Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, December 08, 1860, Image 3

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    The President's Message.
We had, for a time, some hope of being able
to give this document entire, this week. No ad
vance copy, however, was forwarded to this city;
and not uuti/ the morning of our going to press,
did the Message arrive. We give our readers what
has been forwarded by telegraph. Next week we
shall send them the document, to read, and to pre
serve, It will be seen that the Message is firm
against any right in a State to secede ; and that it
assorts strongly the duty of the Executive to pre
serve the public property, and to enforce the
laws. The President inighi hnis spared himself
some of his sectional , reflections. But he is, upon
the whole, zonservative ; and for this he deserves
a nation's thanks.
Wssuixorox, Dec. 4.—The President com
mences by considering the unparalled prosperity
in all material interests, and asks why it is that.
(linen tent. now so extensively prevails, and the
Union, the source of all these blessings, is threat
ened with destruction. The long continued and
intemperate interference of the Northern people
with the
,question of slavery, ho says has at
length produced its natural effects. Different
sections are; now arrayed against each other, and
the time so much dreaded by Washington has
arrived, when hostile geographical parties have
beeroformed. The present danger has arisen, not
solely from the nullification of the Fugitive
Slave Law, nor from the claim on the part of
Congress or Torritorinl Legislatures to exclude
Slavery from the Territories, but from the fact
that the incessant and violent agitation of the
slavery question throughout the North for the
last quartet , of a century, has produced a malign
influence on the slaves, and inspires them with
vague notions of freedom ; hence a sense of se
curity no longer exists around the family altar.
The feeling of peace at home has given place to
fear of insurrection. Ho pursues this 'view fur
ther, and says that self-preservation is the first
law of nature, and that no political union, how
ever fraught with blessings and benefits, can long
continue if the consequence be to render the
homes and firesides of nearly half the parties to
the Union habitually and hopelessly insecure.
It is the President's conviction that the fatal
period for severing the Union has not yet arrived,
and his prayer is that the Constitution and Union
may be preserved throughout all generations, but
the causes of danger must be removed. For
twenty-five years the 'slavery agitation in the
North has been incessant. Pictorial hand-bills, I
incendiary documents, proceedings of State and
County Conventions, Abolition sermons and lec
tures have been multiplied of late to an incredt
ble extent. The time of Congress has been oc
cupied by violent speeches on slavery. Appeals'
in,pamphlets, &c., endorsed by distinguished names,
have been sent. forth from Washington, and spread
broadcast over the 'Union. How easy for the
American people to settle the slavery question
-forever, and restore pence and harmony to this
distracted country I The Northerners alone can
do it. All that is necessary, and all for which
the slave States have ever contended, is to be lel
alone, and be permitted to, manage their domestic
institution in their own way. As sovereign
States they, and they only, are responsible be
fore God and the world for • slavery .existing
among them. The North are not responsible for
slavery, and have no more right to interfere with
it than with a similar institution in Russia or
Brazil. He relies on the good:sense and patriot
ism of the South, and without its aid it is beyond
the power of any President to restore peace and
unity; limited and restricted as may be his
power, he can 'accomplish little for good or for
evil on such a momentous question ; and this
leads him to observe, that the election of a fel
low-citizen to' the office of President, does not
of itself afford just cause for dissolving the
Union. To justify a resort to revolutionary re
sistance, the Federal Government must, he says,
be guilty of, a deliberate, palpable`and dangerous
exercise of powers not, granted by the Constitu
tion. The late election was held in strict con
formity with its provisions. How then could the
result justify a revolution to destroy this very
Constitution? He recommends that we should
wait for some overt act on the part of the Presi
dent eleetbefore resorting to such
. a remedy. He
then refers to the fears abroad that the President
elect, *44 his" antecedents; will invade tile' con
stitutiontil' rights of the South; and' denies' that
such apprehensions are a sufficient .pretext to
justify the destrnetion of the noblest system of
government ever devised by mortals. Thervery
nature of: his office requires him't.O be Conserve-
The stern duty of administering the affairs
of the Government affords in itself a guarantee
that he will not attempt - violating a clear consti
tional right. • His provinoe is-not-to make, but
to exeMitelhe law, and it is's: remarkable fact,
that no single act has ever passed Congress, if we
except the Missouri Compromise, impairing in
the slightest degree the rights of the. South to
their property in slaves, and no probability ex
ists that such an act can be passed in the present
or next session.
Under,these circumstances, he thinks the pre
cept of Him who spake as man never speaketh,
sufficient unto the day be the evil thereof," should'
restrain' us, The allegation that the Southern
States are denied an equal right with the others
in the Territories, is referred to. •To which he
replies that Congress has never passed, and never
will pass, an act to exclude slavery from the Ter
ritories, and that the Supreme Court has decided
that slaves are property, and ipay be taken info
into the Territories and , held there like other
property under the protection of, the ,Constitu,
tion. So far, then, as Congress is eoncerneti,,thec
objection is not to what they have done, hut
what they may do hereafter—and it would
be contended that the apprehension of 'future'
danger was a good reason for a dissolution of
the Union-. •
He next•refers to the sot passed by the Terri-,
toriaLegislature Kansas, abolishing slavery
there," and declares that it obeli be, declared void
by th Judieliry , whenever the questionehall pe
presented in a legal form. The Suprenie 'Court
had solemnly decided that the Territorial Lcgis
lature had not thii power; yet through` the fac
tious temper of the times, the ,correettiesS. of its
decision.hadt been impugned, and an angry polit
ical conflict engendered. , Those who have ap
pealed from this Jtidgment to popular assemblies,
would," if thig 44u1d, invest the _Territorial 'Lek
islature with power to annul the rights of prop
arty. This power Congress is expressly fOrbid
den by the Federal Constitution to exercise.
The different State. Legislatures of the Union.are
forbidden to exercise it. It. can only : be ex.ern
cised by the people of a Territory when framittg
their Constitution, preparatory to their adrnisSioll
as a State into the Union. It was Only then that:
they could decide whether slavery ; should or
should not exist. If it were otherwise,'the right
of property in slaves would depend 00. , the
ing majorities of a Territorial Legislature, Such
a doctrine could not long influence any consider-:
able portion of the people, and afforded no 'good'
reason for a dissolution of the... Union. • '
He next refers to the acts passed in severer
States to defeat the Fugitive Slave Law, and re'A
marks that for these neither Congress nor Presi
dent should be 'held , responsible. They were
passed in violation of 'the Federal Constitution,
and were, therefoti, hull and 'void. The Fugi
tire. Slave Law had beed 'declared constitutional
by all the courts—State and Nationalwith the
single exception of it State. Court in :Wisconsin,,
whose, decision was after Wards reversed. lts i
validity had been eitablished over and over again..
It was founded on an express provision of the
Constitution, requiring that fugitive slaves
should be delivered up, and without this provis
ion, it is a well-known fact, that the Constitution
could, ,net have been adopted. The Fugitive
Slave low had been the law of the land under
one form or another from the days of . Washing-.
ton to the present., It would be the clear "duty
of the 'President elect, then, to see that it was
enforced With rigor, against, the conflicting en.
netments of State Legislatures. Should .he fail
in the performance of this .high duty he would
manifest a disregard for the Constitution and the
laws, to the deep injury of one-half the States of
the Commonwealth. To presume in advance
that he will thus violate . his duty, would be at
war with every priediple of justice and Christian
charity. Let us wait for the overt act. ~fre'reco
mmends that the State Legislatures - will repeal
their unconstitutional enactments, and remarks
that unless this be done without delay no human
power can save the Union. The Southern States
have a right , to demand this act of justice-from
the Northern States. If it should' be refused,
then the Constitution will have been wilfully
violated, in a provision essential to the domestic
security and happiness of the remainder: :Then
the injured States, after having used allpeaceful
measures of redress, would be justified in revo
lutionary resistance. He confines his remarks
to revolutionary resistance, because it has been
claimed that any State can secede at her sover
eign will and pleasure, without any violation of
the Constitution or constitutional rights of the
other States. That as each become parties to
the Union by the vote of its own people assem
bled-in convention, so in like manner she may
retire. In order to justify secession it must bo
the principle that federal government is a mere
voluntary association of States to be
at pleasure by any of the contracting parties.
