Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, August 25, 1860, Image 1

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    1). 511 i Y ....... , ... ... Jr
Editors and Proprietors,
s,Nou: ScosciumoNs $1.50
IN OXUS 1.25
11::LiVant:D IN EITIINIC OF THE elTuat 2.00
F.ii . Too Doi,LARS, Via will Maid by omit seventy numbers,
end fa. 0511 DoLiAn, thirty-three numbers.
1.,,t0rs sending 175 'Many subscribat , and upwards, will
1, 0 t;ivroliy entitled to a !olive without einiew.
nifie , s
that 11S0
d Rini PENCIL gAuK. on the papol . , sig
torn' is aOarly out and that we desire a ruaelvat. , . ,
Renewals sherdd be prompt, a link before the Suinfexidt4Ei'
ttetut mutants by Safe hands, or by mall.. • •i -•
..,. • I
Direct Ira hitters to DAVID hiIiIINEY 0;1)0.,
" An Outside Observer," i n ith e .. presb3 , :. ,
tr ri, fa Reran', invites attention to a matter
n-liich is, we fear, much:neglected: His
-remarks are somewhat homely, • but they are
p; ii lit cd and adapted tftr utility,, He says:
lt is a lamentable ,fact;-.'that even here,
in this blue grass region, there are many
deliniluents. Do
,ye - 14,, who omit to pay
; 1 ,
. ) - 11nr subseripthini :Tor two, four, or six
months after they'd° due, ever think how
seriously you may be effecting the credit
and character of your minister ? - You can
think of your own interests; why not be :
charitable eneugh to give a thought to one
of God's agents with whom yoU have cove
minted ? When you execute jth.l r note` at
four months, payable at the ; Northern
Bank, you meet that promptly—that don't
go to protest. Oh, no; you may want a
favor some time from the bank, and it
''would not do to have the record against
` But you pay your minister when
you get money that you can't find any
tiler use for. .
4iippose some one, hard up for ready
ioncy, conies along with a lot of calves, a
:bunch of sheep, or a mule colt, and offers
thein very low for cash., leaving a margin
.for twenty or foray dollars, don't you think
you could raise the needful somewhere? I
rather think you would. Another thing
you should remember, and that is,' that it
is much easier for eachl `subscriber to raise
his ,übseription than it would be for a poor
prea; her to raise the
,sum total. You
knoiv full well that your minister can't
buy his goods payable when your subscrip
tions are paid, but must get them on six
months, as the rest of you do, which he
cloys, and agrees to pay, calculating, from
,your obligations to pay him semi-annually,
!whirl' not being done, he is subject to the
'nicrchant's harrassing dun. And if (when
the it ccoun t is finally settled, and it is a g reed
bc,iveon the merchant and minister that he
v open another,) you could be behind the
rtain in the counting-room, you might
ar the merchant say, "Clerk, we can't
urd to sell this reverend gentleman goods
the same prices that we do to men who
i• promptly, so you must add about ,ten
regular prices to him, and if we can't
:c our own in this way we will, after
term, close the account." See now
condition of your minister. And
en you have been the cause of his credit
.ng ruined, you, in all probability, will
n in with the world and say, preachers
:Olt to be honest, and not obligate them . -
Ives to do what they cannot.
Hoping that you will not fbrget that
,inters arc mortal, and have to live as do
, er people, I leave you, with the prom
to call again if you don't do better.
For the Presbyterian Banner.
Bible Wisdoin;
Be a man, and God will take care of your
-umstances. " Trust in the Lord, and
;ood; so shalt thou dwell in the land,
verily thou shalt be fed." That is Bi
wisdom, and it is high -wisdom. A
man will preserve his honor, though
live in a hovel; his truthfulness, though
beg his bread from door to door; his
;gray, though he wear out his life in a
igeon cell. How such a man
testy, truthfulness, integrity; more to
I than diamonds—more than life—nay,
to are life. To be honest, true, and up
1, is to live 1
have, - - somewhere, a, diamond
Who, with a sick wife ; an "insane
and seven or eight starving °lin
, was compelled to work twenty hours
,f the twenty-four, living in a garret,
ted with hunger, and shivering with.
A single false diamond, substituted
a real one—a change which no one
Id detect—would relieve him in a mo
lt. Cases of diamonds, worth thousands,
.e sparkling on . his table. A single
Ace of his chisel would clothe his wife,
wish his room, and put bread in his
ldren's mouths
,!But did he do that ?:
! There was a jewel in his heart worth
re than all earthly comforts—he was a'
a, and could n't cheat, even though to
his children from= starving, and his
from shame. He would n't barter -his
for anything iiithe world.. He .would
;rue to God, and then trust him, come
would. It was
,a grand thing to be
anyhow. Even that' was better than
a king and wear a crown. He would
the " kingdom of God" in some
me, though not one other thing be
ulecl." That one thing; possessed, he
richer than Crcesus. So it was with
Polyoarp. He had a faith to hold, and
holding of that fa,ith had brought him
le stake. Here was the stake, there was
"then altar, and here a hindful of in
. All he had. to do was cast the in
on the altar, and "swear by the name
"sar," for his life to be spared. But
he old man hesitate? Not one mo-
He had two lives—one of his body,.
t would last but for a little; another.
Is soul, which would last forever;
shall he sacrifice? He did not hesi- ,
To renounce the faith of Jesus
,d be to renounce his own integrity he-
God. He could n't do that. He re
. life at the price of infamy. So did
'hen, the first Christian martyr. So
all the Apostles but John. So did,
iions of Christians, under : the persecu
of Pagan and 'Papal Rome. So did
man, Johnson, and Mc4ullen, in In
tt is a grand thing to see a human
thus, in its uprightness, battling with'
Irsity. Here it stands like a rock of
mite; nothing. can move it. It holds its,
mgr4y over its head, and tramples every
tg else in the dust—wealth, honor, lifis,
1. 0 that we had more of this moral
'WhiCh trusts God and shrinks from
iinghut,eontamination ! More of this
t prtucip e, which braves poverty, prison,
and faggot, for ;the sake of integrity,
'fulness, uprightness I More of this
wisdom,. which makes it a great thing
a man, but a very small thing, in
.risen, to be a rich .man, or a flattered
in places of trust, or on the high
of prosperity. , •
oung man, be a man, first of all, .and
let circumstances take care of them
?s., Seek first—not riches and lionor
" the kingdom of God and his.right 7
mess, and all these things shall be added
pin." H.
For the Presbyterian Banner.
First Mill!, School in the United States.
' . CiNciNNAC, August,ll, 1860.
Eniroas BANNER:—The question, to
ich State of the. Union belongs the honor
having organi zed , the first Sabbath School
the nited States,.after being low* b and
'sistently claimed:-by . .tPhiladelphia, on
,calf of your State, was disputed by your
Eastern. Summary" of the 21st ult. It
therein_ stated that• Patterson, N. 'T., es
klished one in 1794, and .that the Nor
ich Packet, of April 29th, , 1791, states
tat " a .SundaT School has: just been es
'Aished in Boston, by the pioprietow of
Dutch - (7) , naanufa.ctory, for the benefit
the young daughters of industry , em
toyed in that factory." ' •
lt is, however, a recorded fact that the
.st Sabbath School in the United States,
ibably, was established in Ohio. ,, ': , This
, s gathered by a Mrs.. Archibald Like, itv
VOL. VIII., NO. 49.
the stockade at Marietta; in "March,` 1791.
She was grieved to see 'the children of
the garrison spending .the Sabbath after
noons in frivilous amusements; and she
collected them together in her own dwell-
ing, where she taught' them the Westmin
ster Catechism, and lessons from the Bible.
Her scholars, about twenty in number, and
consisting only, of the younger children,
were much 'interested in listening to her
simple and affectionate instruction. Mrs.
Lake continued her school fel' four or five
years,, while the war lasted, after which
she removed to Rainbow, on .the Muskin
gum, and her school was broken up. It is
not a little singular, that one among the
very first, perhaps the first Sabbath School,
that was ever established in America, should
have been found in these Western wilds,
far beyond the bounds of civilization, in a
garrison, surrounded 'by hostile Indiana,
and continued through all the Sufferings
and privations of that war.
Several of the present church member's
at Marietta were taught in
The Tendency of Theological Opinion.
God rules : and over-rules; yet there are
two things obvious to the view of candid
minds, especially to be regretted: One is
the naturally downward tendency in' the
course of theological opinion and specula
tion. The other, the extreme sensitiveness
of those who perhaps unconsciously to
themselves, have partaken of this tendency ;
in having the fact pointed out.
We propose, in a brief article, to refer to
these two matters or phenomena, the one
almost inevitably inseparable from the oth
er. For 'where this recoil or' exceeding
sensitiveness is manifest in the public mind,
it is a sure and unmistakable inclei 'of the
disease or tendency in question; as when
the flesh recoils from 'the touch of the
probe or finger, it shows that disease and
inflammation are there. So, when the re
ligions mind has begun to wander from the
Scriptural and doctrinal standards, it is
prone to love that wandering; it loves the
relaxation from the high Scriptural re
straints and standards. It is proud of its
speculation' an d Supposed attainments, 'or is
pleased with the lull of feeling and of fear.
We will glance very briefly at both of
these tendencies. It is not strange that
these tendencies should exist; that there
should naturally be the same proneness in
the depraved mind to swerve from the true
standard of doctrine that there is to depart
from the true standard of morals. The
same propensities of the depraved• nature
at best but partially sanctified, that would
tend to a departure from high and pure
principles of morality, whether national or
individual, would tend also to an insensible
departure from sound, doctrine and a pure
And the Scriptures as frequently warn
us against a departure from sound frith as
from good works. The inspired writers in
both Testaments appear to have this ten
dency fully in view. Their most terrible
denunciations are against false prophets
and false prophesyings; and those who
bring in damnable heresies. Why these
terrible warnings, 'if the Christian world is
not subject to the tehdency here had in
view? The Scriptures do not deal with
imaginary evils, or fictitious tendencies.
Where we find the inspired writers, on al
most every page, exhorting and counseling
against certain errors and evils, we are
forced_tc.iiifer that:those , errors and evils
are real, and that the Church, - in all ages,
is liable to fall into them.
And, then, the fact that all corruption in
the Church and world folloWs from perverse
opinions, from a defective or erroneous
faith, accounts for the warning above re
ferred to. We do not deny, no one denies,
that the wicked heart is the fountain of all
iniquity. But false notions and theories
of doctrines and raorals—give 'a mighty'
force and •momentum to the current of
wickedness within ; nay, to change the fig
ure, these become the powerful chemistry
or fermentation in -the soul—that generates
'this fountain and overwhelming stream of
transgression in the life.
And in farther illustration of this point
we refer to historical facts. The history of
the Church is a history of the tendencies
to defection from a pure faith. We pass
over the Old Testamant times ; - for it will
occur to every careful reader of the Scrip
tures how perpetually the Jewish people
verged toward the idolatry- and corruption
of the heathen. Half of the Old Testa
ment is devoted to a history of these devi
ations and departures and consequent con
ruptions, and to admonitions and warnings
against them.
But how. soon ,the Christian Church fell
away from the simplicity 'of the Gospel!
Who can read the Apostles and then the
Christian Fathersi and fail, to be Convinced
of this fact ! Or who can read the Chris
tian Fathers and then turn forward to the
writers two' or; three centuries later, when
the sceptre of empire had fallen into the
hands of the Church, and not feel the full
force of this fact !
Take then the area of the. Reformation,
and we find another illustration of this
tendency. There was a reg,eneration of
doctrinal views as well of Christian morals
and simplicity at this age. But leaving
the great Reformers of France, and Switz
erland, and Germany, as we pass, into the
next century, we find the streams flowing
from these fountains corrupt and turbid.
Thia downward tendency was arrested;
however, by the Reformation under the Pu
ritans in. England and }Tolland; and more
subsequently, the same under Wesley,
Whitefield, and Edwards, in Great Britain
and this country; and the same still more
recently by the era 'of revivals' and thor-
ough theological investigation, leading to
a separation of the Orthodox from the
Unitarian in New-England. We have not
space 'to expand these specifications, nor
have we need to do it. The' tendency
above referred to as marked by the several
eras of Church history, will he freely ad
mitted by all.
But we encounter public sentiment and
perhaps opprobrium, when we affirm that
the same fearful tendencies exist 'nom. No
age , is fully conscious at the time, of its own
tendencies. Theological writers, daring
speculators and theorists in religion, do not
seem to be aware of this thing; that tbey
are drifting against the current of Scrip
tures and, the old standards and canons of.
faith. That they are ascending down
ward, and swelling into littleness, nothing
This tendency is seen in the disparacre
ment of the standard;institutions, and (La
trines of Christianity; in the feeble hold
that the vital principle of, the Covenant
with believers, on the part
~of their house
holds as comprehending the children, has
on . the 'heart and practice of the Church.
This good old doctrine is fallinginto decay.
Its hold on the ministry and Church is
slight. It is feebly and infrequently en
forced. Children are,thrown far,too much
on their own responsibility, both morally
and religiously and doctrinally:' •
This tendency is seen also in _the promi
nence that mere, humanitarian sentiments
are assuming in the Church. and ministry,
and also in the theological and Christian
literature of the day. The bOdy first, the
soul next, seem' to be the Order. Teara for
. • 7 _
, .
rr .
Prr.r.SRVRGII, SATURDAY;7ATTG'-'VST ~ s ‘ ; ;, 1860: , - ., ',
present pain, carelessness for endless suffer
ings! Mourning over physical evils, neg
ligence of spiritual woes. Deep inter
est as touching temporal bondage, and cor
responding apathy relating to the bondage
of the soul and its interminable doom !
Now while the sentiments of humanity
are healthful when held subordinate and
secondary to, the higher wants and the
eternal interests of men, they are.pernicious
when allewed to. overshadow these. Aud
as a consequence of these errors, religious
writings: and the preaching of the pulpit
are too ready
_to compromise the.matter of
sound doctrine, and let down the spiritual
standards, in order to throw,the arm or man
tle of chtirity around those'who rush in the
direction of mere humanity`and latitudinit
rian :views.,
And then, the, jet of Germanism let r in
upon our theological literature and inter
pretations has ruled them, so, that they
well nigh ceased—in some respects--to
fleet the pure heavens. And we haVe here
as a consequence tendencies toward Uni
versalism, an intermediate probation,
hilation, traoseendentalism, naturalism, and
the like; which ought to cause deep anx
iety in the Christian mind, and does cause'
deep anxiety.
We are not croakers. Though honored
for an honest conservatism often, we have,
rarely been accused of heresy-hunting.
We say'' these things not from a habit of
saying them, not because we love to say
them, nor because we believe there is gen
eral defection in the Christian ministry or
in the Christian Church, but bemuse we
see or think we see, a tendency in a doWn
ward direction ; as faithful journalists
we will lift our word of warning. We fear,
we respect no threats. As to the second
point, the bitter sensitiveness so often mani
fested toward those that see these thin,gs,
and say these thing* demonstrating most
clearly their 'existence, we have but a word
to say in conclusion. A man writes a book
or au article, or preaches,a sermon, or his
personal friend and sympathiser does—he i
makes sad havoc in his speculation of the
Christian scheme, or dailies in pieces sonic
favorite doctrine of Christ. A Christian
editor or author or minister, takes this
thing in ;hand, and .defends, the good old
faith ; rights up the wavering, standards,
and exposes the speculation. He Cries at
once, hands off ! heresy-hunter I dogma
tism ! despotism ! and a *thc;usand other
opprobrious and terrifying epithets. The
•cry is, 44 Freedom of thought; liberty. of
conscience; independence of opinion, eman
cipation from . the thraldom of superannua
ted errors and 'traditions:" it were
innocent to attack the fonndatiens; but
deepest and blackest guilt, to defend them.
But they that do these things sin against
the ganeration , of God's people. For if the
foundations are destroyed, what shall the
righteous' - do 7 Christian Minter.
COAST .DEPENCES have come, sup before
the country -in the . , formidable 'shape of - fi
money vote of nine millions sterling. Lord
Palmerston in a most able and statesman
like manner, expounded the'real condition
ofour relations to France. Few men could
so dexterously unite prudence, candor, and
courage, in touching on a theme so delicate.
H 6 is the personal friend of Louis Napo
leon.; he: endorsed the coup d'etat of 1850,
and has held to the French, Alliance to
this hour. But he is a patriotand a -Brit
on, and therefore he is not the man to trust,
to the mercy of any neighboring Sovereign,
or' to ignore the known fickleness, rest
lessness, and love of war and conquest of
the people of France. He showed that; an
army of six hundred thousand men, and, a
navy little inferior to our own, were,mat
ters not to be Aespisnd, and be demanded
money' to make safe at once and forever our
exposed dockyards and arsenals. He said
nothing of the defence of the capital as
such. , It is pretty, plain that the_ millions
voted for the coast defencesll be swollen
ere long,'by an increase of the regular ar
my. Poiverful and important as is the
volunteer force—growing stronger daily,
and enthusiastically lauded last week ,by
Palmerston, at a Lord Mayor's banquet--
yet in the ease of an. attempted •invasion
we must depend largelY on veteran troops.
There is a " chronindistrust" in. Eng
land as to the Emperor and his designs.
The Scottish, Guardian is publishing a se
ries of able articles,
endeavoring' to prove
that he means no harm to England. But
there is an instinctive apprehension'of the
man and of the army which is at his back.
And thus, that as the Morning Chron
icle has it, " uneasiness," both in the Honse
and out of it, not panic, has :been excited
by Lord. Palmerston's speech. The other
papers speak out also on the subject The.
Post says the speech ought to explain to
Europe the exact attitude of England to
ward foreign States in regard to the possi
bilities Of the future, and it ought to re
strain within the limits of reason and prob•
ability, the invasion panic among our coun
trymen. . '
The Times paints out that fortifications
are the regular and appointed means for
enabling alfew- to .do the work of many;
skill to do duty, for strength; and men Unac
customed to war or unequal to its hardshilis,
to count for thorough soldiers and seasoned
veterans. Of course, ramparts will not
dispense with armies, nor batteries work
without artillerymen. The material will
not supersede the men, it" will Only eorio
rnize them.
proposed by the Emperor, and, after delib
eration, sanctioned by the British Cabineti
has a very serious aspect. The Morning'
Post, Lord Pahnerston's organ, strongly
opposes foreign intervention in pyrip. It,
says that a Turkish force of sixty thousand
under the order of the Minister of Foreign
Affairs in person, is already between Bey
rout and . Damascus. If we, are to have a
French military occupation in Syria, why,
not also in case of 'religious quarre4s, which
are prophetically predicted, may we not
have a Russian military oceupntion on the
Danube ' and an Austrian occupation Ser-.
via or Montenegro ? When we come to
this, it may be fairly 'asked, Why 'should
not Turkey be partitioned at once.
, Rumors of a treaty between the Druies
and the Maronites, first circulated. by the
Post, have been flying about, and • the Con
stitutionei depiecates,any thing of the kind,
hoping that '" Enrope will not allow a
sponge to be passed over the blood.of Chris
tians, and suffer all that; is passed, thus' to
be hushed up.", Undoubtedly France has
something more than the claims , of human: 7 ,
ity in view, in her proposed landing 'of
troops and marching them' into the interi
or, Is the secret understanding with Rus
sia for the breaking up of the Turkish Em=
pire now about to be dev - eloped in action:?,
`Are these thinwa the 'precursors of a fear-
ful and general storm, inirolilng both the.
East and the West?, t . : - . 'i
A protest by the Sultani against the.
French expedition, has beeniastrongly of
firmed, and.,rumorkas to a misunderstand
ing betwe4 the French and ;English, Cab
inets on • the same subject, hav,e infineueed.
the Bowie of Paris. - Certa A ip it,',ls that
great wisdom is needed by our. Statesmen
at this moment, and fori" allin;adthority,"
Christians-need to offer prayetand suppli
cations continually.
THE QUARREL between the aronites and
the Druses, is hereditary in its character.
Its recent and Moody issues are to be, traced
in their origitu to the natiiie Christians
themselves. I formerly fnti4ated from the
reports of a recent visitor to 4
non; what a.degraded and ur
'they were. In truth, their,
and their superstitions ary
order, and illustrate the
Lion of the Eastern Chin
racy to destroy the. Dr
by the latter. Renee
onset, their pitiless fury.
Rome were privy to it.
have and much
of the . Church has been r
The Daily News has an
6131 the subject , which I
fel • study of your rea
truthful, and *eighty
It is now li. : nown that the
the present quarrel; and
that the Maronites' are from
teen to One hundred and fort) tousand,in num
ber, -while the Druses are not ;eve ihirty, thou
sand, we cannot wonder at 'e
outcry: on" , the
spot against the ,Christians ;"d wo.must Admit
the necessity 'of warning uropean society
against sympathising with ' t 'Christians' as if
they were disciples of a re ;on, ofieace,and
good Will. But, of the fiv: Christians
slain at. Damascus, and the e iitiatifi6idents at
Beyrout, Aleppo, Jerusale pd ',ot4,i'ex 'places
now in peril, there must be - y • ixhem we may .
heartily sympathise with; ,eePeager to ac- '
knowledge as brethren in t Wt. mkt *nal
cal questions then are fir - - Itew, they, can be
most quickly rescued from what
must be, done about these.' li'Lands which are
for ever steeped in blood in e,aa,molf religion.
It is so entirely agreed upii ! , tit ''the Sovereign
of those countries must )2.pe11ed403 , his al- •
lies and supporters to kee anbjactain order,
at any necessary cost of ' gtfill'end inde
pendence, that there needle bitima lost in dis
puting that point. If the' .1 tin,,popnot keep
the peace in a case wheres man yinterests are
involved, his supporters tiat4dalitatilieettle the
matter with him afterwar4.. Everyolay costs
many lives, and the slaughter nituit be stopped,
in the first place, by anypo*Wigli•can do •it--
of any faith and any nagmli: . typatny demon
strations that the Mussulman is,not , to extripate
the Christians just at preiieWriviliVial'ille force
of the immediate superstitignokifti Druses,
and check the treachery r ofllte Tints. But it is
another thing for a singl*BliiiniaatpSieer to say
,that, without asking witethA-the,' l Snltan is able
to fulfil his promise to reitoie order and justice
in the Lebanon, it own' 'troops into
Turkish territories. We4:4 not to , be blinded
by the allegation of a sq4ssumed ‘‘,mission of
humanity" to the dangers. of precipitate inter
meddling. It was not , 4erf humane of the Czar
to bring on the Crimean t ; , and yet his inter
vention had deliverance 4..moppression as its
avowed object. The C 'an`batioris of Europe
cannot remain indiffero the massacres lately,:'
perpetrated in the East;ib t they are bound so
to act as not to bring e cataclYsm which 'it: •
has been the study of t al; *se statesmen to avert.
Even in England there been too
,little look-.
ing to consequences e discuisione
which have taken plobeithe French Govern
ment, which announces :¢; intention to, intervene
in Syria, irrespectivblor `e action of the other
Powers, pursues a cowl a. 'hich naturally excites
suspicion. The dechtr th.itthe Emperor is. ,
resolved on sendingnik _ ed exPedition to Syria..
is not recommende*) , leineltirineeteil with
alarming reports‘fiVA ; - liteitch' 3 -erlirsali in
.that country, for the consular agents of France
have for years been inflaming Christian pop-
ulation, and preparing them for.the advent, of a
'French army. The policy now proclaimed will
impose duties on us, for Syria can never be en
trusted to any power which, has agitated its pop : .
ulation. By whateVer machinery those lands.
may be henceforth ruled, it must be Ordained for
the welfare of the inhabitants, and not for the
furtherance of any European ambition.
The conduct of the Turkish soldiers all.
over Syria, has' been fanatically brutal and
abominable. They killed more
places in.eold blood, than did the infuriated •
Druses in the heat of their .ivrath.. The
,perpetrated on, innocent women,
were seandalousand detestable. If these
wretches are not decimated by ViladPasha
the nevi* Turkish 'General '''Eurape' will
know that from Turkey as a' power,..there
is no real redress to be found:aoninst Ma—
liammedan savagery and, cruelty.. The 80.
ran rules the masses • at Constantinople
only, are liberal ideas to be fonncl.
The Daily News sUguesta . that 'a fine of
three millions sterling in the' form: of com- •
pensation to sufferers, should be imposed
upon the parties' who have provoked the
war, or failed in the engacreinent to keep
the, peace. " When persecution'
is regarded as a duty, and felt , as a pleas
ure, the,only to make at . expensive ;
and the. cost in this case is only a small,
part of a really natural retribution."
July 26, 1860
GARIBALDI is master of t,h, - whole
Sicily, Messina being 'evacuated by the
Royal troops. The King, of Sirdinia begs
that he will not attack,Naples,: but it is be
lieved that he will That he ought to' do
so is clear, and tl*" Times urges that lie,
quarter be given to the son of thelreaeh-'
erous Bomba. •
TEE ham, RECRUITS are beginning' to
return from .Italy,.• disgusted and diur
pointed. Sixty„ of them. appeared An ! ,
Dublin last .Lord's, day, , in_ a wretched
They gatheed together in
the office the .Atforani# 'Xmas, that
organ.of Dr. Cullen,vhich tea stimiudeil
the emigrant's movement to the. Uterine:4.i 1.
The wretched men wanted to. see .." the; l
agent:" .who had
• hired .them, bit,. he. was
non iniaitzti, of . course. . 'They gave, after •
a period of shanieffieecl or staibboln
a • melancholy account of the hardships '
they endured, and the dishonor put upon
them in Italy. .If it were possible to have
un enforced conscription of priestly' tel
omits, including .Maynontlz atudetas t and
transport them to Civita Vecchia, thence
be taken into the Pope's armyoffing the,.
cowl for the "Pope's own.' ' , uniform s
the sacerdotal mwhip;" . nseiliti
' faire and faction fights, and . ai 3 Onies applied
to the shoulders of a poor . Convert to
Protestantismit'llrould be at once a glo,
rions deliverance for old Ireland, and a . .
beautiful and Practical illustration of the'
law of righteous retribution. These Priests
have tempted these poor .dupes to 'go forth
into a service, which , , exposes,..them to the
hatred of, . the. Italians, to the tyranny, of •
officers, and to semi -starvation. All
.recent; moves of the advisers of the Pilpiio
both at home - and abroad, have ntidid
disgrace, and the Ultramontane policy. Of
Ireland is • at this moment, .the laughing-,
stook of all. that is acightle.od and free
throughout the world. •
TIME PATILTOpsk!, as brought out in the
visit to Ireland, and in ihtijecent extanded
'tour of 'Christian and i heVevolent
'Of ...Dr.- Murray and' George H. Stuart,
:contrasts with that which is.
spurious,; ;becalm it is Romish. These
aboutin t :tlemir d are ha ti t3 r r e a i t s n e r d 4
following. .
warm-h . ettrted and ehM:actoristic letter to
DeEdgar, of Belfast:
IhCAN. BDGATt.—As our mission to Britain is
ended, and.the objects of our coming are attain
ed, we 'cannot, take our departure for our Amer-.
loan home without some tiepression
. gratitude'
for the kind reception mach attentionwe,:have
rTywh!roenjoyci:. Th' we do throe h, ou
Aunt Lehi
rgthy people
ral condition
the lowest
CO r p
and ft -
our kind host in Belfast, the . companion of most
of edit travels and labora in - Ireland, and whose
unceasing attentions to: us have:been more than
;brotherly, and have made impressions on our
hearts never to be effaced.
From the day we: landed in Britain until now
we have received nothing but kindness and Chris
tion courtesy from all: In London, , Edinburgh,
Glasgow; "Liverpool, and Manchester, ways of
usefulness and, of information were freely opened
to us, and we Were made the Subjedis of the most
generous hoSpillity by Christian ministers 'of
every name and:by Christian men of every, rank.
But in Ireland we spent the most time, perform
ed the most labor, end received' the mast unbound
ed kindness„: ,Prom thp morning of May, 26th,
when we were taken hom.e by you from, the
steatite; until the' evening of the 9th of
wh'en,we left, your honk and Ireland for England,
we met with nothing, but the most noble and gen
erous treatment. In Belfait, Dublin, Limerick,
Galway, in Ballymena ; Ballymoney, Portrush,
Derry--in city ; and country-from : , ministers,
gentry, and, indeed; eionf all—we received only
the most distinguished tokens of esteem* and af
fection. Especially have we been impre.ssed
with the warm and generous reception we met in
we have done, and we did it cheerfully, looking
for no reward. If, hereafter, the General Assem
bly should' need more assistance to aid' in she
prosecutidn of its work of missions amongßo
man cathplics, we shall strive to do )xkore than
ever for any deputation they may, send us, espe
cially if composed of Such men as Edgar, S. M.
Dill, and DavidilVilson. . •
May God bless Ireland ; may it be, prevaded
by' the blessed`work 'of revival until' all its peo-,
ple are brought out from the darkness of Popery ,
into the light of the Gospel,: is the prayer of
Yours, most affectionate:ly,
N. Mtanay. -
Guo. 11. STUART.
T,ondon, Italy 24,1850
In my present visit to Belfast, I find
very 'deep and powerful imPressions were
made by Mr. Stuart's meliorable address to
the assembled •crowd of • Sabbath School'
teachers in Linen Hall Street Presbyterian
church. One practical result likely, to fol-
Jaw is the increased fervor and devotedness
of a class already tealous and active, and
'another the: collection. 'of annual' statistics
by the General Assembly, of the strength
and numbers of teachers'and , pupils in the
Sunday Schools throughout', its boundaries:
REVIVAT,, in the, sense of increased
prayerfulness,, spirituality, seal, liberality,
and brotherly love,,still indicatei its pres
ence and power in Ulster. "I 'was
on Wednesday last, at the weeklyprayer
xneeting, in the Music. Hall, Belfast, and
while the. Assembly was not so numerous
as at the corresponding period, of last year,
there was a spirit of deep devotion manifest
A. short account of the' present state and
prospects of religion in the metropolis:Was
made f ,at ,the request of the Bev. Charles
Seaver, and a more enlarged, statement will
be giyen, D. V., at Fisherwick Place church,.
on next Lord's day.
The fruits of the Awakening in Ulster,
are apparent in many different'regions and
aspects. One special indication. is. the .in
`creased sobriety of the population. Re
turninglast week from an open air com
memorative meeting at Boardmills, I met
ver3r, many,, farmers and, their servants or
from Belfast market.
Manfof. them were hurrying, homeward to
be present at the evening (a second) cors
memorative Revival meeting, and die gen
eral aspect was strikingly different from
that of market days in the olden times...: In
like manner, on Wednesday. evening, I
preached- to a large number of persons'
gathered in a new improvised and tempo
rary Presbyterian church, at Dunmurry,
remarkable for their seriousness and earn
estness. The Maze Races were being held
on that day. Cars containing the dregs of
the, population of Belfatt were driving
homewards; ...aid - it number, of spectators
were gathered at the wayside. But in
spite of the excitement, here was a numerz. •
ous band of serious worshippers, all . brought
together within' t . Welve inonths, and OAS: .
to choose a , pastor , tor, ;themselves.
Montgomery does not, like this Assembly
of 'orthodox Presbyterians - at his doors.
Nevertheless the: Spirit of 'God has put
dishonor on the . ivretehed .systern of which
he has been the champion, and the truth
grows mightily, and prevails.
Episcopacy in Ireland has experienced
the blessing in - Ulster just so far, and no
farther, as it has heartily endorsed and
cooperated with the Awakening. The
Bishop, • of the ,Diocese has acted a nobly
catholic part throughout. Had, a man of
iiiether Spirit been in the See Of bowia and.
Connor 'the issues would have' been very
different. On the 20th of 'the last month,
the " Results And 'present position of the .
Revival, movement,'. were brought out very
strikinglyas to its effects on the E_ stab
lished 'Church of thit Diocese; at an Anni
versary Union Prayer-Meeting, held at the
Music Halt ..These results have been:pitti-'
lished by my friend, ,the . Rev. 0. 'Seaver,
Incumhent .Bt,•John's,Belfast. In his
introditetion, he dwells on theleading fea-.'
tures cif the work-:--the mo'st characteristie
being , :ptajfei, nothing but praYer, "as
,briiiguig, the blessing down ," while:
Tokmer„oviyals of religion,, at home and
'tibrOad, l had been. much preaching,
le.arning,Andworldly influence. brought to
he* ferwqrd the work." ' ,
,One hopeful assuranft of the
cif the work, is the religioutibbOks„
arid: esp,ecially for the : Word of God, elic
,More than thirty,. thousand, Bibles
were sold i or s given away in Ulste, djuing
the &miner of last year; and this, be it
remembered, in a district which already
,had, been well supplied And " not only
;Wire the. Bibles received, hut they were read
and studied; many tiold Tepee learning to
read for the sole purpose of "being able
•tatead the Bible."
Mr. Seaver gives at length the reports of
a considerable number of clergymen• of -the
diocese, as to, the marked social and spiritual
results in their respective charges. It is.
really delightfUl to r e ad these
and' trustworthy teitimonies: "I have
now,", "been thirty-eight years
in , the ministry, but never . knew of any:
moyement,soyemarkable. * * Our con
gregations are more than doubled, and our
re,gtilar eiiinnitinicants increased more thin
four-fold." AnSther' says : " Family wor
ship is .now almtist universal. Dances and
drinkingparties seem to be.quite given up."'
,The Rev. Mr. Trench, an experienced der
gynian,',aftervisiting a number of districts
in 'the counties of Cavan 'and pnitii, re
ports a marvellous "arid= uriiisual "'stead
fastness in the neirlY-born ohurches, and in.
many instances, a , tropical growth : in those
.who gave . evidence of being rooted;, in .
One very
_affecting case
. of conversion
was that of a , deaf and dumb yonth: He
was alarmed, and the. Rector wrote doin a
prayer on, a slate,. and,.both; kneeled.. down;
and prayed togethef t ,.,
,The wan
Opened at the,sa,mefrime, aid t he te34.l/14eP, 4
before hiin, Hini that' cinneth; '
a The book and the alai - 10'114h' before
him, and it 14 , :ask traly .affecting to• see4hat
dumb young man..with uplifted; buds &IA
WHOLE. , .Nai 413,
.eyes filled with tears, engaged earnest
prayer' for pardon through a SaViOttr's
blood. The simple pra,yer written 'down
was, 0, Lord Jesus, I come to thee for
the pardon of all my sins through - thy,
precious blood, now, Lord, thou halt said,,
Him that cometli unto me, I will in no Wise
cast out." Lord I come, and I know thou
wilt not 'cast meimt.' He then continued
in prayer for some time:, I asked, Have
you prayed it all pointing to the slate.
Yes, sir.' / Now, are you happy ?'
now.' Then thank Jesus, and love him.'
And again he covered his face with his
hands, his eyes still filled with tears.; and
lifted up his heart, to ,the Lord. I left him
rejoicing. I have visited him since ; and,
found him enjoying the fullest assurance of
acceptance 'with God ; and Ins parents
bear decided °testimony to the Marked
change in his deportment since."
As to the Presbyterian Church, space is
iary. o f results,
known in Amer
mere than in the
received for its
It of .a movement
5 since, the stand-
tort is increased
ions soul;'
Accept-with: joy; though thunders roll, .
4nd temPestslower" on eveiy. side,
Thou )f.nowest naught can thee betide;
But pleases God.
The best will, is our Father's will,
And we may restthere calm;and still;
Oh, make it hour by hour , thine own,
And wish for naught but that alone •
Which pleases God.
His thought is aye the wisest thought; ,
How oft man's wisdom comes to.nought ;
Mistake or weakness in it lurks,
It brings forth ill;"and seldom works
What pleaies God:
His mind is, aye the gentlest pind,
will and deeds are ever kind
He'blesses, when'against us speaks
, The evil World, that rarely speaks
' • What pleases God.
, . ,
'His heartis 'aye 'the truestheart;
He bids all woe 'and harm depart:
'Defending; shieldingiday and night ,
The man who know& and loves aright
What pleases God.
He governs all things here' below,
In him lie all our weal:and Woe:
He bears the world wain his hand,
Andao to us bear sea and land
What pleases God.
And o'er his little flock he yearns.,
And when to evil ways it turns,
The Father's rod eft;srolteth sore,
;Until it learns to do once more
What pleases God.
What most i would profit us he knows,
And ne'er denies ought good to those
Who with their utmost strength pursue
The right, and only, care, to do
What pleases dvd.
If this be so, then, World,,frum .
Seep„ if thou wilt, .what pleases thee;
But, thou, iny' , soul, be well content
With' God and all flings he hath sent,
As pleases God:
And must thou suffer here and there,
Clink but the firmer to his mire;
For all thingi are beneath his sway,
-." And muStin every truth obey ;
. :What pleases God.
True faith will'grasp hig ineicy 'fast,
And ,hope bring patience to the last;
Then;both - efithin thy heart enshrine,
So„shall the, heiitage be,thine
That pleases Go&
To theelorever shall be given
A kingdom and a throne, in,lieaven;
And there align be fulfilled in thee,
And thOu shalt taste and hea,r - and see
Whit pleases dud.
The Rage for Gymnastics.
" Muscular Christianity is becoming a
fashionable phrase, and the development of
muscle, , gymnastic, exercises, rowing,
boxing,, handling the, dumb-bells, leapinc ,
wrestling and bowling, is almost - constantly
urged' as a duty is imperative 'as prayer,
or as salutary as the offering of -mere&
We doubt not, that there has been , among
our American professional and, husiness
men, a lack of attention to the best means
of physical exercise and deitelepin'ent, the
prevalence of the spare thin habit, the len! ,
tern jaws, the excess of the, white tissues,
giving to adults generaq a pale, sallow
,look; the excessive weariness, after only,
moderate exertion, and, the' prevalence of
throat, diseases `and pulmonary 'affections,
are all in part attributable to`this. But er
rors in diet have quite, as much to do with
this degeneracy of the , physical system, ,as
want of exercise. When the brain is
working at its, highest intensity, whit can
be worse than the practice' of Four business
men to' step Out of their stores, and at a
speed little ,:short of running, enter the
nearest, restaurant, bolt down a slice ,or two
of ham, the most, indigestible of all meats,
or something nearly as solid, follow it with
a slice of Plum' pudding, and 'Washing the
whole down with one or two mugs of ale or
lager beer, get back to their stores in fifteen
minutes, from.the time of starting. The
stomach of an elephant could not digest
such a meals, and the effort to digest, it
throws the blood upon the stomach, brain,
and' lungs; and the imperfectly assimilated
food, passing into the system, furnishes no
suitable supply to repair the daily waste.
Too many of our profOsional men, too,
follow a similar plan, and at five or six
o'clock overload 'the stomach with a rich,
hearty, indigestible dinner, which drives
away sleep from the already overheated
brain, and soon breaks down the constitu-,
tion. Now, all the gymnasia in the world
will not make a man healthy and vigorous
if this syatem is persisted in.
It is not, necessary, nor desirable, that,
every clergyman, lawyer, physician, or lit-,
erary man, should be a giant„ in bodily
stature, a Samson in muscular strength, or
Blondin in acrobatic skill. Such attain
ments may well ennugh be left, twinen who
make their living by them; the black
smith,, the machinist, .the sailor, • require
great :muscular power,:
,and their, callings,
tend to give it; but the :professional man
is none the better fin' highly Uliscular de
velopthent. He requires a`sound bedy, not
dyspeptic, but lithe; agile, free from aches
and pains, and ready_ to, act as-the servant,
of a healthy and vigorous , intellect.
Will he attain such a condition 'of body,
by acrobatic feats ; by muscular exertions
far beyond his strength; and which only weary
andexhaust the system'?` Will a couple of
hours',use of the.hundredpound dumb-bells,
which make,every,musele 4the body ache,
hi' d
I and endanger the rupture ofa blood vessel,
fit'him to 16* het6r sermon, to
* Vetter plea; to inveitiiite maresuceessfutlV
4a,difficulttand oceulttAisease Will'he not
.."4 - .6€4'.: 71 . 6 !. , :7, ~...,v',
4'41 ;104
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rather,-by this violent exertion, be rendered '
langui4l and.unfft for mental exertion?
:But you would not interdict exercise' to
the student ? By'no means; but let it be
such as will be, adapted to his condition.
Let his diet be light, nutritious, and easily
digestible. His severest mental efforts be'
made in the morning, his exercise regular,
not violent, and of suera. character as to.
involve 'amusement and intereit=boWling,
but not With heavy balls,iiic good; 1* *
* * and exercise in the . .aaddle with,
an easy-going horse, hest of all, especially
if it can :be made , to serve thedouble pur
pose of siinplek exercise'and of amusement.
The rides should be varied, now investi- -
'gating some objects.of natural history; now:
exploring beautiful scenery, now visiting
some place of interest, or ministering •to
some sufferer. The object to be effected in
all these forms of exercise, is to call off the
mind from the trains 'of thdtzght, in which
it has been engaged, to call into action a
new set of mental muscles—and so this is
attained, any mode of exercise, not too.
violent, is well. One thing more is neces
sary to the health,of the professional an.
He should not study at night, and he
should not keep late hours. TEe brain,
heated by night labor, will not permit re
freshing ,repose, and without good sleep
there can be no sound, health.—Examiner.
Small Pram:,,,ttleVs.
BY nEv.apß. ip:JAIPKftEy
• It is .unhappily the case in times of re
ligious deelension, and as one of the evi
dences . consequent of it, that the weekly
prayer 'Meetings. become small, and are
sometimes, almost deserted, to the great:
discouragement of the few who are always
punctual And it is hard for them, to-re
frain from speaking of it ,in
and complaining that so few attend. It is
veryl trying to witness this, among other
'Proofs, that," the love of many who did run
well is waxing cold." Under these circum
stances, it is unquestiOnably the duty of
thenwre zealous members of the church,
privately to exhort their brethren to come
iii and fill up the seats: Rut when this is
unavailing or neglected (as I am afraid it
often is,) s it best to consume much of the
precious time of the prayer meeting in
talking about it, as if a blessing could not
be expeoted—as if the prayers of the few
could avail little in the absence rof the
many ?
Is there not a more excellent:way ? The
more 'I think of it, the more I am convin
ced there is. While the Scriptures enjoin
social prayer, and it is the duty of all the
members of the church, as well as the few,
to attend the, stated meetings, I do not find
,the _Bible, anywhere speaks of large
cratherings as essential in order to bring
down spiritual refreshings from the infinite
fountain above.
A On the contrary, I find that blessed as
surance of our Lord, in Matthew xviii: 20:
"Where two or three.. are met together in
my name, there am I in the•midst of them."
Two or• three ;*yes, if there are but two, or
three. ' , Such is the promise. And for
What pUrpose does Christ Meet with them?
Is it not ,to encourage them , ? Is it not to
increase their faith? ,Is itnot to hear and
answer 'their petitions ? Is it not to en
courage them to pray always and not to
" Where are =brethren ? Why are they
not here , ? We can't have a revival till they
wake lip and fill the places," is often the
desponding lamentation of the few; and it
is well, if they do not; by thiS unbelieving
indulgence, drive away the spirit of prayer
from their own boson's,. and spoil the meet
ing. I believe this is not unseldom the
case. How much better to. be thankful
that evert a few are disposed to come;
to lOok upon the bright side, and to
wrestle together with the angel of the Cov
enant, nothing doubting that He who hath
said, " Ask and ye shall receive,
seek and
ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened
unto you," will keep his word. lam per
suaded that the effectual, fervent prayers of
the few, Would much more avail than look
ing at the empty seats, and in their exhor
tatioes turning aside to lament the absence
of backsliders.
Suppose now a church should become so
stupid as nearly to run out the stated week
ly prayer meeting; suppose that only two
or three should come, would not that be a
sufficient encouragement for keeping it up?
Why not, just a,smuch as if a hundred
were statedly present? Is there any great
-et- • assurance that Christ will be present
with the' ' hundred than with the two or
three ? -Would not which induces
the two or, three to hold out, be more likely
"to { avail much, than the reluctant attend
ance of the largest number ? Let us be
more faithful in exhorting one another, and
the more earnest in our prayers, if the
meetings, are small, and see if the Lord will
not " pour us out a blessing, so that there
`shall not be room enough to receive
Scope or Miracles
The Gospel miracles differ from all oth
ers in their nature, and frequency, and in
the disinterestedness which characterized
them. Neither the Saviour nor his dis
ciples ever wrought a miracle for their
'own personal' benefit. Dr. Carson well
" Trophimus have • I left at Miletum,
sick." Did you, Paul,? And why did you
leave him sick, • when you possessed the
power of working . miracles ? Why were
you so 'profuse of your miracles in Melita,
while yon are so sparing of them among
your best friends ? = For the very reason of
showing that miracles are rather for the
proof of the *Gospel, than for the private
benefit even of the heirs of glory. God is
sovereign in this, as well as in everything
else.. Jesus healed 7 the "ear of the high
priest's servant, while, Panl did not heal his
friend Trophimus.
The apostles exercised their power, not
by their discretion or caprice; but by the
suggestion of the Holy Spirit. This, then,
is a providential fact,•.the record of which,
though to human wisdom trifling, is yet of
great importance to the children of God.
They are not expected that they will always
be free from° Sickness, or that their sick
ness will be soon dismissed. They have
.reason to trust that God will always
be with,them, and will turn everything to
'good for, them. But they must submit to
him as ‘S.' Sovereign who gives no account of
his 'natters.
The Contrast
The exeelleut Samuel J. Mills, when
dying,. checked the lamentations of those
around him, by,. saying, 4 , Life to me has
been long enough, in that I -have ,been ena-,
bled, I trust,
,to accomplish the work' for
which I was created. If so, death conies
'not prematurely, though it come in lift&
.young morning, while the dew of 4couthils
yet freshApon,the brow. I have4Rught,a
good fight,l.have finished my course,,
have kept the faith; henceforth' there is
laid uP'fOr m e ' a crown, WhiCh the' 'LA;
the r'igh'teous JUdgei " How
different: the. Ilast, , worda... of the;wlearned
Grains, whc?, ; atter, 4 pazy l year§ sp.o4gs-.
folly spent t a t cqulttg vorlcl wisdom.
expired with the agonizing plain upon ? his
lips : kik': have 'wasiel:My lifd in