M KINNNY J. ALLISON B. LITTLE DAVID M'KINNEY &I CO., Editors nod Proprietors. TERMS IN ADVANCE. SINOLE SEBSIJAIPTIONS Of 4 .20 1v Grins . per.r....EARD IN EITHER OP ,THE CITIES 2.00 For TWO DOLLUIS, we will sent by mail seventy numbers send for ONO DOLLAR, thltly4lllVo F.otors :mauling us TIVIINTY subscribers and upwards, will e thereby entitled to a papr without charge. • Iteunlf. Sena payments by safe be rom ha p nd t, s a l -or byttle bmail. efore the year expires , Direct alt totters to DAVID N'IIINNEY & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. Per the Presbyterian Banner Church DiffiCulties. DEAR FRIEND :L---You have placed me, by your request, in an 'embarrassing posi tion, and have imposed .on me. a duty which J hardly know how to perform. it is true, [ was once your pastor, and your remem brance of the old relation and intercourse :lairds me as much gratification ,as it does you. But your change of residence has placed you under the spiritual care of another minister. I have not the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with him, but I have heard him spoken of as one who preaches the Gospel in its purity and sim plicity, and who honors his Master by a life of •unblemished integrity 'and devotion. Since receiving your communication, I have pondered and prayed over the subject of it, and have concluded to answer it with entire• candor, and with whatever wisdoM may possess. And I bea you to take the counsel that I give, in answer to your re quest, together with the cautions and re proofs which it may include. Let,me make two general remarks. First. From the nature of a minister's work, and the number and variety of persons he has to treat with, it is not surprising that, in the course of years, he should become ob noxious to -the suspicions, jealousies, or of some of them. And, secondly, by frequency of intercourse and freedom of speech, in a congregation, these feelings toward a minister are liable to spread, from small centres to large circles, and to reach many by sympathy, whom they never would have affected in any other way. Now, iu your own case,,and judging from your 'own statements, I think you , are wronging both your minister and yourself. You admit that he has not given you any offence, that you have no fault to find with him; yet you have, somehow, con tracted au indifference, almost amounting to a dislike, toward himi. I think you have allowed the antipathy of Mr. G., your neighbor, to influence your better judgment, and to unsettle your affection for your worthy ,pastor. A similar difficulty existed between Mr. G. and the two former ministers of that congregation, both of whom left the charge in consequence of it. Is it not possible—nay, is it not probable, from the oircumstances, that Mr. G. ex pects too much deference and attention from the pastor, and that his pride is.hurt, more than his conscience, by the minister's conduct ? I do hope, and, from my knowledge of your good sense, confidently believe, you will not permit yourself to be enlisted.into any party arrangement against your pastor. The " paper" with which Mr. G. is "'going round," you ought not to sign. A mo ment's cool reflection will convince you of this. I have known many cases where the circulation of " a paper" has been resorted to, and never knew it to fail of doing mis chief. It is generally the volunteer effort of same officious person, who elects himself the head of a party, and takes this method of enlisting and enrollinc , his subordinates. The representations made by those " going round ' with such papers, are, of course, one-sided, and may be erroneous. Besides, it is not at all in accordance with the spirit of our Saviour's direction, " If thy brother trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault, between him and thee alone." And to show the influence of one-sided state ments and over-persuasion resorted to in such cases, I assure you that I have heard many persons regret having signed such a paper, and that I have known a few who had signed two, in direct opposition to each other. My dear friend, follow the things : that make for peace, and things whereby one may edify another. These church difficul ties are a terrible reproach and hindrance to the cause of Christ. The oppositions of infidelity and wickedness, from without, are not so formidable. But these wounds that the Saviour receives in the house of his friends, are dreadful. Churches have been broken up by them, and neighborhoods have been left desolate. Who can hesitate to exclaim, as he looks over such sad scenes, "An enemy bath done this I" I trust, my friend, that you will improve the Means of grace , which you enjoy ; that you will keep clear of church difficulties; that you will let no man persuade you to join his party, or to sign his paper . Yours, sincerely, Installation at Baltimore, Md. MESSRS. EDITORS :—The installation of Rev. J. H. Potter, as pastor of the South , Presbyterian church of Baltimore, teok place on Sabbath, the 14th of October. Though the weather was quite unfavorable ; there was a fine congregation present. The Rev. Dr. Backus, of the First church, preached a most stirring and appropriate sermon.' The Rev. F. W. Krauss proposed the constitutional questions, which being answered affirmatively, he pronounced the pastoral relation constituted, and the pastor and people were respectively charged by Rev. Dr. Dickson, and Rev. Mr. Kaufman, the late pastor of the church ; the charges were earnest and pointed. The whole ser vices were deeply solemn and interesting, and impressions for good were made, not soon to be forgotten. After the benediction was pronounced, the congregation came up with singtilar unanimity, and with cheerful countenances, gave their new pastor a most cordial welcome; by a hearty grasp of the hand. To 'give an idea of the kind feeling and harmony existing, the writer would state that while the pastor was attending Synod, on the ensuing week, the ladies of the church were busy; and on his return .he was surprised, on going to the study in the basement of the church, to find it nicely carpeted, papered, painted, and furnished with all the conveniences of a minister's study. This expression of kindness comes from all the members of the congregation with hearty good-will. The pastor was re joiced to learn that the study had', already, since the refitting, been dedicated by a prayer-meeting of pious ladies—a most be coming consecration of a room devoted to sacred purposes. • All the services of the church are well attended. All that seems to be needed now is a glorious outpouring of God's 'Spirit. There are multitudes of careless sinners in the immediate vicinity of the church. 