Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, November 17, 1860, Image 1

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Editors• sail Proprietors.
TERMS IN ADvA i No.g,.. )
VS C LORI 1.25
1/PT.IVERRTI 1:f SIVIRR OP TRU C 111148.... . ?... .. .. !,2,Qe
For TWO DOLLARS, We Will mend by- mall,saventli narifiese
sail !Or Oni 'DOLLAR, lhirty-threinitinberld ' ' ' ' ~ •
P.litorN SOlRllltg 11S ewsixer silbseelbenstand •ppe ;l o,i; will
e tlwreby entitled to a paper without the ge. ~
Renewals should be prompt, a littltibbfo e%hey'saie4i r d a
Head payments by safe luunle,.otAr in I.
Direct all letters to DAVID Mi'K'NNET & CO. 1 '
- • , ------• -Pittsburgh, Pt. .
_ _ -
koa trilitirest4tin*Binner.
Abstract of Proceetiktillif Spud of Wheeling,
In Session at CadirrAlts!opUetober,,lB6o.
Tho Synod of - Wh'ehltitt'tnet:iigreeeibly to ad
journment in the lirbsbyteritin church of Cadiz,
Ohio, October
.16t14,11860, rand was opened with
prayer. and serxo on. by, po Moderator, Rev. Jas.
1. la ownsoni Acts 10, 11.
llev. was chomin Mod-,
orator, and 'liirf:•l34 - muel . M6lntify, Terttporary
0110 halgalPlll l :wlie spent every morning in de
votion, vp,clar the direction of. the Moderator.
'fwo sermons ireire preached, according to proVietts
appointinti4the first by Rev. It.' V. Dodgei on
" The Uterhployed Talent,' of the Chung; ;" • the
other by,Dr. M'Masters,• oti "The Best Methods
of Reaching with the Applialwes of the; Gospel,
the Unevangelised Portions of our Commnnity. h
An hour was set apart to. special religious ser
vices. one afternoon, in conneilon with which
the noccotnpanying Narredi46 on - the State of re
ligion was read. . .
The affairs of this Venerable institutionow•
locate(' at Washington, afforded the'occasion;,
of much interesting and animated discussion—a
proposition came from a . number •of the prOmiii . •
vent citizens of Steubenville, Ohio offering.
certain pecuniary and other inducements to
Synod to remove •Collego to - that place,'
Alter a highly spirited debate, it was decideC
•• that the.prnyer : Of gtetitigners' be not grant
ed:" and it is hoped that the pertnanency,of tha Washington; ibeing established,
friends will rally' 'to its support,, , and• put .fortki
every effort . to. render #O, pecuniary, condition,
equal to its deservedly , high .
,reputatiou fei
scholarship and litorhry Success.
Prof. Wm. F. If'etister has beta' : ohliitinlllo.llo '
Trustees, as Professor!ot .NiitttralHoienbe,•iir the:
place of Prof. Wm. H. :Brewer,, resigned.;' and.;
11ev. Alex. Swaney was nominated. by 43yomd ;to.
fill the Chair of Mathematips,-,Jatebt roosted by
Dr. Wm. P. Ahieli, on account of 111 . 1ealih." ! "Mr. ,
Swaney was also requested td licit' ilk' Magnolia
Agent for the College as faritatioeirodinstancee
- would allow. • ty! •
Dr. Thos. Johnston, of Steuluniville, ,witeakeet
ed as a member of the l3Oard,of 'Trust for, three'
years, in the place of A." Cohn, whose 'term
service has expired. • •
Prof. A. F. Ross, Dr. Ellietti:Rity: A.B.
Maxwell, and Rev, Geo: M. Spe;rgrove Weie, ap
pointed Exataining,,Cetamittee! for, the. ensuing
From the reporte,,everything indicates a favor
able and healthy condition of the College. Pundit'
alone are , neededAd paid on' a' footing with the
ablest.institntions• of the land.
The Mewing retiolutions were passdd. •
Resolved, Thatrwe express otir unabated eon,
fldence in title Seminary, and Our• deep sense of
the obligations resting on the churches, amply
endow, and cordially to sustain it. ,
Resolied, I That in view of the bleaeing of. God'
on' the. labors. of the husbandnien,..rind the gen-.
oral prosperity of our country, Synod recom-.
monds,the Presbyteries to press this ; endowment
enterprise to a speedy completion. ,7•,
Resolbed, L That the last: of — iebruary,
being the Sabbath succeeding the day of prayer
for Colleges, be..regemniankled to the churches as '
an appropriate time for making contributions to
this object. , : ,:.;
Resolved, That Inasmuch as the presence
the. Holy Spi lt r aloue,, cap ; make any /inst l itAttion.
a blesilng to the qhttroli, r wp earnestly commend
this our Sentinitry, its Prot.:m(s4s, and students,'
to the fervent prayers of the people' of 1.42i0d
within our bounds.
Resbliied, That we call tlie attention of the
churches to that invariable.faccoMpfutiment of
truq prayer,mork a prompt. and general liberal
ity in, first establishing, on •a i broncibasis, and
then sustaining an institution, in whose' affairs;
the good hand of our God•hits 'been so signally,
displayed ! in ,tia,y, past, as well tut the time pfes
.B64Oipp' ' 'DOXIES ; . I7 " C:)KIBBICWS.
Atev. ,Dr.,japetway, ,of - the • Sy,noclo4(.l,low-Jer
sey, addressed the Synod, enlarging,,v,,the
sources, necessitieg,'and'prospects of the 'Hointe . •
iNlissienary.weerki and the )following iniznitaNrati .
.adopted:„ '
, 4 The Synod have heard with great inteyeilt, tha •
"iieffilifiif the Rev. Dr. Janeway, tAtteltiNalf
the Boord.of_DomesticAlissions; they rejoicelii
the increased prosperity pf ,the Board, not only.
in the increased miroblir -of missionaries, and,
amount of funds but, the general, peas
'Parity of the (range,' and eartietitiY recommend
::said cause to the continued prayers, and inareas4
:ad liberality of •all our congregations,l especially
. in view of the growing necessities of the Board."'
Synod c,Onourred ,with other ,Synocfs, -the.
• recognitio of ' Mr. John S. Ronshaii,
• burgh, as ReoeiviniAgent for the liciaril'of Po
mastic Missions,-EdUcation, and PublidatiaiL" -
'WEEK' OP .PRAYra. •'
SYncidreciornmended that the' seism* e of
Januhry , • next,. 'be' obdiried a of
special prayer for the werld; .
in ftEltpt.oharrhea, within Ps
The Second 'oliurob of Wheeling; watt selkeded
as the place, and the Third , Friday 'of .04idOliar,
1881, at 4 P. M 0 lignafftil,, for the
next annual' meetid Of Sytiod: " .
+Several oases of appealfronr decisions' of Iowa!,
Courts, came up, all of , .whiolt Iwpre !sustained.
Solna of them, may . .be taken up, , to, tile, nest .
General' Assembly. , i:.
'The tkanAls , of the 'Synod 'W,ereletider'ed to the
citizens sof•Cadia; •auctrioinity for,' their 'elegant
and generous; hospitalityl toward- thitnembers of •
Synod, during its sessions. •
Synod adjourned with syighig, prayer,
the apostolic; benediction: 'IL V. Dom's;
Stated Clenkt
. . .
Narrative of the Slate of Religion tfithin the , botAncler
cf the Synod of Wheeling, during 1/uycar , aedtng.,
October, 1800. . .
1t is difficult for a OhtiStiiii min tdgiire'lin
account of the state of religion in his own liear.t.;.
Our work involves the greater ,dilOtiulity of giit;
ing an account . of the state bf religion illiotiO-J
out. a field containing hundreds :of• ehuiihestiand
thousands of members. ,
IL is true that four Narratives are in tlip;4ands,..
of your Committee . affording some detailsTOL
lug to'ottr'sitbject;but these are brief, general;•: . •
•and in some eases dated tie far . bitek ea last: April.t j:
'the items of information • from those separate
and several quarters are quite eireilar, synop
sis of the several Presbyterial reports may be -
here presented, affording. It .glintipse 'of roll
tgious conditiou of • the large field • entrusted to 'otir
; care. Those. may affotd. : the data . fee;rnoreteti. 7 ''
tended conclusions. '
1. The congregations generally are largemet t ,
attentive. • I.; I
The meetings for prayers ItrotWeltatteitiletk.4
In some "easett these!meetings havlre.ffordifd:ozki;
couraging 'evidences of the presence ;of': lite ;
§pirit etl . greets end I seppiication.. • ; t-'
• it, A, „geeing and 'encouraging !attention, is
gir on to 'the Sabbath 'Selleol;: Bible clasiee,,end
etteeiMetiaiil ; illetrnetioni. tinde r y ) thiti'llead; *We
may Iliad nateetpastoraland sessional Visitations.
4. The benevolence of our churches, evineed
by their .alms givingg ? though, felt l?elow the re
sources &the ,nO.meitir'dlisoour
aging. .• • •
;'). There • is. agenerral desire and expectations.
et* the effusion ; of Ate iifelyr B Pki6, 11 1 I si of
larged manifeetatienn
, of -Pivilept),Tre,r,for
advancement' of trudt;and 111 e tritutapit of, the
• These are but leaves; indigtiHnt# b t llfe lit i gate' 'I-.
i tree; hut they do not thow tis theiexterlit"iindlP
number of those adverse agencies:teliiehleripple
growth. They fail to bring to, eur
might have been the vigoroes,growtb, 41 P 4.4AtFalt
- .fiance and excellence of the fruit, iiititeltbsence
of , ' these retarding influences, and l 4dei : llie* '1
vitalizing power of the life-giving Spiiiti -wfut..• • •c
yfil . not i bb :questioned th at.. we have ilnuoh'e l
r.lason'rcrttittlitide and praise, that we • lfs:Vebeeiti.
blessed' W th`lltlefe tokerieiof the Divino•pretiacet)
and lid see much land Ties. waste thee . 1
might 11 0ifiOnsenIPPlisossed , -had.:we
mud elverches„dencoopr duty, : and , employed ;the
,talents which god bap entrusted to our IRudis
for doing work - iiiliittiheyarti. • '
I' Row many inclividnais and faMilies -aantl44.
x ;within the limits.of 'almost :every congregatien," ;
.Alto ',neglect the House of -Clod?,Whit .might
jza l ve been done for .them,by a ponsistfo,phristitut t
example, a vigorous .and prayerful effort.„ , to.
'lead - them to the satottia6rt ' :"'
Too many professing Christians saiiiit'lltre*
selves with but one religions service in the whole
week. . This habit we have ,reason ttl iii
greatly: to greatiti a piety •in
heart, and. 145 the' power Of their exampletittblitan if
unbelieving world. .;:, 'it , t•
The house .of prayer has been ppoxted
during the week, by encouraging , f nutobers, yet
it Is probably neglected habitually, fiy 'one-half ;
of those who pradss lb be the folloye'r)rof Christ.
Did they- nil feel the losponsibilitereitinCupott t
them, as the blood-bitught-followerwoit lm, who
spent whole nights bid/Espy; cli4i,they pppre
elate the blessed privilege of tneetlbg the:Sou of
God, at the throne of grace, surely a target
r• i
VOL. MI .rl\ ll- 4 4?1 ,)11.41
I r..!
PutuPer.VollYliarliglA Ale4evattrActivA 1 4 4 8 eur•,
blies of l his .people 4 realizing these blessed re
tread. front 'buiYdattil,':atiii 13ericiwe 'of'
life,- to Ate:te:ltiteintieuls• tbe:very;house of God,
and the gate of.
Eiteided agenbieli • tire"ltt ihitinighcittt
our chardliesr, for Abe •,boiteilt:dl the :ileitis ties..
eratiejt.. Thcseadmirably.i silaptetl i „t9
quaint 'Ottiqouth" With rite oiiratand:
A rds; !t slims them and lead. them. Jet& the, way
ofilfe; let a Allgbh insp!ption,.cif. i dAfereAt eel
bons within out bounds,"will slipwa vast amount
of u n employed•talent. '4 gitat weskit! let to he(
perforttied, in. these ttePpFt9V4t4l, once
the teacher and the 'taught, ityid,gitrint teost effi
dent:aid to the'uiinietryhilllitli*inf
The disposition. to lymp.,the• our
substance, and the first fruits of our inereaiitg;
appears to • some, e4texit•thionglglotßist l lttistioal:
columns; but. a systematic tnethod,of draining
'upon' the increase 'which botiritifttl litisWidenbe
bestows it - pontour people,deestnot•.generallY: Peal.;
vail. Did the, full ban of eur . :Churelt, f etrettlb
itself forth' Under 'the impulse of 144 gratitude;
and in -die apirit;of trite worship, immeasureable
;blessings, would, be. ,poureclintor the bosom. of .our
Zion, Rut the gift orthelip i lyGhost,
costal fallifeisstit Gihrist'Verowning 'blessing : . Hit
shall iinparttlighh to ,u!,,in our, darknesw;;lby
our sadness; strength In Our. yreakness ; so. that
'th'ey -who go forth' weetdnit beiring 'McMinn; seed'
shalt return r with trejoAoirigii: bringing; .their.
sheaves . ! with them. " Yet ti . off stßon,g,
ZerUlibabel, and . be losinui; 'and be
strong; ye people or the land, saith the ;Lord;
-yet once :it.,14 1 a I.‘tlesvhile, and ;1. w9l.,shake.
lieadezilOuld th'e 'mirth; and' thehiia,'and tine
obi land, and will.ehake•all nations, and ,the'
p i tair l of, all nations phall 'come : and 1 will: fill
'this house with glery, saith the Lard of Heald.'"
" ; '..; '; , ; II RVV. DODOS, Stitted;Oleik.;• • •
it • • •
.For thePresbitaiantßanker.
I. • Synad.of. Illinois;
)' ?.
' The Syncill met •ticcordine Ur'
ladjentrnthent; and after serruon bytheild'od?
e;ator,.frorn,John i :.. 13, was ~ o pened,wit4,
Pran .c . •
, There ' ere " prplent. fifijr:ihre; minis=
'feral' "'Wait iio=fotti:"
present thirty elders. Ohurblies - notfre'PriNA
rented, qne, hpqdrco sand
Robert IrMiniten'irati 'elected Noderatcr,
1 4..0'aiid Pctill;tYPrr Tempß7.
rary Cle rks... .
Hate 'hour win Spent each` morning in
••• ' ' ' ' •+,!
.ifihre; , Firtit •eliereiv oft Springfield , :Was
,chosen,,es4hellacotor.thelnext meeting of
§YN.P.+ I 4I •!: ••, .+:+,', •
Rev. R. L lfm)pereet . ; was heard
- ot ilia Board' of :Voiiiestic . Mist
y CommiiteNwpointed. t to.hring ,in a re
port expreemye nf. the Tiews of Synod ; ilk,.
ehtti j ogi' . "to`'
, 161164r r iilg;
adoptedt):,% ••:.•t , ;t ••:! .
7lhe, Synod,,,bas, *Arai with. . pleasure
Dddreee,o( * hp .Rey. .R. o llappersett,,Sre:.
rery Of the Boird Do - mestio MietAkon, , ,
'a''leilett '66in ''.ttei , AV . !-W:•IfIiI1 § A .
!Feil'etlif'y of the'Mreittitik''ExenlitiVii'doniu
*hew •relative tel 'tket imliorhance , tUdd'
gkeatntoso,o_f,the.,work, of Abut Boardwand
earnestly use ; •son . , our, epotrAutingi
ehttches the ImpOxtanne of increasing th eir
c tribn ti tnih;Lied 'On Pi'eshitifieithat ihey
, itsdlafr diligeneie iii eudeaVoringtn prevail
on. all the mid-receiving cohurcheskivitlith
094' , bcnAndfstit , kit: , AßPeNity, , . o f•aWitabgedi!
,far Atsqlesible, ffict ip preuehing, of; iho,
Gospel independently of aid from'the r ticuirch,
'Missionsdf `'Dome tie
hirke:oti - senti;'Olitireheis' the 4 iniportincial of
oenqibltiqg refularly to, khiford, all the
BWide df lend oilr 'prafer
iig; , thiti the Loa of "the' ,
trialiorers; td-ibitpo,TherskipeXcing4ialilso,
'PUN. it , r ilitqihetitealfts .of ;Ng vPPqrat'
; tha t , means 'nefltirPt°;i4leir
.1,03"1 R. • , .t i •
ttigabikti.ofilitodgeney fer4lie'Tliedfco 7l
ealt,Setnintirytnof •tbsi!North=weat. ;
T..W1 1 t ''Bff• 'M O- . lgerl
e a 1
resolutions Teartectkug„tfie f9.l,p9. 7 testkino:'
nieg our Thiirbh "On the siihje4-oe di
very,'which were referred to
inittee,..consistihe.of M•llCP'Stene, r 4. ,G.
Rdrgeo, Adargsi , ,H:
1' 5 4)1 8 0314. . 0 - 11 10 # 8 ,,J. fr0dd,;.A.REL...404
.„ „ •
The cemniiiiee'lleinrted: reikult . '
wis ticidpted, midis ' • • ,
Resett l ed., This "SynOotT tespectfhily; but.
c ern eatlyi protestnagai nst, !- an y i'essen
change or modification of the Aoug.e.stili=
lished testimonies of our Church on ihij' ,
aubjatifttslaveryouoinati aeaml tdlbe de-'
• riiireSiAn diPm.e Park!' Ftf• Qh9FO4, ;4 1 4: ad
,voeated hy certain author and editpii
eOirinatiolCiiitli 3 Our boy. - '• '•
Ithbre4rThie"Siiide-liiie4eliid;"and;'Witli nllOll tstißfac
tioh.theiinidence of tadetefinination: on th'e
p srt . ofr_th 4 . 3 General Assembly„m
toist any,
depertyr? ficun the.lTiee and Scriptural
'testimehiiessliilierto mint:heed
and hildroh libirery: l """
• ..ReiolveA. nmihe jiadgnient of 1
Sy,nod fi thei. circumatatmes of :the Church
mi4,,eptinpNy deniand„,Of us, explinit,a4
,earu hi! psk efeif; refif fiFidte rmatiom of:
• ,test,imutiies
ihot:t • * l '
'" 'The IfdlloWing, diettent l inis friiisinte - d'and '
...admitted 'to record t• /C. ,
The un de rsi g ed, irelleebtfUlly beg leavotp,
express their aissent from the judgment 'of,
.Synod , . air:gym:monocled:ring the . .thirdVof the,
series,. of . resolntionsuoo 9theyitubjeatu :of
Illa.T.Yr. aB J P tPd,
13th inst., and ask that thus dissep i t,
..,01.1 •
placed on the minutes. ,
John Onmemtl,,Jdajlale.l.. S. Sweniy o
F. N. Ewing, Satbuel Moore, J. A. Pinker-'.
Atitt7 A.' 04144, - El l ate alid: l D:
:Yount,. ,J...H.!80yd, auWe'lllateeif itf*C
HA-41.44.1v4R89,911R,. F.
riaelf; :134intiel nitfien",":
t m,.
horn 3tiinelt•Prirkh6rti-
Culton, A. McFarland, JamealStafthrds:
R. Lewis, E. Scudder High. I. A. Cornel
ison; - 7. - Irtritett", 4 7lsrui . Wine, Thomas
Lewis. • -
Thepppaiel;9e t mtke,,tabjpot of the
Bence,hieti frpfathe aossiope!ut
'gyno'clj'Oadir ' fi dtig,tdd,
dua...44$ ,„ :
TWO ovein . m4ntt ( the' f'reabygiiiiiti
I.lhi;reir !bet tvp,' baliadf ty of ininia
ters)iailefddrs, in'eiftifildieetdikels,By
' lent' erg) 'kininfelder3f ti374fina'fitif Chi 'rchi
.6Ourte l . ad • tin d ti"d - fo;t1 lien e ;is itiiinfrp , - the
ministry. The'"Vitaiiinge: i'df iis;
hi tho' • eu i rriing' butt fnlly i
,§f I our:system of befo v olenee gibe! ire . feel,
tkiitiinneh pr the interetit' of otqflireedieal
iiiiistiglii s sll4enpi'fb% &V 'repObakitationl
!of Eliterd. 'Eidetic . as: *Mr awl
benii a. , le their soillifliktion . ,
"'VOIR° Wa l d all the.
