Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, October 06, 1860, Image 1

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P.r:r,•.:•.•...a. ALLISON B. LITTLE
orin M'KINNEY & CO-,
Editors and Proprietors.
Smntai Supscarterttiliis 0140 '•
IN CLUitB 1.24
For Twe Unmans, we will send by mail seventy ntunb4S
and for ONT DOLGAII, tittrty-thrro numbers.
Ps,tors sending us TNIIINTIt iIIINICriberS and upwards,: win
bs thereby entitled to a Niter without charge. „
Renewals Pt op//1 be prompt. a little before tbe yearlexpires
Solid payments by alf hands, or by marl.
Direct all lettors to DATIDWIEDINEY A cm',
Pittsburgh, Pa.
01 ',,,lnn
"And I Will Give 'Yon Rest.",
when dimiils and ferk like restless seas,
Armmtl my spirit roll;.
IV lien grief itml care,' like storm -charged clouds',
11,-1u!„ gloomy, 4Per illy soul;
whither, heart; •
For refuge shalt thou flee
! whither, thee, a hemrou seek, ,
Blest Josue * hut An thee ?
Tile soul may tiotith n poising grief
With joys. the world bestows ;
And giddy .pl!usure bring relief
To momentary woes.
But Oh ! .when break the ruder waves
Of sorrow o'er my breast,
In thee, alone, my God; in thee, •
I seek and find my rest.
Sweet rest, the rest that Jesus gives I
Sweet. grace, that makes it free!
sweetest grace, to knoW and feel I
This rest bestowed on me I
Who, whu need faint, of hope liko this,
And promise sure, possessed:
"Conic weary, heavy laden Ewal t
Then why, my heart, so full of care,
If resting on the Lowe?
Al; soul, all! why so sorrowful,
If trusting Jnstrs' won)
Nay ! cease thy plaint, rind cairn repose
Upon thy Saviour's heart !
The aching heart then finds a balm;
The weary spirit, rest,
For tho rresbytorlan lianne4l
To a young Minister of flu; Gos:pel,• on' his assurep:
Um of the Editorial Chair:
DEAR SIR :—Many of your former friends
and admirers, as n:u. able minister of the
New Testament, and,.the .successful pastor
of a church, may express some astinish
meat that you, should become the editor of
a newspaper. It is parsumecl, however,
that their feeling's will Undergo an itrime 7 '
. diate change in your tiivor, when they re
flect that it is a religious .periodical, demo
ted to the great ends of the Gospel minis
try, with which you are now connected;
and that your editorial , labors will not lead
you to disregard, your , ordination .vows, or
to abandon your position in the Church of
Christ, as a preacher of righteousness.
In a careful and unprejudiced review of
the ascension gifts of our Divine Mediator,
we conclude that all the functions of the:,
ministerial office are not exclusively con=
lined to the pastoral, office. " When he
ascended up on high, he led captivity.
captive, and gave gifts unto Men. And he
gave some, apostles; and some, prophets;
and some, evangelists; and some, pastors,
and teachers; far - the perfecting of the
saints, for the work of the. ministry, for
the edifying of the body of Christ. In
this apostolic summary of the gifts con
ferred upon the Church. by' her risen and
exalted Lord, we sec nothing to exclude
ministers of the Gospel from those posi
tions of dignity and usefulness, that so
many of them have occupied as the great
conservators of education, and the very
salt of literlture in oui• land - . Shut out
ministers of the Gospel from our institu
tions of learning, and even men of the
world will predict the unhappy consequen
ce. Let them, be debarred from . .the edito
rial chair, and every reasonable man will
see in a moment, that the cause dearest to
our hearts, must suffer in this age of news
:papers swarming like the - locusts of Egypt
throughout the civilized world. low
many of our educated lawyers and physi
cians, who have the piety necessary to edit
a religious journal; would feel 'disposed to
make the sacrifice 'involved; to give up
lucrative professions for the limited and
precarious emoluments of' him who toils
from week to week, to issue something
from the press, not for popularity, not to
pander to the wicked passions of the un
godly multitude, but to subdue these pas—
sions, to break down the strongholds of,
vice, and to bring man buck to his Divine,
original, ranstaturied with the image of
his God.
Now, while we say not one word -todiS-'•
pnrage the .office of a pastor in it congrega
tion, and give the pastoral vocatim.all the
preeminence that reason and revelation can
possibly sanction, still, in subordination to
this, the editor'of a religious periodieal is
a preacher in the most emphatic sense of
the term, preaching it nuty be to thousands
every week, and disseminating the good
seed of the Divine Word broadcast over re
gions of country which he has never seen; .
and in the midst of twiltitudes who have
never heard his "living vaice." And even
if he has no pastoral charge, in addition
to his editorial .duties, he can exercise his
ministerial gifts on the Sabbath day, in
those places or moral destitution- to be
found in almost every community; or in
assisting the. pastors of our churches,_ as
one of the 64 helps " involved in the
sings bestowed upon the church by her as
cended Lord. •
In your new position therefore, as an
editor, instead.of laying down your etinis
terial office, you :.have actually enlarged the
sphere of your professional usefulness, and
may accomplish an amount of good beyond
all human calculation, for the spiritual and
eternal welfare of man. The general spirit
of the Gospel unfolded on' the pages of in
spiration, seems to concentrate on one
great Christian principle. This is, "to do
wood unto all men f' to do utiod in every
conceivable way Indicated by the sugges
tions of expediency or the detrelopments-of
God's most wise and most holy providence.
Hence the successful missionary of the
Cross,,apart from the formality of an:elano,
rate discourse, must condescend . to teach
even little children to read and understand
the . Bible and'having mastered the native
language,. he tmust,` in order to achieve the
highest succes.s, multiply his communica
tions a thousand, fold and more, by.. that
mighty engine which prints the Gospel,
and sends it forth "us' on 1116' wings of the
wind to prophecy upon the , Mon amen ts of
spiritual death, .in the vast valley of vision
before him.
In the history of Luther, one of the
groat champions of the llefOrnantien, when
he' was' preparing his translation of the'
Nci Testament for the press, it is recorded
as a fact, that he had a vision of the 'devil
in his solitary chamber, jut ready to speing
upon him,and crush hint, and the written
truth of l,nl that he dield in his hands.
