Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, November 03, 1860, Image 1

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    P. WK1NNT1Y.............2.'ELL180N S. LITTLE
Editors ma Proprietors.
ix Chaim .2A50
For Two DOLLARS, we will send by nutil seventy cambers
sod for Oifs Dottatt, thirty-three numbers. •
Pastore sending ne TWENTY eutatcribers and npwardsOwill
thereby entitled to it paper without charge. -.
Renewals should be prompt. a little befbre the year expires
Send payments by safe hands, or by Mall. ' -
Direct all totters to DAVID 1111/11021. A CO;
Pittsburgh, Fa.
Proceedings of the Synod of Pittsburgh.
,QOTAMIR 18th, 1880.
The Synod of Pittebtirgh met in the Presbyte
rian church of Indiana, at, 2 o'clock P. M., and
was opened with a ; nerinen by the Moderator,
Rev. S. C. Jennings, DX., from Pror. xi: £.O:
lie that winneth'sOills is wise."
After sermoh, tlfe Skitbd was called to order,
and constituted' ytitit prayer by the Moderator.
'triElittEßS PRESENT.
"rrissitiVilav or ILEDSTONB.
Migratere. Eldera.
A. CK Pitterson, D.D., James Allen,
WatBo,llll.ushes, Wm. Armstrong,
Johii MiClintook, 'Wm. Power,
C. Crßiggs, David Coon,
.4 . 1Pi?5 R. Hughes, John Giffin.
Win. F. Hamilton,
•AleX. M'Oanghey,
j. H. Finnegan,
James Martin.
• •
Sam'l C. Jennings, D.D., Edward M'Ginnis,
W. B Meßrains, H. W. Long, • -•
George Marshall, D.D:, John Fife,
Samuel M. M'Clung, Thoniai Fife, ,
Clement V. AP.Kaig, , ••John PoWer,
Samuel Findley, Thomas Wilson, . } ,
Witßath Hunter, Alex. Scott;
J. W. Hazlett, • Bsoiluel•Rcs, •—a
R. McPherson, Wm. Black,
Wm. Ewing,
C. G. Braddock. ;
PREBBYTZILY. pp., uLeinsvits.a.
David Kirkpatrick, D. D., Win.. st e wart,
Samuel IlleFarren, D.D., Thos. M'Cotmell,.
N. H. Gillott, A. P. Gilmore,'-
A. Torrance, J. P. Henry, 7 ,:
James Davis, John Cunningham, •
S. 11. Shepley, John Burrell,
George Hill, . Jas. Carothers, M..D.,
Ross Stevenson, - John Hayrnaker,- :‘
J. M. Hastings, J. S. Clark,
David Harbison, James Taylor, M.D.,
J. W. Walker, Sohn' %mat. ••
Jos. P. Fulton,
B. L. Agnew. -
rassnrreni 07 44itiox.
James Montgomery, John Maffit, •
C. P. Cummins, George T. Henry, '
John Wray, Isaac McHenry,
Josepfi',Matoer, ' 'James Patton,
JohnX.Kean, W. M. Warden,
W. R. Wore, James F. Agnew,
Jas. SOPfier. • J: B. Lawson.
or SALTSBURO. '" `.
AleiC..treltddeon,l):ll., • J. S. Quigl ey,
John. Carothers, W. G. Lewis,
John Stark,• James Rhea, ,
W. Thoe. Laughlin, -
A. Moßlwajiii Thoa. Hamilton,
Franklin Orr, . Andrew Kimmel,.
Wm. F. Morgan, Samuel H. Niter, -
G. W. Mechlin, David Kepple;
Robert McMillan, Robert C. Martin,
johnitioe . Robert A. -HarniltOii;
John P. Kennedy, John'Hamiltom:;,l ,
Daniel W. Townsend, John W. Logan,
M. M. Shirley, ' Joseph Wilson,
D. D. Christy. . Hugh. Miller, •
John Shields, ,
• • • -• •Hehry Robinson,
• Tobias Bricker.
. ,
• - •
• PII.IIISBYTERS Or RlEDirrolol.—Rev. Messrs. A:
G. Fairchild, D.D., Joel B. Stoneroad, Samuel
Wilson,'D.D.. J. B. M'Kee, lihoinas Martin, IL
W. Biggs, R. M. Wallace, H.
..0. Roseborough,
R. F. Wilson, D. R. Barron, W. N. Campbell.
PRllißrTgliT or Ouro.--F. I llerron ' D.D., A.
D. Campbell , D.D., W. Jeffery, V.D., W. Smith,
D.D„ D, lirEinnor, D,D., A., B. Brown, I.D:, J.
J. Marki, D.D:, R. Lea,J. Alden, D. 1):, M. W.
Jacobus, D.D.,- John M . Smith; J. Kerr, S. Ful
ton, JameslM. Smith, Wm. M. Paxton, D.D., A.
0. Rooksiell, I. N. Dl'Rinney, J. Y. M'Cartney,
Thos. B.lVana6anj Wm. Greenough.
/*lan/VARY OF BLAlltsvlLLE.—!Toseph Smith,
D.D., J. C. Carson, Wm. Edgar.
Michael, T. S. Lesson, B. 0. Junkin.
D ad;; SalarEkvizq:. 7 -,Tagephpaigtsr.„
- . . D.°Thiltrrett'SdrNikrifilf„, .1 1 411:1,
Shand, J. E. Carothers. •
Synod then proceeded to the election of Mod
drator, and Tempofary Clerk ;' when Rev. C. P.
Cummins was chosen Moderator, and Rev. Jos.
Mateer, Clerk.
Rev. D. M'Cay, and Elder MichagrAjohart , , of
the Presbytery of Clarion, new..appeared,..an4
give reasons for late attendaniii, which were
, .
On motion, Synod resolved to meet at 9 o'clock
A. M., and adjournsat 12 o'cloek •to meet s at
2 o'clock, and adjourn at 5 o'clock P. M. (bring
their present sessions
Synod then adjourned till 9 o'olook to-morrow
Concluded with piayer.
ritinaY MOsstwa, 9 b'oLocic
Synod met slid opened with prayer. ,*
The Minutes 446 last session•wereireadt.:
Revs. R. F. Wilson and D.' H; Bair.Or4tind.'
Eider Andrew Christy, of the Piefllitygity:Oßted .
stone ; Revs. A. - D. Campbell,l4l:, 7, onduA,
D.D., D. M'Kinney, D.D., Ao'irapr,
D:D., R: Lea, J. Kerr,
N. ,rKinney, and W. Greenoiiiih;
B. McLain, tames king, IVf.D., ' Dtid ' Williams;
and John Kennedy, of the Pres4tery
,of Ohio;
Revs. Joseph Smith, D.D., and'SV. Edgar, of the
Presbytery of Blairsvilli; Appeared and gave
reasons for late attendance; Which were ens
. .
Rev. Thos. L. Joneway, D.D.; of the Synod of
New-Jersey, being presetiti.witsitzlvited•to.„sit as
a Corresponding Member. .
On motion, the reading of the Minutes of the
last meeting of Synod was dispensed with.
On motion, Dr. Janeway was invited th - si:4-
dross the Synoil on the subject of Don:l64oli Nig- .
sions, as a delegate from the Board. Dr.
Janeway was then heard, after which, on motion,
Drs. Patterson and MsKinney, and Elder D.
Coon, were appointed a CenlMittee to report . on
this subject.
. .
The Moderator announced the following Coin
thittoee, viz.:
ON BILLS ANO OF.ERVlN.Es.—llinizriers—S. C.
Jennings, W. W. Wioodend, G. Hill, S. Findley,
and C. C. Riggs. Elders—Dr. Carothers, J.
Giffin, Thos. Laughlin, and J. Cunningham.
Jai/101M, PODMITTEF,.--Ministertit. Mont
gomery, A.. fforranoe, A. DonaideO4;' -,o".:.rat
tersone and Wray. .Eldera--4.../3 4 .- 4W4OU,
Q54,4 " 0 4 4/ 1 1913 a nd .§* 4(36: ;454# . 1..._• •
RffectlONN oi Anemia* flititlit t ..X, 30 111 1 11
nr 2 ".
INCIO* ' .r.:.llre
-01110614iientlf. Hunter:
an.,tt • . •
Ministers—N. H. Gillett, W. Ewing, and W. F. •
Morph.. ..Bl(kri—j. • MotreorY, and R. C.
Martin. .. • ` . ,
Natotartitir Tie S'X'ATK or 4titraion.--Mii;
leters—J. M. Hastingsi iodr W—Elmith. Elder—,
W. rower. .;:" 5
MS .
iche% and F. Orr. 2/dir-gNmelirPtittola't; r.
-4.. McFarren, and C. V.
Carothers. , f/( 4 :
. I.fy « 1:': .*:
~.,MiatrrES OF TIIR OZNEILAL 151515111IBF.,:tlfinilW:
fern—W „D. Howard, and S. M. M'Clung. ,P4der
=-17. W. ;Logan. s ,
; oviciTio!itAt Et Elle lAEA. •••••• Minh! ferilt-r4,
MdElwain,. and C. 0. Braddock. Aldir—W.
lincon,nsios Tan PRESBYTERY ornsuarotnie , --•
Icirkpatrick,.and J. Bioe.l l
M. natal.
lincoliDtiril tr.Par.sayl.sny Qa'Udfo: Men
isters--J. firiAftd J. Cdrothers.
J. Agnew.
• Burnam; Or , !fign Pazan.YritnY
. W. Meohlini - jinitS:rlkto ,
11 ean . Ehier—Thos. Wilson. • ' '
'IIIIIOOU.DS OP Tlng Pttzsarrewleferatinizoxi- 4 - 1.
lginistrra.—J. P. Kennedy, %mill. L. Agnew.-
Plcier---J. Allen. .
RECIOUDS OP TIPS Paillirrtilitt WA1iSOBIIIU1: --t
Ministers—J. R. lingliee, "and- 'M.. P. Moore.
Elder—W. M. Warden.
~;The fqn°wing papa, 3 1 14.„Ptegark tod ands •
WnsitAs, A thorough acquiiiititnee with the
operationtoCtiiiiVresbytonaiwieltnrish •threnglv
out the eminently desirelo #4./th
18ere ,
Recoiled; that ther%Presbyteriak4iiettairiced Aft'
mania, prepartd - tutd, .published -4 1 414Mh.
Wilson, of Philidelphia, wherein_ e
+A large number of these nbeent mittliterlOnd
ottlut., arrived by the eveningnare.—Eer.
VOL. IX., NO.-7.
operations of the Presbyteritin Church, in all
its branches, are brought together in an'intel
ligent and highly useful manner, be earnestly
co mmended to , all.the oboe bearers and members,
of the churchee under our cafe.:
Resolved, That, the subject -of 'Parsonages for
Presbyterian ,ehurches is worthy of the prompt,
attention of all Whti'ate iii faVor'of the ef f iciency ;
of the .ministerial work, and the oiler Ali& by
the publisher of the Alinahac, Of:orke handred
and twenty dollars for ' , Essays upon
meets with our warmest approval, apd Mt trbet
it may be the iueans of awakening ther r ohntoliet,
to their duty and privilege in this
The Presbytery. :oUßlairaville reptea the , re
ception of. Rey. 0,;.#4 - latiller, an& his' tuinterswaa
entered on the Roll of ! Synod.. • .•,• :
The Rev. Itpatrick, of the Presbytery '
of Saltsburg; appeare s d, and gave reasons for late
attendance, which were sttstaind
Presbyterial. Reciirds were millet 'fir; "and
placed in the handi:of , the Corniaitteek . for re
Presbyterial Statistical Reports w‘ge.rptip
and read. .
Rev. Mr. Burtt, of the Methodiet—Epiadopil
Chutfoh, and Rev. W. S. Emory, of the Evaitge
icl Lutheran Church; Were invited iclisit ck•zz..
responding Members: t• z - r • • ' •
A 'Colleation of ten cents from 'each .meniber
was taken • yp for the Synodical Fund. : - •
Synod• proceeded to appoint. the place and time
of the next meeting ; and Kittanning., was ap
pointed as tho place, and the Second Thursday
'of Octtilielr, at 7 o'clock P. M. as the time. •
'The Committee on Domes , io Missions reported
as follows: •
Resolved, That the. Synod--having heard with
much pleasure the, address of Dr. Janoway in
behalf of the Bottrd(of Missions, whilst they en
tertain some differences of opinion in relation to
the present administration of the 'Board; 'do,
nevertheless, commend it to the liberal contribu
tion of- churches, that the numerous.mis
sionary fields, as well as missionaries nnder the
care of -the -Board; may-not Buffer. - •
The. Report was. accepted; and. on motion to
adopt, was discussed till the hoar of adjourn=
ment, when the discussion wtwarrested.
The !Committee on Devotions& •E7terOses re-
Ported 1 4 3 f9lro's •-• ••• •••,'
That half an hour be spent iAcDevotionallEx.:
eroises every morning; that Synod spend an
hour and a 'half in.;devotional ;exercises on to
morrow morning, to commence e.t.a o'clock ; , thalo•
the Narrative of the State of Religion be read;
that there - be a conference on the necessity of
more extended. revival: of • religion'; find that
these exercises be under. the direction of. the
Moderator. That the Rev:R. Lea preach on the
iubjeot . assigned him by Synod, this evening, at
61 o'clock. • ,
The report was accepted and-:adopted. .
eyncirl then adjourned till 2:o'clook P. M.
Concluded with prayer
2.,o'oLocs P. M., :
tytt9o.l* and was openedwith prayer..
The Mingtep of .
tilt hot : , were read. . •
Elder 14.,8,.14wWn, of tip) Preabytiry of
Rev li
T. .lestoon ofthe Presbytery ofClarion
and Rev. jas.ll. Carothers, of the Presbytery of
Saltsburg, appeared, and gave reasons for late .
attendance, which were sustained, r
The - idle. David Blair, of Presby-:
terian 'Church,. was invited to: ,pit as , a Corres-:
ponding Member. , •
The unfinished business of the 'morning sea-,
:Sion was'tnken tip; and•the diheiiissitin confirmed'
till the hour of recess, when it was suspended.'
On motion, Synod took a recoil &clock .
this evening. •
Synod , met.
Rev. R. Les delivered a discourse in neeord
ance with the order of Synod, on the subject*of
"The Church of Christ • her duty and sphere of
Aftel. public Worship;
,ther.'niihtliahed business
before Synod was taken up, and the discussion
continued till the hour of adjournment.
Synod then adjourned till to-morrow morning
- at.'9 o'clock.
Concluded with prikYdr.
SATURDAY MOBallfto 2 9 o oLoos..
Synod met and was open'ed'iriihprayir.
'l.Bo4llinutee of the laet:eetalititfifeteriiricl.
-17.11:6v;.I"It; Stoneroad;
s and Elder James Paull,
.o[4.l . o l lfregbytery of Redstone, ancl.Rev. Q.
lec4ifell, and Elder John G. Hull, of. the gree
*Cary of ()hie, appeared, and. gave ;easongfol•
late attendance, which were anstained.
; 7!..
The eeinutittee on Leave of Alitience - - report':
that thez•have given leave of .shosence
remaining sessions of Synod, to . Revs. A.
Campbell/ and W. Smith, anirtiders Di. 'brig,
.Dr. •Tay).or;:B. - McLain, and John Harbilton. ,
. The remt was accepted. t.
Sypod . pen engaged "in:,; , :itnaticips.l exercises,
iteaording to appointment:.
of ColportageidiOniad L their
whidh was 'Aria l :WA . SinTiiitted
. the-fitiltoWirig Committee tii..i4piiiiiheieon, viz.:
.Revsu. S. MeiNnisr,,stid R. Steven
B°Ul-4‘kl/14149r6 J• Fife Wid Yinake r ?
1t5r,4 1. „1N , Pr0wn,,19,4n.d.447. Jl, J. MtFke,
Ake Presby , tery . of Ohio, iippeszed,'•aiii
gale for late \Atitemiiume, .'4hioh war's
• The 114eatiTe thef.Eftate..of. **oh •
was read . dOring the:rliAloptir examine,
ceptel, : and . after sonspanaFfis, rOiso!roni4A r tjr . :
the committee for verbal iftiiiationi.
The, unqiiilied
lion; andifiedisouseion protradfid
'hOur. of" adjOkarniTaentivh en it viae irreriteit
Tke•Copimittee on Eeligious Exercises further
riported, as follows, viz.:',
• Riv. mach thla evening, at 611 r
iS'efook,'ofi'Vee subjeiii 'to' him. Sail,-
..lifithappeintritents 44;•• 7:-
Churcie—Dr, l ginyard wok in
ttie nidrniiig, afierribdi, kit!
,fdr.:Eindlepat. night: • • • ~,,•
. sr
United J'winiterialt PAMTp47--)kir ,,, MlNK, ; #
' the:gtorning; Mr. Hamilton in the afternoon, and
lir. 'McPherson in the ev'enisig. • •
.frmge/feat Lutheript..q#ur4,Nr: o , Riggs II?
the morning, and Mr., Barron in the . eiening.
' Methodist .Epiicop - ati/Chie6h-Mi: M'Kin-
Fey. ins mogn*gi t iond •Zdr.liy.syn?r, in the
I.FY enin g; •
`` The rep9rt was ficeep..., anll,4o4) . ted:'•
iiVuttlbarfilrfoNVUillt this after
4.l4onclVed 7 4 0 0 Yet: • ' 1
.. • o'otocir Ifs'M
Spiod:metand was opened with prayer. •
53 .414011.#011448 of , the laet.,E,essiptt were
• Tki4 . ..9,tlinttlittee on Synodical: Diseourtieti re-
ported asflollows: •
let.„The. qualifieat lona' requisite in 'the
try in Oder; under' the•blesaing of God, to actide
eArlioti s t-PietY• ll theag4tirobluATitt Arel ll . 3 l l 9r:
—Rev. N. R. Gillett. ~ •
2d. The Prayer The'Priiiklieittf•
Rev, John M'Clintock., ' - '
. • The report was accepted antiadopted.
The Conimittec "on Leave or..Absenee report
theehave gcatitiid; letivilte the following
L'arOtheM - JenppbtVgilseni
Darbison i J. B. Clark, A. bi'Gaughey, to. Coon,
o.:W.L9ktingilin, S.- H. Piireer;"L'it'Xitirpatriek;
jEtt tgley;. J: P. Fulliit4 R..H4glielt, J. P.
Menry, - Shepley, it. :Steyenson,,N. H.
Gilfeti, Vlllailett. • : ' • • -
.The'reptirt-*di iiceepted: •'
Mr: IK A. Ligttn;.'obler,Cit Blr rdville kresby.
ter); appeared ~ and gave 'sefteens..lo4. late , at..
lenclanceorhi4 were sustained.— • ~
The unfinished business wont taker lip and , on
motion, the paper before the house was laid, on
the table. ' • ' t
On motion, it was then
, .Resolved, That we have heard , with pleasure
the address of Dr. T...L. - Jtme - Witir . , on the Subject
of Tomeatic MisSiond, ;.-Vve express our
dgep .. ttod abiding intereetfloitli4copsenand cor. ;
dially recommend it; to the continued liberality
of = lhe'inembere of '66l‘sidttifidiW. 77
Boolperl,:4'hat, ha t iteNiAit4sritip*sedd
our dissatisfaction, with - certain thilio: l 9 th 4
adininistration of thdilifiditi
have notjattibeel coiirohitid,•tc•CoMmittenot* fife
persone,heopointedoP,,o4%,a megtorkeli:Bo,.the
next Genettal'Atilembly,feepecifilifaitkihetheat
to investigate these miters, indiftthey , find our
• • dr 4/6„... -- _ r-- .0 .
k ..i.,.,. ... ~ .e, r rit 1 rel":rtr , :tr IT f;. 's 1: 4.l '"?' ,;" • ) 6.. 'D , .•
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alleged, grievances to be
.1.00, ktkttpely Ghee. . proper.
D. ' and J..
Montgdm'erY, tind4lortitt 7lr Ce> rotlieie ind4e.
8.. Lawson,. were alipOinted tikeeditiinittee to if*
pare memorial
I i
.The ponamittop l .op Bibs t4ilci:OyertutsiießoTtielt
paperii' asking Syaott change the ,bqtp)(l447
line between'
• • 'cc
`M'Ciaugber illo.4e , •oonjiregation of Long Ann
frour.tho . ...:PrOhytel;yi-of'..Redetoike. to :dist of
. ,
The report•winapoOdlikii#l4'pit Oktlikda,*
Synod tion took reveni.ffikei
t 3 o'clAkii.!.,i9f:
Synod met.
• The Rev..ti. -24',Caidelivered a discourse, ac
cording to appointment, .on the subject .;of "A
faithful co6peration of the ,members, : of the
churoh,es Peoiallythe,eldere, with the ministry
in every'g I ]r.prd nd work`" .
The Synod then 'ajoit!neir
lag, at 10 o'cloolc.:;•;"
Concluded with*maYtm s , ,
MoNDAYlLoaszno• 10;o'shoom
Synod met and wait opened Sri prayer...
The Minutes'of 61.4 i, last ilisiOn•Wer'e"read. „
Oa motion; the order of Synod to spend half
an hour at encli morning session in devotional
exercises, be -suspended, . inasmuch as ,they
spent one hour before the opening of. -their ses
sion in a like service.,
Overture No. 1, on the line between the Pres
byteries of Redstone and Blairsville, was taken up.
On motion the request was granted, kind the
From Youngstown, through 'Ligonier, around
the Nort/4', of.l,Somerset" County, to run., from
Youngstoiii‘ttiongli MarisVilie, Centre4illii, Don
egal; thenen' alOng the Plank Rotfd-fo ' the top of
Laurel Hi 1 1; and'thenee.direetly across Somerset
County to the top of the Allegheny Mountains,
the line running.' South of ,Elephartsburg, in
Somerset County . — it being 'understood that the
villages•Onithe 'line belong, to :the Presbytery of
Blairsville. r. '
The„ Overtures 2 and 8, viz.:: :Request-from 4
Long Run congregation and. Rev. A Id+Gaughey,"
were taken' up. After.some remarko they . : were,
on motion, laid on the table. ' • • *-•
, The Committee ',on- the Western • Theblogicsal
Seminary reported as follows, viz.: , • • -
WittazAs, 'it his Pletied the Head of the
Church greatly ttibless• the - Western Theological
:Seminary, by increasing the number of its stu
dents to more than one hundred and fifty.; and
whereas, it, appears that only t 4,062.82 of the
. $7,685.00 'which this Synod pledged two years
• ago for the tindowthent df the :Fourth Professcir
ship, have 'as yet been :paid to the: Treasurer ;
. and whereas this Synod has unabated confidence
,in this Institution, as one well adapted to pre
pare a learned, popular, and godly ; and
'Wheretis,.the abundance of the late ltivest, and
•the indicatiorit of returning .efirthly 'prosperity,
Toilet out the present as the -proper time to press
, this enterprise to a. speedy completion.; therefore,
Rtsolved, Thai one member of each of our
'Presbyteries 'be now' appointed, whose duty it
shall be to aszentain What congregation in
the Presbytery has done iitcourpliance with the
-order .of Synod two years ago—to endeavor to
induce congregations that.have,not done so -here
iofiire, to collect and pay.,over an amount equal
;to ;fifty cents for, each, communicant, including
'any sum that may have been heretofore
without. further delay,—to report to. Preebytiiry
at itanext meeting what congregations, if any,
have failed to raise their quota, and to report the
result,of all his- efforts to this Synod at its next
Ineeiing. • , '
• Re:wined, Thaiikhe earnestly urged urion each
of our , PresbyterieOrheti the repoit above re
quired is made , l4 them, to .aofiperate..with the
member now appointed to wittoh . over this. busi
ness, and'do all iu to ae9nre;the full
quota of the Presbytery,
Resolved, That • we • earnestly l iomtattp7l
.oun SenditarYiitirishifessitti; Enid itAderitoi t , the
4 . 6fitcett , pray.firrcfrall)tyfiknAople.nthat iespeoial
prayer be offered on theinbehalf, onthelast Thurs
day, f February next, and that on the following
Sabbath an opportunity be afforded to those whose
hearts God. may have moved to add pontrilititkiiis
'to their prayers, to:aid - in Completing the `endow-'
- The Rdport wasiceepted and. adopted.
:ReysviAi , O. , Paiterson, of-Bedstohe,!B.
C. leanings, D.D., of Ohio, N. k. Gffiett,..of
Bliiirevill,;z4ameli.34#l4gomery, of_ Clarion; and
A lifortwaii f o f • were - appointed in
acoordanOe with Ms . leyiert. = •••7::
Committee :on the NaOsiift. 'Atain&
The Report, T ires Sooelitsd . andt - adOyitell;.esid as
-.;t.the Committee. appointed at the .last meeting
'of.Synod to prepare the Narrative on .the State
of Religion in the churches u nder its care for, the
timieidastical ye ar eiPirittgit this time, 'would the folloying : •
That . the,minda and at . tentien- of Synod may
'be' fixed more - carefidlY* - tiport the great. field
under our care, your -Committee htiVe deemed it
jodioious, wise, and pro.fitablc, .beforl3: l .ovixlig e jt
aciiidensed statement ,f .. fh* . e 'religious aspect of
the it: appears in. the Narratives 'if
the several Presbyteries, to glance lightly. at ; the
territory over which the ohm-Chas are spread,
and thus have a correct view of the' extent' of
the field we are . oalledlo oniti.vt?,o4.ita.population',*
and their religious ooinpleiott.
:,This•Synod .embrackis , 'Anita awn',
nine counties, as Well'its paste of four or five.
Other counties, in 'conneilektWitiftt' initial portion
.Northern Virginia. ' .
On this field we have a itipttlation at the preti
ent time, reachintrom four hundred. and fifth five hundred, thousand; snolivtireo4 .
diversified in their . , occupations, - Chantetay.",..
erentiet;:miany', of them trOin lertnany,.and the
linerald , Jati; others front Scotland .; but tkt
Chiefl4rt.'conititisei:l of riativ . ;6'Sdrii . 'niiiran's.
A m s ar' a ked na . t 'v u a r r al iety re'll in i ' l l t he o r t el tj" io B s:4 * ' ll e ' l liin eoi d eilft ea ha t t a ; l l: l 7 .
d !peiVadeti 'this' teeming' populat i on.:
:Wawa radically different; and: are •felt,
-both in- regard to the -doctrines; ordinances
governmatit aiioointe4' by the.greatilead of
the •Ohurch;for-ber• tevealeil iii
the !Bible.: Especially,js
,thisztillitliAn•tegard to
ihaegieat ordinanc e, concerning Church and State,
the:Christian Sabbath. . 1 • • • -
• .But whilst these are indlihita - 40 fats, it , iri
Still pleasing to know, that of all the .11417.4
phases -'of ' religion found cint"thiii• ranittirr,.
Presbyte.rianism is the chief, pgist.affectual
and controlling in , its influence, as well . akinmit-,
ing'irloet completelY the ieligiothi
Tart2i:mitiber of ithismapulatiOri -, .diiiinguitidied
alike for taLente„,attaimuenfe, mc3ai l worth,p,rita
" ° ''"•
4 •
rom'ststititicalltailetivre find that Otitisluirchits
number' 1 47, . hriving; a. membership . exceeding.
0,600 littilfi;.aiellisivc of the baPtized•yonth in
Mirtihotisetields.ll The :miiiitsters..o .this ,Syned
num ber 105 ,1.149,1iMitiatParSOY . Pkeang . the
Gospel, and may of them won to beCome, pas
tortriunribeiT4; aria thO'citindidifeit fOi.the-min
hitry) in ,tikotti ;t atages -of :13feir..ilitorary,.-and
Theological" - couve.reseh:B6; •••• .
lierellien; ih the r viiiiidfiliirdirMinte of dad;
we , hafe a kJ-esti...Moral 4obeciiit Workralid. pre'
paring to, work; whose influentie,hylikidtifenrit,
piety, *prudence zeal, and" loie of , tin& "m felt,
and • ran st 'be fell; it !Mon aa
wpAcement and. ripbuilding.•ol.ood'si Kingdom:
. wp - T erneihber .thie. this old ` mother
Synod hasi within thellast iota - e'elifurSr,
thi.oughLpetition. to the GenoralAistembly, given
existence to two other respeotable 4 . 4
actively laborious Synods,—each Phrscrilig
work of God with energy and •suoceis;
this is a "pleasiiii - faVin .`olrliiiitorYTit ie eta
:delightful to, krioF, ' that; Illituoldefirpt; And,
•tried Synod has yet a goodly ..territoryt•—•a Wide:
spread domain,' and an intelligent;
cumulating population-, holding • firnifyl, to,
faith of 'their fathers, ,{and well worthy to be
called , the back-Mine , of Presbyterianism::)'-Fut'
tber,,,if,we look , at this.subjectfin
,atintlicri of Ate
aspects, we shall find , allowing four
. persope.lo .
be adherents from choice to PresbyteriiedOe:
trine and polity, for every copitnunieant o iliaggraz
gate on thisfield of someBo;lKsouls,,httlitonoeci.
And tionficolied by the doctrine arid ortlei of our
Chuicht , And if We allow 150;000 - of thefpu
lotion to ha.a,dherents :the faith and,p
other' evangelical donominiaons, such ire
Preshyteriaris, Covenatiters,!Old ;and; 'New'fitle,
New : , SpAK.r j resbyteripsi Meth oflhit..plsoopal
Pioteitanl, Xutheraris, German '4,eforined;
litiptisdiVairdShiSdoPhliiiiia)weehtal still'haVeleft
some 200;000 souls, under the pow er of.t4ie gan of
gin andethaT,deatructive forms of error,
vast numbers ;tinder' a soul:blighting and withr
ing infidelity, or a stupid apathy and indiffer
ence to .Godrs rilth ill any rqou .
•in this view of Ile case What'i call to Prayer
activity, and•self,deitying zeal!-'
Two .!nimlto th.,'t , , .aopls are only Ihnttrl# e I
number lir' in" gam .- 6 , , tiii4ith elepnil 'interests 'I
:at stake, , antLyee.t Mout hope 'and GoeviArtfie ,
world,; in ac P.90 4 ,,V , .0 ninny tur n our
Man the limithei.. hen we turn our. thoughts
to , the ethdemillitt ' l 6f:it ifttlY36ll sb :Soler:i - ft 7
interests so !OA tn VAX madipg„do. Ivey:not, •har !
ood saying : s'eA l r e,' p.wake, IS; Zion i &rep;
"slikike thiselfVfa. Suet.. ?tit on • ihy t 'biiii-, •
ri tii
Wu). garment* OC:'
_, salmi; the Holy °Rye'. ,
'And should we not deopt the language:of, ejtoda
ancient people, an !cry, Awake, awake,' d ' arm'
of the .I.zord.; , put :strength as in ancient:days:
With .this gl,a , • the , m oral
' tile,
field we are call liiliivate' let pa 'O act
lin '
contemplate its spiritual conliitionpralid
see what God In )ing in.the smidetpf*
as • brought Le :e i . n. fli, Piabyterial.
.N arraiivea. ~ .Frl tful inspection , of the&
reports, : it,wll„l" r ,to , Synod."to.,f.ontM,
thit Gtod, , of a b
not givenhii pt
and goodness—,n)
'blunt to -Work •
Ged'i , har
:clutrchea as
been realized . tt
and enlarge' ea'
In, the. first ,ph
with -.
'ing in the sevesai
sec in, the Lorfl4
The ;axople of'
more practical pi
ontention. and
God, have hap
jhe flock ...of J Goili
people, and wide!
iothtld, of Zion, ,
2.; The sttem .N.orcl j inilrices, : and : poise:At
attention - When in ouse of God, on the Bari
of the people, to iched Gospel, haveThein
such as greatly ! : tcouragip the; hearts,„ and
strengthen the hr ' his ministering n servatits..
- MinistersllW seen' called' 46 preach to
.empty pews, teas; itaftentive.'heareis,
The Word has,. sr, impressions have been
made, the heart felt' and melted;` eta "the
silent tear hit's; ie iwn the cheek, - indioatiie
of the SpiriVii• ! and influence. With
many, the deep .has been awakened to
know the way , and be 'saved. _ln many
caries *the Gosj had awakening: , andi sav
ing. power ; n ore • been. lorought , from
'darkness to lie death, fro, bos-
dage to liberty; .tred fait:me, froin - TAr to
holy peace and4:did though the ad salon
is general, that hag influence ,e ...
ed two years 'any churches; - is s — not
now.. enjoyed;.s has been Unniiiitaksible
evidence of a L •adual; nil& prOgiletefis
work of grace . churches; • resulting in
numerous-convt from. the world, es well as
in sanctifying •ainigtomforting God's people:; 'ln
one of the Preshrlines—that of Saltsburg,- the
youngest in the -, , • hood — the Narrative !Teaks
of blessed refs == . .
during the lait Wil .r. - Pnitractedereetingif were
f tm
held, and during t e occasions the Gospe..l,*tts
earnestly and aff ' nately preached, and great
ly blessed of. G *ll the spiritual health • and
enlargement of VI hurc ii es.
It is recorded:V*o6(l's people Mere greatly
enlivened, ,and tt..nzw., zeal for prayer, religiens
converiiation,'conlMed with more - than 9idimkq ,
activity in the saii4Scof Christ, was infueSdinto
f t
the hearts of C , lons ; that
wits the
With earnest Zeal perated with the ministry,
in self - denying ` !
l _ 'to build up' the Rediiiiiiiiii'll
Kingdom, and sa -those ready .; and
whilst watering, 6 errs, their`oltif souls re&ii4red,
abufitantty. of th ;refreshing, dew of 'heaven f
and thus experie big& fullfilment of the Divine
d&ltitation l " "W"h ' they 'that feared the Lord
spake often one t `'another; and the Lord beat*:
ened and
.heard 1 and a book of remembrance
was written befor im for, those thalficiired him, •
and thoughtaipo :s name." .., ! ... •'i !,- ;,. • -
3.. Th e repo declare. the
that Bible an • atechetical Classes, Sabbath
Schools and prair _meetings, have been kept ai).
in• all the church -and,in , many, case with large
attendance, de: o l4 . , tefest and hopeful fruits. - In
dome churc h ! • twcoto Six weekly init.:feline+
for prayer, h ,
' ;isted, AtEt#,. with enarnisagin . ,g,
prospects. .. 4 , t •,=w ' tO . e fervent - n ,..--
offeled'in •'. - . • -....• ''!• - flutt - 6041W.n...
shed down.that.,lffought many ,to life, reclainlig
bacialiders, and cheered hearts drooping and
'lftill'bf dapondenkiy. - It is pleasing also to.iiiJ
. 090 the fact, : that all seem to feel,.that:wilking in ,
:the. good old ways of our fatheis—preaching,the, i
•same doctrine, and With holy Unction, suoh as,
rested on.them—,teachieg the same_Catechism to,
the young—holding forth the.great truths of the'
Gospel, such as Gritl'adovereignty and man's en- I
tire' dinfidness ;and "responsibility—justification '
hy faith in the : atoning righteousness of the Lord '
Jesim'Clitist-fikigeneration by the renewing 4:44-
er_of the Holy _Spirit—its the truths which. God
• has always blessed for the conversion of sinners
—the sanctification of believers—the enlarge
nient and beauti'of the Church—es well' as.'to •
honor and glorify the n'sme of Zion's King and'
In regard 'to'Christian liberality, all Speak
the words , of encouraging advancement, thchigh
titill' far Short s :Of the measure of Christian duty; •
All deplore - the•painful providence of God, which
in the forth of withering' and desolating frost,:af-'
.feted all this region the early part of last
"Year, cutting • ' n:d
Off the ` staff of life, and limiting '
the'abiliti;.elii&Viliitre' . the heart was riglit,l of .!
"God's pcopli. - 4016:41/Illitthey . would deaire, in the
Ikeal. 'beinefidenoe: But though.
:averaily ioalbtted portion of his peOple;
Stillib the`iniihit of difficulty and perturi;:the
;tiiitributionts in &One oases. were larger than . in
* Yitars'Of distected prosperity, and in few less:.
And whilst f oom'this cause the ability to give was
"lonieitissit diMinished; yet Godliat overrules 'tliB"
`inrreatiire pkoviden ce Mt. goocinaltinghisr . *Plik
!Oat helplessiess; and' Uttivd.f.:.
'airiest'', lad leadingthem to humilia t ion andiddlie
.sOiit'Ar ?or tikiiir sins. ' ' • '
. • .
thoilimmunt, 'etnntributed for all purposes dp,r,,,
3ni Elie year, for Misiionary, Educational; Church
Extension, Publication', Congregational and Mier-
pellaneous, Was a:little under $T4i,OOO. • •
This sum white in the agregate seentipiiy,
large, yet contemplated in the light, of theinim-•
ter of God's people; the wealth they possetut;ith&
fields to be cultiv i t,ed, and the perishing condi
tion of thousindi tti; home, arid millions atorqutt,
'appears - coinpdratiVely ;11, 41 eibeide' hut -
little z -:-Sour dollarNtoovery 001:11.9110paph and for'
Whate‘er. „ yire may well say, surely,:
expectsfrenr stewards;hia bounty, •
' 4 ls l niuch larger. supply.: At tole , tfeared
:many . who have entered into coveitint:•With. , GOd,,
:and sealed it,•the,brolten body and shod
hover' learned 'the luxury,
doing good,-and that it is more blesied to give
!thin receive: In view of the crying wants of
our land, - and dyttfriforld,'there is great room
'for improvement,
.sintittli4 chrititieneishould feel ,
that, the silver and gold are the Lord's, as well„ l tis
Alta eittle upon trust; show
ewer, PoQ in:inOreY,ho :11iVPIAius a - fftvirrs.
~41,e,seisan and bountiful harvest, and is hum,
%;eti tithes' into c liblittere.
hopsp, : and; provc.,*ick, gtertwithy and.. see, if ; ice
'' . wp.l not opfn the:wiodoivs of been - and ur
dinti r there shill 'not 'bit rejtiC
epbngli ree,fr);ro it4thit the stotistioti of
lcutusioharities 4,00 close .of, anothfr i year, will' :
E diow :Feat enfiatiithkinit, lierel4 itell'as in 'othe'r
things.•-slt :
•,G: ,Syithrthe~bright ,. p►e moist boa fail to:rev:el.'
. dark shades . of oq.enclesiataical field. ; ,9t,
.Temperataertindilie' ohleiftlaibee'Orth'es Chriet t faiV., •
Sabhathe widltsuioutid Emit !healthful ansreEfeek:{,
ing regerdinkthern, t4e-Narratives,speak,tliebfite i
gilage'ordisciitiregement and 'MO: '
some churehes,t offorta have heeii.mide'to revive;
the:cause . .:of temperance .by organiatng
upon' tho"old basiti of moral suasion, in moat;;
such oiptiiiationtexist only in".th4'rectitds.%oP
the past, eank;sl4:. many seem to ,feel o but,littii.
interest onlliesithjeCif ; whilst the ividenbe. f ht:..
ot . -erwhelming thae:the demon Of ititemperiiddlil
united, to. Sahloath.deeieration, and 'taker fesc r t . k.
moral as cause and . effect, are around 414
lii the'Midat-of • - us, etitiai'g sorrow ' , wailing ";
;desolate faroiliespqmol4e4 hearted,. wives and or;
than children, ruined' .. character, wasted_ prop-,
erty, tiligh6d hopes, and destroyal ktruls. This
Pur,tir,.(pAeraptl lamentation, and should load-uti a t
al '`to Agulre what' can be done ;to arrest tliiy
evil;4olllback this desolating tide, and save the'
Ottejl,e4d 'rising generation froni a' - drunkard's'
grate .p,,nd . a drunkard's, hell.
•.! ' in closing this' Narrative we haVe 'to record
liferrc and goodnesa, love and peacer union and '.
Pileigement, health and prosperity, freedom from
destructiVe diseases, during the past year \
Whilst it is her- priiilege to record the merciful -
ct that ministers, ruling elders anclteople, have
been generally spared,'and ordinances regularly
!Hetet:l'24o;lb Gosiiii3l °lathed with greater or less
power in teititpointu; whilst manrwho one year
I he sgern,`ipid in - trespasses and sins; have been.
God's children . refreshed ? ,
etrengthilited;:hhff anithated • with * bri ght hotos;
akid"glidneis have - Veen,yi,
Zit:l44o - 6V The tabernacles of the ' righteous,.
mff. fa" the 'trainee isr 'the angels' of God in,
we are reminded that much land, aveal e work,stiA to be
done, mid kilt:a:ghat time for its aecompllqh.r.
'neut. 'We should. rememb6i tbaethislo "some' of
PAY' N 0 V : EMBER- 4' 1860
aniemb.ered pion, an d
iit6' the , liaiida of
iyes: speak ...of f #Lvey
labor, and ennonrage
he reviving power' tot
experienced .in Out
ears, yet enougkhe t s
Lith; encouritge
Li speak . of repo ,tnit:
exception, as ex3Bs- ;
over whiolt ;wir
and hew pl
lAW,O.;, lll 4ith I
;h engender).
alas of
,:the / hearts of his
.6 be 'written on the
1 ::). rVt.t. -',,r tb,,;,,••:7... ~ '. • '.. '!#4!1: ::.. •i 1 ,
iue'!!litilt Oifitletgefi:r in the „vineyK4hat, -
.413" . lig ' ilynoit.ital year : shall hive eitiled,:
.itii inhyldni. - 161d ificrisilenViri: , the grieve:L.. 'Wet
jihourl4a,Alteibelstimuleted to holy, eornept„cpdi
"self-teiYibiTsb'or . iii tlje service of our bleesed,
, ftim'ritc W.iiiilittiiniatingzirdira;lindinii , ite
.Qhristiens . ,!fesptintt : -we :lirnAn atv.ege.of wed-
dells, in 'a,..!day • iheallod. is shaking the nations
(14,•tiniefori ZionAti 'enter' uObn
rAeT:PdillenltleiSlCtllo Let, Cal tceolveto , crise
and e
ca4:411 1 , 1 God for hitt reviiing r end , quicken-.
zing: Siiirit '''Alil'ulPlittlor i mote - irnestlY,, pray.
more fervently; and exerpizie• stionger r faithQin •
• God'e promitlee: r.;f;et.,uelmoy thetlitod,*p•maki
us feelmOre deejily;inore habitnally . and tenderly,.
fife Noble of. the lent ,end,onr aint.rettponsibillty ,
1 tem
I .tp i. Ged': „'..T **Adjoin; preaching befin• demon- 1
itilatiOn' o the EiVt.• and with pnie_r, and the"
tarty ,be iii ;41r , irrolind liter.i(
erfto LIS Ilimzerforr• —, o,f . .".... , • "., .• i r.i - :11 ',.
1 Siibinitfe'd fo r the action' ofrniyld, by the Com- I
. mittee. •,. ').EinniareMsasiisii,;' Ch-siTmati...
A . ;Repoinau tgo'.ll . cords of the Presbyteries 'of •
Baditone;',.phiaZitlajtaiillei: Clarion , : and Baits
. . ,.
inirg rat!? ileali,tatianil the reoords,,approved:.!
' The, Corathittea,'.on , thelleitort,orlhe -Boapi. of
( --X I P. L itI ST 1 9 ,R ° Vrjn„ T il )4 ° L - 7° 1 14 14 3 0, 4
C ipia'sti. opi.A,-4d,ii as follOWs;'iiis."::.. -; . . :. ' •
'f . • 'The, 'Ognimitted 011.'COlpoiaLd; W"vb.loh . wps.
,referred . the ,Repiirt of! the Rosa: of-thltooffio;
t pe&_,JeityP i ta refiqt: 4.,... • • •-i,.; .. /T ~,.,,, !oft:, a is ~;
'That they llave heard -- iii,fit greatlileasure of
ViteMont)Tek eAleuteinfattsfAttlentArt•rSe:;kotwith.: -
.. , .. i
.nrii.44 .- &k .-:-'
'it. thifeaste;;;salled‘ieoweiiiminteilin' the: twosean,
titur of thtftlolif. rt nefaxtenl, ht ; tlie,Beld over
Which the opritionsOf this Board extend, em
'biiiisiiig in•the gyitliPef liitishilegli lilchie ii pot)-
u 1 54iP., 31,0 f - Acot , lo ls . - Phut! , (000,0007s06.18,:•200,000
of' wash are. tZdherents 51 no evangelical. Church;
:Skill 1 ai4i, rtile . rel'VrePiiidispiiseil' tii seek afiei,till
..epop hooirleidgethe , great-importance:: of dis;.
seminating the, truth, as ..J,esns, throu gh
the . initrardentalitY . 'of kite' ifeaiL4liel Value) ~i:if.
"etas :thittfeitnnotibe:iestalf•fd: With Ihe Werd ; of
Pife,..but hy . , the , agency ;utile. faithful tiolpo-:
tauis, are 'considerittiotue.:Whiel '4onit;raiti yew'
Committee -to prat uport4gils';l3Yned . tlia-ingiiii-!'
. ally. of. .Tinnarad .ztsitT, 041 '.:*titiog. vtitity,igui
*this -t OituSe. ' ' .;
.'. '." '.. . • • ,„._ ;
:ts4.Tilli bfolgrelieslif'of.thOtolitiiiiitioni gttenleot
' th f I O 3 P a NVOI m ftRY -Orglec9Pllret4tilina:g . :thia 7
'SYnoa,.liefray on thee, part. want;
.of intereat
ktlilliteSniel Wli f cili, it is, hopia,.tha aiikeildct
e4 l l 4 ifutt44ol 3 ; and: Beisi tate Wilt
. sirit!•iemove: , ,
,And,yOur committee fnrther,Juipe,,,that.4b l e,lili-s
•iiiilitY , ' Of ' tha t Ongteghtihrts'dfiring' ilie - eneitiox;.
17eXr,lrilligret4lyzreliere the Bard didoonthe Giffi-'
. .whiCh. so -seriously , ' httertep,Atipk.. their'
Wi aietioy . and - duObesi, ioid Will 'enable' theaCt s o
PileyetlrtkinstetictOf'"iiiiveateeraolyottenra, more Abitttgiwtoe seyot,e(!n, l Nho4diall z . l ttrit „the ,deati-'
'tap and . ' - g . .diei. firm Nes ',in (ink' extenaive lonia,
-1101d,:thdi.bring`thenizitiveilittitt latitlittiorirdia z
ibea,.4 4 opr, holy,iiekigion„,o4l4 4yi Atetr O s og orGd, May
prove the salvaXia . n . Of . their'
F o in ii,; - ,-.. l i.'. / r• 4 ., :, :. . : .-, ..:; i• '.::.:::.:, it. , , - .1 ....; •
yeur csommi - ttee i therkfore}. reabantend'lllie'
adoption of the folloiringassolutions: ,
faiteritg, Thal , Alas Synod beartiliappioirtiiif,!
cpwitions o_t tlidtßotird. , ot,Colpoitage;Aur.:.
•-• i p is the Year enilytg...Sef tember, .
That th'etengragatcons; under the,
olare - or the Sinddibe nitkkelitPi
'eral "anneal, coptribntiops,to , the .finds etl
4 1logirdelizt`dlhileinr so•••dliiiig,'they, be careful to
-ifeilignlitti..therbottril of 6oltiwittio'dfAlifs Synods
,pt,VittPurillb!,44-11eghlnYti 9P4he 1 . 13. 40(.
of Ttfblidataiii • '•! ' • ,
' . -e-ZottelVdinifulte`'n'larther -reemniansend* t he' Ti
pcotippkfarthree yeart 4-the `clenobßa ;whose'
time expir,es during the p_ indoting i of Synod: :
The Committee on 'Leave of Absence report
-ihab thily shaxe' , .givort tios-ITohit:llpnett,
cAlex.`,Seott„ ,amce , Patton,, J 4.,,,Amrso b John
nifiret; R:
at d1..1.1. •
I•. • - •
'lThellepert , irati , acoeited. ' • " '' • •••••
lik •
e,•,Con l mjktes,3on RsasonO'',Of AbOticcLfram
fonner, meetings reported; The , Repore:was.*-
cepted and adopted, and is is follows„,•itc.;
Thai Reire. W. Smith; J. Vice, :Thomas
Martin, s:.p. Bollman, F. ffeiron; D.V.,1 and J.
l lii4l,at.rfrog; hark'assigned satisfactory' yea
•. 2 followint ini khve gnedno reasons,.,
..:414:0 1 /611140; of thi*Plt4Weri;io
ohio4lßeyit..J. Painter, D. D. +. R. D. , II arrettiand
W. Q. Shand, of the Presliy.W.y:af.Sal!alutrjr,.;
• ind 'Re4B: R.' re Wei gen Russell, and
Campbell + of the Presbytery of Redstone.
.Ql'he.Cominittee °lithe Minutes of' tlie Genital
Askenbly .. ...reported. The . Report ' accepted
and adopted,,ae fellow • .
Tke.gomOittee &pi:Tinted to e*atitiike, the Nig
ntift Of' the' General Isseinbri,tilig leive r to direBt. •
( theatteiition of the , Synod to rthe'ftillowing itar
The 'action of the thineral Aasimbty;
laendinglie • churches to obeerye the . seeon d rweelt
~of January, 1881,..tts sation ,o,f_apecjal : preyeir
for the outpouring of the Spirit onall, Beat..
This record on page 21-bf theltliiintee of the
• • I
11. A recommendation of the-Aseeinlify, .fo - aa
- on'pitge 85, Iwthe, Preabiterfel t'o" fake at:4RM in
relation-to the jund-for : Disabled Minidient and
their Families. . . - . . • ; •
' " h COnifiti
In mlation to the first of 't ese, your -
tee 'suggest to,the Synodr.tthe propriety of reiter
ating the
. recomlnetaglation „of the,,Aagerribly,, and
urge upon all onr:cittiQied 'the. iiikittrittnee of
this concert of t•rt4rei•"..' # ' , •
In relatiOn to 'the' second; we suggest to the
"Synod to, recommend: Co-all the ^churehtri 'unit&
their care,..thrtithenv accollaction %for - Otis object,
anonally,,etniforw.erd ik e to ;tile .Treasnrer of. the
triiqeee of tl a General ieeeiithli,
tlie•Tritiatuter pitsented the followini refloOrt;
*hich - iftie , , • •• ; •
, ' • • DB,:t • , ••,•• s." • ( 4
BaklaiL9P, iNT.Te•AgurT inpt•
Collejitionpresen,t meeting - 18.58
•t - •••• •• “, ••• •
• Cash-tiiiltaredr.Cl6•k:......!:.:.
" -Xe r ma 44 o•C i eFlV . •
f.-P4a.RtP;iR TlT'?AinrYt $. 2 . 82 .. • 1 .•
,Roczoo, ,whp4p.r.o4,xl).l.:nvtdixallyr,pll4l.4
till 9"o' thie'eoniog,,end,thettbe time from
*Ai oloie : ofttheii , bitsigeliirtillftliiiiftligif;Bilieit
in religipus ; conference , s'wit~h ', peay R 11 0 1 1 61:.
Synod then wijouined t44114e 5 400k AN! aftet:
no° #* ,-
•Closid ivith prayer
. •
O'CLoCil. P. .
and was oiisntd with prayer t
eQciri fipke
Ti!ezeonumittee .on Bills siri d ' Q vertures; idpoiL
Qyert,At beings , communication frotii.:
ikm the
/0 1 1 . 6i .E 8 4 2P I tatt i P i tA tl L . 4/M i PP'
un.mOtii:•l4:lloi i rort wseiputkp.l 7 l trt , -
q t left .. d z ur a t A l i
orliotheortitiMbOxigiispOited• - • . :' 414 16 "; , :' ;e/. 3
• To the venerable, the. leneral Assetnlily.of the
Presbyterian Church; Plitladelphik
aseemblektbmidinnoriar of:the Synok:of :Pi4s-.
)ITVIL- red ~3 F tF4fO lY i • := 4 „...
• 0, yery l arge majOrtiy of we'Mimi of
Bittiodilballii. ihrnifiters, dail4dititrast
r ender their pere, hayelor. a no:psdd 7
erible time,past felt and do eta feel,,seriouiflia
fi'44 1 8 0 % 1 1P.A. 3 . 0 a3 1 9.f , P 0 0. 6 4 1010 8 1 . 5 i 0 . 31 ecq
W.e are disiatiaileCwitli i tlia action. of thc •
iie6tairilde Cal
respikeding•Aecret4ry, , fas2Vlid! binntAissatisfi
with the ,existence
ebfp . 110'ilitatheekdiiime
p be*.e;n7- initignpittiii;`,ll.ndwiis4orking
s.ttecesefully; .: ti!at :the
ion tilt; 0 ik Beata iires' ited'fo
t is spe'oral-ptoposeota• that Iwo
.7'1 1 4 :their. Secretaries, ons at . Louisyille-and one
at 1 4 16W - 15rleauli,) tire , perfoiming a,large portien
of the -labor; Vonneotaillwitli the buidnesi en the ;r ßos4 4 Aare : net able,te se!) illat
'fiecesiify - feilyo. Beenitaries'in the abi'ae at Phil,a
dilfihidokalt: theOfeiretthink‘that the expense of
one. of them might, bis'aaved. to the,. Church.-
2. We are specially dissatisfied with the mete
tires' which we 'tideristitild to 'have lieen empfoyed,
by certain,members sof the-Board to bringlont ,
the creation of:this:office. 1. 4 . A
Wiitherlifort , mbpt. respdctfullY, yet motifaitirt;
estly.requestwurio;iskiiesticata thesefro4er' a of
which,we complain,- aidg lt,,ali„,allp,ppear.,to you
that,realirohnds of griiiitnec -- de exist, that you
&roily. , such reni4dris as yisu,' , iti viisdorn,
may judge suitable to ;their removal.?*
In presenting this, our petition ' we feel it •to
bie'due - alike to our Selves and the grisliViiiitme of
,Missionsi . to assure , y,ou that we
most, ardently attiolied to the Board, and do
most, earnestly pray and labor for its prospekiy
• • • . rsiw
WITPLE - 1 4 9 420
• .. .
laitteltAttr L 'ef tiiitsi . ' r ios i r as we 0' vr' r
w iii tY:laitcitedisoltdy by a deairetv?Sep 'daft
tgrettParni-,oUthe thttich;•sti entployed,
.ats: Moot
aucoesslhlljt ticconiplisk the objeW fat'libich;
11/ iras...orpatod.„ Intinoaqiusion, we aosure :you,
at, titjten...this'.tnal.tar,,ehill• have been, openly;
' fully'ean*itiAd 'before the 'Atisetnbly;
'-irLyoue , aeopkiob , phiat.lii adverse to' the *kW's
;which .entertsihoto!inkst„of the Church evil :
;lie 140 ,inottreadrsto•toquiese in it,' than -this,
to cookritte
vtatii,youltiearryir3 on th'e'gieitt work entrusted
to te board.
O .1 Irak eaten : 'land' ale
Ml 1(4 atiee: - 'vrldeh — the follow ing Was .
" •
krariem'orial from die.,Synod of BaltimVre' on
tli c a"siabjetii ;of , ties in the: Aitilty and .
Navy,* *ail pekented . snit
"read. While the deep,
ihiPor4Ace tfie..lniftjeet is 'acknoWledited; as;
wellies •-lhe jaldne* set u loyth,
yet,Synotf.does notfsea tleir way Clear to. Akio;
any :de'filia
. present, and " therefoie:ap . ..;
point "Committee te'repoit .012'.0is;
subjeceie their nett roihting, vie:—Messts: D..
McKinneir, 'Torrance, S: Findley;•!3.;
Fife, and..W:.Carothitre• • • :
/34 . 1) CORlMiitelfg. .O,U pilis:si l d,.4l, , ert:prO
ortedr•Aa fob:ming , resolution, which was
gesOlied:s :Tilatoll l 9dAeog9 4 !' Finch f xp.easi
courtge =use Olisac)l4.
ak; Ai r , ~•
" • ieio . l; ei1; 1 1 1 1;it;We 1 13tieed Cl,
_ ,
publishing thenotice .Of the' meeting of Synod,
vnbliSh at the sarnstime, the name of the Chair
'man of tpe Narrative; a.nd .that the notice be at
leiSt'onO month 'before the lithe of said meeting.
. .
llesslvedi 1 1 1 1 hst Synod .return -their hearty
ihttiks 'to the 'l'rusteei ; of 'the congregation for
the use'of theli house; and to - the citizens of the
Aorn'and,copzmnnity, for their kind hospitality
n entertaining the members of Synod,.
Thit the'kintites of Synod be pub
liShed!in the Burktier, underthe direction of
llicKinnerand thaTefmanent Clerk.
Symodit hen spent a Season in deiotional
• ' • ' •
; ‘Thutiofirt4
e knerd;;ithiliit itsiOgirize 'the .
right 'o.the'biojoritrot synod•to4dtirees the
,aexteratAleitiniblyson Eke-subject:of. the.proliosed
inPlnori,4 0 51 1 . 4 W1 POW. subj§l44;sl6sll9e, yet
'reel bOon4. to .4) ','"soient. e from Ihe l ikelop . iof, the
Beiiitte ifsdnfi,
%me; itt the second epeoifiroldoit of •thelfeino
trial, the tonduot *ot)members of
?Cosi oils is imptigned, and the Iseetigdy fiemked
investigate matters pr nrntr:yhieli grin to
tts, to be beyond _ the .4gitiinAgo etthe
131en'eiitl Aa P Aenibiy." " ."' " ' I
- ,Tosavt
o. , Piorrnsiion,- • tt.:4•R
A.. Tenant:an. C. G. Bnkono6K,
atlTL•ainwouko,•• - •—••,.A.r.8.412•0304.-vr --- -,
311314 7
KM: lk.l'Ci; G . , ..
Tsoarao Wltsow,
.. • , ~...i . , ~,,
~.. ~. •••••—• , t, •,. r- , -... e l ,
-"Synod then•:ndjouined. - .• "'•'! '-= 1- •
Concluded ~d: . prayer, signing : ' and.benedici
don. . Q 1 ,17, A f jdolivt&rsz,Porpeopent Clerk, ra .
' • ,, f: rl- ',.> •4. 4 . .4<..- ...1 , . ' I ;
11111. Ell
- -z; t
Synod took , a receastiaCtio'olool- this evening.
o'o.tonox, P. H.
On On.
"Tie folloiving4iperlijas rptd; on motion
brdefecl to be Minutes:'
- -
Mg Fag ? or Arcors-,—Suipuotora of % . ,iatOkorrri #ND HlB
4imir—Tasesuirvi , unromrpro 4 ?Orroarir!,-Ata. z Moors
roii%oon-7-A FRI6IOIIMASSILAIi 81111.1 1 4:1110U *l-01131-
CIOUS TEE-Cup—Annul. AND TIER PoinTION--ED:.J,otrix
-61! 111/1 CliTlOZZOATyficie
i(11C/IAPILL lit/11:161 . 0 irOtiaq/Z
raziiinilizarre GEE. • '
• • • .i0.y.647; oaorsei.. ~ .
Irri',FALL-op Ailootte, Mid 'OP Otiptire
of tailioriiiidri with' thhilvlbole of' th'e' gUri.
son, are events '-whichovirtially.. , proolaim
the. ,downfall •of-the. Falliey - f.,-airs . -tenipgral
lic'hier - Thus at' all eviiits; thei- Popel iii
without an army; after all" lle elaboiste ap=
limits' to Romish Europe'. ;for 'recruits. end
money—all is in, ,the „dust.. The Etiijoy
that.sent the,§ardinikri lioops over the Pa-.
pal w as` ; #44:4 1 a 1 -Atftgiit*W.
denanded by Birdiniilfifin
"and wiless she had' elitiskt 'to alitiiiiioa' hrif
TiOisitcon to lead they revolution, instead'of
twingitrodden down by it, what other comie
remained. for, lien;':.Neverthelese ,it
.. ,yrjoi
embarrassing,-and. therefore...the. dare-all
policy of.„o.iiiropr,io a . crisis 80, veg.; ,peen
liar is all the more: commendable:.,l4r`the
eud i dennosa 'orliii :idvadien, ~411 ' . liY the
84& 1 4ihelininigiliiibef Of lictipsqeilitil 4ed;
on'eliliiVe fell,tand"Ou'e battlii'lvaqiron after
'another; an w en • Ancona...plesenteit its
froiviiing fortresseirivithlthe remnant of La.
redfieierd'e trdoiA behind ,theni, then and
theFe was do ; slimi.pc4tit t ii leet r forwa,rded
by liribaldi, j u st ' in tiute,"tio - ' revel
9 th eir
towel!, and Wo.oznpUl the ba'iiittilition n ow
'144641,001a:14 "' '.. c" , ';. - ”rwt.• :..! . • -
..:. f LailioiicietO Alen) lista': inilli, hnt'.iin 'a
"Crusader of .thet:l9.thiconitury,;:bOAM4,l-inia
er4h)YgePP44:- Aktoiii 414 thAfiTht (4E41.94
Ei s campaign with a series oforders to . Nil
subordinates, which in tlieoii tlieedint Chid-
te,r,sui r,feiTelrer., - iiirfa - Wri: 4 `gulli „cruel
...driiitli6d: - :.'The 1 ‘ listithedr bland," % hy
411ifoli he ' mtent massaere.wherefetiimiurz
iectiOn.miight show itself,'Wlie.. the itexork .
'144 1 7::: Pr_97.,•!!0.:-Is discovered to ' bfr4: 4 o
the agent of Anttieelli;, a head contipirni4i
itinttint Viiiic'P'lteit)f.'"lfie pliitftilio" we
are lefa, hag. falleiiiiitb she 'hands 'Of portfolio, `"
erakVanti; It•i*intidnidetters , of the-most
cOMPOnaisilig; dh2 1 tr.gi1 3 .t.°1iV..4.01 , 4euk0it .. .P 0 44
tive proofs pf. numerous intrignes entered
into with
... the
.. I;e4altiiii . LLind even the Bed
34* 1 . 6 L,Pi:F a X$Y , ff ii sTE:o s 7 - #,M nt
Ilf. Ll* -93,r0r, Nopolenn. , ..
dore'lAioiatir Itorridere . beihrtierit lij
tiiii . Tialierik.' ' Ffrit, 9.etieitil" Gorsin fro&
'iirlimin the.-.commalntet theipxneen-Alad
ileen; A! ktWaYinylv.,4ll- PAPicite.che ...ailtitssie*
thousa94,seen ado:414:o the nui4pre nudes
iiii'Commarik tile oalsialiiliiiiiii dins ex
' tette& filiiiireii'befefill the.isilti'of Rtiiiil4 .
IkTl3o'''tivelviitliolitliiiiii. iddi r iltintil trosipiwite
_about:llo, 'be..fadd , an..consognence o p e
chreat,Of o 2 ll ,4iddi,*.9. PriV.;9 l
tann° Illiill
p,i' Italy, Pout pie ...i9 of die . Qriitinnl,
'The boast lir" threat of Garibaldi; '*high=
ever name we give to the annoupnriefit,li
4t likely to - VeTelrentairared . : Ykry -Appetit.
l . y.' `GarilYali.'S troops iit u diPitit
oirived several seire?e 'Oheckid.tiTgfliiii . hy
ati.Mealstadificiiiiined band 4 -they arelack
infi Art nr-tillev;audjhere seen s : to ave.keen.
#1101 4 414 11 4 th's'aPl a '!"- - 4. 8 c a . i '-,) -.3,Bfkieo-,
`hide ediuMjnun'y on Ihis"nOiion ' been
,T,S as
liiiiilieiVeGsnibildiaiii,`,.ihcrwe ', iiikkfil
road , : near the gatescof . .ofrinoilky 'liven
ieduartilipiy. . - Other aPsAair.e.lo
- 'I II V Rty9l 36 ,4 4 kGigitaldi
in . „net be, ,arreileA, ae , .*".lfrOtkoaed march
.oh itiime r bi,tblise - 'if 64444 . , P;nd :tbe'llocni
'Mutating forees-'o,theii*ardiiii'd I Vriiriais ,
`II , at Giteta. 'mit, ofthuriti - trbops indeod,
eitiiliiiirlind' iind,hibifilined. also -Bit-they
are '' . with:'reen . iit: 'ationinOinsi•sed.. they: .
: 80 brib4ll" P* i t l iki• 6 l4ooMrY , M isibk .
w a Y, ll3 ' tlO. ARA' I M l ob r s : ' Garkb a f d{ ! B .
Ve' swiltoOuiiev,!; ale UeivillOns and 'We
iiie not disposed IP' iiihr hi in' fie l'ovi, not. 2.
withstanding 'tree* "bra in 'politital ap
pointiientavand bib , Vs ?nowise . opposition
4 O a Y9 l ' wi.,49Sfitsli.P . keno. 9Pns!i-P4 91 '0.
in the ficitpg,tirtic ii,.;:t.. , ".
.... ..4 •
.i .
tiarnvil ::iiaii'ili`ei,d7 eelle.ii' 'into the nisi:gll
sobite foiraiii6e*Ois•wonderful gocill'ititairt
has only soirvidliounlitlw his comphite; ineaPaoi
ty. And this is the:man who speaks seriously
of Pimenting unwell revolution, of attacking
Austria on the•Alincio,. an&France at Rome. He
wishes to ascend the Quirinal, when our soldiers
guard the gates; he. proposes to put'the Austrian
..t,..„ 1 :1.. ...;:1.4.,.,- i . :
,-;,11 - 4 - ..
~, ; (,,!...,
~ 1 t, , , . , : .1 ?:..:- fi'i7'..-..
. .
.. r. ~ • • . AIraticr r ISERIMITS•., ..
. .
TEBAIS ' . ' _11( /IoT.S.ifo.a.
' , 1 ."...rt • .;..!.. ..
A Square, (8 Hues or lewo,.,orip .
. 5
eqbaequent lueertlon, 40 cojtia.; each
4t* 0. 1 4:4 110 . Si Mitt.
~ j A..84194'1'8 Per TMtrie.-r_,s t 4 1 4 11 ' , -by th e year.
IRICTiO N made Vlibo
e 11
, .. :BUSINESS NOTICES tie TAM* or um; VIM' gich lia
r t oßcin!il lino, 1(1 cents.
. ' DATID V ri uM m ill iiiiimizw elx,
.::4 • ~. • . . . • .. r .
.., . . .
I'''aggi`te ioute--:tiat:: Was' the
ikdte-or-luiving stood against • the ..Reach
difteen /ours at Solferino !- rile has failed to
heopineyt4 bead:of government -he has only
speceededAn, a leader ofiryegular
ar ,:di 3 .1 4114:4 &minis. of t enterprises which de
,plliand ra r onciirienee of .pow,er and genius.
itnagilipßtort Sr. the'people has made Garibel
thelfero of, it .ibninitce: Let it go on a little
longer,,a#d• the,ronstutce will become a farce.*
• Pope is nOwdzi , 11 state of great per
, laiexity, fif not in...flier& 1.-.lte feels that :if
he; remain:, at Mother;thtrxivill , be virtually
~ qitideef it jailor • iir - tlitt-giltineh Marshall
, who , . is :the alter ego Of..thatozery religions,
siircereFigal uptight man. who /the eldest
- .Son of the ..ellikureh. Ntipoleonqa acting a
~ pext, r noti•tinit:e !sincere, either saecrespeeta
thejiNipei orf_the Revd) ntioft. . To
justioe, Mid; to 'give: this, MeiShisto
-ilphelesfl! his dne," he' leans to the
tion, but 'oases not one'jot for. the Pape.
But slthat wishes and' means; Is- to, be
reeegnisethasithe meastemof the/ gtuatioti.
Liteigcage,t.ickekerylvtazi: ithat ?when.
l4nearkt3l4four Onsen d anew areshirttte Moine
t':aud 4 probably' a 3 many more to Toth:ow/Tad;
Publication Office :
GAZETTE BUILDEN,GB, 84 errs 62., lorrroomax,
PHILADMILMCA, 1301714-Waff Coo: or .7rE aro tflooptirr
.y (a. ..gna,,
this is absolutely • refused. So* ? is like
wise when :Marshall Vailliintle Mission is
to make • the " patrimony of St. Peter
respected," comprising a population of
four hundred and twenty thousand souls,
altd including Rome, Civita Vecchia,
and Viterbo ) to Ond that while the Bar
diniami,are actually in
. possession of several
portions o f said patrimony ," they shall
Alotho driven bt by : force,'; they pill only
. 110 slim - moped,evacuate these recent ae
viiiitions, and , if they will not do so, the
is eensoled that this and all other
a da
detriment an mar inflicted, may still
lie iteferred to the. great powers of • Finrope.
• 'The flight of the• Pope the French do
ftot interfer.e, &certainty. It was
. tie. alternative abno*nced.l4..Antonelli to
the' French Government, if should refuse
wsi on, • Sa:plinis.. ,Vie -King of
prepar4 refu ge ' ll)X t Pius
iind,o is fthither,. not to Snitii ei,the Balla
dri,' that e Will,. probably repair.
47.64Ve11i betng recently questioned as to
calm'? secret preparationkni e. or the , de
rtaiture of the. Po'pe, relined with ,much
. liiirttiir;" at Is theie, thet?, en of. keep
,lng the tope a, prisoner ?" It was then
observed that, tfte, departure of his holiness
4 40 . igh:t he . attended -with ,th e miwt. serious
gonmueikeeS. for the Papacy 7 4a That is
r' i "" . ..,replied :the Cardinal; "the
..,kity,tAtignAntiff . :cOuld never remain in a
,irit s ysnlliaa . bY , the presence of
,This list remark was
caied 1:1Y, a .repeirt..of...the pro - bible ax
fake' • at... 115, ona 4 of,Vi.etjar- goy:amine', who
Ta..fice544.,40. "Al "F 4 Fencli - Government,
~mchnid norirs and; protest. ' ,deep devoted
,negs:l6:.t„t4 'One. would al
. . 111 1 1 t.Ritorgie.P.craktalen, Mutt such toils
";t l PJP,ll.P i tgi'VTA*.. (74 ; .Ploistent
1, - 40,h4Le "Remo. wicked, and
'000; 3 1 11 #00.fhat: Ati,.(amnot, 'but see righ
-teo retriktiti * .oriiii:allt4OuiPpens. While
gretfstant . ,natio4. 1'94 . 0,, the execution
ers ..4:llie Papacy, are 'tn. : professed sons
• 44.,eimporters.., We: may see the Pope de
' mine 91?k18 71.0 . /672.801.1t,1ipme, and France the
1 AtiateFof MIT seallYTl if:Am were
• 4 4 1 FiCRillirzlil 1 9
: THE Elmmvors Commins, at Glee
geSK 1001ted +4 . 'o4' interest, and
beeii comprehensive and practi
-i4in* its 'character . An inaugural sermon
pieeihed . by the; Rev. 'l)r. Robertson,
Minnifer' of :th'e 'High (Cathedral,) Church
a: and ; 'distinguished congregation,
tordl3rongliare, and most of the
thenibitin : ortke Association. The text
was,: " Thy 'kingdom come," from which he
sho that of the Association
were ' very directly `Ohrietiiin, eloriely eon
fleeted ' iithibe" . liigh ends for which our
SaviOir came - into the world. "For," said
the'prioiclier isles but a narrow view
• °Pelle inies'Of the :Chiricli, and the mean
; iinig '-'4l,f het Soiistinif:prayor, thy King
flom. einne 'not consider that ev
orY,think;l4deli pertainri . to the welfare of
: Cho - Woe plfilitidly, intellectually, morally,
! and Oblialtasiiirell as spiritually, in the
1 iiiiteleil'skiiikAdle within the sphere of
ahrietian. aspirator' and effort."
speech was delivered by
tibilv - - - z i:o - ' 1 9 3 -hili; - He:'has completed his
-efliglitilisionit year, and, yet' he is full of
rMthliodtly and mentally. Among the
Prominent topics were, The Religious
Qiestion' 'in Education ;", " The
, Temper
. 'lleldria'-' l `'"The Parliamentary De-
Vidlioation: of Women ." " The
Sovereigns •tot . , - .•Eurtipe and their King-
Oii:•;the'liSt:mentioned topic, he
stoke,kindly kumt, hopeful terms of the
frohilio.n ortheT.Amperor . of Ruisia to
ezniaMfilita 'the Iteifi:l l .Of'.Aiistria,‘ in which
Imp°, t refornis atr course of being
effected ' tikePriilisiaii • States " deter
,ti • •• •• ••
milked. to • stand dher 'llg amst the itiva
'idni • any feibighltieTrand he drew a
4crjy'ahie dontikst'AretWesii despotism (in
the 'pliPer sdnUe . of.the`t,erth, - ,s waiter, i. e.
• One person, the r Authority,) and
"a:torrant. Here is'a spetiparr it his state
. ments'ind style thin point '
• ' The prinCeEi whose Measures, equally just and
whse, beneficial toil:4lr' subjects and themselves,
tilmostein .he,' same,. degree, are, , either—as in
:Belgium,-„kugsia„ and Sardinia—rulers accord
• ing.tojaw,
.o.r. as those in Russia and France,
ifhenri unto themselves, 'and govern ac
cording, Wig!. 'gboilliteal. But it is a great
of: to;' tot icon- them tyrants . ; and a
;*VitusiOll-14.ifteilis..4! .trestv.theni• as , smith. The
.14huse.of.,despotismier,tyranny ; the gimps . who,
as.suc>z,_is barelyo be- endured, bz_Rse abuse
Acomes g,t,frant, who c:annot be .tOti ranch ab
horret7. Elie bles.inhererit its neces
tsiities'ot this 'oOndition, some of the!' worst vices
r'snd pitiable infirmnieSoDonr fallen nature;
snd-lie may lave all—falsehood, , concentration
of all liiifielings upon' hinting, disregard of- all
ether Meli's Caprice'unbciunded• and ,ungoverna
. Me; ilielialitual•belief Iliat his fellow creature&
are of a different apecies, and so to be treated,
unless , when'lrceognised as human in -order to
degrade,, pollute r and torment them the more—
these are is 'apPoirited . vices ; but to them he
may fititi,theimost,savage cruelty, and , delight in
Stiffiginv ,he ,inflict!,,, without any other
iraliffetition to litkelf. If by 'O'OE4 aceide&t,
;ttie frUk. fortune, he
.siloiald 'hive iecei l ied,
'lssik;tilidcwthent of Otani'', orNif *nein, only
more -hateful; like n l the, witoof.
!ii s tte, the beauty of Nero ; ; as Poet's hags feigned
basilisk,. to ,rusdte , the monstpr, pore: hide-
Thdroin's only eomfortis, that .e must.ever
be's prey ' to the • fears he Spreads treirlid him
tlitviinging others by thesterrora hesintikes for
4'hitikself.., 'tin` ferret, pbtre)fptie .titmet‘; , sort 'ista
tygralyaif - eonvput.-,,W,ben i tKocouparded; tormented
by , suspicion ;- and dietrusto,of ; when tolotke,
fdismayed by the st:ence,
,of solitUde he hut
• ereated:' 'Such - a litialetaole has actually lieen
witnessed recently Piro - the'blood-tirsty ;41E4
though „unpitying. creature, composed of
• crueaty, falsehood,. and cowardice, who afAr f the
. Massacre gt hie unoffeedieg subjects, * drift pot
face 'the vengeance. of the stvor) 3 ' or
tibiae Ifit 6 o)xiiiig - of 'their ihe
distatit,redund of his • approar.N..'ffea: teem. the
throttKaiollutdp;ollyteki suvt dhlimiockwith the
. 0 9 .4.Ahis.pillsge *ad fixasaged4Otr 3 l l soX-Yeara
.;to;bitve Pfoltollietad Yivalt; 0114131 11 d4Caligula
and, twentY,"•tin : 'talus at
(*tear' , • '''
. 1 . " 1 VAT' 'tab.* * ca me o indicate.
lite since lrinnipheW tr4eit 'the
troops of -.Frti.ncis,.in a regulait.and hard‘fOnght ,
battle. ~ ne,,ltas abso • 5h9TrA1tik!.P 0 , 8 4 0 4 343 i%410
prudence and:patrißtiain,in lug sending ,hp )
away from Naples, and inviting Victor:
uel to advance andposeeis. "tns