If so, the Confederacy is a mere rope of sand, to
be.dissolved by the first adverse wave of public
opinion. These whole thirty-three States may
resolve themselves into so many potty; jarring,
and hostile provinces, each retiring whenever
any sudden excitement might impel. •By : this
process a Union might be broken into tunny
fragments in a few weeks, which cost our 'fore
fathers many years of privation to establish.
Such a principle is wholly inconsistent, with the
history of the Constitution which was framed with
great deliberation and care, and submitted to con
ventions of the people of the several-Stites for
ratification. ,Its provisiobe Were discussed at
great length in these bodies, composed of the
first men of the country. Its opponents ctinte:n‘
ed •that it conferred powers upon the Federal
Government dangerous to the rights of States,
while its advocates maintained that' under a fair
construction there was no foundation for such
charges'. In that mighty struggle. between the
first intellects of this or any other Country, it
never occurred to any, either among friends or
Opponents, to advocate or even to intimate
that their efforts would be vain,. because the
moment• that any State felt aggrieired she might:
secede. What a crushing argument would this
have proved against those who dreaded that
the rights of State might be endangered. The
truth is that not until many years after was
such a proposition ever conceived, and it was
then met and refuted by the conclusive argu
ments of Gen. Jackson. (Here he quotes at
length from Jackson's proclamation, and takes
very decided ground against the right of any
State to secede.) The President then takes up
the case of South Carolina,l defines his present
position, and says-he has given strict orders to
United States officers to act solely on the defen
si4e, and is much mistaken in their.cliaracter if
this defence will not be maintained. What is to
be the character of the relations between South
Carolina and the Federal Government, remains
to be defined and determined.
The President adds: It is beyond the power of
a State, like an individual, to yield a portion of
its sovereign rights to secure the remainder. In
the language of Mr. Madison, who has been
called the Father of the Constitution—. It was
formed by the States.; that, is, by the people in
each of the States acting in their highest sov
ereign capacity, and formed, consequently, by
the same authority which formed the. State Con
stitutions." Nor is the Government, says the.
President, less a Government in the strict sense
of the term, within the sphere of its powers than
the Governments created by several states.' It
is, like them, organized into legislative, execu
tive, and judiciary departments. The President
then argues that. the Union was designed to, be
perpetual, and that the powers of the Federal
Government embrace the very highest attributes
of national sovereignty—that the sword and the
purse are placed under, its control. The. Pres
ident then goes on to enumerate the powers of
the Federal Government and the disabilities of
the States. In short, adds the President, the
government created by the Constitution,' and de
riving its authority from the sovereign people of
each of the several States, has precisely the same'
right to exercise its power over the people of all
these States in the enumerated cases, that each
of them possesses over subjects not delegated to
the United States, but reserved to the States sep
arately, or to the people. To the extent of the
delegated powers, the Constitution of the United'
States is as binding upon - its people as though it
had been texually inserted thereon. Its framers,
adds the President, never intended to implant in
its bosom the seeds of its own destruction, nor
wore they at its creation, guilty of the absurdity
of providing for its own dissolution. They did
not fear, nor had they any reason to imagine that
the Constitution would ever be so interpreted as
to enable any State by her• own act, and - without
the consent at her sister States, to discharge her
people from all or any of her federal obligations.
The President, after, acknowledging . the., right
of resistance on the part of the governed against
the oppressions of their governments, which.-ex
ists independent of all constitutions, asks : What
in the meantime is the responsibility and true
position of the Executive? He is bound by a
solemn oath before God and the country to take
care that the laws be faithfully executed, and
from this obligation he cannot be absolved by
any human power. But what if the performance
of this duty, in whole or in part, has been ren
dered impracticable by events, over which be
01111 exercise no control? Such, at the pres
ent moment, is the case throughout The State
of South Carolina, so far as the laws of the Uni
ted States to secure the administration of justice
by means of the Federal Judiciary are concerned..
All the federal officers within its limits, through
whose agency alone these laws can be carried
into execution, have already resigned. We no
longer have a listrict Judge, or District Attorney,
or Marshal, in South Carolina. In fact, the
whole Federal Government necessary for the dis
tribution of remedial justice among the people,
has been demolished, and it would be difficult, if
not impossible, to replace it. The only acts on
the statute book bearing upon this subject, are
those of the 28th of February, 1795, and 3d of
March, 1807. These authorize the President,
after he shall have ascertained that the Marshal,
with his posse' comitatus, is unable to execute
civil or criminal process in any particular case,
to call forth the militia, and employ the army
and navy to aid him in performing this service,
having first, by proclamation, commanded the in
surgents to disperse and retire peaceably to their
respective abodes within a limited time. This
duty cannot possibly be performed in a State
where no, judicial authorities exist• to issue
process,,and where there is no marshal to execute
it, and where, even if there was such an officer,
the entire population would constitute one solid
combination to resist him. The same insuperable
obstacles do not lie in the way of executing the
laws for the collection of the customs ; the rev
, enue still continues to be collected, as heretofore,
at the Custom House in. Charleston, and should
the collector unfortunately resign. a successor
may be appointed to perform the .duty. In re
gard to the property of the United States in
South Carolina, which has been purchased for a
fair equivalent, by the consent of the State, for
the erection .of forts, magazines, arsenals, c., it
is dot believed that any attempt will be made to
expel the United States from this property by
force; 'but if otherwise, the officer in command
of the forts has received orders to act strictly on
the defensive. In such a contingency, the
responsibility for consequences 'would rightfully
rest upon the heads of the assailants.
After some further remarks upon this subject
the President. declares that be has no authority
to decide what shall be the relations between the
Federal Government and South Carolina, and
argues the question as to-whether the Constitu
tion has delegated to Congress the power to force
a State into submission which is attempting to
withdraw or has actually withdrawn from the
Confederacy, arriving at the conclusion, after
much serious reflection, that it has no such pow- •
er. The President solemnly invokes his coun
trymen to pause and deliberate before determin
ing to destroy the Union, the grandest temple
which has ever been dedicated to human freedom
since the world began. Re says that the slavery
question, like everything human will have its
day, and expresses the firm belief that it has passed
.the culminating point. But if in the midst of
the existing excitement, the. Union shall perish,
the evil may become irrepressible. Congress, he
says, can contribute much to avert it, by pro
posing and recommending to the Legislatures of
the several States the remedy for existing evils
which the Constitution has itself provided for
its own preservation. This has been tried at
different critical periods of our' history, and al
ways with eminent success. It is to be found in
the fifth article for its own amendment. Under
this article„pmendments have 'been proposed by
two-thirds of both houses of Congress, and have
been ratified by the Legislatures of three-fourths
of the severill States, - and have consequently be-:
come parts of the,Constitution. • -•
After some further remarks, the President
concludes' by alluding to the condition of
our foreign and domestic affairs when he en
tered upon the duties of his office, which were
not at all satisfactory, and when, he says, we
take a retrospect of what was then our condition,
and contrast this with its material prosperity, we
Nave abundant reason to return our thanks to
that merciful Providence who has never forsaken
us as a nation. , .
The President then alludes to onr foreign rela
tions, which are generally of a satisfactory char
acter. He also treats of the condition of the
country, and among other topics adverts to the
difficulties now existing in Kansas. -
Troubles in this afflicted Territory are again
rife. Capt. Montgomery, of former notoriety,
has again an organized band, and is reported as
committing depredations, and threatening the
border counties in Missouri. United States
troops, under General Harney, have been sent to
the scene of disturbance. One grievance is, the
expelling of settlers from reserved Indian lands;
another is, the sale of lands from actual settlers,
who are not able to pay the entrance money to
Government; a third is, the kidnapping of free
negroes who 'fled from Arkansas rather than be
sold into slavery. Reports are very numerous,
and are so contradictory that we know not bow
to get at the truth.
The Secession Movement.
' The telegraph still brings tidings awfully
threatening. Lettera and papers, with some
things very unfavorable, toilsome facts of a more
cheering character. We still think that actual
secession, except possibly by South Carolina;
will not be among the follies of the present gen
Our readers may wish to have, in their own
language, some of the sentiments of South Caro
liniaus. The Charleston lifereii7y, which until
lately hoped for Mr. Buchanan's protection up
to the 4th of March next, on abandoning that
hope, says :
"We certainly deprecate war with the IForthern
people through the General Governmetif; but
Mr. Buchanan may be Assured that- the.firstit4-
tempt, in any form, to coerce South Carolina
into, eubtnission.toA Government she has thrown
Cif, will be considered war. He may call it by
what name he pleases, but the sword will then be
the final and only arbiter between us. All hopes
(if lie has any) of a readjustment of the rela
tions between the two sections of the Union un
der one Government, will have ended, and ended
forever. Re is totally mistaken in supposing
'that South Carolina wishes to enter into a con
flict with Not a State in the Union, we
believe, has had more confidence in his adminis
tratien, than South Carolina. Our people will
reluetantly realize the fact that he will place - his
Administration in the van of the Abolition arty
of the North, to compel, by force of arum, a sub
mission by the South to their authority. But
when they do realize it, they will also realize how
utterly hopeless, how desperately fatal, must be
the continuance of any further union with the
people of the North: Nor do the people of South
Carolina desire, by the shedding of blood, to
drag the other States into the movement of dis
solution.' ' If such was our purpose, we 'could
inforce it any morning of the week. The forts
in our bay are within sight of Charleston. But
if he chooses to begin the game,of bloodshedding,
we shall not decline it, for we know as well as lie
does that it will drag the-,other Stoles into the
movement of dissolution.? Whilst the Banks of
the North are crashing around him, and bank
ruptcy sits in the Capitol, the sword, will be a
fitting 'accompaniment to the villainies and tyran
nies which have produced the present calamiteus
State of things. We arelready.
To this the Hew-York Times responds:
,‘‘ This, 'certainly, is not pleasnnt or com
forting language. We deplore it, and . the
spirit which prompts it., and the occurrence
of anything Which can give a shadow of
pretext for using it. ...But we should only
aggravate the evil by speaking of it in terms
which find no warrant in fact or in reason. If
South Carolina is determined upon secession, she
should make. the plunge with her eyes open.
She must face all the consequences—and among
them all, the most unquestionable is War. Not that
we wish it—not that thousands and tens of-thou
sands of good men among us would not weep the
bitterest tears they ever shed in their lives, over
so dismal, so dreadful a prospect. But there is
no possibility of escaping it."
All this looks threatening, but it by 'no means
takes away our hope. The Lard ream's. ' , Ar4,
the hearts of the people are for peace.
Foun MISSING Brnsmses--Diseovery of Por
door of the .Wrecks.—No doubt is no vv. en ens'. ned
respecting the tnelanoboiy fate of the four steam-.,
ere *hien have long been miesing--namely, the
Edinburg, iron screw steamer, 800 tons. belong
lug to Leith, outward bound to Cronstandt ; the
Moecove, also en iron screw steamer, 600 tone,
of Loodoo,booed, to the eitme port ; the Visebunt
Tarot:don, steamer, belonging to Sunderland, and
tne Thor, from Copenhagen for Hull. It will be
remembered they steeled on their vertigo a day
or Iwo prior to the outbreak of the terrible storm
which awept the North Bea enl Bailie an the Bil,
4th, sth sod 6ib, when en tuttuy vestirls were
wrecked. With the exception Of tlie MOBOOVIN
nothing bae beettheard of them from the , period
of their sailing, and from quantities of wreck
age cud cotton that has - been met with in'the
North sea, it is inferred that the whOle of the
tittipe in question must have foundered , during
the fearful hurricane, and every Pnill belonging
to them met with a watery grave. Thu Edinburg,
which Was a superior oleee iron ship, was rated
in Loyd's Register, A. 1, for 12 years. lier
crew conebeed of Cap , Steele, end.twerily•seven
officers and men. Like the, Artie steamer,
which was loot in the course of the slot al,,abo
was burdened with a dangerous 'deck -load, at
Ma advanced period of the season—namely, 2
alma boilers, and nearly 600 balsa of cotton,
piled in Here, fore and aft. She carried some
psseengere for St. Petersburg; anion them was
Dr. Mattenzle, hie wife and eeveral ohildren.
I; it believed that there are 24 widows, sod .
nearly 60 children bereaved by the deplorable
loss of this ship. The wreckage seen,:supposed
to be part of the eleamer, coneisted of cabin fur
niture, panels, &so:, and a hoard with the letter
"El "on it, piloted in blue and gold It was
paserd in let. 65 N.,'30 deli 80 min. E , togeth
er with a large qttantity of, cotton bales. The
owners of the Edinburg believe the wreckage to
to have belonged to that vessel. Respecting the
Mow*, a quantify of wreak sad bales of geode,
known to have formed part of her cargo have
been washed ashore 'on the coma of Jutland.
Among the wreckage was some baggage belong
itg to oue of the Cabin Paeseugere, of whom
there were six on hoard. The bales of cotton
are in possession of Ceptsin Bonbon, of Lloyd's
association, who was eent out to Jutland to pro
tect the underwriters' interests In the wreck of
toe Arctic steamer. Al' first the cotton wee' , suft-'
posed to belong to that yeses!, the Arctic: but
when closely ieepeeted it was discovered they
bore the breed of the MOSCOW.
Iris somewhat remarkable that-the Moscow
and Aniiio, which were both from one port,
Grimsby, esited at the acme One for St. •Peters
burg She kept aompatiy with the Arctic on
the passage across the North See until
,a few
hours of the wreck of the Arctic, wben the mas
ter oi' the tatter lon sight of her, sod that' was
the beat tire° the was 'She, like the Edin
burg, bad an immense deck cargo, chiefly cot,
ton bales—piled the whole length of the deck,
and which is mainly accountable for her loes.