Terrified for a ininneut by the apparition,.
bat at the sittric' time not having a very
oppressive .fear of Satan before his Oyes, •
be snatched up his ink• Stand, and threw
it ht the head of his enemy."' The
nant spectre disappeared; the adversary'
was overcome, and banished from his pres-'
cnee. He was conquered'hy an ink-stand.
Now you may account for all this, by tra
cingthe phenomenon`to an excited'
nation ; 'you may call it fanoy; - impulse, or
of Satan' have employed' the' ink-stand, the
accident; 'still the wholelransaction is cm-
inertly suggestive. While 'the emissaries
pens,- paper, and the press, agaidst the cause
of Christi they would doribtless i . if they
had the power; critstvevery religiOuS editor,
and every religidus periodical' on the earth . .
But the'Weapims wargiffidre
el back upon tlicniaAvei, .'the
'ff - `'T -1 72r 4 \
VOL. IX., NO: a.
prospect of victory, when in the exercise of
faith, we, recur to that- sublime old promise,
that the seed of the Woman shall bruise the
head of 'the - ser ett,'
It is qYttiSitrp.„. strange—it is disttesSingly
painful ~ -ihdeecl--47 find so many of Ale
professedfollowerb of Jesus, in a state.iof
comparatiyo blindness with regard tq ,
influence of '."the religious
,press„ tied. its
COnnexiiin witlthe spread Of Refornitition
prineiples'•throughotit our country, "and
throughotit the world. With all their
swortv allegiances to King.. Emanuel, .and
their, determination, publicly expressed, to
do everything in their power subordinate
to the advancement of his kingdom an the
earth, they overlook .the fact.; that silent
Messengers •of heavenly truth, sent- forth
from a printing office, may reach the, fami
lies and hearts .of 'thousands who
,from, the
force of habit or prejudice, from necessity
or choice, are debarred from the - house of
God. -
As' the editor of a religious journal,
wbat,a mighty influence for good you cam,
exert even on the secular press,, causing
this to change its moral comple'xion, by an
assimilating, and'regenerating process from
the great fountain of moral power , in clues-.
tion. Your motto,is, let morality : and ho-'
liuess be inscribed on every editorial banner.
And while you May ever deprecate the
union of Chiirch and State, still LI trust
you will agree with your humble "cor-
respondent in the opinion that Civil gov
ernment is not designed to, be an uncivilized
unnhristian organization, above the, ;in
ftuenae of the - religious press, destituo of,
heaven born 'benevolence, or independent
of "the law that goes forth froaniZios,-the
word of the Load from Jerusalem!
Of the Rev. Johaz Smith,, a Presbyterian, Minister,
to his brother, the',Rev. Peter Smith, Methodist
Preacher. . •
REV. PETER SMITH r= Dearßrdther
If B. A,Stor were to give public
notice that on such a day he would put up
in the city of New-York , a ton of gold. as
a free gift on this condition, that of ten
thousand applicants he should become the
fortunate possessor who begged the longest
and the hardest, would. niit that day be set
down 4.9 one of , the most memorable in the
annals of that great metropolis ? 'Neither
the Japanese Embassy, nor the Great East
ern, not even Lord , Renfrew, could draw
such masses of, human beings ~
It would indeed , be a scene for a painter;
every avenue, and street, every lane and
alley, every nook and corner aliVe with the
worshippers of Mammon, all pressing with
eager steps to catch a glimpse 'of the wish
ed-for treasure.., Men and women who
turn up their noses at the wealth and hon
ors God offers to bestow, and who would
not' give a straw i for all the possessions
heaven itself contgifts, would now be found
wide awake, closely Calculating the e c hancm
of success, and resolved to try the utmost
strength and: capabilities of their lungs.
But whoa could describe, or even imagine,
the effect of tea thousand voices strained
to accents. long and loud, deep and shrill,
bogging, whining„ screeching, vociferating
for gold ?. While lam writing this the
fancy,,by a natural association of ideak,
brings up thb form of the Rev. Dr. X. S.
Foster,, ,auth,or. of Objections to, Calvin-,
ism.” My good, friends," I think I hear
the Doctor cry, " only one of you can get
the prize. Nine thousand nine hundred .
and niStety-nine are making yourselves
hearse . to no purpose. Since only one can
obtain the treasure, why do you not all go
home and get about your business ?-• Who
ever is to have this 'mass of gold will get
it without fail, and if the rest of you were
to clamor for it a thousand years, it could
do no good. If it is decreed' that you are
to be the favored one, it. is ,all one
whether you exert yourself - or not." You
are safe enough. You 'cannot possibly be
set aside. The gold is yours because, the.
Divine decree secures. it to . you. I say
again, if God has decreed that you shall
have this treasure, it' will'be yours whether
you strive to obtain it or not; if, on the
other hand, it is - fore-ordained that you - are
not to have it, you may bawl away till your
wind-pipe bursts, and yoni will have your
labor for your pains. What , folly, then, to.
give yourselves any trouble about the mat
ter 1
,Can you be simple enough to, believe,
that you can change the purpose of God, or
frustrate his designs?” .'"Doetor Foster,'
I think I hear these gentlemen -say in re
ply, ".we :like your arguments extremely
well when religion is -the topic, but
. gold;
not religion, is just now the thing to be ob
tained, and we might, should, be regarded, as.
not qiiite in our right minds; were,we to act
out your theory in the, practical matter
of fact , before us. In the pulpit this
method of "reasoning, brother •Foster,- is
capital: Employed against th 4 doctrine`of
election, it is ,perfectly- irresistible. We
cannot sufficiently admire the skill with,
which you have so often, demonstrated to
us ; that if a Man is elected to eternal life he
need not repent, he need not believe in Christ,
he need not live a- holy, life; he may lie,
may cheat, and,rob,•may commit adultery,,
mis.y.commit murder, his salvation. remains
secure ; he cannot pc:lasi* be loet. We
have also been delighted with the clarness
and force 'Of your 'logic, when you- have
shown that' if a , personlas not been elected!
tQeverlasting,life, he-,may repent, he
trust in the Saviour, he may pray, 'and
weep., ` and beg, for, the Divine; ; fever, he
May rnounce allhis sins; and live 'eirer 'so
holy a life, it is all 'iti vain. There is no
salvation for him, and do what he will, he
must be, damned.,
.We'do love, to hear, you
argue in this way on religious subjects.
But while in'the pulpit this style of reason;
ing' is extremely forcible and perfectly con ,
vincing ; while -it is most wonderfully -cal
culated to Uverwhelml , Calvinism, and to
make Calvinists slink away, abashed and
confounded; such arguments, the moment
they are brought to bear on the ordinary
business affairS of life, far "some cause, lose
all their, point, be plain, Doctor, are
absolutely good for,notliing. So please ex
cuse us, • Dr. Foster, if we any again that
we should be little better thah lools were
we here' to carry into practice year other-
Wise , : excellent theory.' JOFfN •
Thu Just Shall Lilo , by Faith.,
Faith comes' from the hands of the Cre
ator like the Sweet perifume.exhaled from
the rose, felt and rejoiced in, but unseen.
As the perfumejs the glory of the ruse, so
fiiith may be the glory of the just. Faith
imparts a nekv-:life to' the . , soul, gives a
charm to existence; anktlxtends itself, mit
only to the life...that tiowqs; but to that
which is to come ; giving, a title to that
inheritance which is incorruptible, unde
filed, and that fadeth.not away." If faith
is essential to true happiness, and the just
must live by faith,, how, very important
then, that all should possess it, that they
itay be with' the-Rose of Sharon,
and , the.dew of Herm6h,:and !be pm;Mitted•
to dwell with God, w i ltere there is , fight, and
glory, and blessednesS cverlasting, "that
new heivens where the Son is the light
thereof' Whefein
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For the Preebyterian :Bernier
LETTER ..1-11/V.
Vol; the Freebyterinn.,Banner.i
Fnoai Mx Firirro WEATItER AND TEE HmtvEsT::-.A.
VIIND--MINISTERS our. or Tocrs—pocAmi CooKE—AN
ovrislox WALES:—Titi 4lONAitort of liitITiJII
z Mena—T.l4i ' FniNen, 'Exaits4, Alin
Imort lant-TotausTiTtin breatit.r,f, irßouon Nyz'r,. PARTY
• • LONDON . ; September 7, 180.
Tux KING OF NAPLES has been prepar
ing, first, to fight, and then, anticipating
defeat both from the.defection-of his-troops
and the superior strategy of Garibaldi, to
fly. Probably at the moinent that I write,
the &tat contest is being waged, if indeed, a,
stand will be made, at all.. There is a line
of defence marked out, but, from what the
Times' ; correspondent'says—both as to the
nature and number of the, troops appoint
ed to defend---;the surging tide will over
leap it, and flowing on in irresistible might
and majestyi will sweep theßourben throne
away for ever. , , '
'But whither shall young Pomba fly.?
Austria has ships in ,the bay, and •.offers
him. the Ilse of them. • But Spain -is - now
the favorite .bidder for the honor of affordi
'ing a'refuge and
his flight on board one 'of her most Ohi, • - • is.:
tian Majesty's ;vessels, ,the Austrian ves
sels have orders to return immediately to
Garibaldi's progress has been a trium
phal march The scene 'of fraternization'
between his menand the Royal troops; af
ter the capture of', the fortress of Reggio,
was;most extraordinary.. Garibaldi, treat
ing.the surrendering force, not as enemies,'
but as Italian 'brothers; went 'among then,'
and General and `soldiers alike hugged' him
to their hearts. this, man.
he will be King of Hearts--not Victor•
Emmanuel. But to the latter, the , disin
terested patriot ever points as Italy's star—,
mid annexation to Piedmont' on accom
plished, he is willing to-be forgotten=not,
however, till his self-assigned mission be
accomplished to rescue Venice. and Venetia;
from Austria, and to make Rome itself too
hot for pope and Cardinals. The last; how
ever is not likely to occur this year if the.
Emperor of the French be sincere. For he
has Sent additional: troops to garrison Rome,
and avows his determination-to' defend the
Pope, and to secure to him possession of
the Eternal City and the adjoining terri
tory. ~His policy as, to the : Pope, ,must .be,.
regulated according-to his : political ,neces
gities. While Sardinia threatens Lamori
'ciere if he dare to give up any insurgent
town to sack and plunder '(as was 'dOne be
'fore at Perugia,) that the Papal territorieS
shall be invaed, the ,Emperor must do
something to keep on• terms with the priest
An Imperial progress through Savoy and,
Nice, has' been marked by fUlsome addresses,
and great demonstrations. :In one town in
France, emilie road to Savoy, the address
presented to the Empress, described her as
the Virgin herself, descended to the earth.,
A Bishop also, has been lauding the' Ein
peter to the skies,rbecause he is the de
tender of Christianity in the :4`a,st, and be
cause he is also the protector of the Holy
Father against his enemies ! ' With what
sooting eyes , will Europe read such lan
guage, and whet a cuuningleer'willibein
the eye of that Imperial Polyphemus him
self who only reserves the Pope for the
last morsel What would have been Gari
baldi's power to liberate SiCily and Naples,
and to shake the heart of Austria liitb ter
ror, and to threatee the. Papal throne itself,
but for Napoleon 111 letting slip , the dogs
of Nrar; fifteen months ago? Hate,, and
fear, and' gnashing of teeth !--that is' the
true condition of mind of Pope and Cavi l nals toward this mysterious man. Were
be dead, by the might of Pontifical male-
diction or some Jesuit devotee's dagger,
would not Antopelli grimly 'smile his satis
faction, and all the Cardinals have a jellifi;
cation unparalleled ! But yonder they sit,
upw self-indulgent and forgetful that a vol
cano is beneath their feet;
,but anon, feel
ing the ground quivering, and with glar
ing eye and fluttering` heart, antieipating
the crisis of ruin. '
Tin WEATHER is now the most favors
ble possible'for the ingathering of the har
vest. It , began to amend: about ten , days
ago, and now the barometer is rising. fast
to " Set Fair." Irreparable mischief has
been &One to the late hay etops in lowlands,
but the after grass growth will be very con
siderable. The'pbtato crop, alio, is inferi
or, and , much of it injured by blight; and
so, also, is that of barley. , But the wheat
is of. the finest, quality, with, ears of unu
sual fullness. The corn market goes, clown
rapidly, and the knowledge 'that frontthe
United States, Canada, and Russia, we can
have any amount of supplies of food; adds
to the tranquility and glatitkes& now 'pre
vailing. Trade and commerce, stocks and
shares, all look. up ; and holiday-makers at
last find weather suited for their excursion
trips, by rail and river, near or far away,
for which the metropolis-furnishes such
abundant facilities,. but 'whiclvfor , -,.months
past, in, consequence of thp almost cease
less' rain, existed almost in vain
A special Providence, beneficent,.and in
its interposition, marked thiS year in refer
ence to the crops: After the seed 7 tinie
came rains, and then in Pails' of ''May and`
June, glorious glimpses of -fie weather.'
