Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, September 15, 1860, Image 4

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Vit .,40 0 . 0 Dit.C€sfr
PROLEGOM t vLOGICA : A2t,lnctizting .PITO
Puddt. B4 • .-,4 y• Elenry
,Lorigtieeille Mansell,
1).D., ;14. , .- -Wayntiete Professor. of Moral'
and 1"; physical PhilosoPhY, Oxford; ,Editor
o f S . Villiam Hamilton's„linottarq. Author
of t :mks of Religicus c ,7llOligilt,Lu ' ete4 +Pp.
si29 Boston : Gptila•,4. - Linco/m, New-Yoik:
elan 4. co, Piffsburgh i ' Hunt 1 4.- Miner?
17` 3 1.-
A portion orkhfs able . work, has, already ap-
A:ared in two artcles conlribtited by the author
to the North 24, eview, entitled "philAsophY
of Language,'-and i tißecent Extensions of For:.,
mal Logic." ~,, Tile, objedt is to exhibit the, rola- ,
tions existing between Logic and Psychology.
It is not inetpidldwai 'an introduction to Logic,
nor is it designed for the use of those, unac
quainted with its rudironnts. , "Pp,..anderotand At,,.
clearly, and.l to profit, from .its study, some, pre
vious knowledge of tho elementary portions of
that, science is necessary. For it, is an inquiry,
into the constituthin'and'laiis of the thinking
faculty, as they are assumed' by the logician ,as
the basis of his:deditcfiOni, ' ' '
The great corrective of the misconceptions enr
tertained concerning the nature and 'office oft
logic, is to bee - found in a therough acquaintance'
with the aotual"conatitutiou of human thought.
This is the aim Of the iresenCwOrki'iii.Which
the opinioni'ef'tit`iit, iNiusin, Sir William Ham
ilton, and Otheileading' writers on .this and 'kin
dred subjects. are reviewed; so that to the meta
physician and the student of logic this will be
work of rarp,,interest,.. It is a valuable contribu
tion to the great`-subject •of Mental Science, by
one who stands among the very first in this de
.artment of learning.
THE REFORMER ,BASTOR;, Sho7ing , the
Lure of t the Fastoral_lVork.; Especially in Pii
vate Insnptoa ainrCateehising,,with an open
Confesan of t otltt too oiieri"Sins. By the Rev.
Richard Baxte6.,,gp„ apq. hlergrYork : Robart
Carter vPittaberghcl- 4tabeit
93 Wood Street. 1860. r: .
tip-4,C." •
" The Itefermed raster" has long been a'clas
sic in its iteculiat province: From Fits perusal,
thousands of ministers in the different Protest
ant count - ries of the world, have been quickened ,
into new sigor, in watching for souls and in feed
ing the 'Ana . over which the Holy Ghost had
made them overseers. And vast numbers of con
gregations have 'reason, every year, to bless God
that this * Work, ever written. Its • effect at
its first attpearanee on the ministry and Churches,
was most happy ; and the lapse of more. than
two detinkies . has not lessened its infinefice.
Several abridgments have been frequently
publisheikin this country, and large extracts are
to be found in most of the works of recent origin, -
that treat of the pastoral work; but the entire
work, as it came from the hands of the author,
has long been te c esideTattmx....• tlte volume be
fore us we , ,Aave complete work, front the
press,of Ballantine & Co., Edinburgh, Scotland,
on excellent paper, and from large and elegant,
type, and, at al:et:aerate price. The demand for
it in this form must , be large.
• Last Winter, benevelent'gentleman: Made ,a
contributionof a copy of the "Bible-Dictionary"
to each of the students and professors in two of
our Theological Seminaries; we trust that a.copy
of this work will find its way to, every student in
all our Theolog,ical Setninaries.
SCHOOLS. By Stephen H. Pyng, D.D., Rec
tor of St. — George's ohurch, New-York. Pp.
251. New-York: Sheldon t Co. Boston:
Gould. "t
Lineoh . i. Pittsburgh: Hunt 4. Muer,
Fifth Street. 1860. `•
This little volume consist's of a series of letters
addressed to Alm 7Superintendent of a Sabbath
School, at his own request, which made their ap-
pearance before
Independent. ;:i iiir.,T;ng f is Sob }
bath Scheer cause, no . , small degree e :
su3cess in the iiiiniet4 has li'een `owing 'tie'
zeal which he always soiigtli tiiqiiiTert to his
people ifi l thtti deparl'mehi of the Chureh'S
The style is agreeable, the , suggesticms r thrown
out are valuable,-and every minister, Superin
tendent,"`and.Sabbatli School teacher Will li-beitL"
efited bftho. perusal:-' xA. loss desultary treat-:
meat of ;the different subjects would. have : been'
. preferred by some, but this would, have
made the work. less popular, and coneequently
less useful.": Messrs. Sheldon& Co. have brought
the workout in handsome style. It deserves a
large cirCtilation.4'
Beautifiillga , Illustrated pith dolored Plates,
from Original Designs by the First American
Artisti. Neir-York':- Sheldon 4 Co. Boston :
Gould, 4: bincglu. Pitisbargh: Hunt t Hiner.
This is a most charming little gift book for the
holidays, containing the histories of Sam Son,•
Noah, Ithth, Sannel, David, - and Joseph, written
in that olear, simple, ,attractiv,o, and Scriptural
style, that will gain the attention of the children,
instruct gicir t faint,and - hnlmoye their hearts.
In the finding, Pavel ! , tYpe; and illustrations, it
is a gem. ,' • " ' '
AM - BRIO/11 HISTORY. :Ytico'b AltOott. . 1,1
lustrated,l* nqmogrous igaps.snd Engravings
VoI.,PD : :28S. Nett , -York: Sheldon 4: CO
Boston,: :Gouy 4 ,- . :Lincoln.. Pittburgh : Hun
t t Hiner. • • • .
. .
This volume of Mr.- Abbott's interesting and
instructive series. on 41MericaU; History, relates
in his whoa luditand attractive manner the !sets
and incidents With the disCovery of
America. These .01umes will be valuable for
the young, 4ti l idj`r
with the„histoprAf their
_country, ,
,and for all,
whose attainments or opportunity will. nOt . alfO*'
the study of larger and more elaborate 4roris.'
ISLANDS. By Arm. Thomas Geidart. Pp. 181.
New-York.; Sheldon. 4- Co. pitobur g it: Hunt
it Miner. .1861.
Mes...Geldartis- one of the best female writers
of her,age. "It has bien 'our priVilege to notice
her previous works with commendation of no or
dinary kind iant *et' 31 80 .4 .littlerl2o9k, busy not
unworthy of her high reputation. It is, in fact,
a brief and . written history of : some Of
the most important persons; places, and events
that. have made Scotland so famous. The illus
trationttare admirable, and the contents are cer
tain to be read. - •
THE TrogAN IN WHITB. By Wilkie Collins,
author of " The Queen of Hearts," " Anto
nia," "The Dead,- Secret,". ",After ; ;Dark."
Illustrated by John Haman. Pp. 280.. New-
Ye& : ' Harper 4. Brother.s. Pittsburgh : Runt
4. Miner. 1880.
The anihei is the son of Wilkie, the celebrated
painter, And is well-known mom several previous
works. The story is intended to set forth
what a woman's patience can endure; and' what,
a man's, revlution i. can achieve. , Great,sk4ll
manifese4ln uteli4itliality of the characters.
introduced "'' ' • '
NAC .FOR 1881.—This . Almanac, issued by our
New Selmoibretliren, IS attractive in appearance,
and its matter is, excellent.
Uptin The Elohitn Revealed, touChitig the Doc
trine of Imputation and kindred topics. By
'Samuel..J. Baird. Pp. 40. Philadelphia:
Joseph Df. Walton. 1800.
Dr. Baird, ciiiiisidering 'that injUstice . had Seen
done ":Tlle Elohim Revealed,"
by Dr. Hodge, in the Repertory, publishes this
reply. , ' , '
FOR. SEPTEMBER; a- v - aluable , educational
journal; ilas Cook
Danielson, Providence, R. L
THE NORTH BalTiEll:L:-Tge lr Atigust num
ber sof,thie , sterling Quarterly is - err 'our - table ,
iirominaPss. IL cents - Ea eleven
able articles—viz.: Recent Discoveries in As
troniip;t4 Life and Works; ,Soo i
Natiorisai6e : Seoial,`- and"lntellectual ; Colonial ,
Thier's History of the Consulate and Empire;
Amninative Literature.; , La.yerittr Surla Russie ;
Recent Rationalism
'Recent Theories in IVletcoroYogY ; laCen t
dations. Price -$8 per year. :the four Reviews
and Blackwood ; 'or;-slo....Re.publisb.ed in Neyfr,
tork by Leonard SOott t Co. 79 .F'ultop. Street.
For sale in Pittsburgh, Jiy A., Gam/ snug
0 4. 1, fx •:3,
THE HORTICULTURIST, for Sept.Js an in •
teresting lumber , It :s4Pl4"PP.O,.th,,i,kinilY of
every farmer and every 'one' that has 'n
spot of ground to cultivate and adorn, will be
'''„,,profited by it. Terms $2 a year. Published by
Co M. Saxton, and E. D. Barker, No. 25 Park
'Row, New-York. Mr. James Wardrop, 'Fifth
„Street, Pittsburgh, will receive Subgcriptions. •
:Where tie** thelibuielfold timrid,
That knelt at evening prayer ?'
That witideraliihtiCi hand,"'
O'er home's green hills so fair?
That grew up side )33 , side, ,
Beneath a mother's eye,
Nor sought the *Orld
Till duty, bade them fly?
The first, in manhood's prime,
When the sweet May-flowers smiled,
Went to a brighter clinic, 4 ' • =
Went as a loving child—
Far from his childhood's home,
Far from his mountain air,
In death almost alone, ,
One sister only there.
The next; In gtbwmg youth-`
When heart and mind.and plan
liesolvecl,•irk faith and truth,
4 To'he an honest man—
" Was called from earth away
When Wintry Winds blew chill
No longer,,,zujekt i
His purpose to fulfill.
. -
Fonr-fleeting years—end now
Oursentlest one must
Death's'seal on lip and brow,
Faith's smite.within her eye
An Autumn Sabbath sun
' Acme glbirinkEnst,
All iniLand -weeping done,
Peaceful she sank to rest.
Death's angel knew the way
To our dear sheltered nest;
His icy hand next lay
Upon our darling's breast.
Our precious poet-child . ,
Lay like a wilted flower ;
The angel only smiled,
Andtore her,to:his bower.,
Kind strangers made her grave
In their own sweet South land;
In vain our prayers to save _
Once more—the hectic rose
'Bloomed on a pallid'eheek ;
The third fait. inttithin'goen"
The loved and lost to seek.
Just "as balniy Spring '
Was waking flowers to birth,
And birds beian fo
T We laid her in'the earth.
Five of our broken band
"Still toil on life's rough way;
Safe in the Better Land .
Five Levi this -sweet Spring `day'
NortAAEndgewatet. GaOette:,.
C ' •• I
, ' '
One day Tommyrushed into . the. kitchen
quite! in' 1 i 1 15re:62'4 • crying- oht,';'rMOthet,-
mOther,,there, is an 4 - .4d man n de ; ' n in, the
road sittinr ,, 'On•a log • sha'riiiiiiiet Pompey
on him ?" °' Set 'Pompey,,said
is •
h sister • " what for?" "Oh be,
cause," answered :Tointty, lookinVallittle
,ashamed, "because-perhaps • he'll come
and eat us op." " A foolish reasen of a
Toolish . boy," said his mother. "Go out,
Esther, and see if the pcior man wants any
thing. Perhaps he's tired with a
'day's tievel arriong'the mountains." "Per
haps he's . somebody's grandpa," add 'Es
ther. " Would you like to have a• naughty
boy, set,his dog on your grandpa, Tommy ?'
,Esther ran down the green, and peeping
through the gate, saw him resting under
the shade of the old oalettee. " Should
you like anything: ?" asked Esther. "Will
please to came in and 'rest yourae:f
our kitchen." —"`Thank you, chicken,"
said the.oldonan, should• be very thank
ful for a drink of water." , Esther scam-
Pered back to the' hottse, laughing. "He
called me Chicken "'Said she " and chicken
will draw, him some, enl,,water from the
well; yes, that chicken' will; hi t own
little Claim." Her mother gave her the
'piteher, and she drew the `water'from the'
well, and 'fastened :With - the =cooling'-drink
to the poor: Weirder. PoMpey marches'
' ahead, Smelling the way, and Tommy' slinks
behind,- as well he may, atter harboring,
such cowardly thoughti dboutlth'eipOor
Tan. ft ! 1»r '
How pleasant liels to see
'Aired. and dusty; for hai conic a long
way. ." I thank you," he said, after drink.:
ing, thank t ypn. It tastes very; good.
Do y0u.,14(0w whet the• .-Lord, Jesus onoe
said about a
p up of ,coldwater i ?", Es,th,er
'was silent.' "I will tell you. He Said,
Whosoer,tshall dice to one} ofllia, people
I a eufi of i. cold''water only, in the name of a
disciple, he. shall -in no wise _Josh , his re
ward., lgay the Lord hithißlf bless r you,
little girl, as I am sure I do." And a
happy feeling scele, into ,the ',young-child's
bosom at the el t d.mep's,:w p osds,-for „the blest
sing of the
. poor the 'strAgerl'ellqs-
Gennette and Jane were play'ing l in'
gardens near the; tuliphed, and- Jane said, -
" Let us have a game ,at . balk." how Gen
uette had been told — that she must not play.
at ball near the, tulip-bed, but you knew she
did not always' Obey.' ,
What Oiled, tittle ',Gennetta to have said
when Jane wanted a game at ball? She
ought to have said 'a We roust naPlay at
'ball in this part
. .of the garden, ter fear twe
should break anyof the tulips." And they
ought to have pllyted i at 'Some other game,
Or else they should have gone away to some
other,part of the, garden. ~
But Jane Vegan to toss, up the ball as
high 'lt'S she could, and, Gennette ran to
'catch it. Then she threw .it to Jane.
They had a nice game, and were very mer
ry. Sometimes they could not catch the
ball, and it fell `on the ground. At last it
fell on the tulip-bed, and broke' two of the
Then Gennette and Jane loOked at each
other;:a - n4 did not know what to do. Jane
said, "Let us run away, and-iplay mba r
whera else, and then nobody will , know."
So she took hold' of Gennette's hand, and
they, ran to the other side of 'the garden.
• By arid by Gennette's mamma put doWn
her work upon the table; and went to take
a walk round the garden. When alle.came
to the tulipbed,_she .saw that two of`the
flowers were broken, and _their heradsliiing
down, and she saw the marks of little feet
,uponthe mould.;' For Jane had gone tiPon
the mould i 'to.piek ;up the ball when it; ell
among the
,Then Grenriettels,'mammkkneW who had
te.W" r
".hrokeri..ths tuhps. And she said to :hev'
self, "I hope they will not try to hide what
The Broken Band.
Tell the Truth.
, r
they have done." She] Went; i 4 ?the .4lace,
where lxenuette and jane were at play;
and as she walked along she said again to
Herself, "Oh! I do hope that my little girl
will speak the truth !'
The little girls-were afraid when they.
"saw c e , her coming, and Jane' Said, "Do 'TM
11" Little o°innate
tell." .did not speak
' •
word, but she wished that she had 'done as
i ithe Was' bid.
When Gennette's mamma came close up•
to them she said, Did' yob, know, ,dears,
that some one had broken two of my tu
lips?" Then 'both the 'little girls looked
red in the face, and I am afraid that Jane
Nvas going to say no, hilt- Gennette spoke•
first, and she said,, "I will tell the truth;
mamma. We were' playing at'ball near.the
tulip-bed, and the ball fell among the tu
lips, and broke them. I, am, very sorrY,.
and I will not do so again." •
.Then her mamma said, ‘c Yon may come
and kiss me, my dear, for I '2IM -glad ;.that
you ; -have spoken the truth. I.shall also be
very iJad - indedd when-you have learned to
do as you are bid. But I hope that my lit
tle gi - el will. never try to hide a , fault hy
saying what is not true.--Rcaper.
Annie was'but fifteen years old when 'the
angels took her. Her life 'wits like a love-`
ly day—beautiful to the close., The setting
sunlbund.her beyond the hills, waiting to
risen the wings of morning , up' to those'
everhistinghills whose: summits are crown-,
ed with - perpetual gloiy
She was accustomed to devote a ; 'certain
portion of every day to .reading the Bibleto
1, poor, blind woman-and nothing could
maker her re
c' ngon trirreTf-imPrer
duty. ;One 'day partyt A:9
4 r0TE1g140411.4:
a sleigh ride . some distance out of the city.
The aleiL.4 , .Yiiasat the dodi, 3 and al' .Wete , in;
readiness to start; when Annie came in
from school. ,
" Come Annie " said her sister "We're:'.
waiting for you. ifurry, now, and set on
your things!
Annie's eyes : , sparkled .with animation,.
,Joy tinged, her cheek with a -resegtie hue,
as she ranto prepare '
.herself to make one
in the antielntpleasure-., Suddenly
change name' o ve r l'aCe;
StrUggle between duty and pleasirre 7 ,Went:on
in her breast. . • olj
She thought nf,the old iaay vat,o would
be waiting for her—perhaps longing to hear
from the inspired volume the sweet words
of Trisdoin and;of 'comfort and,this thought
checked the outward epressron of picas
' ure, while firin resolUtion took_ possession
of that strong young heart':
She hastened to her sister.
"I can't, go, Bel : AlTs Lindsay ; will egg
peet, !"
"'Nonsense'.Let the old -woman go for
to-day, at least . We•want you to , go with
hs and have icane'fini." -*
' No- I'd rather not She'll be. so dis
And the jingle of the slmgh
bell, and the entreaties of her friends ; had
no power to move the little heroine from
this' determination. ' '
• 4. : ,
Think of a child • so yming giving up t a
pleasure doubtless but rarely enjoyed, to`
gratify' an old woman nearly ninety yeargc.
of acre !
What a noble woman she would have
made I How few,• even older than she,
could have taken'auch a stand, and made
principle and duty paramount to inclina
tion ! as
The memory of that blessed child is sweet
to those Who' knew lened.'lief:'
Though •a . period iof twelve years has.
elapsed' since she slept the, sleep, that knoWe
no 'earthly wakingr her • fair young lifeq
fleeting, though it was;: stands out, upon
the broad canvas, , of the ppst ? undimmed by,
)36: jil p o 'Adeadj,;ls.h. e4et..Apeakga6i. ' .i - 4, , ;1•+i,,e , .,.,x - v1
- ...'';'•i.riiq -. 1. 'it e:, :;.,. *'i,..1.;;!)" . 0 - ;)4 Citr 01 ',id
rtfr Hellie!s., Talk With Her Rother.
" Mdther ex,claimed cOuting . iii`
from Sehoor 11'6 . all agrOV waif
passiom " Mother, Susan black has 'told
big lie about me
Lee laid down her sewing ; and.
placingiher between thein
those or her little alaiighter;she waited a too
ment,'Od then said; in -a low, sweet voice,
":Nellie, you are exeitednow. Go to your
charribe`r, and kneel dosirn and'Ask'.Qtrd's'
help to feel,rightly. about it,, ?Aid Alen we
will talk it all over."
When Nellie `cattier, lia'ek,zaritlg. Oslo the
stool ail her mother's feet, placing again her
little handwbetweenAterTaotheesrhe.r..face.
still showcd , .that , , she felt: koenly; l h,utkall
traces of passion were gone: "'Well, Nellie,
what is it?" asked Mrs:
".She said I was selfish r ,beeduse would
`net .len& - her . a book, I was reading You
know pit's Aunt Sarah"fLand I have no right
to lend it"
" Did you, tell Susan the reason
No before I had a chance to -, she
called me a qelfish girl,' and after , that, I
would ret." ,, • •
Nellie' it was a Wiek.ed Pride that
prevented your doing so It• was very net , '
Ural for Susan to . judge, 'se' though' she
Spoke too hastily, for I remember she • lent
You a 'heel( the other day. I think you
were the most to blame,-for, had ~yOu, told
- her' she would no longer have 'thought-you
,:ungrateful - for her kindness, and would
have regretted her 'own worda. I re
member the otherday you licensed her of
being vain, because Ate Fae i tlelighted f with
her new slippers; now you have no right to
complaitr.if She:judge - Von'? ara , :you - judged,
, her: The Bibleisays; /Via/genet?. e.,1 •; ;.
t‘ I am afraid it was , beeause7Lwas en
',nous, that I thought Susan vain," said
Nellie. ' 1 .1”" -7":"
Then, surely," said hq j iirther, "if it
was only your own wicked, feeli,fr , sfhatraade
you' judge so, you cannot complain , if she
thOlight you, selfish, wheleshe had such good
ieason for Oinking go.", ,'
"I will ask: Aunt totleiid'it :to:lier, and
she shall, have it before itxa'
said Nellie . ' " '
See how many wrong thinos von have
done' said her. .thother. ,";'You;got very
argry',,yon allowed.: Susan to think you very
inigratefal and. selfish, 'anit then.' spoke very
unkindly' Of 'lief." • '
Yes,"- said Nellie,. sadly
•• - •
her I wouldnot s eak twher for a peel !"
" That meant you would not forgive her,
so ,you could not pray, " Forgive .us our.,
'sins as welßgiire-thoseidioNiilfigaillit
withontiraying that Gbd'Weuld Uotfoyoin ;
your sins ! Just, think . , of praying such a,
prayeit as that :for a isliOte wee !
you had'died, Nellie; while you , felt so un
'kindly ? Do you remember Christ sAys,
If ye forgive 'not men 'their trespasses
" '
neither will your Father forgive 'your tres
PP, -
Nellie's head was bowed on , her, moiler's'
hind, and ha" tears, showed. her grief for
her sin. Her; motherwhispered, Go,.
Nellie, and pray for God's help to govern.
your tempbr, 'and. tb you would
be judged, to , forgive 'as you •would be for
Reader, are there not lesSons here for us?
'.Child at I,Tang.
, •
A: house :full -of .children composes as
powerful a group of motives as ever moved
a heart or hand, and the secret of manya,
struggle and triumplrinz thye world's -battle, found throned in its moth'er's lap
at home,. or done up in a , little 4 bundle of
white flannels: A oath:Mts.:hope; before
now,haa been, : found in. it, basket ,of
rushes. Get ready tkrhe afraidufrthe 4nm ,
that children are afraid - ,4 gpitotte,suge ,,
that he "who hates them-is %al hiltusislf
worth living.
.T.lie Itigitiligi;Pt(ry,
Children it Retire.
•1 :4 1 .1 3.t
“ 6tau fls a.Nauure.”
• In a recent -article on, the :cc, Manurial
Resources •of the Fitrm," we put grass
growing in rotation with-grain.crops as the
first rand resource of the farmer for rais
and keeping up. i the l fortilippofAis.soil.
Havint Nips°, noted selreial fhBti .bearing
upon t is - subject,' Which' may . tend further
to illustrate and , enforce . the importance of
atter' tiOn! , to .this-faatti n husbandry—"' that
the growing of clover andAhe . grasses lies
at the foundatiowoCallprofitable farming,"
'we note them-for:our readers
That on-many of , our :natural wheat , soils
geoci'zrops of,:that.grain have been grown
'every. three .ears and, even •every,other,
year-for inany..euecessive,periods,,is
• known fact...AWe, fina in the „PA*:
away 6f Wien, Ohio, who, for twenty years
raised wheat:snri nally on ,one,of ,th'ree fields,
the- wheat, being s t eeilscl,in, Spring to clover,,
dr.essedlwitha•bwihel 'of - Plaster per acre
•pastured, the next, seanen,,ariathen Summer
fallowed And sowed to, wheat the' third
year. "The aePtli - of. pl ow ing was uniform
a yoke of p i xigi IT' 4atief hors
attached td ,lOn.filimr could accom
plish." The. average ykela_. of wheat, for
the first sever: years was twenty-six.hmthels
,per .aere; near the close of,. the .term,, thir
ty-six. bushels, an4,,pow t ,on,the same lank,
he had wheat groxing• Which, will
'from twen ty-five, to;#kicty:liusheis 'hi acre,,
and 'this 'llow i e,„en c4sinb,ble 'with two,
ings. " "for ' a time '
nwasne-baffling pest, but now, when we es
,,cope its, the land proves itself un
\pile we would potiadvocate any sever 9,
course of croppiii,jt`eigatng rapfialbrflet
harillt the soil, we would-advise lariners"to
grow all the clover and grasses possible, if
'th'ey would keep their, farms ; fertile,,„ond
productiye devoted ,to . . grain.
long 'del l im39,11.,*ftA,. the aid of. a bushel, of
plaster' psr, amp will
~ grOsi heavy crops
of clover,
, we'need not fear : hut' it Will efovi
crops at suitable inter,vnli;ivithofie
'fttier applicat i on of manure. 'W9 may
i gind it Most profitable to feed the ' grass
. oown to. stook, - ,toking.,,the.. -tuannre ,they
snpply' -meanwhile ili,treturn; fatal this
ohly , be grass-in. snother . and (for.
this., Tap*, herhaptil better form ? 'With
- some additio i nalelementi,i . from the
, -:But tve•slid not intend - to attempt
any diiptuteion• ofithis' branch , of..the subl
,•11 ' 11.4; IL., • •• 1•• •
• ..
- • . .. .
MU .
4, ' " 64 g itikeitßeStiTuhi-VP#3O, t o ':
00. , etiter q-faii . ...11-: faxm (rePOCkii... ) 4 e :out
StaterAgriculkural Societypis , ,this: 2".Whai
do' . you , cptiiderthe lidst bale 'tefiinprov. , i
ing tle soil' ofstooppoi.m. ,, witif pfetente.
to the 41043444 144 of soi l, ' p l a y, :gtil;,:or . ' ,
giaVol : curious to, .olterxe. how ,
.uniforwthave.abeen . the . answers . received.
.o,fie :kin *-+ tift? Trtnsactions .of. 1858) .ploivs ,
greensida ihiler f in a lliVi4ring •foru . coin;.
" - likes t 41 . 104 a:o4,oigraaa, on the
,*ti4 •
.to turti - under ;laying, :.
the Cottfse .cift croppitg. before. again.. seed?
he() gTass. , Another says: "My method
of increArig 'the. "pitattett2iii l'if die 'ass of
plaster (s'ew,e,-kiR. elevix;)•,6 l l 0W.)5410 farm
1 also use barnyard ma4re. ;Another
;LOr•- • diesses his zneadows,,, to , inprease the,
met nt: T tirtivt,,y4th : a portion of his stock
mauurp4,llalO . ..anot , ti,or pato, all his mannie,
on-his newly seeded grass land. these
oissifiostly dairy •farmers,'Who yet grow. a.
iconsderah i lais i' OVArain for , bionozi 'eon
i*Pi(iii•••:fro-r1.;4„ . 1. - :. '.
':". .:
- .Turning.pose;piitiOularly 105 the 'grain
Arcisiitig farms, we still turd grap,, and slo-,
,vot`particularlypthehasia of their +improve,
men, i "..*' OlOgeility , Of two oritbree years
Air 4 *O4 i*',:fday for ;Odin; or in . A.V.
t o
gaß t iW/C447.ljilt:t li*i ii e° 4 l . l . l M 4ie ; 4143 4 .
lug . anure, if at • all, to the corn crop be
!fore lowingimAnottierstithes care . to. return
&tog Sihaftkethig tleil , fs over cropped'.with •
',.griii „0W:04.04'1'0 'tliii.,termer for the
f 3
'POW . tkliiP4l4wlelille ' litf'tgrt a 4 4, i4. 1 :144-
SAY.' at.ia,iBo4.•depe.nclence not : likely, to he
.wisp ace:4l;4'4w glom the -grass -.ay.-Abel
tkitteitti6ft . wilifelitiriderits%oth from itaini ,
Irin c valtr, an,4,..#1.,p10ce, 7,14 , 0,,it must
,lior n all self-sustaining3trm,impinving,
aye sof 'Agriculture; e. :i. , ..b .s. • . . -
' - "lc' ,luntmemantire oar , meadows plenth:
full ' ilaYilliaar'll. PAibiples of .Aglictil
'tart rit
we are quite sure of it au ffi bieatt* .
t or our arable land,". and; when we find
a &In:under 'imanagement . trendering -itica.:•
"pile of 'pl•citlritiiti4 •gholy`priiiiii 'of 'pi* for
. P4t 3 turagP. •P't 4.Wi#gf as .. o4 , bitfb!) .l .twe '
spay rest, aaauro, .141110,31, ia.raalfi, firi.j.l4,i
and may easily-ba continuolso A.
.I.,:limiieii ,
'ool3oot' manure, swetithink, would , gb far
. ther if 'apPliiiii Airlf - • in' ihel r all• (iltiteine ,
1 0 4 40 0.4. all laPdqtall..4PAßY othcffsw# ..
It would tend rargeky tq a thicic,pri ,ti,in, turf
by. Iricrilusing . the Igrowth.i.of : roots , and
lea* 'haycld , whitt. svoidd - otlierwisa ' take
place thrO l OCtlik kiku f aill.,oo 'Win toll lai
woll'as . giviiii ari''liiiiai. ' i3fi4A pitirili
7 ---benefiting,ittOirfad, • ..botlwaty. pro'teatk9q.
dia - .nourishment:, ...Its value en
hanced, by this result, and the : tuif,•#hen
`o4c4,ll:44t,,Y , Juld!fupiroka . rch'mantr i:
. .illg,tly inf'desi;elPiiiiik. .";,I* . ii.l97jpg,
:Apping, irrigatiety,aAly.,EMMa.'to P;(9 3 30.9
,gtiiss glowing willfghrenssatithe same..time.
~ privfitablegranizrailisPoir allisoils
„itk:i.Toduction, as, indeed, to one kind or
naiotlieginstnioil:vares. - - - -anintry,,,Geittle-
Driving Cattle.
Lit the miliman tari, t livi e gnws slowly
fr 9m thP.PFAM . , ,scioks hats full
'should never be mace to ran.... S4ll,the
driver 0114. ialvitys lave. a stick% i•_ien , hand :
to, Mal& them boy .. trbiv 'dad - see,
boys bringing np :thEi at IC:ria9 10".
rapid .. for thei , comfort :. of ...the. , lcattia.—as •
when they have
. no sticks..they,maks.,cse..of
!tones. Suoh boys are itiptbroaglit",ii . nrelli,
nd hOw 'tianWl eirpeded to bring de
- sc.?We'srp”'Wolll ' • • • ••••• '
batter is to be made,
before any,‘eresin inclinsi;
to • rise:-' --Any 'after setting fors
'cream is injurious.
"and:l. tv
Currant' as Trees, or u B ushes. , • . t.;
- • •••rw,. - 1 , ...,-.4..,.- ~.., , ..,..- .. ::
The editor. 4„91,0 Ainlati,4ll : lo-..t?,4 4 .1er . .
1 recommends theAree Arm. „Out then adds::
' ', Another good way to grow , the current' ,
is in the form of atbush,not: the. lind .i . cf;
; a bush denerAlly seen, crt w th.,cp,
;of at I,b7mcg. a ur ERlnut ,c r tw r . .. from
the group .
.r ea ipg•two t years, !I . -
low one or two., strew irtsp i sta,rtpf f thp
the bottom,. Co tak'sitl place of bike o?' Iwo
of the old ones, which should be cut away.
One: shoot may' be 'allowed. afterwards to
'."gic','iw awry. year,itareplace,an,old,knie /and
„thus •thellantrwill..4)e -entirely ..renewed
,everiy`threepf four ye t ire• .• • . .
Cattle which you are fattening should be.
Running about in th i c barn-yalljapd fields,
of the
being exposed i t,p',lhrms.riolti.; changes
the weather, dcfeeilot/aisihV any in im
proving their condition. Experience bus
proved that' in order to fatten rap
idly, must X kept el*.ly
,in. their _stills:
Last season4n!.English.garmer tied up:tou'r
bullopl9 t ‘thder.ailloyel, . three in 'separate
bezel, and Veit Seven loes.S.iii..;tnio' yards,
dour in tone' and threalk aucAber,, earl hay. :
Ping alnlveVor shad,-10...rpini, :under. The
fourteen , teast's:were•all:ahke
were treated in the same way.. Those shut
Alp td,4411411?0.-*Ot' i Mic tA*44 - ttvtA l a
ray for market first, and th ose edit,th.
yards replaced them in the boxes, but when
filA t.
.I ffjii9 r
- ; - a
Fattening• Cattle.
they came , be• marketed, it. was found,
that •they, were not ready by a mouth as
soon as those : that were tied. or,fft,OelAed up.
Pis cellautons.
An Ext . raordino White' :Rosie.
There is now groying.t,n the gardens of
Moorsend, near - thielionharn;,llngland, an
extraordinary white rose tree, , thirty feet
im height. It is a perfect . 'pietnr, and is
estimated to have between 18,000 and.2o,-
000 blossoms iupon it, being literally smoth
ered in bloom; , besides having thrown off a
n whole heap of petals, which lie in.a dila
ter,:mid present the-appearance ,of
tied of snow... '. ;
4, There was John on his Knees."-
A shipmaster' New-Yorkfhaving
charged his crew an carri, f iniiited Is trio!'
ty man to taka.'4argo l oriiis diiiing a
few dap' ihseice - rn
--L. a sailer " - Vint .reVtimineaded: - rßut
bad Lino eiSnfidenoe trohik; or' antother
sailor; he' hefieiied -the)" wnuld: . alt , steal
when. opportnoitf6 'ciffeted,'•' however, as
he,could'do`di tiatter, after laving ev- ,
etithiug Possible'. under iogik and. - key; he;
duly installeddJohnts'ship-keeper.m Before:
leaving the city next-morningplrthought
hir Would. take . an .early peep "athis ship::
So ..he quietly steppod . ;:on-board, andynn
perceivedi carefully opened tithe cabin door. ,
(there was John.o,n*fianees, with, the. Bir
-tole Open before him! The Captain as care-.
fully:closed the door, and waited till .John
appeared, when he thus addressed,hint:
"John," at the same time handing him
.a„,l2,unch of Laia,fibm"his' piiisket— " Join;
you may Open
and air those thing:a.' jail, keep sharp
look out fOkihOsetidenifiallbiig . the wharves:
John, kedn'iik4ithiati steit
on Titesday:".‘ 's'y
." .!.,
. . ,
Spntamit a 'Presbxternut .
thertilcott:476 Gwzrdion.,. ,ft ; Lon!lon
writer gives us A9me queer revelations as.
to'SpurgeoresAnode pf .teaching the young
yiknisters,Anfloy.; his , carp, . ., (113 *ell,. as tliO
wig. an Ifbick.-As ,91"F04 is~ governed ; "
The writer i savit,..., : .;. : .
;n.The.AOSePatiPS:(I:63OIB4:II is
apibstr uc tieu,ip thc . catecliritheri classes at
Park Street These Aaseeel're very
;far"ely attended,' and are over ,by
.qualified' or Office' bearers oi - the
Church."'bdr Surgeon also has a' don.-rte:'
'national' prab . yteratd . ;
,elders are annually
'eleatpd by Me' communicants, and` in this'
way a eliiirch 'oNf: nue thousand ftve
members' is governed With ilielliatest li
•; • .
•... ;.- ..•. .:,•-•!+i , tr, 1
:,intstryits..nieyticES ?. !,
3poT;,•*4:GAnbiwo's*.; *-#uiy
::Wlll.llnd the most complete antaßnierif
ibCiir.basineq that tan, be toppsla , vorle4!l4, C. ALBAX.,
TON, BARKER & 00:13 .
40 ittatUral Ronk Prows, 25" Pig s ik
.7 1 r. Nor York.. PAnkl.ftwaesibtlikamw.; •
4:4 s;-zimssai:.t..-- • 'n-: ••
Iraq. S S EAG:. St,,t CO4 v .'.
'GOOSING, • PAg.44, AND.., HigArrif°
, ;0100400,7W - 3E30 •
Grate., Fronts, Fenderai•
sepl-ly " " •
Fifth' gtigeit
offer to the public WHEELER. B WIR..p N'S .
*With itcren;d: in ' eide dal&
hissi - YNd gewsginallY 4
well on thp'thlekest•And thintieet.flthricti,lnrkes . rtheA9clV
stitchimpossible to unravel , with the essential ndventage of
!being alike on both tittles; forming 'no'rldge - or 'chaiii on the - .
'under side- T ie simple in enstreetion,,mniksg . m ove,
inett; and ' • ' • • • .
"gore Dutabla
,lie.give full instruction to enable r to sew
ordinary seniusi stitch, neap, fe14:40$4110411 w . igild and tuck,
all*Oß the same nuichine, and
:Cfr ditRA.IiTT•IT 1 1 01?•".7 1 .11REE , 4".EARS';';'
ClROUTARS'enntaining • '.• ' •
~eetlinonlalB t>rom * Ladies of the`tightst
Eagt End: WeSt;
Rising prices, It;, will be furnished grads, on application in
parson or by leiter. •"' • ' • • .•
Sewing Maciline
Pciandantly on . hand . •• ' •
junl.6-4M WM. ;STIMNER :ca.:
Vir ..E. BR:A.MAN.& Ca. 93
• • 'Double Thread.
These Unrivalled Machines will hereafter be imld•at the•
folloWing pricei: • • • •
Small Machines • $35.00
. : in iiiiiirtor ,
mo rn 45.00
• , ."
in half case— • • 50:00
• u • in full .case. • a 65.00. -
We• claim for this Machine superiority over any other.lsit
1 chine ever made, for the following resent: • • .
F' .Ist. Both the; upper. and under threads are used directly
fioes.eto, original spot:Z.:thus doing away, with tha.trouble
*Winding, against which so many complaints arc made.
11: .2d..„Tt can•bo - worked backwards, tiewell no forwards, with
.the:same reality, can be ehirted with' the foot alone, and -is.
.stmays right. . . . • n 4
3d.'• It uses a•parprodictilar needle-bar; and straight needle,
n4cer brieiks needles. - .
• „ 4tll. It le eo simple that it can bo..vcry easily learned and
operated; by a - child twelve years of ago:
,• 6th. It is almost noiseless.
•• .By the combination ottlieso flattures,:so important in a
. Fte..wing ffiabhiiic, wean,' enabled offer to thee, public a:
3lochioe which suits the understanding as well as the purse
Of' all. . • r • '
4 .li'sou Machine is fully warranted,
„ .IToolpi stud fnil printed dinxligns acconmany each Machine.
„der. Agents watatedin*ieryltowil thirugliountinreFtintry,
'ltTsrei profitable terma 'and no poseibill y of lose. Send for
_Circular of terms to Agohte.: . • ••
• W. W. NO,ItTIIitOP. General Agent,
Strnnt, (np Maim) '
• Pittsburgh; Pa.
angVh'n :.f
rr •
A ~„;
During:the let fourteenyslsris, swine four , hundred.pateuta.
'have becn . motel *so invenMona desdshed ,
• lighten the,
drudgery' Cif fitniilY, sitiVing;itntt at Obi vatneitibie to iirridoess
aniachine,that could' .ho •protitabli used. for manufacturing
pifrpo:scs;.bitt,st4u.age .to, say, out,of,Mxis large isumber,of
Sewing Nfaclainua, onty.tainfe ilkizenliat'e been proven to
lie of sir:o6'6l valise; and Vf fintsiberi tiotelie lute'
jii iteornblnesT the sulvantitges.of tilamilyfand,mmisifactaring
Inas:bine. • Thera are Urge, issty„"i eUrdbrosn and
complicated mticliiuesa,, desigs4,l forloatCy'VvOrt,ltait waiver
, the pnitaise very 'Wells' whiltY there are' others 'Of light
.inechanihm deiicata ndinstments,. which liihaform on light
, work to; .advantage; and while the .former are e,-clu
nlyely.coliiiiied to heavy work, the latter:nit( dflittle
'',Uxesipt on lightfahries. Therefore' take &int. pleasure'in.
• stating the important ;fact .that Mr. ;light, the original in.
;;venter of Sewing MiteMnes. has recently perfected his Shutt l es
Maelaine 110 itif thou:nubble, rancicattntlier snake and With'
•'Mr less sh*Wilitcer3i, the sitrOngth andUnrability of the mm*:
iiittnring - nutchines, Mob nt ttle,sanw.time . . pa:naming. that
.deliCacy of ,morcnieut and ease of operation tx•esilisti to the
family machine. mid whleh'tendera this tie only Machine in
market iapiogi; '6f-working e4itoll ill the: , lightesi and
. 14.tavitst /lair ies, and is therefore desigisitts- p .1.
' , di Shirt-makers, Vent-makerp, yallors, Shoe-binders,paiter
41tera. Ifarnees-makertOMMlsgb-trburners,aaWel'aiitfor all
.'Yorleklisi et' FAMILY SSWINGI,
.H.QWE'`'IvI - A"" 014'. 1 . 1 1 / 4 T - Ei
Use 0.0 one that il4i;. , 46lfitnecieW, - itha , niey . will be
• Ear bae•hatf the ofolaresarkedi roe any - othen machine
capnUle ofidaing 4 heavy nurk-in 1110*A , ma,innv • i They,,
ifuschintai cannot Fe gut out ot,ortl9r loy,stax fair means, and''
hey ha fully witriatifra' Tor one oemoits years.` They'
Bill Aieh, hem, tuck, tord,ptincl, 'gatber:,,and;fellousithout
...kayos—making the lock-stitch tieatal,nlkke on 'both eldea) of
great beauty. strengtls, and elasticity, and which cannot be
ripped or raveleti. , s; {ff ?,
The public Ilre cdrilially invited to call ht my room s ;
26 FIFTH. STREET, up putins,anit thoroughly test these
machines on all kintlikef v.'ork;,do sit lie satisfied by userely
seeing si Machine hew 'qu n:ing, but bring along 'your light
s:4o.3ld heaviest :isenrkluad put the 31siehl nu to the most rigid
suit.... . t •
ants ; .. aie - ls:ar ' iietl \ sale of
• Active a nd , • -
etlit-3,3 111:aelildeic •
nth& tiermi. Vliikar• semi for !amides
s oG workluisfeMtkadstivesif irgeney. .Athircair
LASSCELL, • Agent, .!
anr e t-an
; t.. 3.7ki f , 0%. _lll., .!a:r • • • ,
. Pride 460.00 L,
„„, en foi June 11 85%. July 13;18 . .55. • Pnfetand
Angunnla,lßsB: ;June 1; 11M: Decomben 150,857, and Li
censed un ' dertilx • ~
Owned severally Ellus Irdwiar., Wheeler a \them'
3ritouracturing co., T. M. Singer it'Clig; . abd: Grover St Baker
Bewing•Mschine Company.: , t.e" . ' P•rte • • -
Purchasers may theryfore feol,tuiffnreq ilktehtlyur are buying
first-einsi• Machine. •• • •
The poldtiof Stipericiritycpeiftilitielitita'eniniln this Ma
chine, may be briefly Mattel: . ••,!. •
YOST. The remarkable simplicity and acenraCy of its
. 'web:mime. manifested in the feet, thlititis capable of mak
unerringly, four ttiotuenrksiftcheap,nttnuto.•
.• ' L SECOND. It will not drdit stitch* itiidltlitliteleas In its op
' oi'atlon. •
:TR en; The' facility with Which tbe learner may beton**, eh:
pert in optfintlngtt, inasmuch (fa no mistake can be made ht.
setting the needle, or In: regulating the tension.
-Fenny' JI patenteirclorice of great Utility to learners
recently beelf alaptied.' Which ;pitying' . the rossibility offtlifil
Machibe 'being rent-in the,;lnint• diiection,'or the belong*,
Wheel wOriagat lady's dress. „.
••made interchangeable in all its parts ' , any
can readily' be ititplacedi'll cniejof deCilletivn tit •
. rt MHOS. ..V:II.UNT.EIt, Gleeetej agopt a zy .l
• No. 51 Fifth St., Pittsburgh, cenawita the Theatre:
13 , 144 m •
E.,lllltFl i E TEIg.A.TTENT lON coF
• •
I—thix,6bli, .f" •••
Rousekeepina• ry Goods `Sore,
'where may be found a large assortment of all kin ds of
Goods, required 'farniShing ',tense, thtni.'
in YO
trouble usually experienced in hunting such articles, u - ,
riot's places. In consequence of our giving our attention to
this kind of stock, to the exclusion of dress and fancy mai ? .
we can gumuntee our prices and stylist to be the most favors
ble in tho market. • . • . . • . .•
• ••IN ,LINEN 4200DE1,
Wei are able to give perfect satisfaction, being thif Oldest Es-.
tablisheel LiAcii'Slore in the eityl.and hiving Been for niece
thail twenty years regular , importers from some Of the best,
umuirfaeturers in Ireland. We offer, also, a large stock! of
of the best qualities ;to be . obtained.' and at the very lowest:
Prices. Also, Bhusketa,-Quilts, Sh_eetings, Tickings, Damask.
Table Cloths, and ninkius, Towellings, Diapers, nuckaliacks,
Table -and Piano Covers, •llammiks eloreans Lac& and
Muslin Curtains,, Dimities, Furniture Chintzes:, Window
Shadings, &c., &c.' '• ' .JOICI COWEYT. & SON. •
S. W. corner of Chestnut and Sev hila enth delphia. Ste., .•
S X . 14.../r II N 4 D . . • •
2 . ' • irArictibit Xihnt TRUST COMPANY,
,••• :Ohortaci 'gate of Pennsylvania, •
• .
1. Money is received everrday, and in aninssaaint, large
or Small., • • ' .
2.FIVE PEA CENT.. fulairestle pa ici for mini* fro& the
'day It. Is pia in t p ' 1 L " 4
'3. The money is alyvnyiiiiiitl 'back in GOldOinitiever it is
adled for, mat •• • •: • •• • • • , .
4'. Money is recorired,friati Executors, Administratets,
Onardirtnx, ami otifera,'wlialiesire to have it in a place of - per:
feet slifety,•and where interest can be obtained for it, 0.
6: Tire money received from depositors is invested in REAL
first clam securities as the Charter direCtS.'
6..0FE10E 'ROURS—Evary•day from 9.ti1l IS o'clock, and
**Mondays and Thursdays till Ft - o'clock in the evening.
, ' • • - HON.' IiENRY'L. BNNYER, i'resident
.• .; . 'Ron SELPICID9E, Vice President. ,
• William J. .Ret'd, Secretary.
: Walnut Street, South'-Wet Corner of Thitd
• • • . . • .. liSll2ll43 '
w,,t ; r1,4:-.w.i.t.ifi*fi)tr E
.:F tr e s'W- 1 I • Iv 'VI ,
- 1 ....J0 Smithfield Street, !Pittsburgh,
=,oppogie tho OlistoralHouee,) has pure opened: a Yeti:
selection of
of the latest importations. Also, , ;• ••
New Orlean4 -. oittai;/;offee, Crushed, and Pitlverized Sugars;
Rice,Nleellmtc, Wart and Corti Starcli,,Paritia,Yeast Pow
ders, Idateitconi, Cocoa, Broom, Extra No. I, and
Spiced chocolate; in
Ground Spices; Castile, Almond,
Thilm, Garman, and Rosin Snap's; Sup. Carbonate of
Soda; crrA7ll Tartar; Extra Fine' Table Salt; Piero Extracts
Manila and Vanilla; Star,Mookl,and Dipped Candles, Sugar
iOnfred alone; Dried Beef; Water, Butter,, Sugar, and Soda
Crackers; FOrcign Fruits, Ac., Ac. - • ; • ••
This stock has' been piirphaamil Sx• UM, and will be
oDered tp the Trade, and also "to PalnDies, 140 'Moderate
advances, from when, `we respoctfrilly solicit a share of pat
ronage., , ; jan'kktf ,
Famil Rfocer and Tea Dealer,'
Miff* recertfly returned from the•East.•Ad added largely
,tohitt,strack by 3re6b purchases, desires to call the attention
of the public to the finest and largest aisortment of
• , :Choice ` Fainilir . Groc,eries, •
.•• TEAS, SPICES, C. ; • •.,;
to,lie Sound. in ,this..eity.) ,and
NaleA who may river him with their oftleins, may rely Upon
the, quitlity,44,the,podslthey purelmse, ,its lily object is Au
runtish .thn - but amt . freshest :goods in the market,. at the.
ibibixt)•irices, •• :. •
418;*119gues containing an extended ilet,ec my ateck - fii
ed by nail; tleisired; •.:• • . •
0 charge fur cartso, .
1 4 17 4 Y tr
• 1' V A . V.E'N.l.•` , ..r 7 . 41 •
i li
00 .. .]rater,
iTiermitiat„: fiI i tER.EOTYPER,` IiAER - 1100K : 74.10111-
7ACTIMERO and Denier in AffEdIICAN IaND yortvitz,;•
PAPERS, ctoroer. of Market and &wad, and Wood and
'Third SircOta; Pitilibdrah' Pa. ' • • ! •
karticular attontifot paid to prirkcing Ofdaksueirfor Copra
anti Soininarie!, Piagranduct, Dipliatuas, and echool
i lft , ;43 7F•• N Gr! • .. 1 :; •• i•
j - OIiNgOIST " •
(Late sis s. don•ssOri,) • . "
Solo Manuthettirefiaidtealer intho followink three 4listinat
lambs of 'tooling • • • ' ' •
let. Gout Elaatic . Cerrient, Felt end Canvas Raoul*. ' •
• 2(l.,lniprO4ridlPolt. , Cement:and GiU'vel Roofing. • •• • •
3d. Patent English -.6.aphaltiri.felt •
Roofing. , ,
1 ! , ." AU 71- re 'OW • Water Pitinf, eintl'•Warl'anted:
* ' o4ng Material for; : salty with printed instruction- for ;
;Aqp Pince at Bat" 4 , ,Jolinicu'ii"Ela a t
75 timithileld.gtatek.PlUtiburg,l6%.l's: j! .
GUM CEMENT is Unequalled as IL paint for
Metal Enda} lasting twice Bd. long, and cheaper than common;
prank; also as a paint to Brick NiWia.•_
doE3-ly • • ; • •• • ...• .WILLJOIINSON. .
-Lott , (4 the Milt of Leto' RWOlllesple,
'pntrick , !" k .
i WIII. H ElH.ll.PkilitoK & CO.,
Wh.0,100p1e,.(3 - roeeteiv•
#4III7EARVIVO :41470 ' oda/xis:sr& 1/Baczuzan
:we; • -idos.
P/T e• innel.g&ll4aa ARTCVEk. . •
LitiettyltiviipOsittheatuf Smithfield;
...tArticulit 'Raoul?" pou to oroi#e of CotintitTrOtistp:
Rio-1 f . . '
D, KIRKPATRICK & sons, No. 21 8. Tina; Sr., between
.Mniket antllcCthestnut!Sts,'Philadelphisihavetor salvo .
DO and; Stilted Spanish . Hides. .
Dry and Grail.' Salted Patna Kips; Tatiner's Oil,Tamse;r'sana
Currier's Tools at the lowest prices, and upon tbo bed tering.
• Sir kltids of Leather tlieo rough wanted; SWAM&
Die highest initrket price Will be given .in-cash, or token:fa
exchange for Hides. 'Leather stored free of 'charge, amid' odl4
on commission.' • • ' • ' An 294/ •
I .13R7 1 A11. - IE4
The. Union
' The 110 Sunday School Lihniriee for distribution as per
legacy 'in Will of the late CHARLES BREWER, will be
I eady' ior delivery on aud.after4tily 1.0th.1660.
The . Sunday Schools entitled to those. Libntries are those
established. in. Allegheny, County, sines, March 314 1 ‘;
Applicant* will be regnirril to eibeeribe to iteieinent
lug name, location, and date of organization of the School;
name and. Poet Office 'addreea of Superintendent;• average
numbdr otteacheiwand scholars in. attendanco,•and amount
then contributed for support of Schad. ~„ .
Reasonable.arldenee, by amount of contributions' and otle
erwisio, of the permanence of the School Bill bo ienuiroxl.
Apply to . •,:. • • . ,:7,-11.4SATON, ,
• .„ •.. .• Of EASON, ,Cnita
ANI) allitMEß , GOODS.
ft-7 .
• II: • S M ITH; Metchiiits Tailor,
No. 84:: Yryllo rte., _Pittsburgh,
Itespectrotly,invites public attention to - MI now and extengive
; aasocttnen f of Ntisblonable S pito G ,
entbilteing all' the new and 9eaitpble, etir;ek, Tdr ttentlemeiCe
: which be'niade' to order iii the ien best manner,
at rnapnrptko. „
46" North Fourt.lLStreet;
SON, •Prop.rldirs:
JOHN D. t r att r falNUS. AVCORD.
;MIINE P IIV 4 II:O3EgaIaII !VW ge 430
11.1 W" o o S .t.r 1111 , b•ulth on band for Spring Wks, aolame and complete an
nnuttinerit'bf ()idle u can be Mind hi' anyitt thelMetern;
cities,,consieting of • ' ••••• , ---- ..
,Thir,.,Sllll. - ., • and: Wool • Ha,t.,*
of friary atylo and quality; OAPS of every quality and latest
fasldons;•Paini Leaf, Straw, Li , gborn, ann:Satramw HAM;
SAM* Wad , -Silk. BONN ete4. etc. l'ertontruisbing,:to
•puithitakeither by : illiblesolo or Detail, will Snd•it , to , :thoir
admitilge to till Bud examine our Mock.
0 - 41,
S T9ErV'E'S-.A"N•0.,-R-A4CG-ErS%-m.,,
• Ibr:Pasnitiea, REM? . .IYO OD y COOK ,s.;TOTT.
:lido. No. 24 5 marlugy I'ERFET, ab tbetertillof 3VI
TittAblugh, Pa. j 4 j I . 111V-?Y
ib;,; :
geVelit@tain • • •
FOR E et
- Vl3fhing to iredriettniy. etoelcof ateutin g ljo n op,,T,will cell
*thodbllinvlbs tlesinible. lot of„New and Smind-lrand Pianos
now iu afore- a - xid *Mindy .IWrc exand mitten I itniic sale - attthe,
extie - mely low prices annexed to them, and those Arie? tlo
par:Chase may be assured that such an opportunity itiLgelit
dote offered. On thew marked for Csan,-no discount will be
Thom for sale on cilidli,r2l6etsi—Koniits,Mtly 7 'ytill be
given, and,mnst be settled for bX note, payable in tbe city,
or a ditautit: of tltial•Or iient."fai alre , LlkarkOsig.
utegant • ••a;I "., 3
Rosewood Seven. i3Ootave,..Pieaoa,
ON A CIiPDI.2 OP 2'lllt BE MONT.II#I. .
A new and elegant 7 octave Rosewood Louis Piano,
with all the latest intprOVements,lnade expressly for
Subscriber. and will be witemnto . l.j„,7lho factory price .
of this style is $500; for sale at e 1 .11 4 .1 $385
'Another of . 1)1. 111 11 1 1 1 1 1 40.1de a1105111icetc;•—• 885
Another from the alma milker. in an elegant Roseifood
Casa. nieralfactiworsiwice $375 ; for • •" • • 4280.
An ciegt.wcßoaewyod 7-eqtaye made liy Xnterson,.
Bnston ;in Oer fi xt on;len And in useless than one Year; •
'the Veis l ble.MkjtetriAtne . 240
ka;ieldy cacti tal 4 octave. new and Inrge acale Reseibod
)ofarm, nutria by A. Ir. Gale, the New. York price / of;
which one year ago was $450 2110
Two.elcgant Rosewood 7 Octave Nada; earvak mould
ings; scale from A to A4,toade by Gala, &
erect by good Judges n's 'aifierng thelirit bf tut New
Yorkl&eavaltthe.low price of .
..... .52 •
1 7
One Sallie style, OM oetavgn
cOnn M.r.iVoOd elliekeringA Son'el•Ootave;
scale, In use not mere aqua siv:.f.toßll.,4l. re rlCs
15375 • ' • •
Pliiiloll% . ARE At thifllo :""
• -S , •:,A ", • • • • *:"
A Mahogany, double-round coeneceo octave, bk 4..• •
hid . koring k , Sono“, • •
X Itosewood, 6 octtive,,by Withinpn, , 160'
litillidkany; 8 °chi* Wilkitis '
A418h08716Y, *: op
Mahogany, &octave, by .
?trill? W ily '6 octave ; ii6n &A' Mccd»...'
.ywitbsovp,34,6 ognivo, Chichprin. ..... , ,150
Ailibeewood,•thittkii., Minna asonieitt •• • •• , 41 6 A)-120
kegPackinf Bonin will beifornialtpkTawl otlinalano.i•
' cha:rge,,, to go to,a distant*. •
P'S77 64.. A crnow ITAIALORP
'JOHN li iikisitimc
Liberty %Bile*, neer'. •Wood.. ;
~~ ..t .~ '~S: I,F
11 -A ItliT' IS- v , S
.. ...
" '' .'tlittliT.v ,
VIA.N -.
SE Witilli i - 'X A'CIIIN•ES
: Tiie .ll .l4WAl - g . Use
. Tbegef?lnebineemakwthe. finer or Loci Senrcz, whio
is undeniably the best.
. ~They Ilse but little Threail;ywork - .gluiest noiselessly, are
simple, and easily nporatefl.
;Actin bad rehab], l•wal Agents wanted..' .
. Address HENRY M. RH.QADEI, Agent,
. • : • vedeild Stsbet, Allegheny City.
•.' I" ' • • 'Salt SEND FOR 4 OIRCUZAA. -se •
. -; inerlo-li .
:imov zpi k it-.11e.11C. AP Vl,' 31C!
;i : . f . 4 ,A.B7RST•4I;GASS CURE,.
InZ.Vir. tner ono blindrAliiitlents.
r--- rig.rel44 ir. '
:th •
frit: Bt. D.,
) rf• iklt) • pittebdrgh, Pa.
. .
LEOB.-485.1*Intyntlinentjrn cost of tuition.. Miniis—
teiesolti bolt price: Stairlthitts imthr nt any tint... 'For Cara
lopes, Speetgmts, &c., enclose Etyp latter stamps. to
oty2tkim sxxxrprs 'a. SMITH. 'Pittsbnrch,
G- :it — g t ER S
-..7 pEZZBRATED ‘:
Fanaily Sewing Machines..
A NEW S:TYLE. - PRME $50:00.
Hoof? Dry Goods Store,) Birrs=at lois $/17.R Grimm,
" • Yrrrsairrton.
•+ • 495 "BROADWAY, NEW YORE: •
730 .9 .. 11EV_1N.13 7 STREET,
Air - These Machines. sew from two spools, • and form a
tie= •of 'unequalled str . migth , beauty . and -olastipity. which
will Mit! rip, oven if every . fourth Stitch be cut. They are
rineselonablythe hest In the market for aridly nee.
far lirD4o*** A CIERCULAR. ap111:1 y
; • Celebrged Aingiican
THE •cotintenance is , .pak ;and leadpn-.
colored; with.occasional ,414.1n4i.Pr, 1); SiT-• ;
cumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; the
eyes: become , dull; .the . pupils dilate;., an
azure semicir cle runs along die eyet
lid; irritated, swells,' and somek
timei! *litieds; ia swelling :of the upper Ilik;
occasional - headache, ' with humming or
throbbing s or the - ears; an unusual secretion
of .s?.liva; slimy or furred tongue; breath
very foul particularly in the morning; , ap
pentenfariagle, sometimes. voracious, with a
knawmg sensation of: the stomach, at others,
entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach;
toccitional. ' nausea' and. vomiting, violent
Obis throughout the ithdinne.n; bowels ir
regular, at times costive; i stools slimy; not
finfrequently tinged with. ;blood; belly swol
len and hard; wine turbid; 'respiration ir
casionally difficult, ; and ; -„accompanied : :
hiccough p cough;someOmes 4Fyini4
sive; uneasy, and .::distgrtlxl,- , 4mr.
;grinding of thm.teatii; teMlikr lig!filMfri
generally of: :•• ,il.• •
Vilenemzthpabove:symptenzio art:;:
• fordito exist, . •
• - t. •,,!!', •
- •,•,;(
• «Eg gniy.effilct a.cure:.
: 'success which)lihas h a s. II&
. teM , 4d the aiiministration of this •fapik:
ationi suckas 3 vgraMPiu s ' ,/ 11
;Aiiirtritx €TITE Mol4t Y
in ev*insickcle,44aPiittiliteil4rOve hiefl
: si irvltlihg t the . 44 o 4fig attenkOng i
the &Weer 'Clan* 'Milt'
learranethViiiiiKisitiatehfahliinik behirthe •
hiinaieetheMedicineitiihelietni •
lir.e pledge efiriekm)
•••• •
. ,f • !, •1. . • •
' .l3blit - .14 4 51 4 CtINTAX4 . 1146aCtTher
j • t-11 47,
,in any form; and that it..ipanfolneeeente•
• PrTrafk? 2 _ ll . , • WYf..)-gLtlZti
mfff t ' 17 .0 01 - 77 ec. 7 77
Addrewall *k m.% f• • • ,
43MI.S: , ;:PrinaimiSt
P. Doolors and Physician's orderin . g an a Seto
Roio;Orill'dolwell to write. their onieindlithiorly,
endnone but Dr. M'Lane's, prepared by Fkii+ing
Broi • ,
,fiThiburgh; Ph. To ,tholio ,ohmg to giyo.t.pom o
trial, we will forwird Pet than, oak tcrertY s *refif
thn United Stitedione bor.iii rine lor,MyekektbrOo - cloßk• .
Ix:Otago tamps, or one viol , of Vormifuge lor
Wee-omit stain* Oenods . ratuit tie
compassed by tWentY 0. 1 01. 4 - 1 4tra: ;(• • • ' •
. :Sir YOT 44? bitl*TO, 13 . C1900 T'areL!Caellarl•
OlafrallY •
• I
1,17 . Mtit:S.t W L'NJWIA OWI
Ali isperleaced Nese Isad Female Phydeise, pments to tie sits.
:a dm of seethe's, her
: • • retie ..
P la ft irk riprw, T
14,41 • I .
j r 9
er FO4,
sup.. thgpr.cer OctradticrlGTAOPOTtbsiTrrs
seder:iota A=l4lNFtmd iinnisselks union,
.7 • "2. .17 11 , • . ' •:.
Dkinin4epon it,,reethers,tt will rest to yoursielers, eget
, r .147e have Vint tip'Sed sold tit:article fOr over ten YAM,i'afad "CIA
SA ,TN CONFIDENEX AND TRUTH of it what :we seve r b ace b aisa
ablh nay Of any other IifILVER HAS . IT FAILED, Ot
Never did' Inetsisle 41' dileatidectiois briny Wiry WtioSilmed
tt. On the metres7, &Wore delighpalovlth its elotedvimi met Ap.&&
fu terns of elimaienderthe alto - ttE:feete anal - rairelisl whines:
Wo speak ia this mattew_t.WHAT ; DO ,KNOW," after ten w
Fi ore WHAT 3103,13. ERE *ELAM. In slrnoot Ivory hi
• swift eta the lilleatis nellktimyi 'Opik pan and 'exhaestioxi; Sieber win
tattooed la twenty' ndnotes iller,thilsyrup is,sdielnistered.
s vithodatflon thetlcti , at oso of thei! moot EX
' PERTENCEDwed - MULTI:IL amen m New Epglsad, andlussbeck
•iii • Ot oalvelleres pmrtpoLiNbut;.invi g orst e s the stomach
end bowels, and gmes time' and sweraw to lb. Whole
system_ it will almost ittstantly relieve GRIPING IN'THE DOWELS,
&NU WIND COLIC, and overcome concelsitimisibieli. It not .veedils•
• remedied, cod iri death. We believe it the BEST A.NDSUREST RE
P' REICEA.AMDELENi whether it eriseefrom thethwg, or 'from nay
etherealise,. W. ad soY4fieriL mpUrlso°,l)",,lle,
.41 ( 0 .t Pa r aMicrs' .- Or.orErrks, dead7.t
mai year' 'se and the relief 'that will ben SURF yes
T SURE—to follow, the tile of, this medkint, If timely
:••••sed...ill'dtrectkei for 'testae
C U R battle. Note
.i.:gessloonso, kw the facsimi le of CURTIS & P ENS, tltlew York, 1,
wrapper. Sold be nemeses glCont the world.
• ;
P OlO5 al Mee LS Cedar Street, 15r- Y.
intarrarysz - 201111%E. 6 ^,-
• ,
MED 1 ? .; •
. All
1/ Arlot:
ItsiliV i vvi 'co iTTA R P. • .1:41i •
r - 4 , 4 .1 3 : : ,A 11 .} 1 SA 1: • .
of die 141111 gage, lisivids;lol Pest PoPulatill
enfint4reagh iNtitti2tiVN:POPPMlli,#lll1 1 05 0
• ' '4 11 7° 4 9'1-W 1 M lkii 4 Pr e ',::l
•I 10 Vgi:Otti ...i •
' ATP: 9 4 P 4X 4 4IO;rI I §
E 12121
IX 1113/1.8 • • •
_ Livia Oomplaint. Dyspepsia. Jaccreffok key:rani De
pieecelr of the Slaneys.
'Ad *11. 1 ::. 'o:lqt - hs creel) heat
-' tkeekof. the §tomaoh,itidZige' sfirapliPiguits
e .
10111100114.0=4 TII.IIADLIPP.iII!
I ! l,4 °F.Mmitaxief ffreA'" , sl 7s erPtieFG.
t Hoolland's- , Palsamie 'Cordial
• ¶o' cose •
~ 1 1.1C0Ugh4.044164;01. asarsea es , 2 #7 ,3 /Chitig , MI N" Za .
N.,St Consumption,
• ?In d
bee pored die moat nstoaishing cares over kac7n
An •
..T.Nsil!ceiftpil it is PsOr.:7s Cents
.. 7 I i ;. brie-
11 0tOMPS . "GERWki‘tr i PILL,
. .
being ell Miran tlifoßhout.,l`arope and 4.xnerica, needs
no comtnetidadon ; flue. - They aio purely 'vegetable, are
Prepared with great *aleseeis; and are in&r-coated. Pio
• botter,9eauop i on can bo found. Puns, ?Scte. per box.
are; iircpared by=Dr C. Al. Jacasosr A
pa; and St. Loiate,Mo., and axe sold by
' drU634ia and4ipulara in medkinee everywhere. The sig
!'~tun.%llLf3iessocwill be A 'on the outside of each
bottle ,• -
" Sur* s Airactur, 'published annually, you
e 441414:19turptly and tuifynendatory notices : from all
partept tim . opuutsy.nabs Almanacs ace giveti . i.way,by
all inthgEaN ALUM) _ - . I •
1711 NI
1,1 . .
zsdJo trno
Ih sir,