. VllefettiO: iftestryi
joins it on all 'ffeigiclifs i tis"give
such :Men tion 491eA4bject as its impoit. :
cl et emnn. ; d Anx.i . Rinut . 2:4 B 9zir t l ..
Ir: . .
Ma' . PrPi tt rYfrglYV an tl iann,r •
Willy!! fMK • Jodephtifetteliortli '-. :, , '
A ..;
The widow iitiltki. il 'elistiih,‘ ; I Ptit,tiVion
41•1130 tke eiti of' Pittihitin i some weeks
7101,p4r tlieSsitskeif' I . 'rillinsibiOdf's 'is i s ;
itividi,pelii Writi iniol4l lite vhilks of,Ohris.:
iiiid• life; izeiheliti -irk .. iir4o4f: s of ;,,t4e,
Gera' at Ifs ( *ell' :41 reeir liiii: trii9iition
'* 911111 # t i Vi d ; . # ll4 fil a lai ;' l). i t' i bi c t °s:
't iakoqVta. ' efaithfoln fOr s 'ih'e§ o)he
If itgeitriiiiriorri; d' wy IN 1# ; iiisl , llllt4
I s
hen : upon 'hor,iiiiiie` pilirs„o4toOY, 4X . ,
'ilfl ) ,. 41rtibp11. 1 Woe' iiiglitY-lei* Adie
veil innili to work'lt the harliesti, ittheilgh'
~d,u:; .:i
4' ' • • ... • .
• • • ••
e51 " 4 " 40,4 " , •°" 41 ' 41 "' 4 "' 17 . 64 ''''' a . a ."
. " a.
" a . a. • ' ..." .. a .' - • ..
a • ..... '' . a ''' • . ' '.... ' ' •a l '•• , , • .1.! ,, , ,, V.77 ,. . • • ~ .-. .... ., .. :a . .. 4 . VOCT3SO
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: I itst; . . la ir . iil . ! I:riVeistir 11 , . 2 . ••' ••••.•;'. ' •• ' ,‘ • '' . • •. • 1:i f'< , 2 •!./ ....' l'i •'; •;• , :i1;:. f!.471 s ;'' •i :•••••..'•••• I i.''. i '.• .; -• " • • . ' •
'''`i" '' C^l 41 ; Z ." ' I i fall k, !'i f:* f'"... I, ' ;:: ..i : • ..". ';'•';'-• •:: ' '`.' '.' ... ...: •; -' ' nAT .., vq.qt:ll . 1: , :ii: , '.n/1 ;: .
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E+ • • • •,.
.11 tif
#oltaleaf;l paralysis bane ;npdn' - her.
her.right, i lland lost tits, can i p,ing„ sho
wax shut Ipto dut4ts. books !
le,,were:thet l d4l4l4, ot life, but si4ht.
became . ' they fta ) d 'tin l E4 r eltn
iluished.l fiettfrititi‘ - lof , ihnt
eiety lost; :Agnew Nlong;
expected death came, she entered , the. gates ,
of the New Jerusalem with of tri-
M soon
nphl 1 . 0 63 (iYou b h'ear thk
;sotindk?' ffa:ifeetlieWiligqr ; "tit bedn-•
tit: l Al) I Mallt*.if
express the evident j?i„. Atir
.Yf • Oh • Ml' . AA. A., ,
a triumph' o r ,grace, h er eat 4 was, a re r.;
.. • 9 . • t.•ti r• .11 Jr , ,
•i••Eteing the , wife •Of i:•'pionne'r inirtidte, she•
ingibictv/p ninth of.sblf, ideniskiandi; came"
:Wept o. % .ea r ly :day, i ,devotadblo,,lahor
the saviour i a cause.. Atietfry t retired !to
.brlaborink - 11 1 ibitkiiiitlati; eep ally
iainong tlie , hoitaiien,. rind 7sliel• 2siudonsfy de;
v,c_otp.d. t harself t to .pvery good Pituanoa# ni
B ,ITAMId churPkvgte.rwar4 tin
tr:'H i oward;tilong after„igo Kaye
'thatrititiOn' and
• eittlattint %elk' ftii
The Gospel Nvas ever examplifiedin her
tienity t Suffering the' Master'a..avgl,i.;when
‘death 7Auldlifl i Vq,been,s „joy toMpr p , Ratko
lag sifter tot e , 1;1
SIM rgafs'aiiil l ig l hleased: 11 'l,-
' lu i
c' , ~H"d rr;l~
.1 1 1114eUtiittha900nea !
. Srxicn Tow's.A-carruclottoriefarailtnit'AlENETA4l
( t T ilt; 170111171FA C AZ T E r t r at I 47 4 :. 171t I ZVOir
f COM trItIIONIS OF PA PAL ;61111111.1trilE Pm EST
ROOD ApD C,RDCF. 7 :IIIR,ASTUR,:IIII/11.F,11%* 1:1( 14 , 49T10N'4
,bOCT9R p,177 ( 911:1, SERMON Limmr-f-#.ecr..NT §4uAiRE,
' • 141ST ;ICI) PiUMEST—POEI:TiCitiPT.
; "".`
.NEwEi'Fit 6.16 - 0 iv; &id b'er 39,1860.
•,o*.(•••,1 6‘ • •
Cia.NA'has reaCtied England,
to' the'-'effete” 'thirittie* : illiiid'iticl44o4' 'had
f•reached Veibil river•on.tlfeigritiof Aug
-43114 end mere, establishbd•ctoPelzt4ngi hav,
k 1 0fm1a11,4 1 1 3 ;9.:Mx.0 24 i§P ; uoP.rei torts
eronat , tht.).th of Ank,pat..theY ,
tacked' Ole ) Chinese;
the allies,.
woudded iffiien!lifFairwitlf.thafiTartir
At the departure I of-the mail 4/ the.
troops; mere.. ipt
. frpnk, Takstr;fpritr x '
where the Chirac ; were prepared :to resist.
The o gruncT aCti4ir Witi t 'fixed
.ttis' tan'talliiiiir thitibe 6El:should.
tiot7have :waited a r few adays,
i titliAgs„of.thelisenet Me 'hear also•I fro_ bi
bitpjAlgi, thiltneo4 ll oPlP•4 l W.i
consagiksgol j ot; pht! rpßroach. of, tile ;
littilgtne'fdfoes` neight'Orhoog i arith
ithit 1110164 liitd'Usif 441144 teibiel. t
ithemiit , Thevbrealiinguip °fat& alaitar. dy=
!nasty, may, PO be) f,r- WAY. . -EaolttaucceSs
ire, year, .we R pep lip, ftwi . l4 ;
.% • r.
yrays, for , Gmpe),. ,i;n!er, ap pop=
ttii it one 'tl4~ra of - th edf tbfi,
glad: 4 A di§ilsterth thiLidliedlllrieS Would,
be sier.t.h'ardeniin ;inn its Ainfluenvi: on fthe ,
Foaperprzan 4 : the Kandarips...llThc,.,Atneri-,
can i •Aniba i ssalor!sfriftpdly t altetapta re
been coaciliatiop seem ; to l itaye .. pcei? nentratiseci.
iiiii"ennWiltion . iirevalhfi l ia: the
rial counsels. And yet We
yesterday, by, a, ` 'arks- ' paper, that as s n
as the Peiho forts 4mnd - fall, the Einperqf
,vf9',44r l :9:lk.erPcPlf l4 4:l49...APlWZ. ;
, • .
I,94aittileNt Amt-Ants , uridergoOnostidailyP
,i11fri90?..,10, 12 P;• 'rnYillfkaf94l4l44, de
, taiis of the fierce Conflist, at - Santa Mart.
"itkile m tile""Yddhk ilifeg.44lo3 Santa
:aditigsihant , boenigoink
probably-in ,preparation• fake final and deli-.
; petals, sprit4cpatare the,,
streeis..ot Cappa. "Cipua find Gaeta
••ofq the Poirerwlitivasrefitiedl ftrestignikeia7;
Nooks)* of ,the ~har,b,or! .•of s a eta,,
, SeNdillbPl w ith :AO4 A 4 14 tAckiSar
'dini"in .not th i tweliy .
establiahsid; would stall* tlie)gtn•
into surrender soondr. or Mier, inasmuch 'ask
tibe•GeTibeldieueigitmlidrpgeveht isuppliSk
en tering :thejoav grpist .ttis eapelitan
,tfu s t Russia , ,at li*t, as obelof the
Ilikliestech, Nag'
etc ;kid Might the
I 1 Sardinian diept Ito atanoiniVe a. blockaddo I
TiotorAßT luca.PwAile iMiceo his
.00p , this mtek o ißt , R. ; b . Wßlffst *Kt hil.„Yinlg s .
appealed to. a ; pipettai: vote as to. w h ether
Cheat" n nigh '•V'Tie'd India; tol lid 'Yak. Of.
Int! midel'br
prsseace=ia lesgerlOoo ged foruki Garibaldii.
ha t e; heeq,hpreAttgr lljs
-oing his tgllope,rs t hearl, ily, tl3,9lme ( their
'Mothers wh t en',they 'arrive. A number of
the SardilibiiP
%We. of ti;at!leq,ip ;
_h toy ox, ; ARAI greiterfid
force' of Oartitnictß s trown.vAll tiftetbticr
bidttgh l t 'figia in orcitil t tO ensue
ail" fart] . of CiiPtilt:::au'd Valtit,lndy
.‘F rafters 11.1.Aiwa s y . ••• • ;
A Ripelsmation ) . tamed. by, ~oe. 'King of
tSarillYit.llTßea.lkinkis fatkileAllt , rugglOsi fen:
Ithlisai„frpedom, his, .ast s esdents,
' tw,o:
lei* fiat' the
gild final apsetheeami tiff of :Itial;toh4s.
i littfiptge, d i,. ths r po,p,islA,A.;o4-Wollo•
of D ha, 44' .alsp thp C#Sfrate j uiee4;
MiYridoili"Stfid t ea;
ens iaudlimaiser foi..•• ;the , firiskt:mhohfell
,fighting fgp,tAs e r s ttpe r stgi l hayealeen ,hra;ml: .
