Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, November 24, 1860, Image 3
1:2!I Day of Fasting, fo.—The Legislature. of South Caroana, at its late iesilon, adopted the following resolution : "Be ,refaiieff, , That, in view. of this solemn crisis in our country's affairs,. the :list of Novemberinstant be appoitttedVall a day of fasting humiliation, and privoi t v r and that the Governor be respectfu4;re quested to issue his proclamation riling, the clergy and people of all denominations to assemble in their places of Ohne wor ship to implore God's direction and. bless ing in this our hour cc difficulty, .and 'to. give us brie heart and iifind firmly to. oppose, by all. just dad :proper means, every injury to ow rights.'" • .• VAVETIF t S. A LETIMSftorW9 valiant Dr. Living stone BUggeatafthqiinquiry why, if so many parts of Southern Africa arc such magnifi cent cottontields, they are so completely negleetttV,by:the British public, by the British cotton spinners, and by British statesmen. - 1 111`0Velitins develops the curious • act that there are more Scotch descendants in Londen than in Edinburgh, more Irish than in Dublin, 100,000 more Romanist" than in Rome, and more Jews than in Pal estine. There are• also in • the same 41 tropolis no less' than ,60,000 . Germans, 80,- 000 French, and 6;000 Italians;a very large number of Asiatics from al parts of the East, and many who still worship their idols. TIME was, in the old Puritanic days, when every shower of rain was seen to come from heaven, when every ray of sunshine was blessed, and God was thanked for having given fair weather to ingather the fruits of the harvest. Then men talked of God as doing everything. ,- .Balt iin our days where, is our Godl We - have, the laws of matter. Alas alas naives' whh little mean ing should have, destroyed our memory of the Eternal, One.--Spurgeon. WORDS IN THE ENGLIBTE LANHUAGE.- The number of words definite iii'Vti r ebster i s l ' Dictionary is 99,000, exclusive - of six or seven thousand which*ve ;!redeii,tly come into use, and about 88,000 geographical, Scripture, an(l. proper .pitmes, faking' an aggregate of over 140,000, words. *ln Worcester's Dietonary there .are , 108:300, words defined,. and 28,000 geographicid;• Scripture - cram& proper names, Disking a total of about 182,90. LONGEVITY.—The British census just published; h t aiiithillyyeroarkable facts *mu Longevity. - Mcirethan half a million (58§,1 030) persons Great Britain, have paned . " three-score qiCai•s.!ctnd ten,", and 129,000;' fonr-SCO're :years 9,847 have lived over, ninety years; and 2,038 over ninety-fine ,years; and 319 have exceeded'one hundred, Nears. When• the , report of the United' States census, taken this year, is published, ive may exped . sba?4,l4erestinc , recta up en, this subject, perhaps equalto AZse reportgat in Great'Britain. . • • DIPTHEIVA ANn Via Othtts.—The dis tinguishing 'mark 'of this malady '' fiom other diseases of ihe throat, is the forma tion of a membrane which increases grad-. ually until the patient is strangled to death. It is sometimes ticcoinpanied with ulcera tion an 51, great bodily ,prqskration , To pre vent the. feintation. of iliiii,membraiae. is to arrest and cure the disease. be Cincin nati Press . oies the foiliiiiiiiiesimfae rem edy 3,--- ,In ,the,early stues of Ole ,complaint, whieW is lays and swelling of the tbroat, let the patient ti use a sitpille splOignof saltsl.wa„teit, as a gargli, z eery,, fileen , 'lntnfi, 0.1" Arthe same time moisten a . piede of &mid with a solution of the same kind, made as warm as the patient; calk . , bear . t ) . t,..,tlnd , bind. it around his throat, renewing It as 'often as the gargle , is administered, and in the meanwlaile,sprinkle fine. salt. between the flannel. and. the' neck. Use inwardly- some tonic or stimulant, either separately,' or. if the prostration be.great, use both' together.. The treatment, as may be seen, is extremely simple, and, if used .in the earlier stage of the disease will effect' a 'coniplete ioure. 11XIIOUCLIVITTIL AINBASSADOR.7 - While . JeOrson was „ambassador to Fretyle,.',.bp travellea" in Italy for, the.eabO of appertain. ing the, cause of the .ettperiotity of .010:A nion' over the American: rice, _ .which; he found' consisted in the quality of the :wed, As thet.governmeotlrobibited ;the exporte r tion of ; the' seed, he...filled. all, bis. pockets with the preckons grain, which he brouOt home, for: the:'benefit of: the. Smith .Carolint planters, whose rice is' now thebeeelin.the • ." • tr i ce, ,-)1A bfitoriCal ii6teeir Oflngland tlve years without antattempttettigidiall CoUbterfiii . :thifin: ' 1758, draper of Londmi-iidrititi3rfeited a note, for the first_timg,AyLenttiug-Win,tcr , as nisly pieces as 'there were pictures and words upon it,'ind otripl4ying :the 'tat !Of Itingra vers,to copy , then 3 on separ*,.pyttes jii . ( By printing. the plates, .sucEpplyelz,i.on Apa piece or paper the saine,egptf..iins iirPdfigai as if the whole . bad . , li!etn PP.. 9R4 plate. Williamlenry yaugban—fOr anon was his ritimeu4as hung anOonnterfelAkng went oninemi,ng„mtM about the riar 1818, when there, •wqmpli hundred. and ; thirty executions ,fotT4t4fl crime ; in ono yeaz, and all for counterfeiting the notes on. giviflink of England .along, 'have a daily Relkillft can newspaiSet. 'Washib,gton:: Pafias are already .arranging for ;its immediate issue, With's: handribbie kieeklY to be madp i pt.out of the, daily,-The f now jow l nal is to be called the itepubileaW Era— a dertrg* '•natne, dertaiwly; shrBWd 'hewspaper men - teie' Oat; theit headgrilihen the project Ulftentinied it costs a pile, or , z.eneeessfnliy start "AO, newswiter Bailey stink #5,000 In ins DatT4i . A SiWkiikilnil; made in *Ptgigripliing from rttoalloon Thti.`ma , has beei. i thAci.Piiniogiaih'id: from: it eigtipsll7,3 , W,4l itclitAtAreld,fekt..';:,Thy' experiment proves the feasibility of , .pro duqiiiglif ChM' 'bleats 'bi - rd'aidye cities, harbors, water courses, etc. the photographs can be reduced to a size adapted to the stereoscope( M. BIEARE 1)F. BOISWONT _ lately read an essay upon general - paralysis and its primonitory symptoms. The symptom to which, lie.attaehes racist importance is a complete change in the habits and,,,ghtgac ter of-the pelson attacked. Whenalf•in dividual who, naturally gentle and' patient, becomes subject to fits- of..violent anger,Nop, a perioh ,sincnrelx Christian and orpur morals; assumes a strange liberty of tlnitight and manners, we shall not once in a bun: dred times deceive ourselves if we take , these.eyniertinits pron• c' nosties Of ;e. disor der of the brain, whicliwill soon degenii' ate.into general paralysis. AT THE ra,NOTION in Maryland,"-the question of enslaving the negro population' of that State was 'submitted .to tiket:Amitdito The 'llaltimore Americaia thus notices. the result : ," In all the counties in bliiryland from' : ,wbioh. we have received , returns in which the act for the enslavement. of free negroes .wris submitted to the people i thet voters have' emphatically ands signally de-' nounoed that ,unjust and uncbristian law. The question has been Met . and'•deeided without, any 'reference to party irlitics,and the laW, is defeatedhY, tnajoritieseaiia,pt , ing almost to unani*niity., ,The result:llgreaily,, creditable to tile i douifirns' in Whiiiihiliii=vote was' talieta,24and,;h:ol64l4:l4,.4l)l*Cate at, Barge." ea...-eorov4~..^iits 4c. mire...r...atOr,*la .4;3 • 0` . ,A3; •.;.• •• • • • ' PRESBYTERIAL NOTICES. A MeetTiti Of the PRESBYTERY OP WASHINEIT N,lll ithe , olturch of the Forks of Wheeling, on Tneeday„the.4tle, •Iliky. of December, ISuO, at 11 o'clock A. 131., is hereby called,. for the purpoee of granting leave to the :congrPgatton, of the said Forks of Wheeling to proeconte cathfor the naltiieterial services of the Rue. Lavurty Omer, bofore the Pr,ebytury of Stonbenville. J. W..scorr pLxlerntor. . The PRESBYTERY OF IfUNTIECIDON will hold an' ed journed meeting in the Preebyteriart church of Little Volley, on the Second Tuesday (the 11th) of 'December, at 11 o'clock A. M. ROBERT. HAM' LL, Stated Clark. ' • • tter BeiUS. Artificial Teeth It is wonderful what art can dorto'remedy noes? , ture's losses. The decayed eye of seventy/ is made to see us distinctly as the youthful ono of twenty. And when the;masticators of nature's bestowing ore ioit; or wore Out: they are replootiii by' others rihich•d`o the `healed work wStli'won derful comfort and porfeetness:. ' • Drs. Stebbins &ilunson advertise in our =ea u-Inns, their Truleanite Plate Teeth. They are beau ; L: tiful, light, and strong, and Can be made to' fit perfectly. Those who have used them speak o them in very high terms of, irohie. The Secession movement in the South' is rather . retfokradAd.' eledraPhic dispatches ere un happily, very'dnfeliable?, and theyhrtililmecially so, wheti they aftpertrf in 'strong „partizan,. news papers. .They often: dent 'by excitable men, and that in the first moments of their emotion and, sometimes, they are mannfacttired as,seriSa tion articles. The matter is quite evident that the Union men. are a majority, by far, 'in the Southern States. The'Douglas and Bell men joined, outvoted the Breokinridge men in, we believe, all the States. The probability is very strong, that the Virginia . vote will be east for BelL. Virginia, North Car olina, Maryland, Delawsre, BentuokY, Tennes-; see, and sie . deeidedly opposed to'Seees 7 BiOn. As are also • Louisiana and Texas. The Bell and Douglas men are organizing a Union pa litical party ; and ifilieY ire 114Vby COW*: eels, ttey,will be' ce pkty of. the, South. We see notice of s a movement, in. the Legisla tete of Vetmont, to annul the Persotial , Liberty: laW. This it may be hoped, will suooeed ; anti that all lava_4l,sippositiort . ,acte r pf,ptatgreaa will be repealed, N'Orth and •South.'Theli may we look for peace. • The Irish Brigade ninttber'oT Irish Rotnan Catholics, in their zeal for the temporalities of the Pope, left their hinneiigti ertlisted'iii his army. We have several titheniioticed theii iisappointmenkt and dissti.