Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, August 11, 1860, Image 3

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    . .
inviting, there was no redundance.
or Norse, referred to the officers' table.
The Children, Whom we saw eating {We
supper, luxuriated in bread mit milk, or
similar articles of diet. We went through
the rooms, and Bum; the children',,in,the
class room. Neatness and good. , order
everywhere prevailed, and amidstthe pity
which the sight of' 80 many helpless objeCts
called forth, the mind was stilt& with the
contrast which the present comfort and care
must afford, to the former Iseglett mis;
placed i n dulgence— e.W11.)",.444 1 7-0 which
t h ey we re probably exptisect at the abodea - 'of
their parents.
We were kindly - prolon prolong our
Ftly, in order to witness the exhibition that
takes place every Thursday afternoon ; and
consented. A nunitlever spectators were
collected in the spacious chapel, and the
little patients took their places on the
raised platform 'allOtted to them. It was
inournfid to'witOes'S the unsteady gait, and
vacant eye of some; others would haye
been sweet looking children, Win mentia
vigor:! ~We could not but think how finally
a sickening pang and bitter tear, those un
conscious sufferers had cost their mothers'
The exercises commenced
,by singing.
Nothing, :Messrs. Editors, touches me more
acutely tan the voices of children, and the
tears would come to my eyes at the sound.
The exercises in dumb-bells; were quite in
teresting; and I was glad tohear that they
are: nlready introduced, into some of the
public schools, as their effect is to give free
play to tho joints, and j.,9ereasecthe-znuscu
lar force.
At the close of
,performinees, in
which all the children seemed much inter
ested, Dr. Parrish .Made some retuarlisir#at
I would like to conhiiniettit,isArdas/niem
ory serves, through`your columns, to the
benevolent and th q lillartkl . among9t-nsr
He stated that. ili,e.ll;egislatao, had ap
propriated the sum of;,fiftcen thousand dol
lars to the Institution .
&, to finish, the wing
yet unbuilt, but that thire was condition
annexed to this grant, that an equal,sum
must be raised by private contribution;t&-
fore it could be obtained. _ . This sank it was
very desirable to raise; the Want of 'incire
room was urgent, as eighty-tent.' children
were crowded into Ile hounds allotted;'for
The Doctor urged 'all'Present to vinitite
foundation, of this wing,
.so.desirahle; to
have finished .before Winter'; and 'itlra'ced
ilefore his 4udielieethe dqy
each, to do:something to promote'thin:gOod
lvork, either by giving .money frow,five
dollars up to. a thousand, or by trying, to
induce others to exert themselves in a cause
so sacred. I had belbre placed my
the box, and in endeavoring to perforni.Ote
latter part of the ,duty inculcated, send
these lines to your useful and, extended
columns. N.W.C.
•, . •
Correspondence of She London News
The Massacres in lchanoa..
•B mtwr, July 1.
Until last, evening I had hopes that, this'
mail'would take home more.eheefing ;pews'
respecting this unhappy province. , ,Unfor
tunately our prospddts . get darker every
day, for each hour brings -either news of
fresh atrocities committed' by the Druses,
or more decided proof -that the acts of the,
the latter are connived at: by the . Turkish
Government. It is now ascertained; and a.
been ,
nominal list of' them has' lode, that,
up to last night the Druses have burnt and ;
pillaged no less than one hundred and fifty
one Christian villages since the 29th: of'
3flay last, while no fess than from seventy
five thousand to eighty thousand Christian
inhabitants of Lebanon--many of whom
were a month ago wealthy mew, others in .
quite easy circumstances, and all Strangers
to anything like poverty! -Au. .want—are
homeless beggars, depending
. on actual,
charity for their' daily bread. OieioCiiiid
above the number of Christians shot in,ac
tual warfare, between seven and eight
thousand have -been butchered-r-hacked to
death would be 'the fitter term—as ' no
butcher ever used in hi's 'Calling, half tha
cruelty 'of these blood-thirsty initereants--
in 'old blood by the Druses. -And, besides
this, more than five thousand:widdWs, who,
until this Druse campaign, -ere happy
wives and mothers, hive lost their . hasbands,
brothers, fathers, and", ill 'Male relatiyes,
even to the male infants at the, breast; 'and
sixteen hundred childien are now orphans:
All these figures have been very carefiillY
compared with others, and weighed in the
balance of English (local) opinion, before
being given as facts. After conversing,
comparing and digesting ,all. I heai., after
bringing my own four years' experience in
SYria, to bear Upon the subject, I. am bound
to say that r have considerably understated
the case, , Moreover, fifty millions sterling
would not pay for the towns, villages, ,ham,
lets and silk factories destroyed throughout
the .mountaitt—all the property`. of ' . the
Chriatians. There is, besides, a fearinlly
long list of convents, churches and nuee,
ries belonging to the same people r all of'
which, have been plundered, and, then de r
stroyed by the Druees. 'ln short what
commenced as a civil war, between the two
sects can no longer be called by that, name.
For the last twenty clays it has been
inothing less than a wholesale massacre of
Christians by the Doses, and a wanton
-destruction of' all property belonging to
, the former by.' the latter. To give you
some idea what, these Druses are, I will
enumerate a few instinces of their fright,
ful barbarity, - , all-',,,0f Which I have heard
from the tin un
fortate snerers themselves,
, ff hemsel l
now refugees- from Lebanon. One poor
woman—l. knew. both -her husband and
herself well at, Deir-el-Kariiar,i where they
were wealthy peOple—toid me that when
the Druses attacked the, town the second
time (I should mention that it surrendered,
- and all the inhabitants. had given up their
arms some twenty-four days previously to
the Doses, and had been promised protec
tion by their sheiks,) her husband was hacked
to pieces before her eyes by the large knives
°Utile Druses, who then declared that they
must kill all male children in the house.
The mother" ried to hide her two sons, one
fifteen, and=the other nine years old,, The
'Bruges, however, found them out,'aiid as
she begged and prayed for their lives, and
endeavored to cover thew in Ir„corner with
her person, but the Druses hacked at the
lads over her -shoulder, and 'gashed. their
until they both dropedd down apparently
lifeless. The Drugeethen - made off, and
the woman thinkingrliet two sons dead re
mained in a sort of stivinvfor two hours=
Ho kin: as she can caleiTate. 'At list she
wag,.roused by hearing the eldest 44 - call
her in a faint voice, trying to assure her
that I.he was not yet dead. On this -she
felt the body of the youngest boy, and,
found .MS heart beating. She got some
water,'and after giving it to both het chil
dren—so far as she could get them to drink
it—started ipto the town,to see whether she
could proeurb 4 Assistante to - get her and her
boys away. She got as far as the Seraglio,
or Governmenchoase, but there she found
that some five hundred Christians, who
had taken refuge, were beineut to pieces
by the Druses, Who 'had g
'been invited to
enter the precincts of 'the building by' the
Turkish soldiers of the garrison, 'these lat
ter 'helping in the buteheryr, And ,being so
far'*OrSe than the Drustittluit - the'y abused
in the most infamous maniier'allthe women.
Seeing' no help could be obtained here,
the poor woman' turned to' when she
came aoroie an old'l/ruse, former
ly been a farm. servant of her husband's.
After a great deal of entreaty on her part
the man consented to protect hietiriii her
children down to the sea coast, - ,a,VeAt four
hours' journey, on cendition of receiving
an order on her brother, a wealth - y' t* hi
Beirout, for 10,000 piastres. To - this Slfe
agreed and they returned together to her
house. She had not been . abienti more
than an hour, but she found 'her' two chil
dren cut into pieces, joint; by joint ; "limb
and trunk severed," (to use - herWordS) " aa
butchers cut up sheep "—heads, leg; arms
and bodies being hacked up into 'a` shape
less mass of bloody' flesh and.reeking bones.
• Sente other poor wmanii• then joined her,
and together they made their way to a mul
berry plantation outside the tOWn,. - where
they passed the night. At daybreak they
were discovered - by a party of Druses, who,
after stripping theM to find whether they
had any money on.their person; and taking.
away what little they possessed, told them
they might go where they liked. Four - of
the poor creatures had babes, all under 4
year old. Of these infants two were girls
and two were boys; the former they did
not touch, but the latter they said might
grow up to be men and bear arms against
the Druses, they therefore took the poor
little creatures, and before their mothers''
eyes tore them up the middle and limb by
limb—" exactly,' to use the poor woman's
own expression, "as you tear up - a fowl
that is to he cooked with pillau.". ,Remem- 1
ber, all this was done, not in the heat of
fighting, but deliberately in cold blood.
