Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, October 27, 1860, Image 1

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Editors and Proprietors.
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[Origin4l.l .
The Sen's Grentest Sorrow.
rheee is sorrow on tits' sea, iteannot be quiet"—
Nearest thou the moan of the sea 2
A wail from its billows beating?
There's a Mournful whisper wafted to thee,
As its bosom heayes in sympathy
With the story it Seems repeating.
This story it'llas-told before, '
And heart4r4en ones have listened,
From that, surf ! beaten rock against the shore—
Which,eaught the sound in the ages of yore-
Whilst:tears adown their pale cheeks glisteneil.
Those are the words it seems, to sigh,
Or,utter in reoernful measure;
They pound like sad echoes of storms gone by,
Of frantic prayers, of a maiden's cry,
And the ship's last plunge with her treatUre.
" I heard a distant gun boom forth I
what mount its muttering thunder?
'T was a helpless ship:in the boiling trough;
And waves cast ashore with their seething froth,
A mast wits a pale corpse
s lashed under. ;
This corpso—'t was of a maiden fair,. •
And still near that rook she 'a sleeping,
Whilst, far off a lover, crazectby despair,
Yet. grasps in his hand a , tress of brown hair,.
And his watch from that far shore he's lteeping.
Fnr out, through the sea juts a crag
of rock which the oorarpreparei
But on it I see a fluttering rag—
Is it all that is left of abeaoon flag ?
And how came those three skeletons there I
"Of the three, that one perished the last—. •
The one by the flag-staff iying 7 -- .
There alone he watched for the answering mast,
Then with one groan gave up to the Coniering
A skeleton erewhile he was dying.
" Solemnly tolled the good ship's,bell,
The crew on the deek were weeping,
Did they hear on their hearts a funeral knell:?
Did the 4 Angel of. Death' those tears compel?
And what was the old chaplain speaking ?
"True hearts throbbed as the final dirge
Was ohanted by those who loved him,
Whilst with streaming eyes, o'er the vessel's
They lowered their messmate into the,surge,
And the great wave closed above him.r"
But list to the moan, of the sea,
A sadder story it's telling,
Of those Wanda, the haunts of cruelty— ,
And hear'st thou those "Wailings which come to
And the winds with those death - ories swelling?
Ay, well may the sea moan and sigh
For this sad burden of anguish;
'T is a stain on its breast of deepest die,
A shame that is marked by 'every' eye,
Those islands where all yirtues languish;
There passion, theft, and murder keep, •
And menthe brute's naturci.borrow ; • •
There widows shriek from the 'funeral heap,
And their orphans are left to starve and weep—
4th I here is the sea's greatest sorrow.
For the Presbyterian Banner
Anger without Canso. ,
DEAR F— :--Your note, inquiring as
to when our Session , meets, add express
ing a wish,for reasons stated, to transfer
your membership to our church, has been
received, and read with' much interest,'
chiefly of a sorrowful kind. I have none
but the kindest feelings toward you. I have
confidence in your religious character. I
wish we had the accession of, many such
members to our little church. But my
dear F—, I believe it would be doing a
wrong, all roun - d=to your pastor and to
his church, to you, to us, and, above all,
to the cause of Christ, to 'have you come to
us, for the reason you assign.
The visitation ot the sick is, undoubted
ly, the duty of every pastor. The time of
sickness is a time when the benefits of re
ligion are specially needed, and also, when
they are more likely, than in health, to be
prized and desired, Such a season should,
therefore, be promptly embraced by the
faithful minister, to comfort the sorrowful,
to arouse the thoughtless,'to teach the igno
rant. But it often happens, in a large and
scattered congregation, that persons may be
laid, low on the bed of pain, and the minister
not know it. They may desire to see him,
they may wonder why he does not come,
and even blame him for not coming, when
he is not at all aware that any affliction has.
befallen them. , This, Ldoubt not, was so
in your case, for I have often : -heard your
pastor's assiduity and kindness spoken of in
the highest terms.
Now, my dear h`—„permit me to make
a few remarks on this ,subject, and. I do it
with the confidence that a man of your good
sense and piety will see the force of them.
1, The Saviour has made it the duty of
his people, when sick, to let their minister
know it, and to ask his attendance. ”Is
any among you sick ? let him call for the
elders of the ohurch." And this is dicta
ted by the nature of the case; for,
2. The pastor's retired way of living :
puts him out of the way of hearing flying
rumors, and he is less likely, than others,
to hear of cases of sickness that occur in
the distant parts of his congregatio,a. Or,.
3. He may be more engaged, than
usual, in his study; or,
4. Perhaps he is visiting, for several,
days, in a remote part of his congregation..
5. He may be sick himself, and unable
to go out to visit any one.
in either case, it would be hard to blame
him. The most faithful and vigilant pas
tors, you will see then, may need to be speci
ally informed of eases of sickness that re
quire his notice. And how wisely did our
Saviour, by his Apostles, inculcate this as
a duty—a duty just as binding on the sick,
or their friends, as that of visiting the sick
is upon the pastor. '
I feel assured thatAere are no" ministers
in our ehurch, who would willfully neglect
so important a branch of their official' duty.
The scene is often extremely trying,. I
know; but the true pastor will not shrink
from it. And often, too, it is highly , g,rat
ifying to his. Christian feelings, and he .de
rives as much benefit from beholding the
patience, cheerfulness,. hope and faith of the
sick and dying Christian, as he imparts by
his kind counsels and prayers.
Dear Freconsider your half-formed purpose, and do not indulge an unkind feel
ing toward your good pastor. Ile would
have visited you, had he known of your
sickness. God has mercifully restored
your health ; let your thank-offering be an
increased devotion to his cause. You have
had an admonition of the uncertainty of
life and all its common enjoyments; let
your spared life be consecrated to the Di
vine Saviour and his Church. Sustain the
hands of Mr. It—, who is an earnest and
laborious man, and who, in his extensive
charge, leaves undone as few of his duties,
as any minister of my acquaintance.
I shall be happy, at any time, to see you
at my own table, or at the Lord's in our
Church, but I trust you will be persuaded
of the propriety of retaining your home
connexion, where it now is.
With kind regards, ,I am yours sincerely,
. ,
Meeting of the New-Lisbon Presbytery , ,
CoNcoan, Ohio, September 26, 160.
Presbytery met at 12 o'clock, M., and was
opened 'with prayer.
The Rev. J. 1.3. Miller preached the Presbyte
rial sermon from Ecclesiastes ii: 10—" What
soever thy hand lindeth 'to do, do it with thy
might, for there is no work, nor device, nor
knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave, whither
'thou goest,:"
The Rev. Wm. D. McCartney, of the Presby
tery of Coshocton, the Rev. John N. Swan, of
the Presbytery of tort - Wayne, and Mr. Williant
S. Livingston, a licentiate. of the. Presbytery of
Chillicothe, were received into this Presbytery.
, On motion, it was resolved that in the opinion
of this Presbytery, "the position of the : General
Assembly, on the question of slavery, is the
muse us it was in 1818, and that the paper of 'the
last General , Assembly, in answer 'to overture No.
82, is a reaffirmation of that Action.
The following plan of special religious effort
WAS adopted
1., That if practicable, previously to our, next
'stated Meeting, an entire week be spent in each
one of our congregations, , by our ministers' go
ing among them, two and two, by mutual agree-
2. That, where the Session, approve, .in addi
tion,to public religious service, daily, family visi
tation, and congregational prayer-meetings, be
attended to.
3. That in vacant .congregations, one of the
visiting committee remain over the Sabbath
mediately succeeding, and administer the Holy
Communion, or at least preach to the people.
4. That the Congregations thus visited be
solemnly admonished--to offer fervent prayers
to the God of alt. grace for his- blessings: aipon
these .efforts for their good, and to, attendAili
gently upon these religimis services.
6. That when lie objection of weight demand
a ‘ modifieation of, the, details,the following, nr
iangeinents be observed in carrying out the
proposed plan of 'religious effort:
:.Messrs. Todd and. Stratton, vita .New-Lisbon
and Deerfield; Dr: Machlaster and March, PO,
land and Canfield; Dunditss and Miller, Middle
Sandy- and Pleasant ;Valley; Hays and Swan,.
Bethel and Yellow Creek; Maxwell and Living
- Salem and' Alliance ;' Speer and Dalzell,
Newton and. Bethesda; Reed and Mackay, Clark,
son and, Olasgow ; Dr. Mac Master and Stratton,
Cditaville , 'Miller and Stratton,' Concord ; March
and Macdready, Hubbard and Brookfielcli Max-
well and Speer,. Rehobath and Niles ;,.Todd and
Hays, Madison . and •Long's Run; Miller and
Mac Kay, East :Palestine; Swan, and Laverty,
East Liverpool; Dundass and Livingston, Lib
erti; and brazen and Reed, Hanover.'
'Catetille.-L-14.1r.. Stratton., Fist Sabbath . of Oc
tober. Messrs. Livingston Pryse, Rice, and
Mac Kay, each one Sabbath fat discretion ; with
permission to obtain' additional'
Edit Palestine.—Mr. Livingston, one Sabbath
per month.
'Madiion.—Mr. Mac Kay; Third Sabbath of
November. • •
I, Long' a Run.-11F.,MacKay, Second Sabbath of
Nitea andliberty.—Mr. Rice; First Sabbath of
October„and First, Sabbath , of "November. '
- M.
Pryse, Third Sabbckth of " October; arid Mr.
Livingston, one ;Sabbath-at disoretion. ,
Glasgow.--Mr. Mac Kay, Second,- Sabbath -of
Ajarderaii.—Dr: Mac. Master, 'one Sabbath at
discretion. , ,
Presbytery adjourned ,
to meet in Canfield, on
the Second • Tuesday of April next, at:l2 o'clock
M. ROBERT RATS, Stated Clerk.
For the.resbyterian Benner.
Action of the Presbytery >of Blairsville on
The , Committee appointed to inplire whether
any, and if any,what further action ought to be
taken' by this Presbytery te" promote' the , cause
- or:Temperance, present ithe, following report :
It is implied in. the Minute, which records our
appointment, that our Presbytery has 'acted
heretofore ::on "this subject,: Andy it 'is a fact
which our records will attest,
,thatAlimi they ganization' of 66. Preltiytel, we avhnous
times recommended united' effort to revolutionize
the.habits of society in relation to the use of in- :
toxicating liquors, and to banish the drinking
usages which had so long prevailed. As a Pres
bytery, our testimony has been firm and uniform
in favor of total abstinence froni all that can in
toxicate. And we have -no reason to ,doubt that
the example and, influence of all our ministers ?
nearly, if not, quite, all our elders, and a 'very
large majority of our members, has been; and is,
perfectly consistent with this testimony...
The Committee is directed to inquire whether
any,' and if any, what:further action 'is required
of, 'Presbytery on this. subject The question, let
it beremembered,is not what our .Legislature
ought to do', nor what the community . at large
ouglat•to dos but what is the, duty of this Presby
tery in, the premises.
,T,o this question• we, shall
strictly confine ourselves. '
It isitt'moUrrtful facttliat , there ' arc yet many
who •attend upon our ministry, and some members
of our
,oliiirches, who continue to countenance
and encourage the traffic in and 'useiof intoxi
cating drinks, some by, their example, and others
by defending the traffic and the use: That these •
persons Tare in error 'that they ,are: not , 'only
standing in, the way of the, good which the , ex
ample and - influence of their brethren would
otherwise accomplish, but laying a' dangerous
snare for,the young and,ineaperienced ..wer are
fully 'persuaded. And toward these Persona we
certainly'have a duty to perforin. It'is not our
duty to denounce thero•or quarrel with them..he
cause they will not comply with what appears to
us to be - .the plain demand' of duty ;' but'it is
certainly rineurnbent on us to do all in our power
to awaken them• to a. sense of their responsibility,
convince them of the error of their wity,' and in=
duce them to_abandon it. • '
But beside this class, there is another- still
more - exposed to danger, attd`to wkom our &ill
gations are still , greater:' It is the youth who
'are rising up in our families and congregations.
While there was agitation and discussion of this
subjectin, society, the riaingzrace, as they became
capable.of reflection, were,warned of the danger
of tampering with strong' drink, and armed
against temptation. But if :we •allow the discus
sion to cease, and make little or no effort, to en
lighten the young on this subject, many of
them are likely to•fall,into- the suave through our
neglect; The. Committee believe, therefore, that
something like the followinm b recommendations
Should be'sent.down to the churches under our
let. Presbytery recommend to all our pastors
and'supplies to introduee this subjectoccasion
ally in their public ministrations, and labortto
convince their hearers not only of the exceeding
Sinfulness of overturning the reason. and blunt
ing thetonscience by actual inebriation; but the
ensnaring nature of this
,vice, and the fearful
danger of treating an appetite for the 'drink of
the. drunkard.
2d. We recommend to all the elders and private
members of our churches, to embrace every op
portunity, in their intercourse with each other
and, with society, to testify. ,against those drink
ing usages that have been productive .of so much
'mischief, and of which it is morally certain the
fruits will be evil, only evil, so long and so far
as they prevail. Let persuade you that
nothing, 'or next to nothing; has been accom
plished by" the efforts of past years. Anxious
as some are to have it believed that all these
efforts have been tideless, no one acquainted with
the history of nur country,' in reference to the
use of intoxicating, drinks, can doubt that., a
great and salutary change has been effected
within the last thirty years. We exhort you,
on the other hand, to close your ears Against
the cry which some have raised, that moral sun
iron has accomplished all that 'it ennAccomplish
in preventing intemperance. To say nothing of
others, there are multitudes rising up amongst
us every year, on whom moral suasion has never
been tried;: they were children in the, days of
Temperance Societies ; and to take for granted
that' instruction, and argument, and pertuasion
can be of no use to deter them from taking the
first step,,toward. intemperance, is not only un
warranted; it is vain attempt to excuse" indo
lence ancisltith. Wefind no fault with any for en
deavoring to obtain better legislation on this
subjeOt ; what we blame is, yielding to the idea
that this is4/1 that can and ought to be done.
3. We recommend - to each., of our - Sessions ,to
draw up a pledge of total abstinence from •all
Participation in the manufacture, sale, or use-'of
intoxicating drinks... Let, this..pledge berelfd to
the congregation, and information given that
each member of the SessiOn; and other .members
of the congregation, if the Session think proper
to name others for that purpose, will be furnish
ed with a copy of this pledge, and will receive sig-
Jtatures at any time; and let m an invitation, be
`extended to all persons, old an7f yointg,"male and
female; to affix their names. This has been tried
ii one,„at least, of our congregations, and, we
desire to see it fairly'tried in all others. It seems
to have this ;advantage 'over the old plan ofTem:-
perance Societies, that ,it is .not .cumberedwith
an organization which is liable to die, out.
'whilst, on the other hand, it pOliSeSEteEr all the
advantages of -an organized. Society:. The; Sett.
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' ' ''' WHOLE r ,
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~. NO -. 6 " . - -
.„ ~OCT . ,
' • - - . PITTSBURGH • SATU DAY . - OCT •OBER -2'4, Is6o. - ,
Fors th 6 Presbitertan't6nnei
m . .
on can call a 'temperance Meeting, and Make
provision for having addressees 'deli:trend 'when
ever they think the cause can be promoted there
by., If anT - ttre., charged, with violating' thiS
pledge, the Session can : take action .privately to
bring them to a sense of their duty, or if - this
fail, strike off their names front the pledge.", At
the same time, those who sign this pledge will
be at liberty to unite with the members of other
churches, -or with,persons outside of the Church,
in an organisation which Aloy l be
adapted to promote the same cause in the emit,
munity at . large. But we earnestly exhort:all
the merabers of istii thurchei, to unite in this ef 7
fort to save, at least, the children of 4he Church
from the dangerous and ensnaring, tinges ;which
are still kept up .bye plass - Who,prefer their own
gains, or the gratification ofAeir own afilielites
to the . welfare of society.' And'we trust that a
pledge in the hands of the Session, if parents
and persons having influence will come forward
and sign it, and encourage'the young to do the
same, may be the means of,saving many of the
rising ramfromdestrnotion. ,
.LONDON, Scliteniter2's, 1860.'
ARMY over , the Papal.forces have been. un
interrupte&and 'overwhelming. The com,
hat of Castleharda, in which ,Lamoriciere
was entirely ' eVerthrown, and 'the
body of his army (inchiding One hUndied
and , sixty officers;) compelled' to' capitulate;
Was of a very- desperate 'character.! His
object, after having previously placed eight
thousand men in garrison at Ancona, was
to make his way across the country to that
fOrtress with his eleven thoniand. The
Sardinians anticipated his. plans,"his path
was-barred on every side, and he was , com
pelled to fight. , To do,Vim and, his troops
justice, the disproportion: of the respective
forces was great---eleven thousand against
forty thousand. Among 'these killed on
this occasion, waSlGeneral:Pinuidan, second
infoommand in , the Pontifical army. He
led three successive attacksiAgainst one qi
the Sardinian positions, the last, re-,
ceived wounds of which he died the same
evening: He was a verY'eininent Man
among the French Legitimist iparty, , and
was , the first Amines , in France:
His sympathies naturally:were with estab
lished authority, and„ consequently with the
Pope and the Papacy. His body has.beeri
given up to his friends;-and Arrived yesterl,
day in Paris, tilt Mdrseillea. The occasion
furnishes a rallying , point for , the ; party;
bodyof the clergy were 'to start from_ the
1 railway to meet the body, and :the Bishop
iif Orleans was expected to 'preach the
funeral sermon. 'The Legitiimsts
come up to Paris in large nUmbers, from
old, hereditary chateaus,, from sea-side; and
watering-places,, and from voluntary, exile
in , foreign lands. The :demonstration is
that '.of a dying , tiarty,` which, unles3
" r dikosP should ""come agairi," can .never
regain a footing in France. is possible
for some.Legitimist, Prince to turn ,I f iberal;
as Duke John of Bourbon, of
,Spain, has
T indicated im f a, remarkable
document 'addressed fo' the fiances;` deplores
the , infatuation of ancient' dyineties,' in
cluding that of =the Ne.apolitan .Bourbonsi
and hopes , for a day when ",universal
suffrage" in Spain shall make way for his
Own candidature to, its throne
fairly broken 4. At Spoleto, and especially
at - the - battle in iihich LamOriciese himself
was defeated., they fell in largeniimbers into
the hands of the Sardinians. The Times
has poured. a torrent of ridicule on, their
heads, and on their main abettors, the Irish
priesthoOd. Referring'to the - six hundrdd
prisoners of the Irish Brigade, taken' at
Spoleto, it 'says : ' '
' We 'must hive a statue erected' to Ireltnad'a
Own• Papal. Brigade, - and especially,. to these 'Six
hundred,.. If a site .be wanting . , * . r. Sioith
O'Brien will perhaps be able to 'negotiate the
purchase iof - the cabbage-tgarden of that , lcine
widow. Since the telegram - flashed the Sect, of
the great liislrattPtiiity upon this Metropolis its
inhabitants' ha4e;=7of ',course, been 'impatient 'for
farther news- The Sardinians are treating their
prisoners with 'a contempt Which seems to favor
the idea that, they obtained 'them: without Much
trouble, and that, they do not reckon tho,captivi
ty of,, six hundred' of the Pope's. Irish as an
kohieVement. They are the 'Pope's Soldiers, - not
ours... We, never had
,any Irish in. our. service
who behavedwith the etiwarlice.• these men have
shown, or who have so sOftenecrunder ihe tnition
of .their. :priests. :But then, , indeed, we never
sought outthe plass, of Irishmen fit fertile work
to which these • were - destine& - So 'ends the
pope's Irish Brigade. : ~It. ,is a ,disgrace .. ;
,country must feel rather as a family, feels when
a maavaii - aubjet, - whi)iii they-knoivib ben Atria;
turns out als&to be!a Sneak.- , Six-hundred men
ought to have made a fight for the Pope • after
taking hie theney. Much: as' We Ante their' cause;
we have .114 natural' interest in their. Pluck. .'They
had no right to.go abroad. and -disoTace th,e name
of . a Briten in that respect. -We all exp - ected, at
least; some goo& • rough' fighting-.: from' them:
Perhaps, however,. we ;ought to .have.: known
better. Itumanereatiirea win; could `have been
getjtegether for , such a cause ,mtiathaVe'been.the
offscourings of the o island 394iclii gave them
birth. They could have confidence in
each 'other, or in their . cause, Or in their , leader.
Ireland ; brav,e, loyal, and.sound-hearted ;Ireland,
proud in the memories or ,a thousand battles,
where' shoulder to shoulder We hive iogither
gained renown, can well. afford to look without
much emotion upon the shame'of these outcasts.
To do the Irish. justice, they haye, plenty
of "pluck" in the hitttle field, - and proba
ably showed it in -Italy; too. 'But when
they fight Thr a -bad' cause—that of the
Church and , despotismr—as at the Boyne,
under James IL, they are , generally beaten.
The whole Cullenite party in Ireland are
crestfallen, by reason Of the defeat' of Li
moriciere. All the money which they
raised from the poor deluded people—many
pawning their clothes to give the shilling
slimanded as the lowest sum on the Popes
'Collection Sunday--is Worsetlian lost.
In truth all Papal Europe is' imPoverished
more and more.. The " Peter's -pence,",
amounting to a quarter of a million ster well as the very large sums raised
otherivise, have all descended into .an
infernb nom which there will be no reSur
reetion. More than this : in every new
province'or:kingdom of Naples liberated by
the,present'revolution, there is the donfls
cation for state uses of the ecclesiastical
property, and especially thafOf the Jesuits.
This has been the case both in Sicily and
at Naples. Add to all this, that, as in the
great Italian conflicts of 1859, Popish na
tions•are destroying one another and that
the papacy is falling fast under • the blowsof its own• adherents—Piotestint nations
looking on only--and say is not the Neinesis
of Doomed Judgment .here most manifest •?
CoMplicationwand dangers are• now ap
pearing, which create deep 'anxieties' in the
breasts of all lovers of. Constitutional freeL
dom. Garibaldi, disgusted with that.semi-
French policy of Cavonr, by 'which, an
Italian province was given over to the Em
peror Napoleon., has written to the King of
Sardinia, demanding the dismissal of his
Prime liinister, as well as of others inthe
Piedmontese Cabinetwho support his views:
He, holds fastioehis:avowedrdetermination
not to proclaim the annexation of Naples
and Sicily tQ, 4-4: 6 9 1 it 3 1 t 1 ,4 1 : I?e,:doe,svPq
fian the top - of tbe
he' is to anneuitee
Italy is free under, ont
=mud. In this
handng over of Abe
Siadinia i for that flee
Anemia, att'd is haste]
the Tope's last, strap'
the Die.tatiSrlias
ditiian` Constitution ft
Garibaldi's linguagik
nal, of ..Naples, is', 'f'.l
dispOsed to sacrigOo
ihe'altar of the 'etiint.
reconbiled. men,
Ita sanprovznee.
The King of ar
Mgt :by Giibaidi's
. t}
. ,
convoke: the Chambe)
believe to reteiVe,,n
the Cabinet, and plait
.tutor that he will opt
tempt to enter Retne,
didy be done 'by
allies forming the .. gm
he, has'inade,'
ject:nraf ipterliretatiin
in earnest: Rut is MS
If he attempts it,
, .
thing? If France, is
ningt a She, not vindicate
and kindred queStiont
as - ked--' not forgetting
at NapleS the
getting `the ''upper '
apolitan army are pi
is enhstino• them ant
rently for a battle.
The true, solution of! diffmulty woidd
be fodnd in the Pope at le. lfis `car
riage" always" Staii 31.,.-; Way:" It has'
dope so for yeart,i. " 'Letlr", moire 'on," and
hi be of to ode ofthe Balearic'
Mends, to JetdsaleM, even to 6ohlen
Squaie, I;ondon,,(wyefOur'wena
be able'te,lodke, well,. a capital
cellar :dWn 'far
the. goly
Father; and t ;:bis Qa'rdlitals,) een.,
niglitmare would idea - frOM: off the
breast nf beautiful ItalY3r4 she wo'nbrbe
united and'free; ,
It is eOnfidentl9 afarmeit,lhat u the''Pppe ±
has a 'dOUnnienti c reaw to issue on
the , probable occasion of,; his 'departUre
frome *tine; and ex iiiiiing the',rea=
son *hi It will last. Papal;
doemnent;'WeArnat,ella issue from',
the Vatican'," end Pio NelY4l--tit'tihileieln
pnral sovereignty, ,at 1ea5t, 7 741,, we'also'
hope;be the last , of
. •. .
fresh ., and urtber )elueigatnin,-• as well, as .
the ,"plisti week; at: a :special meeting con
vened at Glasgow ? for-the•yurpose of hear
ing a statement, froni.4 , V,- Wei 'Church Minis
ter—well known t0,m64-:•the.liev. - .Mr:
Bougalywho"Was'settlVdi , lit .Florence: • His
statement is so interesting aL-ai authentic,
that I give it is full t ':t ' ' ' •
It must be very, grati*mg ,to, the bristiati.
People of. Glaggpit F the.,peppl i e. , of , a city which,-
had shown so much practical sympathy' WA`
Garibaldi-L.-to know that feligionisliberty inllfaly
was going,handinhandActtlii ,To* , „
give an idea of Garibaldi, ho,::might may that, as
S'potchmen„ did not feel, niork,vineratiOn for.:
Walla`e,e tli4iNlid' al ItaliariS Of the
present-hour - for'Gitribaldi, reve=
lutiOnary;:••••like' lakothertioitstitittionaL
GlEfaviien? T494.l.4lo4944grintlirogwilq*
that the, Singt ofrSardittla,CaSti o the ! die, for
Italy free and unitedoreiislaved 'firrever,
there was 'not a single man, Wonign,"pr • childitu
rintthe last three or fourimmitlis, ithroughout
the whole of Central Italy, as well . Sardinia,
who could..he got to talk,- on. any, other; subject
than how to send men and money .to Garibaldi,
to-help him in the accomplishnient,of that mible"
object foi.*hich in Gad'sproviddime he has Igen
raised' Up: God hadnoW . -given'•anotherl 'day of '
grace to Italy:, The former Movement had-been -
Suppressed by the Inquisition in-Italy and Spain, -
but was now revived and not confined as former
ly to the,npper elassea, among `the working
dosses of Tuscany, so that there was more
likelihood of its leavening the whole comMunity.:
Scotland had sent four of her sons to Italy tO
labor not• only, among J3ritish: visitors, but among
the, native population.
4 1iheugh a year and
a-half 'ago', there were tin thousand
readers in and around l'lnienoe;itud 'from llitSe
hundred to four hundred full Ootrinuinion with
the Church, •: there were 'usually from! , ten to
fifteen of i them-in prison in the town of. Florence..
and theyrovineial prison of Tuscany, for having,
in their poSse4ion a Copy . 'of the Word Of Pod' l '
NOW there was no'priest'as - foimieily at. thP -mia-
tdin house' of 'the ItomagniVand of Tuicany, , Und•
no , censor to keep out, the-,smallest packs& , of:
I3ibles..or other ; books,-for. many 1)9,6k:5...were , .
kept out as too eyangelieal, which we would not
think 1767:evangetical "after Now. ,thdr4
were Bibles and evangelical boOlin entering 'Tug
cany,by the 'sew route and the land routed -"and'
colporteurs 'carrying ithemi from eafeito cafe,
and' house, to:
,house,. 44 the., large;towns
of,congtitufignal lKingdota,of Itch, and
from haiitlet to :hamlet: in the agricultural die;
dicta. ' When he : l4i FlOreneS; two months ago,
there 'were- four! liar& evangelicalire-unions in
thakcity , , , for the:ltalians alone, ;not speaking of
the Episcopal' service,. or. the.: Scotch or 'Swiss
Presbyterian, but Tour large well,attendediiblic
Meetings for' the Italians atone: - A large' Bihle
depot 'had been' "set UP 'in . ' Florence' .under` the'
auspices"of the London , Seelety. About two
bundredevangelicalbooksWere also inf,eircula,
don, flip' last being „a :translation , of Jferaing,.
Watches, Mr. liloDliff. During the months of
January and February five theusind Copies, of
the Scriptnrevielsold 'friiin'the 'depot' Of tlie
London 'Biblel:Soeiety.- I ,During the dast
months; four colporteursoinliported:by the Ediri,,
burgh Bible society, besideu,,tracts ,and:2o,her
books, sold one thousand. t i alijiiiiidr'ed copies, of
the Seriptnies: ' Tile evaugelical'sehOOls; twe of
Which were 11.4)w establifthediii PlOienee; , formed'
another evangelistic• igeney ofr,the' importance ,
oVwhich the.prieststwere sollVell)sware 'that, no
other movement, provoked. so much of their_bitter
and determitied opposition.
' :AT'rElttPrE4; lisiee (been 'made-at Glasgow.
jljr the
. Popish'party,eaided rby (the enemies;
of.'Evringelital ieltion and , pare ese 'Chris= •
tianity, to .puva•atbp(to op'enzair•preaching
there; on 'the pnetenft:tliatiti would leadtrif
breeeh.'of' the peace/At The Itevc Mr :11
Trail, of the Tron Free Church, has deliir`.;
eked a vety eloquent' andliihkClectureitn
'defence of PretestantAighis'and • libertrin:
this mattercendAits;iinatitiethe•whole isnb..l
jest' with' greni; .diL)
rected attention tOrfchir
open-air piehehinfilvrieg Abel i.lelydetel
vatieni .a• very , old •custom ; 2di•That:
ciperl- r aifpieseltiog • wits' ntibee.e.ssityrof the
•tinfesi; Sd". o The9egalityp - Within necessary'.
titbit:talons:, ;of% iopen-eit.ipreaching - 4th: '
That the reeeniftatteiriptqfitput down open=
air pieachingp was 11, • PObil3ll • conspiraet
against' then liberties ' of :'their 'common
Protestantism"', - o . n. zthe I •lest• topio;f
Trail spoke itrongly.f • Al of Rey-`
nirmists' had , been •ptevieuslYifinedllor riots
dniring, preaohin end Glaseir Green; and
they"' were - fined' £lo,l' , *lliohAhli . .priatts'
seem to have paid. Hear 1110.Treil: • ' •
. .
Disguise it as some might, le 'had 'no:"tionbe
stated the , simple truth Wilerile add; that'
it was a'Popish oonapira6r , to Pitt , down 4W-tile
preaching in this ~ (ifeardhearr ) !
And was be, brooked ..for . a day,?, WEMIL
the- citizens of, Glasgow to. allow priest s• of
Rome to deprive:em of thefyßriVilegell.indlib
erties as citizenif Why; what century' were' they
living in?' The 78th was Andyet-they were
to submit to that?:Why,' diti.they not buy their
liberties at a high price; ayt. , the Ekc of i thOr martyr
ed father's blood ? And were they, their children,
to whom they beqUeathed their blood-b o ught lib
ertiei, to fling them in'the dukt and . to• put their
'fettered necks in the mire, iolie trodden
despot priests of Rome: (Loadt.atoplause.): Thdre ,
was need of plain speaking #t E ,the present day
about Popery. He maintained,:tliaC ( it was • un
changed ; it. was as iraliekons as
sanguinary irr its spirit Mow se - W . -nag in the nth
century, •when,' if , there lad -..beezi• abold'Coll then
of courage to, preach,Chritit innlstone.pulpit,•the
stone .1 1 F;u 1 d-rs.c 1 91:havell'IPPMer," 114,,h8t
martyr's'fire. It was ordYthe power` that Rome
wante4 not' the , (Applause. y . Coneede one
step t to her, and she would.- then push ,on to. take
a second ; lei 'her but get,. in the thim wedge, and
by frandlnu force She would strive 'to drive it
.home. They op* not trust Popery:, It could bleat
like a lamb in this country i and would howl like a
voice WitS Jacob's voice, but
its hand was the handpf Esau. They`would hear
Popery.ta , ik,of the ,. rights of, citizenship, of the
Maintenance of Peace, of the sacreiineis and ten
derness' d 1 .conseience. - Rights of icitizenship
OP;"*ljea9e :
ik 0 4 1 and
Victor Ern
ii6e.retraCt the
)oli tan fleet to
Ate,'<ldwnfall of
'A' decree of
bated' the
, cia, and,
Of joyr-
Lei, I"aiii 'quite
ional.feeling 'on(
CWl'l izejer be
line 'sold ah
That fi•om the priests of Rome ! let them go and
cry'll - in the streets of Naples !—:(laughter)—and
Aungeons 'of' the Castle`of(St. Elmo—Near
politan Bastile which, if not already.itt the dust,
Was, hot tottering to its ba'se. (Great ap ; -
plause,) Rights of citizenship; fcirsooth ! As if
the citizens of, Glasgow, did not know their own
rights, and 'were determined to keep them Am?.
(Heir, hear; ktad , applaine.) Sights of citizen
ship ; That from those. whe, had sworn allegi
ance to an alien prince. (A cry of " Hear, hear,"
'and *'That's` Rights' °Rita - ship 1 That
from those Who met. the other, night in the • City
Hall to talk of Ireland and repeal. (Laughter.)
Why, after'tluit'anYthing; evett - if it; should come
from Rome.—Maintenanee of peace! That; toO,
from the authorities, of Rome I We fling- hack
the foul:taunt intheir 'fac'es,' and Veil them "that,
we'are quite able And cmite disposedlto keep'the
peace, , anA make them to (keep it, too., (Laughter
and applause:). The maintenance of 'peace
That froxn4hose who' were known , to . have fomen
ted roils; kindled wars,, hatched plots, and set,
all the courts of 'Europe sometimes by the ears
to'gethe'r'! "'Maintenance of peace ! •• No priests
'hfltenie,..we *ill : not:hare -yon-for calYpolioematt.
It is worthy of remark that , the. Rev:
Ifligh,4anna, who fought And. won the.hat
-46 Witli the Papiists' of Belfast,` al, to open ;
Pceileliffig;nnd aftdrwaidg'so
icAntifted• - with. the 'Revival - -inwthat 'great
town hati.just received a ;Calf to:becomethe
minister, of the
_ . Yree High church
Paisley . It is probable he will accept this
call. If - so, he 'will :be sorely missed
Berry 'Street' -113s . poWer• of organization,
as to• Sunday/ day. and. night s chools,'. is -reL
marka.ble .; and, save? that ,there is a 'number
of ,young men trained., by ; ; Many ; „of
them the fruits of the 'Awakening, one
ildUld'atmest despair of the'tobtinuance of
tliaVellficatinnal effort which radiatei
froinißerry - Street alVover BelfastfAnd
_more (than:two thousand persons, in-
etuding, the ,o 1 d who are,
its,benefteeef embrace.
it u.l' '.;
felt grievously,
I, .is about to
demand`, and
'Confidence - in
ioree'any, at
as it could
In his Fiend"
deClafation ,
varioua l son-
Seems quite
;e practicable?
Kit. risk cyety- .
s t y, t 4E4
aonor, ese,
nO* anxiously
Fin` Sicily, and -
Aberal'Paity are
rid that Outisre:
't,:• - iiistaika
Glaat4 .
is '.ready appar'
7 fr PPWONTENT AT Romt is strongly brought,
out; ,byrCharles gemans,„author of a new,
work, entitled ‘f Catholic Italy," as well 'as
by Ittigib4i beiSk,'ii Italy in Tranbiiithl," by
the' ROf. IViii.- Artliiii; iuthOr of " 4 116-
Tongue; of tiFiro."'L ' , The statementai of facts'
- 77 f-facts( .danining : ,and, horrible 7 , 7 wi1l - best
indicate . - 9 - ,te, app)roach of t the ;h o ur, of, Anpi
nemesis l and Retribution : Arrests on mere
iitospl i 3 Oibit ' abound;'' triali are ,- indefinitely'
deln,Yeil; Anil there are prolonged iniprisott=
xn entErbefbie•(sentence,'• or; even investiga.
tion ~r has - ) en sued ,1 ~ In , each -, of -the.
scvon. dioceses, of., , the Pontifical, States
is ap,T4 piseoPal
,tribiinal, composed of
i ' siYfkle ' jThig . n, ' ' the • Biiiiop's Vicar;
Who:TakeSlecii;, , nikaitce 'of ciiil and ciiiii-'
bm,l7: . 'cases,,o whatever • their - importance;
whenever, , the property or , persons of
priesti„religious or charitable,associations,
are in, question. The tribunals of Rome
itself arc` numerous beyond example,'- and
are wrdielfedly t -mariage,d' ' , Abubes 'abound
on every-side., Cruelty' alSo, by - ecclesias-
Opal t judges,, is thus ilhistrated, from two
vcqumes of, official , tiocuments, ,eollectet s ] by
domonissioners appointed 'for the purpose in
tile` different prOvinces. -Here ''is an in
rAfairieec,aff giveniri• Mr': Arthlir'S book : ',.- •
i lifil; ~irale-0 0:44,-,, ~..,., , ,,,i - r ,, ,, ) , ± , L „ f
- "th'e ciry of r ermo two 'mantis were soca
Sed of blasphem`y. - • The bishop commanded them
to be bound and put, imprison; afterwards, pn a
high day: he'had them` carried lo' an open tdace
outside the city-gates:- They were made to kneel
down, and the mordocchic was placed-on the lips
of one andoiithetbngile of the other. - One died
notmanyiliours after having undergone the pun=
ishment, and the,l;fegf, the ,other.. was , in, great
danger. For 'gig - niers Who may , he ignorant Of
it we will-tell-whattitewnordacchia-is. It is form
ed of two rods, r - whichpt the two_ex.tremities can
be compressed4=ftigether • by:L. the Cicree of steel
springs. Viejo oath of the sufferer,bcing opened,
his hands 'find feet' tied, and he made to put out
his tongup ' 7 the tongue itself is ; pressed between
the rods closed by the springs. Thus the wretch
feniaind 'kith' his ‘tongiteont of' his Menai; ter-`
ture,d4)yllhat ;barbarous , instrument. ;;Little . by
little the tongue enlarges and thrusts out the lips,
If AM victim aboiild iefuie tO imeont: the tongue,'
the-executioners take his lips-and press themlbe-;
,the two steel springs ; - . ,n0 that the _mouth,
remains ' closed"atabist re s piration ; ' the steel
springi'stick toi the -lips and the anguish of the
sufferer cannot ‘ vent itself by cries; and escapes
OillYthroogh the. eyes, the color of the foe% and
frequebtly , by ariptroxyam orbOnvuldiott: • In the
execution at gemno, a doe ter, ,declare,d, that , the
men tortured -would die in less, than an hour, un l
leis the punishment ceased:A-Me barbarity;
however,:,-Tos carried; to • such ; an, extent.' , as •to
compel them to walk to the prison, (e. mile) with
thi'mordacchii; through' which," as we ItOie said,
one-of , tlfdin,, Luigi, Taechh didd a few hems after
'3. ,Stichis,the diabolical , system , rof "'just
ice?' administeredrunder,the eye of the , ,sni
di,sant l'..‘ 'Vicar:Y. of ..‘f THE JUST . ONE I"
EL ) SITL ilihiEt N. LAWRY/NOE had presented :to
himy on. Friday.-las(, the 'Freedom .of Gies
pw,'by. the Lord .gropstlof tlua.ej.ty, and
u} pseseiro, of
.a gre at , ssemly. He had
lieen:prevldirsly the guest the Duke r ot
Argyle; at ' ( Xuverirf Thedelicate
state , Ofirhis bealtlibad been alindrance to
his earlier! receptioo ! of ,the honor intended
ffq him.,. The ,LArdßrovost indicated, in.
his preliminary reniArPi, the many illns
4:ieniiiiien'ivhe lied received a similar dia
tinetton.e Ribhisrdr Cobden; the promoter
of:flee Artureii H: Pottinger;• the first
negotiates lof ) a ! treaty, of, commerce, with
Chipaom, alsoja.Orda galmersten Auld , Rim ;
iiet the Earl of ' Elgin,"Sir Co in ' Campbell,.
Tor' tiiintetede.' It is Witlide iirdp
nary :it was said,." We add the
name of :Sir .-aohn.• , Lawrence to.'the . i lists
Fh9s9, claim to the, -respect and esteem„..of
Or &Oars of Rlasgow, is , equal to any, p,f,
the eminent men to whom I,ltive ieferted."
`'"On ttliCanbject '9f' the Bible' Schools
intinditiVBir O'cihn said : • ' '• • •
i3J-I"the , Sepoys revolted not b'eektise Chris!
tianity was taught to the peopleibut •be..
cause ; they believed that the. cartride they
were required to use would convey destine
iiiitheir'bridies, as well 'as . their souls.
Tilicsitasi in :their.view , a tremendens , at=
tack ton) cede.. d ..ITheir :ideas. on
auch,patterni toy means ; aecorfl. with
_IOE4OI sphlier lying?. wounded on
the field - '6f*ittie; hid died . .rather than
I think wateittereditoqiiii"hy a Man, Who
in hie 'dyes, Waxen; oitoastP ; .Sikh
dieri in ^mai hospitals: at • Agra" !prefeeeed
aultinuing Zsßfferifqr. loipe:hourtYfilt
anguish ~a rising *up leT i erish
audd i 'severe ' *minds, rather than "-re
ceive water from the hands of an English
lady:- Rik 'Word6' were : c'Though ;no man
see. me drink i i.e9d,will see it.t ,
ftThe . ,peligion of the great majority.,of
the ,peo ple of 'Ypdia, consists of ceremonial
°heaven* and in fancied personal free
ilbdi'froaf certain "containinati rig influences:
Ther.r.are. extremely ignorant and propor ,
fivably superstitipus.'. They have pertain. ;
!pi general impression that we desire.their
conversion, and flit 'thiri will be *obi:
Plighed'hy physical ine,aare. Thiel eitortiiii
of bone-dust ibeine'iniiedi ?With the •fidni
sold lin. the'l marketpand the like ? are:. cons
St4ketli , bating yehellt , : the., eoluttry? We
qe.plifer trurll, ; ffonl panics arming from
Bitch, causes. • . ,
" 'bun:death tlie'pOlikry
of insti•ucting,2 the ~people' When they are
Filling to sNeirrit g astp the ; real Maroc
ter ,of,our ? . ..„Sound policy surely
dictates 4;4-M. 3 .4941d siizelliqn the means
of ,cooapseifendipOarpr,inciples. , Vire:can
lipstftpppljOhe.m.A4e very ,elements, of-orir
sciences, without, ShOwing themllie folly of
their imin 'faith. we then sap,lhe
foundations of their belief, withont giving
them facilities for acquiring their knOwl
edge ? Can this be wisdom ? (Cheers.)
" It,is said thatthe work should be re
stricted to the missionaries ;,but what can
a few missionaries do amongst hundreds of
millions of people; ? Ido nottesire to see
the 'Government undertake the duty Of the
missionary, but that when the ;;parents 'of
children belonging to our schools, and,rna,B 7
ters, are able and willing to instruct, the
Bible should not be prohibited.
" Government,' is'regards the extension of, cannot remain neutral. Its in
ffuence will be either for or, against its,pro 7
gress. Under.,the most favorable auspices
it wilt not spread very fast, the probability
it will' be lamentably Slow: - thy-
B'elf believe - that soinid'polity,ias well as
our duty to God , and man, demand that , vre
should give facilities to the spread, of Chris,
tianity in India,: and that the, introduction
of the Bible 'into common" schools,"may be
effected, in'inanY places;*itli the full 'con
senttof'the children and their-parents;
teachers who have their , heart. in their
work." ' •
Tbese are weighty, wise, Statesman-like
ivoids, Which 'will tell on the whole
try, and-Ttrust thelndiiii policy-Of our'
Statesmen 'also. ; Sir John, does not ;consid
er that, Lord Dalhousie's annexation of
Oude was the occasion of the mutiny., lie
&Mealy cerisiders*ihat tie • .-',of 'the
people were not disaffected, 'otherwise'
could , never have itoodY in dndia:,l when'
the ar.ruy, broke: out in ' Many.
joined.that, rebellion, andouce emb,arked ins
it, they continued snit, rather than be ta T
ken and puniihed. ' •
'Thesimplicity and: purity' of - thie good
and 'great man's Character; 'are verpremarkt.
able. :Mrs. Dr. Campbell; wifefol theIReVT
Dr. Campbell, one of the Lodianao
~ •
aries now in Loaden, and " about to sail
next Week with "three 'of her` child'ren for
Calcutta,, ,. heartily 'eridorsei 'the 'seat - in - lent?
uttered by, .Sir J - e 13.11,, and in private -con=
yorsation has, given, me pleasing evidences,
of his ,domestic simplicity, and die true,
piety both of limielf and Lady Lawrence.,
His 'Public 'policy"; has' been guided by
Christian 'singleness of eye, great moral
Courage, al thoroitgh knowledge of tthe na
tive mind " never carelessly,"as,,one• has
expressed it, '"'offeuding motive prejudices,,
but never, even in appearanoe,truckling,to
them:': ' • - '
Alaa!i there lias been too much '" truck-`
by statesmen, and we? have seen the
blogdY and awful. issue. Our present•'ln,
dean Secretary ? Sir„Q., Wood, is one of the
eold-hlooded School'and Lord Canning is
hie= Same stathii. Now 'Sir Charles ex
presses his interest in the establishment of
little ; colony ofnative Christians in Indi4
and be, kept informed; of the pro
greys of the experiment; ,while Lord Cain
ar4 the new Bishop of ,Calcutta, have
Been depre'dating-the 'CondernnatiOn pasSed
by. the' Church' Missionary Society. on the
Govern :Went policy as , to. the instruction of
native, soldiers .theiF xr.
Planking aWay, the, order issued some tim
ago. '' The `cause of the `school's,
trust, "ere longt prevail in' ` ; lndia'
Meantime the financial , 'condition 'of affairs
is most, alarming ;.it may and.probably
be retrieved by . the Income Tax., measure of
the late lann., l Tre4 t
' 'ifis:ikreinifi'ri!lbablethat` theatat of :the:
General Government Will be removed'fioni
Calcutta; " wswanip;". as the t Times calls' it;
" i 94 the banks of „the- Iloogley," ,the
hill districts. This i is a ,measure that,,,has .
been proposed before. •In like manner. the
Bombay - Presidency' is' likelY' to remove
from' the town and 'island 'of•Bbmbay,
Poova. J. In both- cases' the , health of the
officials would, profit: The, Indian'; climate
has proved very fatal this year ,
-THE ~WEA.THER . excites anxiety; as
after.ia glorious iuteryal iof• sunshine, there,
has come, rain again A weatherwise
tleinan lays dOwit' the` positionthat; ivh - eti,
frorn' thd 2Gth to . the
,26th, 'of Mardi; and'
the corresponding , period -in SepteMber, the.
wind blows froni•rthe South', or ~South-west,i,
the following oix! a rule . arn•wet -
stormy, and imgenial. indicaNs that,,
as matter of fact," it was So in the last
yeki ; and. Says that eVerylodi niaz
judge - Its twthe future-for himself; by Mark:
r,th..3. point ,from.mhich, the wind blows'
from the. gogt, to thn„ gftth:,pfithe ,present,
month. d is rather a, gloomy prophet,,,,
whenlie'adds that ‘,,.'i•iirohatilf - aie are'enter
ing on i-Seties of years' df more ' than usual''
moisture," and that'll. cydle-oflthis &scrip=
tion of seven yearsris -begun.- He claims
for this doctriner-the anthoriO, of, the late
Sir 11.Pee'l; as an estahlished leiv; and, as
*Limited '''by .- lititilitics'o'exiending' -over
mei& than a hundred, yeeig. ,
dark : as is. this, prnspent-Olthough
the b ., lo "soPgf.alwaY. just-now
from the South the fatal.
points indidated,bl is not so` , /ay dolorens
andlisidat'ae thnewlY broached" theory (if
Baron .Ernouf,rinthe Revue , Coutemioraine,
that ;owing: thn • imoyease pf!thn popnla-,
tion, and, the „increased, ; heat : of the , sun,,
the surface ;of the earth is destined,.
erelong; to refuse aliment the' human
race. There . is' no" use either in itrying - to
convince Jaw Bnll,.andhis; bariestfields;
of the possibility of. any such ; catastrophe,
needto this tight, little island,;, .nor yet
need any One cry out la., riain of
Troy, "'May my eyes be dark in death ere
I see . - that. day I"' The realLgriefs'Of wet
weather are experienced, first, by the farm
ers in late,districts,; next:by the shopkeep-,
ers, in our, populous town,. thoroughfares;
thirdly, by the proprietor's of hotels, pub
lingardeni in the 'suburbs' and 'excursion'
steamboats on the =river; andlast, net least;
by, tourists. . '
THE HRALTif OE 'LcoNDoN eicellent'
just now, the average deaths being ;between
one,, and two hundred -,lower.. than in,,,the
Corresponding periods of the lakt, ten,yeais,„
alloWingTfoi increase of 'the pePulatidn,
increase goes *453 agate.
we dO grOW. I We have:inearlyt aAlionStinal
immigrants every week;•und to thisiti to
be ad.cledtNeekly births i to „the extent. ,of,
seventeen, hundred, or eighteen hundred,
children. The excess of births over deiths;
is StAgly and increasingly Marked: 'There*
is :fir less infant)mortality 'them formerly.
In_ truth, London is becoming every , day
more ,suburban, is ; very, _clean, and well
drained. 'had recently; in company with
Dr. Ceopei• of' Belfast, an oppvtunitjr . of
insOcting one of those' %itemise trunk
sewers now beingeonstructed by the Metro- ,
politan: •Board of, works,,and also .the ,sys
tempf. filtration and,purification i cstahlistied
by ; the New River company.- .ThelLendon
Wafer Companies' `have been obliged by
Par'l'iament- to expend several millions 'of
money. n. ithe improvenient, in 2, sanatory
sense, of their property during.the.last few
years : ,, 'Nevertheless our, allpply, is not as,
yet either Si ample - ,or as pure as that (from
Loch'i4trine,) on which' Masgow eon
gratniated itself We skull wee whether
we cannot have, ere, ten: years are over,: an
exhaustleis•reservoir : ,and supply in.. the
chalk quarries at P i nri3.esti,about which the
morning p r aperi are t wiiting
«'Subways," or 'Underground roads, for
the -relief'OP,the- train& ‘in'our 'great.
oughfaresfure to%be made the. - .subl ,
jeek i ofexlerintent a in s iLopdoleas. also. the
NO. 422.
• Publication. Office :
GAZETTE) BITMDENGE;B4II;iti fir, Plrnsur6ff,4l:
PEILADELPILLA, Spunr-WEBT CUE. 0.071}1 AND Onniwat
A Square, (8 lines or less,)- one Insertion 60 cents; each
subsequent insertion, 40 cents;,flach linabe;ondeight, , s eta.
SWUM per quarter; IlinPaddttletivil, l BBtriatil.
A Ranumorr made to advertisers by the year.
-.BUSINESS - NOTICES of Tatulinesor• .eacivad
ditional line, 10 cents.
Ameriean. System . of street railways,.lis re
'cently; inaugurated by Mr. Trail t. at Ber
keahead;,neaF Liverpool. By some such
means 'we trUst' we shall have some relief.
Meanwhile what more imposing sight than
the rushing multitude of living beings of
all nations, with the incessant traffic of ve
hides of every description, over London
Bridge, down Cheapside, Ludgate Hill, and
Fleet Atreet t
ANOTHER Prtrz RIGHT has been 'waged
imtween two, men called Brettle and Mace!
iewas interrupted the first day by the po
lice,. and brought to an issue the next.
Aftee the, final contests Brettle and others
were arrested, and I trust will be severely
punished. The Times, which gave such
gratiliic descriptions of the battle betivien -
Sayers and-Ileenany-hawnotr given one line
to this last affair. It is
. perhaps penitent
and'aslianied'of its foriter endorseraent of
what is so very brutalizing and disgraceful.
The Daily Telegraplyto its great credit,
has first. and last, denounced these brutaliz
ing encounters.
P. g. Mr Locke, M. P., an eminent Engi
neerVlS'd'ead from the effects of a chill and
wetting *hen shooting. He was only fifty
five, years• of age, and kindred in genius
and success to the, lamented Stephenson
and Brunell.
The Qiideb; of "'a tiff:l4
Osborne, khaving returped fro
has gone ,to Germany ;on a
daughter Lord John Russel,
Secretary,' aceompardes her, a,
a eonfereride-with the .Foreign
Prussia; at Coblens. r '. I
The. Emperor of the French' is in Paris
once .urre. Ifeliad L a brilliat reception
in A ' lgMrs, from the:Arab Chief , and there
was a ' grand diplay' before h in of their
magnificent cavalry'. He has i augitrated
public works there ;I but the G lorry , is- a
lose k :to : France l to an , incalculab e .extent.
It is the nglo Saxon race done to which
God has given colonies and commerce.
,11: -Willing !Servant.'
' Dt. MorrisOnn was a . distinguished lois- ,
sioriary in China q his labor was, great,
and .almost, top much., for one,man, .for he
translated the whole tible into Chinese, he
sent' home to the Society in'. England to
gelid out - a yo rug missionary "to help him.
When they gotrhis letter, .they set
t, inquire. among ,their friertds for ,the
right kind of a,„ young, min to go out to.
Chiria as a missionary to help Di. Morrison,
ikft'er a while; a yonxig ' man fr r Om the
country='-a' , piens young' than, whO loved
Jesus Christ---came , and , = offered himself'.
He was, poor,,:had poor, clothes. , on, and
looked like ,a countryman rough and Un
polished. He was introduced to the gen
, tlenien'ef the SOCiety, - ariff had a talk with
there: 2 They theri , said he Ulightlgo out of
the room, till they consulted , with' each
other about him. When his back was
turned, they - said' Alelf 'Were aff.aid the
young man. iVould irteVet td help Dr.
Morrison; that it, would not do to send
him ailu inisSiOn'ar3r, as he' was. but a rough
countryman., ‘ltinally,they said to oneruf
their number, Dr.,lPhillips, Doctor, you
go out and, tell,the. young man, that the
gentlemen, do !not think: him 4 to be
rhissiotiarY but: if he wouldlilie to 'id. '%cit
as a servant t:6 missionary ; 'We Will send'
4.44-The-t7 octor .did,;not quite like to do
ibut he ,t,pid ,the,young l inen they thought
'he had not education enough, and lacked a
great' ihanY' other thfiigs , necessary to 'a
;missionary ; but if he would go 'as a ser
vont, they , vrould send him .. : out. A great
many young men would have ) said, "No; I
auy,such thing ;.if
,I can't go as a
mismo i nary, I Won't go at you don't
eget me going out at anyhOdy'S servant."
81it 21 114,41M' did not say` He quietly
" Verrwell, Sit,•if they dnnot thifek
me fit, to be a missionary, I will go. as a
servant, w I am.. willing to be a hewer of
weed erdrawer - of Water, or to do anything '
tii'idvance the'cause
r t ,
Ile...vvas ' sent as atservant But he did
not stay one. After a while,. he got to do'
what he lsmged to do, to preach the gospel;
and became the Bev. Dr: Milne, one of
flae' best and greathst 'missionaries that
ev'e'r' Weiit to any•cotmtry.
What , at beautiful leison of , humility is
this to children 1
-10' 1 1 .k
Rev. : Alowland Hill and the Captain
~9ticcethexi I was returning from, Ireland
(,says, o;w4nd ,Hill,) I found myself an
noyed by the lePicibate'condiet of the cap
tain and - Mate who vierb both sadly given
th - ' the bcariiialons habitof 'swearing. First,
the captain swore ati the mate; , then the
mate swore atthe, captain ; then, they swoze
at therinti ; ,when I called
,to them with
a strong voice for fair Play.. " Stop! stop!"
said I, "if, you — pease; 'gentleman, let us
have:faitpla3 , :p.ifs to , turn 'now;" "At
what is at your turn,,pray," said the captain.
" swearing." I replied: Well ! they.
waited' and. waited, .until their patience
was.. exhausted, and , then wanted me to
makehaste and .take my turn., I told them,
however, that I had,a right: to take my own,
tun, -and swear at my convenience. To
this' the "captain replied; with a laugh,
"Perhaps you don't 'mean to take your
turn "-Pardon ,me captain," I answered,
"but Y do; as soon as I can find the good of
deitig SO"' '''My friends; I did not hear an
other oath on the voyage.
ING.-,--The text in I Galatians vi his
caused' great diversity of opinion among
the 'commentators' i but the ' translation
slimildle;:" , Ye see . .in what large letters I
have:written unto•you With-mine own hand."
St. Paul here refers to the capital—uncial
letters, in • which the ) beat and most an
cient `manuscripts' of the. Greek Septuagint
arid : - New Testament are Written; as dis
tinguished from tile Anal' or Cursive letters,
innwhich slaves.. wrote., Thus. Cato, the
~yrote his son
large cnaractes, (Plot., Cato the Censor,
The writing in ! Greek capital letters,
as iii'llebrew;;Chaldee, Syriac, Arabic, and
Ethiopic, which hadithen 110 cursive char
acter, indicated- a solemn' and• dignified
manneromd would be ,more, legible to the
Gauls than the cursive character, which,
even now, from its numerous contractions,
embarraisei - the Greek student. In legal
documents of a more solemn character, the
'Writing is engrossed- vros, or large
chatacter.)---„Eng/14 Notes ; and Queries.
Peace is better•thamiey.! }Joy is an tm--
easy guest' , antta. livUs;Vait!iPPke-to depart..
It tires and weed us out, and yet lgeeps,us
ever fearing that the next_ moment',
begone ' Peale"ii;' not ear it' comes:in:ore
quittlyilitstays:Aitore contoutedlymindaii
ow/cr. ethausts our ,strength, oor,..gtiettlYs
one, anxions , forepast,ing t t4nught..
fore lei us t p,ray, for is te i gift,'a
God--promised to all Chifdren antit
we haveitlin .dur"heats>Welshall not pine
for joy, though its. :,,tkAight;:wix,igs .never
touch us while we tarryin, the world:
IT is certainly. paradoi Itliat6wiViare
naturally desirous of long lifepiiidltethin
wigillg4o43 **k.Y
sojourn at
visit to her
the Foreign
,d will have
!Minister of
Peigg• , . ~