Minutia F. Beecher, the sister of Henry Ward Beecher, is said to have become an Episcopalism. • Lately, the Duke of Northumberland has donated the sum of £30,000 for the endpw ruent of new churches and parsonages in the parish of Tynemouth, of which he is lay rector. Rev. F. D. lilaurlee's contributions to the ''Encyclopaedia Metropolitans," on Modern philosophy, are about to be published in a collected form by Messrs. R. Griffin & Co. It is related of Mr. Carlyle, that when he i.vas writing his " French Revolution," he lent the manuscript of the first volume to a literary neighbor to peruse. By some mis chance or other, it. had been left lying on the parlor floor, and had been forgotten. Weeks ran on, and the historian sent for " his MS., the printers being loud for " copy. Inquiries Wore made, and it was found that the maid of all the work, finding what she conceived to be a bundle of waste paper on the floor, had used it to light the parlor fires with I Such was the . answer returned to Mr. Carlyle; and his consternation and despair may be imagined. There was, however, no help for him, but to set him aelf resolutely , to work to rewrite his book; 'and be turned to and did it. The late Prof. Ilarris.—The late Prof. Chapin A. Harris, whose death, at Balti more; was announced a few days since, was popularly known as "The Father of American Dentistry." • In the year 1840, be founded the Baltimore College of Den tal Surgery, the first of its kind in this country. Of this successful institution he, was the leadin g r , Professor and lecturer for twenty years. His elaborate Dictionary of Dental Science, 1849, and themore extend ed works, Dictionary of Medicine, Dental Surgery, and the Collateral Sciences, 1854 the Principles and Practise of Dental Sur gery, 1839, were part of the principal liter ary labors of his life. He also translated from the French, several valuable medical works, and steadily edited, from its com mencement in 1889 (over twenty years ago,) the American Journal of Dental Science. Mr. Sydney Smith Dickens, who figures in the list of young gentleman who have late ly passed as naval cadets at Portsmouth, England, is the son of Mr. Charles Dickens.. The late Thomas Hood commenced his lit erary career, it appears, in the columns of the Dundee Advertiser;of which paper the late Mr. Rintoul, of the Spectator was then editor. Another German traveller has become the victim of his scientific zeal in 'the wilder ness of Africa. Dr. Rosoher has been kill ed by the uatives of Hisongung, a village in the neighborhood of Useva and the river Ruvuma. The murderers have been execu ted at Zanzibar, but the books and drawings of the Doctor appear to havebeen destroyed. John Randolph on Female Education.—lt is related of the eccentric John Randolph, of Roanoke, that one of the subjects which he appeared to take delight in ridiculing' was the modern system of female education ; and he often told, with great glee, in illus tration of his argument, an anecdote of a plain Virginia planter,, who unwittingly married a young lady fresh from a boarding school, and was surprised at dinner-hour that a round of corned beef bad been roast ed by oidisr of his bride. The 14tli ult. being the. birthday of the late Baron 'Humboldt, many of his friends paid a visit 4o his grave at Tegel; near Bet lin;and adorned his tomb with flowers and wreaths of laurel. Garibaldi has a son In a Protestant Semi very-riear Livepool. The father, in separ ating himself from his son, spoke thus to him: "My son, the Bible, is the cannon which will liberate Italy." Perhaps Italy' will be liberated without the'Bible, but if she enjoys liberty, establishes free govern ment and maintains it, she must have the Bible as the basis and shield of her indc, endence. Garibaldi, it appears, has a " rightAand mate one Herten', by name, who has great influence over the Dictator, and uses it, says rumor, in a manner obnoxious to the people, and especially to the Sicilians. It Is a curious circumstance, that the editor of The Churchlpan, the representa tive of fossil mediteval ecelesiastici,sm, and the Rev. H. W. Beecher, the most latitu diarian. Congregationalist preacher, are both avowed and hearty believers in Phre nology, .a pseudo-science which has long since been utterly exploded. Philosophy, or }what passes for such, sometimes, like misery, makes strange bedfellows.—intelli- kV: James IL Brooks, pastor of the* Sec ond Presbyterian church, St. Louis, feiv days since, naptized and received 'into his church Rev, Charles Chartie, a Roman Catholic' Priest, of the order of Lazarists, and a native of France. Mr. C. has com menced study for the ministry inithe Pres byterian Church. VARIETIES. PROTESTANT MINISTERS IN ITALY.- It is stated that in the Val d'Aosta, with 100,000 souls, the Waldensian Church has a minister at Aosta, and is about placing 'another at Courmayeur. In Milan there are two "Evangelists," one of them a-con verted priest. At Eergamo there is a Swiss i church with a. minister. At Turin there is a Waldensian church, with two minis ters; at Genoa, two ministers, a Waldensi an, and Signor Mazzarella, who has been appointed to a Professorship; at Bologna, a Geneva minister; at Florence there are three Evangelists and a Waldensian minis ter ; with three meetings of native converts to which Englishmen and ladies are giving much attention. At Pisa and Leghorn a Waldensian minister superintends the churches. In a few weeks two Waldensi an professors with eight students are to settle in Florence, as a beginning of a The ological Seminary. Tut minutes of the Congregational :Con- p ference of , Ohio, report 96 ministers ; 159 churches, containing 10,118 members : ad ditions 908; removals 373 ; 9,509' in Sab bath Schools; $7,129 contributed to benev olent objects. The Statistical Secretary says there are not less than 250 Congrega tional churches in the State, which he thinks contain a membership of 22,000. Of the 250 churches, 100 are associated with Conference, 76 connected with Pres bytery, and 75 are independent. The aver age of membership in the churches reported is 100. is 100. Only 99 churches reported statis tics, of which 59 made full returns. The largest church in the State, and probably in the United States, is the church at Ober lin, which has 1,545 members. Tu CHRISTIANS IN MADAGASCAR.- The Chriitians in the island of Madagascar appointed a fast of five days, to be held in celebration of the appointment of the Chris tian prince as the successor of the cruel, persecuting queen. They are all rejoicing and giving thanks to God for their delivery out of the fiery furnace. TM Stereoscope, as now used, was in vented by Baptista Porta, in ,1599, In some in9uiries respecting the instrument, Sir David Brewster found that its funda mental principle was well known even to Euclid, that it was distinctly described by Galen, one thousand five hundred years ago, and that Baptista Porta had, in, the year above named, given such a complete draw it:lg of the two separate pictures as'seen by each eye, and of the combined picture plac ed between them, that we recognise, in it not only the principle, bit the construction of the stereosnope. THE ENOLISH MISSION TO CENTRAL AFRlCA.—Archdeacon Mackenzie was, to sail for Africa on the sth of October,,with three priests and one deacon, a lay super intendent, a carpenter, and husbandman; and expected to get a mason and farmer at the Cape. He had not succeeded in per suading a medical man to join the company. A farewell service was celebrated with him' at 'Canterbury Cathedral on the 24 of October. GERMAN MISSIONARIES IN INDIA.—The coolies in India are neither Hindoos nor Mohammedans. They believe in the ex istence of one good Being, nominally su preme, but really not troubling himself much about this world and home of demons. Gossncr's Missionary. Association, (a Ger man Society,) established a mission among them fifteen years ago. The result is two thousand converts and eighteen thousand regular attendants on Christian worship. In common with most German missions at the present time, they rejoice in a large measure of spirit and life. On one day in March last, it is reported that 113 were baptized. n A REVIVAL of great interest and power is reported as being in progress among Ro man Catholics, near Vesoul, in France. In two or three villages nearly a thousand souls, it is stated, have left the Roman Catholic Church, and turned to evangelical Protestantism. A PERMANENT PEN.