Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, September 01, 1860, Image 1

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    116(INNITY ...............3:A -SONam
Editors and Propriotors.
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IMO PENCIL MAUK oil the paper, aigni
term is nearly ant and rind wo desire a renewal. i<< ,
Itenewala *out.' be prompt, a little before tba4cl"l„,pires
Bend payments by eafe bandit, or by maiL •
Direct all letters to DAVID M'ILINNET 804004
...P4Pl.ll;ilggh, pa.
Croinecr, liatiffiCT,faud-Ridley.c
A brief biographical',
, 11 14 . hese
worthy c hampions of the truth; as it is in
J esu s, and who sealetlAbdir ,testimony
with their blood, eantilA•butlpe interesting
to the Christian reacier. 'We reprint, from
the Ellecto:c IVlgcf#7 l, o; for 'September :
THOMAS CRA.l9CM,Airchbishop of Can
terbury, was bein at Aslacton, Notting
hanipshire, July, second, 1489. He entered
jcsus College in. ) .1603, became, a fellow in.
1510-11 1 and e a,Cloctor of Divinity in 1523.
His opiniOns: ep,the first marriage of Hen
ry V 111, „with his brother's,: widow; intro
dueed,shint, to the King. The favorite's
multifarious efforts were in .vain to procure
a divorce from the papal authorities, but
as a reward for his services, ; though -he,had
been twice married, he, was xaised,by. royal
furor to the see of Canterbury. , On the
twenty-third of May, 1548, the Archbish
op declared the King's marriage'to, be null
and void, and five days, afterwards he mar
ried Henry to Anna; Boleyn. ,Cranmer
now became occupied with more merito
rious work, the translation of the Bible,.
and the great' work of the English refor-
No sooner was Edward dead than Lady
Jane Grey was proelaimed,(Queen ; and a
letter was, sent to—the. Princess Mary de-
Caring Queen Jane to be the sovereign.
This letter wag signed by' many of the
principal persons in,the State, and, , aroong
others by °roamer. .His zeal for the. Prot
ostant cause must have blinded him to the
danger of an enterprise directly contrary
to the resolution he had formed upon• first
hearing of the project. On the ninth of
July, 1553, the chief officers of the State.
•wore allegiance to Jane; on the twen
tieth we find many of those who had been
zealous in her cause, "impatient to main
their submissions to Mary." On the same
flay an order was sent by Mary to North
umberland to disarm, which paper, strange.
10 say, was signed by Cranmer. The hopes
~t* the Protestants were now at an end;
Queen Mary's unshaken attachment to•the
Roman Catholic creed was universally
known; Gardiner was released and made
Chancellor, and power of .appointing
preachers granted to him instead of to the
primate : a commission was also given -to
the Bishops of London, Winchester, Chi
chester, and Durham, to degrade and im
prison Protestant• prelates and ministers
on the charge of treason, heresy, and mat
Cramer's friends recommended his
immediate flight; but in consideration of
the high office that he held, he rejected
their advice. In the beginning of August
he was summoned before the Council, and
ordered to confine himself to his palace :
on the twenty-seventh he was again brought
before the same tribunal; and iu September,
together with Latimer and Ridley, was
committed to the tower. During his con
finement to the palace, in refutation of
some reports that the primate would come
over to the Roman Catholics, he wrote a
declaration against the mass. This was
not published, but by some means,
ing which there is a difference of opinien,
copies were obtained of it which reached
the council, and were only read in Cheap
side. In the Star-Chamber, Cranmer
avowed the writing, and it was his inten
tion of - affixing it to every church door in
London. The Council committed him not
only for treason against the succession of
the Queen, but for perseverance in " disqui
pose the committa.
inMarch, 1554, Cranmer was removed,
in company with his 'fellow-prisoners,
Bishops Latimer and Ridley, to the'prison
of Bocardo at Oxford, where was renewed
the controversy respecting the Lord's Sup
per, which, by the Queen's desire, was
named the subject for discussion.
On the thirteenth of April, the persons
sent by the convocation to dispute appeared
in the University, and Creamer, who was
first called before them ' after examining
the questions set before him, entered into
argument upon them. After him reasoned
Latimer and Ridley, amidst much shouting,
hissing, confusion, and insult. On the
nineteenth the discussion was revived :
and on the twenty-eighth they were again
breught. to St. Mary's, where it was de
clared, that unless .they. would turn, they
were obstinate heretics, and no longer
members of the Church. Cramer then
replied, " From this your judgment and
sentence I appeal to the just judgment of
the Almighty, trusting to be present with
him in•heavert, for whose presence in the
altar I am thus condemned ;" and having
thus spoken he was removed again to his
He had some days, before sent a petition
to the Council and the Queen, prayingpar
don for his offenses toward her, brit the
bearer to whom he hiLd intrusted the pa
pers broke them open, and itis not known
that they reached their destination. How
ever this may be, the Council decreed that
the charge of treason should be withdrawn,
and the pioemlings for heresy followed up,
that the pains of fire, and not the ax,
might be the manner of his death.
It was now discovered that the tribunal .
before which Crammer had been tried was
not competent to decide the case, and that
the sentence Was illegal The Pope there
fore issued a fresh' commission, and on the
twelfth of September, 1555, the primate
waS again examined by Biokes, the Bishop
of Grloucester, and two 'civilians, Martin
and Story. After some discussion, sixteen
articles of accusation were produced, touch
ing'.which eight witnesses were examined,
Lind 'then the case closed. It is remarkable
that,' previous to these proceedings, Oran
rner was summoned to appear within eighty
days before the Pope at Rome: this must
have been'a mere fiction of papal laisr, not
intended. for him to obey, as indeed it was
impossible for any person to do. Not long af
ter Cramer wee sent back to prison, he heard
of the execution of Ridley and Latimer,
and after a few more weeks had passed, he
received from. Cardinal Pole an answer' to
two letters that be had written. to the
Queen during the interval between .the last
proceedings at Oxford and the .day, that
these bishops were brought to the , stake.
It appears from these letters that the pri
mate's adherence to Protestant principles
was still unshaken. On the twenty-ninth
of November the eighty days had elapsed,
and on the fourth of December he was ex
communicated, and deprived of his bishop
ric. A letter from the. Pope, (Paul 1V.,)
bearing date the fourteenth of November,
affirming him to be contumacious because
" he took no care to appear" at Rome when
cited, and deciding him guilty of heresy
and other enormities, f finally commanded
his execution. 'Oh ;the fourteenth of Feb
ruary, in obedienee to this mandate, Oran
mer was degraded. It was within a few
clays after this that the fortitude of a mind
which had hitherto ‘beep firm , gave way
under the pressure of misnry and the close
prospect of a torturing death. The love
of life overcame his firmh,ess; ,he forsook
his principles, and wrote a recantation of
his faith. By whose exertions his resolu
tion was shaken we; cannot _ Micestain ; but
this unwerthy sacrifice of opknion,served
only to render his enemies trkiintpllant ;
whatever had been their promtl oc .the re
cantation was of no ~ a vail tower liie pre,s-
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VOL. VIII ; NO; , 0.
ervation of his life. On, the twentieth. of
March, the eve of 'his execution, 'he . Was
visited by Dr. Cole, - the provost of Eton
College, who hald :been ordered by Abe
Queen to attend him. After Cole had left
him, Gamine entered -the prison, and re
(pleated him tolranscribe a recantation, to
be delivered by him at the stake, which
the ,•PrisOner. consented 'to do. On the
following • day he was led to St. Mary's'
church, where, after an exhortation had
been read by Dr. Cole, and Crammer had
.finished his private devotions, he solemnly
addressed the peOple, openly profeesing
his faith, and at length declaring : "Now
I come ,to the great thing that troubled)
my conscience more than any other thing
that I ever said or did in my .life:; and
,that is , the setting abroad .of writing seen
trary to the truth which I thought in my
heart, and writ for fear of death, and to
save my =life, if it might be ; and that is
all.such bills which I have written or sign
with . mine own hand since, my degra
dation, wherein I have written many
things untrue. And fOrasmuch as my
hand offended in 'writings contrary, to my
heart, therefore my hand shall first be Pun
jailed. For if I may .come to the fire, it
shall be first burned. And as for the
Fepe, I refuse him as Christ's enemy,, and
antichrist, "with all his false doctrine."
The whole assembly was astonished at' this
speech; they had, supposed that tie would
have confirmed and.not retracted ,his re
cantation. He was then hurried away to
the' stake, where' he stood metionless, hold
ing up his right hand, and' exclaiming,.
until his utterance was stifled : " This
unworthy hand I Lord Jesus, receive my
spirit !"
Huctn LATIMER, one of the early Eng
lish reformers, was born at Thurcaston,
near Mount Sorrel, in Leicestershire,
about, 1472. After taking his degree at
Cambridge, ite entered into holy_ orders,
and was quite a zealot on behalf of Popery..
The influence of Thomas Bilney induced
him to Bean the subject more thoroughly,
and to study the Bible. His eyes'aware
gradually - opened, and at the age of fifty-.
three he renounced Romanism. His bold.
opinions against many Romish errors soon
made`him notorious in his own university
and'elsewhere. He even ventured to re-'
monstrate with Henry VIII. on the sin
and .danger of prollibiting the Bible in
English. Through the patronage of
Thomas Cromwell he was appointed to, a
living in West-Kington, Wiltshire, where
he preached with great earnestness and fer
vor the evangelical truth; of the Reforma- ,
tion; .and he first became 'chaplain to Anne
Boleyn and then Bishop of Worcester in
1535. 'When the act of the six articles
was passed, he - dissented, and proved his
sincerity by resigning his bishopric. For
his disinterestedness and, firmness he was
committed to the Tower, where 'he lay a
prisoner'for Isix years; and though the ac
cession of 'Edward led his liberation,
he would on no account resume the gov
ernment of his See. No sooner had Mary
ascended. the throne, than Latimer, as
might be anticipated, became a marked
object of Papal vengeance, He refused to
fly from the royal citation, conscious that
his hour was come. After a manly-vindi
cation of his opinions, he was, along with.
Ridley, condemned to the flames. On
the day of his martyrdom at Oxford,
sixteenth of, Oa - ober, 1555, 'he ap
peared in n — ahrond, was, with , his fellow
sufferefs, bound by an iron chain to the
• . - • • '
fastened-round his body. The.fagots .were
kindled., and Latimer, turning to Ridley,
cried with,prophetic vpice : "Be of .good
comfort, Master Ridley, and play the man.
We shall this day light l such a candle, by
God's grace, in England,. as, I, trust,
shall never be put out."Latimer's sermons,
which were collected and published, at
London, 1825, in two octavos, are `'distin
guished by quaint and homely sense, and
pointed and vigorous admonition, the
offspring of playful temper, a happy dispo
sition, and a sincere and noble heart.
NioHOLAWRIDLEY was-born in the coun
ty of Northumberland, near' the beginning
of - the sixteenth century. 'He' was educa
ted first at Newcastle, and afterwards at
Pembroke,, College, Cambridge. , He re-'
ceived further, instruction in France, and
having gained some reputation for learn
ing, returned to Cambridge , took orders,
and became master of his college. - His
knowledge and power of preaching having
attracted the attention of Cranmer, he
was presented with clerical preferment,
becarde one of the king'S 'chaplains, and in
1547 was nominated Bishop of Rochester.
His denunciations frOm the 'Pulpit of the'
use of images and of .holy water soon.
showed , him the strenuous supporter of
Protestant doctrines, and. his abilities caused
'him to be associated with,the principal re
formers both in their chief undertakings
and discussions. He frequently .disputed
on transubstantiation and ; other doctrines;
andlie sat as a member o f the commission
appointed to examine into charges brought
against Bonner, Bishop , of 'London. The'
commission deprived Bonner of his digni
ties, and after some time had elapsed, Rid
ley was appointed his successor in the See
'of London. Soon after his appointment,
he commenced a visitation of his diocese,
actively endeavoring to' diffuse Protestant
doctrines, for the better understanding of
which he assisted Cranmer in framing for
ty-one articles; which were subsequently
promulgated. - He was nominated Bishop
of-Durham, but his'appointment'was' never
completed. Three instances are mihtioned
in which: he attempted great' ends by the,
force and power of his preaching ; he aimed
- at the• conversion of the Princess Mary,
went to her residence at Honsdon, and re
quested permission to preach before her.
This permission she peremptorily refused,
and so offended Ridley, who afterwards
showed considerable generosity and a ready
sense of forgiveness, -by interceding with
Edward VI. on Mary's behalf that she
should be allowed the free exercise of her
, Secondly, he endeavored through
his preaching' to direct 'the young king's
mind to works of charity, describing three
sorts of poor—such as were so by infirmity,
accident, or •by idleness. Edward,'
deeply impressed by this sermon, ordered
Grey Friars' Church, with its revenues,' to
be `a"house for orphans; St. Bartholomew's,
near Smithfield, to be an hospital; and
gave his,Own house of Bridewell to be a
place of correction and work for such as
were wilfully idle. (Burnet.) •Thirdly,
at the instigation of the supporters of
Lady Jane Grey, •whose case he espoused,
he set forth her,title . a sermon at St,
Paul's,"warnini 'the, peoPle of the dangers
they would be in; and 'the• ruin that would
befall the Protostent'cause, if 'the Princess
Mary should come' to the throne.
On Mary's accession Ridley was imme
diately imprisoned. Her detestation of
his ,opinions was aggravated both by the
services he had rendered to the Protestant
cause, and his opposition her accession.
She committed him, to the Tower in. July,
1554,. and did not, suffer to be removed
until.pomplaints were made ,that the most
learned Protestants, were restrained ,from
attendmg the, discussionk maintained. ,by
the Catholics and the Re'formers differ
gut: ;digAtgd iloiPts. :JP-. Agra, 1 3-04,,
PITTSBURG},[, :S,ATURDAY'.::,SEP.T.F4MBFR.'..I-,,,L1560,
convocation was appointed at Oxford, at
which the doctrine of the real presenee
was to be discussed; and since Cranmer,
Ridley, and Latimer were "esteemed the
most learned men of their , persuasion,' the
Queen ; granted a warrant for removingthem
from the Tower to the, prisons at Oxford.
Each disputed in his turn amidst great
disorder, shoutings, tauntings, and re
proaches; all were considered to he defeat
ed and all were, adjudged obstinate heretics.
Ridley never again left „Oxford. He was
te-conducted to ° Prison, and after resisting
many efforts to induce him to recant; was
Jed with , Latimer to the' stake on the 16th
.of -October,lsss. The place of "his exe
-cation was in, front of Ballot' College.
9-unpowder was hung to his neck, but it
- was long before the flames penetrated the
'mass of fuel;' and expl6sion did riot termi
nate his miser .ble sufferings until his ex
tremities we: consumed: he bore his tor
tures with undaunted courage. - Rurnet
says, that Aor his piety, learning, and solid
judgment, he was the of all that
advanced the Reformation.
'Rev. Mr. Graham, (not Dr. Graham, now
Id Bonn, on the Rhine,) has perished in tie
massacre of Christians at Damascus. The
Druses came down. upon the place; they
proposed to ;the celebrated African Arab
Abdel-El-Kadd, that all the Chris
tians should be pnt to the sword. He
refused to sanction it. But the Turkish
Governor was inert ~and his men were
fanatical and thirsting for blood. The con
sequence was that the Druses and the Moe-.
km mob had their will--five hundred at
least perished--and amongst them was this
young minister, who not long since, joined
Mr. Robson, a senior missionary at Damas
cus. He had sought shelter in a Moslem
house. From thence he went forth under
the escort of a .Turkish guard, who gave
him over to the murderers ! The sensation
of grief and horror in. the North of Ireland.
is very deep and strong, and the event but
intensifies the resolve of the Great Powers
not to suffer Turkey, with its effete Gov
ernment, and its fanatical Pashas, and sol
'diery, to pretend to redress the wrong and
to establish peace in Syria. For it is now
most plainly not a contest between Marian
ite,s and Druses, but a manifestation of that'
Mphammedan fermenting hate which is
common to all the followers of Islamism -in
the East. In our resistance - to the ambi:
tion of the Czar Nicholas, 'We' 'were right
and it was natural for us to suppose that'
the new law of religious, iberty decreed by
the Sultan and his Ministers, and partially
put in force in the capital and in other
places, wa.s'to be the knell of Mohammedan
-power to injure or destroy. But the real
disciples of the Koran—in contrast with
those who, have been inoculatedwith West- ,
ern and European ideas—remain true to
the cruel and bloOdy code of the Prophet.
Illtramonti,i .=
n Popery and a revived Islam
I.te extreme - , • • •
probably destined to, fall, even as they rose,
together—are eager, for blood. It is their
instinct to destroy, and, while compara
tively powerless, if the opportimity, but
offers, they appear; in the naked hideous
ness of their normal fanaticism and cruelty:
The Great Powers,, save, Russia, have
formed a convention in reference • to Syria:
Russia wanted to send one 'hundred thou
sand men, hoping for a 'final break irp,of
the Turkish Empire. France'will uot noiv
sanction this. French troops.and English:
marines alone will be employed. But the
Siiltan deprecates both, unless lie summon
them to his aid. '
The American Mission stations in the
Lebanon district have ,all.been abandoned.
The, schools are broken up..;,the followers
haie either been . killed:, or are now desti
tute of home's and wealth, 'and several of
the' miSsionaries are leating for America,
is their is. no field for 'their labors. So
writes Captain. Paynter, of the ItoTal Navy,
to:Vice-Admiral Martin, from Beirut. ,
.A. GREAT SENSATION , was produced this
week, by the publication of ,a 'letter .ad
dressed by the Emperor of the French to
his Ambassador in London. It. was elicited
by Palmerston's speech on the coast de
fences, and by his proposal of a vote of
X9,ooo,ooo'for these. That speech was in
its tone so decided, that the Emperor was
compelled, as it were, to show what were
This `intentions toward us, or if he is= still
'Wearing an iron mask, to make us believe,
if „possible that he was
.: for amity and
peace. Of he assures; the Ambassador
in terms so decided, that if it were .any
other 'Potentate in Europe, we could not
doubt or distrust him. ' He solemnly
dares that since' the peace of Villafranca
helas not bad one thought of aught but'
repose in Europe. He apologizes for , his
annexation of Savoy and Niee on the oft
urged grounds that iCiwas 'rendered neces
sary by the increased acquisition of terri
tory by Sardinia. He declares that publio
!opinion in France demanded : of him to in
terfere, in behalf' of the — Ch'ristians in.
Syna; tluit he had no deSire . whatever to.
send troops thither, unless' under urgent
'necessity, and that huwishes to uphold the.
independence of the Turkish. Empire. He
deinands that Lord Palmerston, and the
eminent men at the bead of State affairs,
shall thrbvi away all' 'doubts. He insists
that , neither his, naval nor army resources
are greater than were thought necessary in
'the, reign of Louis Philippe. , And. ; ..he
'asks that there may be continued accord,
for the development ' of conuntrce and the .
arts'of industry.
The effect of ' this offlanded and qin
diplomatic kind of communication :has:
been considerable. It, has certainly brought
the conviction that now that Germany
would not alldw herself to be divided by
his intrigues; that Belgium presents'a bold
front,. and is enthusiastic in its resolve
not to be annexed:; and• now, too, thatEng
land,has her magnificent and ever-growing,
volunteer force, and wont stand much
longer'a state of things and a menacing at=
titude from France that would even Make
war better than
it a peace so costly—he fintle)
isi •
I say,,that his interest to be quiet.
But the Times, and even the Morning
Post, which last has certain.kindly relatkons'
not only to the present Cabinet, but also to
the French Embassy, .while 'hailing the
Emperoe& language, ask for the beginning
of disarmament on his part, anii specially
insist that, 'altogether irrespective of the
Emperor, we Must not be at the mercy of
any nation,' and that therefore the coast
defences, andlthe provision of shelter'frOnt
sudden assault for our great dpek-yards.and
naval depots,, shall be proceeded with.
The Mille :,
of 6Ommoni, - 'bi an
.overwhehnine'raajorrity, , Inti voted`- the
_sum £2 , ,Oop,ooo;ras , a first installment of
the ~each ..11eVge.‘
party, joined by old admirals, who believe
in the wooden _walls' of, old England, aid
nothing else, opposed the ; proposition, but
they were, beaten in a most marked manner.
The country is willing +to ,Tay any, ,priee to
be insured against, panics, and to make our
coasts .safe, as far as mates power
to do so.
The funds have risen ; and the public
feeling is more cheerful. But,e have-still
so many relations with other countries, and r,
so many interests, that we know. not what
a day may biing forth. Prom sChina, we
hear of the Rebels prevailAng over the Im
perialists near. Shanghai, and. that- trade is
suspended ihere. But .Wc..have not any
news from the English trOpe and 'expedi
tion, save that, they were All of hope, but
disappointed in not finding u tle French so
well provided with gun-Wats, &e., as was
LORD CLYDE has home, has
been welcomed by the , her palace
at Windsor, has been td by various
Clubs, and has been ,tly feted at
Guildhall, by the Lo) and the Cor
poration of the city . The vet
eran is in good healt) - praises the
British troops, as tei im in India,
and passes a high eult Lord Can
ning, the Governor G• lor his cool
•ness, courage and - during, the
rebellion, from first to nitßrol.glianr
was the orator at the illiiuse, - aw
ner and spoke , with suOrising Vigor and`
4 ,
eloquence. . , •v 1 .. : 1 , : ~,
The Indian homedia il , Of the present
government as indieate dii=the abolition of
the .local European army, has given great
offence to many oldsteffioers,--and has been
made the ground ofii - olent. party attacks
by Mr. Horsman, in t.....,,he' ° l ouse of Commons.
It is known that Sii72. es Outram earn
estly protests againse.i4iiit is being done,'
and that the new patrodge acquired by the
Horse. Guards at honi4which will send •
nine new regiments, is Tly . hateful to those ,
in India who have borne i the burden and
heat of the day. We 114 e had - no redress
yet given as to the intrifiketion of the Bi
ble into Government schools in India.' ;It
also appears that the retwins.:,from Bombay,
Presidency—made out It Government offi
cials—as to the endoWinents bestowed upon
idol temples, are very i*perfect, and this
in contrast with-the- fairness-and fullness
August 2, 1860
of the returns.. from tile -Resideniy of
Doctor Knox, has. recently delivered A.
charge to his clergy very evangelical,,and
earnest in. its tone and:character.
makes special referencele the Religions
Awakening of 1859, and . 'endorses it With
his continued, recognition ai areal work.of
God. = He, points to ; the multiplied commu
nicants and attendants in Episcopal church
es, to the social changes wrought 'on the
face of society, and the bringing in of an
outcast and ignorant population:' ,Just be- '
fore the delivery of his , charae he sent - out
circulars to ascertain the,present condition
of things' and the result`was most` satisfac=
tory—only nine' clergymenindieiting 'their
hostility to the movement 'ln -some par
ishes it exercised no influence:- 'This can
be well believed in the, case .of worldly min
isters, or of. those who ar t elHigh .obuichin
their teachings. and tendenciei: 'Never;
however, was- the EstabligliW 'Church; in
Ireland so - evangelical, aggressiVe; Wpfb., 7
dent as at the, present_ - tiyhe.„;; ; At c ha,snnore
churches and larger coniregationsrin
land than ever-beforethile--tulto
: sp reri.
Baionsat.YOlisici,Aritirtwo Ofhlifirrik;;
is now in this country: No' doubt lie .will .
try to resuscitate the cause :with ivhichithie.
monster of imposition, impudence, andim
purity, is identified. He will not darer
however, to show himself in public. There
has been a recent conference of Morons
in. London, attended by elderi., Thareports
made of success were meagre, and by no
means so. satisfactory as' when two years
ago. the Conference Chairman •at a social
meeting, told the .delegates ,that he was " . s9
well, pleased with every one of them, that
he didn't know at which of them he would
kick his shoes." Among the ignorant
there will,alyrays be prey for these harpies.
ENPrhea just:held its annual meeting.,in
the City Road Chapel.
,The ex-president,.,
the Rev. S. D. Waddy, a vigorous minded
minister, preached the opening sermon
which was , a- very able 'ofie,..and involfed
several ;knotty. potnts in :theology; •tonching
among other,things, on the baptismsnd the
right to burial of ,infants, baptismal regen
eratien, &o. The new president ,is the
Rai: W. W. Stamp. It' is' affirnied that
lethe past year has'been one' of all bitt•ttn-
A/templed increase in Methodism!' .; !..
kt the Conference, twenty-two young.
men • were ordained. In their perional and
'preliminarystatements, moat orthem spOki
gratefully of the godly example of_parents;
and-of ,the advantages .received at the;Wes
leyan Theological Institutions at Aichrnond,
'and'DidatUry. The Viresicypirrainistera of
: Enilatid; 11Talea, and Ireland, are every
year'beixuning more and' more an 'educated'
body. They thus become niore - influential
and more catholic and cosmopolitan. There
is' itill,.however, ample. •room,• for' the full
development and ; . exercise of :the •gifts:-of
local and other preachers: ''
, •
„ .
GARIBALDI has been fighting , fiercelrin'
Sicily. The road'. to Messina fioniTiler-:
•mo,.was found not;; to be orien as was
pected. The Royal troops had taken np
a strong .position, with - a. far superiorforee
as to numbers andiattillery. Two 'separate
conflicts, fierce' and 'stern; were waged, 'and
-theTatrions were still kept,et' bay, losing
healo,ly. But a titfrd, onset with the•bayo
net,-gave them victory, although at .ter
ribleuost, and scattered theirgoes 'in 'con
fusion' and dismay.' Many oflthe volun
teers, however; 'were killed air Wounded.
Garibaldi then entered Messina at the head
of his troops!:
At this; momenta truce is established:
The.,Neapcolltags hold , the castle, •butowill
not fire on •thellaribaldians unless they.
gin an atitacV. General Garibaldi
profit inameiaelY by time; Ai's' Riuipolitaiis
may; ere: kihg,`Traternize; alai the -thee'
land be . : • .
SARDINIA. as een receiving. overtures
from' the young . King.‘6l Naples- grid "his
nemr. Cabinet. Ad I. intimated Tormerly,
Cavour Troiessed to.dieapprove Garibal
'di's designs against,the. main huld i and sent
IL messenger to Sicily to d eprecate them
But was there' sineority nitiY be
so; because Garibaldi -'his " 'accord . "in
heart with :the FreneheEmperor, and tvishos •
to work out Italian liberty without that con- •
trol and ,
overshadowing "compensation " •
;kind of ielfishness 'which has already ex-
"voy and the eixision of The'
:Or, however, now declare's that he will not' •
.interfere with the Southern Italians,.but
our own Cabinet—leave them to
settle their own affairs.
The Siirdinian -GOiernmoint` tionfrOnts
and rebukes the , Chiral of home i n :its' in •
ierference :with,. its ~.lawb; 'mid that with
' great firmness. An ArpkrbiaMpp, writes an
impndent letter to . Count Cayour. .To this
l einstle"the';Coni e fpaioWeld Sleeik,sn'ilia g ives
a• aka - 114120'6p1y, and Sititttligi'bleri6al
fail, even though the Gcverninent may be
denounced as a persecuting 'one.
THE POPE, 'not long' since, 'told the
French Ambassador that be would mot and
,could not and
to the demands of the
Emperor; and rather than yield, would
abandbn Rome. Since then,he, has thought
better Of it, and it has: been announced
that he will' remain. Meanwhile he is by
his myrmidons, trying to raise money all
over Europe. By the latest reports, £220 ;
000 of " Peter's pence,"- had been received for
War fiirposes. In Spain' the clergy are
urging on a Loan, but we do not hear of its
definite or enlarged acceptance and success
there or elsewhere.
The damage to the Papacy done • by the
return of a portion of the Irish Papal
Brigade from _ltaly,: who found themselves
cruellTdeeeived and treated, like dogs, has
been vertgreat. Fresh exposures are be
`lug daily ' Made. • A letter from a Mr.
Brien, who went out under promises of
promotion,,made by Mr. Sullivan, editor of
-the Dab/iit Morning Hews, (Dr. Cullin's
-organ,) attpears'in ,the Times. After other
ex.posures, he concludes thus.:
The,men who
_returned fro'm,Rome were, with'
aboat four or five exceptions. as fine, as impos
:ing, and: es'' respectable a body of Men as e'ver .
did honor to the legions of either ancient or
modern Rome. Most of this stigmatized body of
men are - Yotingnen"Who b Birth and ednottien ri
. are f ar a l ro . WT. ?AIVMai)*
wno - are alrp ent:at the
ada. divldeild; M mere item,' are om
the Middle :walks of life. The, Nation, said. 'that
among, those returning from. Rome (in disgrace,
of course) were many who were only fit for the
English Militia. To this I also give the lie. in
the most pnhlimmanner, for three-fourths of the
Party are, as I said above, ex officio constabulary
men:; and a•more'reispectably dressed, a better
intentioned, a better suited or a .finer phalanx
surely is not to be met with in any army—no,
not even in, the Unrivalled legions of Great
Britain, and-thit is,' no doubt, a great assertion.
The Nation also' stated -that things%were
liourishingly.with the present-number in ,Italy.
Eow, this is a most undisguised falsehood, for
when the order
,to march from. Rompto Spoleto
was given at Ciinina barrack,, previous to my de
parture thin Rome, not one manwoUld ,
all lad" , to be - dragged- doWw'stalis 'like slaves,
and impelled,onward:at the poini.of SWiss baye
nets .k.and„ again, when, the, , oath ,of.: allegiance
Wa.madministered,,not a man., consented. to sign
the papers or take the &tit.' These are facts,
and' faits 'out - of - Many, and I should
like to know by what ',process of ratioeitiation
'the _editor - of ; the .Nation- w,ould ;:attempt
*Mire them. Should he make
,the attempt
repirto him by"another series'of 'fitots,
lication of ; which ,; not --Be 'very. agreeable Ao
him L have in, niy. hands about forty letters,
which. were given to me - privately" when ledving
' Rome; and if l'find.further publication necessary
Behan bmable to. give a series of extracts
these domiments, which. are anthentic, integral,
and true, and which would -inevitablY put,to the
'bliisli'theanthera of thoSe 'cabin:Mies and lies to
whiehl , hiiie alluded. - , "
'Mr. Tunc76,.9 remarks are Very racy, on
snbject,: - Th% Irish Volunteers in the
service' Of. our 'Lord,, the -eope were natu
rally'supriosed by - 'his Holiness to be devo
ted Catholies. As such; they i ware an:
peinted every - Viiday for faeting. The
means of 'doing 'penance was, freely, offered
"What better fare could a Saint wish for,
than an insufficiency of black bread' and
sour Wine`?'What' better couch than the
floor of a stable ? Covered, the recruits
doubtless 'were,, with vermin, and reeking
With filth, and if they hid expired in the
stable; it Wettld'have been in the odoipf
San'etity - . , CoMfdaints have been made of
nome of 'theta being shpt. Bat had`they'
ot the friers 'of San Decollate
,to confess
_theth,:and didLtheysmt.„,receive lots of holy.
''? .*"'" - c-liaiii44 - 41;0y . out
at Macerate., but to be thoroughly mace-,
rated ?"`
. .
Au attempt was made to get up an
as ta
tion in Dublin, during the present week, in
favor of a volunteer . force for Ireland. The
proceedings' were marked by 4iegraeeful
confusion, and Sufficiently indicated that
the Cabinet are wise' in . putting .anagi
into the hands of . Irish Papiste:
THE QUEEN is . to repair, to 'Edinburgh,
next week,•and will there bold a grand re
view of the Scottish Volunteers. It will
doubtless be a. veTy stirring and thoroughly
national spectacle.
THE MLR:VEST be late, but on the
whole an • average.. The wheat and flax
crops in Ulster will be very superior. The
people are not so dependent as formerly on
the potato. There were rumors of the,
, spread of disease; which has so often in re
cent years affeeted this plant,'but happily
they are not confirmed.
THE Canniy.T some peril ,from an
impending debate, and„division in the Com
mons on the equalization .of the French
and English - paper duty.. Mr. .o,ledstone
insists on , this, and the Englishpaßey-ma
kers having joined hands with Mir. D'lsraeli, .
,the latter wouldhave , an opportunity of,
'making -an onslaught on the rivil.,,whom
alien, all others hp
_hates. The Ministry
. in
.4 dissolve if they. are beaten. 1"; Int the,
Times seems to indicate that this,will not
be made a party question. Gladstone, in
ease of an adverse vote, will probably re:
sigN gra the present; Home Secretary, Sir
Gee* C.. Lewis reign in his stead.
• • For the Presbyterian Banner
Some Farther 'Statistics.
Marisa . Enrroas :—A few weeks agO,
;sent: you some statistics of two or three
.of - the •:four General Assemblies of this
country. Having obtained the pamphlet
minutosiof*the last sessions of two of these
l)odiei,'lrbave gleaned a few further! items
of 'uome , intereat. , • :.• ..! .• .
-The largest church e.;
the. church containing - the - greatest
of coMmithicarits,. in the •Prusbytery 'of
Chithago.. l, It twine . 800 'members.. 'The
largest in theTuitad Presbyterian' oon
nexion indPhiladelphia,: , ye . porting' 706"
communicants:llor.:• - SpringoX , NtiwAYer.le
Cityi. reports. 797. 4n - embers,' and Tr. Me-
Elroy; 637 - ; and' Dre: •Blackwood And
Ohnesemein of 7Philidalphiai -each report
vier 600. Oikkother church - dike United
PresbYteriant body repOtte ' 1 686. - is 'also
in NeWLYork).oity. One of 'our smelt int:
ticuicieal , Fepbrtp four. conimunitanati;
analono ; tlie:Tnited Presbyterian' hear
teporte 'oblyftve.. , .
2. ' a lower'. staiidard(l.find
. ,
sixteen.oongregiitions in our loony; 'each Ye-.
porting over ..500 communicants; blitlate
''than 800. Aniong3the Ignited 'Proisbyte
iimityfour 'emigre - phone Came under the
same .cittegory: ' • '
S. If . ' we assume two kun'dred as the
standardi'our Church' -reports 297 congre-'
gations,. with .206 and over, but less then
560 communicants.. The United Presbyi
teiians have 40 churches belonging to this
category. , • ' t.
4: With a minininut of 100 communi cants;
o,ur - : Assembly reports 521 churches with
100 and overi,but leis ..than .200. The
United Presbyterinne report 174 of 'this
class. t -
5. Only four of our churches report this
year; on examination, more than 100 new
communicants. But it is an interesting
fact that the laTgest!'n'umber (14 , .t) was
added to one of our-German ohtrbherriiil
New-York, and the next largastV.oB) , td
one of our colored ohnrcheb, in•N'at'ebes i -
Miss. The largest! accession; •tiii:exaMini4:l
tion, to & United Presbyterian obbrek - viiii .
49, viz:; do the Churchtdf , 'Patteiso4N. 7 .Ti.
" 6t 4irotioyz.two oft.ontaciirchee: reliort
accession On examination- of 50' and up
wards,. varying up to near-100, -1.:
7., Eighty-six of ,our churches report
25 and upwards added, on examination,
varying up . to ~
near ' 50. Of' the United
Presbyterians, s'atein, congregations' come
under 'this category:' .
S. Our largest , Preabytery is that of
Philadelphia, embracing, 53 ministers, and
9,000 communicants. The
,largest of the
United Presbyterian Presbyteries is the
Mohongahela, with . 20 ministers, and - 3;150
communicants. 'Our three Smallest Pres
byteries are Lake Superior;,Stockton,: and
Council Bluffs, with three ministers each—
the bare 'constitutional quorum. The
smallest United Presbyten'an Presbytery is
Vermont, with two ministers.
9. Extending, as' these bodies do, over
the'wide fake of our country; from Vermont
to California, it is pleasant to find our, own
favored State bolding so prominent a posi
tion in the ranks of Pre.sbyterianism. Of
171 Presbyteries in our General' Assembly,
19 are located in Pennsylvania, embracing
460 minibters or more, than one-sixth of
the whole ; and our membership in Penn
sylvania is not less than 65,000, or more
than a fifth of the whole. Of the United
Presbyterians, ten Presbyteries are located
in our State, or nearly a fourth of the whole
number ; and of the total of about 60,000
,ritoit!ktv 4id 1)901 , 41, te,,- , „ - , ,. . - 64-d • 1 ,, , ,
,Autiart f ,
th-vtv ~..°
it, I - p.'la,n, r ;therefore
Ilia 3 in
Churclies a strong corps occupies- Pennsyl=
vania; though our Old •School churches in
this State have more members than the sum
total of United Presbyterianism in all
land. SCRIPS'.
None But Thee'.
Whom have I in heaven but thee ? therais
none upon earth that I desire beside thee."
Psalm lxxiii :.16. - • • • •
LOrd. of earth, thy forming hand
Well this beauteous frame bath planned,
Woods that,wate, and hills that tower,'
-Ocean rolling in his power ;
All that strikes'the eyeimsought,
All that 'charms. the lonely thought - -
Priendship—gem transcending price;
LOVO---11, flower frem'Paradise;
Yet, amidst a'sceite so fair,.
should '.I cease thysniile to share,
What Were.alf its joys Wmol
Whom have I to thee? '
Lord of heaven! beyond' our sight
Rolls'a -- world Of purer light '
There, in loie's unelonded 'reign
Parted handi shall part again;
Martyrs , there, and, prophets,high,
Blare a
_glorious company;
From U4ii - tdaberedieraih'itriikgs;
0 ! that vaerld is , passing.fair';
Yet if thou. wereqtbsent...there, .
*hat were -all its joys to That, 1 - •
'Whom haVe lin heaven but ,thee? ,
• `Lord'of earthi aicutheaveri4 lliy Vita*, ');
;Seelcs.itt_thee ite oul.*iesti
, I 'was lost ! thy ; iaeoeuts, miltl
_ I.lbtuolyard luretlAby
' I was blind ! thy
- dharniethe'long ealip'se iday. ;
'goulfde.iif•e g ver3 Toy rid YO"W;
, .
f , Solabe : df - '
if anew thy ,smile. divine 's
;, • Ceased, upon toy soul to; Shine;
What were ettytp:or hevr,en.llll/e,
111 . 7474 , 1 r ill' OA ell I'm+ • • ac t..?
• li'obert Grant
Enwarraftted - Raft of "'Scieuic."
, .
. . ,
The. Anierimu Association for the Ad...
Tenement of Science held its annual,meet
ing at'NeWport; r.; during the 'first ten
days of 'lt's papers - and diSculs:
sions, though creditable their Way, pos
sessed but „little public interest. Indeed,
such meetings can , rarely be, occasions, to
attract many, heYcind . those • iimikediitely
connected with the 'Association itself.
The subjects are generally abstract and
purely scientific—and even when possessed
of practical bearings, they are usually pre
sented' in'too technical' and professional a
manner to reach the common mind.
The meeting at Newport, however, ap.
pears to have passed off.very satisfactorily,
both to the Association, and to persons from,
all parts of the • country, who were assem
bled at that fashionable watering-place;
Fashion and Science held no crizarrel'with
each other, but each occupied ' its accus
tomed sphere, without interference, and
even with here and there, an interchange of
respectful civilities. The presence of so
much social splendor, and of so many per
sons of distinction as are now to be met
with at Newport, undoubtedly added to the
interest of the recent meeting... .
This annual gathering, though styling
itself an Association few tbe Advancement
of Science, has been accustoined, in, faa;
to restrict itself entirely to a eingle - depiiiV
meat of science—.-thel science of matter,
alone. It has occasionally admitted papers
on topics relating to Political Economy and.
Ethnology, hut, with'here and there au ex
ception, it has never taken — into much ac
!count any: one of those 'Vast reeling of
investigation .and of knowledge„ which,: lie
beyond the domain , of physical ! facts and
These facti and laws alone, :wpm:d
ing to the theory'of this Association, eon-
Stitute science, and 'the prOfesdoiliv-of'thia:
knowledge are recognized as the only , men
of science.. • , , ;.,
This idea, which thus underlies our ; 46 7
sociatiori of American savants, may appear
to be' only 'a harmless conceik'sueh as is not
uncommon' among the " votaries' of nearly
every, branth of human 'belief• or inquiry. is not without., its ayihtendencies,
and these evil tendencies should ,not be
overlooked by those who are . interested in
the advancement of truilii'and' the well
being -of society... :.liowever • iniporiaiat
physical knowledge' may we cer
tainly accord to it irifyliigh importance—it
shenld never be 'forgottes that it is' far: from
being' the most important kind et
Itis not the . whole; or even Ihe'sub
limest 'or most usefal'pait of what dnserves
to be called science. The facts and litWs
the immaterial universe, the ,boundless
realm of intellectual, spiritual, and social
beingare as truly matters of' science; 'of
l 'enriobling•iniieitigliticin and useful detera2i
'natien; as are ,the. forms of !natter, and. ,
the .
.elenientsof:whish tliey are composed.
Now, we.believe that- ,
the 'restriction-of
the term science to the various bptnehesi of
'physicil'lnoWledgp .
,cannot „fail to
exert id evil influence Oier idia.4 and
•modeis: bPthOught 'prevakint nrking the
pepple: al% certainly aicalamity 'to have
Such an : bea 11 ' 1 1 1 14A illto.'the education
and thalitemiure of our age. It sopn comes
t o taken ;foe grixnee#, that,_ the
'boundaries of inaitif, 'there -is' no "'certain
tknowledgehsitfilie.pOpeeitioria'of nizither
•Matios alone areworthy of implicitteliance;
and that , all, that relates to a. higher life
than. the present 7 to - man's grandest park,
bilities and his spiritual deitinyx . is only .
speculation or 'conjecture The' mindi of
men are thus materialized, and the way is
.prepared for every . species zof intellectual
'conceit and arroganee,,an4,finally for sk.ep
licisn and ,atheism. .•..
It is' renkikallie n io
Publication. Office :.
PIIILLIMI,PTILi, • SOUTH-WEST COL 0.1^,..72k- AND .0#387N177
A Square, (3 linesor less4o44d lisartlon,..oo cents each
substtuent insertion, 40 cents . ; each line beyond eight, 5 ets.
A,,Sqaare per quarter, $4.00; each-line additional, 33 cents.
it RtnIICTION made to adyertilsera by the . .
iBUSISESet sonCES.of Ilaribies or less,l3l.oo; . ..Sach ad
ditional line, 70 cents.
real science,, have been ,conceded. Many
of the definitions of .the word science in
volve such a douCession, and it is 'silently
acquiesc6d', n. thgughout much of the cur
rent literat z ure Of the age. Our civiliza
' film; too, is singularly material, and this has
a tendency to giveNexclusive prominence to
material knowledge:li It thus seems to be
.quite generally admitted that none but this
"kind of knowledge is : to be called by the
nan . e; and clothed with the authority of
science. Thig reswit iato be 'ascribed,
in Part; no doubt, to' the wait of reflection
on the subject, but it, has also been brought
about, in a great degree by the efforts of
those who cultivate this kind of knowledge,
and'however it may be produced, the result
itself is equally pernicious.
In Great-Britain', where the tens Science
has also,been largely used in this restrictive
sense, a strong .reaction is, taking. place.
The British Association of Science-, after
which the American was modelled:, has
"greatly extended its range, and other na‘.
tional associations have sprung up for the
promotion of other'l!inds of science than the
physical. The domain of physical knowl
edge is ample enough, and the results which
it has accomplished are useful and glorious.
enough. Let them be admitted : to their
fullest extent, and all honor be awarded
to those who have promoted them; But in
doing4his,Wirrieed-fint 6nilcedb
4 gym O iA
1441‘044,001040 . 0014
4 'afiaiVtt-tbsviaiiiid
av; 0
alone , are. engaged in truly scientific in-
The material works of God are not, as is
ofterrelairned, the only, or even the clearest
expressions•of his character and his -pur.
poses. The ‘1 Cosmic periods" of Geology
are barren of, great lessons, in comparison
with.the historic periods of man and soci-,
etY, and in all the realms of the Universe,
there is not a work of the . Creator so preg=
-dant with proofs of infinite Wisdom and
benevolence, as a human soul, in its myste-.
iious structure its sublime capabilities, •
and immortal destiny. It is idle and
foolisfilieyond etpression, to deny that de
spiritual creation is a legitimate subjEcti
for scientific inquiry—worthy the study;of
the. most gifted and,accomplished intellects, :
and the practical knowledge of all order,
of men. Wherever there are laws: r of
God's appointing, there is work for science
in diSeovering and making them knoiin. l
The forms and properties of Matter, =it=44sl
true, have hitherto enlisted most of Abe l
inquiries of science, and the realms.ofAte:
immaterial Creation lie comparatiVell
explored. But nothing is more 'certain
than thal• the= future progress of mat '-' l a;idi
his fulfillinent of his destiny orr , ieslntird,
must be, secured by discovering audAming
the laws which govern - this portion th;p-
UniierSe Of' God. .
this country, especially, thef : m ;
and social sciences are deinanclitg,="'airtiah
larger attention = than' they havec reeeimefi.
1)4% his happiness
,and his. destiny,
here,.the most conspicuous objelts,: km.„
the very necessities of our
social and political PrOblemS 16e 1 - tig
dertaken =to selve, cannot' be safely tiLit'le
accidental = agency. They demancl.:ttlie
eleSest possible scrutiny, and=4, l ,* ta
'Lion of 'moral laws, it may
, he,, no,taret,,d)s
discovered, certainly not yct . &ought to
bear on the gOveinnient and iiiiri'avaient'
Of , society. The knosiledge'ioettlYe'ge laVs;
we say, is as worthy to' lie ==called.. , bp tle==
name, of : Science, as any knowledge ,:which •
can be named, and they ..who
. are
haWiver: humblY; dmcoVering'thls'knowl
edge, 'are deserving - of all the honor which
is• ever accorded to the masters and promo
ters of the highest and noblest of the
sciences.--New-York Examiner.
All know the power of song in attaching
the heart to remembered places or occa
sions. That subtle electricity of thought,
which is named association, runs brightest
and fastest along the chords of " sweetly
linked song." Whether it be elegiac, ama
tory, patriotie, or religious, the soul yields
readily to the inflaming touch of memory,
when it evokes the past in the language of
grateful song. For. this reason, we have
been long in the habit of urging, as a most
important part of domestic education, the
cultivation of music as an essential part of
family worship. The household sb mid be
. daily accustomed to praise God, around the
fluidly el*, in hymns expressive of Chris
tian gladness—not only because praise. is at
all times comely, but especially because only
• in this way can home be made redolent
with,the most fragrant associations, where
, withal we may. preserve its "fond endear
ments" ever fresh in the memory. In his
Cotter's Saturday „blight, the poet Burns
has alluded, with . admirable pathos, to the
effect produced upon the. minds of the de
vout fainily by the "wild warbling of
Dundee," or the plaintive notes of sacred
"Martyrs," or "Scotia's hymn of praise."
It ought to be regarded as among the
•:chiefest cares of parents to render the sea
ion of family worship pleasant and delight
:ful to all the members of the household;
and. nothing will .contribute more to success
in this endeavor than the• introduction of
music: as , a part . of the regular exercises in
household devotion. To be convinced of
this, we have only to reflect how much of
. ; .the inierest,awakened in i the minds of pu
pits 'in 'behalf of their ; Sunday Schools is
' ' to lil,attriliuted mainly to, the hymns which
itheyare,":there taught, to, sing.. :Why may
'not s i milar; delight ,be agorded a house
.holdj,iu teaching; all-4the oldest and the
yoitz!gestg• T to:sieg together gf old songs, the..
preeiens music of the heart
. 17. :Their val
ue as in ; educational power,,wilf not depend
'''`upon the artistic perfection of the vocal
rendering,. but: upon the tender and elevat
ing sentiments, which will run through the
enchantient : of melody into the ;heart, ; as
deW sinks , imperceptibly into : the bosom of
a flower.' The too rigidforMality,
alas 1 that it should be said = the.too repul
sive 'ma' 'overatitiitied solemnity,: which
characterie l devotions of some
Christian h'omes, Aire exceedingly hurtful
' to the mil is of children.. : : Nothing affords
a better: grid, egainit these than a habit
nalreeontle, .to &Millar household hymns,
in which all may . in a measure join, and all
feel the thrill . of a . ,commonjoy.
A frie4:lo.t.e-minded with ourselves on,
this aribjeel; has' informed us that he takes
pains to, teach his . children and, boom
hold-selections from our, own, hymnology,
in order, that the praise offered the fam
ily,.thiy' prepare for thit' offered, in the
sanctuary. His example in this regard is
worthy.of imitation. For while there are
stiaiy good books, designed especially to
aid,the cultivation of, altered murue at home,
still t it ought not to, be forgotten
,that our,
children should , le,,.tralned to love most
thoee " songs"of Z ion" whieh- belong. to.
• the 'household of their:fathers'
a double aciiiiptage, will be sex , The,
Aimee will 'sweetenedwith. the dey..
music of ofd i t, trust, and become nazi a
..nurietj , ,, - fact, of the Clinrch,,..xllo . 4
the high 'praise's of God are to hesefelmr,O,
_Thee(' sfe** hints on a topic h ot i retotoprit
to.tlye` right , training cf., Min sOaßtlinie-,
lehle ' a re all that ,use„halfe .now.. typt 2 to
Wei., bat' we ar,p4iinttha,that zumthqol:44 i
be . prefitabli ivrfttertof ttc., in,trst
,dttetfipti!,Of itausiA .se a ..paoi R A. the..
dairr dii4tioes of tlte
. .
Riqrstvror4 :421D7PV3th8aziii•
Household Songs