Afterwards. when rains had been pouring,
down, and, just when the wheat was coming,
into flower, and dryness was needed, that
was' also: vouchsaved, 'and but for this' there
would have been
,blight and ruin. Again,
when in :August. 'there was- scarcely a sin
gle day without rain, in some districts -there
was none, and there 'were hours each day
of fresh and strong breezes, th:ut, both dried
and lifted up the corn whieh 'had' been pros
trated,' And last of all, when September
wasAt hand, and anxiety was intense, 'then
Oar Father bound up the , clouds aud shut
the bottles of heaven,,and now all ,Englancl
is zilive with the cheerful bands of reapers,
and soon will ring with the shont, and song
of the harvest Home. Oh that men ivould
praise the Lord-for his goodness.".
Thank-offerings in connexion ,with : tire
harvest, are not uncommon and, this year the
stream of them is likelyy to be directed to
viarcl the miserable survivors Of "the SYrian
massacres. The number of poor creatures.
(who have lost ,husbands, .brothers ; - ; ,and
sons ) at l3eyrout , amounts to l utany thou
sands. The British Consul there is the
Chaii-than of the 'Anglo-American Relief
Cow ini Ude, and the Turkish. ' Govern men t
are also . giving rations to those whom their,
own -servants, and their own policy hays ;
beggared, widowed, and orphaned. A Lon-,
don relief Committee is obtaining large
sums; and an - extended subscription is be
ing made throughout France quickened
doubtless, by the sympathy for ,the Mar
onites—those „wretched and, senii-pagan,.
yet still suffering, and pitiable people, who
owe a nominal allegiance to the Latin
Exengtions on< an extended , scale hive
taken ,place Damascus, through, the
orous resolves of Fuad Pneha, who has not
spared those 'Moslem murderers who - he
heved'thht they 'il&rd hate; taeltbd
iH ,
Vitier.itt men; Vonien; [ma eti/fIEOII,-,{fiyen
p • I7 Tsßufg,.GT-1,•,-4TvimAy,,,, ;
that it was prodigal waste to.expe
and ball on the Christian dogs.
not heard of the execution .of the
of Damascus, and sow other',
tiers. The Drnses have been si
with. and , so‘ far the Turkish
has, acted as ib ought to have d,
once let the danger of foreign in,
be, past, and it relapse into, its
terii, now of lethergy and anon Of
its Nohow eitorting money fruit
pie, and even ivhen tranquilit;
" making a , solitude And
It is a melaucholy.thing, • that Br'
port of .the independence of Turk
have unintentionally contribilied
end, and' that French and Mission masters on , a soil of which b(
to'he religious preteotors,.should
keepiny, up of a, fev,er against,
medanism which, whether at peace
is so disastrous in its influence. '
The Frerieli tropps that landed 'IA
were hailed by the Chfiatiana of all
_ _
with unbounded gratitude and eni
The people, rushed into .the sea
braced them. The -Englishoh the
joice in their, presence, as fresh
are" imminent; if only there were
equal to the fanatical' wilt of the
populace. It-remains to be seen
Massacres seem to have sp
Baalbee and other places, and that .
Jerusalem itself may •not mew
maioh of troops inland, in whinh
liiie,al 'complication's are sure
Dr. Cumming has been ,leetl
Paris,, on. the .‘c End of the, Wel
‘ England's Future,"' and with .a
methodical and semi-medical co+
prophetic anatomy, calmly annoi
" England is td carry back in
tlii J ewB,- to 'their fatherland, in r
just now. • Dr.. Jarnes Hamilton's
at -Reoent 'Square remains shut
beginning Of Obtober, as itis'und
eonTrilete restoration—rather let
rec'onstructi'on- 12 —suelt as will do
justice to the preacher, anti`
of acoustics (rive greater satisho
hearers. : Other places of worshipl
again, after 'having r been closed-f(
_ .
reparation and decoration:! Dr: el
Belfast,' reopened River Terrace?'
last Lord's day. will be' pled:.
m4,ny ArneriCa to know' of thil
than.' eloquent" ;'(l2.e is now
years of age,) that his eye is not di
his 'natural force abated. ' He stiff isj
and effective, either in the pulpit'ci''
platform, is a great pedestrian, and
the society of old friends; or
when he believes and finds'Alie
When I visited Belfas' t, 'this Vaal'?
a large' congregation `waiting on
istry.' - •
deputatioual character, was partially
in my last communication. :After
Carnarvon—having duly inspected,:
second time in .my life, the eas
the little, ehamber. t in wiolklthe firs ,
Wales was: borri—.T mounted art,
coach,. (rare, iu these clays,)„ whi
every day along the base of Snowd
monpreb. (vf Welh mountains, -4hro
glorious 'pass, of Llbauberris, anti,;
by beautiful Capel-Currig, (where
most .do • congregate for ,sketchi.,
wit& three of whop:
‘. -
lated .„stronghold in ruins, concluding
the second Alay's journey at " beautiful
Illandidno." 'have...said the second day's
journey,,although that•journey was capable
of being performed in• one, day. But. as -I.
found a:joyous ; band of.tourists on Alle,roof
of the stage cos* whowdre fultpfaleesome
resolve to scale, the skaysidestituad !crown •
the golden crest of Snowdon, I yielded::
without much reluctance to;joie ..them.
And so • leaving the hotel at , Lihanherriaii
with sey,en or eight miles of,riaid,,
inrior, and
_mountain, ,to pass.. over o or tow
climb, 1..t00 was • a ,pilgwini l
upward .• we wen t,-„witlun the sieditfof,... the
darkly-grand pass, and two silver lakes: em-:s
%sowed in• the hills, and on thec
side of one•the Penrhynn slate quaraier r r TF ,
Perfeot. mine of Wealth, ;pieturpaque- to
all, hut,something more to..the proprietor.,'
and. hisfmnititndinOtte employeee-- r -we come
at last to a river's bankyand. within i sound
of ;a noble waterfall. Then presented.itielf •
a, gate, opened by peasant. mothero-Ancl.
,the latter having: ; for salef.thile•
Snowdon staff;,—Alpine in their, use Thn ther,
traveler ; as, he grasps it ; near , i ts .lofty ,
and bends • low upon its- trusty aid, as -he.,
" stoops to conquer" ;that weary; and ..yet,.
ever-tempting ascent.