—Messrs. Moseley & Bon, of London, have , perfeeted a pen that will write for twelve hours or more, continuously, without an application to the inkstand, and yet take up no more space than a pocket pencil-case. The material employed by them, and found to answer ad mirably, is vulcanized Indian rubber—one not acted on in any way by the ink con tained in the reservoir. The whole is most ingeniously arranged, but simple, and quite unlike all other fountain-pens. For short hand writing and similar purposes. the in vention is one of more than ordinary use fulness. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION DAY.-COD gress passed an act in 1845, "to establish a uniform time for holding elections for electors for President and Vice-president in all the States of the Union." This act fixes the time of election on the " Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November "—which this year is on the 6th day of the month. PARIS was astonished, not long since; by the sight of a carriage propelled by neither steam nor gas, going with such amazing swiftness as to leave far behind the four-in hand carriages of the Jockey Club, which endeavored in vain to keep up with it. The inventor is said to be a poor man, who has constructed the vehicle entirely him self,,and will not disclose the secret till he is properly secured by patents. ONE thousand men are employed in the United States in the manufacture of sewing machine needles, and the profits. on them amount to nearly $300,000 a year. Since the introduction of the sewing-machine the sale of spool-cotton has increased to the ex tent of more than a million and a half annually. l'elitrai.._.Ntk. Harper's Magazine, for November, Teems with what is instructive and pleasing. This is one of the best numbers that we have yet seen. For sale by Hunt & Miner. The Atlantic Monthly, For November, Has eleven very readable articles. The papers on "Thomas Hood;" "Italian Experience in Collecting Old Masters ;" and "Recollections of Irving ;" will be perused with special interest. For sale by Hunt & Miner.- Western University. This institution, located in this city, is said to be in a very flourishing condition. The number of students has been doubled since the accession of President Woods. Some of our leading law yers and several honored and useful ministers, are graduates of this University. Hunt & Miner's Pittsburgh Almunac for 1861. This Valuable publication for next year has made its appearance. The astronomical calcula tions are by the veteran Sanford C. Hill, Esq., so well known in this department. And the reading matter is unusually interesting and instructive. For sale by Hunt & Miner, Fifth Street, Fittsburgh4 Wealth of Mississippi, The Vicksburg Whig, of the Bth inst., says : It has been estimated that the taxable wealth of Mississippi, in land and negroes, in the year 1860, will amount to the handsome sum of $663,- 100,000. The estimate for the county of War ren is put down at $19,600,000. Hinds is put down as the richest county, her estimate being $29,000,000. Lowndes comes next, $26,000,000. Yazoo and Bolivar, $25,000,000. Madison, $23,000,000. Marshall, $22,000,000. De Soto, $20,000,000, &0., &c. Washington. WASHINGTON CITY, Oct. 29.—Mr. Clemson, the Superintendent of the Agricultural branch of the Patent Office, is'now on his why home from Eu rope, whither he went by direction of the Secre tary of the Interior, io purchase vegetable, medi cinal, and economical plants and seeds generally. Many varietieb have already been received. Be fore they are distributed among the citizens of the United States, they will be tested at the gov ernment propagating garden, in this city. Ad ditional facilities for this purpose are in progress. Heretofore much complaint las been made as to the worthlessness of seeds, but this in some degree was owing to ignorance of the recipients, regard ing the mode of proper•culture. During the year ending June, the receipts from the sales of publiC lands were less than $2,000,- 000. Those recently sold yielded a very small amount, owing to the scarcity of , money and other causes, and in many cases no bids at all were received. Ten Tenn The changes which*have taken place between 1860 and 1860 in the economic condition of our country are very great. In that period the gold mines have been discovered in California and Australia. In 1840 we had $4 of paper circulation to $1 of specie; in 1850 only $3 to $1 ; in 1860 less than $2 to $l. In 1849 the product, of pre= clout metals was $95,600 ; in 1850 it was $264,000. The whole amount now in the world is estimated at $10,000,000,000 of• which six-tenths is silver. It was always supposed that a sudden increase in the quantity of money increases prices. This has not proved true, for in spite of the influx of gold, and in spite of the repeal of the English corn laws, which has enabled us to export im mense quantities of flour and grain, prices in gener al are lower and wages higher than they ever were before. Tables show that prices generally dur ing forty years were highest in 1887 and lowest about - 1843. Flour was so scarce in 1847 that we imported $5,000,000 ; its average price for forty years has been $6.64 per barrel. The sale of tea has increased in twenty-five years from 13,- 000,000 to 36,000,000 pounds; the average price for that period has been forty-eight cents. The cotton crop has increased in forty years from 180,000,000 pounds to I,Boopopo pounds. A great demand for breadstuffs from 1860 to 1867, occasioned by railway labor and the repeal of the British corn laws, kept prices generally on the advance ; but in 1857, on account of the abund ant crops, the slackening of the shipping and railway interests and a glutted cotton market, downward tendency prevailed. Our exports of breadstuffs from 1860 to 1860 were $480,000,000. Prices do not seem generally to be affected by the fluctuation of paper currency. In 1849 the bank.notaciroulation was $119,000,000 ; in 1862, $178,000,000 ; in March, 1858,, it was h sl2o,ooo,- 000, shortly after which it rose to $15%000,000. —Newark Daily Advertiser. Population of Charleston. The census of Charleston shows a population of 40,748. In 1850 it was 42,985. This is a decrease of 2,287 in ten years. The free white population has increased 8,815, and the slave piiiiulatfon deed:vied 5,924 in the last decade. PRESBYTERIAN BANNER-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 27, 'lB6O. The free colored have also decreased 184. A good many people were probably absent. from Charleston during the time of the year in which the census was taken, but this does not effect the comparison with 1850, the census being taken in the same season then as now. Our Charleston neighbors Lad been . ; placing •their population at something like fifty-six to sixty thousand. The Earthquake. In the Montreal Gazette we find notices of the recent earthquake. A gentleman living in 'Mountain Street writes: "A few minutes before six o'clock this morning my whole household was startled by' the. sudden shaking of the house. Servants and others rushed about in dismay. I was awakened from a soots:l...sleep by a motion like being jolted in a light. spring wagon driven rapidly . over•a cordu roy road; or rather over the bridges sometimes seen in the country, covered with small poles in stead of pleas. The motion was rapid and more vertical than lateral." • A gentleman residing in a stone house in Alex ander Street, says "he was ''awakened at 53- o'clock yesterday morning by the rattling of the door and window sashes of his house, and looked out of the window, imagining that there was a strong gale of wind. Finding that this was not the case, and the rattling being most violent in the rear of the house, he went to one of the win dows there, and became aware that it was an earthquake. The whole house was shaken, and articles of furniture were perceptibly moved with an oseilating motion. The movement lasted about three-quarters of a minute, as nearly as he could judge." Voningo County. The Citizen of October 17th says: Gallagher & Caldwell, on the Longwell. farm, on French creek, commenced pumping their well, last week, which proved to be a very rich one. During the three days it. was pumped, it yielded from twenty to twenty-five barrels per day. They broke their engine and were compelled to stop pumping to get it repaired, but will , soon start again. Tucker & Howell, operating near the "Ramadell Cooper Shop," have commenced pumping their well. It is yielding from twelve to fifteen bar rels of oil per day. It has a plentiful supply of water, which is regarded among oil men as a favorable omen. [ADVERTIBEMBRI.I What the New-York City Folks•say of Dr. D'Lane's Celebrated Termifage. Prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsbenyh, Pa NEw-Yonx, August 25, X 852. This is to certify that I am well acquainted with a man fifty years of age, for many years a resident of this city, who has been at times ex tremly ill, but could not tell from what cause, unless it was worms. He ' told his attending physician hi s suspicions, but the physician at once ridiculed the idea, and refused to attend him any longer. His 'son then mentioned Dr. M'Lane's Vermifuge, and asked him if he would take it ; his reply was—l must take something to get'relief or die. They at once procured. a bottle of Dr. M'Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge, and took one-half at one dose. the result was, he passed upwards of three quarts of warms, cut up in every form. He got well immediately, and is now enjoying most excellent health; and like the good Samaritan of old, is endeavoring to relieve his unfortunate neighbors. He makes it his business to hunt up and select all cases similar to his own, that may be given over by regular physicians, and induces them to try Dr. M'Lane's Vermifuge. So far he has induced more than twenty persons to take the Vermifuge, and in ever case with. the most happy results. He is well satisfied that Dr. M'Lane's Vermifuge, prepared by Fleming Bros. of Pittsburgh, is far superior to any other known remedy, and that if more , generally known would not fail to save many'valuable lives. For further particulars inquire of Mrs. Hardie, - 1241 Cannon Street, New-York City. Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr..lir Lane's Celebrated Vermifuge, manufactured by Renting Bros. of Pittsburgh; Pa. All other Vermifuges in • comparison are worthless. Dr. M'Lane's genuine Vermifuge, also his Celebrated Liver Pills, can now be ,had at all respectable drug stores. None genuine without the signature of FLEMING Polos. Commercial. Pittsburgh Market. TUESDAY, October 23,1860 APPLES-1.37@)51.50 I@i bbl. • ASHES—SOda Ash 80334 b.; Pots, 4 3 / 4 44%C.; Pearls, 5 1 4'05%. The stock in firsthands is ample for all ordinary purposes. BACON—Shoulders, 9W.s. Sides, 1134 C.; Plain Hams, 1.14 e.; Sugar Cured do., 15(a15 1 2 2 'c. 'f lb. BEANS—SmaII White 60(4650., and York State, 85a90c. per bushel. BROOMS—Common, 12.001 fancy, 2.75a3.2. 5 . BUTTER—Common, 10c. 511 lb. • CHEESE—Western Reserve, 10®1034e. Harobiarg, 11c. CORN MEAL—From first hands, 60a62c.; from store, 65a70c. FEED—Middlings, $1.00®1.10 per 100 lbs.; Shints,l.oo; Bran, 85c.. Shipstuffs, 90®1.00. FLGURLSuper., $5.1.0; Extra, $5.40@5.50; Extra Fam ily, 95.75, 5.80(45.90 ; Fancy, 10.251g6.50. GRAIN—Corn : from store, 45c. for New and 94c. for Old. Oats, from store, 28e. GROCERIES—Coffee: Good Rio, 153.1 2 @16c. Sugar, 934 ®93sc. for fair to prime. Molasses, 46®48e. HAY—.99.00@12.00 'fs ton at scales. . OIL—No. 1 Lard Oil, 95akc.; Refined Coal Oil, 658700,1; Linseed, 65a68c. SWEET POTATOES—Marietta, $2.00 ¶ bbl. gotkts. RELIGIOUS NOTICE.—The . Rev. JAMES FITM , AIMICH, of the 11. P. Church, Scotland, will preach in the First Ref: Presbyterian church, (DC. Douglas',) on SAS BA,TiI MORNING, at IF% o'clock,. and give some additional account of tie Revivii In Ireland. IRS. WINSLOW', an experienced Nurse and Female Physician, has a Soothing Byrn'', for children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by softening the gums, reducing all inflammation—will allayall pain and regulate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves and relief and health :to your in fants. Perfectly safe in all cases. See advertisement. toy2e4y arrieV. On the 11th inst., by Rev. I. Smith Gordon, at the reddens.° of the bride's father, near Carrick, Franklin County, Pa., Mr. JAMES W. WALKER to Mies MART ELIZABETO NOONAIf.. • October 4th, by Rev. William McMichael, Mr. ALEXANDER C. Ponrsii to Mimi Owns. 3.l'litanss, both of Clarion County, Pa. - On the 18th inst., at the residua& of the bride's mother, by Rev. John B. Strain, Mr. Jona It WALLACE, of Mt. Leigh, Adams County, Ohio, to Miss EJWA &MAGA)), of the vicin ity of Lewistown, Pa. October 4th, by Rev. Samuel Mahaffey, Mr. MATTHEW Got. WE to. Mite MARGARET A. KAnT, of Belmont County, Ohio. On Tuesday, the 18th inst., at the house of the brides father, near Mt. Pleasant, by Rev. D. K. Barron, Mr. 0. P. Ou'w to Miss ELM C. BOBINGLER, all of Westmoreland County, Pa. By Rev. J. B. Honey, on October sth, Mr. ROBERT Anions, of Franklin, Pa.,to Miss MARY A. AXON, of Mill Creek, Pa. On October 17th, Mr. F. Magnum, of Dempseytown, Pa., to Miss Lois A. KINGSLEY, of Cooperstown, Pa. On the same day, Dr. A. G. EGBERT, of Cherry-tree, Pa., to Miss Exam Pain's, of Clinton Pa. On October 9th, at the residence, of the bride's parents, In Rochester. Pa., by Rev. D. A. Cunningham, Iter. M. L. Wear- NAN to Miss AMANDA 3. WOODS. On October 4th, Mr. Joan !Urn of Industry, Pa., to Miss ELLEN STEVENSON, of Glas gow, Pa. October 11th, by Rev. R. MePhorsiin, Mr. McDoxotton Psalms to Miss Men E. Ottumwa, both of Penn Township. At the Bachanke Hotel, in Altoona., Pa., on the 10th init., by Rev. A. B. Clark, Mr. Samuel. P. Duatsow, to Miee MART B. ROSEBIRRT, both of Sinking Talley,. Pa. Ohituarg. [ANNOTINCEITENTS, GRATIS; ApornosAL Rimaince, CENTS A. Lila, NINE. WORDS BEING A LINE.] DIED—At her residence, in Penn Township, Butler on the 20th day of September, Km RACHEL CUNNING HAM, wife of George Cunningham, in the 39th year of her age. DlED—Near New Geneva, Pa., October 10th, of typhoid fever, Mr. JOHN CAGEY, a Ruling Elder in the Presbyte rian church of George'a Creek, in the 53d year of hie age. DIED—At the residence of her daughter, in Oh%vine, Beaver County, Pa., August 2d, 'Mrs. NANCY BOMB, in the 66th year of her age. She had been a member of the Presbyterian church up wards of forty years, but is now gone to mansions prepared for her, where she will greet the loved ones that have gone before. DIED—At the residence of his fatber t Robert Black,Green wood, Franklin County, Pa., October -11th t JOHN BAYLT BLACK, aged 21 years, montb; and 3 days. "Mina to he With ("rut, which is far What"' E] Lecompton, E. T., October 10th. 1860, of In flammatory croup and laryngitis. WILBELMINA BELLE, only daughter of Dr. J. S. and Mary J. W. Matthews, aged years and I months. This little sufferer from this frightful malady, was perfect ly sensible to the lest; and when her natural 91111011 was almost obscured, looking upward, she raised her little hands, and said, "I want np there;" then, Axing her eyes steadfast ly in another direction, she said, "Let me have that pretty thing." When every pleasing object in reach Watioffered by her anxious friends, she shook her head, anti extending her little hands, said, " I can't reach it." Then, in a few moments, suddenly clapping her hands with apparent.dellght, said in a whisper, "pretty, pretty," and expired... DlED—October Oth,:tit the house other- son-in-law, Mr. Andrew Howe., Mrs. ELIZABETH B. B. REYNOLDS, wife of Captain William Reynolds, of Mt. Pleasant Township, Westmoreland County, Pa., aged 72 years.