*-4 faction, and the return of many of them in disgust: Suelktiarriitives Ciere,:of course,' not in Catholic papeen.,....We now , reprint , from the Pittsburgh ,Catholic, tan article per contra. It ,it 3 an Crdei of the Day, issued , by the Minister of War of the iPontißaal Governnieitel !"GINEUAL ORDER OP TH/A . :*NlStlpi Of APO.. • — 44 ,oth October, 11360. 0 ,11 ' At the.moment in which,* consequence of the present:sad state of affairs, the brave soldiers of the Battalion of St. Patrick, who had hastened hither for the defence of the State of Holy, Chur,oh, are•about to leave the Pontifical ,nrmy, the undersigned Minister, of Arms experiences the liveliest sitisfaction'in being able to express to those• soldiers'his entire satisfaetion, and , be stowing on them the highest praise for their . , 'conduct. 4. " 0. ‘:llo.thing more could be,expecte from ; them, The:B4ttilion a. SE Patilek, at Spoleto, titTer tigua, at Castelfidardo, and in.Ar.cona. ? las shown the power" of faith 'United to the . sentiment of honor, in `the treaoh'erous and unequal contest,. in which a small number of brave soldiers resist-; ed to the last an entire army of sacriligious in-, yadors. - • . " May this recollection never perish from their hearts. God, who defende bis:Ohurch, will bless vhat they' have done. . '' ••• ;: " It is not Irishmen who required to be remind ed that 7e must, suyer and persevere .in the good., g " Ministerof Arms, 11 83VIEli. DE Menons." The remnant of *ii,;:ilrigade has returned to Ireland: .: •• • Water 'Used' in' Philide Some idea quantity ofjvaterneeileVor human sustenance maybe formed from the'follbw ing statem ent . of ,th e , s ed' by ;the !several works in PhilsitleplaitsAnzingthe .month pf Ootobee: • • ' 99 ' • Pitirmesinf, • Schuylkill, • Delaware, - Twenti-fouith .* . Aierage ,per,.day, llode•ofAlepling a President - and Vice Pros L -dent. 1. By the Act of Congress of M 346, the .gleaT. tors for President and. 'nee 'President of the' United ,States are appointed in eaoh.State on the Tuesday net after the first Mondajr,in Novem ber. 2. By . thp Aet'' • of 1792 • these';EleCtbis - , Are to meet on the 'first Wednesday in December after, in their respective Statei, to "casttheir votes: 8. These: votes, when oast., are to be certified, by the Electors; and sealed up and sent to the resident of the Senate. OtC.the second Wednesday in Fehrlieu:after,' the sealed certificates of the. Electors are to be° broken open and the votes counted, and the re sult declared in the presence or Congress. Daft's Mercantile College, Pittsburgh. Thb" 4 Senidi. Principal or° this" tfmeillonOrd' establishment is the author id' Duff's_System of 800 fiy: the ..Americizi:jnr. dtitute and Chamber of Commerce . of .New-York as the best in use- s a merchant, as an author, Ss. 4.n.a4;Mnintant,in A nd as an inst:ruotor ; his lec tures bring students over 1,500 miles past •num berts"of 'other colleges. The Junior Prinoipal is equally distinguished as ft penman., Some of bis nontiibutiOns tis bin. Fairs were new designs and remarkable ,performances. The Western Vir ginia, 'Western Pennsylvania and the Pennsylva nia State Fairs awarded him eight first class, premiinns over all competitors, viz.: For Busi netrisTitingoßpoor4ing laa3d.leFt.haids, Qrna t i mental leitering, Pen drawing and,Card writing! , Proving ,ttia,apperi,grity in, every branch- cf tf penman's ar e ...or . 44 •. 4 _.4% Z ix) f> • , c [ADVIIIIIISinnaNT.I • On Stich Subjects . the Testimony of Woman Should be qonclusVe. , . • - Nzw-Yoas, August 2, 1852. '• • Mrs. Clute, of N0.F4,4011 Street, believ ing her child, about three pars Old, to he troubled with Worms, purchtsed,onttboktleo4 Dr. M'Lane's Celebrated, -Vermifng!, • r prcpared by• Broil:,' Piiiiiturgh; and 4 0 ,0 iwo 7442 . spoonfuls, which:had the'•effeet ofs causing the child td discharge a large number of The child is now enjoying good health. We would advise all parents who may suspect their children to be troubled with worms, to lose no, tmitt, but immediately purchase and, aiLMiniater , Dr: i iietane's Celebrated Vernifuge. : , It will Thc c money refundo in all makes ithailard r otle rieirgi4e r%),OViree 9 ' I Plureheiers'Will be careful tdaskfox4r.lll'Latte i'ermy - tige, manufactured by Fleming ifmot'litgfitirbzirith, Pa. All other Vermifuges itl tomperisort • are worthless. Dr. 31'14me's genuine Vermifuge, also his Celebrated Liver Pills, can 'now be had at all respectable drug storm None genuine without the signature • FLEMING Baca. I f foreign • : I ~ • J.; • I By the ,Vanderbitt foreign dates ire. TeeeiTed, to the 7th inst. • t.• . • . ENGLAND. • •. ' The Timte lefiding article of Mon y.. r • , t The government has made haste'tili!ptiblitik: ;sttelf parts of the dispatches from tW'reilici: f luf •they' fit to be generalty.linotip . .., ''be , lost peifea't harm'ony reigns througitentflie:,expi:, dltion. ki3.#l,llope Grant. and Gen. De Montan ! Mx araiike.brothers in command. Sir Hopeq's Secession., Mil • 880,156,200;gallowt. . t . 484,976,570 " 81,214,880 27,049,950 " .673,397,800 -.21,722,803 [lB] Plus. • • 0 , - 7TI t 1? I . . • ' L -TE -BANNER.- 1 -= ATITRDAC - NOVENIkER - ' 24'1860. • eager to r ort how cordially and sineetely our French allieslutvo cooperated with us,.and what admiration he feels for I t heir.gallantvoonduct. in the field. Ho also is fotir - tii:dtitiitity'rehitt it *eV utble and efficient,colleagne,he has i ftiond in Ad mtrnl Hope." A rett4r„tLM,pjmn Made ll at tie war cr octee, Which.ehfild 3 tlid dumsilua hablibeen.Votettiby Parliament to meet the expenses ,of hostilities in gliinp...,....a:hei4,make up a total for „the currient year not fir fr om £10,060,00--the entire pro duce lA . the yeaEs ,income ' tax. In. London the demand for money . is,,full, tkere • was no pressure. . There is some, doubt whether the Bank willraise the rate of interest. ; , „ ' •'. linundations have talcenplace:in severil'of thei dePtirtments ; many kro, down and consideFable.datniga,4orie.. Prince Metternich had itn.andionce,4,,he„Xm percir on Friday:the 2d•intit. •-. 'The' 'Emperor ,on of-the" death of the DowatierTatiPresslif Russia, diatelytelegraphed his. condolence. and tharvf the Empress .to the ,ICCiri.t ; Petersburg.' ThesErench :doUrt .hits .gone ,into mourning for: twenty days. - ITALY The Piedmotiteie troops, inider VidtorltrunstW uel, gained a brillian :viOtory,On the ftd inst., on the attacked in. •froni the troops flanked brthelleet, and dispersed dips Bourbon troops.. The tents, wagons, at!dattut;ii were left in Victor Eminitimel'S posseteuVai..waw 11;009 prisoners: • Gen. Sonmas pursuedothB . enemy afterwards:* and oaupiedlipla andlket,.. out-posts surrounding Gaeta. .. .•; Victor Emmanuel was expeeitk to arrive at Naples i 110 a ;It Gen. Garibaldi:remained at Naplen:i A large body.' of .troops remaining outside of the forts at Gaeta.have sent. proposals , of surren,- der to the Piedmontese. , ' •-:•••• -Tualst;•Tueldayl—The retuburresseived• of the. voting' in UM bria , And **Mart:thee giVe very aat isfactort ;i3BllltS. .7 ~Perfect: order. and .entinisiiiam prevail every-, where:. . 2 ' ' •t'" • - t 4 ' •'' The P4blisite his beija... 4 l**KAP .- # 1 1 1 7.; votes for annexation are—ayes 1,4102,064; nays 10,812. • „ 1., .; • • . THE ROMAN STATES 'Rows; Satnrday.—Large quantities of stores and war material hnve arrived here Air 'the use of the''Freneh ,The; enlistment of fOrl eigners for the, Papal army has ,been ,stopped., (treat 'enthusiastri prevails 4in the Marches and 'Umbria in fnior 'of annexaiion." - Beds iniv : has pitals for the woun'dedt hav,elp de eenAnt from Rome .to Francis If. ' 1 AiiiiShi . reik i ll' the province of Vitertio. . us. - sntir•fli .bOCAT I PaIit - f:TUaI ,Vtaxwa, Tuesday. 