That abe was one of the Iwo Aleamere seen to
founder near the &we, on the Danish coast, there
appears to be very little doubt. Her crew num
bered about twenty-five hands, most of whom
were married men, andlistrelt ft families Immo.
tecird. Other wreckage have- been!_ washed
aehote on the coati. of Judaod—evidectly from
other miming steamerw—the Thor and Viscount
Latabton. .The'Board,of Trade baying Ordered
an inquiry into the loss of the Are•io stem:her,
the whole question of steamers being allowed to
carry heavy deck cargoes when bad weather must
be experienced, is to be fully gone into, and
which it is expected will terminate in some re
commen,dation to be gairernmett_to pass an, gn
at:Retest prohibiting deck loads at'the period
above, mentioned, as bot h- dangerou s to life' and
property. It is ou record that a great many
vessels have heeh lost, with their crews, in con
sequence of carrying heavy deck leads. It is
computed that th'e loss of these fine steamers and
cargoes will exceed .8150,000,London Mar,
Nov 8 ,
FORT KID&RSINY Dec Pony Express
paused hero at four t/clack this morning pith demi
from Sal Fr meisco to' the 21st. '
The election returns ereikct quite.coniplete, ' , The
total vUte retained is 117,816. Lincoln, 38,646 ,
Denim., 37,349; Brockinridge 33,357; Bell, 8.467.
The vote of the Siete cannot exceed 114500.
coin is generally conceded to have • a plurality of
700 to 1000.
The returns from all the counties in,. Oregon give
Lincoln 31.8 mejority over Breckh2rOge, . Dangles
is third.
_Great auxiety.exists hi California for further in
telligence flora the east, the latest dates front St.
Louis being to the Bth. .
Toe Noy express, with dates to the Ilth,,has not
arrived although overdue. ,
The latri'stormi caused much &magi in the in
terior of the State. Many flumes and ditches were
etripqmayjojared, .houses unroofed, - and foam blown
down, (Va. -
WM. Shannon, editor of :the V
,iPalla Delta,.and
Wm. CC,Morris, a lawyer, residing in Visalia, had a
rencontre, growing MC of a political &thtroverey on
the 15th, during which Shannon was killed, after
the parties had exchanged several shots. MoFria
has been 'Acquitted on the ground that he ..acted in •
The yield of the Fremont . gold mines in:the fist
two weeks, is stated, by the managers, to be $32,690:
Accounts from lower California : state that the
band of fillihusters, who have harm committing mur
deft and depredations in Peninsula, are all driven
out, leaving the country quirt. ,
Tue Gast;AT Haim—Sint seven Lives known to,
be Lost —Tee captains of vessels who were Otit
HI the terrifies gale of lastHaturday,sod :Sunday,
represent it as dui severest by far of any ex
perienced for many years p a st Ii was so on
Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, nod,
if.we !nay the humber of disasters re.
pneted, , • it must have been •Won Lake Oritarie
as wall. Snob was the force and height of the
waves ihat the crew Were obliged to cling to , the
rigging for safety, and it was certain +iamb .fdr
them to lose their bold.
The,loss of several lives is already reported as
having occurred in this manner. Beerytbing,
on deok, evert to hawsers weighing tons, were
swept overboard as co many shavings would have
been. The man at she wheel was in all eases
lashed to his post in order to enable him- to
retain his position. Bulwarkeon each side
were out away in order to the heavy seas
a free Channel of escape from the decks. The
wind and the waves, hoiever, Were not the only
dangers that threatened, for the weather was
eo pteroeingly cold that the vessels became in a
short time a, perfect glare of tor; the rigging
was encased in it, the icicles hung thick and
long from. the spars, 'and the decks were often
covered with ice to ihe depth of six inches.
Of the many lives that have beau lost and the
large amount of property that his been destroy
ed, no .inconsiderable portion is owing, to the
severe cold. We have reports of vessels which
were wholly unmanageable 'because everything
about them had frozen so stiff that they could
not be controlled. This was the case wish the
two lost near Goderloh; the crew stood by and
saw them driven *poll the Shore 'to crown de
struction, iiiliciutlieing able `tio avertotheir fate
in the least. Many of them who did not lose
their lives altogether have been so badly frosen
that they will be maimed for life.
Last week was broil odds the most dieastrone
of the season, or of many seasons; to the lake
uterine. More lives and more property have
been lost than during the eameiength of time
for years , and years. Mary vesselmen - 'say
they bees ne l tter - .known: snob a storm as that
with whiCh ;hi week closed for more than twenty
years that they have beitr`eon Ihelaketi, while
others esy that it has never been t : qualed siace
firre follows detailed account"' of the various
dissetere of which we , hove already given brief
erwifiletits. It coca:idee tie follows
We can now begin to form , same estimate of
the number of lives that have.been lost by this
terrific gale, though this estimate must neces.
eerily be imperfect. Where the crews of vessels
have been lost, we - edict/et.) the number at 'eight
for aorew, which. will rather fall below thin ex
ceed the true number. Toe following are those
who etre 'anise for as known:
Propellor Dacotah, 24; propeller. Jersey- City,
17; propellor Cuyahoga, I; brig F. B. flikidner, 1;
schooner Marco Polo, 8; schooner Wm. Maxwell.
7; schooner Tornado. 8; ea - homier °icor Pastra,l;
totobl, 47.—Detroit Free Frerl, Nov 28
. „
°ttes Powatt:"—A report mode to the legiml*-
ture at Sow.h atrolaus of the births, di " he and
population of that State for the year 1857, 'gives
the following reignite
Birtbis, Moths!,, Por
Free ........ .. .. . ..... 4 078 2.917 ' 1,711 ' 21;3,513
Slave ...... . ... 8,770 9,522 384 984
I =Off e1aire5,...9,604 6.85t1
This emits in the increase of slave over free
population has always exist& in South .Caroli
na. Thus in 1.860 the proportion of white to the
whole population wee 56,79—somewhat over
one•belt.. At. the Imes of die last five censuses
respectively, the white element ham grown
downrits follows, viz: 51 60, 47.68, 44.68,43.59.
41.07. . f
Toe regularity of this' decrease is very curious
Of her total white population
147 Ten were females,
155760 were melee,
Deduct 61380 wider 16 years of ago,
Deduct 1 048 born in other Stated (two. 1850.)
6t,437 • '
Deduct ' 6.4t8 born in foreign countries.
Total .:—..58,876 born in the htato South Carolina - and
over sixteen years of sae, rtonstavehoidert raid
tier Men, blind and human.
Something New and Valuable.
The new Catalogne of the, Iran' City Commer
cial College, containing about one hundred pa
ges, just issued, is one of the ftnest things of the
kind ever published. • . • - •
By this it is seen'that this school has enjoyed
an unwonted degree of prosperity, and that it is
justly' entitled to the' ` `reputationit has 'long
enjoyed, of being unsurpassed in the facilities it
affords for acquiring a thorough (Rues
don. Nearly every State in the Union is repre
sented in the roll of the - Catalogue: *The docu
ment is an important one, and should be in the
hands of every one intrusted in, educational
affairs. Copies'of the Catalogue, with specimens
of Prof Cowley's inimitablepenmanship will' be
mailed, post paid, to any address, enclosing five
letter stamps to Jenkins '& Smith Pittsburgh
Pa. Send for it at once. .
Inane's Colobiated Terinifuge it'Missouri.
JOB P. 0., OREGON CO., Mo.,
July 22d, 1855.
Dear. Sirs :—I. have used Dr. M'Lare's
Celebrated. Vermifuge, prepared by you, in my
family, and I do think it the best preparation
now in use for expelling worms from the human
system. My neighbors have also used it with
the same success. You are at liberty to use this
as you see fit. Yours, &c.,
The above is a sample of certifteates daily re
ceived by the proprietors, Fleming Bros., of
M'Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge'and Liver Pills.
We think we are safe, in saying they are the
most reliable and popplar remedies of the day„
Purchasers will be careful to ash. for Dr. If' Lane'
Celebrated Vermifuge, manufactured by Beating
Bros. of Pittsburgh, Pa. All other Vermifuges
in comparison are worthless. Dr: M'Lane's
genuine Vermifuge, also . his Celebrated Liver
Pills, can now be had at all respectable drag
stores. None genuine without the signature
of ' FLEMING Duos. •
loreign gebs.
The' Royal spadron, with the Prince of Wales,
had a tediousitnd stormy paSshge,;from Portland: ,
Instead of ten or twelve days, the voyage occu
pied twenty-seven conisethere: Was,
no little anxiety about the Prince's safety. But
his haying a little ,taste of rough sea ,fare, , will
be no, injury to his future sympathy for-Eng
land's sailors.
The English exforese much delight at the re
ception of the Prince in the United States, and
they anticipate great political and social benefits
to result. Certainly no two nations have as deep
an interest in each others welfare, and none are
bound together by so many strong and endearing
ties. As the Prince was approaching England's
coast, Lora. Patmersfon, an invited guest of .the
Salters' Company, at a brilliant . banquet, , was
upon his feet, addressing the distinguished com
pany assembled upon the visit of the Prince of
Wales to the United States.
Of -Palmerston's address, the correspondent of
he North American says :
"It was to be expected," exclaimed his lord
ship, frequently interrupted by great and enthu
siastic cheering, "that when the future hope-of
England visited the subjects of her Majesty in.
our North American provinces; he would be re
ceiVed with that enthusiastic affection.which be
comes a loyal and an attached people.. •Qur an
ticipations have not been disappointed.
.'The re
ception of the Prince has been worthy of the
people who gave it , and honorable to the family
of which he is so distinguished a .member, and
We may hope that that visit will cement more
closely those ties which I trust are long destined•
to bind together that portion of the Queen's do
minions and the mother country. But we had
not an equal right to expect that when his Royal
Highness visited the United States he would be
received with anything more than the courtesy
which civilized nations accord to distingtiished
Members of the reigning house •of another
country. But I must say it has been most grati
fying to witness the cordiality, the heartfelt
kindness, the generous hospitality, and I may
say the enthusiastic delight with which that illus
trious Prince was welcomed by otar. cousins in
the United States. They have shown themselves,
indeed, to be a noble and a. generous people.
They have shown that they have not forgotten
the common stock from which they and we have
sprung ; and in spite of events which, if not
buried in oblivion, might have produced some
slight alienation between us, they received our
future sovereign—and I
.trust that future day
may be long Aistant—they received the oldest
son of our gracious sovereign, not as if he were
a stranger belonging to another land, but as if be
had been born in their own country, and had'been
a citizen of their own republic. I trust, gentle
men, that the remembrance of the generous
kindness thus exhibited by the people of the
United States will ever be cherished by the peo
ple of these kingdoms. I believe the memory of
the Prince's visit will long survive in the breasts
of the Ameriban nation, and that there mutual
recollections will tend more closely than ever to
knit together those two great people." The burst„
of cheering that followed these well conceived
observations of Lord Palmeriton, woke up 'the
echoes of the roof of the noble hall Of the Salt
ers' Company. Nothing could have passed off
more harmomonsly from the' outset to the close
than the visit of the Prince of Wales to Canada
andhhe United States; and may all the good an
ticipated from it come to pass. •
The following is the official statement of the
voting in Umbria : Voters on the lists 123,011 ;
of this number 97,040 voted yes; 380 voted no;
and 206 votes were null. In the Marches; 138,-
788 voted yes; 1,212 no; and 260 were null.
Roam, Nov. 9.—An extraordinary council of
Cardinals took place yesterday. The secret Com
mittee has collected the votes of Rome on the
question of annexation.
The Pope in accordance with annual custom,
resorted, on the 4th inst., to the church'.or San
Cario, in the Course, in gala equipage, escorted
by his noble guords and a detachment of dra
goons, a few of whom still constitute the effective
cavalry of the Papal army. French troops were
arrayed on the Plazas, and the civic or Palatine
soldiers filled the church. Both in coming and
going his Holiness was received with faint
cheers; but the feeling , was evidently partial, and
the general reception of the Papal cortege was
extremely cold, whilst the personal appearance
of the Pontiff was grave and careworn.. .
Sweden, which was always considered the
most intolerant of the Protestant States In Eu
rope with regard to religious liberty, (*here the
bishops constitute a political body of the' Stite,
land exercise considerable influence with the
government,) has just taken' an important step
on the path of civilization and clerical reform:
The King in accordanCe with the Legislative.
Chambers, has just' decreed' that every Jew who
has not boon condemned for any criminal action;
has permission to establish himself in Sweden
without any restriction, and to follow any call
ing, or to acquire property of any kind; under
the same circumstances as the Christians in that
country : Liberal minds have hailed this royal
decree with great satisfaction, and it M hoped
that the government.will also very soon liberate
the Roman. Catholics' of ,Sweden from the obsta
cles placed in the way of the exercises of their
religion sincO.l6o.
The English and French forces advanced to
within twelve miles of Pekin, before the Empe
ror would agree to sign the treaty. It provides
a remuneration to the allies for the. expenses of
the war, and some important facilities • for trade
and:commerce. The particulars are nbt yet re-
3.8 LL
MRS. WINSLOW, an experienced .NurE,e'
and Female Physician, hail a Soothing Syrup for children
teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by
softening the gums, reducing all inflammation—will allay all
pain and regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, inothers, it
will give rest to yourselves and relief ' and health to your in
fants. Perfectly,sife inall cases. See advertisement.
inT 264 Y , • , .
Wednesday,-November 21st, at the residence of CM'
officiating- minister, by MeV. .7„ - E.- Caruthers, Mr. Aix. M:'
BELL, formerly of Kansas , Territory, to. MISS SARAU
daughter of Mr. David Risher, of Armstrinig County; Pa.
By MOrrieGrinies at Die Post House, M'Connellie ,
ville, Ohio, September 27111,.- Mr. SAMUEL WILSON to Miss
Cruntorrs Ross. At the same place, November. 22d, Mr.
JOHN ROTirLA'ND to Mists Mary JAaa WA - Emu, all of Bristol ;
Morgan Comity, Ohio. -
NOvember 22d, by ReV: T. B.Nan Emsn, at the residenbi of
Mr:fieorge, Ifozelbaker, Sr., Mr . - JOHN CURNAnD to, Miss
Arms :A..'iltnimmtga, both of Fayette City, Pa.
On the 220 of Novemher,- itev. J. Mateer; Mr. Jows
Smirri, of Frostburg, to. Miss MATILDA MAXWELL,' of Curl's
villa, Clarion Comity, Pa. , _ ,
At 'Vermillion, on the 21st ult., by Iter. Mr. "Martin, Mr.
JACOB Dam to MOB 'Lots ANx Dombroox of Dakota
Septeinber 18th, by Ite . r . . T. P. Boyd, Mr.. WALTER Barrana
to Miss MART JANE EAKIN, both of Yenango County, Pa.
November let, Mr..Birres ruansa to Miss MART Barran, both'
near Centretown. Mercer County, Pa. November 18th, Mr.
j:CEIITTICK, of Philadelphia, to Miss SARAN, 'daughter
of Mr. Robert Patterson,.near Centrotown, Mercer CO., Pa.
On the same day, Mr. DAVID M., Warantox, of Mercer County,
to Miss Par.ria. &mu, of Butler County, Pa.
October 21th, by Bev. B. C. Critchlow, at the house of the
bride's mother,• in New .Brighton, , JOHN WELTS to Barran .
A. Boom both of New Brighton. On the same evening, at
Greenwood Institute, NeW Brighton, „EDWARD H. Wayrorr, of.
