I 1 - I EMI THE. rIVORKS • OF THE. ,11,0..'10H - MAC LAURIN. Edited by 18;:x. '„ ,D. D.; Edinburgh. In two ili:t4Bs; 618. Eenbuigh John Macicir;ttg,,,;,.Ehlladelbhia Sstihi 7 English . 4- Co. !, Pittsburgh : Val. S. Rtintoul; . 1860. R ' Here is a work of undeubted r 'V'alue.. 'Who has' hot read Maclaurin's Glorying the Cross of Chriatt" these tWo Woltnnes we have the lirst and only comphsteledition of the works of the author of that memorable sermon. He may well be called tl t e, l E n uangelical Butler, because he has derroVor,.,tvp:ngelical theology thenante ser vice • that—Butler did for Christian theology in. general. He is tbe i one wheat ; the Bite Dr. John Brown had "no hesitation .ia denominating the 'most profound and eloquent Soottish..theologian 'of the last century." 1-It4,was born in,Argyle 7 shire, October, 1698 ; 'staged at the . University of • (liasgarry-mitttendedrilliyhdtp-,College at ..the stone plate . ; ,wan deg ithcq iingtstiction of such meh,as.liffn..k.,Wesselius, foris time, at Ley- deo, ;4 11 11 1 1VietoolliCPPP,o4' to, JPEPPiIt by the Presbytery of Dumbarton ; in. 1719 was ordaineitilidhilatqiusk, a: Coantit.pitilift ; and in 1723 was.removed to the North-Nest parish of Glasgow. ,As a ,pastor, he , was' unwearied : in Sick - and in, caring 'for the' spiritual interestacnt his ,people; as a.philanthropist, he was, .the advocate ~:if;p: V ery Gfirptian means for alleviating human suffering ; and as a preacher and writer, he was i gnikineAly Scriptnial, n acute, proftifindk ittid'ityrelttlild•bid a wonderful'skillin. interpr,etirig,&llkolP Scriptures, Setting forth' the doctilnewfif grace.'altd-in dissecting the hu man heart. To ?..eacl b hk vtri!„ipgkyitie - prOt ? the intellect must be well girded, and tile leart must be id ILI VA:ibid. •TaisatcY; 'Often , " s ob-' sourc, and tlieititgiaiiitd4itfieelikkti... : Dut to the. , carefuL student : and. Oloie. iginkei here ii. a. putt wealth:,.. ; • Maclaurin was an original genius his thoughts are, productive of tliongliti.in: others. Among , th4'iemarkable productions with, which these volunies are filled, we cannut.'refrain . from men tioning three. The essay on...ti Pridnifices against , the GOspel,"' the,nernlOn ;" The 4ips .014 11 e* noVOhargeable en•Ged;" and that on-" Glorying in the Cross of Chriist,"! which of themselves . would confer: fametun any man. In the whole rains of t tliV& lOOiliielvituiv, it is difficult to find-an'ything'Sdrail?r . to the first, two . in profundity and . nitititiolii, ir to tha last in im- PTftelift.9l9loClPMT 1W 4 _ ,.fi at;* )" Thee, two volumes will lie a valuable addition to any and the ,publisherii tieserV'e . the thanits of the friends of religion* far bringing them out:at this time, and in a style so becoming, The .prige is $4.00. THE SUNNY SOUTH; OR r •TUE SOUTHERNER AT 11031 E. Embracing Five Years Experience of a kliirthern,Governese in the land of the Sugai and the Cotton. Edited by. Prof. J. H. Ingra ham; ott Pp 626. %.I"4iladelphia: Pittsburgh:.43- Hiner. 12;136. Thiel 'Airports to be a. series !braless original ly wriAmi. for„lhe Courier,. , of Philadelphia, that had '&004021e a large circulation, and consid ertiVy literary character, by a young lady from Nel(:.-s"PaTland,'malf'fairo - rtibls , siivated'as a GeV= amass with a wealthy family near. Nashville,. Tenn. 'ln, the prefape we are informed that moigi of these were written before the appearance of Mrs.. S,towe's UnclA E Tomlf A Cal44,",,,,They. z ore descriptive , of the scenery, people, habits, and inAltutiona of the South. ..Eiet:y thing pertaining to thittcp'ortpan'af . .,e'ur Country is set lorth in the most attractive colors, and in a pleasant; witty, and' Chat.* style; that 1611" "eitieit/titil'ilihreader," even.when he knows that there is a dark -back , groinid hidden from view, and notices not a little sameness,. and repetition. d ighnugheut.t4e;.beok the Episcopal Charbhia made to bairn' Ctialenee, "act.Church.r MEEZI TAP, HORTCIII I T171 : 13:2 filfAusesys eveii4hing i per taming to' rural art slid taste: Publiskled !:•yr . Bain,s3ialiett ic'eV ro' .: I Price $2 per ; ; WESTaIIiIiSTEEIei.ELVIEW.i IFOR JULY,. , Iterabliehed by L:-Scott . i rCe., 64 Gold ; Street, . Yoik, bas the following • aitiolest—L Strikes; their Tendencies , antl.F t eme4les,;. Theo. Mill on the Floss ; 111.. Rimlizieicin's Bampton Lectures for 1869; IV. 'The' Post-OP fide Ilsl onopoly ; V. Ail , - Scbeffpy ;. VI. `The Irish Edaation Question : VII. 131eimany :its' Otreagth, and Weakness;, n Thetights in, ; Aid of Faith; :TX. Grievances• of Hungarian% Catholics; X. 'The French Press; XI, Cotem-' o°l4 Literature. • The foregoing concise enumeration of the con-: • tents • of thepresent number is more convincing, than any labored commentary we might write, of 1 , 1 • •lo•I• ) • the value of review literature. It Ts a fair spec; imen of the variety which characterizes every. number of. the, series of re,publicatione,off which. this forms a phrt. .• The-present number, we observe, commencesa as also does Blackwood's Magazine for July;twntk , we believe one or two of the others, thus fey:tiering the present a desirable momentto oormlienee subieriptient -; • • '' • Pubsa one 'Review;yetir. Price of the foellaevielfsysB. -• "Blaokwood " and 'the four' Reviews, s`l o. Y ..,•X , ,:',‘, 1 ! I; t rrT.ll t''' 1 • trtsbt4 :vibDiJnhappy( Sabbath Morning. jt-wasr-alovely-Sunday- morning in. the nktqfhif44olC- IPPtil4-1 8 .gqetv M., linage of Marit9 7. had. : been filled with' groups of (*Alien on their way to Sab bath.Miiiifitt ;:+ , (J. ffr • • '1 When 'Urging 'eliird 'entere'd the school-room door,unidlthe.stieet was quite etriptp slop about nine.piat' S' old came widki,i/g„ ong slowly , looking .back every minute to see if he were, observed. Sud datial4,tiOneddMa 11414811U13.a11d Ve gigtvirtiAiniklg f ast': " - Tgli:llo:oP'ut's he was out of 'sight. '• . Who is he ? and where can he be going ? It` is 'Aithiir', ft Merry, good matured .boy,,,,butnhe is , the laziest lit tle;fellow in all'Marltcrii: And sheer.lazi-,, ness has led him. to4o , now what is very A'irst, he Nirr . toViitzy to Sun da* School lesson in the week;lni left it all for . Sunday Morning. Second, when Sun day morping pple, he i remainqd bed awake, but too lazy, to, set up. He wns scarcely,_ dressed _in. bseakfast. AftArbrelkfait' he' 'iodic' nit bdoleand . sat by the , "open Windew. l'ite?degs were playing in 'the street, and 'this engaged his attyllorlMOu began when.. the bell began to ring. .Hisf:mother called-v . - • . , cl " Comp _Arthur, get ready. . Don't you bear the bell ?" • Arthur pretended 'not to.hear, and catch-' ing up his poOk bpj . gati : tic learn the first an swer: 11.1i:mOilier called again, and at last dimly lefflhe olle knew not a word of his lesson, and, it, was top latc, to learrr 1 • , Jaen. the naughty *ight of playing truant came into his mind. - Ile resolved , go, tuto a grove near the lege and otliftllere . during the , hour of school. was an 'unhappy hour. ...He/could not 'play.'` - He Could' not enjoy the MiirrY ,sing ing of the birds, nor the sweptguellof the new Kay' ini , He;ii'vished a liiipAzed*inea.that ! lie Were in At , last:'-he seated; 'himself on .4 t gate i lgarikpg, out of a fierk,,prid, looking up.p.t a :bird,in a tree closw.b, he plghed, ; 1 16 141)3h I were you,v'yon .:happy , little tiere he sat, watering.the robin as it b..oppelligi a twyktt l twaff ir Ekrpkg ~ lessen to town: had wpy too. Oh ! vklß lAr :L gunt say to line! And how sorry mother will took !" J At this thought , the ; tear! v.:AIN:*O his eyes', I'or lie Idved hisother deaily,thougfi 'he often pained her.bi . .his lazy habits and the sine , they led him into. Again' he looked the bird over his head. "Birds are never naughty," thought be, "they never get. s .iiktd.,sdrapea.„ ~That is ti ,why they are bcpiy. I'ureurer L . , should be happy all day long; if ' only Just then a hind' was laid on his shoul der: 110,arnedand l ipkwAis y l.Inelb Alin) who, who, wiltlia Cotibin"TiinSbly s ,lll4l - Mketot short cutileroen the fields. on Way..3b ehurch.,2 : '„ •••'. • ( V " How is. this , AltAufr,' 444, his side. '"Whyare you not? at * Sundity - School ?" - Arthur, whose heart was. full, burst out . eryin4 And throwing his Apia round his.' uncle's neck he sobbed mit ; "Oh, uncle, I've been . verY'lcangw-r Whit. ,do ?"' theiktdld his uncle `the "history ; of his sad morning, saying he never would be so naughty ' As they walked together toward the. his uncle stiiiwel'him . ;how:laziness; had been at the root of all his. trouble. And Arthur wade earnest - resolution§ to .conquer, witii 3 Oo4Vs help, this besetting 'sin. And le suceeeded,—/leaper., 'The - - Chilttene Gardens. Did. you eviii •haven little gaideii.V own r said. Carrie Lane to her, vonsin):,nl.iik one mptiing,;'aa .they stood .togath.axe.'lepk.!. ing at some. banntifal flowers in tika;Wiadow, Carrlieschome was in a pleniant - . village 'in . country.,,and she .was now-visiting . her ',cousin who lived . in the city. :!'; • •;• -• NP,"„ answered Julia,, "I . dpii't know . :could IlaVe` one lierC . how small our yard is,findit• is all covered • eveßifillillo l 4 3 - aiihl l 4 3 illegkkg#ol: 3 4. - : :very much." mp „y ; " I know'yett l would; have them at hemp; 'there is plenty of ground there; • • and. every Spring . fiither •marka . .off *rep . , squares at •-one,, end of • his .Arthur, one for Florence; and one for : men •:=and he lett ils . plantjtuit'What we'please• . in bought a. 'spade' and 'a ,?ide:. • 'for *eh of . US.tOe, and one large .watering .pot to .sprinkle the . gardens ,with , when they are •xlry: We ••go• out and work • •in: them every, day." •:•• • - •- • • • • ••• 0/I,..:thilf: must be delightful 1 - Whit' didyouPlant in them ..• • • In one part of mine .planted flower. seeds, and peas and sweet corn in the °that.: ,Flore'nce'' filled the whole - of • hers .; with I floWer seeds;.... and it is 'very, pretty She marked it out in the forth of a hesit;and . when the seeds came . up, •it looked . as:if some . one had made a picture••of a beautiful green in. her garden . . I love ilowertli . • 'but I thought T should like to' ;have soft' sweet corn, and peas as well as flowers frOnk my. . ' own garden, - . Arthur . Aaughed a little.' at us girls and saiithe . didrN'ine4n tehave' any thing but what was usefel—so, he fill ed a large part of his garden withOrn ant - potatoes; .one...ecthe schoOlbOys,'Whe'iti . alWays playing tricks, : gave fet" . o** . seeds that he told- , Axthur would •be•Sorae aing useful, and he : Planted ' them in the rest 'of 'his grOundj''lativlieu• the corn and potatoes came Up, theiee(4' .came up 166, and father told him they were nothing but a very tronbleSome kind:of weeds. Arthur felt quite ashamed to )be obliged to :pull theni 'tip and plant that part over again , . , • When 1 e*nie'dWiy. - frOn4 home, all' thingi were, growing finely!' ' ' . • • • " Well, I shall want to go out anti• help you work, When/. cone to visit yoU'in Au ' gust. It will be :so -.pleasant to; see .• things grdwinglhat yOu . planted • yonrself." • • '-• Yes; we 'shall enjoy rt very Much Father saYsheis to have us'take care' - 1 of these little gardens, „and • he. often tells us •to notice the wisdom. of Him -who 'so clotheS the grass of , the field.' And , one. day 'when we were put' together, and he found Arthur's corn, potatoes, ••and • weeds all.. springing up at once, he told :uS•to, re member thkt those ..gardens were like our • hearts while we: Were- young. He said that we might have good.' seed • sown in them - by studying the blessed :Word of 'God - and obeying it; but if We neglected that; other 1 ., and. badseed would be sown there which would. spring up,in ,00r hearts ) and make us wicked and unhappy lam • always re- , ininded of 'those words when" see the forth: 4f the *art in FloreneC"a iarden:÷Pittd,' 4t•Horne.• , • . • . • =1 White and. lied Wheat. Mr. Parsons, in another portion of this Farmer, asks very pertinently why he doo, notiget the same price for his red wheat. that he does for his white ? If he will re fleet* inoMent, find that he partially 4 answers * own question Why 'did - 'be resorb 40. growth : of. the lower-priced' red of 31'cidit t eiraneiri wheat? Why do so many . of the 'tarn:ers throughout,Ais State give up-from time to time the-growing of the • mbites4or thightst-pticedifti n'ds a'arrs it1 , 7.3t because the red wheat is Etplanl. o of easier 'growth, andla"tali•er'&op r 'ail Surely, if an intelligent„ekmattia-farmer, at the head of his ,profession, whichskcprefets, he ,mustAcilkfertair4hat a great many-otherg,arg*the i lbiure predica ment.Xsgil,-„*.lmtliis' ?the coCityquence of • this ? Is it not that the roinlber of grow ers of white wheat is reduced, the number of growers)ri6 laws of Wide OF himdee th l titimlithea large supply of one, kind- , on hand, and a lighWlppl.y n of the re othf i t, s _tkpre. wg). bee lhisdsrthat .portion of tb,e ?oswer which is'resPonded almoit by the query itself. But thefelife4other'.6bifsiderations Ito be ,taken into account, whicA„iriclude matter's over which this Stiitc?:azia' its' sur plueitrOduetion can bii(i'a .taii-bwoon trol and wheat buyers' are neoeesanty. subordi nate to: These•we imideator, to . place before our reiders. -• • . Firat. It is well ; known .that; there' tare very large tracts of country "ow whialr , the more delicate wheat and even .Winter-red cannot be grown. ,ew-York, Indiana, Illi nois, Wisconsin,. •lowa, and tither -States, furnish large quantities. Spring wheats —inferior in , qualitYi'and:sometimes badly grown, yet,. .of:courilei thrown. upon :the market for what theY are worth. 'Now this wheat.2l4 l 2@olV.4 s do..OXPM,RßlAlitl of flour in :any of -the. tpartioulars which con stitute a high-grade of that article. It is small and irregular as a &pia, - lacking plumpness and weight.. . It yields lees flour and more bran. in pfoPartiottlO the tuslifil; its flour - ist dark.- eblored, oearse, full , '; of specks, and lacks strength or ia deficientin both gluten and starch,' when eompai4d with. hat of the Winter red oi white offbeat:- Te - Make, a marketahle artidle fipm it, the kind of wheat has to be mixed. with some , open 7,ar , iety, ; and "me, !the:411,4(v%, the ; do' not want'red4heat foithit_ptir'pose, • they denCiga rwhite4tiVit' Ifeu'h it will BA * t en "that . harp' ont'd i the causes ' of-the demand fOr white' wheat, and - the profemco.gifen to it. ...Yet this; though a forcible illustration of ono, of . .tlke' caws, of the preference, is but asliglkt *compared wit QShe _. • Second. Throughout • the griat'reenemn ing markets there is eanstahtlyi a steady detauefoir - ft That -passion for White.lireartiwhidit exists to its viertaviomgoip.ltt.o4ocof _., by. no means y*0111%144 them; buteßitidalaTto -Thbsti nf'otlfir; States; ;sind hensiirfficAir islir eikativill44sAlkite . . -•- - P• , 9 ERIAN, B ap o sA t i : 4;8 7 • _." • • 4 ' II bread obtains a. ; large price, atuiLi as this kindof four can• only. be made from the schnicest.r arieties of whiteAvheat,lhii!,•ba . l uch a general' ihilli4nce;fin . .oo',m;kkket; that, tho Ugh a red •who?at. ,lioiir:may be the. strongest and most servicable,:the•tanoy ar. ; ticle bears the 'highest: price. Aw Stance of this, let us.examine themertrOta- 1 hie quotation's for: 'Vie 'NOW-3.'6li' 1. State superfine brands $5:0040 $515. This quality of flour,iettiade,from tba„low grades of Spring and o n lienp Wheat, ,by . the Sew-York millers, who grind . a very . slight • inixtnre of better qualities with 'it., , ‘': ' 2. State extra ss. 3 s''to' $6:45'..' 'This :quality of flower 'coined: froni" tlie"'tkiiittry .millers of New-York ` ,iwtio use 4014.Sainges .'of the wheat gioWn in their 'iieiglibOrhoed i ; just .as our own millers - do:A. , ~.. -• • ..' • • -, . ,Michi,,o'ait fancy $51:0516/51.5'. ' :At one time Michigan fanc3r Aehaliiiklii,'lnarket and was equal to good ea.tras, : lint..during the season of 1855 itogot its name. down, and never recovered.. • It' is generally made ifrowthe law priced wheatsAirnished .Iby :the '''ChiCago market, an d':aloo.` fiiiiii"the: Mediterranean samples. Its , qiiality -de, pen ds . altogether ..upon the amount of the high priced . white wheat which .is used' with it. WkrenTlre quality of An'iiiiitiiri gives . the *Or a high grade,:it takes the position of .extra. . 1 .4.. Miebipn and.lndiana extras $5.40 to $6.00. • 'Thciqe • consist td" Bohr. nude ' by well-eknitettoffd tai:lli, that hOrl all, the 'iliircliinsAtli.nticessiii Piii11. 3 .4014 , IfiFst . ~ iriality of.flour...,Some of . . . these mills. pro- .- •:')'' 4l tt " *11411 r 4. % 0 I•''''''' 4 . - 'duo:tie . double' extra, which.•briugs ,;still • • ' SCiellte., - ••• .1 i 411.. .• Pi •• , 3 :1:f. lafgherlates; or letim"seventyfire cents to a - The composition aNI4e _lighting end of Olt*" ihote 4 . ll6ll ill° Pxtiti.- . , ii"* l *.f."l.oSl*! Lucifer MithqkClOit il o ln*lii 0 • glAeigthAfir ly made alto..othei from white bit of late ' boansp.updeltaymnriato ,of: :pOta:34i'irkatS. good saWi u se into'hipinite,..nndthpte .liquid . by beiligoplali to mix.witl3l4g4ititrigA et)33W 21HT c ia , foif er ni ,toesobietlir plate-/ qbtacvlipeifik !6. Ohio fancy and-extra at $6.75.t0 $B.OO. .girCiff e biAtjl ek fiin,os94l,4 .;ipt i l likaff-fii: The 'flour i isinikdet •from i the si ghiice,ovki4 4 9 4. A r4l c 'e l i Ei ; i p r 4lii i , q11.1g '.40 t 4s.rif,ajk i Whesits of Southern Ohio, and. lientnekf tion of the jaw:andLentirelyg.dmticyintil.o..! which is quoted 4 'o.' ,n5.5. e .,14 - ,_NeW.-_York. jaw -bones: :•"•T'Wo or:three years:are t he •nt1;! tl ill wiarket; .Wfiere red !;Irjgan.ASbut,ll . ,3g.. , mdstriitov!iiiiidr:•lhe '-nii . ,:taLwordt:,' ? f ' 6ilericasee at ' lows ea,trar. t iost to r s i r t,hoc&i,4toiitolii , . da, - 04,# } .; 4 3' .4prgi 87:60. -' s p' if' a 4 ' Ite inlie'frioin fuck Ja - ii , i;ralle".. t . ' Tile' .!Shiffielci, irqiie t . g 4 elc; laimples of the 'white 'wl l o , B 1 1: 4 ' GePesiike, fork-grinders; and.stone workers,4are. also , Kentucky and Michigan,. and -are manuafe-Air'emest among these whose tradewarelatal. tared in the male of Rochester and . * St.'• .to health; .the.dnitleneratedtEtlo* Louis, which , have 'keen pe6liarly, fi l tted: :iikqeio.titedff i lgkiBter:4,:lAilic;plo:4iT'::: nia for' the manufacture of the best qualities pnitigi:...„Oceispiniiiii.iii makes fiilll l #3',ll44„ of flour:'. • ' ' '' ': • ' . .. : ';`,', ' :, 'ilmoug,miners,..thpse of. oat—Anitiespecialz, 17 i Riciiinf i n;i i city,f 6 ( 6, Ato, 07.4.0.:, ,Nted.t. y -those 'd tin,eeopper,- arid/ !Cade:. Bralw. froin'thishoice - salubles:,of Virgil:A wliitg . Ilieltera 'guNt 'fichiti iriterniitteat"r:f4.o7. wheat: , 4.• •• • • 6 ' ,• • - • , Mil . 8.. Gallngo , awl: 11,axall , $,8.1.2, 018:25. - :AK peculiarly fine TialitY of4Our of the highest grade, and manufactured ty) as to bear trarmsKitatitniliWligiites Vith 7 lr out danger .of . turniim qO ' ..,Th i e wheat is kiln dried it is 4h hiiiiett'of F raki , Viroinifklnd,litiii" iaa"..l7 Tiff ": g "'" q " . It-will be seen.:,from the.,above,that, in, .every case white wheat is'in'ffehriblid,', and that: the material rnanifictireeifrom, it bringetthii'highest ie r evidelo , that our.home markets;by`cofumour'eonsen t . offer a premium at all times,lOr the. pro- 'd*qtion- of the best varieties wheat;_: enee'it'~eill' lie; aeon tbnb 110 , nor even the collective- ideas,,ot.iny ,par ticular section' on the subject is l ikely to, have any effect in:altering .whiit grown to be the'sottlo4 judgment, of At ' l 9QunttY, and the city everywhere. • • We have. not yet taken .up;Aelefeetc'ot, the foreign demand on this imppytap;t l ll*P 7 ! jeet, but•we will reser.Ve that for another we4-77/ficlriPaP ra t* . r' Thq,•,. Precious , • ••- 4 . A ....411001w Tilt ! There ILs name:Hike to-heerp X love to sPOL *Prth ' ;' .. It ionlidiiike nlllBlO4O mine ear, The evreetest noine ehitili It tells me of a Sairiour's , loi-ei • • Who died to'set me free; It tells me of his precioim•blood;" • The sinner's perfect plea. r•t3 t• e• t , 02..1011 It tells Me of a }Lather's:mat), Beamingupon, his ohildl ••••••:: , It cheers nie through thelit&..while, ' Through desert, waste, and wild. . . ItAolls i me wha t Foitl i thrlalh 'ln f stiire 'for' ov r eii . !sjr -• And though I tread' diiiksome path, '!ctiZiahls 13unghine'algtheriirgiVi' . ! 11 1 ) J i of One,whose lovinx. heart , i.t.1. , at., . ;,‘ Ira Can fad m y deipek woe, That aata.katitLt!ear.:Peoar, -• • • .; • • 1 It bidi my Itremblinje i t jeice, • •It dries els* rising tear.; :t • • ; It tells Me in'ft ' still soft ypice ' To trust and itot to fear. 'Testis ! the , name fliive , The name I love to hear ! No.saint on earth its worth can tell Igo heart conceive bo i fear. Thie nn.me shall'she!Litjf i ppieskiit.Fntill Along this stormy road; f ; • Shall sii"eetly.sin g diithithe Tliut leads me up to Gild • • And there, with all 440,),App11-bought,tli*bng; 'From sin and stirroW l .fieet ' • , . 11. sing the new eternal , song •i Of Jesus' love fpi : Ane: . ..„ How 'Pei4,o4ol,otikie,(l ..in.. 1 1.4.9,4M.,wgtkup dad. Januaifsth, 1.681 e ,,pks : This day, after e -MrtilN , Atiiigs, watch ings, soliciting anddisputia 'in' Con fell, my country waVcon - turinea'kj great seal. of England, , with 'powers and privilegewhy - Thei.lhiiithribf a name the Ring would give . it an raYoy• 9 f my father l .,“L'ehosirfNeir ...Wales, :bein g a hilly cptiptry;,, #hery,;!;he' Secretory, a Welshman, refused to call it 'New Wales, proposed , Syllania, ehd' they 'added lleap: to it, though f NT, as i uppsAd it o ing went to tile, k ing to 'hay . e it struck out! , Ite'said i it was past and he, would uppu him; 'nqr, could 'twenty:guineas, move the Under: Seeretaiy• to very the name; fiir feariAit jiiigAt lie , lOolteil`;On me;tad•-not as a respect. in , the King to father, as it really was.",. . , Tile,,Tor9 l . l t o ,4fir."r) tars a iorrowful • lament over , the Meager' support received by COW%) I „journals. ".The papers' that maoasp7ith the oft* frugality to ,eke out an oxisteninilinder:(the banner of the cross, are, few. in ,nunibefp and even these are left by an ungrateful. people irk a state,hoffering on destitirtion?' Two causes are represented as bringing flag 4040 3 4d: 4 1A 111.`irst(1.10411 olio papers have bat circulation'. Second.. (Along' one Ithifd , otl(thbse who stipporethem-eitheiAge)teeontinoil or are says the' ilfir , ror, ".on ,a circulation Which is generally about one-sixth of thee average circulatiori of ProtestantpaPera; there is a loss o£ about pnr,Cent...for,;..goi expenses of collection ; , and: r superaddia! , to this there a 'heat; ;104 1 .p3 we443 , nve r:iiitaelhe sum our readers'Aidd OttPe_YY,,,V4)o3l l ,rlke..r7Rß Atfini4ivg rflßbl hersl! -Thopiwtertaii&l,tA,ippribl%stifte t 01 . 46 . Oithatdilti MLA's 1 11VacriloSitbyAii l e ofw elfin 4e. ài4fr. , • . •• • .. ',,ko..tatittOUS/ '''" he: Catkolie Preol. dear- 11 0jfr4. 1 41E. odPilisiof! .9f OA Sti_PeAoril ty of Protestantismoveneatholioiffm , respeutfullrqubidit to. the-ifirror , the •pro °vet masses, with present geoete,, 'itewspepYr, reid 7 Anfli.their.,4igittted theipritter,to .theittettugtsohoob ofProtes, 'hultialui: But d little while! would • be. ' .needud:UsliiiitqlOrt•hivleirel ottriPtiy esta nt4pgPp v o c a ls.• • • 0 4. • • 1 .. bre • 11.. .1 , • ' ! •••!-,•( (.. Nat: oarne.atson g, ..Faise. by; four; per soniVinlihniorgare-loftt. How beautiful they, wartßiid i l''l l .iiB (*xied.:Straight %Mel -- to and f:;;Eari. 'of scenic illtisic;os,j344ii4.4ll*—VAlVlEOrtgllkßt eyes,. brilliantjewels,4azzling•toile.ttes, immacu late kids. 'The , soprano . : led - 'off with a 'Splendid 'lffeepacciritglgi;i*Wketgthe - higii* nqt:e,lambs on . .:Then shp;..o,o4ed, and AP tenor took up' the s h . :ail:valid , prolonged, it with clearitrunipet-tonegiql , heivhs stopped. and the `cenfraltoldine sweet note; and lastly,. 4 40. 1 e414 TAO: l' 9 l :l*g the .other,. thric e e,,,piliola . Party inenco-a :terrific ltruggle:for supremacy.in. the'fiiitillugue:' Mks' contest wids;escitingit a. A* hit:amble; bnt,at x l,st thesoprano,7aS 7XPttlro.lsl nd ing with a tremendoustrill which entirely t . Silenced her antagonists.—The Pasha Pao • it, fi i• brass an d oopper ,arksgbjeokttp affeotionidwhiohf turns .ont,thiir , to raflivid green :•• ty• by • .00sw aisised rsaks Visitors., - ~as •;.. ~ DEME In ,view-mistsiOiii44lAV ID VOlged '4lo' deYOQP.rilent';`Pr . .: est ers Irirginia, it is . net 'amiss Iforoms.to note , the. ittipoittlifti' fact,' that the JanieStiltiver and .')Kanawbf:' Canal ''i43 .be sabil" , to French.' Company,,fO:iOekUalrei.'4l4 pima of Napoleon 'himaelf,..who..are Ao 'fin ish the Canal to Covington in two years ; -and,t6 'the gaitattrha 7 inj m i stlitmore, are/Lk:WAS ' , 4Le ' 04 6 : :oar noble,mountaanee irbe:..torms -.ogerea. :aisrniiderstood. tOib'elo 'very:favcirable that: Abel W4l certainbrljelate4a4,.aild" ,promish - s,:,e;isgiuotivellfor.tne movement ?El supposed the' ownership :of im mense quantities of Western Virginia landSttui'iiO4*6lfifold 01 : 8 of, the P, a q3 r i A v O: aluable by 'furnishing means • of transpor tatioa their minerals and so reimburse theTr owners or i'ou ',contract is no yet fully made, but as it has 'been .11111151.11110 pynifik:l3#o, th ere is no 4 improprietrili entionl it, as"" a matter 'Of_eo,sgratulatiop to every one interestadin„ the development of the imperial resources .Of the o . ld DotAtii.a.lF l -6'6511 8 1 7 a/ Preskyte , MI OE ifISI EIMI,=I A'German'ornithologist says :—The sal- tare cag fly. ut thezate of one hundred-and. fifty,miles, an hour ; Observations made 00 4 the coast of Litradar, convinced Majors Vaitiirright'tbSpithe., Wild goose can travel . , at . thp. rate ,of ninety miles an hour ; the commonOen fly twenty-five iiifantowS, aooorsltag ,S.Pallagliri!iiinety - . two miles an hew. It is said that& faleon was discovered• at • Valte . .. tW,entY-,ls4 . ',bo*S: after., the, departure „of Henry*rir.) from Fcin i faineblead; If true; this bird t have flown fifteen hours at the ; il:4 ) (if i frltq seven milg not rest a 'ilia: meireffirrierge"Vro'reti if The rice -bird, wich. afterwards 'mes the reef4tird t)fi Delaware' Ppyi is if+ the bobolink 'of Ahv-Toile, , ;auk? foal& be , . . greenricin, its crop. ,Indeed this is" said to- be tine of pigediediiiridt thSlieWaroliiiitiSealioiii I; Ft • - "Pre Done Smoking." . par friend delivered himself thus.'hon estly.and, in ,earnest: As' he emptied his. moutkrof 'the last cigar, -our mouth 'became , full=- 1 -firlr6r Alleasedja.t l lic man himself. „HeAsi*se` mats snore cleanly, mere . : Aaavory, „ r more reasonable; than. when-he lrentoabout smo kiiik and 'pli lfi nk the ina'n'it i iirfp. She is 'a hap piv..ironplp ft* tielinr reasons mentioned in the last paragraph; and many .more. Slievhad loped-iagainstehOpe forLthe- last puff,; ' but T it hie been made at la.' .NIC seem to see her faeolgigliten, her step is moreglastic her voice is s7 i eete; i . ber, come`'tb he'' Blessedis3he.man's apparel... A certain. fragrance has left it; but not , to the sorrow of those' irrelbsie - proxitaitY With " Hi s wardrobe is minus' a real annoyance and plTlMlTlMMlVEßVl3rifirirrffrEirtti""" -- . And blessed is the man'hp.nith. In the smoke and fireltrairse°lo4kept up un der his nostrils, f hd i'dd 4 ati insidious enemy. And his whole nervous and digestive system Vidle in the benediction we indite. ' • Andiblesaedia-thetman's pocket. A leak itiithh before will, flow ini, . 1 414* 438 76A 49w,t9VP: of We ,seem to hear ripC . fitwtha!, Anart,er. : - • -‘, li . ber9.mill• be better' day 's iiiejiartruent pf, mas ter/8 dominion . . . . . 41an:,s i mp§ . May tthietiaoft like a granite abovecall F ,thelre and smoke. thatmay assail it'Airhileltigelinff.r.pti it the ',last ! Aid .1 ihsingh.tke }make; Tall. not join there 'nip ;be-snough•ts.join in aihearty amen-1 Tom' largest 'furnitnie inanufactory in Cinoinnati cn lorteyes five hiii~dred ha" r n u n 1 IT dollars worth of go ods. (Ivry year. The flooring of it!Nlligthij, , Nisd /alesrooms to gether occupyllan area ofoter five acres, and the -proprietors .., are erecting a ..new rt..2/11M4' dred'in fi ,liiy,ei fiSeet uliaer: :44 th jAinfolr t . j4;:iesrliethi: if*) , nine th4PY f. ll O flees AM operation. - The sine• bre yielda , fortyt . lier cent. of metal. This-being subjected ' 11 ") v . l l 6 llo4,lo . t . hOtlf . * ) .t l T e n c3 l lledal c rn acuo, in thelfonn .ok:firy vapoi r 'aMokiv and, gasKand aften mange through .greet pi ieß~ antivlre'ceiversrit "MI& lik'ec' a usziowt , &Aerial r i wbite; "the' ini_llol/ '4IV: .Wl 4 1.•:,; ../s- • VROPA liZWV,WW , Prit4.l4l)XakltiNa... , em i r. ,•to MEE =TEM Mi 212010 !,:liportostlovel ? ,-;Awittnest. of Birds. ME MENN riligNlll 311110111 Facts t•• • ' ••• ; It was siii44ln The rccO C ifeNtii3#,An the French Oorris figirslatif that, Out -of the 86,000,000 souls in France, 20,000,000 :never saw woolm,goodeonflatm l sort. It has also been recentlyarsiOefithat . ps,9ooff 0 2 0f1if.54,4* 41.03, Del!? 1 :*.* 6 4; .than, epee. a .Week,. : 'annually, eon, Sun* 268,000,900. !pouridar of • vegetables.; the insitt t Aardensligit '1%14s cover mere than tiA.:. .7.4f5g;4:0) glass "bells 30;090. koier. hot be4s , . occupy 9,000. peOple4,7oo.horsee, consun* `$368;000 of manures ; .; return. $2,700,000 by sales Of 'fegetablea: '.` • • BUSINESS', NOTICES: • ~. • SPRI sfryiam:rott.. .e 1.6 B , Gar3a3. e.Trts, In R Vslitirholig"iii sk;iarg, fad 'wet, lodEtd~dcortrailO,t Profich and English '" . •• • • • • • ; 10X88IKENES AND 'COATINGS; Ersie . :an anticieftnent 'and Ooloied OLOTilf.5 AND YESTINGS, an the , inanurnctoritie of Europa Can . produce r ygdoh are adapted, to the want.' of gdit . lemoi or • toot., who appreciate style and quatify' in ' • SAIIMIL GRAY .1C SON, . marlA-ly No.l9,Fittb St., Pittsburgh. .MERCHANTiffi ll ifOlgt, ',...M.ag.L:r..•4 I ; .1 ' 4.6 - --N:oirtih..F.o , u T. , t - h.: S t r e e.t • •-•,•". • • • ••• , witiBBEN 81)N Proprjelors. w9i6 ~ /1 ) :..*/1. . mare-1y WB:PFATAIR ill" I NPX4 I 9"I 41 I SE WI=NG..-MA'H IN 4E431 Pitteliorgh. Weld* to II?, PubIic:W*IIPERA I49 4 OI S7 3 , ' , IMPROVED SEWING MACHINE, INkfithititea4athfidoncti in its metith as the • BEST.A.ISTI) NIOST-11,ELLABLE • SA.IOI.I%FiWINeI 41.46131 NE 1101 r U3O. It sews equally walrOttlife thithest - thbmetit labries, males' the hiel.- 1 odetiklaspasfibit9tti itnrievel. With *UV essential tuivnettigo of being Wilco on both sides, fainting popitlipis k o,r. chain on tho, inde rff "e l a a 4P l° cPithth:Pctirtmr" PPee d i , l uc.v e . r. I 4 1 / 9 .0 ,pthe 'attune. • „ Rre gtiel . falll fnefortictlon iti , onable the% purchaser , to sew erdbilarMikinle, atitebt 101 44 1 . 1 43 1 41450 1 .4 b l sand Oak, samorthi etuPcMael4e% "nd .1.1•• -, rd ~LRAIVT FOi i CLIOIMAR:2I . contabting • figit •I'' ~ P' • 4 taliiisildif Wirt' 4 tits - IffelNittai tllie • . zon., • h•:),'!.. , '•*tP•ll 171:1•09h.:. CM:. 7:1 • East and: ;West • • lit' , 5 011y4/i f tbriesik gratis; oa apjlloition in Pexisfiltdra:bY letter. • • : - i *Ft* Mactline• t •• s P • . /. I PPPL E S• ?WI T ! 0 36TI P 3T er i lAl 414 ! LP•lti n 44 P n baud:, , ott- P " -,junl6eBm ~• .1. eASIJMOMiIIe * DO. • • MEE ...9.00*. at SIMI( Aerd,ilt Tangl Ns. 84 Wylie itreet s Pittsburgh, Respectfully invites public attention to his new and extensive Sworn:mt. of Yaialipnableis RPRINR%AND SIVIIXEWIOODS, embracing al i tire new and j3esiiabloeryls for gentlemen* )wrna,r z mbicb •will•be nuuleto order in the very best manner, ireseirabiS ' mar 7 ,1Y .11311 , 211 IIVAN & C r • ; • /17; ulaouble..Thread ; , ...; iFAZE • ITIV' SEWIBTO MACHIML J AW iti : US follairinglpricee ' !small - Machina!• ( plaßt ) .:4ll: . r Large; ' " ••4r• 414){.:1 . . " in.qulsrer 46.00 -I ""''''" fir hs.lf Ca». .... .r 1 150 . .00 • 4. " ' .. . 65.00 - Weeleina , co4thieelacldne.auperitulitYsOMMAnyrother.,..lla 7 „ chine ever made, for the fbllowing yeaeone Ist. Both the udp:ailisd; under threads are use directly from the origify..l i c tos doteesysinitli b illepnible of reMinding j kat_ t i so ma n y Win sin wMade. /t can *diked backwards, alrife Simier3s, with /bossism facility, can be started with the foot alone, and is assays right. ad.. It uses a perpesidlen'ar needle-her; and straight needle, and lever breaks. 'wadies.. 4.th.' 'leis so siiiipldtliatit cosi' be'Veerisaslii ledrhed arid iterated, by a child twelve years.of . • . Mb. It le almost noiseless. By the combination; of MOO . faitnre4; so, important in a Sewing Machine, we are enabled to offer to the public a Maatibie which suite tiM understanding, tut wall as. the .punto of all. . Itiaiyitiactilne is filliktiatfitattql.s. • 'Poole and Kull printeddiractions. accom7azy each A .olorie. itar- - dienta wantea 'eVery tiiivn'throudbeit the erpon profitable terme,. and no pliatibility , of lass: .liendr for Circular of tonne to Agents. • • 'IV.% W.' NORTHROP, General Agent, No. 60 Market Street,gx stairs,,)) , sttg4-3m • A N • ,E, : W r *t_ A I r 2.:',PNWRAPO- n2MEALIC Dining the last" fourteen. yearre r somefoiir hundred patent/s -ki:Lye. been ,granted ou inventions, designed to lighten, the, Artillgiliir of fatally sewing, andat the shmelitite' to" prbduce' it machine WU could he .proliishly used. for...manufacturing, autrpmeat but Strange to any, out of this largo number of Mliehinert,:enlY sonic half dekerr have been proven to :beg practical value; end of tide moan number, not one has in it conitilried theladvaintiges or a faintly and inannfacturing'• machine. There are large f heavy, ,noisy,i cumbrous, and. complicated machines, designed for heavy worli,that answer the purpose very well; . while 'there ore'.othermicif light mechanism and.dolicate adjustments, which.psrforre,iight, work to advantage; and 'while the former arp exclir sivoly confined to heavy' , *ark, the bider are of little value, except on light fabrics. Therefore I take , great• pleasure in the important fact tlint Mr. 13,eavy. the. original in-, venter of Sewing bfrichltis, has recentlyPerfricied his Shuttle, Machine eo'n:s to conibinsi Smaller side& and with tar liesstonchinery, , theostrodgthienddurability.of:thernants4 factoring machines, and.at the emusctime pessessing that delicacy . of Movenient and ease of Cperetion . peculiar to the m family achine, and'ividch tenders this the only machine Market • capable of working' equally men the lightest and Aeseir-stiabrics, and is therefore designed for : . ALL KINDS OF,,WORK • • For Spirt-nutkers,est-ntri . .ker, Tailors,'Shoe-binders, Gaiter-. AMA's; partiOn:mikeirß; Carringe 7 tii.**ii, as well surfer' all warted's . efF/iMILY.I3EIVFNG, • • .•.! . THE I a6WE'.'MACHINE..• . 1111.1,6•461.4%""1atiCan4' SOAfActiOrf; will be' sold lbrene-4 tf: chared for' arir'.iither =whine sapablejoiTdoinraitlieary work in as gobal &manner.' 'They: intasinirespluipot tip got r,q4 of order . by any. fair means, and theY wilt beTullY summated for' one 'or any. ThdY gather.; and fell,' ithout basting,-ranki tho lock-stitth seam (alike .on,both• si des) of gra . at tranty, strength, and elastleity, and which, mullet ,be Yipped or invel&i. . . . • The public iirO'condbilly invited call at my roam's, NO. STREET,•• up hairs, 'and. thoroughly test thew 'machines on all kinds of work; don't besatiefied by. merely 'scene a - Machine sew On'arag; brinkliton your light-' Asa sad iieimiect work; and 'purthe Machine to the most rigid teats. i.••• • • •••' . Active and rosponsiblo Agents .are wanted. for , the sale , of thOtte Mnchinro. uriNi liberal terms; for samplei of* - ork slid particolara of`agencY. ; • , • INIE • tteci-ant =MEI ' • 1 :1../1. / , •.• • 'NI 104 . 01. -7 . -NPV??NaIte...IREACANkarI2e• • . • •.t•• PitkQe:, PP nitiatO Aune 7:"Re4sritat Alien* l0,•1858. Jane 1,18 ; 58: Dw2* 80. cetutedmnder'Sis •Patenia. 1;€..) ei .7ultrtf:: "Owned' severally by gliia noire, Sr., Wheeler, ~S,,W.Slectia Manufacturing Co., 1.,111.,,5inger , ,,,k Co., and Gioia 4 Baker Sowing Machine Company.' - • • ";•• -•" • ,•‘• :• -", • • Purchasers may therefore :feel levied:that theystio buying, a firsnclass Machine. ;.• ,! • 14.1 i• ri . • ... • • Oporieriti t Peep 'Own, "in this kw: d i t r ieirmay- be ti t t e ft ) : st a ted : a n Iv• • FIRST. ' The remarkable t simplicity -and siesuregr:.ot . ',its iihrtnism,naidleqtcd, the Stet, that it incapable tatAnikl I , unerringly , , four iliotitdail"stft ;lin eherinute:' ' [COND. It will iiot drop stitchearand 'eration.i •u•c . • • in i . Tynan. The facility yith Adel 9 2 eiri a geruqky becantiksal, pert'in deni-Xling it; inn-Smack RS nrtiblatedie tip polities Me setting the 'needle, or lir regidatidff the inaliont• , , '' :ruu , Fon RTILt A patented device of great utility to dillemenaboll . retiently.been apgitod, which, prevents/ the t aziMachlidieing run in the. wrong directiai,era wheel wearing a 'adios dress: ' • • ••• • • •••.• tu• • Burn: ,Going made interchangeable in all its 'Oar* any , of them can readily be repliWed in case of accident. .„, • " ' THOS. J. HUNTER, General Agent, N0.'51 Fifth St., Pittatnirgli, oppealte'the Theatre. . pl4sm • . , TEST' RANCH HIGH SP4OOL, JARSISY 81101.11, LTCOIO3O 00.1311 X, ; PA.. 0 • This Boar,diug, Schad fur. totttb,sersesy; Bel): term September sth. ,T he Directors hating procuied vertices, as Principiii, o Mr:W.It..DAVIS; late PrinBPal 'of the •Jiligh. School at ikuutaster, 9a.1, can' recommend' this Schpol toparents and cuardianitas .most desimble tion in Which to placc,their children and wards. The'arifiree of instruction embraces every departdient of education taught in the best 'Academies: 'ln all the studies the .. .pupil.: are' thoroughly. grounded, and. taught to under stand and apply what . they learn, The female portion of the schdlais'idil parDenbirly under Dia'atie and instruction of a lady; whose many accomplishments; and long experience ns,a truamsfut tettcher,., render her services most 3 , atnablo , and diuditiblo. . . •Peir' fitrtliee'jwirtibblare, *pp .tn STRVER4 Pmfdent•nf,tllo Board. , nr to thA.Printipal• iyl4lo $lO The American Sunday School , Union " •- • " The 810 Sunday Schopl ,Zibrarles ftir .dittributien thti IRei 'CHARLES BREWER, will. be ready for delivery . on and, after July 10th. 1300. • • ' • . The Sunday Schoeligentitled theati Libraricv are those established in Allegheny County, Pa., since March 31st, Applicants will be regniteft tq subscribe to statement giv ing nanie,CKatibii; and duke of organilatioW 6f the Sehool • ' name and Post Offen:address of Sypetintendenti average, number of teachers and kboiare in attendance, tal amount then eentcilintod fox , isapport:cif School. Rianionable evideitee i bY.Attlottnt of, contributions and oth- , eivileit, of the pernautelicil'of the School will boi • eqiii red. • • Apply • • • ' • • ' • P. 1.1., EATON; ' • ' • Of EAMON, WM& MA011.11114 • .i.n n*i . , ..• • • - A n, B 10" .• o L*; • ''''''''"••••• 'For 'Brillian — cy and Ecoriomy,...! SURPASSES ALL urn En. ILLumizian - Na OILS notir;:in" Market: bald' styles - of Coil' oil lamps, id per fecfly alife-tand Trea from all offensive Illannhactursa ; 4 ,4*.kt4 0 7-, . • !I• •• • • ';•.1 • • ;. , tIW: • :I%4E:AC .114.L.X.t 0 li*N - 4 .• • -1 itAAVAN / ierrakelgarliallinXtiTPrrreptiligH.,; - VIVNRTI" I Ai* B L I Wu aPio :sin " evt ft' l .ZO s77lMikr . *dl A. 2TRITTON fe CO. • klasallielareis tWhiileaale aei :‘ l ltetslik Dealers, §a o Pzin Br a aboye'diarket;RfifilaGelPhK • WhIPLIVII chtkalit , Aw! 4est aoNDATtantp,ot i vo i: PANC7 /ILI D 8 or any other . I,4B4,llshment tft Ole VW REPAIRING prompft+ GiWN I=, an*owyrythrkryeia 4 i ^ 78 _T isheuil. -30,Nki 2. L IV. 11;' , 11A13130ELL;tiAgenti • •; , 4 , • •? llibiburabs,7B. E INVITE THE ATTENTION OF ter`' 'T the if '',s6keetdig" - Try Goods Store, ' rtment Of all kinds of Dry whereonay be found a large nese thus saving the Goods, required in tiratsbibg h va tmibleuswillY ocperieliceil hlta t infi Cavie* A 9ll. art icles, rioimplaces; 'ln consequence of our giviilk our attention to this k ind of stoilcto the °sniveler' dressor faucy. goods,; we can guarantee, ur prices anAsP". l. MY l .l' e , kilhe market. • • =IN LINENVOODS, wearnable,to give perfect malefaction,. being..thar Oldest Rl' • tobtisited .Linea Store in the city, and hiving ,beptv. fm , more than twaty yeys rignlar importer's *Mit some of the*best manufacturers in Treland. We offer, also, a. large stack - • , FLANNELS AND ,nnusuldp,, of :Die hest qualities to be obtained; and -Zed lowtiet' : prices: Aldo, Blankets; Quilts, Shootings ,: Ticking - a,. Wins* . , Table Clothe, find Napkins, Towellings, Diapers, EllOkaPacks , - and' Piarii'Covers.: Damasks and . Ifforearig , Dide c inid ‘ muslin leurtainsi Dimities, Furniture Chintzes, ~ ,Windewl , Shadings,' Fic., &c. JOIJN - v. tesoN,. S.W. corner of Chestnut and Siaventli Sts j- Philadelphia ~ { , .11,1 ARE Oi l li t elitTlllFlTY. • ISAAC MALE, JB.. & ,Newburyport, Mess., will •etw ploy Mita and Females to act as local or travelling agents. 'These now in their employ average from Sao to EFOpernionth: 'We cannot, in this Wvortisement, particularize the-business, but Waivillin'a cireiila4 (lite of cnst,) td stll who address us • lipenthe subject. , 1 This is a; rare opportunity for•thoee, out of employment to chtein an, honorable situation. S ,NATIOXAL TRMST Chartered by, the State of Peniffivanta. RULES: • _ 1: - Money is redel-eal every` day, and' in mulatto - wit," large orremali 'EVE PER civr. interest is paid for main* rimin ibe 4arit is put-in., , . :a. The money is always paid back in GOLD, whenever it is adied for, and without notice. ,tectaved from Executors; Admhthitrators, 1 , Guardians, and others, who desire to have it inli place of per foot edrety, and *here interest Can .14Obtained , cor it: ; 6.. The,mquey. rece ITO from depositors invostal.ln REAL ESTATE.' MORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and:gnat' other' - first class securities as the Charter directs. 6. ORRICE HOURS—Every day from 9 till 5 o'clock; and Monilaye andlluttedays S „o'clock in the evet,titye,' , I MN. HENRY L. nEN - NEE,' Pimindent, Roamer ,SciammUE,Tice.President. IVx72ianx T.' Ree4,,Secre4ary. • - • Ht l W - .OFFICE: Walnut Street, SorithWest Cqrrier ofThiid ' Street,. Philadelphia. ", ' NEW TEA WAREHOUSE. WHOLESALE;ANO'AETAIL:. tcr-I - h . • pins nod a l ' Oj r Smithfield;ll4 „1'116‘6,) bas Jul °P7 • uu s, .P 4 (no' oPlmfa .ll.4lCe 1541eCt100 0 tCREEN TAND.AILACK TEASir of the latest importations. Also, y , - RIO, 2.:4GTL4,1: - RA, AND OLD, GO PERK JA r coppEzs , • NeW Orleans, Cuba, Coffee, Crashed, and Pulverized Bagars;,. Rice, Rice Flour, Pearl and Corn Starch, Farina, Yeast Pow ders, Madeardni Ciicoa',.Broma, Extra No.: I, and Spiced! Chocolaie; Pure •Orounil Spices;, Caktile, Almond, Toilet, ; Palm, ,German, and Rosin Satnia;'Sup. CarlMaide` of Soda; CreamTartar;' Extra Fine Table• Salt; Puri Extracts Lemon and Vanilla; Star, Mould, and Dipped Candles; Sugar- Cared' Hama;' Dried Reef; 'Water, - Butter, Sugai,,And Soda Crackers: Foreign Fruits, &c 4 dr. • • .This stock has been purchased for OASH, and me' 1 be offered the 'hada, and also to ParailieS; at vary Moderate advances, froniwhoul respectfully solicit a share of rat foliage: -jaol44f j ( , ) - / F 4T "g-ENSW , Grocer and - Tea Dealer, - iz 25$ LrBERTY 'STREET, Raving: ecently returned from the, East, and addett,largely to 14s stock by,freah purchases, desires to call thelittepiley, or he puhllik to thiiffineet, and Jai* tit assortment of - ; Choice Etiniliir Gniceiles,* ~ TEAS, ,SPICES, to be found in this. pity,; Faith Selleols, Batas and Dealers who inalfaintliirn with their Orders; may rely :Ton the quality of the, goods they purchase, , as his object is to forditli* the 'best and freshest goods in the market, 'at the Catalogues containing an. exiended list of any sleek far. niched by mail, if 'desired. "" ' ' 4151" No charge for carf.rgo,, ! Jo " itiroraw, - , Liberty , Street,, near W00d..,-, W . " - S E - f- Book -and. Job :Erinter.;• STATIONERS STEREOTYPER,- BLANK BOOR Buena- FACTURER, , and Dealer in AMERICAN A.Nn- BORBION PAVERS, 'Cozier of Market and - .S CDltd, and wow aid Tla'rd :Etieete,. Pittsburgh; Pa's _ Paranalan attention ilia taprinting Catalogues:iv Ca3p:sea and Seminaries, Programmes, pipininaa and School Reposta. ' - • ' • ''A . y r . AR. 1:11 , • 2S S ••. - - R. ,11. .1111tTLEY CO. .86 Woolf Street . Pittsburgh tray . e. a large assortment of ITAIiNEiS, made darhig the past, Winter, of the bestmaterial and INC , Fklitalkaliti. that ire at prices to defiall competitidri; to wit: Two-Rorie' Carrikge'llarness, Silver Plated, at $30.00; Om:Morse Baggy d0.,atp4.00. .And all other articles in oar line at remark*. bly tow ' jimakyabi "' A. V. Boort, §TUItpIION, , N. V. wALuER_ URGE ;Sr. C 0 plpfutTExts • AND .TOttitFttS : Foreign /and Dogmatic Fancy . „Comic a teatimes, And mttnufacturers of all hinds elliaking Glasses and Children's Coaches. 44 - r=OdrSt, coiner of 'FOratb; Pittsburg - ft, Po. ; Et 0-0 N • . • 1 ;WILLiTAAIJO HNSON, • iLate,4,,TEB JOB:MONO • Sole Manth.etnrer and Dealer in the Mowing three distinct kinds of Roiling: Ist. Gnim.Blairtie Cement. Felt and Canvas Roofing. 241 Tinproved Pelt, Cement and. Ceara Rorifing. Id. Potent Inglieh Asphaltire Felt Roofing. All Piri and iVater 'Proof, and Warranted. Roofing Alaterial for-sale, with printed inetroctiona fog Cfal" Office id pates a Johnson's old stand, . 75 Stattlatteid Street, Pltteb_ negh. N.f.3.-TTbisGlTit CEMENT is nnequidled as a, paint tit .Metal twits *as long, and Ch e aper (10111110113 Paint i:111801$114181ilt to prevent dampnees.tri Brit Walla.' ..d .ee3,l3tti rue ; • . •!, WM. JO.MCSO,V. • WM. 11. 111:611PATB1011, iorni P. KIRKPATRICK; Late of the firm of ,Kirk,- Late with Gillespie, Zeller patrick a'lletzgae. • G' Co 4 Philadelphia. ignufRATAIGAE..4 . z a e whoLOs e q .*:4l6b " . f. AND , • • • MANI:TAM:WED ARTICLES. lie. 199. Liberty St., opposite.liead of Smithrteldi -ff IT T BIIUG:11-, P A: :• . 1 PliftionlarAtionllipn pftllli to , tlle Bale of ConntriProJ eh - 111 - - ,0 D LEA.TH 1- •E: -11. D. KIRKPATRICK &SC S, No. 21 B.TFrriiik S y ., between blarket.and Chestnut Ste., philoOnlphia, have l'or sale Dry and- Salted , Spanish Rides. Dry and Green Salted DatiiiKlKTOuner's Oik,Tsnriet3iMOD Carrier's Took atthe lowest prices, and upon the:best taillike ' All kinds of Leather in the rough wanted, for,orhkglic the highest market price wilihe , given in cash, or, *Weald. exchange for Hides . Leather stored' free 61' charge; 'arid 'goy on commission. . -•• . • jatart-17:•-: F.FIJIOIIIIENBERG • •• • 1 -* 31 ): 1 0 1 0073 1 P.X4F110..0. 1 .*:, ..:41. • Sir 0F870.E, NTo. 104 r FOURTH STBEBToilic between Wood aid Shah&ld Striate. • t OFFICE .HOURS.: From 9 o'clock A. DI., to 4 o'clock P. M. • JOEcti..A. ALTO= ...... 8. 1M8.1). jidENCo3lolllllji* CAC., ' itiNVAACTITRERST AIVII;DRAZERS 1:1r7 Hifi, / Caps; :01.41: OttOi r etibati, WHOLESALE Mt BET , la.l *oo' ' d Street, Pit~ ' sbui~h, five nom; on Land for Spring siker; Writhe I ' d complete in aesortment of Goods no can be amid. in • any of the Eastern Cities conßigtingna • -••• , • Fur, Silk,t ande;Wool. Hats, of every style and quality; CAPSUVoieiy quality and latest fashions; Palm Lea 4 Straw, Leghorn, and Panama RATS; Sttiiiv, arid• Silk BONNETS, - etc., bte::` , Pirrieros wishing 'to pnrchsao either by Wholesale or Bernal, 'lyill.ftnd it, to their advantage. ..eallaad examine our stock. •,. . nunrlO-ly . „ FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED ,BY THE STATE .F 44111 TO 43141111.44k4E -1 1e Ige CIO ""•'" l ifwsg. THE BEST STOVES A . NICI RA 01.0,E S , For Families, and B T WOOD cgoic STOVE. ZIP' NO. 246 LIBERTY STREET, at the :head of Wood, Pittsburgh'' ; • , • thWly A - fIARGA S I ,_ _. P . A OS . ..: n: . A u .• .-. .i. •• ;1 , 1, 01.7 13A. L.,.. r 1 .., .. ..:•:, : :.... ......... lo • i i Am Seventetak . - .. ~ NEW . • ...: .: . . • , ..1 _. N y , .. PIANOS' .• AND SECOD-HAND F . O R S ',P.:I' :E . ' '','•• Wishin g to reduce my stook of Renting Pianos, I will:sell thefollowihg desirable lot of•New,sud Second = hand Pianos now in.. stare and . ready! for, .examination !ant sale at the extremely low prices annexed to, them, and those , who do purchase, may. be iassured thud such.) an opportunity is set dom offered. On those marked fur Oran, no discount will be allowed:. ; _ ..............................iv'' :'P Those for sale on credit, Three Months only will_lksi• given, and must be settled for by note, payable in the lm or a discount of three per cent. i for :eask; -.The following elegant ItinewOoT SeViiiC:Obtave Pianos, - - . bir .2- tgezzirr - oktdrzettiliam T rio I --T 'A new andeleeant7 octopi Roaaanod ET .1 1 isno, ~- • With' ill' the latest Improienainfe, shade expressly for ' trubecrtber,,and will ,be warraotsd.„TAe-fsctofy rice .of this style is $500 ; , for sale at......, P :3385 Another of ; the same style and price- . .. ' 3135,- . Another fin% the 88121,e . np.ker, in on elegant Itosewbod Oise, manufacturers' price $375; for 280 An,ohnlnnt 14„ose wood 7 octaye „Piano, made hy.MinurAma,., : .. - ' Beaton; in perfect order, and iu. Me leal than 'Ems 1 sar . ;. • • ' • the price . When neir was $350 • • .24id A richly carved 7 ecteia . new unit largo scale Rosewood ; Piano, made, by. A. R. Gale, the. Nem .)tprls pryou of ... which one year,ago wes,S4oo ..... ----......-.--,...: . ~. Two elegant. Rosewned. 7 octaris Maim, csisai iolifild- . . 7 . lige; scale from A to A ; made by Gale A Co.: . Coiuda- '. ' r . A n w A a?y e good ,judges as arnong34e.ifultrelf,A;ti,ew -I York Makers, at the low price O m . : . „,,.....„...,......„ . ; .. ...; 27L. oNviunplityle, 04 octayee.. . ~.;4....."...:_;:4 .... .260 ,One elegant Rosewood • Cbickocing & Son's 7 octave, old ocateoin use not more thausiaipurnApooopioweripk, „pi: which ie $876 -I•l•••?i,srff",,ltrcrfiss,244.;: • lift 'FOLLOWItiII ARE 111 CUB OILY: A Mahogany, double-round coctista,tootave, made by A. • ' Chickering & 1i0n5..„44 . 1.'4.1...,1.4.: $ lO A itmewood, 6 octave; by ' Williiins6d.:" ' 150 A Mahogany, 6 octave, Wilkins-I; .... ...... ..... Ass A'Alhogany, 8 csitaye,'hy CHO, ' 1 42A k if r oy:'1'. --. ,„. A Miliegnny, ti.octace,- by RcheiA.:..,24,,,,,41,...,,V;* 1.1 AZ:. - r d itl 1.1 u t 'A 4 p .- i-ti 7 ri : • 7 1:17 : lik i- . .* :4 , ;;;Ag i 'A . ' ,cIW o,..._istmtrtiinlitrhi r k! -*. ..1 - 17)2A., . i. 1 0,, I raaaiii - Reimer Al' fefti! a ni . shed, and the Pianos Pelle.% Nte.sx OYie4l9. g 0 4,,,..4.,Cef ....... 1 ri gat ,er . it' .4 ;P.", - fl' it . 1- 44Wri It tbtl: . ZNlCltwow,p4o,,A9 .0.3195i5..* ,44 et vat% .2' itaucia 'in Woad Itlimeet. BART ROLF'S CELEBRATED • SEVIN° M A CHINES The , Best hi Use. These meehines ma k e, ..th e werritr., or LOCK STITCH, Nyhj e l, la undeniably' hn best. They•nse but'little:Thrdad, work almost noiselessly, ,trek simple, and easily operated.. Active milzelianiOlocaVAgents 'wanted. Address HENRY M. RHOADS, Age n t, federal Street, Allegheny City, ASNDIY' 4 i'CIRCULAR.9zS, rnarlo-ly • • pl,TriS!atrß.Gif - 111101 F za , 4/ ' 4IV A FIRSICMASS IMRE, In its sixth year. Room for over one hundred patient& ,-,Send for Circular, to - IL VREASE, M. D., Pittsburgh; hi, myf. y jrtO ..11(1( COIIII4I.ERPIAL rid .N . t.L535:00 imps the entire enat'of tuition. mi ni . tere'aione:balfgirteeti , Stridents enter at any time. For logum SPeciurns,fx•senclose live letter stamps to triy26-6m JEN . N.INS & smprTn. Pittsburgh. N. GEfIO.V IzIBRITIDR E Sewing Machines, , . A NEW STYLX PRICE $50.00 CORNER - OF FIFTH - AND - MARKET STREETS. 'no r . Ittigus%Dry Goode Store,), ENTRANCE on FIFTH RTcrey 'PlTTannsGn. "' 4.95 - BROADWAT,'NEw YORE_ 't 730 MEM - UT STREET, PRITADERETris. Air These MaChines sew from. two annals, and fene, seam of unequalled strength, ; beauty, and elasticity. oh r i, will not rip, , eiren 'if every fourth stitch he cit. Tiv 7 unquestionably the best in the market for family me. Altar SEND FOR A ELREWII4,.. MEDICAL.. . . ,DR. M'LANE'S Celebrated. American W9Km....SFT.CIFIC„ OR VERMIFUGE. SYMPTOMS OF, WORMS. mHE countenance is pale and leaden ": colored, with. occasional flushes, or a cir cumscribed spot on one or both cheeks; th e eyat , become dull;:', the pupils dilate; an azure semicircle ,rtms ,al.ong the lower eye lid; the nose is irritated, swells, and some times bleeds; a swelling of the upper lip; occasional headache,' with humming or throbbing of the ears; an unusual secretion of saliva; slimy or furred tongue; breath very foul, particularly in the morning; ap .petite v:ariable, sometimes voracious, with a knawing sensation of the stomach, at others, entirely gone; fleeting pains in the stomach; Occasional ',natisea and vomiting ; violent pains through Ont, the abdomen; bowels ir regular, at times ' 'Costive; stools slimy; not unfrequently tinged with blood; belly swol lenand hail; Mine' turbid; respiration oc casionally difficult' and accompanied by hiccough;' cough sometimes dry and convul- SiVe* uneasy and disturbed sleep, with grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but generally irritable ; kc. - - - Whenever the above symptoms arc found' to exist, VERMIFLTGE ceminly effect, a cure. z Theuniversal success which has at tendecti the administration of this prepar ation has been such as to warrant us in pledging_ ourselves to„, the public to WETURN tliE MONEY in every , instance, where it should prove inef fectual: "providing the symptoms attending the l sickness of the child or-adult should warrantthe supposition of-worms being the -eause.'tJ An all cases the Medicineto be given is7 s eraier'4ecoan9sica wrifixtis DIRECTIONS. We pledge ourselves to the public, ti at Dr.. , MEanes Venaifuge • DOES NOT CONTAIN 'MERCURY in -any form; and that it is' nrcriratocent preparatibn;-- capable of doing the slightest '00.4 'to 4 the' most tendei• infant Addfess all .ordere. to FLEMING , tail; ,PITAIRMGH, PA. is 1141 . . P. B. Dee Mrs and Phydrissii mitering from others than !{mina Bros., will do.wejl to write their orders dietinctly, bit tak. none but Dr. Artthiei, preparedly 'Lasing PaUsbonvii,' Ps. To those wiitaing r to• eve' them s trial. we will •saaird. pee maill .l inst PM], to an, Part of the United Stela., one box of or twelve three-cent =atom" or one vial of Vermifuge for fourteen t stemma orders from ()made must be as compinierlby twenty cents actre. Isar- Poi vela by rtnaigV;l.niia aa:mi Country Stcirs Keepers IPZ=MMII 7) . t • - t moo setUremeloiltyoolaty , reoets to the sties. 2 2 {611. • tgon htmotheri, her .rrolortni r!":71! oth so:dirt:Ma. SYRUP, ,vigg. °HERREN' TEETHING, whieb.6.4l, ' if l,ethio6 , b. ariiirs it. by' gm+. Atli PAIN . and ipiemirtio actin, -.42:tcrid4 art it nIB.IJR,EITO, ; FLEGy4ATE THE BOWELS. ! Ir e sperlit, maths,,, it will gire . rost. to yesorielyea: and AND, HEALTH' TO. YOUR, INFANTS. end sold tido snivels for oWitien . Penre, end CAN *MEM! CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of ft what we never have beet ibto to say of my otblie medieine,—NEVEß HAS IT , FAILED, IN A SINGLE INSTANCE, ID EFFECT, A. CURE, orbem .tbnele med. Never; .11d we know m Instance . of dlessidiAsetlon by soy w ho used it. On the contrary, all we dellg ht.d withits operst end speak to termer of mramendation of MaJungfee.effeebi .and. niedivel vi We speak to this molt., t'.-WHAT WE DO KNOW otter tern Foperoome, AND PLEDGE OUR REPUTATION .FOR THE 'Ft& MLAW.NT OF WHAT WE HERE , DECLARE. In &boom every the Intent:lb marring 'tree pan end exhaurnim, eehe(will be found in fifteen or twenty athletes alter the eyrap itdookdotere. This valuable preparation in tbls_pr_eterlptkm Of omega most LX. PERIENCEDend SKILLFUL NoRSES m New &OEM, end hoe been THOUSANDS OF CASES. It not may teller's the eligiti but invigorates the slornseN and bowels, oorreets acidity, -• lod*F4O• tow and rnergv to the choir _lt will almost insbmtly objets GRIPING IN BOWELS .M L . MEND COLIC, and orereonie — Moretsions. which. Hnot apeeddl mmaieh r ‘nd in death: r beliew It the BEST ANDSUREST RE UWE -THE WORLD. be a ll Mom . of DYSENTERY. AND ISAR HHWA,INAMEDREE, wbe;lmilt,st4es from teething, at lance any would may toe 6 • mother who herr a child andlerina ha m Amarillo. te— yam ray- NOR TE4rll' E.11.i.a.S OFDO.NOT OTHERS,ur r amd bs.tween you awl yaw setlbiDa L &Odium; tia relief thin will be SURE-7' ABSOLITTIMY3OII3:—M Wart Obi me of thte medicine, if tiewlY med. irall.dimMais .aeootepwoy. nary bottle. Now geoitteellatieee the' lidolilldb VP CURDS &PERKINS, New 'York, i' make onMak.‘ tbrongh sot the worid ' " ', • • ilt,mil:l • a.ceaar"Street, • :•• '. 3 l: a `ry.• • all Vk i tit •N HOOFLAND S • • ME 6' 41 48 ' AISPECE ak'r s STANDA.IIII . 'itIiLEDIES of the present ago, pardon:l - °l4sY6,gh.Y.FrEili!V:il rendered by than lub ! ; 'IN! ii• HOPtP3T-PANP' B CERMAIIII >BITTERS vat rodin4ax l 'amre Laver Ocreaplain% Wepepe . s . a, Jaen(Hoe. Nervous Do. , DiSeii'oft.tir; Xidneya. ..aid air diseases , arL.4l4 films tasiiroderSid liver, or weak • 't. - r ...-neseof Ihe.4sznaach and 14guatIv Organs, -111 i ftil4l,l). waI44FRO4iII4FTP ...-;.O II I4 I MIUMPUIPASAIIII6 In KM AU Allot ! 5.4 I , l 4l ol lFAffpartAaveaof: !XX; 75 cents per Route. Ifiiisamic Cordial oef T ‘14.20517i50r cons • (t 1 4 1 re6. tea!, 1 )r * i caiseness, Bronchitis, Influenza, r • Pz!talt Incipient Constunption, astonishing cum ever kocom • ti ‘7 , " CMl49[sl:Ftltp&D, CONSI:9ILPTION. L. a D_larrher_a C?rdial it is nocqualibi. num 75 cel3t 3 per bottle. TlMecer GERMAN PILL, - - . :+111443 ' , Yd/ known throughout Europe and America, tler` l3 i=n a ibendation hero. iikeyare purely vegetable, al' . • with Oust exaeinewl, and aro sugarcoated. N'' better Cathartic Pill ;can he fetid& p lu m, 25 c t,,, per box -Ilt VONse troxDcines are ;prepared by Dr. C. 51. Jectso," .i. 1 2 I??? Philadelphia, fa ? and St. Louis, Mo., and are sold I"• li&iffs'eind deafen hi inedininos everywhere. Th e vi::' I 1 ' .:61. C. 111 . '..iiirM ha Am the outside of each . bottle or box. in our "FmerAndles ..anugnac," published annually, you i 1 4Ill ina tiatinioliy•eind commendatory notices from all ku or t h p ; e p r •'... i,:‘Theas Agrutnice are given away by r ;..titi cni r i i rll , 4l 1 14F ' • L,: • OPER '.l i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers