- - -VOT-Aft itkraarraB3ss - MUNIEMME ri ~,rmyr, .. 1 ~ . • „..• r..: ••• .....A • i hit lot* for Constitutions] Ghtivetritttinit; • Xe t when he ai ds i " kp r illfe nee between a despot and' a' tynlifVelityto m iltiOe and the descent frOin the one to thO'oth ' er steepi 44 1 ‘, 1 10 1 4.1) 1 4 it is (tag." AlkdoChile imp '4ttif for continued peace with' Tranie, he gook care to applaud the:, volunteer move meptas .a pledge of pefpe l „ fit *en stirred the depth s of the giottiAli Bart by the _following peroration_`!...lilere,, above _all other places, such_ 'feelings (the love of couiary and •freedom,) are natural and ap •,,propriate. *ware in the land sanctified try the strusglet.of religion, and renowned 2 tor p.r2inotnalt • kir Sister, Freedom, in the Worst of ,495. Here the martyrs of the canee" : .84, o re ;, e. ill e covenant by the name of ".'the lard their God;' here, in the next age •the Ar4bels against civil and . religious •liipettrodeonntered the stoutest• resistance; • •he ti' ie.% 'y e t later times, was 'begun the isnertig Of', the people for.the defence of the 'lreiskatoiff. Is it wonderful that attachment to .religions,-and attachment to civil rights, should kindle the same fire of patriotism,' .andrin the same holders! Those treasures' which men prize the most dearly, are mug 7 ./oat their hearts, and them. with heart Ilridl hand they will.. defend." The enthuiislm' -rwas immense, 'and the same• popularity :at tended.dll iliord ,Brougham's.publio appear ancesldttring the sittings tor , the ieungreas.; .Onsaft•these was at an iimnense, meeting. , ofi4wefsking-men, of whom thirty:thousiiiidi wished to be present, and three thousand; ohlreould be received. It is said that at' -a pnblio.Soiree.inotlLe Clay Hall, after-Lord B. had partaken of,foa, a gentleman• offered the purveyor halfin oovareign for , the tea cup usedlbrhinil ft.wmfamepted, and no doubt will be ttreasureduinui heit-loom. t i '"' Athiritii,: v in f adreited` in my linit,lt; liiiiiiilitk•iii i tib elO.Seri nillu e Ssia, in the bow illikt' the latter will stand by her if Hun , • leiny, should once more raise the banner.'of freedoin and nationality. The young`o* invites the Emperor of , Austria and otlier• German Prineeig, i to a t'iniferenee at Wir saw, and this, it it believed, to . increase the power of triiiisanoe 'to Napolepoie,infineilee and designs in Europe iyho is believed to be the secret abettor for)iii otin'puiPoses, of the Revell:Mon. Lord John Russel is • • Foreign British Minister; bas somenlit itreitlened the Austrian p,osition'in ,Ita . ly, 'ifa' (Wei liddiessed some weeks since to I lt our inister at the Court of Turin. :"He - - - dipreeitea an attack by Sardinia, on the ..Arketriaris in' Venetia, as contrary to,,the irOtkirgintents and' pledges of the - treaty of wwai - 4 ~' ic. "which' - Victor Emmanuel `Wei ii:',party . On the other • hind, ; Lord ',Alit iii evidently afraid, lest liljeilvrhearld %seal in Italy by acting preinatvitelY*d litthan i dertaking more tioau perforni. IttUfivi , 'a is - en ' 'lref watch-M*74'; 'aid in her fOlitiesii; foo.i'llillie has lately lust ;called dine' hiiiillOrd''llSiriatid "freib. `warriors: 'to armlet.' ;Hungary 'is discontsnted, arid -- es ihe',ceneeesions about to be readeart not likely% liielnif4 the l iesiiiiiiiiOn. o f "her' ii is.more-tha,n probable thit'the "people,' will at once refuse to pay taxes and a state of &ionic lesistance will be!liikalilibikia." . li'.'stdaitiocii ; :this; gis GlaribaldianS have hiseiifoirnd taking. sounds Off 'the Coast 'Of Veiiii6i.fiiith Vie evident eil ihitieforth f ilifig lin :assault' on' Venice Zia/014i ilitieibl.fie ~ /,,,Wr. 63nies ' are 'now,. li, lineal oPdir, 'etpgreguishid. - In' .Viliat 'n'iniserighliiib t Adrtion ire"the Venetianii-L- , 6theirildriiiiiitetie sweet' 'Witeri. of free= "doll; b'itt`fin tlieir,OWri inighed lips the iiianflii?&L is "nrithheldt4: ' 'friend of iniiiei'-' .* VIM '`. se been . tit - in -Veniee, ,:dtti6frbettu i 4u3 them i ser siVf d'optireseion 'o 4 tlie' fistif•le, 'Oh poiir "tliiiii . 'iorrewie in to Xiiklieh 'viiipathetin eats. ' 'The ,dforof 'de: lii , lirancei'mnsginiikeifer, come;arid peilieps SOoner thanibre intitlipatS. ' rf;rBB:ininored that Sardinia 'whir . Willing to ply ltuitiia a ligtgeardn'fbr her Venetian . Pro'iirtei t 'Mit a iviitoilidniir r ietinii sari ::thatliucli - iirthe 'pride "of ' tlii , litlierri l littite; %Sr the Ei.41L:e:".1.4 .161, eiLtisiihrbizelirupositton; - iiiiiiiis4riiS are Ed 4 4 ,8 pleasing Wien amomated, with the play, of the, benevolent iilfeetionii. A eriesimen,,ef these, o a t a very unusual . and - ,interaiiiinekind; was lately yr...it:6MA, in ~ the ease . . Of the . Bishop of *4O; on Ilk; 'Seventieth :birth -day. He bk . Atiefbp,i4lient restrictien„ of caste, country, tor',snO r all who End 'arrived at or near the Pon'e nig!, ,to: ill' eutertalumen,t at his house. is What a;str,ernielYmili.iellarieous eompa iii",74**.ii Ppal ' .jonriaLlfJOgtliOnest, l" AMPrfrilli;kie4..lreioe B- 0 11 buff 7tisteeSia,Saf Oosiy.,,bi, i the ,r4de of. the Onea ,o F ip:;W vi,pro.:wuTtgr,...who toiet . .ato . m , id . ,4 l r England's .gmat (*Ail iiiiilie Penunnja, bore his '`dipora gie*edsirt iiiii:ti&a, evB4rio6 ~ ,, . 14 1. : :A.R . snkifsn't,.,gibiii'prfan, 'from „tbe,Arisli ,polony . imekr,tbe Oithedral, reclined on. his,olbo,w , near „a :7Arpliilx ~doine, ,who '., altbilugh n ot. k ic T i l li 'ward , he said , enjoyed . with her: Asters, ''s mirt h irroonselx.7 , L -_,, t i:, ..,, i ,,,,, The 13ighop ago - - - ; - ; , Ti ..t144 ..thfiriliever . has 1 ' 4 4 4 iM.C.:Sik a laroct;iiaitatafateigi pie Of on e ,m,, all ~ past seyeritx;.ywri.. Anai if. 70 1 01210; 4 4," ai - 1 14 .4 .*bipk, you 11l 'see a iciteit Magy thino ,Whiellk YOU wish hat 444 nilk-beeti done, and,. a *relit. ilia 7 tlibit ,4 T hieli t ppglii tO, have been dmie. '- lf - elad ; here ol„,,noble opportunity : Of speakin g 'of find fir phrist,lurd Of, the title and. meetness for, 'a lmppy, , eternity Tr . itioli'olol3t, apt the liiiirit bestow : But this watwanting, j oll - strange, Wati:.thein freerimMate.,congraorfatiiiii that fclkive4; glhe greatest' of, allhiesairigs which . yet *Ac 01 us,. is, that. we are, soon to .* called to ; our rest account" , . ~ . .isA e x F i cialimiuli.aged ninety, told 1144- 11 1 1 A 11 , 1 keeen-., Ark. Os ,time,.oeven Bishops of * one ottl'enl..BisiloP 4PildikTO lint 'none 9 .. fireni, liiii thris. thought : of the, pOpy, nor aefecl i like ; the ; present Bishop, who had provided the,prearis.for, 11,4 Plying spbeedont,,Writer to' ,t h e , inhabitants of the town. ,n4fillike, , ,Abe -Irishman of,seventy eight," , wis,the 'roost Trior: "'Yon . have got a r g 444 my , liord, that you rire- deSeri -4 i;o; Oid - that is the love of AA tiOdi 'and: X.wigliCahl 'Aerie pa. may. get every; „bless isigefopsyslirt Lgynercisity'temiueigris ..day,, llitr ydwrshicloW . never groiilesiiOd may the - heatenlol4l Yiitif,l'bedl" ' 'TEM' interest= is ' feiitK emu:lit:l.sl%llly the tiittii*irif a MAP 44nrioniiiing . t he Ilisheit, :the Arch deaeono and the entire assemblage, - . "the femaleipottion of theguests in'itent,, and the Oldllifen: on a ; riliqd,:diria belblindr v . And qiiioi'ciii ic),.r f oic can 'he reitOitr. 10s: set, the 'telbotylio, artist, took. a satisfactory and gratifying sketch of the Company, whose —nriiteit%'riges inumbered above six thousand' tureliirildred t and 'fifty four." Tice (loNtauscil.llolfAtliTiottft`bas been holding its 7t4.titlit?tnitl.4 l #otalni• burn, in liattai. The Union has noir . been in exiStl6oe.tor.,tb,irty years.. It, is something •(verytlike glut Presbyte- Arms," and supplies at least a 'platform of cohesive add' cooperatiVe"power to many, misters .whstc,l believe yearn for:sonie r thing more,- , It:once, had 'power over the organizations of Home or Foreigg APB sionsi`and' Edtmation, also; but" this no longer. is , ,eierOised. Local efforts, ,County Societies, , ,lifome Missionary :.endeavors, Irish and4Colon . ial, questions of Christian enterprisci.Porergn operations in' •the' mis sionary .field..44ll' find stimulents lere.) The 'Union' liasinaigiuMed a Pastori*Eit;; tiring Finad vdtieh in*ii.short period , hail risen to , X14,0(0. y...Ektokik:provision is Liverpool, required: -The'ReVrielohn Kelly,.of Liverpool, read• a paper on "The Ilace which Denominational 'Plihi s okt,'s to Oconpy in Pulpit and Pagtorilllimstii tions!' T t was shown that by reticence to their " principles," the Congregationalists ardfer.,by the richer members turning"Epis eopallats; and also by the necessary un- , fitness Of 'Ohara members to do the work o f a ehiliAiiin elinreh, from not being edti-: cE itea'in- their own principles. The plea- *tion thus started , is i rtan "or . de nominatioai. Where de 0.. inaf. al in ic ciples" are made ycrysp .ndotibt k . edly sectarianism - W. chelfshed,lnd -ality'declines. , But. there' must' be a via media, safe, Scriptural, becoming and hon orable. • . . . CONGBAGA.VON4I4.‘;74.PFA E XTENSION of late years, luis.beenvery reniarkable and r-praiseworthy:.- While-in 1801.41 e -Estab lished Church . supplied; upward ofigur mil lions of sittings,. ,a;nd . 180...,,e'nKy 5,817,- 915 sittingsi:Ather,deriomingtronmsupplied 4;890,482 iiiittingi.t..'4n! 'othei'l•Words in 1801 - the EstabliShment'ionlied fodr , fiftha of all the eittings,hut lit tle more than one half., To the . rapid Pre gress of dissent, and to the supply of sit tings 'for the masses, not only ;the Wesley axis, bit' the Congregatiiinalisti have largely' contributed. Probably during 'the rietiod . mentioned, a sum ,of fifteen millions have been impended, alldrairn,frern . .the nliiddle 'andliiimbler classes. S i nce 1851, the pro- gress has been more remorkable, by means : of the, "londeri' CangiSlititional Chapel ow. ety,',' " Vie Laicashire Chap . el• Building •Society," and. The Rngliah • Cong . regntional . Chapel . Building' Society!! - The yecent.tifialikare thus summed metraiacigiwiries ..erected 1.8564 tin 1 1 8 . 67,4K.in,,1858; and no fewer fliari.lo:in ~1859,.mikiug a total of 176 in four years . Or an average of forty-four a year or a new metirly every week; while dining k • tut year' the ratio has' increased to nearly three eirry Artnight.. Some of:thetie Angliflii rititea +remittal, are 1 g of no in= ootisiderable Nevertheless.`, the provision ottbiesif:Of `wtirship by all Evangelical,Chiroliesin'the land, by no means keeps pace.with:thie crease of the people, and their spiritual ne cessities. Above all, thederire for amide/T:9M • in the .san etuary • and' its ' , serviceafis still largely :War4c4,:ati he n ce ;Wang • iinfoitane that those ' showers' of likatienly - Rain that liave fallen'sO largely in 'Ulsteri-in many parts of Scotland, and also in some districts in . London itself and throughout England, should be tnined . into: Allie..sciand of abindancii" - of a Divine'out pouring Of . the SPirit fr . * high. •' ' ' THE DEATH OF DOCTOR FLETCHER; ..of Trusbury Chapel, T.oudoii, , took ,pace twa.'days ago .Hnviii an old man and full of years, (in his 83d year) nevertheless he was full of mental and physical •migor up . to a comparatively recent period., :He. was son, of. minister, of. Ate. United Seces sion Church. Ilesucceeded his father, but soon after„he,was removed,t,c,LeAKl,* was regarded justly as preeminently ".the Prince of Preachers," for nhildren.. His popularity was always solid and end .. nring,: and 'ha 'maintained, a large ,congiegation around him to the list. He - was well known the: author Of.an. excellent vol ume of Scriptural: Meditations and „Prayers,. appro priate for hardly worship. He was, in; private life' moat amiable and cheerfel,i quaint, wise,, and witty. He has, indeed, " served his generation by the will of Cod .1• ‘ 4 l:rtadgferian Xianntr: PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1860. Air Having purchased/or:our office the " Bight ". to use Dick's Accountant ancE.DiApatch Patent, all, or nearly all, of our subscribers 'now have tffeir papers 'addressed , to them regularly by a singularly unique , machine, . ; which fastens on the white margin a small colored ." address stamp," or label, whereon Appears their name plainlyprinted; followed by the date up to which they have paid for theirpapexsthis being authorized by an Acts of Cimgress.