlll b 3 thereby entitled to a paper without charge. . Renewals should bo prompt, a little before the year expires ilond payinents by safe Imbi, or by mail. . liir4iet aflutter* to DAVID M'MNNBY £ 00., Pittsburgh, Pa. CANDIDATES FOR THE MINISTRY—FAITH FULNESS OF THE FATHERS OF PRESBY TERIANISM IN. WESTERI.PENNSILYANIA. The theory of our ChUfch, supported by the clearest SeriPtiral authority, is that great care and thoroukli'examination arc to be exercised by the,Pi.eaby teries, in the intro duction of men te the holy ministry. For this purpose a regular series of trials with respect •to their''knowledge, aptness to teach, and•fittidss , for the ministry of recon ciliation In. all its Varied interests, are pre: scribed. members of the different Presbyteries are solemnly bound to act faithfully in this matter, that they may be able to arriVe at some *ell-grounded con einsion, as far as it' is possible todo 'so, with regard to the intellectual attainments of candidates, their general character fot. prudence arid soundness of judgment, 'an r d especially with respect to their 'personal piety. Whilst exercising the'greatest kind ness, and manifesting- the tenderest affec tion, they've not to. be influenced by' mere sympathy, 'but they del& decide the case of each one aceording'to the teachings of the Word of God, and the Standards of the Church, This is a duty from which they have no right to shrink ; which they can not evade before God and the Church with out blame. But there is reason to fear that our Pres byteri es are in danger of making a retrograde movement, and of taking it for granted that applicants who have passed through a, regula,r College course, with more Or less credit 'to themselves, and entered the Theo logical Seminary, are therefore fully com petent to the work' of the ministry. How ever, it should be borne in mind that our Theological Seminaries, however useful, excellent and necessary, are not the Pres byteries;' and that the Presbyteries have no right `to commit virtually the decisions at to the qualiilealions of candidates, to the • Professors of Theology. This is a respon sibility the 'Presbyteries cannot roll over, on others. • Again : the want ef ministers is great; the call is urgent. The harvest is perish ing for want of laborers. And the desire to meet these claims is natural and right. Consequently we look with favor upon every consecration to this great work; .and are willing to allow many obvious imper fections to be no bar in the way of those who profess'a great desire to proclaim the glad tidings of the Gospel. So far has this feeling , gained ascendency, that we have more than, once or twice