Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, November 03, 1860, Image 4
n ',.Ottcts • r /,' 610 • aN, :„.., tr.t4A4 :11v • r . . . . 'IliCtUltNB. ON NENTAPAYSiOB4O4,4NIie. • By Sir William INtillqn;-.Bffilr, ProfemOrt of Logief and MetaplijaibCbi'M Iliyersity of Edinburgh • Advotste; (OxeM eta.; Correa 111161‘ding 41121414.ft..*6:11f Frilo'e Honorary Member -or 'the American Academy of Arts and &lender; tudlof the Latin Society • . of Jena, eto. Aditefiki &lie Rev Henry L. ifeasel!, .13.14,ADifoid, and John Veischi N.A.; LOinburglA,•••, tv'tri llipato n n : ;••volmes Gould 4. Lincoln . Volume II.; qc., • t'; New- orli Vaddon;:j•• Co. Pittsburgh Hint Miser:''' • , Thcrtirst,'ltaltirne of this great work treated of lietaplOsiog; and ABS appropriately noticed by utlakiihiitime of its appearance.. The second . vatlittrio now before us, massive 'in skim and riolifitents. It treatepartioularly of I t ogip, In*)ll444he author stood an ecknowledgedittail ter, is, not a mere, compilation of thsPreatii: antfierms of logie,.but it is an independevit hibition and criticism of all the differniii'isys-, tams, show ; ing G , excellences, and *feels: of ;each; and - 4 - .0 seine time.. pointing: out& 61erims of a Ifigherand better . system -yet to he introduoXind -adopted: band, of Our : author,liigiblivis'mdt •oolltiefidrici 111 i‘iiittaii intereeting formulas. But' he brought the dig-. ciddrilAkt Membeis tegetboi,r,'"coTilieti4ein: with flesh, adorned them with lwr j aityi%sird'breatted, tbe t 'siirit of life 001kplit:O . bOdi. CI *We 1 1e0,4114 Ponorier.P. l ,.4 l o4lPTesr**Pr e i were composed in the.ferliAtintervenhig between, 1886 and •1888rirrid Y thffijimirt;t with but slight alieratione, till 186fk . Weir; . • EtrPth:Vhfill.tir ranged , over 'fke entire litexature , of th e w department of science, Ind faidifect,hltneelf largsiy,of - the _ labors of previous writers, many of whom are but little known to, EAglisli readers. From. the German logicians of the present century, partiMi.larly Krug and: Esser, he received great•assimance.• • • •.^ • Logic is the solence which is conversant , abtrittl the laws of thought; Attain Ws treatment? tat.. Hamilton always.seeks to afford-the student "arid' 'reader clear mad, distinct, notions of its several parts, of Ureic relations to each other; arid to the' whole of which they are the constituents. _The' edi-• tors were the pupils of the distinguished autheir,• andin every way equal to the task 'rindertaken.' The volume will take high rank in the estimation of metaphysicians, scholars, and thinkers. Messrs..,Gculd, & Lincoln are exclusively au thbrhied•by the familyof the author to publish . the . United States. WI. Work. t • • diolttUtiP LATIN . ~..chafttittutt of the. Popes, to. the Fontithelle! of Niah dais V. By It gay -Hart Nil of 78e..:1 1 sura. 'Zifeigh‘yolarpett. . V:01: L . .6644, liew-York : Sheldon 4 Co.: ton : 0t01d44. Lincoln. - Allegheny Citri: l NE. cai.so4ii. ' "Mai . . This' is the fi rst installment of a work of situ.; . 2M"rr" . l te .t Sheldon & QoAtoogori tit*MoStlekderprising andi : liberal pnblishinglonsekin this •country. now when all eyes are ;turned toward, when W10' 4 814(43' of teiiilol4,i 'power liemr, about to be wrested 'tram the hands that have } ..! ,VelMetE nd V . W. great felidity to hare Milman's noble History. of Latin 6:3ristiartili,:ihOwing the means by which ftonie attaihed' her- wonderful growth; . ,and ex erted her still more ~, i . f . , onderful infuence, The type, paper, - and binding , are 'in the highest style :q# l 9. l A "I; tAt! 3 4ey. 44 2 Alledfirtlte the, fact that it comes from the celebrated Riverside; 'i.r.ig,,ttimbrilkei Maas. In the preparation. of the pork; : titte author has giT4l,e;ri L den4 ot. m l otd4 praiseworthy-research, industry, and honestyA ,and the style is one of the finest specimens... , what the English language s can be made..t0..",.4. press in the hands of atscholsr; poet, and.,Cbrie tian. And it mast 404 said that the' esder will be pleased to lodes' thy : absence '-af •the Rationalism ' flit -: maerett :: the .alithoek :earlier History of the • , In needier goesaible tke , Eng-i lish reader can so - full - an - uq.idt4 ,- b;!tivtof the] progress and . triumphs of ' Christianity in the% early centurids matiy oath varied influencets. shaping thel destinies of nations and individuals, and of. .fltiPlvaidithi:C":caidiis !Mid , isWe; to the establisbnient4iiidiiiAliantmey: ofliatin Christianity. . The author: ntootimps„, t. that the author'i;f v cgaitity l ipokebh . 4oMo dialectora r itird &kW. 1.4.14, that thetiNew.Testamerit'sWritings were in 'the - Greek language, and that the greatestsuccesies of the Gospel, and,the,most flourishing churches, were among Greek people. He gives a philosophical view of t the Greek mindendthi workin• of the new religion upon it, and Plumb ::they iostlery inquisitive and "epeouleitii*FWaraoter ef . Greek , ta Mind) was prigidit tiiiregße';vieperspaiiive. It tonktposevain afi'thedpeikplei•and:beCial4 the source of light' arid heii for 'the world., • fitteh'is work, even after taking exception to azt **Otis], Wien or hifehnet, is L'ireatgift .04ii".%teut lean 01..grohand peoplece4- eig ht laumte ° are offeVed r- iit modeiate inim one Will be published„overyiiLonth;:the pd . ;34iiernt.Wiltlie grad ual. Yti _s e 7. 1 . . Mia_j3 R.;i:Ogitt*ne.tiCatt 13t0V7 BYZ . CF. lioiland, author of the "Bay Path ;" Bitter ;" " The' Titeomb Let- tera Chas. Scribner. — Pltaburgh : Davis.: Pp. 476. 18 1 4. :f;) 4 'l !' ° Taus' s an American tale containing wholesome; • re • fon " w I M4 ll/ Sai ld :lo s , l l." 4 1 ° s e . with the care and training of the , y , , , ens, : ohstfyinkt,,heinV;r4Miencgint, xiK t4 %.•atte . thrusts ahliin,fashinnahlsoduTtlon of l . , the pres-i eat day. 'atileen ; the evil consequences of fop illfleCitlikWliiiiiiii*o!4,4.9)2o4'nl- - are t ill Ria(gemsoktik taught that while manhoodis not in the least, - deOded! but trul ennobled, till: womanhood can only be propeilflltifil*R:by oflrairot do mestic care end offecition ic Thejtiftje a , good 0gn444 ;, oyAporAt Ott/syn. Ain. Eno* and the il a q t .44o il/16147 0 , 0-POrtbniVe value i la - ti;l6: elfeore time We ate"4loo 4. 1‘.0 . i flat the titithir a Apollo% st-1;400Fej.. , &nit his' treatnund 'aflog r d'itllgious belief, and in anti fun nnalfOnto% ' Owe around relvitus" 4umen• 1/liill ! TßMAnnuirs irrOiroiziiiiiit OF lIREFUL INFORMATION for the Housekeeper,' • 71 'lltan'bririsikdo df OopkingAlODomestio.Eoon-I 13yi ire. B. F. Haskell. Pp. 446. New ,' , 1 astir Appleton rttaburgh: • fd0126 detitled teemtini of flee contents of this„valuside .household book, will be' found. in the advertisement of. Messrs. Appleton, in ans-I other coltinin. 'lt,iflitrekere collection of re- ° t ams, such swiiiiie•Uokallititia7deleinent are, ! but it ijr ti t e s f4tlaa resukot 'Oxperitm*l4 , a most" intelligent Ind streetednlhousekeepers:,eqp every - familjranst *midi a book4B LAO 'itt nerd:o, s, In I the Hein of•• eixpelisirliWaitie intioNtapcf. in the Mitterlf comfort it.will add. griatlys 111101111 1 BIOGALPHIg.S. 41y.agamselVititga, an ' A.hor of " Self44sl,"”frpid t.ifiX4fe of* - George Stephenson." Pp. :517. Bolton : 7icknor Sittaburgh r•Bobert4M.Disokbullit3l: ^ leritilsra medal)e and instructiyabook.otcom .. prehensiv i t r u,resnotpl . of persona, ,llM . ti_nguislied for irma*gb.disooyary, and contributions to all,de persznautt;oflstowtalge. It is a happy illuitra tro'n,a 4,4060348 ,proviouo work, ...Self...Help." In the' exampkg ftftidnishes of the thotti7,. pgais T emos, - and- self 'can iwit.