Viphor. 'ft: l w* A b ele, PIAICRE•Pe
d evi • awl' ihp emissary qr hill lie aco dC“,hist
rite iiendlaYotS'•dtb#SiVe thletrday.
i . z.. peaking of Clbarleaf Altair tnaids ihis..44- I
iyotiwn to t Xtaly,,,Yie;oropypi 441?a4ponnien i t
just_ menf4oneii i t-1 ,
.e . doc i ateyl,loyself i by
that'tiat'fiinyle; and t V methorY. of ' my, fa-f .
ltrir Was •IfiSr:liiiiidill lifir:" 4 at
1 l k(6ltic bit,
fdiget to-bring td !h is dpeople% bebtillettion„
,theigroud,,-,fiotr-thati he.? strengthened , free:
don,r,?,ia r an.epoebinot, very fi4vprabl,c, to,free- -
Atkin. Ere admit, tlinit'bjp„pAiey, bps i i ;tent
gn•i?,, g d {A,4, Ni, one,inu y, Was, so, frOn're-i
liaffeb"bri" 'amid T'etipeet • t'ci ' piibl ie "Opinion .
Theffollowing,(isithe , coilelutfing itastrticta of .
Aialititititgf=proci*natinii Ili; •::).4171;•T r •!: '
- 'llifwas natural thak..therevents.itliNortfierwiind
t i f i tt tj h7 l ' t i ii2l7t l ie t' Xilltetfote d liein tl in e 1
roptfziosurfeetionl , . A. fi r ght beginifot t . frdothitii in
si niXt . it i fFf t a PNW•wWiQ„ridtir9d.toslfnly . pnif
to me;tten. giritutldi sailed. to itii aid:" They;
• wed !Whit:Atli r)Ccitlid lootititi.lll tlo 4 liikv% 11144:tiny
,,qn,Aem I!,,Tha falA of.thix.tio t v erpniuml t nSlA,lnpleh
strenitikne4). in . ..any hear%, tue conyiemon that .
kiiiiiPalidigaveiiihf6tifittilibUltl liiiilthiteiri:ilignds
ou the love and esteem of the people, The new '
kloi:driine t nt 'in l'he Twil"BiarietVitisiniiigurated,
in mylptime t l .But•septe of iwact,s .11,11iieti Apprd
hension lest it should not in "evdry respect. ;well.
ititeFp'ilialfittt VolicY'Whibh'is l reprthmiltedliY'myi
haina.:( llt,Was-fearnd.thrOughout Italy thattunder.
the shage•uf kg,lOrious porlprity e ,of tioigpfrieil
'honesty a fact ion•shinfild in ustei whielraNta reiuly I
.to sicrifiba the fcirthc nming•tilutitph , o lt tie° muti:ou- •
al capse,to tAt9ol4mereas of Ate ambitinupffinati- •
c6rn.' 'Alt Italians; turned to Me, ir
e, tlinl I i:,,ightl
'avert this fdaitter. r lt-wgs illy duty t 44 do-ii, , ber
wise, ,ip, thihwesenp . ernergeney,it,ygo9ld - jm, no
moderation, : no wisdom; but weakness and impri-
dence,! hat Wfc.lie. With' a 'strong' hand'tlienlired-
Afoxi o f : thq,,Asyt,ipnal• inovernent, for: wtqctia l am
responsible before Europe. I have sent my sol
diers into the Marches and'UlAria,Valtiered,
that ill-sorted mob of ,people of, all s i natibns and
'-"i&ignesrivlirciritied'YliEli6a ., tle're ats 'a new'
i stran g? v pima , ofdoneign. , :inter3!entioni andd the
wo,rAt of .9 1 11. i .J...11a,7,1 proclaims jp,ty,sps,,,the
4 ltallans ; and wi ll never allow lett!' bedoine the
a I ! , ~, ,1 :I, .'i'.9l". • - 1 °'/Ali( i. it 1. , 6 3 fit.e..
eco fp.,BotypooAtkt cettwiefommitg Ivo to , .
p f oty l mtioni f y..p,lo. , im tpArt.noro•;te• objects
ef:hdivegiLl'ilenuigo t io4 „.,: : .: - .; lt .
A 0 ..z , = cm.. A 0i1i.,.;,.. • 41 • ~, ir ; 3 i ••••. •
, • ••••, •i: •FIWP I . B . lir i eußift .„4 emkgr ~., t. , ,0 . .
04 i 49, 0 P1 . 1 9itr. 0 44,JPh aimr.••1 ( 11,0 1 7: . va'''
p rN
Atrongilir pnblic orunr. o not come it , non , .
'piiic, - ney' All' nftniii9oti; liiit'leltei ilitit"yituti is
respected. ' i You' Will . be•ehllidi &idyl& iiianifoitT '
•is..- =May. the Troia yon. will dStiosii• lank*••uree. be f..
. inspired . . h a ff dAtt - proyhtmos Irj4olt I protoos
_a, r .
.yigateouS,,causy,t ~yluttßy mpy,ll,tifsia . oprsi;•'
,or e'veins,ll:!ratilutyy,,ww_ t„,tfie,,,mogm,pati abi
'civilised Su - 69e e WWl.' liti 9fivii el' that 0 1. n,
lhave ftilfilled:tny utietiiiir '. '' Jade 'ad Italian. •
My policy may not, perhapS;• be uselesitcrecort.uY
; CO iII,,PAIX . Opp;fht.premor, the peßplo wlt . .#,,f
the st a bili ty or iminarmit: i' know , that in..
•Itali I nlottoLthe twof.l.o trate.. -.• ;LII! .... I' -IS'
• *P • .-ii
.1114"a t intingiltqii 41 ' eil ia" Arii,PAa,,".
on 'the' 9tlil'ofi Gefobtif.. iriiiiitgetiti4Ve aku
past' Papily httitilfitions ' thitof (givatii l 34lbl
*to come 1,1•.'!” ^S; , . tt i ; • fl ,, P:t 7...:11; .' 1M : -PI
ir 'qc:l9t, Cavour #Oilt:o -
,ats'nerf imp o ltd,p,,,
. cippertiunity fo rd endiii g but polley,.
•in "i'llpenalt *fa& otili,e .Xliogi,liene'd 'dis- ,
cussion in the'recently t',..4tekeil'flitidiiiialii
Parliamentr-and- whi ;':' • as • received )1 1 ')
iiitaliiiiikai r tii•MA; •.41 11 ilitilla.n f ttmenta.
.)7.0T0 ERStairlPol . l4ll• 4 4% ' .9,o%llongininnk r ,
;vole pf u the i ipbeinber. ,•••• • -•., , ,te119 1 1,11 i f t w,pi141.'„
ihat•Pied Mon t is;i6t , y .'.., , h • repa,r,ed to make
'ivaini•'Ati'siall'a z ,.:'•behitisiig , . - .l;Ofie`lip '6olistr t •
to it: ! ; .Tb ' fite of Vela ...- • • [l l ;Vi`rlice', he ..
454,aiitt depend on 6 • ..
i ; -.. . Vitiifs tuitc ,g f il
Autopepti !Statesmen.
, •:, , ,e ,- .4; ... 0'' .. 1,.
have. almu-.its ciilan A,..;f pe.Alf 4 ; . ,1
Euriii4lll 7 elter , its 'i • tind:,'_Tb he
( is
isititini al 'ides; 'be tic , . 'llea lii - A tri ant I
'Vale' he ftlehtitir and ! h :ttefriik '4ledllti'ee 'that: ..
;Austria therielf :id.; ' &lief' Idf : the . :fact. , .
,That OA )4i t iimileest.t4iigtere; in abundant.
efidepee,,,, t ina,refentMia . tininatibn . frtim i. ,
Itintoti,:b . 4r •an . observer, •it is stated ' thtiC ''
Tothfi''.iitate ut er4at -L igA l liet t iSilstd' 'on 'the''
iralltipbut iitiAria, r dia;finy
AMC while..Veo icenis.: . Owith• soldiers; all-.
1.4 4 P-,l;l.ob l ,l l ,And;lsTa, l 4bY ' V . 4 ) k keep 1 0 , thigli,
doorli' , " . ,,,,t e bat, i 90dy • go es tt t a , plans icol, .
ptililw itinnsemetil,l t .they E l houli t t meet'
ihe' iitietriat'iN 'tidier' hit 'it'alter' : 'HOII4II I
not a living thilligeiktor bi-•eenti innititelf.
fetrebta -; butt; patrolgqlith a t'., nearly4ill tlie s : :
ff : yortn4 Inv; frfpn„ 144 steep. 41 ; tws9t,y4ve..,
,y4ors,9,t ag,it I),ay9.dififive r aTO; thAttigli
thousiirid .of ' them' ar4 'tirith traribal' t ,•'''''
'that' file 'flieeplet.'ilitii A plik&sa prili,y•c_taiklas ,4
'because' , tlier are•chettbito'idvf , g I itoitittiti , ;.