And I have heard of eleven other exactly
similar eases of children destruction by the
Proses, in nine of which 1 implicitly be
lieve, havinc , every reason so.
Deir-el-Lamar contained, a.month 'ago, a
population of eight thousand souls, of
which about four thousand idie 'men' and
lads, three thousand five hundred women
and girls, and five hundred -children under
ten years old. Of•the men.not,more than
one hundred and fifty. haVe escaped; of the
Women and girls about two thousand, haVe
reached Beirout; and of the, young
dren less than two hundred are 'alive.
Don't forget, too that this fiendish massacre
'was perpetrated upon a population
twenty-four days preViously had surrender
ed to the Druses, had been promiaed pro
tection by them, and were, diSarmed previ
ously to the murder.
For the Presbyterian Banner
Chureh Extension.
Received from the First Presbyterian
Church, Pittsburgh .$112.00
Receipts from Fairview Congregation,
Erie Presbytery. 3.00
Total - $115.00
T. H. NEVIN, Receiving Agent.
Pittsburgh, Pa., July 30, 1560. •
Rev. A, Nesbit, who came to the United
States from Scotland about the year 1848,
without a certificate of ministerial standing,
and was received by a branch of the Asso
ciate Church in New-York, we cannot tell
how, and afterwards Ohio, and was
received by an Associate Reformed PreAby
tery, .we cannot tell hoW, was next installed
as the pastor of an Associate .:Reforined
congregation in Chicago, without the
knowledge or consent of the Second Pres
bytery of Illinois, within whose bounds the
cougre,gation lay, 'by what authority. we
know not, and then withdrew from the As
*fate Reformed Church, and . was..received
by the Old School Presbyterian Presbytery
of Chicago, -we cannot tell how, after .which
he returned to Scotland, presented a memo
rial to the Established Presbytery of Glas
gow, praying that reverend body to receive
him back into their''communion, but was
rejected, - the Presbytery refusing to receive
his memorial. So - says the Glasgow 7.021r
-11(t1.— U. P. of the West.
Mr. Samuel Sharpe, author of the "Histo
ry of , Egypt," " Historical Notes 011 the
Bible," &c., has just published the results
of a'critical examination of the Septuagint
Version of the Old Testament.. They lead
him to the conclusion that, instead of being
a faithful version of the Hebrew text, the
various discrepancies on chronology and
other points, which many have endeavored
in vain to reconcile with the original, arose
not from accident, or the corruptions of
transcribers, hut from a systematic attempt
to accommodate the translation to later Al
exandrian and Egyptian philosophizing
doctrines and
for instance, in the
case where the literal Hebrew, " He maketh
the winds his messenger, and the lightning
his servant," is rendered by the mystical
assertion, "He maketh his angels into spir
its, and his servants into a flame of fire."
The date of the version is placed at a lower
period than that currently received, by Mr.
Sharpe, while its value in Biblical criticism,
when used understandingly, is properly ac
Rev. Dr. Jesse T. Peck, of, the 'Methodist
Episcopal Church, in California, expressed,
in a late, Convention of Sabbath School
Superintendents and teachers, in San Fran
cisco, his entire confidence in the success
and growth of Sabbath Schools in that State,
qut deprecated that spirit whiCh finds its
consummation in froliekingpie, nfcs, and of
fered a. resolution, which, was. passed, Con
demning Clancin,q at Sabbath School picnics,
a practice which has become quite com
Alexander Sheldon, Esq., of Amsterdam,
N. Y.; recently deceased, has left, by will,
_to,the Presbyterian Board of, Foreign Mis
sions, $1,000; to the Presbyterian Board
of Domestic Missions, $1,000;:to the
American BiblO Society, $1;000; and a
legacy, conditional, which will, probably
yield $l,OOO, to the Presbyterian Board of
Education. Mr. Sheldon, says the 06:
server, was a lawyer of great excellence of
character, retiring in his habits, firm in his
principles, and he died full of faith and
hope, leaving a good name, which is a rich
inheritance. fle was a brother of. Mr.
Sheldon, the well known publisher.
Liberal. Bequests of. a Marylander.—Mr.
Victor Thomson, a wealthy druggist of
Hagerstown, Md., died on the 17th Inst.
The, TorOlight says :
On Friday last his will was opened and
admitted to probate. After reakingliberal
provision for his two sisters, he devises the
sum of $20,000 to four Boards of the Old
School Presbyterian:Church, viz: $5,000 to
the Board of Education;., $5,000 to • the
Board, of Publication; $5,000 to the Board
of Foreign; iindls,ooo to' the 'Board of Do
mestic Missions. He also devises $5,000 to
the Presbyterian congregation of Hagers
town, and $l,OOO to his colored servant wo
David Bostwick, a revolutionary pensioner,
died at New-Milford, Conn., on the 17th
ult.,.at the age of ninety-nine years and
two months. tMr. Bostwick joined the
Contitientat army when ;but sixteen years
old. He fought at the battles of German
town and Monmouth.
Rev. Dr,' Cliester,..of Buffalo, received; by
the las,t pony express, a unanimous call to
the First Presbyterian Church, of Oakland,
California, with the promise of a salary
amounting to $2,5 0 0. The tempting offer
came just too late, for the Rev. Dr. had
just made engagements with the Female
Sethinary, in Buffalo, which ~compelled his
• The lion, William B. Kinney, of New-Jer
sey, our minister at the Court of Sardinia'
during Gen. Taylor's administration, and
wholitaiinne been residinig`it'Floreliee, is
at work upon a history of Italy, for' Which
he has the most abundant and valuable
material and facilities. •
THE four leading Western cities are nod
nearly about , the same ' size :
' Cincinnati,t
165,000: Pittal:urgh, 130,000; ' St.. touis,'
115 'OO6 ..Ohica&o 120 000.
THREE of the choir of young g:irls, who,
dressed in white, greeted Washington as
he entered Trenton, in'l7B9, on his way to
New-York, to assume the Presidency, and
strewed his pathway with flowers, still sur
vive. One yet lives in Trenton, one is the
another of Senator Chestrat, of South
Carolina. and one Mrs. Sarah Band, resicles
in Cape May County, New Jersey.
TrpuE is trouble in Chicago about the
High School. The standard of, admission
is set so'high by the Superintendent, W.
11. Wells, and his .Committee, that only
two hundre.d and eighty pupils, of four
teen thonsand in the city can get into it,
though there is room for four hundred to
six hundred. The newspapers and parents
scold, and :kr. Wells defewis'his a System, "
which is modeled after Boston. •
Not far from Westminster Hall is a beauti
ful column or monument, erected at the
charge of the city, to perpetuate the ;recol
lection of that great and terrible event:
The column is of the Dorie,order, two laun. ,
dreil and two; feet in hight, fashioned like an
urn, With a flame issuing from it, with a,
stair case in the middle to ascend to' the
balcony, which is about thirty feet short of
the top. This monument was begun by
Sir Christopher Wren, in 1671, and,finish
ed by him' in, 1677.- On the base of the.
monument next the street, the destruction
of the city, and the relief given to, the suf
ferers by 'Charles 11. and. his brother, are
emblematically, represented in - bas relief.
The North and. South sides of the base have
each a Latin.inscription, the one describing
its dreadful desOlation, and the other its
splendid resurrection. The former transla
ted reads thus :
"In the year of Christ, 1666, Septem
ber 2d, Eastward from hence, at the 'dis
tance of 'two hundred .and two feet, the
height of this column a terrible fire broke
out at midnight; which, driven by a high
wind; not only -iva.sted the: adjacent parts,
but also very remote places, with incredible
crackino- and fur3r. It 'consumed`` eighty
nine chUrches, the city gates;. Guildhall,
many public structures, hospitals,' schools,
libraries, a vast number of stately edifices,
thirteen thousand &jelling houses, and four
hundred entire . streets ! Of 'the twenty-six
wards, of Which the city was then compos
ed, it utterly destroyed fifteen, Wand . left
eight others shattered and balf burnt.
"The ruins of'the burnt district comprised
four hundred and thirty-six acres, from the
Tower 'by the. Th:itmes side to the Temple
chUrch, and from the North-east along the
wall, to Holborn bridge. To the estates
and fOrtune.s Of the citizens the devouring
enemy was merciless, but to their lives
very favorable, that it might, in all things,
resemble the last conflagration of the world.
; The destruction was sudden, for in a short
space of time the city was seen most flour
ishing, and reduced 'to nothing. The fire
raged three entire days an'd three entire
nights, when, having baffled all human
counsels. and endeavors, it stopped of its
own accord—in the opinion of all, as it
were by 'a command from God, and it was
so on every side extinguished."
If you deem the above reminiscence of
the lamest fire, no doubt ever witnessed on
this globe, and which has been •eommemo
rated, at an expense of X13;000, by a
monument, worthy ',of re-publication, it is
at your service.—Philadelphia Press.
The PRESBYTERY OF DES MOINES will meet in Cory
don, on the First, Thursday , or September, at 7 o'clock P,M
J. M. BATCHELDER, Stated Clerk.
Superior, Wie., on Wednesday, August 20th, at 114 o'clOck
P.M. - 3. M. BARNETT; Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF OHIO will meet at Mingo, on the
Fourth Tuesday of August. at 11 o'clock A. M.
The ordination and installation of Mr. Greenough will
take place. If the way be clear, during the sessions 'of Pres
.bytery. Mr. 'Lea was appointed -tti preside andpreach, the
sermon, Mr. Findley to deliver the charge holtho pastor, nod
Dr. Marshall the charge to the people. I'' -. •
IV. B. MeILVAINE, Stated Clerk.
stated meeting at Dusboro, Pa., the last Tuesday (28th) of
'August, at 73 P.
Records of Sessions are there to be presented for examina
tion. By order of FreshYtery.
JUDD - 18.10MR, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF lOWA stands' adjourned to'ineet
in Fort Madison, on Tuesday, September 4th, 7 o'cloCk
P. M. A. C. McCLELLAND, Stated Clerk.
The PRESBYTERY OF 'RICHLAND stands adjourned to
meet at Haysville, Ashland County, Chin, on the Second
-Tuesday, (the 11th) of September; at 7 o'clock P. M...
Clutral gtilts.
meeting of citizens was held . at Canonsburg,
July 28th on the subject of reviving the work on
this road. There were several addresses, said to
show he entire practicability of cempleting it,
and that' speedily, by a little exertimi. The
raising of $200,000 of preferred" . eight per 'cent.
stock has been: authorised" by the Legislature.
If this, or even the half of it, 'were taken and
paig, and if the property holders through whose
lands'the road is to pass, would release gratui
tously, the road could be made.
Will not these conditions be realized? The
interest to be advanced, is immense. •
North Carolina.
The late election for Governor has gone in fa
vor of the Breckinridge Democrats by some
8,000 or 10,000 majority.
Coombs, Opposition candidate for Clerk Of the
Court .`of Appeals, seems, by' reports, to have
been electel by a large majority.
The Harvest.
From nearly all parts of California, the most
glowing accounts continue to be received of the
abundant harvest. The - wheat especially is spo
ken of as being prolific beyond all, parallel, and
other crops are all allowed to be the finest for
Many years. Smut and blight are reported in a
few. sections, but these are exceptions.
Maires Lil)erated
Mr. J. M. Morrison, cashier of the Manbatten
Bank, New-York, having inherited thirteen slaves'
in Kentucky; has emaneipated them all Two
little boys he took to New-York to be educated.
The Census.
We have now most of the leading Pennsylva ,
nia cities and towns, as below :
Philadelphia,..6so,ooo Pittsburgh,...
Reading, 9 4,000 Lancaster,....
Harrisburg, —.34,862 Norristown,—
Scranton, .. . . ... 32,000 Pottsville,.....
York', lO,OOO Easton,'
Allentown, 8,047 Wilkesbarre,.
The Sticking%"Point
. This point seems, at last, to have been reached,
in a new inventionknown as Spaldihes , Prepar
ed Glue, , which, by simple application, without
heatinLor preparation of any kind", re-unites the
fragments of almost anything into a perfect whole:.
This gluets yeally a valuable invention, and,
from its utility, must. come into as extensive and
general use as the friction match.—Boston com
mercial Bulletin, Oct. 15, 1859.
Alwayv:rea . drted to when every other reined!". fails
Isig*. : .Youtc, Bepte r tilber 15, 1852.
This is to certify that my child, three years old,
was troubled with worms some six months. I bad
tried,several*kinds Orntedicine; butfitone bfithibm
did any good; and it was not until .I tried Dr.
11/PLane's Celebrated Vermifuge, prepared by
Fleming Bros., that she found any relief. , I
gave her the contents of one bottle which biought
from:her a very large' quantity of 'worms,
they were so completely' ciit.te_piecer . it was ,Ant.
possible oeuietli'aini'- My daughter. is now,
doing well ; indeed, she 'is . completely' restored
to health. I therefore take pleasure in recom
mending it to parents. I would 'say, by All:means
keep a supply of this Tikluablg,tnedicine constant
ly in your houses. I have known many children
to die suddenly flom ihe effecte of worms. It
also not unfrequently happens that • children are
treated for croup, when the choking' and cough::
ing is caused altogether, by the irritation of
worms. Therefore, I Say again, keep it always
in the house; it costs but little,'And may be the
means of saving life l ; and at .any rate it will
save physician's bills.
Mrs. LAN 1, NO. 883, Eighth Street:
Purchasers will be careful to ask for Dr. Al' Lane '8
Celebrated Vermifuge; manufactured by Fleming
Bros. of. Pittsburgh, Po. All other Verinifuges in
comparison are . worthless. Dr. 14PLane's
genuine Vermifuge, also his Celebrated Liver
cau,,Apyr be had, at qirelpActaple drug
stores, None genuine withont the signature
of 4
: ' ' 1521 C ,
lortign ttys.
We give the North American's summary of
• .
news, by late arrivals: -
By the arrival at Nevi-York; on Saturday e:ven
ing of the steamship Australasian, frein Liver
pool, We have advices to the 26th: --The.Govern
anent: of Naples had ordered all its. troopit to
withdraw, from Sicily., has captured
Melazzo. The King of Sardinia hasresolved to
send an antograph` letter to Garibaldi, requesting
him not to attack the continentaF'possessions of
the King of Naples. ' The Princeas Frederick.
Williani, of Prussia, daughter of Queen' ieterim
has been confined with, a datighter. A :Mormon
Conference has been held at London. Brigham
Young was elected the head of the Mormon
Church. The British military, 'aiitheritiei r rec
ommend.aninerease of:the army: IParliaMent is
expected Co adjourn the 'third: week in August.
The had been no further advices of interest
r l i
from Syria, It is, reported, that an :if:plat tele
gram announces, the conclUsion of treaty be
tween the hlaronites and ; the - li 'hei. `The
report , ' lacks elmfirmation. I.Oleve r : thousand
French troops . have embarked for Sy ia.: , Thirty-,
five English and French ships are, go' g;thither.
Abd-el-Kader is spoken of for G,overn of Syria.
Emperor Napoleon has gone 011ie Chal r ais camp,
The King of Saxony and Basiaria will not parti , ::
cipate in the Toplitz Conferende, Of German
Princes. In the Liverpool market, .cotton closed
quiet, but steady, with quotations barely main
tained ; 'flour had advanced 6d.; and Wheat I ®.0..d.;
corn was steady, provisions were dull, lard firm,
rosin dull, spirits of turpentine heavy; 'wager
qpiet, coffee steady, and Heel:inlet. Lard and
wheat had advanced 2s. Jonathan Priestman,
in. the leather trade, at Newcastle; has suspended.
The Post has a telegrani from Paris, saying that
everything tends to the belief 'that - Garibaldi is
directing his expedition against the main land,
yet there has been no movement to confirm this
report. Lord Palmerston's speech in, the: House;
on, the national defences, has r eausedgreat unea
siness in England. The Daily, News objects to
Lord Palmerston's proposition 'as part of a. plan
which the Government has not' the 'Courage to
disclose. It says nobody entertains a'doubt that.
the inevitable sequel will bee. large increase of
the standing army. Three Duteh,war steamers
have been ordered to Beirut. - , .
By the steamship. Kangaroo, off Cape: Race, we
have still later news from BuroPe., The,confer
mice on the Swiss question is'reported' toe be
indefinitely adjourned. Garibaldi is reported as
preparing for & descent on the mainland._There
were revolutionarydemonstrations at Napes:
is reported that a conference will be held at Paris
relative in the affairs of Syria: The Sultarchas
notified the Weetern Powers of the conclusion , of
a peace between the. Druses and . the 'Maronites,
but he promises, nevertheless, to net with the
utmost rigor against the authors of the massacres.
It is reported that in consequence of. the Porte
having protested against the French intervention,
the proposed expedition has been stopped.
• „ ,
' ASIIES--Soda Ash, 5r(33340.; Pots, 4 1 4(44Ne.; P.earls,
5 1 40634. The steek in first hands is hmplefor all.orfif'nary
purposes. .
BACON—Shoulders, 10c.; Shies, 1.1. 3 4e4 Plain Moms, ISM
a 1345.; Sugar Cured do., 13:X®,1.4e. „ ' ;
C.KBESE—New WestOrn Reserve, - 834.411 c.; Itanitiurg,
new, 934 a 'is lb: • r '
CORN MEAL—From first hands, 60rt626.; from , slam
BEANS—SmaII White, 60085 c., and yorjc .§tate,..Bsooo
Per bushel.
FLOUR---Snper., $4.85®5.181; -Mat* 5.40; }I xtraTairdily,
$5.60@h3.70 ; 'Fancy. $63 0.
`GRAIN--Corn, shelled, 54685 c. Oats, '"
OROCERIES—CoIIbe: Goad 15%@1.6c• • Sugar„ 8 3 A,
988_51.8,4e..f0r fair to, Prime 0. Mplesses, 48c. for Cypress
antl.soe.. for Oak.' • • " • •-
LlME—Lpuisville, $1.25. : -
SEEDS—Clover, $3.90@4-.25. $2.756.3.00. Plus
STEARINE-1034 per tierce. r , ••, •
VALLOW-:.-'.Rough',"7c.; Country rendered, 9,1/01.06`;
, 1 ~' .':-.,..“
-N-- otttes'"
:-. p;trig,' ,- - - 4-,
MRL WiNSLAW, in experienced Nurse
and "Pomade Physician, has Soothing - SYrUp for children
teething, which greatly facilitates the process of teething,by
softening the gums, reducing all inflammation—AvilkallaYall
pain and regulate the .bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, It
giVeVest to yourselves and relief and heittli.'to youilm
&tits. Perfectly safe in all cases` See advertiseinent. ' '
In Millersburg, Ohio on Saturday. 'evening, June' the
30th, by Rev. J. A. k. Simpson, Mr. Joun WALuot . to'
Miss - Lim* A. Itomtwitz, both of Holm* County,' Ohio.
On, Tuesday evening, July 24th, at, the residence of Mr.
Benoni Dawson, near Hohnesville. Mr. NICITOLA9 DA:WM)* Of
Peoria, Ill:, to Miss lifsny McHenry, of Holmesmille.• , 'At
the same pines, on Tuesday evening, July3lst, Mr. W. H.
PRANKS, of Fredericksburg, Ohio, to - Miss Macon Dmrsty,.
of.. Holmes County, Ohio.'. • ' • T
On Thursday morning, July 19th, by Rev. J. R. Dundas,
Mr. Wmus.m. PORTER to Mir ELIZA. Joyason, both of ;Win
&ester, ' -
On Wednesday, August let, at the residence of the bride's
father, by Rev. I. N. Hays, Rec. Occoun.P. Ears, of INittau l
lung, Pa.,,to Miss ELEANOR S. WHERRY > of Middle Spring,'Pa.
By Rev. J. W. Hanna, at the residence of the 'bride's
'father,: on Timsday evening, June 28th, Mr. Rr.ritty
,editor of the La Porte Tinics,eind Mltts Maoism If. MA's, of
La Porte County, On 'Tiietiaty 'evening, Juli Ugh, In
the:First Presbyterian church of LaPorte, Ind., assisted• by f
Nev. F. P. Cummins, Mr. Tnemsa J. HENDERSON, of VerSailles,
Mo., toMies CLARA E. Siam, of La Porte: 'At the residence,
of the bride's father, -on Thursday-evening, July 26th, Mr.
Jelin T. ORLFFIRS, of Sacramento, Cal., to 'Miss GEOROIANNA
Root of La Porto County. • - , ,
On Thursday, July 26th, at the:residence of the-brtdes
father,.by Rey. John Y,Weartney, My. : WILLIAM Cj STEWART,
of Apollo, Pa., to Miss Kira 61e6truc, of Temperance;
villa, Pa.. , -1 . . -
' In 4olumbuo, Ohio, April sth, by Itev.,Edgar.Woodo, Rey.
Jorttoi VONTER 7 of Towanda, Pa., to Alts. S. M. VAN Daman.,
of the former place.`
- , .
DIED—May 2t11,•F 1880, ADELLA. , ,MAVIARET, , .onIy
daughter of Rev. dames L. and ; Ellen. G. Wilson,pc.SPAch
Grove, lowa, agedl years and'D inenihi. 9ll- s - •
Five Weeks of fever, including some daytifoiltiteuseLsnfferr
ing, ended her' litaS , .on earth. She, was the ohjeet of tender
affection at home; and essay, others had learned to joie her,.
too. lisiw soon:the SWeeteit . flower *din, and the tenderest
ties are 13M:fetid: longer does little Della lisp infant,
Brayer and Slow with delight in talking;with 118 abbot "dear
Sammy brother," (her twin, gone'-before,} and that happy
land, far away," and the good Shepherd, Jesus, who loves
little children so well. God bath teken her. "FM of such
is the kingdom of heaven."
DIED—Of pulmonary consumption, on the evening of the
26th of July, 1860, Mrs. JANE B.; wife Of Rev: Clement V.
pastor of the Presbyterian church of ;Raccoon,
Washington County, Pa., in the 38th year of her, age.
The deceased Was' a daughter of Laughlin, an
elder of the Find Presbyterian church, Pittsburgh,' and was
early brought up "in the nurture and adMonition of
the Lord. White. receiving. her, mincatiou at the Female
Seminary, Steubenville, Ohio, abe r hecame a hopeful subject
of converting greet); and shortly after united with thiPres
byterian Church, to Whose doctrines and order she 'ever .
strongly attached. In 1812 she wait married.' This event.
brought her into moat happy. union ;with a buslandpnoer
crushed under the sorrows of bereavement, and also Invested
her with the responsibilities of a pastor's wife in a large and
iinportant congregation. For manyyears 'she fulfilled the
dative 'of tide donbie relationship artilyb' a Odeliti *trial en
deared her, by ever strengthening UM, to all:Witb widen she
was fandliar, and .especially to the circle of . home, where as .
a wife and mother she was .the centre of ,confidence and
affection. The piety of the subject of this notice was deep'
uniform, and abiding. It was exhibited In cairn trust in
'Christ; and in the conscientious discharge' •of every duty.
Her declining health, which coreredi about the apace ;of:a •
year, wee employed toy , the Ifoly Sp i iiit to !eau ji i er trout .the.
endearmeidi of earth, and to perfect her fituesa z fir* heuteii.
The Prcsreseaf her diiielise waii . inarl&d' by fricrelaing trait:
of' Mid Ilieetiom
friendiiipowtlie 611;ject of ber tippyoaching.VenthOter qtr.*,
Pittsbuigii Nstrlect.
TUESD.,II", .August 7,1860
itual state, and heavenly hopes. She died, as alto hadlived,
calmly reposing upon the merits of Jesus alone for salvation,
and leaving no doubts in the Minds of surviving friends
reinecitng her safety and glory heaven. ' The funeral of
ides. Iffoitilg was a peculiarly affecting and solemn occasion .
Siren ministeriathretbren, of different denominations, met
to sympathise with their bereaved hrother. A solemn pro
cesaion,,consitifing of almost the entire congregation, together,
with ninny from abroad, moved to the church, and there,
prepatratory tO the interment,' spent a season in the reading
of the ScriptureS, in praise, in exhortatiens, and in prayers.
In these services,:so far as time would; allow, all the minis
ters took part, nnd during their continuance a solemn still
ness reigned over the large congregation. .At the closo of,
the son the cofflia was opened, the people crowded around
totake a last farewell look, and then was apparent to allithe
deep hold'Which the deceased bad upon the affections , of 'the
community: ,They mournedleir her as fora sister, and many
strong men were melted Into tears. ;Thus one of the loveliest
and most beloved spirits of earth has left us, while at her,
own request her flesh sleeps among the people she so dearly
hived. ' • ' .T.S.
At his CARRIAGE REPGSITORV, near th Two-milo Run,
between Pittsburgh and Lawrenceville, has on hand a splen
did and general assortment of CARRIAGES, BUGGIES,
ROCKAWAYS; - &c.' -fie is also constantly receivingnew and
second-hand Vehicles, Rockaways, Germantown Wagons,
Carriages, Buggies, and any article pertaining to the busi
ness. Twenty yeare,practical experience and good business
facilities enable him to offer great Indacsments to purchasers.
The cars of thi Citizens' , Passenger ritailidry, from Pitts
burgh, pass the door every 734 minutes. — ' auell,3t
Parties intending to plant,
Fruit Trees -Strawberry Plants &c
thls EMI, are respectfully invited to visit the Sewickley Nur
series of T. L. SHIELDS & CO.. before giving their orders.
out; andefandite their stock of Trees, Plarits;&e. Many va
rieties of Fruit Trees eau be furnished of a bearing size.
Catalogues may be procured, and orders left at the Seed
Store, 41* Fifth Street.
T. L. SHIELDS & CO., Sewickley Nurseries. "
angll.4t ' JAMS NirAll:DitOP, Agent,'
This Presbyterial Institution is located it Washington; 0.,
midway between Wheeling and Zanesville. 'lt Iv' of easy_
access by the National Road and by theEentral Oltioßail rood, I
The town iontains - a population of one thousand
itants k and is surrounded by a billy and healthful country.
Thie*Aaidenty is furnished with a handsome building; Li
braries, Literary Societies, and competent Teachers:
Thorough. instruction is combined with paternal govern-
Ment and ;wholesome religions influence— - •
The studiek include a complete classical course is tai as the
Junior Claes in the best Colleges; and all the 'English
branehes needed te'llt young men for` Business and Inc
The Summer term commences on the FIRST MONDAY OF
MAY, and the Winter term on the FIRST TUESDAY OF
Tuition Fees must be Add quarterly in advance, at the fol
lowing rates,per session of live months
For English branches • $lO.OO
Ladies are admitted, and instruction is given in vocal mu
sic, and on the Piano and Melodeon.
Boarding in private faMilies, with rooms furnished, - is $2.00
Books and stationery will he furnished at Philadelphia re
'For farther lamination, address
REP. J. E. ALEXANDER, - Principal,
Rug 1-4 t
No. 23 North Sixth Street, Philadelphia
Publish the flillot9ing'Veluable Works
i • R r rites Science in Theology. 12mo'
Stier.N.Wonis of deans. 5 vols. Svo
Tkoluck on
. John's,Gospel.- Bvo
Winer'iNnunmar of the New Testament Diction. 8 vu. :8.5 5. 0
Fairbairn's Herm:nautical Manual. 12mo , 1.50
Ituligious Cases of Conscience. 12mo LOS
Helps for, the 'pulpit. .12mo 1.25
Gerlach' On'tke Pentateuch: . Bvo 2.50
Cajes on God's Severeignty. - '—
Saha:tucker's Popular Theology. 12mo
Luther on Galatians. Small. livo
Berigere Onombh - of the Neri'Testament.
Mclhaine's Evidences of Christianity., ln.o
Litton on the Church of,„,ChOst. , Bro
Fleming's vocabulary of Philosophy.,Edited. with an
Introduction; Analyti6al 'lndex, &c.; by Charles P.:
, EkaiLth; D.D: - 12 mo " ' • '• • ' -, 1..50
liengstenberg• on Ecclesiastes, and other Treatises.. Svo. 2.00
Pulpit.Thernes and Preacher's Assistant. By the Author,
* 'of' " Rellis for the 'Pulpit" • '
Founded in 1844.
Incorporated by the Legislature of PennSy
vania with Perpetual Charter
' OVER FIVE THOUSAND STUDENTS, from nearly every
Stavin the Union, have hero been educated for business, •it
being the only College of the' kind in the United States in
whiMr the young merchant and accountant are educated for
business under the daily supervision 01 an experienced prac
tical merchant. A large pamphlet circular, containing the
testimonials of over four hundred Merchants, .bankers, - and
accountants; (graduates of the College,) with samples of our
pirinian's writing, `and an elegant engraving of the - building,
mailed on receipt of five letter stamps.
Address ' P. DUFF, Principal,
, FOR SALE BY,BOOKSELLERS.—Itarper's onlarged
edition of - Duff's `New System "of Bookkeeping,
Royal Octavo. Awarded. four silver - medals by'State Reim,
and. sanetione4 by the American Institute
,and Chamber of
entnEuVreonf biew York, as the best system of at connts pub
fished. :; ;
Presbyterian Board of Pubileation,
THSE:TILV,Ei PATH ; or, The .Yming- -matt . lAcited to the
Saviour. In a Series, of Lectures by the Rev.. Joseph if. At
kinson, Raleigh,NOfth tatolina. '1 volume'. 12m0.,:pp.300."
P.tlee cents. ;, .r • '
.. TyiTO, SAORAHENTS,- 4,..lirief ; Exernination of the
Viewit'Ehtereatned hy 3 the Satiety of-Friends Ithspectilie the
Ohfistian MinistiVilloPtieOli -and . the Lord's Supper. : - By
Henry A.Doitrillnan, 12mp., pamphlet, pp::4. Files
.5 ce iti2l,
ALSO: , .
,THE• BABBATH-BOHOOI! BELL..In cloth, price 2f. ctS4
in beards; 24 ceritii. ' ' '
BOOK. Nos. I. and 2. Prieq. cepti , each. 42.00 per
hundred. .
A large number of Books for' Children' and Youth ; tonne
.0! whic h will be insuedduring the present month. .
. .
Sir }or sale In Plttsburgh at the Presbyterlanßook
Rams, St. Clair Street. JOSEPH .P. ENGLES, •
ft b2l-tf Publialling Agent.
will positiToly cure .
Liver Coninkint - Dyspepsia &c.
From the Rev. TRSEPH R. KENNARD, Pastor of the Telith
' '•
;Da.' C. •Ikl. - ItoirSON :—lftuvre been frequently
requested to connect my. name with commendations of differ
era:kinds 'of inedicinee,-bitt regarding the practice es out Of.
my; appropriate sphere,' have in all :eases declined; but with
a clear proof in various instances , particularly in my"
own'fiunily, of the usefulness of Dr: Hoolland's German Bit-'
tars, I .depart for oncefrom my usual course;;;to express my,
fuil corivlation that, for general' debility of the System; and:
• especiallY for Liver, Complaint: it is a safe and valuable prep-;
oration. In some eases it may fail, but usually I doubt not
itwiii be very benefieiafith those who suffer from the above
causes. . .
,Yours, veryxespectfully,
• ' ` •J. 21. - EENNARE,
; • -r; • .;` .; • • Eighth below:, Coates Street.
PIIILAIAILPHIA, Docembei 2.4113.
For !alit by llniggititm and Dealers rorywhere. Price
cents per bottle. ' - .
1110 - EW TEXT noo-Ks,
.Nos 443 and 445-. Broadway N Y
A NATURAL PHILOSOPHY-Embracing the most, re.
cent Discoveries in the various branches' of Physics, and ex
hibiting thii application of Selentifto Principles in everyday
life , Ry,p..p.:Quarkenbos,.A.,lsl., Author of ",First Lessohs
in Composition,"' Adiimeed Course of Composition' Mid
Rhetoric," ...Illiatrated School dilatory of the United States.",
etc. , . - 12 tstp, 4 4,0- $ 1 . 00 .• -
• This •work.,- , Ohich is illustrated With three hundred and
thirty-fivefine engravings, ismquallymilaptcd to 'use with or
without apparatus.
:Tyler,- finives:Professor of Greek in Amherst,College.
pp. 180. ' 75 cents.
FRENCH' SYNTAX. A Course of Exercises in all parte
of 'French Syntax, methodically , arranged after' Portevni's
" Syntake Francais° ;" to which are added Ten Appendices;
Designed for `the •use of Academies, Colleges, and Private
'Learner& ,By Frederick T. Winkelmann, A. H.- and Pbe. D.,
Professor Of, Latin, French, and German, in the Packer Co
llegiate Institute. 12m0., pp. 866. $1.25.
special reference- to convenience of recitation. By Prof. H.
I. Schntidt,-D.D., of CohimbbaCollege. 12m0., pp. 328. f foLOO.
LANGUAGE, - Progressively arranged for the use of,Schools
and Collegei.': By G. '33: Fontana. 12m0., Pp..Z36. SLIM:
SPANISH GRAMMAR. , A-new, practical, and easy method
of learning . the Spanish Language; after the system of F.
Alin, Doctor of Philosophy, and:Professor at the College of.
Neuss. First Amertean edition, revised and enlarged. 12m0.,
pp:l 4 9:= 75 cents;, Key, 15 conts..
A GREEK GRAMMAR, for Schools and colleges.. By
James Iladlpy: Professor in Yale Collegelf;l2nie:
. .
vinanes ./ENEID ; -With ExPlanatory.Notee.: , Byllenry
S. Frieze, Prof. of Latin In the State University of Michigan.
12tito., ilhistrated; pp.'s9B. ' •
edition, on fine paper... Price 20 cents:
OF MAP-DRAWING, accompanied with instructionsfor their
'l,Ase. Price per set,,so cents. A Descriptive Cileular will be
sent on application. "
/Fir A•singleeopYrt any of the above works for examina
tion, will be pen', mail, PostfPat4on receipt of one-half of
retail prices.
mental. Data. By A. , Morin. Revised,' Translated, and re
duced to Eitgliih Units of MeaSures, by Joseph Bennett,
Civil Engineer. I vol., Svo.,-pp. 447.
A SERIES OP OUTLINE MAPS. By the author of °Cor
nell's Series of School Goographies."
The Series la composed of Ilfti•en Shiite, each of which is
substantially mounted on Cloth, and the bet is neatly put up
Ina portfolio, and accompanied with a Complete Key for the
Teacher's nee. Price per set, $lO.OO.
r Descriptive circulate sent upon application. ' •
'• In - -Press 'and Nearly 'Ready: . ,
.. .
glidookry,ondlintersotiog. for Regipirrs.
alibi's; A. M. • Child:i qpitcio, pp., goo anti nuorpo!is
,READUft. • By Prof. A. lierkness, Pb. D.; of troop Univer
sity, anthoi of "Arnold ' s First Vain , Book,"- "Second Lift
Book " /to. • •
. .
Edited by Anion Dean. ' • , •
; FRENCH I'ABABLES-.Condonsod: :
• Inraoptona. and others applying forit;lol` reek . , putts
and pietsild . .
D. A' ETON .t.bit'coltirtrii ) Dmknumirrs
OATATAWE . School, , Aizadatalc, and. Clelleghos-
Books: . • D. APPLETON, & york.;
OCI. : for, sale a complcto.sisporsval
.Clitolortegoinvby moll, Atlbohitir96a•.•.• .146 1 1 • C.
has removed to " • '
. No. 246 Penn Street
in the house formerly occupied by Dr. G. IL lf„Cyser, opposite
Christ church. He will give all the modern improvementel
Teeth inserted at various prices,
' FROM $l5 TO $62 PER SET,
. • REFEItENdE's:
A. IlitanLay, A. G. M'CaNntaise,
.1. H. Iformas W. H. Tamara;
Dr. GEORGE H, Kama, W. lizzacK,
SAMUEL Dlftr2-14y
~Book and Job Printer;
-PAPERS, Corner of Market and Second, and Wood and:.
Third Streets, Pittsburgh. Pa.
Particular attention paid to printing Catalogues for Colleges.
and Seminaries, Programmes, Diplomas, and School Reports.
• mar3l.-11,
H. SMITH, Merchant Tailor
Na. 84 . Wylie Street, , Pittsburgh,
Respectfully Invites public attention to his new andaxtenslve
assortment of Fashionable SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS,
embracing alPthe new and desirable styles for gentlemen's
wear, which will be made to order in the very best manner, ,
atreaannable "prices: '
.Double Thread_ . •
.:These, unrivalled Machines will hereafter be sold at the;
tenoning prices:
w -
small 'Machines (plain) $35 00
Largo- qua r terw 40.00
" in case • "45.00
" in half-case - 50.00:
in full case 05.00
WO claim for Ode MaChine superiority over anyother 31i
:chine ever made, for the renewing•rtiesons
Ist. Both the upper and under threads are used directly
from, the original spool, thus doing away with the trouble of
re-winding, against which so many complaints are made.,
2d. It ban be worked backwards, as well as forwards, 'With
can„be, started- : with ,the -foot alone„attd,,is
- always right.
3d. It uses a perpendicular needle-bar, and straight needle,
and never ei'eaks neesileS.",
, .
4th. It; is so simple that it can jle very easily and
:operated, by a child ttrelvelears of age.
sth. It is almost swtseless.
.13y . the. combination of them features, so important In a
Bening Machine, we are enabled to offer to the public a
Machine which suits the understanding as well es the purse
of all.
Every Machine is frilly warranted.
-Tools and full printed directions accompany each Machine.
AQ - Agents wanted in every town throughout the country,
upon profitable terms. and no possihility of loss. Send for
Circular of terms to Agents.
W. IV. NORTHROP, General Agent,
No. 60 Market Street, (up stairs,) '
Pittsburgh; Pa.
ang4 m
paring the last fourteen yearn, some four hundred Patents
have been_ granted on inventions designed; to lighten the drudgery of family sewing, and at the same'tinte to produce
machinothat could be profitably used for manufacturing
purposes; but strange to say ' out of this large number of
Sewing ;Machines, only some half dozen have been proven to
be.of , practical value; and of this small number, not ono-has
in itcombined the advantages of a family and manufacturing
machine. There are large, heavy, noisy, cumbrous; and
complicated machines, designed for heavy work, that answer
tied 'parPose very well; while there are 'others of light
mechanism.and delicate adjustments, width perform po light
work to advantage; and while the former . are exclu
siielY confined lb heavy work, the 'latter 'are , ot little value,
except on light fabrics. Therefore I take- great pleasure in
stating the =patent faCt that Mr. Rows, the original in
ventor of Sewing Machines. has recently pertected his Shuttle
Machine,so as to combine, in a much smaller space and ;with
hir lees Machinery, the strength and durability of the mann
facitiring machines, and at the same time; pomessing that
deAlency of movement and ease of operation peculiar .to tho
family machine, and which renders' this the only machine in
triarket.. capable, of working conaZty well the lightest and
hets6iest fabries, and is therefore designed for
. .1.00
. L 25
For Shirt-makers; Vest-inakers, Tailors, Shoobioders,Gaiter
itters, Harness-makers, Carriage-trimmeri, - as well as for all
'varieties of FAMILY' SEWING,
is thetnly one that can give satisfaction, and they will be
sold for one.fia/./7 the latency charged for any other. machine
Capable of doing as heavy work in as good a`mininer. They
machines cannot he got out 'of order: by any ,fair means: and
they will be fully warranted for one, or more years. They
will Mich, hem. lock, cord; bind, gather, and fell, without
boating—making the lock-stitch seam (aim oil both nides) of
great beanty,strength, and elasticity, and which cannot be
ripped or-raveled. ,
The public arc cordially invited to, call at my rooms, NO.
26 "WWI STItEIIT, up stairs, and thoroughly test these
machines on all kindi of work; do n't be satisfied by .merely
seeing a Machine sew on a rag, but bring along your light.
eiit and heaviest work, and put the Machine to the mist rigid
"Active and responsible Agents are wanted for the sale Of
theeellfachines, upon liberal terms. Please send fOrsamples
of work and particulars of agency. Address
W. B. LASSCELL 777 Ament
Pittsburgh, Pa.
-- - e -
zs, •
. of
--,., ......
N !,
I S ) ECONOMY! ° l3l
,Z 7
Save the Pieces .1.
oeddwvuo eelll Argypen, aim in mall-regutateel frantibler,
teury destgahle to have same cheap and oonveaient way for ribrilr-
Psi Furniture, Toyi, Crockery, dre.
meets all each emergeneles, and no household can afford to be
without It. It Is always ready and np to the stiaklng.point:
There In no :OTCOr a neoewlty for Hipping chairs, splintered
neon, headless dolls. acid broken cradles. It In ) or the akicie
for cone, shell, and other ornamootalorork. so popular with ladles
of refinement and tame., . . •
This admirable preparation to used oold,,helforphemically hew
in eolotion, and possessing all the calusble onntithw of the be,
cableekmake”' Glue. It may toi used to the place of •ordlow—
mucilage, being vastly more I,dhentra
N. B.—A Brueb accompanloyt each bottle. Prin. 26 reolt
Wholesale Depot, Ito. 30 Platt-et, New York.
Box No. 3;600, New York.
. Put up. Inv Dealers In Cavea coninining cony, eight, end twelve
doien—ei.beantinil Lithoginphic Show•Cerd accompanying earl'
p A single bottle of SPALDING'S PRP:PARED GLUE
will Nine ten times Ka Mot annnally to every household...l3l
Sold by ell promlueut Stalionera, Drumiata, Hardware aoll
rnruitnn Dealers. CirOftlll and Fancy Stoma.
Country trierelmoto bbo.tld makes Dote of SPALDLNO'S FRB
!ARNO 01.13 g, when making up Ow& l6t II will nand op
' air Mow& Depot resoivedllom No. 30 Platt Street t
NO. OIONDAR. STReI RT. New Yark. decal-1y
C It B
4 0 . N
-For Brilliancy and 'Economy,
market. It will burn in all styles of coal oil lamps, is per
fectly safe, and free from all offensive odor. Manufactured
and for sale by
fell-ly 167 LIBERTY Elms!, PITMIIILOB.
alanufarAurers and Wholesale and Retell Dealers,
0.N0.32 NoRTa SECOND ST., above Marliet, Pbiladelphi&
Imo largest, cheapest, and bolt assortment of PLAIN and
FANCY BLINDS of any other establishment in the United States.
Asa- REPAIRING promptly . atte ;.• Give us a Call
and satisfy yourselves. . . : 'AbB-ly
This Boarding School. for both Boxes, will open Its rail
terni - Septerabbe sth. l'he Directors having procured the
.services, as• Principal, of Mr. W. V. DAVIS, late Principal. of
the High School at Lancaster, Pa., can recommend this'
School to parents and guardians as a moat desirable inelitu,
tion In which to place their children and .wards.
The course of Instruction embraces every department of
education taught in the best Academie.. In all the studies
the pupil• are thoroughly grounded. and taught to nadn
stand and apply what they learn. The femaleportion of the
scholars will be particularly under the care and instruction
of a lady, whose many accomplishments, and long experience
se a successful teacher, render her services most valuable
and desirable. 4
• For further fartieulars, apply to Rev. J. STEVENS,
President of the Beard. or to the Principal ''jylVrv* .
The American Sunday School Union
The $lO Sunday School Libraries for distribution as per
legacy in Will, of the late CHARLES BREWER, will be
ready tot delivery on and after July 10th.1800. '
The Sunday Schools entitled to then Libmries arc those
established Allegheny County, Pa., Since March 31et,
Applicants will be required to subwribe to statement giv.
ing name, location; and date of organisation of the School ;
name and Post -Office address of 'Superintendent ;, average
number of teachete and scholars in'attendance, and amount
then contributed for support of School.
Reaeonable evidence, by amount; of contriliutions and.oth
erwise, of the permanence of the School Will be required.
Apply to • P. tr. EATON, t
Of EATON, OTTE MAco.tow,
No-17 Fifth St„ Pittsburgh.
' P'rice
• ;Patellar! June 2, 1.8457. Re-beniedlnlj;l4lBlsB. Patented
An gw d O , 2.858. dune 1,1868. •Dentratelli, I§s7,Tandli
bettied'under Six Patents:
~.'Owned • severally' by Elias •Uovve, Se:,tiNiliekliciryeWnson
alaimfacturtng Co, Singer .fc Co,. and 9rocer,k.A"kei .
,Seising Machine , Company:,' 4 • • • • • 1 ,
Purchasers may, thereforefeetnesurealbatthey'arebitYing
a first-class Machine. , , . . 1 4 ~.., „ , • 1 . .
The potiibi,of Supetiority4,xnallatly , two; this Ms,
chirp, may be hrletly stated;
~ 1-41.57TP •
FIRST. The remarkable simplicity ,atul , accuracy of its .•
mechanism, manifeatedin tliti'fact,'that it te capable of mak!.
log, tinsninglyaour thousalitUstitt.his indinute.;
Szcois,,y , Ivlll tist,,slipp ittitchet - said, is nasoleas its
Thr ttiv
,me ex; I.
facility w
MILD. _ aith se] _ -de learner mit'y broom
pert in operating it,inasnitich,es„namistalie can be made in
setting the needle, or in regulating the tension.
FOURTH. kquitented,device oCgreat utility to learners has
recently been" applied. which 'prevents the possibility of the
Machine ;tieing run brn the wrong . direction, or the,tolanpa
wheel'Wearing a - lady'd dress. • S
I Fuel!. Being made interehangeable Wall its parbi;
tpernCan readily be replaced in, cape of accident
„ - JAgent, -
„; r .310.,51 Fifth St., Pittshurgltiopppelt4the. '1
Will find the meet complete ailsortment of boiike relating to
their bueineee that eau be found in the world, at C. It. SAX
TON, BARKER & CO.'S Agrieuiturai.Neok House, 25 Perk
1 , 7t1N York. Sand for a eatalograa. ,
with ipeeeninld, confideneo in its merits es the •
FAMILY•BEWING MACHINE new. in use. II 'ewe equally
well on the thickest and thinnest fabrics, makes the lock-
StitCh'impoisible to imravel, wit:l/Ike essential:advantage ot%
boing.nlike on both sides, forming,no ridge or ,chain on the
under Simple In construction; snore speedy in matt , '
went, and
71216 the!
Ne.,27 Fifth Street,.Pittstwrgh r
We,offer to.tholmblic WHEELER, & WILSON'S,
More Durable, than ;any. -other Machine
-WO giro full Instruct i on to enable the pOrchaeer to new
ordinary stains, stitch, hem,Tell,,quilt,gather, bind and tuck,
all on the Immo machine, and
CIRCULARS containing
Testimonials from Ladles of the Ilighest Standing,
East ..and West,
Giving prices, &c., will be furnished gratis, on application in
person or by letter.
Sewing Machine; •
Constantly on hand
- . junl6-3m
ED., 929 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia,
Weis, as Suitable for individuals, churches, faiolliee, and
Sunday Schools, a large variety of
Of these, a large number is Intended for Children and Youth
'—the • volumes being handsoniely illustrated by flue en
gravings, printed in clear type, and well bound.
The assortment embraces over four hundred and fifty
Orders may,be sent to
Tract Home,
No. 929 Chestnut Street, Phila.
“Atesers. 401ILD S: LINCOLN deserve the hearty thanks of
the American public for their re-publication of so many works
of solid and enduring merit. The Catalogue of their books
comprises ,not a few of those which the scholar, the theolo
gian, and the Christian would place inthevery first rank!'
Rcriew;sTaly, 1860.
The Year of Grace; A History of the Revival in Ireland
in 1850. By Rev. William Gitslim, Professor of Christian
Ethics in the Presbyterian College, Belfast. 15no. Cloth.
$1.20. (Just published.)
Of this work, Dr. Werurre remarks : "I have been de
lighted with it beyond measure. * * s * The narrative is
clear, nnexancrated, and rich in everything that candelight
a soul that ii' waiting for the consolation of Israel.' I know of
nothing of later times which will do so much to strengthen
the faith and encourage the prayers of Christian people
throughout the world."
The Christian Life; Social and Individual. By Pcter
Xt.A. 172ni0. Cloth' $1.25.
"The book, as a whole, Is admirable; the biographical
sketches worthy of a place beside those of Carlyle, Ma
caulay, Mackintosh, and Stephens."--Non. B. F. Thomas,
Cyclopedia of Anecdotes of Literature and the Fine
Arta. , Containing a; Choice Selection of Auecdotea of the
various forms of Literature, of the Arts, of Architecture,
Mitaid, , POetry, Painting. and' Sculpture, and of the most
.colubrated Literary Characters and Artists, &c.. By liezlltt
Arrine,' A.M. With numerous illustration& 75 pp.
Octavo ,'Cloth. $3.00.
The Manet BEng and Other Gems. By Rev. J. De Llefde
Rimo. Cloth. 63 cents.
ThiS little 'volume, just publisheCconsiste of three parts.:
I. The Signet-Ring and its Heavenly Matto. 11. The Inher
itance, and the Journey to obtain it. 111. The Shipwrecked
Tiavellet. The work is everywhere spoken of in terms of
un.equivoc4 PraisP.
to European Celebrities. By,tho.Bov. B
Sprague; D.D. 1.2m0. Cloth. $l.OO.
A series Of graphic and life4ike Personal Sketches of many
of the most distinguished men and women of Europe, por
trayed as the author saw them in their own homes.
Life of Janies Montgomery. By Mrs. H. C. 'Knight, au
thor of. "Lady, Huntington and her Friends," &c. l2mo.
Cloth. $1.25.
The pialm of Montgomery's private life, prepared in Sfi's.
Knight's veal graceful and happy manuer."—Exeter News
, ,
ChAllibere Dome Book. Or Pocket' Miscellany; a Choice
Selection of lnterestingand Instructive Reading, for Old
and Young. Sig - volumes. 16mo. Cloth. $3.00.
Chambers' Cyclopedia of English Literature. A Selec
tion or the.choicest productions of English. Authors, from
the earliest to the present time. Two imperial octavo vol
umes, 'TOO pages each, double columns; with 300 elegant
Illustration& . Embossed cloth. $5.00.
Dr. Grant and the Mountain Nestorians. By. Rev.
Thomas Laurie, hiw surviving associate in that Missien.
With a Map and numerous Illustrations. 12mo. Cloth.
The Greyson Letters. Selections from the Correspondence
of It. It. H. Greyson,Esq. Edited by Henry Rogers , author
of "The Eclipse of Faith." 12mo. Cloth. SP2S.
"The Letters are intellectual gems, radiant with beauty,
-happily-.intermingling the grave and the gay."—Christian
Knowledge is Power. A View of the Productive Forces of
Modern Society, and the Results of Labor, 'Capital. and
Skill. By. Charles Knight. With numerous Illustra
tions: Revised by David A. wells, A. 31. 12mo. Cloth.
This is emphatically a Look for the people. The intelligent
reader cannot fall to be richly rewarded in its perusal, while
s Ime of its .suggeblions may return Dim his investment a
thousand fold.
Memorials of Early Christianity ; Presenting, in a
.„graphic,and popular,forte, *on:maple ErentkolEarly,,Eo•
cleslastical History, ke. By Res'. J. O. Mien. With nu
merous Illustrations. par. Cloth. sug. ,
iollllllg HODDI In Patinas. The OpeninitiTision of the
Apomlypse;na&Christle Epistle to;the Bevan - Churches of
Asia. BY'Rov:A.C . ThOmpeou. 12uib. ClOth. $l.OO. (Just
Dr. Thompson is well known as the author of "The Better
Land." of which fifteen large editions have been sold. This
volume is a ptessanthleuding of 'eihortation and expoelUori,
with personal , reminiscences of Patmois and the sites of the
Eleven Churches.
My MOtlitir; or, Recollections Of Maternal Intlumme. Ey a
New England Clergyman. With a beautiful Frontispiece.
12mo. Cloth. 75 Oen
"It is one of those rare pictures paluted from life with the
exquisite skill of one of.the Old Masters, which so seldom
lireeenftlieniselves to the amateur."
The Evealog of Life; or, Light and Comfort amidst the
iihaLlows of Declining Years. By Rev. Jeremiah Chaplin,
D.D. Cloth. $1.00;
A. most charming and appropriat,e work for the aged.
.The Better Land; or, The Believer's Journey mad Future
Home. By Rev. A. C.:Thompson. Fifteenth thousand.
12mo. • Cloth. .95 cents. . •
Alfir" Copies sent by mail, post-pabi, on receipt of price.
tP Wsiebinotnn Wotan
fpl 28.1 v
A 6. St. Clair Street,
Offers for sale a choice , selection of books suitable for all
chasms, on very reasonable terms. The collection embraces
the entire priblications' of the Presbyterian Board, of five
hundred and sixty-nine distinct works, and a large variety in
Psalms and Hymns, and the 'Psalms of David in metre.
Also, a good selection from Garter's late publications, Dar.
tien's, Nelson's, Hassachusetts S. S. Society, Tract Society, and
S. S. Union;
Hodge on Corinthians. 2 vols.
u Ephesians
The Words and Mind of.Jesits.
Still Hour; or. Communion with Ood..
The Christian's Home. A Prize Essay
Family Religion. By Smith 60
Last Days o Tesus. By T.l'. Moore 55
Boardman's Higher Christian Life...— ........ —.—...... ...... 1.00
Dr. Spencer's Sketches , 1.00
Mamma's Lessons about Jimmie 76
Rev. J. Addison Alexander's Sermons. 2 vols. 2.50
Rev. J. W. Alexander's Forty Years' Letters. 2 vole 2.50
Rev. J. W. Alexander's Consolation to the Suffering.-- 1.26
Rev. Dr.. Halsey's Literary Attractions of the Bible 1.26
The Province of Reason. By Timing 76
lioloon'a Beautiful Oil Color Viewa of Amorican and
'and Eastern Cities. in packages of twelve views— 36
Typical Forths and Ends of Creation 2.00
Paterson on the Shorter Catechism-- 60
Stories on the Shorter Catechism • 50
Life Studies. By Rev. John Milli"— 40
The Crucible; or, Test,' of a Reginerate State
Plantation. Sermons. 2d volume
Letters on Psalmody. By Rey. W. Annan 38
Literary Atttictione of - the Bible 1.25
Biblical Reason Why 1.10
The Board haw; taken special care to obtain a choice glees
tion and large variety of Sabbath School books, cmbrncine
1875 vole., and acycrai Libraries, embracing from fifty to one
hundred , yolumes eaeh, at from 2.50 to $lO.OO, selected from
the Board of Publication, Carter'e„ Martien'a, S. S. Union,
Tract Society, 'Massachusetts S. S. Society, and Nelson & Sone.
All these they offer at a very discount, as an induce
ment to Superintendents and. Teachers in the country dis
tricts, whose schools bave been mispendcd during the Winter,
and are'aoon to be re-commenced, to obtain the best library
within their reach. mar3l-eowi
. .
By Tnomas CAR4II . .E. Author of " French Revolution," etc.,
etc. 1 vol, 12mo. Price $l.OO. • •
Prom. the Philadelphia north American. .
" It certainly presents the best view ever given of the life,
'character and genius of the noble &hiller."
From the Nab York Trilni •
" In spite of new information in regard to Schiller, and the
able ,trcatment of the subject by freah hands;.this-vnlnme
must Iting'rernain a singularly fsecinating and instructive
piece of biography."
.The Wife's Trials 'and --Triumphs.
Ono volume. 12mo. Printed on Rose-tinted Paper, • and
' • handsomely boned. Pelee $l.OO. • . .
Prom the Philadelphia ..YOrth American:
"The characters aro distinct and wolfeinetained—the
dente natural and varied—the style .unambitious, but grace
ful. Tliere is no display . of. learning, but ample knowledge
and blgh•cultdre are creryWhere uncorieciatialy risible. The
bookie • np 1 in Ate externals,•nfidl ladles
especially will,find it.good reading."
fy antheirof E ,ed the
East." " Pawnee( Prayer," " Bible idtbeln lini; kn.
IllAtne4tprith,ein,,cboieeMewlsigi Sr 9(9 1.4 .
'sl fel 12mo. - l'icesl
! Prime never linAr bow irivyritia dnlP'l;eseengeand
promptedbydrach.notprel, beauty ap . ,lacLlll4l •01114 3 paAti of
the swag' ctheridt; has here presented an amount of hie
I•journelingemoitby'of.liimeelf and ldirtbrine:•:lllbnimahh
. era increase the attrartive,app ef,,the book By
rain the' text Borne 'walls:ciente& illnatraCiebn or
iP,5 01 1 , !C5.c.(. 1, 1 1,0 7 - Rfl. t. ?!. ,l .Nt.liof :..lo7tt
St. Paul's to St. Sophi wox,
is r L ot "SU
4 .ll.l % a h ° r f f S n k tho<himeal'.'j PiicZ.Or"
Vitit U lineh
"The BIM -glace of Thonteon:P 4, The Lotidon .Shoe-81acke, "
" ' l3lll.44 , l q °o4 9P l C":7"At'a ll i t Y a r l g4egi
. ".0r)