**l.ssotfilti#L, . The steel iortiaita are excellent antivainable. • - MMNI IMAMBAILI3 ENCYCLOP2EDLL—The 20th part.torAiris ' , Dictionary -of-Arnigfal 'EnOirledge for tiketpeopleimovr in coufsVcili re-publictition, bit:Mem''. Appleton, has been received. ' The highl character of the previous numbers itl4Bll ' • m7thila Hied in this. 4r , 1113 ' , PRESBYTERIAN BOARD OF PUBI4- • . OATIOA4as 'isSnell the following aMitioini to tra geriesior Youth, vii —"GrandmammaWise • , , 192;" Tsui Winslow, or Blessings in Die `lo, guise,',' pp. 107; Lee, i or Ippatienoe Cured," pp. 83. . , . .... „. _ bF AES TILETIC. By J. Edward*, Pastor of the West Arch Street- Presbyterian church, Philadelphia. This admirable address. by Dr. Edwards, before the LitOi'ary Sooletie's of jefferson6oliege, 'snow published in hasdsoms style. ,••••-• ~, , • priAcKWOOD' forookober, is untlinillY varied and. - .brilliant/ • 'ellciimin •Sin °lair," Professor Aytetoi'ay:saa,*.4l,4l.: igniining 'shape and There are abok.the oontinuation of the "Romance of Agosthto," an Italtian storyi a pleasant chap ter on Proverbs ; a strong hit a the Spiritualists, and another at the Papal Govarnments The paper on the•Frescoe Painting of Italy is, full of interest,. and: sole n tific readers will sbe gratified with thel4lii. and argnMenta on tile' "teplited Tracer of Primeval Man." • Pestriptik._ • For the.Preithyterlon Bulkier. Recollections of Foreign , - TriiiveL, I _concluded a 'previous 'description, in a few words :of -Gibraltar. The stiti)iig: *Up' the Strait soon•failed iiiiileft . `tut,liecilnie'd in a s eSpy'sea;liin' • ' • j—ra .;" As' idlraa•a paintexl ship In a painted ocean."' For many days we tacked. between the shores of ; Africa and Spain, elid'Anade*.hat little progress. Yet such ,was-the ohartz(of: this, that we never weArieid- - ..00 itself is an endless study. The imagina- , , tipik.finds here inexhaustible eight in levie,wing_ the „great scenes ,of, which, this., 46a...has heen • the theatre—which,' .while. thtsrwere: felt for ages by,. man, : have no scar nor record onits face. The 1ft 1 49'.. revels in the mysteries. hidden, in - Ats-depthe,i the caves and grottoes of pearl and amber, the treasures of diamonds, rabies, and gold!. There is great pleasure in the,,pathless sea. The thousand creatures of the. ; ocean have a far greeter enjoyment in life Alkali the' animals of terra firma. With. many of them, every day,yitnesses the wild; frolic of exuberant gladness. Frequently:- thou sands; of these' creatures .Would*abcut ns. s'at once, and the sea boil with the ;commo ,tipn of their gambols. Standipt".en, the deck we would see shoals of. 'por poises, • 'leaping,. darting, and gamboling , ;_ in the, waters. ,Thelio,rpoise, is a large #4:wctig-. .lug o ft en. eight .hundred ponnds:.-p-They region, of.the ocean to,;spother in vast shoils or berde, apparently ..under. thei' i teader4ll) 'Of They do: .not • swim,, other fish, but fol lowyeletil.other with , : the wildest frenzy, / lipringirlap 4 into, the air and again 4e.. seending. The porpoise always runs before i the winds: and is invariably the harfiiiiger, of the tempest, as if his instinct taught him to tali from the tossings.of the storm. The dolilhii!, so often alluded. to; by the• poets,-,iB a;tery beitififulfish,:reflOting all the hues of themaiebOw. • Often the black.tuth,,,a apeoles of whale,, .would be seep, : the. mother guardirlt, with care, her, young. At other: limes, the, whole surface ef,the see wes,pruilied,-,,, not, a creature to4ie seen—nothing disturbed: the, repose but the creaking of the timbeiii-and, flapping of the sails of our vessel, - Pleantki . t. were these days to us, and many the:sterses, "told around the forecastle: PurfNg one Of , ,those calm mornings, the captain narrated •the scene .of a . storm of gnat!. violence,. Vali he had experience&l'Ar 'I. fbrnier wage. The storm was one "ki:tlicatefierce , ranters" terror Of old sailors in that sea,. It struck the ship with' inchTTorce that set% every sail was torn ribbons. She was 'driven ,on before the; ,tempest: Tfie"winil' drove them.:On the Coast 4 0f.-Spidn; and irt , '..,itlitthr„tirne' ttLe tilrooli:ofethe'breakers, and the-Omar of the 4 wav 'on Jilts 'focks, tent' tenter to. 7 ...tleirf hearts: -'Destruction appeared to be table: The wind was forcing' , them 31 ., pen , *the face of a naked wall of - **;[ ; ' ) - 11 1PY hundred feet high. When hepe_died, , theret was a moment - of intense inguteh id the: heart of the Captain. ')Ein,thought,&of home, wife and children; of. the ties wiiieh bound him to each,, now about, to , be IterejoreVer ; of `' the grief of aged! 'father of the "lonel y Sorreli. of, his wife in .her w idowhood;. of the: unprotected. orphan ',ige of hie children., :1 1 `.0r, a.few ~momeats. his agony was' .too 'great; even'for,prayer., He left the ship in the-lie of the, .firist: officer, and dasiiendlik„to ,the ,Pabiji r falling on his-knees, :commended--himself; to God, is at the gate of eternity; Ile' prayed for 'forgiveness .of , thn . sins of the' past, "and entreated 'the. merey. and' help, of • God r for. wife .andechildren:- , ln ;tin midst of his prayer: the fear-of deatb.:ileft;hica. He , Who..,had. ;of - old 'come.. triples in the *lie of a stOrm,;WAijig 'pn the Sea, Ind rebiiking the Winflaittia..thn Waves, stilled- his fears .- :' fie ~tlionght nheavenly light sheee around biu ;.a#4 . he.. rejoiced with a joy unspeakable-in the-iliv-, ing power_ and presence of 14.:Redeetber.' He went out on the. deck.. The 'fieoltis..of lightojog:revettle4, , ihat...thCiP444:44l:o- 1 , InxittchiNEfietarl:! )l V TiQui!int . :4 ll it 4ftiGelG . • ..+1 ,1 644;414.: 8 1 6 04 141 , it :da`ehed against the preoitpe„fell.fiteiitheideekvf: the"veitiet•Billinipeifaiitgreatialt,„ketthou . all powers.repiepli*Alit:W .irreo ra. the of Nitirng him into the- endless peace tor4lieaven. WI/ 41 010 eYEWYmit)mailt - the-, rataPeriak ihe.foree•of , the.wiodi , striking spinet., the 'Wilt; a. 'reek,,. here Ilk Ship frOm • the impending destruction: : : .In. a moments she bedaine manageable, and 'her grow as again to the open sea.:, The memory of that hour of deliverance caine to him every day as a " a and•-hencefOrth ho never...,_ ou for a, m9kik,„,ehr 4 1 1 P,''W" enat 04 :'o...oiPtif t#lo - of ihis . .neaeemer. .