and wields a crowd at b*s will; thrilling th3ir hsarts with emotion, and terrifying heir consciences with the terrors of the Law. Thus 'he has been preaching with great effect on Glasgow Green: He has , now returned to London, and has begun to preach in the Victoria theatre, Lambeth, which will contain three thousand persons, and which is filled every Sabbath evening,..- „ Before he went to Glasgow he had sev eral week-night services' in the Caledonian Road` Preabyterian 'church, London. 'At one of these, his words told so powerfully on a Nnavie who was a drunkard' and a wife-beater, that the man came down the aisle toward the pulpit, weeping bitterly, Called his, wife to his side, acknowledged his wickedness and cruelty, and declared that by the help of God he would lead a new life. Husband and wife then em braced before the congregation, whose tears flowed as freely as their own. INDIA is still , occupying attention in' o nue:ion with the new :income Tlix, which seems to be regarded as a heavy;burden by officers and civilians, and especially as it was demanded retrospectively for a quarter of a year. More than this, Indian securi ties seem liable to income tax in. England as' well as India, and this is causing an out cry for redress, which I 'presume wi'l be granted. But suddenly comes, the tidings of the death of the Right Hon. James Wilson, the bold and able financier who went out as Lord Palmerston's representa tive to resaseitate the resources of India. The Income Tax measure was his own, and it was a golden prize that was offerecrhim, namely, a salary of £lO,OOO a year, with honors and emoluments • in the distance. And, alas I for human calculations, his health began, early to 'fail, and while ad vised to go to the : Hills, be remained in Calcutta from his extreme anxiety to carry out his own measures, threatened as they had been,by Sir C. Trevellyan, and objected to by General Outrun. And so he per ished. He was once a , hatter, and his own talents for calculation, and his indomitable energy made him great. As the editor of the Eronomist he , attained the, highest au thority on matters monetary and c Ammer cial, and as afterwards high in place at the Board of Trade, his services were invalua -ble. There has been- a fatality about his rao,. ,Two or three years ago, his brother's family were at the sea side. The' wife and two daughters (I believe,) when bathing, were suddenly swept beyond their ,depth ; the father and husband with one of his sons, rushed to their rescue, and they all perished 1 Three eminent men have died the vic tints to 'climate in India, within a very short time. Lord Elphenstone, Governer of ,the Bombay Presidency; Sir . Henry Ward, who had been promoted to-be Gov ernor of Madras (previously at Ceylon.) in the room of Sir' C. Trevyllian reCalled, and now James . Wilson. India may well give the British Government continued anxiety. . Her finances are- in a most unsatisfactory condition, and must ultimately, I fear, press heavily on England. A very large British army will stiftbe retained, and -in Bombay and Madras Presidencies, at least, there large native armies still. " THE RELIEF OF LUCKNOW " is 'a glo rious historical' painting now exhibiting here, and which I have this week inspec - ed.:'lt is of thrilling interest, and most masterly in its execution. The •time is that memorable hour and day,, when having passed through' a girdle of lime, Have lock; Campbell (now. Lord Clyde,) and Outrain all meet, the two first eagerly grasping, hands in mutual congratulations evettwhile the fight still rages in the dist ammo:tad the fires of conflagration are not yet quenched. In the distant back-ground onthe magnificent minarets and spires of the public buildings, and near at hand, on horBeback, or standing, are groups of dis tinguished heroes, including the lamented Captain Peel and Adrian Hope, with many other officers': who still survive to wear their honors. Here 'are wounded soldiers in the foreground, and a Highlander pros trate, under a sunstroke, having cold water poured on his head. Here are some of the men. of Hodson's Horse, and ele p'tants (with their drivers,) and the field guns slung, by their ponderous sides.. The portraits—for they are-such—are accurate and , admirable—from the life. You see Havelock- bleached• and wasted by that dis ease, brought on by superhuman exertions, which two . days after ushered his 'now spent frame to eternal rest. These great pictures are already engraved, and a print from this painting will cost 'five guineas. "Only lay by, sir, a shilling a week' for two years, and it is yours,'? says one of the. officials. Tin INDIA Ho'usa, in Leadenhall Street, venerable ; for the might:) , past of its power and prestige in connexion with roes nurtured, victories won, territories annexed, and good and evil done on gi gantic scale, is now - being rapidly robbed of its contents, including precious memoran da; MS. dispatches of great generals and innumerable and peculiar belongings. These are being transferred to new and magnificent offices 'in Victoria Street, West minster, near to the Abbey, much more ac cessible to the officers' of State than in the old locality. I was through the old, house, th:s week. The debris and confusion were very suggestive of the dissolution of" John Company." The. fine and unique Museum is not yet tOnched, and remains open for public inspection till the end of the month. Afterwards it will be transferred to Fife House, in the West End. Ere now I have described its'rare and .valuable contents at length. The predious Library'of the India House will also, haie a new and fitting domicile. The East India House in the City, will be 'sold. We .shall see it trans formed, I presume, into a magnificent se ries of merchants' chambers. The ground on which it stands, is too precious to allow it to stand a tenantless solitude, and it is better that it should be so. SCRIPTURE READINGS are held every week at the'house of -one of the Episcopal