7 -Connt ileiclibergAto gar , dressed a circular note.on the Warsaw interview to the representatives otAustria abroad. - ...Ibis note states that the object , of the .inter ;view waslo bind more closely the personal and. fikendiy relatiOni,bf the three Prihcei'lireiant;. and to the principles. for the regulatio n . of their oondttotin view of certain eventualities. POW l ec hberg;' , without , entering upon ,any details as to the nature of the arrangemenji con- : chided announces that-a perfect understrading ; WMiCteittOlished;l. : " ,); '; if: t (; . (6 Ile,'however, makes it cleally: unde;rtitood'thsk nonintervention in-the: affairs of Italy was agreed upori, and that although anxious to .support the principles ;of order and European. .equilibritpe, the thrmi •lll'orthern Courts will do nethinglrhicir might•Pievoke a war. 1 . SHAM:MAE, Sept: 3, 1660. 2 —Tittlarithls of tea fpm' ;the country', leaf , forma a large proportion of Our transactions, aid Of Chinese sorts the . principB,a9ivals have been from ingpoo.• • ' , : • L:11: ti er O't 'the "atterneort „at the,.,,lnit,Af August the rebels, numbering'pou,t Matt i _ proached • one Orthi,pliefieVilei ghae, and,phptta their-lbannersponi.rigAytileet in trent of the. Rlty, t hall,p;The.:ll4lredl l. ool ll %. guarding tli'o'.eityand pettlemetit,4o4., • on tke defensiye, did not „ morn of tki3,l9A.4.l,llpyi!iiciiid"66 A* lie'lt,,ep urb, and , were attacked' .by the French, mho' - set fire to the Goes hCatit, i linddefill , Cyttl town. On the 20tH thlsEnilisV tired ebells -Brig rockets from thegace course, • killing several ; or the ittinirgin'taillTlie" Nintiimi iditeeict her B. Ti!. ships, alspAlirew.shtslkover the settlement into the febel, camp, , tyro ,miles distant. ,That offered no resistance iiirgOrn f :said haire,nor tired, •• • .14 .J. . The United States H.artfortr,:" from 'the North, 'bring adviCes , the „Chine:ea' givingtup the Taku forts to the Allieseafter figs •hours' lighting, on the - 21st Of Aughst.' • Lord Llgin and Baron Gros, were at Tien-thin on , the 26th •of August, wit the English , anti Ffehch , Hostilities had' ceased;' a 4 the lairittarikirotild go 6 Satin.' , • . ' Letters have been. received from Mr. Harris, the. American iMinisterin Japan, 'statilioliat the Japanese. had , sent the steamship,' Candimaurrs% to. San Francisco; and that ,011 her return voyage to Jeddo, she was navigated exclusively by Japanese---a striking proof that' these",insuliti^ Asiatics are capable of improvement in scientiti: and naval affairs: This was •the first time 'they bad ever crossed the gteat Pacific Ocean;They expreised then:. gratitudelor the kindneim'whieh had been shown; them, particularly at the U. 'S. Navy 'Yard at Marelsland,"wrbei*e . their ''Vesdel had been repaired. it Is:i.liOnght that:thia event.' will ~very., favorably .influtinas . tuir--ixitercmitrsis with Japan. , . .. *I pqslogirgb • Market..•• V " et lk (man Ir; sok 111=111 APPLES—SI.2.SOI.SO b . b . i. P.1 ' 19 ASlLBti—Sodu Ash, 34:431 4 c4 Pots, 4 3 /€445,04 iPealrbp. 414,@,51 , • • The stock in first hands is ample for Al sends, purposeir..-• . • . . BACON—Shoulders, 'PA@ SY ‘ c.:, Sides, -- rty,e4 Plidn Mom, 1134012c: 2 !Sugar Cared do, 16@:115%c. lb. BEANS,—Small—Small White, 856900., and. York State, 90.05*.? BROOMS—Commen;i2,oo; fancy.. 2.7511 , • • BurrEß-1 rini4 Roll, 12a13.c. - - ClLEBSW—Western Reserve; 1C41.034. Hambrtei, Ilc. I CORN blEAl r Froat first hands, 5.0a52e...;, atom 65 rtiOc. . ' EGOS-13e, per ‘ dox.. , FLOUR - Super ., $ 5.0046.12; Extra, 7,620 60 5 " ; . A"s" - I• Ya illy , $5.6 Vs:rogip.t6 $0.014 6 . 25 . _, " • • CiltAllff—Corn : from store, '4oa42c. for Ear: 0100,Irtaii:: atom. 271t23e. Wheat: Bed, 1.16a1.18? White, 1.261it25:' • 011,—No. 1 Lard' 0i1,95ii97e4 Lubricating, 55.66 r.; '•,'• • ,• • I ; " • • • "; POTATOESLatitiC.2SC.;•IIOIOi6Oki,•IOIISc.I4 bett!reV4 . I S'Aiir—No ' •'• '' • • 'SEEDS-4:ll . oliey,; . . • STEARINE-10:tair tierce.; • 1 7e.v.Concitry. rendered, 2Y4010e.. , ALL'EG:IIEIrY CATTLE IILARKET. I EirMA:Lib" - iltresAnkii head; of which 823-were-sold 4 priem : rfnOng from 2 to -3X0., gross. Theintlahee Wire' sent Eatt.' ' • 6111461 P—The offerings amounted to 1,046 head, of which • 162 were mid at $2.60 it head, gross. Balance sent East. 11D6S-0.6f6 head •ece,offcsed, of,.whlch?,Broro.resohl att 505 1 /0. ilYlb; gross. Balance sent East i 1.• • • 061, i f •./ • • . • • ! r• , ! ;• I . • .11111..iiifIN$LOW t .4an:.experiericed Nurse and ,yamlte Physician,:lri Soothing Syrup ter etifklren teellitug,,riiiiiegrestly;:iliglitates the pooeeas of ,teetling, softening the gains, ;educing all inflammation—will'ialay sit ealti''kfid regulate the'bowele: tti wild gi7o rest to yourselves 'and * relief and hicilth to your In fasts.. Perfectly safe in all awes. See 'advertisemout. ' '•in7e21111.7 • . Lir •?-• +;'l' r t i • : frcon MN '4_173,1 I" Novetnoer low, az nuany'Martsef rAberit i ltag i .n. B. WTI vaine, , Mr. !,/, . m.!Nectaiiii to 1M ' AEI; MoltvArvz;daughtti . of the'offlalattuWardrdeter. . October 3Qtb, near Dreaden,.Obio. by Rev. A. R. Ifaxolitop, • Mr. GAoriv. 'Orono - Air toiMiararsxus-Kieldeit Mr. David Frazier. . , , is !,9: •lirsir4 ••s ; On Thursday evenink,'6ctobeiStb:kf the'reMarnee of the bride'alathrr, by Itet: R. Tatmehill;'l4ralpplr GAT likititi)3Atlctilt, of Monroe Comity 313th. Mr. lia:636r Btriiitis, of Takao.; roldfut BAtmlii 'Sugars, of Grandview, Wasbhigtou County, Obio. • • • . . . In Washington, Pa., Bentember.2oth, by Rev. W. J. Alex der, Mr. THOMAS 81:1211ERLAWD to bliss Mafia IbllCSir. ,At the tame time, Mr. J. C. bloArga to bliss Ramat. StIVEZZLAND, all of Washington •County, Pa... November Bth, !Mr. EMU R. Davis.'of Marshall County, Va., to Mini illanv J. DAM, of Ohio County, Ye. , - , ~ - , • , i ' ••• ; .. , t ,, f r Nth • , • 'October 28d, by Rev. G. W. Mechlin, BLOM 011, Plum Creek, to Mies CYNTHIA S. 11VCONIN of DarTINIWATHIL•: , - litrong County, Pa. October 30th, Mr. Matron, Mn. toightst Bauttoe. Ilpfnaaamt, both ,of.Raat Mv.honing Ty.,. Dußois County, Ye: " , By Rei. Wall. March, mudded by Rav,O. /11Ce, Novemn.!- bar 6th, Mr. .Irirri, 11617C14.01 Onnfleld, 0., to MIN 11. Dmouti,,of New Waterford, Columbiana County, Ohio. • • Octobigr'' zsd, by Rev. 7.l44iiteti, of Belmont County, Ohio, to Mies bliay..J. ltaxam, of Deli- . ware, Ohio. •. I :'; August 29th, by Rev. W. Reed, Mr : J. Attaftwaoso to gime' Ulan J. NIT:LIPS: all of ?dorgan).CoitntY4 Ohio. November.? let, Ww. BERRY, M.Dy Or 13regt.ory 0., Lo,Mlee ELIZABETH DUNLAP, of Morgan Co., 0hi0..._,, - • . By Rev. GI. Yen Ariadalen, on Thursday evening, Ndeetat. bit . Rh, JACOB no,tims, E 19., Iktio)),REIODAYr STITT; all near Shade Gap, Imififfrigton Cotinty; Va. , f , Oh 'Thursday, Owl Sth' inst., by lice. R i c hard. lasty• . Mi% ',ENOCH PHILLIPS. of Canonsbnrg, Pa., to lalie limmerfam: ',WIZIISIIII)DLS, of Bast Liberty, Pa. • On the ^Ad 244 . ifaven,., Fayette Co- 'Pa., by Rev. . •gamriel Wilson. P.D., Mr. Joe ittrori VANIIIIIX, Sr., of Dunlep's !Creek, to Mn.s Epzentrtt.Purstatt, relict .orstbe Adsvd dismal Guthrie, kit the former,place. IT! ~ On Thnnsiay. tinvernberath„by Rey, ..Synt, greerfpugli,V. iffseranp,Joanstf to ?dins 'MARTHA Jil'OtUdi ? Af A ll?tidi#Fs Tyros/tip, Wsiabington County, Pa. •=:=S r.;t^.A' OEM CHINA. ME MIMI OM •. . July 2eth, nt thy-American Volum. Ilfderjeksburg, Ohio, by Rey. J. A. Drone:, rito Nine &Mall DAMES. Augule2lli VilliliArWni •131, Holmes Co., to Men FiLZIAII Ebrremnox, or Fred.rlckiburg,-"Ohlo. Ou the 26th. of September, by Rev.:Jame! 111;Kaitp, bfr.- Jossrit AWRY to MART C. SPLAR, nil of Scot& Grove:lowa. in Bloomfield, NovenitiarilsOl'lßtv. John Watson, ED WARD BURNET, El 4 q" to *lBB IMNRY 31'0A1B,10c. .'" byit October 9tb, l bk. W. F.. More air. A umf, of Zidertouj!l'o, , , Ace Miss BriiisamtnEnr?ilii. o 4Xlms; Ore.*, PL. October 26th,.3fr. Joon Ca to ABM Maarlaar. Rwmp Loth of Xriivitron'g coniity;'N. November Ist, <l4lr6.Joasp?,TEligivragp;okitural tp . S . lisit *mic a; tlsr C:BiAitk. Pim Cieok, Pa .. • t . t ' ; j13,71..Leteut.:,:.• ~,;; 8194116 BE rr: v'. =I BM kritOO7ICIIII=7I6 . GILAns Q ADDITIOMIL talaLAll4lll9 ' PP* im.P 3 O4 Wu" F 0 1 1 5 1 41 11100 Inv MIA ,Dll9( l oMlebe ' r 24tb, tlith — tToutughter • otlmbVldfratlk& - 'aaid • i ~orr, ageclAldays Mll • , • , ' •11 ITIK/Ir di . 1 -MMIM=In Rrogri.ct oonaregallon,•owtheiMM • otlMMerlh :bee PUMA H., wife , of :Wilson Yates, p tlNlSthysar.of IP • . immiil-Sept ' emb4 20th,Mrs. 'AGNMS xitorsßxgrik 'l)6 'Yews. at (ho teeldence of her' daughter, Mrs Jamleonl M st qhW nshi Ps tc li ct ' ul l t b P a ' r, r, , , • • .Abg . deceasc:(l etes . a native of Irebuid, ap,irestigraieii her' 1 44SoUi' to this" aountry: the' wait:l=loa 'Of the IStied ) IPreslifterlan Chureb. etie attintained he& profession of CLAM ilty a tpidly walk and , oonreteadon. 'After. a long; natohlatp ;foe the comingpf ' ‘ tT,r ,Lets See Lupo , BLe Is among- ,51 . ; kit whom ho said, Blessed are thou, aervauta. , , pe • :I I . • :3•IT TiIIt:WEEKISfiADVERTISEI4ENTS:i . EMIT! II tikk'i r“.o.4BfAi t A Weeklyvltellious Nivaspen •d' • r. .Jfr 1-.