,• Ask itirts. v- VIRGA'S VENEID; With 4 Explantiairliotes . By.tiotry S. Prim, Professor 44: 'La in X " iit the Stab .- r University , of., ..I!Lishigtp . .-,` tr. 6.46598. N,C*-York: D. Appleton' 4. %Cm . pitteb t ulk: Robby S.Watn's, 03 Wood street. Thais a beautiful edition ofthe texttilare, open, and elegant, and printed on excellent - paper. In 11WIratitai of disputed readings, the,most approved German edition has been-followed;. and the notes have been derived from the ablest commentators. The illustrationi are both stlfaistife' and instructive. The notes are fAliKel ) e,iplicit, and arranged in such way als ' :tolprolit the student and aid the teacher. WO,P*ltrno edition of Vigil at s all equal 'to this as a school book. lsd • • ni A . gIII,IIFX GRAMMAR; For Schools and Col -4 Iza. 'By James Hadley, Professoz: in ; Kali College. Pp. 360. New-York: 1). Appleton ,co. Pittsburgh : Robert S. Davie. • 1860. E This is a work that has been , anxiously looked for by sciolv e. p.nd Att. l utients, since it has , beta for / yea'rs genez:altY admitted that Prof. Hadley was the most competent of the living scholars of thielsountry to prepare a Greek Grammar, suck' as twas , demanded by the present condition of the study 'a:Grecian language and literature. Pres!, identuFelton, of Harvard, is considered to be ‘ ilit4 molt Liiiiirely rend of the Greek scholars' Of the United' States, and President Woolsey, of Tale, is-acknowledged to be- the-most acoomp • that Is, the most 'tietecting and'brine" t recondite meanings and delicate shades of thought for which that ancient layn. guagMsE ) l, l os k i lb lit but.l Pl t 4°_FVei nes t and power , of grammatical analyeisi Prof.Hadley.is 4, 1 444,t0 to without tin e q ual.' ' The ,basis lila work' is''the Grammar of Prot , Cortina, of the University of Kiel, first psablielted.bzwlB69oindAhat , has4teozz.reeeived. with so inuelt fuyor,-Azi„, (Astrju i ann i. put the changes iefroduced have been so many as to make it in every respect worthy of being regard; etii6l' int otikinil :Work,. while kir prbiiezt.ciediet' given to tlte t wo,rlyf Curtius. , EfitilbOtaitArt4lght out; with great success, the new;viiwg ot Greek' Etyaology and structure, as ,drileleti and es- . tablisied by the comparative study of the Judo- European language. The multiplickty . of forma_ prnetzted by the different dialects, is wonderful ly simplified. The forml of voice, mode, and tense 8141 , 7yre1 , to a small number, of groups eitYirNtse-eyatierp, 6 thus making the entire strtupfsdfof 'tie verb simple and more intelligible to tizeiearner. th'e 'formation of the irregular verbs is treatedditibording to a uniform ,toetr. the r mi4tt , acidly assist Pp, apprehension an 4 nlemory of the student. And the Syntax tie leading aim has been, not to construct. a merely ' philcisophien.l system of human expression, with Greek sentences for il!ustration, as is the case in tr. apt a . few . of. the Greek Grammars now in corn 4iin use, but to represent, as fullS , and eleaily asp r ossible, the actual usage and idiom of the langliagi• We trust that the many scholars,' teachers, and prieseors among our readers will hasten to give' dad work a full and candid examination, feeling assured.that their verdict will be that it is supe rior to ' any other now mania for American soliooli.and colleges. A COURSE OF 'ANCIENT GEOGRAPHY.. • te,n.geli.with.Speelal Reference to-ConePpleg; • teltecithlion. • iis% H. I. Schmidt; D.D.,. •Jessor in Columbia College; Author of "His . tory . of. Education : Plan of Culture • and: Instrection ;" '‘‘ A Treatise on the Eucharist," etc. Pp. 328. New-York :D. Appleton 4" Co. Pittsburgh: Robert S. Danis, 03 Wood Street. 4880. • • A convenient and reliable textbook on Ancient Geography has been a desideratum for school's and eolleges, that seems to be admirably met in tliiknent'and substantial volume before us. Prof:' Schmidt has had much experience as an educator t , and ccin'sequelsilir'lniows well the deficiencies of. the:text-books inthis deiartment. His Work is based on the best authorities, and is arranged aedording to the most approved plan fora school • - bholi or a book of reference. By the aid of the full . ands complete' index, the reader or student to obtain all necessary informiti4 pfit4#4l:o' question connected with an dent geography. The book is a valuable 'oae' for t the school room, tho mortv, reader, and the family library. ' .:" . 41111 i. TkIROUG,H WORE; Eraituf C. rßeniihet. Pp. 62. New-York : P. Appleton . 4- Co. Pittsburgh : Robert S. Davie, 98 Wood . Street. • 1860. ' !Ill! ' , • Alo,„ get, hold of a ..book .of European travel,' writtentby: one who does not affect the seholii.nr, the...o4llßeisaeur , the5.‘003% , 48i4 . .• red treat;• For :Lit seems to be generally understood t)lat those who give the publiet the benefit of :their . European trip should put ; on the air of .§' learned, and be wondrously cipertin sculpture, and in discovering some of the'rano4 of the old ,mastalt fairiking.' Ant*. Meter. diet doeslnothiritof, t the kind. He keepelijthin routes.ofttaavel, does not take time to prey, nt his 1V : V .. 0 introfluction, soil; all 034 can be seen, arid:enjoys alit:hat is Rropsr to be enjoyed; and therigivia the kesuiti of , his obser vations. in , a clear, straight-forward;land4 'enter , taining style, that; never wearies the reader.- LIFE OF WILLIAM T. •PORTER. By Francis Brinley. Pp. 278. Nei York : D. 4ppletpn 4 ' al? Pp.keburei': 'Bobeie S. 9341V0&1 THP !BONY IDOL. Pp. 283. New-York: r6r4 Co. Rbbert S'`.. Davis, eo.'. The object of this book is to Olar the ' lll taM, effetoi uPOTen;qldel and provers:AM New-England chutclic'Of the:p . ,astr introducing an abolition an 4 P9li4eul 44.0 to like pulpit, while the•Gos.l Pe l ,o .14 iieople are divided, the performance of Christian duty to the widow, 'the otS),b i on,'and.'94'ol:All neglected, the discussion of Ale .olave7 qurtipo is violent, Ind neitbek the l 4rdielnan'nfifie 'black man is benefited., CRAMBERIPENCYCLOPADI-PaFte,l7 and _val4able work reprinted by the Apple tonsils before us. Every puocessite ATOM in c:RM. t: Cr .f r _.l . ./. 1 /91 t te ° 1 1 1 # 3 "AI 1 1 .1.,„*.:0 4 P /7 Aetettilir.oo.4satte; , a4 it center etch; The Pitts. bur g h Mk t f. , g r e.# 4l M , -# l * JP.trt ifarion : Pp. 499. Newl York: Derby 4 , Jacks Darland on. Pittsburgh : Hunt f t Miner.. 1.1410. , The ecene_qfl this, stortis laid in the South, at the beginning of the kesent century. Thaiitia tounrand mint' ortlii;etop - r ef i - thel dtii;7: tracedW reader . en ters the home of NV 7Sa s. ago , and gazes upon mtin.,y9siiiiis and reiree' r hici OTctiires Of -h umble life. The:object aiMed at, is to show that retribu tion, though Peakatimes slow, is always sure. al, tetiett.7 : BABRIVI:1 0 1110NT, }IL . 7, - for SepteMbef is a The sum nitya z ,er r publishers are sparing neither care nor money to make this monthly in ereasingl_y"iiitiattike, instructive, and useful. Fal"sirint"iiial)ii4t,,Hunt f t Miner. .GODEY'S.AADD'B BOOK, for September,. . • bil":iiiil497ol4llo c laggbi al*;,ta4y readers. Itis circulation is larger than any other American monthly; exoep i tilispia• C siilaigazine.. For sale' in Pittabiuih; Eteritlf Miner. MIME - - 1#:.::., : 1kt:.:.;.1'.. -. f:)t, rIIw PLUI ;Uad"lotd.. ; > "`.R-441 kiUgly quirea Ate .young :sesenet of a ragged; rua cguth 4 ,1 just was. oi k e.ortapeittee }mid , finished. Wati alit;" ''Tl►43 thus addresaa, raised hip:l6l;o v gray eyasarit.4l , rirtA al,. a lf to satisfy IghtlMßhatctre . 8, 9134610716 . sp sAfgat -I si 00:',V01 1 .4..5114nded for as .113, mot nhis teacher's gentle: gaze -4110.7 MEII=EIMM fell, and, dropping his head, be forbore to reply. Hir teacher peraiVinYthei herfeli the rebuke, and deeming it sufficient, said no inore,l4aid` dismiss' ed!'dherelags.• • This lad; Johnny by name; was :the son of poor pkents, both of who* ..:were habituated to the use of ardent- spirits,: and,, of course • grossly neglected theii children; beating and abusing 'thein,,4l their excited'Paasions prompted,; .seldp,in, and perliapa ,never, let tcciai"tileir lips of'kihfili.intereite Oven much less:Pf. love. • Johnnyi being of a mischievons tempera: ment, was the recipient' of unbounded harshnem ; - I brit:fotthis iSpeeitipile pied ' the privilege of attendence at the villaie school.,,whither he .was sent. to, 4 ,!. i be,opt,of the;Wayi 4 .7: ...This Was the' firiedaialitill been undentligicare pf thejtiffsep,tteacher, whom calf Miss“ Abner.. Johnny possessed a quick and retentive mind, : andi• . when he chose to apply himself; could , s . taiid , at the head.of his . • gut his half,learned r ieeisous came :Oftener than his perfect.: ones, andalways ,bronghte him• a severe reprimand, end often . a Chas ' tisement, which seemed to have no other effect than ' 'to' harden 'and ' 'debase him. Growing riiider'sricli'inflaences at ome and,at 04901, he hecaine a.morose and,ill - tempered boy; disliked and shunned.by his schoolmates on-whom-he sought to revenge himself `by: all the . 'petty annoynricea' ferAle,brain ponlo,..,devise. 4neh, ii :v.ras: the lad when 118 . .60'444e a Pupil of Mis Almer.. She had rebu ked:him for his • first 'error gently, as was her wont, and,lrinitingtO the potency of stich:re,propf,"had:dismissed, him, from her niirid hut not so easily Were. • the kind words forgotten by the poor . boy a r to whom so :gentle atone was so rare as to awaken astonishment. It fell. among ''the rtule.thoughts , and feelings of-this heart,. as a flower among thorns.. • It was to hisrear;"- that' as Wont to catch enlythe t h,srah . tepee. of .poldndnefis,-,25,a 'strain of sweet melody after lajarringAiscord. • Oh I •why so'often••withhold •that which:costa solittle• andto gibe, .i r 4g 042:"PrOe . to th 4 receiver ?,',Brat An : the story „.3fts. Almer lingered at the school-roomaill alb - the pupild had left, and was - wallYng alone homeward, when this, — to hei, trifling event of the day, was' bronglit to her inind, , by t 4 3 ,erTill$A9h,nn.t. s?Pti4 i 1 3 4 1.04 ., apparently., waiting fork her. I When .she came. to , him,he rose and offered her a nose-. gay of violets, 7 saying, "Please ma'am will you take.these • ' " Certainly,Jolinny, they are very sneet,, and the, finest I. hive ',seen this season ~ ler . ) them. dearly, and. yon, too, for hring ing,them to.ine.l . • Shehad 'taken! the boy's hand in hers;•• da!pite:'ita disgusting appearance t , and; she ,finished speaking , his eyes Were lifted • to heis with the same expression as in the morriing;'arid a tear was making a...furrow; through the•dirt that begrimmed his • face. • ." Johnny; . *hat is the matter ?" asked hiateneher, in surprise. ' l. ", What you said ?" faltering, utterecf...the, " Do, you love me ?" „ Abdeed I do,". was Miss Almer's "Bat something must trouble' you. Carl 'for you ?!' _ _ ' ' 0 0h; pit:have .dpyigi. more for 14e than • RE!. 9nP. .:fg - else, h01*447.0er.19v0: , ;I te r ' 'fore ;. but: thought . , you,•did when!.you i didn't scold wafer not getting my lesson. Bnt - I'm a dreadful boy; you don't . khow it a 1 1».: • ,", Well, tell me all,"'imrsiefed hisWaeii 2 ' er, tianched,by . the.eariregiiiiiis.:of "liiiiiien ner. So saying, she leol,him -to a large stone, and bade him sit by her there,.and,. as.he unfolded his talirof wrongs done as well as received, she mingled her tears with, `.his; 'which flowed. freely. They sat long?* land'ere they parted, 'she hiid „ gi , Ven ,rest his eager heart, by iiromil4g; . avor to be; • :his friend. The next morning. Johnny. , was missed' from his place at school, and 'at the close of school; -Mies Almer which had been his. home, to learnthatcause of his absence arid, to her Saila:life, fonnibit vacated. Whither the:people hi& i gone, no one knew. Many.,yeara after ,this (fifteen, I,think,), ;Mi4k4.lMei r wai'Visiting .Iscene 'lke- early. labori t 'and her !vnlitriattelideil' a 'meeting for tweeters': • Re' marks w'ero Offered, and experiences related, by Iftliol:erii" in : the 'good'xiiihk.' ;ilk sfruoting .Youth,lan i d, at 'length si"gentle,. ' : man rose arid ' expressed a wi sh to,...sajr,!jk, : word . to .the band of teachers, •onc the•power .of kindness, and . in the "&nirsn'Af marks,' related the story tliiiiegiVeMahOve, closing with these or , neall t y, t)Yeeo . „Woßtt a I. ••imt •thit lad; those were •the first words or:kindness Lreifther; ever to haire :hed•a4dressed to me; They havo'been my talisniani my -gnitlitig . sitar through • life. .They Matle'Pft•Whatil 1 9 1 41* 1 4) Gotl helping me, it shall he : the -aim . pf.,my life to• - rtlinkT4 friend. o n of 114''ioti,t.li, ii} the power,emely,:ny Foot? lan „ i example,,the inlinenne of, the .Diiine : principle of love which,aetuat,o her.":l• !,Miss Xinier,liiiiiiried to this recital with: a ...agitated heart, for she recognized 'speaker the little: Johnny .whom niver, ,forgOttdn. .She sought an interview, and learned. hie-history ! How, after l eov;;. king his early .home, ..the love Id •virine, which 'she had ;posed' . his ever leadiog'him inlay frOm.hir, netu•siii,r and lirging'444o',u 4igter,)ife:',;4 • :;'•!. •Need we say to .itnyi.teacher• who 7.may read "'GO 'thou and do ;All 'may not meet with soy Speedy a•reivard as.4id.Miss,?..Mmert , bnt us—remember that the time is imit t zetdpid if we labor faithfully, we..may tope that the guerdon sh l: yet be y owes,to 4 6 4 1 tilllkl 3ool €o oo .rl. B 9a_il his ):men rescued from degradation by ou . caideairers to shine forever, it star in the bOronet • • ' A lash q¢fd' wilt lay'.*Aere ,g4 . 44*. 41 lEZE _ . . r (I 41:Ohlid l IK AM • U. /I_3 hil ' a..loni.knPwin Laud loved thtr i t . ikknour, a:litngeript i discasa!enHer.' "poor ,; frail: body " •begen to draw_ down the .spirit.with.it, and she-C.6llld not think, of Wag.' or "pray as she 'divie di j As) she could 'lase° Jesus now; she began to:;f4r,that had Utver'seen Iterivilry . 44. and often she would aia.say"'Jesus hear: iiie;.:Jetita 'pity ' She - had a dear little dacgita , -whp: wi)AldN'Oagglin* her necki - abdiask, "•What ails' you 3math er.t",-; But she wasloo young: o indertitind her 'die, and thdught her grief iirtilk%4oB4l; no physician could - cure her. '• One 4ty,:qt . lady, .sat lon;i4U44lortous wvlrfi . :!o . ,God—th9.l9lre y„la_nciSlitfiC the deep a 4, ihethe Ofoud-tliel4d•sky . ; wishitietlidElle - Whe"thade ' and • world, would onlvatocip - to . pity' Her little M. came into the room just then with•an'opca kaki& her hand. Her ; face was briglitoitliArpiles„and : , hcrllue eyes lighted by silideloytal:rieWi. • " OE mother,' dear !" she. cried r"L've found,ont,a. way in wbk.s4qpri. siK.lke,miresl; easy way 1 I. was looking - for oar:Sunday School legson, and I found `this} telbrof Woman Who. Was very She:had spent all her money 'trying;tn made. 'well, but eieritiii4 ithe Bd. only 'niade 'her' worse, lii t at had been sick twelim lean ! • -We lj ,..leupi. pose she, had heartalieiat jeitia; fOrithe went. alhere he was , and believed , that ; he, ,cdia.Clieer her if he, pedisvvbe,llind• la x ii ; :tcrached o p .:110)1 4 4 ha g iunent, and' aliiiiPereili;ti;,hiiriett • doitr4.:oitAy_that would make .ha__Wial. :again r And ellsa vitt preage'dffilifid! And he told her to take comfort, flp sheiv7B4l. /40 you touch the.iblizifl of 3 bil-thiihent too ?" etnaliurrel ,40d •St 01.114 it • .'t eltrtilka '.~~~ PEES ;.YTER t . 13 - . • a A - . - • , '.YT ER 1.860 - Pr, I o.l_ • • J • , . • r x W A .4 , The lady lookecl in wonder atthe„ feitoheil God lead llee . thlaitirsillt into tears ' said, Oh ' my darling, that wo , man «Add see Jens'!" , . . • "'But, mother, you have always.lold' *ik that he is just as really., near4ne• as could iee'and•timoh - him. ' Thus were the lessonsrbt• whioh this sufferiAg' i nicither:he'd 4iiiii"Miav" dig little eribt at !the evening.' lioni;..*Fued with inter r eat ktoher.ornrbosom; and . 15b13'itai I R filesiet . odifirs l ` thi41,14,1.. Can 11, 54' f e Akr ii ti t i rt MSOFT re( 1 1 1 /IPSOUtbrth my' . p i ymnan in . bP G ospel, and touch ' ' I will put my tremblineaall'etline to be led andlUided'bfthy darkness" ....; s: , m AVSXT lo Sweet little, yeti's ,char,' God' has been'teaching hhiraiVa H hiartitig, ber a minister .afiligb t-tol her 3 best fricied. A tho bles.44?gf. , 9n.)lo. l rarfigllVll6iiii head .id .ls7 Ale' lye to if . ease en ,A.,2lAopig• tbiA i nto ' .m d ar tft qr. 1 04-tanA-A93Atrk.P.TrlflrPA4 3 ` when she.cannot - reich forth her hands affid Child at HOTe. • ' ' . • •i' • ;.. r:1 /111 acr e'; . Itfls it 4 v 6 il W!POS,-till;d9--_ 1, 1 1V* 14 4/1 1 #0 1 by neolosting beforekiti l etinehi collie, to *re of tieh i fl3o.ikile[ to efooselor. .TErlllrAitgraor7 " i, bOtidiit -T gel•showed-him iy:gardelandritoiichita lireg i ""'al l llO,'" a it yoilnYoCu garden . 44- said be; " it is cowered with•weeds." - -gt 1 " I replillif,"4llaNYNßuifelifaifiltV -+ coins : lOU age of discretion+ and ehoiee,i The welid6; 7 yiru: seer,' haireTetikbe /the r lit** w, )1217boughtAit Itrafais iian me to r jndice the "PP 1 4 : N * 4 X 1 4 O:L C pd'l44l perms. • t vttg.pet ..t.1:.2-40 . 1.7%: • ali• • ! 3 ' .er,• . • , .; PAlem.1141 1 4:1) sct*PlitaßtlP Os:T93ly , snit who.4llllolOiSpl - gosi fa: AMllititlikg; 1 1# 14S ,o "tfa il i. n l l lo;ll,' Ott a t i c 7ll7: L ! : ` Pg o q: :,terinin'ecr let his come and the iesult., wasnvery much' .like ColeridgVs His wealth, was‘squandereil i .ltis_name,:da . i1 . 5PP,r,P2 4 1 . , gd,C, MiC•4lOC.'• prematurevegray t wag brought so f ro jr : tivi the grtrie. 1 P:401d or remember Oen ,:are , :Cori* watchfulness and care ' ".,€ 131" ri " Getk'pan mew* fin , them, , vitta!m?,,elirst v. Of :,PlitrE4.tO gv, ural amiability Till leo,tp iogSl:kit. utter initi,---d4zirciz.o7l-478«. IN IME . . . d• Tar Key 11118 Cdf a.• . rn 1• .. • ~-Too •:::••••,, - -. f• .•, NITO g•yoj....ithiNfri 141 • . Isom gam OFULINA:II OF:dB/UN , PAVZor.l , :li4 ).• , m ; ..1 . • tir•:•. mogier,:kneit'oterher' kni,4341 A3ne's•tomlbo • • . 0. gui:4; Forlsettoheroviiitotg . ; l l4l4;4linoine, . na nowt. , .e mg. . • •• • ....la di .•, J., - r • ,Linvi . Tk6, coffil'a•k6-9,was in ( 11 P04 111 !Air In her hedrt the deepett' sadness;' • ''" " And 'her yelitned ifoi) tfaiehtitter n When? grief istir i llite to gladnesn ,•• 1- ••,, " I.IITAr./..:( . 12 I T "OA Iceep, tl l 6:Yey," 31 !4!???7,44,4v ber.ff "Of thi darkiscriononelty. 'l' So tgai:4opooOrYtre4,Bholl•o'rentin ~n , •• ' ißter thSYncithdr whol44ed ”"i 'V' .4 ' • She turnod•• her • eyeC heiven's bright -donmy . PTO the.ei l eny.a4..Were, eitaTiffo;l And her spirit caught in chiMik(i`tir,rs 2 ;". • • Thesewirordi•of holiest.mnaning--o,' Throwaway.tikeelczy, unotlier:slean.t Rir the ,Jilifffin•liolds Acit e has:J.2;l,n m 1 . 1 , ..,,,„„..t , !, J 1 15 - te ' en L - . Always Room, Up 14airs..., . _ 7:000 2 , 1 40 01 . 6 I r . 0 ihMkosig ing, said: toA)aniel i IP, NO;4llo.lTAxinderstand the pßofek sic of Ipyr tifArTge 6re' fir?yfte'tt i tfii , &pet Apot f ord . AY 4 PPet. 4 , 1 q 'IF :Y.f;therii.4.;alwayi:.room trkflY; illy - a few" persons reach - the 'high" 4nd these are always in Vocal , 19 3 1 M-, il,TPLanit.l.PDPLug4o.lltAilicsAvy al' b. Virst . class .tan fymerla,ind . mechanics, as Well as physims;t & wyers, c., alw i anbiLA plenty of r,cmil fr plgOy i of.ffork, g aud good inky. Whatev6:43allini 34Sif nhobi4 and it to0:0 - 1#1 1 41t itibs4l4 - iotroo - kx4o4, to go into an Upper story; hil' dci.notitty to jump tale liraNned liiip) ( 6i:.3rou may tall disatoled a Aiiji9ilieVin at he botto t.t the ladderpandrPatiently step upon.eaeft f o und. '" 3 ": 1 4 f,:::,.`, ..„ . le :•11r.f.k Ego 1 Yr San rancisco DITy Times, of" 1 111 28th, says : a ovw A to tuttait I Soon after Dr. Scottleft for the East, his Wife and chird'ren,,Aved • ummer 4uarterk acr . ott i helh.Vpir , t ,.. their how3eT he r Ala on4t4 l :9Vh - P* : : • al .,ary c -- et,. etkaA . go Aa., ing advan tageit of t iiit.ifisiiiic'ec panel:a —, entrance, removed all the carpets.,and furniture, had Pie ceitingraiten.lhe4,woptilraill end 4Mi Oan44ol4.Nt,ngliii§ Wip and! varnis ed. ' Two zearsaso,'t e ladies, in a similar maineVpiehe•Cted the luck pocte (wi n tlipruMel9l7% - zute thz 4 a p . lorg'ilfere"trt Ihe t lalt occasion , ,Were re inoved, Ahiffitgoil to if:Ai:del LpFsilis,iiihile the parlors aryjAp i ty wit -Fere corn- Tiletely furniilitdanew war Die best of EnglishcaraselsA ThelhAuM,icasl*aued. .1 1 n 0 1114914Thth.Nt b9o)cgt.ftpkerAA ficieirsmi -1 h.• • ii Tolin.. yai„ .. 4 it e. w 9 o,(Plat r. 'was ifef,Vsa. ae ' l ithti r li ti kar4eB" planned ,19: 1 4 ‘ , c?rried. 5 1•,1).t ! . . 1 1#:A11.e :titer pfi se and Christian .161i:teas LierAlisia'E. ,, Akr , . 9hurbils.lo;li4o.';44 - 004 1445: 6f', W ry t geOtir),, en tinly , u4n pra , to: , the . , ffti. : 11v, * fi b , l isi t heir - returii,isri . liikS'at,'iirliir ftettobili, 3 foiirnt UP Breit 'eat' ,10,,t0ilsh= inent, the premises.. swept.. - andi'- , iidOrtiedi anew, at an ikiiioi,ke:,:of Ailieilfig:';',hlloeit dollars. ~, . 1 , .., :., ...,! !: :. -•,:r1;•••• .;:r 121110 f • 'l, Corn and Cottos-to.bovPrlondo.. , -; TheenterT434 lo l4oo 310 A he provision's:cops of itheqSorttlit.thas4endereda it necessary fo'bfilfei liirfirtifitply from Vie more fortunate ciiiiite,;:orlAClPttig Western States to the nid'ifjilf Recent information sciiieilnitpnitigaieni,he losses repated to moptli,spydp, ' there is still a consiatimable deficienvoin all # l o;wr.stlip§ , f tenerillyibe'cOmpelled lAI supp y emselyes laTgery frifo, ol 9 sl 4 iteq'NoKtfOrtlid'Ohico• In the Cincinnati market; buyers from Nash-I ,villp n nnst Awns, Soutla i - i o3firtrhat t ß?im ; ,ham--, con'tribUt i e'`to giCke sirgrig l At 'to pficei Anti an' imation"aut --- 'uLnesso 2 —..5i 5 of three *eft 433f4xii1,41)104:' questions trom ,Nash ait': tc ph& inifeie .questions •have iiiOdiAiiilllo^- 'OOO,OOO bushels ofovtvpat,"_, agistvititi€ the surplus that can ribp spared from 411tuilis:, after keeping ablindtince.foljniA:artiao4 !rill be equal to hrilinf . 'The Seatlcii , :id*Wd ine nor famineapitilieg,Pl sitßitira this vast changed over ct. water and railroad , ' lines•trhidli'VollYied StatiVeti Cppiibig _COM d'efoi)lLZl A I 1 Apt'7ll f sttUh tt-r,,r J r?; t r 1 4- i ..3. ,0 . „ . :.,:....,........ “T., : , "• R s i ' Sici . l.!;l74 ii . i•- , 0,..L1:: . ...,1 WV: 11)••1.1 I=MIMM=I SUE plyt.i6r7ro.wwnr-yrA sides of the Ohio with one another, and with the witie;cnt , , .: pmengion. We have o)(11s, ~," 6hi fi gd satisfac tion. in the losses, suffered by t he South in their provision crops, but it is a grateful incident of suckimmtc,,,,see new ties es, ,tablished b3r„sucii, an, event with the grain and cattle-growing:States Of the North * i glfe.l` 0.04.0 States" hasTi been constantlx told by detuasogues that i the3rr I' iirefelil l itiaopen r ileiti Potter, lancirAtaliii; that the 'Avoid& abroad"was he lurch - *a i r , !haste to get.cotton, that , they mi4ht *assay time,-make -Ili,,eirjellveg.aii, empire • to, *l'4 every part ot, he earth, ahould pg , t i ribute.P Th i is nordinate tinititiiii fits l eien 00188.4 o) P (4 1 1e8 2 403 "11 404 ttb4bJly, ' . .6443111 1 0 0P conseque`nce oftherexcess to wlifith-cottoni 05Ii i tics "fiave'Veed pushed: 'Theld*/$241:1 has been more tortanate than theitartet ferithe ., Peet Ithrce.,Fears - piiiticiiiiili, ind , in his good fortune he has, tAwAgioliip 4ec tion an , indepelident, /nation, owing alle pirtrrtrlMErffiMillirrilMarditlilr 'earth-tifreie 6V - or ras'fallen,liAto by the grai 4sl4l4merprot lqiildill",when i f i l , -selling w eat toLouis Napoleon at enor mous prices five= or six years ago. But UMW OF :td ui /I l baig ' Bglliglit ! Clapham rl il,Sw 'priets•havtlitauglit , the grain"grotiets Mat trettlieriVtllerf.ilieseklit,"the t iVerlil thin' 9 1 f!A4,dtritite00; 1 10:ii,tioth ,404,;',qui•if 1 4eRstetthan tha;dtreer, exchange Pi illhAftt , 'for, g01d.,., It•WM misfortunethat dissipated this fondtdreb.mlaf the. wheat/ groyertiq but • ,Itli'Atr eledillin'inisfoitlibi‘ bil conl'of nit 101,Pg91119"r01414„4,311gdgkiv7rigalt312 .YI 71 .eloaqiu , wastie 11 0W/441 07 E 1863 iP Meg.oslol 2 rowing-States•,wlierrisocottoix alone. is pro 'chided, and thiititent IwlidllyftbutLiverpOol l fa. ft,'azi ' liee P I q l l l47 V.lo*Al .n ft 'o o lllb, Pl i itt;Cslt4;c9,o66.EZMl 4l .:fb e• k u g l b e l" ;when buying mom grain 84, meats. Little cenougititesl remained • to :them "then they greiV , ltHei+ Ibtirn provisionb/hecanse" they brought every-fabric made of cotton from poing'quA4 atlifatlittrf lid 10 114611 d- hats wherethe‘ raw cot a t i on was,sold.- r • , .4 The Et, lainest °lessons f bflpc,litical economy kixe so difficult to 'tlftitti . atiteitk only P elt t illi e tfi l k Vailiko43'o4 44r 4'fi d It theirotienecei .4.301 1 t4h,tVe, everywhere ark• forcing. the, doctrine thatfitiomestic prodno tient Intl exichanze , teat/ go together;' if the Teal' liteiells' br thig' cat ltre td Ni t Parlett•...49. l o ;;kh - ale§tl -ba.tri 3 9e&ri , S4tighP that it cannot live by corn 'alone, andinow ilia:Zenith nfinds its cotton - independence 'anisii• hal:0 thifigiiiir. Cotton is *rent' in WI ifi n iliiit l iBfig,Vielaw cotton isTiiistiys inisafc among iii iiriliM Aa R l a el WP ciltitEsf-wifeie'tlinfeb Of tilekS6b eatrfab rilibe eatteuXl f go , i Ire 4 i iilakitai liti tlfiChe bOgidt": 1 1)- outs - 1 ,„4 . • Al j t j tAle• 1 $ i.,114 .R r .. reaty.o ' amity with the gram-growing States,there, may be fostered a new-system slif mutual aid,ithowever;itme whielorlittle sense and good direction on the tartmof teiTGovernment-may nft r iMrif'y cause . grow into a ineagl3,444ficirtSilce, which both these hegiltblukb,ll4 loe Worts of the Pnion have heretofore belietted to be ini possible., and have, in so far 88 they could, ._.' ari ll 4l s /Piflalt tqf refafzaißolfilt4oe,/st • heir. raankstatit 1 tliostility.—litilq, v. , iffirth . I.P :. PO . ....1 .11P.h.! ) ; I f 0 ..•1 ' :11 i .• Ah. MIPPCFRIPSO 'l :as .IL %MAI i es.ll r;, , t11.1C rll.Coki :11 jp :44ff 6 ).. gni! -,f ! v•I ..n.a.. , nio .111,•{I r'ivr 1"' 1 l ' .. "'"''' .l/ 'A •TeOillilt ~!.rm..1..t, . :, 841 rte. , •ii!•) Onspel 111 11:1•111.- 1i7e.L.,13r: A I .'. t , 10 -. .abtyii cite.tbol Aiplied: 1,4 y 9ar : to. Vtie l iiittnr 'reached . ' 7:Bo:oo.6,2iini;xwhieliii . 448:60 en:tohin alibi ladelphiar as& other t'46:1 1 NA;Pf. l 4i l4 4 l :;o7•3 o Q9i o o•C' t 4;oo . ir f,ollo; 6 of tons ofgaitinninoni4VeEit:ini the , mountainhrandtrnbe . :4lotab' estimate irill ' bebMit'atiNo(o.V.totlBo. ',lf, is ' intiolt. . . ; to.' thaaakon.andpamedit..a.rgmagYlvalki. industry tiltif Ili should,. ‘ le become the greatest coil— n• i 4 I 1 1, 31) n ' the Union, 7! . although her ..,_ i ,',..." o means so • extensive as tilose of seversl other regions,. • lii iiptifiif'diiii ittrinbjoin - a valuable table ' &pin ,d i o d tsif sr leirmA : e*. ,:.) ~ r., .::..., ,•.; /. . t.; (.4%1..1 A 9W•211 .r. tv:7l r. / 9J t `/:: t , ".. R.4lifillEgaa,..AP.• T4 l l -71 MYED11T--41* ,! rt iSIWNG:744O4): , ...s.murrEIR7OOO H. ,S*lliff , Merclia,nt to. 84- tre W/•lriitte.itTg/t , ;Respectfully invites public attention to hie ne_moualixtensive assortment otlashionable SPRlNG:Alinlicfna•Nß COORS, • iembracing all the now and desirable styles,* lientlemen;s . • • • ••- ••••• • • •-• • • • , • • ivhi.. isoill:b6"ingidianordei the' v•rbent manner, " • • " mart 7 .-1 3, . • • . • .- . ME ' 1 :1 81414 - s *-- .2 8 / 1 '.3 1 0 44C 47:# 1 1* 16 ** -Qc SRal•i -' ;1! 21• 4 1 04:*4;.?;4 0 .01 6 t1;14...8.,440% : / 11.44 i., , ;2. Georßik, ' 68;200--- 150. 1-386th 81.- VO,SOSKFI T :, r26. 1 , c .:;W54 0 ' A-40e r feirWituoky; - L ' /WON '•" . ..1850V.....3.;516i. , , is..Virgini , a, . . .... ..61,080 21,:195 1-3 d. , l i t Warilify.rA? IMIN. I TI l '''' 151), r e •- •:1'20th l ." - .. 1:,V146;. .. ;,,,:.:4..,. eb4 ~V,99Ara ,-. - i-ttii: ..' ;8. Indiana, • ' 400 7,700.111 '.lasth: - ~31'44. EEM 10. PentmylthiSiti,::43, - 969 ,6487 •/ 1 - 31 41A4M381M10A .W.41.W "RAW • 42. Missouri, 1 00, 4 3 1 24 0,000 1-10th. 1 1. Slli tAi tr i VI UT , e/ Tt l i ß ilti ra t Cill . t l ll 3 ; s;: n r . ,l It is, qaiPithAt....,4ll4Y9FgiglMPorPg ,Neiv-YurlF has: accidentally =flea. 1 41,11,*Wh oultur?- tiiR,,A4F4*..0%)24--PO4; ilicarigivini.-thirownirsometrikind : green ka 1 4$V0),:tiV .fid#44: lB 4, mensiecLay white anemones, . the flowers liave sines made theiMgrkpeavartee , . wita .oetals graiiiiiiftl43l I tiiigt.had it :it'Ve44*._4o.P . l.o4:oll44:ofritigNhWeal. liiixturerlhio. , ispr?ineNnapiy.•.kast sinr 4TorsZo;iithe:Osiits; alnAliK l 4 l ,lPAO;;Kft i ttakd 144.# 1 43.9; the reault;tieing#ivarialidi that . the flowers "th - e. *sited at their roofs_.')ltslis•lo:beth - tqlet that these exiierlilireWl s lite car filly . follbcieV 4i; andktatiedlara Ayed:'`to •;•1 the public atiatailliaraPllPrJa74Fß . ~ __.._,..,... • . ---.....- 7 ---.... . , .. I - - . .1 Donald MoSarirliffil ekellßottort eamn i timeipj,dipilislittooßiNok tlaegfougs` ot-T4l43..BlabliOrghtiftuat ,; tn..lhe;.!Dmitish. ukor - ftdeViliefi,lfAtihtl4.';i l 9* building fift y-eight steam war vessels- of a :.fin 8/ dirtpoßtivi t,f Ni 1 ,4 1 1 - ,iikt. 1 01 41 4. 1 f 4iW.4,' ptaAesu. 44..":',.)3 3 , . 1 ,iiiii...1411eid1neit year; when the thivpyrVOKOt'ocklilfe Completed, the lrilaidvu A eebiill count • 785 vessels, _ with 17,099 gutnityvi i iff,Witpoexunr- eigKttkneNa,s ruaßy gum,as Rut . ,thonpand'Aven u 41' 111:en'ohi.n W•iw , guna: only a little over h Maigdnijialfh'i s Engligh.. • • E;Uz The Sinai Illtutuseript. _LxtrAAleaex ea PrltaszsrAmgre - may 34, i ivga i al: ,M4elliggir.., m§pep . rtg the, Rublioatisi pf the - I Sinaitie manusprqkt, liith — iiraeltt'refegt , Tisaendorf . has;been c"lnailltt l fdltß l PJP**; , ‘ ,3 oep i p e a t okausam e.laiterseuiletam 11110. since ttiolr.pt49o3o;;ftcoy;',lfk;fidils!..ltself htv n ixientearametieedllt-St: Petersburg TA', l'Alfiexe, axiom; are..soir:;:ii, .4 :positlon , .i3O , give AMU' rtetliiitlr iliforiffittiardoil#4o ..! this.pililiiiiiiiiM; iihiPhhasielpitlliso. lif ac 1 iik*aatin - th'i 'iMilfsilg . 4theita.."-Ctithre4 Plaitli . which- ; Pkofesiorl'TislhoWiturflai.d betiirelti liiVeruitGiveAiikeiiivolllliiisii 1 j ii "9ettAd 443,404#0414:11i4e na1" 'Majesty - ha's isp . preived; the .oneL . Telieh 11 . 0 1 tb. Ilk , PrtOeTiekt 4 ATAVieetrAilm: 'be- 1 trefen.the tw2 othqrs: -AciliAloglirAi . , the*colC,tekrW.illoligiiiintiffilrithistrlot otifferapee•pf all exter44#l,tx.byMpoili 'o',f =Pit typeaaa.williecaratelyleprodpeCthe , 414 ' 1111 g v o t e l„Vt; Otili,ao . , I TO lilgi. manifold, . peculiarities.• These types are out ,tinder 1 11UrilirivtiitifTqf tin itassorMieheraieerfi,calt 5 4 , er,ifoiludr)r• uftbillp ( Viiii - 6141W&!Eopyrf4, l, .ent4;Wite'i4aiiii*intPnaei!xpl*tivelSr ; fc'te1Y1V:k.,i1A 1 14,094 , :.m9 , 1 10 it ,,14,0 ?e• a Manuscript istriputedamOuglthrealolur 1 'plumes, 'istlrereilfush~. Vaqiiiiiirtil3Vtairi 'Pvery -thing--helongi mg-to-Ike:QM -. ,Teet MAlVla'althe"tkillf FO, ,;40, 4 Tatitil l eill .„..„ .. 1 corn lete lp tmel,ye i r o yTitli,,,,t,l39, l lStipr, l l pAr r , mill , ~gp4Vi s lipagm'euth pf thehei.hPi4 , of ermia..n-irouithese threei•Voliriamil 'lrpl• he . added ii famtl!, poutai,Ring.,A, treatise, on:, thaialarroNtel manuserlriand , the- pro- . OW:ltlitA ggegOi g Nietii , ,its'heloiainasyl g r V_P et ' a r ru2rlM,_P.Pit t *,o N A O . :4 ,„1:00** . I telmi,pucp,,epluilmyT:llsXlio , c :-.1:0::stIlli8 - treatise. al . x.ij.IPIA lairfaikikiiiiiiM 4rrefai''66iiii . Mentary, containing 'More -"ittrad"seten' iAT ft-ite, ..:f ..froncver , et .041 bout Awivorit 4 l;:‘:4Al . tI,Pe. thousand places altered in the manuscript by many of the oldVik•eotors. This volt UMW will, :hesides;l(rbeo , distinguished, , by twenty plattneof'photoOraphin fair: simiks," *SW &V to •fit*ilialliAcihNtificlfie* a. ith: APie,t44.40,4" "i 1;: 114110AV.tuttke..0. 1 Peq&IIY:110P r es tin g 'Photographic part of ithe work is being exectitedytyioiderkilo:linden the control of the publisher;.fit'''theliplifittegraphic atelier of the Imperial star - nit 'St. - Petersburg; vbiittt ?Co,: dkemiliQu2Of rig], typographic wo;its:taks,plscp_at the 2 nbovcdinmed fopn -414%,att:f141181q. f Th4l PllWil*lthiLl'ilt ' S 'el f ,. .. of the:work will. take•splace at . Stx Peters'bikrg excrusivelyr without its appearink in ihe the, thir& l litindrinf "eR'N Pres.e.nts,:n the work being deferred to the year 1862 p is intended to -illustrate - still . more the thousandth annime i r,itn7,, of the Russian Empire, which falls in that year. But . in vtderltpliiitilOrtheilder4; t ifof 40fenti fie Men, ttko"* ol l e lif, e 4 r 4 g r h4l dot :Pk 'TPPrSti dice; An , iitMore • :simple form,. although' with -the. sanse?critial , preci siour.the Sinan-. , tits , idfictitnei&L"';'''Thin°' . fiiter'"ediliOn'; : a nfc ig , •onl i tge; ti , r ut4A . N o r erßafi3lo l . .l:4lllMtri , .43 •very,moddrateipncepat the:printing office , of F. A'.EroCklistas, land is -to lie: piblished .'46 1 bCfore the' afiq.01:41141.t.4*',. ;„ it Borns 10fislius; Pray,' • . mg , %,-4 1 P/# O .l4l l klMl W ) has Jubt ;gamed a •very: abide° se lectio n of I c :dßigKAtiii ' BLACK ' s 7 " of t ibe bi t ima r lspoz w i r ril e 4 MOO Zi4GEr2f.TRA, AND ` :OLD COMIMMANTT.ATA. lri i 6 CV.ENES Or Ise, Cuba, Criished, and Pulverizid Supra; Mice, Rice Flour, Pearl and Corn Starch,, Farina,. 'Feast pow dlers, Macearoni, Vermicelli, Cocoa, Broma, Extra No.l, and Spiced Chocolate; Pure Ground- Spices; Castile, Almond, Toilet, Palm, German, and Eosin ;Imps: Sup. Carbooate of Soda; Cream Tartar; Estra:Fino',Table Salt; Pure Extracts Lemon end Vanilla; Star, Mould, and Dipped Candles; Sugar- Cured Hams; Dried Beef; Water, Butter,. Siagar,iiindrSods CiFickers; Eoreign Atruite,•&e, 4. • • .4:4" This irtocic had been purchased. for CASH, and offierdd to &it Tritia;.and Mao to'lamilles, , it N'erizaoderatis advances, ttaanipitopli.sve respectfully solicit a sharatof pub jOrnfr.e.‘, ft f V - • ..„ Family .Grocer and Tea Dealer, 263 LIBBRITI.BI3SIET, Having recently returned thmel the Beet, and added 'bury to bia:atioc - k by Atoll 'Oa &rhea •to Call , thi'aneuuon of ,the,pnblie.to the finest mut InrgsOwortmentuf: • • •dliocenes, Cr qta ",Choice SPICE; , to be found in this city. Pontine*Mamas, DOtets,' spa Dealers who may favor him with thgtrowiers, may re33rupen , the quality of the goods they purchase, as his object )**o furnish tho best and freshest goods in tho market, at *Ls lowest prices. . Catalogues containing 4ti . exteni2 Hot of my stock Mr' mislead 19 , mall, if desirodil !l ":1 • 0111 zar o chap for wrap, .• ' • "..YOHNA: 3.Bl l tHata.W., . . . . lAbetty. S4vat, near -Wood. . HA NS E•N ,-.• • * '.; anikjob surromt, §TEREMPEFI, • BLARE, WOK, MANV FAXTURIT., and "p6iler 3n AMERICAN : aYa,PORIIGN PAPETt%•Corria - - of Market SetkinoX, mid 'WOO arid Third Streets, Pittsburg,lt. Pa. Particular attention paid to printing Cata.logam Tor eollegoe and Seminaries, Progranunee;DiPlomas, and School Report"- marel-ly A. V. SCOTT W. 71: STURGEON N. E. WALKER. V„.e emir 4-B.I`;I:FROEteNfiSc C . 0 ►ThIPORTERS.: AND JOBBERS . (Iteitliyil!Rd • Donteatie,7lllyri..lloo6l sad Baskets: Aud.lnernifatt,nrete. of alli kinds: of %Lei:Ring Gleams and, C11.4 . 4ren',4 Cpactree. ; .„ r. ...Q 4 Trocll2lVooil St., aoineT of Finartif,Pittabterte. ,:jnnaft:lY ". : -I i• • : WILLIAM JOHNSON, (Cato Emil k . Jrtfisiqor,) Solo Manufacturer and Dealer In the,followlng three distinct kinds of Roofing: ;.' , ' let. Gum Elastic Cement, Felt and Canvas Roofing. 2d_ , Tmnroved:.Felt, Ciment and firsivel Roofing:l,lw! _ ,P- 3rA E ,: g at Water noofing - Material' for eitilei4'.'wlm , printed inatinl for Afifis7::Ciffice at Itatsii, Johnson's old Amid, , ; ; , B.—This is unequalled :vi N.able, fig Metal logs. ...isa g l t t u t ice in aV e r t g, sud ii chea eeo r r ir ß tal: riqns any ; ly . 1 , • • •• 1) WM :JOIINSON::fi v. WK.••IL KIIIKRATEICK;.• JOHNT. KIKKPATItIC.Kr' Lete pf the tlirte“if Kirk- • Leteiseith Gillespie; 141114111 S • * 4. C 6 7+ Phila delP l 4! SF&;co • . ...; Whol r eikaaer .43hrei.044 FORWARDING AND eomab'sstroN if 14 ; / ASD zon.lawys PITTSBURGH bLANUFACITHIED ARTICLES. 299 Liberty St., oppositelelid of Smithfield, 1 . •, P,ITTS,BUit9H, PA. •.• Partienlike stteul ion paid , fa' the , sale Of -Cchifritry i nIDA•OIL .• • LE THERSTORT.: ;D:',lE-146eivick&io*Fl; No. 21i. Tuiari 3r., 1443 n **keit and Clittqiiutidt4l , llllactgrilds!,.liikie for4ge • • 4tiid St guine,; ,. • • toola'at the lowag.pri P o s ee grid el39 fi Th e buee7e arid All kinds of Leatherln the '.r s ougli Pel! beet bee ' iie. . e tr ai ,lt . ,gh ge es . tput tu rk des et ) pri„_co gA.Trir iw eee ala b ly bed 4i fe tak e w en bi,eli k; o • liiianisitfeo.h. 4 11r 1 . ) .9, 1. c4rge.,.and Doti • JaD29-ly' 7/f-11 7 117 2 7151kf13 $Olll The: American Softy , School Union FOR DISTRIBUTION. . . • The $lO Sunday School Libraries for distribution as per 'ilegacy,..in Will of the iat#l,.cilvtLE§, ; ..B,ltY,WElty wili be ready for delivery on find alter ' S , 10tX1F160. The Suilday,,Seponle entitled-to these Libraries alreA ' estagt i Me in Alietiny' County, • - since-tpliii. • MO.: 1 ..f -•" .• • Applicants will be required to subscribe to stutemeitigkyt 3 1 :big name, joothin, and date of.prganitatiou of, the, •- '•namANedd Peet Office addras of - ' SitPerintenderiti• st . inunibat Otteachetw and 'scholars in , attendance ; Ithd . I tbeq,F9nttlibqted•for support of SchooL , , ••,: ,; s 1 , • Ifesetinable evidence, by.amount of coiltributiolis eisvlsei of tluipermanenee 'of the School Willisireti '' s 'APPl.f"te' !',-;'" ' . '.• ' •' ' I?: 'II. EATOlf,f l " 1 .1 i .1 , rir.- - .. : ~ • .Of EvroN, Cats & MACEIM. ;,,.... • ' i r n ar .h a a l .... • )4 '07-F i ft h . i:-. Pi.ttMt • • r . • —III I VMMF M MWPSW* • .s oigavo. Wo o dßetween ;6464 las threK . '' • ; • • • 1.1. P" l d C 01 o'11514: "' .31 From 9 if.clock A . rif;,to 4 Zekerf PrA w tv , •ci:: . . RD J Oll2l 2. z M.l. 4 ‘t liki s6 / " 110 4RM-4 iidNVPACr 'MFRS .4.ND DEALERS 4 )1 Hats, Caps,- an Straw Goods, • vit 04: s,tree.t rtttspiTgit ~.amin4:wp.s.flri3winpsales, Itim•slid . P 6 "o4l4 l fzi, 1:1113homji as con be founcila Ffutfep. : 'othjigiiidtlisthig'af • • • We r; :;41:1fr ,Nirool. l ,o4th, l of oVeiy and " * friary ivalWalufbiteiit fanhfont ;'1"-alfrl Lehf, S'fra'w; 'Leghorn, and 'Parauita'Aalt; Straw,: 43dt . SII It: 80NKF113,. , etc., !etc. Persinaffeeishing to inirs.haat),either by, Wlgl i or wiff . :fix,f4f t od?ata... '.O - 68:11f4i4;lizantia . ..e our atock. ; .• '411111,K :PTA ' S TMT. P - M 7 7 :0 9 1101. NlR r allitAlL2lllo3lal, r 4 11*.: .41gbordw ie l 9 . Avid; a • E:4.ll.XoRtaliis BUT tiw .r.utint ii:AT:O.NetE r S. 7 ,IA PIID F. RA1441 E anckszsr.: .00dir MOM -Li I iAG T1N0,9164.138atY 819,19fpneilli bitaliof ANSA . Paq r ;0, hAPR ighAMOTS ; .A. N O'S:. I .4' #iiosl;%. 2Mil DIME= ~:Sew. enteeli' Effil . ANPAPANklitNt ll' 1111 ' ;•.?1 . 14.! AL.E . redneJ my sfxr.k of RentingPionoe, I Will sell tbololloilegdemintble' of•New - Idifi SeecindaandrPiattos' noty k lit,.. ‘ ateaulnel -peady,:fot., examination and:We t s the; extremelflOw Prices annexed to ,ibem, and those .who, mambase may be assured tbaf andel:in ppptortu4ity la sal: dam oftbaai —Ol4 those witrked foe Gila, no discount will be Those for sale on .credit, -Three- Months only will bo Jrleek and must be settled for by no* payable in the city, he & discount of tkregyAr ire&tj Jltt&mte.l, •The following egeopmt 7/o*7 . IS e lietiTeirii 'Pianos' 1 ; 00 - • •.11,,.. •t - ' , 7: ki,T.II,j,,FaiWi...4*•PIA4Z/IVC:...XTRE'' '.OO vow uttralegosit. 7 ixitay&RottewooilLonis ALY. Piano,, il With 'all is littest : ir i ve'inella,,.in,re ..4.-esvil , tor Mibberiber; Itibrwill 'lss• warranted'. The factory , price r or thif.ptyA9APp.qoarostie , at t -tras, Anckther ot the rtme stye aryl price 4 ' B 4 t ( Apothtir frotti'the soak" maker. In en elegant ltosexclur ' Case: mantifactnrunr 'price 1376 ; for ' • ''' • 2110' 411 flegiu4 Aneetvood i• octave Piano, made bygmerson,.i‘. 1 liostou ;in perfect ordur, and I u use less than ozae..yeAT; ; , u theflice alien new les; s3so' 2,4 ii A richly carved'7 oettive.' now and large scale' Itolteihthi 1- ' • '.' PiattOn ;nail& .by_ A... 11., Gale, the New, York pries. liffr > _i'utitu 4 94 o, Year, , %%Lir" $4lO . ._,t,, Jr . ,.....,•;-.t•e‘••••:r 1 . 22 ° 'awn etinntißoseod 7 'octave rian esirve.se tfibuld: .., lugs; 4314 e-from A. tolk ;I made by CHO Ild 0., ...0 thitilgJf 11' ertk.l:`.7 Ved Judges.' as anlokitbillret oftthedilbwei OYor makers, atthe law pF i p t tec.,.....m.;,. : .,....4.,,, Sl6 ne same style, 6 1 0chrves:. ... ... .. .... ..... .„....... t ' gy,o Onte ilerit•llosee ood •Ohlokeiint It'lliPasslidd''' • ' ...•scale, n ass not more than six months, the:retail•ptiee '• s. of which is $376 • ;11111:10LLOWING 1101 PORA, I S I IANITTr ., 71 IMShOg11113'; dollbghlkllatilalkliliditig:i . .t .." 1 Chickering & Bon - -''' - ... .....r - a.z:' .". ...'..'-.!.1.1". .... ... nal , .A Reeewoßtl:B octal's,. hY II SI • ''U11itt5:..t.t.JA....4.—..ut.50 •A,Ncaboga,sy, 6.0c - 417.11 i Vilkirte k N,...... ...,...... 3.. c ' , A. Afabbgbrly,'l3 orbive, lif chic - wort Csii4 t.. . - z . ;... ~ t . i 4. Maho gany -,43 octaves by.8e.b,1nt. .14. lifahog:24lo7,acrt ' 1 " 0 -. 4 144444a.;.::...„44..: litO 4,11 C, ' t.,6&iicior,',ifilltzic-4r7-4r,t......7.....t, 1, ..4.. — , ,TBokei •Itillir toM i tfillsgeoi, : line' Plin n 'A „w ic k e d, ibe x clihrge; tit go to tutilettMes:ii` - e• `I ' , I• ":'-' • te.tei%-- li li c t utTcOrkis fk AILBLLOR,st 4.. t , roustrAy N,se" , -.A,. 7" , rsLlvaaV Qty } . - 1 . •• BAIL'TSOLF 9 . 9 ..; tly i atim i t. 27l. 6 SlWrit 6!'iItACHINES • 5.. , •• • • • 'The, B est,.in Use. These Machines make the Satirfig, or. Lock ST/Teli. Which is nialeniably the ' • ' They use but little Thread, *oils: almost nolselesely, are simple, and enelly operated. • 'Active !inn reliable local rAgents'wanted. .Address HEN.R.y-14.,:11,HQADS, Agent, Filiero . 3tieet, Alligheny City. . . Sir SEND FOR A OIRCI .77 . 141:2C 4 113a • • iwirlo-17 • piTTSBITAGH • ie• 7r: „'l,lO '2 4 3La •, . FIRST-CLASS PYRE,s in 1t Atli year. Room for over one hundred patients. . ,fli'Rendthr*Cireular, to . • . FREASE,. M. D., mys-Iy., PiW , burgh, P. IRON Y COMMERCIAL CO LEGE..,4415.00 - rotye the entire Gout of Ault:int- 3E tire' soilsprice. Students cuter at any tittle. TM logdeit,'S.oeattnene; td.; eneltive five letter stanpt to iny2.6-6m .TEI , I4TINIS S7t4TITt A R.l l l Vkt 4ts it it. • 711 ottßityA Faixijy'.B6wi l / 2 ig Machine CORNER OF 'FIFTH ANHIIARKET STREETS.( iIUgT : S 3 -Dry GICK43 &pry ErWCZ,ON FIFTH STUE Prrrsimee 495 , BNCIADWAY, New YOSc ' •'2 730. CHESTNUT STREET, PRILIDELYEIit.. Air Theie Machines sew finm two, spools, and form seam of unequalled strength. beauty; and elasticity. which will rat' aim' if every fourth stitch' be cut. They are unquestlitmahlx.ttie best iu the marl* for. family use. ,4fr i Eo4lllo PQR,A. CIHCULAB.. l aplo4y a::.D.L.,O!LANWS Arhericui. . WORM SPECIFIC, . . UG.E • SYMPTOMS OF WORMS. THE co,. is pale and leaden . colored, with occasional flushes, or a cir cumscribed. spot, on, one or both cheeks; the eyes become, dull;, the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle,zons along the lower eye lid; the,nosp . ip.lrritated, swells, and some times bleeds; ,swelling of the upper lip; occasional .healliche, with humming or thrutillohsg of the, ears; an unusual secretion ~i4iira;• slimy or furred tongue; breath yi ! if 93 #,. l p4rricul4-ly in the morning; aF- T pine,',4:4le.; sometimes voracious, with a Sl tion.o . the stomach, at others, • entirely gone; , • rlßsig pains in the stomach; i l ic`casiinial nausea vomiting ; violent pains 'throtiglinucth.e abdomen; bowels. ir regular, at times 'c ' iistive- stools s li my; not =frequently tinged, with blood ; belly swol len and hard ;. urine turbid; respiration oC 4disilidly . difficult, • and accompanied by cough sometimes dry and convul siie;.' uneasy and: .'disturbed sleep, with Soft temp er variable, but trifibk; /W. ' DR *MANE'S VERMIYUGE • • success: iviiicli:•thas aw tended.' tho';administration of this :prepare RCOP r has: I?ccu such as , . to . 171;Tu1L.1,5 Pledging-, of *2lo.shP t 9 ‘".‘RETUDRW'THE' MONEY in every insina - 4.W.Cre prove inef fectual :'ffrikAdiflgifie symptoms attending the, sickness, ofd*; child or adult should warrant the sufpcisition of worms being the owase?':-In altaas thi•Medicine to be given aP STRTCT AOCCHIMCNOT:IiTTH . THE DIREOTIONS. We igeklgie to the, false, ti.at pay rm, and that .it .•a an innocent .pr fton, not `capable of doing the slightf..st injury ta.the.most‘tender infant • Addriiss all orders to FUMING BROS., 'PiA PA. P. IL'. 'Dastard sad Pinnieltniordering from others than Flambe linworill do well to write their orders distinctly, and daltewiwd failDr: l lPLOrieNt,.lnviatiy . P7eau:sig /3024:PahborAT0. !To - those - wishif4 to OW- them a trudjwa 'lra Seward toarLinali,.vixet paid, to any part of 'the United Stagy spa box of-Pills for twelve three•cent Poltedieododles , orwao-taial fcc:lnurteen 4/1 'orders erten , Olinda Mat be ao• canqadded by tweedy actite'extra. illtrAtalialby_TorairjOata aid Oanntry &we Keeper, • 1 .. •, • • 14... • 111 - R W N•1111G O.W . An aarwieactd Nana mai Fem ale. P6jdetr , preseols tithe miles tiara oEmet h en,bir —1"7:•• S 0.0:T11 IN G .BYRUP, FQR 41H1.1 4 13 , ..EEN 1 1 TEETHING, Wine!' t gamily BallikaatiMai ieseeiselbbelthicbi ;Of t . o . ionissr ths roma, sedating all inflaminstimr:argalliri'AEL PAIN and spasmatio action, SURE TO REGULATE -THE BOWELS. Depend spun it, mothers, It will give mat to y,catraolvai, and RELIEF AND HEKLTItIbiYOUR , INFANTS. We bam_i pa up nod sold this article for over ten yeam, and CAN SAX, IN amigrpeNcE AND TRUTH of it what we near have hem able tansy Of wry coheir medigne;- , -NEYER HAS, IT SAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTAME, TO EFFF.CT A CURE;- whin' timely med. Never did wekaow an inattoir of ' dimatirdactioa by any no. who aged it. On the cootrary, all are delig hied with its operator«, and speak In terms of commendation of It.. magicalalfeeta! and medical rime.. We ipeak in Shia meter " WHAT WEI:O'IEI.4OW," after ten yea& emit mace, AND PEEDGE'OUR' REPUTATION 'FOR THE r EL_ FILLMENT OF WHAT WE HERE DECLARE: •In almrat every in stance where the infant Is sategiag fronzpain and exhanatian relief will be fated GRem or twenty minutes ,after the 'rap is silmlikistsmi. This ming*, codeparation to thopr,astription, of one of the most EL. PERIENCED SKILLFUL 'NURSES' New Brig/and, and has teat littshrlth NEVER FAILING SUCCESS In , . • Tt4COUSANDS OF CASES. not =4.M/6mA. child tam pMa, bet invigorates the Emma and bowels, oarrecta acidity; and gives tone and energy to the whole mateM It will Milan faitaittly reliant GRIPING fN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, end overcome «atvelgana. which, if ant trpeed4 remedial. end in death. We believe ..it the BEST'AND SUREST RE MEDY IN THE WORLD, in, all caeca,: of DYSENTERY AND MAR VA:ICE/LEN CHILDREN, whether. ft.; &lime hem teetkinc, or from my other cease" We Would any to aril* , mother who Ma a child eafferig from.any of the temente. corn bdn to—TX) NOT LET YOUR PRE- JuDieEts,--NoR,THE , E vOF OTHERS? Mood between yon - sod war atifferinir child. and thi relief that will be SURE —Tr* ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow-Ase an of this medicine, If timely Med. Felt directioos for mina secom y tfin hefts. Now genuine Indere tha•fmaiirdls tCURTIS NeirYott, on the outside wrapper:A Sold biDrompfamthiongli the world. Princißij Office, - 13* Cedar' Ittieet, lc Y. PRIOR V„,l CENTS PEE BOTTLE. • my2s-1y • ED,' BY fll „ fr 41,11:1 . A.A ; 1 c . •.. -,: ~ , i 4., .. HOO. ,FLAETYS. -. :.. 1 ' ;t , % * t ° i /1-----1141)1 C141' . 4,4 t %. ();i:am-fit;unt•• 13iX14.r , "INT. a; A.S.IIITANDALINPI •-REICEDLES 0 14: 1 1biipmentaiiiivhavellinaindlibeir greit popolariti AravimaiskYreotwot.tpampied satisfaction lianderek MEM IMEI Livar:Zamplialnt, pripapala, Jannellaa. 3rarwns D e ' Kitty. Diseases of,the Kidrtrus, and all illseasea ariab 3g from a disordered liver, or Weak 'Orihs S'amar.. Digestive Organs, •-aan "war 4.coanivari„ . " iPanaray • FELLOW WIER, 'MINS FEVER,-ARD FEVER AID aut. See our Almanac for prooL .Parcel7s cents per Bottle• HoOiland's _Balsamic Cordial • . r . . CouETia Colds. as hoarseness, Bronchitis, Influents, Comp, Pnettmattia,'lncipiant Consumption, aiithes :perfumed the most astonishing CUM eter knom of . "CONIFIRIILED .CONSIT4PTION. deixiief imeTualed. isztz. 75 cen ts 9ii S per bottle. ' • I .100FLAND'S GERMAN PILL, SEeingwell known throughout Ellopo and America, De'4l' It% VlNtsgtibithrp here. They ore, ,pmely Tegetablet an 1:f rfppred ith great exactness, and are sugar-coated. :" ' Utter Pill ean baliintil. Pima, 2.5 eta. per box. ..4 : satheselanedicines are : inipared by Dr. C. M. JACESON 1 , Q9DWIMIIPIaer E1.”•2% pt. x. 0.1.,, No, end are sold by 4 : drpaists and dealers in medicines everystutra. The sit' • i afi t ig of C. M. 'wil l be on the outside of each .., - iii&le,cr box. • r 0111. . .tom opr " Eeerytoffis .4inutiac," published mutually, you ofind testim ony and 'commendatory notices from' a ll 1 . Smarts of the countly. ,, Mese almanacs are Oren sweYbl .1/.1, all cur agents. 2== -A ,NEW PRICE $50.00. MEM .L IVbenever the above symptoms arc f , • elm east, . . Wir t • • ' " • M a CU 41: .IVfLiiies Vtik@A4e coNTAN MERCURY MVM C'HILDRttr ' OM 11001FL1'rD'S =Z= „la ioiri.i.n.rviiirpcula.., RILL Ppsmvaii