Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, October 13, 1860, Image 1

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    ALT,Isox s. LITTLH
Editors and Proprietors.
STNn SURSCRIPTIONS ........................................
LUBS.... ............. . ...... . .......................... 1.23
lit: C
For TWO DOLLARS, WE , will NMI by mail sevolity monbo t i
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sort pity atoms by .ole Itololo. I,r by
Pi rod all tettpro to DAVID APHIPINEV
l'lttalmmh, Pa..:
lilinutes of the Synod , off.,Ameghelly.
.‘ LLEGITENY CITY, Sept. 27, 1860
The of Allegheny nfet,'ficOording toltd
:effluent. in the First'lresbyterian ellurch, and
o pened with a sermon-by. the Moderator,
John F. M'Laren,D.l)., on Eph. iv: 11, 12.
he gave. some, apostles ; and some;
po,plicts ; and some, evangelists; and some,
I.l,t.rrS and teacher's ; Ai 'the perfecting of the
;:lints, for the work of the ministry, for the
o ,ii!lving of the body of Christ." After which
synod was constituted with prayer.
J. V. Reynolds, D.P., JameiMiller,
S. J. M. Eaton, Thomas M'Cleiry l .
John W. M'Cune, E. Pollowa.y,,
David Grier, Samuel Gelbier,
James M. Shields, Team, Eaton:
W. M. Blackburn,
John R. Findlay,
Jnhn 1). Howey,
A. C. Junkin,
llaey Newell, .
George Scott.
B °hurt. Dilworth, D.D., Williunt Fruit,,
Jolla W. Johnston, William M. Francis,
Benj. C. Critchlow, Edwin Rtibingon,
David Waggoner, Alexander. Ross,
lienry Webber, James Nesbit,
Robert Dickson, Charles Kountz,
William T. 'McAdam, S.. M. Ross i
David C. Reed, t Joseph Cunningham
Elliot E. Swift.
John Coulter, John H. Christy,
Loyal Young, D,D., (2) A. B. Jamieson,
11. B. Walker, John Xirkpatrielc,
James Coulter, John C. Martin,
W. U. Taylor, Ezekiel Miller,
Alex. Cunningham, William Brown,
Ephraim Ogden, James Blain,
V. P. Kean, James Boyd, ..
J. Y. Miller, Robert "Patterson,
.1. F. lloyd, . Nathaniel Cooper;
Pa vid Hall, . John T. Bell,.
s:;initel Williams,
J. 11. Coulter.
Nathaniel Todd, . James M. Burchfield
David Elliott, D.D., James Gibson,
Elisha P. Swift; D.D., Thomas Pollock;
S. Plumer, D.D., George Baker,
John F. McLaren, D.D., John H. Whistler,
'William Annan, M. S. Hawkins;
Aaron Williams, D.D., Peter Eisenhour,
Leland it. MoAboy,D,D.,. George Whitesel,
Edward S. Blake, William Woods,
Louis L. Conrad, John D. Stokes,
James Allison, John Brown.. ,
John Brown,
John Davis;
David A. Cunningham,
M. L. Waltman,
John A. F.•Lanniti.'•
Presbytery of Brie—James W. Dickey, G.
Olmstead, John R. Hamilton, Ira M. Condit.:
Presbytery of Beaver—Robert Johnson; Atha:.
lom M'Cready,:Wm. Nesbit, Thomas G, Scott.;
Presbytery of Allegheny—john Munson,.Eben
ezer Henry.
Presbytery of Allegheny , City—Daniel E. Nevin;
H. R. Wilson, D.D,, H. W. Guthrie, William E t
An election for Moderator,' resulted in the
choice of Rev. Benjamin C. Critchlow. -
It was resolved to spend au hour in devotional
exercises in the Theological Seminary, on Satur
day morning, at o'clock.
Adjourned to meet' to-morrow morning, at 9
o'clock. Concluded with prayer.
Synod met, and spent the usual half houi in
devotional exorcises.
The Minutes of thee last session were read.
wrn. F. Prnan.was..annointetL Tenroorarst_
The illinutes of 'the lut ;...ta. r orrirrolstooro
Rev. A. 0. Rockwell, Rev. Samuel Fulton;
+' or. S. C, Jennings, D.D., Rev. A. D. Campbell,
)1.D., Rev. David W.Kinney, D.D., and Rev. Id.
W. Jacobus, D.D., of the Synod of Pittsburgh;
Rev, Wm. Fleming, of the Synod of Illinois';
Rev. M. A. Parkinson, of the Synod of Wheel-
ing i and Rev. A. M. Bryan, D.D., of the Cum
berland Presbyterian Church, being present, were
invited to sit as Corresponding Members.
The Moderator announced the following Com
mittees :
OS BILLS AND °WARTIME& —liliPitterB--.JOhn
F, McLaren, M. Blackburn, David
Waggoner,David Hall. Melva—Samuel Geib
ner, Charls Kountz - , James Boyd,
,Ju DIV lAL COMMITTt c—Ministers—ltobert B.
Walker, James M. Shields, David A. Cunning
ham, Henry Webber. _Eiders—Alexander Boss,
Robert, Patterson,, M, Z. Hawkins.
iste s—jtobert Dilworth, D. D., J. H. Boyd.
Ettier--James Blain.
. .
''lliniaters—William Annan, John 11. Findlay
Eidit—lsacto Eaton.. •
- „
—Minis/era—Robert Dickson, M. L. WorFman.
Elder—James Gibson.
CITY.--4rinide7B—Ephraim Ogden, David Grier.
Elder—Joseph Cunningham.
Swift, D.D., William S. Plumer, D.D. ElderL—
AmeA M. Burchfield.
bitera—Willinan F. Rean, John W. IWCune.
Elder—S. M. Ross. • '
.BY.NOD MAL D LSOOURSE.--.MiNiNtersDavid Bk.
lot t, D. D. , John Conker. Eider—John D. Stokes.
ters—Leland R. Meilboy, D. D., J. V. Miller,
Pider—B. Holloway.
INO8 or SYNOD.—NiniSterd—David C. Reed, JaS,
Coulter, J. it. Coulter. EN/a-a—James Bake;
John C. Bell,
G.• Taylor, John W. Johnston,
John D. Hosvey. Elders—William M. Francis,
William BroWn.
Statistical Reports were called for, read;. and
placed in the hands of the Stated Clerk.
''he Committee on Devotional Exercises pre
sented their report, which was accepted. The;
Committee would report - in part as follows:
That the religious exercises of this afternoon con
list of prayer, praise, exhortation, and the reading , -
of the Narrative ; the same to be under the direc
tion of the Moderator.
'That for the administration of the Lord's Sup
per, at 3 o'clock M. on the approaching Sab
bath, the,following appointments be made:
Rev. R,, B. 'Walker to preach the preparatory
sermon, on Saturday, at 3 o'clock P. M.
The Moderator preach the action sermon, on
Sabbath morning. ' •
Rev, 3. V. Reynolds, D.D„ Rev. David Wag
goner, and Rev. W. F. Kean, adniinister the
The Rev, D, 'C. Reed to pretichat.7f o'clock on .
Sabbath evening.
For the Central' church (Dr. Pliiiner's)-Rev: '
E. E. Swift to preach in the morning, and,Rev.
W. M. Blackburn at 3 o'clock P. M.
For the Second church, Pittsburgb= 2 -ilev. Jelin
F. McLaren, D.D., to preach in the morning,:and
Rev. E, E. Swift in t:.e evening. •
For Lawrenceville—Rev. E. Ogden to `preach
in the •morning, and Rev. D. Waggoner in the
For the First church, Pittsburgh—Rev. S. J
M. Eaten to preach on Fridny evening, Rev.i R.
C. Ceitohlow on Saturday afternoon, and Rev.
W, M. Blackburn on Sabbath evening,
For the -Fourth Presbyterian church, Pitts
burgh—Rev. r J. R. Findlay to preach in the
morning, and Rev. D.. Ball in the evening.
Cumb jrland Presbyterian church, Pittsburgh—
Rev. .1. 11. Findlay to-preach in the evening.
Presbyterian church of Manchester—Rev. D.
Hall to preach in the Morning, and ReV. Samuel
Williams in the evening. •
A' collection of twenty-fivecents was taken up
from each member of Synod, to. replenish the
Contingent Fund.
A paper was presented from the Synod of Bal
timore, in regard to Government Chaplaincies,
which was referred to the Committee on Bills and
Presbyterial Records were presented and placed
in the hands of Committees for examination.
Synod then proceeded to appoint the li - face and
hour of its next meeting.., It was - repolired 'to
meet in the Presbyterian ohnrch of - ger/castle, at
7 o'clock P. M.
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~hNls w:r~rl'A*daN Mlh:.-:ry
VOL. IL NO. 4.
Rev. W. T. McAdam, appointed .to preach the
Synodical sermon, having been excused from that
duty, on motion, flev. James . M.,Shields, Ives ap
pointed to'preabh this evening.
Adjourned 4.6 'meet at 2 o'clock. Concluded
with 'prayer. „ •
• FRIDAY ArrtrixooN, 2 o'cLoott. •
, Synod mot and•was opened with prayer.
The Synodical Board of Colportago presented
their. Annual Report.. Synod then heard Rev.
Dl'liinn on behalf of the Board. Where
upon the . ey .
e Report of tho'BOard of Coliortage was
'committed to'Rev. Win: Annan, and Elders Wm.
Frdit.andllrm. Dr. Frances. • •
The Committee appointed by the last-meeting
of Oriod, on the mutter, of securing n Rsceiying
Agent for the benevolent funds fa, the, Syriod,
who would be willing to serve the,Qhurch without
'compensation, l'eporteth
1 The report 'iras• aceepied, ' and a Committee
consisting - of Rev. Dm NcAboy, Rev; Wm. Annan,
.and J: Burchfield; was . appointed to confer
with the Boards in regard to the same matter.,
The hour r having arrived, Synod. sp'ent an Hour
and a half in devotional exercises, including the
reading of the Narrative.
' The report of the Committee on the HarratiVe
was then accepted, adopted, and is as .follows
"And Some days'after, Paul said Unto Barna
has,, Let us go again and visit, the brethren in
every city where we have_ preached the Word of
the Lord; amine how they doi"
To Christians no inquiry can be more full of
interest than that which relates to the progress
of the kin,gdom of God: Every 'time they go,
each into his closet, every time they meet, two
or three together, for social worship,. every time
they assemble in great congregations on the
Lord's day, their prayer to God is, ""Thy king
dom come !". For the final universal prevalence
of this'kingdom, the world stands. Though they
think not so, nor intend so, buthave regard only
to the selfish ends of the lust after worldly
glory and power,. the, Christian knows that the
rulers, the kings, the counsellors of this'WOrld,
are working'to bring to piss the counsel of Him
who has said: ," Yet have I set my. King upon
my holy hill of Zion. I will declare the decree
'—the Lord hath said unto , me, 'Thou art my Son,
this day. have I begotten, thee. Ask of me and
I will give thee the heathen for thine inheritance,
and the utterniest• parts of the earth for thy pos
session.'" The :Christian believes in, God, and
believes God.. He sees God everywhere, and in
tar things. `-He bees him in 'the history of nations
—which history is all written beforehand the
book of his purposes. He sees God working in
the revolutions of 'which the - wrath of men and
the rage of oppressed people are ,the, visible, in
strumental' Causes'. He sees' that it is for the
sake of the kingdom of God,•onet nation is cast
down and another is set up, and by him whowill
overturn and+overturn, until he whose right 9t is
shall i reign, confessed Lord of lords, and King of
kings, he knows that all things ,are for the
Church, and the Church' is 'for - God, and the
Having this faith, it cannotbe otherwise than
that' the; Christian will eagerly desire, 'and seek
information Concerning the state and progress,
and prospect, of the churches. He will rejoice
in prosperity, and weep - for her afflictions.
He will look,' too, With the curious and earnest,
eye of it Christian philosopher to see the way it
is making, the wonderful working in the renewal
and sanctification of souls, in ;the accompliehing
of, what all human wisdom andieffort have , ,failed
to do—viz.: the description and the cure of
the hurt-of humanity, of that Gospel which,'" to
the, Jew a stumbling-block, and lo the.' Greek,
foolishness," God has put forth as "hie power
andhis 'wisdom Unto' salvation. "
The,great ; instrumentality. for. the. edification
and increase of the Church, is the preaching of
the Word. Besides this are other various means
of grace—such as thelSabbath, , iirayeri benevo
lent offerings, the sacraments,, religious instruc
tion in the' family,ln" Sabbath Schools, and Bible
Classes, , The 'eviderfeeS of theprosperity of
the,Church are.found in the faithful ;administra
tion of the means of grace, and in the ahopnd
ing 'of , tho lir; he't
ChriFit ts,....tfueethe-r-veithatua_tur.a.4 , - -e—koners
fig& the Lord. For such_ things, then, the Chris
tian; desiring to learn the condition- of the
Church; wiLlook. He look to see' if the
seeds of the Word are sown, and with what re
sult—if the means of grace are employed,' `and
with what effect—inrregard to the Church itself
and the influence made upon, the world. ,
If Was for the sake of obgerying the Triiitg of
the Word preached, in' this' effects manifested after
certain days, in the .places wherein 'they had
labored, and upon those whO had professed
receilt it by faith, that the.ayiostle Paul proposed
to l3arnabas to visit, again, together, the cities in
which Churches had been planted. We accom
plish the'saine end by 'a . different means. '' As
sembling tegether,from-all parts ot a certain ,re
gion in Presbyteries, not. the least interesting
and imptiftant of the 'objects had in view; is to.
listen. to the information which • each one brings
and imparts concerning the state of religion
in the' chdellea. For the sake of getting this,
information; instead of •travelling:forth to , many,
and distant .places, we journey to one place from
many, rinds Wide [Launder. ' What is communicated
by particular'. churches to their Presbyteries, is
by them collected and compared, and theirvork
is brought here, where their several reports are
fn turn 'collected and compar6d. Thus we hitie
a somewhat, accurate knowledge of the state of
religion throughout our entire field. 'What is
thus collected is again sent back to the churches
for the information and - edification of all, and to
provoke to emulation and excite to more earnest,
fervent prayer; and to giving more 'diligenCe to
abound in good works. , • •
Li this paper we lay before the churches the
prinoipal theta gathered, touching the State of
piety within:our bounds during. the past year.
For convenience we may consider the whole
subject' under'seieral partiettlir heada.
1. We-will notice what is repprted concerning
the use of, and attendance
,upon, the outward
means of grace '
liiregard-to this topic, the reports are .alinost
uniformly of a cheering, character—so far, at
least, as relates to the 'public worship 'of God
upon the LortVe das. The Gospel has, for the
most part, been regularly and faithfully preached
from our pulpits. Moreover, it is made a gen
eral 'cause for rejoicing, that increasing numbers
are disposed to be present where the Word is, ad
ministered, apd give respectful attention to the
services of the sanctuary. It 'is true , that this
%apt,: ;standing
,by itself, may -consist with the
absence, in a great measure, of the converting
and sanctifying 'energies- of 'the 'Holy Spirit:
Many may hearthe Word, influenced by various
motives, besides that of ." hungering and thirst
ing aftovrightebiiStiess ' " - and "the Word prOach
etbnot.prcifit therm not being mixed: with faith im
them that hear." tF . yst r it is always, good„ cause,
for joy wheal many, by whtitscie,ver motives iii
ilueneed;lasserdble . to hear the Gospel.: Being
present, though with neither the expectation nor
desire to get gobtl, they are in the way of being
benefited. - Faith. cometh 'by hearing; ,and
hearing by the Word%of, God.” " Whosoever
shall call on the name of the Lord shall be
Saved. , But hOW shall thercall on 'Him• of whom
they have not, heard ?" • ,
It g' encouraging to learn that prayer-meetings
are'held in most of our congregations, and that
their importance is, in. some .good , measure, apr ,
predated as powerfully affecting the state of
piety in' a 'Church, of whiCh it la also 'a sure in
dex. To. learn the amount of spirituality,
genuine, warm-hearted, nctive love for Christ
and his cause, and of for the' salvation.. 'of
souls, we may,- with perhalls more !probability
of aiming, atsafe results, look into the-place, • at
the appointed hour, of social prayer, `than into
the, sanctuary ion the Sabbath. For while vari-. 1
gas pauses may induce attendance in, the latter,
usually attendance at the former is secured by a
senhd'Of duty; together with a love for God rand
hie people,and a desire for the prosperity, of the
Church, which will not suffer unnecessary ab
sence, "and which inspire . a longing wish' to be
there. !Phoprayer4neeting- is .the pulse. -of the
Church. And we are not in. much danger of
erriag as go`the judgment we forrn,''by an exami
nation of it; ! concorning the amount. of -real,
efficient, believing, -working power in the
Church. We cannot too earnestly' rge upon the
churches to remember .the injunction, " Forsake
not the assembling of yourselves together.", '
Sabbath School and 13ilile Claes instruction has
not been negleted.- c . A.t leastlthe mival, we hope
an increase of interest,„has ! been manifested,in
this important department of .effort.
'lt - is stated inihe report of 'die - Presbytery.
. .
we trust it might have been truly stated in all—
that the duty on the part of parents to consecrate
their children to God in the use of the sacrament
of baptism, has been regarded more carefully
than during some former years.
2. In regard to the inward life' of ChriSt. in - tbe
Church' , a 9 witnessed . in the walle.and conyersa
tion.of Christians, we, have to report that, com
paratively few churches send us such intelligenee
ad filled the' hetirts -of all'-iirho love- -thel , Lofd
Jes,uS , Christ, with exceeding,glathtestWoy,ears
ago especially—when we were told of the wort
aortal - Working of God in adeirdi tPth 1 1)iityler`
°fa Ws pe9p14.1 kstiO4i, alert; reyive !!
PITTSKRGT - L. , SATURPIV:',. I -OCl' U. .1 3,186 a
When one after another stood up with. " mouth
filled with 'laughter, and tongue with singing
totsay "The Lord bath done great, things tot us
whereof we are glad." Thett ,with tears, of joy,
one after another arose to of the "stately
steppings Of the lord in the sanctuary;" '4 , the
love of ,Christians, and. of the tretittent inquiry
of sinners, "What must we ,do to be saved?"
and of the "Ways of Zion v filled with Many
hastening to her solemn festivals.. New, though
a few tell Us cheering news, yet not many report
unusuallytin' interest : ln the things - Of
religion. Nevertheless, the general tone of vital
godliness is represented its above that which, ex
isted, prior to the '" great' tiivakeriing." 'On the
contrary, 'it is made matter 'or hunibling 'confes
sion, that. irtmot. atew churches 'there is a state
of lamentable worldliness on the . part, of many
Christians. There is too
,much,,ground . for fear
that the
, spirit of the World—so inconsistent
with 'the 'pi bgenee and manifestation of ' the
Spirit' of , Chriit; so ''Oeadening in its' influence
upon holy ,n,ffeetion; so , antagonistio to the; in
dwelliog iof , the Holy •Spirithas entered largely
,among, and been cherished, instead; of resisted,
.numbers of 'those who profess .that, ; by, the
Cross of `Christ "they haVe been crucified .unto
the world; and , the' world has been crucified: unto
them." By - too many it seems to have 'beentor
gotten that the sure Word ,of Trophecy ;has de
elared,, ",For all that is in ,the world—thettist of
the flesh, and the lust of the eye, and 'the pride
of life=-is not of the pither','but is of the,world;"
and On this . declaratiOri'lles fonntied the exhorts
don; .1 0 Love .not the world neither the .things
that areib the World." They, seem! to lave for
gotten, that their Master, earnestly, and affec
tionatly, and tenderly, interested in their wel
fare, and regarding his own honor, prayslit 'their
behalf- that "they- may ;be kept froth the
that is-in the , world,' seeing. " they are note of
the world, even—as I am not of the , world."
They, have forgotten that an apostle has written
" Whosoever wilt be a friend' of the world, is the
enemy of God," and'that'anotheriOstle has et
them, "Be not confortned to this World."
They have forgotten , that the . world crucified
their Lord, aud ,still hates ihim with a murderous
This spirit shows itself in a variety , of ways
In some, it is la spirit of 'coVetodMiess:',,'
hasting to become 'rich, ' fall l
and a snare,. and into many , foolislt , 'and' hurtful
lusts which drown Men : in.destruction-and perdi
tion." There are, even in the outward fellow-
ship'of the Onirch; some who appear to putniore
", trust fiLuneertain rioke§," than theliTing
God," and who are' ledle overlook die far greater
impertance of: being , " ridli in good Works, ' , than
in worldly pos,sessiqis.
In others, the, spirit of the world reveals itself
as a spirit' of pleasure-seeking. 'Many pierefaie,
who in this respect , are so 'closely -conformed to'
this world that none would suspect ta, e La „tp be
dead unto it. They mingle,
,as if alive, among
the living in riiltitni to it,. in those- anintienients"
upon, which the world has seized,, and,rwhich it
has appropriated for the nanifestation of its own
spirit—such' iii the ditnee; theltheatre; the oterS;
and the card table., 'They ; indulge freely :in the
extravagances and vanity
_or its fashions keep :
the foremost in de+otiOn
and showing a reluctance to give up thetworld to
themorldly,themselves satisfied with CArist and
ccbiteilfed With 'his love. ' There are' matey' Who
do not give evidence in.their,lives; of choosing
rather affliction - with the people of god, plan to
'enjoy the pleasures of ein'for a season." It is a
deplorable fact that over many, -the influence:of
the love, of ,the worlti, is : so strong that, the ;prayer
meeting will ,
fersaken for the party of pleas
ure,- or at the solicitation of worldly coMpanione:
There are,some again, in whom, the ; spirit of
the' world manifests itself in missure, and
bitterness, and intolerance' of 'political,' partiian 3
zeal, that is inconsistent with. their, profession;
that they belong to a kingdom not of:this world,
and that they acknowledge 'for their Rin'elliin
who; as born.and , came into this world, that
might 'bear witness, to the truth." ;While .he
Christian has a right, and - While it iney be his
duty talexercise his right--ta.perfortn the priv
ileges of a citizen—he cannot, vvitliout,danger to,
his own character ai a . .. Christian without suffer
ing, ,
in'regard:to'his spiritual :state; :and withbut
injury to the cause of Christ, give himself up to'
those violent passions which are too apt to mark
our political-conffictsptand-to - o-blind - the - eyes of
c,opscience, to..the r . importance ,of .seakin:
to t o , Ili o
avoid bearing false"svitn'ess against any.
We ust refrain .from saying more on,; this
subject'of , worldliness of mind: "'But we 'cannot
leave it , without , earnestly' reminding all Miembers
of our churches, that the world,esteemed
tin enemy; and as such; must be subdUed, put,
under' his leet; by every one who .shill , be 'count—
ed worthy to belong to the kingdom of God..
"Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the
world!' and' this is 'the victory that 'oirereoniethi
the world, -even- our,faith."
. One, thing more, demands our attention while
speaking of the causes that exist for lamentation,'
and.of matters that call for humiliation lof
The Narrative presented one. of .our,.P,resbyT
teries, makes mention of a fact, which we appre
hend is by-no'nfeatts.true as , to that Presbytery
alone, but might be safely . affirmed as .obtaining
quite generally. We refer to the ,mant,. or ab
sencennd neglect of suitable and- careful ,paren-.
tal diligence, and faithfulness in watching 'and
discipline.... One ef the most. disheartening signs
of this. ,time—one that Areatens disastrous
things to society, State, and.Churoh—is the man
ifest lack of restraint:ever the' young.:. Disobe-.
dience toward parent,. contempt: of parental
authority, .want of respect-toward superiors in
age and. - wisdom,, scorn of the counsel..and-.in7
struction of the-experienced, .rudeness .and
garity of speech and behaviour, are fearfully
common among our youth. Of the,young of the
male se's; too many receive theireducatlon away
from home—on, the; streets, and about, the: haunts
of vice. They learn to lespise learning, to grow
up in ignorance, of Which they boastrand to
glory in-their-shame.. They 'are the .annoyance
and.dread of a community,_ and are preparing Co
becoine its useless, its vicions, ifs criminarmeifit
hers.: Among them. the ornamentslof modesty ,
and reverence are becoming more and more rare.
We hope theseetateinents do not apply to all lo
calities:. Yet' everywhere there:is a tendency to'
degeneracy, from what.prevailed in former, times..
The evil begins with the • Ibesening of parental
eard, l and' prayer 'and Iselicitude, 'Parents tine a, disposition to think themselves
wiser than. Soltnnon, and to look with diefavor
upon the old pcitlie'tiedden bY thetralkticA elnd'
great,.but : reckoned. to have ; een tnot np to, the:
progress of the present age. 'The :fathers
mothers are 'looked' back upon tig well-meaning, t i
but mistaken in their' notions, and..quite too;
strict in their views.
Children, of Christian parents are too Ere
quently bring& uplir theCifurel.' They are'
denieti,their rightsrartd privileges to be takenan
their infancy to the house of God. and made to
ha t ve their e'arliesereitiembranceS aisoailifedwith
its. glad hied solemn worship, 'and. with the eon-,
greettions, of the saints. Parents and others,
and 'Oren tee litany past'o'rs;'
fear to 'suffer 'annoy
anbe from: that source,c,and - fhence children. are ,
too apt to be banished from the house of their
heavenly Father; and not to `be pr'esented before
tha Lord, during their early years, dit' the sane,
Wary, and in after life do not remember it as the
familiar home of their infariey.
We" cannot' help believing these are' great cind
eryingi evils,.that for. "reform and .re
dress. We would earnestly ask, attention ; to
them of parents, pastors, and all havih charge
of'the young.' 'A radical change? is loudly . de
manded. Though, the, spirit of the age is to
decrY tire poet, yet in regard to many things-4n'
regard itcr the while matter :'of ~religious truth--'
safety is in the good old
,pallts, aftexywhielt
winild wellto inquire and get into them. In Al
inatteriin Which viehave the counsel of:God; we'
cannot get beyond it nor forsake it, under the, pre,-
tense of discovery and progress, without falling
into fatal mistakes.
8. Finally; and very briefly, we; notice • the
state of morals outside the church within, our
bounde, and the effect of the means of grace
upon 'the. World, in restraining from vice. And'
on this point we may shortly remark the mate
of things is by no means cheering or encourag
ing. Intemperanee, soine Places dicniniahed,
in others has become, more shameless and abound
ing. Sabbath desecration has come in, on some
coinmunitied, 'like a 'flood;'though in others
there has been improvement' in this respect:'
Profanity,' licentiousness, lawlessness, &c., pre
vail to alimehtable extent. Demoralising liter
ature, the, prcipagation;'hy zealous cbampions, of
heresies, such - as Universalist:a, Socinianisni,
Spiritualism, Infidelity, in-refined Anti gross.
forms„have,tended to deaden- the; consciences of
multitudes, to break down the 'restraints against
the indulgence' 'Of' passion and , appetite,. and : to
lead to the practice of ungodliness.
We have thuS presented some facts, on the one
hand,' of an. encouraging- and sheering; on-the
other, of a dark ,and. unprontising nature.- ',The
former call us to praise, God, who has not left us
without testimony' that 'he is faithful `vrhe has
promised tolaelwith his.People, , and in answer to
their prayers, to give success to the preaching of
his Word, to accompany' it with the regehertiting,
enlightening and sanctifying gifts and influences.
of the Holy SpirAt,ta edifythis . ,Ohtir,ch, - to save
sinners,' to .comfort them that, mpurn, to, T give
gistee =Ltd !fhb! lekilyt a The Utter
4iili:ation iN faatingriconftiptkipg nor,ainsi—tcs
krl, • • , , ..:
prayer and supplication, with eatchfulneis. In
view of the causes given -v.o 4 fti'r rejbicing, we
would exclaim : "Bless . the', F , rd, 0 our, souls,
and all that is within us,'l:d s his holy name.
Blesa the'Lord, 0 Our souls,' sa foiletnot, all
his , benefits '
,Iwho forgiveth a yolir iniquities,:
who healeth allyour diseases ' 4 ,. "The Lord is,
merciful and 'gracious, slow' t , rtger; and' 'flee.-
t eousim m ercy. He bat h not de *with us after our .
sins, nor rewarded:us accordi. 4 our iniquities,.
Far as the heaven is high ab e ifie earth,' so
great'ls his mercy toward they' that-fear him.'
we ; view of the causes we ha for humiliation,.
We would' be reminded of the ieperit, and,
to '" strengthen the things th iabiain-that= are'
ready to ,perish." We would e lort one another, L ,
as we are exhorted by our 'Alas* "Be faithful," .
'tGiie all 'diligence - to make' . 'fir calling and
election,sure." "Watch and' ;!..y.," "Quench;
not, 11Q the Spirit." "Grieve, ' tb.e. Holy Spirif,
Ittli . eby Ye'rire sealed unto t ploy of redemp:'
tioml 1:t. , . ,-14 i
Brethren,. "it is high time4iLawake out of
sleep." " Work while it ' de'*l"fe, 0- , -
cometh when no man can
together with God." Work
tiot; 'work' for the prospi
work for the. conversion
work for the glory of God,
the Mitstef—for to these
you: may work, you are sop
and brought into. the Chin
bear much fruit to the glOl
rire ingrafted•into Christ.
as if lour own salvation,,
pended on your working ak
nieitiber - that - "Paul may'
but, pod only, can give the
out Christ you can do
:" *orketh'itfus
`good !pleasure."" ' 'Therefor
'work. " Pray always.."
ing::" ' The thUrch is yet
enemies to its: prosperity. t _ .-__. ~,,, ..--
cessingly diligent. They 14 be met with dili- : ,
g'env, energy, persevering pryer. "Wherefore,:
take unto you the whole, ann.& of 'God, that yet
may, be able to withstand, in theevil ,day,' and
having done all, to Stand:" TbUs; though while . '
this present world 'shall endttretwe"toannot hope
forTreedomfromgroundaScr b*miliation in many.,
respects„ yet we may corefidently look for the '
abounding &ger . them `of, CanieVfor gratititdo-and;'
praise to qoct, and for . mutual,Ongratulation and ,
rejoicing, when we come tog ,her, and havb to
tell' and - hear .and report 'be'Le '''`the churches
f j
that Godis with us.
The Committee on the appointment of a preach- •
er and subject for the next meeting of, Synod,„
presented the folio - lying . Report, .which was me
cepted and: adOtedi
Resated,'Ttiat the practice, of malting 'stated
appointments :for the. , deliver) , of ',sermons, ,, on';
special subjeets . _a f t. each :meting. ~or Synod, be
dikonarmed, and that the pa torsSeasiOna .
of the churches.. in ,which thdiSYnod , shall meet:. ,
hereafter, be requested; to mat.: arrangements to..
have' as cinch Imeething of a devotional and'
Ileac character; • as shall .be Minsistent-witli•the )
proper discharge of, the other. duties of Synod:
Synod' then took a.eeess - - - ,:antil the hour of
public worship, this evening.
'EVENING, 7} o'cLocn.
'Synod andhetiM a sernth fiern Rev. Jas:
Shields, ion' Heb. xi: 6- 4 Snt without'-faith
t is impossible to.pleasethim.':!,:.3 . '
. The, Committee O% -the: i Western; Theological_--
Seminary presented the folloTing Iteportovhich
was accepted : . -, ..„ , ..