- , The deceased hating filled up the full period allotted to mortals, three acme years and ten, in the affection' of a large circle of relatives, friends and acquaintances, and distin guished for offices of charity, hes gone• down to the grave honored and lamented. From early youth she displayed those lovely traite which marked her matins) life, and heau tifully adorned her age. Her distinguished element of char acter was her unselfish and untiring devotion tithe interests and comforts of others—especially her fttmily and friends. The poor and friendless were ever welcome to her hospitable board and fireside, and received from her the `sympathy of a mother and a friend. The needy and destitute found her door open to them, and her band of charity:extended for their relief. She filled the domestic relations of wife, mother and relative with affection, kindnese, and discretion, and lived to see her children grow up around her and settled in life, profiting by her example and prudent counsel. _During' her last few years she occasionally suffered pain, but no word of emtplaint or murmur escaped from her lips. She frequently intimated to those around her that her death .would be sud den; and quickly indeed the Bridegroom called he as we trust, to the marriage supper. With her hope and confidence firmly fixed on the Saviour, she waited the Change, and amid her varied trials, leaned on the arm of Him who is the resur rection and life. Her death has made a void in the family circle; but, relatives, "weep not for the dead; but weep for yourselves," and let the suddenness of the removal teach you the important lesson, "to number your days that you may apply your hearts to wiedom." DIED—At Allegheny Furnace. Blair County; Pa., on the 13th inst., of consumption, Mrs. MARY F., wife of Mr. Henry T. M'Clelland, in the 38th year of her age. The deceased bad been for many years a consistentinember of the Presbyterian Church, and died in the triumphs of the Christian faith. Though unpretending, and apparently somewhat phlegmatic, she was a lady of much force of char aster, and greet depth of feeling and morat'Worilii her piety was not showy, but decided and operative.. During the time of her feeble health; she was for the most part hopeful, and oven cheerful. Until:a few weeks before her, death, she could not think her case hopeless, as it ,reallY, was. And when, the reality forced itself upon her mind, there was a considerable struggle between the hope of life, the attachnient to her family, and the duty to yield cheerfully to the wilt 'of Him who docile all things well. But faith and obedience, by the help of grace, conquered, and she became reconciled, and even child-like in her submission. Oecasienally, her mind was clouded with doubts and fears, the aecondary effects, doubtless, of opiates administered to relieve her suffering. Her end, however, was unclouded, ber departure, peace and joy. • - She leaves a long list of endeared friends, and Many affec tionate relatives, to mourn her loss. To an only surviving sister and brother, her death le felt to be a sore bereavement; but it comes with almost crushing weight upon, her aged father and mother,. Mr. and hire. David Moore, formerly of Frankstown, Blair County, Pa., but now of lowa. To an affectionate husband, and her six interesting uhildrenihow ever, It is the greatest trial, and by them is her loss specially and most keenly felt. They are commended to the sympa thies and prayers of God's people, and to the care and' grace of her Father and her Saviour. THIS WEEK'S ADVERTISEMENTS. CALLENSBURQ INSTITUTE. • • . . , . The next eession of this Institution, which is designed for MALES AND FEMALES, will be opened on • MONDAY, November 6th, under the care of J. M. FOSTER, AM, krill sips), end Miss M. J. ROBINSON, Assistant, and Teacher of Mueic. TERMS: Latin and. Greek, per Session of fiVe months...3lo:oo Mathematics and Sciences SAO English Branches 8.00 Music, with use of Piano. 16.00 Doaiding moderate. For further information, Inqtdre' of Rev. D. M'CAY, President of Trusteeo, Canonsburg, Clarion County, Pa. 0ct2730 NEW DRY MOODS STORE. J. M. McELROY Would respectfully invite his friends and 'alt.ilry '.Goods Buyers, to give him a call at his NEW STORE, Corner of Smithfield and Third Streets, Pitts., Where he will offer them some very cheap and desirable Goods. . A YOUNG:LADY, MEIVIREECOF the Presbyterian. Church, desires a situation as TEACHER in the English Department of a Female Seminary. Apply 'immediately, stating terms, to oct27-3t Port Royal, Juniata.Co.. Pa. MOLLOWAYIS PILLS.7NERVOUS Headache, *front whatever cause, debility,tudigestion, costiveness, liver complaint or nervous diSordens. will find a speedy and radical cure in Holloway's.. Medicines. ,---Theytu vigorate the constitution, restore the torpid energy of the stomach, stimulate the action of the bowels, cleanse the blood and purify the secretions of the bile and liver.' • • Sold by all Druggists, at 25c., 62c. and $1 per box. oct27-1t F,R 0 M T H E E S S J. B. LIPPINCOTT dc 00.1 PHILADELPHIA: SCIENCE A WITNESS FOR THE BIBLE. Ey Rev. W. N. PENDLETON, D.D., of Lexington, To 12mo. One Dollar * * * I bare read it with deep interest, and bellevethat it will contribute not a little to the defence of the Bible against the Infidels of our day, * * Mende, Well worthy the perusal of every intelligent Christian.— Bostem, Itst. We cordially commend this judicious work to the eaten don of those who would acquaint themselveswith the present position of the discussion that is always going on between ecientffic men and the advocates of a literal interpretation of the Bible.—The Press. . Wo commend the work to general study as the meet recent and the most complete defence of Ohristiani:tY that- can now be secured.—Npiscopa/ Recorder. Eneyelopmdia of Religious :'Knowledge Or, Incriousar or THE BIBLE, THEOLOGY, likuolons RAMEY, ALL RELIGIONS, ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY, -Containing Definitions of all Religious Terms, an Impartial Account of the prinCipal Christian Denominations that have existed in the world from the birth, of. Christ to the present day, with their Doctrines, Religious, Rites and Cc - mammies, Jur well ad those of the Mohtamedana and Heathen Nations. Together with the Manners and the Customs of the . Bast, illustrative of the Holy Scriptures, and a descriptien Of the Quadrupeds, Birds,- Fishes, - Reptiles , Insects, TreesiPlants; and. Minerals mentioned in the Bible; a statement of the most remarkable transections and events in Ecclesiastical History, Biographical notices of the early Martyrs, - and dis tinguished Religious Writers and Characters of all ages. To willeh is added A MISSIONARY GATETTREA; containing descriptions of the various Missionary. Mations throughout the Globe. By Rev. B. B. &means, Editor of "Quarterly Observer." The whole brought down to the present time, and em bracing, under one alphabet, the most valuable part of. Calmat's and Brown's Dictionaries of the Bible; Buck's The ological .Dictionary ; Abbott's Scriptural Natural ' History;.Wells'. Geography of the Bible; - Jones' Biographical Dictionary; and numerous' other aim- . • DESIGNED AS A COMPLETE BOOK OF REFERENCE ON ALL RELIGIOUS SUBJECTS. Edited . By Belt. J. NEWTON BROWN, Revised and corrected to data By Rev. ORORGE P. Trutt. Illustrated by wood.cuts, maps, and engravings on copper and steel. OLIO vol., royal octavo. ELM. Just published by . J. B. LIPPINCOTT Philadelphia. oot2l-2t * * *.For sale by booksellers generally THE NEW—YORK WEEKLY Trams. Single Copies $2 ; Two Copies for $3 Five Copies for $5. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST FAMILY AND' GENERAL NEWSPAPER IN THE UNITED STATES.. The NEW-YORK WEEKLY TIMES is a large and ele gantly printed quarto sheet, of eight pages, or forty-eight columns—devoted to Politics, Literature, and General News, and intended to be the Best as well as the Cheapest Family Newipaper in the United States. The first aim of the T Imes is, and will always be, td;keep its readers thoroughly and reliably posted np, as to 'every thing which may happen, of general interest in any part or the world. It comments fully and freely upon all topics of importance in every department of public action, and always in the interest of Freedom, Order, and the Public Good. While its influence will be uniformly conservative„ it advo cates every measure of Just and beneficent Progress, and re sists the increase, extension or perpetuation.of Slavery, as of every thing else incompatible with the higheet welfare of the whole community. While it reports promptly and accurate ly all intelligence of general.interest in every department of human activity, it never panders to vicious tastes, and ex cludes from its columns every thing that might render it unsafe or improper for, general Family perusal. It seeks to promote the general welfare, by urging the dolma of Educa tion, Morality, and Religion upon the masses or the people; and in all its discussions, it endeavors constantly to be said ed and controlled by the spirit of Moderation, Patriotism, ' and Common Sense. In its Corrwpondence, both Foreign and Domestic,• the. Times is confessed to be superior to any other American Journal. Its Reports of, Congressional and Legislative pro ceedings, of Financial, Commercial and General .T.ntelligence of important Legal and Criminal Trials, and of whatever may have special interest for the great body of the commu nity, are full, prompt and reliable.. Especial attention is devoted to full, accurate and trust worthy reports of the Live Stock and Produce Markets. for which a special snips of Reporters Is maintained. A Liter ary Department will also be kept up, embracing Standard Novels and Talee, and miscellaneous selections of the high est interest. The Agricultural Deportment is compiled from a variety of sources, many, of them inaccessible to the American read or, and furnishes valuable information to the Farmer and Gardener. The WEEKLY TIMES will be sent to subscribers in any part' of the country, on the following terms: Single Copies, $2 a year. Two Copies, 35 a year. Five,COpies, .$5 a year. Any person who will send us a Club of TEN subscribers, at $1 each, shall receive an extra copy for himself, or may retain Ono Dollar as his compensation. THE NEW-YORK DAILY' TIMES is published. Every day except Sundays, and is sent to subscribers by mall at SIX DOLLARS a year. THE SEMI-WEEKLY TIMES, published on Tuesdays and Fridays, and containing eight pages of reading matter in every number, is sent to subscribers at the followingratee Single Copies, Two copies, $ 5 Any person who will send us a Club of Siva subscribers, may receive an extra copy for hhneelf, or retain Two Dollars and a Half as his compensation. TERMS--Cash Invariably' in advance. All letters to be addreemed to H. J. RAYMOND CO., PropTietors'Of Nrw-Yosm Tins, Now-York - City. •xtf-lt L I , S T 0 ..F B 0 S PUBLISHED BY ROBERT CARTER ck BRODIERSI AND FOR SALE BY R. S. DAVIS, 93 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. Anderson, Rev. Joseph. Bible Light from Bible Lands, Breckinridge, Rev. Robert J., D.D. The Knowledge of God, Objectively Considered; being the first part of Theology considered as a science of positive Truth; both Inductile and Deductive. Bvo., 2.00 The Knowledge of God, Subjectively Considered ; be ing the necund part of Theology. considered as a science of positive Truth. Svo., - - 240 Bridges, Charles, A.M. On the Christian Ministry, Exposition of Proverbs. Exposition of. Psalm CXIX., On Ecclesiastes, - Brown. John, D.D. Discourses Wad Sayings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Il lustrated hi a Series of Expositions. 2 vols., Bvo., 4.00 Expository - Lech - ores on the First Epistle of Peter, 2.80 The Sufferings and Glories of the Messiah. Bvo., . 1.80 Analytical Commentary on Romans. Bvo., 240 °obeli, Professor J. L. The Unity of Mankind. Caird, Rev."Jolm. Sermons. D'Anbigne, 3. IL Merle. D.D. History of the Reformation, 5 vole., "' • 1 vol., • Life of Oliver Cromwell, - - Davies, Rev: Samuel, A.M. Sermons on Important Subjects. 3 vols., 18mo., Doddridge, Philip, D.D. • The Family Expositor on the New Testament. Royal five., fine sheep, • - - 8.00 Drummond; Rev. T. D. K. On the Parables of Christ. Svo., Bailie, John, D.D. Paul the Preacher, - - English Pulpit. The. Discourses by the most erainent Ingitsh Divines, 1.50 Elidences of Christianity;' A Series of Lectures delivered at the University of Virginia by Clergymen of the Presbyterian Church, 2.50 Game, P. H. Life in its Lower, Intermediate, and- Higher Forms, 1.00 Guinness, Rev. EL,Grattan. Sermons. 12m0., ' - Guthrie, Thinnat; D.D. The Gospel in Ezekiel, The Saint's Inheritanco t The City.. Its Sins and Sorrows, Ragged Schools,-- Hamilton; Daisies; D.D. Our Christian.Clessics; Readings from the best British Divines, with Notices Biographical and Critical. 4. vols., 12rn0., - - - - 4.00 . Life in Earnest,. - - - ' 30 The Mount of Olives, Harp on the Willows; - . - 30 . Thankfulness, . - , - 80 Emblems from Eden - - ' 30 Happy Home.. Illustrated, - 50 Haldane, Robert. . • Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans. Bvo.,- 2.50 HaVelocki Henry. Life of Gen. Sir Henry Hayelock, K.C.8., - 50 Henry, Matthew. Miscellaneous Works. - - - 4.00 Hodge,. Charles, D.D. , A Commentary on the Epistle to the Epheelans, 2.00 Exposition of First Corinthians. 12m0., - - 1.00 Exposition of Second Corinthians, - - 1.00 Essays and Reviews, • - , 2.50 Horne, Thomas H. An Introduction to the'Critical Stitdy and Knowledge of the Holy. Scriptures. 2 royal Bvo. Half cloth; $3.50 ; cloth, $4; library style, $5; in 1 Horne, Bishop.. • . A Commentary on the BM* of Psalms, - 1.50 Howe, Rev. John. The Redeemer's. Tears, - - 50 Huntingdon, F. D. The Divine Aspects of Human gotiety. By Prof Huntington, of Harvard College. Bvo., - - 1.70 Jacobus, Melancthon W., D.D. Notes on the Gospels and Acts, Critical and Explana tory. And incorporating'with the Notes, in a new . plan, the most , approved Harmony of the four pels. With. illustrations. 4 vols. 12m0., vie.: Vol. I.—Matthew, 12m0.; 75e.; VoL ll.—Mark and Luke, 75c.; Vol. In.—John, 12m0., 75c.; Vol. IV.—The Acts of the Apostles, with numerous illustrations and a ma Catechetica Itnestion Books on the Gospels and Acts. Matthew, per dozen, $1.50; Mark,'per dozen, SIX3O; Luke, .." 4 .' " 1.50; John, ac 1.50; Acts;:" - - - 1.50 Krnmtnacher, F. W, D.D. • - The Martyr Lamb.. 18mo., - - - 40 The Last Days of Elisha, - , - - 50 Kitto, John, D.D. Daily Bible Illustrations; boing,Original Readings for a year on subjects from Sacred History, Biography, Geography, Antiquities and Theology, especially designed for the. Family Circle: Morning Series. 4 vols., 12m0., - - - 4.00 Vol. - I.—Antediluvians and Patriarchs; ll.—Moses and the Judges; Vol. lll—Samuel, Saul, and David; Vol. IV.--Solomon and the Kings. Evening Series. - - - 4.00 VoL I.—Job and the Poetical Books; Vol. lab 'and the Prophets. Vol. lll.—The Life and Death -of our Lord. Vol. IV. Apostles and Early Church. The Lost Senses. 12m0., - - - 1.00 Life of John Kitto. By, the Rev. J. E. Ryland. 2 Lectures to 'Young Men. Delivered in London, - - - - LOS Lewis, Prof. Tayler. The Divine Human in the Scriptures. 12.0., - 1.00 Lillie, Rev. John, D.D. Lectures on Theasalonians. fivo. - - - 2.00 kfacDulf; Rev. John IL, D.D. Morning and Night Watches. Fine edition, open type, Morning and Night Watches. 32m0. Gilt, 40 cents; The Words of Jesus. Pine edition, open type, 16m0., 40 The Mindef Jesus. .. w " 40 The Words' and Mind of Jesus. In 1 vol., fine edi 'The Faithful Promisor and Altar Stones. 18mo. Large type,- - - - - The Words and Mind of Jesus and Faithful Promiser. All in ; 1 voL, 32m0.. pocket edition. Gilt, 49 cents;, plain, - - - - - 30 The Footsteps of St. Paul. Illustrated. 12m0., - 1.00 Family Prayers. 16m0., -- - 75 Woodcutter of Lebanon and Exiles • of Lucerne, - 50 The Great Journey, 30 Child's Book, of Divinity, - - - - - 25 Evening Incense. 16m0., - - - 40 Memories of Bethany. Iftmo., - - - 60 Memories of Genus:Met, - - - - 1.00 The Bow in the Cloud, - . - 40 The Story of Bethlehem, - - - 60 The Hart and Watee Brooks, - - - 60 M'Cosh, James, D.D. Method of the Divine Government, Physical and ' Moml. New edition, revised and rewritten. Bvo., 2.00 Typical Forms .and Special Ends in Creation. Svo., 2.00 Intuitions of the Mind inductively Investigated - 2.00 M'Cheyne, Rey. Robert Murray. The Works or. 2 vols.. Bvo., Life, Letters, and Lectures. Separate, Sermons. Separate, - - M'Ghee, Rev: Robert J. - ExPcsitoryLectnres on, the Ephesians, Rev. Alex., DD. Canon and Interpretation' of Scripture. 12m0., new edition, Moore, Rev. T. V.. D.D. The Prophets of the . Restoration ; or, A Commentary on Haggai, Zechariah, and,Mabseld. Bvo., 2.00 Missing Link, The; Or, The Bible in the Homes of the London Poor, Newton,Rev. Richard, D.D. • - ' The Best Things. Illustrated, - Rills from Fountain of Life. • Illustrniad, Pearson:Rev. Thomas. - Infidelity;• Its Aspects;Causes, and Agonies, gorthes, Caroline. The Christian Wife, - - Pool,-Matthew.. - Annotations upon the Holy Bible. 3 vole. Imperial Bvo,'Hheap, • - - - 10.00 Ryleißev.l. O. Living or Dead? - - - 50 Wheat or Chaff? • - - . - - 50 Startling. Questions, - 50 • Rich and Poor,- - 60 The Priest,-the Puritan, and the Preacher, - • 60 Expository.. Thoughts on the Gospels : Matthew, $1.00; Mark, $1. 00; Luke, 2 vols., $2.00; John, 1.00 Sampson. F: D.D. • A Critical Commentary on the Hebrews. Edited by IL L. Dabney, D.D. Svo., - - 2.50 Sheepfold and Comment. • Or, The Evangelical Rambler. Illustrated with 10 fine Engravings. Royal 12m0.,- 1.25 Sprague, Rev. W. 8., D.D. ..Annals of the American Pulpit; or; Commemorative Notices of Distinguished American Clergymen. of Various Denominations, trom the Early Settlement of the Country, to the close of the year 1855:. - With Historical Iptroductions. ByWm.ll. Spragne,D.D. Vole. I. and IL=Cengregationalists, - Vole. 111. and IV.--Presbyterians, Vol. V.-=-Episomwlians, - - Vol. VL—Baptista, - - - Vol. Vl—Methodista, - - The other'volumes in active preparation. Storrs, Richnrd 8, D.D. The Constitution of the Human SOUL $1 . 0., Theological Sketch:Beek ; - Or, Sketches of Sermons. From Simeon's Sketches of Sermons, Pulpit Assistant, Benson's Plans, Preach er, Pulpit, etc. 2 vols., Bvo., cloth, - -3.0 e Vicars, Captain Hedley. By the same anther English Hearts and English Ilan& ; er„ ; The Railway and Trenches. 16m0., - = - - The Victoty Won. 18mo. - - A Light for the Line; or, The Story of Thomas Ward. The Raes and the Prize. 18mo, The Haven sand the Home. 18mo., THE NM - VT 230014 - a).. (October, 1860.) . Outlines of .Theology. By the RCP. A. A. Hodge, - $2 00 . The Reformed Pastor. By the Rev. Richard Baxter, 2.00 Lectures to Young Men, Delivered in London, 1860, 1.00 My Saviour. By the Rev. John Bent, 50 Peace in Believing. By do. - - . - 50 The Book and. its Story. By the Author of the "Miss ing Link," - - - - - - 1.00 Bridges' Commentary on Ecclesiastes, - - 1.00 APLelland's Canon and Interpretation of Scripture, 50 Addresses on Ordination. By the Bishop of Oxford, 1.00 Lorimer'e Reformation in Scotland. Illustrated, - 3.00 The Haven and Home. By the Author of "English Hearts,". Ac., - - - .- 10 Letters of Hannah More to Zachary Macanlay, - 75 Dr. Guthrie's Pleas for Ragged Schools, • - 60 The Province of Reason. By the Rev. John Young, 75 Quench not the Spirit. By the Rec. Howl:nen Hall, 25 Thti Intuitions of the Mind. By Dr. hi'Cosh, - 2.00 Caroline Perthes, the Christian Wife. By Mrs. Tuthill, 1.25 Alexander's History of the Presbyterian Church in Ireland. - , - - - 1.00 Liille'on Thestalonians. Svo., - - 2.00 The Power of Christ to Save. By Campbell, - 75 Butler's Lectures on the Apocalypse, - - 1.25 Pooket Editions of Mind of Jesus, Words of Jesus, and Faithful Promiser. All in one volume. 24m0., cloth, red edges, - 30 Do. do. in blue cloth, gilt edges, - 40 Morning and Night Watches. By the same author, 24m0., red edges, - - - - - SO Do. do in bine cloth, gilt edges, - - 40 A few of each of the above two works in morocco antique, at 1.50 each. NEW JUVENILE BOOKS. The Children of the Plains. By Aunt 'Friendly, - Thu Jewish Twins. Do. do. - Blind Litlias; or, Fellowship with Gad, - - Days of Old. By the Author of "Ruth and her Friends," - - Trust in Gad; or, Three Days in the Life of Gellert, - The Brothers' Watchword. Illustrated, - - Marion's Sunday; , or, Stories on the Commandosents,., Stories of the Ocean. By Spaulding, - The Toll Gate. ,18m0.,. - - - - Ruth and her Friends. 18mo., - - iThri Blind Man's ll6lldby, - • - tict27-3t - 75 - - - 160 - - - 2.00 - . . . - LOU 1:00 _ LOO - 2.50 - 'I b 0 7 ~s 1.00 - 1.00 .00 .50 - 2.00 . 50 -i 00 1.25 - 1.75 A BOOK TO HAKE imam HAPPY. D. APPLETON 8c C O ., Noe. 443 and 445 Broadway, N. Y., HATE JUST PUBLISHED: The Housekeeper's Eneyelopmdie, OF 0001CMXt,"Y", AND ALL OTHER BRANCHES OF DOME"S.TIO ECONO.I.LY, °interning the flrat Scientific and Reliable Rules' ever malls public for putting up all kinds of Hermetically-sealed Fruits, with or without augur, in tin cans or common hot tles;, also, Rules for Preserving Fruits in American end French styles; with tried Reboipts for making Domestic Wines Cataups, Syrups, Cordials, &c.; and Practical Direc tions fur the Cultivation of Vegetables; Bruits, and Flowers; Destruction of Insects, &c. BY MRS. B. F. HASKELL. 1 Vol, 12mo. HTitle is not merely , a Cook Book. It is a Compendium of ousehold Knowledge, which, if studied, and its teachings followed, will save many anAious home and weary ateps to every housekeeper. It is practically instructive upon every branch of Household Economy, It is of espeelat value to the, inexperienced—to the young 'wife, just entering into a home of her own, to whom it will save the mortification and disappointment of those many little failures that without such a guide are inevitable. It is not too much to say that every home in which this bookie found will be much the happier for it ; every meal in that home better chosen and better ,prepared ; every liouldhouse i duty lighter and better attended to; and that nexpe rience,br eveli a general want of skill, need never be a cause of failure. The most minute directions are given upon every subject. Mrs. Haskell herself is an experienced housekeeper, and every rule that she lays down has been over and over again tested'by batten; and proved to be good. She does does not, therefore, give any mere theories. yew honks, even upon the one branch of cookery, possess this advantage--as they are mostly mere collections of recipes gathered in everrdireo- Hon, and strung together without any positive knowledge of their correctness or excellence. Analysts of the Contents EMT I. contains Sight chapters, including advice to young housekeepers upon selecting and furnishing a house ; system and management of servants; economy of cheerfulness; economy of cooking . well, and economy in small matters; washing, Arc.; entertainments of company, and carving. In the general instructions to the family, the young hus band is not forgotten, and his part in assisting the young wife to form herself into a finished housekeeper, is clearly defined. PART 11. treats of nutrition, elements of food, and mar keting. PART 111.—Of general cookery--soups,-deli, meats, pont. try, vegetables; how to cook, store for Winter, and hermeti cally seal them • puddings and dinner deserts, pastry' and pies, yeast, bread and biscuit. 'llls last chapter is one of wi et i n su re god b the r o u f l a e l s a k r i e n d as s ,park feecst a o s n i f s e p t o i s o s n ib a l ry, a te n a d , and coffee. The chapter on Coffee was prepared with great care from experience, and if followed, will insure to the family coffee that is perfect. • PART IV. contains five chapters. npon breakfast, dishes; hashes, eggs—to select, to preserve for the family and market, cook, &c.; economy in dishes, showing how to use theodds and ends; cold dinners and lunches. PART V. contains six cimptere, giving directions for gath ering and preserving apples for market and.the family ; also, to hermetically seal, preserve with sugar, make cider, dry, and cook them. • To select and preserve, dry,cook, and her metically seal peaches, pears, plums, cherries, mall and West India fruits. - This part contains the First 'Scientific Directions made public in this Country, for Hermetically Sealing Fruits without Boiling. Mrs. Haskell has put up fruits in this manner for the pasteight years, with good success, and has reduced this art to scientific rules ; so that any person can with'ease preserve their own fruits. • PART, Vi. contains four chapters upon making domestic wines, beers, fruit, brandies and vinegars, cordials and ex- PART 'TL contains four chapters of directions for making catsups, Salads, flavored vinegars, pickles, and mangoes. PART Vlll.