I.ut, fortunately, did not effect as meefi• &aware as .w,as at one time feared.. Tj a9 , v rater has often before c omtnitted far wOist a ntics. eruption is recorded in Octo ber, 1755. a fortnight before the earthqitake, which destroyed Lisbon ; and with respeet to another, which occurred in NM, tt related that showers of ashes were.thrown as far as l3ergen. in Norway.---Exchange. Books oN ITALY.—During the'` past eighteen months, about attionsand books and tracts have appeared!rtEttOpe and the. United States relatinT 40Vridly, and all more or less bearing enl. l 4,question of the temporal power of the 'Ai*. Three hun dred of these books Mind pamphlets have been published since the first of January last. The fade • allow , the vast interests_ that are involved in the Roman question; and the strong held it has upon the public mind of thaswillized world. LONDON . TISII.B OWNED BY ROTIVEO Ii 1 LDS.r.jt .bas recently been proven that, the LondOn "Times is mainly owned by the llothsehilds, and the litet creates consider able sensation in London. • The statement of Mr. Walters, M.l'., in Parliament, that he was not the principal owner, as well as the course taken by the Times, for many years, proves and confirms it all. Not one single move on the political chess-board of Europe that would tend to injure the se curities of any nation largely in debt to tho house of Rothschilds, particularly trio, but has been vehemently opposed by the Times. Srecsss rs BinjaminxPranklin attributed his success as , wpublic man, got to his talents or his' pniv'er of sPdatim! , , for these were but moderate, but to ( his l iC e c nfi integrity of 'character, " lifence it walk, he says, "that I had so much weight with my . -151 7 . pa but a bad speak er, never eloquetit,isnlAjtt.: to Initd4, h te flon iu choice of words, Ea;al3 , correct in language, and yet rgeneridly carried my poi Oharactet creates ednfideneeininen or high situations as well as in bumble I t was said of the first . .Emperer Alexande r of Russia, that his personal !character was Univalent to a cOnatitutitia.; "Daring - the wars of the Fronde, MOtitaitrie was the only man among the 4:Ftenbll 'gentry 'Who kept his castle gates 'up-barred; and it mei said of him that Ms perstmal-eharseter'wei worth more to him then •It regiment of horse. That character is power is true' Yn a much higher sense than that knowledgeis power. Mind without 'bent, intelligence without conduct, cleverness ivitliont good ness, are powers only for mischief. We may be instructed or amused by then 4 it is difficult to admire thwlexterity 4 - 44 pickpocket or the horsemanship of a: high , waymnn. Truthfulness, integrity,,,,ao goodness, qualities that hang,,not on„eus ninn's breath, form the essence of mitery character; or, as one 'of our'eld ri wilters has it, that inbred loyalty unto,.*ir4e,,. which can serve her without a Ifvery., l .' 4 When Stephen of Colouna fell into hands of his. base ease:fleets, and' ; ;they asked him in derisioi,:"'Where is now your fortress ?" as his bold re ply, placing his hind ripthrihis is in misfbrtune that the .character of the upright man shine's the greatest lustre ; and when all, oleo fails, he takes this stand upon his integrity: And courage.. . EIGHTY miles from I')evenPort; 4 Id there is nn eighteen acre" field ofciiiiitidi that will yield the neat littletsymkofiVso. PRESBYTERIAL .:NOTICES: • DA: The PRESEITTEUT OF DES MOL*2ll3irill In Cory don, on 'the Bird Thursday of Septrmbiiti T o'oliant.l4l J. SI. BIO4'OIIET,DER; ,S;upd Clerk. .. The PRESBYTERY OP lOWA' stands adJourned 'to .Striit In Yort Mtullson, on Tuesday, September 4.tb, at 7 o'clock I'. M. • A. 0. MeOI.P.LLAND, Statedaere The I'RESIfYT.ERY OP RICIILA)M 'atantbt adjourned to meet at Ifaysville, Ashland County. -01110,. on the..Sreond Tueedur, (the'lltb) of September. at 7 &clock P. M. JA3I ES 110WLAND, S tated Clerk ~I • terrtirinnali .6 J S E. CAUSON, Statckl_Clpfk— • . Thit PRESBYTERY' Or MARION standi liclJourta4•,(o: meet in Flictardsvilie, on the First Tneseink of September.'at IA o'clock A. • IMAYi,Stated Clerk. The PIIIISItYTEItY OF PEORIA - Istneds AilP:qui:led' to meet in i'iineoyttle; Septeniher 18th, et 13 o'elOck ROBERT JOHNSTON, Meted Clerk.: 'rho PIVORBYTEItY OP CEDAR wittineet to Oecht;'/liiPitiss the 13drd Tomtday (15th) of September, at 71.4.tee100k P. AL . ,. 1., .; E. RELDEIN Statetielerk.:, The PRESBYTERY 'OP BAIRP.I.ELD old meet at,Sigotn ney, -.Keokuk ,Coutity,..lawa. on tho' Second, Ilizunlay.(llth day) of September, at 7 &Meek P. AI.. .Bl'cg.:`,.l:, 4:tat:Pi; 9aerki, THE 'PRESBYTERY OF ALLEGHENY CITY Its next meeting at the Hllends church, on the wood Tuesday of September next, at 12 o'clock M. 'WILLIAM ANN AN, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OV IILOOSIINOTON will laser. at Waynesville, on Fri Say, September 6th. at 7 o'clock - P..IS. It. CONOVER, Stated.Cierk. ThP BR.BBITTTERY OF DUBUQUE will meet at Hoplan ton, OW Third Monday (17th)'of Belttenilmr,ot 8 o'clock P. M. . AMIN 'BOGCIS, Stated Clerk. . . Tip PRESBYTERY Or ZANESVILLE stands ntljournecl to meet la Cambridge on the &cowl Toesdny of 34AM:fiber, at 7 o'cleiek P. M. WM. M. 808 IN SON, Stated Clerk, The PRESBYTERY OF CHICAGO titoncle culiourned to meet alultockftird the In 4 Tuesday (25t11) or Senfeinificr, , itc o'clock F. M. , JOITN -Stated'Olerk, Thu PR'ESBYTERY OF H)CKINO stands tbi.,loniiii;d to fleet la thu Presbyterian church at..- Athens, on Tuesday, Bepten4bor IPA at • o'clock P. M. .1. H. PRATT, Stated Clerk.. SYNODICAL. The SYNOD Of lOWA stands adjourned to meet In Cedar ankle on the Third Thursday of September neat, at T o'clock .1. I. MASON', Stated Clerk. The SYNOD OF SOUTIIEWN ifOYA will meet at Ottumwa ' audio County, lowa, on the last Thueeday (27th day) of .eptember, at 7 o'clock • • S. O. M'CUNE, Stated Clerk: . The 'SYNOD OF ,ALLEGIIENY Nil!! meet hi thi First resbyterian church of Allegheny City, on .the Fourth- Thursday of &Moniker. (2 4h) nt-S k o'clock reabyterhtl Nattlitives 41'e to be sent, before the first of ; Septetibet, to' BM John V. Reynolds, D.D.. Pa. ELLIOT E. SWIFT, Stated Clerk. The SYNOD OF ILI4INOIS will meet nt Drcatur, on, the Second Wednesday (10th) isf October, sit - 7 1 / o'clock P. AL . ROIIEIiT JOUNSTON, Stated Clerk. ritual Mits E W. P..Montgqmery. AtlteAtioo is requested to the advertisernent`Of this gintleman, agent of the Pieshyterian Cola nial Association. Bissell & Co.- The deputation of the articles' manufactured by these gentlentiniitiiiery "Otii friends in need of any thing in their line will find them ttentive'and obliging, and - their prices,as low'es ny others, ° ° 0 Pittsburgh Female (101,1ege;' The Fall term of this flourshing institution ; , orameneed 'Wednesday morning. During. the aeatipn the buildings have been put in excellent oondaign ;',andevery provision is made . the y , comfort and advancement of the pupils. MEE Rev ws Tnr: LOFIROktrARTERVI REVIEW FOR JR/N.-- Messrs. L." t s , l'Cloid Street, New York, are rapidly putting forth their reprints of the English Reviews for the current quarter. These publications bete been long issued with such regularity, that I.he,etinouncement of ,their issue Juts become almost, ttrpecessary, as readers * know when confidently to .expect them. The following is' an abstract of the contents of the present Ti t taber of the 1,444Q/Orter//,: I The Missing fink and the London I'aor ; 11. Joseph. Scaliger; 111. Workmen's Earnings and Savings; IV. The Cape and South Afriea ; V. Ary Scheffes; VI. 