'Your Conanittee would call the attention of
Synod tcothe following Facts: I ' ol ..,:! • ! 7 7 : .' '
1. i The.,conddence of the churphes in this Insti-2,
tution, as one well adapted to
i prepaien learned,„
popular,. and godly•Minietry. —
2. , The ,marked blessing. 434 the Head, of the!
Church, in so rapidly increasing,its students with- . r
in theSix - Years now' Past; 'rising from liffy=fonr:
to one hundred and forty. . t t; / ( // , • .. ~ . : .• '
,3. The recorded pledge of is Synod in con- ,
nekien: with the Synods of Virketlirg,' PietsbUrgh,.
and Ohio, to .raisel 424000 los ardl the , exidow.-
ment of the-Fourth Professo9 'p.,„ . , • , ,
• '4. The . Obligation to redeemt e - pledge affirmed
ta i
by this Synbd in 1850:-'z ii - . !-:=,; ... .:
.:._ 5.- -Tho..frict;:firat- -- of;ther , K.,,r - ,4esarned - ;byr,
enalrnyu'''Syidio s, or ---- Z''S;l'W,sol'. have been e - on-:
tribitted by the Churches. .'''
6. That.of,,the ,$*,596,, the proportion. of .0.4!
Synod, less than $l,OOO have been, as yet, eon-,
tributed by the`Churehea. ' ' ' " 'n' • '
In view, of these facts, your / Committee would
submit for the consideration of Synod, the fol
lowing resolutions :—.: " I '' -' - ' -
.Resolved; That,we exPress our.anahafedtconfi-
dome in this Seminary, and our deep Bonne, of
the obligation resting on the churches '
amply to
endow and, cordially to sustain it. -, . 0 . • i•
Resolved, That in view of the blessing ,
on the labors 'of the husbandman;•aridtX6'gener.:
ab prosperity of our country; Synodmeoommendt
the Presbyteries to ,press this endow,mmit entprz,
prise to a speedy 'termination. • • '
Resolved, That the• last Sabbath:of February.
-being the day, of preyer ,for Colleges - -be re
conimend4d to the churchei es an . appropriate'
time for making contributions' to , this:Object. ,
Resolved,.-Tho„t, inasmuch , es , the presence , of,
the Holy Spirit alone can make any-Institution a
blessing to 'the•• Church, we earnestly commend
thisfour ,Seminary, its •Professqrs- and :students,
to the fervent prayers of the people of God with
in. our bounds.' . .." • • • '
Resolved, That • we. ; call the -1 attention •of the
olturches to that invariable accompaniment of
true prayer; 'prompt and *geneiliil
in,first establishing-on a lbroad l bisis,•and•
then, sustaining, an Institution in
. 7hose effairs
the . good -hand 'of our God has been so signally
displayed :in the days past as f well the ,time•
present, .
403jaarne4,to meet nt.the ; Weatern Theologica
Seminary to-morrow, morning, at 9 o'clock
Cainolnded with prayer. ' .) •
SkriTIMAY MORNING, 9 o'cLoci.
. .
ii i kitoirnadVit tli9 Western Theolotiant.Seidna
iyistild was opgned'iirith oisydr
hair and altaiit were; sient in praifii
interspersed with remarks Iby -Dr. Toungr-Riv..
John Coulter,,snd Wm... M. Fratioes, ; elder. ,
ter these exercises, Synod repaired to the usuak
phice of Meeting, and reeatineq. its regular busi
ndia. •
- - .
Thb dlitenseiori the'Seport of 'the Comrdit-
tee on the TheologioatiSenditiry, was taken up,'
lifter4olo ll .oo rePortofaktoluanimously; adopted.
• T1,1e7.p0 .
ep.Oke Wl,iuutee of the General
Aseiyinbli pieeentea thel'ollowing Report which
was adopted':
The doings an'd sayings of the highest Court,
of , the ()habit, 'should ttlerapr" l be•oligeftdlf
weighed and considered by the , lower:':-
come to us clothed with the sanction and author
ity .Of the • Church ; they set•'forth' the 'artier
cure for existing ,evils,•which.lie in .the° way of
.The Assembly; on page s tEcommeneto
the‘churclies•to.observe the Sectind week in Jtitn-'• , •
ttlp7, commencing•on. M on day, a.S a seasons of spe
cial prayer for the'outt)ouring of die Holy
on all:flesh. • • •
The Assembly, cm, the, Make a delivre answer to an overture on "Dancing .
and Stage-Plays„" which is worthy of ;lir' subs.-
tien, in view of the growing, evils. • •
They say: " That whilst we regard •the prao•
tine of pi>iniiaeuons sbcial dancing, by ineinkieis
ora t hOCktu.cti, •aslalMouinful inconsistency,;and;
the giving of parties for such son the
part of the hits& of Christian suer
as tend-'
ing;to : ciomprothise their religions•profession; and: , ..
the sending of children by Christian parents to
the dancing school, as a sad error in family dis
ciplincslyct; we `think that the , Session !of each
church ,is fully competent to .decide when disci- '
plinb is necessary, and the extent to which it
should be adminisiered." • • •
In the matter of Foreign Alissions the Assem-;
bly say, page 22, "tha t it is incumbent on
. qq,--
the churches to - iiid . ,` by their contributio ns" -
And the, Ass,erubly would call on all the churok-i
es to, join their brethren in making known the.
only Inviol:Li to the perishin.rmUltitudee."
,In the mattbr of. Domestic b Missions,:!(see page'
24,) It The Assembly observe, with profound sor
row' and grief, the large number of cbur‘clies
that do no share in this service of Christ." ' 3
,In the matter of Education , (page 25,) " They;
earnestly urge all our Presbyteries and Conimit
toes ad interim,. to guard with a -becoming caution
and a firm vigilance, the,door .to the holy minis
try, so as not to admit to that sacred calling,
men wanting in mental and•-moral qualifiCations
for its high and holy ; functions.; I And further-,
more, as a means of excluding im oper persons,
that this Assembly enjoin upon' . very' Presby
teryTs which has :not so. done, to.:. Cont
point a. Co.!:
mitten whose duty it Shall,be to m ke careful in
qdiry nett" tbeconduct and i'ogr s in study of
all candidates:under its care, and . to make report,-
to their Presbytery, at every stated meeting, or
oftener; if Piesbyterial action is needed.,"
.Also; the last Thursday of IFebriary jet recoin--
meiided to; be *served t ae s day, of special Asypt ,
for childreh iind' s yStaili: t ipeiially those collected
iniAeademiele;;Gollegos,.-and Seniimiries:. .' ''
On MeitiutheAuMel9o4*ClLMO V;Cognikol
• •-•
Committee is changed to the "The Board of
Church -Building."
Also, Iteaolved i That it be earnestly urged-tip
onthe Presbyteries to take such measures, either
by . annual sermons or otherwise, as may induce
amt. appreciation of the interests intrusted to
this Committee, and bring it fully abreast of the
other Boards of the. Church in the affections and
benefibtions of the people.
The Assemby, by a decided vote when the yeas
and nays were ordered, decided—yeas 248, nays
69, exciteed'A—That 'it is' inetpedient ',ek; make
any organic change, in the Domestic 13oai'd of
Missiops. ,
'Ott•PagO '49, in the matter of the Western The
ological Seminary, 5; • -
Resolped, That it is a matter of devout grati
tide to God; that, he his so abundantlilavore,d.
the Western Theological Seminary , during the
last year, mercifully, ontipuing the hetilth and
sparing the lives of Professors, and, students,
filling' its hills with'pious'sttidiinis arid4romis
ing, candidates fort ;the ministry, .and raising IV
for it earnest and liberal 'friends, vvillipg , to sus
, tian it in iis'tinte of need. ' '
Also,- Resolved; . the Assembly earnestly
recommend to ; those ,immediately concerned in
the manag,ement'of thelnstibition, the vigorous
prosecution , endowment of the several
funds necessary, fon* complete and permanent
success. ,
3-e.ipag,e-85, the' Asieenibly , - earnestly call 'the
attention-,,0f Pre,shyteries ; to the uece,ssity,-of
Making full provision for such of our ministers,
or the families of deceased- Ministers, as in
t < Ir.v* f ence-of,, s od stand-In -need of the
''"SX• • ••••<Y.O77 t
Thelmbjectspf e,,,Church Cemmordary,au&pe
&vision of bar * Booi of Discipline, are subjects
now Vending an& frein the Minutes 'to Am' called
up et the ne# Assembly. . , .
,• Synod adjourned to meet on. Monday morning
at 9 o'clock. Concluded with Trayer.
MONDAY Munn'Nu, 9 o'CLOCH".
Synod 'net arid spent the usual half hour 'ln'
deiotiOnal exercised: ' ' '
• The folloWing resolution wa 's•thenJ adopted.: ••
diewlved, 'Plutt , the Synod, in accordance vaith
the injunction
,of the :•Gerteral Assembly, do
hereby direct the Presbyteries to appoint cam
mitteesi to titkel.the oversight of the; character .
and deportment of candidates for, the
within their bounds ; and that' the PAsbyteries
bSenjoinedieto 'esfereise special care in theintro
duption of cap:did4tep, into the.holy: dace of thp
Gospel Ministry. -
Rev 4obert, D
• Moiris, Of 'the Synod Of Phil=
aerobia, and 'Rev. John J Aiken, ail., of ihe .
Synod4f , Butfaloi being present, were invited to
eit as corresponding members., ...!
~Ther committees, appointed to examine the ,Res ,
cords of, the ,Presbyteries of Erie, Allegheny
City, and' Allegheny,' reported, reconmending .
their aPproval. The Reports were ac - cePted; and'
Redordi : appt'Oved: the obnunittee on 'the'
Records of the Presbytery 'of , Beaver,' , reported,
pending' the discussion: • upon which,. Synod.
journed•until 2 : o'clock - . „Concluded with prayer.
MOIDAT ATTERNOOI4, 2.o'cLocirq.v.
Synod met andwas. opened with prayer. The.
discussion on the Minute's of the Presbytery of
BeaTer.was,then.-resumed. The Report was,ac
cepteci, and-the Minutes were approved,with they
following exception: On page 199, at the bottoni;
is a legal sentiment of dubious accuracy; and .
which cannot i ltPity A;t:lie order.of.,Presbyterian
polity, and the usages of oav
'The Report' of the Cominittee 'of Bills and
'Overtures Was' presented; hand tuicepted,e and'
adopted4 , a,s follorts;::
TheConanitteeof Billsand Overtures respect;.
'fully report, on the communication ;from the
Syndd'af. 'that while We' approve of
'the, object proposed; and, Agree with the views
expressed by that Synod on the subject of Chap
laincies in the Army and • Nrii , y; military" and
naval schools of the , United States, still,we have
npt.spfqcient, furnish ground for
,any direct action in the case. We would, hpw
44steraire,temico).Mage:11;e Synod of P t altimbro_
to prosebute their measures and inquiries,' afidlo
spread before tlie chprches and' the, public' such
informationae they may possess.or ,obtain in re-'
.lation to the spbjecti. And the Committee recom-,
; mend the idoPtlott
• of the following resolutions :,
.Resolad, That this ByriOd express their agree
ment with the Synod 'of 'Baltimore in their Views
•of , 4,hMsubject of Chaplaincies, and .request, them"
to continue their efforts to secure a redress-pf
wrougs,,andia fair, consideration:of the claims of
our Church, in the appointments to these public
bti&e'g!' • ' " -
Resolved, •Thit' it, copy , of -this : ieliort be for
wardedito the Clerk of% the -Synod of Baltimore
All respectfulljr submitted;,by .the tCommittee
The , Comlnittriei ow ReaisonslotAbsence From
Former-Meetings cif Synod/and OWTAte.Attend
anee at. the 'Present Meeting,: reported-That
Rev.'DTS: - Elliott arid Plnmer, Rev. D. Grier, Rev.
L. L. Conrad, and Rev.. E. S. Blake, have ren
derethsatisfactory reasons •for absence from the
last meeting; thwt:Rgy:N. Todd and ..Rev. Jno.
Brown . haye rendered initiiinetor,y.reason§ for ab
sence from the ; and Rev. L.
Young and:lohtis•Brown, :Elder, for late attend
ance at thwpresent-meetini- • •
• The reporLwas •accepted;' and: the Committee
411.4eharged. - ' . •••••••
' The Committee on 'Leave' of Abaeilee reported
=That 'they. had-granted leave 'Of absence from
the:remaining. sessions of Synod; to the.follow
ingr,lpersons.: Aftor, Friday, noon, J.
• Stokes
and Peter Eisenhour, elders. After Fri,day_even-.
ing, Fey. Drs. Elliott
_and. Plumer, Rev. J. V.
M jr
:Miller; and J. . Cunningham; elder. After
Saturday. evening, Rev:James Alliiion, Rev. Jno.
Coulter, Rev.' J. it. Coulter; _Rev, J. F. Boyd;-J:.
H.,Whistler •Iym.• 'Fruit, J. H.
Hawkins, Boyd. After Monday,l 110014
robn Kirlipotrick, 'Ham]. Grebner. After iron
day 'evening, Rev. Rbields.
The•doniiiiittee'oii the Report of . the Board 'of
presented the f 4
r g$ Repo rt;
which lone' accepted
T. The total amount of prePertj ,
of the Board appears to be as follow l' "•
Books ILO curtritur ,
Debts coteAtrereegoodli
Protiv a. during the year r .
CofiCiiblitiovs of ebanelia.:.
.Total of ttosets • .$4,419.11
As att . Offset to this stun Wilind the following
BOA • AVMs ' • ' • • *' 989.26
DUG 'Board of Publication ' ,•;616.26
:Donations and Colporteurs',wape
- Z. rFrom this-statement it 41:g:it:are-that while'
the Hoard acktnowledgeptoporty,and other:assets,.
to the amount of $4,419.11, their bad debts,
(which are losses,) their present liabilities for
books bought ; of •the Patent .13oard; and" the
gratuities of their•colportenre,and their wages,
amount io $2;j:1912'. - 86; leaving' property to - the
amount of $1,726.31. A .considerable amount
of the,.. bed debts, however, we understand, to
haVe' been contracted tithing former Years, and
of nottrset-lo hot 'belting to 'the - hi:tailless - of the'
past•year..; Thus; - not including the • bad , .'debts;
the total of property amounts to $2;692.67:.;
3., Take another The, antualproAs
the safes of :the BOOdd durfttii the year are stated,
to be $075 - .57.t . wipetts6 of a the
Itadinisi" in:rent, t5711•.99 ; and
the :donatiens. of books by colporteurs, Execui.:
ive Committee, and colporteurs' wages, are'stated
to te,5428.29 ; total of expenses, and ,books
gii'en away, $1,140.23. Thus:
.profitl e
e= to ni g es ''
-Excess ofraxpettises • ' $164.71 •
'Thus it apPeurs . that.the actual expenditure of
conducting /the. business of our Board ..the /past
year„ has exceeded the actupl profits by $164:71..
This, however, is more than!made up by the do-
nations of 'the" ithurches, which amounted ;to
$447.28. • I fltilleOves an actual excess of income
over expenses of -'5282.31. ,
4. 11, your Board of Colportage. had-been
established for ,purposes of emolument, this ex- e;
hibit would be anything but encouraging:._ gut..
ai3'the chief 'design is to disseminate ' a healthful':
religious literature'as a most important'and'effiL•
dent instruteopitility- in' the prnmotion'Of sound
niorals,:social order,- and the saliation .of -.souls; t
and as . the Board has been honored-to put in cir
culation, during the year, $4,235 worth of valu
able books and tracts; this Synod cannot doubt
that -the. objectzis abundantly .worthAhis tompar
ativelyanuill sum„ For " what is this among sof
rain); ?"
, ?5: If we divide the total amount of sales'
($4,200) among the , two hundred. and thirty-nine
churches of the two Synods of Pittsburgh find
gives about $18.130 `worth' of bOolui`
sold for ...eseholiktireh.,-:. - Byt , khore ore . marty ,
viduals euxchFches-zne..or,moro perhaps, in (
neaily'evearychurch.;L4lie'iniglit and ought - each
annnalltr in \giTitiPfhirennyJ
to a sound Presbyterian literature, And the
nuraber of comxnuniCantS , ii the tWo Sinods
near thirty thougand. NoW, when we 'add the
large masses of non-communicants, and the wide
spread population.lying beyond the limits of the
congregations, as well, as the thousands of un
evangelized and uninstructed families in their
bounds, Well may we inquire;' "what are theSe
among so many.? „
6. The Synod, therefore, desire to , express
their devout, gratitude ,to Him.from whom pro
ceedeth, every, good thoughf and liberal intention,
for 'what has, been done during the past year,
and espeCiallj' in view of the severe providential
dispensation'with which' it pleased the Lord . of
the' harvat , to - visit our agrieultural interest some
fifteen monthslago. Still,.the. Synod wouldmost
earnestly. press upon the attention of all, our
pastors, elders, and people, the great importance
of increased activity in this department , of be
nevolence. And especially as it :has pleased'our
most beneficent Father once mere to crown the
labors Of the, husbandman with, perhaps. unpre
' ce,dented.prosperity, causing the heart: of, the lei
borer to sing for joy, and everychnnnel of indus
try to overflow with golden pren ; under these
eircumstances,"‘'the Synod call 'upon . -all — dur
churches'te 'celebrate this' joyful feast.'ef hav
yea" by.greatlyinereased , zeal and liberality in
the cause of. that kind: and . gracious, Masten
whoie hand has been opened to pour around us
these streams of his bounty. " ' ' '
The following persons ; were elected members of
the Board of Colportage for the ensuing year :
ifinisims- 7 -1,. R. AlcAhoy, D. 8., 'Robert B.
8--ZaU. 4 ,04,1„F...0bt r
The Committee on Park church, reported.
The -Reportiacpted; and the Committee
d f was e
continue or another year,
.The standing resolution of Synod, on the mat
ter of Church-Extension Within our bounds, was
suspended in its operation, for the present year.
A copy of the sermon delivered by the kod
eratOr at 'the' 'opening of Synod, was requested
!for 'publication in the Preebyterian Banner.
The &Idling' resolution was unman' idusly
' Resoived, That , the thinks of the Synod•
turned-to the pastor and'' Trustees of the - First
Presbyterian 'church, !Allegheny City', 'for'-the
use of. their. church edifice' durings its:sessions,.
and, to the citizens of ; Allegheny, City .for their,
'generous and most cordial ; hospitality,
'Resolved, That the Clerkti be requested' to have
the 'above resolution published in- 'seireral the
citppape,rs. '
. ,
Paid StAiad clerk ,
Paid Permanent
•Ths i oditors itif the dreebyteilan, -Banner were
requested to publish the4linutes! of;
Synodtadjourned to , •Meet . in Netr Castle, Pai,
on the Fourth Thursday of September, 1861, tW
7. chit:pa P. M. • • ' ' •
Conaluded!with'singing:piayer, and the Apes
olio Benedicttion. ' S. J. M EATON,..
• .1 7 217td1Zerli Clerk.
BUSINESS," Francis 11., ex-King. of the
Two Sicilies, is-now.nuurberecl, He stood
out against all entreaties from foreign
Powers =last-legalavhen•.•he•i-ntiglit have
saved his crown, and now there is none
pity Ilia. He - did - Oot dare s to 'put him s elf -
at the-head. of a.remnant of his troops, but
}felled ingloriously to Gaeta, not even per:
mitting his back to be seen as, he igno
,hurried' aWay. 'And thus, like
more than one of the
. same house of rpour
bons, " cm/sit erupit," and he'saves his
thous persdn, after having bornbarded. Paler
. ,
mo, made Generals fight uselessly ati Me
haw, Reggio,. and elsewhere.' At Gaeta
Pope 'Ping ;IX. found a shelter in 1.848,
when lie "fled from Rome. To Gaeta the
Pope's Nuncio followsold 33,omba's 'worthy
son now. It is meet and consistent that he
shoUld• do so, for it WasiPapal counsel and
Jesuit whispering that' confirmed this
wretched young King ' in the course that
has ruined him,, and that, in" upsetting' his
throne, hag shaken the tiara crown vio
lently on the head of him, who, is likely to
prove, if net " Illtinius Raiitanorunt,",
least the last of the PdPes. ,
At Gaeta„ it is said the' young'King has
thirty'thonsand Men, and at all events"-is
safe for the present behind th'eqfottiegs
battlements. But` What pan 4 - 40 ?' To
fight •hopeleSs'; if it is '"attempted, .and
he is caught, woo worth
. the day, for his
head' shill ,f)ay ' for the 'slaucihter. •
the news. thattelectrifted Europe: a few days
ago. It seemed as if he had .walked with
seven-leagued boots,.so rapid ;was, his:, on
ward progress from tßeggiot to the capital.
The distance obstacles- were
many; nevertheless; opposition;, .melted
away, .and let!. 3 With Thu , stat, only-Ahelpeo
ple of. Naples Aria ,body-guar.d.-Ahe-single
hearted.hero, rides' into the beautiful, city,.
and all hearts are his; the pining captives
are free, and Liberty,.fair Queen and -Vir
L 5 7in crowns •her ;hero .and her , child.amid
universal enthusiasm and acclamation;-, The
gladness of that moment when Garibaldi:
appeared in Naples, tmust - have been a eon
den trated. clip of blessing; who could esti, -but, •those who had passed-through
a long .night of weeping; and had,known
the dark a nd , .bloody past ;I
A- re Del= sung by Gavazii in
the Cathedral L ~What A could'< expound
more .:.vividly- ;the. situation , 'and • the
charge Imagine . thell.hotror MILO,.
that, this arch-heretic .;should, occupy the
high .altar ,Not that 'ivre are,tto suppose,
• that Gavazzi offered. incense or said.-niass----.
I am , ;well .persuaded` it .was , not so ; but
that he simply led the-people iu that "citable
Thanksgiving; which: comes 'down , froth -the,
olden time of. the Church's thistory,.. ere.
Rome , had+ corrupted- and enslaved t , her,
Ofttimes hag' itleen.sung as in mockery and
hypocrisy,. and oft too over scenes of.ornelty
and blood, as:-over.:St.: Bartholornewist rims,
sacre .at Paris in .1573 , tand that: byAhe
Rope-and , Cardinals in St.-Peters.- Suck
" Te Demos " will soon be+ heard no •longer..
The Times ,hopes that .Garibaldi will take
means: to detect and • expose the t fraud , of
the liquefaction of the of.t, St..
Januarius—" old I;yellow,face, as the en
raged people tused. fo called him, when he
was slow-in .ineltingr—Garibaldi-may well
leave that processrof examinationrto:Gavazzi.
There is' utter panic and consternation-at
Rome.. ..An insurrection is ',breaking :out ,
wide andifar , over the ;remaining. territories ,
oftthe Pope.; Benevento, , ,. the _people
have:beaten , the Papabtroopsi tan d rha,ve tde
Oared , for Victoz .t.Emmanuel; appointing
a:1 provisional., government! q. The Papal.
troops t are disetinraged r andit apwretiring..
They i ,offer:: ng rdsitdaltee,i but , commit.racts
of ferocity on therroattaage, olt
$. 075.57
.U. , .17/fMtP4 , O%.ION4IPfI~:AMIMt
WHOLE NO: 420.
Balanbe in the Tredsnry, $5.18'
Synodical collection, ' 19.75
Balance in Treasury, 56.98,
LONDON; Sepimbef 13,.1860
Publication Office
• A Spitire, ea ling or less,) one likbertfithj 60 mate; each
subsequent inaertion; 40 , centa; each. line beyond 410416 'eta.
A Square per quarter, $4.00 ; each line additiont9olB neßtf.
• A REM:WT . ION made to advertiseis by the' year. .• •
BUSINESS NOTICES : of TEN lines or less, $l.OO ~add
itional line, 10 cents.
PROPIaWrOIiS.AND Palftfegeaisv
" Piedmont threatened to enter, and' hak
catered .the - ;Papal territories, and: riot 'to
suffer' the populations; that desire freedorii,
to be overborne. : Lantoripiere denies
his tbreai burn and ; piOage the town,
that shottld "rise in insurrection." , Th'e
French Press, „ i speaking n - thename of the
Emperor, deprecates S I
ardinian ntervention,
and says, if she passes over, the 'Papal bov
ders, that the Emperor, the' .Protector of
the Pope, would regard it with displeasure,
and that the alliance
, - would cease.. But it,
is easy to say all ` ths, ' white it will ' furnish
the Etaperor a.pretenee afterwards. to , say,
c' See , how zealous "1 , WEIS , for =the :Pope , ' ft. I
earnestly , entreated; my' ally to abstain.from
this step, and what 'could*l do More." •
Moreover,' as the' fliaries remarks one
word-spoken by the French-ambassador at
Tnrinf -to ,, Count , Cavour; would—if the
Emperor-were'in earnest--Lput a-stop to the
propose& intervention. Besides, the Em
peror. has 'three , policies with regard •to the
Pope=onef for the' Legations, another for
Rome-and. its vicinity, and another for the
remainder of. the Papal territory. In the
Legations he is a strict advocate for non
intervention; in Rome.-and its neighbor
hood, he intervenes in the strongest and
most practical manner ; in 'Umbria and the
Marehes4he , does , not exactly-intervene him-
Alf, l la Wrench Gdneralnto dig
ciplrne~t}te bevies df the-Pope, and ito!give
them the skill acquired under the standard
of France in a series of active and- bloody
campaigns: Moreover he lectures his ally,
the King- of Sardinia, and advises him to
abstain from measuring swords with Lamor
iciere. ; Under which, of these thim,bles is
the pea,of the Imperial policy to be foand 7
* ** His 'policy is-"-not merely ambig
uous, but-self-contradictory.
The. truth is, that Victor Emmanuel
must either lead-all the-people of Italy to
freedom, or be overborne by them, as well
as'? supplanted , by Garibaldi, who never
made any compact with that double-minded
gentleman, Louis - Napoleon, and never will.
The leader .is-resolved not to take
the , counsela of statesmen and diplomatists
about Rome and Venice, any more than he
did as , te landing on the 'Neapolitan terri
tory. He follows his mission with a single
eye; and la, resolved [and honest -purpose;
and whathe effects not by the sword, he
extorts .and, compels by fear, from tyrants.
Who helieves that the Imperial policy at
Vienna,.now• conciliatory toward Hungary
and: virtually revolutionary as to its cen
tralization system, and its 'bondage to the
Coneordat with Rome, would ever have been
adopted; but for the tenor , of that great
popular. war which bears on its foaming
crest:Kossuth and Garibaldi ? Feeling all
this, and , provoked by a massacre kindred
to that-of :Perugia, the Sardinian army has
already entered the Marches, captured a
German garrison at Pessara, and their
leader, a Monseigneur, (au ecclesiastic) who
intended to sack the town, !
•• 6.00
AESTRIA:is: now being effected. The. Czar ,
has declared f that , it . must be so, and that
thus , there must , be put nn end to a state of
things which!" can. 710 longer be tolerated."
These words Admit of , a 'double interpreta
tion eitherAhat Austria and! Russia find'
the burden, of keeping up visit armies, and
such mutual jealousies; financially " intol
erable;" or that•ther are determined to be
tone in alliance and! arms, to stem the tide
of, revolution, and! if. be, to face the
French::: Emperor and. his , legions. The`
former vinterpretation _ is ..:the- more charita-:
ble one, , 6specially ias. the. Czar; when.-utter
ing -the !words, expressed;hisi !resolve to sea
concord with , allithe great Powers.
An understanding is said to exist be
'tween therthree•Powers. of Austria, Russia
in& England, not to-!permit any further
French , intervention: in the affairs of Eng:
land. It is diffiCult tobelieve that England
wilLinterfereLin - Italy, or even indirectly. ;
aid `ZAustria in keeping Venice. If the
Cabinet attempted it--otherwise- thane by
deprecating, as Lord -J. Russel seems to
haVe done, war hetween Sardinia and Aus
tria thus , imperilling• the liberty of the
whole of Italy and the return of the
tyrants—the English nation .would cast out
such -unworthy and un-English statesmen.
But thati.Lord Palmerston is determined to
curb Napoleonic ambition; that he will not
allow hincto - trespass on Swiss independ
ance, and that he will strengthen our
alliances ,wilh Prussia and other Powers, so
as to be ready to protect "the public law of
Europe,7, so, grievously outraged in the an
nexation pf Savoy and Nice—this is surely
to be. believed.
The, Emperor is, on every occasion, by
himself. or; deputies, playing agreeable airs
on the pipe of peace. Thus, during the
present,week - he has discoursed what would,
be most, eicellent music, if we could be
Weire in his real sincerity :
It is this intimate union between people and
Sovereign which Constitutes our strength at home,
as well,as'abroad, and which hat enabled us, not
withstainding great difficidties; never to pause
in , the march of progress.- The• desire for all
that 'is good; the enthusiasm for all that is
noble,andruseful, cannot our clay when
circumstances are more favorable and tranquili
ty is the wish of all the world.
Although some envious murmurs reach us from
afar, let us not be disturbed on that. account. :,
they will dissipate themselves against our indif
ference,as the waves of the, ocean. break on our
shores. : Let us, therefore, labor to develop the
resources of our country: The works of peace
are in cry eyes crowns as as those of
laurel. , In that future of national .prosperity and
greatness which I, poritemplate, Marseilles ..occu
pies,a prouttent.position. Its, proximity to the
military port. df Toulon seetris to me, to represent
the genius of France htibling in one hand the
olive , brancb, but having, her sword at her side.
I wish , that ;this, ancient Phocian city, by the
mild ifluence of her trade. may induce the-peo
ple of Europe to come and join their hands on the
poetic shores- of this sea, and to bury. in the
deptbs,of its waters all.the jealousies of another
It is, of the highest advantage. to France
itself that the mperor should ° give it re
po§e. lle now wants the country to grow
rich . by, commerce. ,itleantime, her will go
forward . to Algiers, where ;he will find a
Colony not, worthy of .the name, L and held
only by increasing vigilance against the
hOrdes of the desert. The expyse
Franco, of Algiers hai been, and is, enor
mous ; and what is worse than. all,, emigra
tion to it has been on a very limited scale,
whilst those who have gone have found
the civil administration most effete and
Tup. ETNII WEATHER, now -fullyinaug--
urated, , ba,sieheered the national heart-be:.
yond what I can express. The.skies
serenely blue, the sun is :warm; and the
barometer points to ".Set Fair." The Corn
Markets' continue to 'go down, and, thereL ,
will be nearly au average harvest.
OPEN: j it PRLi!cnmaintained"
• _IR ING was
at Mill End green, on Moniay last, from,
noon till late in the evening. Infidel die=
putees - oceasiorially interrupted, but the
people liStened' with attention, religietni
publictitions were widely distribUted; anal
good was done. I was present in the e*-
Eer part, of the, day. It, is very striking to
contirt ' the' present” " r,eYgafas ,mood pf
tke People," 'as a write'? in the ek- '
press, it, with the eeornfnl i repePtion Or
Malignant' opposition;„that ,wonidliave been
given to open airprOoliera na,44ery 104 j,
1 5;.0 -17
Tier, -is now a -Arebagnizeil klivailge,list. Het.