—Flve chapters on gardening; kitchen, fruit, and flower garden, hot-bole and insects. PART IX.—Two chapters. Curing meats, milk, cheese, and butter. PAST X.—Your.chapters on the sick. room—what it should be. remedies, treatment of infants,,aokery for the Sick. , PARTS XT. and. Xll. are miscellaneous and general. Si" This book skill be sent frve of postage to any part of the United States on the receipt of $1.25. • oct27-2r. MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE TO FARMERS. CIDER'MILLS—bus Cliampion Keystone and Buckeye Combined Mill and Press; at the Seed Store, 47 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh. J. WARDROP., ootl3-B* NOTICE TO FREIT GROWERS. Parties intend in to.plant Trees this Fall, are respectfully invited to examine the Nursery of T. L. SHIELDS CO., Sewickley. Their stock contains over two hundred and fifty thousand Fruit and Ornamental Trees of various sizes, all in the most healthy and vigorous condition. There are several thousand extra large trees, of Apple, Pear, Plum, and Cherry, four year old; well cut back. ARt - Catalogues can be bad and orderl left at the SEED STORE, .47 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh. WARDROP. 0013.40 . A NEW BOOK , FOB TEACHER AND PUPILS. Will be published early ; in Via, • a beautiful book, hand somely illustrated, containing about 264 pages, entitled THE "OLD -LOG SCHOOL-HOUSE, FERNITERED WITH Incidents -of School-Life, Notes of Travel, Poetry, and Mats to Teachers. BY ALEXANDER CLARK EDITOR OP " EMILY'S SCHOOL 'VISITOR... This will be a choice collection of some of the author's best sketches and poems; and a friend and. conipanion fiir the young teacher as -well as the student. 'lt will be printed in the finest style of the art, making an appropriate and valua ble present for vacation times. The numerous friends of the author in different parts of the country, will please call at- Umtion to the forthcoming volume; and all who desire copies will confer a favor by forwarding their orders esrly. Price, post-paid, only 75 cents; gilt, $l.OO. Postage stamps received in payment. Will the person who reads this notice please' act as agent for "Tile Old Log School-Houser and by securing us $3 for four copies of the bookle will receive an extra copy for his trouble. For $l.OO we will send the School Visitor one year, exclaim a copy of the " Old Log Schootliouse," (postpaid) as soon as it Is published. AcE" Agents wanted. Address - • ALEXANDER CLARK, sep29-3t-aw 411 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, Pa..' MEMBERS OF THE PRES IIYTEJIIAN COLONIAL ASSOCIATION, and other Presbyterians desiring to emirate to Kansas, will send their Post Office address to me at St. Louis, Missouri, and 1.1Ai1.1 for ward them some information of interest regarding a location in Kansas. . P. NONTGOURRY, sepl-2m .Lecompton, Hansas.—' 1860. FALL STOCK. 1860. CAL int jeo 3r. 910 ON4 Oil Cloths, Mats, Matting, 17Rt a- TS STAIR STAIR RODS, WINDOW'SHADES, AC. FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICES, AT 87 Fourth Street. W. D. & IVI'CAIIUM. R . S. DAVIS' OCTOBER :LIST OF New and Valuab .3113 111:1110 -=' Kir Wm. Hainilton's 2d roluirie—" Logic " - $ " Ist " " Metaphydes"..-... . . 3.00 Ifodge's Outlines of Theology • 2.00 Bridgeslirommentary on Ecclesiastes Lao Ifengstenberg's Commentary, on Ecclesiastes • 2.00 Gerlach on the Pentateuch 2.50 Fleming's Vocabulary of Philosophy. .Edited and on-.,, larged by C. F. Krauth. DJ/ 1.75 Ordination• Addresses of-the Bishop of Oxford...-. .... 1.00 The Beautiful City. By Woodbury Davis 75 Pulpit Themes. By the author of "Pulpit Helps." 1.00 Helps to the. Pulpit • • 1.25 Luther oti Galatians. New edition • • 1.25 Addison Aleiander's Sermons.. 2 TOll3 2.50 Forty Yea& Correspondence of Dr.Ais..W. Alexander 2.00 Kurtz's Church History 1.50 Annan on Methodism. Dew Edition •• 75 Life. and Letters of Mrs. Emily C. Judson (Fanny Por- Love end Penalty. By..h P. Thompson, JED • • .75 Hall's Meditations. New 2.00 How to . Enjoy Life. By Cornell. The beat book on the subject of Health and Disease, and lutying tiPecial reference to the Clerical Profession • 1.00 Avoidable Causes of Diseeeei &a 4 1.00 SECULAR. Timothy Titcomb's new book, "Miss Gilberts Career," 1...% Also, fresh supplies of Titcomb's Letters," 1.00 ; .Gold Poll," 1.00; Bittersweet," 75 Brief Biographies. By Stniles, author of "'Self Help," 1.25 Rawlirtson's Herodotus. 4 vole. Now complete 10.00 Everetts Washington • ' 1.00 The Queens of Society 1.50 Nemesis. By anthor-of "Alone" 1.25 The Cottages of the Alps.. By Miss Anna. C. Johnson, author of Peasant Life in Germany," 1:25 Mosaics. By the author of "Salad for the Solitary,"... 1.25 Rutledge, and Beulah. Bach 1.25 Parraday's Lectures on Physical F0rce5........ ........ . ... 50 Louie's Last Term at St. Mary's 1.00 The Glaciers of the Alps.. By Tyndall. 1.50 Buckland's Curiosities of Natural History. 2d series... 1.25 Over the Cliffs. By Charlotte Chanter . 1.00 The World's Birthday. By Gesso. ... . . . . .... 75 Air Any of the above books sent by mall, prepaid, on re ceipt of retail price. Usual discounts to ministers. • R. S. DAVIS, 0ct20.2t 93 Wood Street, Pittsburgh. THE GROVER 34. BAKER NOISELESS FAMILY SEWING MAC : is rapidly superseding all others for family use. The Double Lock-Stitch formed by this Machine is found to be the only one which survives the wash-tub on bias seams, and, there fore, the only one permanently valuable for Family Sewing. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONY "The undersigned, Clergymen of the Presbyterian Church, having purchased and need in our families c GROVER do BAITER 'S OELEBR &TED FAMILY SEWING MACHINE,' take pleasure 4n recommending it as an inseimment fully combining the essentials of a good machine. Its beautiful simplicity, ease of management, and the strength and elas ticity of its stitch, unite to render it a machine unsurpassed by any in the market, and one which we feel confident wilt give satisfaction to all who may purchase and use it." Rev. W. B. SPRAGUE, D D , Albany, N. Y. Bev. J. N. CAMPBELL, D.D, " Rev CHARLES . ANDERSON, Auburn, N. Y. Rev. J. M. HOPKINS, 4 4t Rev. R. C. GALBRAITH, Govanstown, 31d Rev. T. L ANNE AU. Salem, Va. Rev, HENRY A. RILEY, Montrose, Pa. Rev. J. TURNBULL BACKUS. Schenectady, N. Y. Rev. W. B. CHIDILAW, A.M , Cincinnati, Ohio. Rev, ARTHUR•SWAZEY, Galena, Rev. A. M. STONE, Canandaigua, R. Y. Rev. It W, JACOILUS, D.D., Pittsburgh, Pa. OFFICES.- 49i Broadway, New - York. Corner of Fifth Street and Market Alley, Pittaburik l Pa • oct2e-1y !E2 .Cloth SCHOOLS. STEUBENVILLE FEMALE SEMI NARY. The Sixty-fourth Session of We Institution will open on the FIRST MONDAY OF NOVEMBER NEXT. Rev. C. C. BEATTY. D.D.. Superintendent, Prot. A. M. REID, A.M., Principal. ea ►rIISCARORA FEMALE 'NSW.. TuTE. Parents in search of a school for their daughters, where health, science, morals, and religious training are combined, .will find it in the above Institute; aides a parent naturally anxious about the welfare of my children, I think I know what are your wishes in regard to a school for your daugh ters ; and as the ahove-muned Institute is just such a one, I simply request you to come and examine for yourself; for I am assured that one half day spent In the examination will he of mere value" than all my advertisements. I therefore earnestly court it, as until such a visit I can only expect to be classed among those schools represented by the hundred in advertisements but, after -Reels inveettgation, I know I shall be rated as among the first in the land. The Institute retSpens for the Pall Session, NOVEMBER lie, UM. TUSCARORA 'FEMALE INSTITUTE is located at Acme demia, Juniata Onenty, Ps. The cars of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad stop at the Mifflin Station, whence access la easy, rind should the Principal be notified a few days be. forehand, arrangements will bo made to meet alt visitors. For Circulars containing Terms, ac., please apply person ally, or by letter, to REV. W. G. E. AGYEW, Principal, Academia, Juniata County, Pa. REVERENCES:—Rev. G. W. THOMPBON, D. D., .1 H. Suumaxte, Etsq. Gotl3-4t IRON CITY COMMERCIAL COL.* LEGE.—S3S.OO pays the entire cost of tuition. Minis tors' sons half price. Students enter at any time. For Cata logues, Specimens, &c., enclose five letter stamps to my2t-6m JENKINS & MOTH, Pittsburgh, WITHERSPOON INSTITUTE. The next term of this Classical and English School wilt begin on TUESDAY, November 6th, to continue twenty-one weeks. Price of tuition per term, $6.00, SEIM. and $lO.OO, according to studies. For particulars andeatalogue, apply to the Principal, ocal,at* - J. S. BOYD, Butler, Ps. - PINE GROVE ACADEMY AND SEMINARY. J. E. THOMAS, A.M., Principal. The Winter Term will commence on WEDNESDAY. No. vember 7th, 1660. Terms, $46.00 per session. oc2o-3t O' 0 E cA. 12 4 1; j ;F L U TE , For Young Ladies. Parents who have daughters to educate, will please observe that $145.00, IN ADVANCE, will pay for Board, Tuition, (regular course,) paw .. rent, washing to the amount of thirty dozens, and fire, in the above Institution, one year—this being a reduction of ten per rent. on regular. prices. The next term will commence the FIRST MONDAY OF NOVEMBER, ISO% and continue ten months. Jar Send for Circulars. OLIVIA J. FRENCH, oct2o-7,:t Principal. EDGEWORTH SEMINARY FOR YOUNG - LADIES, AT SEWICKLEY, PA. REV. A. ITILLIRMS, D.D., Principal. 'fhe next Session will commence on the FIRST MONDAY Iti NOVERBER. A few vacant places are not yet maimed. The terms are as low as they can be made; consistently with the limited number admitted, and the superior accommoda.. Cons and advantages afforded. For Circulars, containing further information, applyat the Peek or Music Stores or to the Principal, at Sewickleyville, Pa. sep22,6t TUSCARORA ACADEMY WILL open its Forty-ninth Session on the let of November next. Instruction in English, Mathematics Latin, Creek, French, and German, is given by experienced teachers. Terms, $65.00 per session of five months. Parental care, thorough instruc tion, and kind. treatment, is bestowed on all the pupae. Those who cannot be properly influenced by such means are not permitted to remain. For Circulars containing teatime nixie from parents, pupils, and Professors of Colleges, as to the system of training and its results, apply to J. H. BEIIIHAHER, A.M., Principal, Academia, Juniata County, Pa. eep29-6 ALLEGHENY CITY COLLEGE. Wo take great pleasure in recommending to our former patrons and the public in general, Professore C. M. DODD , and LAVALETTE WILSON, who. have taken charge of tht, ALLEGMENY CITY COLLEGE. They are gentlemen of high Morel Worth, and, are thoroughly acquainted with the management and training of youth—having been practically engaged far a number of years in imparting instruction in the varied departments of science. Their qualifications,both Classical and Mathematical, are of a high order, and we feel assured that those who may favor them with their patronage, will enjoy many advantages seldom found in similar Institu tions. J. DAVIS, ALLEGHENY CITY COLLEGE.—The Annual Session o this Institution will commence on MONDAY, SeptemberlOtb. Circulars may be had at the principal Book Stems of Pitts burgh and Allegheny; or apply to C. ht. DODD, Principal. sepB4ra I ' ' A 'REV. L C. PERSHING, A.M., President, assisted by n FACULTY OF ELEVEN TEACHERS. • Superior advantages arc afforded for obtaining a thorough Academic and Collegiate edneetion. Every effort will b p made to secure the happiness and improvement of all who may attend. The Collegiate year begins August 31st; sewn.' Session; December 7th; and the third, March 21st. Tultiou varies from S 8 to SIB per Seeeion, according to studies. Fo r further' information, apply to the President, or to Professor 3. H. KNOWLES, Eittisbmgh,-Fa. augll-ly BUSINESS NOTICES. A. V. SCOTT W. IT. STURGEON N. Er. WALKER QCOTT, STURGEON &. eO. l •P 6 - 7.. IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS IN Foreign and Domestic Fancy Goods and Baskets. And manufacturers of all kinds of Looking Glasses and Ohildrett's &aches. fear No. 62 Wood 3t., corner . of Fourth, Pittsburgh, Ps. juo3o-ly el ARBON OIL, AL/ For Brilliancy and Economy, SURPASSES ALL OTHER ILLUMINATING OILS now in market. It will burn in ail styles of coal oil lamps, is per fectly safe, and free from all offensive odor. Manufactured and for sale by W. MACKEOWN, la LIBERTY STREET, PIRTBDURGII EEDI wir • F. FIIIIDENBEItG, v y 3111031E - 1111TTIMON11110. Sir OFFICE, NO. 194 FOURTH STREET, lie. Between Wood and Smithfield Streets. - OFFICE HOURS: ' • .Pram 9 o'clock A. 11., to 4 o'clock P. M. decMyt c. sonsem..- P. B. BISSELL. BISSEL & CO., 31.A,N1IFACTURERS OF COOKING, PARLOR, AND HEATING tsTovE, Grate Fronts, Fenders, Ranges, &o.„ NG. 286 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PENNA eepl7ly T. ITTTIT, BY .. . JAL TRIMLY FALL TRADE, 1860. LITTLE & TRIALBLg, N 0.112 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa., Wholesnie . grocers and Commission Merchants, Dealers In Flour Donut; Cheese, Fish, Oils Produce, Iron, Nails, Glans, PoIton'YAIDIS and Pittsburg h manufactured articles generally. We respectfully invite the attention of merchants visiting this city to our large and carefully selected assortment of goods,' which we offer for sale on the meet faierable ternis: Particular anti prompt attention paid to filling orders. FALL EXPOSITION FOR 1860. GEORGE 8+ WRITE a co.* Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Take great pleanure in announcing to their patrons and strangers visiting the city, that they opened on 'Monday, September 10th, the largest and beet selected stock ever offered in Pittsburg MI the latest novelties in 31E.w.gersys 41GriaDioreiturce. NANCY DRESS SILKS; VELOURS OTTOMAN, in beaus ful variety ; FRENCH POPLINS, New Styles; PRINTED FRENCH MERINOS and CASHMERES; BALMORAL SKIRTS, extra widths; EMBROIDERIES and LACE GOODS, at low prices; HOUSE-FURNISHING GOODS; BARNSLEY TABLE LINENS; SHEETING'S; DOYLIES; all sizes of QUILTS AND COUNTERPANES; their old quality of MERINO BLANKETS. ARAB .BURNOS. AF they have endeavored to anticipate the wants and tastes of their customers, they have made a special effort for the yell trade, by-importing direct from the manufacturers in Europe. Their selections have been made from the largest import ers of the principal ,cities, Boston, New-York, and Philadel phia. In every department of their trueness, they will make a brilliant and elegant.Elisplay of 50 New Goods; at Low Prices. sep.., .. ~ „ rr eh .', i o t> ------- - , im z ' al e \\___ \, ,$•• :v . ,'F.,„ e .s•, l Q ' , . ~,,..6 1: - ;: s. - . 4 0 0 - C ) EPONOIffr * . r o* e it . I A 0, 5w.. P.41 02 IDimpentelaa ti GI %-;,, ~-.. ' . Save the Pieces ! '. '--- As aortek•nt. tacit happm. even in reeil-regnicreed fernialka; vary desirable to have some cheap and convenient we forelliage7 - log Feraitere, Toys, Crockery, kn. SPALDING'S NIZPIIRED GLIM meets all arch emergencies, and en household eau ,afferd Mr be without it. It Is steno' ready and nn :to the stieldng There is no Mager a nemesity for limping chairs, splintered t 4 memo, headless dolly, and broken cradles. It 11 Pqt the mullein for coma shall, and other ornamental work, go popular With Lelia of. refinement end taste. - Thte admirsble reminding is titied cold. being ebanicelly bold In solution, and scommbig 'all the valuable qualities of the bur eahluebmakere. , It may be used in the place of *Ago« landlage, being vestli more adhesive. "usgrin, IN EBBEN It. 3.—A Brush accompanies each bottle. Prks. 25 andk, Wholoud* Depot, No. 30 Platt-0., New York. . . Addriea II- EMMY C. FPOLDING &CO Box "To. 3,600, New York. • Pat up for Dealers 113 Oases containing four, eight, and tinier desan—a handful Lithographic Phew-thud aceampeplsterrib - - At- single bottle of SPALDINOM PREPARED DMA will save ten times its cost annually to every hoorehole..ra gold'-by all prominent Stademers, Dnuggista, nardingle ?mann Deal+mh.Grooera; and Piney ewes. • • - . country merchants should make a note of BPALDINCPti ris PAGED OWE, when =Wag Am their will rietillip climate. Wholesale Depot removed from No. 80 Platt Street to NO. RDEDAR STREET, New York. deal-2p J. NEWELL
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers