INN Par, ............... ALLISON S. LITTLE , V/ MICINNEY So CO., Editors awl 'Proprietors. 2 3 TERMS IN ADVANCE , . 0: : 41,,,,GR1L.T10N 3 $ 1.50 etrmi . • 125 !yrino, 13 EITHER OF TISZ CITIXS .............. .2.00 ‘s. , noixtrts, VQ will Send by wall seventy muntiora,' IFNI: DewAtt, thirty-three nowhere.. . S..llSling WI 'etve.itY Kuborihers end upwards, *ill' I 'Y "titl°4 to a Pillar without charge. . ...q4 Alenht be prompt. a little befere the yenr ex l ihisi: mYiiwiag by safe Wools, or by mall. , , all letters to . DAVIT 3111NNET 4 06.. ,-: PittAtirgh4o4 , ENEMA!: STATISTICS OF N 1 FBUDISIff he f.)1101V111_ 9: statement, the moat :i com : ce:,ive which we have Iteii'seen and • a pproximating to accuracy," fr,an Meihodisi: r,,i in the Irish Evangelist a gen „f„ti,tical view oft'Mreilikitlisru, Correct late A:mexieatxl statements of ' so far as : Aley,„r9late to British liffili,lll, but also,,rring respecting 3lethodiSni..',” !With such correc t; we can the following tabular ;Ines aro probably correct: - 1;:l9. Parent Wesleyren Methodist O'h. a iimnbetof Chfirch Alembers' England, Wales, and Scot ncl,nt the Conference of 1859, 292,795 reuse in ditto this year, 15,469 ‘7. In Ireland, 1859, 19,731 "Increase this year, Foreign Missions in 1859; Prcneit Conference, • . _\ ostralian Conferouge.,. , Conacin Conference., 1 - ::istern British Aanericitn, Conference, ' • 14,816 , lonlbers on trial in 1859; 42,295 11 antler the care of the Parent onCorence, ai number of 'MinisterS, 628,896 rholing about 15,000 'Lay Preachers. The following are offshoots from the ut -:.tcelc. They all hold Methodistic rine and usages, but .: differ from it in Is or Church Government: N etliodi st New Connexion, 5t137,) Primitive Methodist, t'uited Free Church ,Metho- (1i5t5,43,000 IVoslevan Reformers, 1,000 Bible Christian illethodists, 19,068 Primitive Wesleyans, (in" !lido 239,931 inisters in all these in 1859, 1,163 241,004 ,ing about; 15;000 Lay Preachers: [Tuber of Methodists of all hes in Great 'Britain and d 766,362 • 'timber of 'Methodist Minis- • • 769,080 ug about 80,000 Lay Preachers, probably about 60,000;Leaders. ASIERICAN METHODISM. Episcopal. Church, (North,) 971,498 Episcopal Church, (South,) 7,00,000 Episcopal Church.; Canada,' 16,575 tan 'Wesleyan Methodists, 26,000 list Protestant Church,. 00,000 Meth, Episcopal Church, 20,000 IMethodist Episcopal Zion Church, tt •Mtbodists, numher. of Meth. Church I);ls,uthers.ioAyerica, , branches,) 1,80,24 ntliber of Ministers; : : in- -1,821,418, Web. Arethodista as above , 7N 980 2,581,393 does not include the increase in of, the Methodist branches for, the pur l . or nearly thirty thousand on trial in _England, or the in- Mission Stations, or in Australia Ail; nor the increase in the.Metho 'tscopal Church, , North and South, :year. We are satisfied that the ate, is 100,000, or more below the ;tire, when we estimate the Church ,rihip of Methodism throughout the EIS TWO MILLION SEVEN HUNDRED FIFTY THOUSAND PERSONS.' .-.Accord to this time it shall be said, That God wrought 7 " Surely there is no Ittnent; against Jacob, or divination it Israel." astonishinu success, under an en- voluntary principle, is a strong evi of great vitality in the system, and adaptedness to the religious wants and sof men. Success does not of prore the truthfulness of doctrines, aE the measures are divinely approv-. ill it 'challenges the serious . consid- of all Christian denominations. does this new " Sect," tar MitStrip ones in its .prOgress ? Is anything learned from these people? Should be provoked to emulation ? . For the Presbyterianßanner" Death of an Aged Minister. :v. GEORGE, GRAY departed this life abhath evening, August Nth, at hii residence, near Shade Gap, Hunting- County, Pennsylvania. It is suppos was _about eighty-eight years of age thee of his death . ; and was one of the members of the Presbytery of Hunt- . n. ' Mr. Gray Was 'born Of 'Pious pa in the County Antrini; - Ireland, year 1772. His parents 'both when he was very young; consequent never could ascertain precisely. the of his birth. He was placed under care of pious relatives, by Whom he "bronght up in the nurture and admo oflhe,Lorcl." 'At the early age of in he began to seek the Lord., first awakened to a sense of his sin and r by reading'the book of Revelation. ;ulurly, that phrase, ‘ there , shall be no longer," , made a deep and lasting ision on his Mind, and led hiin to in " Where shall' I' 'then"appear ?" this time " Boston's Four Told-. was placed iniris hands, the peru which was -greatly blessed -to him. In experienced peace in'belie'vl4in, and publicly professed Christ ''by' r; with the Rev. Mr. Ruthertbrd'S! I,in County Down. ,nt.this time his attention was turned I sider .t4e important and responsible of the Gospel . ministry. To this lie that God in his providence ;ailed hina ; and to ithe now devoted his and 'talents--,-his :energies of soul and —henceforth, he.rwns the Lord's, and . fig made a consecration of-himself and fiat he had, he . , felt with. Paul, " Wo is if I preach not tlie : GoSpel." Upon his ' after having‘SerVed the bord,in Christian ministry for.:'.more than fifty 3, he,declared he had,inye.r ,regretted ,hoice. .. Gray prosecuted his Academic stud in Ireland, but his Colleeiate and The gical course lie pursued at Edinburgh, itland, where he spent more, than three irs, and,tonkla thorough course of scien c and theological training, arid was well alificd for the great work tip Which he d devoted his life. He was liceniea to each the Gospel; and , ordained bT the dependents .of Ireland, in nOnnexiQ4wit4 ich body of Christians he labored 5u9, 7 .sfully for a number of years—how long not now . beithderthitted.' IThiringraier =1 .f~iti'j,~, "f 'yoT4', - viri„.•..., - TN.ortw:.k: time he was married, and lived •six years 'in this conjugal relation, when :his wife died. It was after this afilintive dispensation of Divine Providence, rthat. his attention was" turned to America. In AUguat, 1820, just forty years ago, he landed in PhiladBphia. Here he oonsulfed • 'With •his Countryman, Rev. Samuel Miley, D.D., long known - the Provost oft the University of Pennsyl vania, who urged him, as the Independents in this ,country were mostly confined to New Enland, - to join the Presbyterian ChUrch, in connexion with which he-could be more useful'. Having tarried in Phila. delphiatk short time, he went to. Northum berland, Pa., and placed himself under the .oare of Northumberland' Presbytery, of which, in due tiine,•he became a member, and henceforth till the day of his death; a• period of nearly forty years, he was a•min ister of the Presbyterian% Church., He continued within the bounds of this Pres bytery about four years, preaching mostly destitute places. • 3,060 63,406 1,436 28,138 45,295 In . : 1824 •he received a unanimous call from the churches.of, Shade ..Gap• and Up per Tuscarora, in, Tuscarora Valley, to be come their pastor. These churches had become vacant by the' death of the Rev. Mr. Mellvaine. On taking charge 'ofthera he connected himself with' the Presbytery of Huntingdon, in connexion with which he continued till the day of his death. For almost twenty-five years he continued the faithful' 'pastor of these churches, breaking:to them' the 'bread Of life. Many were added to his churches- as seals ,te his ministry, and many of whom, we now trust, , shine as stars his crown, of rejoicing, In October, 1849, he, nearly eighty years old, and suffering 'under the infirmities Of' age, tendered his resignation of the church of Upper Tuscarora, having been released. from the charge a the Shade Gap church a few years before. From this time till death he seldom', if ever, preached, yet' lie always,manifested a deep interest in the welfare of Zion, and in the proceedings'of the various judicatories of our Church. But what changes has ,time wrought!, Of the thirty-six ministers 110 W composing the Presbytery of Huntingdon, but three remain in it who . were members 'when Mr. Gray became ,connected with ; it,thirty-six years ago. !These are Rev. James Linn, D.D, of Bellefonte, are James "S. 'Woods,' D.D., oflewistown, and ReV. Samuel-Hill, of Shaver's Creek.' Our father.s!' where , are they?' . =For some years .M. Gray had been afflicted with the partial loss of his sight. For .six' Years he had been unable to read ; • and for the las' t ei g hteen months could . , scarcely discern day rom night. 'Yet lie was , always cheerful, happy, and contented --amiable in his ,disposition ~and interest ilia in conversation. Considering his age and infirmities, he retained the use of his reason i n - hien] ties' in a remarkable degree, even to the , end;oftlife. • His last illness was but of few, days con tinuance. Ills sufferings at .times were great, and his, pains very acute yet not a murtntiveseaped his lips. Ile Manifested entire resignation to the Will of God, and, under al I :ei retiin stun ces, could say,' "The: will of the Lord he done.',' , , "Sweet to passive,in, Ins,4ads, And know no will but his." He died,`ib the full agauiance 'of faith. Ile seemed not to' haves Single doubt, -hue' would say ulurinwhiscillnese, , Fhatona 4 tlnw my Redeernerliveth." "1 Te,noto whom have believed?' He was confident Of his personal interest in the Redemption pur chased by Christ. That Gospel which he had so long preaelied' to others was to him' very precious;' and. a -great .source of: corn, fort and, con.solatioa. in the decline of life. Life had no longer any charm for him the grave no terrors. HE felt death would be his infinite gain. • His funeral services; conducted by •the Rev. G. Van Artsdalen; the .present pastor of his former charge, were appropriate. and' solemn. The ,church was filled to its ut-.. most capacity by his former parishioners, friends and neighbors, who ' had met to pay this last tribute of respect , to an aged and venerated servant. of God. , As they. looked upon his lifeless remains they "sorrowed most of ,all because they should see his face no more." it'Say ye te 'the righteous, it shall be Well with him!' ' 526,44'1 2,455 28,000 1 ) 3,863 14,000 EZE 6,10 , 40,000 18,2.09 He leaves—a, widow and five ~ children, two sons and three daughters i to mourn,his BITR.PA4.O, PA, August 27,.1860.' MtsSna.'Enrrpfts":=-The `enclosed article entitled, "'Sotasion's'Ohor," is from the pen of 'a correspondent of the New-York 0b .server ; and perhaps music leaders , may be benefited by perusing it. You will greatly dblige some of your readers by giving it a place in your paper. Yours, 404 ",And David and: ill Israel pinyed before God with all their might, and ! with songs . and wlth harm, with psalteries and with timbrels, and with cymbals and with truni pets." •• •' ':And Clienaniah; 'chief of the levites, was for song." •, " Let the people praise thee, ..0 Lord, let all ilie people praise thee." For the better regulationt , of this part-of worshipg,David had :appointed one skilled in music to- instruct, the, choir, aryl they- guided: the devotion of the people. Their trained voices could lead and control, and with this leading, all the peorile'could join in the song'of praise,' or unite in tke,grand chorus; at the end of each passage in recital of the 'inighty,acts. of Jehovah "For his mercy endureth forever!' And to it came to'pass that when Soto mon ascended the throne.; he; fOntid-not only the materials gathered for , "the building of the temple and for its adornment, but the priests and the choir trained for the service of the temPle. Then when all was finished the temple solemnly dedielited;' the worship fully established, -while the chair sang and played upOn instruments of - mimic, the people echoed ,with l a loud .voice-- "Praise the. Lord, for his .mercy enchireth ferever.".,, But even Salem% had trouble with his choir. It is well known that on ,no Point are people so sensitive as; on those in which, they are not,at,all ,responsible. You \ May call a man wicked, and he will bear it; but call him weak and you offend him mortally. It' yen saihe lOokS ill-natnred, he will not care, but do: not `venture .to' tell himi he is, lain or ugly: So, thOngh' people are by no means responsiblefor their, voices, and probably sing as well as they eau, on no point are they more sensitive than the hav ing fault found - witir,their singipg, And so it was, in the days. of Solomon that his wisdom was put to the , test: , -Che n =jail lad<•suggested to . one of, the.aoprano singers to keep better time and not to am.. quite .so" loud; and to two'or three Of the bass, to speak the words 'more `distinctly and not'to drown sense in sound.— Immedi ately they were offended and withdrew from , the choir, determined at the, fast. opportu r , nity to,supplant the leader and then have it; all ' their.own way.' ' And'again it came to'paSsthat the sing=' erg beitatrtO- grow ' impatient,t - beeau e< the imoPle would!sing,i and some)of theta sting. • ..-„, . . CU i., ~ .. . J , sY I i .... .. jJ I c ,, mss ' ".. . t . . ,/ I ~.. i: i,-_ - . , ..,, cr . , . ~..._. 4.1, _k. k_ .J. I :t.: ‘ ... 'A ot .. .. ' .t+ t %lli t. P . : , r I t :' ' ' ' . 1 ' ` '' .., ;1 .A " ~,, 0 151 11i:,.' I . . . . . , ~ • , . -..---. ' I , :fi -e. '''''. . . , . '.. —'.. ' :• “'+' ~. . ? s : ME For the Peesbyterhin Banner Choirs, A. S. HAtitESON SOLOMON'S OHOtR. - fT.T§pv,.l?,.q:4.i::: , „ . AT., 7 .:(qw.av;:..:,np,T,'Bmi?r:E-,k1 . pi, , :4,..6(i,H . ,,..,1 . witfr rnoreapirit than understanding, and they had not cultivated voices, and made discord. So when the Choir met. to prac tise, they chose constantly new music arid' at' the tiiee'of worship,', when' the people grilse for praise, they found• that they could by no means join in ,or follow4tie many twists and tnnas in which, as well the, sing ers as the players on instruments led off triumphantly, leaiing 'the people quite in the back-ground, to 'listen and 'applaud. Evert' Solomon 'himself , , although a: skilled Musician, was found irctlie;despised major- Then Solo Mon called '.for the leader of the choir, and Said unto'him': What this that I hear ? and what is this' conspiracy,. that the ,people shall no loliger rpraise the 'Lind n • song? , And the leader answered, Nay, but the people thay praise, yet they must not spoil our music: It is shodkino• to!a cultivated ear. They make discords, c 'O rhy.lord, the. king. Therefore have we taken thispart,of worship to ourselves. Then answered king Solomon in his *ie. dam: Ye take too much upon you, even ye, chief `of the singers of Israel. And now this is my decree : When ye: meet together, let your„stringed instruments and your loud-sounding cymbals sound, while ye lift up the voice and sing all the new maid which the chief musician may' desire, and the peOple may , come to. hear and to applaud. But when Ste eotne,to the, sanctuary of God, for to 'worship; let, your, music be that which the people ,de under stand, that they may all join With brie voice' and one heart topraise-the.tord. And because the' decree was absolute, the singers bowed themselves' and. ; said "To hear is to, obey'-'-nevertheless, in..their hearts they did not applaud the wisdom of Solomon. • ' But the people weld. coilt4ut. tTEDUSEDUN For the Preebytierten Banner Factsand,Figures; Mr. Ellis', in 'his'".lfalf Century of. the Unitarian' , Controversy," ' quotes from a speech of Dr. Scudder ) ; on May, Platforms, a few years ago, in which he presents a platoon of heathen, a mile or two, Wad, and three'or fonr mileslong, driVing on to the pit of hell, and ealhi on the Christian world to save them I - He4aughs•at-theidea of the' eternal perdition of the`Veathen:hei, ing an earnest, rational belief =one; the' Orthodox. Rerhaps lie is right.. 'We as certain a, rnan's rekil helief by'his condiMt: Let'us apple' this rule. trudge- otfr Belief by what we` do. And what shall we Say is the belief of Orthodox Christilinis:-touoh ing the condition of the world qp, live in ? :/ We /r9, - fess to believe that every sin" ile serves cloa- wrath find curie both' in this life and 'the life that is to come;" and that every man dying in'sin; is under that wrath and curse: ' We profess to belieVethat=do we believe, it"? We save Men from this fate, through the Church, a, instrumentality, through her Boardsi- Coinmittees, &e. Whatever we 'do we do thrdughthe Chnroli. Now, what do we do`? take one Preshy tery-..-the- One, to which belong-'—as a specimen. . ' Allegheny Presbytery; for the Year 1 859; reported three thousand two hundred and 'seventy - eight Members, a; goodly hd4 ; ee'thd sand, two hundred and seventy-eighf men and women, honestlY 'believing that, six hundred millions' of heathen - every thirty years enter eternal' woe, and thousands ev •ery year in 'our own laticlovould give muck to save-them'. How much did We give ? We gave fifty-five cents each , for all objects -2 --for Foreign .Missions' tiventy six bents; Domestic Missions nine cents, -Education.' eleven cents, Publibation (say) five, cents, .and for Church Eitension .four cents.' We g,avel--a, cent a geeek to God, to carry on his earthly kingdom with! The land is' flooded with a trashy novel literature which 'is ruining 'our' sons and daughters, and we Chri,stian fathers and mothers handed our Board of 'Publication half a dime to stop it with ! , The World is piling hundreds of thonsandsinto theatres, and hotels, and 'billiard rooms, and we con clude to venture four cents in the enter prise of Church Buildifng.'' We give twen ,ty-six cents per year to' convert 'those sad- age Druses in Syria, and 'those more savage Sepoys India, who only yesterday were Wading in the blood at out"kin - snierr 'the flesh ! 'How it looksl' To giirc the world a sanctified 'literature, I ventured - a three cent piece the first Sabbath."of Jantiary, and then, as the gear ' stole' ere' , to its_close, reminded of my remissness, I slylyadded 'a conple of "Coppers, to menthe figure. -' And 'so it stand's on the records ihe-Presby• - texy, five' cents to the Bdard of Publication: The contributions' "Synod,--cem-' prising four Presbyteries; `are in abotit the same proportion--a 'fraction higher per haps. And now, in all .seriousriesS, ask, is this an adequate' expiesSion. ofla belief in" , one Of the most appalling facts that Can preacnied tb huinan.mind-the punishment 'of Sig-hundred millions - -of im mortal souls every thirty years ? Is it;-.ny viondetk men treat-with -cleriaion - Ate repte-' Isentations -of nth Missionaries on the ,May platfoi ms, when they commire. theta' with ourthtv Bit's', iftittPut.orvsneli 4 • .gatbswi ng, slog : the f baja . !Off 41,,,i i dkii , A n Afi r 9 c 4 - Ot.4AhlbC , Stttibt,- the. ratter ibrining .au. ampbith4- stre-..froin i'vhfcli thb : " ninliittidei (villa' look .orkto the greatest possible advantage. The- Volunteers ,came from the herder•icountint; of gnalivA, RS VAI ,•ao AIM °1. 1 0914 AMts •of Scotiarip,,anil A the en tfiusiafpnAncl ea*: :ration 'of 3 thelieopl i n; 81040:11.4 the Wove .}nowt ialhOrchig li fy i iiiiiiniiil.'; I The: teiriPZic' •Imp i nt..of :the :SeOttisli' people in; midinary. Ilk seemed° ibe, Feld; .but their fwbele hif 13 1, O'Ofl§ll°F..o , ,,,rlfgeoFfl, V P,lgii° 6B T t°N: Tengion, shows tea. 111111104 , 1 , 08P1 a. ..e oldies 7 •toripr,' l l3l4? vsslci'le 11:iiii. - ' the, e ffect' of ~.thesee fantail deinciiiiitiatiOnS ; (in' th'eGo& film ta,l4nations,t - anff > especially . on i Franite,. 'itlindonbtedly . great, aell, j ‘ tulAegl %like. xle : .iiiive;,ynte,,iit..thg 41.*.y . : of, gennuom in ''favor of "de, - nceit: proves that our .E.figlinli7Atithinan AOmignonhe : oi: /'' d' Atj l llo: ilThe..iiiinorioe: ii ; the. c'eoniniotrii ouAghttiiii.vaiii to. sires athe:bill Tfor, coast. 18rti fication s , 1110m6 SYRIA , comes. sews:of , :vigolotur mbSstres adopted at ,P ",;; -0n5;,44404; iPieha ?__lA e ? .tP;Y°Y4ef • ' Ag tel4 *--/Ft ur . tiundre4erply Askep he .ruassagek, had beetl'ari- ted ; 'they l we re to be tri6Criminentiitbly; l and • those • kimand'. 'itlitty kers t.o.lbe simmakilynesceuted;.:l it t ifeiziain.%. l howem„,to t be ! keen iwhethsr s &he. ex:Govraor iy io li tite t iVy sanethassi , j the tuassacre, and whose irodps i diihe the p,!oor . Christians into the flames of burning lio'xises, will receive -- hiSo - desettr -.-- He was Sent away Alt ,naWffityi" ThiniaigoWito ibe 'Fried: at Constaninople. put we know that ..J 1 I at.ammu. sonic eiviteen ,montas . ago, tne PaeliaNilid'his the r&l . . hinderer; Unlink= oned: for w;timity'ii3 'how at large.- • Oily;s1 few poor,wretrhes &hat were his inatilmients, l 'and probably sows ,iiunnot:4k men. l besi4:lm . 'wets hspg on the bemK,. in . to 'satisfy: - ATl:m(ll'4nd' Ih ihn — pies'ent. -,atenci,liifweirer, the Frinelf Anibassaddi4s , remonstrances; have; enlivened the Turks to *rind .. ha4 the. gull.tY4 a4ars gid..0 3 Qt ,11 9P.: eriitself. P The'lii r Aß4.6c:A' e t.. 4 .4 .l e4 •Pr§Yi!!.. .the i ltkople -Syria - M.6 beyotWellinldepthiii. ity'of . .them, at\-.Diiinaaeus .were riot , :fat Ad.. death ;,.‘tAvelitY4v€l4l l PPAßd Mirvs7o. other,elsnw - here,.,t;hey,l?st ri perly tllqr .all. L o nd on' dointhittee Is raising large .subscriptions, and Lord John Russel Foreigniktiniatenis encouraging the mOve2 taint!! ••- • •x l l • ) • •• 1 • • • • err 1 li pas fti -1" ' A1 t 4144 7 1 19 N 4* , e Tkt?.? r Ttit: I+44Vitite Patriare O t t Ai- It/ A.:I:Jr. !/•1 , 'II A. .1 1 1 tr. SO li t . ' Bt ! l lg anS hoqoaf =Eli MTN • • •Iki lo 1,0 Nirn WITOLE.Va, )41 ow -,••••,-:;_„.-- ~,, • it:i'l .li. .it it *? ~..,,-•... ran massacre. H e wes coNtoWn to mime: p.little. est:ital . -6111 . 6f tife . ellidnitY foe' CI. "oivii*&like, acid a:lio fiiida iii l ;it , lttrlipioottit . =. iiity' to attacks tEnglandl.and, the friends of ' liberty,., • f!, Alas, it .is yer'Y. 2 1.4 ift4. 1 4. , .d0P)14. 1 .4- ble that in . : o.ur•tilie . , moye u syreptl i iy,itio ihislp are eeCo'rded,tsi; the . pipinciterS of 'dis • order : and "Sidition,'"' (Giribillhi"tir t iiii) . i, l than tolliiii . :Chfiatiaw . lieofile 'Who liviin ',beneath-the:yoke:off:the Turks. anditether lia l fbarOwi t ruttioooi p.qopjfi for 2 ,7ostio . egia,n= l Laipaticin,o ,pthe,rdas, F f aroi , e, ,under i ,,k. smliJermidable wars, ' ; ( the cruades) ' i l - sii . that ill a ParpanielifOf ie'ciiiiiihiiiitien r ," . • (.E.iiihill'dy , vdfidlitrairatoielui*a'gone soi ; • fiti"kii to' nraide)andlapplaudtatinan;wh e :in . tdisdain.of all lawr i artd44stipe„ictrying ey .7 , 434 '..Y B l l l e44 . oo7t lNE....!' o .igicli!', °,o P I P . ( lie : society: . It lain . s 4ieriregsl'isherier Ipepent'thirili•and''apt 401iiinAliity-refetieidd' condemn -: i the ';.Citth elle rel Won; , .WMOII ;is • 'the Only, one tthet•leads:to the. , .trath; :the; only one 1444 t , .0, 1 0h,8 titi.o - e c'.47...Pn. , " *at: . 'can' heal the wounds of disordered s ociety . ;and sastain r itwhen it is wearyy . and abont. to. fail:" '• ' All :iliiii . li veil Basil ' licilidbititi; , the . Mixer.) i te 'Patriarch iiiihd: lie i Ifollciweis:f ' bit the ,only,coinfort •iibich:Alie Pope and, h''''P- 111 * ' ' I - th4dtivr,e4loo*( 3 4PAgiz.ii•• • ';.'",...i . - ..P . 9Polxa,PppY r ; Ely. l 7Epg , .3r• igialLifise . and, his treasury, is 4 , that del' Ash • flateriiiPii' Whi41 4 ,11 `'tlie ' . d4Piari ea, absorb's 'all'iliehiveitaitiliftitlisw) iato it,.- ' "lint gltes:out•il4Lhingea4ll444 the t r o lliii f s • i 6E 1 4144 tinctlitiNCP*A *ii;?,ii,...r , LO 4 1 11 '.4 ! 'rte PrR . ostteit 'OF atsaa.rilieti** : k4WiliAjai, 'A _ii4 Stix44i4 ! ,I ? av ,grJil.tlPl . ixiiiiiliKi•Aw°P t l is t W a's• l i r ' 4 P , : 7°l3 ll l o HTV:".iPS' i llel, • . V I : ' . 414:i li3 -..?.16 . -attic& 'liiiii in' ' Tinilk'ited ifylitiio find hist iith'iii7etl ( land' 1 illeii"cbritritifioted , /that he: hitec threatened' 1 'iPigdikiedVtatattif :Garibaldi lithalitiutrAplg. '"vnlthe, lafitYkll ( h.4l. w . 9. l :^lMTli,k;:sil: . 4 4 44 ,1 0: 1 Piait ) ,:Thlt.woutd . : b the signal ot. ;purse; for, • a teiiiiiii I :edilleatki4., ' 4 1 ( 113' Western Powers "must .interfaMP.; 'Skidiiiii' ' /akin& eddldiiiiertiOar the britnt3of theieheek. A . • Atibtkernomoa,‘Oghteipttivct i ffatgL i to c hoT i i inaseegt , l,ib4ies k *Aup,restymthe grlf eh fguyeort4re,n(ing away .01 Ake enkage 7 : meiitezolNlWirree,Ailighll4i4 *Wet) . thle he r . l wd. s ullEllieltli`eroiiit'iireiel Isl?fiSeli'' I4;illtlthdliaeutheitiatilitiiii, not--allOw any: .'otheirl i05.510cix4in5t141,4011701449411.111-', gtain• f tcylth:e trifllqt r -I:f .. soo l n_upgag, .mluld I rAse,,., : ap . t):l4i ourben d i N4iiies,. wi t th Frances ff ii6ph ti Atstiliii4Nfotdd ;Ilk- , e) r• , semi • .t . ,Tal • • 7 , :r 'sur,eclly ievto'ghef,-11 not' .iiiihr , Alidetitilf ikkilg•Ntiplofs . •:*lx ;to*, htliiitheenJ placedAn: '4A st.l4- -10,f isOg .i4t Mt f4it x4 ll :lPg§t fin dj'Aff ' )110 . Fil s . El qiifiPBtoi s 3 n ,;:•. ,, TpA ir il l ,ii.iem.l. ay so , pa use . ,pyopn4r, .o ' . t. e, 'sterna, X..,,ei-11 tii4 ) Wil . 6 'hie" go ikritlY 'saying, •' oo ireic 'arid lisfet,?4,Wiiil .FWV:. 'eifieetvtlitit` ' kilili ( is W il l soon)settld4Cnsid; . aralseceiming. 4iidefs P04!4931 1 . 1 4r91/9 11 0/14W,St.ri?1nFIF. - . I rail% ArT4!l,itt,utq4Wia';',..TeOlikifir; !a, tfin6 of great tri Wilton first; aild, , s , *424%1 the.Wl irlihncrlteitAilaihielitilnidakel- 1 '41411-: licit rietl.ttllAhenlistriliebiAdartfthe: 601111 illeaTiorteh - lifirmdshotsitaillitibityon. .the dl ( I .§fif.? . ...fti'lltfic..o l4 . l . hdy-tkeo44# l 9i l o; t " T •4 l k O . OiNgt e t3ti . ,P B l . VAPTuc:.:I-cfs. ,lii 11 ? ..Th \NTsizaer • is. ,t.f„t, e *Oat . alar4ing chars 'f';•-•ll43e'dA exiin•liciiiib.6ii MVP I i iiritNia'y hirdna daitiakiirg, qiivaroyid, 'al& 1 iheYd Ist no aiii)earancedflimprovediontg -0.1 ti --, .)1 , / ! Aroi.l.tii if) brcis ::•:.1:- r,-,,i (4 ,1 v1 loirg . ~ mirirviumivltAti. , ir _lip- . exe: f i 4s s e ,e . : L pi•tr i n i. . : i nt . 1 hill te r- il f igNiiiMPErMan ;. tll 'when toolla e•to no Dd. • atters• • irndlthat: 'the io# nard s.teamers do inot-leali at . Cork :to InOrro*.J ~ :111 93; 11 0!).dzie9q70 4 : 0 P.Pqd.• dein !so: quite,§l,4qo4o7 b * ,, Tliwit. this will reach !ili:iii - tinie for te s t, - • ; • [Solectrdel. . + The - Word , of :the , Lord..l:. TILADSLATED!DY ciamAnricz BWORTH *:Thy word, 0 Lord, like gentle dtwi l / 2 4' Fells soft onlietirts,tliat pine: :•• , -,;•Lo'xd, to thy garden,:neer refuse ..1 This henitilly'bithir of thine., •s' Watered freni' • '• Let. eve , TY.,t•Ten.- Put. orth anctblcissont-to thy , praise;.n 'And bear nanelOthkin'iiftek 117. w or& ir i•Nvedgo)44 0 41 4°; l ' f— ge44l. iko Irolle;17 4:. AndApieideth flesh and bone. , ...f LOf it go fOth.' ; • f . 4nd.ishattec.dil thermi l frdf Oh l/ OM = to And makes, the simple, Wise. 4 '..\ 4 ' Let • 'or "•Ver , Sink 4t still on every spirit shine, Ell none ,thy, light divine,,, OE .For the ireaiiteitatiltaiiner.' i A t f iffiktOteili .11 .f3 gAtilbAlit:o l 4sl.l .1; • TTho::Priebyielly of Nis' quillarina hits - Inst, geld ; a very pleasant and we trualirofitigg pleetingceatt 2 lhisliore; Pa... , .. - OWe ; . bid , dui priiisnre of receiving from the Presbytery. of Pik.ssili 1 444 e &APP.. !, .4 r dlvale.e,ommission,pre.viously• appointecto: Pa. r prnsMuirtea ntt-' tnrouldy-nignedt.petition.drom,l,ll,at ? kee l and,:organze a flik7.v s k,93ere t .reppell they found , the w4 - opeit u akid the..eb inch. as. dire ett i td ,40 . „naine; was added to our roll. A .l ..;i lIINE ..ilie:.sghwhiu_NA.tlvimito Tortufla,. was repor*AtMiLip : ti . i!lottris tion. Canion'ls" o on o ure • 11l our ' number -ilkeVls '110t;) BOORS& ddltarb least, ititti-tite.regalaf :ininistnitioAl9£4he . ~;.F4440 1 t91,04. 1 17199.i'sre n g*JAM dostitu . , .lu . ! t * MI Bo'r t~i~b ~~ ii Y Y 4~in~HnDdbir It= , . . - „ " Ilea/hal Vitilikkatte. tP . Giasooit; /Zile-int - 17th, s -fe* - days in thei great cif' of:GlTsgowpiwirieli:eatr.boest neP.elone. of; 'Ord P. 1 .44! 3 .4007 111 ,M).l el4 l , l P l 9Yits, Op i ,,Coekpeys sar-Aut Aits, ati utimteri Of ; ship-bnilding, and .of incist•sith- 1 stantiallY tlie'll'hifkor , Kingddthi: The' eathedfal eailild Stcbango!ti theihosticeterestingoklibuildingf I tif"! . 9 :41 - rifP!k4. hoc, bßeqr seven hundred,,Teate,aw;,arl . beer}rePaired'-iebently', l •bdith lid - Mistakable efidehee.e'dfuits inttofilitYll „It ii 'the , . pioperty of 'the 'Established ,13t1sbyteriansiand services ; are held,inAparA,, off it evry ,Sakhbath...,;) ieLtn! ,Through thelindnese.ot Mend !. Ib 7 --y, I had the gr, the St. .11.ollox-ChemivalaWorkarowned -by Charles Tennant ST, qo::,,itilli:taargest estab lishment of the kind in the world, lud, hivinetig s tidleiegikiniki i4P bently% 4fighel" ;Me P has• ''bedrisbfii tq ode Being hundred , and r thirky-fie feet higli,.and,fort3r tee . ten diameter. fA,tha j hase.. It' is thirty., fe l et i htaljer, thstudAt. Sißavii) Th,no„o p A an4,lml,4lll t oi than any; monuitent nited' iSttited: • 'lThet Wiishiugthnvilifonivi Voiskt whew, finish,osl. The fclikk,.e.#ll* . rbA•794794 tl 7 .f9tY r - 04e, obleptafhhansig O l t obiletey hig4i .11. conducttit '1"" Erts arto e,unp own ant arming . 4 T-*l.7ral 4 / 2 .7nYi elltant. air rt 00:04:r0m3 . 44:43,A411134:4Ni 1.110 IMEE3 ITE A SquareE(B.lines or lerna) ono insertion, 030 een&L; .0 1 0 h ,aataioqpezit insortion, 40 cents • each lino beyond oight, Acta.. B, l l isreo. l6fr dutrte, ! Au«) 4 3 ,01 W :IA REDUCTION mane to advertisers oy (lie Yetir• BUSTWESS-NOMCES Ot.TLnItIIOB 0r_1ea5",41.00:„4,41 . Atlorial line;10 • • , r 47 le) -7- fai beyond ill — • • efttantii chemic als, e reach of• . other olfaeloiTN •1 .01 flit 91asgowians; ;Wog' • 1e,,f418 te'd • O whehrkth'e' atinosphere is light. Attemptirhave. /been( made to have the. es eardshikent Irsipoved arom the city, as 'being a nuisacc.; Ibpt.ThoOy,,lksifing great infitierice in courts' here as well as in the 'U • nited States i it holds items„fOnnei position. , T he' Glikiow PniveisitStlnkildinse, on Hi h Str'ea , (eirefy town- (Wank size in this conntry , hass High Street in it,) are of a ' 141 7'5: 3111 4U 491:.,,LtififuelltteRPeefseee. • It was ncodoubt r fa t ilyriable. once, inits .style of architeetnie, and In i fashionable part of ~the eiti; but now it iiiicither. The mem ,lters of thetliteitlif -are men of eminent u•. 0 cluwacter, profound learning, and- great 1 4` t ipd r i e i me , ~ , ,upa.. . '.: .'• .: Glasgow ia, something;. like New-York : : the, kesmfabipty _l4 places changes very g muAlit. Seitiiiiiiket '(street) and Rridgegate (street. ) )* 'on 'which were' once the residencei an'it'businese liciuses 'ot the•a upper ten,” riAlinoiv.the abodes• of the lowest, the ren dilzvou 94'. thiey i es _ ! beggars, drunkards, ragged urchins, ,huelsters of rotten fruit, spelled ffah,,:ind " ha'penny" trinkets. If . you will •walk*ough 'those parts of the WilitieekAt4tee'dafleabotiteil 0 ordillo'chook: at -yriglit, •, inn *ill , see, some sights• _rarely afforded, Ism, happy to say, • in our own cities. Saturday night is worse than other nights ; because they havy F gotten 'through' their week's work, a, aye Tpcpi,ved a ' little money; with Wiii6 thty niarlitge to -get as mubh cheap 'spirits as will makethem , L beastly drunk ;, then• youcmeed, not be e l - ,prised to s seeson?,e.of, tile sometimes palled, "g"entle sex; emph4ticaly gesticulatin (Sayers end s .lieenin like.) 'with' Clciied - ,lttids, l inathill , direldtical of ' elieh other's "^ '''eye's; or perhaps al, policeman , will, by , 4a4 Ibldw, of_ t his 1 Nhistle, call, - some i of I the ~Rapaoni eak orsly.s t ts4 assist him in eonnying, l , 11 45 a hati l a - -barrow, to ile i a l oss'up ; " same unf4t :la& WRiture, YhoSe lickyeli 8f rdeoL =idol% kalidol4e - hu inlleffhitelk; pilftfibietl.. l : I% )I: e Sfotch , say, the Irish inhabit those m : -vparta otOtiebejobiraglpnortAifh 7 4-like 1 , r 1 4 . ,aker' A i tke l epdma x p,lty z g!,, ,1 o f , . t p.cloold 4fi,glaloBOric 1 03r."TeNt 1. , al wWfiaieoftbiJiidgebol. mato*, fitat! u•tiliii ) deaeriptinisicaa. small 'portalinnoffit. If • a'Thete are in the city about two 'hundred ~,churches, most of them Pzelb_zOrkitn, and as as': a numliei.i 7 r• c.hureh-gouag, people as t' Ter say in anekity! 'Soee' of the 4 slidets abinsoftfteerr mir catesqbefore ;Cleven4); ou'ollieL, lonaliabbith3 nvoihing,cf ark . almost noromde,d;witht,people•gtiineto bhuroli. •illne.: o tting ;ithich t4speaks Jaattil afcrftbe !Chun& 4 , ; bere l iat the' kreatinizzaher/o oeybunginient4i.: • beki ; manyilinorgoilrashisitcpcithainxintioyra. m'Argericatesidtrohtirnhestcm itto ow OS , I •," N. 't I, lllo3ektritillipte4lll:os.Bo.'fri•tlttigbiti`n i.tactetAh; ithie ll'.EdiPlmiti.,4inkincteer tat-u" ~ w o " 1'4h:414.41P fit 41 1• 11%1Aiat l'Aoday, AO), r Jill Anit.; .. Tlae,ro awete PlVentritweetirioltni „ i';tll•6oa i 44,N0,14Stbmts .fl)l4;iabo4tlitoia Mu-, riklAr ands Withonao armetatebt The - 'Review -NrgAilelcl v ililthe. Qlkeo44l:B pp* * just , its,ek of ffullyiuoa Palace, and at the foot • : 0,14 1 41 2 1'•;e .Seato•nwlii B 4 ,•(- 4 #4,14 !"4/Peet)..: I:oein' 'amphitheatre-111e and rising, from ; . r ' OA 1 'll 'bf . ttie"(Sieen*; Part 'AV an 'angle ' , i; 'cof)lt o t'llikYtfii%•del•rea,),i/tiforded , hicifiost iliwora leepaitiontofthe•spectatorenfongfee- : m i,p,t,ht Aegiem. s Res IMajesty v t.he r Qiisp,,,, c ant , P p rt 7 prthe_ Royal ! tainly, zialb aklZll4.4 l 4ll'aitk* . arleo! ' de - die v igit 3rdui: , readers' that the' Queen" • 'lttbke itenibie 'like , her , statues' and like 'nkisses thawanybodylelse. 'The British`,4not ~.;wArgrin'go to, f indulge I the idea that, their t Quer 11(l i hIPWing t ampon % her statues and pictures rem - 301110, fair . young lady—per httysi 44f nrikS-iibel4Yolcs no More like 'the Mother of the Royal family than the Presi . dentiof the United State*-7-..witkate excep tion of being sometn: l l4 , m9ftefelPiPatit in aPPearkeee- ROL,Pitaitiot give yonit fall description t r opthe, Review, Suffietrit 'to say-that it was 'a nompleta success % and • by far the •. greatest_inhlitary.display „Tow' writer, ever . • mitnessea• we Yankees not being ariiili ry pet" e, in time of peace. ' 4 The: 'no4l,l32'6. 'here has 'been' ‘ • unusually' ' cool this season, and now theretis a great oleitl ! of ptin.-A Wheat harvest • has • • not., yet commenced-lit•,.: 1 , .:Rumor are tgoad that Gia-ibkliii • will httnek the :43iStriaDS• S.G.W. ' ME • • • !The; Inspiration :of the . When Do Tocqueville was befe, lie asked 4: 7 Stdibath soltrioi: • He was struck seeina 3 l.3ilile in the Lapis of almost every chili. "'" 'common," said. he to his 'friend? ‘vitiVirliit mighty:influence it mast 164641,0'045e nation."'. • Think orthelithitanbered Sabbath School - .Piipilsiiiviill:ChrfstignAiiiids,: each with a -,.b00k in -his hand: '•lifore striking still is, the: tlicnight killY , Christians• in all A la , littinreach his 'private room, 'Wore: they• go into the r,Woldo Unoad' ' this one:book. What must tbeibobklielio'itirhishthe minds and hearts Lob spii itital people' , with' exhaustless sup- Cf . iiklUghte and emotion. Not so, .ShilEsPeaYe nor =even Bunyan, 'copying so .+: - .lteTosely fro* therßible g ican fill sucka:place. I noie few' ]itutyan tie" , sop more,",.. said a; diitinguishod • xeialtionary htdy t near ••liert-eod, to her husband; "Bunyan tires itic;.brit I can hear you read the Bible with fatigue." - _ Why Las not Joseilftii's HiStiiiik'of the 4 1 4rpown wig]. ,this book when re ;l4-Anc% the very siviiethings.? Because iospi d ratio; Vaiiroit6a int L c;tte very ' liovghte,ai,d .languag r e r of t tligßible f . 4 q#n•Cailitatidefilh it any, More thaw; itoipctui iniatomititi smile. -,by 4 : public fpwiker o of Bible Aliinguae l , 144, ow , e . . .audience' ftwhicl! ,bc.yondr piplanatio .n; except from itspinadattlialleik. " GodlikiitAiiiii that this -'bOok Was'to be :OW •s'piritnal••••th ought' arid — life; w 4 ;4 11 4-0 0 1. inWe 14 11 1 guide .l Ire wkr, ' cartk`op i mpthiiig, en :;dowed ,the'sorth withthe niyriferioui power t i.of magi?ieftstt gilide the•mariiier lAA not k let tiiiiriiiiiPWithout - TabsWel.lsotiiie of in rainattowto guide to. , lkeavel4,o ',f` 'But did a man have inspiration•io saying 'Lome of these. ,vlry cqpipan thins 'just: amt pitt See that rope tlievoitrha i in Rubee'S pi Ante? - Wits ltubenh's geniti , regAiisite to paint that lt . • CoAld•iipt a., ocaionon painter,thayi n .., einade: conceived t ie;nti ..inthordi nary iuMran migh t not 'hi4e: done A l ri* ze -litt le so. ngs • • stunting 'or; ttettief uoS !fritter therirhule.l : 'hway. -criihetiprincipleis .of•oriticismlyibiett ''slime: apply.ßibl94.4l4•iintt,' ' the At.henmut n yf0.?14 pause a titan desiisCd2.- 7 4Yr. 1,.4(‘ .1 , 1).;• ' INIM Nib& latiiiiti'"a • Ir"YT We'cannot s give the p osop yo ,bu this i§t.h‘ti r tiOt ? ; sing tit9sittitliiiniihg:titthtroel , oes,a e -,xneditothig;.-seitiment4tlizing;:or;sinyetigAsr,ei in& AtvaiXikogst 't.nrn to bgeoltue, t.hecATV in thelesert needs, no proof at i Ofiggitt`"lolni tillirbetelmee mit ifoitbtrul ,'The rof of Inuniutteout , Wets.re4, nin.STßieTien:; 3 it i lltrkt r eitiththlPYiffegf.itlili s ~.mfo!rilacl'alfsifliauffSigi, nisFF"Flen there a remedy but stirilind• and 'aoin'g. -a° 10W AjiatAd 2 4 . l lsll 0 aleiburAsl'oa litumat,o, s (situ IIIi • Publication Office : &lairs BUILDINGS. 84 Ruin 84, PIMBUTION, PA. - PBBB4llB44Palk SOUTH-WEST COIL OP 7TH AND CHUMP" ( Abyggi umENI444I kl . • 747 - fe rji • .TERMS IN. ADVANCE. IDAVIDz.II.I' I,IIII3IEiY C 04411111 l'aOriuzroas AND PUBLI3 • liEll MEE ISE OE