, finally :thatithe.:A'netrtansairi Annie& f'!are s
149 tP°lPfr FJ g1i4.,,1
qlf fl9llßut,
gloomy,eßci,.evna.pnb von; leel4res
"i 8 T hiplpeeli 'thaK l * . iPe.tlps grand—
liiiitalt"erttftlied°ltiTliq trse;(*liit ',el
.ctimarkable,..mtioirespiiiiiittator letweetr•dthed
,idestaandqxuapetes itittG,tihaidiiiatidigai..,
fX9.4ri 4 1 1 -.°PhP . : ; POVICIP , OPYRke °P p M! at :
end if so, .what. are •ffire to ,pay as 'to e the
:5 ,, ..... ...... ,-1,..,.. I.9peptiti#l...o ilea 4ft 1 ....,•
probaeittty or suotLa mug, , bung
reoratittitiiitLdiltia7thd r PfiSblitin'titilion ofrOip:". l
:ter ..,Enumanneh,frOtawtheitof , of ~ .theS Qiiiii...l ,
Mail! 1,11, ttokcji.Orter.lieaDa ahout: . tp.,fly P. i:ille,6
iE4A•igle .941X•4 4 )7-V919 ° t.0 3 .••T r -io i ASkiirs
who hilt aervik • arid. mtiole devotion he
• gi/tatlST . :liiillielll '" a l `kiii . ." l .ni.i).i i er httlf id"
' . 23riAltenY"iiii'd ,ihtilo7l* • •elptaiberitlifher.d
:.eonlit nOtt'suitatly,r.elwa s ;aitheil• devotion:. ' a
it •PoiIIP.49O.9APAOI'4I". 4.YinabC. o l l o,...Mlat 4„
eq. Illitift) ti et t Ah? XriciiiAnni c tioNum
, omit, 'is - i e, epithet 0 1 . them. • '',_ e , as ,
' Catisla t iiii 2 116. ) iSillifilho l tv , eriva tavi
official. ipho.,llt"l'ek4hits;tirtiilel , iti . :: Which I
Sar.dipiesienttantte•npinigNeapo4tati• soil iao
,reprehen4ed,itt,.pet,tepis ci all,4oo; ithi a, c greati,
ParOVitligi'P At aDAP*4 " 9tzu I tfigi l ialo 4l L(
does jte • mean': l'il • • is a- Fetid of t 9,9119-
iiiiiiiPivithiie r a&iii... , i; 'siirof the . ..Viiiikog of z. •
• ; .
luring on the3;A:ttatl•iiitiediintoe . t&Pciftipa/r
tient in - h,isritalrbsitrgitT,;•% - alresh •ean?-9.
paign tigatnit'l3adfsliki 'aiid'lthus to gi , % l
ariaccePan' toppOftanity vol . *. tpdatiligiar .16...
134° 7 4 0 .0 a 40..Antlirilateralt.Thrtreesee,"''
iftti?tch 7 ol. 04ii,nc4 0 :,91KEA?gi °Rh ttio
ortginal Imekiel:,.pmepml 9,f I tfpalp
'Aiiiii(W'tlie p AtpstOhe "Adlaiiet"'
bi i ,-,
Isigliiiitlie MiteFecirrWinatir af r ktis,„
• seenma.tti contdder, , isit , sop • ' td.'-..ine , IF? LI-rich
4,fitivs,,Aftd, .elero It) fl ;These(gdu try arecheY
..c?!'lll3e.W.h.AP4blesQPl9o, b01d .,; kTheY
havn.tatten syivintag i n, of the.fpnere, mares%
611140' fOr. Viiiitult:ina; "tiiiS"lltte r tegi l tinitik l.
- Genera 'M i
ain n Ale . Plipettieriree;'th r iJoi-E k!
.loct: great. crowd s; and to. dbliier idangerone
ibit c aliggestiveichitrangges., 1 1!1,inicyNtin . percte t
knows that tkny. are, y hip.fe s tienties4s i t:pi„t i hed
o,Opit, i tteitie, the, YesUita; t o ar9 all the Irish •:
13isopi,:inelii.iiht'AR4Cell' i liikoi;Viintite„.
iitritinsith (InitigftOsiti'.ll visit' '&11,0ine,),, :
.iwho last :y9ai eildieptial LortialltioPoleou in,
the memorable; wor l d, ;slkobilet,...taigesycui''
h and from efflatti,hko ' h, Vicar !',''''
:Ift!ii l Tor. t i h i n gt c r'S cppiplifitted i4ustria .4.1::
es rate, , and may rnsh on to deitttMtipi,.. l
l'ilditiiibly••tflittled . hill Wtitih i te)l4iiikeicl. l) ,
..1 1 6;i1611VVentlitielientildlielp hit RAN:pier,
,is.rhks linen. gently wliaperedliptcoNher'•ear,
itjf 04 4. 10E.:Am11,1Pky,44,./.lAggiago§pph
,htl...OPft / i. / K . -I. s xtullh i 'Mli e r, ROI i 1 Si. od
is over. fill; .I.Vja t o satte: df
kings ;•itSd'veltitilliVoll . tie thrOa t e r iaonixt )
right;" he-will..justiferalike•- his Wistioni,:kt
his Q'tffigig2KW,RidlailiVit,Aktfore the. : .. ;
‘'ntelligent i ttiverse,. 07. i ~ ,: 61 ,, . t,
Let us be thankf ul , also, t tat talian,„
..EvaintlißktiCnk4B4.4.; faiths 4 1 .a;140 1 4 1 . 1 4 1 .4) .
and LAVA. the ,o9 ll 94 .o!!'b er s . iq t rPF ti i :7
'At our Tract 'Boni, y" Committee, we 11 , 1:ve. 1
, httaiticroi:niWalliblt •iii, s VeliPoveitkyo'nh_o
atidlh'itilwife,:/wholiaVetwiiitVd itanyVite,al,
rof ItaLyvevb owl* the Scrip tures c . .peplyees ri i
tpeßeil.,. f 0 , 1 %.1.441f.1ti alvil*Tlit:wilW9:to..44 l l a
F lare cluOMit7 fi ef,reliki.Onsplpilieation . 's wits":
reeetve4 - with avidity It le i .WOUld be',i. - • 4 : 1
AttaitiiiiihY iiicreed,'l4"thislinti lboiii li'' to,.
,„..: )14Y , itt i e , "tiliddenlyi , ektingitialied 't,
;moreldeploritble -Ahem the irceent • putting -1
9 1 0.1:14.;44 1 .Ftriih qt.hg• 1 4474.(g15.e8.41PPg b
141 1 , . v :P10 i # n .. 84m ; :7) Pfif - 4 .0 4 - 1 114°
li4en .14;kindied`; 'the lamp of Truth,
'lt r -iti were tii`ene'fid'Voil E n "til4; l i•4ld
idnitbtleidtblita VD ‘e ilioreettlitil With' tibilklit-,,
ter etioterothaikcistrer.kijkltaml*baildbfain,
, op 9 AgAti OA : it94l4f - 09FLAITiP.01:1•14 1 .4 11 k
.no ilarliening,,and thg„ an " I,ll'imni-'"
ilia rtill . , ( ''' tie'tial* a'k ii.' l ut l i e fd A VIV, -
•Wildll i l• e if:4lo3i tni ithn a ttstoni gh nieu t 5 :eV Ilti-n•
;rnpa i °Ai attinetitoinc(merinBoilf,4as.theieeW , o
i,,t4e NO Bowen. n,r, Apostnlie i qr,t44; ,the.pli A .
i .tions of this ,world: • , .2
i :, _O4/01.) 1. , , , ,nt• •,••,,; •.,. J.••kic.,. . u.i.. ; :i ..
There are, anp_nt
. twinty t - . ye hm.tdred c.•
I t'tdoliti s iihir ' fitePprietiel.4 Mi." " I ntik' fire • ;
the VemaiiioOf it3ititittoint l etsultintyl''Alitin- 9 .1
.ateltil encourages: fresln9i.n I istmeatil! w 4,a.. t
„mcli.f,ier9 i% pledgmtlbyulliK,nalltifor:.•4Plloi 4
~ , 4 ,9t..t. n ) , Aglitt„ . apst,„§a i rdi tt)c . fpr, 4w.el ye i''
Months. : • • ' ''' ' • - • "•:'''''' i . -1.
...m.,. 1; •::•..;.„, 1:•••••...c.i7.1:1. t 1•,:::•• •:: it ..4., lo si=t:' il,
./nul'ilike.V4ll4fAl) s :4 4 l .4Mß lo ..Stftis9m,Mignii,-
p w,hicik r iLt•a , take efltile . , Ti. the ? I 'M tAst.,,hatr k
aotibibla lieeo,he Ili.! elf spec ial i a t 43 1 ,- It
'hhillige r "tif iliougit'Andh etinvertiW‘lb'etkiibit„.
them.Prlwee4BiegefitMoPPrusitiatiaittriQueen I
VirtliFil• - .4.o l lBr:VuiP•: , tYWl til ln G:Rri L lan . ,i'
blob, • as ; Just come ,t,o ,a . close . I.t..yilit
" i t i ` 3 "tli n l ) ' l &'3o"'''''''4%ll t '
..i. tie t h a n . 9nu r resets Ino
b nil sliitt;ell‘fa ilii3Pitfiti l eiriefigigeiheitp,,
4iilthitgotatasiott. assist-well that it should,;
bst.4,-A.Ghe tobisetdorlithe ,meotiiiooubtL,
,erpt toAlts.zesp
,Rirope. of Lib,Fs.l, , ideas.
special.conferepce on` "t"tiii,
state ontiay,as.sbite4
dont kir Si:tor/ill& is,
dbutiality; cif Silt-.,
•aerland'twill übto diloussed, and also :that,
Russia, Austria and Pruasia, 1011 ; 644ns
diplomatic notes totheir r ,diplomatio ppm-,
%eigtiv t es',';al the ii.66l * * of inte g iview
, eau&gy
t.fftLisl alfrrmed;,afteilizA fashion; by, Cavour, 9
• I thatpAhs qu,estj' i ou l of,optpmzscoisrp„,4A Acylpd,t l
PY.daIPesEPII , -PA 4 1 3 0 . AlPici n tintv;P ir- I
istana *Sardinis,,, hasetr
Veariseitk ded
prehend that we shotild . lnaintaliVilaly ka
Jetate lof iddieido, id. order-, kitlioillisilfrob- 4
kmigicfall3eSsion . 1 4 , ‘ It, ceniains tto obe? Seen,
whether inspicipni have lux*. well foci . ndpd
i." . 0 ' 'it ."
- if 1 . t
orucr. ayour : u r 0 . 74 ful,ncee, es a. ap otna r
tfit'is not la' iiar.Jii• `ptiblic"estinitte '
• lie
.". piltered' vith"Raililid 'in i 'double i.e die'
tin, them atter'. lof , Segyoy it'd& IN i ce. ; ‘ int faot.
Ati hp a .b.e.qn, **ricked of. ,hi nt .that Af t he ; is. th.e,t
!Wr est ') ti3LiPPulllllA Pt i • 74 Mialobei well..