'Stonehenge ; VII, Darwin's Origin of Species; VIII. The Conservative 'Reaction. Our lady readers will finis themselveitlnpapable of reading Nos, I, and 111, above enumerated, without having their `'inte T es i. and:':aiptpathy * deeply moved, Price ,$ ,Perpannum. LIS UOLYBVIIOII Review FUR JVLY, Beppu lisped by L. Scott & Co., 64 Gold Street, Ikeiv York, is received. It contain an lunusAtil va riety of articles—no less than , 'twelve- 7 -AT the anbjects of the most striking interest in the lit erary and political world. The tnerel ides of the principal articles in this number of the Edin burgh arc sufficiently attractive, and teed no comment from us to iridicatetheir scope or pur port. The titles referred to are as. follows: Chevalier on the .probab eE • all in the 1 7 alue o cold ; Latest. Geological - DiscOveries; The Patri mony of. St. Peter; Igret Grote's Memoir of Ary Scheffer; Prince Dolgoroltkow on. Russia and Serf Emend pit ion ; CorrisPondence of Humboldt and Varnhagen von Ense ; Cardinal Mai's Edi tion of the Vatican Codex. It may be as well to remark that this number commences a volume; and though each is perfect in itself, and subscrip tions may be'roade at any time, yet there is an obvious propriety and convenience in securing complete' volumes. Price $a &year. ', THE AMERICAN THEOLOGICAL REVIEW.--:-The August number of this Review, 'published by. J. M. Sherwood,•No. 6 Beckman Street, New-York, is able, various and instructive. The articles are': President Willard's Body of Divinity, by Rev. J. F. Stearns, D.D., Newnrk,.N. J.; Jan senism and the Jansenists, by 'Rev. Lyman Whiting, Providence, R. I.; English Lexicog raphy, by Prof. Francis . A. Marsh, Easton, Pa.; Moses and the Geologists, by Rev. W. Bartows, Reeding, Mass.; The Spiritual in Man the Proper Object of Patlpit Addfess, by:Rev. N. G. Clarke, Ptofessor in the University of Vermont; Natural History - , .by Professor. Chester Dewey, Rochester, N. .Y:; .Hurtz's Church History, by Henry M. Baird, Professor in NewsY#LDniver sity ; together 'with . the usual TheidogiCal and Literary Intelligence, Notices of Books,' and News of the Churches and Missions. Terms, $3 year, in advance. News has been received from Oregon to the 81st of July., The general opinion then was that the State would produce larger crops than ever before. The political news is uninteresting. Of the ten papers in Oregon, four support ,Ltstug z : las, three lireckinridge and thk , e Lincoln. •- • ' S•r. Louis, August 27.—Considerible .excite ment exists in Hancock County, 111., rotative to a rumor that,the Mormons intend returning and settling at NanvOo, under the lead of JOe Jr. A mass meeting of the citizens was held on the 21st, at Carthage, who protested against• and declared that they would not allow them to re turn. • Up to Saturday morning last, twenty-one cows, bitten by a mad dog, exhibited symptoms of hy drophobia in the vicinity of the Two Bridges, between Little Falls and Patterson. Of these nineteen have 'died. Ten other !cattle: were • bit ten by the same dog. The destruction caused by thie one dog is estimated at sl,2oo.—lfeicark Journal. More than six;weeks have elapsed since a fall of rain in our county. The condition of our farmers is, as a consequence, more deplorable than was ever known to follow such bright pros pects as gladdened every heart but a short time ago. Even the late corn is hopelesslY blighted, and grasses of all kinds, potatoes and other, vegetables in the ground, have deoayeti.—Gai= latin (Ten.):Ezaininer. l T.. r A party of gentlemen undertook to travel through Arkansas lately on horseback, but were compelled to, return on iteciount of scarcity of corn. In many places they say the corn is good, but the people seara_ta_aßprehend hard times, and will not pert -1 6 th a Pec" 4 - . .-etrangers at any price. -- Emigration to Louisiana and Texasifest*.wi n. ter must. be very limited, except along the nevi-- gable streams, where corn can be supplied from Now-Orleans. And there will be little or no park in the cojotri, - as there is no mast, unleis it i s d r i ve rp-in. from Missouri. : 'Ten cents per, pound-frill not buy corn-fattened pork .in North: j a asiauff--lleinville Baptist, EZIE CCM WAsurturrox CITY, August 27.—The following is a correct list of the vessels ordered to special service in the Gulf, of lkiekico: .Susqueheittie, Potahattan, Pocahontas, Savannah, . Sabine, St. Louis, Supply, and two or three others of the home squadron. The Preble was telegraphed at Pensacola, but she had sailed for Boston before the receipt of the dispatch. She will not now be ordered to the Gulf. Although it is not positively 'ascertained that Spain intends a hostile attack on Vera' Cruz and other MexiCan,ports, the Administration has„in consequence of recent information, taken`pre4 cautionary measures to render whatever ,protec tion may become necessary to American persons ST. Jostri, August 27.---The Pony Express reached here last night with news to the 11th instant. There are about $450,000 in the'State treasury, but $275,000 of this amount will soon go to ef fect a complete payment of all State prison claims thaeluive accrued to date..; The The Washoe mining news possesser little in terest. The'Visalia Delta says fifteen or twenty assays have been made of silver ore fiem the Coro mines, the -results 'ranging from- S7 Q O t 6 $B,OOO per ton, and averaging:ahout - $1,200 OregonadViceS are received to the tith inst. The news is unimportant. The Wheat'crtip is re- ported good, and a large surplus will require ex port. . • . The report from the Jacksonville quartz mines continue favorable. . , The British Columbia dolt* are o,the 9th, per : the steirrier Oregon; which Vraught- down over $50.00 . in- gold. Taken on the night of the 24th instant,'from the stable of Dr. PI. H. Hill, in McKeesport; Pa., a bright, though dark, bay horse, about fifteen and a half hands high, with white feet to pas tern-joints—has a thickening", of one side of the under jaw at about the' middle of, the bone, which can be ascertained by applying the hand --several patches of hair off where other horses , have .bitten 'Wm., It will, take ten days ,or more for the hair to grow sufficient to hide those bitis* —hoofs worn off by''running in paeture without shoes.AwtherOakeitlhe was shod allliionaiviih old shoes, with but little or no corks on them. The horse fa five years tight, 'and smooth built limbs clean, with short hair; rump droops a Tittle ; mane, tail, and• legs quite black. The horse is of one-fourth Jiawkeye (Canadian) blood, raised by ; Col. George A. Bayard,' out of a blooded mare. Last Spring the hope.Was . ,Som Sheriff etime at Patterson's stable, in pitteburgh, on training, and it is thought the thief saw and -conceived the idea of stealing him, while -there. There was also „taken a black, •• quilted saddle, torn, slightly-in-'one or two Pbtces; a cotillion singe reined bridle with hitching strap; 'and patched up, martingale., Forty dollars will be paid for the return of the horse and the arrest of the thief, oi• any reasonable sum for information relative to thorn. Address The editor of.ite Enterprise (Liss.).• News, lay .Laudbrdale and Newton Counties - in' that state, reports the crop; both corn and cotton, almost a totalfailure. Many n plan , te will not' make fifty bushels of corn, who have herelofore made several hundred bushaslo spare. He ,saw some „fields that- would not make the seed printed. The cotton weed is very small, and has the fewest number of balls on it; has alreatly blosSomed out at the top, and it will be impossible to make one-forth of a crop. A Charleston (S. C,) paper says- the entire crop of the State will be short; many. planters will have to buy corn. We, heard of -a planter who had to put up two :hundred scree of corn, • only to hopefully secure it for fodder. The following strong language is from the Silent (Alm) Sentinel: "We are satisfied, unless some action is taken during the Summer and Fall, that then Sandi of poor people in Alabama will actually starys." The" Vicksburg (Miss.) San says in , certain portions of Madison, Leake, Attala, Winston,' Chontaw and. Scott. Counties, the farmers will not make enough corn to plant next year, much less enough to support themselvessnd , The drought still continues. ,Our .farmers, at lsast a' - Majority of them, will not makahread.: Franklin is as dry as a powder-mill, 'and the. dust as,thiek - as the earth can make it. .I,onooratie Amu": • V` , P0m5x , w . 1. ,00 .. 