Philadelphia,lo Miss LAZETTA. Townsawn„ of New Brighton.
October 28th; at the residence of the bride's mother, JOHN
M. MCMILLAN to MARGARET AI .Tfirrusrox, both. of Beaver
County, Pu. November Ist, at the. residence of the bride's
father, ART WI Bnewurso, of Paxton, Mass, to MARY;
dallghLeT of Jz Winans, M.D., of New Brighton. 'November
Bth, at the parsonage, in New Brighton, Taos. H. 'McCown to
ST./CIII.IOE B. Carroutow, daughter of the ofciating clergyman.
CENTS A I.prm, NINE WortisLlNE.] , ,
MIED—At the residence of Mr. James McCullough; near
DeWitt; DeWitt County, Tn., on the Dtb. of November, Mr.
HUMPHREY RUSK, in the 86th year of his age.,
3lr. Rusk was a Ruling Elder, in, the Presbyterian church
of 3ltOnnoliaville; Ohio, aria was highly osteentail:in all the
relations he sustained as a member and officer of the church,
as a husband, Parent, friend, neighbor, and citizen. lie died
DIED;--November 10th, aCher late - residence. in Saltsbus,
of disci . gm of the heart, JAN.9I, aged 79 .
years and 18 days.
ller affliction'on a 'sick bed was of very short durittioni and
she, anticipated her dissolution at hand. :She had her house
set in order, and.seemed 2 to say, l• 7elcome .
"Then, sweet be my rest till fie bid mearise t
To hail triumph descending the Skies:"
DIED—On Sabbath morning, November 11th, near Dalton,
Wayne Cotinty, Ohio; Mrs. SARAH. LATIMER, in the -- 58th
Year Of her:uffc- •• • : • • : .
The decease of thicestimable lady ;was very sudden.. She
retired to rest in, usual health; sbortii after midnight her
hushand wei'startledly her laboiliniiiespirarion, but befoie
a light would be prOmired, or the fiiinily aesenibled, the vital
spark had Zed._ • But althoughtho cry came titiiut at inidnight,
4 Go ye out to meet llim," we trusty her lamp was not, only.
furnished with oil, but trimmer. and burning.- - And, while
her friends, by the - suddenness of her removal, have been-de
prived of the consolation which a triumPhant death 7 scene
might have given, they have the more • valuable testimony to
the genuineness of her piety, which a well-spent life affords:,
Mrs. Latimer. enjoyed., the, advantages of ateligions edu
• eation, , anclin early ilf.i:u9iteq,with the Presbyterian church
of - Island Creek; Jefferion County, "of which 'church' her
parents Were among the Mier:oil members. In 1834 her has:
band rernoved f to ykinitY - of :Dalton. !' To the church in
that place her -connexion was ,immediately•transferred, and
for more than twenty-five years she.there evinced the sincer
ity oi; her Profession_ by an eminently consistent walk: and
conversation: In the' various relations of life, - She di.scliarged
the" duties iitirolvine upon her with marked' 'fidelity and
energy: "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord." •
DIEDOt dyptheiia, October 31st, ELLA AGNES, daugh
ter of .1. B. and Lucinda Parks, near Leechtarg, Pa., aged 2
years, i 0 months, and 27 days. •
Our Ella's gone, our hearts are lone and sad;
• We lakihei gently in the grave so low;
The massage came, her ransomed spirit fled—
Oh, why our darling 7' why should Ella go? •
DlED—NentLewisville, Indiana County, Po., on Novem
her 24th, of disease 'of the throat, Miss MARGARET ANN:
daughter of Andrew and,Mary Jane Richey, in the 16th year
of her age. . •
She left home in good health, to spend a few days among
her friends, and in one week she was brought home a conme.
She had'not made a public profestdon of religion, but contem
plated doing so
. soon, if her life had been spared; her reli
gious exercise's duffing her brief sickness, encourage the hope
that she was prepared for her change. "Be ye also ready ;
for in such an hour 114 ye think not,lke Son of Mau cometh."
"In the silent grave vrolidd her,
• When the sear and yellow lenf
Fell from trees that wave above her,
• .'Emblem of.our times so brief.
DIED—On the 27th of November, in the 30th year of her
age, Alias ELIZABETH, daughter of Mr. W. Kerr, of North
Strabane Tovenabip, Washington County, Pa.
The deceased was a niember nf the Church, and gave evi
dence of 14 , faith -in Christ, in her life and death. About
three hours before her departure, aba acid to the family, "I
am dying:" and a few momenta before she breathed her feat,
her bead resting on her sister's bosom, she felt it Leave, and
said, "Sister, mourn not for me; lam happy." • . .
DIED—On the fad of October. R. BIITtNF.TT LEASON, a
member of the Senior Clam of Washington College, Pa.
The deceased wee a eon of Mr. Samuel Lesson, a Ruling
Elder in the Semiramis Presbyterian church, Allegheny
Presbytery. He was twenty-two years of age on the let of
last July. Christian training was not lost upon him, nor
were the prayere,of. parents in his behalf unheard. He had
been a member of the church for a year, and had given good
evidence of his being a child of God; and Air the grace given
to him, hie parents and other friends render• devout thanks
to God, even while overwhelmed with unutterable grief. He
was spending a vacation at his father's and this was the man
ner of iihi death:* He had made preparation for takings ride
upon a young horse; but just as be was seating himself in
the saddle, ho was thrown tiom the horse witbtremendous
violence upon the ground, and falling upon his head,. was so
ininied that he lived butCreiirilimire. In the morning he
was itithe enjoyinent of pcifeet health, and in the evening
his soul took its flight from this lower world, leaving a life
less body to be cared for by his friends. .In the morning he
led his father's family:in their devotions; and In the evening
he was called to join in the worship of other redeemed spirits
and holy angels above.
He was a young man of more than ordinary talent, and
was have represented the Literary Society to which he be
longed, as orator, at their next contest. lie was looking tor-
ward to the ministry as the work to which God woe Calling .
him.. But his Master his taken the will for the died, and
given him the reward without the labor. May many of his
youtlifnl companione devote themselves to the workin which
he expected to spend his life! .
Book and Job . Printing Establishment ,
Office--Gazette' Building,
No 86 Fifth Street,
Ilavin,lled ourselves:With a largo stocif..of new and
suitable •wei' are preiriXeir to execute, on short nottco
every detto plion
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I amt
Look np lat JeSUS' feet, so bright, so fair, '
A ransomed heat of happy spirits fall . ;
And see I Oh, sea I your little Ella there,
Ent' harp, her voice, the sweetest of them all
'"ln the silent tomb we laid her,
• Earth to earth, and duet to duet,
The opirit's gime to God who gave her.
In heaven elle direlle with him; we Cruet."
Circulation, 10,000 Daily,
Subscription, $3:00 a Year.
Didiy. .l Thrice iTwiee I Once liNreekly
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One Insertion 50 50
Tree insertions I.oo' • - 1.00
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One ,month 5.00 • 3.35 2.50 1.50 f 1.25
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One year 20.00 13.35 10.00 0.05 12.00
Western' Pennsylvania: Eastern Ohio, and Western
Only Fifty Cents a Year /
.& PLEESON, Publishers,
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„Hex now ready the . SECOND T.11.01:13.0120,of tho
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Upward of sixty original illustrations, design
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Fae-siiiites of the Original Aittotp;aph Cbpies of Fifteen
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It is beyond question the handeomest 'and most Match&
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From The New-York Obslrver.