•• ;• _ ,
And so, ,an, hour or more hi.gone.' The::
day, is,.dark,• but, ever and snon turning
round.yre see the veil:lifted. up; ana4ar: to. I
the, ;North-west :comes out hill,:inonntain,.
hike, hives and bay . , ,field,and .lotrund,-,then i.
the curtain,,falle over thef.,lovely. ;Rich:ire ri
once., more. ,13,nt,... soon. Alte - heavens glow •
black, and the mist descends sluggishly:.
from ; that .peak to the Westovlii eh seems. to
bc Snowdon,'.int as not. And next is,'
heard the,whistling.wind, and the small rain
begins to smite the warm : . cheek ,pflithe
toilcr-tourist,.. as he. presses onward.. Yet:,
still the. half of the journey ~is over, ienti-•
hopre„is. iippermost;•, and even,. when;..the
rain fairly sets in,, the, cry is "Excelsior'
--ff We,-wont turu back.noW : , .
.Ladies:there.arei;on thatoiteep,,monntain
side. . How. nobly therbrave ther., rain -.and 1
storm,! One ,is. ,a,',Yeung• Frenchwoman,.;
arch and pretty,walking,with•her,brotheiv,
or it"may witly9ne "11eMOr.culd deaxiirA?:l•
She turns. her back . , on the storm,. but hat
no idea ; f
,giving up.:: "liat:crimanet jells* ,•••
motto, and when-me, look-kindly-at her, !Mk,
say with respectfhl inquisitiveness,. ff.i'Vout , .:
etcs Fo.t r icaits .1 7 the i quiok , laughing rsply:
is, " /1.101,8414 r • * i 117 , 171
Here, too, is aiyoung English bride o iwith
her husband, l and both evince almost pre
ternatural calmness under the beating rain, ;
with measured steps ascending. 5ti11..,:-And
look at this littlelrish lady, stout-heatted ,
and stout, and : of," a certain agep.',"thongli; ;
probablynotOwning onlyto nine,arid twenty
There is nomistakeinlier accent, and 'she .
avows herself a.," Minister : woman,7... An,.:
offer is made:of the nse.of a pony , •by::one. ; :
of the i partywho,,is riding. x ,
she cries; , tII Arillnot,ride. I'm determined
only, to, tell faints when Igo . back to.i.Lim--!
crick- •WhatAwe,llidtlPy married. - sisters at.
Foynes say, ,thitt ...I; had
walked on. my own-feet to the: top of Snow
dpn, and aid n' . t. ?, And- so she, - persevered,
and I found her in due time at the top, in
the little iheelinWiliti'dliy an Welsh
man as a' kind'of inn fOrtoliritif4`a r nd'iili'e was
still as: full of spiiito 'and • courage as ever; .
though thontogiAly dgetwhed.•
• Grept. was
• th,9 r fitn among the'wet' aua l(
half-drowned tourniti, Okce that they fonek i
shelter and refreshment in - Roberts' shanty:: -
In-the Corner was 'a • little bed, in which a'
traveler -often •dilikppointed•-- sometimes
sleeps, hoping' ... to,, see. ; the sun rise • next .
:Horning, and then / from the, , tcp . of Sri ow- ,
don, to see 'one Of. tire / most glori ous • pano-
Tames world'inolii ,g ding'the'liisV",
Channel"; 'the Isle . of. Man; andtlieWickfow .
moun tams.. t This ! bed :was • tlie i :provoking
cause of. a volley of :witticisms; ;" There's
the bed," cried; one tourist, " O.:Which! th,c ;••
Bielieji of I Oiifbid ship t. 'on e aught,"(a fact,
esi"SONCiullittiria 4 )o " . 4 Yee," , edaed
:,d the Bishop of' Esetiflrl4pri
rOBER 6, 1860.
beside him I" "A Tractarian conspiracy!"
cried a third, amid loud laughter. " Why,
that ; night, affirmed, a fourth, there were
fifteen slept in that:bed, the Bishops under
1' most:" " The - mirth was at its height, when a
`Coinity Ferntan eugh gentleman added, "Yes;
and they-put the!loight fellows at!the top !"
'llie:.a§eent, of,ilowdortnn a fine day, has .
; been. often described. I can only give you .
Id:sketch of it as performed on a wet day,
, which, though - attended - with many disa
:greeables, wasnot without its; pleasant ek
citenients, and solation.. I have brought
home 'With' inc . a long Snowdon staff, in,
931,:einoriOnz, ~ r ei. ' With 'this - stafralso, I
crowned l'the siimmit. of :Castle ! Dint is
`Brown,, as it , frowns , over the lovely. vale of
Llangollen, .pervaded the, vale itself,. and
made a
y ilgriniage, to the ruins of. a fine 914,
Abbey, on - the' hanks . 'of that 'fine stream
Which arniehaff the monks with' such noble
sahnon andEtrout, "and zalOng theSeliestures,
:where fed the delicate Welsh sheep that
Ismoked in, the,refectorywheu the Lent sea
eon was over and gone.
Religion in Wales is more thriving at
this - molten t ili,an it - has . probably ever been.
T . ,:tue . Revival - has therein manifested 'its
Itnwer i ranclthe, ; social:andi spiritual results
' car v e extensive, ~ let reserve. notices of its,
s, :its . . niannerS,. and customs for t a: Ai
r :‘t al, 3fteitAkingitiklrietolig
I to,.
present; that' eVenWith Unfavorable Weather,
I saw much sublimity and beauty of moutl-
taro, wood, castle; stream, ,and lake, snares
'remain on . the memory, "a thing.of beauty
,and of joy forevor."
OPEN-4111 PILE4,93IING is now, being ex
tensively carried Onin.London. The whole
of Monday . lest, was devoted to it, in Pad;
dingdinoton - 'I was notable. to be preient, but
writing .4ae says, " the attendance
was large, : and it was,. uncharacterized, by,
powerin f prnyer „and speaking. The,
'attention of the'peePle — piren - tO "as late an
Boni' as half past ten 1614 was very encour
aging : .., - ~, L, ,• . ,-:. :,,
, t)"
A• a
ty . a
The attempts of opponents (Papists and
Infidels,) to ,interferp,i ; vere fruitless,;
and it
was evident that the blessing
,of God was
largely resting on'the effort. Certainly not
less than ten thousand persons mast - hive
hearikthe" . Proipel during ; the day.. Tracts
were extensively ; , circulated, and sepa
rate congregations addressed by ministers
and laymen of various 'denominations.
Very many have . ' been Converted' 're-
Cently V. these ' efforts on the 'Green; and
especial)/ by speaking private4vito thew at
MP- vi services.'
' 'to
• "did
; 1 ; two
71 nor
.n he
.NEW -CLASSES are now being. spiritually
cared : for. • The ,Cabmen's, Lord's Day : ; Rest
Society ; had a meeting this week—its object
beinglo lead to the securing for cabmen op-
Ptirtnn ides for' Sabbath `"rest and Worship.
Mar/y.fifteen.kunclred cabs are now regis
tered 'as six tidy. cabs only: This is a great
change. Great blame is placed on ;the
‘‘ religious public" using their ;vehicles to
go to Chinch 'in, and 'also driving miles to
heart'pOptgai preachers."
-At Newgate; , Deadmeat" Market, 'there is ,
.latge,, bodya of assistant .• butchers now
being; eared, fikr.,:lciy. Major Gibberne,jt,ye-,
tired Indian Ofkar. On Tuesday morning
last I found myself unexpectedly called on
bythis good thlie - to repair with'in' Eprsco
palielhigynian to'Warwick Square, in which
a ,goody mimber of , these , men were assem
bled, as, well ;
• women... The greatest at
tention, was given to the words spoken to
them and. 'religions yublicationi distributed
eigalraWdefitedl I'4
of a,
• ay=
stage s
,• ;; the,
our propositions will express,l think,
pretty clearly, 'the'belief of intelligent
Presbyterians touching the` greatquestion
of salvation a<
lst. The offer of salvation is, to all, ao the great commission, " Go ye
intO l allthe world and preach' the'Gospel tb
every ereature,"' which - Gospel 'is that who
soeverPelieveth on the Lord Jesus Christ
shall, be saved:!,,,- - -
• .. 2 . d • •M erif ik in -g liß •d f eTt a9Ccirding.
Word:,''" As I live; saith the
have no pleinsile in the death
of the wicked ;" which means, if it means
anything, ,, that;God Phis Oily even on . the
wicked when they,pririt3h, : and would really
r4ther they.would tarn and live. ;. ,
'B,ll. With 'the'offer .ceseliaiion to all,
tlieris is a pronlia . cif help "to enable' 'them
a comply.; 'and' not: a proniise only,htit
teal workings of hielHoly 'Spirit, adapted to, repentance rind : peace.
4th. Pection, isofthetoerey and aceprding
tethe.wisdoili of t 'His, meity was the
motive 'in. salvation. ''His'' wisdom deter
mined the , pdan. ;Ref chose to save"-those'
w..hO he ,knew,: would : tempt the' salvation
''Offerecl,,thorigh 14. mercy, not his wisdom,
wasihe grbund of the ch,Cice. ,
The etieCli r i'ilix a pivot of the t h ird
;"a 'deep ittid 'poxiierful corivie-
Mop lof sin •irrought — br the'. Holy Spirity
through the, :Word; on thee heart .of a' man. .
who, there "is . not the, slightest., evidence,
from the ,Bible or history to believe; was of
'riiiiibei"Of the' i'rtheilie,
pi opositfon ' s bh :true; it. will be' seen in
moment, that.theicause' of any man's ruin
is ;not a .decteel,of•God ordaining• him to.
wrath, nor yet Ged's , withholding grace,
from ! kiln, 'but hie 'own free, persistent re
sisting the operations a the Spitit adapted'
to bring tint 'lf these' propo
sitions he' • truei.theyi :tea , exhibit to, us '
(1011, gathering a, little company-bete ; giving.
them, gt„pop to . ,l');3lite NO..obcy,.arid setting,
ati'e reatapait'ypnder, without thought
of denying, them grade, so ' that'
they cannot either belieVe or obey.' But they
show ns- ail-standing together—Paul and
nridemtving. Goats hand on
azi iiial3Pirit working in us all ; and
tce'lie` led: by the striing ,
Hartd . ,rand ;others resisting arid wresting ,
their,haad:from , the grasp of God's.; 'The,
fennel:, are, ' say,eo, and the latter , perish:
The formef, God always meant, t o sitveii the
punish ...for their sin."' ;Ite Pre
hiifieh inlicelVdtietrine of PresbitWiiiiiis.
We'do ; 9tuf h,ltl'that- God. "'Created 'any.
ichh:ito.dlohnfltim," or.thriehe ordained:anyi
trilwrs,th,cFept.,ff for ithoit siu ;", and thaa,,
only ririytrig that God is just. . But it is,
objected 'that matters not whether we
Mild fotinallY•td'reiltobation or not, if we
teach' the doctrine of election, singling,
these out, and giving them grace to.believe
and obeyi . and denying the rest all grace, so
that i they necesacTily perish. That, you say,
is equivalent to ordaining them to wrath.
But Aid /ktia. 'of 'electibri' is precisely the
thine we &Stet' believe.' - God' lepreads':a
table e for, all v : 'sends, invitations .toliall',
works on ' . flie : ,lhearts of all, by. Abe:
coiriniop irifluence, to induee , t4r,
to~'ceme=and when thni , '" will not 'comer
leairers - them itiVerieli F . Is that l'ef , ko:
baion ,, ?s ' , When" It: spread , a' table' in" My
houseirand-invite the poor :and. the lame , to
tome in, urging them to come, and they
" will not," am I to be accused of making
theni etayout- 7 —iihutting them out ? This
is the''dkietiiiiii'we' terteh • froth all our
pitsolistiectly‘ d enwhati eally.; the sin
,sere offer of salvation to all, with—the_
promisecof grace:to, all who will accept.rit.
Men - aria , Ntrithont.bierise. •
ban ~. . . .1 .
.2 •
Anna a. rule, let us leep,itinvi
;oleblY, and not , extehdt sO"iin;tolrao!aluger
ibeyond •":"' ••-• •-
Poi the Presbyterian 'Deaner
Felix Trembled.
WHOLE NO.. 419.
.Enthusiasm yin Religiolt:
We need more of it, a hundred-fold more
than we have. 'Enthusiasm in science,
trade ' in polities, we have' .plenty of; and
all, that is done by enthusiastic men.
The Word needs to
,be guarded, but the
prudent reader knows that enthusiasm is
not fanaticism. The `grandest Subject in all
the universe of * Gott taking full , possession
of the, soul, ought to :fill ,it with intense
emotion,. It shall.profit a. man nothing, to,
gain, the whole world, and hise his own soul ;
and if we praise him who pursues business'
with' so much industry; and tact as to gain
a million before he , dies, shall we not much
more admire the enthusiasm of him who
gains :heaven I ,
The world is to, be, saved. We ought to
be in earnest about Saving it. Our friends,
children, neighbors, the heathen, and 'the
perishing--we , can do soniething? to save
them. If they were on's. ship, wrecked off
shore, Or in a burning house, we, would be
enthusiastic to' deliver them from death.
May "We' not be ' enthusiastic` in . deliVering
them froni hdll ? '` ' • ' •
The apostles were enthusiastic. The,
Saviour himself was filled with zeal. All
the, best men, who have been mighty in
pulling down error, or building up truth,
G'od' grant that
Etat Mak ;
the &Ist. It is a timuto beutrand doing.
Let us work while ithis day.
The Bible, Not Opposed to Learning.
It is, said that the teachings of the Bible
are behind the age—are becoming obsolete ?
I reply 'by asking: Whose moral progress,
in this age or any age,,has transcended the
requitements of the two great command
ments on which hang all the law and the
prophets? 'ln what part of the world is it,
that people do better than the Decalogue
prescribes—that men's lives outshine the
example 6f Christ ? - Where on the face of
the( whole earth, is there an individual, or
a community the wiser, the, •purer,, or the
happier, for being ignorant or, neglectful of.
those teachings ? Look at the world's moral
map; whether of, the Past or ' presentr.---and
It 'is said that the , Bible is in conflict
with. natural• science, •and.beneath the soar
ings of the higher literature. Who.,has
said this ? Not the far-sighted
of the inductive' method` of philosophizing ,•,
not the prince of astronomers and mathe,-
maticians; not the profound and brilliant
Davy; not the .far-famed• Cuvier ; not the
admired , and truly wonderful Hugh Miller;
not the most sagacious, luminous and accu
rate Beachman; not 'the celebrated authors
of the' Bridgewater' Treatises. Did Eng
land's sublimest [poet and most splendid
prose writer ,say _it.? Did •Young ? Did
Coleridge ? or Wordsworth ? It would,
have been with ill grace had even Byron
said it----whilst in'the habit' 'of resorting to
the Book of books to elevate and 'fertilize'
his imagination, and invigorate :and beau
tify his,style. As well might .Prometheus
depreciate heaven's ftre whilst stealing from
it., EVen in the writings of Shakspeare
and Sir' WalterrSeett may be found abund
ant illustrations of the truth "of Addison's
remark, .that.' our:: language has received
,elegances,,and improvements
from that infusion of Ilebraisms, which are
derived to it out of the poetical passages
of 'holy writ." 'The inost soul-stirring
tkivtoof -CarlypYafatliitfinest essays 'of~
MacifuTa7ll - =gatlitreils'fronf
the inexhaustible mine of Biblical litera
ture. Verily,if the Bible is behind any
class of persons in this age, it must be as
the sun shining in mid-heaven is behind
those who have• turned their backs toward
Our 'age is one in which the peaceful
principles of the. Christian religion are, to
a considerable extent, disregarded and vio
lated. The great military 'nation of Eu ;
rope, France, has found in Napoleon a com
petent and sympathizing lead. Victory,
supremacy, territorial extension, at the
hazard and the actual cost of war, are the
flnffliar ideas of that nation , of soldiers,
with its' standing army of half-a:million of
inetr, and its rapidly increasing- navy and
system of:sea-board fortifications:
Hence• surroundinv nations fbelitcalled
upon in,'self-defenceto make si j. lay prep
arations. Volunteers are undergoing drill,
millions are voted for. defence, jeurnalists
and reviewers are discussing military prob
lems, and the minds and. energies of men
are: directed to warlike channels, True,
there are phases in this military drama, as
the expedition of Garibaldi, and the inter
vention Syria, - which we c,annot.contem
plate - without having our feelings as repub
licans, , or even as, Christians, warmly en
listed. ' There are evils, so deeply, seated in,
the body politic, that a war of liberation
with all its horrors 'and aboininatiot3s Must
be welcomed as a, 'salutary - relief. Human
iby'itself demands that the sword be drawn
and held ,terrorem. over the:leads of
brutal and eutrageous tribes, or even used
upon their persons.
,''But with all this, it,
must not be forgotten, that war in itself
considered is utterly foreign to the spirit
of the Gospel. The Christian cannot but
deplore its existence, and. pray earnestly
for ; its utter cessation, upon the earth. As
one of the clearest and most melancholy
results of lie fall, he lOngs for its removal.
He - wishes our earth to be purged of its
enmities, its inhumanities'yits barbaric ten=
dencies.,,, He wishes man to "be at .peace ,
with hia .For the, culture of
piety in the individnal soul, for retirement
and communion With qoa, the camp`fur
nishes no suitable opportunity, -and the
warlike spirit is no corwenial atmosphere.
Such instancea,,asEl.edrey Vicars, Henry
Havelock, and Col. Gardiner, are, wonder
ful 'exceptions. The' business' of Christi
anity among Men is one of peace. Build
ing- churches, :.carrying- the word of life
from house to ,house,,,: sanctifying the. Sab
bath, sending:themissionary band abroad
to remote parts' of' the earth, are operations
which call for peace; and Which are inter
cepted and - darnag,ed by war, quite as MuCh
as any of the, , ,commercial interests of the
world, while to the : ; Christian they. are far
more precious. They, belong, to the civil?",
zatioA of' the race, which thus is put, in
jeopardy and retarded, They' form its
high; essential, life-giving element, which
is henceemphatically opposed to war:
There are, in. fact, few expectations more
delightful to the Chrtstian, than that there
.shall be peao 072, earth. Yes, fi',am the
Midst of a"
,battle-snieke, and, confused
noise of the warrior he looks forward' with
joy; and ,confidence to the . prophetic era
when ; swords shall. I be beaten .into plow
shares, and, spears„,inte, pruning hooks,
when nation shall not lift, up the sword
against nation, neither shall they learn
war• any more:. That tine shall come to
our convulsed and, distracted world. - The
war ; trumpet's last.-note.,shall die away
upon the air y , the
,catth shall -tremble, for
the last time beneath the rush of armed
squadrons chargingonthe foe, the heavens
shall he Tent" for fthe .last tine- by the' roar
of cannony >and &Moses, for the last ;time
impurpled, with the
,Idood ,of' her slain,
For the last time the cold ~n
.shall un-,
veil lier r f4e and hiok'diiWri upon the hors'6l4lemiliksPg‘fielaiot:bittie.
Publication Office
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Let us pray and labor for this happy
consummation. Let us keep our Soule
pure from the,taint of warlike tastes; let
us . reserve our military spirit for the ser
vice of the Prince of Peace; let us rally
around the standard of his kingdom, the
banner of the cross ; let us wield those
weapons of warfare which are not carnal
but mighty through'God, 'to the pulling
down of strongheldscaating, down imagi
nations, and every high thing that exalteth
itself against.the knowledge of God, bring
ing into captivity every thought to the
obedience of Christ. Let us clothe our
selveS in the complete armor of the Chris
tian, let us in the service of. our King, en
dure hardness as good, soldiers, not entang
ling ourselves with the affairs of this life;
let our ambition rise above the hero names
of earth, to his, Who at the end could say :
"I have fought a good fight, ..I have finish
ed my course, I have kept the faith ;
henceforth there is laid up for me a crown
of life whibh the Lord, the righteous
Judge, shall give me at that day"—Amer
ican Predvteria,n:
To be With Christ
When the brilliant, amiable, and accom
plished - young Italian woman, Olympia
; rratfloYeriOettillile i 'linibilOnii
graced the splendid epoch of Leo X.,
had become the persecuted victim of Ro
mish tyrannY'foi honoring Christ above a
polluted priesthood, then poverty, sickness,
desolation, exile, tried their worst upon, her
constancy After she who had been the
delicate nursling of courts and letters, had
fled across the stony fields of ijavaria, with
literally bare and bleeding feet, the strength
of the frail body failing, she bent under
the roughness of fortune, and quietly lay
down to die. To one of her noble friends
in Italy she wrote, "Let the Word'of God
be the.rule of thy life, the lamp upon thy
path, and thou wilt not stumble. ,
As the
purple flood of life ebbed in her thin, white
frame, she said,
," I desire to die, because
I know the secret of death. The cunning
mecliaism is near of its dissolution. I
desire to die, that I may be with Jesus
Christ, and find in him eternal 'life. Do
not be disturbed at my death, for I shall
conquer in the end; I desire to depart and
be with Christ!' With Christ ! so, the
world over, and through all ages, in the
first century or the last, the true heart of
faith answers, in its final and glorified hour,
to the prayer of. Jesus, "With me where I
Good Hope Through Grace
It is recorded of Seldon, whom Grotius
styled " The gloryOf England;" that, in the
near view of his'death; he requested an inter
view with Archbishop Usher, with whom be
freely conversed respecting his ground of
hope. He said be had, in his library, books
and manuscripts on almost all the subjects
which engaged the attention of literary men ;
but that out , of all the number, there was
only one which could afford solid support
to his mind, and that was the Word of God;
and the particular portion of the inspired
volume which had most interested him, was
in Paul's epistle to Titus : " The grace of
God that brit) b meth salvation hath appeared
to all men, teaching us that, denying ungod
liness,and wordly lusts, we should live so
berly, righteously; and godly in this pres
eikt world) looking for that blessesl hope and
the •glorion's *eating' of the' greit — God
and our Saviour Jesus Christ who gave
himself for us, that he might redeem us
from iniquity, and purify unto himself a
peculiar people zealous of good works."
Industry, economy; integrity, have ever
been' esteemed as among the cardinal vir
tues. The mass of the people, Who earn
their daily bread, know the value of every
dollar ; and not very often do you see per
_profuse with their own earnings. The
firmers who cultivate the hard soil of our
Eastern States, the mechanics in their
shops from early morn till late at night, our
whole industrial, population, are placed
in circumstances highly favorable to the
development of these sterling character
• But fortunes accumulated by hard toil of
the fathers and mothers, are not sure to be
used in 'a like manner by the children of
ease and, luxury. Parents themselves, are,
in a great measure, accountable for this.
Their labor has been so hard, that they
come inconsiderately to feel that exemption
from that lot would be a most desirable her
itage for their children. Youth are not
slow to agree with, them in these respects,
and soon look upon all manual labor as
drudgery, and to cherish contempt not only
for labor, but also for the laborer.
A great Act of the Soul.
The celebrated poet and philosopher,
Samuel Taylor Coleridge, regarded prayer
as the great act of the soul. "I was sit
ting," says a friend, "by his beside, one
afternoon, and he fell—an unusual thing
with him—into an account of many pas
sages of his past life, lamenting some things
condemning others, but complaining withal,
though ,very gently, of the way in which
many of the most innocent acts had been
cruelly misrepresented."
cc But I have no difficulty," said he, "in
forgiveness;:but, believe me, pray with all
your heart and strength, with the reason
aird-the, will, to believe vividly, that God
will listen to your voice through Christ, and
verily do the thing be pleaseth thereupon—
this is the last, the greatest achievement of
the :Christian• warfare on earth. Teach us
to pray, 0 Lord."
As he uttered these ivords, he burst into
a flood of tears, and begged all his .friends
to pray for him.
Abiding in Christ
President. Dwight used to say, to his
classes, as they, went out from under his,
care, t‘ Young men, it is not great talent, it
is not great learning that is to enable you
to do good, but abiding in Christ." Heathen'
added, " The young man of whom-we ex
pected sleast all the way through , college,
has now, attained to the greatest excellence
and usefullness, and has done the most for
the upbuilding of the cause of the Master."
That man was Dr. Nettleton. His hopes
were not bright, hewas gloomy and despond
ent all the way ; through his> college course;
but he afterwards shook-,off this dark man
tle, and richly exemplified the power, and
beauty of the religion of Jesus. He was
eminently , alholy - man—because. he- abode
in Christy and, wherever he went' Christ
went withlim, and glorified hintselfthrough
an.arm of flesh
At the age -of seventy-five ,one , 'lmust, of
course, ; think frequently ,of death.. , But,
this thought never gives me the leastun
eisiness—l am so fully convinced that the
soul is indestructible, and 'that its activity
will continue through eternity:
ly ;the Sun, which seemasi .to.: our : earthly
eycp, 0 ; 130 ! in Right,,but is in-reality : gone;
(to diffuse its, light ejsinhere.„, ,, ,Ann i Nvh(lie:
sinking it 'tannins thi,