Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, September 01, 1860, Image 2

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    Vrtsbpitrian aniter.
iirinrctin Theological Semiaary.—The
next session of the , Prineeban Theological
Seminary will begi won Thursday, the sixth
day of September. Board is furnished'at
two dollars per'week. Rooms are provided
free of expense to the student.
Two numbers after the present, will
complete the eighth volume of the Presby
terian Banner. A prompt renewal of sub
sOriptions is earnestly desired. We wish
also an increase. Will not our friends help
us? We press the more urgently, from a
confidence that the subscriber is amply re
munerated ; and that whoever induces his
neighbor to take the Banner, confers a
Very great benefit upon that neighbor . and
his family.
We cannot promise rewards s and pre
miums. Our terms are too low for that;
but ire trust that ministers and elders, and
all iood 'men, women, and children will aid
us from a principle of love. Sustain THE
The agitations in Syria still continue to
occupy a large share of attention in this
country and Europe, and the interest is
not likely 'to be 'lessened for seine time.
Accordieg to the last report, Jerusalem
itself was threatenedfrow without by three
thousand Bedouin Arabs, and - from within
by the fanatical Moslems. The mission
aries had fled to Jaffa, and unless the Gov
ernor,proves to be more faithful and deter
mined than his colleague at Damascus, Je
rusalem will again be destroyed.
`An arrangement had been made by
which the remaining Protestant ChritAians
would be sent to Beirut; by the English
Consul, under the escort of Druses! The
Druses have become greatly alarmed at the
consequences of their rashness and cruelty,
and are"anxious to do something to redeem
themselves in the sight of Europe. On
this account they have become so friendly
as - to offer a large escort from the moun
tains of Lebanon to Beirut.
Fortunately there were no Ainerican
citizens in Damascus at the time, of the
massacre. Mr. CRAWFORD and family are
some ten hours distant, and occupy a house
jointly with a Mosleth Sheikh; and owing
to this fact he will be safe. For a Moslem
will lose his own life sooner than allow the
guests in his house , to be disturbed. Ow
ing to this'fact, many Christians escaped at
Dainascui, and several Moslems lost their
Hives in defending those Christians who
had sought protection in their houses.
in the meantime the Turkish Govern
ment is beginning to awaken to the dan
gersi it has incurred, and is acting with an
increased degree of vigor toward the sup
pression of these cruelties. If this Gov
ernment was in the hands of Christian na
tions, it might, be powerful and respected
in a war-like point 'of view. 'For although
we are accustomed to view Turkey as in
the article of death, she has an army and
navy quite , formidable.. She has actually
unCler arms a total of one hundred and fifty
thousand; but, 'in two months' time and
with funds this number could be inereitied
to four hundred thousand fighting, men.
The,Ottonatm .Navy consists of six line-of
battle ships ; eight frigates, ten screw cor
vettes, ten gunboats _and sixty brigs, sloops
and other small craft—making a total of
thirty thousand sailors and marines, and
one thousand and eighty guns actually
afloat; besides four ships of the line and
two frigates in course of construction. But
at present no one dreads all this armament
Neither does any of the great powers care
a jot for its assistance.
This f misgoverned country is the scene or
great troubles. All parts of it are in dis
order. The perioil of the reign of " The
False Prophet;" is, we trust, drawing near
to its completion.
We take the following from the .Ye to
York World
—By 'the kindness of a friend, we have
been faVored with the subjoined extract of
a private letter, dated Constantinople, July,
25th, from Rev. Dr, DWIGHT, American
Missionary to Constantinople. No man
has a better opportunity of learning the ex
act truth. After giving an account of the
riot, which agrees entirely with that of our
own correspondent, published on Thursday,
Dr. DWIGHT goes on to say :
"As might be expected, the representa
tives of the foreign Protestant powers at
the Porte are greatly aroused by those dis
graceful scenes. A meeting of five of them
was held last Friday at the British embassy,
and a very strong note was addressed' by
them jointly to the'Porte, making some de
mands which can hardly fail of being com
plied with, and which must make a noise
here. The• Porte haS just now officially in
formed SDEPAN EFFENDI, the head' of the'
native Protestants, that it has come to the
decision to present to this community
ground for separate cemeteries of their
own, in three or four different places around
the capital,
" Much bitterness of feeling is now man
ifested toward us, and toward our native
brethren. We cannot walk the: streets
without being insulted. The general state
of feeling here is any thing but satisfacto
ry. The events that have occurred in Leb
anon and Damascus seem to be kindling up
an inward fire in the hearts of Mussul
mans and Christians of this city. The
outrageous proceedings of the Armenians
at the burying
,ground, so unlike their for
mer character, 'are strongly suspected o f
having had a foreign instigation, and it is
firmly believed that the great object was to
provoke the Turks to fire upon the mob,
when the hue and cry would be raised that
Mussulman fanaticism had shed Christian
(?) blood, and tens of thousands of Chris
bans (1) in this capital, would have' started
'up to revenge- it; which, of course, would
have brought on a general and terrible
civil war in the streets and houses of Con
" In fact, we -see reason enough on all
sides- to apprehend that such a thing may
be brought -on every day. May the Lord
avert it -by his protridence. One thing is
becoming more and more certain, namely,
that the real disturbers .of the peace in
Turkey are the so-called Christians of the
Country. The Marmites of Lebanon first
provoked the Druses, though the conduct
of the latter had been' such as to call forth
the indignation the civilized world.
The Aitrunians were the' sole cause of the
disgraceful scenes here, and so it has been
on ill similar occasions heretofore. Our
comfort and our hope is, , that the Lprd
(tod' .A.lnaighty reigns. He will
enemies; under his fixt.."
In large and wealthy cities, there is
found, probably, the greatest amount of
poverty, vice, and wretchedness, which ex
ist in any situation or arrangementof civ
ilized society. The poor in the country,
laborers at iron -works, operatives in facto
ries, enjoy a paradise, in comparison with a
portion of the poor in cities, like London,
Paris, New-York, and Philadelphia. It is
true that cities have their virtuous poor;
but they have a large class who are de
graded beyond any thing ever witnessed in
country places and smaller towns." Even
the slaves in the South, are in a condition
far preferable to that of thousands of city
poor. who are called freemen—better in
their moral cbaracter, religious condition,
family relations, dwellings, food, raiment
—in everything which makes life desira
ble, or even tolerable.
These thoughts are prompted by the
reading of the August report of the Board
of Health, on Sanitory Reforms, in Phila
delphia. To show their truthfulness, we
shall quote somewhat largely. The Board
visited 'the purlieus of Bedford, BAer,
Spafford, and other streets. They say
Among the worst. forms of tenements visited
were those underground. Dark, deep; damp,
Chilly, filthy and contracted cellars, unlighted
and unventilated, save by the doorways; which,
during the night., and whenever- it rained, were
Bliut down, thus excluding the only-entrance for
light and air, rendering the atmosphere -still
more vitiated and poisonous. Some of these cel
,domicils were unprovided, with any other
floor than the bare, damp earth ;' some were cov
ered with worn-out. dirty matting, saturated
withmoisture ; some with pieces - of .old carpet
ing, While others had board floors, in a state,ef
decay from long-continued dampness. in one of
these cellars' pieces of board were arranged to
keepthe feet of the occupants from the water
which covered the ground. • "
Scarcely the vestige of any furniture was, to. be
Seen ; in many of them not cven a bed or a bun
dle of rags to lie on at night; destitute of every
comfort, and tenanted by the lowest order of de
graded whites - and - blacks,' huddled together pro
miscuously, numbering in each apartment from
four to six permanent inmates,-and some of them
receiving lodgers at two and three cents per
night, in a space-not exceeding ten' by twelve
feet square, and with scarcely breathing room.
Localities that are as productive Of moral debase
ment as they are encouraging to physical deprav
ity, and disgraceful in a civilized community.
From - these cellars issue' forth a nauseous at
mosphere, so loaded with fetid exhalations as al
most to stifle those accustomed to breathe a purer
, In these, hovels,, too, they found a popula
.tion half fed and half clothed, of all ages, sexes,
;and colors, frinir the Want in the arms to a hoary ,
In the same these cellar tenements,
may be classed numerous Closely-packed, above
ground, deplorable shanties, or rather pens.
from five to ten feet Square, located in the rear
of dilapidated buildings, eight or ten of which
occupy a space hardly ample enough for an or
dinary sized kitchen ; without chimneys, with
out ventilation, without light,.without furniture;
destitute of everything that had even the ap
pearance of accommodation to render them de
cent ; and yet they were tenanted by' human
Here is - described a wretchedness of con
dition, the like of which one uninitiated
would suppose could not be found in any
civilized, much less in any Christian com
munity. But it exists in the very metrop
olis of Pennsylvania—in a city noted for
art, science, taste, Comfortable dwellings,
beauty of situation—noted for hospitality,
benevolence, and philanthrppy—noted for
its institutions to refine the degraded, ele
vate the lo'vr, teach the ignorant, gather in
the out-casts, and afford healthful homes
and profitable employment to all, vvhether
denizen or stranger—it exists there, sur
rounded by wealth, splendor, plenty, schools,
churches, every thing which can make life
happy. How is this ? Evidently there is
ple better their condition ? The means is
clearly within their reach. Labor in abun
dance, and at remunerative prices, is in de
mand—just at their 'doors. And they are
not bound to those wretched tenements;
better are to be had in abundance. Nor
are they hound to a city residence. The
ways to the country are open to them, all
around. But they lack energy. They are
defective in taste. 1 Their appetites are low.
They are lazy, ignorant, depraved. The
fault is justly theirs.
But why are they thus ignorant, de
prived, and inert? 'They belong to fallen
humanity—humanity which, left to itself,
tends downward and downward; but which,
under proper influences from without,ls
regenerated, and hence tends upward, and
upward. .And the, agency of those influ
ences is in the hands of their neighbors.
The fault then lies, in some "measure, with
those who have 'knowledge, and can com
mand the means 'of elevating them. They
are susceptible of elevation. They are hu
man beings. Each of them, has a soul
which is a proper subject of moral and in
tellectual progress ; and when they do not
choose to use the means of improvement, a
reasonable, kind,,., and, effective constraint
should be put upon them. They now use
their liberty to the immense injury of so
ciety. Morals are corrupted, property is
made insecure, health is endangered, and
society has a right to protect itself.
It is in a sanitary aspect that the Board
of Health look upon the subject; and
they propose, as a mitigation of the evil,
that the authorities shall close up all the
vile tenements, both .under and above
ground, which are not so lighted and ven
tilated, and otherwise 'arranged, that the
health of the inmates may be safe. , This
would compel the owners to re-build, or re
pair; and it would also disperse the dense
crowds.'A great benefit would result from
this measure.
The'report says on this point:
The. Board are not wanting in the evidence of
the consequences caused by the extensive preva
lence of similar nuisances in other large cities,
nor of the sanitary benefits as the results of their
entire suppression. Liverpool, Birmingham,
Nottingham, London, New-York, and other pla
ces, have suffered to a far greater extent from
the dangerous influences arising .from internal
and underground domiciliary causes, than our
own city; and the details of the deplorable
scenes witnessed and recorded as occurring in
those places, both in a physical and moral aspect,'
are sickening in the, extreme. But in all these
cities sanitary science has been applied, and a
reformation followed it., the effects of which are
evinceffin the lessening 6f their bills of mortal
ity, and the sensible improvement in their once
crowded, filthy and unhealthy districts.
This le eneouraino• The example of
others, where the evils have been worse,
both teaches and prompts to action. But
far more still is needed. There lust be a
moral reform. The Gospel must, somehow,
be made to reach this refuse of humanity.
How ? That is the difficult prOblem. Its
solution is being attempted by philanthra
pigs, -and the indications of success are
such is to. - encourage hope. Charities be
stowed avail but little. The real relief
must be found in incitements prompting
the needy to supply themselves. And to
this nothing is more effective than the
principlef .Christianity. The religion
produced by L theßible,,is an inward' power.
It is a lifo-7ra life ,which develops and
manifests itself in the ' whole of Gospel
morality; in industry and thrift, as really
as in honesty, piety and worihip.
And to the persevering and more abound
ing use of Gospel means, Christians are in
cited, by instances of success ) in many
places. Even in the miserable pnrlieus
above described, the benevolent maY
some 'indications of a' cheering character.
Labors bestowed there, have not been en
tirely lost. We, ourselves, have preached
in one of the precincts, to the assembled
children of " Ragged Schools,"`conducted
ender Christian direetion ; and good seed
sown, is never all lost. Some of it is made
fruitful. Christians are cheered! , by the
fact that all the, dwellers in those abodes of
poverty are not absolutely degraded. The
Board are.enabled thus to speak t.
Before taking leave . of thek scenes of, squalid
wretchedness, it. may be gratifying to allude to
the fact that amid the sanitary evils and abuses
that abound in this district, there was .to be
found thrift, industry and neatness in many of
the domicils of the, laboring poor. The well
whitewashed wall, the clean scrubbed floior, the
neatly arranged but'ancient and Worn-out furni
ture, and the clean and tidy appearance of the
women and children, gaVe an air of cemfort and
happiness to these dilapidated dwellings sugges
live of, the idea that poverty, filth and degrada
tion fire not necessarily concomitants.
Taking these facts all together, the rural
population will see, that they have no suf
ficient rea.son, whether poor-or rich, to,en
vy their city brethren. And Christians
in all places will be stimulated to use the
means which will dispel ignorance and
poverty from the masses.
DR. LEYBURN, of the Pr esbytOian, who
is now travelling in Europe; writes home
some very sprightly add highly.' entertain
ing letters. After crossing the Channel,
from England to France',.he thus notices
the contrast between the "two countries:-
" And • the • country, too, hew unlike
beautiful rural England. It is flat and
tame, With scarcely a tolerable hill to break
the monotony, with only here and there , a
dreary village, and no beautiful 'hawthorn
hedges---not even the relief of a fence-to
separate farms and fields. 'A great part of
the country is covered with, vineyards, but
the vines were cut down to not more than
two or three feet, each tied in'a;not partic
ularly graceful mariner, to its- own partie:
ular stick. Now and then 'we passed . ' a
small field of grain, and occasionally a flar
ing one of scarlet poppies."
But it- is the manner 'of. observing the
Sabbath which, as Christians, we are most,
concerned to notice. Dr. L. says:
"Having reached Paris on Saturday ev
ening, we had, at the outset, the dpportu
nity for seeing a Parisian Sunday, And
how .striking and shocking the Contrast
with what we had just, left in England, or
'what we have been accustomed to in our.
own Sabbath-keeping land. One sees
nothing here to distinguish the Lord's day
from any other dty in the week, unless it
be a greater excess of frivolity. The shops
are open just as usual, workmen are ham
mering away at a new building adjacent,
carts loaded with stone and lime are lum
bering along the street,'and just opposite
us, at one set of 3vindows, tailors are busily
plying their needles whilst at another wo
men are working and knitting fancy wors
ted work.
"The military, of murk, are parading,
and the roll of drums and flash of bayonets
looks almost as if we were in the midst of
one of those revolutions. with which this
gay and wicked capital has so much aboun
ded. Verily, it would seem as if, in, our
short transit across the Channel, we 'had
am happy to say, however, that an Ameri
can friend, familiar with Paris, informs me
that though a stranger may not observe it,
there is a gradual improvement going'on as
to the Sabbath; that here and there a shop
is now closed, and, that the number of these
is increasing; and that in other respects a
change has been manifest within the last
ten or fifteen years. This is certainly
cheering; but there is still a wide field for
improvement. To the stranger, it would
seem that Paris has no Sabbath.
" Having occasion to walk out a short' dis-
Mince from the hotel in. the morning, I saw
a crowd going into one of the Rontish
churches, and being a little ; curious to see
how things were done. by
,Romanists here,
where they have all their own way; I step
ped in for, a few minutes.,. It was -a , fete,. ,
the fete de Dieu, or fete 'of Almighty God s
Having exhansted Am days forth° ;Virgin
Mary, and the long calender of saints, they
finally set apart one day in the year to the ,
honor of that God, whose glory they have
been the rest of the year' giving to 'others.
Just inside the entrance there was a railing.
and gateway, at which a woman 'was sta-'
tioned, who demanded two or three sou
for permission to •enter and occupy one of
the rough chairs with which the floor was'
covered. In addition to the usual retinue
of priests and incense beys, With their bati
smelling censers, there 'lva§ to-day a band of
music in front of the altar, playing airs
which savoured more of the opera than of
a place claiming to be .the house of God.
Conspicuonsin the crowd was a company
of young girls, - dressed in white, arid each
of them wearing a white= veil over the head,.
and flowince t' down the back. The meaning
of all thisl do not" profess' to know. A
very .cursory inspection, I should. think,
would show any intelligent mind that this
idolatrous parade is as, far as possibfufrom
that Gospel one of whose most striking
characteristics is its unpretending, simplic
"From such spectacles as this, and from
the godlessness and gaiety everywhere
around us, it was refreshing toturn our steps
to the . American Chapel, where, with our, fel,
low-countrymen, and in our own tongueove
could unite in a. truly . Christian worship.
On , this, our first Sabbath Paris, the
I Rev. Dr. PRENTICE, ofNew-York, who had
been acting for Borne time as minister of
the American ;Chapel, .was officiating in,his,
closing services, before giving - place to his
successor, the. Rev. Dr. McClintock. The
Chapel is a neat stonebuilding capable of I
seating, perhaps, four hundred. -There
were probably about two hundred. and fifty•
present this morning.. we arriVed
rather before , the, hour of service, I.stepped
into the vestry room,, erom , which I, had
heard the voice of singing, and found, there
a little Sabbath-Sehool, of some ten or a_
dozen children. Earlier in the season, I.
believe, the attendance had been somewhat
larger, and those in charge of ,the sehool
expressed' the hope that during the next
season they would be able very considera
bly to increase the number. Certainly all,
Christian, parents whose lot_may be cast
here, should feel it a privilege to have ;their
children brought under such nurture, in-.
stead of having them exposed to the Su
nday associations into which they will prob
ably otherwise fall, amid such surroundings.
This Chapel, as the reader is probably
aware, was got up, on the union principle.
In order to embrace all evangelical denom
inations, and especially in order to secure
the cooperation. of Episcopalians, there are
both liturgical and, extemporaneous ser
vices. The afternoon is -extemporaneous,.
and in the morning a portion of the liturgy
from, the .American Episcopal Prayer 8,00 k.,
is used. The only alterations which Dr.
Prentice made, so .far, as I eould , notice,.
were the - interpolation of the.: Emperor,
Empress;and. Prince Imperial ,' in, .the
prayer . for ,the .President ,cif the United
. - States, ,and: the Change of, the -.Farr for
the 'bishops and other clergy' -to ' all
ministers of.the Gospel." t the,conclu
sion‘ of the 'A
sera:l64n eitempore prayer
was Offered. The communion was also af.l
ministered on the same morning, some
thirty or forty persons participating. Dr.
Prentiee's discourse was full of the Gospel,
and ,very edifying , : ;and I am sure, from
what.' heard, thdt 'is parted with with
much, regret by..the Christian brethren
here, to whom, he has been ministering.
q„, , "If the spectacle thiS_Morning of a Sun"-
day in Paris was shocking, ' we were, if pos
sible, even More appalled' bY what we wit
nessed in returningfrom,the chapel to our
hotel through the Champs Elysees. The
Champs' Elysees is one of 'the great pleas
ure'resorts Parisians. It consists - of a
broad avenue of a mile or more in length,
with beautiful groUnds on either side.
To-day,it is''alive with as gay and thought
leas a crowd of pleasuk-seekers as we could
well find in all the world: The avenue is
almoit a dense mass of vehicles of every
description, from the sumptuous coach of
the prince del& to the one-horse' cab, or
even to the four-in-hand Oat' or - dog car
riage of the little Children; whilst 'under
the trees anddround the flower 7 gardens are
every species of cheap ,exhibitions - jug' ;
glery, Punch arid Judy', automaton theatres,
and whatever else of like nature could
tract multitude.,,' The. whole , spec
tacle is that of a gay, godless,• gala day;
and to ; eok at them one, would, think that
these 0914 had never. heard that there
was such commandment as z Remember the
Sabbath clay , to• keep itf,holy,'. or, .indeed,
that they had, never se , Mueh,as heard that
there is a quiition Sabbath. Truly the
Church ofLlteme,will lhave ietrible reek-,
ening tomake
,iu regard to these ,French
people,..She murdered the Huguenots who
would, have ; 4aught their , 'countrymen tty
otiery -- Vses "commandments; -and by her
example, precepts ; and traditions, she , has
educated them to set at naught the-institu
tions of ,that .very Christianity , of which
she arrOg,antlyfassuthes to , be chief and sole
custodian?' ,;.f;
The Rev. 'George • one'of the oldeit
members' of the`liMaiingdcni Presbytery,
and pastor forManyyearsof the churches
of Shade Gap andTuseargra i in the bounds.
of which be still le.§ides, now in hia.ciglity
eighth year, islying 'very dangerously
That Gospel which it ;Was his privilecre for
so many years to, preach ,to others, is to
him very precious ; and full of conifort and
eonsolation;'stiffering, as' he now does, un
der severe 'bOdilk ifilintione, and the in
firmities of age.
BOSTON consists of :twelve wards. Ae
cOrdinc , to the" assessment ' of the present
year, the real estate is valued at $163 756 -
700; the personal At $112;483,200. The
number of ,polls is 34;179 . ; and the rate of
taxation' is ninetyhree cents on :one hun
dred deilars.
Or . THE
PHILLIPS affords another =instance of Boaz ,
ton liberality.", Bering life he made fre
quent and large contributions, so that
entire. estate will not,now exceed .$800,000.,
But, of this ,he has ,•made, the following
large. donations'; , , -
To the city of Boston,' te 'procure and
maintain .`a Etiblicaiibrar,y - $20,000
To the city of Boston,.to adorn and cm---
hellish streets and public places
To' Harvard College.— .. ....
Bosion Society 'of" Natural History
Boston ;Marine iSocierY
Massachusetts Medical Societi
Amherst G • atege „, Vito.
Williams College" "6,000
Massachusetts -Eye. and Ear Infirmary... 5,000
Boston Hispensary . 5,000
Farm Sehool ' , moo
• ble Society... - '
Town of PhillipStom Mass.,'for a.Tewrt
Library a fund 0f..::::...
TER Rwv. F. WARBEN,...Of Brom,
field Street :Methodist chureh,-Boston, has•
been invited 4,o!a•Professorship in the 'new
Methodist Missions Institute; in Bremen,
9eimapy, withl the design.' of taking the
Presidaßey in ; a short time. . .
EVdl5l FRIE . ND OF 'Missions will - ba
joked to learn, that the: entire. delit, , Ofthii
American Board' . ef FoTeigni'ldittsieneliit
been provided $2 5 006
and this sum is ,a amount
assumed by contributors . ,in.New-Yori i .we
have-ho doubt that lb •a few:dnystit , will be
removed also. This ore
itable-to all 'We patronior : Pie.l3oard; 'and .
;is • -proof 1 t0....the 'world ihit miisiOn'ary
'operiitions pvill nokbatidlowed to take, any
'retrograde • •
The' CRIME oa
01111ROH 'of v4hich we lately
gaTeScime s Recount have:the following
'seriptitins that will; be matters of curiosity
to many.' .These bells are eight in nwiaher,
and OS a'eviees t and mottos are in' regular
order, on each' bell neeording to its. num.
Tenor,: lat. This 1)ea1 df bight ie•the gift of's
number of 'generous persons to Christ church, in
Vosten, New-England, Anno 1774. •
2d. This church w 8,3 founded in . the year
1728. Timothy Cutter , Doctor of Di vinity, the
first rector. . ;•! ' •
3d. Yetape,Ae firekilpg of beals,casti:for ,the
British Empire
4th God Pieseoe the Church orkMgliasity.
1744: • :"' isvf: • ;-;
bthr William* Shirk - 3y tHiski.j governor La; thi
Mass. Bolin Ns- B. Annii
6th. ,Tlia ; subleTiptiona for thes6
.gun.hi.loka ;Hammock. and Hobert Temple,,
Chtsiiiiiviirdanii, ;bum '1743, completed by:Rob
ert laakiriii , 'John " Gould,' Churishwardeihe,'
Anno 1744.•:: . • .
' 7th. Sinee s generosity has opened 'our.montbs,
our tongues shall ring aloud its-praise. 17,44.
Biii.' AVel I,tudtakll, n f , Gloucester, cast us all.
Ann° 11,48: ' ' ". , " ' .
' . no HOME 017 trEnsTFort, at Marshielk
'nonsisted 'of about one thousand eight . ..bun- -
; Ore& acres, and :Was piiilliased by lli m ' stomp
,twenty-five'..iilhiirty*aiii*6.. This in-'
ohnitfli OcPT9Petty . owned by . Joh n
..Window, the first goverpor i cfltha Plymouth
colony, chosen after the -arrival of the PH
*rims in, this country., f ,"(lppq,, , this, : estate
r:ildr.,li4terjavishedimmetsksoms, and to
: it he i dev.oted great= care.: But at present
- it is and state of great ;deselation. Like
the`vineyard of the sluggard; wit is all
'grown over li i ith thorns, ; nettles have • coy
Bred 'the face ,thereof." Even the old
study—a buibling separate ,from ,the, mad
sloe house:2Ell , We Abe* lhooka; 'chairs,
sofas, and other items, remain as Webster
left them--see 'to ! 'he . totally neglected ,
and twenty-fire,e l demanded of every
visitor . that nnterie theelouse , where-the
great State sm an lived ; a n d 'died. ' This
.. . ,
could be endiiied . if &it' titeney Altus col
lectedmilt,,speroNtlf!uping the .house and
'grouo4lll,clrdar,lont. inch •isinot the. case.
All thiwarians from thelact that the estate
•-p notitioFin't el binds of the Webster
( family"
' The' ' iire', Of *Oster' is.. about
k i
Self a nay dicta t,, in. _ the old burial ground,
;here lie the reniains.uf Goveroor Wiaskow
9 0,000
• 10,000
. 10,000
. 10,000
• tuu
The house„occupied by Governor Winslow,
is still standing, at about the distance of 'a
utile from theiresideficil'of 'hirn' who was
the great, expounder of the Constitution.
It is a two story house, with one of the
noblest beech trees in front,. This town is
also celebraied as the. residence of Peri
grine White, the first English child that,
was American born. The town was the
fifth settled in the order of time, and was
called by the Indians llfissaucatucket; and
at one time, before it. received its present
name, it was called :Researra.
OLD FOLKS are thick. asblackbeiries
, ,
among the rough hills of Old Connecticut.
This the returns of the census demonstrate.
Mr. James Douglass, of Coventry, is in'his
one hundred'and fourth year ; is still clear
sighted ; has liVed with *his ' wife seventy
years, and always voted the Democratic
ticket. Galinda Green, of Chaplin, is one
hundred and five years'old. Widow Thomp
son, of Bristol, is onehundred and one,
_ a
and gets her subsistence by sewing..
Widow Trail, of Bloomfield, was, born one
year,later. But in Mansfield, a cosy village
away from. all routes- of travel, there' are
two himdred people over seventy years of
age; among' a total population of only two
NE,Tir- YORK.,
Some Of 'the: 31i . rOrt.. ITEmS , connected
with a great• city like New-York, are
worthy of notice': Arnow; things of this
sort, the various teamsters, cartmen,porters,
and sniall - dealdis of various kinds consti
tute • a large total. Thbre were last year
licensed in New-York 367 express wagons,
6,288_ public carts, ,1,200 dirt, carts, 328
charcoal carts, 130. street railroad cars
(which does not include those on some of
the: roads,) the latter paying $44 each;
there are 50 licensed: boarding houses
• which
s pay $lO each; 1,741 . cartmen, 328
porters, who pay a licen'se'of sl`'a year, and
50 cents for renewal, while there are nine
chimney-sweepers, paying a license of $3
each, and 772 pedlers who pay a .licen - se of
s6' per armutn. New-York has 55 pawn
brokeis, who pay , a 'license of $5O eaeli•
219 second-hand dealers, at $25 each • 261
junk shops, at $25 each; 664 junk carts
anditoits, $lO each';. 845 hackney coaches,'
$5 each;- 822 hackney coach drivers, $1
each X 1,015 stages, $2O each •: 1,84 2 stage
driVers, only 25 cents each ; and 43 intelli
aence offices at $25 each. • • .
, .
The WEALTH OF )1' Tu. B. ASTOR, son of
the late John JacohAstor is now estimated
at $40,000,000, and is said to 'be increasing
at the rate of $3,000,000' per annum- Mr.
Astor may be seen alnimt . any day on
Broadway, with 'a'hat 'worth about, six shil,
linos and a suit of clothes that would..not
cost any >where more than -twe'uty dollars.
He dives in a splendid mansion,. and occa
sionally gives snperb dinners, 'but in gen
oral he is a man of unostentatious habits
and works harder than his em-
Quite a controversy has . arisen with, re
gard to - the most, approprate place for lc,
eating the.PAINCE WALES,.; during-his
anticipated.. Visit. Several private resi-
- .
denees have been 'offered; such that of
Miyor Wood, MoBes 4rinneß, Rev. Gor
ham B. Abbott of the Spiqg
and it is said also that of,Tam
Benne , o ie era
entertain the Prince has given rise to in
numerable squibs, in many of the newspa
pers, not at all complimentary to those who
have been so . eager tor extend, their liospi
talities to the royal visitor. But it is now
supposed that, part of, the 'Prince's
will be .quartered at the Everett ilc4ie,
whilst the new hotel, near the Fifth Ave:
nue flotel, will be taken for:the Prince and
the remainder.
have Issued their September,
Catalogne.;,,.iThe invoices .are - -enormopsly
heavy,• the. listoceliPying five buidred' and.
twenty four l arge octavo pages The sale
will' be g in s::Cm theidaY;
, .•. , •
continuo dailY in, he order, of the.catalogue.
; The largest initoice is that ofFDerbpiad
Jackson .;•-•-next -largest is44o of Ord
Appletoni! liOnses areiefieiteeted
:by - Little :13rowni. -friakaor
Th ayer & ltldridge; "efosiiii& Nieliols, and
.1;4'01Vil Teggard;
H. Roley . Co., and, opens.
Three: or four. Engli'gh invoices olso ;appear
the catalogue. ' r. '
111 R. Ofitracs, the successor ;of
Beach, in the Sun, has.conle outsinian,ible
article, in 'Alai' hO'lakea high gonad-in
;favor of `the
and'pledges the e.10.# spppcort,:of tils pa
. both. The conrse the leading
'newspapers of this- city, with this-exception
of the Herald, in regard' to the Sabbath
and' le 'institutions of religion, is 'highly
commendable ; ant? B);Ows . that Qhriptisuity
is xo,akingitself felt...throughout the ei t itire
structure of society:
Breati2Sheld644; Co. will "on
.of,Octubei, issue.. ihe first ivolumee,Deun
Milinutes great work,,LaTIN OIIRSTIANI,
TT.:' consist . ..d; eight volumes,
OnaVotting to be issue d' eVery*•mobth until
the wbidi - is compliied. • *it - will be "a re*-
print' of the 1 ast,London , edition sgrpassing
it in convenience, of forn2,4qualling. it in
typography, and' at ;about ..lutlf ithe. price.
The stereotyping aiid'irintini will be done,
~by H. 0. Houghto4Co.,at Ap
. Riverside
;Pres., Cambridge, whose worlt.lja, too well
known to need commendation.: !EMI
ume :will be a . beautiful erownl octavo of
about . six hundred pages. , Thiarbblik is
really a'hifitory'Of ifiediaavidkinrepe, from
the point of view of t!LeChristiatt,phnrch,
'and takes rank with _Hallam's. "Middle
Ages," and Gibbon's Decline and -Tull of
the Milan Empirb," while it is Only infe
rior to 11.44iiiiiiip , rti:',/,ilistory of '.England "
i n briAiaoy.Of . style.
THE'CATROLIOS of the diocese of New=
York, under ` the lead of Archbishop
Hughes, have raised $53,331.04 in aid of
the Pope, and . tho money has been already.
transmitted .to • a His ,•Holiness.. This
large Rum hay been mostly collected through
the Church ontiiniititionii and the contri
bations egg eolltinue2 'ls it not about time,
for the ..krehhilhep..,to propose something
in behalf of. liio faithful Maronite brethren
in Syriti? ' .
. .
Dr. CHEEER: is 13m:ring qtt.ite • an ovntiani
, V • •
in England. , He ev . cpli.,ex.m.da, bje,..;wma l,
• ; .
style of, eloquence denonneinttliViiisti4l
• andjaninistlinVof
tat e,
,country. He 'speaks as if he alone
was-`the only righteous one with which
this entire land is.blessed. Dr. Cheever has
never forgiven the people of t'*is country
for leaving him to preach to . 9mpty pews,
for the most part.
Cututpx, has lost • another of the .able
bench of elder,s with which it has been so
longndorned. Within two years the hand
of death has pressed heavily, on -these
elders. 'Benjamin F. Butler, Anson G.
PhelpS, Wm. 'G. Bull, and now,
Mason, have all gone to their reward.
Judge Mason who died, last week was enii
nent as a civilian, as a private Christian,
as a ruling elder; as antiattendant upon the
meeting4'for,prayer, and as a teacher in the
Sabbath School. He was a , son of the Rev.
Dr John. M. Xnson of blessed memory.
'dared the streets of this city post -routes,
and"' has instituted proceedings against
"Blood's Dispatch" for alleged. . violations.
of the United States postal law;-in deliver
ing-letters and newspapers. Brit ":Blood's
Dispatch" continues to discharge its dn
ties as heretofore, and ; will do 'so at least
,torbidden by the Supreme Court of
the United States. This " Dispatch" , has
beetr a great convenience, and -we doubt
very much if the Poste Office by any
arrangement will do the Work equally, as
The IitSH.FOR SITUATIONS' ill this city
is wonderful, and should lead any' who may
be thinking of leavini
,comfortable places
in thecountry fOr the risks of the city, to
reflection the matter /seriously before it is
WO' late. Here is " a case in point:"
A mercantile house in Front Street .advertmed
fora " young a counting house." Though
the salary offered was bit one hundred dollars a
year, during the three dayi in which their ad
vertisement Was in- the paper, they received no
less than .four hundred and twelve applications,
for the situation, of whom a large majority were
pinned by , actual iMsidents of the city, languish-,
ing toi want of, employment.
issued, in neat pamphlet form, an essay by
,Newton Brown, D.D., on ” The Death
Threatened to Adam." The object is to
show the kind of death originally threat
ened against sin.
,O.nd in the discussion
of this - he does not leave" a single. inch of
ground •for the-:: An - nailationists to stand
The funeral of the REV. THOMAS IL
BEVERIDGE, whose death was announced in
our last, was largely attended. The sermon
was preached by the Rev. Joseph
, T.
Copper, D.D., to a weeping, audience.
Rev. T. G. Scow's Post Office address is
changed from Mt. Jackson, Lawrence
County, Pa., to Meclianistown, Carroll
County, Ohio.
Rev. IL B. CAMPBELL'S Post Office address,
is changed from. Camden, Miss.,:to - Can
ton, Miss.
Rdv. EZEKIEL FORMAN has beeri.called : to
become pastor of the church in Glasgow,
,Ky.-;*and though lie has not yet accepted
will coinmence labor there iiimediately.
His Post'Office address is changed from
`Danville to. Glasgow. * '
RCN:. H. M.- SCUDDER, of Elizaville, Ky.,
,has declined the call of the Fifth church.
fe* charge, at least for some time
Rev.-J. H. CALVIN has beep electecrPro
' fessor of the Greek Language and Liter
atute in Oakland . College; Miss and
Rev. 'l. PRreE, Professor of Belles 'Let
, fres and History.
Rev. ANDREW; KOLB's Post Office address
is 'Clia.tvied - from Galena 11l to Scales
Mound, Jo Daviess County, 111.
Rev: H. T. MORTON'S Past- Office. addreis
is changed from .Newton, 111., to Prince
ton, Ind; ::=
Rev. C. N. CAMPBELL has removed, to
peach . Qrchard, Lawrence Couttty,.'Xy.,„
and .taken• charge of• a missionary enter
prise, there. . • • '
Rev. LEWIS GANO has been deposed from
; the 'ministry by , the 'Presbytery ot TroY?
-The Presbytery express doubts as: folds
'entire sanity: lii any 'case they re
gand him as 'disqualified for the work of
'the - Gospehninistry. • ' '
Rey. GE6. G. HECKMAN: was installe4.pas,
tor of the church of Janesville ,, Wis'
on Thursday evening, August Second, by
the resbytery of Milwaukee.
Rev. <W. T. McADAm!s Post. Office address
is changed from Sharon, Pa., to,Maredr,'
Net. the'Bresbytei ian Banner:
Extracts from the Minutes of the Presbytery
of Monmottth:
The Committe to which was referred,
the overture respecting Ministerial Support,'
sent toAhe Prebyteries by the Synod of New
,Jersey, present the following report,which
was adopted
Resolved That the united efdcers of
each congreaation be requested to nieet
the. ,call, of the : Session of the church, to in
quire into, the state of the pastoral support
in their congregation; and if, upom in shalt be ~ f ound to be. inadequate
to ibe•cdrnfortable. maintenance of the pas
tor and , hity , famiiy, that they take immedi
ate to secure the same.
Resolved, That in order, to. provide more
adequately, for the support' of the various
pastors, and, as a matter of moral obligation
uPoil the part of those subscribing, or in
any way, becoming obligated with regard to
the; pastor's support, we request tho officers
- to endeavor more faithfully to secure any
and all,rnoneys pledged, for thatpurpose;
and, as being la the view : of the ,Presbytery
a matter' of important — Christian duty,,
efforts be, made by the officers of the
Church. to = obtain from- each, member, the
annual; payment of such• amount of salaiy
as may be proportiopate,tollis ability- •
/?eso/ved, That a Written,.report of the
action of the officers be the Pres
bytery,at its next stated meeting in, Sep
tember. ,
Ordered, That au attested copy of the
above resolutions be sent Ity the Stated
Clerk to each pastetand statedsupply, and
that they, be required to be , read ,to the
American Tract Society—Pennsa Brant
The quarterly, report of 11. N. Thissell,
the. Superintendent of this Branch embod
ies the details of, the personal labors,saleS,
'and grants of ninety-one cOlporteurs on
this I, field showinc , that in the .quirfei
ending' . June first, including sales - at the
depositary, they circulated over $11,400
'wortli'Of publications, addressed- hun
dred' and seventy-seven public meeting,s,
Made forty-two thousand two hundred and
forty , :one family visite, united in prayer. or
held "'religious conversation with twenty
seven thousand three hunched and Sixteen
of those fimilies; five thousand - nine
dred and twenty four of which, - embracing
:nearly - thirty 'tin`yasand sula habitnally
Tor the Presbyterian Banner.
neglect the house of God on the Sabbath
and t4ro . thousand, three hundred and niuc.
teen cifr them`-had no Bible.
Onc colporteur, who has labored fourteen
years,liad visited nearly, every family i n
Blair and iluntingdon Counties, and m any
of them repeatedly; and in this time had
furnished them by sale with< one hundred
and twelve thousand volumes, or 814,000
worth, and distributed — gatuitonsly seven
million pages. His ,circedation had annu
ally increased, and the last . quarter it ex
ceeded any quarter since he began his
Another, who had visited three hundred
and., eighty-four families,,, and conversed
and prayed with two hundred, and .ninet
six of them during the quarter, relates au
account of 'the - conversicri of an intelligen t
geritlernan by the blessing of God on the
readineof the 21.nieriecen Messenger.
Another, describing the destitution of
his field, says religious books would never
go into some parti'of it unless carried by
the colporteur. Persons had shown him
tracts and books which. he sold them three
or four years ago, which had been the
means of- their conversion. Some had
been active in promoting-Sabbath Schools.
Seven colporteurs, during their connex
ion. with the Society, report the organiza
tion of one hundred and twenty-five schools.
Man3rlither cheering facts might be enu
merated, if our limits would permit.
During the quonths of 'May, June, and
July Jthe Committee have commissioned
one hundred and twenty colporteurs, inclu
ding 'seventy-four'- students, to prosecute
this work in.tiventy-three States.
Will not all who appreciate the Gospel
as`the means of salvation give this work
their prayers and efficient cooperation ?
Retlr.• ilaililili.—Letters from Constan
tittople,•received-nt Bethel, Me., states that
the Rev. Dr.' -Hamlin, the esteemed and
highly honored missionary, will shortly re
visit his native'country. He was to leave
Constantinople July 14th. He is a brother
of the Republican candidate for Vice-Pres
Donation to a Cathedral.—lt is currently
reported that Mr. Benjamin Lee Guinness,
head of the great . firm of Guinness .& Co.,
and father, of the Rev. Mr. Guinness, has
undertaken to provide the necessary fund,
about $90,000, for the complete restoration
of the ancient cathedral and collegiate
church of St. Patrick, Dublin, Ireland.—
SaunVir's Hews _Letter.
Beath of Adither Venerable Minister.—The
Rev. Charles—A. Boardman died, .at the
resiaenee of his son-in-law, Mr. S. B. Me-
Ewen, in Monroe,Visconsin, on the 24th
ult., agen seventy-one years.. He was for
merly pastor-of the church in Youngstown,
0., and a memberuf Trumbull Presbytery.
"His death was peaCeful, happy, and glo-'
ACumberlpf Presbyterian
The . Rev': .Tames CI Armstrong, of Tennes
see, sailed a few days since fors Turkey, as
the first Pnreign Missinnary *sent out by
the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.
Hitherto' the missionary efforts of this
flourishing' branch of the Church have
been confined to the home field; now one
of their 'number will be hailed as a co-labo
rer, by the band of faithful .brethren from
other Churelles, who are endeavoring to
diffuse:tlie krioirlcdge of Christ among the
une.httgelized in the dark places of the
'earth'. •
The Rey. P..:llxonte, pwing ,to age and in
firmity, has.been compelled to give up his
activc,ministerial ditties. He preached his
last sermon in Hayworth church, :pri the
21st of July last. The :Rev. Mr. Nichol',
husband of Charlotfe Bronte, (Currer Bell,)
will, it is sad, become the incumbent of
bon, the son and assistant , of his father, in
the publication' of :the' celebratedriworks on
Ornithology, which_ have distinguished his
name, died orr the' rithr inst., at his resi
dence. Audubon kirk, Ftirt , Washington,
The late Joiept:tal ei, Trl '
of the National:
his memory h nno ied a er __t'nunient, to
, in to have
be erected r
zthe residents
of that.e it Y) and Of Ale g c 1
y ,
xandrO and George
The , family__of -Rev. Josiah W. Brown, of
Manchester, Vt.,. hasl experienced a most
sad audit crushing .tscirrow. Five interest
ing 'and; lovely.children as ever graced a
household; and all they hail, -have fallen
victims, to -that -new , and -terrible scourge
(diptheria) that :is raging in many 'locali
ties, and all within.the short space of thir
ty-two 'days. P • s •
GOT. Wilda, United, States minister to
Ilerlin,'"gave an entertainment on the even
ing of the 4th of july to about fifty Amer
icans, including tne Hon. Robert C: Win
throP of 'Boston, James Knox of Illinois,
and 'representatives' of almost every State
in the Union. A number of speeches were
delivered,- 'amongst which those
_of Mr.
Winthiiip and of Governor Wright him-
Self excitedthe most raptirais applause.
" OCCASIONAL. .of the _Philadelphia
Press, speakino. of,
,the proposed wish of
the Prince. of , r kirales to Wtishinoton City,
You people in Pennsylvania, ought to
insist upon the. Prince making a tour from
PitOpurgh to Ilarrisbmi-g - ,, and so to Balti
-more. If he is carried. from. Cincinnati to
Baltimore, he will have, rip opportunity to
see the Alleghenies and. • our unequalled
Pennsylvania Central, muquestionably the
most stupendous and poifect railroad work
in the world. The Baltinaorenns are on the
gni vine, and intend to secure ,the cortege
for their 13altimore and Ohio road if they
can. John_Edgar: Thompson ' of the Penn
sYlt;ania„ Central, is a great friend .of the
President; the latter,being largely interest
ed in the pennsylyinia...Ccutral, and he
ouglit, at once (if he has not Already done Si)
address Mi. Buchanan: at Bedford that he
may, suggest to the gentlemen having
charge‘of the Prince to take the Pennsyl
vania Central as .the proper ; route to Wash
THE London Builder gives the follow
ing, rule for 'transferring- engravings to
whit paper Place the,e,ngravings for a
few seconds over the vapor of iodine. Dip
a slip of' white Paper in a weak solution of
starch; and, when dry, in a'-weak solution
of oil of vitriol. -,When , . _ - dry, lay a slip
upon the engraving, and place them for a
few, minutes' mider.the-piess. The engrav
ing will , thns base-produced in all its deli
cacy, and. -finish. The'iodine has, the prop
erty , of fixing the black parts of the ink
.upon , the•engraving, and-not on the white."
This important discovery is yet in its in
fancy. r
VOLCANO IN ToF.LAim.—There has been
a volcanic -eruption at Kotlugia, Iceland.
The voicamihas been at peace for thirty
nine years, but bas recently been in full
swilM. The' eruption ban with an im
mens'e'' Casting` out of water (Iceland, it
will remembered, is the country of the
gez+ri 'Or''hot springs .° and' this water
deluged ilarge district of enuntry,and de
stroYed' several farms. To'tbis succeeded a
shower' of ashes, accompanied by subterra
neati''thinder; vast volUmes of smoke, vis:
Ible # ar t . a distance of `twenty-two miles, not
*Wain:ding the inter p osition of a blab
mountain-range •• and large fire-balls, pre.
Sentin. a spectacln' of great sublimity and
" Theernption lasted three weeks