- The date will 'always be advanced on the receipt of subscription. money, in exact accordancX With the amount so , received, and thus be an ever-ready and valid receipt ; utring to every one, and at all times; a perfect knowledge of his newspaper, ac count, so that if any error is made he can immediately de tect it and have it corrected—a boon alike ,valuable'to - the publisher and subscriber; as it must terminate an.sininfal misunderstandings between them respecting accounts, and thus tend to perpetuate their important relationship. e s * Those in arrears willpkase remit. Our Pik.pq.7-Owing-to, a failure in the at- rival of priMglNe , parr, we were, this, week, to, pngtop,„,tinfionuld not,,ohAln so good o,.artiile'aime usually provide.: , • Lafayette Coll,egelltlis,.inatitAtio4 • and labors. The _ endowments 18 still in: complete. The Synod.whith adoptdd it is wealth ' 'but works , , 11 Uni4 Round Grove Qljd Preshyterion (1460, being •ten 14110.8 . , apart, situated ,in Lou* . Connty,lola: - Address " Session,..Morning Sun, Iowa" BY ORDER . OF"StEIBION. ‘ . .tiliallj'Dunce!—The excellent/1111,1de; in iier lief; iinne, under. thie title is fie* "a ,ktiliel4 by the ‘P,r4bite:filinP:nlilicatip p4inkittee ; price 2 tents... It is worthy Seeed r reading. • . • , • 7 %. Cenliiil.irequterir of Philadelphia.—The old Priabytkry of Philatfelpliia,hha again • • . • indexed an . tianputation. " 'Stiect is the fine of severance. All .4cioh,of. this belnng,to the.,new Presbyteiy.,, and ohniolles resident4ithin one square.oi this' liiie,'may eleei;:to which Presbytery ,• • ih . &3 , will be attached • • Nw. lylled Synod at,ite late melting, agreed that' Presbytery •of Nottlinmberiand 14 off, "in eon neziOn with! .the iltabyflTi,ea t d r, Ln'eerne; which new 'helm:lg „te 'the. of Tew ',Jerseyi, ..Synod. The subject will Atitike , heihie..thii‘ilext General Assent . hly • ' • " bietlizin; are preparing a "Digest 'Of the *A:eta of the General Assembly,". and . are .asking,sub department. of .the Piebbyteriantikilly . has' arz - faiehllidt'vtiffy ortlie sinnilVa . I'l4 heidi travel molter iti journey over the same Poulkd• '4.140; , however, la vair , even to those Vhci have.ther;onwalieadrei. ; Lot these two hranehei:of' `the family einnlitie each other in eve ry good , New:York Avenue tresbyterial Church 'Washington, D.C. 7 -Inis church is the reenit of a union between.ethe : F Street the, Second Presbyterian eburches:Akin= der the _pastoral tare of 71tev. . `.M . ,GO* !) i4 1 41 11 0"*" 8 4 1 ..iea on Ake 14th of '.4l)etober ' sai d " ,: to be atrelegght.t4 - tastdulArndt* sitty-three by'o9 . o .hundred feetp4l4 seated 'for ' "nine' persens. M tbb. dedications - the Pas or. was assisted'-by ,Dys... BOARDMAN 4O,NRIN, 'SUNDERLAND, and Tim*. ' Scotia, Free• Church, „Nevi Presbyterian Aped of Nova Sobtia, consbinnuited a union:' "This seems to' have beel.a cordial coming together, a • tgp.it of this revival of religion which has been enjoyed•for a year :or two past. , , , The Witness says : " Alis the-ministers and con , g . r' egatione rsd?b,Oth. - lbnrelies are of mind and one heart , ' This isaiire in . where . , ,in this case there' s entireffeedein of thought and,aetion. The ' filitkliV* l 4oo44:gi r Yit.PFOOte c!f:/#47 py seaultai ipflittgiki4-ittexteursee.. and abeinding .P war E DTI At iir " list A .~';~~ 'i .•A ' "' • • —; ....4 n , , 111IMPTEV.OF TEE 1110 1 i 1 .BURCIII. :We tlib went pni k liii • tjii 'nutei of .the *n od of 4itaturTiAt u inanir of our readers will. peruse them.witt . interest. Others may but glance at them. A few things are worthy of special attentiiii 7 ., THE NARRATIVE of thil State. Of. Reli; glen is an extended paw, It has ape . et , liar interest in the notice it takes of the imiiiiiiie destitotioa • difeWittil" exists ' ' ko. st exists in this, imuiparatively, well, cultivated field. Just think of two limidrodthinFiand peo ple', in , .thfi :bounds of ilifs 13 3 44:41, not under Evangelistic influences ! Nearly one third of thepoinifktion is . uncle *monism, and other forms .of . gross, error or, neglige4 and "neglected 1 WAat a Nato QiristiiMs to be- up and doing ' Cqxxontikg,' - aliCo; ought to J.el s ch . thesa many ,and bring thenk.til kit;i'rieW of the 13‘13Viii..141,0'01 l eeted, Alt, the chur c he s in this ' l l.3riod.f, and those ntlie Synod of `A.II - eglieny,goei, last year, lint $447 to employ laboren3, : amt to; grant - book( and tracts_ to the iniMenss pkipulation of Western Pennaylyaniisii 'this the 'measure •of .bur zeal, in this 'very effective-irreans of .betiefitl- THE FiNDUWD : N'T~' of` t~ie . Fonf fifes- sorship in our BeTinarh? -languishes. Two Tiara of • effort, has.do dm na but a little - more than half of " '"" r xif in this.,work;, >Our backwardness manner> : be caused tort,a meta , of -encpinsecikuiiitt The Beinin*, is, greatly blessed tof,,God: It sends ont_lcuxe chums of well ‘qcialifiko laboi:ercie;nri yea' • - , lnce e COMMeII , ment of 'its preserittterig, sistemeiv students have enttriti; fOk!fiinarT.T t ilinndro - thoee in if , last. yenr.o.have: returned. Is "not. the lln Sing-4icuw to; Amoome laborers in his a'har4 vest:::, inffMng them- f 9 ne; to be edit cafe d, }}or'' the- work, tommiesioned; and sett forth: ••And they 'are -- ; 4 nbaily . - of them, t nin',,own sans, and the sons of , our near at hand • sister SYnods. HOW, highly, fivcired are `i9fl ! And hOw. niibeeinning yea ; sinful, is it for those who (let:Ainate do, their p e art ' tsar o'lr. n. in 18 1111pOr IF Let none dank that too mahy , yoftng men' are preparbitTni; the YninidtrY.l- - -it is true that soma enter,the- sacred office •who, ast far:as mail can seci,%ad 'batter' be at" the' Piow,,or'in - tir - SOr , k . shop; or the counting house,indicates a *ft' of Inertlitsriii ni t inibiai.:". Let " •men hilt:mm(3' duly piidified for e the WOOF, and there heed be no fear tee numerous THE MEMORIAL: tO Assemilly subject In . : 16 1 7(71 ' 4 taut paper.: We: trust' thireit will proVe, to ,he ." the ,beginpiiig 'of `a end,"` of .• . • , discussion'which Onghtto'be effective, with 'ont'beiiig 'very 'long protracted. It is :a petition lo ; the highest authority, and the' petitioners , pledge , themsellres that, the' sibject vestigated, they wilkacquieses in the steel; sion which may , reshlt. `:Every tine friciro of phrity, peace, and effective effort, ,will` contribute what in lum.lies, to such aid in : vestigation. There should . be no "-M. ing " of IleaA siemßlyi•ll . 9" obitiales in the way of ,obtabuni kiaWiedge;;iiil spagial favors 'shown, . THE 'NI - SENT complains that .such a nro, Lice should be' taken of ‘‘ - . 11(1 ruinor seems, however to be welLifounded: :Several_ members stated veil' Vointedly • :what they, themselves had seetinatdi 'That a deep wrong has been domyis*adel probable:, rumor .is - correot;' , a;'.4entedy .should be applied: ' ' Investigations . "111- mor ' oe : common. .Th They e ong , 130C1 safety:. Out. dountryi c hy its Grand Juries, Institutes-11p in airy; into the public weal .411 Avery. county, •.tiotur times a: year. . If "tietniftglyltell'attthentleitted, rumor charges . tybOiesid.ent:. At. * the ; United States, or .the, Mod of a Department, or - a member of 'del with ;Misdemeanor in` office;' Congress institutes an • ~:i nqniry.i AV A shali the .Churehhe less conservative of flier: parity Yea,-the Churelris; theo,; refitilif More jealous for' her purity than is the State. And shall she beypracsysf,, less . Tike..Synod of; Bittaburghilaa r fromAier rst orgatiizatipti l liee4 114" . iteady , ;friend and prom i nent 'Or niqinolnk3r, uprieltrieisa,purity,_revivAla v endlitissiene. She maintains: her faith and her seal.: In the Ineniorial ihe but ntaintaint her" ohlar- aniciti,tuulfkettiequiEit lieineniet with a due respoiiii;lhe will 'maintain her charaetei still, in the,Fcdei ,ptiousof.'he4le-s3ae. .;. REY 1 1 1,L AMEN, D. 1):,. INtlliS CARD: .13ii.LJniiiiN is 'out with a longniird, in the Preabyterinu l s-of October; :20th, pi mg of our notice of his' erroneous , us views civil •gbvei l nmentt`iii hi s sermon before _the Genrlea - Aesenibly. He gays l-`°' They printednportioi?of - thiiiiiii;. !grephie." 4/4 lirinted" tion," merely, but. the whole ofeack:and every ; paragraph, successively, for nearly four pages; ; 'egg that he 44ed us to; pktit, and all ,that,trented ili r rep . tly t on the, subject. Tl!? Doctor.shonld state ,things correctly. , fitlfe.says that-in our- editorial . remarks We piiiilt4'."!itlb'elitarlid*tatiirct: 64 , 4 Sure:ly , would not haiifirriilif ; a gee:. odamein p_Vp' j er tt ••AS, • ' . 1 3; • t: r #.3fas. for .gg!:t.. 0 :41.4 31 1t.it. OEIIO4, show each sentence' its: connexion; and then to.reprint the parts-which! we con ' sidered erroneous: We *lilt that he, and otters, Werild:treat nat3p., le tap Lifitnever sent,"lifm...my.sernom , His i}otioe of .it was ,POughti"- Who meet itcmhether,the" ail:tho s e or..the.pnbliiiii . ; rii 6 .wia could not tell ; and4nuinifeatly,, for,e riatioe..,-` If. l oge • had ignored it, the Board-- NliOuld thOuglif thei*lifes-elightea ; end tie :lin-, ivataklikeily'neVer hive' forgiven Avg 4 41 ,a forth his 'wirk; the•pnblid :brie a riglit4i) oriticistil‘4sl: it ;may ‘Bo:netimes;he'llie duty of sOliiiititiceditonicA disclaim the sentiments of f a pnblicalibn or even to .sound a warning, •this...l4e,onoustrous errors were put ,inder . ": the 'seeming imprimatur one .4:3l l enerai , Assembly. But ,the Assembly ... had never sanctioned 'O/0 1 4. .-xine,,icoid hot 'paps; '!is vote Of oen ,tkiie r upon its :preacher;. came very nparit. It spAulpx.::!tholiiiiied the plan ; of .!41144$ 40#140.i.14 : appuintment. 711`fin1*aitoi,rs;s I*i i.r"rVi*PePC‘a-• eitTs.:ll64ll.t the•:,l44 ok , is;fr:defense, ani.informed that I bakintit'ipssihly get into N.Phy.... : not give e.trtithfill statement The information Yon tfintibt possibly get, into tie . AIiAN - NE° --S :AT RDAY, vain •42. • V. ' jfec - • !• - ••• 0 .• L -•••.. _ • P.. : •• • " .‘" * . - • Bann i yoar.l4 esen te . ofrfeelingi and tli sptfr it ii ht y:; write';',4 The inting r ioffiis here ery plain, 'fiat' the character of the articles procured their ex clusion ; and that, when the author should come* to' himself, he might find access to oex.co unans. .• He . says, 'further : aHe has refused ,me the right to defend myself against hm se vere.annriediersions." We are nor aware , • • that Weniadeea single animadversion, severe or Otherwise,. against our brotheri person ally. ..Wo. do no such thing : .„ There was ' hence no:room for self defense. We spoke, but of his published sentiments' and senti menta;ptiblished, the public have a perfect nght'to examine . 20 • • Several other things in the . . card „might <he , 'note& ••Wa :shall refers but ,of Awn. He says : Semi-Hrietian, minds, eit''lleve difficulty iri'.'iliideritineding Ake, trne theory." NWiy a .Pay be;that we :do not:nrierstand the,' them of the . iser )obtil if we'do ISt ~ we bave ` eny hianiht**WaYd Erastianistn. are' i. t .t! . It is true ;thit th'e - theory`of 'Chaplain, But qns_ 2P.T;ll : 94 t a l ßrAgT ,ei l ; yea, more, he carrierilils. , theoty , into *e'ilXetip.:* # s,lie our .inoEit.rpromin'ent;chniAiee,:audatt the: semi_ i i !tl i tO j 's 4 Y ) 0 1 I R e T w A:C i t i r r f 31 1,3 1 11 Pc f; by. his : holding it.` ChipliCincyAriidefAxecu eye his own filiediv,*4l.3liii,tin4rl.oo4o6:l4liitt.elowge. lONE 11,11 FoßppliiicoßN The November number of' -tll4. -Record duly • • *Ye , ikbut ; . . , . •Ita ,'a 10#14oe,t DOMESTIC: MISSICII63. ••• There are ettersld,n qwa eorgia, Nebraska; , and Texan; •Which speak of la: togis f *amino Septemberj inPhiladelphia; $11880; ft Ltitier.ville,, $948 ; in,News9ileans,: $88; i "EDUCAtiog. The -Boaxii, as we stated, home weeks . age, elected Rev. P. D. l Pryit4ant,'MAi::.o W44 1 44i0 . i 1 344 - vtg.) t9 , 1094044;!**14!!:4 vaesOliy.tliecdeetesii..tif Di!.,:tiOiltENtoszt the 441'14 MEM AM. . . ' Resolved, That in the•vieW of this Boa rd, the soffioe,held by Dr. Clusrza,,andf that to-irhioli GURLEY is invited;. are, and.onght. to• be;:entirely equaland cO6rdinate, and that the , next.Genenkl Assembly be requested to -give to -these: offices alike the:mane of Corresponding We hti*e not ye seeny ri annonceineni Dr t seen -a of. . Gpn.4nir.B" views,,relatiyn• to his_ap polntment. •.•.• • Qalib $8‘ . 02 ltnaihrri. er: .p , 8 in Pittainnit,h; $ B4B •in Liniretil%,p2a •WORBION 'MVEIIONBh • news. Maxi' . Oiitteri R - and * tithe.% • • • Ningpo is ertocuragiog. , An , ons church six• - aanvertalad been nidgiVed . stud seberal PertioPs wgrAregarded-uppOonst n ‘ quirers. vu . SitsiT4 4 -Mre*: sJoire: • [won' i• • ....4rte_ ••• beeapremoved , by; death; ..leaising 4 ahere:aved ;o6n4Olii.tro* of friildff - • • • Et= • ,‘ - • had •TAPAN —Mr •an ;o - ~.•21, 7 11714 arrived from Ningpo, and.lverellltpooted.to abikri;aid'inboir with , Mr.' and.°lllra.'..llir, ' • .—The laterit' raiNisljf Ajigtit4:l4tli k Tbern: ,bad .been • more ithan the • innier anichtht•of 14;:pritife +. r.• lNne. A l.l s,ig.4.a.novig.zp an% ! lam. . Mona' eon veie - all-eieke..3Theterenelee,ry of the' latter was :very on bßer• sow writes .of *if interesting ease of con- Rawill'Plifdi. .11.12UCA.—Fifteen hundred- recaptured Jia4 ..arriVed ai. ,Menroyiti. • , Mr. Iffiximar man ai)Out establiq4ing himself , in '0411 1 '44134 sea - coast, •Ze regarded4is respects , • as favoiabid. ][I:I9AAN TRIBE . letter :Me opt RP GI of ; the , Creek klission, ; iif of, *item: her, gives an account of an. interesting meeting held at Vallahassele, at which •three persons were received to the communion • of,:the 'Church, an d . taeordinance of baptism ' wa s administere,d.,to the same nunber children it "ate aame time. Oui Choctaw. letters,: one dated as late as , the 7t;li of September, contains many items of in ferest. One from k: 13ur9smniv, mentions, tlint, lie had, recently attended meeting" . ."near : :Spencer, at which one indtildual had - been re ceived to the fellowship of, the gherdh, and riiere than a, dozen, were ingiiirjng. 'the .of isayatioa ,• and also of 'another protraited meet: ing near Stockbridge, whera;.thete was equally at's - greet Teligibustinterest. — ktr.; . Bntiiroit also . mentions an interesting zaieti4at, his' ohurph, when two.persons were tOeivedr,ti; the communion of foie Church: AlMotik a11 . .;0f these. let era ` apeak the 'distress which has already commenced among the Choctaws, in consequence. of the hiss Of their corn era y . the:dm:nett: , Without aid, they will.unthin WC, be reiNisesl t to. great string' .nn4o l . of starvati on . The 14r4 - ilves' girir five letters' from - the at 'the diffei•nnt stations ibcolovre , is September: $7.,7,8L, " • P_UBLICe i n9I:I; . • ;;I'weat.ifithn;e eniiisiamt owe named,.as :Baying itimaYed !appattitab"atta;..arid - fair Bleffiaprinv•in September . :,Dingitlons, 42448 ; :it _ • . . • '7. Qilup.pirg,l3l".l46Pr'' •- ItimstiTs in Septemiiiii .. so6lCfor . Childkeri's ; churclii.at St, Anne, „ , - ' CENTRE COIL* IC ~ •• ' 'll.oilitift College was.4'o,tten ,up, wi.thin,4 our 'Pm rem'ernbrlgt*,lNY ': # l4 ' Srii;d 7 Of le.rittlfii.ib l :" 4 , t ii.i, All ..# 4 4.4. 9 1C-111 - I*;:i v ite t r , 111 .? ; oraidttntwf 4 theligkki, i _r 4 1 4. 4 6 10*e luPtOnfton„TTaupylvarnapPrinthAluCh wag, itiehly endowed by , ,ipublhs- funds,. iiiti;-*fiiiili Pi i.l) - elatilitiiiig..:,:*2.-. tiii ; ut 'were? grieved to See the money ot..,the• l littate , perverted, but 'the' men in Oilier, *§ " iO4, /Par:gine* il'Cir own way• -Pies hyteriani••then- set to work and • eredted-'ii.. coiO4 . institution. , v lhi4 4;4,1 ifot4;isbA: Ifrik,t, tarians held Transy.lvania for a number oft 'ears. It' then ,oitniOX*:l`ltter` liiii* h ,nthy that time Centre Collep-had gotten siiiiih , strength, - and was.. koiiiigiatiated'intd' public.: favor, that it went on apace.' It hp; been a blessing , %o thelltate, as well as :to tifit .. aiizet h ilitiiiiriiititit t ittiCoiii= of literature:itri''allraY o lallethhie." . . !1 ... ~'".: 9,130 at ON -- YerlriCagor 'the otiiiiiteiii Oentre, perceiving thatthetimlurdpmanded 9A 11 "*.E0 111 i,. - n ' Or%ilktgt4reilitl l / 4 1 1 0eitc 16 k: h,y-an•appeat to...the ohnrehet.wiesdrunni, to raise fifty Ake:Wind 421140' additiohal funds. .To• ; :ihis . end Ahoy emploied the,: ligelOY of ` l 4*: F. (} ETR,lilAte;' Mr ,. Erma AN reioried to tip Trustees his work. completed last Julie: • ' lll 4* llo 4 l kli;ire the aMainits.l36llee.ted• within•the , several Presbyteries; viz. : • '- Letiblvilli3: l • - ' ' 'W . gr',Bo,oo. Multenburg, ' '''''.., i'.' '' . .1P,0) Transylvania,' ' , X47110,0if West 'Lezingon, - • 11472 1 . Bbfilitiier, ' -'' ' ' 6,744 i fAllubah, ... .. ......;' ' ' * ' " 41:,y , f _. Grand T° 4 1 A 4 fiass- 8,4 414 -4 ' ReVe'' isi, an 4x4raple. Witt - .sey the Wiii ME En= =EI ME Preibytoles f the,,synoa 9 g, ynkeeli# to illisT 4 7 : :Wilf theylfiey • landnrt*e - n to .-Cridow'WOliiik gton College. •••IttQapeds are pressing, and .its deeds are • worthy. Must it suffer ? irality.toWard - it will slid.w a deficiency .. true; . • And ivhei 'say 'the :Fri ends of: Jefferson. f..13hAl be enabled la meiietlie educational d9nftlids . , of the age.? It is a•resbiterian inititiuticuL It has done more for Presbyterianism in the • last half century than any college': in the land, except Princeton ; and More' for the' true - religion for literature; foi good . golrernment,: . and :well-being,, West of thelollooo, i.llO. 4akr . bee.n dOne:l4. .:an Where. then.. is the. sense. of. linty in .the and where'lhe' . t . nototf of the churches whieh: pOtibre • thetiee, and of the > Alumni ` iilrlio ` there,` hail. the training' ivhich glies - them distinction aniong.theii fellowsf Shall Dr. • MARKS, . on . neitiConOkeneenie4'day be able to give a favorable: gnawer to: these' questions.? • s pnbl i cli i aeePly tilleieifiaiiVashinatOn and Jeffer rn. 901003;011.. fq;PP.l3'. the $39,000. each whichihey 'pi...36E11141Y :heed- • ; , . 1 1110181111119 g B. I'ERNAILTANIA. ; i 5. 1 01,1 .. ,_40 111 404n. 6 4, O sdaY, hmitY:;n#ffat,daiN°44l l `lo•Aß .100 of "P ali F i t i Y in g/ 4.14a Praye.44 l "..R€4. ll POYillia.' Thii,recognition-of.-the , being of Almighty, Glod, grid of his•speoial'priivide*;ofiOni need of forgiieness, and thailie benitts we re eive'are menu ar y eeom nag, as A-.Esanifestataork, gational :faith-. /Fhe following is the;official dootonent BENNSTLI.Y.AIVIA SS: • •• - - in** iind by the ii.uthority - of t:l4 TeivisAiß44:Nr444 744.4:ttlai,Aloyepsin. sf,the, said. Oorinacin- •,:.,ig;Pf,.,;ti:,,‘ • . Mita, 4 3v • LTVAM 3 .:--The re vcdutiona' of the, year 'have again brought us out an 7. :nulel.fea';tival cif.. Thanksgiving •to Almighty . 'God. .preeeding y ear: have ire had :inore.-.liblindatit.. cause. for gratitude , and praise. The-revolving seasons Have brought With thspkhealthund plenty: .The Summer traits and the,.4.uttunn harvests have been gathered.aitd garnered,in.unwoated exuber ance:. A healthful.. activity •,bas•-peivaded all the . departments of life ;•: and -provident •ulitik his 'met . with,:a•Katiefokia reward Vie increase of material ;wealth liberally. employed 411 • snstaaning,otur.tEduz :cational , and Religintm•Anatitutiont; ••both , are making- tlifit*Msat gkatifyitig gress in enlightedink'ind ph:Vying' tlico ;public. mind.. While,, in. En.t4e,:icentral , and. abiolote, governments, • by . . their, pies =sore; 0n.. - :personal .rights and •libeitY,. are produniug:•excitamentty. Which Ithreates-to upheave the very fnundatiOni of society; and ,baye red, insomeinstances, to bloody , and, cruel wars; , we; in the enjoyment of constitutional liberty, and, under the pro. : :tection of eqtrallaws,•are!lmacefully l p#rau-' ingthe'avoeaticirirof life, and engaging 'is: liateVe,r - Promises to advance' our'social` . , s.and indiiridnal improvement and happiness.. ".The lines-are;/-indeed "fallen tiv us in pleasant have ti,:gciodlY hell.: tagei'!"Viillihis ire see thOorderiugalif . qcißCitifi4licegg grovidPncez not. Onli for, our • recognition ) but. fouottr; • publiefThanksgitringluid praise. •": TAT& W,ELLIAM! VAVHER, GiiVeredi . cifthe 'Ciimn3on welth; of i tettusylyaniti;'; do hereby appoint :THEßSbAY 3 rTgx TWENTY-NINTH DAT : oiANovz.mitint AfirxT, •to be• observed 'as t a day public 'Thankagivine and Prayer,', - aMi` teem:nu:lo44,bl .all *Oitr:OitiTl 4 ;i tthit.. l3 4- ,:tiniqad4.-0 1 01.LiAlgrh. 1 41 : Y 0 0 4 #43r tuey assemble:* their .tespeotive Vlaoes of , worship, and unite in offering Thanks to • God,for , bi.sanan#old goodness; an diniptor inglislorgisreness,_ and the' continuance of his: merates. . • . •-, k under:my, hand. o.4 , the Great Seal! of ; the l -litate, at Harrisburg, this:Twonty fonrth day. of; ~ Optober;z; one -.•theusand eight hund,re4 :sixt7) *-3ad - ;of ^the. Commonwealth the eighty-fifth. • WM.t, P. PACKER- '- By the Goirernerl• ; MI • VM 14 AC oft's , At f". . • . • E STRIIy :-o, • the COiesrt,, whidh highly; becoming, is likely to be es.teusivo- in .the: ohseyvance, thii.Yeat: The` -- mane. `dity 'beig!.fixed upon:- . 113r" the ,••Governors of Mania; New,- AtinzihitS," New-JefseY,L9hiiii 'and other , B.f.stes, no. douht.•be • generally selected bytbe executives of fhe :dirildn•;• • --- • • . •• • , =WM , . _ TILE • SOUTIIERII- PREBI/YTERIAII RE V I EW. AA . 41. • jaillottingitematyime:beheve,. for...rour. Quarterlies to ; ;enter into a c0m134,; .0116 ag i at anoth e r 4..ea11y treat k eub jeeteindepcidentlyi:each in its The' 'S ; ois*.n. l / 4 .: for , October,- :Yariesl . from thiecustolitt , ;-11,hitione artiele;e4rofesso, )00:tot ifer 13resented. in the 1 4 42".flacton. +ltis• anAnitensiTe examination of-=the-:The ories, .-0: ttiCAtari 3 .ti , tame :inecesistve , members -.Of life . ..latter ::#0 46 " is Rev. Dr. losit.7l. ADGER: v • The anther of the, articles:lt lie also a prominent; minister;: in: the Pal metto-" State: ' - The',discussion. is earnest, ikAle on both, The 'Nortb Caro .PrlfbOrimi has •recently had :some iiktfiiriniCations from "a diStinguished 'then, lOgicsivik - fefessor, - :on the - sainef4rihjede.l l'here'ieents to be 4,t,e#leltcy;;Anaiortiot of. our-Church, to, reeingiiiinpfer: feriae tionif tc•:tiipiriell3irkeggita; , will :• be, II ' dieixriery -that .is .`build'inf a reejelyillich is itnintiable: - ;. articles id this, - ,,noleber; in their order' arela The Protestant i Church of FraM• •,' "a t!4e.-Pastßiilf, tiRe49 1 0.:114. .0y The Resorrecfion 13647 . I.IPtTheitetteis of ;ICLEXANDSR ON SBIYMBoLIYr • • Unitire'.a - ii - d-.l.4,llibilitrof, the Church of . Th:ts. 43 0 ( 404 1 '..Yi r Fit0g§ of i ) i-ineetOn Review' Theories . thiv".Afdership: ..IFRticolo ME • SYNOD 'OF NEW-JERSEY:- •••- - ••' This ,Synod held its. , ireeent• meeting. in Trenton... 'lt resolved" te'';'dieciontinne ,the Plan. of, An annual .Sermon, on, .Domiati, Missions; and to substitWte addresses in its Tke eaurie of ForeignZollaeb?„u° watrt stinted ary to Northere I #-o°rjEr) *iv .fi t Mica;ll3)4.WiWkikt B NKiN , irt; &iv Foreign',.l4ifi. 1 49 1 44; 11 : 4 4:0: 4 44 , 74:ii6neer 4410 44 ary -to the". It'dian", 'of lowa, and "by' , l44: . lic: ll l44!4:o l k:Xstablibhed 719,t4 of = thelittfeTara is Syria were presented by Rev.lor. R. Bunn, and Col- $ , , EM 11111111111111111 leetiions en , thp dap of Thanks. : A'4 tided- for their I•elic,f. giVngi Iff re r °43l " . ' A resdhitien.,,„ ndefitek•yetineStmg ministers to presfeht on the 284 f - cember next, on Ihe silbjeet of -th 'Pi. ot ant Reforthation. commemern tion of the , first meeting ;of the v, Gieueral Assembly, in . Scetlartd Tha.tmelhagt o 4. place at Edinburgh, December 20,1666. 1, Tie Pre,sb t' y ery of °risco, slating otfour ministers and one2,raling elder, a native;"-was receiyeirand, enrolled. PRESBYTERIAN HISTORICAL ALMANAC. • , • The enterprise :er.r.'b Witsorr, Esq., 'Philadelphia, in getting - up and rendering highly 'valuable, the Presbyterian Histori cal Almanac deserves great praise and should receive; encourage ;en ;from, minis tern ; elders, and people. ..:The; Sync& of Pittsburgh commends it highly. ''Other ecclesiastiCallndiei hive done the same y: The offer, of MR. WILSON' to give , SIPO in premiums for Essays, to be-,published in the forth-coming number of, the -Almanac, on the subject of parsonages, deserves' fa- Vl:treble regard, and forms an additional reason for subscribing for, the work We wish that all congregations would attend to this matter. - The minister should have a home—an abode of comfort, -,with an adequate sustentation, practically freeing him, if be be a prudent man, " froM Worldly cares and avocations."' - It greatly Strengthens' attachments; and ironioies use gist is, it, tends to` acComplish the erul,for which our Lord . , ordained,. pastors and teachers. „, " ECCLESIASTICAL Mr.• , J. H.- FRAZER has 'been ordained, by the Presbytery of New-Rrunswick, as an evangelist to labor in Mississippi. -. Rev. JOHN D. PAXTON,'D.D., has accepted the position.of -Principal of the Highland , 13niversity, Kansas. Rev. j J. PciRTER) and" his coitgl'eg4tion, of St. Lonis, have'retired'frota`the'New School connexion and 'united with the Old School. Rev. Timis CHEESRMAN, D.D. has ,been relcaied• from his charge of the -Fourth Presbyterian church, Philadelphia. Rev. A. A: MORRISON'S Post Office addresi is4unetion Rey.' ty lEr.„ MILLEE., haying accepted ,calls from Armagh and Centreville churches, his Post Office address is changed from Wapellb, Louisa County, lowa, r to New- Florence, Westmorelaml County; Pa.. SAMUEL RAMSEY, late. of the Western Theological Seminary, having to auppply Washington, Carrollton; :and Bellebrooke churches for' a , short time, his Post Office address will be Dayton, EASTERN ou • 1r BOSTO N AND NEW.ENGL A ArD. , HARVARD COLLEQE nOtWl - ' ilit;tri.ding the ;many competitors in the, field, stillnttracts an undiminished , Inumber of; students. There are at Present; in allthe departments, 896; Divinity 23, Law 175, Scigntiffe 72, Medical , '191; Astronomical . 1, Resident Graduates 9, Tinder Graduates '443. 'Of the 'Under,Graduates 32 are Seniors 191 Juniors, 134 Sophomores,.. and .126 Fresh men. The wealth oftthis Institution, its ancient fame, the learning of its , profeSsbrs, arid the number of the stsidenta, niustawakeii in every pious heart great, recreetthat it is not under ' ` decidedly Evangelical influ ence. As at present constituted, Orthodox Christians: are in a great measure excluded from itsadvantages. For, however high / its reputation Lin a literary and scientific' point of view,this will by no' Means enm- Pensate for- the 'danger to which the reli- , eons convictions 'of young men are exposed' with'such surroundings • Wavalsat,late President, ii-nour'deliVlirixw a 'oOnistii , ef twelve lec tures befaii - the on the' Philosophy. .of . Religiori: Dr„.;iyelker midway enpies, philcooPhy;' . :si: between the trinicend'exitilials ‘Uncl . thii lowers of. Locke, and there is.great curiosity to hear. his lectures. • , There is 110 ;New .: England `;theologian •anktonethe" the Unitarians• whose' jttigmeqistonaid ered Wittont ilk of the 'ex ternal'"ithlracteristia3 of the .. m:4or one, of the • most earnest itiipressive, fascinating ; of speakers. - ,•,: in :his '.fatUus article ';on' Elie: 1 1 +1; Afers:o 4 ie : vigor which 8U 0 A * 411P . 441t1113r i .1 4.94 11: out ,and ' 4estioyi oopp*: o Pheiret4a l 4x?#B,:' !'.onerbo . 4 4fturtioulii,7 , :lie" taYst;fcenti..;:. tied..'' Or t his Benefits the . ,Thuittf.."rit Christ,' had , . this f4tEs.. le 3 / 4 003: - tittEfir . ;111: VIYAMP; :•*144-4037 ` times ted, and' waB eagerly. r e ad everr - Tairy:sof..ltaly.! tiß.Vo l . 4, .lnquisjqrk,.Ao:oo4,;.•#,l . ...the! Lutheran doctrine of jUstificatioir:by They proscribed 'itf'in it is now. as 'ithirly 1 the ,gecond of thatitivEnglish .traufAtion of Ali 'treatise. iniat;inads some' tiinetifitting•thelrst halt'of.:the . ...Sixteenth century;: ..The ,fcurth . ,.editi9n of: it . ; hatted, kW was dificorcii4l,latgly. by an Eiiglish'illergyman, the* Rev.. Doha Ayres, who immediately published ' . it; jaiith..s:Uo ticcsot Ahc,..iauthor. Measrs. Gould & Lin coln harp- just -issue& an gmactvireprint of thialunricus, intercstirigiand The'ilitiroi Was AofiiiiPhleiiiii.;;sleirCtedly godly: map, who suffered .,: ~nartyidom' i of his A11e 1 4,2t.A 411e.,b0okAft, small . oiellutlichlicniatteX. and mays be v' Tirtkeu Thilaiitte , PNiurver it is 'aver on the 41114 6`i t liVigeititiFkei • and Artifteial.,Leapherii3;arnon g the latest of its stussassetr*t*!n An2h7t.? *Os., arereanalhitflphitpho4.fO l ee Iran d'red pounds:46f 14,10#5rdallY: from scraps of, old rope.. It heig not beeil.introdneed.:AtFor New.,En gli a ajilekthe•AaTalid is 'atiklif . - to be greiter-tban the supply: The , pei, cess of making to. that' of - quit- tietiiing paper' • ' ' • 11......a-17 A"'S Co., •of Milford, CL, has entered into a contract With .ft foieigh tgfarnigh 020 1401). .**4 of the provise that the order may I hsextbpded'k'lit'ooo,6oo„'qn tlompany sixty .days notice i4Ore thii pletion of 'the firptior.'-rwhe same govern - latent, has altio'cAiiiirac,teci .444 the company for several thadeigi'd dollars' , worth of the latCst 651050,:-61*44/40.1,01iiiiltki YALWAtIit at. latiertAir‘ her: eh 'of the NM= gamma MEM WEI EllewerNeAtef which has been. s o - inAlre.Courtp By a general co mproini, between Il 4lte heirs, the will was aside entirely,:andibe bulk of the prop c , t „ given to the .I:4Mily, leaving $.90 74100 4 Yale, and - $20,900 . -...t0 Wabash Collez(,_ Thwwhole estate"(eslimated at half a lisp,) ; except a few, legacies, would b ar ,, come to Yale had the will been eolite4,l liiiiealloWed, but .its 'provisions were c mplicated. and restrictive that the V, preferred to take only a fifth of the hampered with no ccin di tion s, to carryin g t 1„: iiiitt e :*Ji n 4 l the Courts, where the w ill glithaire been set aside altogether. :Prof : ,Loomis; who takes Prof. Olm s t e , d .. place;; as now,in v .Europe purchasin g 11 ,, philosoiihiCal, apparatus for the ('oll The', Corporation:appropriated S2,W j i this purpese,...and Richard S. E sq., of, , New,Haven, added $5OO p lo y, Thee Scientific School are now in p osse , io , , of their new building, lately presented ,t4e Collegnby Jos. E. Sheffield, Esq., tit cost of $40,000. The rooms are all 111,.. in :the most convenient, and e l en elegant manner, many of them being ( la ir. rately,freScoekandorna.mented. The l e , tore-room will seat - three hundred. Het, the annual course of Agricultural let will be held next Winter. BUT LITTLE is said in the religio n ; newspapers of the state of the churches i ll New-England at the present time. the enlarged contributions to reliev e t 1 American Board, and the interest taken the last' annual meeting, shows an awaken, ed missionary spirit in many of the chortl e , whichis ahrays an omen for good. ,iNB-W-YORK. MONEY is about the cheapest thing now offered to the' People in this city. Thep, is an absolute glut. in the market. Sho rt loans are 'readily secured at 6 per cent., awl but a imait part of the money offered can be pnt off at this, rate. During last wed, the &reign' shipment of specie arnounrcl to $1,003,430. But notwithstanding this, the banks - nnitsually plethoric. The expoitiX cefeal.,Produce have' been lam e , and keep the, market well supplied with - commercial bills. All the wheat that come, forward hat hitherto been readily taken f,,r shipmerit. Corn :does not go forward 1.0 freely. Thc-exports will fall off as soon canal navigation closes, and then some re action in thei foreign exchange market is anticipated: , " The receipts of cotton are hardly up; to-ithose of last year at this pe riod. The ,ini,portations' for the week are rather less again. U03140159* V ANDERBrLT, it is reported, is about for build two new fast steamers for his tranasatlintic line; The length of each is to be 400 feet;_breadth of beam, 55; depth, lg. They are to be of wood, and built in the most substantial manner, so :I, to - secure; draught, combined with great strength. Their model will be after that of our fastest river boats; the engine are to be " overhead beam," with 100 inch cylinders andl6 - feet stroke. The paddle wheels will be fifty Meet in diameter. The Coinniodoreis determined to wrest from the English ,steamers those, advantages which they have lately gained in the carrying trade: of the, The Scienti:fit: American, high authority, says " We v 11. 13 fears. of the reanit. Those steam ers, when. hitilt will be the swiftest in the world." It4aletAimiated that there are is the city Pleciti''about eighty-five thousand • • 'Whom; about twenty-eight P•lstr , .•••• • ••i! ••• •-• •tbouse.nif are R o man Catholics, seven thou spend Jews,, eight _tholusaai4 attendants on Protest:4i, " ' Worship, •and. the remaining IDity:twb thousand are infidel, or at least indifferent„- to religion. . '. l l'he question of ••, emir 'German daily and weekly „ papii s ecular character, but opposed to . the infidel tendencies that distinguish • many. Grantuta,papers, is again actively agi tateflotoil-tas;received the signatures and ippivial of twenty-five German clergymen .lu'o,*.rOili s aid: its immediate vicinity. P? ' , • • 11.:gte i iageristartad it will be under the > i4jiiiilaafixi4anriiiiail'ot the Rev. Dr. Schaff, ittufesser, the Gsrman Reformed ille2lugival..l4miiitiry, at .Plercersburg, Pa. •.• • . ' .. TErit''r.UULTEErERS are busily at work pre pingfliF 'the _holidays. The issues for . 44 nnsually elegant and valnab arles Scribner's brine ngout -Wits446 .4;a4llll.dered the most superb gitt book ever pUblishud in -America. It is en titled ' . • • • -;,• - Friti-Sorras ; '. a Book of Golden Poems, made for ' *the ropular'-'Heart; J. W. Palmer, 31.1). Upward-ofp,sixty,Origmallllustrations, in"desill'p• and execution-. Fac similes of the Qnigrno~ Autograph Cop,ies of fifteen famous !Foams, by_sood (” The Song of the Shirt,”) ‘4ltTennY.,eo.l4-4ryant, Leigh Runt, Longfellow, "..4BilaryL7Cornall, Holmes; Ringsley, Paine, i l 4 .,Alome,.Sweetliome,").Whittier, Browning, ~ b oiiol,.-Einerson, Willis, and Pinkney; • liiesely contributed to this work, by the Poets ithein friends. In! ogre volume Royal oe ith7o, glinted on the finest tinted paper. at Riverside Press, Cambridge, and superbly .1?Oult,?! MatthoWii; iiiThrkey Morocco, ri ch:; 1 in antique Mtirobco, and Morocco e!e -* glait.. * Pace of eaehistyle, put up in a neat ; boa;' 410. The - deisikris'elibit rare bea y tmd"origijnali y. - Ong tie•artists are Chorel. Jnilmsati,"X.insett; McEntee, Hill. 'EyringliY . l3linittiton, Darley, MoLcusz, - Walinsilicipiiin, Parsons, .lel - • tn-4-1.,;:•:•• .440 trkeisa ..o u r r,q4itloro • who intend to MSkapreSantiiin thiS line, remember this . . 'Th`eletons hie - bringing out a band scOP eniktled " The Promises °F4esof:f4othat, is. reillly.a:gem, and must be a favorite'during the gift season and at any otherliMO. Than; „the . . rich sentences th llll `d*ribeit; there iiefhing in the lit erature 4f any, language from which could .. rt4de'si . . more . appropriate gift for the Holithorie; • The Prernines in long an d so rev ei4htetifiaisur*Ubt:tlie Christian world **will '•esPeolur Ote3 at this season, " - mileF t emrs.l3aviottesilsirth is celebrated," mid tehe time. In this book tthEirigt t4*.iiily 'Smitten in gold—in go/d, crimson,"hlue, and every beautiful 'iAlire•itzle...of.,the work is suggested by' the a:h . Oinit illuminated manuscripts, but it , iss.oiitenkaueririehment upon the most brilliatrt4f-them : Every single letter is a_stal.i4:,- 7 ,a little work of art in itself. Thel; Ippletons will also publish over anynew Juveniles—all of them first cla.s. Prominent among the number is a new 514 43;4, "'Cousin Alir'r-Mrs. Havens -Yi.Where therel - s Will, there's a Wikazannfilft . 'Fit.ory by Maria J. and. 'deep's:lli:Aire •of the life of tiro - I ...eliCanliis ; -en ti t l e d " A Year • • $ . aggie "tEmina." Three more rxo44lV.tiiihe'rti g l4a1) Series will it' form pa* • 0 li
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers