D. WNINNE J. ALLISON 8. LITTER DAVID M'KINNEY S: CO., Editors and Proprietors. TERMS IN ADVANCE. NINOIN • $1.50 IN MON 1.25 itiluvgniu) IN NITIINIL 01+ Tno C/11/:S 2.00 For Two oet.t.tan, we will sand by mall seventy nuivkars and fur ONN DoLLMt, thirty-tlirue numbein. PRAIOra sending no TAYNNIT anbwriburs and upwards, Will Hereby outlaw! to It pallor without charge. Renewals should be prompt, a little before the year expires end bap:feats by safe luunle, In , by untll. liiruct all letters to DAVID 21 0 KINNEY & CO., klitaburgh, ra. EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENCE. TOE EMPEROR AND TIIE SARDINIAN INVASION OP TDB PAPAL TERRITORY-I.RWIEST AND HYPOCRISY—VIT. EMPEROR, THE NOBLE AND ASSASSINATION — GARIBALDI AND NAPLES—MAZ EINI-711E b'manT--PutvaLi TAKEN—THE CUT TIOIOAT GENERAL A CAPTIVE--31rRoDE AND LAMORICIERE— THE TOW AND TIM SWOILDTRE . ' SWEATING "VIRGIN ”—TRE ltriaafitr3 QursTioN AND ITALY—THE DAWN or PROTEST ANTISM—CAVOUR'S MODETe—SORIPTBRAL TEAGIIIND IN ITALY —DANGER OF Itirmn. )Ltz-ACTION—Trts EVANGELICAL AL. MANCE AND :MUTUAL 00IIRESPOS"NCE WITII GERMAN Dt- VINES—ANALYSIS oV DD. -McCosir Letrurt-111F. Two MOVEMENTS IN ENDLAND—TFIE 000 n AND ITS EVIDENCIP4— TIJE EVIL AND ITS APOSTLES—THE INFIDEL, NEGATIVE, AND PeTtnio.liAL SOnoots. LONDOY, SqUmber 19, 1860 THE EMPEROR OF THE FRENCH has sailed ,for Al g eria, but not without first withdrawing his Ambassador from Turin. This, however, is another piece of collusion and " keeping up appearances." For a Secretary of Legation remains behind to transact business; and more than this, while the Imperial press declare in refer-- wive to Garibaldi's avowed intention of rilehiminv the annexation' of Naples to , Sardinia, from the top of the Quirinal Hill of Boum, that as long as France retains her rank among nations, no army, republi can or royal, will be permitted to deprive the Pope of the temporal power necessary for the full exercise of his spiritual au thority ; yet it also says that the Einper-' or's ‘, disavowal" of the Sardinian inroad. into the Italian States "is..far .from .being a rupture;" that it is necessary that " Pied.; moat, should remain the impregnable ram part of the Italian peninsula." In fact the Emperor had a. Deputation Of. Sardinian, Statesmen not long, since, with him,-who convinced him that the invasion of the Marches and Umbria, was inevitable, from the popular feeling of Italy. And Row the Pope knows better than . ever, that ." the Eldest Son of the Church," and "the Can did Friend," is his real Betrayer. And so, truthfully as witty, our London Charivari, Punch, writes as'follows : . Who raised.up.ltaly (no matter why)— The Austrienqegions to defy? Who spoke a opeeoh, (as under Milan's (Nom Ho rode with 1/ RE Galantuomo) That on the heart of Italy so wrought, (No matter what he thought.) t fused a rush , of units to .a nation— Furnished cement to annexation— Gave Garibaldi.room and verge. to groir— An avalanche froni flakes of snow— And fixed the point d'uppui to twist the rope That, soon or late must hang. the Pope? Let us not stay td ask the "how" or " why," This man, for onoei looked high, And stoke, as Min with faith in a good cause, Who champions Heaven's laws : But own the hand that did what his has done, Sure aslight follows sun. Sowed seeds of death in that old Papal power Which France props at this hour. Let Persigny employ his special pleading, His priestly gulls misleading: 'Tie no less true the Church's Eldest Son The deed of parricide has done; That his sword undermined St. Peter's chair, Which now his bayonets up-bear. That Pio liono's prayer, on bonded knee, Is, or at least should be, 'Gainst foes that leave MO alone to gain my ends, But save—eh save me from my friends'" An attempt to assassinate the Emperor has been made at Toulon. A pistol was fired at him. It is curious that about the same time, an Irish Nobleman, the Earl of Leitrim, was fired at in the open street, and in broad day light. In both cases it is said there was insanity; in the case of the attack on Lord Leitrim, it was certain ly so. 'The Emperor's work is not yet done, and we wish for hint no sudden sum mons to the judgment seat. TIM ENTRY OF GARIBALDI into Naples, is thus, described by the correspon,dent of one of the London morning papers who has followed his footsteps, and in measure shared his hardships. His persouel is well veu At last he does come. The enthusiasm is over powering. Surrounded by a band of soldiers, sons of /lank as to aize, and dressed in the wild and travel-stained costume of an irregular army on campaign, comes Garibaldi. The first thing that strikes you is his face, and the deep deter mination of his extraordinary forehead. A face that might serve as a model for the sculptor is softened almost to sweetness by the mildness of the eyes, and the low tone of the most musical voice I have ever heard. Long, grisly curls hang from his broad hat; he wears a red shirt, with a silk handke . rchief on his shoulders, like" the pannelo " of the South American, and gray trousers. 'He escapes as well and as'soois as he can from a reception, which he accepts rather than covets, and proceeds to take possession: of his new appanage. Garibaldi entered the pH.; vate carriage of the French Minister, his staff fol lowing in other carriages anclsome fevt onhorse back ; the cortege consisted of about twenty, vehi cle. Individually I have never seen such men as his body-guard, and the picturesque dress sets off their height and the squareness of their build. Compared with these soldiers Garibaldi is short, but very powerfully made. Along the crowded Marinella, the head-quarters of Lazzareni, now constitutional Popolani, one of whom rode before Garibaldi's carriage through the Largo del Castello, the Strada di Toledo, and finally to the Palazzo della Regina di Savo* opposite the Palazzo Reale, which the 'Dictator refused to inhabit, the cartage makes its way, and. Garibaldi enters into what was once a pal ace of the Bourbons. The crowd waved backwards and forwards, and looked up to the - windows and shouted for the appearance of Garibaldi. First, came one red coat, then another, and at last the hero. What n cry of " Viva" there arose from the vast mass below ! When last that balcony was occupied by a distinguished personage, it was by the Grand Duke of Tuscany, but in answer to no calls, for there were only a few of thoseidlers who always hang about the palaces of Princes. It was impos- sible to make himself heard amid the noise and (mansion, and so Garibaldi leant over the iron railing and wised intently on the crowd. A wave of the hand at last asked for silence, but in 'Vain'. "Zia], Litti!" rose from all sides, and there was tt perfect silence. "Neapolitans," said a voice as clear as a bell, and With an enunciation so dis tinct that nothing could fail to reach the ear— " This is a solemn, holy, and memorable daY. This day, from being subjects under the yoke• of tyranny, you have become a free 'people.. I thank you in the mime of the whole of Italy. Yon have performed a great work,, not only for Italy, but An. all humandy, wheserights you have vindicated. ' Hurrah for liberty !' so Much dearer to Italy, inasmuch as she has suffered so much more than other nations. Long live Italy !' The cry was taken up by the thousands assem bled, and " Viva Italia 1" might have been heard from one end of the city to, the other. Mr, Edwin 'Tames,. an eminent London Counsel and M. P. for a metropolitan bor ough , has written to the Times a very in teresting account of an interview with the hero of the day, on the road from .Reggio to Naples, The sublime simplicity of the man's character is what strikes , efery stran-. o'er. Mr. James was accompanied in his journey by the Hon. Evelyen Ashley, the second son of the Earl of Shaftsbury. The Earl and. Countess are the fast friends of the Italian Liberator, and the Ladies' Committee for providing medicine,. lint, and other necessaries and comforts for the wounded of his army, was inaugurated:by them. The 31azzinian party in Naples, before the arrival of Garibaldi, had taken upon them to establish a pretended Committee of safety, which the Dictator at once sup pressed. He has no sympathy with that most dangerous enthusiast IVlazzini, whose folly and fanaticism, worthy of one who is an infidel, have so often thrown back the cause of ,freedom, and left to the halter of tyrants,'some of in best friends, while his own neck was free. Mazzini deals in dis guises—probably no London "detective," or pursued member, of the ." swell mob," could match him in wigs, moustaches, and harlequiu•transmutation costumed-, Geri', baldi scorns ••such % policy, and:: his noble goal must loathe the men . who, ere now, c „.... ) , . .. .. s , , 6 - 1- . . . + ;„ : . VOL. IX., NO. 5. have endorsed and fatally urged the use of the stilletto of the assassin. Great' ridicule has followed the young King of Naples in 'his flight, especially, from the Paris Charivari which makes up for its enforced reticence at home, by the vivacity of its psquinades on tyrants abroad. it preseTits " King Boinbalino," carrying off all the moveables of his' pal ace, and injuring the furniture which he was obliged to leave behind, .so that it might be of no use to Garibaldi. The Royal slave whispers out, 4 :What a shame to send one away in such a style, without a week's warning!" The ex-King has not made a stand at Gaeta, nor yet marched with his alleged thirty thousand troops to ho aid of. Limoriciere Perugia is now avenged. The. Sardinian troops have attacked' its ,hireling garrison, its defenders or 'rather its jailors, and after a hot fight in the streets, the Papal troops were compelled first to retreat to the castle, and then in . a few hours to surrender. Sixteen hundred prisoners were taken, and amongst them their leadef, ", Major General Schmidt" of infamous reputation—the same whvas " Colonel: Schmidt," hounded on his cut-throats some eighteen months ago, to cold-blooded massacre in that very town. Be it remembered that this mime- ant was promo*, because of this havoc, to be a general, and. that with'words of strong approbation from Antonelli and the Pope himself. It would neither surprise nor of fend the ear of enlightened and civ ilized nations, to hear that this wretch had met a double-dyed murderer's doom. The Sardinian force is, in the Pope's territory, an overpowering One, and it remains to be seen whether LOATO.Or- Were will be able to make a, success- ful stand ,at Ancona, with those medley. mercenaries whom he has taken Koh pains to drill fbr several months past. It appears that of the Irish recruits there are still one thousand' two hundred in the Pope's army. The,Dublin /s.ceman raises a wail of lamentation over them, dwells on their. undoubted "sincerity and Catholic zeal in, enlisting, as contrasted with mere Swiss hirelings; describes the greater number of them as young'men. of respectable parent age and position, who, in their enthusiasm, abandoned situations in offices and ware- houses; and in anticipation of a too proba ble issue, drops a tear in their honor. Let us hope, 'however, that Lamoriciere will not find it possible to fight, and that after a farther penance on these crazy. Celtz, in a Sardinian prison, they will come home thoroughly enlightened as to the " jiaternal" alaims of the Papal Government, as well as wiser and'better men. Religious bigotry andblunders findlleir illustrations in the. two men, Monsignor Merode, and General. Lamoriciere. The, latter, as your. readers are aware, after the overthrow of ' Republican government in France, retired 'to Belgium ' and there ex changed his military mdifference and for mer skepticism, ,for the superstitious piety of a devotee and recluse. Merode was cognisant of this, and when the Papacy last year were moribund, lo ! he appeals to his friend to become the leader of a crusade' for the rescue of the Holy Father. The summons was regarded as truly divine, as in those days when " all Europe precipi tated itself on the shores of Asia," at the call of Peter the Hermit, and under the inspiration of the 'cry, "It is the ''cause of God." And thus it is that Latnoriciere, the acknowledged 'champion of Roma,nism began by denouncing Sardinia, comparing her conduct, to that 'of " ISlamism," to which they stirrineaddrese 'delivered week to the arniy entering Umbria, atid:the Marches, refers. id terms of sternest- se verity. ' Thus, too, he has recently repaired to the famous shrine of Our Lady of Lo rette, and vowed a vow that if She will vonchsafe him"victory over the Church's eneirdee, his sword shall be laid as a votive offering on her altar. The Austrian army two years ago, was , put under the command of, the Virgin , as " Generalissimo ;" but we know that,Solferino and many a disastrous field followed. And so now, when a priest at Naples had tried in vain the trick of "A Sweating Virgin," with "drops.on the neck and. face " sufficient, to create for a few minutes, a cry from, the women,," Mia /Ma donna save'our King," but speedily ending in his 'own detectien and imprisonment, we have 'no faith in any "prodigious mita , cle " wrought by ear Lady of Loretto for Lamoriciere. It is well ,worthy,.also, of re ' membrance, that his coming forth at a cri sis of the 'Papacy-4o fUll of hope at the time'to "abettors—has but precipitated its present calamitous position. It was the existence of the mercenary bands which he had collected, 'that gave warrant , to Sar dinia to launch her troops across the fron tier, Whe're the demand was made for their dismissal, and by Altonelli eontemptnously refused. The a Pope will now launch, it; may-be,:the greater excommunication, but. it, will be, a brawn& fithaen. He will soon be shut up in Rome, and the " Idee Napo leone," will be realized,: i. p.; the possession of the . Eternal city " gardens " in whieh to , Wander, and C‘ antiquities " to study. Malaria is . ; fast' approaching' the city. It is becoming more unhealthy every year. If some earthquake or volcano can not utterly 'destroy' it, it seems inevitable that in a comparatively brief period it shall be tenantless (as it has =been with its pro totype "Babylon, ..the glory of the Chal "dees' excellency,") as when God overthrew, Sodom and' Gomorrah ; it shall never be inhabited, neither shall it be dwelt ' in from generation to generation. And surely, although there is likely to be' a postponement of her fmal ruin. for a, fevr, years, we may well believe, that "her time is near to , come, and„her4?, ,yl3 'Shall not be prolonged." TEE RELIGIOUS QUESTION IN ITALY is one of the deepest interest and importance at this moment, and especially in prospect of a proximate future. , The priesthood of Rome are,in the Neapolitan- and Sicilian territory at least, fraternizing with Gari baldi. .But while they may do this either , from policy to retain their spiritual influ ence directly over the women of Southern Italy, and indirectly over the men, and While the priests of Tuscany beaded' their flocks some time . a g o to the polls to vote for annexation to‘Pidmont,it cannot be•doubted that the PaPacy, as such, is re garded by all. the leading minds' of Italy, as the sworn foe of both political and reli gious liberty; andthat both the Italian leaders . and the people generally, know this. Men like Cavour and Garibaldi must see that blind superstition unfits men for na tional life, and that Protestantism leads to national prosperity. In Sardinia, there fore, first we may expect to see the dawn of a Reformation not formally Scriptural, but National, and destined, we trust, to a development such as "Italy in transition" little dreams of. Cavonr's model," says the editor of the Glasgow Guardian, "if we are not mis taken, is the Church of England, with its headship of the Sovereign, its bishops, its liturgy, &c. This is • probably what he would aim at, while he would cautiously change the ecclesiastical observances, fear ing that he might lose the sympathy of the people by violating their religious preju dices. ;*F, * The Constitutional party ; if it triumph, will become more and more PITTSBURGH,' • SATURPA. V., • ~ 'OCT • OBER :29,.•. '1.8607. identified with l Seriptural reformation. The ardent sympathy of its chiefs with this country, and their knowledge of our affairs; sleet their opinions on religion as' well as politics. It is a remarkable . thing that at the present, Garibaldi has, as his chosen counselor, Gavazzi, who, from his residence among us, has acquired a much deeper knowledge than' before of the' theology of the. Scriptures ; 'while he is the bitidr enemy of the whole- spiritual structure of the Church of Rome, and a hearty despiser of its superstitions!' The importance of Scripture teaching in Italy cannot be overrated, and the flight of tyrants and the emaSculation of the Papac3r will clear the way. This work is at least begun, and Italian evangelists and colpor tours sent out by the, Vaudois and others, will produce - happy results. The shadow of Constitutional protection is thrown over them. And this it i in connexion with the fate of three Engliah gentlemen who lately,lost their lives on Mont,Blanc, and who were buried in a Protestant eemetery We have the following- pleasing explanatiOn of its existence A corresponaent of the Daily IY:CIAT writes :—ln your number for the 24th of Auguat you hare.re aorded the catastrophe which. caused the death of three English gentlemen and: a guide on 'the pass` of the Col. de Geant, near Mont Blanc. You have, mentioned the prompt aid ,afforded,by the Vaudois pastor Curie, in receiving the remains into'his little chapel, and . depositing' 'then' hon.- Orably in his Protestant lurial-gronnd: Row, then, oomes it that a Protestant eernetery,eista under the shadows' of Mont Blanc, 'far'froni the VaudoisNalleis ? The story is instruetilie....Bi bles have spread in Piedmont ; one was brought froai Aosta 'to 'Cormaieur ; in the long Alpine Winters it was well.road—a colporteur was met and questioned ;. at length a Scripture-reader and a School were established, after great opposition on one side„and calm endurance on the other. Finally, a few announced themselves of the Vau dois faith, and claimed, under the Constitution, as subjects of Piedmont,' protection for a place of worship; hence n.•chapel and cemetery and pas tor existed so opportunely for the service of the unfortunate English Protestant. gentlemen; in one of the most obscure of the. Alpine valleys: of Pied mont. Such are the fruits of liberty, civil and re ligiouri, 'after centuries of darkness, cruelty, and oppression.. . An Infidel reaction' may come in Italy, after the downfall of the Papacy, unless , by. the:New Testament and the Gospel, the real character of Christ, his truth, and his claims, be diffused and proclaimed wide and fir. Republican Socialism, Whether' in France, as represented by Proudhon ' or the party:of Louis Blanc, or in Italy by ;Maz zinios combined with Pantheismnr Athe r ism. These men have their warm sympa-' thizers in England, 'and Scotland' too, 'in some of the `large towns.. In Loudon its representatives are Holyoake and the in fidel school, in the window of whose -pub- Hating house, in Fleet , . Street, you see IVlezzini's portrait side by side with' the "Logic of 'Death . ," and other dismal: at- tempts to prove that the Bible is a fable, and that man has not in him something better than the animal life of the beasts that perish. THE- PRESENT ENGLISH ASPECTS - of religions life and literature, are 4dmirably brouedit up in a recent paper by the Rev. Dr: M'Cosh, of 13elfast. It forms one of a series-of intercommunications between Eng lish and German Divines, and the idea of which' had its origin with the ; 'Evangelical Alliance: I described in a former eommu- nication a meeting at Laid • Calthorpe's, where lettei was` read froth Dr. Dorner, of Gottingen on the state 'of 'ileligion in . Ger many, especiallyon • the state of religions opinion , in Germany. • A similar paper is expected soon to appear , , from Di. Lechler, tof.Leiyu3ig on the Tubingen School Of 'Crit- ' . C.SM Dr. M'Coales - paper, in like manner, is likely to appear in a. translated form in Germany. It, was especially designed to call attention in Germany to the important -work of Dr. Manse!, on The Limits of Religioua Thought." bit it branches out into a great many particulars; and `gives a most graphic and comprehensive view: of the good and,evil in the present aspects of . our English religious opinion and life. He notices in, the outset that there' are "two great 'niovemeriti going 'on siniulti neously, one in behalf of 'living Christian ity, and, the other against it." The first in the rapid increase of religious feeling, chiefly =long the masses,, but affecting also the middle and upper classes. He finds the indices of this movement in the ministry' of Mr. Spurgeon, , and in the revival in Ul ster. "There':never was in any country" (and the man who writes this is very dela); crate in what he writes always,) "or in any age,' a deeper interest taken in ' the things which concern the salvation of the soul. * * ' The spiritual feeling, if not spreading so rapidly, is thoroughly, stand ing the test of time, and becoming deeper and more steadfast." Dr. M'Cosh notices the siiread of a kindred movement' in, Eng land' and Scotland, and 'erriphatically , adds : " It is to this feature of our country that the German Churches, should, in my opin ion, look with, deepest interest. In respect of scholarship,. our theologians are gener ally inferior to these of Germany'', Bait ap pears to me that the good men of the German Church should be laboring and - praying . to have a revival of religion- among the peo ple, similar to those with which the Lord has been blessing these kingdoms!' He also meets a possible dhjection. that this movement may he detrimental to pas-' toral. authority -and character; 'by affirming that ministers are l specially honored in those districts visited by the revival. He also hints.that, as in the popular preaching of the Word, we have "a very extensive popular religiousliterature ' " that' this is' Germany,needed; in- where books are chiefly written for, the• learned. He referste Prize Essays on the §abbath question, -and, on Infidelity, and 6 - their popular religious serials, which are eagerly read bY litindreds of thousands' of families scattered over whole of Great .Britain and many districts of Ireland, and:with the happiest, effects on the intelligence and religion of the pop ulation. The second aspect of affairs as to reli gion, is "a very strong anti-Christiad com bination, scarcely noticed by the; religious• public, who live in a tetally, different at mosphere." He justly'indicates the West minster Review as the organ of this combi nation, and full of peril, taking advantage of its wide 'circulation "to' instill a spirit off. doubt into the souls of 'the youth of, our, land. In nearly every number there is an article attacking some fundamental truth of natural or revealed religion,- or some cherished work , or conviction of Chris tians. It is careful to give a summary of all that is advanced against the ,Scriptures by infidels in Germany, or this country, and takes care never to inform its readers that these objections have been answered. * They perseveringly repeat all 'that has been advanced by the school of Tfibingen against the authenticity and 'inspiration of Scrip ture, while they give no account of the re plies of the great theologians of Germany. Reference is also made to the National Review, " the organ of the advanced Uni tarian ,party."',; Though shrinking from the' horrid infidelity of the Westminster, it is quite willing, to admit articles attacking the inspiration and 'historical accuracy' of the Scriptures. , The NegativelSchool also receive special notice, especially:the writings of certain clergymen of the Church of England.," most of them c0nne,..:4.,,w411. OXfOrd. 1 The. Commentaries of 4 !*: p, tt, I, thelTreatioes on the Unity of Naturegby'Pr(ifessor Pow ell, (lately deceased) an a, of Es says,: to which these ,t, , srit : a.nd. other Oxford men are contributore, dare all, "tending,.n towardDeisni, as certaillY is the.critical and philosophic speculattins,ef the German Rationalists of the lasts Century did, and must issue logically an ' historically in a system of complete r i tigious , negation, ' analogous to, though ot ideutified.with, that of Strauss and Frie, , tiCh in:Germany!! In this connexion I yaefer to. the re cent presentation to a sVgtid,!liting of the notorious Mr. Marttice, . who was ; re moved from a PrdfessorsliiP in king's Col lege, London, for his Negative 'Theology views. - He' remained,• however,' a 'clergy man, and as chaplain ; at Lincoln's Inn he has continued to propagale his ,views; Inn; recent promotion was olgitg to,,the ,sympa thy and fairer with-Which he was . regarded . by the Right Hon. W. (iowper, M.P.; step-' son to Lord Palmerston,land Commissioner= of the Board of Works. Tifty-four,evangel icalclergymen addressedlasolemnProtestto the Bishop of Louden, 4ho " kept never . ,minding," and took no steps tohinder hie in duction. 'ThenlMantices friendS:got up a letter of. semi-condolence . and' congratula , tion, signed by many eminent persons,' who, " widely differing pm one another, in religions sentiments : • eel to rejoice, together on his accoun .=;;:-`• i.iiiorig ' thise` was Lord Cornwall Lew . r ,. ' , ',:i . ti tinitilSeoLY' retary, and worse and , iere 6minottstetill;i a number.of the head I , ,' einof our pub lic schools, including:- tlitit,ofitugby. Sure ly it, is ' very alarming, ithat . a man who denies the judicial chat 'tidtet of sin, the guiltiness. of sin, the; necessity of an atoning sacrifice, and , who believes that all . men are born in, Christ, and haye only :to be eon, Timed of God's fatherhood 'fo be recon ciled to' him, should find abettors like thia: Is not this " detestable.nentrality!" May not the churches well beralartied ! , . , . , . The British. Quarto* Review repre senting the more .EVangplicalN,Ononforni ists ; the gliartei-ly . Review, a litetaiy organ of the Church of r: Enalin Cbriservatives; - the North British, Revieklialgely . supported by Scottish. Presbyters ; . the' LOWZO7I , Review, conducted by fl&%Alethodi,sts ; and i t the Eclectic, another rgan -of the', Non conforthists---all frau): t' . e. 'to, time pies'ent articles of ability in Yiposition to ' the . Negative, and thei wife.: , -openly Infidel views. • . •.-. „ ' ~ ' ' Dr. 11PCosh refers to :f' The Intuitional- , ist.4 . " party, who, while thefprefeis a sin cere ieVererice for the le, "tie seeking to Overwhelm it With , reign "elements,"' and whose views have f &dr sem° little ac- 1 ceptance, among a few '.,thc . .4idspendent ministers of England, t, their chief seat is 'among the yoUng , men of Oxford and . Cambridge. He refers, iheidea'of a die=' tinguished German he supposed'' , that High Churchie ird wOuld be:': an effectual bar to RI in England.. " He never committ( at a blunder. , Thereaction against . rabem is Intm-, . . tionalism. PuseyiF ty rhiddle-aged`: men on its side. .le, difficult' to find; in. Oxford, ay , ity who is a fervent Finally, Dr. AVG analysis of Bamptel of 'Religions Thoui) erful opponent " of and of the views of of. young Oxford !FiAig: ? ...W.. alsq refers to Maur to it.ni a set , • . of sermons, " Wit: latitn't" add ticr-Mamiell's -rejoin , 'Phitliti*Rd'i this summary in ol your clerical. and lay readers may see clearly , our pecu liar position at the : present time, as respects new perils threatening our holy faith. j,w. liar the Piesbyterhui. Banners The Presbytery of Voilhoeton Met in Unity charchon the 2d 'of October. M. W. Brown served as Moderator, and T. C. Gillam as Temporary Clerk: Eiitry Ministerial member of the Presbytery.' was p'resent,f and every pas toral charge, save one, and every vacant church, was represented. • The report of th%CoMmissioners• to the last , General Assembly was heard,,and their fidelity approved. Rev. Wm. E.' Hunt and Sample were nominated. felr Oeinniissionersto..thei next Assembly; Rev.. R. W. • Marq* and, Joel Glover being alternates. - Presbytery rei3blved tiihold - a: meeting for 'cidtt ference and prayer at Millersburg, on .thee Bth ,of January, 1881,. and appointed Revs. J. .0 Brown, A. Virtue, and C. G. Binisberger, to Wi l ma- In' connexion with that occasion. The . Trustees of ,Vermillion Institute (M, W. Browia; Wm. E. Mint, and Joe. were appointed the , fresbyterial• Committee. on Education. , On the first day of it's sessions, • Piesbyteey installed Rev. J. A. Brown, igastor'of Unity church; Rev. John Moore,preaching the sermon; Rev. it. W. Marquis giving the charge to the pastor, and Rev;'C. C. Boniberger to the people: On. the second day, , ,Rev; •A. Virtue was installed pastor of Apple . Creek church Rev. J. C. Gil lam preaching the sermon, Rev. 'W. E:• 'Hunt giving the ()Wage to the •pastory and Rev. •M. Brown •to the people. These churches are the largest in the 'Presbytery, and theie brethren have assumed th'e pastoral charge of them. amid unusual and specially encouraging indications of the Divine favor. Revs. "•R. :W. hiarglis,•C. C.. Bomberger, and Wm. 8., Runt,, were,a,Rpointed it Committee to install, at discretion, Rev. lohithtdoie pastor of Linton church. ' •' 1 ' . • . The next stated meeting will beheld at Hope- well, the second Tuesday of April. • Presbytery adjourned to' eet at the call of the Moderafdr, at Syned. • .Ww. E. HUNT, , , Stated Clerk. lror the Pttetiteritiik Banner Presbytery of 'Fairfield. ' . ELIELPIIELD, lowa, October 4, 1860 *salsas. EDICTORS.—/By direction of the Pres bytery of Taillfieffi, 7 send you a brief abstract of proceedings, 'requesting yeti-to publish them if, consistent. • . The Presbytery of Fairfield had interest inemeeting at Sigotirney; extending from the 11th to the 14th of September. Among other items of business, the subject of Collegiate Edu cation occupied a portion of our time, reSulting in the adoption of resolutions to cooperate:with a sister Presbytery in establishing , a l'resbyterial Acadeniy, to be located at some' convenient and central - point, and conducted conjointly.! The great matter" of Systematic Benevolence was descussed, is connexiori with the State of re ligion in theAhurohes, and resulted in the usual injunction upon all the churches to contribute. "as the Lord has prospered them," to eaoh of the five Boards of our Church, at' least once a 7ear ; and in order to promote this important interest, for the present and the future, it was ordered that the children be carefully trained in the Sabbath Schools, and otherwise, to habits of ' •religious beneyolence, and that as far as prac ticable, ministers, and 'elders endeavcir 'to pro mote the - circulation - among alLour people, of the religituis periodicals of our Church. Encouragement was also given to feeble church es to go forward and secure suitable iota, and commence the erection of suitable houses of worship, with the prospect of such aid es the Board of Church Extension may be' able to af ford. The Synod of Southern lowa was memorializ ed on the low state of religion;-and • requested to give this subject some prominence in' connexion with the " free conversation, " and also to sug gest such means; as by the blefising of God; may be efficient in securing a revived and prosperous state of religion in our borders. A memorial came up from 'the Seision of one of our churches on the subject of the manufac ture, sale, and use of lager beer by our members, and on the subject of Sabbath Recreations. A Committee appointed for that purpose, reported the following, which was ordered to be . published and read in our churches : "Dear Brethren of the Eldership, and members of. the Churches within the bound's of the Presbytery of Fairfield/. ••• • • . • .• "We, ministers andrElders of the 'Presbytery reminding ourselves•of the responsible supervis ion with whiCh we are entrusted by.the Church 'es' great Head, take the 'liberty of. addressing. -you on one or two subjects of Vital-conceriinient.' While we endeavor to realize the duty of vigi lance; we trust we desire to cultivate the spirit-of' tender solicitude regarding each .• important in tereat committed to our trust. Having been overt:tired respeeting the sale and use among our members of an article denominated Lager Beer, and also respecting 'recieation\s on"the Lord's day, we. would bear in mind, that ~being set for thedefence of the, Gospel„, we, are mutually .re tOnsibleforthe moral tone and healthfulness of society, as Well as for the panty, prcisperitY, and unity; in the faith of the families 'and chnrches More immediately under our care, , becomes us to give these questions a^ judi.. cious, -dispassionate, consideration, • We trust that few in comparison of our members, =may be implicated in the alleged improprieties, suggested by the memorial ; A yet it, is -not impossible that they may be in time to' come and'we deeM it imperative , on us 'as guardians - of Zion's' purity, to speak, of, these things kindly and in the, way of caution. The question" respecting the sale •and use of beery as we apprehend it, turns upon the question of its intoxicating . properties. If it possesses no such quality, we can, of course, perceive -no 'impropriety in the' manufacture, sale, or use of it. It stands on a level, so. far , as any, moral issues are concerned., with other harm lead beverages; nor can `it' be* Chargeable any morathawthey,. with creating athirst, or:con firming a habit of a more craving or dangerous Character. That it does, however,' possess an intoxicating principle, seems to be generally tail, ken.for granted; the fact, is, sometimes denied, for obvious reasons, by those who manufacture, sell, and use it, A:proper analysis of its quali ties, we think, will sufficiently indicate the, pres ence of the aleohOliC prince le t swim in , 4 4 'B, v even qnsarity - fpf ;thaliquid,rth* 'hal other Spirituous beverages. Yetits comparative cheap tieekanciMildness; create facilities to indidgein itthe more fre, ely,:oftentto,theAmint of ittioxi'ca= , don. ~ludiciper'indiTicillajc.too,, tell 'us that by actual experiment they' have learned,"that'a given qualttity of this popular beverage, all the intoxicating effects of a given quantity, of bran dy, 'wad that persons unaccustomed to drinking its. or under the influence' of fatigue or hunger, may unwittingly indulge in it, until sensibly orei-Conie by its stimulant. MOreover, the sim , pie fact that intemperate men,' who drink: simply for the sake , of the- , stimuletrafforded, love the beverage in quietiorti ,' - thet-respeetable men, who wish to indulge, and yet preserve ,a .respectable lieeition'in the Ptiblie regard, will: sometimes secretly venture to-places where it is, kept, 'or , under the plausible plea of health,, will, have it conieYedinwitintiiies'io their housee, and use it,as a selmul.u.s to theirdigestiVe organs,..togeth ler,with the-fact,, , that its manufacture, sale, and US; are Ter the most' part, associated 'in given totatounities; until an unhealthful' , laxity .of 'moral sentiment, , and a sad want, in the ,social mind, where its use is popular, of the more 0;11- tivated and refining Usages that; Should ever dis- Jinni* a,Christian'opmmunity; these consider ations in 'themselves, seem to furnish a sad, pre sumption of the presence of atitnalating prOper"- ties:in this popular liquid, , and .incidietally in dicate,that in its use, though there may be tifielt that is soda in a 'Certain' Sense, ' yet there ianothing. that is safe, ,becoming, or elevating to htunau character. ‘1 NOW thli man otthe,world may be olwgeable. with"iiidlaktimes, 'that, though corinffing to himself; atirpass off • witliont'•inotkiiiil harm to' Lhe social.OommaditT; -hut the. Christian .is not , this World. Stu imPerative IoW of the higher kingdonf ;to which he belOngs; requires 'him to abstain, not only from all evil, but, from all ap pearance of it. This law is spiritual _ ; and if so; require's us to avoid the appearance of evil, in.private no •lea than in public; and for , the sake of .our own permed safety and pu tity of conscience,. no less than for the safety and purity of the, 84611 ,and s Christian , circle. In itself contd.:lifted; the moderate use of the article'in qUestiiin,inay .. be a insider of inditer outee4;:butftrelative questions; often change a • thing, 'of mere:indifference into. a- thing of no; little potency. for good or. evil. If it be right, that is the. creation' of dome moral or physical necessity; for which nothing safe can be substi tuted, their' we Nave' nothing "to say.. But if ' other and safer substitutes may belnado avails-. ble;.. if i the use,• not to •speak of the manufacture' or sole of , lager beer, is certainty, of questionable: piopriety , ; if ,it 'does not elevate, i but ratt ier loci a mitn e in hte' arn ' moral '141 ( self; if' its presence and use in the family, 'inay create'a taste and a thirst and a habit that..may realtin.ruinouti excesses on the part of, parents and children ; if the example of Christians in this niay prove an occasion of scandal,., thougli'in an' inferior degree, to , the Christian eattse, or ftiritish an incentive to the weak' or the . young to commence a career that may be ruinous, all which,we are disposed to' affirm re specting the common use of the beverage in question, then it seems to 'us, that the .relative and personal of the Christian, urges him with a sortof imperative force to abstain from it on all occasions' and under all cireumstanees.' • If: motives of' hunger or thirst should. seem to . create a necessity on , this behalf, God has said, and to the Christian he has said it, Bread, shall be 'given ,him', and his waters , shall be sure.' If motives of 'health 'should suggest. the use of this beverage at meals, or in the intervali be eeni—let us reflect that . tampering with a Atimulant, 7iyha.tever„be the motives, or however . %we may dream Of safety, may insensibly create a 'thiiiit; an appetite, a' habit,'that, fed 'according toits craiiings, marproVe 'no" less inlet:me than • expensive, to the. wholesome example 'we should set, and the precious, virtues we should ; cultivate Mir life. We trust that what we have said in regayd" Unit appreciated in the same 'spirit iii wlifek it iiiittered-a spirit of kindneas; and yet• or difep , solidittide• for the safety and credit of. persons and families, and-for the purity in morals and Christian exmoute _ of those who constitute the vistible — ,Church' of .our Lord; and that all who sustain thwrelation of parents, or 'officers, or members, will exemplify and,enforce as far as their circumstances may admit, a prin. ciple of abstinence' so BeriPtural and coniserva. ' 'tire of bigh,abil-, an admirable " 'The"Limits ale meat i)lif Ixfordi'Schnol, -day „Review, ' , Respecting recreations on the Lord's day, such its visiting neighbOrs, except in cases of necessity and mercy, and visiting places , of 'amusement, such , as public parks and ceme teries, and riding or walking out. for amusement or recreation 'or congregating unnecessarily at' • the houses of the sick, we - take occasion to sug 'gest that all: such amusements and recreations are infringements' of ' the letter and spirit •of the holy Sabbath. •• , c• . , • "First. The law of. the. Sabbath is a moral :law, of God's appointment, found in the bosom „Of' 9 -moral 'code that teaches' every. possible. 'human• relationship;!enjoining, by infinite sane- Itions. what is right, and , forbidding what is wrong. "Second. 'The Sabbath law; as found in your great text-book, enjoins the devout observance of one day in seven, 'not doing our, own ways, nor finding our own pleasures, nor speaking our °vizi words,' but '.oalling it a delight, holy of the Lord and honorable.' " Third. the law of 'the 'Sabbath' has both' a positive anda'n'egatitior aspect, requitinga 'holy renting all, that day, even from suchemployments and recreations as. are lawful ,on other days,' while'it fOrbids'tlie ontission'of duties enjoined, profaning;the day-by idleness or by unneces sary thoughts, words ; or works, about our worldly emplOymenta or recreations.' "Fourth. The 'example of Christ and his apos ties, and. after them, of, the . primitive Church, in ,observing the first daY r of the week, and' God's blessing upon it, 'from the day Of Pentecost to the ,present hour,eonstitute, in ourapprehension ' , ,an official and Divine app.ointment of it as the Chriatian Sabbath, to - be 'observed in 'a manner even more evangelical-and holy-than the ancient seventh. ; .; - "Fifth. Thu s appointed by our Lord, arid th i ne invested with his:authority and sanction, the law of the Sabbath. is of universal obligation ; and inore.especiaDy is it to the Christian a rule of life, - a directory to hie faith and practice,' and 'means of grace;to his soul. "The Christian'Sabbath is ,the palladium of our personal, family, Social and civil rights and institutions and just in'proportion as its sacred sanctions are erased from the, public' conscience, or treated as things of indifferent• import, espe daily by professing Christians, in the same . pro- i portion, as the sad memorials of individual and social experience prove, must the sanctions'of the Whole moral lair—the Bible, the Church of Mist, and the Christian ministry, and every other con servative and Christian agency—lose their health- . fnl efficiency, and at length disappear from the face of society. In such an event.; it requires no prophetic discernment to foretel the unspeakably sad consequences that must ensue to individuals; and to every other interest and relationship sus tained by men as social and immortal beings. . "Now to what class of our fellow-men -. . are ee pecially entrusted issues so vital and so infinite? Who are especially set for-the protection and con trol of tributaries so absolutely indispensable in every possible direction? We think we need only suggest, that such grave responsibilities are a•Divine hand, devolved , upon professors of the EVingelical faith in every Christian denomi- WHOLENa--42L nation. And in order to meet these grave respon sibilities, it is not encnigli that ihey'abstain from labor- or e amusement on , the- Sabbath;. or: that they attend once and i ngain ,upon the public mitt istrations of the Gospel. It is obrions'thp,Cun lesethe lofty Morality ofthe Sabbath i 9 preserved intact by professing Chlistians, as perfectly as may be consistent with that moral infirmity that pertains to inan's best services,its happy effects on the heart, on the family, and on the social * community, will be neutralized and worse than lost. " - No manliveth toehimselff muck less the Christian.."; Ire cannot, therefore, indulge in the recreations hinted at, without, being ob,seryed-, without wounding the sensibilities orsothe Chris= Hap. observer,, and without laying a snare, by virtue of his example, to seduce the young and others lasi adtablished - in moral sentiment, froth the safe pathway of Sabbath sanctification. :Let him indulge in idle visiting—in ,walking or rid ing out for purposes`of 'ostengible recreation—let him bd found, in places of public, resortA J and amusement on Gotl!s Italy day, ,and, he will, not fail to relax. the moral tone of his own conscience; indejuist is far as his and assist the multitude in breaking down the 'sanctity of the Sabbath, in tearing away its blessed'restritints frOM .the - public con imience,'and in, erasing its obligations, from the public memory. We call upon you, therefore, as brethren, and US parent's, to - aid us in th'e blessed work oftpromoting ' the sanctification of-, thti Lord's day. This you may do in your respce tive places`; by abstaining:personally, and by straining your,•children and others= under your influence, from the improprieties, alluded to, no less' than' by a public and private disci:Larks of all direct Sabbath and Christian: obligatioxist" S. C: McCune, Stated. Clerk: fOzfizintil l i 4 4 11 41 *01.440. 4 *tan Awl, How t sweet is ? .at punset to stroll o'er, the lawn, And watch, as all nature in quiet sinks down To folio* . our thoughis as they soar up on high ? To mansions of bliss far beyond the bltre'ski. ' To think.that a kind Father ever looks From the glorious brightness that shines round his throne, Ever ready and willing to answer the Cry Of men lost sin, and deserVing to die,. (jh'i slionld we not reverence with true thank- Ininess That Father who'alwayais willing to bless 3• And should wemot to. him our thoughts and our" •• - < ready, l and ; willing, rit times to raise'_; . . Yes, yes, our poor service he 'ricly deserves; He who watches us,,guides us; and ever preseries,; For should he for one momentwithdraw his kind aj4, • We would instantly sluniber, with those who are dead. Then let us.at ail,times be thankful:to him,; For, though our poor 'souls are,polluted with sin,, Our Redeemer Lath suffered, sad -crashed itttway, With his own precious .blood shed on Mount • Calvary. 2 MS " , • FOr the Priebiterian Banner. Prdsbyterr of Saltabbrg: The following paper,f on the best means of Si tending the revival of religion' iithin our houndS; was adopted by Pre.slytery,' "I must work the'works ofl Him that sentMe while it is ,day. < The night oometh When no man can . These words of Jesus are ,before us with all their pressing import, : as 76 take up the inquiry now claiming `the attention' of Presby tery, as to s the best means`of extending the re vival of religion amongst us. The special object , we have, before es,• is the means•of grace in' their extra,and not, in,their ortAina t ry otated use. Pres bytery recommended 'c .that each Session-• of our, respective liurches,t4e into cOnideration the' subjeet •of the 'state' *of Withitt , 'their bounds; and, if in their judgment,. there is anon- , dition of. things calling; for protracted, religious services ,in preaching,,.exhortation, and prayer, such ailiavelmen appointed in Most of our con gregations in years past, that arrangemkits be, StiehinieeknigiVe beliey „mi,01. 61 !..k.4 11 V been' higfily useful, and - there are times wnen, they, are greatly necessary.-, 1 We suggest a renewal. of the recommendation, of `Presbytery loSt' Winter to' the elders of our several Congregations, to vigit• "two and two - the' differeht distiibts. This Work . vvbs -found to he bothapleaSant and.profdahla one, , and tit.' is dn: the judgment of :Presbytery -adapted to, do great good. We recommend ,that all our ministers and elders give diligent attention to - the 'estab-, lisliment and Maintenance, of Prayer-meetings, taking care to have at least one weekly prit l yer- , meeting, if possible; every neighborhood; throughout their hounds., , , , In regard to our vacant congregations, they appointed the folleWing committees to counsel - withpent in regard' to the Subject to'which this Paper relates, and to conduet, 'among them: such religious services as may be found expedient, and to make report thereof at the Spring meeting of Presbytery,'':'• Messrs lioneldsonpaid Wood 'end, ministers, and •Wm.sMellwaiii, .elder, Clarksburg ; Messrs. li'Milan alka J. E. Car utheri, ministera; and J. B. Parks, elder, to Crookd Creek and Appleby Matter ; Metisrs: Mech lin and Christy; ministers, and,Benjamin eldei, StriickSburg Megars,. p r . and'Shirley, ministers, and Joseph- Henderson, elder,, to ,Bb enezer. W. W. < WOODEI9, Stated Clerk. For the Presbyterian Banner. of' th 6. Protoidlligt ' 'of the - *tad' of lolva. • • Synod Convened' in Cedar-Rapids on the 20ih' ult. : :; and in' the absence of)the Moderator, Rev.- tohn Bkin, p.p., the opening serTioes were con ' dueted under the direction of Rev,' J. D. lkiaeon, the late Aioderator,i present:. Rev. C. 0., Waterepreached fropl Acts 4° Lord what wilt thou have rae, to do ?" The trieeting ebnsinted of &bait thirtyLffe members. ,Rev. 3!: M. Boggs• was -chosen Mod— erator, and Bev. Alex.. S. Marshall, Temporary ' ' '" Upon, the reading of .the• minutes of the, last stated meeting, the following, preamble and rose lutionwere adapted Wnnizas, this Synok-in its last meeting ,Was: not entirely constitutionally assembled, (there beingno representativefrain a third'Presbytery,) and did refer.its proceedingi to this, meeting for review„:Btc.,, therefore, . „ . • Rel6tned, That Said proceedinge be c itrid they hereby are ratified, and the 'hiiriuteS thereOf am: proved. One-half hour was spent 'each morning in te,- votional Exercises, , and the evening in Public' Worship i • A circular conununlcation from the, Synod • of on 'the suit* of Denominational Monopoly 'in the Chaplaincies'of the ',Federal Government was received, considered, and'aticipt- Rev. Dr. Rice, of the Synod of Kentucky-, and, Chairman of ,the Western Executive Committee,; of the Board of Demeatie Miisions, being pres ent, Was heard cif" said Board. Where upon• the folleiving Minute , Was adopted, Synod having listened , with great interese to the address-,of Rev. J. .13,. - Itice, D.-D., concerning. , the actual, and .prosPective ' condition of the Treasnry - or the Board, "would take reeogn,ition. of the necessity,'which by the providence Ad' God has been laid - I/pm:vont. churches, -of making the naost strenuous exertions foi self-sup - port,• and future independence to as great a degree as possible of the Domestic Board. , Ami _while Synod would here record their gratitude to God for 'the bountiful, harvest, with which he has , blessed our'boundary, we are; still aivaret , OfAhe sacrifices which in many ,ctises; will have .to fbe made for ' the, ,support .cf-.the l Gospel:, But, In 'view of the necessity , ensuing out of the failure of the Southern ;crop, in, the dinainiihed contra butipns to the Treasury of 'the 'Boaidi and the inefeaged demand upon it for -the South; Synod would enjoin it .upon each of our ministers to preach a sermon onthe subject, of Ministerial Sup port: to his - own charge, laying this ;whole- matter before them, as soon as convenient, during the ensuing year. It-vvas moreover . • `;,.1 ' Resolved, That Synod enjoins-it upon the Pres byteries to recommend no eithreh for aid to the. Board which will not agree to Mki up , t an annual collection for it. - • Resolved, That ai havedithin. largely Upton the Treasurr of this-Boardl during our period of adversity, now that, we have the prospect of re turning .prosperity, Synod enjoins it upon the churches to make earnest effort tO aid the Board, as a matter of gratitude to God for his temperal mercies, and for the spiritual blessings which• he has extended to us throiigh the Church here•-• tofore, andto the end, thatme may becomett self sustaining Zynod.f . = ; Resolved,, That at the close of - the sermon this evening hy toi.qtrci,' a SYntalibill collection taken up for this Board: I "'; THE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER- Publication Office : GAZETTE BUILDINGS, 84 Frimr I.l.l.ltEc6idlt r - PA. PHILADELPHIA, SOUTH-WEST 00R. OP '7TH AND Olizemur A Square, (8 lines or lees,) one - insertion, CO cents; each subsequent insertion, 40 eentsi-,estalt,line beyond 464 -6 , ate. Atiquare per.qnatterl addie&KlS dehta. A REDUCTION made to advertisers by the year. • BUSTNESS - NOTIOES otTstr9inerbettettcalr - i9oBl` ad ditional line,lo cents. - DAVID 11I4EINNEY' sr. -CO., PROPRIpTOIB ADD ..1,401L181111118. 0. Waters was also heard in relation to our obligations to the •Board of Publication' Wherefors'it was , .Reinyeil; `That We have heard with much ure the 'address , of the Superintendent. of Col-- portage ;-.and.do hereby enjoin it upon alf - ont hnrches take,,up:collections for said Board during the ensuing year: Rein'H I Coe 'lttiviet addreased the Synod, the following action am taken: WHEREAS, We have-tuard - with deep interest the statements,.of thaSeoretary of ',the Board of Church RX.tension • therefore, ' gesOlted, That gYnod eeas called to increased effort inbehalf of: this branch of Our benevolent work, ~and enjoins on our churches special promptness' and contributing to the hinds, at ilieCdisposal of, Said , Boaid. .Rev. J. q. ,ha v i ng also addressed tlie'Syaod in relation to the TheologiCal 'Semina ry of the North-west it warunanimonsly ReAkinedoThat,l3rother , Brown is commended to all the' chitiolie:i'Ve Mar be aide to 'Visit, as worthy oil alPconfidence 'and encouragement in the:prosecution of his work, as financial agent of 'said Seudnary. Synod/earnestly tedommerided all the church ep..twobserve thasecond week of January as a season of special prayer for the conversion of the 'World ; and 'the last Thursday of February as , a day. ; of: special ;prayer in behalf of the youth in our Colleges, Academies, &c. The Cimunittee in relation to Alexander Col lege, _reported , verbally , through their Chairman, Rev. J. P. Conkey ; w,hereupon, after much con sideration, the felloWing Taper was adopted, viz. WHEILEA, The entire interests of said College are, and:fitive'lbeenlorjyea!rs Past, in a very un settled state ; and whereas it seems utterly im, practicable' to.,Se3UFC the cooperation of our dhlitahes in this enterprise ; therefore be it 1 trait4lll , i 0 • ..,o4lolftb,* tenders all :i.,l•' l ';:r` --- ,o:yis -. s ir/ olle.rie,,anditer right in the:Veal estate thereof, together with the Library ands Cabinet- thereof, to the Presbytery of Du , buque ; and.in the event ,of said Presbytery ac cepting the' same, the Board of Trustees are here* autherised•to convey accordingly. la .RpsoluO, That all notes given toward the En dowment of the College, and now held by the authorities of the same, be returned to their original makers. The Committee on the Records , of the Presby . tries severally reported; and those of the Presbytery of Cedar, of Dubuque, and of To ledo, were approved. DnbuqUe - Was dlhigen as * Alie place, and the last { „ Thursday of Reptember• 1861, as the time for' holding our next Seated:Meeting. The , hearq thanks of ithd .§ynod were voted to the ,citizens of Cedar Rapids for the .generous hospitalitY - afforded us,, during our sojourn with them: ' Most of the pulpits of ; the .place were supplied by the members of the Synod on the Sabbath. `OM Sabbath 'afternoon a delightful communion season ytaa enjoyed with our church here. Our business sessions were harmonious and hVely ; and our hours of social and public wor ship serious , and reviving., . 4 brother beloved, recently come Amongst us fromm the Synod of Philadelphia,' remarked that this wasmie - of. , the most' delightful meetings of Synod he ever attended.; and again when retir ing from our sacramental meeting, he inquired of a brother, "Do t - y'Antot MP - Ike erecting your tabernacle here.?" With Usin verY , deed,' " The harvest is:great, but the. laborers are few." Who will come over and help, Especially in the new Presbytery Of Toledo are three or four faith fultbretbren of itinerant spirit very much needed. MAy'Cod t hasten the day, 7hen great shall be the deiripittly 'Vf those wile publish 'his truth throughout allthia goodly land! J. D. MASON, Stated Clerk, es ten' ar r'r • ftlSe. 11 , The Pieibytery Of _Carlisle . ; at its late stated meeting, , in New Bloomfield, Pi., received from the Presbytery of Erio,,Rev. payici Grier, and a o - romittee was appointed to install him as pastor criitirthe tchuidh of Dibkinson. In these'ser vices, whieh are,to be hold on Tuesday, October 30th, at 11 o'clock A. M., R. James Harper, is%to preadli he Sermon,•preside, and pro pose the constitutional questions ; Rev. Robert M'Cachren to deliver the charge to the pastor, and Rev. I. N. - Hays — the °Nitta to the people. Rev. B4g.fißq, vrasireeeiyea from,the Pres bytery of "Rcidstone Rev. J. D. Strain. was dis itieed imitionnect;with tike Presbytery,of Runt miten;.-, and' Apr. Laiabeft;E: Fine was dismissell in order to his taking chnrge of the Presbyterian church of Perm Yen, in the New School Presby tery of, Geneva:, Ret. David Elliott, D.D., being present, was invited to address the'Presbytery in reference to the affairs .of the. Seminary, with which he is connected, and the following paper was adopted in.reference to that Institnticei; viz.: Wnsasas, The, Presbytery have heard with deep interest the statements made by the Rev. Da D.D., in relation to the Western Theological Seminary, and rejoice in its contin nett and increased prosperity, therefore, Resnivid,'''That said Institution be commended to the confidence 'of our churches, and that it be recomniended to them •to aid in the endowment of, the FoUrth.Professorship,. so far as may be in accordance withtheirduty te other institutions of a similar character. A.'donimitte tc; r consist of Rev. J. IL Symmes, Rev: It F:Bainple,, and Mr. Archibald McDon ald, Ruling Bider :in. the church of Frostburg, Md., was: appointed , , to visit:Lonaooning at their discretion, and if the way be clear, organize a church at that place. • kregohition Wit!eitasiedbyPiesbYtery, enjein ing it upon' the' ebirches "within its bounds to make .an annual contribution to the fund-for the relief , of-, disabled ministers, and the needy - widows ,anti orphans of deceased ministers. The next stated meeting is to be held at Ilar risburg; on the ''second' Tuesday of April, at 7 Oreigh was 'appointed to preach , sthe< opening sermon, , and Rev. Joseph Clark to, be his alternate. - Rev. W..W. Ella, with Rev. _L * N., Hays f o r his alternate, was appointed to preach` the 'evening of the second day. PreSliYiery will hold an adjourned meeting at the etill of the Moderator, during the sessions of the Synod of Baltimore,- in Georgetown, D. C. ' reference to the-week of prayer, the follow ing reselution, was adopted,. viz.: .ficeoived, • That, Presbytery have noticed with great: . satisfaction that the General Assembly have recommended the second week in January, .1561; commencing an Monday of that week, as a season .of special prayer for the outpouring of the. Rely, Spirit. on all flesh, and for the revival of religion and we 'would earnestly call upon all the congregations under our care to unite in that observance. . J. SMITH GORDON, For tbe Presbyterian Banner. " Thrfresbytery of Cedar ,„Met Cedir Rapids on the 18th of September, and was organized by the choice of Rev. A. S. Marshall.as Moderator, and Rev. Robert Caroth . ere, as Temporary Clerk. 'Presbytery dissolved the pastoral relation be `tweeni Itev...Jacob Kolb, and the German church of Muscatine; and directed Mr. Kolb to labor for the next six months as. an itinerant missionary „among the, Germans in our bounds. The pasto ral relation between Rev. John Ekin, D.D., and the'churches of Le Claire, and Princeton, was 'also dissolved. The assessment on the churches for Comthis- Blotters' Fund to be paid at our Spring meeting, is as follows: ' • Museitine t $13.00 ; - *Davenport, $13.00 ; Inks Marion, $4.00 ; Lime Grove, and Linden ; $4.00 ; , Tipton, $4.00'; Red Oak, $3.00 ; Le • Claire; -.53:00';, Princeton, $2.00 ; Walcott, $2.00; Blue Grass, $2.00; Cedar Rapids, $3.00; Meohntacsville, $3.00 ; Lisbon, $l.OO ; Sugar Creek, $2.00; Berman, $2.00; Summit, $3.00; $2.00; Unity, $2.00; De Witt, $2.00; Gentian church; Muscatine, $1.00; Wilton, $2.. 00; Long Grove, $2.00; Cedar Valley, -$2.00. The following supplies were appointed : LC,(7aire !and Princeton.—J. D. Mason, one Sabbath in O ctober, November, and January. I. M. Jones, one Sabbath in December. Robert Boag; orie Sabbat in February. Solon.A.Z. Marshall, last Sabbath in No vember., J. D.-Mason, last Sabbath in Decem ber. Robert Carothers, last Sabbath in Februa ry. Cedar Rapids.—A. S: Marshall, one Sabbath :in October.' Robert Bing, one Sabbath in No vember. J. D. Mason, one Sabbath in Februa ,ry. • UniO4-John Anderson, two Sabbaths at dis cretion. O.- 0. McClean, one Sabbath, at discre tion. ' It'is n.atandine rule of this Presbytery that churches shall not only pay the expenses of their supplies, but.also giTe , them a " fair. .remunera flea f4F their services ;" also that palnistexfs,sent to vacant phUrches, shall tape up collections tor ' 'the Board of Foreign,. and the Board of Domes= `tie Missions. ' : : The- next;stated' meeting of the:` , ProsliSotetty , will be at Wilton, the Second Tuesday of April., There will be a special s Rifting 'at.4o . k, Wediiekai,'Octeber 15, at . .o"clock„P. M., E. L. Raman, Statiti Clerk. ,'ADVERIIME4ENTSP TERMS IN ADV./Lie& MN ker the Pni43bytetiatt Banner Temporary Clerk MIMI EN