• t 9'syGtl OF A '76 ' ILARIIE SIZE, GOOD MATERIAL,.. STIPERIOR )11_,.;"; It contains EDITORIAL 'ARTIM 7 R Religkens Topics / 1110AI , Emlij . npf. Eirierplnferist; a : ,. ; . : • 1 1 APP Og A 1,0 o ,i! ES Po / ii.oir.pgr, i m p,-. lo „died,by dint of Any newspaper, IT the entirteconni ,trf;" SERIES OF REMINISCENtES OF TRAVEL , -IV Syxia,iPalestine, and Egypt} by. the Res., b.D.; a carefully, prepared SUMMARY OF NEW-ENOLAND, NEW ; YORK: , ANb • PIIIIIADELERIA , NEWS i al tX.iIfRECTi fff- Wig, OF NEWS, DOMESTI9 •ANT?- FOREIGN ; I MARKET.. REPORTS ; and CONTRIBUTIONS, of gifted wiitefe fa 4 afferent parts of , the UftiblictiStatW ; It. , • ,N9.other rqiiIMOUS ikeWMPSTIgin this etmantr) gl*mingqual amount Of interesting and instrucliiii reading for the n/an of intellect, tbrhhe devbut Ehfiatiiin; end kir the .tenillyi ( ht. so J r' ara!!' )! - ; a 'ch..: v . • Teians;;;in. Ad*aaice.:•" sib ,To Slngh;Subscirthertigby f wall,.: ..... • ' When taken itkplubs ten.or,utur,artl, ift,4215, !When' itectitir i arit takeri, art. airditionizfAiiir ) tali be /d -i(• 00204140;thePerAen Ottiliglghthq;litin“t • •‘i Tositigle sniescrileore in 410,qty,. served by the taller, I , oq l i n ilt* II ' • DAVID ittlElkET COti " ' S r 4 ' titzettn INTEL` DENTAL iiAJELIMERsiFIS • ( , •,i,'lt, 41:4).1 'JO • INS , * MUNSON • , „ „, , -• 'Or Lira' tli” finirketl Partnershifi'and *lied ad oMee -t • 1 ' ' 11 'lio. 106 FIFTH hi. a! Li fay Doors above the • Dig.: bffiefo: ; Alimaldsodtlthe attention Colltha publlato theirannetipr atiniTorthe Manufactiire and insertlon'ofsit ARTF- . :FIOTAT.i - TEETII; ard' .for' , the '.llarfcirifiaike ; 611•••Otheil Ibranchea_ar . thOut-didlcirig • Wet; allf . !recommend the , pa * lt V,ULCANITE-P•IINT,E'IIEETH, . • !As themostaealthy, Durable and powortabo Etulldldruted. tor the Natural l'eeth. Ttiey are guaranteed to tai Au eyed; ridlpect the: beet Teeth,..whethdri !mounted on gold or liny,of andTfk,tel - nfohed it a coat eonetderiblikeec- • • •" • - • IThoei hay , n airnperfeclly, fitting Gold Seta, dan; haTOl their replaced with the - VOLCANITg i i small additional ex. i pewie thoiihie of tliefOlflilite. . ii• .4 k R jp.E;R:os ,- ; m.A . Gt .i crititE;ll , -sum.Lti ii: , !.1 ,, : ~:, i it ti , * iii ~ f 4 i• i I cr riru . r; . 1 1 '-‘: .-;; 1 11; '.•• HARPER'S ; WEEKLY,- ;. ; ,- , Trio Publishers -hava.i.the-pleasnra-of-atinonncing that !Stories Magazine. for ,the ensuing y wi ll contain new loes .1117131 711: 1 1 ”1 4111 ear, 4 My, Thaokepay imd il?4) authpr of •" Adam i . •,, : , , Bed e; ,s. , .:; , twill •,12.1 Lia thtit iti . the'n ; e4 ifitthbgr'ekor: 24YWerip' s'iar 414 iii ,new Novel byt:MaßEß&D,TWEßNlfienfitio4fi ll'earrt.l i; .., ~ .. t."G-rd6VEi.Pictltilidti.'sr"".' talfil be amunenzed"." illiS.'llleßiiiie Tale/1111lb° iichffillim• .trated by Jthu Mientizi, Eis... •,v..1, i : e • . ~ ,: ; T hese Works 'trill he printed from the 'Mainnicriptdand 'proof heets of the AinhOrs: .1. .9 f.i. i ~,, i .., , • 4 An) person rho remits,,Fourpollars.,tio tbq Pnblishr ; ere will receive both Frublications for, one year, Mid an. 'provide hinnelf ,with the,hett i rikading of:the Miy; publithelq in a beautiful and attractlyt style, for • very . small mom a money.- t..,.e; .;-, i, . u, . i lL , ,.r, • . ~i 1 , :t; . s Harper's Weekly will be sent t gratnitmisly for One month b---m ii specimen—to any one who AMBIT! for it Speen:DM' •NuMbers of the Magazine will also Wheat gratuitously. , •iv. TERig OF .- 4,lltFEk'S' ifiGAZI3IE , ' a , ' T One 'Co l py fOr OniiTgir.4.... l ' 1.3.00, Two Coulee for 0def1ear....,VAL1:4:.....W....if...::15.00 , 1 ill ; Three or more Copies fin; Oms, yric ( 2.0 0 ~:; I.A..e;in . ..ti , ..• Copy grabs for every 'Oita. h . , 'Ada . 1 ,446 - : II a iiikr i .-Ay, .t .: . . ?FERNS OF Hll $ll%. NET.' ,;; ~ - , , -.-. _i 1 : ..::'.1 . . 1 Onsoopy,for Twenty 11reek5..,.1.«.»,4.— ; ...161.00 ~ , ' `'- - One Oony for One•Year.:-'..:lii.P r'' •,, ''' U. 1.9 ., 210 5 ' 0 '. . One Copy,for Trp, Yeani ...... ....r.i.-4....1.1.....-54.1X1, ~ - PPM Copies for One Year. ... . . ':..... i .” •• . ' ........... MOO. '' ' li. 'Twelve • Copies for One:Xdar.M.S.G... - ......2.:...Ai1.1,20.00 I ' , I II i,Twenty-tive Copra for One ymit,.. D . / ii...,. r ; 00; 1 , .;/ ',Si Ilk i .frii drizy,tiiifi r be alJoined far .argi,drisi; of rlierve v iii': ''('•• PM! Stacriberi. *. . Pile. et; t , .I:, - 1:•;; S. _.. i. - r I• ' laill'Eß, k BROTHlSRilanblislairo; • . Id - novss-lt: i Franklin lignprs, Newrorlt. ••• ' . 10:-.*IPP.A.TIroxr.01;b004,,.,,ii,:.,-, C0'1.1.1 t i 05. .:4 43 gratusiff r ai ii iiiiiili . io iiiii:ri - •• '•liiii4iniii lipianial: , • P. CA lOT i INTELLECTUAL; 1,110111d4 , AND THIBIOIII4 i BY HERBERT SPENCER, Main-of .SoclalfifiitiM," f*Tlit'Prinetples of PsYchology," I and'. Z 14 , 811 ' , qniend ne s r'n l 9 4 °Wg'P e s4 l i live-7 • fit li vol., 12,t00, Clrk. NlAliti. .„ I ~.4 i i . fit. ti ."" . •+lgi ~ . ..- P : tc?s it.: i• ti 4;..1...g..0..... .. , I.. U° '' ' '. !.. q /Atlit i friOwledse lie cif rac;eoWoriiii i' li w'- / 721.) 7 C i ~Egc Intellectual Egtcation. i,: 1... • ( 1:,1 ....; •Aliike.tir. Illnfloiiil Education. • . . • -llVAnitialcill Education. '7 1.)".. , -At +I t.!!.1 :ma& • am'? f• .. . /7 I INIMS E. .L.. Yeoman. . , , 1 !Ltir:)111•!'"J l'At, if by far th ,4 1 I have seen wponAtesib•y, Jett.' Iff. Spencer ranks'ilmob the . rpriinost of the Pitirci.„ sophiaa Untikers 011 Europe; and • -thy dieduedoseer edacationittpnestiola the largest and latest, result., ofacielbfAs inquiry. ' , His icrofinUel I A ventgations in"the domain of trila and• life; Mammy. analy s i s of tlitignirth .of f he. Moeller:4*k and emotional powefs, hie clear percePtion end luminous entteme' nt of'fivebpflnelpfee,' Minirsikly qualify him 'forllid treatment,of tluagreasubJect, and the perforrnanee if , worthy, of hie reputation :' - It is not only "masterly fo' 6xpinitiqn, but clothed m a style Combiningithe , precision of mimic.: wittothei finest graces of literary composition. The tmt.4„ot Ilfr tie' VORittaillibtaldi kink • demi; intb Rid.' heaL•WW • ft: I Ll? „, 16,chliratflu'410°01 directors : ~'t 0:1:1 t,l ;1 191 120 I . 0 01 • • ,—• , t , A... i ."'' 4811)ENATICoq 0 ; .falt., INV) lioffeli: diiiimil tin n F . .trilr 1 I .lUf • , lit . 'co ;Fr .n .1 'al •-ji •'• a • •9 1 i I.r we l t.i.Kifiontsi T iafid„ Condfrtions;-, or ;• -lirelfare.rand ,, Huiran `Ppgnr434 , • ii::i . , -,, • ;-7 , az.. , :• xiinfromr.v..- , . pu7 lgat 1-) kcidamteand.OMMiloild imaffmrati. oo kethmtPlams: , ~ r. .; 1• ' i ilq , ci kiPAIII_P3r , R D ' vri i lai ell I': ; Ivolurin 12mo h 4la pages. ; 1.1.00. •. • 1 ,. :t.,1 .t i tilt 0 . t , '• P ~, -', If 11 I. Thelmnorissare eif Efiiisiing the Intellectual P(- i 'i of the No4o ll . i ei:J i': ItheEducated i ' 7 I. The Pos i tion and Dull' of, d ?fen of the . • 211 , ,'C10untry. , . , 1 - fr.ti , •zilef , i. •r . . ; 111. The 'True tle.a - ol" theNolvereity, and its ftemtiOn to ''''" ' ' I;:Cotnpreie` Vitale InitiuMion. '' IV. California : The Historical SigniticinceofittenOcint eition. V. The Providence °Math, Genius of Hmonnaletory. 41. Young Anierica r -The True, Idea of Progress. Tn. The Destination ofitbillnnf Ribii:i„ NMI. Remarks ou Mr. Bancroft's Origin of • Human , •,' is I ,Pr0C14368. p . • ••• ... i .•• it 4. . t , to. ail I Iso 1 0 j ah vr.videld•bialitig ; 'final Um& titiflon..T . •Jl:LirQuinck. 11 IP , , I :111 .0 iPliPlittlif iffill O ~.X,.,,Politics and the Tull*. ~.,.• , , ,ali sad ' A bu .. e MC Agperidiic:--Corniptioni; - maw llk 111, ;--.' Pirrage. ‘!1 ~..!••... .. .1. - .)lliSt2 ,!) ':, 'ither of tile aborenent Irece imassinon speißinf i trico; • S, ilev24-2t, ' • • ' • • r • , lITMER n 1 'A9: (Jar ,I.Vtf.n 9f.1 r Home 33 , 1111:: M!#P l 4.tßfg a ßigH ,? id. • it: , /JUL.. Pr!! , fi LEATHEIppuRD.I44IIIII 8E1411 0 76, , Itiftg,,, • j,•% - -,if 1 • ATIMB 11 • Eli •,“ , . ihAtow idde4# l loallYll**0 11411 talßl4ol l -9 g rAVAV pstilmoil . of winch the beet lestpr ber ris t. •••„,., ) p Ar. • .. 1 •• s „le,i • , :T • ri • •Ylt • • • .15 1 1 , 1; latitY24 • 33MT_Arirl;L•TCP • • WirreatiedAthetpdlitiatta three shianliredAlegreeowltbbut bells allotted. po r o u s by' j 1 t!f , •Ak • P.' +MADirtittjeg • t!.. ft ...:10615S,li.i283MMV11,4F,PbTP#1.101149,1:111*Ilf • tilr *i f t !•.7 '1 •REVIEW.II 7 ; $."1; 1). It le proposed. fo estiblith,tat I/anvil* gisolshtityl aims* and original Quarterly Publication. to he called the DAN TILLS QUARTERLY REVIRW—and-tohe conducted by a s o da, uso rk o nen, of whom 4 portion are some of those, tins Pretbyterian lestltutioairsk 0041tilarieni and reside elsewhere. • . • TbAi 4 , 010% 1 10n la;detliSned tnaiolYtfor: the wosithserisd-. vancement 'and' defense prthe'Ctirlittiatt coesidertd in 'RS purolyz)37abgelicel ;sense :for ;opens resistancelto whatever is hostile to it, or iFiosinsistent with it. In, perfect coast SteneStWith'that Chief dosign,its Pages ertithe Open tr. the consideration of all other interests of mau, and the discussion of everything that promotes or obstructs any ono of those interests: t The'Work le projected, and ;will be cootrant:4.hp persons; of Whom are member! of the Presbyterjan, Church in She United States of America' whom accept , tbe.Standarde of that Church in their obvious sense. The work will consist of oboist 175 Pages in ciach quartinif, nurisber-i-eitrikfng about 700 pages to. tbefYearly rinver iO6O-IUOIC of its income aludi justify It. It is dealgossi that its Mechanical execution shall lie at least atiiial to knY' similar Ameriwirs, publication: end. strict. p .iss i e tnalityds dn. tended in the issue of every number. The pricl will bpi SI, perineum, payable on the receipt of the first 'Moinberi With' the usual deduction to clubs. The Object of this published Prorpectus is to ascertain pre a.period as possible, witilthbi fit not the' projectors of this work are correct in sop !sing thee) is such a necessity mad demandefor it-that-the public patronage will be sufficient to cover the actuphexpenses of it. If it will not. the enterprise will be uitinil4l to drop. If it will, the Pat number wilrbe issued very soon after that fact is yßleryl Onwtilendly to theenterprise isih'erafcinB is oested to obtaißSulascribere, and fo.rward their names and . suarMS, 4 rioffifer ttian'the of ' thif 'clirrent' yeiie '11 . 0• s g u Y tise' in tri iiinti • lj , 11°111°14 - i ' sumbr'4is i"*Yed:b7- •l e 1 I Addrems • s'S;A46CL 1TE50N464., Danfillool4 ll - novl7-7t • . , H A ALGAM Tlol l if OF i LANOIII4,GES. -•,.) ;mat , ri;•11-2 .corn r There is a growing tendency in this age:to' imPropziate the Most expressive words of other languages, and after a 'while koincorpOrite them Into nor own; thun the word Cephalic, which Is from thr'OrCeic, signifying the head," is now becoiningrposiularlsed 4rl ',connexion- with fdr.:lBpsidhoge krciattileadacrie remedy 'tint it will soon be used' In amore gaining wayinini they Nt9F4!efeph ic wilt hooon o As: coinmeg , ea Vdectratype and many others whose distinction as foreign *was has heenmori.itiveY hy common uge untiltthey eons i" native and to the manor Wm." r..oiflift 'Um :•5 If 12111 •••r/Siddiy.Dia '. • 3.4 - WIC; !r.;11 , , • .114 1 'rui 'n Nribiliqm4icho tlilF s llaftanotmdiantl atlppl; into din fkapotheaktso hand ` soya tto ilio man, "Can son heoloi nie!or 'try ?Alitattchet7; Dues JR bathe l'ard," +=nye.; " #excaellingly.," spy! . hi,. hand . ppm, tliat La gave gett Ceigiatit , ' Pill; mei'dook' ctiectino so vilokutisi Vonni reoliz z okrod !ad cuq,eallache. ;, • .?, 14S. I . NUU • u„; . 44.! f: • , iri/f)f , ••: :;•. ; ;t : . it ..I)eivi.:fs.k.fis Il .-eadache•ii, .the favorite sign, by which, nature makes known tiny deviationwhatever froth the nathreletete 'of the brain, and viewed In this light is may be looked on ea saki- 4 guarkintended to glvenotice of disease: which %might other while escaPlAittenhontilltoO fate tote retnediNll!istid'its in- • Mentions ishouid ne.r.or be nesi 6 med; • Ilemleches .104 b e j clamifled under two names, 'vie.: Symtornatie and Idiopathic. Synitomatic liearlache Is exceedingly common, and to the preekreor °fie great' VerieSy rr ol• diseities,• soiong whiclq are Apoplexy, Gout, RilellMatiBlll and all febrile diecaseh. its titivous`fornt it is sympat hetic of,dletitsenf die atemdch, con stlinting etch headache; of hcpatic disease, constituting dull iblibleadebhe','df worm s, conetlPation and other dleerrlem . of the•bovrelei as Woll•as,:penal and uterineieffections. Diseages of, She heart are ' very frequently attended with headaches; Anrimilihnd plethora mental) affectlime 'Which frequently oc-• cesionleedaelle..l.ldlopsthic headache is Men very common,. • being witially;dietikuiebed by the Mime' of 'nervous liehd ache,•sornetimes comidg•on suddenly,ine state of apparently. sound health and prostrating ;lit once the mental and physical energies, and In other (Mammas it.cmhes on -slowlt, heralded byldepression of Writs or !acerbity of , tempec.:.•..lte meat. in_ stances the pain is in the front of the head, over one or ' both eyes, and sometimes provoking vomiting; underlthis clseb may. also he netnedjleuraigia., '• , rei the tiliatnieneorbithoi'class Or Headache, the Ce IleXllls have been tiund a sure and wife remedy,•reliering tke . most ,acute pain!' In a few minutes, and by its subtle powerotidiefiting diaeubkof whiCh Headache Is the unerrink mdett In I $•...•• I .; . Lin:. . 1, !!,1 3 [~~ [lto off; ,k „sr! 01414 1; , Ii • 17 : 14LM1P0i:kf]t•.[ , ! ;117. ill 1.9750i1W .wo.b i w • Bemea—lttissus welts pia te dead Derr" bar 'ot Ibr Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pllittnt I'm tbinkimithat 'a not „Nab it, nnit,har ;lest *daps yell, be ether knowing *hat Tt le. 'Ye easi , egie' f e r nigb;dead - end 'gone withrtlie'Sick Ikeedael e, pThd Wuntd come more of.thet same as rebkived her . before. , , ClOtiatc . Plilti. • ;.bel : e 'al the geletbenaro s l glz fee ALe: doatitimpli,day abdet it . qtrie x.r; 11 - • :7 . r • '1*:—).9,f11104'.• a+ , o Ala ••-: !.• 1• !: !•43°1118TIPATION.OR COSTIVENESS.- I A •I ane or tise'"many Ills seek is heir to" Is so preiifferit; so ‘ littletundeistood, and So mock neglected, as Castikanese. Often originating in carelessness, or eetlentariliabits, it iii - gilided'as'a'altght' ditforderLof too little , Consoqiiencet tb:ex cits,-tinxietyoshile, in,xxility,it hi the precursor, and ,cosn ipanhin of 71.1110 . &f s tLo tnget 'fatal' and dangdrotie diadem" et's, shaiinless early eradicatedtit •bringi, the sufferer td an untimely grar. Anning . the lighter evil% of which eotivel. sees is the usual 'attendant, are Ileadsche, OOliej'itheuniaz tiem, Foal Breath, Ppes, and othei - a of like nature, while a long train Of ... frightful 'diseases, such as .Malignant Abecetisatc,Diskitail,'!DiniThees4 Dyspepsia, Apoplexy; Bpi, .lepsy„Qaralysis„llysteria, Ifypochopdriasisi Melancholy and • Insanity; turret IndlcsuP their' preseuce' in the' system ' by this alarming; syrioptotnn !Nut r linrrequentlY'.th 11 = 0 4 ;originate in Copstiptillim,.bot take on an independent ex ; ihtencii . unletie •lha cause • eredicseed at an • early' stake. ;From all ; these conitiderations,,it failows that Uie dlsordeF r ,should receive whonemir it' biennia, and no; pbisSiaralidal ct Set :to:get: a bOx. , of Cephalid Pills, on the prat .appearance_of the,comidnint,las their tiutn4y3astnill ekpel' this' it:edit:Vl - alipio'nettitae Of dnicak; and 'thistriir ads . dangerous foo to human Ufa. - wiit !lUD t tli;ild 1114119 V .t. di .iondi I.lancy4, v all"; ,i)5O Irk 131( i rt { l4' • === . . *;3llte. ilpitta.4.oodp! .D.oci9fs All . gone! the pill_ yoikpitsit; cured me ip just. twenty minutes, mitt! wish you would mid Moieilla tiler flinleire c thesii hhaily:/ )j-/• . (/ /,://".l t-• eputstcourf4'-You can' get.theimat•any Druggist's. CelLier Cephalic Pills, I find they never fall, and I recommend;them. lin allcikses of Headache. t• . •,- : i it.g , tvi 1 ;Ms..) Joette &till serlitforst . box directly, and altillpfil . al)ill i ll'llilffelipc igypdr4or4hci area reel bk.ssietP.• -.. , i, , • to ... tsi ~....1, , ...! I. , ~ ..} Walls ~ 1 : ' „•1 i . % ' 1134P ' tel l ” •. 1 ; ti. t• .tit ttri; if Ir .Il 'uir -10:141 41.'1i.1(•19 4 ) ••• TviOntyo of are Saye. fr Viit INA* f ;Ito n••Ii:$1 bli 74"1' . . . railllodi.of. bottles 'of:his eels-, ,brated Pit:pared Glue, and' it to eattniated.,thst saves at toast ten dollars worth cif triattin' furniturti; 'hits , nisklnkin aggregate of: twontromillionsonf dollars mainlined !from total loss by this valuable invention. Having made his !Glue reli6iisalialdlivarklienOw pronnaeato . do' rho world still; curing j alh the Aching ,heada with his, Pills. and if Oily areas end suilila Qlud, licaditchelf wiVaboil2vaulebtliway:ll3fti Snow: hanky. ; . • zt."4411;, . . . . . . • flim* - m vrT, 10)..{W JAY: •MIR:IIFAXMA 4 ~`,..LA 4. • • ' ..- ' ... . . . , 1• 1 - slid ; ad iiiiiiidegaktiitinxp4inoideiii li).ClOius hhiiitioti to' b u ouhis and studydirewmong,theimmeronS 9134.4 e, ofjNer voirllNuißche. The-disordered atste l ot mind and Indy in. Tedent!to this 'distieia l lng ce'mPlaint, -fa ti 'Mal blow to'all . ?energy ttnd ambition. biluffereis by ! thie disorder clan- always. ;obtain openly .relief front these distreising stacks by using !ca. 611 the Cephalic 'Pills 'whenever the symptoms:imp mr.' It iqpieta.the ,overtaiiked.bralii, and, soothes tip strained and i janinig nines; bud' relikee the tension' of tin- stomach VrtdCh ialways accompanies and aggravates the disordered condition! !of ths brain. T - j 0.e.5:!,. !ii''. f! fr k A :Ali 'UR C.llAr .1 . d'1(11'-! ' Piet 'Worth 'Knoivine., .4poldiges Cepludic Are* certuin cure fer Sick Heed- I sebe.;'Bilunu3 Headac Nerroue . lleitiedlee, Ccitivenese, 'and eral - .11f:71 I; ,1.; . 1 d; ...C. 1:r . 1 • ' ' • 'A 'Oho matt dm riuntnf I the gieoPmedleePitilearr. l Prin,thiaapormy ttuomlicierdthvwftem of racclnatign, for protection Mln Small Pox, the' cerill6 rill,' for relief f Headache, and the nee of Quinine' dritheZprovention of: ever& either of which ,ie, !rump? lipecific.These ,beneflts will experienced by enifdrint htimaktitylong i otter their dio 3, Yerers are forgotten.ti 901(r7: ipti:ret‘j 7 iii. -.1 1 .1:14.1r.till: I lit: .::, 114 Ili ir, 11 , , l ' ' .I).H:A '3ll b 0 :. • l! . gnr. c'lf,rlit , l.l pi11...L•fi... , 1 kid! , ... iii i!.. 0111 111 , 1", Ciltpf • ' Do you remember the throbbing; templetythe fevered brim. , the loathing and diaguat ,at the sight of food How totally !itiittt yon were f r pleasurJ isinientatlonl 'dr !tidy! One of AlteSisttlotitotrtneesoittdihem telleVod yiet:ftitkin thastiffor, log which you then experienced. For this and otheminv.: poses you should always hasisa box of these - Mi . +hind Woos c nq a tei r sSt ui l ei * 910E14. Oft Ei • f 744 . 1 ; ; tt. opt: Jik • 1 • • / 'VI * `•' i .THE : • ti”,11.-is! •''' ... . ......' ~..,...... • ~_.• ~....., ~ .... ...i• ,„...• 4:„..........••••• . r "afgh (-.7.-e-i-E -P .M.l•l=- 1 -414•Ari• -C - - I ,a•-•‘-I- 1 Vrd . " , ,:iii VII 'llti *.- .:. 0 •kt WWI, MB , / On iffi l liii . aaPCPI. " I aro tha t Insult of long (investigation andicarefullY conducted 1 . • ~h 5 .1101911 v brad re:9oo 1.01 . 410'1 CA experiments, haling been in use many years, daring which , • , way i pitrinagnrix ~ _ . time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain , ' .9,1) as fa44A•ttiff .. . . Waff.t•til 1 ' and su ff ering from Headache, whetbee,origiqating in the ;or- I ions system or a deraniad state of thantumach. ~.f , J. L. 31E4 OM :':114 ,1 0111"AllillID C. ii i I ....- .' .1 lii .• •• • ••'-.) Z•ii • 1 • vt..t. /nay ire entirety vegetable in their COMpOSWOD, and Mat 1 a r:q cu rittrkterifili6 ivniyinpii,. Os it 1. " tie,taken still times with libileMiifit'y ;without making aft , • J; - aming°, of, diet; and tbe ,abisiFirfoil7- I l l '"i,M , f tli fth ' • ttiiiirimiipoutb • •o l l II IIL 14 I 'ES Q 1 (1, : 4 B I rt i j /widen It easy to administer ~tit children'. f t I ''' ' / . 1 / /111 "'" /' ' '' / ''' ' ?i • 11641 f • /1 /:/' e l d Y. lll )1 I fib Jer Mara, nBPlernignilt tl . "1103 -fa Ulf t ' I BEWARE OF 'COUNTERFEITS r" - ; . 111, i s itc r w -r; it' r E At ) The genuine have Eve signatures •of Kaney.C: Spalding An i l lbltdali , ri?•swo -- 'pip - •'• "pm; e D ; 'isitlingtarage • each Box. emitel Oalpo . Toir r tes,Al., Inch o rate L. , .1 ) • . . .1 : , Dealers f,- • , • '', / r . r infoniairomiadi notto , - Npfrq F - . 7 ra 4 4 Mid ' Dy Druggists 'and / ttlit;ther bit Medicine: ..Ikg za isobil by dlealeriost iiiie low rite top"' ourfill is 2 twil ....0urp,..90 01/ t.litll MI .11 Ja ..1./. J A Box win be Dent bt„gratt, preps4d, on receipt of ttis . i • "i•J'., - lizfri i f - n I / " " •••/,,.' " I b " r- . i r •cv liery , Frallly , titithl4ll4 l ofit ' - ' „, ; R a ßip , r,25. -Cen t& ; ..,74;1 91n 1111 A i i stro l reg i bit cl ia -i t ch Ni a cii t tr ig, tb #4 ob ii i a in gwr 39(1...i.,' 4 . .• '. frO .bni . ... .62:11 £ta Int.: od 4, tor addrees,Ratgan.„, ,f 'r , 1 ,. ‘• , ^l:,/:.1 1 / 1 /1 7•J ill aid , * llll' l lg a b 1416/41111414. 619 1)(11 1138 AS I Vl° .: A Z A 1„.11,uNr8,84 muiga,•Euttlisheiii, i:4 ri rri ; „..... a.l 3 ZIP , ••• , I it %911 , " iiitAt vosii 07 inttel f I A ll ' 9 " ' • 7 . 7 , 73.1 . 7 " suot i ....raiENIRY: coIi.I3f3RAILIDVNIaIdi. ei ad tlifo.llollThat.,'/Actiohlwipddoffice,, "314°4 ' blirga al/1 , 48 Cedar StriiityNeilkok lid t roitlpq haz ixiitrcaLE , rit Pitto rp A 'I nev24-1t ' • .riar A Itterol discount to ttro traZto. n0v16.3t IBM MU SEEM ===23l:=l IfitZ 1; 10 Fitt :Till /hl;in ~ a r. 4.1,1 1:11,V) eau* 1 .;; i,• ; , 4 Trf , :T 9i;;i3 qcof'i tVKit TRZSCO f;: • .0 , &AN Litt efit I:frits ffin-1-4 . )11111;i 0 C E P EAI.P d; 9rtr.ff: r)1101( vuitcsiewinviiiiaditetryd 1 , 31 envolift.:lll.l : 11:1 ,3:1? • wt . 911 . .. • .. 0.u.nt.0• ~ttc••• qw.-F AAL . . -.! otrariftlivatrrilt) , Sugtnn gun L T ;•*l9/ 101 A Isis .7.)3b1k ,1j() • !".41s1 olgT" .pisri bi l k ilit:Aiiii. 4 te.310'0(11 7101.1i1r95,, 9 e .1.t.: if LEIF: tiiii '.', Ili j i'Z'F I TI I 4 • ..AWlinlar (IF 0#.41 1 : 1 4:9P.1.) il. .mid Ili ' . .a;tii. , - vnm ori hpn .-tir , ..... licii:11:1 t. •.". il:: ;liiw vh1th.i.—.;5491 . 0 t 1 . 1; -i:! I;gif 1 • . I i : ' - 'e .i• i l ill v , 'P'f.l.Pfif tr.''' .l. ? :if if; i ' r ,rt e ;l • i . • By the use of these Pills the I Periodli attach:rot • or Sick ;Ileedachi. Inky he prevented;i and:if lAltitmiatAlte Commencement of au attack, immediate etylerttypt,poatmed sickness will be obtained. - ' • if I • ' . • )fl• 1.-'... .; • •.• .. I iTheiiieldom fail idireinoying,the•Naunen,and .1* rhich females are CO subject.* .. .',l iffy I:1 They ; act gently on the bowyln--removing Costiveness. • t For tilieni6 Illen';/3teed6ig, DielteatelliiiiialeiS l iiid'iat per **. of sedeptagy,hablte, they', are yal 'table, au afisuatlyp, tm,-, proving t h e appetites giving, tone and Vigor to the Aigmetive orypillesialid , rebtoi l ieig the Mauls! •etenttcety mid ntrenkik of whole systems. • : le !e; == XEC . ,w;,:r 11:17° . ;.• i•vs . :it VX.pionhe i .l s etten, tostamentery . lthve bpeolFretliteil_ltne re . ufidereatood: %it tho - Lest eta Testament' Of JOKEY LY4AE,;IISte To**lP; !Alltigh4l.l' , O 3 NitYtiri deceneed, alh i ponions ; indebted i ts, tho,oetate, of th e sath cadent• v't tin itietlfifi IVaynidfit;: Nati claims against tho seig i (!steto. peat Intomth the Heated, for aettlehient, witheliedely,tothe uoildreagned,,, ; ; ; STEPHEN iWOODS; Ent, Itheouthrot: F,l , v „ IL,A , s:,Nypopo i otor m e,gt 7 r. od, 17 ir,i,.. -3t* ' /Wol YOutthEtroot; Pittin: l ' , `NtAr ...itr*Eitt&g::itiostig • i:. D 7, upfy3 •• A .t•rsi,f. , l trlfr a ih n iV t el 571fin7.1 .11c .fi'l". . tvni ..• 1.. q. ... , lii f! ir . ; wit! .q d to 9 74 • • ROBERT) O A -...:11.71•.•;i ,autp..rolosALE BY .ttrt 1., py(7017 :•111 . I . IC. • R. ,:!s;., ..D , Avis-.n: I rot .P•yi q . i fn.! or i ' .' :: 17 4 •••••11 , .I 1 " 1,•,,. : 1., :,. / if ". l iS Wo4i t it,Altreei, Plittstiurgh. , )4 .. ,' ..t.:‘, :No t isr..:. A 01 .0 •• • •ir•i'll ':, t 04 i•.• 111 VISTI I• MIND Abkt,,ar, Pttlawente WI TH Go% Wit an liftitkliS6ll ii Wthelltev. CllASVilbr. Illlinfrated;“ 75 Ofiff i ef,T,liis,atiorirakle'stork. hart p,ol tit! wt, great -atiractlon, anti) it happli . , cuinbihes the ititereethig With trioral 'inetrUctlorr y ,Theirdin4.wilitrded lt,witk:avidity,iandnWilitbSimede•tha better la rte tender. to4ching, thrilling, eact,deeuly putlieele incidenti eilphsetrges. l -07." . T. PbserVer. '' • • c• .1 1 ' 'THAD t•BROTHER'S' WATCHWORD; 1 of. . 14 Sitettro' Ilik •wito is ,Attplill ‘ tu r n , llimo.. sour tine, Illustrations, 75. • •" . Phis le A sitity.ittilinglieh (night. 'The ecmstriiction,• de, tails, characters sod incidents are ,well conceived, end tiro moral andiviiiidtra beating healtbful.”.-Pfeitalif Arto -"," -TliK 11300 k ANIS. t ITS ' STORY': i A Narrative:for . tato Young.l3y, the author,of the „1, 4 iiisidogldnX."; 4.2...- .s . L. - y'wetid,-it. , ..ifreidari kseclite`tho fdltgrie'fbr theli °On' gritifieltion Rini instruction, whethewerraarenydhfig or old." ---,fresiatoriatz. , ,, • .1 . , .. „, 1 'Tat/ft IN GOD Vor; Tti'nff: DAVS ' tv vne the. iiidkusirv. 18mo. • 25ments., 1 .• t : i• ••• ;•.1 •.• ,1?, rt - . -rill. " A charming little volurpn, and not a romance. Gellert Was st•Wirifort poet Zilerni hence, full Or'eharity .etrid : Of love ' and trust , in. God: and the .ittle„hook, before us, embrace* the, incidents - of three days,' of his' experlence."—Presifyie Nisi*:.• • ' " . : t .• 11 :V: i ft tt• : --••• ~. - • ,- 4, ~: • • TIIE CHILDREN . 0N 7:130L.4.Thi1. Ay:At/at Wiener: ; 1 1113 mo. :10,cents. • •• ,, t 4,. r • r THEJEWIStiTINSe. BOodit Togiii:' Osoli ht lo i cents. ~..., .-_, l ir tr , - r...;,!::1: .THE BLI,I'D MAN'S HOLIDAY. • By the author L of, Mile ' and Charlie, "" Sidney br , 133,3 &c. 'lBmo. 50 cents." • ~ , " The/elates! aro, written in• the same' language in which they bays ,been often told, : and ° they are offered to mothers, : mints, 'atid'n u ries,' who may'llua it much easier to read a rifdry: to t hiterrist , their • infantile' ,charges, then); to. invent 0ne.14 Christian Dbsernr. 'MARitak'D.' I . 3tINIYAY ;* Or; "PrOatiS ar TOL ODDikAND WINTSCI By the auth,or ottl 4 Ellie Itandolphi"lee.••• Pinot r 40 cents. '-ivroritne-cm..mxt.E.nikix : ' ti: , tn. "e:., , ' i,, i Kno:i Illuetrated.4loeloute.••, " ~It :itf.l 1..? ~ I 1 i r. tt ' ; ../HC TOLL 4 I4;II. #149 1 : 4 * . 26 ceiOalf w ,Jliip! .. .7 lIIITII AND .I.EII I PRIMES, ,A. Stosr.ffirikels. liiino. arye enta. ::::it. ti/1•• .•14 ,.. . r ! g.. tlnat...o. 1 . . :ITEM A: L. 0:1 1 1.11.1KWAKT, 10 'iLls. .18246.1 111kt:41.44 box, SA.; , ccintai o A l l uggity P , . 11' • • ' 11111 it n A e. , ,ir1;,1 I. Claremont T en. - 11. freeulg arm Rat • 111. :Adopted So .1 1111. Wit; / , YELlEddia 3111iiisliK, :‘,lt! 111.. Young Pilgrim.: • YIN, Pre in , Practice. VV.' 44mt-Killer and r SequeLl A nalCbtiWitiVeiliirror. 114 IT. 4 1Pra:•. '• i t , 11- : , -P Ilifiaa giAL ( Nlleiirtli 7? ‘• "We wonid ,rstlier,be, 4 ,k.,1.,.00 . E.!, than .Thooansy c .or DiClienri. ' Who ihalratidaitake•Ween'te'g"ueee"hoii , min? young minds on inith sides,"f thelAtinntio.hemi retelviatiller' inaueut impulse" in the paths of virtue and piety.tbrough theilnillienee • of 'the ehhrmink thoeke *hi& 'hive ir - pieit'red 1410 PC this flU4llBl.l.lP:"—Christian ii ? "s. 1' in )1; A 1 .. : , ! • kr,iliiiEßuici CHILDIO*. A Tale:" s- With, 20 sti q r 4intent , l2m;.' tsll , ' Do. db.:full gilt, /11.60. ' ' 1 ' L ' ' ' • ..' . 1 44 , This is 4,liesr tifulpritt oc l tiorMW the . fvery, beet book fot'Flalldren Vibe found ' in our language. NI o commend it to , nil witithers.wlima'fe seeking for' idi in the discliefge 61. that • nablest•of a mothortmlnties7-the imitiiihog, of geutinante of virtue; keneroitity, benefolence, ind•pictr in6' tho mina of I chi iiiimni'— i i AlO7 1 c....- . • ..I itovii-Be ~'-', lEEE MIMI ~.~ ElBll MS W v . 1 14: IkDDIRONJAALEXA.I4DEit i , •.,., 71, . 1 1.,'0w 1 lin ME itit • •-• ;i I trtg; ti s i . - ig s• . _ F.! ; ; • 111 12791ii!!!1'412°•snitiiPrOMIrl. 5'i14r4Y416.4?!? . ow ready: , • • ' ll9 ihe s s : . 'Mu) lmprdesiori witch bd vriad;si thitliulpit' was lose ;due to auy charm of voice and Manner, than to the. 'tailgate, gstl cellence of his discourses. His Sermons are of I t ery different Hints,; lint all , have'pertnin ckiawateristlat whi4lt belong . gi all the Prodiictions of his pen.Re every,whcre the mune UsguisteetfiflcitYraf eitireaslOntithetnime •freedonf l fiormlitit mtrincy,; 'famelpprisplyscity ,, and order:, the rams-, ire fiacd theta; the same %%elite. of thought,'EUSundmlss Eno: Mint, Arid 'devotional! spizal , Els; disconrans aro.llllßiblieal in their farm, and truth was alwaya„presented as h° foun4 It in - 0'161061e. TiVtvergthiiiiliVsliewed thettind 'of a Master ; andord dostibt.,pot that: thesetillirmons wiN,go wherever> the Edglish language Is known, our be.resd as long l as that 'tn . guagti :rinderstnnail vil tit; ! I • - r!Frosi Nortfa ihjytrOits .bu-t PI I ! , • We sc.! surprised, no lees Ngsw 'tilled 4:01 these -.volumes, Sermons are eminently practlcif.:46 141'1'4 are pure ih etylelee.plain as tlieygre thb'espordtion of text and doctrine ,: us, level with . .,an,,ordigant - cajnydty :as I they -'tate' ittlit4ited fliciet,cghiTati , 4 • ! • 7;tlritit Fiom AMerieag,The°P,Agfilli• igrNaltt Thee are certainly very remarkable,discouritea. They shOW fervor rind sPring of , thought—ii:perifittindlifit brio ing tho GospeLlsome to,tbe heartand,coullcience, and h *oil ilty" 'in' ilenular iiinstratliin and deettiPtions.' wbicH wont I have made their. authorsieminent inithe pulpit:as ha wallas' , (Miter spheres. tunljseAle,veted himself ;t the work of prpachi ing.V*llell he did pfeaek, he was untfin - mIY listened' tb wtth gratification:lM spite, of Isiir,sientlpf,thrt4tere artaismi. graces pf the pulpit; because be seemed. at full of his snit 4094' idirords'atmeTcahlika wittim from in citerlimilide ••. ifs I %' j Tl' DERI S • C ommENTABIRA • !.! !tit • I THE TUXES. &vols. i12m0.. gE4f. . It. THElitMl. 2'414.; t2.541) , J a, I. ' GES ar.. OF, MARK. ; • isvAL.,l3lll t THE E 'GOSPEL OF numntw. n :! !,..-atiewhiorementart.g awl wait, as • testis:mks Mug:tanks* I.tome. They evince - ICiiiist,faugg , of itogiaNiUritte, 'IN-the earlyand modernachooladf interpritatlim:-LW. kr`cillblicgd and-general , IsCholarshi, we 4nwielnolda this Dr. Alexander had any ; supgrior either 1p the Old; WiNd or j ,;s 7 .. , P211 'II. , •./tj • 1:11!S it 1 I I - 0 Essays Prim i tive i Church? fficeg: . artrt air" luixander'on fc i P e t9 B trti • ; to?, Those who wish tc; Investigate these subjects, vrillherellnd &depth' of ' feeitarcli, a'atrength PeriPlaiitf diction, nods clearness in. the !spits pritlpllymtiggpthrlicr, ea - Weser. • ' '", • t • • ; .t: • ,;Tv tf :JAN pREsS i t,.:•::: o! '•liia : ~:; TWO' .iy.E.W , TVORK4 A1'7 1 1E44? AtiZEWOR:irl i; I..NOTBE ,9PI, NEW TESTAMENT LITEEATIVIA . CHURCH ' H HISTORY. 'ln , 11. EXPATICAL sse,yB. IDA (v Ol 4 a 2 MO•ds l • 2s lsjb A , • • • cHAALES • SCRIU IBR nov3T-2t I ; 124, ifirand:StreeteNew-YpTk„ , ll •1 ie font gliffl _Tx. err PITT HMIS R E D ii " . 1 4 04... ' I,T ./ ;tun •• BENEFIT OP 0 iv' z T'BI DEATH. ; I= EMI The Glorious Riches of God's Free Grace,. whldi 'ev'eryi:tioe,Gelfeier.reeelvhs;by Jesus CLlurlst • j 1" • end ; lam Crneillet BY AONIO PALEARIO. • I • to • : r.'ke This work was writrewinlltahatnatoteinsin three hundred' years ego, when it was extensively circulated,. and leads, a .prOfoun4,lintweeilon t theaubliCmind..iltel• retruirkiiiße. history:le well set with in he introduction. It is a lucid and, abia statement andldelencse!of he doctrine 4g juitUlcationkyt ;faith bUtiP. el' • ' ;:qt.sitl - •••0.1( -iIatINNANT ROARIMI- •- S. PROGRESS A - &- I . Ati.**ool:!, Nt-svivogomvmmirfg , gr9mAis : STYLE OF TYPOGRAPHIC ART WITH 70.11T74 • , BLEGANiatiiiiiiiiiiiioi 4 VAilViir' U.; • 1 . ;Tclwr 1 11112 EIME rs t' i P I y,. 0 ~.,,... • :z WEIS kir Irmaonoonolcur JOSS ATER, M. 11.—.-1 OM 16mo lantaaol; y i alpir.gtBll444it iqiEStgliett Hoot: n CI. In fancy bindings—UM to $6.75. .1 - )1 New BdOksland!Niwitditiohef:Jrril _ 4rAwriTOlretzieitlßEasoir• Logare..‘"With ttlitthi" from;Original Alaterials, and an Appendix cent:fining the, latest Develepritezit OVhiri'New-liegititai . Theory." By Wl° . William Hamilton, Dart. Edited 16' H. Longuevrile Ai 'eel,' RD., • Oiford, and John *Yelt&r.A..ll.,' Bdiiibuirr• Royal 13 , jp. Cloth. 183.00. ~,f •,• r r bi;. !izciußzi 011 ifir'APill'SlCS. By Sir William Ham ilton, Bart. Edited by , Prof, H. L. Maned, 11. D., Oifdrde d fin Yalta', M.A., Edinburgh. Royal Br. Cloth. 83. ,'lll6 nt dvetn>fiAtorty u • MrES of Sii : been received with eminent favor and are fast taking their plaid' text-tionk's leading favor, ce"4 T7 l t' I . . ,lIFBAND-dR2ESTONDENCE"OFLREV .1. DAIVEL. ,197 LEVIVi D.H.,,liteißialmp of, Calcuttai ..,Etysltey,pagialg: BitlenitM; M.A. 'With - PortwiitS; Maps, and illuetrMions. ii97 , 41 8 Y 0 -. PO, .t tt!! vl,ll. This noble volume contains a feast of good treaderst hing,d are always reluctant to leave. ~11 iMASSON'S,Z4IOF OF,',OHLTOr..,,Narrti44l44iConnexion "with the 'Political; Ecclesiastical, and Literniy "Watery of his Time. By tilaesint„;:n.Ej, ~Ctigetrorfof Literatnre in University College; London. Tiil.l. Fiat i 4,14 8 tfq., 63 9.i C l 9thi P 4 0,, nT " a An elaborate, erndite, 4 nnil magnificent i iscilik,7 4 , 4 n., psptheltc.. ti. qs 4 ,c4. A ;llJetorT :Mr, .11.evIvit,tni I irehtri vln '1859: By ilevv , Wllliduk Un P ison. rofeliseir of Obrbitian Ethics in the Presbyterian Colle4e,,ibilOsti I 12Mo. Cloth, $1.25. 4911 c leststoAbetsceniel oLibe ilevi r villamithink can iglivi r eoade l uate an idea of the wonderful work as, this thril ltnonar*tive:of.Esofiktibsoni: .11r(1 WHE MISSION OF THE COMFORTER; With,Cn4944[ Notes (translated for the American Edition.) Br :Juliet ...Charles Mar,e, Arptdescon of, liArea. 0/9t47 . /$1, 25 vdeti.l 1 It J •J -Mal* learned; able; And trulyvalhable b00k..,1c:•1 .1 PROLEGOMENA :COGICA ; An Inquiry foto tho P;y_c/lo logical Charactenof Loglad Prnriatitaa ""BY BefiFYlbutut4; Mlle Nanee~ , 8.D.• 12tu0.-. Clqth- SI : yI~3S~YS 'IN irredßiikii- .-. .AND ciiiiia 1 l sir. By Pyter,Bayur. Al,A,authorr 1 4 , o Tilt! febritigus Lifo,lFfocialm lArCirolunkia. ' tr:2s. _I Two volume; 'of aide Mem* .anbjectnPairl ilMolulni, Alleon, Cfleridaedohn Rualkin Ilugh Miller, &c. •Feetif.PVara• s eThe powerful bind ' of a great neater In all Pagefq7linii4Ylerign;p4l*er'r Or: fltj alr j) ilqugrit ~,6 4, 1 4 1 ) 4 3 1 9 Tatv0i.. ;•, .rprozg-iy 11 . • SO - HO O . UL • I (' .' /: I illA lltap RON CITY COMMERCIAL COL! LEGB---$35.00 pays the entire cost of tuition.. .Atiole ,teltsotts.lutif i p rice, , i fitoclente,etttor f i t . otr,e:der.illa, 14116, Siecitnent,'lke.., enelieellvele pe • 1 -.• • , • i 1 •likyfitiftif • •JENIQUIS-441E1riLait~i.1:. : tr.lW. ' "•:::at:i gt , I, , ttt:tcr , e .rt4iPv.ll •••• • W•l d o'k.fus . ol. : itß a '" . • sil so MID lig! 10 ISM v 1.. 11-treet, PittsbirgE, ra • • bvi-1:91p, r Jis•i: ~:1: .-• ••••.,., • ;,,• 2 •, „ituy*RAlßANfol4l.!„ lloo r pyoTafild by, the Leghslabire. - 'i" •a- • • • -grtious. i sairp ,NE.saktritY. dente,`frem nearly Avery State'in the Union, hive been eiluoeted'filr.billitidefOrbelnkr.the'orily'College of the' kind .in I conduFtett ,an exprrleueett ttnerellialt. ' '• '• • ;• • •OunJunlor•llHnclilal,Fm.7o. Duff( hasjust been awarded.! 'by our State .and other Fairs. EIGHT FIRST PREIIIUMS for Busidedi IdwrOrtialuonUif Petudbiltblii, over ebmpetitore calleCtbe best.psulben.ln.the country. Sample!) of,b4.Busi ; ness and'GrnalnentarWittlni; a 'armlet of fifty peps, and an o legant:engravitig, mailed, postpaid, on!reoeipt Of twenty ! tiro cents in stamps. 'FOr Jeala'bY , •bsokS4llers; Harper's Enlaiged 'Edition of DUFF'S„BOOII,I(*EPIIi(I,.2 . 22 pages,. SISO , awarded Foot 8/I•ViR 'MEDALS and sanettined tne Chnoiller Coin fierce flad.Ameitain Institute : oil New-York, as the best pub , • • 'Due& Duhean's'insw acid etegantirei.graved School' Copy. • nuthbors, 24 pages, ,fine i mp paper, eo cants per dozen tretni Ellitibn, St j dozen. - J. B. Lippincott k Cb., • Philadelphia:- W. o.4°llllllton e Pitteburgh•_ DUNCAN:B GEMS of Business . and Ornamental Feemsan ' itilP,•eriken Wuaito, So, Poit l Pald froth the College. • . .Address .• P. DUFF .1. SONS, Principals. . Witu'lttlY yonr ficholarehlpe In the' city, where the College ;isibeg keeive. 'I!. ! • . r !. ••• novaam ALL GHENN CIT)C r ICOLLEG.E. ,s . i Nvoake i gneckt,plesa.umin ,recognmending! to, our. former patrons ao the public in general. Professors C. M. DODD • and . LAVALETTE WILSON, who' hero taken charge of the ALLEGHENY. CITY COLLEGE..,They are gentlemen of ! wartN,' 'and tire thoroOgbiy acquainted with the management and•raining of youth—havidg been practically engaged for a number of years In imparting instruction In the varied departments of science. Their qualifications, both Classics} and Mathematiad, are of.a nigh order, and we 5.4.1 assured that thosomho may Savor : them with their patronage. will' njoyaany adaintagar seldom found in similar inettn " • .0 DAVI S, • • • ...• • NEw.ELL. =I thi institution Till comMenee OD MONDAY, September 10th. Circulars may ballad at the priocipal Book Stores of ?Ala burittand Allegheny; ow apply toe M:DODD, Principal. II I TSB MOH PENAL CQLLEGE REV,.YEESIJINA kV, Yriliddlifiti aIM4 IOI I. b 1 k FotrVtii. Etrisx Visonzas. • . . • ,4pperiqr aiseantageiareaffprded for attaining a thorough Academip and Collegiate education. Every effort will be made to securti:the happinens and , irovrovemeot of ill who may attend,. the Collegiate. l* year basi August Stet ; seconJ SiSeihoir. Deacilber ith ; and the' tard,• March 21s1. Tuition wirlealrum soo4lB,•pqrAinalon, according to studies. For further" informition; apply to the President, or to Profile° r .T.IIV .. KNONIrEBIF. Pitftburgh;Ta.: . • ' *M. . JOAN Y. ILLILKPATZWIL ? Late of the fltni Kirk: Late with Gillespie ? Zeller patirieltet Motet*: ~t .•: %*. h rgo., Philadelphia. • WA:l.v Ha. : /KIRKPATRICK Sr. .00.). Whol6fAttli3 4koderg, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION; MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IX rt I r TV II T Ar d t43I A *gIF.FACTURED. ARTICLE S. tiberty St , opp osite head of Smithfield, kifticiilit.": P n i ti T 2 . 8 8 °it° 'P 7 •paid to the-Rale of P^Eintry Produce • sirs9-ly ME r • i d .1 W 9 a AvATXPEATHERG, , . •Eard Tar 3IC. POT ' ; 044r , OF./17047,1%i 0: .194 'FOURTH STREET, ll* 1150mi,:lypisimi-amiAtifiebtare.9,lfp . ;,) .tr q'r 4: a 0 F., f, c• i lf SP:B, : , itom 9 o'clock 4.14# ' ,1: delock P. M. Jajoit-lyth if . •••, , ;, t) , • ^ SMITH, ENGLISH:IC '4DO4 • No:. 28 NOATH-SIXTIf 'STBE'ET, THILATIEL#IIII; 074Publiah the foUotoireir • taittable.;'Wei•ki FIEBitNG'B *MAMMARY 151 1 474:LOESOPHY: , Ed- 1g... titiltb Ittliletroftobton, l inelytieal Index, ke n by ~IC rot D.D. 12mo ~. - 111.75 ItEoi ENSIt ` OS' EchmEsinsit* and other tereitat.tere.';. Btm '"t ' .'. . ." ' '''' ' 2.00 Pljj4l,T, 101b1WE'13„ANP gt.S4.CIAM't , d(SAISTANT.: BY All 6 - 'tabor id ... , ,Helpe Air the Pulpit'? 12m0.. .... 1.00 EITITE'I I OHORJR 'IPISTOR Y To ;RC , ItEFOIKA FA KRAR'S SCIEZiCE IN THEOLOGY. 12. mu , 89 STIER'S WORDS OF JESUS. 5 rule., Bvo 14.00 T r 4iOLIIgII9NJOIIN;fI GOSPEL,/ -Ete0....5. ... m ....' t. .. .. . 2:25 WINER'S Gltill.riLift OF THE NEW TESTAME NT .DICTIONI'.. , ;i3vir ? 'I". ', ' , . • '''‘• •. • &OW FAXRBAIRICS 11.C.tMENEUTICAL•5fANVilf. 12tao. 1.50 RBI:Pan:WE CASES OE CONSCIENCE: 12mo ' 1.00 ILELPINiffiIt,TI4.IS . III..P,IT.• 1.2 b 4.I3ELACH ON THE VENTAT RUCH. • 2.50 0011E8.0N 00D'8.80VERNIONTY; 63 4NRCRick'S .PQ,PULAR i TgEPLOOY.. 1.01) LUTHER ON'O.CLATrANS. ' Shall Evil 1:25 . LU BENGIO;S:ON 0510 * Qr. :THE -NIIW, TESTAMENT; - 15yas.,11vo. Net. 6.00 moiLy AINk2S MTIDENDIV -OF OHBISTIANITY. • 19 ........ 7•••!!" -- =l2llTole ON t E CHURCH OF CH RIST. Bee .. I. flarl — Th3Weieettan' be taw tirgatiarffitib Y aie et7„nlll, sent tnnik.prepatd; by the publiebent t I t u b , e Y6Wl .s,4p Uf ili tZ= . l4l: s ere la tißFEEElcEgl r Eita I . • !HALSTED v., l•rda a di w 1.•,; f••!.. • . 1 . • and 54 Murray Street New-York ijiloTtgril CLOTHS, ossainzaan. f a.9 MeGSfenE 046* etreliiad - qiielltiotorgeodoi need by Clot.lliinmi i ll ° r P °l4 P 4 197. f°rMTI6 ant 8°37. Wear-; • . . . • sepl-17.1 ' • ' . ICE GRO DER ri '+ ;') •.; - v) 3 G AVEACKINE : ' is rapidly superseding all others for family nee. The Drittils . ,Lock-Stitch. formed by this-Machine is found to be the only iotiozwhiclt survives. the .washdadvon. Man seams,' and, thorn; thelnalY;Edie PermationtlY raintihle2for' Family Se - Wing. FOLLWINW IiESTIMONT . . . "'-The undersigned, Clergyniiii of tfie PriebyteriariChnrelt, 'having ,purchaserlAnd and, used in, our, ,Runilies ' GROVER. & F RAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINE,' wro.pleasare f itailf , coprooMing•it -ELS .an instrument -fatly i caMbinlng the essentials,,of a good machine. Its beautiful simpliCity,letusiCOß management; arse; the strength and Mas4.' tmity,2f its stitch e ttuite to,rendur itm c machine . ,.masurpassed, kW-any - lit the market;and ode %Midi we feel confident will give satisfaction to all who may purchase and use it."' 1- •''. - ' Rev. W. B. SFRAGEE,„D-D., Albany, N. Y. Rev. J. N. CAMPBELL, D.D.„ " 4 ~ ~, “, ..., .1 4 .) Revs CHARL'ESIAN DEMON+, Aubttnii N.T.= ' i, : I Ely/ 3 . ,• , pt. upriuNs, , l .- -, 0 ..1. “1 - , ..; t ; gel”- R 2.4, GAI,MRAITIT.,,Govanstost„, Md.: ... , ~ i -7 " er.,'"fl:V . LA - NNEAIL Salani,! - Vs. 1 : livillairl ' lENRY.sAASILEY. - Mentrose, Pa. , ''' Rev. 3. TURN, DULL:BACK . Schenectady., NAr . • ',' Rev. W. B:CHFDLA.W,'A.M., Cincinnati, gmo. hr 0 J:I4Y-ARTDDRISM.,&EEMAGaIena..III.- -. ;,, , •,;-- •. ; ; Ifel:A.7 . lil. STONE, Canandaigua, N. Y. i••rss Itevilf. W. , ,,1AC081T5,:-D.D.,•Pittimburgli, Psi' ' 1 "V ~ ,B ilii ...01%..1 '- " •-"' ' • l ,. ' (iFFICES : •tio . -I , . : , 1 . - - 49A5 ~ lir pathway ~, New , York. icdifte'r" . d iir F i fth' ': Street and liviiii - ifirt f- , i.,,.:,.i. . if -l i : yl-; • , - - 4 '''' ''' l'i durgPa., i ,;r,-; ..- iii z!1. 1 11(1 .I.119:1 .. rt 11,1, Ir.'. ? . , Oct_T*-13, .88 cents WALL. EXPOSITION FOR 1860 v , firwi1441,14,444-.:/.4i,-,1:4;i1aii4:4;,.,,,,i; i •,- ,;,. .. i. , :. .., i -.‘ 0 V 4l b"g i. -a+ ilkilti-r. qt... 111 ".14. { '!1/[1§ -, Fifilt , "Strcet,' Pitt'sbfirglii - k:R,l:oqreat s:lre,!i - j;! c aiincunCing. ) .,t,lit;lrpatro patron Arid 'atringeiri Visiting the OLT; thartliei.Opened.On', ~ , i lll ' M6 ' 144 SekAilier lath . f ..ts”..ft' i. 4 11.• • , 1 .. !. .. • • •• '.' I" - ' n:' • Abe largest and-Lost selected stock ever offered i nPittahaigh. 'Ail the latest novelties in . , .. 1 ,. , '.......-• ,ir, , 41- , :it f' ',.s!. .i ~......„. .:::".-. IN jliti.9llr4e,""'' 1141-131r9111,11Willif;, iiieir iiitsg - iii.'ils'; v7;LOURs OTTOMAN, in bea no. dal' varIetyIarRAINCII , POrLIES, New Styles 'PRINED.. Fil„?.,X01( IktoiNos and CASHAT.EIIO24.. .BALLMORetigi 'SHIRTS.,-: ii.tM.l 44.dthd;' EbigitOIDERIES and LACE i P)ODS,,,at. low •orices ; HODSE-FUENISESING GOODS; • MARESI;EY TABLE LINENS; SIIEETINGS; DOYLIES ; AL shim orAIIIINStANDOOUNTERDANtiffIIIihir WI quality of i .., . -mi q. ,, ,0t MfR,INO - BLANKETSvh - : tf . ,, ActRA 13..f-Fpugß-N-o..s.,:s:'f 2 1 Fittheydrivierideavoiedite aritieipateiliti *anti athltistea". t - - f their. cu4oraers, , the,T haye...made a special4lfort ,fer *eh llitiadO i Thji , ittifiSrtitg' dirOct from the' manufactures; In urePcs Ili 1 ..' , 4 L 1 V' , .. -4 4' . ..L . :• .. 4 i .' p i, 'Theht selections have been made from the largest import,. pra.oltihe principals cities, , •Bosteiff NeW.Yorki'andOPlsilailel- M bhia,,.. , . 1 7 it eViiFaeplikinent' of-'their bindniiin,o*,4ii maks ii• 1 q9i9 , !.1 4 P-4 Oegwtt 54nifs.Y.Pf . , ,1,.: . q .-...' i - ii .t.A New. Goods , at Low , Prices. , ..' , . , . • „las i :SUP , 1!. ,- ,...g ,to '• , .i L .u7. -at! , ,: •.: ,c , , 1 .o , i;•i•til !y-SO ;,,::y.‘ , .. , .ri.;.. , ) . -.,-3r , ,7. ME 42i k . 'IOP I`4 - 0 -ECONOMY/ ,?.•••• CV • - • slam .7,. J. 0 P.,11,, , f2 L .{,Savethe Pieces ! viz 1s ueraldeaa ti a iovviappm'..A 6:o4,7paimefitrioss., a is l'lfi4tairfV9W;kft"';‘P_Paa e4ewr." , / caTeslea Raj be moo , fag artattnra, Toys, Crockery. die. •r. i s •,* (.4.,.';;'./ F2411141/4,611 PAXV4Tiogn AMUR. n poets all, sueh,einempamm, and , ;no ,haniutirtd can' at ,be ord td ,• Iwlfhdnt'i£, It: la idwitya "re=l,k'y "oji:to itie arcking .poittt. MIAs is noVlongsk.e , iteeessit) , ,• for liiiiniMteheirs, splinieied me. Mae f ,f, liflol4l._ ,brvlgfe ccarlives to pa the article ittiv . ebne, IMo/10d other ornamental 'Work. IM 1111allir wi th ladint reiheraent italtastll7l 1"•.1' • . P""AttPr at; 9.0 bola, .wiss• ) t ale solution, us potassium an theMilusble quaBa 6 of the bar. 14114 , 114 used in the . ithiask'L • ~s*: s_ . : ••• f ....,trEtpytiL 'O I .ERI ,HOtr*ifi" • • • - 1 ii ' 3 s s 2 ; ii•Wib 0;01 bittfie. i . llN;26lingl " f;'4o/Oie)Aafie'DePot, tro 30 Pit:ttMk r 17 . . 43 0 P 4.7, P 4 .4 10 : 10 4 411 r.P 0 1 3 039N1 , MO? Naw cued 'tar .t -'t aligirtlttgrAercg-Wirs6l‘•"d 14411" IPT•IF-1 fn •*. . I *me. Knee bottle et BEA-L l attit'S rftP,P''.l4ll - 11 will cave ten pgiitytia 0 91,01airaute eirityllosiselca4:44rl" 11ka4.8411-13r".0"14183=61.411;tne"i• b rag' 4ll, Fel , -1 , s*- t h frelm,* real ny me ante., aid maims_ 01 of gp A miNtra.. as H. YVV/40 PLUE,44kambLiallogliiis• aZitsi,.sie-iatrimaal7.! -' • . LWlWh°l6SVAPreigO4l,lll,4l Ightkil i litit 0614 it fit): 48 CEDAR STREET; Nl'a Yak. 1500.83' i'W .% fat? *TO 5 Inf. * ln 1 11;1•79717:PY.1 trr .r BUSINESS NOTICES. CIE teliu.% IMIA MEE