Each of these exquisite engravings arc real gems of art,
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'dens of the perfection which oar artistiThave readied. The
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Fioll2 the Tithune
'‘A perfect gallery of characteristic, graphic gems, -being
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rays Of light divine,' ln,Whieh ibeapirit Of song has invested
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This is king among the G4ifi Books; when truth iii Mar
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Prom the N ma-York .70deptident. -
"We ar3"at a loss _whether, most to, admire the taste,,va- -
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Copies sent by mail or express, freight paid, on receipt of
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Sold by all Druggists, at 25c., 02c. and 51 per box or pot.
putt LisllEtts , AD VNILTISEMENT.
• :The . ?Philosophical 'Works': of Bacon:
will make ten Volumes' of our edition, and till be numbered
from I to X inclusive. ' .
The Literary and Professional, Works
will make five volumes, and will be numbered from XI to
XV. As we begin With the LITERARY AND PROFES
SIONAL WORKS, (which are complete in themselves,) the
first volume.of our Mlle is numbered XI on the back and on"
the title-page. After volumes XII, XIII, XIV. and XV are
issued, we shall begin issuing . the PHILOSOPHICAL
WORKS, numbering the. voluinet from I to X. 'Thus, when
the complete worke are published; the munberineof the yob ,
Mmes will be found regular from Ito XV. .ihieway we
avoid the clumsy look of double title, pages, find of double,
lettering on the. back of each/Del/tate. We IttAuti !the L1T...!
they come after the PHILOSOPHICAL in the order of -col'
tames, in order to meet the wishes of the public.
The fifteen volumes of our edition will be a reprint of the
seven thick Svo., volumes of the English edition. The Eng
lish editors oftertrefer in their prefaces .and notes td. Other
volumes of this edition, meaning of:course the. English edi
tion.. We have given themipervisoii of the Pties directions
to change the references, so that this edition shallmeatiours
in fifteen voluntee. "Thus, for example, the word three, first
page of the preface in volumeXT, third line fret:a tliebeitom,
should be seven; and the words this natunie,fttthelnip*ng
°tithe next page; refer to' he English*olinne which contains
the matter of volumes XI and Xll,,and a small portion of vol.
XIII in our edition. Errors of this hind will be carefully
• avoided in - fthe :future. " OnlY'two or three of them occur in
this first volume of our reprint.
• We have to thank Mr. Spedding, one of the English Edi-
tors of BACON, for furnishing us with a list of errata, thus'
enabling us to give the American- public an edition of
BACON'S WORKS, nearer perfection than any tither edition,
in substance as, well as form. - We also heartily"thank the
public for responding toour appeal, in, this great enterprise
with more promptness and emphasis than we dared to hope.
- - BROWN •de TAG4ARD,.
Made from Ilidea Specially serectid and tanned whole fin: the
purpose, and of which the best testimordela can be given.
ALSQ, . • •
Warranted to stand heat of three hundred degrees' without
being affected. ' ' .
For sale by ' ME LANGE,
octfitt- :- -.233 Liberty Street, opposite head of Wood.
Late of the firm of Kirk
patrick Metagar:
Wlll. }1:.? itIIRKPATRICK:
.Wholesale Grocers;
No, 299 :Liberty St., opposite head of Smithfield,
Particular attention paid to the rage of Country Produce.
Will find the Most complete assortment of books ielatlng to
their business that can be found in the , world. at C. N. SAX
TON, BARKER k CO.'S :Agricultural Boot: kottu., 25 Park
Row. Now Taik: ' Fond for o.r..nialogno. ' - 1. - folll.F4y
rtfi ' THEOLT, Retieve the Hacking. Cough in
2;.„ 0 ,„,&- ; nd CATARRH. Clear, and ,give
H.NT‘" ettengk to the voice of
Publit Speakers and Sangers.
Few are aware of the importance of. checking a. : Cough or
Contnion Gold."' in its first stage ; that which in the begin
ning, would yield to a mild remedy, 'if neglected, soon ,at
tacks the Lungs. "Brown's Bronchial Troches." containing
demulcent ingredient* allay Pulmonary and Bronchial 'Ml
"That trouble in, my Throat„s(for which the
"Troches" area irpeciftc) having made Me often`
a mere whisperer." 5, SN. P. WILLIS. •• !'
" I recommend their use to, Pubite Speakers.".,
"Have proied extremelyeerviceable for Hoarse
"Almost indent relief in the distressing labor
of breathing peculiar, to .Asthina."
"Contain no Opium, or anything injurious."
' • Ell. A. 'A: HAYES,'
• Chemist, Boston.
"A simple and pleasimtcombinatiowfor Omaha,
"Banalcial in BrfincTiitis."4 . B o ston.
. • DR. T. Y. W. LANE,
"I Lave proved them excellent for Whooping,.
Cirugtc." REV. 11:14. - WARREN,
"Beneficial when Compelled,to 13x , ak,, sufferiva
fromCbld.": REV. S. J.:P. ANDE R SON;
, , . St. Yollk.;
' "Bffectual in removing Ho/Wain:om and Irri
tation :of the IThroat, co Common - with :Speaker?
and Singers:' : , . z,
taeraNge,A ft,"
, , „, ,
Teacher of Musk, Southern Female Cllege,
"Great 'benefit' when taken before aid after
preaching, as they. prevent Henrietta's. From
their, past effect, I think they will be of Parma
nentadvantage to me.'-'.
• ' President ,
Arbetie College: Tenn."
Soldby ail,Druggistspat , TWENTY FIVE
TOLOT 1 0 : . 811011% . 171C13.,
Late with Gillespie, Zeller
Co Philadelphia.
A Mammoth Weekly.
Single Sdbacriptions MAO Per annual
Contains all the Current News of the Bay, Political Lit
erary; Agricultural, Commercial, Local, Telegraphic, and
The Paper being of the largest size, and neatly printed, On
fine white paper, in large, clear type, will be found by the
subscriber to give better satisfaction than any paper pub
lished in Pittsburgh..
Those who Wish to take a paper frOm Pittsburgh, will find
the Saturday 'Morning Fest, a safe and protitableinvistraent.
Address , JAMES P. BARR,
decd-2t • Editor and Proprietor...
No. 25 Fifth &ma i
Ifaying pnrebesed irit in tbo lest few days in NEW.YORK
and. PHILADELPHIA, a large stock of
Seasonable Dress Goads,
31E1E.M4ILLTIV - Mir7l4 0 PA Pa
an extensive assortment of NEW STYLE DRESS GOODS, In
Their stock on hand has been reduced in price to a level with
their recent purchases, and they Intend . to be liberal in
. .
. Wnsizas, lettere testamentary have been granted to the
underelgned, on the Lest Will. and Tenement of JOREPH
LYTLE, late of Peebles 'Township, Allegheny County, Pa.
decended, all persond indebted to the estate of the said de:
Cedent will make immediate payment, and those having
claims against the said estate, will present them, duly au
thenticated, for settlement, without dely, to the undersigned.
STEPHEN WOODS, Sr., Executor,
N. & S. WOODS, Attorneye-nt.Law,
No. 162 Fourth , Street, Pittsburgh.
It ie propoeed to establish, at Danville, Kentucky, a new
and original Quarterly Publication, to he called the DAN
VILLE QUARTERLY REVIEW—and to be conducted by a_
Society of gentlemen, of whom a portion are tame of those
connected with the Presbyterian Inatitations at that place,
and a portion reside eleewheta.