4-6, A1•411.M5T Oregon : Mormons, Hydrophobia. No Rain Yet. Scarcity of Corn. Washington. From California. Horse Stolen'--$4O Reivard. W. 11. HILL, KeKeesiort, Pa Southern Crop News. bU 3 DI:11:141 V 3 OVA A :MOON=ON OIN mann 11/WEI,' :1860, EIR =MI There -are' sixty-four inmates of the' Ohio- State prjson, - at Columbus, tinder sentence of life, one of whom hat been. confined twenty-four yeari, nine others more•than ten years, Sz.e. Of theselen are . hopelessly insane, others are on the last verge of insanity, and the tendeneY of nearly all is to monomania an 1 dispair—facts calchlated to inspire the belief that life ientenees are by no means cheerful, punishment. , •The Smoky Rill Wagon Road . Expedition. • LUAVENWOIIIII, •, ../Yntei "hit intelligence of , the safe' arrival at'lloldtidofeitY of the Smoky Hill wagoitroad expedition.' They have constructed a good wagon road ;from Fort Itiley to Denver. and Coloradn... ,The party lost one man in a .skirmish with otitiowas, There' is 'much rejoicing heti Ever the Snal suc cess of the . expedition and Ai' 'opening of the route. • • . The school fund of Texas. already amounts to nearly three million of : dollars. Two millions of this sum is derived from the fund received froin the United States under the boundary treaty. This is'increased by one-tenth of the annual rev enue of the State. In addition, each county has four leagues of land devoted by the State for the 'use of the oomnion schools, and nine-tenths .of the reserved latids'in the tracts donated to` rail road Oompanies,`thi-other tenth being appropih; . aced to the university fund.. The whole univer-' sky fund is now estimated , at $1,000,000, coin ? - posed of this tenth of the land reservation, 'and fifty leagues of land, of which sales have been made to the amount of $200,000, with a donatioa of $lOO,OOO from•the•United States bonds. The New-Orleans papersitaimate that the in cendiary crimes in Texas have been perpetrated, in revenge; by men who Were driven out of the State •on .the pretext of entertaining opinions unfavorable to slavery. This - is the meet • resi sonable suggestion that we have seen. The idea of an organized abolition Conspiracy stems very absurd. There is nothing.to be 'gained by such a'donspiracy; and only medium would enter into ' It, is said that. the drought in Texas is so general and so extreme that the large emigration flowing into that. State has been chicked, and many families from Alabama and other Southern States arc returning to their former homes. In Galveston, it is reported, there has been no rain since April, and water is now-selling at three dollars per barrel, brought dowrcto Trinity. A San Antonio letter says that water brought froth the ,Mississippi river is selling in Indianola and Lavacca for twenty-five Oents a gallon: • The principal hotel and all the business honses, with one exception,' were destroyed by the'recentlre at Henderson, Texas. 'The total loss is estimated at from '5250,000 to. $275,000. A gretit many learned treatises hate been writ ten, explaining the: origin- of;' and classifyittg the • worms generaytd ; in the t human system. r SOarcely any,toiin,t4 medical science has, elicit ecl,more'acute obiervition'and profound research • ; and yet, physicians .are Very, much ..divided • in opinion on the' subject. *lt must 'be adntitted, however, that,, after all, a mode of expelling these worms,• and purifying the body from their presence, is of more•value 'than the Wiliest :dis quisitions as to the origin.' The expoillitigagint. has at length been found—Dr.. M'Latie's* fuge, prepared by Fleming .Ilros.• •is .the. much sought after spebific, and has'already atipeisedel all other worm medicines, iti - e . ffibacy being uni versally acknowledged by medical practltioners: Purchasers will be careful to ask for 'Dr. APLane' a Celebrated Verndfuge, manufaCtured Bros. of Pittsburgh, Pa. ' All OtherVertnifugeti ins comparison . are worthless. •Dr.:•::lPLane's genuine Vermifuge, also. his Celebrat.ed. Liver Pills, can now be bad at all retspOtitPe drug stores. None ; genuine • withoul : theAdgnature of FLEXING lbws. , ••• ~fortign Npty YORE, August 26,—The :steamship Van derbilt, front Havre a, this &Hermit - m - 4;7lLn - iverpoo an 'on e ' on aciviens7 to the 15th inst. She brings three hundred and eighty passengers., The resolution for raising - 414 n. of ;47,99931 . 007, tor Italy has been, agreed to by the House, of The Neapolitan Parliamentary elections 'Com menced on the .19th inst.. • Refugees are preferred by the,electors who openly 4etilitt•e in favor otthe annexation 'of . Naples'to. Piedmont. Austria is said to have abandoned , the idea of possessing Venetia. as granted by Germany: Garibaldi is expected to attack : Venice, and. Austria will Maintain the conflict alone' against Prussia will remain neutral, while r the,:other powergOe not interfere .' r ,.,. ;; .,, The war material at the Auslrian arsenal at, - Venice, is being traitiferre:if to Pau., The steamship Trcloce entered Castellamaro midnight on the dth, and, fired several cannon shots a,f,Monaion, and'retired Wlthent producing any results. Advices from China say that Sooe,bow has been Pack . ed 'and .burneit. . , • O-Excu, August M.—The-payers publish:a - dis-' patch announcing theunoppOsed}disembarication of Garibaldi, ,with eight. thousand men, near Reggio, on the night of the 10th:inst. Thesame dispatches report; he evacuation of , the frontier; of Scylla by the Neapolitans. loth these reporti• are considered doubtful. • Tatssra, - Augnstl.s-:-'- 'l4oilievodlhafAiii baldininteridt to sittlickAuslria:not on the Vene, thin but on the Croatian Celia; by attempting a disembarkation at Fieutn. ' The Austrian author ities believe that he *ill first endeavor to provoke l a revolution in Croatia•and: Hungary before pro ceeding to 'Venetia. ' All 'the coasts are vigorouily wittelied..:li the Imperial cruisers. • • • . . - Lord' John Russell explained, the position of the question for, making Spain one of the Great Powers. The movement he stated ;Ores firstini tiated by the .French Government.,,'; Suggestions mere. also under consideration that Sweden,- , and perhaps Portugal , and. Sardinia, :ougbt also tq added to the Great. Powers. Lord Russell' said the concert of the Great Powers on various ques tions had tended materially to preservpilie peace of Europe. iffEEI The British Government were of the . opinion that it was not undesirable. to make some addi tions to the moral force of. Europe - • • : The Emperor, after reviewing the, troops „des- tined for Syria, addressed them as follows: ~ S citannus: You . leave JO 'Syria: . France hails with joy an eipeditio, the sole -,aim. of which is to cause the.rights:of justhe and hu manity to triumph. You do not ,go to make, war. against "a fOieign nation, but, to' buo assist. the Sultan in bringing'back to obedience his subjects, who are'blinded by the fanaticism of the former cen- , tury In that" district you have great reMinis-' cences. Fulfill your duty:' , show. , yourselved worthy .to be the children of those who 'once gloriously carried,into that country the banner of Christ. Yi . )ti dO, not leave in great ?umbers, but your courage au,d, prestige are it , 'Supply to the deficiency ; because whenever the, trencji,thg seen to pass, thifnittions klow . trittt a great cause ,precedes it, and, great, people follow it." The Emperor luis given goo,ago francs in aid , of the fugitives from Syria. The semi-official correspondent le inclined to think the interview between the Etnperor andthe Queen of Spain, which has"been spoken of,• will not take place. =• • `• Later. FAI4INIt POINT, August 2, The stetunehiP Nova Shotict; from. Liverpool on the 18th inst., passed this.point to.day from Quebec. The Pope of Rome is said, to ,have written a most melancholy letter'to his Cardinal in France, 'in which he regards all AN lost., Although eon -Armed that' he shall die by the bullet of an, att 'sassin he declares that he will quit. Rome. under no circumstances, no price. CONSTANTINOPLE, August 11.—.-Advices from`.. Damascus to the 6th, states that Fund Paella has surrounded Lebanon with troops, and:threatened to put them to the sword, .if the Druse :Sheiks, did did not surrender.. in two days! TWenty tiara already been taken, and nearly eight hundred other important'arrestilivitieen made..: A thou sand camel loads of the plundered property has also been recovered: The Sultan has made speech expressing his • resolution„to punisitthe Sxrian offenders most se verely, as well his'` intention. of 'reducing the vast'lisis el sinecure:s r :oi occupied ,by high functionaries,: aft& otherwiseeffecting' economy; : in the details of his government:A 'The Sultan is Alep about ;to, address. another letter-'to Queen V. Victoria, nd the %lEmperorlcapoleon; expressing the desire to have , the,solef control over the p i nz-- isliment of the offondem: - The neivEf of the massacre: i3alhee has lae confirmed, but no details ha've yet been received. Ohio. Texal Items. 01111 [ADVIRTISMIWT:I Worms ! Worm's • [LI GREAT. BRFAM X=r= r. , . gorltmtrtlal. l'lttsbargh Market. . • . • •.TUESDAY, Areintst v., tom • ArYLES-11.26(a)2.25-* bbl.; according to quality. • ; ASHES-Soda -Ash, 34:1Xc.; Pots, 4X@4%c.; Pearls, 5 , /,@siA. The stuck In first hande Is ample for all ordinary porpoises. • . BAOON 7 -Shoulders, lOc.j Sides, 3./4e.; Plafts @lf!C.; Buiat•OnVed do:: lac:* Ih. • : BEANS-Suoall White, fio96se.,: , ardiTork ; f3tate,43s , 9oo: . per bushel. BROOMS-:Common, 82.00 ; faney,"2.7k3.26; • • .BUTTER-Fresh 8011, 104:113e. 'f4,lh ,In bids. eICEESE— . Weiderit *Reserve, .13;4,09e4" Gattien, COIN REAL-Frota find hands, 030N32.; from . store,, ' • • . . 1, .t. • . • ; - - .• • . 1:008--.11eady,,aml in mther•better demand, at Bf.p9e. • . YLOI3II-Siiper., 5t.P444.136; St:9746.2eedii.Vl; P.xt Veal y. $3.00065.60(41.75 ; Fancy. $5.15®8.00016.20... • • GRAIN-,Corn, shelled, 50,62®54c. pate, 24026 e. Wlmat, 1.10. Rye. 56t. • ' POTATOES-New, 450155 e., . • • • . BALI No. 1, $1.0041.05. ,SEPlDSClover,s3.9o®4.2s. VinOthy,t2.lo@o.oo: , ! tax, per tiorce: ' : • -TALLOW—ltough,:7e.; Cnuotry rendered; 0,4010 e. fat llolitts. txpe WESTERN THEOLOGICAL. SEMINARY O! TAR PRESBYTERIAN CIIMRCEI, at Allegheny City, irm open its next Session on MONDAY, the 10th of ,Septetn 7 ber, at 3 O'clock P. M. The opening address to the strident. will ligdelivered by Prof. WILSON, 6 'T'itesilay morning, in tho . eloiriel, at 10 o'clock.' Alio Roy. W. 3t. PAXTON, 1311., ap pointed by the last General Assembly ae Professor of Stirred Ithetdric,.will enter upon, his iluties:', The Faculty now yen; filets of fir Professors, viz.: I:tofit, t ßiiiiurr, l 3A t i{ollllf, Pz.uxu, Wilson, and PAITON.. Rooms, neatly furnished, are all i dtVg 6Aile `a( a d;'• D ie,' '44 of rent. The charge for board iti . 4C'ellent• tdmlltcef is $2.00 to $2.50 per E week. The total E.:simmer of a .indent, for the term, need not oneeeg from $lOO to g 59. Students•who, require ald, can receive a SCholarailp . oF $l2O, frau; the Sem inary, or the Board ofiducation, or they can ohtain such aid as tiieY Deed from a private sifid; on eqmtication to the Profeasorel. • •'' • • • • It le especleili desirable that the.studontehe,presentrittlie opening of the term.. : . . l. T. /1.../lATAN t Tre9eurer. : auglg4t ' •WASHINGTON COLLEIM:i.PL—The . Antioal Examination of titifettidentil of Washington COl-. lege will commenci3, THURSDAY,. Auitun4Oth, tita A. M., and dm MONDAt p liei4ombor 3d. , The Baccalaureate Setiuum,:by tlii , Txtsident, will bt~del[r end on Fro Moth morning, September TA., .'- - ' Sermon to ISktets ; 'Of Religions Ingnlrv, by'Re 4 i. Wza:111. • Ferguson; of Ohio, on Sabbath evening,'Beplember 2d.:!;!) The luhirise to -the,-Literary Soolet , lesj At Rev. - AobegisT; Brecbintidge D.D LL.D will be diltrered on Tuesday evening. 'September 4ili. s .. The Tumid' on' ToesifaY, o'clockPAL' .• ::;••••• it • •.. . r; • .•'l, Commeociensidlierohan:will take place:On .Wednesday, September Mi.. ' Tripmp tirBENNAN, - - Secretary Board of. Trustees. AIRS.. WiNSLOW.. an ..e);perieneed Nurse and Female, Viyirician, hail, a Soothing, Syrup for children teething; which greatly faciptlites the process of teething, softeninethi. game; reducirig till liinairimpilbn—Will allay all pain' and regulate the bowels. Depend apOreit. mothers, it . will give reetto yourselves and relief and health to yottf (ante. Perfectly safe in all CMOS. • See adreolaamapt. r , mr -ly 1f o fflarritb ;._,. By Rev., W. F.-lam - gnu, August 4th. I,lr. TnoatAs.liosept to Mime 'MARI L. STEWART,' both of - Murat Valley. Auguit, 16th, 111. r.: ? Tow/. J,...M031.E.A.vs to Ming MARY 'JANE M'OA WHET both of Rural Valley, Armstrong County; 'Ph. August 21a4, Mr. RODER? M. KELLY tO Miss FLOWS A. BlcCotiss, b4thn Kittanning, Pa. 111111=111 At Bradshaw's Hotel, Fairview. 0., on the 10th of August, by Rev. W. M. Ferguson, Mr: 'ALex. N. WILLIAMS to Miss ALUMNA J. licrwrint, both of Belmont County. Ohio. On the same da)7rat. ;Bo reaMence et the, bride's; mother, near, Gib- Gue'rriseY tohnty, 0.; Mt'. BriCi. C. SEGBIAT'LO Mine Blthoic .• • • : • .• • June'Mati W:Mechlin,lMnilAviu.L. to Miss Limo. daughtir of. David Limia, of WeseMshoulng, Inalaria Coputy, 'Pit. July 9th, Mi. 'jOiitt" POSLE' to Vies Lima Dnodx, botkof :Ikayton;lt..) - • • ). At: Mestdville, tumidity miirnlng, , . Augustalet, by Itev.' J. T. Reynolils,D.D.,•JAlnts P.ll f tttlt.Fu l of Fayette City, Pu y to Ansa 1 131. LL Devis,.of tholfuriaerplatte: ` •• ' • • '• "J.; 1:111Vir ' lit* . It. '• • MBE MEM ll=El== ; ”71'• .k11:14 EARIOOIOI3/EISTS, GRATIS; . ADIRTIORAI; REIRAR9,I, CRTISTS • Luis, lONE WORDS REEFS 'A:lair.) 'Y sth, in •R Tani ARi A 4CRIc ' DIE nne Oth, in • nal y , TELL I t .i •,. • • - • •-- . . DlET:l—dnly 19th; in Rural • Valley* . Ainiqtrniig C§inty, Pa t idra; JANE STRAIN, in the slst of her age: • :DIED4n the 21nt inst., nt his! residence in the, limelight of CberrY-tree, Indiana County, 31 - 11.,tramA...PFATT ? M.D:,, in tbd 85th'year of his age. • . . DlED—Annudt .1.6t1, of pnlmopir cOntramo , faith nod 'hope of the Gospel, ettswilk, North Ilaatingdon Toirisblp, • Weignorebuia * Oo.:, Pa., agexl 39 yeara: THIS ADVEFITISEMINTi rE urru5,...... JA.l4l f ilpilt ' ircs6,lgcrt4i,ihtes'd LITTLE &TRIM , o. n , GOsses arti Contsa4ssiots,dictC/idnlti Diklers in Flour, Bacon, Cheese,' Fisb. Oils, Pr oduce, , ,Iron, Glass, Cotton Yarns,' and' Pittstaritilthinatactitt44l 'article!' generally. . •, ~ co i • a . Vre retipecifally Inritethe attention of merchants rislilita this 'city :to 'our. large 'and •carefullytaefectedlitasortment'bf gi,ods,tyhlch we.offpr for. ealc, on tile, mpst fitvorablatettps., Partlenlaftim! prompt aftentlon'paldlo nuing orders:, • • . +:114v . ,1114. •:1 . 101 - • • S S; N 14%, t!I -) • . 4 • i,. FURNISHING UNDERTAIVIt, iv 80, Smithfield Wee:, .keeps. wait:Andy on. hand a large tuasaitmeabf Cana; Shronds, ofjbe latest styles, ,Pqnsonal siticed caacityvhen , required, and no pains be spared to:give entire satisfac tion; and relieve the friends lot. the • inatiy nnOleadiut Atittis • necessargy connected kith the„ preparatips,for„burial, -at grentryikidOced - itobnisol4u'diiralid Miran' and,Ceariages furnished. . • HAS E C.Orci • • ,3 W II ;P:tOPMFAX ,•. • e:001"11r0 '1'..4,1t .01f - 4070 HE,AtriN-G rALI 1130„ „., , >• • , .• - •I • Grate Fronta,_Feriders,—Gangfis,..&e., NO. 235 LIBERTY ,STREET, • PITTSRUROU, PENNA. sepl-ly •.!I IFIALSTED & STILES,. - 52 and .54 Murray Stript,'Neik='•Yokk,'"". Importers and Jobbers of CLOTHS;. O:IO3BIIdiRES,-VEBT INGS, and every, sty!e.and quality of,Odods used..by.Cl,otbiers and Meicbani Tailor:4 for Men'S and Ibipl.lVosi, isepl-ly : !;, • J 1: HEI MEMBERS+ far• THE ' PRESiit T BYTELRIAN.COIONtAf,ASSOCIATION; and otitta. PresbiterianS disiritit to eniiiratiito Hansits.mill send iheic Post Office address to Trie;at St. Laniaallialsoart,indrwill•foro; want thearsome Information of marding a Theatiots• in Kansas: '' MO TOO 11 r odplf2ra, Ltixotnptaki, Rabat& 9 • liIARE OP • ITV."' co., ic - wbperrivri, eni ploy, Males and' Etanalea to . act fie lard or fraVmllint agenM. Thoee.now in their employ ncerege from 530 MVP parr/moth.: We cannot, in this advertlseinent.• particularise 'thd - buOneea: blityß.Wlll-,IIIIIR Circular, (free of; cpst,) to, all who nddreee ue. ploy the enbJet. This Je a rare opportunity for thpt-of . ement to obtain airlinnonibleifttuttion. ' so pl; LIST OF NEW PUBLICATIONS • ;iltiatrealEym i 31 11 ' • 1 7 2.0233Pa:LTA S.. 3aalkSlVl3 . •93 Wciod Stiiiiit;,POtsto l inijt"Pa'• ' • -• •,, tlt If ;'.l ; ; 1. Outlin~re ' pf Theology, by Rev. 4. Alexantler Treatiseon the Canon' aiiillitererOrisUitlOh - of the ' Scrlpturop, for the spenial lament obiunlor t::. cal Student intended also for ptiititu,Christlans ,• . in, general, by Alga. ld'Clelland ... The Year ‘4 praos,•by flibson 1.26 itlatory, Tbsofy iund•Pmetiee.ef RientrieTelegrstph • T.tft Trnv in els p . li and,,,Resso . reties , Eitste . rn Africa,tiby:,prcifou Est 126 Avoidable Cauties'Ot Disease, br - Joliti • Ellii;AWlLHL4el))o! Self Help, by Stephenson, ' " A' Run Through Europe: :by Entatus Betteditsti.,.'.U.o:l2s: Studies Auinutl Life, by 9e°. ryp, , tlTe•. 40 Art Recfeatioris pen , ••• ' • • - ' Nemesis, (marlon,Harland'allout What May be Learned friths a Tree, by Ilarlall&COUble 1.00 3lt. Vernon Papeniclbylldward Everete„.v.:.:44A. Physiology of Common Life, by Goo.lAeultY Lewes},;,.,.. Young I:armor's Manual, ,by $. E. Toad ' Poptilar,Aatronomn,by 0.41.• Mitchell' • •+IL-.'4-,.:.A..25• Addison Alexander', Sermons, 2 vogs i. . 14.• 0. 1 . 60 Remion and Revelation', by Robert SI Citua1f4,1):12.4.4, '22 Tarr:tee SCAtinCO to: Theology Lectures on the English Language, SAO. history of Ilerodotul, by George - Rnwlliiion;-Consinatkfr 4 :rola ' • .. ."VIT4 t-rntnimAck• Morin'slifiTlienica, by : ll4ll6kt" • , • • • 3.00 Ultimate Civilization, ,by Xiala Taylor .„, ~„ Aadley's Greek Grammar„. ' 1.26 .OZ*- Orders by Mail will teeeliat prompt attention. li oLLow:ANis , .l'ltiL§ . AND DINT ITol.l.lliiefciul and: unsiglitlyi eraMtive disorder' of the raw is sieedily, and permanently, eradicated by. a few •opplientions 61. this: innolimit . Ointment, and the Pills, by purifying the blond . , metals tho operation!. Many casWinbandoned by pbyeleiansasi ha . Peloos, have 'been immediately cured _ by these medicines: l, . f.!* ,•.:•;• Sold by 0.11 Draggiets,,at 215c,;6 0 ..c. perficsi. • , • QCLAND'S 4,111 . 91411,14, 13irr,EFIS pqro Ai= Will poeftivoly are ' Liver Coiiiptaint, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility IleAd• the certificate of 'the Rey...7.'31. LYONS, 'ffirth'o7.lY. paator of the Columbus, iiiillstawa, Pa.; Baptist churches. C. 111: .7Aettifini:—.l7/ "-I feel 11 -• ...Jeer 'Sir feel It a pleasure, thus, of my. Own ama/rd, to bear. MatimoDY to thtraxeellenato of thu "Gorman Bittern."- Somo_y s erirs eblee, pinch • With' dysPilitia,l `need them With very &hada! sults. I luvre oftcn recatnauladed, h ea r d wpersons eufeeldod by that tormenting disease , and hero fr o m them the most flattering testimonials all to their'gmatledire. I n'eakes of general debtllty, I heti - aye It co bter i faula that caouOt. be New Noehelle, Apr11 , 22;,113359.. • >'or sale by _Druggists sad Deign; everywhere. l ice. 75 • chute ',tor bbttif, *pit • • W -! ATC -, JEWELRY, AND Silt,- folipectrially infhrin one friends, FOLIO* istnl.Utto public generally, that,treleye now in Store and - 011or WHOLESALE . AND RETAIL, at the lowa , ' C ash i'rfret, a large and very choice Stock of WAIT II as, Jewri.ay,,g , lLVlK Aire l'barso Wear,, of every variety and style. • . Every description of Dinuionit Work and other 'Jewelry. maxis to order at short notice. All goods warranted to ho as represented. ,a4L , lt.—Particalai , attention given to :the 'Repairing of Watchetand Jewflry, of every description. . • .• • STAUFFER:4k HARLEY. ' • '' • .rilittyc'kraciles bF THE ‘ l vrtebbytiiiitin l • Baird of Publication,. • • 'oatPhllPdelphla ••• ,t.. • ;_tf _.• :• • Idti.**RETYll.. leen . 0 . " • .1013 . Price 15. and 20 cent*. •,• '•L'• • ' • • " • DROPS Ok TRUTH. 18mo., pp. 273. Price 30 and 30 !ccotie. • 3041417 GARY. lame.; 153: PPrice , 2o and 25 &mtg. .Trir., F Aßicw„tEpri.: ,Price 20; end 25 P ITTLE ANNIF.I34III/MtElkitiGHTEV:lBmo:. , pp.' :87. reel 20 and .20 alma. . " a y; ; 20` a n d 21 -T I ig . LOPrORILDRE2I4I.Bmo,pp. ca au , , pp. 7 . 6. Prier , 20 and . tScentip, .:MAICKSBPONSIBLE • FOR Ms BELIEF . 1444 0 , 4P:7 1 ; kidENTIiii p 3NESIV: PP. 44. PAM 3kAntalr.v...:n• ,11 . r; 9f. - . Illy. TWO SACRAM E NTS. 12m 9 ., pp. 33.. Pr 10,5 poste.. pLANT4orros 2.'"1.21:66.; .rrice 55 cents.. TICE TRUE PATh. 1.%n0... pp. 200. Price CO cents. —SINOE , AUGIISVIST: - CATECHISM 808 :TOIIIIO'HIIILDItF , , IN HEILMAN Price 3 cents. • )i:f • •• • • • : AM I A .CIMIBTIAN, AND ROW cAp I KNOW .IT 32n10.; OWN gift edints, price 25 cants. •I- - l ••;••••• • 'Ail little ,vol now is an able and: ralnahle, aid to A l who are' inquiiing'into . their apirittnil itixte. • THE CTIURCII,! ITS CONSTITUTION, AND JGOVERN MENT. By. Rev. Stuart Bll , tf4elL ,18neo.; pp. i 32. Price 20`it4id 25'eentic . . • , _KATIF. ,, SRYMOUR; ..on,grror Ma):o.loMen..llappy. Illriitrated with three beintiftillypolored . 18mo pp . '230. Price 35 and 40 cerita.: , • , • ••f • , For, oath in Pi Etaburgh : thi l ,pies +Book Rooms, St: Clair Street. , JOSEPH P. GLIM, . . ff;b2l:tf • • ' It" I ,Pnblinhinil'Airill • . 'Tl3l's Is :Weekty.:Rolfe, aper, •publihedobt the ABLE Itle , ,Vl . AII'IIn#YAIII4OL•UN; 01!,,:!it. tilV: Tra . tjp": pries of • • . • r ONIVICOOLCARIA oitEAR:- t rs.destFnetl fot...knrtnth : Teathetee AO. ; op who' 'nil,. tett . ga t interested in the religious training of the yoWng. I also en excellent Family Paper. . . ..k.portion,of the Sandal/ &hag. Timm, Is occupied '7,;ith . NIERATIVES'and other matter partiadailj Interesting to yoittsir perlons....l:eachers will !India-it much that they wilt; like to read to their clasees—inteii;ting. matter prepared to. their handl and such as they cannot And elsewhere: • • Fob the seiliereasen, members of hibleclasees h and the oldrrscholare generally, will be greatly beinditted by 'the periamtl Of this priger:.•••.! ; ! ''!i'•:!. - The Sundoy, SC7IOO/ riMIS. hall; ' every weep, a, cplumn.er, rtioi'4 , Oflibeehoice,t matter seleeted from the 'NOON PRAYkR MURTIIctIS, which are se interesting to'all , elmises rofiChris-. Sans. &aides &large aliment of genera relightoute'lr*llYgteice, the Sunday School. . Times . cont4i the most recent,Son daj 'School ' riewe.:"lt repoits all the important CONTtIN TIONS, of-Sunday School• teachers: Ia diecussea . the. Mice , tient; which moat inter e st and, berpleg teachers and parent{; teeniceting the various methods ofreligions training;for the young, the means of 'gainitirthe utte,ntion, and affections of children, and especially tit ecetirltig their conversion and ; bringing them to Christ. Thesulijectof MISSION SCHOOLS , . for cTtioq , and,of:Sunday School ruissionati worlc i forthe in-_ torihr,:in' thoroughly (*visaed. , Indeed, there is hail* a topleef practical importance to iiinr,who are interested 'Tithe subject of religious education, width is not here brought tin den ConsideratiOir front' week to•ivielL tekcher, rio parent,' elfould,lt,withont it.. . - ' . !• r; The'qnt , tdd,"y'qc/iocil - Tittles hint been the direct means, with: out. any other. ngency, of establishing' . filiinhey: Selmois in. neighborhoods where none existed before. and of giving life, to other schools which were languishing. It lathe testimony of Agnclrctis,of gupocrip ten dents,,tbgt .they.,,baye, found.their , sehooli-reviving front the time that this paper began to cir culate among their teachers and in the families of their con gregations. „ RELIGIOUS CONTRQ rig .ektlrely excluded from this paper. The Sunday Sch&C , Tinii-fdoes not even reply to its own ataailante. Its' only answer td' 'attacks, is to labor more industriously to make a paper, which shall be worthy .orthe petronage of warm-hearted, working Christiana, and which shall breathe. throughput the epixit r nf meekness and love. ; • Tile conductors of this paper endeavor to remember, that the great murofnll Christian effortistoifrhig men to Christ. They aim, accordingly to put into every number of the pa. Paper something which • shall 'have for itediieefloblect the conversionof Lstge-heatted Christjans,, who, are /seeking the metiiii of doing good; wtralb, file believed. do an important service,, and perbsps, pa the means. of . . many :uou veleieiiii,l4 inilisciihing for copies of this paper for y.onng persons of theirixteenairitancee, ;hien largely 'engaged in umnitGirturcs might thus confer n lasting benefit upon their apprentices or workmen. ' ;L. Many hundreds of elirc - rine'n ere entiseribere . end recommend itynwnly ti).theirprityytittiono. , 1 , • .f -• • Ca nv asserv.. f Wanted ,:iin,tall t .,.Parts, -,otAthe . • .Uo.ted Stskte,s.. lllffilli „r, ;') •.1 Will find ill* Wipe etA i oitmeut tif at:C.ll: SAX TON. Belt glpfv4ylol.:ll4ort:puitaititi Bonk efilepese, • 4.:eit!ic • t m 4: Wii.+T 4iirt .PW4•Gir ;• ' • &Vital' ' : P r '2E l* -• • 1., ; . i; 'SAFE THEN, I IIIIIPORE'I7'IM , TOO LATE. ' •i 17 „ij.,6,_1..,-( 8 = m „ . , ••• , • • 246 'Peeli . 'Street In thelhottee ltrreerly.occupiett by 1:/t. Heyeer, opposite Christ chervil: 4 'Lie will giVe all the modern 'lruprovetnerite: ,Teetit 111 00 0 d:it f 1 . • : •1 • . - 1 111 061 1 1 1 1 0 $O2 Pp MET. , , , , •• t 11EFFAEls . , . R i ttesll.D. SAMVEL FICDL T •• • A 4 .*.BluiDisr:l = . o.3l'oiym.eas; t: • J. 11.1110Pas6 W ANKra; Dr..escaos IL SAUER, W. SAMUn • • ~ Yil~£i' ef! ME STIBIRI , SMOOL-1001S,- , ?„:"? c„,„ • COC A ;:.; I + i A: . Si' ItAltNEE14 1 1111111; , ' ^T IP alLtlilf;:i , 1 1:3;1 WI.: -..;),51;tr53 ,, J0:11.45.v0f ArEvr vomit ; 1 ,, IV wool )41$1:Itiltil 1" . ..1!1;•. , 1 DeseriPtiscigattsiejuesiier fOktpofLpdiid'toany pzrt'q th4omatikailif • Smith lc Afartla's sod pct:iihkst-ElOO-4190ff, ICOPIfi • " ' ' • 10:;Beent System of Penmanship.". - - ; • Broolfilelit's first Bohlt. in Compotttiop. ~ . 1 , , )7 , - 3 IVBOYdlrlfalisn'ti Systerit of TOgie. ' ' 11L"Mahan's Intellectual Philosophy. b F I . I). • 144,11033Ps Homes' Elements of Criticism. • 15. Boyd's Edition of-English - Brooks' Latin sod Greek Classical Series. _ . TT. timid* Orthographiral MorArs'. 4 , 1:1f ii iN" . • t:l MATHEMATICAL .TEXT-BOOKS,) 1. ... :ThMILII3 4 I:TI3sdkUIITARTACIAiDEMY OF THE UNITED. 1 :- • 7'l . ' STA TE! AT WEST -, ?!:R1T• v i - .. , ; ..;... 3%..1 .: Davies' Unliersity Arithinc#6... -- ' .., . . •• 51,1 ' Davit:sqlourbeai's Alga •. , '-'I I , ;I, • l'f!1 ~I;,,rtt ipsvie l4 'sLeifondrfs ..1:t': ,;. ~T i" '..' 'l4 '47-4) 7 Gis a ir. nailes' Elements of 9 ' Elites' Deaeriptive-O ' ' ' li' , ' ' l ' • ~ • ' K . • • ' 1 • ) -' ,l teavice%Sbades, Sheller', and 14oTFPiirlpostlye— .7 : ... ... Enrilett l s'AtialytlCal Illechon10.•' ~. '' - . 1 . • Baitlett's Acoustics and. Olitles. f: %;:, .'; L . fl, , ' 9 .."•,'. Bartlett's..Sphorical 4stronniny. ......0; • ". . { i : I iMany, o f tb4' f a f btiva ari l alio - the; : *tizt:Boini 'F:eib , e New IforleYree Acaditny l.Coltnbia. College3lN..Y: Eltate:Nbinial , Lfiehool,) , and Reelteatee Aloivereity ;, also, tinive,tetty of :Vit . ., girlie, 'Miehigan ? and 'numerous other . InntituUona in the' !different States of theMpion. ;: •, 4 : (; ,-.! ' .• ;.: ; .1 .411 7 ' , N11.9 1 4 'IT 1 41. 2,.., 11: q. k :A 8 ‘ ......'•' 410 ; ..! . ....1' Aka -EINIE IOI IPRIF-P . ,_ ~.014 : , LIM!! we: Publish the, re;l l lllsnoiirit,vidkeeinnder the hoed of. 4 4'mcliers , Llbraricien y nal meta fen vole., and highly recommended to the School Teachers o the United Mates, at .$l. ;per volume:, 1. 'Page's Tlieos7 and Practice of Teaching. , ~.L i , . - 2 , .'Holbrook!allob3ial Method OrTeaeliint thatcOmmet ' 1.1.14 Bnchee: 'i. ''.i .: 'l. . , ...1 Ci(itt t , . • .:'_ ort!.icn'd'e Tea ' .c..or an. Pm,nt:, '.. , .. 4. xariagl.4d on..Arnelloan,Ellueation.: i• • '•. • : 1 1 . : a :Tv. ! 11. Me Tocqueville's Amerhadi r iluititutions. .-)r _.,.- „: t. • a, Bli fi esinstitutel,Vetuii:s on Menial and Mbralaudiati4 4 `• V Itwiglit's Higher Christian . Sdicattion, i 7 .r)91 ljf; i MaYllevr_ on .ICiniversel Education.. ' • , • ... , , .Duviee'Logicmf mathematics. ‘ , (~ l i 01l .41' tia ' t I I ' , .10. History , of Edupation..with Banning. ... r ~ ......, ! • 9F:n7 • ! ,: t .; . RECENTLY TUILUBEEDitlifail yam fl ,Revotioar..propli e r o 4,24ooV Modeth Phllolcwa. ls; • 111.14401Thili!ellionandllardirTrenck.. • . i';;• $ Airtl9 ll l l o l VPl PlttabFich by ik.p. : NEGY e414.0.0';; .3! ! ; • •A. 8. BARNES & BURR. ainiiinowirt • ,‘-• ..Ne. 822 141*ket Street, Satith Side, Philadelydi •' • - rrplg,fsA7k, PC1199 L , , SPECIAL AERANGE3LENT POE THE PRESENT . SEASca. I. To Teachers or others, who are •srllUni to 'cuirass for this paper, anti, who will send.ueoir.oiiiiiirne,•the names of um , Nov so - Moor:Ens, end A , Vett anUars in cash, NVP glee a copy of INVERST ER'S UNABRIDGE.thQUARTO'DTC TIONARY, Nev Pictorial Erlition .price $6,00:,0r ofaI.IY PINCOTTS UNIVERSAL GAZETTEV.R; 0.6 skix. _ . • ' IT. To those who will rend us. at one time, the names of its.anyf sumpanisaii, and ten donars in•!caih,••Are will •gtve 'a copy of the new and splendid MAP OE ANCIENT JEItU SALEM, fotaile Uytonr Bodetyliio 'feat by seven, 'minted and colored.. PriceSlO. •., . • , .• . . Perso e:UV whalirefei: eativrt6ing for'COMpeasntion money, and who can I produce satisfactony-testimonials eis to character, will Twelve most liberal terms. IV. MONTHLY TIMES. The Sunday, Scheel ;times for the first wewlc*ln••eadh Month'. is Yalioileinied• tit a separate form. us altos - 7w peps for thow schoOls . 49o ,Similietwho do not wish to t.iike I 4.oelkly. Price; to • • • taTlS`Vnr.• , ..rttawurcung pre:rumen or — CoMpettantion canvassers, four single subscribers to the Irmghly Times are ciounted,the mime as obi sulitiriber to the IVeeklyiTiiieii Alir.'Specimem copies of the paper, and other documents neadifirtir.dalivifting;*lll.li6 plication. Address WALDRON J.jellEYNEY,itiesArer, AmetionnoSdelayiEchkol Ph;bia9lphia.. • IititOELLANEOUS: . NviiiirfrEP4ipvtArtofrigli.l 6 ,ArrirA nuttfon ai raeher It maif parttnent of gemhutry or IliglrSchoolliPlelieeddroett,wlthcpartionlarso • 1. ' ififf2s4l4 " " 4 ' itodbaftir, - Beit . • ybr cdi Pa: RS, .GARDE . RA,. YRUIT Qwti.kg;ilX#Y.E.Ak4kß3,-E.g NZ I 'Dili I S lUilmawil SOLD OF THE.: INEE ; . • . • • . 0 .• • •• • ;;: ' ;f:F) 4611' I'2 • • ... 'n.•' •ALC " I S • • ••• • .• . ! ::.• 4;1? r !': . . . PUBLISneD I Dir• I t : 1•:. •.• Iv gi theAmbeg rriavf‘' COmOlete Cotinso.Of Maihriitatim sae. 2., Willartl'el Sericg School..l,liStories. •. f 1; 3.. lifYnteith had McNally's System' of 4.' Clark's Systmil of English:Grammar. 6.;P:vrker 4v.Watson'el Aeries of Itsfuters and,Elpeilog.„, it 'Eh •Parkbr's - Nitural anti ,rackiimeatil Philo4phy: " .7-..P4tee.s;Rralnoiples pf.•ChemicitrY. : r _I A . : 8. Northend's . Doublz Series of School Spcakirs i gidEM .•,. ;ff.la • FRUIT •TIMES, &LC. • . Fartica intending to,plant . : Fruit Trees, strawberry • Plants, &c:, this Fall, aro respectfully invited to visit tile rBeuickley Nur eeries of T. L. SIiIPILDS & CO.. befon, giving•thair orders out, and examine their stock of 'Trees. Plante; AC. 'Mrtnli Va rieties of Fruit Trees can• be. furnished of a beating siie. Catalogues may be, pipeured, and orders . left at the Seed Storoi 47 Fifth gtreet.!' ' • • - T,h..SIII4DS. &CO:, ,Sewickley Nurseries. augfl-4t ' • ' JAMES WARDROP; Agent ` ••• • • • INT,ANT.ED:-A _OITITAT4,ON - _A•S,. - TEWHEit id' an Amulet* or' gigh'Sclool, VT 'a young Man of nearly throe years' experience. in loathing: no best of teetinronials can be given. .. ~ - Address, with particulars ! • • "A. S. P.;" ... 0ug18430 , ~ . 'Unison Oity , Westworeiiind Co., Pa. au g 18430 . rM A:lT'Vir AT C E S . ' Kafir , ins 4:140.1(1411:: : WATCH COMPANY . At , Waltham - IVlas: Attention is inOttiid to the folfinvintiitatenient and 'acdonil rtaying.tetters of retotnmendation'and testimonials; in favor: of•these.ctieltrated RgtSLes r... A gold modal was awarded4o. ,CoMPr.f; can Institute, at New York, 5 i11,1857. r , The Cdnmen'y also received' Elie that preMinm—a gold. the. Franklin Institide;Philadolphia, These Watches have now been in the market for nearly ten . years, during which time they have been tested as to accu racy, durability, and reliability, in every conceivable matinet., and bait proi;ad then/sets:ea to be the most satisfactory time piecee ever offered to the jAtbliC. ' • This result has been - brough't' about by a strut djipllcatlon 'of Mechanical,ocienco to the construction of the Watch from its .very. inception, rendering it when finished, mathematically correct In all its proportions, and necessarily as perfect a tirrie-leepoi. on it Is possible to make. , The dniniany hays tested tbeiCWatches in many instatices bs attaal daily , noting, and die rMult of tht i test. him • been that they ltav * 6 exhibitedit rate equal In •ftgulartty; to the bfst marine chronometer. 1•• 1'; s% 11.—We harp justlntrooced,.s tat. sgee otAinitpi , elalicrittel . y. finished, arid thinner tiVan . I,4beityk several the grent4mt. accuracy of Oriel-mince; and to - prevehe tad usualaccidents and dorangeinento to .which foreign witches are G. • • :11.11g following fe:fiam Mr. litiarra,:tho well-known* Maria, I 9149n. 0, 00 • • " f , April . • /4r2• 111)911 Tr!. ••• -6'.4lllltti •• and Anti beyeracobt a ntimbei tit iour Compeekife Tatebektead 'lOl.ll FtP a r i - ftrsih ;0401 .withold 4 3 .410.441 . 050711!rttP3••. lattroebleitadmypAtstomors, every safgAnalcal. Feßally a, sold mi.! 1,4 . broken'.down ; isnfely hOlno Its, Waltham Wahl: Spire, trulX, . „ • : Ei Pcselen4 : ;;( , f Qicriae.Ar I - . . . • New York:October '27 ; 1809, AdifiltfCAN WATpI!COIII..4:Cr, Waltham,: ~ • r 'Genttinien carried one °flour Watches foie the Init eighteen months, I can my coalidentlythat they wlltd4 and may be bought with imsurancu that they. will 'keep time. I belicci),thewfitclt.uneurliatised. ..Itoeace Gimmze.:;, • • Book Room, .No. 200 Miabern Year,' .11e'bruary. 6 1860.. f • R. E.. Tioittins • s, Trsurer Ame etc? p patch , .Deo?!.lii; take g.t i siei r nr, in being ablie tinit tbritite last ten months I Mire carried a' ivaiciilicio manufactory of the American Watch Company, azfdthattk has gilt!! perfect .gettitdbction aa'a time-keepere,,i.7l4lng from the one I hare, 1.110,n0t hesitate to predict that,tbo. da= . is not'f.ii distant wheat' eratch6 made in the United gnat, will:s • dpetsCrin'Oth JANE ' S Fier; D.D. ' ' • WI . LT":I BLIIYF ' C., October, 20,1850 R. • • • ~; Is • Itoinnrs, • " • Dear'-Sir threcitantchvCof yourMlanunicturewhieg I purnlutse d to betite4oll my plantation, r lince proved !to 1m the moat cortect time-keepers I have ever known. I gave my, head, percent, my bead carneuter.' end niy !lead . etgiueei; CiMh`dao of them: and since they have tieen in theii' rtopelid. ire possession, every thingon the plantation has moved Clock-work, in consequence of the extreme aocaracylasai*- Ylariti with W4tek the#l.ll/4Ph" PC'Fformi 7 t:it • You* truly, • ; Ulm cAlcA oo ..P l s.Marchiq B6o . itilitaim AMC ceilP alttuan, . • ' c 6, -or ti,4 , ivati, nirekutiiiii. .•etir elude, and so accurate amlwqvabio baciustaits lwrfortuvutra that I have thought it' wuptlJlAterrel f. royt, and fill . otat . 7ll)yßilia.rn-Ifitlicytalogy, to IN! a reviled o f its %%Autism. 'lt was finally set to true ,Limn altar It had beta rugaliting resesslun fur three rabitlp. • alirie t s Sete. - : August '" 9 Since. trhicte time; Ibi! avail* Vatlaiioriallas not' impended sLc Asian& 41 • 1.. 408.31A27. WIARD- 1 ivat'cli is 'noir eitenairely couriarfeited '• by Ihi-eigtimanufactitreri, we haVe tainfurni the public that no ntell istoLour pioduction which le ,unnecompaniitaiby„a, aertificiAe.pizeniiinesess, beerMig the number, of the wlweb, by" 1. and Treasurer, E. !Azi int, or by pre ; :eraieSsg,:itigision; T rsoy eeti. " = { As- these watches era for sale by JeweleriliiiiiriaW 4sugbisat the Union, the LAmerican: WAteh :Oompeafiao nuP.)&O49IIP?I, for single N":*cha' tI.N T IF: A N NAPA L:•-RA OF THE t AlloenY County So.cleth P. 0.11 WESTERN :PENNSYLVANIA . ..1.111:0, OHIO, • • • • • . 4th rah 6th ~and 7th of,„Scptember .1860 e ; .,r4Emiums AMOUNT TO NEARII; $4OOO. • 's ' , Fair . Grounds, Ninth ,Ward Pittsburgh. :.• , ; ifErn 11OA1tb OF MANAGERS trouldatinoinvie . that ERA', PREMIUMS Ite.;,e.been offered in allthet , epartmentik•' Abundance of, S';'EA 51. POWER .n9l .be, prwided,for running of Machinery, 'etc.. • , . In addition to thelarge PREMIUMS FOR 'IVIA:CJITNERY'' in the Printed Lilt, thsfollosinF premitinis atn . o dr 47 , 04: geaeil :dee,. (11,i opiiiiigitiYflilver_ add — • •11.4:1 ' -•" . 1. 1 .J. • Second wending L., 20.00 For triselron Tirr'dinebithe,,titt Sogese Gutting Machine.. der:i •• 10.00 •• do . Press. - - • • ;5.00 j' Tion'Planer (it; daitioit:) Silver Media iuki /' I .10:00' do, ,Centering Lathe,.forSlaaftitik (in tinttlonyg.... 2 . 400. ' 4 654 104 variety of Engine, (in nicatio.) atter .. tinui thosn enutnenited , ire Class4l4 ; t -Medal and ••• 499? I . • 'inn" Front,..bne j story high, ROY - op oit the•' I ! it j; •gronod,.Silver.Medal:anC., do Steam Eire Engine, pilreT Medal r.sii abikoinilikesseif • YOUNG?..Jr., careffdly . ibbeltsk , witliTig‘ owntr's name and residence. , • Y. • . . MM t t, ;!•; BEAVER AICAISEMY ) AND SEMI 11ARY. „ • tsql,cif,Augritit: IfOr.wirtlcialara, ad.drees .the Prig_ cipals, , : S. B, ar4itcmit. Pripcipal Academy. • . - rimy: J: A. brOlLL,'Pzioctpal of Seminary.' l . .fte1110?-00', „ • ' •• • ' „ , ..; HE,R • ' !: yws•Priprthyleritil Institution is located at Wallington. 04.. inlay between Wheeling and Zanesville. ,It ;is of easyl it..e“ by thethhitional TIMM and by th e Central Ohio Rai I road: Xilpi,t9wn , .Ontaine is, population of one thousand I oilakt!'. Itsints, and ilaurroundcd by u billy and healthful country. . TIIIB 2tcndetnp Is: furnished 'with' h liandimme bailill braries, Literary Societies, and competent Teachers., Thorough Instruction is combined with paternal goveral • men(tt,ral whelesenicieligloutcitillueneel: • • :... The studfes include a complete glassical course to far °SOL Jutinr"4lifiss Int . the Leif Colleges; and all' Engilidi" branches I nepde4 to fit 'ramie man . for : Buisinees: awl; Teaching.•. . The Summer en' the FIRST MONDAY OF' MAY, and the Whiter, term an the lI.RST,TURSD4Y Teltioa,Reee malt be paid quarterly in advance, at thh lotvlitg tutee per SISIII9II gf 4ye mouths : : • ". 'Tut Rnelsti . ..... „••! Ciaasical . ... ' ' • - .12.00; „ Ladles me adinitted;antrinistructlOit to given tn'aima,;;•?••.:l , •• Mei andan the Piano;andlielotiedn. • • • • 1,.• Boardingln,private thin Wee, with. room! fu9dllt4 !is . 11in . 4 . Book a and stationery withbe.fanda.bled .741.11"delplolalrit.:;oi 661 • pi 1441. . • '. rt , . or • r t Terfurther information,addreft• ' • L - • ~ , -jitigll4r. ' ' ' ' . 1 1)i.J.F.0114WEACANTILE COLtE -.p ;!rf oi v Reif ? • . 1.; oriaea in n 1€340;'.: ilndotorfilitioted by , thi, TennsSill" wtinia walla` PerphtuiPChirtei• 9TER FIVE iIIOUSAND STert&NTS, from , nearliavery." State in iheD Ilion, have hero been educated for bushilianen Axing tbe only College of the kind in the 'Orate,' Sti ti' ..which the young merchant aukaccountent amedutated fat •buelnese•under the daily eup•Crrlidett of as esperfeticed prac ticer merchant. A large pritnithlet , circullii.i containing the testimonials of, over four hundred merchants, bankers, and . Mceoutitan* (graduate's of the College,) with' eiamples of our • ri f , D rpp u r l i yrifing, and an elegant craving building, . 'mailed on receipt of bye letter !tamp, ' Ad'drem • i • ' 'DEPT! PrinctOil, • • • • Pittsburgh, Pa . . air FOR SALE BY BOOKSELLERS.—Barper's enlargei,, edition *of Dufre New Spline' nf , Book-keeOlnk,. py.' 222 ; ) Royal Octavo. Anvil-der] _four Bilyorfnied&S Statculblbs.l 'and esii . OtJoned by the Amerlain .lietitute and Chamber of Conunerca of biew•York; [lathe; beat gyitterii' of account , pub: 11 .11"1 1 14 ; .4 c!.. Morro ,`•.l au g ll4 *, • MEROMINTS7 HO'rEll, • • . • 4%s 'Act , ..1 Lits %Pr t,S e U. aquaitaa a 80k, Proprietor& raireetty = l . ROBJ3INS:&-AEPLRTON;._. 2, • ,; , 1 Avlio!o B ? l (44eilts, . • , No. Is 2 DrivlLday,liew.:Yorls. , : Einem teCoOed at Reed'e-Jeirnlil ti.. 6811 Street. after.A.Agnet 20. ,• .; .., , ,„:„. .....1(„! •• 0 .4 oi Ili: ,-, Tickete r hir, sale antOieinliini Llste...far lift bunoih.at • Reed's Jewett*. Store, NV; 6S Fißli sbiee, atiiiiii Sclisiarte Drag Stpreaedend Street, A11egheny.,.... , ,,. ~. , 1 ,..: . ~, ~. '• HAY li.N 0 STRAW GRATIS roe all' aliiudic'eafiietfof " ir j exlub,4ionlaadArain at lowest Cash prime.' ',Li, :' , 4,.0 K 'All entries meet be made ~n the Judge ' s bon* uor bet) ... 11.1 - 33DAY-IiVESI NG, the' 4th of Septerob‘oi; andiill titie ell' and all, laninulla ntttat be brought- w,l,tiii a' . the tr,lelmga ;by, !. To (kitty noon. ' ' .. . . ,Amiittractive Trognuume for each day. . ; -: .. . . f l'Xijant Nlxltbaud pay Pollee. , . , .: ittllflltSiON h.^ Exhi-ltt-n Tlckete, $1.06 3 ,Flit .Tickeial4 ' 51-00'; - .2.Intle Tlekete, 25c. . Two-00111e Vehiclee, 25 c4 . 5 63 /1 111 ' Horse Vehicles, loc.; Single ; 110pe..10c.: OccuneTtit ! t ic lidera w il l pay the regular rateein addition. 114XLWATAGGOMb.tODATIONS to andtrem the Geendde. For inAnmation, address *S. 301.017191, ,Tr., Req., i .. , . ...- I 'li ... :. •. . ,) • . •. , . ~.1 p ittj ,s urgh, • • ; !.. ItuglS.3t.• •,. i.. or Z. KNOX.; econetapapsling Secreul.r..Y.! J. •,c ~i cAISoi.W? prrTsßnti PEVii:42Vgto Cut : ..." u ..; ItEV. C: TETI. ffiNG, A.10:4 Prespleut,. assisted by a FAA:ill's' OF Er.eves TEACHERS.... ; , 11 . . Superior rulTantages an: afforded for obtaining a•thoronAh. , Academic. and Collegiate educr.tion. Every effort 'will be made trl secuce the happiness and haproyenthtit,of all who mio.'titand.' The Collegiate year begins Auguit 3f sti,secOnd Season, Deceinber:.7th sad. the third,i Mardi 21st. it Tuition , 'varies from SS to SlB pea' Session, according tostudiea. For further information, apply.,to.the.P.resident, or to Professor J. U. KNOW4ES, Pittsburgh, Pa. nugll-,v SICI yrep e .A,l* ..c `" 42*- *sr 'ittr" 1 1X .ae • • t! f ,15 1 • I. 05, Mfigii jptii 411 505 • Save the Pieces! .7•1 . • .. 'efa accidents will happni, Ovum leen-regulated fserrillasa It Ai leery 'desirable to base some cheap end convenient we, ler ai , lug Furniture, Toyrn.creekery, Am • . SPAL.DINV.B , PREPARED GLUE motto ell such emetsioncies, end, on household can afford to bs, . erlthont it. it is always reedy and np to the sticking point. ' There is no longer a necessity 'for limping chairs, splintensd en , . noose, headless dolls, and brokedfrodlcs. It ts Just the as-ticle cone, shell, said other orsialnerital work, so popular with ladle* of refinement and taste. -• • • this nth:nimble prepanttlen Is need told, being chemically held' soluttudandpossesising all the walnable , qv:Wilke of the be. caldn'et-M'aierer'' dine. It may be tureelo . the place of ordins— zincliege, befrutosistly more adhestv'a • - "USEFUL IN EVERY tIOUSSI" N. 11.—A Brissh 56ompwnlee -.eh battle: Priro, 2b cent %kitolesale; DOiwt, No. 30 Platt-st, Nevilfork. Addreee HENRY C. SPALVI7IO4 CO., • Pot wp for Deolain In Ceuta crintainfng four, eight, and twelve ikmon—a bountiful Ltthograpble Bhow.Card accompanying each package. A single bottle of SPALIIIFTITS PREPARVM GLUS• will cave ten timer IL cost aunt:telly to every bonotho4d.49ll/ Bold by all• prominent Stationer, DropNlsts, Hardware e furniture Deniers, Orocera, and Fancy Storm Catguts', nierebente should makes note of 'SPALDINCI'S PIM ?AILED GLUE, when making up their Usk it , will woad oft ari'Whoesale Depot removed from No. 30 Platt Street' NA "In nom AR STRA N.T. Now Irnrk. sir.q.ilv LAI, FUR Gentlemen's Garments, in, s rpat variety ; : embracing in put, a large and well se lected stock of Fancy French and English "'PCASSIIVIERES AND COATINGS, Togetheii. with an fine an assortment of Black and Colored. Monis AND YESTINGS, as the manufactories of Europe eau produce, which are adapted to thowants of gentlemen of taMmovAtonppreciate style and quality in clothing . SAMUEL GRAY & clothing . • .1 N0..1.9 Fifth St, Pttothurgh. itidATicinis, Lb. MIME THE :./I.II . IIE4ICAN.TRACT. WIET Ir, NO. 929 Cheatnat . Mitt Philade pkia, Mors, as suitable for, ladliviattials,..thurchea, families, and Biinday &lode, a lama variety of : STANDARD ' itsxrcIiOtts'.. PUBLICATIONS. ! • iliteiided for Children lied Yogi& hit.,yeltunes,, being handsomely illustrated by Bil• 41111• graving., printed in clear type, and well bound. The assortment embraces over four hundred end . .fltly volumes: . BTOORAPIIICAL, POETICAL,. . DEVOTIONAL, , Orders may b6'sent to jil-ly . SDiITH~ - ENGLISH & CO., NOI 23 Ylorlii 'ilieth - Street Philadelphia, ' Pnblish*the following Valuable Works Farrar's Scietice in Theology. 12mo • ' • ...... Stier's Words of Jesus. 5 vols. Bvo Thuluck on'.7ohn'S Gospel. Bvo Winer's Ontmniar of (ho New Testament Medea- . 8 vo. 3.5 D Fairbalm's Hermeneutics,. Manual. L5O Religious Cases of C.:insolence'. 'l2mo ' ' • 1.00 Ilielps for the Pulpit. ..... 1.25 Gerlach on the Pentateuch. Bvo 2,50 Coles on God's - , Sovereignty. ...... ..... 63 Schmucker'm Popular Theology. Philo 1.00 Luther on Galatians. Small Bvo 125 BengrPa Guollaon.of the- New Testament. C. vols. Bvo. 5.00 licllvaine's.EvideUrim of Christianity.• 12mo SS Litton on the Church of Christ. Bvo 125 niAtir skiqsanteit brr Flaming 'Vocabulary bf Philoaophyl , Edited, with an introduction, ,Annlytical index,, de-, by Charles P. 'Erauth, D.D. '3lmo ' • 3bo Hangstenberg on Ecticehuges, and other Treatifris. 'Svo. 2.00 Pulpit Themeaand Preacher's Asaiatant. By the Author • of Ilelpa for the .Pulpit." C t-pj!pt •Booir.slroß THE SEASON. . . ".31anwis. 'GOULD &'LINCOLN deserve the hearty thanks of the Anterican public for their re-publication of so many works of solid and enduring merit. The. Catalogue of their books comprises nea et few of those whiCh 'The scAolivr, the theolo gian; and the Christian would place in the eery first rank." Roriew,July, 1860. The Year of Grace ; A History of the Revival in Irelandin labo. By nee. Williarn.Qibson, Professor of Christian Rthicsin the Presbyterian College, Beilfinl. 12mo. Cloth. $1.25. (Just published:) • . Of this work, Dr. WATLAND remarks: ".1" liars been de lighted•nititit beiond measure. * *' * The harratlye Is clear, unexaggerated. and rich in everything that can delight a soul thatis Waiting fiir the crinsolation oflsrael.' I know of nothing offlater time; whlch,will. do .so much . to strengthen the faith and encourage the prayers of Christian people throughout the world." . The Christian Life;.. Social" and, Indliidnal. By Peter Rayne, M.A. 12nio. Cloth $1.25. ..WThe bad:, as a whole, is rulndrable the biographical sketches •worthy of a ;place beside those of Carlyle, Ma- Slack imolai, and Stephens."—lion. B. F. Thomas, Oxelopartilikof Anocdotesj of Literature and the Flue Arts. Containing a Choice Selection of Anecdotes of the Variourfoimi of:Literature, 'of the Arts, of Architecture, Music, Poetry, painting. and Sculpture, and of the .most celebrated LiterarY . Chltractirs and Artists, Ac. By liazlitt , With. numerotas,'Xilustrritiens. 725 pp. Detain, Cloth. Sa.oo. The 'Signet Ring ant Other Geins:'' - By Rev. J. De Liefde. 14mo. Cloth. G 3 cents.. .. • • This little volume. Just Published, consists of three parts: I. The Bignet-liing audits Heavenly Motto. 11. The I ober itanlcCittidlise-Journey to Obtain it. • 111. The Shipwrecked Traveller, Th4worli- is ereryWhere spoken of in terms of 1 . 1t 1 e Vi i 7• 46114) ."""F• . Plaits to European Celebrities. By the Rev. William B. Sprague, D.D. 12mo. Cloth.' $l.OO. , series ofgrapbic and'life-like Personal Sketches of many of.the most distiuguished men and women of Europe, por trayed as the author saw them in their own homes. ilfe . James MoiitgOinery. By Mrs. 11. C. 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