0 that the great Shepherd would bless the means used to gather them into the fold ! J.H.P: Presbytery of Dubuque At the meeting of the Presbytery of Du buque in Hopkinton, September 18 ult., the Rev. Samuel T. Wells was dismissed to the Presbytery of California, whither he goes under 'appointment of the Board of Publication, to Superintend the work of Colportage on the shores of the Pacific. The following resolutions -were adopted on the occasion: Re,Totvect, That we hereby record our gratitude to the- great Head of the Church for having bestowed upon this portion of his Zion, for the past fire years, the faith ful and efficient labors of one so devoted to her interests: Resolved, That whilst we sincerely re gret to be deprived of, the further:mission FD For the Presbyterian Banner. For the reusbyterten Banner 41 1 0 tog 1 t Ti?s Iti trtil n altittr + ........„ VOL. IX., NO. 8. ary labors of this Brother in Northerlowa, we do conaratulate the Board of Publica tion, and the whole Church, in view of the employment of one so well qualified for the important work in which he now engages. Resolved., That our best wishes and earnest prayers for Bro. Wells shall ac company. him, that God may voucljsafe to him a prosperous journey to his. distant field of labor, a cordial reception there and, abundant fruits to the glory of God in time and eternity. I?esolved, That:a copy ofthese resolutions be forwarded to Bro. Wells, be spread upon the Minutes 6f Presbytery, and a copy to sent to the Pariyie Expositor, Presbyte rian, Herald, Presbyterian Expositor, and Presbyterian Banner, for publication. JOHN N. BOGGS, .Stated Clerk. For the Preebytorian Banrier The Presbytery of Washington. The Presbytery of Washington held its Stated meeting at Upper B&W° on the - 3d and 4th inst. • The Rev. J. M. Smith was released from the pastoral charge of the church of Wells burg, Va., and dissmissed to. unite with the:Presbytery of Allegheny City, with a view of accepting a call from the churchof Sharpsburg.. The 'Rev. S. G. McFarland, F.M.; was, at his own request, dismissed to join the Presbytery of Siam. Mr. J. P. Moore, a, licentiate, was ordained to the full work of the ministry as an Evangelist. The Committee appointed to instal the Rev J. P. Caldwell, as pastor of the church of Cross Roads, reported that they had discharged that duty, and their fidelity was approved. The Rev.. James A. Ewing was received as • a member of Presbytery, by letter, from the Presbytery of Clarion. Presbytery also held an adjourned meeting during . the intervals of the Synod of Wheeling, at Cadiz, Ohio, when the Rev. Watson Russell was received as a member, in the usual manner, from the Presbytery of Redstone, and, the Rev. 'James W. McKennon, D.D., was, at his request; re leased from the pastoral charge of the church of Frankfort. The following sup- - plies were appointed for Frankfort, . : • First and Third Sabbaths of November, Mr. Russell. First Sabbath of December, Dr. Stockton. Third - Sabbath 'of Decem ber, Mr. Calhoun. Fifth Sabbath of De cember, Mr. Russell. Second Sabbath of January, Mr. Pomroy. Fourth Sabbath of ,January, Mr. Aikin. Second Sabbath of February, J. P. Moore. Fourth Sab bath February, Mr. Caldwell. Second Sabbath of March, Mr. Fredericks. Fourth Sabbath of March, Mr. Morton. First Sabbath of April, (Communion,) Mr. Grier. . J. J. BROWNSON, Stated Clerk., For the Presbyterian Banner Progress in Liberality. MESSERS EDITORS :—Permit me to ac knowledge, through your paper, the gen erosity of the Presbyterian congregation of Clearfield, in purchasing a parsonage. A very commodious and comfortable build-, ing, pleasantly situated, with a command lag view of the Susquehanna river, and its picturesque scenery of hill and vale, ,has been secured at a cost of twenty-eight hundred dollars. By this act of Christian liberality, an object has been accomplished which is of present comfort to the pastor, and will be of lasting advantage to the congregation. I desire, also, to acknowledge the hand some generosity of the ladies of the Pres byterian congregation of Curwensville, ex pressed in the gift of an elegant and ser viceable carriage. This gift is valued, not only,for its intrinsic worth, but especially for the kindness which it manifests, and the handsome manner in which it was made. May God's blessing be with the donors, and may these acts of kindness provoke other. congregations, and the ladies of other congregations to remember their pastors in similar generous deeds: J. N. GALLOWAY. : For the Presbyterian Banner Dedication of a Presbyterial) Church. On Sabbath last, during the meeting of the Synod of Pittsburgh, in Indiana, the new Presbyterian church of Taylorsville was opened for Divine worship, and solemn ly dedicated to the service of Almighty God. The services were conducted in , the presence of 'a large congregation, by Rev. Dr. M'Kinney and the pastor of the church. The building is a neat, sub stantial and appropriate frame church, thirty-six 'by forty-five feet, and , when fully furnished, as it will be in a few weeks, will form a comfortable and commo dious place of meeting for the congregation —a great improvement on the old log church. The congregation will need aid in paying'off the debt, but are resolved to effect their freedom, from this encumbrance at an early, date. Rev. John Rice is pastor For the Presbyterian Banner. Extract from the Minutes of the. Synod of New Jersey, in Session at Trenton, N. L, Octo- ber, 1860. Resolved, That it be recommended to all the ministers of this, Synod to present to all their churches; on the 28d of December next, the sub ject of the Reformation, as to its causes, doc trines and effects, in ordei thus to commemorate the Ter-eentennary of the. first meeting of the General' Assembly of the Church of . Scotland, the precious germ from which almost all the Presbyterian Churches in England, Ireland, and America have sprung. Resolved, That this Synod invites the ministers of' all the Synods connected with our General Assembly, and all Presbyterian ministers in the United StateS, to unite with them in this cele bralion. . . Resolved, That,these resolutions -be published in the various religious papers in the country, signed by the Moderator and Clerks. R. K. RODGERS, Moderator. George Ball, Abraham Gosman, Clerks A Sad. Funeral. Recently I attended the funeral of a young gentleman, of rare promise. He early made a profession of religion, but still continued to be intimate with his gay companions, and with them took the intox icating cup. He had commenced the prac tice of medicine with much success. A. few weeks before .his death, a friend met 'Min, who said, "You look ill, Doctor.". " Yes," he replied, "I have brought on a consumption by drinking:liquor my lungs are nearly, gone." The hectic flush, .and almost constant cough, added force to his words. It was a sad burial. Would that every' young man had witnessed the dreadful ef fects of intemperance iu this case! Could anyone have been .an eye witness without feeling it was. madness to continue drink ing 1 This young mart" had fine talents, a noble form, and the affections of a large circle of relatives and friends but he has gone down to a drunkard's.grave! • Oh, dear young man, hear, and take heed—beware of the fatal .cup. Oh, what anguish must those feel in that world of woe,` that they had not resisted those 'temp, tations—that they had not accepted a.Sa viour's love so freely offered to them ! Young man, will you net, for the love of your own undying' soul; flee from that dreadful hell ? Christ calls you into'his vineyard, And will you not enter before, it is too late ? • "Stand Praying." • The following• is a report of remarks made in a pulpit in this vicinity in con nexion with the reading of the Scriptures at the opening of .the morning service. " When ye stand praying, forgive :if ye have aught against any." .• . Stand praying—so it seems standing in prayer wad: the approved practice-in . the days of Christ. It is never said when ye sit praying. The Pharisee stood and pray ed, and the.-Publican standing afar off, prayed. The Jewish temple, which was the house• of prayer for all nations Ad in some sense a model, had not in its apart- ments for public worship even the accom modation of sitting at all. The worshippers must stand or kneel, and there is no in stance of public prayer in Scripture ren dered, or enjoined, in any other posture than that of standing or 'kneeling. Nor is there a Single instance, even of private prayer, in .a sitting posture, which is allowed beyond dispute to be. such an in- Stance.' prayed and they kneeled down- and prayed, but never that they sat down and prayed. It is strange that reverence is expressed by kneeling as "I bow the knee before the God at Father;" and reverence is ex pressed by standing as in "rising up be fore the ancients," but never is it.said that For the Preebyterian Danner PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, NONE IVIBER 10, 1860. From Om Bogton Retorflor. Yet if the sitting posture be fitting, and the one.to be so universally adopt ed, it is strange, very strange, that the whole drift of. Scripture teaching and ex ample should be so much a,,aainSt it; that we should so often read that they stood and any sat down in token of reverence. freely grant that necessity may make a posture suitable, which otherwise would not be. One confined on a bed of sickness and unable to stand or kneel, might fitly offer his prayers in a recumbent or sitting posture. So an aged and infirm person, in a public congregation, who cannot stand through the time of prayer without pain ful weariness, would commit no irreverence by sitting. The necessity supplies the reverence. But where for more ease or convenience strong and healthy persons keep their sitting on cushioned seats, and by no posture of reverence indicate their union in the solemn address made to GOd n prayer, the same counterworks the very design of prayer. I know it is treated ,as a small matter. But its importance is greater than at first appears. For, in, public prayer, we profess to come in an especial manner before God, who is to be addressed in godly fear; and Peeling thiis' we take his name in vain. Before this God in his temple the angels cover their faces, both to express and per sonate their reverence. But we neither express nor promote our reverence, if we come before this throne in company with the angels, and quietly take our seats, with faces upright, while the angels veil their faces or bow in prostrate adoration. Whon we approach ..our Glorious King with a public petition as I?eggars, it is not fitting that we should approach him in a, posture never allowed in an address to an earthly superior. Besides, God has specially charged us to be reverent in our approaches to him. -And if there is any posture farther from reverence than the other, it is this. True, the posture of the body is of little importance compared with- that of the 'soul:- And yet it has its importance on its own scale. And it is especially important, in that irreverence cannot be acted-in the body without being felt in the soul. Irreverent postures tend to irreverent and 'careless feeling in our prayers. And when a con gregation sits at its ease with heads up right and eyes abroad during the utterance of the words of prayer, the whole spectacle is so far from an act of reverence to God that it naturally tends to produce levity in the-minds of the-spectators. It is a remarkable fact that the unseemly practise of sitting in prayer; while it enjoys its fires seat in . the indolence of our riature, has ,none that;are so' bold as to de-- -fend it on grounds of Scripture or Chris tian principle generally. - Those who'prefer it, prefer not to defend it. And many who have yielded to the general current, and adopted the practice know it is wrong, and would be glad to see it displaced. Yet evil communications corrupt good manners. Bad, customs are more conta geous than good. We had an affecting il luetration of this some six or 'eight months ago, when, on an occasion of a fUneral in this' house, on the Sabbath, the seats were mainly given up to persons from other congregations. And then, for the first time, I .think, in this house, the whole congregation' sat during prayers, because the mass of the worshippers being .accus tomed-to that posture, controlled the, Teat. And ever since that time the habit of sitting has been growing upon us. Before that, I had taken much satisfaction in the thought that while other congregations had so generally adopted the practice which they themselves' condemned, this had pre served primitive and Puritan usage. But now I see that the genteeler and the softer customs are-creeping in upon us. I use the epithet genteeter to indicate my view of the origin of the thing._ The cus tom has been begotten in the luxurious habit of the present age. • It was born upon velvet. carpets and cushioned seats. It commenced among the wealthy lovers of ease in our cities. It thus acquired the stamp-of genitility and the style of fashion, and now, I doubt not; that - multitudes cherish- it in the conceit -that it is removed from that vulgar way of worshipping, -fit for common sinners. And. this is only one out'of a thousand ways in which the rage for fashicin trenches on the purity and integrity of- Christian principles. Aud this makes my aversion to the custom more inextinguishableand it inspires my jeal ousy when I see it creePing, in here where happily it has been kept out so long, and impels me to say, "Hold . fast -that thou hast, let no man take thy crown.. "- When prayers.are drawn out to a tedious length there is some necessity: and excuse for sitting them, out. For when -they are inflicted as a task and made a matter of en durance, God will excuse the posture in which they can` be easiest eridirred. For be will have mercy, and not sacrifice. .1 had supposed that here there was no cause for such a complaint. If I am . mistaked I desire' to be corrected and to correct my self. For from my heart I join, sitting or standing, I join with all -in prayer against long.-prayers. I unconsciously have sinned in this regard. lf so, let me .know it. Perhaps when I perceive that some of the congregation refuse to rise with -us and join in with us in prayer-, I ought to take it as a • hint that I have wearied theM by the length of the..exercise. If I have' one it, I most.e.arnestly desire to reform in that regard. For I would rather confine myself to three minutes' time and have the feeling that my brethren are joining withme, 'than to occupy the usual eight or ten minutes with a congregation keeping their seats, and indicating as far as posture can do it, that they .will not join with me. If sitting is the proper posture for prayer or even - a properposture, it is more especially becoming in him who leads in prayer.. He who goes before.. in the swords, should go before in the acts and gestures. , ~ And so, if it is proper. for the'iiews, it M proper for the pulpit. And yet, were the sitting practice introduced intoithe pulpit, I think the absurdity, of `it would be so manifest that all would abandon and abhor it. The absurdity worild,he manifest, be cause he . who leads utters the words of prayer, and really seems to be praying, and they who sit •in silence do riot so much seem to be praying, and therefore the incongruity ~ of their sitting is not so palpable. They do not so much act out to the eye ,the un comeliness of keeping-their seats in an ad dress to Jehovah. 33esides, when a con- • gregation rises from their seats at the word, • " Let us pray," they significantly empress their union in the prayer. But when the - minister rises for prayer, and the congrega tion on the instant sit dOwn while he rises, they plainly intimate that they will not unite with' him. ,I recollect that in the first instance where ~I officiated where this innovation of sitting had been introduced, the congregation had: stood through the singing, and I •said "Let us -pray," and every one on the instant sat. down. Iso much felt the act as inficating that they would not pray that it- vt,as well _nigh im possible for nie to go through the exercise with even outward decene . Indeed, what would be the' interpretati' 0.6110.4 i r .derstood neither our lab . age nor .customs, on this divided posture, as between minister and, people in ~prayer ? I know that the practice of the multitude'is against me on this subject. And still r know that their conscience is with me, andri desire to seek above all things to have the' testimony of a good conscience that ilk simplicity and godly sincerity I have had my conversation in the world. A questiet here arises as to the duty of those who profess the good old way. .When they. see that the tide has gone against them.; shall ; :they stand in prayer and appear to. be singularfwhile the multitude follow.the present unseemly cus tom ? If I were among stringers, 'where the singularity of a stranger' arising in a sort of protest against the common mode- ' would he more striking than the example would be efficacious, my impression is that I should follow the custom, of the assembly, leaving with them the responsibility of an evil which I had no power =to remedy—, and thinking that the obtrusion of a stranger's protest against their forms would more binder than promote the orderly wor ship of God in such a case. But I should advise. all Whe see the evil of the sitting custom in their own church -to avoid it. Unformity is in itself desira ble. his desirable to see ,the whole con gregation united in their, postures of ad dressing God. But the sin of. schism here lies with those who adopted .the new prac tice. Some of us remember the time when all our churches were united in standing, and sigh to see that, day again.,. It was the innovators that spoiled the,barmony, and ,• they must not require us to, join their un scriptural practice to restore it. Hence I would -say to every one who prefers to stand, that he ought to stand as 'long as God shall give him, strength,to stand. If he stands in the minority, so be it—he is not then - following the multitude to do evil. And if he stand - gone, lie stands to leave his protest against the indolence, the lux ury, the unconcern and :tlie :I ? audiceism of the times. . We may not liv,e _tome the day when the Church will awaiten to the evils involved in the cu5tem44,41424(Mt..-,Bilti. that day Will-come. ' I" hale no control of , individual con science in such a case, and I desire none. I am bound to, declare to you my own con viction of duty, and here to leave the mat ter, as I leave the responsibility where it belongs.• CLERICUS. Pennsylvania Colonization Society. The Annual Meeting of the Society was held on the evening of the Bth of October, in its rooms, 609 Walnut Street. The chair was occupied by the Rev. Howard Malcom, D. D.- The ,annual statement of the Board of Managers was read, from which we conderise the following': • During the last year the Society has been bereaved by the death of three of its Vice Presidents—John Brewster, of Shirleys burg; Jesse Kenworthy,...of Brownsville ; and Charles Brewer, of Pittsburgh—all liberal contributors to its treasury. Each deserves - to be held lasting and affec tionate regard. The prejudice of the .colored people. of our great State is giving way, and many yearn to help fbrward the work of an Af rieau nationality. The sentiment is rap idly strengthening, that in no way can their, interests .be more promoted in every respect than by removing to Liberia. Hence a larger emigration of this class has taken place during the last twelve months, than during 'the same period previously. The following is the number sent from the counties of this.:State :—From. Allegheny, 4; Chester, 13.; Delaware, : 1; Brie 11; Greene, 3; Philadelphia, 5 ; and -Wash ington,. 14; total, 57. • Several were of comparative wealth, and near all of much respectability and intelligence. Applications have been received and fa verably responded-to by the Hoard,-repre senting, over ,eighty persons. About half of these are preparing to embark on ate Ist proximo, and the Others are expeCted to follow in the succeeding Spring.. Our collection of the laces of Coloniza tion worthies has been increased by origi nal portraits of Hon. Edward Coles--de servedly appreciated as, a tried friend.Of the colored race—and of John P. Crozer, Esq.—affectionately prized for his interest in the, work in which. we are engaged. The picture of the latter will also keep alive - the cherished name and services of his brother, Dr. Sanuiel A Crozer, who was the first physician appointed. for .Africa by ; the American Colonization Society, and who early"fell a martyr, at Sherbro in the cause of African regeneration. The contributions received during- the last twelve months, amounted to $4,935.74. The disbursements have been, $4,645.07. The entire receipts of the Parent Society for the year ending Deeember 31st, 1859, were $160,906:15. The disbursements were $84,232.34. The packet Illary Caroline' Stevens has kept on beK prosperous way. She sailed November 1, with 63 emigrants, 12 of whom were from Pennsylvania; and May 2, with 228, including 89 from this State. She is now loading at Baltimore, to sail on ."her ninth voyage, November Ist next. ' The steamer Seth Grosvenor, 69 tons, built by order of the very efficient New- York State Colonization Society, arrived at Monrovia on the 20th of June. This ves sel is designed to ply as a'mail, freight and passenger carrier, along the Liberian sea board, and cannot but prove of signal ser vice in the furtherance of African civiliza tion. • During the months of April and May, the U. S. steam. cruizers Mohawk, Wyan dott, and Crusader, seized, off the 'Cuban coast, the slavers -Wildfire, William, and Bogota, having 1492 souls On board. These were sent into Key West, Florida. The Governnitent made an arrangement with the American Colonization Society to con vey these recaptured slaves• to Liberia, and provide theth with comfortable clothing, shelter, and provisions for one' year after landing there, a 4100. for ,eacli. .Three vessels were prOmPtly chartered for the purpose, and have doubtless reached their destination by this time, viz., the Cast Wan, sailed June 30; with 400, for Cape Mount; tha South Shore, sailed July 14, with 355, .for Monrovia.; the 'Star of the UlliO7L, Sailed July 19; with 385, for Sinou; total, 1,138. Thus showing a reduetion by death, from the time of capture until shipment—.a little. over two months—of 354. 'Such is the African slave trade I On the Bth of. Augnst, the U. S. steamer San Jacinto captured, off the coast of Af rica, the slaver Storm King, with 619 Af ricans on hoard. On the same day, the ship Erie was taken,by the United States steamer Mohican, , having a . cargo of 859 •persons. These, 1,478, in number, were landed at. Monrovia, making a total of 2,616 of, this class u.nexpeetedly added to the population of. the Republic in, the course of a few weeks. Such are not the settlers desired for .Li beria. But what could be done for. them, except through the authorities „and people, of that progressive Repuhlie ? • - The objects aimed at by :the foundatOf the Society, and strictly endeavored promoted by their su :o 4041:1040ealiiettli4art e o "g7n American ~.people.. ; of, color,,,,most ..most..., of them emanCipated.slavea, have been settled in. Liberia. They are there advancing in. - all Olt belongs to Christian and civilized life. A native population of two hundred thou-- sand has been brought under the salutary and augnienting influences of this vigor ous Republic. Educational institutions of - high value have been established, and cof fee, sugar, and other saleable articles ex ported to a much larger extent k than ever before. • Encouraged by this view of the past, the Society address themselves cheerfully to the' work for the ensuing year. " The God of-heaven, he will prosper us;• therefore we, his servants, will arise .and build." The following officers were ',elected for the- ensuing year : . President—JOHN P., CROZEIL. Vice Presidents—Gerard Balaton, Robt. IL Reed, M.D., 'Thonlas Hodgkin, M.D., George B. Wood, M.D, Stephen 'Colwell, Alonzo Potter, D.D.,:-Wm: D.D., Edward Coles, Howard Malcom; D.D. John Torrey, Hugh- L. Hodge, M.D. -William B. Stevens, D.D., - Samuel. H. Perkins,' Jo seph Harrison, 'William F. Packer„ Alex ander Brown, E. F. Rivinus, M.D.,.Archi bald Mclntyre, W. L. Helfensteib;7:W.A. Allen, L.L.D., John Bell, M.D., JoliiiVOX, David Stewart, George Chambers, Daniel Houston, Charles AL Reek John Marston, S. S.'Schmucker, D.D. Recording Secretdry—Robert B. David- Treasurer—William Coppinger. Managers—L. P. Gebharcl, M.D., W. Parker Foulke, John W. Claghorn, Wm. V. Pettit, Wm. P. Breed,' Thomas S. Mal com, .Silas" E. Weir, Edward S. Morris, Paul T. Jones, G. W. Fahnestoek, Arthur M. Burton, Daniel L. Collier. The Society then adjourned. [Original.] Morning Thoughts. When morning light begins to break With glory overkill and lake,, Thelrbirds, with "sweetest song, The praise of Him who gives them food, Supplies their every needed good, In cheerful notes prolong. We see them hop from bush and tree, Singing . their wildest notes of glee Unto their Maker, God. Should we not, then, give praise to Him Who cleansed our guilty souls from sin With his most precious blood? No heavy burden hath he laid Upon poor guilty sinner's head, But simply one request : That we will give our lives to him, Act well our part, depart from sin, And be forever blest. How rapturous the promise is To one who on his cross believes, And trusts his promised.grace! niTohnow'he will be taken home, To join the angels round the throne, In heaven, that blissful , place. • Then let our earnest wishes be, That Christ, from sin will make us free, For he is willing ever; And when we join the ransomed host, 'To Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, Be all the praise, forever, The .Good, Pastor A man full of charity, of humility, and all the examples of a virtuous pastor. With out pride, without arrogance and hypocrisy, there.was a beautiful simplicity in Ills life ,and actions' , a kindness, a gentleness, a m forbearance, haroniously-, combined with a holy zeal, a never-tiring industry in doing good to all, thitt marked him out as one of those chosen shepherds sent by Heaven as a blessing to some chosen flock. Cheerful ,without levity, he joined in all the innocent amusements of his simple parishioners, and happy himself in the consciousness of. a useful and virtuous life, a.. 5 well as in the rational anticipation' of a blissful eternity, he walked among his people ' not as a -shad ow, darkening all around, but as a suu, cheering, animating, blessing those who basked in his smiles. Careless of his rest and his personal la bors, he was ready at all times, by day and by night, to go fbrth to comfort the afflict ed, relieve the sick, and soothe the dying.. He asked nothing for himself, and gave every thing to others; labored not in his own vineward, but in that of his Master, and the fruits of his exertions soon became visible, to every eye. A cheerful, innocent gayety began to appear again in the village ; the people went forth to their daily occu pations w,ith smiling hopes, that caused all to exert themselves in their variouspursuits. Begging took refuge, in the labors of its own hands, and found its reward in the comforts of independence, and the approv ing smile of the excellent pastor, who never lost an, opportunity of rebuking the idle, or applauding the industrious, for well, he knew that among all classes of mankind, and especially the laborers, idleness is but another,name for sin and misery. • In short, blessed by such an example and led by such a guide, it was not .long before Elsinburg became the model of a virtuous and happy village, and it might be said with truth, that neither poverty nor vice *as any longer known among its inhabi tants. Such are the benefits of a good ex ample combined with good precepts,and such the blessings of a pious shepherd, who fulfills his duties to his Maker, to his crea tures, and to the holy calling by which lie is sanctified Wand ennobled.—James Pcrulding. Trn sun rises and sets; the . rrioon waxes and wanes; stars and planets keep, their constant motions; the air is tossed by the winds ; the waters ebb and flow, to their conservation and purification no doubt, to •teach us that We would ever be in action. WHOLE NO. 424. EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENCE.' • BATTLE OF. SANTA MV'MAHSAL.4 AVAZzfO ACCOUNT-INCIDENTS OF TICE FIGHT-ENGLISH OPFICEES KILLED-ENLISTMENT IN lII,OTER VOA GARIBALDI-COI BONO-TILE PABAL ALLOCE TION--‘NIOLENT . T.EXPEOTB-SYRIA, TAE DUMB, AND TUE FRANOO.TURICIaII ARKY*FATHER CIIINIQUY IN SOOTLAND-.. 1119 ANSWER. TO ROMISII ARGILMENTS-DIV. GIITHILLE, AND TNT BIGHT SPIRIT IN Comtorrasr—ltsvxvAt .SCENES AT EIITTBARGII-IIO.IIE EVANGELTZMICIX-SPEECIi Dll.. MC- LEOD, Or GLASGOW-THE LONDON CIIANBEILLAIN REVINEEINO :ULSTER-MS TESTIMONY AB TO FRUITS AND PERMANENCE- I CHE 'Bll, ON- t " • . , FLETCIML-POSTSORIPT ANOTHER BATTLE 'has been fought be tween the Garibablians and the troops of Francis 11. ; the victory remaining with the patriots, but not without great loss of life. Previously, as noticed in my last, Garibaldi's forces had suffered two serious It is now stated that of one thou- checks sand of -his followers, fighting at Cajazzo, only one hundred escaped, and that by swimming across the Volturno. The last conflict was at Santa Maria. The Neapoli- tans; emboldened by their success at Cajaz zo, crossed the 'Volturno, and attacked Gar ibaldi's forces at Caserta,. The object of the Royalist General was to break the line of his opponents—which extended from Saint A • elo to Santa`.3lalinhilb ve• =no ! ; the: an s ofb th these .positions. liad , his strategy:been crowned with sue cess; Naples would once more have been at the, mercy of Bombalino, and like all the Bourbons, he would have taken a bloody revenge on all Nviko had deserted his cause and dynasty. Providence ordered it other- wise, and " victory along the whole line," as telegraphed by Garibaldi, crowned a ter rible and protracted. conflict. Five thou sand of the Neapolitan soldiers are said to have been taken prisoners. < The English officers who -led the timid Sicilian Tolun teers, are. said to have beeu all cut off! Doubtless ' if this be true, it was owing not only to their innate pluck and bravery, but to the necessity of, exposing themselves; in :the leading of such troops, in a way that imperilled lives. How different would it have been had a Scotch Highland Regi- •ment, or English Foot Guards, or the Connaught Rangers with their war shout, Faughaballaugh I" been behind them. The artillery of the Neapolitans seems to have been far superior to that of the pa triots,. and much better served. The fol- Jowing is a sketch of this battle, and its antecedents, as given the next day, .in a street oration at Naples, by Gavazzi : The sucking Bourbon, (he says) , wanted to spend in Naples, the 4th, his own ete-day. He had promised his people that he would, and his people . rubbed.their hands, and went their way re joicing. What did he do last night? Why, af ter sending 'his Bavarians on our right further than Cajazzo, to draw off our attention; at the same time he brought all his troops, out of Cupua : ---34,000,men, my children—they sallied forth by the Neapolitan gate, and debouched along the main road and the railway. The horse ran on in front, covering half —a league; then came the guns ; . the infantry formed the tail. They fell upon Santa Maria. ,They found 37 men at the advanced posts-37% against 34,000,! The Sighting WAS desperate; but reinforeenientS came up, and then more reinforcements rushed forwalid and again, and again, passing on in - D. constant . strenin. The. light was terrible. It lasted five hours ; but at last victory Was ours. : The Royalists were routed and fled. But before Cupua they found Garibaldi lining the' road. Our general bad 41- • • - - lowed them , to come out of their burrow and had merely cut off their retreat. The 84,000 Royal ists, therefore; found themselves hemmed in by bayonets. The carnage was fearful. The wounded were flung into the Vulturno, already chopked with , c9rpbes. Our slain are avenged. Aa foritike" lfavarfans, who had .attempted a di version near Maddaloni,• they were, all killed— all but eight:who hid`themselves in 'a mill under meal bags. Great victory! Vivi Garibaldi! Extravagant and absurd as it appears, /1 Aravazzi , s account is borne out by the de . tails that have reached Paris, and 'Which are as follows: The Neapolitan general's plan. was very simple, and ought to have annihilated the Garibaldians had it been carried out as vigor ously as it was skillfully devised. His object was to break their line, which extended from Santa Angelo to Santa Maria, whilst he turned the flanks of both these positions.- Owing to their habitual carelessness the Garibaldianshad a narrow escape. At four in the morning, when they began .stirring, the commtuticationbetween Santa Maria and Santa Angelo was already in terrupted. The fighting commenced immediate ly—the.Garibaldians resorting to the most infal lible method of securing victory—disregarding mancenvres and going right at them. In the morning, however, the Garibaldians had decid edly the worst of it. The Royal 'troops gained possession of a hill which commanded the Geri baldians' position at Santa Angelo, and mowed them down-by fifties and hundreds with a plough ing fire of musketry and grape. At twelve Gar ibaldi succeeded in rallying his forces, which were falling back, and inspirited them to such an extent that they rushed to the fight with such fury that the Neapolitans, who conceived them selves masters of the field, were taken aback and thrown, into confusion. -At three P. M. the Roy alists fled back to Capita, with the Craribaldians at their heels, and the day was won. This is the hardest fought action of Garibaldi's present campaign; and, according to various accounts, it is due chiefly to his own personal dash and gallan try—marching in, front of the troops, and rush ing forward where the fire was most murderous. The Anglo-Hungarian brigade, as usual, carried off all the honors of the day. Colonel Spangaro is also stated to have greatly distinguished himself; his brigade capturing no less than seven guns. The Calabrian and Sicilian levies, which-had nev er been under fire, are stated to have evinced great reluctance to receive the bapteme de feu. Enlistment for Garibaldi is going on at Belflist, and elsewhere in Ulster, through the presence of Lieut. Patterson (grandson of the late Rev. Dr. Stewart, of Brough shane,) who is one of Garibaldi's stall'',, and who fought so bravely at Melazzo. Had Mr. Patterson not been absent from Italy on this recruiting service, it is almost certain • J.D.11 that he wouldhave been in the'thickest of the fight at Santa Maria ' "and might thus have left his widowed mother to mourn for her son., For myself, I deeply, sympathize with the Italian patriots, but it grieves me exceedingly to find young men, going to Italy as volunteers. Twenty millions of Italians are perfectly able to secure their own liberties, and this form of British sym pathy was not required. Already have some of our English volunteers at Naples found their fellow-seldiers in Garibaldi's regiments—l speak of Sicilians orNeapol itans—thieves and robbers. Plundered of their clothing and other property, anti when oat on service, almost starved—exposed to wounds and death—demoralizing influences all around—surely this volunteering may well be deprecated. When Italy settles down with ,a consolidated kingdom, the English volunteers will not find , themselves at home, and when theyreturn to their own country, they-will be, for the most part, almost unfitted for the walks of business, and the sole antics of daily life. M T 1 POPE ' s ALLOCUTION the : Secret Consistory, is now published, and, as the Times says, it is . " one, prolonged shriek." Assuming a Divine, right to the, so-called " patrimony of • St. Peter," ,(the real St. Peter, having " left all "—his hoat and nets —to " follow " his. Lord,). and taking for granted that an independent temporal power is a necessity to =the prosperity of Christ's. kingdom, the.,. Pope, in good set Latin, and using • all the words, of vitupera tion, objurgation, protestation, detestation, and denunciation, fills the "air with vehe ment ,assault on the Sardinian, or, as he calls it, "The Sub-Alpine Government." In its . former annexations of Tuscany, Modena, and the Romagna it had violated " every law,both human, and Divine,' and now the,Pope is moved to ,deplore and . bear ,witness against (detvstart) "the new and unheard of .attempts committed against'us, against the goly See and the Catholic LONDON,. October 9, 1860 THE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER• Publication Office : GAZETTE BUILDINGS, 84 FITTEI ST., PITTSTVITIMIT, PA, PLITIADELPIIIA, SOUTH--WEST 9011. OF 7m Ats,D CILTATSTIT ADVERTISEMENTS. TERMS IN ADVANCE A Squa.re, (8 lines or less,) one insertion, 60 cents; each subsequent insertion, 40 cents; each line beyond eight, fi eta. A Square per quarter, $4.00; each line additional, 33 cents. A RED - U0T101.4 made to advertisers by the year. BUSINESS NOTICES of TEN lines or less, $l.OO each ad ditional line, 10 cents. DAVID ItI 9 KINNEY Sr. CO., ' • PROPRIBTOILS ANDTM3I.ISIik6B. Church." And so we read further of " im pious usurpation," "medacious usurpation," "perfidious manceuvres," "lying langußge," "war and pillage," " glaring impudence and hypocrisy," "the detestable and sacri legious attempts of that King and GeVe'rn merit !" The Pope—or rather Antonelli, his dictator—further true/id/1 / 4 declares that the populations of those provinces now seized upon were 'in the enjoyment of the most perfect tranquility, and "faithfully attached to ourselves!" He is very much enraged that Lomoriciere,'s army should have been called "mercenaries," of Whoth great number took service "without receiv ing any pay, and solely for the love of re ligion!. ProviaOnce has fought against the Pope, but be will not see things in this light, even while he cries out that " things have changed almost beyond expectation." What a marvellous series of retributive provi deuces have been developed in a little more than two years. First, the humbling of Austria on the plains of Italy, by the uni ted troops of France and Piedmont; the loss by her of Lombardy; the downfall of her satraps in the Duchies, an'd the annex ,t'atißit64-g-t-ligittPlloinaina.; the wrenchiv.• from Francis 11., of Sicily, and most of Naples; and last of all, this sudden and overwhelming overthrow of the Pope's last .prop—Lamoriciere's army ! Verily, there is a God that judgeth in the earth. And bow dark are the Pope's prospects for the future! in vain he calls on the Popish Potentates of Europe to come to the rescue; they dare not. In vain he denounces " the fatal and pernicious principle of non intervention," thereby striking indirectly at the French Emperor's position, and in curring, as is affirmed, the resentment of the French Government. Even now, he dares not hurl forth the anathema of " the greater excommunication against Victor Emmanuel . , although calling fbr aid against "the parricidal arms of a degenerate son." Ere long he will probably leave Rome— Jerusalem, it is hinted, is to be his head- . quarters for the rest of his life, (a very suggestive spot, recalling the printative purity of the Church, when there were no Popes) and if he is not himself the last of the Popes, the Emperor has a Bonaparte relative among the Ecclesiastics, and occu pying the Eternal City, he will keep the 'place warm for Pio Nono's successor. It is a sure sign of a doomed man and system, when we find the Pope awl his abettors impenitent idolators and blasphemers. Mariolatry was crowned by this Pope by the new article of faith, the Im maculate Conception—thus exalting the Virgin' to the place of Deity himself; and now, in the close of his Alloeution,we find him, While urging 'that prayers be offered to God for deliverance, saying, "let us not cease to offer up assiduously our most fer vent prayers, imploring, above all, the most Holy and Immaculate Mother of God." Delenda est Roma; and perish she shall in the day of the Lord's fierce auger. THE CRUELTIES OF THE BOURBONS, at Naples, have received a fresh revelation from visits paid by Lord Llanover to the dungeons - in which political prisoners were formerly, confined. The description given is truly horrifying, as to the filthy dens in which patriots were left to rot, without light, with 'scardely any food or air, and often- without One wretched man was almoSt devoured - by rats; the prisoners were chained two by two, and never sepa rated, day or night. The fiendish ingenuity of the late King was displayed in the inven tion of new tortures, including a deep-dug dry well, in-which 'a man could stand upright, but could not move or take any repose. And yet this man was a devotee—a dear son of the Holy Father, repeatedly embraced by him, and receiving once and again his " Apostolic" blessing. .VIOLENT STORMS have raged here, both by land and sea. " In Ireland they "shook" the, corn, which is yet standing in many places, and in Scotland trees were.uprooted and buildings thrown down. At sea, fish ermen lost their valuable nets, and some of them perished; and .yesterday, at Lloyd's, London, not less than sixty vessels were reported as wrecked in the Baltic. At present the weather is beautiful, and the corn in the late districts is being rapidly gathered in from the fields. TILE AFFAIRS or SYRIA have entered on a new.phase. It is now clearly ascertained that' it was owing to the firmness of the EngliSh. Envoy, Lord Dufferin, that the Governor of Damascus, and other Turkish officers high in rank, were executed in Da mascus. ,But even after the extensive exe cutions, and the deportation from Damascus of the most of the male Moslem population, the Christians who have been invited to re turn thither are afraid to do so. Fuad Pasha desires that they should occupy Mo hammedan dwellings, instead of those which were once their own, in the Christian quarter of the city. This enrages the Moslems. The Druses also are now to be reckoned for their cruelties. A number of their chiefs have been arrested, among whoth is the Druse Carmacau, (or principal man,) and many of the most influential men of the mountain. They have been sent, by order of Fuad Pasha, to be tried before the extraordinary tribunal constitu ted at t.eyrout. This measure has pro duneil a.great effect among the. Christians, and has spread a panic among the Druses. In: addition to this, the French expedition force have marched on Deir-el Kamar, to"act in the mountain districts in concert with Turkish troops under the Extraordi nary Commissioner of the Ottoman Porte. The French Moulton-, of the 6th inst., giVes us these facts, and adds: 't As to confidence, it only, as yet, exists under the shelter of our bayonets ; all the Christians are disposed to follow the expe ditionary corps into the villages as soon as it marches forward.' The General in com mand has taken measures for the protection of the French twist manufacturers. The wisdom and the energy of the chiefs of the Franco-Turkish army allow us to hope that the moment approaches when a solution, dearly bought, will be the reward of so many .efforts." It is affirmed that the period is not- far away. when the ;French troops shall have completed their task and retired from Pales tine.= But who shall say that new outAreaks . may nOt take place, or that, if the Empeigr desire it, pretence cannot be found for NM tinned military occupation ? As it-is, he is doing a good work, and we roust believe the best of him, even though he is vindicating himself' as the hereditary . protector of the Latin Church in the East. FATHER CUENIQUY is still in Scotland, and; is receiving many tokens of practical sympathy. He delivered his concluding address' at> Edinburgh, last week, in the new Assembly Hall, the theme being " Answers to the Arguments of Roman ists." Referring to the supremacy of the Pope, he regarded it as " a horrid blas phemy." " When the 'Pope was LL ' ecmse crated, he AN , as Verne on the shoulders ,of twelve.men, and set upon the altar. Where Itomanists believe that the body. of Christ is _kept in silver box, and the box which contains Christ is taken away to . giVe place to the Pope - and - the`Caidinal turns - to the people - ,and *says :Anita actorate ): Come and .adore ore ! that holy:Tope I' i‘ These
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