This publication is designed mainly for the exposition, ad
tancement and defense of the Christian Religion, Considered
in its purely Evangelical sense; and for open resistance to
whatever is hostile to it, or inconsistent with it in perfect
consistency with that chief design, its pages will be open to the
consideration of all other interests of man,
and the discussion
Of everything : that promotes or obstruets - any one of those
interests. The work is projected, and twill be controlled by
persons, all- of whom are. members of the' Presbyterian
Church in the United States of America, all of whom accept
the Standards of that Church in their obvious sense.
. .
The work will consist of about 17 pages in eaohluartoily
number—making about 700 pages to the yearly volume;
naveriess---more of its income'shall justify it. 'Rift designed
that its mechanical execution shall be at least equal to any
aimilai American publication: and strict punctuality is in
tended in the issue of every number. The price will be $3
per annum, payable on the receipt of the first number, with
the usual deduction to clubs.
Theobject of this published Prospectus is to ascertain pre
cisel3-, and at:ea - early a period as possible, whether or not the
projectors of-this work are correct in supposing that there is
such a necessity and demand for it, that the public patronage
will be sufficient' to cover the actual expenses of it. If it will
not. the. enterprise will be allowed to drop. If it will, the
fiti‘nuraber- will be issued Cary soon after that fact is ascer
tained: E'rery one friendly to the enterprise is therefore re
quested to obtain subscribers, and forward their names and
address, not later than the end of the current year; but no
money must be remitted until the first number is received by
the Subscriber.
Address SAMUEL EFERON, Esq., Danville, Ey;
nov 44
Family . Grocer and Tea Dealer,
Takes pleasure in announcing to his friends and customers
thatite.hew recently removed to the new and spacious was*.
Corner of Nberty and"ltand Streets,
(.4 few dimos=aboce, his old stand,)
Andhaving . largely increased his stock by recent purchases,
new offers to the public the most extensive and complete as
sortment to be found in this city, of
Foreign and . Dome:ttic Fruits, Teas. Spices. Pickles and
Sauces, Preserved Fruits in great variety, Fish. Hams, Dried
Beef, &e., , besides. an .assortment of Domestic. Housekeeping
articles ; thus constituting a lionsekeeper's Emporium, where t
meet all articles that are useful or necessary for the Family
all pay be purchased at reasonable prices;
Catelognes containing an extended lilt' of my stock fur
nished. by mail; if desired..
Cor. Liberty and Hand Sta., Pittsburgh
We take great pleasure in recrimmending to our former
patrons : and the • public in general. Professors C. M. DODD
and LAVALETTE :WILSON, who have taken charge of the
ALLEGHENY. CITY COLLEGE. They are gentlemen of
high moral worth, and are thoroughly acquainted with the
management and training of youth—having been, practically
engaged fora number of years' in imparting instruction in
the ;varied departments of science. Their qualifications, both
Classical and Mathematical, are of a nigh order, and we feel
assured that those. svhci may favor them with their Patronage,
will enjoy many advantages seldom found in similar institn.
. .
lions. • J. DAVIS,
this Institution will commence on MONDAY, September 10tb.
Circulars may be had at the principal .Book Stores of Pitts
burgh and'Allegheny ; or apply to C. M. DODD, Principal.
REY. C. PERSHING, A 1,31., President, assiskd by is
Superior tuivantages are afforded for obtaining a thorough
Academia and. Collegiate education. Every effort will be
made to secure the happiness and improvement of all 'who
rintyptcnd. The Collegiate year begins August 31st; second
Session, December 7th ; and the third, March 21st. Tuition
varies from $8 to 818 per Session, according to studies. For
further information, apply to the President, or to Professor
J. H. KNOWLES, Pittsburgh, Pa. angll-ly
. •310.31E 7 P3iL13C0N51C1..,
f= , OF.FICE, - NO. 104 FOURTH '...STREET, Igl
Between Hood and Smithfield Streets. .
' From 9 O'clock :A. M., to 4 o'clock P. M. M.
'.52 mid 54 Murray Street, New-York, .
Iniporters and Jobbers of CLOTHS, CASSEBERES, VEST"
ENOS, and every style and quality of goods used by Clothiers
and.Merehant.Taßors for Men's and Boys' Wear.
eepl ' '
J P 'NV I lAM S,
- "114 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh,
• - •
(nearly opposite theVustont Hoitse,) has just opened a very
choice ; selection of .
of the latest importationa. Also,
- . 1 COFFEES;
New, Orleans, Cuba, Coffee, Crushed, and Pulverized Sugars;
Rice, Rice Flour, Pearl and Corn Starch, Farina, Yeast Pow- -
dens, Maccaroni,, Cocoa., Broma, Extra No. 1, arid.
Spiced Chocolite• Ptre Ground Spices; Castile, Ahnond,i
Toilet, Palm, German ' and Rosin Soaps; Sup. Carbonate of
Soda; Cream Tartar; Extra Fine Table Salt; Pure Extracts
Denim' and Vanilla; Stir,Motild, and Dipped Candles; Sugar-
Cured Hams; Dried Beef; Water, Butter, Sugar, and Soda
Crackers Foreign Fruits, &e.,
This stoCk has been purchased fOr CASH, and will be
offered to the Trade, and ..also to Families, at very moderate
advances, from whom we respectfully solicit a share of pat
ronage. janl4-tf
Having formed a' Partnership and opened an office 'at
,` • NO. 105 FIFTH STREET,
• (A few Door's abcge the Post Office,)
Would call the attention of the public to their superior facil
ities for the manufacture and hisertlon of all kinds of ARTI
FICIAL TEETH, and for the performance of all other
branches of DENTISTRY.t, -
Without malting a speciality 'of any one style, they still
recommend the
As the most Healthy, Durable and Comfortable. Substitutes
for tho Natural Teeth. They are g.uantateed to be superior
in every respect to the best Metallic' Plate Teetb,.whethef
mounted on Gold or any of the baser metals, and can be fur
nished at a cost considerably less.
Those, having imperfectly fitting Goldteta, can have them ,
replaced with the VULCANITE, at, a small additional - ex'
pense above the value of the old plate. nov24-3m
at 1- • •o°'
&I A; 6 4 Divageka
:41 ° fa
- Save the Pieces !
.4* etiUidereGt win happen, even ihs seroil-regvaate. 7 . Amok; It
ve7 desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for roar
log Furniture, Toys, Crockery, dc.
meta all snob emergencies, and no household can afford to be
without It It is always ready and up Co the sticking point.
There in no longer a neeesidty for limpleg chairs, splintered via
taws, headless dolls; and broken cradles. It is Just the article
foi eaeo, shell, end otlier ornamental work, ea popular with ledlen
of refinement. and taste.
.This admirable preparation to used cold, being chemically bold
to soluttou, and potoseshig all the valuable qualities of the ber
cabinet-makera , It may be wed to the pleas or °ribbo—
n:manage. lbeincvastly Wore adhesive.
"uffoiiiri f TN EVERY HOUSE."
N.B.—A Brush sccompattitzt each bottle. Price, 36 car t
Wliolosalo ' Do i,'No 30 Platt-ut, New York.
Nor No. 3,600, Now York
Put up Mr Dealers, ID Casas,containing four, eight,• end twelve,
dome—a beautiful Lithographlo Show-Card accompanying each
mar A tim es ttle of SPALDING'S PRNPANNII GLD*
Leave t Its ooat annually, to every household:4*
Sold by all prominent Stationent, Druggists, Derdware aid
Parclune Dealers; Grocers., and Farley Stores. .
Country merchants should make a note of SPALDING'S KM
!PARED GLUE; when Milking up 'their list: ft will stand aq
climate. F -
,- ;Wholesale Depot removed from No .1110 - Platt Street to
1N0.'48 OTECT, New York,'