O a the Soverewiis should meet at.,7Atral4
' ietlii(4 l ., i liiire'''itoie: icreightilgti In to . the'
. chhAlvitivdalitiliOlo fai . ',itiliiiiiititaifid-ketift
t Bran ce Salim occupying ;a3skongliiiild4 :on . that
• .1014ilf.r 1 VIPTIPt; , ......efir , -, le : i i F:151 '!..11 -awl
' 9al Elia e ditßilPnitb IN At rEn Cid tyltan 13 y,i
L IDA EthAt,,Of r Ate Pefal,floyernment, :issinost
ittf.:PL,i l 4o3; kT9#Ot4 Ol 3P, i t it# 1 ;95,f0t., •I'Mk 'el
great intere s t
r and ainlita l
. iffi i tte r g i by, 'the
14V 1 .1W*: 1 A.riiiiii 31 1 :A.4,41 emi nent' 4 2
~40afiLirnini it'ef. • qieelilithd littlylcii 4 liiialth!Sc
h salEetthisayhar; andtthertredult has been tke ,
r r o o d n ue sit t i inn ,, of .... a u.t w i ark e r n k tit w le e d
i ciPettrend
With 4713110eeUei l aZ Ylicite:Ciifil),9iik' . ':
4 ,ii".thil4iii ) , - lii!" Aka iii"iliketf a ui p.icioV
Vital al/ 6cdaiirlathei; ilia Pififil eG49eirhincin*
detastasitaxl-asopeoplersaidlit 4was ?':. Tit; Ye=a
1 11 3:aWiksr.04. (9119144.!.. I - •-• t it.,.. ~.: , ... '•, _
,fl,4ll, : ibad. :as, they, said,? . They could
,ney i eT say. luilf,hoyi ,bikd it was. In spite
•4. As effeef.s `upon the peiiplq, 'the
e •.i. i) ~ , •. . y.l ~ - , . 4 . ti e+ ols ,
~.7 4 ; i ~sir;
ifew•homi;ides occur. :The police were in .
,league,witli the robbers, and the priests
with tile Once When a, great, robbery
c'ecurrea r the culprits, even if imprisoned,
s4itg arwayts din / chillod, ' l'hey got a share,
and th4tilato:iities got' , 4i• share.
1.,. Ali to -assassin ati on. any man. who had
teolalitted„one f Aif t he onlybad money, coulli
Istdionge ; Rieke friends -with,: pricas o ,and, the
evidence erio4 own, and, he was' set ii.
'large.' tia'an'hbnilit 'riiiii;'who''(jare'd to
iXitik ; ;ffht.lphiiiih€4:l l. :lvitlinut loitcy'r'or a
Voorinutn,who - gottintotprisoniliuml• had no
%'Aollg .911,,friRodo.4 0, 0 3 0174e.priesta' igi 7 ,
fAin r - fhkipbAii#o thlreand.lqt
pie tjexen tOo o the trouble of firing. '
iithiiii •
in trii'l!''' ," '' '' • - -J l '...!:') IA:
'••' r ilie ' 11 . 4 'Co stile'stile' lidirible'stae' l 'irit' i fi kfigi
zits:- flit.'" i s hew iby . analiei Sologa i iie? 4ihd
gavel similaritebtimony;oidding4. , eialloi won;,
.„, ( I,TP. RP LYroP/APX J , i No, ;. Of bOrOiAN't'O . hAs 'it's,
band and its priAls.nll,;nntinoot. interests
and all order 'oriode'ty inuilt he eubsii,di nate
Ttb th'e'clillVldseliL-the''lWEeti'dd?l4-` of ilk.
pilestl ottio , blii piibliii:ns iiiil 1 i lend thei foun-i
idhtionsnorrananboodiiarev congtadtly. being,
i1 1 014.V P9iiYl l o44lffl it b •
lntio n 1
a•ii.o.l fi alNb7hind seent4a 'l n
h t e . blok l , i ndica tes,
' ailt 6 l atkifliiiiii 1 telifitrailfdininit - ihe 1
onirphibili.ithertP thelpeoplettallirdling i to:
itjte rP.opi.:and! .his; syitein.i:,;# The,ltiabgt
c i o .. x9ialißodsiltldThlggiOt! , l l 4•RiagellPhj 11111. 1 419;
Ta`ith in the , ?Orel), for qni,! •• The*,
/Id jecginb4l,(ijii:y,or'ivat. -: 7We 'are too
near nayfotleiloreirh'llli'th'VPiiPeilre, And'
the taililialKit crin di i . Idle Inieste, , hied the 1
punsi o a44 alk the:rea al thcimAJillbLoß
•A'lled;.ls`9vg ,,- 14 , 14f10.0. 4cV,ow , SAmo, .i, X,
( Tor,. about; the ,difference balvecn Auxin .
IA Prdi'esOit's, and }t i t s' high tame ilia irle . '
iitfertPrroVelit!ad'ttitior l L ' l; '‘ l ' i I 'l l L': 'II tt r
.d.willii ,t , , , ,p! ..i. J.1V31 til t ,eIF. if , .v*l,ll , 31
Tarn S.iEItATAN JpItgIITVTILO,Weien /al
"iliellt Barmen, was remarkable i fdi Vie . i
alike "off 116iigitenbeig;Lt bill said Billets;
.Ibadill of the High Oliiircihiparty;.: 4 l l hoOlig:l
./lPol.iidott.,ol'abriagin g, ab'ont,a, confederal on,
t9rpe d „L id iVib rflEufl,,„lln Chu r 5 149 , 8, ,:if nRw. 7i
-'tu li span. oned. Dar men is a jpilice,rhete,
,I. ,n... '.7:011 !• 011ti,J.(1 "1 i.. 7.....11d1 1 .. 1
in oppodition Alike to „ttationaiisin,,rormai
isKi Ind Higlitehltrellrini; the piiiii, Viriii •
Goseielris Ahrpknsed, sirrdir present soli/ail:in ,
fisoo.riOdyr ! i tr 4140 ! fl II iii li ell: ntonemeoNithe
. iO rer lg A u Xi l fis*A.§l v Ol u t A3'l4 cm, eitOb'
'Father, iiiii",need of repentance, . theteitOrti l
of iiiklLV : ka. t lul'aikag of Gospel lib
! eily;we ) pkoiaikned , t i o .'c l .riitvded'.eliireliesp
%Fifa" aisles f filled ! ai,p I to . ether pulpit istaiia.,!,
JAIARIIeo t. , be ItiIMoIAPPrAMO sob, nolichdre
and there a tearful eye, tel),,that the y pal'iter`
may, soon, , ex , p e,a, a visit * from a hiffddned'
itliit, ' tlig.'hearecii t erSui t eli f itig. flOrd lain'
Lillis 'lnacre:' I. ormixiitweiitig i niatihrg . in.
~Bubb •ia rpl ace .an nab surely, inibibe something
et Akiudie4 ispiri,t,f; ~,, , ,1 i.l*.ll4ii ':o' , 41; 1;
T In Pi ;Ci i P , '' 1 1 B fIRON. ik`1 8 4,t04 6,
chaplain. to the ing of Prussia . , pointedito s
iheim'Oessiffy 24'nni6ii,itilt'lliiiid - or i iitlich
;Oils - whit spiititilitl; lei& VA:toil:iron lbenids ;of(
ChnrohlOrms.rehannob midge, unity44l4
;Yll'uqa./0 0 4skikAiltiltiqui.t , *V kP.119.44k.the
RlZl n scit: thi t i otd• ti:97 3 , i .1 11 t- 0 1 . ti ,V°l 3 7 /3 ?'
he nig'to him,: - stio* T 't enieelfel as an or-
z6d bodPiis %View 'de atibii!'' Ifi"lion..d
Wild eli , bra .!i riviibletZf tw cl ' %Allies , tivliiblv.
m aim .the ddrkness . of; n ight,i. an di attack ed, ,
each other with intense.earneapess: ...,Fust ii
party was read to claim the victory, when
the day"`diiw n that both midi
the sefftuiraritiftltlNAliiile' Ktiiig, and that
,cll,,Nfilvl, whOliAbo t illd.• harg•ibeepl • deals,
on Ihe common enenip. had all Allen on.
i fr o li tirlo 111111 . fl.l 14 ( fleilt . , 931 -,.,..v ) , i.
i'Ainiliiellie sillE•jecfitudiiaeiiiiShatoitlVide,
.iniseling,•4ere the-q!Study ofatliev9l4oTes- ,
441)e:10,7'>.PC".The,tlnaugncc , 0 TrPhitir
Literatlfei7i?Kiptitebd , The.4.cletiop, of, Profane 'Likrature ,ma 'ChrintlanitY, aid,
'itie l riilitiigniN. Or "114 .v itotitii'Vlill 'Bo'cial ;
'Rib; ts?A'to dieleeiniih'ilfothe`MiehiOdi line
Prayer.Upionsqveie -,dlsonbefnr.e,itheaneOr-P
,ing, ..;,'the jklme Apssion, h,s bee.A.piopla
„iing a j.retti,e igiinst r populpr . ,9rernmw,,tiwi
1 1.
perstitions. ,v, hp le lii the ; holtlin ,, 'el'
VoififeneAlti'tendintid 'ilihoteliattilid4 'to
'the r.extof , tbe'4ernifin Blbl r e!,)lisrpUt,ll44.
by,diffeVentl:Soc:ieties. , d tit i has I en courilgo.l
,the custom .4:1f,-,9ltkingw,present , cli',44l,i,bla t
fr, very!ettinagd duple ,N e tiniMim ,
of the ' wedding. S abbath ' obpervancehas
1 1.43•Selie'd nfilai l ittaffiiOW: f I lbstalillidi f ithi”
been given to found a Gettinitri aural iii
,Botterddinrandsalsmatotheftßa&e,skie well
,ai,in,..l3algfa.4o,l,.,Pg t iii9Abib.;`,` cilP.Coßt•rol:
DorniitOo %,ao \ 1E,?,P,1 Pliril oP t rf,eAppoAPPF9 ;
"witti' - 41V P Giiiiians 'oe all r 'encfeastoka in
America. A' bifenafe 13f `.:'4ls"n'fotti• 4 l4'aft
!Veen - eitebliehed ( Tot% eiletiOtigi rik 1 Oermirit
!tictidentV:or th i dolioai.inniblillosf'4b visit:
t,14/Geritiiiii)U nsiVerdi Lieellittill" , 06 4 111211 of .
• Yoat - retideis el ready' khiiiti,)'"'tlielyn'od of,
Annisylihintilturefiettpcitided by bEtablisbing,'
oti.4lllyo lanisile ...low:414113 "t., A.., 11 . 4 , i
( ~..AFGENKrilquitilklb.ggrilLoP,n(PremlimPil
PoP;Qpw.biglii had) Moen :; PlOsPd: figi ofifcnd i
„tol4hs !for t yepairfil an4,4lterationg;„ Om
illOVillioA,Lbieniiiitlok b.Yroy , fooffoOrLitrftwil , ho
1 .43! , - zlA4lo‘lti o,ol l *nd X4i *Mk rThehi
clii the elinrehhincludi . pg,tnunibq of.„the i
r1e,41 1 31;t91.1Pi1t:0r.0 , .9,t Jlll-.. PP.P.901, 1 31.:)?Pt1t
I 4, 4 1 04 411 1 i0V4 8 44: ki:onronArmistkriPt• glitb
. Aitilie semen ,!Taft M.e.fY P octiPlP. in- ,rtfAllar ,
015:4.95 1 Y/Ok nelii , b) , e!g9illeoPov944l•PiPto: '
ritditoW,Ocrin4ll7. 2 .l,tOolldeiliPhlgui Vest
IT ,914,001P. 4 e *IA AM API.Tt WA 4R09 r
hPitro9o l l44.9.olloglitiP»A Qtrrif4,44eirßbib fr
;13oliWo1f.Ar Mill•.t9 444, P 94 iant.94tibit44 ll l
, Pf>ilio/Y44 111 , 31 10f ilY4ef44 B sißroifheili•t4;fit.Tit7
i linsA or .the , ,sermon,tinfTbAilokoluilti9 l ;•l4 l .li
•itllAwoOlfi Pclefttalm rsgt Vgd7Boingeg, ,
And mhihrited,Ohrlet t 's divinicy pAp,erating
ilritkiktii!bPPOsoitY 3 9'. 1 1j.b.0re.W.9?.F2 14P tel
Ate allsolvitig.or,t.he penii.enkAinf,*.n4lie ,
erMit.,-74t.1k AllimillailaPrOP•Anti. ilevgil
IThAtii.,tud i A9v.l,l"il o Fi. Npftl,prlnpifiedi a,
iiecOn s igiinon in thi3 evening of 'Vrednes:
daY'lla i ' 'li f e'' ollintelehtii tieil Vilialeq
'itiliiare - Viine ii I IMaiititkill yil lightild ' front
itflitei ceiliiig.s! , 'Vile t) it teiatifonl; hareilts
41000tisrinicloori'gibitle , gtliubdirito4iened•
ibiftah.telialifetefi6 *827; 7 coat WI 6',:ooosi
•ivws of kx9.l sty? , r;•.1 file 15L 4 .1 ', cl ,I: 0 r.. ;31.tyirr. l i , '
'.etP:l3l-Lerlietaiglitt riiabytwitniCallege
"WHOLE N 4 - 25
Bias been reopened for' tan ei'ghti'monthe
aessian, with good•prospects . ,useatness.
At,Maiclatona,, in Kent, one, minister was
last week ordained, and nest 'day another
was installed atßochester,` in the same
eefirity:. 2 't .t
- !A., Presbyterian clintch isr' , being
formed in the city off Exeter.;.-.,,z
,pnited, pFesbyterians ofScotland
are about to erect new, churCh6 in ' f f'resh
ilistricia of 'tlie'inetrOpoifs.
vidatlie l r 'is. wietehedly • The
potato - 6pp alinoit:lost in . England! I.k;
Trelandopgr,a,krt is, stifl l im tbe.,fiel,ds in. : many
L and can tint_be, Carried in 7 in,consq;
quence of 'the rains. •
In the recent storms in the'dlaltic it was
=affirmed.: that I Mr. , SheiiidinAKnovides had.
:loat byi the wreck, or.goingf on shore,
of-the Arctic steamer... Severaldives ,were
lost, but M. Knowles,is alive and sopurn-i
itig in Devonshire . - He `is in 'his gevent,y
sixth"yearl'• 41 ' • 4 - •
T e v. G. 11: , Guinneas,!hairingidopteA
!Baptitt-Niews; !was.... recently , immersed in,
Bath. : ,
'The Times: correspondent, vfbn hap ac-
CoMpainied the PkinCe of Wales `'over` Can
ada, and throtigh . the: United States, giVes
the highest praise to the excellence; and
°MIL fgtrdt,tko4o* t i#l.)tititobakotti, a
4 4 tie:A*14. Net.„74110; - ,
Vid4l6dliq , of 4 o- E A'7 :' ,t ' I f 4 t
crossing of the 'Allegheny mountains, and;.
of the magnificence of the scenery present
i -
ng•it'Self `far and wide.
aribaldi has a second time (after atm
per.ary dismissal,) restored the Pro-Dictator'
of Naples, and. the' Liberal, yet moderate,
Ministry. The Mazzinians are the troublers
of the 'scene; .and involve the -cause of,
Constitutionalism in a great danger, , ,froni
which, nly the coming of Victor Emman
uel can set,it free.' When that. takes place,
Garibaldi Will resign his provisional Once,-
mid - become Commander-in-Chief of the sea
and-land , forces: ==Next Sprino , , if' Anstria
does not yiefd, one hundred and.-fifty i thoui
sand, Italians'', will, , :is, said; be burled
against Venetia, with all the aids,of scion
tie rar 'Verify;:ffesh 'tempests ' are.'
brooding' endis-not' et:' - 1 Austria iw
con ceti trating ="froops = near. -the ; Piedmon tese
frontier raml -there! is •-eonsequbnW! sensa
tion,” at Turin..• • , =
[Sele • cted J,
71 , f , t F!11114/1;AieketTliate.,..,
• r , ,;,
tfieaiy, and yrcrt!.,,
a .
'' u ' l
'droWdsilui*e'..stbijd I;eforetiiie'"
'r,o.,,lfstatutaltine:tdinight, •y)i' r 1 1 .
iio-11c.4PePerIvint 44x 1 c4ess,11 ,, f 1 '
tEray..for oge,glefitn.oelight.
! the4oulMdUgharand-niaialies
; Pye.gittberedanaayta'staint;.
:, A;74e.ar4 0 14 NoiPes,roAllifigl .
1 roru fnr across 93e plain r r-1
inmYYTetello 7 1 -
J - dpaVifif w'si:4 I wait
• ' fr "
at theiiicket-gite:
..•,;,11; „ .;;Pf i" -
And yrill . tlieportals open . 1 ,
: i 'tO i lia4;"s9llo niamed,
aliebtlidOnVe 17 ' I
t . bWithltliikeefir;reiglitl of Wrhit r .gl'l'
' ;i , , ,Hftrß!;.avgladlmoicef of fweiCbritel a 1 ,
1,0 Pa s RIY ilfWeliff , Po497 :-. a 1
Look*„fora.,hand.,of mom '
,s, Opens th a .e wicket-gate. ,
• I 1 3 o`.'•Cr•ef
• lOn to the palace Beautiful It
And the bright room calle i dyeace ,
1. . : .
Downit) 'iiient
'Whe,rWtho 'find4eilt,se.;
tblio git 3,;. iIT
~,T A L i Qn, for theway pf.glarYo t ;
[. y Lies throughAhe , •
• Pdalties.efl4veity. - . , : •.1
neither lifindiv:
,yennttinn t pyelaokr4 t.,hirpasoptiließ
r.npu4ie4 fr om s . n a n!ord,,
ail ydifelin gay of a nitin,'Ofii'cliide %hat
hinPfridilds ;-
.nbrnhasie yolutitterloverthrown3 annitin in
,tlin, you bane spict4 r he.
, -- ilq:11:!P
0931,1? VA' b g 3 )le l ii in :git 3 4, - *P 3 F , - , He
gash : nae „ arid g 0.41 d rt . 4) HO) t
t!itg. . letareMag
''ofter.ll/r? ElatoilY Of/bititai r son.
c,igniversityzprettehad a•minion' aeitherohli—
matjoa.of 'G. W : Lusher,. of Wavy/ilk,"
-ct-1.4 4 / 4 tPub)in i }.4 • - 114 Nt0417 6 , , .
It has'p ,
t ared God; the .foolishneas ofi
%1(114, kire tilicb(4l;i 4 e, ;ma:
ila niittlitae i6si'peeteit,lh g - sermon aboniided:
tiritfiliiripOrtanaruthsgset forth WI Veld and
lauguage..flfhe • followingipara
,F,Os 3 /1 9,w 36 1,4* trlPe*er:!iltri- of
ti 4 iniportanee,ot preaching . the
Wifyef, bfie t ing
, dielleibbliibt the triiiiHtt 1:t
lu thiieebneiny for : Wee; tliis is bidnined
bbY.B°d,49 bfl.. - ;# 6 t4 4 0 . *01.! me 4 I AV in
the coasuwiumten of bas. grgeionspiniese:
filva, 7 ll6d zehcltairferi6Z giqufgelbeni,,
lat'iriiitoli! int fit/6e now •iti; 411' the ap6Stblief
lagev ihd,dingdt,...therefora,ibe' iietrf aside or,
and,cr ) valttijrithoutjultneasurable disaster
• to, ,the
~luterists of.,A, l lorjegf, : c4clAtistAity.
'An Ain't Clrifroli deuonnntAon ; which'
'inclit tdis • Piiine?
ithirlutielabbl;!byrisbbfi'dinglb' its' fiiciency,.
atudkjainilinexteitactfilitsi resOureeit coopera-,'
igngrAihil tIM PrstvidintsinittaePd
.lpg. for th , x ot tq uau g d r ., m a c i t ter;
pt' Worn, will lea ' the. roan of
Afi s etatOriiiiikitid c Woe&'of in.;
subdeinolielvorldno' the Obe'diedee'dfAha
diiith•at ithexe iciabootutei r nonnthstitniefor,
Pixirif? 'Pe 424..
ger the " - truth as 4, is.,ßs.',"
There can be no belief Witholit hearing; and+
itrnderata adingkuan.d•linatie.ansthey Mir and.
4n.der.ataiulvittaoUnt a. preachoi<toprboliinh.
it otay,..kt l ueiti9nitclashetlistrtrprao:
si,i a re c keiv ia te ' o r irke
•:theitomverationrof! the ' o itOildAait 3 116tOireeii
1199 t eracioriAgteintlatld'brthe.93edaidexationl.
41.. tr tkr
irdi ~ jo iOP /ie f i dl4T wi e l a"l 4i o7 ll . 4 YinO oon
brivag nto t y4y., tittle l a n: da4,4p the
riat@tiOnisiotin 'll{.owledge . • of'
did Ski fide liiit;er .3 befoie as'rbeeriG it-.
nellse.dn suohorn. aliteiffil fulfillment of - thel
4a . rciphal)lp kaknY dAvo i • and !
rPr i Sf i g i t. osh Ix! ',41L9rea5..,4,7,, , AY5 t rY. ,
branes . o human science ia4.prp,grfauti),s9.o
- Beyond
411,preht.detitlit 7 'Selidoll are intilliplyin* 'on
;eyerphandi witivdnlargealtoomaity.andtint,
proved and; thighen, and. higher'
deTN"Yert' 1 5 1 0°J1)1Fron*Lgr i . u nt/P r j
for . re extensive and .thorongtt tuatrul
'tfcitii; wadi 'the
dotecittiitadtitioili'tibef& rafiSd • kin+ WOW al!
4nest‘'illsttilitanetinswoondaitnioaibitiwo't ti t
lOaigq'atql f E,On l l o P.eJoit l l 3 ; of thi,
social, .'structure has a übig i gitOual
R itiitiVedia l dlli ribWgeill
- f g 3 l f 1
An lifestr4Eitrs'
is/ t
,power, in scattering over the earth
every.form;of intelligence and instruction,
that 'some • haVe almost.• been inclined to
think that:it • may ultiMately swallow up all
theiold modes' of °rat instruction, and leave
no place for the' public speaker's vocation ;
or, at, least, take away the demand for the ex
eibise of the peculiar powers, aside from
his manner, by which he im
presses and influences / Ns auditors. Every
thing .
thing worth preserving, it is said, is
.-,pft' 1./taII:COW, • and the P'nfitile•'ean read, (Es
) ckiiniiiatti f and be instructed by the speak
er's matter and modes of .conueption and
expression, without being unduly excited
' ihis'idaiinerind rhetorical' art. Public
speakingri4' therefore coming to be 161`d by
many at a disco - tint, as if not indispensable
• ;at a means enlighten and direct,'avate
xnd ittiPiA, the minds of this univ r Aftily
i r eadi4, age. And thiS view may have had
its influence, perliaPs unconsciously upon
thb!preacher's manner, in inducing him to
',give hie main attention'to the Arrangement
thonohti and the modes of his ex
.-pression, withont any special regard to
these elernekii,s bf ' delivery adapted' to' arrest
anti fix the attention, and carry the'cOnvic
tions and sympathies' ef—his-hearers•
Publication Ornce
A !Square, (8 Linea or lees,) one ineartion, 60 emits; each
anbsequegtlnecttion,Alo.,erreiff 111X - 40aelttald OTlfit, 5 ate.
'A Bollard pail ilairto4ll 7 oo ; difttlit t i l f aridltloh6l as cents.
A RanUCTION muds to advertisers Ilk. _tear.
'. 7--- BUSINESB'6lOl7.O.El3lVreNliiihraY ire; sl.oo' - iaCh
ditional line, 10 cents. ,
DAVID -111 9 1 KINNEY. • & CO.,
PftOPitIXTORB 'Atito trlll.ll3HElte.
, ,
The foolialrpc,2pod, as men count
lishnesq,"is wiser t% an their higliest wis-
NiffaMbl to the
"tht-1/4"dtil' 4
4 6 . 11 .4 1 00 4 1 1* I . IIO6 P I Yt
31e: her
we come t i wk i thek
, but let ,her beware lest sheexalitheM dove
the, agency which God ha,s appointed to the
preeminence: This retaii'V'epodftiori must
be :preserved. The ministry must he ele
vated to higheriefficiency:an&eonsideration,
as, other agencies rise , and press around it.
If the ....eneral level of the
,Ctuarch and so
ciety is lifted up by the mighty energies
now at, work in the universal enlightenment
and - progress of the race, the ministry must
rise:with .thein, yea„. be fitted. to ficte,with
ten-fold poyer in its. appropriate sphere.
Thec Crowning let,
A nobTemxn irdierifed `front `a rich uncle
Tract 'near village; but
the land , was marshy,;.unfruitfulyand deso
late., owner ordered the ; marshes
and pools to be drained, and he pinted all
kinds of trees and shrubs, so that it be
came a pleasalrgaratt and a park, reach
Several, years after, his old teacher
edhim, and "the nohlenian showed him how
'ate once useless iriar,gh hicVbeert 'Changed
`to fbeaulifuh fields: The old master saw
`everything, and praised what-he saw. The
inobleman told him he meant to enlarge the
grounds more and more s and keep different
kinds of game in his park, promising him
''Self'grgt'filearsitre froth hielitfle creation:
~= f heit ibis old -teacher 'said : ' -
You ; ,deserve. it, for you have changed
a dead
,marsh into a habitation of, life and
joy; but ! one thing is wanting to make your
creation perfect ,
What: can' it be ?" asked he nobleman.
Wh - en-the:Lord God.' cleated: the gar-
AW-of, Edew it he put•niewthere,?. said the
The nobleman made no answer, but kept
irord'i In 'his "heart; 'and the next
faithful master visit
-ed - -hiiii , tain, he took , .him: Ito the end of
the park, where two' new buildings .had
- 4 , ..bgenreeted-Anc,old,man sm4ed , , and said:
" NowJOirn has finished the work.'!,
One of the "liuildingS Wae an 'orphan
asylum, and'
/ 7 1 'ITYJui
A. GrektrTreacher.
'nurriber - bribe ..Niirth -13rstish
ilßevieiti.eontOns verytable and instructive
. ) 41aper,oh 7 the late Iter.,l-,Dr. ' John 'Brown,
li pr,oftor . ,pf.splseo*
s in ; the University of
I . 4gptir. Remar kingupon his qualities
"as preacher, re+iewer says -- his style
hlid th(i;t foui'marked characteristics :" It
;- it was ; was emi
g.riently, Scriptural; it was with authority.
-Me was never like•one arguing a case, rest
lag itNon probabilities, or placing it at the
.nbasuird!ik succeeding experiments, for he
Ar'newrlthat 'the Gospel. has?. a. witness in
itel , eirmates ?conscience, and. lie •!fearlessly
flappealed to' whathas- called 'tes
viimoititlwanimte natui•aliter Christiana.
•• iOf 'his , isonfidence in' the truth the writer (Gospel, no
ittOssingtof ,- .olitises. Cross out of view into
hisutonilv:l4l,o - hid' great laith in . the old
ilGospelktluttGoapel of Peter and Panl, , and
Thad no ,iymPatliy• with kthose. philosophical
(-:6.rangues•which *sometim'es either take its
phice3-or,profess .to adapt it more thorough
„dy to thelmants.and. tendencies of the pres
v en t, age.”
artid4'. :abounds throughout with
ooiumenti mpou.:thej superiority of that
iityliteofvreaehiiirwhith 'places the spir
iftudrrelatioos between. man and -his Maker
:iaboye ttai.'miiern and apostate style of
vpillpitp,yroteiihoiespin °which some of our
viwonld-belpopular preachers are wont to
:14dalge: effect of such biographical
reviews cannot be otherwise than wholesome.
airistion:.iatifigigairAr. -
Lost iercies.
9-r:0 11 40;e:the: moat painful and affecting
cases .h,esrd of was that
of ,a mother.. who lowed to talk of her
41iiictro3VP Shis r "li:Segii or seven, and she
all-day.l64,- and with but
sli tap ifitirm ission long, ix trying
yp ; eal . l.„them to her ibyi repeating-on :their
:names, but could never succeed. Someone
would be left out, and then she would be
,girre,irsio.:--and so her agony and her work
Aketit'o p ii:••• And' is there not danger that
;you ofillaieglect,your mercies, and sin away
.. il yornt,dnys : .of grace. and despise she lessons
of. ynur
,yonth,....until the. time will come
! when you grill tTy . i.n vaio to, recall them Y
when you *airy, and try' without 's.uccess,
"to recover the opportunities you now have?
—Tic:Ware of living longer in sin ' and of
offer salvation, lest, you
havp,,take Abe lamentation7- 7 :‘!The
ended, ibe..harvest is paii, and
„. • • - .-* .
Abe brltight , , out
. of VortstAn the iron , gate opened .its , own
;'`but cOining - ro t the 'Oi j kary,
the mother of John Mark, he vi'aficfaiii' to
r standrlnfore the door add iknocie i When
,„iron.,gayedentr,a,nee, hOw otty,woodhimke :op.
:.! position ;There
~was, n o,inartftnelo,peto thediklinogater;. - blit a
illorttliss' was prcOidedi of,oonrae,btninniock
Gnd r,wntitclitiotif thereforOpahow
OihtfulgeeitenrimerVazhandararei a-A:minted
~ ,tordo;tiheiwoti., -:.Heaven will not: substi ;
.:ItAtd.nfinairacte • *here .orklinary;:means sere
formerly in peaeable possesrioii .I:Mt if
they -either 4Fpar,t.,gy , religp (i t nsfit s iously
'ihoftir r'n's•
Ep>l ta tillifn
' ri lgao t ti hnriv...l 'llThuo;vt.9.l)
0 r Altelgoß ON ANTN—en 4 , Dellev-
O Z4, itlhigri l halin i at ggio lu ie all Wirids,
alitPitertiliesfe Idia) riiii=qast
itt) Blob biaTatt 4 imitti#42 Tkmiglise ill dads
gObraVora 11l -TAPIA Mil•
nat. an you w never meg. va " Y
cannot serve God and mammon.":