Chaplains, at Woolwich. I was present at one of these by invitation from Captain Hawes, a young ex-Indian officer, (now connected with the India House,) who pre sides at the Daily Prayer-Meeting in Cros by Hall City. Here I found welcome from Mi. Hare, the senior Chaplain, and his lady. • There' were present two other Episcoral Chaplains, juniors, and my co- Presbyter, the Rev. William. Thomps( n, who for twenty-years has• been a blessing to both eivilhins and soldiers at Woolwich, and who is alike the Christian gentleman at.d the devout believer. .He is now 'occu pying the post of an Assistant Chaplain, and, is universally esteemed. At this meet ing were present six .or seven military of ficals of different, ranks, and a number of their wives; also, young ladies and youths, about forty in all. The meeting was in the drawing-room. It was begun with a hymn sveetly sung, to the piano leading; then prayer was offered by Dr. Conquest, an em... Abet Lendon physician, (who resides near Woolnich,) tliid afterwards Mr. Hare read &few verses from Ephes. vi.,, recalling to mind the past readings and study of the Christian armor (as set forth by Paul) and inviting present attention to the words pra.ying always," &c. The conversation was earned on by the gentlemen, one ven erable and aged lady alone offering one re mark. It was edifying and without stiff net* or formality. I had an opportanity of giving particulars of Revival Fruits in Ulster as lately ascertained, and as attesi el hy authentic returns made by the Episcopal e4irgy , tn:the -, Bishop of Down, and to.the Dinierator, hy . three hundred and seven Piekythriannuniatera When gleam:Tsai heard •of not less than ten thbusand six linndre..l,and sixty communicants added in one year to the Presbyterian churches in Ulster, there was both surprise and pleas ure, prompting to great thankfulness and to continuance in prayer. Beal good is. being done at Woolwich, among officers and soldiers. Nothing is' more admirable than the moral courage of young officers when they have been brought to decision. They face the fire of the mess . room which to many a man is more terri ble than the,discharge of grapeshot from a battery. . He dm not cease to be a ; perfect' gentleman, courteous, kind, cheer ful, devoted to his profession`; but he is firm to what is good and pure, and leaves the haunts of vice forever. I know'of .one such to whom * Captain .H..said suddenly, one evening as they walked together, " Is your soursafe?" 'He'started . 'as if he had been struck. He hesitated and filtered, then was silent. But when ;they two came to part for the night, tie said," Depend up-; on it, your words to-night shall not be lost." From that time he'has• been 'a new man; quietly courageous for the right, and full of zeal to do good to some of those outcasts who had been his former associates. Among the cadets at Woolwich Artillery College, Mr. Thompson has a Bible Class; also a similar class among the soldiers. Of these last, he told me one was an Ulster eonveit of last year. Captain Orr, It. N., states that more than one hundred of the youths employed under him at the Arsenal, are holding fast to their profession. The " Church in the army" is increasing in India itself. Oh that all young officers there, were Christian soldiers, indeed! What but this can bear up their spirits un der the exile-sadness of heartthat is almost as universal now, as was, the," hOnie sick ness"'to, 'Abereroinby's troops in Egypt, wherithey beard the pipes play one of the airs of' their native glens, or as the -Swiss ever have been when far away from their own mountains. TTIE BARDS. OE WALES .(to 'Okla coun try my, thoughts still naturally, revert in connexion with. a. recent .visit,),are a class by themselves. A true Bard is, at once a musical composer. and a poet. There are. twenty-four metres peculiar 'to the Welsh, and a bard of eminence is ableto compose lines suited for all. these metres. Their poetry has 'a clenching, Of consonants into one-another, which has no parallel - in Eng lish verse. Many of the Welsh people are opposed to these metres, and would wish a free metre, i. e., any metre, like those of English blank verse or otherwise. There are thousands of bm ds in Wales, following the ordinary occupations of life, but Immo. the poetic 'gift. Some are pa ' thetie and tender; others majestic and ter rible in their style: " Stanza of the Trin ity," is an Epie•Poem similar to "Paradise Lost." The anther's, name :is Davidd -ionwawe, i. e.. David January." The greatest living Welsh poet is Eben liar, " the Bard Ebenezer." A great meeting of bards was held at Denbegh, in Auguat, 1860. Thousands were present. 'A sum of £2,000 was received, for tickets' bought by. the people who attended. the, meeting. Prizes for the best essays and poems, of the value of £3O, were awarded.. - A bard is chaired at every such ,meeting, and a Welsh Baptist minister is this year the ,chaired bard. Sometimes the bards publicly recite their poems. There is a great increase in the study of the Welsh language, and. at the same time a great increase in the number who learn and study English. The theological books of Wales are numerous. Now an educa tional series is coming out. " The study of the Welsh," I was assured, is not de clining. The more English is studied, the snore attention does . the Welsh tongue re ceive as to ita structure and its literature." Not long since, the study, of Welsh in day - schools was, denonnee'd, as hindering the study of English. "Thus a schoolmaster timed to scold his boys for speaking Welsh in school and neglecting English." " Talk- Welsh," he cried, " will only take'you ro Bangor." In other words, you cannot i.;•o into the world without English. Now '4oth languages are studied. J. W. The Presbytery of Huntingdon ;Ueld its stated meeting in the Sinking :;reek church, Oct. 2d, and was opened 'vith a sermon by Rev. S. M. Moore, from Jas. : 24. • A call from the church of Little Vallec, br the pastoral services of the Rev. J. B. ;train. was read, and being found in 'order, t was held in reserve, as it is understood tie will accept. The following minute was taken in re •-,ard to the death of Rev. S. M. Cooper and ley. G. Gray, who have deceased since our a Ett meeting : " While we rejoice to have learned . that Ihese our brethren died in the triumph of !fie Christian faith, we would feel ours,elves :.shorted by their consistent lives and tri smphant end to be faithful unto death, that we too, with them, may wear a crown life." Rev. Dr. Agnew, of the M. E. Church tas received as a member of. Presbytery. Rev. C. M. Blake, of Harrisburg Presby ery, Rev. P. P. Lal.c, of the Lutheran 'entral Svnixl and Revs. L. B. B:dcileand no. De Moyer, of East Baltimore Confer.. ace, were invited to sit as corresponding, withers. • Rev. G. Van Artsdalen preached the nas ionary sermon. Rev. J. 11. Barnard (or Lev. G. Zahniser as' his alternate) was ap ointed to preach the missionary sermon at he next stated meeting. MeVeytown was selected as the next lace for the stated meeting. Revs. A. B. Clark, S. Lawrence, and S. lerrett, and ruling elders, Messrs. Porter .I!nd Hutchinson, were appointed a commit ii!e to visit Ashland Furnace and Galetzin, *nd to organize a church if the way be - Rev. 3. A. Patterson was dismissed, to , nnneet himself with the Presbytery of lanton. The following supplies were ap ,ointed. SUPPLIES : Beulah Church.—Second Sabbath - of Rovember ' D. D. Clarke. Second Sabbath December, J. IL Barnard. Second Sab lt,ath of January, J. M. Galloway. Second ,''.abbath. of February, Thomas Stevenson. ;I:.econd Sabbath of March, S. FI. M'Donald. Phillipsburg Chur:h.—Second Sabbath 4,f November, J. M. Galloway. Second ; 4 abbath of December, S.. T. Lowrie. Sec ii,ad Sabbath of January, Dr. Gibson. 1!-econd Sabbath of February, S. H. 111'.Don :aid. Second Sabbath of March, 3. Moore. Ashland Furnace.—To be supplied by litevs. Floyd and M'Donald alternately, on econd Sabbath of each month; Mr. Floyd '3 commence. Second Sabbath of November. The churches of West Kishacoguillas, :unity, Cottage, I.l6shanan, and Morris, have leave to supply themselves. The thanks of Presbytery were tendered 1 the congregation of Sinking Creek for itheir kind hospitality. Presbytery adjourned to meet at German .lll, during the sessions of Synod, at the ',all of the Moderator. T. M. Now a, Temporary Clerk. TENACITY OF Luz IN Fuous.—M. I;teguin writes to the French Academy of ;:iciences that be has.made some experiments i ) pon frogs enclosed in plaster •of Paris, to mast, their asserted tenacity of life when shut 44 from the air. He has found , them alive :rfter having been enclosed for a period of 4.:leven years. Of several enveloped in Master nearly fifteen years since, he has two l'ett which he desires may be opened in the tremee of the Academy, PRESBYTERIAN BANNER.--,SATURDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1860. For the Presbyterian Banner tir . =6.bptcrinn -', PITTSBURGII, SATURDAY, OCTOBER. IS, 1860. tire Having purchased for our office the " Right" to use Dick's Accountant and Dispatch Patent, all, or nearly all, of our subscribers now have their papers addressed to them regularly by a singularly unique machine, ,which fastens on the white margin a small seared "address stamp." or label, whereon appears their name plainly printed. Allowed by the date up to which they have paid for their papers—this being authorized by an Act of Congress. The date will always be advanced on the receipt of stibicription in, neY, in exact accordance with the amount so received, and thus be an ever-ready and rated receipt; securing to every one, and at all times, a perfect knowledge of his newspaper at .eount, so that'ef any error is made he can itimediately de tect it and have it corrected--a boon alike valuable to' the publisher and subscriber, as it must terminate all painful misunderstandings between them respecting accounts, and thus tend to perpetuate their important relationship. ' *°'s Those in arrears will please remit.: , ;k!: Rtvival.—The .Presbyterian states that the church at the Forks of Brandywine, of which Rev. J. N. C. G RIER, D. D., is pas- 1 , tor, is enjoying an extensive revival; There are between seventy and eighty seri.. ous inquirers. Board of Edocation.—Bev..P. 1). G unr.r.r, D.D., of Washington, D. has been , elected - Seeretary of the Board of Educa tion. The meeting of the Board was 'large, and the vote unanimous: The choice we regard as excellent. Our personal quaintance with Dr. GunLES is riot inti.l mate, but his reputation authbrizts a, large confidence. We 'congratulate the Board and the Church. REV. 'MATTiIEIV BiLO{ITN, The name'of BROWN will be had in lasting remembrance. He was a great wan, a good man, and a useful' man. Education' and Christianity have felt }cis influence for good—an influence which ceased not wilh his natural life.f It still lives and spreads, and will yet live and spread, in widening circles. The Numni of Jefferson. College, from 1822 to 1845, bear the impress of his piety and energy. They are better Chria tians and wore useful men, for having been under his care. - Some of the leading traits in Dr. BROWN'S character, and a sketch of his history, while, he was President of Jeffq. son College, were presented in an Address before the Alumni at the late Commence ment, by Rev. Dr. MARKS, a member, of the Class of 1830. That address has now been published, and is worthy of being procured, read, and preserved. In addition to 'the reminiscences of Dn. BROWN, the address gives a sketch of the Graduating Class of 1830, which is entertaining. Dr. M.s.axs has done a good service to biography, in collecting and publishing the facts which are presented in his'lnimphlet. *Axmaiss, delivered :at Jefferson College, at: Commencement, August. 4, 1860. By ltev.4.• Marks, D.D. Pp. 42, Bvo. Pittsburgh : : 11r. Haven. SYNOD OF CINCINNATI. The late meeting of, the. Synod of Gin- - einnati seems to have been characterised by the harmony and attention to buSiness, which have'been usual. The interest in a Synodical College is kept up, and progress is being made. The following is Synod'sl action in the case : Resolved, That the Bum of $85,000.00 the amount now subscribed by the'people of Springfield, be *coed by thts Synod,: the Synnii - orOhio concurring, as'detertuln a in. , the location,at that point, and while the Synods accept this,amount, we are not to be understood as releasing the people of, Springfield and Clark counties, from the obligation to continue the effort to raise the sum of $50,060.0t) for purposes of build ing. , Resolved, That the Trustees, in opening subsCriptions for the endowment, he autho-, rised to adopt a scale of scholarships, tem porary and permanent, giving tuition to holders, equivalent too the interest on the amount paid, and providing that the money shall 'be safely invested in mortgages on productive real, estate, and shall not be, loaned to any other fund of the institution or used for any other purpose. Resolved, That the Trustees be instruct ed to draw up the obligations fefscholar ships and other subscriptions for the per inanent fund, making them payable, as soon as $150,000 shall be subscribed.. ' Resolved, That Synod, having determin ed the lqcation at Springfield, do earnestly ' 'invoke the zeal, faith and energy of the Presbyterian Church and its friends, to, car ry out immediately the original-design of a first class university, on a basis of not less than $250,000. Resolved, That the Synod:of Sandusky, as• most of it was originally dportion of the. Synod's 'undertaking the enterprise of , founding a university of the Presbyterian Church in this State, be cordially invited to take part with the Synods:of Cincinnati and Ohio in forwarding their. object, And whenever ,they so signify, that they nave their own representative in the Board of Trustees,, and, their concurrence in the measure adopted. TEAIPORILITIES OF 'FIIE POPE. The pertinacity with which the, Papacy holds on to its secular power, is very great. Sustentation on the voluntary principle it cannot expect. To hold on to his Provin . ces, and maintain .them against his own native-born and 'church-trained subjects, he employs an army of ten thousand hired soldiers from abroad, and these he has coin mended by a foreign general, (this was' the ease.) These Provinces lie around Rome. A correspondent of the New-York World says of them : "Before the war with Italy the States of the Church -were divided into four Leg tions, not counting, the district, of Rome. The first tom; rued the provinces of Bolog na, Ferrara,. and Revenria, and was called Romagna. 'lbis is the portion which, has been already annexed to Pitdmont. The second, which separates the Romagna from the Napolitan States, is composed of the provinces of Urbino, Pesaro, Macerate, Loreto, Ancona, Fenno, Aseoli, and Came rino. It, is this portion of the Roman ter ritory which is' commonly *known under the name of the Marches, and is bounded on the North 'by Romagna, on the East by the Adriatic, on the South by the Neapolitan territory,and on the West by the provinces of Spolito and Perugia. The third Lega tion is composed of the provinces of Spoli to, Perugia, and Rieti, the first two correspond ing to what is generally known under the name of Umbria. The fourth Legation comprises Velletri, Forsinone, and Bene vento, the last province being surrounded by Neapolitan territory. The district of Rome is placed under'a special regime, and consists of that city, of ' Viterbo, Orvieto, and Civita Vecchia.',' The whole extent of these dominions id 12,042 square miles, with a population, in 1843, of 3,124,000. The, district which it seems probable that Louis Napoleon will secure to the Pope, contains 2,353, Italian I square miles, and 469,000 inhabitants, viz.: Rome and, the Camarchi" 320,000 b0r122A04 ami.(Kvita lireediiir26ooo: ITALY, lIST,IPRESENT, ANiII FUTURE. Italy has been the eentralicoint of in terest, to the eivi i, for more than two thousand years. Several centuries be fore the Christian Era, the Romans attained a prominence which made them the ob served, the honored, and the feared among the nations. ln New Testament times, Rome, 1. e., Italy, was mistress of the world; and she continued to be so for very many generations. Long after the loss of the military supremacy, she held a supremacy in religion, ° and had a leadership in litera ture, .411fpli, combined, gave:her a political , influence, , causing all eyes to be turned thither. And'even after the Reformation, by which she was shorn of a large part of her spiritual power, and of her political influence; and, although the ,country wtis in a dit,integrated condition, hing divided into small Scatei, and some 'of these ruled by foreign governments, and all of them deOpi7i ctemoral;zed in every 'aspect, still the attantion of m tnkiud has ever been fixed upon her'!with deep interest. At present she is in a - transition state. A powerful government has arisen at Turin. It has siallowed up Lombardy, Tuscany, Parma, Arodena; and several other depart- r , ments. A revolution fostered .by that Povier„ and conducted by' its emissaries, has• put to, flight the Sovereign ,of Sicily and Naples, uptUrried•some of the Roman Piovinees,,and is pressing bard .upon . the seat itself of the Papacy. • The temporal' power of the Pepe is ,almost anal I a e arid his °spiritual influence' has waned . great ly. , The present Of Italy, is turmoil, reveL' lation, , change, uncertainty. - ;The Penin sula is eVidently in a transition state. There. is, • not• merely !an. uprising of'the people„,,lo settle down - again in their old condition; not merely a flight of kings and princes, to be speedily restored. Ihe thithrs gaing on therebelong to the world's ,prog ress. There is intelligence, as well as feeling, at the batten/Alit, and we 'trust.' that refbr motion is to result from' revolution. But thereis still-rebut for fears. Events 'mite more rapidly than experience has found to be always the' symptom of Stability. The character of the country . when things come to settle down, depend much upon the ambition or patiioastn, upon the ; selfishness or disinterestedness of :a strong; willed, successful, and popular warrior; GARIBALDI ; and upon the wise firinnessuf Viotoit EMMANUEL; and upon the pru dence and tenacity of COW;T. CAVOUR ; , and upon the crenerosity of Louis NAPO LEON ; and upon the ..fears of FRANCIS , JOSEPH. ; Itild upon the old line, policy, or the liberally progressive bearings of Eng land, PrUsaia;' and Russi k a: 'But the pres ent of Italy is agitations" and' evertUrninga. The future of Italy is an uncertainty. Many things indicate favorable results. S nue things are adapted to awaken fears. We are not of 'tliose who Say 'that any, change must be a' benefit. Bad as is the despotiim of Austria, and the cruelty of the King of Naples, and the spiritual tyranny of the papacy, they 'are mild' and tolerable compared with anarchy, or with the 4ilesolating 1 - influence of infidelity: I'aly desires liberty, and it wants a gov ern To give the government the due • strength, there needs to,be an ihfluence Vont without. _ . T giVe the government a due popularity, it needs to rest; i upon a home sentiment, and to be sustained` frau within. A wise combination and application of the two needs, is the, desideratum. There is a very strong public sentiment,' that Italy should become a united State. It is not only ;Italy for 'the Italians, but Italy is a centralized kingdom, ,Italy as a' unity in government; and like France. Austria, or Great Britain, one of the great powers of, the earth. To the accomplishing of this, many things , are now favorable.. The whole Peninsula desires it. The liberalised 'sentiment of England and the United States,-favor it. One part of Italy, that is Sardinia; has a government, strong, firm, liberal, wisely conducted, with, a good eenstitution, , a representative Parliament, and a SOVeieign whci pOsseSSea ability;'Pru- dense, and energy; to which all the 'other parts might be attached, and being attach ed, the desired end would be ace,omplished. GARIBALDI, the idol of the people, with all his strong will and self reliance, is still the friend of law and order, and, so far, seems wise enough to know that a union , upon himself is not, a. thing readily, practi cable—though the success of the first and third NAPOLEONS are examples'very tempt ing to the aspirations 'of anibition. 'Ti .e ' general similarity of religious views,' throughout the , whole country, is also favorable to a political unity, , . But still, with all`these things so power fully inviting to unity,' there are &Soul ties hard to be overcome. One King,. one State, one Capital, one Government, - from the : Alps to the. Adriatic,, the :Straits, ,and, the Mediterranean, is ateautiful idea. The distracted Italians may well be kred with it. But how are all the obstacles to be surmounted ? Italy has been divided for ages. The habits, and the innate attach ments of the people, are to 'the peculiarities 'of their several Provinces, Principalities, and . Kingdoms. Where shall be the seat , .of .power for the whole country? Will 'it be at Turin, Rome, 'Naples, Flofence? Each of these cities, has been a capital for centuries; and how could three , of them y - eld 'their importance I How could they bear to become second rate places—mere Iprovincial towns!' And And then the people of Italy are not' homogenous in* their origin. There are vast dissiMilarities among them. They have not commingled, as we do in the United States, so as to become one people. M. PARINI, Minister of the Interior in the Cabinet of Turin, has well said:: ti The Neapolitan is partly Greek ; Ihe Sicilian partly African; there is Frank and Bur gundian blood in the Piedmontese; while the Venetians are the descendants of the ancient Sarmatian tribe of the Betted or Veneti, who Settled in what is now Lom bardy centuries before it became Lombardy. All Northern Italy has Gothic and German blood, and it :is not more than 1,100 years since Ravenna was the oapital of a Greek province." ihese differences of .origin 'must still bel f disturbing elements, notwith standing the numerous invasions of the country by G i aul. and Teuton, Goth, Hun, and' V,andtd;' l Greek, 'Saracen' and Norman, Frank, Spaniard, and German. -These intrasiona from abriad- 'Mak MC &knit es; but still, the separations into pro- Vinces in a measure independent and hav ing .different governments, prevented that kind of amalgamation which would favor a yielding and harmonious unity. One.king, one State, and one government, then, can be accomplished, peacefully, only under a kind of federative system, such as is in Eng land, and in this country. There must be no attempt to destroy the municipal ele ment, . no arbitrary portioning of the coun try. Old divisions, must be respected. The . fundamental laws and established cus toms of the different parts and portions must be retained, and the modification and administration left with the people. And there is ground for, hope that 'this may be the ease , g We ought not to forget," says M. FARINI, from whom we quoted stove,: ".that these autonomies will be .respected , by no one more than by him who desired to 'conciliate the national sentiment of the' Italians, when he said, in an admirable spirit of concord, that ltaly could find arength, prosperity and durable peace only in becoming a united State. It is neces sary to, distinguish carefully between . the idea that these different moral centres may be the bases of a national circumscription of the State, and the impression lett by those 'ancient States which kept Italy par celled out and subjected to, a system of set v itudo that was (so to speak) inextricable. It would` be acting contrary to the national conscience to construct an administrative representation of States, whibh should be irrevocably` condemned by the will of the natiop, 'principally because theydo not cor respond 'with the natural geography• and of the historical life of ltaly;.hut , have oftener beep the consequence of treaties made by foreign poyers, and of the long and unfor tunate conquest which has weighed upon the national rights. 'l6 new circumscrip tion, or laying out of boundaries, ought to respect and reestablish, where it is neces sary, the natural centres of Italian life, but shoUld not necessarily follow or maintain the PolitiCal divisions. The limits of these districts once established, it will be neces sary to determine their aitributions." This promises fair._ But still; the way , wardnesi of Man is such that fears may well mingle withhopes, in the minds of philan thropists. The reorganization of Italy Will, in' the most favorable circumstances, be a Acuity, and under untoward circum stances; flay be attended with much blood shed, and become but a partial etuanci pation. It the POpe shall withdraw his pretensions to secular dominatiOn, and France not inter fere, and GARIBALDI' prove to be another WASRThOTON, the, future of Italy will loom up brightly. The dams of the times, and the Word of prophecy. combine sufficiently,,to draw out from the Church the Prayer of faith. The. day of the power of the• I3east, and of the 'False Prophet, is evidently drawing to a : The hour,• of redemption is near. In the anticipation of political triumph, the people of Gbd are called to spiritual and religious activity. ,Like DANIEL, counting the days, and belieVing the time, to, be at hand, they should be the more importunate, and Bhould manifest the tribe earnestness of their prayer by using the instrumentalities of blessings-they shohld send the herald and the written Word, and fill the land with light ' i ~,. FAYETTEVILLE. These journals asked us some questions relative to the employm'ent of Secretaries in the Boards. In our issue of .September 22d we ,responded r in a, few paragraphs ex tending to about one-third of a colunin, and requested them to give our answers to the smile public before whom they had interro gated us. The Narth 'Carolina has not yet intimated that we• gave any. answer. The 11e7.ald thus notices us : ,DR. M'KINNEY ON SECRETARIES. Wi . migleeted to tootle°, 'lap. week, that our friend' Dr: WlCauwEr is still-harping. on: his old string-of:Secretaries of the Boards.; . ' We asked him to give a reason why he has: continually as sailed the Board of Domestic Missions for years . past for Eaving two Secretaries in Philadelphia, While he passed , by . the Boards' of _Education and Foreign Missions, with - commendation for their economy, When' they each 'bad . three for a time; He answers , by, simply, asserting that, there is more,work , to'be done:bribe Secretaifeeotthe two latter Boards than by those of the'Botird of meStic , Missions:: • ,!• 7 -•' , • ,That "old; : string" had become quite in durated, and is exceedingly tenacious. It will endure much' thumbing yet, pot only by the Banner, but by Presbyteries; Synods, tied' Assemblies, beforeit will yield. But, that matter aside, we certainly ought to be thankful to' the Herald and its collaborators 'for keeping so constantly and prominently tie name of our'senior' editor before the Giristian public. And the fact that they do this in utter violation of editorial cour tesy and gentlemanly jOurnalisM, Shows how, deeply they are interested in the accom plishing of in ,cod. „And even though their design under a central inspiration, m.tybe to " crush him," still, for him, we need epress no regrets. They thui iden tity him with a noble cause, the cause of the GosperS . ,Spread, threngh an ~efficient and. acceptable; administration of .Church affairs.'; the cause of the masses of Cluist's ministers and people, against the few, who would be lerds over God's heritage. And the fact that he still stands elect,. after years of such a combination of effort against him; shows that, he advocates , a principle which is founded upc n rectitude, and dear to the churches. But as to the remarks of the. Herald, we must say that it most grossly misrep resents our answer to its interrogato ries. We "responded briefly, so that there 'might be no excuse for want of space. We again ask that our re the questions propounded, shall be given, in ourown words. One-third of a column is but a small space to appropriate to a response which was called for so em phatically. On. . One; additional remark of the .fferald de mends a notice. It says : We must believe that,Dr..ll'llinirr will find it drificult to convince, the Church, at large, that that Board (Education) requires more men, te . conduct .ite operations, and make it effective, than the Board at Domestic Missions, which : has its more• than six hundred missionaries to teed and correspond.with. If the implications here were fade, we might find it difficult; and the more so as we can have access to but a very small part of the Church "at large," and have to contend against the opposition of men whO are interested in having things concealed, or misunderstood. , But. the facts are very different from the implications. They.are these: • . - 1. We do not nair for moriSecretaries in the Board of . Education than in, the Board 40 - Dokne*ki MfwAonet. The - tr • R•oted has now four, and we have asked for the dismission of but one of them. 2. The Secretaries at Philadelphia do riot have a more than six hundred mission aries to feed and correspond with." The Secretary at Louitiville has charge of the af fairs connected with three hundred and three of them. The Secretary at NeW Orleans attends to all the South-West. The South ern Presbyteries attend pretty generallY to their oWn, merely reporting to the:Board. Ifenee, but about one-half of our mission-1 cries are connected with the office itt,Phil-! adelphia. Strange that the Herald should: make such a statement as that just quoted. 3. The Board does not feed " the Mis sionaries. It, under its present regime, manifestai as all may know, quite a desire to have the missionaries feel the implied: dependence. But no. The churches which they serve, supply the main part of the support. And for the residue, other: churches. raise the funds, on the plan of Systematic Benevolence, and send to the treasury. The Presbyteries; then, ,at the: request of the people, ratify the, location of the laborers, vote the amount of money, needed, and send on the order to the Board.' This assumption of discretionary power. and of personal importance by the officers of the Board, and their' display of a pat. : ronizing spirit, sheuld be rebuked. The: churches raise' the funds, and they by them-; selves and their Piesbyteries, vote the dis tribution.' And the missionaries are free- Men, subject only to the Presbyteries of which they are a part. They are not "fed"` by the Board's bounties. They depend not, and should not feel that they depend, for their bread Upon Secretaries' volition& True, a Secretary may, in various ways, use his position for his own benefit; but such use is an assumption, and is to be re-' slated. Our officers, and many of them are such, who feel that they are serving the Church, in an honest and devoted exe cution of her will, are had in honor; and no Man who designs conscientiously to perform the functions of a Secretary, has the slightest fear of :criticism. He knows well that he will be sustained by a gener ous spirited and confiding people. EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE, NZW-YORK, October 8, 1860. To come to this city from our own, re quires usually but a short time and little fatigue. But our late passage was longer than usual, and demanded a great outlay of patience. After an excellent ' . supper at Altoona, the train made good time until seven' miles below Huntingdon,' when we were suddenly stopped by the breaking of the axle of the driving wheels" and the engine leaving the rails. Fortunately no one "was-injured, nor was there any alarm. Most of ,the passengers were asleep, and those awake scarcely felt the shock. How ever we Were totally helpless, alaint thirty miles from a locomotive on either side; and • seven 'wiles from. a telegraph 'station. There is hardly another spot on the entire line of this noble road where .we`could have been as •far from, help. in due time a' locomotive was obtaind, and the men went to work to -remove-4he--Astrambitnir to not 111.1 Girl° uNAITC}.. the"way.clear. In the meantime the train that left six hours after us, and also the train that left twelve hours after ours, came._up. The trains were united, thus making a single train of fourteen cars, to find its way to the ".Quaker City," out of time, and with several hundred passengers, without breakfast, and not more than one in ten were able to get any dinner at Hay- • . risburg. But to their credit, it must . be said, +there was but little complaining. A aeneral feelina of thankfulness seeaied to prevail that no one had. been killed or ,in jured, and it Was evident to all that the conductors and other employees were doing their utmost to bring thalarge number of human beings entrusted to them, to their destination in safety. At length we reach ed the depot in Philadelphia at half-past nine- in the evening, instead of -twenty minutes after five in, the,morning. . A few years ago. this would have been considered rapid travelling, but the present generation is not satisfied with this. New York has just now an , immense nun ; , ber of strangers within its limits. Amer icans returning from Europe, and Europe ans who have been spending the Summer in this country. and are about to enibai;k : for home, are congregated together. Mer chants, seekers of pleasure, invalids, peo ple of leisure, &c., are... here from the South, West, North, and farthest East., Cars and steamboats landing large additions almost every hour. The hotels are Crowd.: ed to their utmost capacity. Rooms vae ted are at once filled up. Many merchants are here attending the large auction ;sake of silks and other goods that are :now taking place; and ladies froto, distant cities and towns are here busily engaged• in the absorbing business, of "shopping..", A man like ourself that knows nothing. of the tactics of this engrossing matter, but keeps his ears open, is able to gather from. the conversation of-dry goods men and ladies, that the flaunting colors• so lunch in vogue for the last two years, have been vo ted ont . of "fashion," and, along with them the robes and flounces have gone overboard. Small figures and quiet colors, are now the rage, 'according to these oracles. The same persons also, express the opinion that the, high priced India shawls,. coveted so eagerly, it is said, by many feminine hearts, has also had its day. It is true this article _is rare, and , ean hardly be worn out. But people begin to doubt whether it is in the best possible taste, to say nothing of the economy of the thing,,to pay from $2OO to $1,500 for an article, that for aught they may know, haa been worn for a lifetime by some greasy Mohammedan. Even luxury cannot be altogether safe from contact with what may not have been at all times scrupu lously clean. Missionaries can enlighten the devotees of fashion about their cast' off Mohammedan garments, so as to instruct them, and at the same time save their money. " The hotels are.doing a most, prosperous business, and are. conducted on a• scale of mag n ificence not at all approximated in any other city of the •Union. The "St. ~ Nicholas is the largest, and the one best patronised.. It covers . twenty-two lots of ground, amounting to one acre and three quarters;: and is stories high. The en tire toot Uf the groiusdi-buikiinget t Ansi. ture, and, htures, was 81,900,000 ! The proprietors are Messrs. -.TORN P. TREAD. WELL, JOHN PACKER, PETER ACKER, an d Vinair, WHITCOMB, each of whom has separate department under his supervision. The number of domestic servants is thre e hundred and twenty-five, and nearly one . thousand guests are at present in the house, And yet there is no disorder, no crowdin g . The " St. Nicholas" is self-lighted. Th e Gas-hbuse is a detached building i n the rear, on the, West side of Mercer Stre e t. The.hotel proper, independent of the laud. dry .and stables, contains two thousand fi re hundred burners, which consume e very night from ten thousand to •eighteen thou. Sand feet of gas. Rosin is the only mate. vial used ; since from its greater density, four feet of rosin gas is supposed equal t o seven feet of coal gas ; so that the eon. sumption per night' may be stated as a t least equal to from eighteen thousand to thirty thousand cubic feet of the latter, This•:will give ottr readers some vague idea of this vfonderful establishment, conducted on a system so perfect that every guest r e . eeives every attention without a moment`z delay. It is often remarked that while Metho dists, Baptists, and especially Episcop a . liens, are always careful to seek out and attend churchei of their own denomination, when away from home, many Presbyteria ns seem to have little desire to know the state of their own churches in other places, and to manifest little inclination to attend upon their services, when other ichurches open inviting doors to them. And probably the remark is well-founded, for no other people have as little denominational zeal as is found among 'Presbyterians, for the most part. There is reason to believe that they have scarcely enough, in order to be faith ful to the Church, and the King and Head of the Church. Others have taken advan tage of this, and in some places, owing to a want of a true Presbyterian life in the peo ple, have made sad inroads on our churches. This ought not to be. Fidelity to our past history, arid to the glorious principles upon which our Church is based, requires us to love her, to cherish her, to rally around her, and whilst exercising the highest de gree of charity and liberality of sentiment toward other denominations, show to the world that, we are not ashamed of the old banner under which we march. But there is really a difficulty in the case of many visitors here. Most of our churches are a long distance from the large hotels—espe cially those in the lower part of Broadway. In ,this Part of the city the Episcopalians and the noted Universalist, Dr. CHAPIN, have the only churches on the great public thoroughfare. Moreover, people who have no acquaintances hei-e, often find it exceed ingly difficult to Yearn the location of our own churches, from those in attendance at the hotels. It would be an excellent thing to have bulletins'stating where our churches are located, and the hours of service, in all the 'principal hotels, as is done in some other cities. The proprietors would wil lingly afford any facility for this desiraWe object. A call for an Infidel Convention was publitamti rir r,--an3--Teisterttzty -rhts — nutectai:44-I..ay_met in the City As sembly Rooms, where they are &till in ses. sion. But the world -moves 'on as usual; nobody'seems alarmed. Neither the num ber nor the character of those engaged in this public movement is such as to awaken even, much curiosity. They seem greatly incensed because treated with so much in difference.- Mr. BONNER comes out with the an nouncement that he has secured the Presi dent of the United States as a contributor to the Ledger. The letter 'to BONNER, from Mr. BUCHANAN, ,is published, in which the latter promises to prepare a sketch ef_the lire and character of that pure and uprightstatesuaan, WILLIAM LOWNDES, just as soon ashis public duties will per mit. BONNER is indefatigable, and 'every few months manages to call public atteu doh to his paper by some new and skillful moveigent. tr4i. The paper lately started by the more con servative portion of the Methodist Episco pal Church, called The Methodist, has been a deeided success. No less than S6)00 were actually paid in to place this paper upon a proper by zealous Methodists, With the promise of as much more as logy be needed: In this way the managers of the concern have been able to expend already some $5,000 in advertising. What do our Presbyterians say to such zeal and liberality as this?. It is reported that the old 'organ of the Methodist Episcopal Church, the Christian Advocate and Jour nal will Soon make a demonstration to head off its Youthful but vigorous cot% etitor. The distinction offered to the wife of the Governor of New York, Mrs. MoiturAN, of op - ening the ball in honor of the Prince of Wales, has.been gracefully declined by that lady. She states that she is not a " (lancing woman," and begs leave to be excused. She is a member of Dr. POTTS' church. and is not willing to compromise her Christian profeSsion' to honer even England's future We trust that this example may not be without its effect in encouraging other members of our churches to be de cided enough to refuse to yield to solicita tions of this kind, whenever presented. No one thinks less of Mrs. MonoAs for the stand she has taken, and even theatre goers, and ball-goers- too, admire her consistency, and speak in its praise. What a pity that more of such con sistency is not Jen now-a-days. Tie Church never gained anything by conform ing to the world; no professing Christi ever gains anything, even in the estimatioa of worldly: people, by acting inconsistently. ..The church of the late Dr. J. W. AL N' is still With Out a regular pasta. DT. KIRKPATRICK of Charleston, has been supplying the pulpi t for the last fear wee This englgemept, will expire next Sabbath- Dr. THinswELL returned from Europe - on Saturday last, and preached in I'r- MeEtuov's church yesterday afternoon. His health is greatly improved, and be preached with all his wonted vigor. The Adriaqe sailed on Saturday, crowded with passengers, and among them was Mr. It' FAHNESTOCK and lady, formerly of Pittsburgh, but now of Philadelphia. Mr. F: ' 4 .oes abroad fur', the benefit of his health, and will be absent for a year or more.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers