of the Juvenile list; also a volume eritded New Fairy Stories for my Grandchildren'," from the German of Geo. Keil, and one entitled "Flower Pictures," fronithe Ger man of Elise Polka, both translated:by Miss S. W. Lander, of Salem. . . Mr. Scribner has also in press two new works by the late Dr. J. AleXander, that are destined to a wide circulation. The first is " Thoughts On ORPrdaching, or Contributions to Homiletics." Anything from such a man, on such a subject, must be valuable. From the specimens we have seen we can promise ministers and students a rich feast. The second is "Discourses on Faith," teeming with the glorious truths of the Gospel. The same publisher has also nearly ready two new works by the`late Dr. J. Addison Alexander. The first is "Notes on New Testament Literature and Church History." The second is "Exe getical Essays." Both of these are worthy of the learning, critical acumen, and un surpassed ability of their lamented author. THE Jaws are about erecting a magnifi cent building for a Hebrew Orphan Asylum, at an expense of from $75,000 to $lOO,OOO. The lot has been secured, and the work will be commenced forthwith. IT IS SAID that there are in this city 14,387 members of the Presbyterian, 10,036 members of the Methodist, and 9,427 mem bers of the Baptist churches. On Friday morning of last week, Capt. SILAS frOL?dES, one of the oldest and wealthiest ship-masters of this city, died at. Nast Greenwich, Rh ode Island, where he had been passing the Summer. He commenced life as a sailor before the mast, and worked, his way up till, in 1818, he was appointed to the command of the ship Remittance. The vessel was lost some two years after wards, and Captain Helmet then buili a vessel of his own, with which he made trips to New-Orleans.. He afterwards—in 1829—entered into business as a shipping merchant. In 1837 he suspended, but subsequently paid his creditors in full. He was interested-in various railroads and canals, and at the time„ of his death was worth nearly three hundred thousand dol lars. Captain Holmes was a member of the Presbyterian Church, and a liberal con tributor to its Boards, as well as to general objects of benevolence. With him the Board of Education was a great favorite.,; and the Western Theological Seminary,-in Allegheny City, has been the recipient nor his beneficence more than once. PHILADELPHIA The last Summer is without a parallel in the number and character of the rnovxmzwrs in this city; and now, tholigh the season is far advanded, there is but lit tle cessation. Factories, churches, school houses, warehouses, stores, market-houses, and dwellings, are going up everywhere.' The deniXildS businesKare ,beginning to encroach on what have been. heretofore the quiet regidencei in the lower part of the city. - There is -a sort of i general einiption of ever the town. QUiet neigh borhoods? never accused of the least life or netiiity„are suddenly iiiiiidect iiy , irmies of men with 'hods, trowels, sh * Oietii;piellkes etc., and straightway , tellings become bazaars fore the sale of 'almbrii'everything. Very many, of ;these establishments ,ere occupied by' concerns which are .entikely nTilf, or else hate been hidden in inine out °t i the way place. , The Philadelphians are to. have 'a Nzw Bitinati over 'the Bohullkill t 'at- Chestnut greet. It is to be 886 feet long, and Will consist of two cast iron seginentai arches,lof. 185 feet clear span, with a,granite 'pier feet wide. The western approach to the bridge will. be 322 feet, descending . td 'the" street at the rate of 3.7 feet in 100; The length of bridge, and approlichns will he 1;301 feet, and.the curb line,or. highest point of the roadway,' will be 48feet above low water. ' The width will 42 feet, of Which the roadway ,will will oceopy 22 feet; and the foot paths 8 'each. ,the pier and will be of solid' dressed ,stone, faced with granite. The cast iron arches will 'he formetl 4 oF7 segmental ribs' each die ribs being of a . uniform depth of 3 feet inches frowniid 4 6 end, each rib bf , lB'6'feet 14i[ig cast in 15 % sections, 'which are, strongly bolted together. The roadway will be sup ported by cast iron.plates, , curved and upon-them will be spread, six,inches-of gravel. Belgian paving will tb . e laid'oir the gravel, making the whole structure one of the, most handsome and substantial in the country. The Tihstees if the . MoNurtnittikaPtig- DEPENDICNOVSQUA* honor Of dic Atigners of the DelclaraAomf Independence, report that they haycvnot yet decided upon any particular plan, but that their general de'iiin t "embraces a structure of granite. of thirteerrsicicemsting on a base of sixty feet; .the thirteen sides to be united by an entablature; on ; which will be graven the Declaration' of Indepen dence; the whole to be surmounted by a towcr , or shaft of thirteen sidos, eackiaide containing a niche, or space for the inser tiOn,oFpanels." Ell Itensulaer Institute The'frieitaii Vitae Dr. Van liptisse liter are desirous of erecting some monu ment to his memory. They would have it not only perpetuate his. name, whieli is as " ointment poured forth r i !, but also' com memorate his labors in the gLest_eariiie of Christian nurture and training, and be ex pressive of the gratitude of our Church, for his eminent services in the promotion of her , highest interests. This they, con-. ceive cannot be worthily done in ,sculptured marble or granite. They propose . to es- tablieh And endow for this pnrpose,49 titute of learning, which shall b ear honored name, and whieh..shill,betidaiinis tered with reference to the midi hnhived to accomplish,. ,and in whicA life of love and works of mercy Shall be repeated. They would call it the. Cortland Van Rensselaer Institute. They would have it a, Christian home for the sons of our Foreign Misaion arias: They would provide in it nthrough academie training, in. Whole or in part, gratuitous as may be found practicable, for canditates for the Gospel. ministry. They would' locate it at Burlington,. New-SergeY, where Dr. Van Rensselaer' spent his , later and most laborious peals; and where he died. Such an institution will supply a want most deeply felt by all the -intelligent friends of education in our ChniSfOr the last thirty years and.by none mor . O . deeply than the . late Di. Van .11 : ensselaei lritaself. The plan has been sukinitted to sAFe of our .most.eminent 'pastoralynd • Profsisors, and has met With‘therrWalin approval. It EMI • g..< .. • For the Preebyterfien Benner: ••.# liarbeen adopted by the'Prekbytery or 'Bur lington, and the institution:' taken and their tare with special earnestness`so lemnity, a Presbytery, it'; ay be remarked, Which owes its existence fo the agency of Dr. Van Rensselaer. ThO' member* of this Presbytery pledge themselves to take a faithful and careful oversight of the rnsti tute, to see that its fundsNare economieally, expended, and that, its administration be, wise and efficient rfor, the ends of .its fain =I dation Their plan iS noVi subinitted -to '''the Church: They require for , the foundation and the siecesa.ef their,scheme a minimum of $lOO O OOO. They. ,ask prompt, general, and liberal °Co'dperation. Their argument is, First, loVe to the Blaster; whose grace first fitted and adorned, then gave, then Sus tained his honoredservant, Dr. Van. Rens selaer, in the service of our Board of Edu- Cation. - Nothing- is aimed at, nothing de sired but for the glory of hishlessed Second; love , to the brethren. " Bear one another's hurdens, and so fulfill •the law of Christ." One burden of our brethreain the foreion field has never been adequately: appreciated, or at least provided for by the Church, and that is the education Of their children. No heavier trial meets them while living and laboring, and no keener pang is felt when, dying, than arises from the thought that their sons and daughters will beleft Withoutnny 'provision fir their education :at!(1 , Christian- nurture: The at tempt is now imade to meet ! this :want by . providinga christianhome for the sons of all our Foreign Missionaries . . ' Our third argument is a grateful remem brance Vateßenaklaer. No servant of the Church, we are persuaded, ever served her 'with purer; more disinter ested fervor, and none as ever 'better ap preciatedhylhe Church' at large. TO that' Church we now appeal to fear up an' Insti tution, such as is I...ere brdicated—such as would seem best-in keeping with the benev olent aims of his whole life.. Let it be worthy of the Church, and Worthy of him whose name it will bear. , PnINOTON,h October 106, 1860: TO TRE„REV. CHESTER. I regard the plan which you have pro- . posed tomyself and others, of an Academy for the education of candidates:for the min istry and the .sons pf deceased, or absent missionarieS, as worthy of the confidence: and ciloperation of all the friends of our blessed Lord. That such an Academy should bear the name, and be a memorial' of Cortlatidte Van Rensselaer, will, I doubt not, commend , itself to every member of our Church as a singularly appropriate tribute-to that laborous, faithful, and most usefill and beloved servant, of Christ. With the blessing of God such an institution will prove a fountain of good influences for the Church and the world, for generations to • come.. Grateful to: you for the suggestion of this plan and Prayino. b that God may bless .you' in carrying it into successful execution ' I am, my dear sir, sincerly and affectionately your friend, - CHARLES HODGE. PHILADELPHIA, October 6, 1860. TO THE REV. DR. CHESTER. - The more I reflect upon the plan sugges ted the ,Other s day the better I like it. Cortlandt Van Renaselaer`could have no_ memorial more fitting than an Institutictn, devoted to the camel= of' young, men— With some special reference to the Christian ministry. If such an Institution can be es tablished, upon a liberal basis, and. With . any thing like an adequate endowment, `I think it would be a great blessing to the Oh - 111.01;as it would certainly be an hon orable tribute to his memory. His _very name would at once give it a place in the affections of the Church, and our Seminary would help and -be helped by Affeetionately yours H. A lioautratAx.' All moneys for the Cortlanat Van -Rens selaer.lnstitute may be sent to Wm'. Main, Esq., No. 821 Chestnut Street, Philadel phia; or Wm. Rankin, Jun., Esq., corner of Reade and Centre Streets, New York. TRE'New Orleans papers say that the census of that city, one of the districts not quite completed, awl, being estimated, gives a population of 170,766. Were it not.for its climate, New Orleans, from its, position, would become one - orthe 7 largest cities in the world. . . . A MACIECIFTE that makes four hundred b trrels a,day from logs, has been. invented, and is at work at Menasha. It is called the LiVermere patent. PRESBYTERIAL NOTICES. The eit'SSBYTERT OF CLARION standsadjourned to themeet in Academia, Second Tuesday Noveintier,• at 11 o'clock A. N. D. lid`CAY,, Stated Clerk. aural NtiVs', Spaldinfa Prepared Glue. • •Housekeepers will be glad to learn that the mishaps to furniture, picture-frames, crockeri,' etc., so prevalent about May-day, can hereafter be remedied at a trifling expense, by using Spalding's Prepared Glue, This glue is put .up in a convenient bottle, and is chemically held in solution, retaining all the desirable' qualities of well-prepared - cabinet-maker:ls glib, and 'bumilid cold. A small brush accompanies -each -.bottle, : the whole costing but 26 cents, and furniabing ari ever-ready and efficient'm'atitil for i epairing all, kinds of broken household wares. It will be found exceedingly convenient for cone; and shell. work, piano -tuners, and for all purposei requiring a strong mucilage. NO housekeePer can afford to be without it.--Christian Intelligen ccr, N. Y, July 14, 1869. ADV . JIRTISENERT.I t Ira. Vanderbilt„A ;,/85 4 4.iPik Rim* acre of Dr. IrLane's,Celebrated •Liver Ping 'Being unwell, and not, knowing iThetlier )t Prlfoieded from deiengement of the liveivrinerely hysterics,: Lwas Ipersuided4o pup:skittle's box of Dr; M'Lane's Celebrated Liver Pills, prepared by Pittlifierilir and beftore had used them all, was entirely relieved. lam now enjoyiregTerfeet health, 'and theerfidlY ree mend Dr. M'Lane's Celebrated Liver Pills to all similarly afflicted. ? • New- York, March 24,1862.' ; . Purchasers *III " lie= oared io ask for Dr. ArLane's Celebrated nuOifactlired Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa., There are other Pills purporting to be. Liver Pills, now be fore the public. Dr. Wlane's genuine Liver Pills, also his Celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had at all respectable:, ilrpg stores. None genuine without the signature of , - •.. Frunis Bsoa. *feign liebas. Nzw-Yonir, Ootober 28.—The steamer Asia has arrived with Lives:ROl and London dates of Saturday the 18thtlinsc? GREA.T. , MRITAIN. • - - .The English news is quite unimportant. Heavy gales have been experienced, and the' shipping had suffered severely, Van° American vessels are reported among the disasters. . , It was reported that Queen Victoria was to be honored with a grand fate at*Coblintz on the 12th Aint„ and that the I , !rineelliteglint had in vited part of,the,.6rnarOevpreigns to be sent. • • ;ry .yrtar •• Pritne John Bourbon 'fled . agsbi *Ese4 4inufto the Spanish crown in .a,,letier.Ao',.the tolidon . Times. He affirms that, ev:revolitti9n - is imminent in ,Spain. r. • . . • ITALY.. The Sardinian, Chambers have adopted the lsw of annexation. M. Cavour made a speech; con taining a ,menace toward -Austria. France is 'dated to lave eni,'loci Oullibis with fly thou igratv.3 wv. 5, ft , • ziEzz iI. I PIZE: I BtirTERIAN tio:r . hand xiiiiskets and eleven millions 'of percussion cups It iestdiedithat the Garibaldiani-would nekal- ' tack Cantu, before the 20th of October. • - !Gitribaldi lit said to. have been'itounded at; the battle of Volturno. His total. losses at that en gagement are stated by the Paris Paine to have artioit'nted t 04,500 Men; :while that of tltißioyal ista was not so,great. - `• Among other incidents of the battle it is 're- Corietliat' at the most critical, inbnents of the .day, Garibaldi asked for one 'hundred resolute men, and _among those who ,rode ~forword with the General was Count Arrivabene, heir to one of the first Milanese families, 'and acting as cor respondent to the Daily Wits not seen afterwards,,but it ,waslioned thatlie was among' the - prisoners. A great'many; of the wounded on the field of Volturno died for the want of . atabplakteekt. ;'There'-was a cannonade under the Walls' of Copia, on the .9th, and' , the • Garibaldians gained fresh positions, Hostilities, were 'afterwards sus pended for twentY7fourhoura` to bury the dead. The cannonade' recommenced on- the 10th,` and continued till the llth. A, decree. is,published ordering a vote on' the 21st Of October by-uni versal suffrage- on the' follbwing question : Do you wish Italy 'to,b.e,indiviiibly united With Victor Emmanuel as-constitutional King and his legitimate descendants:-, ; statement that_ Prussia ,and Rusiia have issued p"rotes " ts against the policy, iden tical with. that, of Austria,•iii denied, but, is never theless adhered to by some authoritlea. • The Paris correspondent _ of the London .Herald alludes to. the probability of a Congress an the affairs of Italy. In the Sardinian Chamber. of ,Deputies, thaorder' the day„propoSed by the Committee, rendered homagalta'Garitialdi; unanimously expressed their approval of .project, turd the law for the annexation was agreed to by 200 votes against _6. The vote WEIS pre ceded by a slieech from M. Cayeni,' *defending his policy. He urged union, and said he desired Rome-tor the capital of Italy; and uttered - a menace against. Venetia: • . The. Roman Jeurnal . announces that tha:sum contributed by:the faithful to the Holy „ See, was 1,600,000 crowns, and that, it hattheen.expended. Victor panmennel entered the Neapolitan town 'of 'Giulanueva::aMid great inihneiasm. had refused to leave .Naples. The diplomatists at, Gaeta had protested against,the decree rela tive to Milaur. AlUthe ambassadors Signed the protest: ” Thelvhple Venetiav_ shares were being armed and:connected with an electric battery. The election-iote will be taken in Sicily , on the 21st. The RUssian ambassador will demand passports if .no attention is paid to the, itus e sian and Prusiian protests. - - FRANCE. French troops were embarking as rapidly as possible at Toulon, for Borne, and 'a report was current that a third dirisiori•Waste The Minister of the Interior had ; issued -a notice forbidding any subscriptions for a sword of htmor to be presented to Vanforiciere. • The Paris flour market was firm and wheat was again rather dearer. It was an adthitted fact-that the wheat crop was, as regards quantity, much better than expected. ,V The.iron masters ,. of France were, much , dissat isfied with the reduction of _duties ,onmetals. The'Bourse was dull and "lower - Routes -clos ed Ott the 9th at 68.80. ' ' ' The Paritt Moniteur, says that affairs in Syria have entered a new phase. tuition will now succeed moral. influence. • The monthly returns of the , Bank of France show a decrease' in the cash on hand of ninety-one millions of francs, and: an - increase in the bills discounted of nearly twenty-one mil . AUSTIUA agserted that ,a movement of troops was proceeding on a vast scale in. Austria. Heavy truins, : full; of soldiers - and ;war Material, were forwarded by night. There was: a„gretit concen tration of troops in Venetia. ' „ The accounts from Hungary continue threat ening. The excitement was extending. Some r of the German papers insinuate that Baron Mensdorff had gone to Coburg for- the 'purpose of negotiating _with Lod;John Russell_ the cession, to England of a import in the Adriatic. - The Allied - troops reached Peiho on August Ist They found the Northern and Southern forts evacuated. ' They attacked the Tartar ,camp.on the 12th and were opiosite. the Takua forts when the mail left. The rebels had attacked Shanghai and`were repulied. AU trade was stopped.- The Swiss troops had mutinied at . &mulatto& Nine were killed and thirty-five subseqUently hanged. A similar.rising has been discovered in. Jam toiliiiti:4'4l - - - -ii! .-, : . -.1..ii Pittsburgh Market. TUESDAY, Octotier SQ, 181;10 . .. APPLES-1.12 1 A®51.75 bbl: ASHES--Soda Ash, .8@3y,,c.; Pots, '4 1 . 1,04- 3 / 4 c.;• Pearl's, 6X053..4. The stock in first hands is ample for all ordinary purposes. BACON—Shoulders, 914 c.; Bides, illAo.; Plain Hams, 11.5.:412e.; Sugar Cured dn., 1501534c.* 15., • BEANS—SmaII White, 60@65c., and York State, 136a90c. Per bushel. BROOMS--Common, V 2.00; fancy, 2.7555*. • ~ 1 • 12%@13c. lb.' • • CHEESE.-- - Western Reserve,lo@l.o34c CORN KBAL-7Jorn 4 st heads, - 64,020.; from store, 66470 c. ' • - • SOUS-111(412c. per doz. FLOUR—Super., $5.00(818.10; Rxtra, 6.4015.50; Extra Family, T 6.75, 5.8005.85 ; Fancy, 96.25. GRAIN—Corn: from store, 45c. - tor New.. Oats, from store, 27028 c. • GROCER'S •SCillfee : Good Rio; 16 1 4416 c. Sugar, 9 09 1 4 p. for fair to prime. Molasses, 46®c. • HAY--$9.00010.00 Si ton, nt scales. HIDES AND LEATHER=— Green beef bides, 606 7 ,4 c.; green salted hides, 7%c.; . dry flint, 16016 3 Ac. Rough country leather ie doll'at'Ah7o97c. Drestied leather is quoted, as fol lows : Red Spanish Sole 'ft Th., 21025 c.: 'Slaughter Sole Ts Ih., 26®29c.; Upper Leather, sa dozen, $330)38; Bridle Leather, dozen, $40045; Skirting Leather 11A 82034; Harness, VON. •• OIL—No. 1 Laid Oil, 95i97c.; Lubricating, 5:5a00c.; Lin seed, 0549 c. SALTNo. I, $1.12. , SERDS—Clcrver, $5.00. Timothy, 82.10(42.25. Flax, $1.2001. 2 5. ` • • STEARINE-10)4 per tierce. TALLOW—Rough, 7c.; Country rendered, 9%®10c. . ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. • - BEEVES--:Theollferings driring the Wftk =minted to 2,710 head, of which 1,357 were sold et. prices ranging from 1 1 A to We.. gross." The baltuwe were sent East. ' BBEEP—The. offeriegkamorintedlo 2,684 - had 2 of which 911 were sold • it'afikay s e. cwt. gruel, or aixkia.so 712 head. Balance sent Bast. HOoB=-1694 head were offered, of which 527 were , sold at 5}405,i0. 72 lb, groom. Balance se4Baat. " ?,-;t: - f.,` , - - :i•; , ! , -C'. c.. s ..., •-• , . . -"• ..... 4 6' •,- . BEIS .LECTIIILE.--J. B. FINLEY D.D of Kittanning, .Pa.., will deliver a Layinee in, - "tionith* Presbyterian efinreh, Penn; Street,. Citsiii.lifiAlvittino%) ;on next Sabbath evening; at Subject—Calvin alid his Times. Seats free. , - . !IRS. WINSLOW, an experienced. Nurse and Fen : isle Physician, ,haS ,a Soothing Syrup , for qhildren teething, which greatly facilltatesthe process of teething, by poitenir . ig the gums, reducing all inflammation—Will allay all paisi , .and regulate the :towels: Depend upon It, mothers, it will giVei:eit to yourselves and relief and health to your in ut*: ;Perfectly cafe in all cases. See advertisement. uty26-ly . , ne t .t NI - ‘a . f . ' t By L Srownson,,o.D.,.Atr..,ruAiA,Sll4.o l ' ONO .ounnty, Nies Suzann* A. Seca, :of Waddigton County, Pa. • . • . • • -... . At. Shade Gap. Huntingdon Dimity', Pk., byllev.li. Yan• Artsdalen; on Thursday, October lltb, JAMES Hale, or Concord, Franklin. County., to Miss Rmisces ,TANEAIic- ClLuaz,pf Doyleeburg, of - the enmo county. ' Octo . ber.lBth, - by Rev. 'A. Williams, D. 1)., 'Wttiitti Rsits to Mies SARAN ANN SHANK% of rianklin Towußhip, Allethimy County, Pa. . • October 11th, by Rev. A. Donaldstri,imdsted , by Jtes...l, TAder;Prol. S. Juosos es.tioes.u); to Miss S.M. Musts;.9f...Bldersridse, Wisps ounty; ?s. • f.`.k vAt. . • [lonrooNormENTß, Glatrie; AidiTnortAmicitse, Ira . . 0111NT8,11.7.417".k11VC WORM!, IIZINCI A LINEA, • T•ilfr DIED-Near Burnt Cahill!' I, FUltaXlPtuitlAff, 1.04-11 BROWN, in the 65th year of her age. ' ••• DIED- , -At East Liberty, on Thnradajteveiritnig, aspluember 27th,1660, Sirs. JANE ISAJ3EL, wife ,of ;anis, P. Sterrett, Esq., of Pittsburgh, Pa., aged 34 • ' ' By thia event, the tender ties which bind a wife and mother to her,family, have been severed ere she had arrived at " life's meridian height." ' For - the duties connected with these relations, she was eminently fitted: She' polbesseil a cultivated mind, graceful manners, aud, an attractive person. Discreetness, dignity, and energy, are beMitithlly blended Vsitli a peculinfirympathy and feminine .tenderness. Added fq thew qualltiss of lovellnces vas. faith in the Di ins, to Vvhouishe bad devoted herself In early life. - That Issithi and the evieet'lliete it inepires, gave her power to cen template• calmly the separation from ber husband and ,ebil dren, and to anticipate joyfully the glories of the future Her health had been daclining for more than a year. , With alternations of hope and fear, her friends eaw her gradually fading away. She realized this perhaps more trnly than they; hut hartrust in Goa madelier willing to leave piill3Bl.lo,Wlth him. She felt that ho was wise, and jtuit, and kind, end,ll her Wiirk 'on leatth'inia &ale, 'she wee ready to go to her hig,kat l home. Nothing was lacking which medical skill and UM MM:MINMEMI , 0 ''ll,ellN - 0 • B'ANNEV"SATURI/A 71 0 CT, EA zt 60 - . , atuldstia and tender.care could do, to te-invigoiste her fail ing baildh, but nlk Nrae ineffectual. . . Four little children are, by this sad berearomett kit Witts cat a mother's care. Tier prayers haioi ascended to the throne of grace for them, aid we trust the . Lord' will answer thOtie prayers id bringing them'into the kingdom of hie grace. .liar beautiful life on earth has ceipied, and we shall pee her face no more; but the better Itgbt of an immortal dawned upon, her, and she beckons these who loved to follow in tie straight and narrow way which leads tiigiory and toGod. • ' fix: DIED-LOntober 7th, 1860, in Omaha City, N. T, REBECCA SMILEY, egad 64 years: In early life abe united, with the Presbyterian! church :of Uppei Buffalo, Pa. ? then under the pastoral :care..of het' father; Dr. John Andersen. Having epent over three yearn in Nebraeka, and having Patiently Wine a protracted illness of several naonthS, at last" tile wheel at the cistern" stood still; and she" fell asleep In Jesa/c". ye also ready."- • • A.S.B. 11111 , DIAD—At the'•rreldence of hie tether, iniltrown County, Kamm Territory, EDWIN E. SHIELDS, In the 26th year of hie age. • aigbteen; Mr. • Shields bad united with the church in Bowling Green, Ky, and to his death maintained -a most con sistent Christian life. Toward the close of life ho suffered greatly, but sustaining grace wesvoilyrn , 'Welt enahled, to relelce'even in tile *tans and surittgs. *Thileav'es a young and Mciit esthmilila widow, with; large cholla of friends both . In - Kansas and Kentucky, whos,:theugh" they mourn the sem ration. on earth, are greatti . ealstibiteiVin hie iiseetut, and hopeful death. • : 44 .; • THIS -VIEWS ADVERTISEMENTS., DR. RICE'S LECTURES ON SLA... VERY: A,fresh supply just received at RENTOI7LI3, No. 20 • St. Clair Street, Pittaburgh; Price per dozen, $2.00; single c9py, 25c.. Mailed free on receipt of 2.56 per. opy. • nov&at.' • LU A BOWES .JU33T IN PORTED FROM .BRITAJA The Scottieh Pulpit, 5 vole. clOth V i a Me 811111* Yob.' calf, . . • Gelfrago's Sacramental Addressee, 12.01C(mensikikee.). Cjelbertion:sa t ecturesprciteTolaticlie.,,,,,W.„,.„ -fnlosrlferhi's" ' 4 "" Ilannam'a.Ralpit Assishlll.4 4 volif.etar • " Life of Alexander ReiedirsoS. B Ay 11240. Grey's (Andrew, of Gletrgorpil ,ter5e55e..4155.00,.. . `'The Conversion of the Jews.- Lectures on. __ The Church "of St. Patrick, or . Mailed free.): • - rc s••• •••• • r WhitsGeeill ,26d..t (Mailed reeol 6 , ) - Ptah' Menlo Pe`etiNiay.tilleaven. 756:, Brooks' Ark for' tios, • . • , Acts of ,the General Aseausbly of the Church of.SeotLad r from ).(13S to 1812. ,1208'pakes, Royal ' ; • • Dillespie's (130.) Whole Works. 2 vols., Royal Svo. &a _ . &c: .11111i 1 : OatieleipediikeSt . free. WY . S. RENTOUL, • • DO‘R-It 7 •• ,l'ici..;o,4 * Clair'Street, Pittsburgh, Btß tekli - REPERTORY . Aid) PRINCETON ENVIT;W,, for OCTOBER, out, and iumuiruit ibe following' articles : • I.ThoLoglcal Relations of Religion and Natural Science.. .. 11. The Lew, of Spiritual Growth. , ' • Horace.BLnney.'s Pamphlets. . IV. Reason and Paith. • V. Napoleon 111. and the Papacy. VI. Theory of the Eldership. (Concluded. ) Short Notices. .. • • • The Biblical Repertory and rririceton Review is pdilid by the Rev. Charles Hodge, ft.H, and is published quarterly, in 'January, April; 'July, and Octobir, 'at • three dollars per annum. . 1. Subscribers for one copy, who remit three dollars in ad vance; to the office of publication, Will be entitled to payment postage- on all numbeki batted 'after I.he receipt of the money. 2. Subscribers who remit live 'dollars in advance, to the office of publication; Will, be entitled to one copy for two years, postage paid. . • 3. Six or more persons tmitingin a club, and remitting in one own to the office of publication, at the rate ot two dollars and fifty cents each, will be entitled to payment of postage on the numbers issued after the receipt of the: money. Pay- Ment at club-rate will not be received from a less number than . six subscribers in one. association. If payment is de layed by members of a • club until after the expinition of • the year, the full price of three dollars will invariably be 'char. • 4eological Students, Missionaries, ' Young Men's Cbris !Man Associations, &a, am furnished with the Review at two dollars per year; or E 226 by mail s postage paid. • 5. All arreainges are charged at three dollars per year. The above are the only terms upon which the Review is furnished to subscribers. Subscribers and Prestryterlal Agents are requested to remit by check or draft; to order of • PETER 'WALKER, 821' Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. ' • *OWhares check cannot be gotoonverdently,iinoney may be sent by mail; in a registered letter, at our risk. • 1y23-Ite3m , . • .4 • .• -••• .1 • .2 Fifth Street; Pit; ' FOUNDED Incorporated by the . Leglitabire. . EARLY SIX THOUSAND STU- N . .dente, from nearly every. 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" DUNCAN'S GEMS of Business and Ornamental Penman ship, crown quarto; $5, poet-paid from the College. Addresi ' ' P. DOPY &' SONS; PiinCtials. sir Buy your Scholarships in the city, where the College is beat known. nova-lm pus LICATIONS _OF , THE Presbyteiian Board of 'Publication, SINCE OCTOBER IST THE. ROCK OP AGES ;- OR; SCRIPTURE TaoTrmoriT TO Tili ONE ETERNAL GODHEAD Or THE FATHER AND OP THE SON Aid OP. TEE HOLT °Hoar. By Edward Henry Ble.kersteth; M.A4 Incumbent of Christ Church, Hampstead. A. new. and re vised Kdition. live pp. 182, bound in bevelled boards. Price 60 cents , postage 15. cents. To clergymen 69 cents. net. This is one of the most beautify] ancLimportsint bookievcr published by tbo Board: It is 'an exact'reprint'of the Lan don Tract Society's edition, which had the author's revision. The paper, print, and binding are as attractive to the eye, as .the contents aro to the heart of the belieVer. No work on this all-important subject can be more safely puteinto the hands 7 iif awitiguirer or r ti doribtar, And-the confirmed - be liever wilLbe pleased to see what a+Soixi.ofliglifielm!iired on the doctrine of the Divinity ,of -his Saviour by this pious and judicious appeal to 'the sacred source orught, the Word of WORK AND CONFLICTI'Ore, THE rts Pnooassik A ]look of Pacts ,-and Itisteries; • Er the Rey, ' John Kennedy, MA.,..P.R.G.5., author , of 0 The,Dsklne Life. 0: 12m, pp: 896; Price 65 eentti, postag e 16 center TO clergy men.. 68 cents , postage paid. - • • • •- This is a work of more than ordinary interest. Its leading idea is well expressed in - the -opening words of the devout.- Leighton, in-his commentary on Peter :—The grace of God in the heart of- man is a; tender plant in.a strange; unkindly - soil, . and therefore cannot well prosper and grow without much care and pains, and that of a . skillful band." - Every step of 'theprogress in thig" Work and Conflict" is illustra ted and enforce-dby the eiminiile of holy men. . . , . BLESSINGS IN. DISGUISE Bistro A SEQUEL Tot " Tem . VALLEY. OP Amin." By the. Bev. S.'B: Bheildan. • 18mo., pp. 186. - Price 25 and 30 cents, postage 5 cents. • GRANDMADIMA., WISE; or, Viarra ,TO Rosa. Corraoi. 18mti., pp. 192. .Ptice 30 and 35 cents, postage 7 cents. • With three'beautifnlly colored eograinnga.. TELE 'I4OOTRINE OF RLECTIPPU NEITIERR. DEROI24r TORY TO GOD NOR DISCOURAGING, TO MAN::, By lleary A.llloardmani D.D. 18nlol, 80." . . Trim' IV:cents; pot; • . ~ ... . . . . . .firifor foil°, in Pittsburgh .at. Abe .Prosbytorian Book ROOM; St. Clair Strpet... JOSEPH P. ENGLES, • ' ''' '- Piibliobiss Airont, . , .. •,l'ob2l-tf • ' ' -NO. 84i'Mestiiiit Street, Philadelphia.- . W. ALEXANDER, D.D. • ORTY YEARS' FAMILIAR LETTERS. 0 .•• REV. JAMES W.' ALEXANDER, DD.,. COICSTITIITING,• WITH . THE NOTES; k Edited by•the,Rov. John Hall, D.D. 2 volf i .l2nlo. ; With , Poitraite. Piitis4BAo. • ' . Prom the Prindotyßeview. These letters, extending over so long . a period .; Constitute not only a history of Ids inncilife, hiSt a history. of big times- Rs vfetVed , from his position.Therels scarcely an iinportaiit event in Church or State—seircelY a noticeable production of therifress which is not the subject of remarry: Ifehtliction, Ida scholarly a ttai n ents,, his zeal, for • truth and inligion, his sound Judgment SO Twin feelings,, as here manifested, give not only au exeltod'opiniori of the writer, but add a hurting value to this publicition as a record of per sonal, ecelesiasticid, and literary. history. , • . I. Prom the Christian Review (Baptist:)' • . . *tiorrisiimnderice begun In boytimit and continued for forty years, is ono of the rarest occurrences. The constancy. and congeniality required for it arenot the gifts 'of ordinary mortals.- The letters are destined to.boNyidely read, and must awaken -Mimed for the indust 7, honesty, and attainments of 'the author.. . Prom the American Theological Review The volumes are . decidedly Interesting, often ppicy.- The record of such a MAWS - readings, experience, oputione r and life--ereeektoo by his own hand in's familiar manner to .a -confiding friend ,- a nd covering forty conseentive years-could not be otheiwiae. ;Yew men would appear to so good advan tage, we apprehend, if placed before the public in similar circumstances. ,There ;.wen ; -no•ffiry, or. bitterness, or big, otry In his spirit..) Illarvhole heart : l+min hiir Master's work. iPx • .1' 'BY. SANE AUTHOR. sl3 l i^ b›;; , ..) 9 A - Consolation -in Discourses on Select Topics Addressed to the Suffering People 'of God. In 1 vol., 12mo. • - We have noeseena book that we can tioine4illy rem . Mend to the children of sorrow' than this. , to thing all the consolitorY teachinge of God's Word to is'Potnt; 'arid • no matter 'what may be the form, of, calamltyunder which the Christian ninny find ''smixethiog• hen) to soothe fits wbunded eDirit. It %pa work foithe bead as well as for the hinit ; .4 work to boltudied and digested and Manuel:el* read; and they who are 'mast -initruded by If will' be 'moot 'comforted eleb. Dr. Alexander his 'rendered niuch4o9d'eer, vice to the cause of truth and piety; but we doubt whether he bee ever done any thing which will procbre for him the gratitude.of so 'many hearts as the Betiding foittle-Al this,vol umerParitan and 'Recorder, 130001. • A 'New. isiid Cheap Edition of . • .. • .•• Discourses on Common Topics ofChristian Fiiith - ind Practice: 1 vol., 12mo. $1.26. They are strong In doctiine, simple and yet beautilialli earnest and impressive in manner; and they carry a Mini of thought, anda style of reasoning and suggestion, fitted to thli highest range, of pulpit labor.—Chngregationaiire.• • . ,•,'Prceerring..tlnr.freahnesa, heartiness, and unction of his , thoughts, the author expresses themin a style of much clam. sic beauty end vigor,—these discourses are rich in evangelical matter, various in topie;Lisid - rePlete with passages of uncom mon elcegierice and ree..—Ohtistiali Intelligencer. , . • IN PRESS. , TO NEW WORKS BYS44 AfE4T/THOR. I. THOUGHTS ON JPREAOlitilial„Ola, Oowaamuxses,s to VOL . ' 121710. • 11. DISCOURSES. ON'FAITE: s e •thiplee sent by Mani poet-paid, on receipt of price. ' CHARLES SORTBNER; ;121 Grand atria, Eim-York:' j nov3-2t OLLOWAY 9 g, PILLS eagrk.onirr 111 Ito& trine thlit /jubilee and 'darbonits Mt, Iron were the °slimes* dies for tic doloureux and nervous disordere, le Dom's:minded. gllopay's Ointmerkt will procure the speediest alleviation of a, and a flii• applications suffice for a permanent cure. ensandiOfhto tiye. experienced a radical 'benefit from its use are prepared to vouch for the correctness of We elate- ./3kdd by all Drogglsta,•at 25c., 62c. and t4.pot bacfor novn-lt . ..;.. SEWING MACS - INES. .The, s k .STYL, ONLY $86.00, mill Si or LOCH STITCH, iihieh is approved for ii i a a t iA(ssa z a ll . roulleLforvery many. varieciseris the onlract- A nom ii • 03r.0f both RfUllity and Man utantaring Machines Jest 7iirlapENTS WANTED. i • eirculai A - Addieas - HENRY M. RHOADS, Agent; ratutO-ly •• Federal Sense, Alloghanyqty. • . • • ..,. . MISCELLANEOUS. i • 1.40. "—I 1. THWEEIiIIBERS , O,F) - THE :PRES iiwit) ;,slo4,Ri t tN.Zr oo Nl mi A ,Ta L t A e ti t. ?l c ClATlC: i i a a m a n d i tgi i r r Yost ifirti *m addiees to me at &Amite,- M a sso ne :in, and I will for ward thinn seine information of intermit regarding a location, ingrdWerbi.' • Wt. P. SIONTGOMERY, , " aepl-.2m , : ..L4Fympon,xansio. • • • EST.2Y pz bi 191 1 • 'in .3 • : . BELLS. The, an citheiebave constantly.tor 0.1411111.111 f BELL'S: sortMent Of Church; • Fietory, 'Steamboat; :fieltenho BELLS..tAve,: Plontatien, .Sclicool-house;., and . other- - Belle BELLS. mounted in the most approved an&durable manner: BELLS. Fore full paiticulan as to manj . ,rocent 'improve: BELLS: manta, warrantee, diameter of Bells, space occupied BELLS.' in Tower, . rites. of transportation, &c., send 'fee .BELLS. Circular. Belle -for the South delivered in New BELLS. York. Addpitia . . •' ' , A. M.B.NBELre. SONSi.Agen* • anyl6-e ow -tf . West Troy, FilvirlPrigv.., A 4 , : .P° I K• T° :MAKE' HQ ' ' • D.' APPLETON o& 'CO: 445.Broadvitiy,11. Y.; 'HAVE JUST PUBUSHICD: The Housekeeper's Encyclopaedia. COOKERY, - AND ALL Vritka' BRARiaIiES Oly DO . ME S T . O.ICO M Y °containing tho Mat Scientific and Rellablo.Rules. aver made public for putting_ up all kinds of Hermetically-sesled .Fratts; . .iiith' or without :sugar, in tin cans or common bot ties.;,.. also, Rules,for, Preserving :Fruits ,In American. and French styles; with tried Receipts for making Domestic Ninee Catnaps, Syrupti, Cordial% tic.; :and Pfactical: Direc .tions:fortho Cultivation of Vegetables , Fruits, and . Flowers •DestriMtion of Iniects;•&o:,"&e. • • ' ' '2, BY MSS. E. B. HASKELL 12Mo • ..:Cloth • This is not merely a Cook Book.' It is a Compendium:of Ithusehold Knowledge,. which, if studied, and its teaching* 'followed; will'save many anxious hours and' weary steps to every housekeeper.. It is practicallylnstructive .upon every branch of 'Household Economy. It is of °spacial value to .the ineiperienced--to the young wife, just •entering into a 'home of her own, to whom it will save the mortification and disappointment of those many little failures that without such a guide are Inevitable. It is not too much, to say that every, home In *lnch this book is found will be much the happier for It; every meal in that home better, ehoeen• and,better prepared; every . house. , iiiinld'duiy lighter and better attended to; and that 'neva -rieace, 'or Mien a general want skill, need teiver beim:mum of failure.. The most ritinuto directions are giventiponevnry' atibj?nt.• ' . • Mrs. Ifaekell herself ie an experienced housekeeper arid' every rule that the lays down has been over and over ;wain' 'tested by li • erself;arid'proved to be good. She doCs does not, -therefore, give any more theories. ewhooks, even upon the :onabranchofcookery,possess this advantage—as they are Madly Mere' Colfectfonsi of. recipee gathered 'in aVery Atm, and strung together without any positive knowledge of 'their arnientnein or excellence. • Analysis at the Col:tants : Pasl.l • contains ei ht chapters, Including advice to young hoissekeepers upon selecting and furnishing a house; system and ilkamtagement.pf l'ervarits; ..economy of cheerfulness;. lethietnY - oreisoking' well, arid edonorny 'in smell Metterd; 7Nitshingoto.; entertainments of azimpany,and carving.;, •.; In the general instructions to the family;the_young bus -band is not forgotten, and his. part In assisting.' the. yoring. , Nelfe to form herself into a finished housekeeper, Is clearly PART IL treats of nutrition, , olements of food, and mar: keting. PART lII.—Of general cookery-Leoups , fish. meats, pont try, vegetables; how. to cook, store for Whiter; and. hermeti-: 'catty seal them; puddings and dinner deserts, pastry and, ,pies,' yeast; .bread . and • biscuit. This last 'chapter is - one:of great importance; the rules are as perfect a! 1s possible,, and wi l l hien= gbod bread of all kinds, cakes, confectionary, tel 4! , and coffee. The chapter on Coffee wroi, prepared with great care froth experience, and if followed, w ill, insure to the :coffee. the: is perfect. : PAULI IV.: contains.fivo chapters upon briukfast dishes;: 'hashes, eggs—to select, to preserve for the family ardmiiiret," :cook, &a; econorrty.ln.dishesishowinghow to use the'oddstiiid ends; cold dinners, and lunches. • . : PAR.? Nr. contains aix 'chanters, giving directions for gath ering and preservlpg apples for market ,and the family ; also, ..to hermetically neat, preserve with .sugar, make cider, dry, :and' cook them. To select and preserve, dry, cook, and 'her metically seal peaches, pears, plums, cherries, email and West 'lndia fruits. .- •This part contains , the Pirst.Scrientlyte Directions made publie in this. Cbuntry, for Hermeticallyfie.a/ing Fruits 'adithoat Ilakkell has:put fruits in this fmannerfor tbe„lxtst elg,ht yearp, with gOod ,suceess, and ban - ig,lne:ed this art to scientific rules; so that, any,,parion can with ease preserve their own fruits. - • .• • •• Warr P. contains' four chapters upon making domestic Wines; heirs, fridt,:branilles and vinegars, cordials 'tind ex .lltractit.: •. • ' PART VIL contains foir chapters of directions for making catnaps,' teilidaVtlaioreilliinegars, pickier, and mangoes. • • Pear VIII. - Fire chaptefs on . gardening; kitchen, fruit, and flower 'garden; hot-beds and insects. . PART IX.—Two chapters. Curing meats, milk, cheese, and butter.• • • Pent , 3:"--Four chapters on the 'sick roUm—w be. retriedies, treatment of infanta, Cookery for the• Sick. • PARRS XL and XII. are miscellaneous and general. sa - .. This boakmlll be sent', free of postage to any part of the Milted States au the receipt'of $1.2.5. s NOTICE TO' FAVE.IIIERS. ' ' CYDER MILLS—The aharaiOn Keystone and. ,Baciceye Combinedlfill and Pries, at the Seed Store, 47-Hilth Strnet, Pittebmsh. , , J. WARDROP. • . cietll4o • - NOTICE TOFRUIT GROWERS. l'artletiihtendlng to plant 14eeathie Pill; ire resOeCtfully Invited to.:exemine tho Nursery of T. L. „SHIELDS & CO., Sewickley. Their stock contains over two hundred and fifty thousand Fruit and Ornamental TAWS of carious sizes, all in the most healthy. and vigorous condition. .There are several thousand extra large trees; of Apple, Pear, Plum, 'and Cherry, Snir year old, well cut back. •Arip- Catalogues can be bad and orders left at the SEED STORE,ATtNitth Street, Pittsburgh.' .7.VADDROP. 001340 • TLIThE,SR' L L A. 13, .E , 143 60 . . LITTIJE:42II,IIfriBLA.No. , II.2Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pe..„ Wholesale Grocers and Omintission Merchants, Dealers in Flour, "'Bacon; Cheese, Fish, 011ai Produce Iron' ' NUM, Glass; Colton.Yurne,'. and ,Pittsburgh manufactured articles generally, • • We respectfidly in site the attention' of mertlinnin visiting this city to, our largecand carefully, selected assortntent ot which we 'Offer for sale on the most favoinble terms. gl ii tlCnlitr, and prompt attention paid to filling orders. CALLENSBURG 'pfSTITUTEI• The next erasion °Ueda Institution, 'Whichi:designed for DIALER AND FEMALES; will -be open.d . on MONDAY, November 6th, under the care of id: M. FOSTER, **mike cipal, ancl Mies M. 4. ROBINSON; Assisiant, and - Tmaer ..•. • TERMS : • • • . , Latin and Greek, per Session of five months.4o.oo. • Msthemnifce Sdences. - English Brandies: • - •" ' -• • USiC,al.l,Eof,.l9!"o /6.99 v :, " Bonniing. tor 'thither infoimaibeil, iriighire of .116 v: Dl'M'OAT,Trisklent of.TrusteB4.oalliinsba-Olarlon ICR o W 4141414 00QDS. STORE.: •• • . - .3 1 1j!eM.: m o ELßOty.t . . fr-.. .• mitompd : reepeeigully . . ,Nyite Ins friends and a ,ftr,Gaeids !IVOR', to ,glveliim a Cell 14tW STOIIE, Owner et Bmltbleld - TlRlK•fitreetei _ • -Wharf he ;slip. ollor„thera isms very ..cheap, desirable A Irov a ?f i g etii it te :BIEMBEH.. OF • ' tbit P dad eita" stron as TSACILIiR.An4e gilitikli,partmeiAtAsTemide Attmlnary. Allay immedPAteln althlg terms, to g. M. 8," . ocar.st • Port:Royal:Audio. Clowrit." 0 P `it.`E`B S, • or J. B.,IJITINCOI7I I , & (10.0 PHILADELIPHIXL •' . . . SCIENCE_ A"WITN ESS:' FOR) THE :BIBLE.. PENDtEI.43i4Ii.D., 12mo. One Dollar. • *.< * read itirith.deep,iiiterdat and holier/that it will contribUteriot Slitfrito tht defence of the 13Ible against the Intldelii of our ''.*. .* Maria. Well worthy the perusal of evCry Bwton, Yost. CoMniencithia jai:Wiens work ti . 3ll.M'atten-• . ton of tilomi who, wonKactmaint themsolveawith the present. position of_ibe dijimuision that l is always ,going on between. si.Aartific Men and tliti'adiViiiiies Of- literaliisteipititation r of the Plible.--The Press.. , ,i; We commend the work to general study as themoat recent and the moat complete diMilidtooPearriltilitiltrtluit can now be secured.—Episeopai,../tepardef,. • . . . • • ~. 4or :143 ; i 4 Xlicyclopzdia i of, ?Religious! Knowledge ; 01. 31 Of orfotiviy of fIiRoToOT,I:RELSOIOI7B HIItIRIO=asTIORIL• HISTORY, • ContaltdigDefinitioue of all one • Tirinii,'an iMrsarilel AcoottnCor tlWi'.ptineipal Christian DenonaMatlone that Jitive exiated ii therworld' from 'of °brief to the rireeent day s wf„th their Doetrines,ilWigionsiltitim anek Ceremeniee, as .well as those or the Jews, goliiimmedans and - ,#eatlien Nittione‘` , t • • , , • r Together with the llfanngs and, the • Cyttorns. of the,East, illustrative' of thellolY BeriptUres: add It *delcilptibn of the koadrupeds, Eirds, sßlalea, Itept/les, Insects,- Trees, , Plants, and Binerals• mentioned lathe Bible; a statement of the most:remarkable translations .andleventei in EccledestiCal History, Biographical notices of the early,Martyrs, and dia tibgtusheil Itellgioui Writers and Characters of all ages. • ' • • To which to added ' . . . • A'IIISECCONARY'GAZETTIERII., ' '•••••• contaildng. deacrigtions of gip varions.llisaioniu-y Btatadms • throughout the Globe. .* Rev.' B.' B.' - .EDWARDS ' Editor of "Quarterly Observer." ' • lbw wholchronght down to' the present titne, 414141;i; hrsolng,uadeitolta alphabet, the most valuable part of, , 11. : Calmet's and Brifinee Dictioneridi of the Bible; lineVi . . • ;' Abbott'S Scriptural Natural !FlaS ‘ c j ni t t :ne viv i lie agr a nyar ki tio iy s .. ibte;., ••••••:- : rherl3lM-. ;DESIGNED AS A,COMPLV-14 3 111(11CON RiPER,ENOE ALL RELIGIOUS,SUBdSCITO:.,, 33dIte&: Dy Itev. - J. , Nzwrost Snows, -.ll.eyised.and , unsrectud to date s ,llyfifv . .,Osolunn TYLER. , '',.lllOitrated bY ;iood-culf, ialliiindinieruidilga on Copper arindoel. One vid„ royarocCdvo;• • $4.00: • •• • •• • • Jtist published by & CO, • Plnladelplda **.*For sale by booksellerslsenerally. ' : oct27-3t EMI IMEN T IF : B ov. PUBLISHED BY .7 ROBERT: CARTER. 'V.-BROTHERS, R. S. DAVIS, 93 Woolf Anderson, Rev. Joseph. Bible Light from Bible Lands, Breckinridge, Rev. Robert J., D.D. ' ...The Knowledge of Skisl,.Ohlectively Considered; being the - Arra partof Theology considered as a aelence of •Poeitivo n'uth,bottanductive and DeductiviiBvo' , 2.oo The Knowledge of .Gtl,Subjectively Considered; ling the second Part' of Theology • considered 'se a ~science of posiclys,Truttv..,,Svun. - • , rr• 2.50 Bridges, Charles, A.M. • 'On the Chrtstian Exposition of Proverbs,...",.., litpoeition of Psalm On Ecclesiastes, - Biownv..lehn, D.D. , . ; DieCoursie and Saylfis of - our Lc•vdJesuS Christ. ll ...lustratetl in it Series. of Expositions. 2 vole., Bro., •• 4.00 • Expository Lectures on the First liistlo of Peter, 2.50 Th'o Siifferiags arid Gloriee of the etelab. 8vo.:, 1.50 Analytical Commentary on,Romems. live., • - 2.50 Cabot', Professor J. L. The nity•of•Marikind,* Cairti, Rev. John. Sermons. -12m0., ••• • - - -(,•••• D'Anbigne, J. H.Werle;•,D.D. • History 'of theXeformAtion,; IS Nolo.; et u l/4 - Life of 011,Ler Cromwell, - Davies, Rev. Samuel, A.M. Sermons on .Important Subjects. 8 vols., 18mo., Tioddridge, Philip , D.D. . Tiferamily!Expositei on the New Testament. • Rojal- •.. Bvo., fine sheep, - - - -; - 8.00 Drummond, Rey. T. D. - If. • • On the Parables of Christ. Svo., Eadle, John, D.D. Pinl the 14dicher, • English Pulpit Thep • '`) Discourses .by.tttematiet eminent English Divines, . 1.50 Evidences of Chilstituaity • • 'A* &ries of•Lecturee 'delivered 'at 'the UniVerwity• of Virginia by Clergymen of theffreebyterian Church, 2.50 Goose, P. IL Life In its Lower, Intermeataxegand:Rigber Forms, 1.00 Guinness, Rev. H. Grattan.. •• Sermons. 12mo, - OnthriS,..Thoinas, •, . The Gospel In Ezekiel, - - • • • 1 ' The Saint's_Telieriteime t : The City. Its Binsnnd Sorrows, -. Ragged : Schools, - - Jamek•lLD." 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Startling Questions, - - - .60 'Rich and Poor, - - - • The Priest, the Puritan, and the Preacher, . 60 Expository Thoughts on theMeepela Mattheiv,6l.oo; • Mirk, st.oo ; Ltpte,:2 v01e:32.00f Min,: " • 1:00 flemison, F. S. '. • ~ i 4,orltJeal Commentury s on theHidirteim. Edited by . Dabney; T.D. • Bvii.;“4 • - - • 2:50 Sheepfold and Cominon;.., •' • • •, Or; The Evangelical, Rambler. Illlstrated with 16. • One Engravings. Roysll2mo':,„ - ' , - 1,2,5 Sprague, ' Rev'. W. 8., D.D. - 'Annals octlio American P,6lpit; ,or,"Commemorativa: NcithleS of - 'Distinguished' American Clergytruni of. • Varietes.Denorninations;trom:this Early Settlemen t: %% of. the,Gountry.to the close of the year 1866. With. Ilistierietil Introductions. BsWm:B SiiraguqD.D. '.••• .Vohf-L iiipklL--Congregatiptaliets, - YOII f rim slid - O :641,i1F.ANyilebopallans; • •- • it. 1 V"-r-Baptists,„„ • - - . - . 5.00 '- • - •' ” The:other volumes in .mitive preparation. Storm, Richard-0., D.D., Tho Constitirtion'of the Hainan Soul. TheolOgical Sketch:Boolii , C' • or, gitsolics. of Bonbons. From Blmeon's t ilkstqbest or, Assistant, Berison'e PULA Preecb er, Pulpit, etc. 2 vole, Bvo., cloth, : -SAO Vicars, Cap,tain - Hedley. • MemofiY , . same author t ' ••••••t' • •• t . English Hearts and,.English'Hands; or, The Railway ' • and Trenches:: Migto„ .... 7 .•-- '•-36 Vrcn. ' - liimo: - '- • *;.' A. Light for ;01 , Tim Story of ThcenisflVard. Theßace and;the Prize. -” - • 7 The Haven and the Home.- - „ I==3 THE NE - vr Eteicgars •tR • : .(otober 18.430:);-; t Outlir;erl 'of Theefogy. 'Bev. A. A. Hodge, $ 2OO The Reformed Pastor: "By the BoV:Richard Baxter; 2:00- ,tecituroe to Young Men, Delivered in London,-1860,v 1.00 My Saviour. By, the Rev. John Hut, - em* in Believing' • By; ' ' - T - • 50 The Book and Jed Story.; By the Anther of,tha,,t‘ if*. • 4 • hig • - • - - 2- b;0 Bridges' commentary on Ecaleidastes; ;I as Whellond's pen and Interpretation of.Bcriptiire .4 • : /SO `Addresses Oil O Oidlnsilion.• By the Bishop of Outdid; Loriniar!sßefornsationin Scotland., The Haven and 'Home. 'By the Author of '!.Mogllsh Letterset Happah More ,to TeoharY Dr:Onthiie''Pleas for ItagsSelloobl, - • - The Prolvinoe or Bessinii.' l, By the Me*. Johntlifiril . ,Quench not the Spirit- By the _ltev. Neamean,l4 , ll, &i v y ° The Intuitions of the Mind. 'BY Dr. Caroline Serums, the Chdethur,Wlfe.r. By Mrs. Tithigr4l Alexander's ,Hhitery of the Presbyterian . Church fis 7ltellind; : . 1. - 9 1? lAllle ; on Thesaslonians, . - .„ The Pcnier of to * Sive. By ampbeil, ': • Butler's 'natural on the Apocalypse, • ' • 1%40 Editions of ‘..1;• Mind of leeus,'Nfords of 'Jesus, an Bat fed Promisor. i ...AU In one-yolume. 24mo.,•,cloth,ised, tedgei, • r; •••• Db.' do. in blue elotb, gilt ediets • - Morning and Night Wittelide. • By &comae- mitiror2o.t. . .., • 24 m0 , red edges, • •• • Do. do in•blne cloth, .11 1 4 ,0 1101,' • ' • few of, each of the atom 'two wegint in.iittirooto mad* at 1450 min._ • . • , • • • . ?` "NEW KS - • " • .•411., • • 3 , f The Children of the N44.18.,, : * Ain! •••;- ;•.:1?, The Jewish • *-. • ....1y0,1 7 - sik Blind . Lilli as ; • _orVrellowshin 'with God, ; • -: • . 75 Days. of Old. ' :My ,the Author. of "Roth and neF • Tidends,' , • •:•.• • - •• 75 ,Trost in,Ood; .or, , Tiune„Days-in the-LiPto4.4ll 71 .:j; 25 ThißiOtliefs' Watchword': Illustrated, • - 76 gtorleiron'the'Commendalentei ., tf. • 40 .Storlea of the Oceari.Apftulding, ; 80 Mho Tigl Gag: 18W16., - - • - Bath And her Friends.'l.*Ni Tini Blind Kan's' holiday, oot2f-ill • =I AND FOR SALB"BY ; 1. '.76 - i. 50 - ...2.00 - 'LOQ -• 1.00 - 2.50 - 1.50 - - - 1.50 . • - - ~.z~ 1.00 - I'.oo MIS " MIEMBI - - 4.00 - 2.00 2.00 1.50 - - • so - LoG zko _.. linEM=l =MO - - 2.00 MEE t 'A6IIO. 014.: .t , STEUBENVUAGE . FEMME SEMI- =I The Sixty-fourth Seeelentif Wien will open on thellEST MONDAY Nt) NEXT. ; :• • . .Bev. C. O..IESSTXgriN.D.• NtiPeenteadent, , ~ Prot. 4 . 111,4tEp, d Di., PrAncipol. WM 111.11SCARoRA F LE INSTI. MTH: •• • "*, Parents. in search of a school toKjikeittliPailSere; where 'health, science, .morals, and religious tralilnir an combined, 'isill find it in:the above Institute; 'Wise mina naturally ilniioneabout the wilier. of my children, I think I know. IshatartYour wishes in regard to a schooner your daugh.; tore ; And as 0;140as-flamed Institute le just such A one, elinphy request yclu to come and examine :for, yourself, for I 'sin assured that one half day spent in the examination will be of more value than all my advertisements. I 'therefore earnestly court it, as until such a visit I can Only expect to be classed among those schools represented by the hundred in advertisements; but after each investigation ' I know I shalthe rated swanning We Bret In the land. The Institute itilyens for the Falifieselon ' NOV2MHEit ler, 1860. • TIISCARORA FEMALE 'INSTITUTE is located at Am ; iVoniff . ,Zuniata County, Pa.. The care of the Pennsylvania - Central Rallnxid stop at the Mifflin Station, whence access is,east, imdahould the Principal his notified a few days be forehand„arnsngementa will be made to meet all visitors. For Om-id:ate containing pfflase• apply person ally, or by Ottey, to • REV. W. G. E. AGNEW, Principal, Academia, Ju seta County, Pa. :—Rev. 0. W. Tnotgeson, 3 D. ,11)., J. H. - 1.00 . . IRON .0 ITN COMMERCIAiL COLS LEGX-141145:00 pays the entire cost of tuition. Minis tere' NOB ballfprice. Students enter at any time. For Cats logues,Spechnens, &c., enclose five letter stamps to my266m ' • JENKINS & 'SMITH. Pittsburgh, 44g i II ...4:1;71T1);ffi Ozio a 4 a 110-5 M • The next ierm of file elbsical "and English School will begin pit TUESDAY November eth, yo continue twenty-one weeks. 'Trice of tuition .. pbr brim, $B.OO, $B.OO. and $lO.OO, according to studies. • . Nor particulars andeatakine, apply to the Principal, oetso4o 6 s' • • •J. S. BOYD, Butler, Pa. _ p"..notE GROVE - ACADEMY 'AND : . • , • •.:BEMINAB.Y. , J. Z. AdM., Prisdpall. • • . . Tbe Wham . Torii will commence on WEDNESDAY, No venitneltb,lBllo. Terms, $45.00 per session. 0c20,3t rrUSCARORA: ACADEMY WILL .open lta Forty-ninth Seddon on theist of November , next. Instruc : Gon in .Eriglisb, •Mathematics, Latin, Greek, French, and Glimmer); leered by experienced teachers. 'Terms, $65.00 per session of five months. Parental care, thorough instruc tion, and kind treatment, is bestowed on all the pupil?. Those who cannot be properly inflrienced byadcli means are not ponnitteitto remain. For Circulars containbag.,testimo - Stale fram'parenta,pupils,_and PrAssore of Colleges, as to the system of training and its results, apply to J. H. SHUMAKER, Principal, Academia, Juniata County, Pa. - 1.00 •• , IPP2Q-6t - ao AtLEGEIANY CITY; COLLEGE. We take' greet' pleasure in rectellimmilhig to our former patrons and the public in general. Profhesore C. hi.DODD tadVAVALETTE WILSON, who have taken charge of the ALLEGHENY CITE COLLEGE. , They are gentlemen of high moral worth, and are thoroughly acquainted with the Management and training of youth—having been practically engaged for a number of years in imparting instruction in the varied departments °lenience. Their' qualifications, both Classical and. Mathematical, are of a high order, and we feel assured that those who may favor them with their patronage, will enjoy many advantages seldom found In similar institu tlons. • J. DAVIS, J. NEWELL. riem 2.50 - 50 ALLEOHENYCITY COLLEGE.—The' Annual Session of thin Inatitntionwill comnienceon MONDAY, September 10th. Circulate may be had at the principal Book Stores of Pitts burgh and Allegheny; or apply to C. M. DODD, Principal.- s . . pITTSBURGII FEMALE COLLEGE • 'REV. io.•RERSHING, £M., Preaidetit, aasisted •by a FICITLTY OP ELEVEN TEACKEZIL - - , , • Supoior tulvaritagee are afforded for Obtaining a thorough Academic and Collegiate education. Beery effort will be made to secure the hapniness and Improvement of all who may attend. 'Phe Collegiate year begins August 31st; second Session; December 7th ; and the third, March 21st . Tuition varies from s43tO $lB per Session, according to studies. For further information, apply to the President, or to Professor J. 11. KNOWLES, Pittsburgh, Pa. augll-ly T HE GROVE* & BAKER _• 50 FAMILY SEWING MACHINE, is rapidly superseding all others for family use. The Double "LaelaStitch formed by this' Machine is found to be the only one which survive the wash-tub, on bias mums, and, there 'bre, the only one permanently valuable for Family Sewing. BEAD THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY: • , "The undersigned, Clergymen of the Presbyterian Church, having purchased and need in our families 'GROVER a ,BAKER'S CELEBRATED FAMILY SEWING MACHINE,' tale It 'in recommending it Be an instrument fully .combining the ease of a good machine. Its beautiful aimplicity, ease of management, and the etrbngth and else : ticity of its stitch, unite to render it Ei machine unsurpassed by any. 111 the market, and one which we feel confident will give satisfaction to alt who may purchase and use it." • • • Rev. W. B. SPRAGUE, D.A., Albany, N. Y. Rev. J. N. CAMPBELL, D.D, Rev. CHARLES ANDERSON, Auburn, N. Y. - 1.00 , • , Rev- J. MAIOPKINS, • " `Rev. R. C. RALRRAITH, Govanskrin?, Md. .1 , Rev: .I. T. LANNEAII4 Weak Vsly • Rev. HENRY A. RILEY Rev. J. TURNEDIL BAWDS, IN. Y. '• • v v . Y(e. ' • • . • Rev. A. M STONE;aepaudiftuat • Rev. M. W. JASOBUS, D.D, Pittsborgb, Pa. • .O.F.FIGVZ :. • . . Broadtay, Now-York. .Corner of, Filth Street and: • larket Alley, • • ~. , Pittsburgh, Pi, 1.00 - , 75 - 50 . ao 0 41 x . - • • jinAr r MX:llllr3EL :I:3I:IP DXPAra ../04 ' *UMW ,STREET, '"e4l 17"." " . "ti SOURS: - eo - i.OO •"` o'clock A. if., to 4 o'clock P. M. 40-47;4 : •, • • : F. B. BISSELL. 4SSEL. C 0 . , 10t MANUFAOTURERE OF • COOKING PARLOR, AND HEATING MilirilD4Clo - 17AE151.. - • . • • Grate Fronts; .Fenders, Ranges, &0., NO- 2a5 LIBEETY STREET, _FITTEST:MOH, PENNA. - 3.00 - 1.30 2;00 DELI QQQ~FALL , 11360. C ;; AL IP ° r ir t 9 _ Oil Clotip, Mats, Matting, PR - CYO-a-MTS, STAIR: RODS, WINDOW SHADES, £C. t. 'BOA SALE ATLowifir Prams, AT . ;g7 Fourt ' li Stregt.. W. D. & H. M'Citt.l.lll4. *- ' - so Is 111111 - 1.00 - . .L 25 ""- ' AO VALIEM r .•' I :: ION FOR:11360. CEMIGE =IL. , viturrt-air C 0.,. , - R§• Fifth •Strcer • Pittsburgh Tako great pleasure in • announcing to..tbeir,JPlOiwo ,and strangers visiting the eity, tat 'nay opened On • • • • ,i ~... , . , Monday, September Ibthr" thil largest and Lost selected dock. over offered in loittebtirgh. Al tke latest novelties in • ziedelei NO 41gird004.1dEilim , • Ifilf,Olt NOSS SILLS; lirEbounsorromAN; in bead 1111 variety ; PABNCEr POPLINS, New Styleer, PAINTED 111EN011 'MERINOS' and - CASH3fERBB; VAIXORAL SIKLIVS, extpa ~widtbs; ,fiIdBILOIDARIES amt. 1408, ei301:113, at low prices; .110IISE-PUTtNISHING HOODS; -BARNSLEY SIAJILICLIKENS; SHNETINGS; DOYLIES; mill lis t a of Qffi l 4TB AND CO ti ViAS,Lt.F 4:44 . 1141 A of l ' ' * l fEitiilo 10 It#KEfe; Drre, ''." 'A. RA. 13 33 . 4 *.9. ,8 -, . • e liii:Qii2.teeilia'kA t i3O a . niidriaie the wants and tastes of their customers, they haviilliade a • special effsrt for gm Tell traaa, liy Importing direct froth the `man .• nrerh in Theif serecil4ne tiam been manic from .the pinged, import ers of the prineipar (Ries, Boston, New-Torlcand phlladel vide. .1 In every department of their, business, thal' will - make a brilliaiat'and elegant display of ....p., 6,.,• - 1.76 • 4? • .. „ I: Luk e r ty.w ho •to .. 4 1) . 1:1r 1:4 4:z . 4 4ri t‘i . .% kS ) • 1 , 10 (t`; 49. NOVrronnr.,l, • ilk}rel...l fict apnapsuiem 0 . t :•, n • • • .oitve- . e " Pieces • mErm • ..40 6:Oriente letll hairpen, scan In 1;f7l-reelaciiiii juseritiee,i N V•l7 desirable to bays some cheap and convenient way for malt , loys,.CroCkhry, IIP=ING'S litM3 ME niters ell each emergariefee, end . no tioniiitfinia nen 'afford te' !without It. It la always. ,Moly . Ajaing Down , There Is no longer a neresitly for llmpfng chetrs, nollotered on. Isere, hisdlese dolle,‘end bioked eiedlei:' It ti jai* the .itat for eons., and other orntunentil work 80 popular - 2.00 75 - 1.25 I!r>k!..lllllllll*Wirioreparation.la naedapaldrtishw oheaßeallillattl is momsa ikAh d , stourd" 644theyalvablimmotur,4 l.b ioeee °ti& in'ts. 5 .14. 'antallaip. betas vaatly more s4filabr4Y.7 J , "USEFUL IN !WARY soma" -.1t 11 . 3 ,frit1 3 -!h ?rs ll ' , r ft.P2.Ak•o4 4y is tM 3 . I !"Y"DiP4t , 1) .?AM ,0 0/“Uresk. - )•- .AANt',. spezzazikowii)vi - • • -I • •,1 1303 Ci 2 figg . 3 40 0 C. OeilgeWlrentlb ratep,Cor, Dealers la OwesoiriataighigifirfOtillaittleild dolien—e beautiful Lltlebgreyble Elbow. aoefeatmetyitag package. ggr ngle bottle of ftrALDING'S PREFAB= GLUM wl3l sa vat s m times its oast sanuallrto every bousehold.4* Bold ,by praeulaitatStetlotterl% Druggists, aejrdinkiepillea Moralize. Dealere,•Groeeri, sod reoej Storm ..,._Camatrjanerchsata should melee! ei note of .11P.AIDINIIII Mit ;inern CILUZ.viIuM 'making' tip tlietellet. a will stead ea air Wholexide Depot removed from No4Bo Platt Street to NO. 48 CEDAR STREET, New York. diSati-ly - BUSINESS NOTICES. NOISELESS MIIIIMINI 11/11111 EMI CEZ=I 14: ;ii Nftr:i EZZEIT NM
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