‘ vc , I had many times reason' to edm h ittg!,,Alie Christian. _manliness ~of Thitvwscenek of storm, of • anguisir Mid' of rayer and reit f; I have,. Aim relate theiiresterar.Or . the unction and emotion.; of .owe th* felt assurred of the sympathy of all his hiteners. On_tlcw,.s . ,e.e.asian 2 - when- thervvaarpresept . . , . at "a Targe dinner party, sever* sea cap tains the .4 Caiecsatiori. Urn tmon the - `§tormq which "„ they ;Ilia, the various: oceanson, .wiiielr..they And sailed, and the. shipiireeka 'Wang : U*l4oh they • had , 'passede4 This` led Captail,d) . .o6. „Py to say that he, nortvwent ..outr.."4lleafe.a Stith differetitfeelinglithan he hadpasse& thronghoene great t letilite&had ,experienced preneriar of Goa remembrance of 'thatvfloWluietad',:hih, :heart,. whenclinleli;alli4e).l444) , and::werit 1 9.0 h on voogeniAtiikrowpc be. hic!Then •ilt i erdesettbedit m ha-StOr of the Mediteiriatiefin, the peril.:llnilelii firance, and .the icapNesSion*Vhielkli'adieV.e.r . remaine&- th • him; giving !;tlie ,, assiikanee that t4itwesence lc ofrhisifi,e,deemer would stik-M*4 fears in the day *danger, -and 'd , en he spoke 'of that scene andof the. YUGoll, all manifested the . deep , est*pest, and those hardened Men shed tetrolvvaEhis noble Christian 'sailor, on the 15th .of September last, was wrecked in . Mobilepir perished - iwithlmarly: his ore' - .One of thous !terrific hiiiriefujeat .Avithirhifilt, f thifi ikkilifft.friis4; Swept., over, 41,tikortoir-Of 'the : Sonthetu •0044411 d -ti e weasel . of Catitaiii.,llixet• with niiriiy'others; waa lest. Witho ea hour of.safeaanohorageilis-shigwas tossed. .upon the shore by the tempest, the-best-of men le ft us fcir that. coufitay, 4 3% .where there - is no danger of devoilring 01W..A5%m BY alv. a. d. mOucs, , • TERIAN: a... A , : 0 ..:. -4.. • , i yo t sig. . 1 8 . 60 . . ,BANNER...„ -S. • • • TT.I.R 5 , . •• • -- ' • • . 3vllves:f t ' 9,Pe learit fomeiiht sy . l, otaigrat he was calm andieolleetatiriA4S.34t.eff2t 7 ful scene, and have no.odouhtlizab,he artin experienced the. ptesenieti4;:e Saviour, lifting his soul ahor7. - the, _ fig./ ' the tempest. The tidings of diath will earry.,aomrow to many- , hearts , lands, and his memos NEL eheriib r ed with.-the ilef)p'eat..-restreet' iiiiesionkrieti in ChiqafTurkeys. *dia,zend th%lsbuLds of 'the "sea, by MERty deveitt men iq the various couiltries vcisitird? ET4S 7 BE eilyNtfillEDl. , . • 1 - • " iis4lltriak.g.l The hiuse where little .Nannie lives is a mikaUltakie milifie4l lll " f" steps cl 5 fieS l l'the . teed. II has iatkir4,*re.iTi withits simple porekan!iiine t -,covere' win; i f diiii.i;:t;hen the trees' lia*elitietta Min y Way of *nodding and waving over its roOf. The ysrd, in ,front,i s„> tlWart B:Weptf as r cIeVA", Pan ,t,,13, and.. Nall,i,Rk i ilit.tiell-Pea., ia.,tlo, l ;ei. ptiiyjngoi'aunnaug Amen' o ,n 'the grave .A.ey.libimmer'td#:ol‘i Viikt see :Nan nie?smee•Whitelioe, with.its blue eyes an . ,tailgle4 flaxen 'heir, ,peaiiag..througb...thiV vines . A tiny face, has flanniejer thecii only three .years old - and.:thi; sun les 'hid! no. eff ect szllk ,;he 'File, faipm,of . li t& A 0 4 and: "a'v f ery swat little'mbutl iihs' Nen= 1 win:qh • !ak:vale rightkgerrily.! gut, alil m; !. At lypi4lo make tY OO 4: tieft,4' ach e ..o° seed the grave ' sadness . °Cap :ink face some-i times, to see . thA sikitlfrealps,try to, smile: to your•kiskep r und- :only quivW.pltlx:tudir n while instead ; of 'childhood's sweet laughter; comes i+ — ..if,bbiiiiii.:4liglCl:ao:.4l to leear.i Poor Islannie,lo(4.xer . !mews . the ',biassing of, leYfre&vier:4;..:' kteAeilkeTe o .4, l oo.i.gtrei 2 th - ! bag ~I)*AlOws • la..** :, tresiumin t film her.. mother. '... Oh,: it. 44114 .: make you' .ahtulder.'tO" hear the.,pat4bliate tones and] threats or D . Tannie's Artothey, piethe'gßigpdi of the blows which fall unmercifully upon , the tender 'd.'elicate"fiat..Nl,ol4ie 014. 1 4 1 r little brother., ; .. : . . ;: ..,.. ~.,... _..;_ '.,.; ' 1 ~ . Tommy,the. )44, .:.96414 th e e time ' s whenlie is not . a sleep , : or in ! his .-ntother`,W. cirpt3,; s it:Ad- 04, zgor..-10AV" *Pi work to ,do , with Tommy mean* , fkr. at -1 tentiOn......Nainie never cries Mien- : left' to: herself, but on her head and beart,l4l the weight of her mother's She ',broad , forehead, for 1304 ,a little thing, -and I. believe .that had :she. beenbent ;nude; a brighter star, - 'with loy-, ing parents und a liappy . honie, instead of, being the neglected „and uncared-for' child' of e.poor* . sn'orittit,' coarse; woinarfor Mother,'Navine - .would; one Oft these•ditygf : lake proud heartaiery her. 'Cheriahed.- and endinraged;` • dearly loiedby 40yoted motherli a very' loioilf,„-getitle," an d even .talentedi, gii•V might poor Nanme • become: ' Bath tlinextelalor hefelneation - Al*.at few- gleanings-, from the District :Seliool, 'ind'how can 'anything but ttie..aiired,' un sightly embers of all her' good quallttes,; come out of the- burning, •fiery- , fttrnace ; of; her wretched - home. : •Nannie , hat a warm heart. - that-you, the' way in which sha%nuraes, and'tends berlbattirelCiaidolly;lo'l#littr, dress;- • - Dolly bad very feattkr,ea c oueo, When Miss Ellen "gave it t4:O-Nantkie r shel gazed fOr mom* in l'Oelelish,t„l then,t . without saying •a-word; ran after: her only' pct—the ,kitteit-,aad:-74rcaLi#g:lair ceremoniously, tiought her •bach, and plrn her into Miss v ,Ellen's arms.: Tissy: *as, her only earthly •Vosseasion, ••eiCrythipg.liii the world she badVgive to shOw,h9w - linli 'grateful • she less of the her' c , doll beepAul . e..fht *is • , ,;10 Ott,* the: off hoeki• to aer . e . - Dear" child in ber.' TAM day, .Of Afrhap been full of tioryow, but it Irvetr (Tel* to think that theire is 014,3jiliO.r.liha " Suffer little ithildren riief and• will he suffer-poot Nannie,:to manger,. unguided, through. life's Trps.r.y. juvngiy?. Oh, no "We should see the spirits . • • Ring round he - r—weiethe clouds 4 41 /.. trartatfil;tadia,pt:npitifti n Vistidifii,t )4101 Fathpr's watch` "ixtos,t. tejideiiy,. The nvinkuncared-for-ehildhood:-4-..giesmineti,, ,“ And Then. " •••;:•:.4- • • •,• - • 4.! • ~ Many years ago there was good ; pair who lived at one of the Italiari,Pniverei4 Oie day. a ,yeung man: ran ,up hiiii- Vrit4 face' beami ng_ with joy; and said that. his greatest Wish was now.fulfilleit his pa: Yeti ts haVing j iiV,en, him _pezriiiiiieri . study the law. " t4o,no* I am eedisi,.!' added, " to the law W4tehitiel-of thieTtiier sity on 'account 'oil' fth,:gitiatk fatie find* mean to spare -no pains .to get ; through . ,My studies' as well, end quieldy-iali_ possil4o?! In this way'le went en `tal king fora long time. When at, last he emne:to,*.sitfip, tih good, man, who with great patienee k said, "•Wekl!,.aqd-wheti you have ,got,threugkyour coarse` O f - eta; dies, what do yon ifhean th;ilOitienst i 1 ). Then Iol4l:AiPlY:P§R!'Sr?*Aegre;! "saisl,the young !i'lind then'?" again. & then," continned'the•'yofliti;r" l shall hsive a nimbe:r. of . diffisittlt cases to manage; and I _shall_ patch' Isfoisieri s notice by,. My ~ehisiiietsca,„.nty zeal my acuteness, and gain agreat zspriiation." " Asa thefi ?" 6- rbtieiteatiherallYsifies. - 1 - • "Aini-Akelc4rePlie.4 thkIYPIO.; '"wbYs the - irth4e cannot -be a questiskii;;l:.shall Be propkutilicron4od high ;ofF4sOnother ; be side:6;l shaillitstike 4314. tMillr • TCpci,SetdPelh4PPSt: -. tiaded you ng lawyer— "then I shill•live'conafpitablrii*liefftidisi bly, in--Lhealtly and •dignitjr, _add *lll be able, to , lOok . .forifirdaolt •)laPp7 0 was .not allTkis to "look at things seen." _ • - Boeitie olysTitlegid e imlliona • &gain ~.he asked, "AnaiiittuitkiVAJM9 enp yeiti rr ! 104.6.6eiiniumethi17-4-44en 5hamaiii.7....4„, j4 ,,4 - - ere SkjiiiiiirMtin'lkfto'ujthiTecr afia b"An4l;:estP -This' last.4q4and- then.V l / 4 h9sae, by God's;tst it t 9 the , youpg 'pup% heart. , ,Froup:il46 4imetAter-ceaSedr to 400lr. 4e5n.:4,7,0V,1401,10feel powit of things unseen. • - .41• The ProWiltillatilimAre - • • ; • .slaffkelli : thlira,nimanpdiminktVrihirgap in mesa. natnresit and . Ithap it gathers aboiii' itiattrie, 'of "liialliage. Most:peciee,marTY there-; is *( 1 1',"'"OX 3Plikkidtio# ll-, 4.446 1 4i 4 T4:1„i0ry lePtiPg it,P3:Ahlt he* Of ° * 7ol'lgiiie. ) Which ilie:inethisa i re beheiras• in. Lion in• iteir.;ikates ~, 1 44,4aPpyt'proaeisc, of th . ...ooloiiidatiOfi, add than lo nfir Trthi)- of li cohrst . wears awa,y. thensband ha; seen his Arlfp -- iat henialY of •pork and beans, and.witl44r,hiar sled, and her oldest drese-pf4 , 1n11 . -idtithe, enterprise of overhimilpf:things, he sees that she belongs to Aiti)-futu4e.xace as him : And she, when , _:htilband gets-lip cross in the morAingq . + , ._"lind,ertakgtr,ip ihaie'himself with - coldliatir and a Alai .razor; while his simp,bndala,iirtiPplii at his heels, begins , •to. , see tlyis a very pro at!. In.:other iiifseds there )is , such t 4 - tie allioneytnopn, of longer or shorter duration ; and while the moonshine Ine s, the radience of the seventh heaven cannot compare withle...`ltiaaNrSiir lfelkeinusji4s meaiEdoa, - ' When the honeymoon passes away, BIZ fsettingAbehtild dull mountaiis, or dipping silentltintii: the : ,..stotthy of life, theComei ying°lioui''of'~mai4iage=life has ` 'Aetween .parties there, are no mor e illusions.. The feverish, deaire of posses sion has gone—vanished into gratification, hd dllibtoitement has c''r r,eceded.. Then be= a ifithd,4'7-beki,:s-iht.':.thisiiiisad of adaptation If -they •aot.44:oxe e .lu3 they:. ,thoughtthey d 'dens to ' , one. another;' and be jealona' of 'degree 'Vfi) mons to be,thrown away in; peral y regreht or .open ' , differences. . And ~ l et .me , aay diEefy one from whom : the romance of life, .has -fled, - and• who is diecontented in , the` 'sliehiesf iiFee.e' With hfs , lations, 'login this work. of Teconoiliatiou •beforelteare a day older; • '`3 ear "the attentions' of 'stets!. days., I)r f iq'idlii;fiiarts - el 'Whig over. .AeliSqN4edge yotii one 'another, and determine that henceforth you *ill be all in , all-to' each 'Other; and , my word for it, you shall find in yisur Vela Irolingg° Th Islag..lakYie to; 4a. If -you are happy.a.klionialou moat be happy ; abr.oad,c4hamm3ervicomanAthoiltaksettlget down upon the eonlidtion that he or stts.s `4404i04 .1 :., 6 1 1. 7... 11 0 V„, P 1 !.. - 01" tick ( o4, taat:therelanii Way of escape, hark Ivo - therein' go Stint too " 2COntlyi, to mike, r 'whihti"thitlifetdiev its settling' tAct - :etglu<ATioNv.&e:• ~ • II 'F. - " - S E Y:I4 :0 ; ifoIRD.,gy,WOITO:I33:A•GE ireet; -:'t •offeirs 'for aile - s-eho(ce Beleci dfl of booki, , einitahle for all classes, on vary seasonable terms .. The collection embiseci the entiio =publications' of "thrPnirhyterian'lloik,' Orflve! -hundred and sixty-nine 'distinct works, and a large variety of Pastels. Slid 'Hyaena,' lind the Tsalenti - of "PiaVid' in .4netie: Ali o; a liobd selection &bin' dirter's - late Oublidatione; Nelson'a ti Mseasch ,u!sitt,f Be!ele,t, Vt. leeB,oelethqil& 19.13. trillod;'.,e.: • tt, Bodio.on 'Corinthians. 2 is;18 • •••••,•••p«44447m4 2 - 00 , " Ephesiane • ' 2.00 •Tlie•Waids arid Mind of :feels. • ' • • 40: . Still Hour'' or, Communlorrwith • 80 The Christian's Home. A Prise. 8eeay.a44,4.6» - ' • 60,, Ramify Religion. By Smith_ .80 1 Last Days:of Jesus. By T., ‘r. •••" • .6S Boardman's Higher Chrietiatti-145).h1t ; -‘,511=;;".:444:TL0P Dr. Spencer's Sketches • .v.." • ' Mamma's Lemont( about Joel*. pw,„:.4...e , 751 ItoV.4:Additain Alexander's Windy& •"2 . /r015...."4 .210 j:W:Aleiander's Connoted. to.the 80100:141,515: Rev: Dr: Halsey's Literary Attriations of the Bible.:" Nelson's ' Beautiful Oil Color Vows .of Amerloswatt. . and Eastern Cities, in *lows of tweivp Pateirschronthe Shorter . TheCnicible; or, Testa of a Regenerate State.' .Plantation Sermons_ 241 volume ay Letteri oirPealinody. By , 'llB DiffiCulties of Arminian 'Methodism. By., l lll4ls:Alftisk...e Anuan • . , . Seinione. 2 vole.. .. ............ ... 'Coanneutary on Solimxion'sl3ong., 4 .:... 1.25; The Reck .. ... . . ... "- • • • 60. Palisey, the PoHer • • • • .55i Tho Holy,Chfld • "MAO; The,Dbiter Revival •••• lon20: ' The "Board have taken special. Caro to obtain a. choice • Bele& lion and large variety Of Sabbath School-books,, embracing!, 1575 vole.,,and several Librariee,.embrading from fifty to 'onte •hundred.volmnes 'esch,,,7l.o.oo,selected from; the Beard:of Publication,'Zrarte' re Martien'e, B. S. Ifni" , Tract Sodety,Massachueptte S. S. S ociety, and,Noleoze& Sonia, .4 11. • 007 01111 fr-tit a discount, as an induce- Wins' to 93riporiatandente and Teakhers in. the country. die tzlcta, w l O5/o 11choole have Leeman:speeded during the Winter,. and are soon, O beievecenmenced, to ,obtain_ the best library; within'their reach. mar3l-eowt • LARK'S SCHOOL irisrrgit,- A D4y -School Paper-for - Teachers and School, Child an .Everywhere.. • , VOLUME PIPE BEGE‘S i miloL:ool . 9lll.lklBso, illustrated:l The School fititor goes' to all partimptlie)lnited Stites.' ALEXANDER - CLARK "Eltor, Assisted by contributors from aniong the best educators int the United,States. • - • STEPHEN C. FOSTER, the well-known song writer, and, author of " Gentle AniNit Mused You,"! "Old Kentucky Home, " our regular musical con tributors,/' • 1. ',E li Ar•• , . 7.• , The Visitor, contains Stories ofjilahool Life, Poemg,,Dia-' Speechei, Hatoty, , Notesof Travel,- Reading Eger rises, Letteri to Children, Enigmas; Puzzles, Ac., Ac., in great . "The Children.of the Brown House,"• a beautiful story by . Kra. C. H. GicntailLEEVE, commences in the October number, mad will run through the br.Adxridenes. - • r • Hietorical, and'also 'an Elocutionary Illtimatisient btqe Dist beettintroduced, October, 1860.• ,- „ , ; ,The typograpbieal anpearance of the ye. „by, any penodical publistped ; and as lb;Will , bemliiettotyped; IrtreaNr,,backmumbers can be liadat air ewer. I 4M': The Music alone is worth more theritheutet ,of the: ItoPer' , e^r - • as i, 50 cents; lve , ritypices,..l2.o6;l ten canter!, (and'ono tb getter up of club;) $5410; sixteensfol • one address, st.ock.amcas tants:era for additional copier'. Specimen copies furnished free. Address ~ DAITOILLDAMCKABOLOND_ gPtiblisbeis; , WitkeWWeeltilTdiadelpttia, " • NO. 959 Chestnut' Stffllti.llllll64oiia, offers, as - suitable for tndi vianai , ahii fey • ett, and Sunday Schoolo, a large varlet” of • , r•`•• cR STANDARD. REL(}IOtYB PthiLieleliCilf4 Of therm, alanr e number la Intended for Wan% andloitik ---titeAlnioyeir trig landkertotn iiittatllitambystfige.. OR. , grwrtngs;printe in clear type, and well'boiind, The assortment enbracel,oves four hundred and fifty volumes: - BIOGRAPHICAL, , HISTORICAT,, • POITLOAIe . 'PItACTICAL, ....I • DEVOTIONAL, t BELO TO KEAD.TIOI BIBLE OrdOwdArbe sent'to TaffiT4 . 514 Chestnut ►• ,STABLE I The and-letters , . or b-I , * el Y"C. JIIDSON . • o:#s4 l itir '24* Th.trd Wire or Bar. Admix= Judson, Ittistiointri -0: r‘ ; • • 1!IT A. O. • - Ore.** the 70415 , iiiti.ek i•voi:, mail. With tilit;el u 7. •j- • ;0 . 0 . "rose the tiVete=York• Observer:- ,! • , - • In the veryfront rank of literary and religious biography, tja .; place this admirable , voldnie, It: hail every•'etemeniver bisauty inirlety,. usefulness) thrilling:lntoretrt arid power, to commend it to nitivensallaTOr. , ' ' • . * Pidi?s'fheitftriy- orA.rzanukr: : • , Dr. Kendrick brie so culled And wolentopthilithiletterk • joantds'and rethiniscencee, finndi,aito make a narrative which lira the'velDfroni every part - of--an intensely real and very eventful life. It is,:frorn first' tcslast/ the hie- ' torrof a genuine htswinlife, as dveloped:itx the childhood, - youth Ntkdshx.r. years..of-kaintrularly,gifted woman.; And, a history 'so well told, wigesii, as• to **sees...the captivating power .of, a„well-wrought romance. lt will. find its way. to Ono of thonaundspf,' to Kits tri,lthfi4 nuCeloauput tale ot coutlfaa triiiMphit; and .lo oew.conceo- Ilona Of the vabrii *bleb adorned; and the piinciplea'Stehith governed a character whore "delicate and . beautiful . Anius a , semi the admiialion of tliceatt;st cnlttintied •, '-'at • , titn4lit: York ' 1 As_ngtoOir i ,p,f Mis,,- unfolding, her inner stiratuintro, and'im•dril/steVer..ekoniences In . did igielsion a4.fiBid,Zeiateddebqita.Uitteittie Emmy PorteiterAYtht azthe world, and to the saintly apostle of Durmak. . We are glad that the commemoration of such a character de 3civetonq whaftrAvgbiretkurkteerof 4c.lohimpitiarlo ..Cieriszt.a.l;?ctualifyk•dituital , llPPritoila' 4l ba his Itienktir,..andi delines4 horilifeltuttet "all itradumnS. TheAlialiirrattivatlOnAgAlita votsisneuttiWalty Guff vailoos; but Its one Impression is that Chriet.leall. - ••• • . • LIFE ` OF. GEORGE. • BY Howl EDWARb ,1 , 11)1a:i l taa 4 71 1- Plata . ; biated,Bust s 3?3' limn rowers *riTte;itTlCiolb, ;In Sheep. binding, V. 60; In Nair tihroPthatt gOltdsSif ehain'g wet shall:bereft' f6r'mtinf geiffatiaiir bind Cher ' the Amp cif or • • ivriuthigy.rwaivadweitia , Xiettig has pet bedn'..l)ttssi-livik * • "Ilia •hiptitAihk - is'w'rildel'ittOlteasslt. 'Hon, and, by its rapld'ilitrimalt4 and "attractiVo`giikyliihilk commend tho•mtilifrai readers; as 'etaidard. ...r u p 4 a4“4l. o 99TiAga,49tkrealmnatßotAfriA. 44.44.. am 4 dPellittl. cob rebte •'erit ' llorial. lite.. *aka: ;Ihnt;• -4.40, 'Bre 'rid 040 . tal and needed der rleuiAill'lk• "caltitil(lattuttion to Washington;' and teaching us to,,wk i nt. alato the reasons why he has been adjudged the greatisilindi• Ile.elutwwt history. -. • 4i,ortiedirgerrvir, guokorrnatt, the. ,dittioguished ,Essayist, • tooira labor of lvvoi; Familiar - al3 are the firedtalire urtrat ted'dellgtihilli ihnfe-Evereteeraictiohiaild. yeb'tllmany - , h. fni.lilrica. , iina , ll, gattriitit wall bat Ole attd.gri* , l64) - orqUii.inkjeset: '• • We"? X • e , . , :WEE EfetnalokPuniefurrent , Coneiletent withlthe wl.FatherhPo:ositG9d. • •,;;;: 41,1* rrilistePlPD?AiiVN,4le'!'V...?,t-.1!;1 . •• • • .1 yol..- ."See 76 cents- • Tbl ‘oktinicigitaine a aeries of `~9cfnice neon th'e ` r ' Adion Of t,ho aurnaitAint4ha,CorpraeL6f Do ll2 a.P.49YranAlt and thp declaration of Mind, as the, 'Retribution"; and thO.anthii Aorta the oftneVttetiey at r ri, wjth ,tlio;;RathetbiAp i raster 'of Qott. T p.. 14 i*ottality of the BOW, The 'qtuaUons of a future TX6 op, and of Antipflation, ace separato4 diebuseed. ',The .obits la' based upon the, malt', recent Ineldriee and dlecnsidoria, .tbreintereettaefteld. • ' . FortyYears'txperienceSuAday-Schools. • .BY STEMEIe . - . V. TYNE,Dictor of. St George'e otiureti New-York • • 1 oaat,leacro. volume. Yr* 60 . • 0 4' vo AB - 111 ' iVntiiied7 trteaVeit;iite,Sdirdaicaewilit more authority than Dr: Tyug; and n 0.0 , 30120, read elda vol ume without obtaining most valuable Mate for the ittanage .l:tent of. a Sunday.fichool."--Satethern churcluteaw.. , "Every Sabbath:School teacher ahcruld read it; every pac .tor might W'--New-York independent. , "In these iiegelahe author rrieiuihife,ihd'lle- Aget. of this AYoaeak .We are suro:tbap, the. volume hut, net,t , mission to eccompllah.for-g00d."74T0% Otigoiver• . • :I, BEADY, . • THE ANNOTATED PiItitORMISIBIIa - THE MEW TAtINT., , CompletYg the Ayortg -019th, $1.50. TiMßllligeoniprow.'scoo. • ,04 't t 1119TOIttgy• LAtIN'ONIMANITA4 , • ...41VAgnixti agrr Ill..l6!tip6Dtik Crown.Bve...PrlEs $1231) cash. 3 Sifs-One-roltune - will be published the lit or each month, from October let. 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Simon.• Wee:, Gloat, ACIIEBJF AIEJEIANT; Or Sketches 'and Wes: :By the author' of •-efatelps for the Sp. l .6ooA2Psio-Oktib . sl6 oo 7'. - Clll3Rokidgi .. .,lri,LPleit4lol;lt OblikiMis tory. Translated froorros Osman " "tor.rckirlleilfelCutto,- 1 1)15 - Tot T. To 'lke: oh: • Istripilano: Ol t olb,{ 'Lately imported : • AMMAN'S CYCLOPAIDIA OPIIMEMONIL—CycIopedia of Phristion Missions; ,Thels Pie, Proems, end Present _Po sition. By the Ref. 12mb., Cloth, $1.26. MACLAURIN'S WORMS.—The World,' of the Rex. John; 'Maclaurin. Edited bj W. (joold, E.D.Editiburo; Edi ,tor of ()rues Wcslcs. 2,v015 , Opru 8160: Cloth, 8,"2. & Ob. will send imy of the glove by MAIL, puff, loii)pail.,upoir %CAA of the price. • jui3s-13 • t ' • . ATATEfiIIeTST .. t- - . • ' A. l'i• .. - ' - Ai-kill} f',.>. ...,...... 52 and 54 Murray Street, New-York, Importers and Jobbers. of .cLOTHS, CA551317:848,. TEST INGS, and every style and quality of goods ClOtlders and Merchant TailoicalartMen'r andlinys' Wear. o• -BP/IIY. ... • . ~. • NEW FALL AND.wrivlrprtGoops. Iterchant • Tailor; I. now preparedlo offer to. ilia canton - Lens and the public a Ilne - aseditment pf. cw.nts,. CAS A LIKER:E.9, -- VESTIN9S, AND OVER,COrLNCIA all of ilto_lafeeirj4d molt approyed Xlea. 'fineaUortaieneofledielfuriilabin Eldtala. •H. BriltlFs lardamikkiliiiiiejeft*bilitnent, niirmy-q,4:amiscitiitmoltmlnymilwmwm • T OL'AV H EL , . . ••• -'• . • • When Oempletrixi;#lx yeeiri ago, the:ST: NIOXIti . I44 Aines universally pronounced the moat magnificent , conven and tkoronghjpmganized establiohme* of the klndon Continent. ,this What it was Ebert, It remains to'4lay--without ifiid in . Maa,'ie /sumptuousness, and in .the.. general , elements of com fort and enjoyrnent, , ') The lintel has 'icenniiireidatairii a:170100 kuiisis, including :190 complete sultecof omartmente for families •.I.ix liutronso 11411.80143 can' be comfortably invited at the : tables,of ita Ahree public dining,roome, and • nothing thit modern art has deiieed for the con*Cnit , iiim and - social cation of the trayeiling.public has boennM,PAl.3o l :AtiPlans in is n4leciedlri its practical detail's .•? , 44ghr, ' The early reputation of the house al.X!res . o4,o4proad, de frOM its magnitude, Its , suPerb,app*itthglille dad It. :home-race comforts avid /uxuriesrhaibsM eiglenXeirf.7 year by the unwearied exertions of 'thd - P.rossirliano.., ' . :sep22-3m. • ; TA I MPI ir * L2 AM:Pir" o°. . .EATON, CAVE . * .. 11121 — CRIIDIThil,, , •,. • • WITOLIMAILL'AND RETAII, • • • t .:Millinery, T Mc..? 0 II ftii• •• • 311001YOubt.. •• ,DRESg:TRIMMINGS, • N• Agit .viikriAgrr 11131-404:. wo g Ri ng,' - . • . ALOVES, CAUNTI . -ETS, AND MITTS,. Boston Ribbed Hosiery and Woolen • Sad. c itirte,LFrencli•Cotants, lad*? 9lnderwkars, Gentlemen', 651 1 irk Oprrai" Buoteuderoi &c.;Silk, Wciol, and hieritio`UnderAirtnidnd Dirawerai autheheeille.litt4ittelp4^ncy Nut- ....;4" 4 1 0 9/th? ff' llBZl;'llEn sV4:Z 4c".. ' 4- an Shetland Knittiim Yarns.' • - * And a large list a 174iNsigg,,AjawLy,s AND NOTIONS. ,• Our advantagee for buying are an • Feut . c;rt,Wrpst. , :r.nrehtudng dirnetly Xrern 'IN tit' Haft . ctpally for Cash. we are enabled ioVITY AND' UN TRY DSA7.L.RSMuailyae low as any..Stuanrn 'Jobbing Pm*. ,j•-',IINDCNANTN, ALIT.ILINERS, AND DEALERS,'' . ifebo livy to sell aide; are livited eiceinino 'on* ikocV, tad unto our prices. hefore.mahift their purchases:: 1. • Le: EATQX,CRUE 11/I.PRIaI,:•, No I 7 Fifth Street, Plsaburei: •011 , 20.L1113AblIT.ERARTILENT,int-the. B.nd..nooe ofi Nos,ll' pall :19. ' arhm-i-i l Pdrkv* 4 4 1, .." , !!!"*Mer'".77 , 4•Mcar• • • • SAVE THEM .13EFONffiVer.LAT.g. ••.:•• . e f f e l t•Nui• 1 , . tusa " • • No - 246' . Penn Street • fn itekhonse farinerix ocinpfedi by. pr. G.•H. Keyser, otigkeite Ottiiiit Moor' ill give - ail thor'moiTertilmprpremeafiL Teeth Inserted at various prices, • .• . c • -rca Nt•• ; • '1 PROW SIB. 4ro • WAN/ BEL, ,4 : 4,..e.4 s•••.' •- •: • •••• ;: ? ItEFEitlitteng • • i''••••! , . 1 itiV. 34 " • A...BRADLEY, DrOi.Nnt.aas, '4ID . • • • AV . : • is 3ioPltuEl' - eCiitdiata di. 16.1t8E11, - di W:rortax, ,e• . ; T 1 sutpELld'lEga. • ,•• •• • -mtiritAr; • , : 7 ; AL iv IIC g lif. - • - ' A • • • In its sixth year. Room 'for oyer.aptliiiiiiiiidipigestil ihr Send for eiverniari to. • 4 1.1 .• • .; ' . • • ' %vitt: • at. , • w -v, 13:4A: mr3., : tit .-,41E,40 .9s .0.51 Ax.wmso •-• ' .FAIKINX::4EISUG - :11= Ma*prm'(.l4,4w-t-....,i4.?r,t—i-,:4.-1-nr;wt........,",-.. • " tig••••T'4 1 .'1 4,4 ••••,•b... 40 . 00 4 i'Sitirtut". " " nallcams.„. • .60.00 ?," ' 4 .1 ;4 7 We - ova PiChil/0 91rei aAr ftei Chine ovrr rtho folloWing reasons.: "”: ' • -Bath the upper: am:V.lll4er tbretuia,are..Aeed directiy from the grill:net/pod, thus diiing away with the ttiintilabf re-toindiny; quilt:Let *high ea regny complaints are 'bade. • ' 2d. It cantarworkedbackwards, as well. as' forwards, 'with • ,the eamoleeility,,,aandre started with the footidorey,i,i4d. A 4 a I rda Y i t t .r flees ight O . pe endicnata "Vettle-bari 144 tOtild t need The,. bhaks'itaena. • ' .0 . 7 It Joao stipple that lt.;..esit 43e very easily i 2 5 6614.4 1;:t;17.1 • '• • ; • By the combination id, tiiial' , .teaturee, AloAlepeetent , in ,a Sowing MaChlne, wo are ellablid to o ff er to the puhLic' tiepin ne. , Built the wylendandlng tte hell mtha purse EveYifeadttelltfd r llfte.crtranted. • Toole and WI printed directions accompany each Machine. ioy7 Agents wilted in every , town throughout the country, :idan'preAtable term, 'andlta - poseihtlity' Of . loet" *nil for Circular of terms to Agents • . • W. W. NORTUROR.;ffitetwilgi No. 60 Market sixeet, (up.ttsbu ) lig4,3m Pirgh, ra. `,nlsiivEss 7 •Mnicts:- cud F::;:9.kS%,L= OFTWitillE. ATTENTION OF `. the ifibiCcAo • e rtruaDzT l :ti„ . ••<, • ; 1 1 - Afigf.4-A - • G k ous eep s. where may be found a ,large assortment uf ail kin ds! of Dry regnlred futnielbitig a . house, strr the :trouble usually sm - periericed in huntiniremch articleiy in vs, Monk placea. ,lu_consequence of our giving our &typifies) to thielind of stock; to the exclusion of ffieSirsind fancy goods, .we oast guarantee id:wink:es and styiess,to be thevadlayera ble in the market. . • • • IN LINEN 0b0)15 4 ' .iiedre able to give perfect malisfactiOn; 'beim g' thm-Oidessww• taidished Linen Store in the city, add having lbeen tot'ffsiire than twenty years regular, importirs from some of theijoid nistnubetiftere in Ireland. We offer, also; large stocivot' • FLANNELS AND MUSLINS4';';:4I . 7. • ,Of the best qualities; to be* obtained, ant.attheveryslo ll 4 l t. prince.Bliuiliebi, gbeetinmi, Ilelcinget;Tsigueer •Table illoths,AndWapklits, Towellingu, Metiers, kinckabne4 Table and Piano Coveys, Damasks and Moreauis, Lime and •Muslin • Cnitaine, Muskies Pitiable' Chiiim Window. Shadings, ac., site. .- . J OHN V. COWELL & .50N, 12.2 W. coiner of Chestnut and Seventh, Sta., • stsSibtf. • . . ' Piditidfdphics S : TA.* aIF N glik TY' , TR ihni!:editnerf; StateoriciallYlUls4.:....;.?•,: IeULES : • ;,•;' MI • • • 1.-Moh6y la received every day; and in' auram*nti.. Urge • orem 4 dam -FIVE+ PER.' WHOP interest ie paid :for 011 e pay, it Keet;ip. , , , ' l a. The money is alwaj , a - polg.l baCk elOtb * , grit is )called, for, and 'midis& notice., ' • • •, • 4. Money is incetved from Imo 'Adniinistrato* relueiditihs, and others, leho aealre to Lassitin a place Aotupakty, and where Interest can be obtAned far Its* _ b. The ungleY juneved from depolltota invested In REAL ESTATE,'MORTI9AOIBB, GROUND 'REPTS,'I‘nd aucli 'other first elatal cmcmilles arkthe Charter directs. •. - 1 ; 4 4 8. Crrncir HOURB—Biary day from . 9 till ' 5 teem* . :ombfondaya Phuradaye till-8 o'6lock,in the eveningo I HON. HENRY L. RENNER, PreaSecit. ROBERT SiILYSIDOZ, Vita President. Reed, Secretary. . sir OFFICE Walnut Street, Southliest Corner of Whitt Street, Philadelphia. : . •1 t _ Jan . E W 'TE , . ,fficAtivE. Et,a.v sE. •-• • ... . •• ' WHOLESALUATIp t RETAILI' , . •-•- - J . P; • "Nttibiringh, . • (nearly opposite the begins Mestk)lunt very °choice selection of . GREEN AND Biampic TEAs.. of the latest importations. .iklso, '.721,6,144brAYRA, AND / 6.L.O6aVitRAIRET JAVA .New Orleans, Cube, Coffee; Crashed; and Pulverised Sugars:- Rice, Rice Flour, Peartand Coin Snitch, ,Farina; Yelat Pow dors Vermicelli, Cocoa, Brotna, Extra' N 0.1,• and Spiced;" Pure Oroand..Splcesi . ..Carailei,Altnond, Toilet . ; Pah* 'Gerrniut, and 'Rosin' Snpl'Carbdriate of Soda; Cream Tartar; Extra Fine Table Salt; .Pure 'Extracts Lemon and .Vanilla; Star, Mould, and DiPPC4 Csndles; Oared Harms; -- Pried Bee; :Water . ...Butter, Seger; add - Soda • Crackers; .Foreign Fruits, etc., .. • ... • • Ear This stock has been purchased foi . CASII; and2 , ollr be .I:offered to the Trade; and' Woo to. Funnies,' at verXmpdeirtite advances, from whain we respectfrully sOliclt er a ) of, pet: , ronage. • • e litilM- 0 ;111 1 RENSILA.W,'• Family GrOet . and 'Tea; 'Deli' 253 LIBERTY .BTEEBT, recently returned ilimiiheltioltrandladdidilliiikely . ,to his stock by fresh pferchasee, desir,es to isa thkommoop of the public to the finest:Sidlarie' st'aesortilikiik`of — Choice Family Groceries, . • TEAS; SPICP.S; •; • • to .be -found in this city. Families, Schools, Hotels, and i Dealers who may favor him with their orders, may rely upon i 'the quality of the good's they Tintauto, as hje object is to fling& the - best and freshest, goods in the market, at the: Lowest prices. •t CAUlogties Contkinint in;hate' uded list of any' stock tftri.: nished 4.1E104 r . • - 'Sr. No charge for cartage: -. `'"? sp7-IY . . H AV RN, Book . Job. - . Printer - • STEREQT, YPERof BLANK, .131:10$..MANI1-, PACTUR ER, and Dealer in AMERICAN AND PORRION PAPERS, Corner of Market and Second, and' W{ and' Third •Streete, l'ittaburgh, - Parifedlir attention paid to printing Catblognee for Collegeei and Seminaries, Propaittipiwiliploinpa; at . id ,SchOol•Repok".; P 0 0 - . 5 6 . • ; WILLIAM .JOHNSON,,,.;, (L4O ,kAsis ok-p 7 .seit= Sole Nantifactfitor and Shim 14i!ftiti ' l c three mailman,' kinds of Roofing:• .-r..• Ist. Ginn Elastic Coment,l?Blimild Canvas RoOfing. . 2d.. Improved ; Pelt, Came ntand Altayel Pooling, 841. - Patent 33nglielf •ALL Fire .and 'Wage- 'Proof, afici:Warrantoit. Roofing . 'Material for:" Oale, with printed butt - actions, fior • • air Moo at Batem& Johnson's old stand, „ -' • - 75 Smithfield Street; Pittiburgik. Pa N. R.—This r OGM CEMENT is nn palled as ti..paint : for', Metal Niiofs, laStfnittritie chi4p . eitlihn common point 83mo a a, a paint to pmemt . dainkncial-in Briclo Wa ll s:. • .• deo.l-13" • , . WK. JOHNSON.. WIC II." KIRKPATRICK, 'JOHN P. KIRKPATRICK, ' Late of the ,fierm of. Kirk " . "Leta with °Teeple; Zoller, Ratriqk - Wlll' 8r... CO • _ • RIVAtfM WholOsal e errocorel ING' COMMUSI . ON r 0;2:4: • .; - ! DiAElrgeiN .4 " • " " -PIMBIIK64-MA/MACTOKETi ARTIOLNS: e. 299 Liberq.StOppOsite-head.of P 'TAB Int.o Particoliw attenticallaild r o.llth 'isle of 602 Prodtioai ' ,‘ayarty • , I • I Otia A 1193 .y i'4; fin: BIRI ( ~ATl3ICK &:BONS, No.Bl EL lgainuttzt. 'lofts= 'Market acid Chestnut Sta., Philadeliihts" have for de Diy and Balted Slianish - Hiles; - ' 4 ** l f`• Alta i'abla KJ Ta"" 'e ' 611 rie l t s a n d ry and Green ps, nne e , n s p Carrier's Toole:at the loireet,pricee, and - upoii•the beetibrins. Air All kinds of Leather in the rough wanted, lbw which the highest nuirk,'t riffbeiiill be lifidii"in — chsh. Or faiten In Aptchangelor indee. leather etoralffre er charg e.. an* sold on corfiralssion. Jan29:ly Villf-tT-EFICA7-R:T ISt s Y ' Thy Sundiy* Sch 001" • TRIIVIIOI-; The ;10 Sunday Schold - Libraries,for distribution as per legacy in Will of the late CHARLES BREWER, 'wilt be ready for deliveonand'efter.July,Oth, 1860. The Sunday Se. ry. ools entitled to these Libntriee are those caditlilialied Allegbady °cunt'e: , !P, 111 - arch , 31st, ppy(canti+~ili be iintrired irtittement'ene bli mune,iocation, and date. of organization of, the SchcA; name and Post Office addrela of Supieintendent ; • aviiragr number of teachers and scholars' hi , attendance; thee - contributed for support of School. Reasonable - evidence; braintediredPotittibutiods and oat mixt: , of the pegFruunuteenf. the.SchooL pill be xeqedred: '; ' ;; .3 1 . df EAS'N,Ettie Atieausi, .1%,79.,171 FlitliSt....pittabnrgh. • !ITZI PRING'-STYL f ES,FOI . v. `7n m* Wm* t"Mtsiet3: embracing in - yeirt. — a. large and - well ne lected stock of Pancy,Yrench mid English . CASSI ERE'S AtIOAQATIIIICS, Together avithUtS line 'sin astiortnlent;tolllsi s ch Aid Colored CLOTHS AND YESTINGS, as the manufactories of Enrope can produce, which are adapted telhe wants of gentlemen of taste, 'wild appreciate style and 'quality in clothing. -- •. ." • BAIKTIAIstO.UT & SON, . • No. 19'Fifth St., Pitubtargb:. FARMERS, GARDE RS, dßeCiilflikCATYA ',to ; • !'"..S , , 74 4 I.TALint"Of i bcaigi4o344 theirimsbiess tbttt ciribe tyla TON; BARKER & 00.% Agrietatteitrißoak. Hotese, Vat RPw•,York- N:P.PLINRS . r.4 4: ?pmi •• 13 ••. 1 ,i 1 V/9?•••-•••••• ..•Yri!****r:fifi la qt 8 4.F.99* MiK- 1. 64N illiAW3lllio4l3lCollka. ) Aol , l92aßi f. ailliarlig#4l l ; • • ; . , ellatePO 0-44 43 traW ( 1 0 0dO .4 11 • WHOLESAIai ;41`1) : 11 r4 1 4- 1 . 4 .tic; 141 li r olid Street., : k; Dave;'; fee 21.64 it; ie.4.1 ileuerrte mr nt broods !Le can' be feu* , hoeffrof ettil„ccianistb3roF., •• • - 4-, • SinK;" - Wok* itl:Eets; • 'of - Avery' style andiumalty;-OAPS•aVeivity:and lAteßt foshionsi Palm TAO; Strap aluMilmas, HATS; Stftw, And Silk BONNETS, ete.i,letn. Pdnititigir.vishing ti Tiurdose elAter.By Wholankrwr B* 01_, W i tt the ir ObtrNWki • 11 ' • , F . • BfH 14vounigitio • • • ~.374: 1 7 -A M; I K . , g; • Yx.: - •. 44 S 4311 ,1 08 . 4 4WitilirlidoNtra **VI •!. - .o . .llr : avemwirreiiia?„..zwit *ROD' .0 OOZ P • .1 N. 246 xglleViroppwrit tloa besa.ofFwok ! •!' ' • ' lebTll'v • BA WeA.k/IS: 3 Pi•JR ;,?liAiiiggii*.i. z . i . „,.. • .L.-- ,'' '. .. , • , „M I ..f,...P'1,; ~ gfIEWfrAND , ...SECOND4HAND-. PIANO:. . i ii..... 6 *il;iogt;4'<in - ;eVilsiVeleot iiiiii4tiglicAck ; ftififiNel" 1 tho.followthgrdesirat:derhat'ofjfewßitud 'Second-4nd ; Pianos now in store and ready kr examination and sale at the 'clttiitielyr 16wiptkellanh ild' - tti:them,. and .thtste; vllioi. do „porshase may, he, agSured .t.ln4 such, ao, opportunity is sol d6th Offered .' On those; nittrk , d3loi - CAR; no dioco nn t will be allowed. • I', • . - !1...::." - 7- .-. - :-' .. . ~ ~ . . ~. Those - for lode op credit,,i . ..iforths- ooty will bt . given, and tnitsrliolosttled for bl.note, 'payable in the city, 'or a diecount of three per eiiikt.' for cash.- The following islegaut . . - • • • • iroliblitoli"-leverr-:Ootaira' Pianos,. ON • A lON FAIT OF TIIR RE MONTI'S. A new anT.53*(54.,&. with 411-11W.lidest improvement,' Maio expressly for • , • subscriber:and wil6be warranted} The factory price of this style is 25003 for sale at gliaitheedrnhig-itninestyle and price ' a• - .7.2156 Anothop.froni the sett maker. in nri oleos tit Rosewood : • . — "Onete;sithatifbiZtuferif priee437sVfor ' •'f *15714‘ , 280 014Xtakhoeowood,„LontaYe'Pjan% °mail Bbston; in perfect order, mid i° uselose , tb :an.orritijaNzi • • the price when new woe $550 - &entity named 7 •ietalie,•neiVanir large male Piano, made by, A. Gale, the New York Moira . 04 71dchsiitiolgikt itgo was $45 ei , "„oitymm ;Tiro elegant Rosewood 7 octave PUMA, mired ' 4 1 4: 8 ;;stale from Ato A; °made by:Ciaktl ci o f; °red vy ! mod Judgeti.,e3 pric e tki,first ,of tbe New • York maiming, at this' low toilbeiSf. . . ... 215 Ono - stuns style,-W octaves 250 0.51 e elegant 4osewood,Cltickerino4 l . B Jpoile; In use nbt,more glie#,Edx-m ox i '4tesebictiletaTs ••1 • ' 4i.1112‘ 'FOLLOWING-11M Fillticuip.ffity r . . . 40,„4„0„,y,d0ub,107r.ide0 ,A ..r,n,m010,*3 4 ,416 1 . Chiehering sem! • .. 4160 A Raeheecel, toct4W, by tytlktna o n t » : ISO 'AW eho g ell3s4.o9 tavet . WilkimOtaCitr . A liiabowy, 6 octave, by Chickergegit. 60 A Mahogany , if octave, 'by ;Uteri.. . . ' 60: • A Mahogany. 6 octavo ; 0 NAlawood, 6 octavo, Chtcleribg ' ' -15 0 Rgilisirocal, 6.octivve; Num** Packing Boiee- h lanir.the Piano ,packed; tree of °barge, to golo ft distance. 0.14141 , JIMIN 11. MELLOR, $2 Wood Struts *IIENSHAW, ..Liberty Street,. near Wood MERCHANTS' HOTEL, 46 North Y-ortrtit Street : IoNIVADELPH lA. KlllBllll5 l . l Mr. PrOPrictOn. InneVly • A N IV• A IN MISWEArg - JE s 2 -Durldj s the last fourteen Years; some four hundred pa t ,,, , ba sdiumacki ae dge ,bsei .o.that . f gran fam :l ayni * ,:j o e n wibe in 7 r 'ret tEbti nti tt o ab na lth. d usedo eldg . ll i d :rti : maen il u ll: p, te rtr e :ent.,t,:,; e:„. =111e; but - strange to my, lint of this: v ie: k r:e t : t n . : 4.4 lichines, only some tell dosen hreibeen ',NZ,' : 1 prialltal value; and of this wall iumber, no t - ern: coinbinedthe advantages of. o feirAy.. manniseter4, machine. There are large, heavy, noisy, cured.row, sconsidiastedtattohhate, designed for heavy the purpotte Very well; while there are oti,..trs of lid in4khaniism and - delicate adiUstmentri which Perform on lie work to advanhigo; and while the former or, ' conifiedto heavy works the latter are of little . .ee;.". •exoept. on light fabrics . Therefore I take great plen,,len. tahainitheimportanntlictredatt Mr. Holm, the ore gr i n ,, l ventor otgetteing Machines, has recently perfected hitShutej ^Xichinitiletreieto,combliKdre &Much smaller space anti xith :farlestmachtinery,,the strength and durability of the. kettering the'eame time pant. sloe delicsay of movement and ease of operation peculiar b. • &mil' , Machine, and which renders this the only teirerbi i ,,. 4, Market working . ' equally well the lightest ( 0 ,4 Jiacitieilfairriarlaud is therefore designed for • ALIIso , KINDO OF -WORK! .. . .• ef.Y.AMILY Eisvoo, THE 'HOWE MACHINE: Millie only onethat can give satisfaction, and they q ill L, sold for oneAalf the money charged for any other novel in , ohollie of doing-air - heavy work in as good a manner. TI„, machines cannot be got oat of order by any fair mean,. and they Wilf be fallyyWarnmted for one or more years • yl„., will stick, hem, tack, cord, bind, saltier, and fell, vii,,„;, bastitinakinebitlockestitch seam (alike on both side,„ T ; great beauty: strength; and elasticity, and which canner ripped befaveled: • • . •Thepnblicsire coidially invited to call at my room,. No. 26 FIFTH STREET, . stairs,. and thoroughly test th,.„„ machines (mall kinds of work; don't be satisfied by ... ime ki a ... B .m se hi n e• sew orraing,trit bring along your est and heayiest work,,and.pritthe Machine to the unin rigid Active and retsponsible Ageritti are wanted for the ,at, these.kfachines; ;upon liberal term*.' Please send for sump!, of work and particulars of agency. Address W. B. LASSPELL, Agent, Pittsburot, • . SAMSON. FURNISHING UNDERTAKER, *ltlg't-arn No. 60 Smithfield Street, keeps constantly on hand a lac , assortment of Ready-Made Coffins, Metallic Cases, Flin•isi.. , kc., of, the latest styles. Personal serrices in all cases al, ' +required, and no *nit will be spared to give entire fttigar .tion?And relieve the friends of the many unpleasant ditti ec Sitieessarily 'connected. with the preparations for burial. at .graitlyveducad prices:, Roome(w .. / (4 , Y,Tid night. Baru, asiffearrings*.furniidied. .;LEATHER •rtELTIIIG, tip, .7. 11 M 1 .-sII III ,IL ''' - r • G 'llfi MDT S , AND • P.A.C3M:N . CI- 2 ct ' CONSTANTLY ON . tap AND ills TALE BT At* • Liberty Bliercipposihnhe head of bed, • •-r.PITTSBURGH, PA. tAidelleaßE, 1111111001111, COPPRZ AC., ••• , •• 7 4 -, '%•••••4 Pir a ic Ahlt6 HAND. • °emu. - • F-••• AV. 894?..T' ll._ faIWEON.-....N. U. WALKFI lI.RG E ON & Co., .f • IffiPORTSRS AND JOBBERS LPL AwrigniAmdAkmmespe Fancy Goods And Baskets, ,And. mannfaotgiremi .of ,kiiicia,of Looking Glosati and l Okuldiezeii Candice. • " • • Allir N0:.62 Wood pt.,.vrinr.9l Fourth, Pittaburgh t Pa. jun3o-ly - • • • • C A R .B 0 N -0 I L , -For Brillia ncy "and Economy, • 81311.1i.A88E8 ALL O THER, ILLIIKINATING OlL?nen in -zna'rket. It will burn in all sOles .of coal oil lamps, is per fo,tly sok, and tree - from all offensive odor. Manufacture 4 aind.forlatleby." • 4 :I%II4IOKEOWIST, i • 187 yfiffigar.flriurr, Pis/sans& RE MEDICAL. 4'l OR. MMANE'S Celebrated Amencan MEE WOR M' •• SPECIFIC, EEO „. NEW • • • • AGE. :I 's 11 Qg WQ474S• )IrlllHE'~tmtin"ce'isial gilid'•kaden 'leolored, widiroccasionall &ashes' , or a dr oroone..ojr b9th cheeks; the become dull; the pupas dilate; an '.azure semicircle runs . along the' lower eye 4nai -the'nose , is (ittitatedorsiells, and some -2: times bleeds; a l .*lrelligrip *the• upper lip; occasional heit4achei v: ivith: - humming or throbbing of the ears; ,an:, ; iiisusual secretion . .ce'Salh , ay. - 'srtinY . 6,r /- '6Yritliongue; breath . very foulkspaiticularlygnethe , morning; ap =petite iaxiablep.stametimes voracious, with a krtawirt,serisa!ion of the stomach, at others, entirely_ one; fleeting pains , in the stomach; 'decisional .'itaisei and - Vothiting, violent ikairisNtliiiViou“the ibdornen; bowels. ir -).:veguLlo4_tursek-tostivet stools slimy; not urdrapiently•thige4,with,bl9od; belly swol i.lels,asfl' Aurbidi,.respiratioa oc cassonati t, and accompanied by iViiiierinies dry and convul 41.11vet,•RlineasY: `, arid Agiturbea sleep, with ; .iscindingot.theinper variable, but trrileVrtthe stbm,symptoms are ; :41 hound t esi st, II: IvLS.APTET•: VERMIFUGE elfect a. cure. 1%4 which has at. 469 iiihriihirtfratkni :of this prepare ti aka? Thai; bee2PA*IO4II;OS . warrant us in .1411040*.towN1* . lni the public to i' dilk•ETViCl4 l4- ft MON E Y ''*eieettlititance - Mhe' it it should prove in& fectuil: "pmiriding the symptoms attending 4111 " 01311 " sr 'Pr . ( ths child: or adult should ,ppo'shicisof : worms being the )1 easesflieMedicirie to be given EfTHE DIRECTIONS. .iiire t i p • onnririti to • the public, ti at ie/:.l'6w 4 V I. Lianfti V ermituge "iIOES *OT , CC)*Allst MERCURY • ,n firOP , iara; . 1134 a , tItIS an innocent 'Prefa_ritioarial";FaPatas Of doing the largiolloat *fray to -iheinoai tender infant 4 -• -I. :Address fair orders to BIOS / 1 1 . 115111:1RCH, PA. A t " :iittui:Phyorasii ordering from othere Van dusd Pri I=lt e doweil to write their order!' &Mali n !, Dr.• prepared by Fir , ' P . 4' AU Za_thoss wishing to Km thew I to --- . 7 part Of alla=" 1 1 0 1 , ElaaAbr . iwelre three-err ::reatalfage for fo fram Osamde must De P. bf 00.40 ‘ . , 111 440,,,D0 1 10B•lad Chau:try Store Emig" ; • fftAl4 EMU lOC S 1. 1. : •; L 0 WI A. aapir4ne4 presents to the etks • V) `-4 • : 8 DOWLING' 'SYRUP R -'CHILDREN TEETHING, 'a;• Y poetess of teetbiog, by oofteniog the go!ot, + e ra iN &ay ALL PAIN and spared 4, retie, -' , 4IURE TO REGULATE THE BOWELS. INisid spa. it, mothers,lt.i ri Rive root te; yoreehe., `nd REUEF ANO t HEATH . •TO YOUR INFANTS. Wela 't4t_ weid..sphi 4111 i Article ara tee yam, and 'S AT, NMW4CE AND TRUTH of it whet we &ever beten iibletOoloy of sory other-peel —NEVER. H . AS IT FAII.EII4 tiPIGLE .INSTI.NUF.,. TO Cl/7X, whm tim e''o4 aid r oTh rr Lastaoca of . Alsooteehteltico briny OW e tt..",44n the ecaleary , .11 are delig Mod wet!. de opetattoeN 1 . , 141110:Iteif eoentootilisticot of 'to wiestaal streets end medical Ns'e f ia g .k.k. this =um" WHAT WE Do ;mow • AND PLEDGE OUR . tarn:marrow FOR Till . OP, WHAT HERE s ISKILARIL la *how 017_6 -ho..ttoorkotoot b ...Redo. Max i m& awl otheastkaosh ,. " ^ f•lois& in fifteen or tweety oolooleo fito syrup le tottnioiosemt..., . .r . # 41,0184,11, Pretwrittiws is the preowtollea of gam of die now L. PLEYENCED nod SKILLFUL' NURSES lo 1.1. w E.411120.1k" - ;pirfll. WIWZR reaueta.soomss in .. THOUSANDS.. OF CASES. Aiiirraoly relieves the Wild -fit= Pato, bat . invigorate, tb Loma* eattlity, and gives tore aed enere_ .3.Wlit wilt almost hate:ally natooo GRIPING IN Tel. L AIOND POLIO, eed owstecenis ocieeelsietie• "ilikb• ant yVT ttrtieetiod end in death. We believe it the BEST ariPSDF,,, ilk g.. tL Der J* THE WORLD,., em DYSENTER,Ir I,l ‘ CHILDREN, ' , tether it swims Boos testi:um. 0! e ~dlb¢raaaae. W. , rociad'ary to eve =other whe has a ebild '4 4 4 *an• "r • • ono to—DO NOT Ler !out Noe • Ices or orifices, 'bud • 'slid oar salkirlal . 12A ' ebAll and the relief that win be " lr'eußZ -40 fo ll ow . the vs. of Ws =whew., lf . • • run 41Insetheis for Pape eras attotnpoov cad. '1961.1i.,..Lms the Uoiraiells of CURTER a PERK IN, tltthei ?itadde Wrlateg. • ?0b1 ,.. 1%_ _Drat Otte tat. t' etgh " t y. •IS Cedar Street, • ail% COATS Pit HOTTLI. I - .