Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, August 04, 1860, Image 1
P. ...... J. ALLISON S. LITTLB DAVIEd D it or T s A'K and ProprielNNEY & CO., tor's. TERMS IN 'ADVANCE. SINGLN SUBSURIVTIONS $1.50 1N CMIN .I,hS 1/I.II.IIrNaND >Y terINTLIt or T LIZ .. . . moo , Tor TWO Romans, we will send by nutil sevonVirtnntbera, for ONE DoLtalt, thirty-three numbers. otors sending. its ltwEirr subscribers andihtratakilviiii thereby entitled to a wiper without °berm , . A USD PkINOIL MANX on tho paper, stgittflinAlbit tILe ,rtn is nearly out and aim we desire o ~ , • , Renewals eltoula be prompt. a little before tile Send payments by safe hands, or by 1: ,1` . Direct all letters to DAVID WiLINNEY & CO. . ,Pitt.4littigh, tits: priginiq " Would Yoe Live Fikvei? If in this world oft eary, ' You were doomed' to ' Ever hero with footsteps WMtrir, Lingering on the 'Way You would never;Meet, the Saviour, Never see hiS Never join thelifeteiedient'd ones, With them Isingitis grace, Chrihtian, would you live forever, qUath the clouds to stay ? • Bike to linger in life's valley; ; Far from your home,alway 2, Earth is'often full of sadness, Friends swift pass away; And often hushed are songs of/gladness, Night shrouds the brightestl day ; Some fondly lov'd are gone luifore us, To their homes on high, They have joined the htissfut chorus, Safe, beyond the shy, Christian, would you live fortiver, 'Neath the clouds .to stay? Here to lingerin life's valley, Far from your home away ?. Here, like the waved , ' of angry ocean, ' Rises doubts and fears, , And in the tempest's,wild.ciommotion , Smiles are lost in tears. Temptations strong, your soul assailing, • Drive you oft astray; Then whilst you 're a weak, and strength all failing, Would you live alum? No; yell Would not live forever, 'Neath the clouds to stay, Here to 'linger in life's valley, Far from your home aiway. • - Since Jesus bath pass'd on before you,. Through Through the gloomy vale, His presence brightly shining o'er you, Should your courage fail? Hark! the sound of thousands Bifigi "We are safely licime; Hear where shouts of joy are`ringing, - Come, , i oor pilgrim, come." Christian, would—you live forever, 'Heath the clouds to stay? Hereto linger in life's valley, Far from your home alway. Then do not always live in sadness, Never be oast down, For at. last, at home in gladness, Thou shalt wear a crown, With the Saviour olose beside thee, ' Thou mayest Surely go, Through life's journey 'he will guide thee, Safe, from every foe. In the holy land of heaven, Where'tha gest ones stay, Christiatifyoudtall - live forever, Safe, in youit home'alway. EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENCE. INDIAN AFFAIRS AND ANXIETY IN, 1 tudiarr—DEßLTZS ON THE AMALGAMATION OF THE ARMIES...-. WHAT IT IN.. TOLTES—PERILS AND PORZBODINGSTHE DUKE OP NARY BOROUGH'S MOTION—TIM BIBLE WlTamp wnou Gov- Ertyecurr SCHOOLS IN INDIA-ATTEMPT TO PREVENT. DlE cvastorr—A itmumorgooofee MORAL COURAGE—THE Offnis TIAN POLICY ONLY SAFEWITHDEAWA/a OF THE 'SUNDAY TRADING BILL— PROORESS OF BETZTAI, IN LONDON-- YOUNG WOMEN AND. YOUNG MEN— BIORARD WEAVER, WHO "SINGS" AS WELL AS ." PREACHES "—THE OPEN AIR. PREACHING MOVEMENT—Tim QuEvr, AND RIFLE COMPETITION PRANCE A FIELD POE 'EVANGELIZATION— PROTESTANTISM AND POPERY' AS TO EXTENT 'A.ND'NUMBIRS— MR. BOST AND THE FIRST PIOZ3 OF THE PRONGH INSTITUTIfe— THE ASILUX AT LA FORCE. LONDON; Judy 6, 1860 INDIAN AFFAIRS are excitinc,a it considera ble uneasiness at present, and rA likely to do so for some time to come. The - un toward opposition of Sir C. Trevellyan, the Governor of Madris, to the financial scheme of the Right Honetlames,Wilson, and his most irregular proceeding of publishing— for the inspection, of all the natives of India—his objections to and depreciatory estimate of the proposal, have wrought mischief such as may net be . speedily re: paired. This conduct has cost Sir Charles his place; and justly, for he seems 'to have been influenced by personal bitterness of feeling,'and by a lawless spirit, such as no State could tolerate. The new taxes Will undoubtedly be collected, but noi'lvitheut provoking a large amount of hostile'feeling, at least, and especially , in the Madras Presidency. The amalgamation of the local European Indian Army with the Queen's Army, and iia connexion with this, 'the new relations which will be assumed in the sense of numbers of European, as contrsted with native troopy, have been the dubjeet of long debates in Parliament. Last year many of the Eu-' ropean force in Bengal mutinied, because they were not allowed bounty, on their' re-' tireraent from the (deceased) Company's service, 'and then enlisting in the service of the Queen. Lord Palmerston said, 'in' Parliament, that he thought that as the original term for which the men had en listed bad expired, they, had 'a right to a bounty on reenlistment. The Indian Gov ernment, however, resisted their claim h and hence disaffection and virtual mutiny.. The result was, that all the men that chose to came to 'England, were sent home. But there still' reinained, and remains, sixteen thousand English troops, the representation of that Anglo-Indian army which in past days has nurtured the Lairenees, Ed wardes, Nicholson, and other heroes. These are now sto cease to exit 'as a distinct force, and this by a very decided vote of the House of Commons. Biit it awakens anxiety to know tlliteSir Mtn taivrezice, and other eminent old Indians, are strongly opposed to the change. The opposition manifested will at all events tend to pre- - vent that vile Horse-Guards and home pat ronage which otherwise would be exercised, and also to secure to the officers both of the nation and , of the' (late) European local army, proper redompense; either in pen sions or in those staff appointments for which they alone are properly 'qualified. A young &met; 'writing me from the Bombay Presidency says that if tha native army is broken up, he fears that There will be another outbreak. Uneasiness undoubt edly prevails in high quarter This'"was specially brought out on Monday evening last, under the following circumstances : The Duke of Marlborough, a plena young nobleman, undertook, in entire harmony' with his own convictions, to give pi/bile expression before his peers, and before the' nation, 'of that very strong feeling cher ished by ithe great middle class, and by all evangelical 'Christians against the restric tion put on the use of the Bible in Govern ment Schools in India. It may be put in the library, or It `maybe studied, if the na tive pupils 'desire" -it, after school hours. But there is net &van that qualified. recog nition of it which'Pre,ftile in the National Seheolsin Ireland, when the particular hour for Scriptural instructietilLi fiked, so that any pupils whose parents' *uardians object, may retire. T he Bible (s•not'adinitted into Covergenent Schools at all, and this 'while the Shatters are read there.' . Colonel (now Sir Herbeiq. - Edwards, gave eloquent utterance to the protest against this cowardly policy 'in 'his great speech at the Church Missionariy'Anniver emu, in Exeter Hall, as'indicated by meat the time. Since then, thefeelinglnis been growing deeper and dtronger, and'ikil nu merous petitiolis "to ,'Pitfitattifit. MOM VOL. V Ent on the night for' the` Duke's'mo don, Lord Shaftsbiiryrose, 'and While he assured him `of entire .eoneurrence ih the principle of the :.resolution„ expressed his conviction that its dismission, then was "in expedient," and therefOre requested his' noble frinud, "both in the interest of the queitiotiitself; in the interest of the diffusion; of,Ohristiauity, and in the interest of good Government in India, to, postpone the con., sideration of his motion." This Was followed toud'dries of '" Hear,,hear," and by kin dred requests from tordslEllenborouiteand Harris, (the latter late Governor ofMadias„) cm the ground thato"tbe state of India was, most critical," that "it would not, be pru dent to diScuss a measure which touched so closely on the feelings and prejudices 'of the natives." The Duke of Marlborough then rose and presented one hundred , ,and ninety-nineopetitions,from places in Eng land, two hundred, and fifty-six from Scot land, and fourteen from Ireland, in support of the object 'of' his reiolution, and pro ceeded to say that it Was nOtwithont a deep sense of his responsibility that he feit,lit , his duty. to perseuere in his motion. ,Lord- Granville, the Whig leader of the House,, then 'exPressed his hope that it would not be diteuSgecl. Lord Derby endorsed these views, and Lord Brougham said that if the motion was persevered in, he should, with out discussing move " the, previous ques tion." Rash, obstinate, some,' Most, may have regarded the Duke, but 'a/1 here 'Must' honor him ; for,a moral courage Which in its naturei was nobler than that which :distinguished.'. his great ancestor, and, the founder of his family 'and titleat Blenheim and Ramillies. "Persevere" he did, and proceeded' to make— statements that 'were very telling:. He showed, in opposition to the assertions. of the," neutrality " party, that thenatives do not object to the Bible in sChoOls, dud gave the 'best `of all proofs of this in the fact thatin 'lndia and Ceylon the number of Missionary Schools in, which the teach ing of the Bible was the rule, were, for boys, 1,556; attended by 64,480' pupils, and for girls, 449 schools, attended by 14;296' He also contrasted the Govern ment' policy which introduced the Scrip tures, at, Ceylon, and restricted its use in India,. In Ceylon, there is a Bible Class held, in connexion with every Government SehOol. His , resolution was-at follows: That the British Government in India, -as' the repre sentative of a Christian nation,, is charged with the duty of promoting the, moral as well as the social welfare of the People of that country I. and kthat in effectually, tO'fOrWard such ObjectS; 2 it is tlie'opinion of this Helise.thiit the"autlioritatiVe eiehiSion of the Word of God from the course of education afforded in the Government ,schools and colleges, ought, under suitable arrangements, to be removed and humbly to address,Her Majesty that she be gracious>'- ly pleased-to give instruction to carry the above object into . effect." "Lord Brougham said that "with`a deep conviction of the importance Of.the sub ject, but with a clear opinion that the dis cussion of -it was inexpedient, and- might be dangerous at the present time; he begged to move the previous "question:". This the dis cussion was put aside, and although the resolution-was lost, in the Parliamentary sense of the-term, yet- the moral effect of the protest - 1i not lost, Fdr it is a,prgtest against that cold blooded giiiiiiiinient that does not ask, "Is it right r but "Is it safe 7"----policy which in time past left the heathen soldiers of India-in their igno rance of what Christianityis,• and so they believed that the mere biting of cartridges made with pig's fat made them Christians, and thus the fearful mutiny burst forth.! The . da,y may come •when -we shall ao gain :see our sin in' our punishment' . in ourlndian policy. But it Would he Unjust for me to ,say that' Lord. Shaftsbury was not sincere ,and honest in what he did and • said about 'the Mike's motion. I heard the Earl of Roden express a similar opinion in private, although he could not help afterwards, in the Chair of a public meeting ; giving vent to adniiration of the Duke's testimony for the free, use of the Bible in India, in which the Rev. Henry Venn, Secretary of the Church 'Missionary Society, most cor-. dially joined:, BEY THE SUNDAY TRADING BILL - which was passed= by the House of Lords, has been toithdraidnin the Conn:cons, in consequence of the determined and extended prepara tions made,by the real friends of the Sab bath to oppOse it. Under the pretence or intention of abridging the'hoirrs of traffic on the'Lord's day, it proposed to traffic (and' that without the plea of either necessity or mercy,) up to 'a certain hour in the morning. The " Sabbatarians," as they are called , by the semi-infidel " Sunday League " -party, have sustained a defeat. One of their supporters, and their Chair man at a fortuer public discussion, the Rev. Baden Powell,Savili an Professor at Oxford; died a few weeks ago, in Londbn. He was' far advanced indeed on the way to infidel ity, and was the author of a volume of Essays lately published by. Oxford men, which go far to ignore the 'claims - of the Mosaic record, and exhibit a theology if possible . more " negative " than that of Mr. Maurice'himself. REVIVAL IN LONDON continues to man ifest its power in frequent individual con versions; and in that unusual .earnestness , and prayerfulness of Go'd's people which, is not. only the result of the Spirit's special grace, but, the precursor of more- enlarged blessings to the world. At the West End of the Town, in Paddington District, and also in connexion with Bible Classes and other meetings; of the Young Men's Asso ciation at Tichbourne Street, and, of the Young Women's Society, near Bryanstone Square, the work of grace goes on with un abated power. It commenced, in the Au tumn of last year, after the return of the Secretary from a visit to Ulster. In- the beginning of ,the present year- it, was still more fully, developed and it continued ,throughout the whole Spring. Some of the results I,have indicated in former let ters. As to , the present ; I have a letter this week from the Secretary at Tiphbourne Street, in which he intimates that a meet ing was to be held last evening, by the-la dy who, conducts the young WoMen's Bi ble Class, "for young converts, and the workers e. those who are laboring for the salvation of others ; } " alone." We expect,". he says, ",nearly a hundred of such, the_ great - majority being of the former class., • Mr. Hall goes on to .detail cases of cidedly, gracious ,character' both of young men and women ,that have been dealt with by him. Lord Shaftsbury, recently pre.- sided at a Thursday, evening, meeting, when the, rooms - of the ;Female Association were crowded. These: . meetings „are, con vaned by tickets only, are always overflow ing, and are attended with quiet, yet glo rious. results. . 4, NEW PREACHER, by name; Richard Weaver, formerly a prize-fighter and a col lier in the North, has appeared in London, and, is, producing very deep and wicle-spread iinpressiOns by open air addresses, On'la!ge, masses of the poptilatiOn."' He' via an ifonrcced first Of all by iiAi'andbill 'On the , aftefhiraha, to "preach and " sing," in Al . . . , • - •VV.0.1"4.., 4 060.`mt.wt , rniv.,. ,, , , ' 0... , f:' , ".^4.. , , ,, ,, , , • - .. - 1; U. , , -.1m , .... , . , .... ...., ~,,,,,...,, „,„ 4 „ ~, ~,,.., 0 00 ,,,, , .,,..,,,,,,,.,,__ A_ _, ,t , , , ,, ,,, m ,,,, , ,...,,, , i 1 -i lr . ' .. , . ~,-,....moswerftweernmersermor, 7 , . -0...%,.--4,....*wmpw., ,e 4, ,,,- . . .4 , , , ~,. ., 1 111V1P1' 4 , , ......, .'' .. 4,.. -, - "T` ... . . ~ . ~ ~, • t . , . .. . - . 41 .., ..:. . I , : . ..:. .-.i.....: ~-,-.- ~:-,. : ~.. ..., :„.. .. ~ , '‘ ,r 1 : ,i ,:: .: , .:, t ./ , . , ::(-:,. ~. . .. . . . . . . 1 I IV TTr. I . NO• - i6 ' PITTSBURGH,: .SATURD A 1 A" U GUST 4 1, 8 0. - .. ' ' 'WHOLE ~:„,,,,,. . . . 9 -:, l ~i. i • ... ' av .1, 4.-. '' : C d . I; , ii we .. pie`,' • ly. I t : ;: p t. v . e , , du et , ' , l ne , '-' tr. ! t Pii yie , -. .,b ; Ana'_,,. h'il P- 4 11, m' ...,, ' I T) 3 , l e g ni. alo i , :ub....,..* i eto , to e= , ; ' tiA 311cN ' tie, . ity niirho 1 . tfitue t i' e ,d •. ~ , 3,, IFSCO a *me, s t . I.' ,fel i, - 1 El= Cumberland Market. And "sing," as , , well as " i)reach,"he can do to the melting down of hundreds. One night,addressinga number of poor men and,women ,on the wor4p, " They shall return to . Ziim with songg he said: "I was always fond •of singing; I believe I was born singing. But , :the songs I used to sing are `bet the songs T leve'new. * Oh my dear_mthi you sing" Britons never, never.shall be Slaves but what slaves you are to your', oWn'lliata, to the devil, to the landlord l• • " I nsed - tossing; . 4 We wont gc,homeltill morning f the ; landlord ; loves to hear that. I'ye _sung :that five nights together and spent . £ l4 on one spree, and got turned r out at the eiiiL But I'velearned better song's; I'll tell you Berne of the songs I love now Here's one.: : "2 eidd nay choice, God. "" Andrhere '8 another 'Miro is a. fountain. tiled with gloisi : Drawn from Immanuel 's veins." The Revival , which furnishes these par tieuittrA ctoes'VEt with its.narratinve'thus*i , 1 0 - The speaker: quoted! . with wonderful rapidity, ,but, without the semblance, of irreverence;--at leaSt dozen — hymns, Or portions of hymns, , some of which heiung, -the' meeting 'taking up the chorus. Then he related, ,the following-an ecdote, with a pathos and tenderness of voice in arid'anner-which affectionatewh'ettit and how , delicate a mind May be developed br the grace of God / in a man employed ix the hardest`work 'and bnc'e addicted - to the grosieSt rice " I knew , a collier in Staffordshire who had , one - dear 'little girl; the last of four, or five. This child was•the light of his eyes ; and as •he came from the pit at night , she used to Meet, him at' the docir'or his cot to' 'welcome him home: Ohe day when he came in to dinner; 'he missed' his little and going into the house ~with his heavy coalpit clogs, his wife called' him up stair S.. The'itillness Of the place and her quiet voice made his heart, ,sick, and a foreb6ditig of evil came upon him. His wife told him they were "going to lbase their little lamb—she liad hati an apoplectic fit, and the doctor said 'she cbruldnt, live. As the tears made furrows down his black face, and as he leaned over his dying darling', she said, Daddy, ling ' Here is no rest—is no rest!' _ , No 7 tnY Child, I can't sing, I'm cheating; I can't)sing. 4 0h do;" daddy, - sing 4 :Here's no rest. The, poor fellowAried to sing. (preacher 91:2791, Here On the earth as 'a 'stranger I roani, • Here is no,rest---is•no rest P. But. his voice couldn't nytke- way s against his trouble. Then he tried again, for he wanted to please his sweet little 'girl (pieitehir Here are afflictions severe, -f:'' Here is no rest—is not rest !, Here I must part with the friends I hold dear, • Yet Team Mese—l ain-blest P•'•' Again his •voice was choked with-:weeping ; but: the, little one whispered, •' Come, daddy„. sing, "6 Svreet is the promise." . And the Poor 'father goes on again— • ... ; 1 1 4 Sweet is the promise I read in thy Word, Blessed are they who have died in the Lord; • They have-been called to, receive tharireward, There, is rest-Ahem is rest I "That 's cried the child, ,',tpat ' 8 it;' `and with her arms !the she thfi Lord.'l ' We ,eanoot describe the thrilling ,efreet of Mr, }Weaver's singing - in:the midst: of prenebing-- it is so naturai--Sci',free from leverythiiik *like pre meditation or aiming at effe,etHit - living 'water flowing from a man blied with the 'Holy • " • He is clearly 'neither 'an ArtriThiian Antinomiam. "if you come . to'Clirist, grace, will begin and glory,Will finisn it. Spurgeon believes in final perseverance; but if you don'ebegin, you. ,can't finish, May yeeto" rfialttl'it Christ - to-night - I went' titsee=a=poor be-. lieving woman,who was 4n , ;:trouble; she was. in . .the seventh of the . ,Romapsi and• whati said to her r l say to your troubled sonli, make a good Laneashire spring, out of the seventhintO the , eighth y out. of " 0 wretched man that I am," into: " 'no, con demnation ." out of " this hotly of death," into " Christ Jesus" Speaking of the woman whom 'Christ healed, he said "Look at that poor thing, drawing her tat tered shawl around her, and; wriggling her way through, the,- erowd. . '.Where are you, pushing to ?' says one; you've no busi ness here.' I see a 'Man,' 'says she; " like of whose face I never saw before:" 'Let me but. touch• hie garment, and shall be as ' whole as any of y 9 ii! And BO she touched and was made Whole. And - if there Was virtue in his garment, is n't there efficacy in • his blood ?"‘„, It is-said that from forty to fifty persons 'were hopefully converted - by 'one, appeal; and that nothing that has. taken 4:date in Lon don has so much approximated inv./ant:festal power' from ell. ltig7t, to the work in Ireland, Scotland, and Wales `suddenhnd over whelming sense - of sin, followed 'by the clearest witness ,of the Spirit to• all their sin being put, away, and consequent joy and: peace. One of these cases was that of `a careless youpesail&r, broughkrto the Meet ing' by his naother, and on ' 'this Weaver founded the appeaf,'" Oh, mothers. ' go on praying for ever; never mind what , they, are, or where they are; if any prayers reach heaven, a mother's do. . Xiolat years ago, the news sounded from heaven, to, the poor old woman , in .Shropshire, , ' Richard Weaver is born again !" OPEN AIR PREACHING is now general. There is a Society .for its promotion, and all the agents are carefully selected, and alSo all volunteers accepting no remunera tion. The discourses are given in or, near great thoroughfares, chiefly on the Sabbath, and on that day I am glad to say, in rever sal of the order formerly issued and .en forced, ''the Parks are open for the publi cation of the good.tidings.. tis true that secularists have an , equal privilege, but truth has nothing to , -tear, although the leader "'Of the ''l ondon' SecUlaiists,-Holy oaks, has been stirring . up his followers to be mare aggressive than they ever were. The Secretary of. the Open Air Preach ing movement is J OlM'lllacGregor, Esq.; a Barrister, and'sort of Sir Duncan-MacGreg or, Superintendent' of the police , .force Ireland, formerly Colonel of the 93d High— landers. : This Society, sends its ,agents to country fares, and last year either sold or distributed, three linridied 'thousand 'four hundred and twelve -religiousitraeta. THE QUEEN'has this week inaugurated a 'competitive struggle -far successful trifle shooting, at. Wimbledon Common in the presence of a great ,multitude,': and herself tiring. the first shot from a " rest.' The competition is open to' all nations. Swiss Riflemen came 'Without 'their rifles; for, poor fellows;!'they had them , detained at the French Custom Houses,- probably from national - jealousy. Other guns are supplied them here. Englishmen' were once famous marksmen ; our American kindred ai•e' so now,Und it is pretty "certain -that the Vol.. unteers-wilfloontinue , to practice rifle-shoot ing until .they arwas a.body fullyqualified. FaANcr, 060de - et-of intereStl=and 4tpu prehension , to nearly eveaT .kingdenitlin Europe, ongbt,to be aleo,thef• special object of missionary zeal and_fervent prayer to ill Christikt people. Itwevingelitatinn would render war impossible: It *mild exercise" ambition, it would calm restlessness, it would direct energy into the right channel, it'would,biing the peoples together in the. common brothethOod which is fermed,iiii:• der the- shadoW' of 'the +Oros's.' Tokensie revival in France are not wanting; and, as- I. believe, the ,Lodiana„ miasionaries (whose annual feport,l4,loo,l3s,Fcceived : direct from India-' read the, Brnerabegjrour insert -f,ratry I 5 Aide;nor proofs have appeared in France, Year's Concert of PraYer. tion is from .an authentic s A brother at B. speaks of the having been.blessed to the cony ten. persons. The Revival at limited, especially to young wo development of the spirit of Tr ber ten prayer-meetings durin elusive of a good number in t six-o'clock' ; morning prayer-m successful, and is an encourage We expect greater'things ; enyironstawakenirigs are going prayer-meeting, frequented women, where those of the nati Dissenters freely unite. Seven fore opposed to religion, have b During many long years w Without any fruit from preachin liora,.Erobably because every, own individual interest, spiri Theitipii* of sea 'and straitness Christian 'labor nearly barren: though much is to be desired; t. is 'Subsiding. Tram A. out correspondent •• am- , not able to , tell you the n been 'brought to feel their sin ease. The disease is inward, a who-can give the,remedy ; but • the grief which disturbs the c MEM which 'obllges tears to flow wound whi - Ch sin.has made in to be very many, but on'seven , the Lord has caned the oil of , 6 .aesti to be . poured. The distaste they feel ,r , the world, the joy ' they find in the prayer-meetin'gs, 'the love. they manifest to God and iiii, his people,% show; that the Spirit of God is wort in them. But'sis: all theta: precious souli arC as yet very young;in 'falai, . they have greatijneed of your help in prayer. T r therefore recominend them to you in the name of the Lord J'Opusi At M:. our hrother D. (May '6) 'informs us that fifty persons, newly converted, took the hord's supper at'Easter for the first time. ' We look •upcin,this blOssing as the Milt of earnest • God. We•entreated of AiM,to give the. Sppit of adoption to those who,' were turned toward hird... ' `.. 1 ' There have;beert many deaths'ofil te, many of, them very striking. yearly all th e who have left us have' 'departed in the Sidi f Jesus. I am led to believe that many soulsiii burdened. —La Yie.CAretienne. has only -1 „ 'France'has only four hundre4 Protestant pastors ; it hai forty' thousandfaiishes mid' sixty thousand ;Roreish priests] Of the. former, while, undoubtedly a revised:band ; ; -j—ltatiunalism waning , fast r - 7 carmay well.; ai l ; 4 What afe these among tkoriany ?" " .. •, Pritestintisin add Imthilisklity - baye been , studidfisly linked' togetligeinlithe popUlai' Mind :inlFranee, through theltisiutions and tegloliNgs • of the .Jesuits.*- Pow . a re- Merkable refutat!,ot t of their,- ling charge„ that Proteitantism ignores a good Works," its g rifiniihed. ' A Protestant the ~-. , Asir; 'John Bost ,' of 'Li . 'Fo -.A yCe, !si , ::riniiii: tk•extraprdinar3r heiievolenCe arid 7 . plety, - has been adjudged the first, prise for . a. Virtue," .i. e: doing good, tend , as hay, '' cloti fail' good dean. ' lr th,' 'IV: "h -aw e re any g 4r enc titin .- iiy-ttie'llistitUte . of 'Frin l ee. "This is a Among body Of learned' , men I Mr. Giiizot 4 : 010 of its.niembers. *Di. , 'tamers was a corresponding member... It sat its, dis ositl,,,t,hS interest of .a largc, ' my left by , iniitle'mWii seventy yearq • ct, for Prizes, oria V4rtiiitl"i" A Protestant inlet& riOwl 'r i ttcetves ant , list 1 prise. . : The. oniish Pre-- feet of, the,-.Department, peti ns 'that Mr:z: Bose may, hay4„4, and ,lli A • 4,usat, a f 4„, Moil' Advecitc, a Romanist, : to present: - thoilliztaifiire till "the fashi'i,i' of Pirisl IliThy isAiliiii P '43ecause Mr 4 Ost 'is the aeadf:and7 I mar Say,. instru ' !tally, the cteator. .0. an r ittstitutiso . w ~,, ti..: las . no Parallel., Jirst it ,Wiur simply f ; ,Ab s w o,, ~ttiiikioii-ap4.Cinstiart.-0 4 itcati ..:. Pretest , ant' * o4hanti ' whom 'isthitwise'.tiii+ lestiita Worild.ha'ire 'seized mi. ° 'Bilt';rieWlitli 130 veloPk t intomm -.Asylum /for - orphinivfor! the l blindynnd also for. incurables, andidirs oUt , Mr. , !c* IMR!. been . nlarvellPfudYs theased. . He is. hare, now., 'The Duchess. of Sittherland 'OPen'ed lee splendid . honit' 4tr a- public meeting for':liiiiiratid -Lord.' libaftsbury and , Ba'ptist , 'Noel) enforced Mir , claims, .One .noble lady gave' him-4,1Q1)“, At . Islingpii we have hail a ,,rneetiligi . for him, Lerii*Rodett in' 'the Cher. The ladies of my congregationAkin"fitt 'lieu goers, - sup,pOrte4.nn ,omplim I,wish ..that the ladies . of American clitirets ; would help . this r noble.hearted 'Man'. £lO Per anitimi'. supports an' Orphan,' or an ineurablViii 'a blind.persen, or an-idiotic ' , Child:- Marlfelui ous,.are the results of the.system.. Theis Blind reed the ; Bible (by.ths touph,) to the ineurables; the , incurables , with their in telligence„ take elititge .s crtlia idiots (the ( ' letter' uother iriiititUtional'are'Plieed %V gether;)onnd ‘Seireral i of the. 'latter are' now' dawning into w reason, and,- Ink simply .andr, Beautifully,-offering prayers. tole -heaven be-. fore -unknown. TllVFuitticiloAP,Ka9NisTs 3,00, 0. sing— eii'froni pa rta k eall, tilte r ßFup . ` e - ar s e gone home. They were leaked" a 'the 'Crypial' Paige& ; ' but; 144,1' I siill, ..j tiet ' - re • tli Wleft',. a !Christian zelergyman; , aicsi ted -by 'Mr. Boat, distributosd among tbeni thousands of. copies of the Bible,,whick they eagerly and joyfully received. . Who pan ell - the results on themsClvei itioti o : iteration ideupborn ! ; - . : n .. 1 -;- 1 -!•; 1 , .1:, . t '4T . W . .' P. .S.--The•i;Ge n nersd Ass bIY.- of. the- I n trish.Bresbyteriptl,Ohurebi ihas been in session this ; week. Full : particulars in , my, next. There Was' a monster united pt*yer-incet ing on July lst--thirty` thousand Present.' Dr. Murray and Mr...G.-.31. Stuart .tookr part. The Rev. S. M. Dill is the new Moder ator of the Irish Asserably. .:‘, : 1 - , ~..,. When henevolentheing `is almighty; what : ground . : there is for expectation._ Those twoithings ) the' goodness .and omnip otence of God, , liketwo broad ocean tides.," sweep away all hindrance le rdan'i3 salva tion, leaving the shore abeelutely Able to saVe,and..Willing.,.; Wit miss, some- times, the !trust - oharaeter.l:,of. G0d..., read; "for our , Goititwatoontsuming firw,P.' andlhe awful vision burnitiitselt into brain till - we can'. a think .. ;,ziothillk just as .when •we gate fdll4yed the,. sun in. his noon-day glory, his.iMage.,buirus itself , into tour' Titian until' -we veatrotee':- nothing elk,' took : where we will: . Wit'fofe-t:' get..that this, ".consuming fire" it .only,'Sni, the wicked : who trample on his.clif. l 44. and despise his mercy. Some pert° . nmem • to , think of God atotheir enemy; , aadi °kik ' as their Mend, giving alf , the 'praiie. and'' gratitide for their redetupt,,kiaa to fihe Son t , forgetting. that• Christ himself Is the and highest.expression of .thelather'S love: • How many glowing passages speak , •tows-of this love,'of the. 'Father. Behold 'what . manner of loVe r ;I•lie; . Father hath b estowed upon ns....God,solovetl.the world , , that he gave. his only begotten:: and well-beloved:. Son): Herein tzief•iovei , itet that we loved hi* b.fitqbaeheriatidiiii;Oid; gave .M l oo* to:be:lt4 l + not our enemy, althiligh .thrist ie. qui friend... It was not to remove the "enmity of God `to - us;" ttit. Chfitt ennae,-bixtlOfe veal and exp.* the loin Of God for us; `' and render satisfiction to his law, that he might be just in , saving us. ;: It is &mistake to.speak at all of "the: enmity. of God ,to-; us which must be, taken ,put,of the way." While we were yet sinners * beloved us, and gave hit Son to die .foi int:" - Christ's Sion is the measurefitiotf:of z of God, but.of oe, Ire 4:90. ..,..byk T gun-: T. nctzgiell e Att At thp jenvian i te e o ft* W.y tle.lll • For 'tike'likeill?ySirlan Bannai The- Lore-of God:. • • He' cannot=plead that he would have some' and begged for nierey, had it not been for the fierce sancrer which .burned about: the throne, „Wha means that, wooing voice, sinner, Which his been „ following you all your life, in tide pre:adenees, gifts of health, gifti of friendS;gifts,'preeions and beautiful, of every kind: Sinner, bun t , why will, you die, . God, your Maker, asks you why 2," Igo you.think He who showers the rain and the dew grid the sweet sunshine on this beantifol earth, and over your unthankful head—blessings on. •you, blessings in you, blessings 'over you, and. blessings all, around yon l —s A tyrant who, wishes to:, kill you, and would delight in your death .? 1 - "As I. live, saith the Lord God; I have no pleasure" in the death of the: wiellect." That yon are alive .fia: prOof 'of God's pity and com passion; But, if he is, able to save and willing, why do any perish The simple, sad, and only anklet. theY mill perish. It is men's fearful' prerogative to' resist the will of God. .", Jerusalem; Jeruialem,'how often, would 1417 . e. gathered' you, but ye would not." 'l his "I would" ,but , "ye would not," is the only e4lanati4M, of the seeming eon- Giid'il-gb#4loes - andman'S ruin. God is - , Butw een r almighty love. =r. H. ereto ed. e on •r. la d his tural. ender al party eve die= lone- nize and "k Beyere, if not Atli& Teipor." One of the'editors of the Congregational Herald,,of Tity,(a Taper .we used to see weekly, .but for some cause UnkuowP, dq not see at, notiOng • the recent visit Of Di'. Cook, - iditer:of the Boston Rec Order, to ChicakO, and'his letters from this city "He is known to all our readers, by reputation, as : the leader of the. extreme, right' of the orthodox-host =in New Eng land. His name , has become extensively. the • synonyin , of theblogical controversy and is consequently associated, in sundry Minds, With a severe, if not acrid temper.' We notice this remark, not for the pur poseuP defending; Dr: Cook, who needs no dbfencefroM our pen, but for the purpose, of calling attention to ,one of. the most prevalent, .mischievoui and unreasonable notions of thepresent day. That notion is, that to be engaged, to any extent, in con troversial discussions of ereli g ious or theo logical character, is at least prima fade evidence •of, an unamiable disposition, of nano* , iviews, of -=a low standard of piety, of " a severe;:if'nOt acrid temper!' This notion pre4ilSolot merely amongst latitu dinarians, Whb,, - regard with ,equal respect or contempt all religious opinions, but amongst evangelical Christians; and whilst it suits the 'aims of propagators of error to give currency to it, ' too many orthodox ininikters, eithcr seriously entertain, or at least favor it. We have Peen for some years past, an ahnost constant reader of Dr Cook's: paper; and 'whilst we have Observed, that he has had the - firmness, the and fidelity tn.:Maintain ,What he regards as sound deo trinei, and to oppose what he, regards as dangerous, error; no editor, with whom we are acquainted, has exhibited less severity, or' bitterness, or has manifested more can dor; fairness and Christian' teniper in con trofersial discussions.' And yet we do not, doubt, that the editor of the Congregational 11,0:44 right„ in saying, .that, his name associated,, in--sundry -minds; with., a severe, if not acrid, temper." . The same opinion is'entertained of other men, provi detitially,so placed as to be obliged to " con tend: for the faith- r Amce delivered to the saints." This notion, too, is.especially one-sided. A Man of latitudinarian views may hurl wholesale denunciations against all who regardany particular truth as valuable; and'he enjoys the reputatiOn of a large soided coati; 'whOse giant mind and' genial nature have liftedthim above narrow preju dices and hide-bound creeds. But if one cf those assailed, .this liberal mind Should undertake to defend the fundamen tal truths of Christianity, his name is asso ciated with «a severe, if ,not acrid temper.!' Theodore Parker was One Of the former kind: Adanuf and Dr. Cook, Of Bos-: tin', belong' to the latter: r It is nnaoubtedly true, that.some unatui able men spend their l fives in, controversy, in which they show some of, most un lovely features, of ' our 'fallen humanity. It that'not a . feW men, Whose merits would ' , Lever raise them -from ,, obscurity, seek notoriety by turning eqntroversalists, and by .coming into colision with men of stafidin'&" Brich•men have done much to throw. kifsci'ddit on all controversial dis eussii*::,ltris, true, moreover, .that in no department of public service do even good men manifest more strikingly the imper fection of their sanctification; than in con du'Oting religOns controversy. In, the con= flints of . arguinent, arid in the heat of fe'eling f not ‘only . ) Christian charity, but even fairness and candor often suffer Severelyvand the sad, effects in lowering the staidarli•of piety in churches, and in hardenirig''the' hearts of unconverted men, are painfUlly manifest. Beyond a question it is true, that any one whose duty requires him to engage in religious• controversy, needs, and should earnestly Seek, a large supply of grace.. But after.all;lB ; 'not the notion we are 'examining bOth unreasonable and niis chievons T It is. • 'For, in the first place, truth isfin.' more valuable than gold. 'lt is so in every de partment. Erroneous opinions` , in regard to 061 goiernment 'have filled• the world with tyranny and . oppression. True views have knocked fetters from oppressed na tions., Erroneous views . of the science of znedicitia prevent - the' success of physicians, and 'id•the death of ;their patients.' True views restore health. Truth is valu able:everywhere. . Then why not in reli gionl , ":Ye shall knOw the truth," said our Saviour, "and the truth shall make you free." Faith saves the' soul ; and 'faith is' the belief of the truth.. 'Snnie truths, are more, important: thartnthers; but .rio>xeli gioue.truth ianf .. .small, value, and ,no ,reli gioteverror, is innoxious. In the second place, God's preolitirs truth is constantly assailed; incessant efforts are Wilde to prevent men from receiving it; and to induce those who have received it .to abandon it. Here Satan appears as " an angel of light" When he would under- Mine the very' foundations of morals, he 4+6o' its a great reformer. When 'he woildloverturn the foindations; of Chris tian faith, .he ;contends. only :for . amore ptdlosopikielll, : or reasonable . exposition of them. .iie ‘ plausibilities mislead: and ruin many unwary Serifs:, In thilliiid . Phiee;Alie . onlYwiiy error cantle: oirotivattedpis. brplaoiligthe; truth, with its evidences, hy.ibe tide of At.t Ipyeatigatiou Atp.4 dilleussion, briug,, out; truth with its conclusive proof, and exhibit error in its weakness .and deformity. In the conflict between truth ,and error there may be toomuchimman yaasion ; and this mamay,_blind,som, i e.and harden others ., .TV-ever thelessi it is by 'this" that tnith has made its way; iind . giiined its triumphs; and thiedil mist continue to progress. Is; it isOi-theni tiitAlie, who loves the truth, too - well to .see it misrepresented . must be, malted as of unlovp r ly . character,, becatighe iindicakitritt Is it so; that lie who ::loves his fellow-men, too well to sit quietly, by, and,see them embrace injurious or fatal error, mist be considered , as of ; an acrid temper, because lie ventures to , unde 7 ceive them ? Is it so, that he who loves the Saviour ;too well to see his Gospel carica tured and his name dishonored, must be thought to possess less, grace than others,? . Is it so that the watchman who, in view, of his fearful responsibilities, dares not refuse to sound'the alarm, and draw the sword of the Spirit, when 'the enemy approaches, &fist be - regarded less devoted to the cause of truth, and of man, and of God, than others who allow errorists to take peaceable possession of God's heritage . There are indeed different ways in'which truth may array itself against error. At one time one- method may be most effectual. In, different circumstances another method must be adopted. But the conflict , between truth and. error must continue, till truth shall be triumphant.' The notion we are combatting' has two evil effects, viz:: It keepS,many,a, minister silent, when the in terests of truth: and:the,Church of God re 7 quire them to speak ont ; 'and it excites against, those who are faithful, a kind and degree of prejudice which cripples their usefulness, and gives - to error' great advan tages:—Pres., The iquartgr-Dollar Mn. Rev. , Daniel• Lindly, after an , absence of forty year's—more, than . half of, the , time passed as a missionary in Africa--returned to this country, and •recently re-visited Athens, Oliio—the home of 'his childhiiod the of his youthful days. He trod again upon the old Campus, walked throughi the . old college halls, stood upon cliff-- 7 - the the rocky rostrum of college boys. He ex mined the,old paths, and inquired for the coinpaniens of his 'youth. Changes had passed upon every scene, and few, indeed, were the associates of early life he could recognize there. But his name and pres ence were known ' and he was asked to preach at night, and" to give some accoltrit of. his Hein Africa. At the close of the services, a very respectable , ancl agedvgen tleman approached, arid desired him, to take, a Valk. They passed on, and when they hid reached a somewhat ietired'place, the gen tleman turned and said': " Brother Lim:lly ! if a-mari has ever done a wrong, has com mitted a sin, do n't you, think he should confess it ?" "Why, yes," said Mr. Lindly, " if there by he may glorify God; if it will Make amends to the party wronged, or do good to the party Who sinned." "Well, that is just whatl think. lam just in that predicament. I have long de sired and prayed fOr an opportunity to nmke a confession and amendment to y6iz * When we were boys together, fifty years ago, we were playing together: You dropped a quarter of, a dollar, and ' I snatched it up and 'put it in my pocket: I claimed it as my own, and kept it. It was, perhaps, a little mean dirty trick ; 'and it has worried' and troubled Me 'ever since." " 0, it was• a-small matter, and I have,no recollection of,it," said Mr. Lindly. Ah, you may call it a small matter, but, it has, linen a Mighty burden for me to bear. I have carried it now for fifty years; I would not carry it for fifty-more for all the gold of California. And, suppose had to car .. ry„ . it for fiftLtAstjammtaear§, #444,11, eternitiyl — Yo, It no, smamattier ;It has been growing bigger, 'and' healtier, and heavier, and h want to get rid of it: haven° doubt you have forgotten it, but I coulcZnever forget, it. .1 have not, for the last, fifty years, heard, your,,name mentioned, or the name of youi father, or any of' the family but that quarter ha.s come - in con neiion. Why, the very Vuttons on your coat—everything that is round, represents a quarter. San, moon and stars are ruag-' nified and illuminated quarters. You need nots call it a little sin; if it was it has grown mightily to plague me; and 'deservedly, -With this, the gentleman took from his pocket book a five-franc piece; worn bright, and smooth, and said :"Iwish you to take this ; it belongs to you, it is rightfully yours, and will be - no burden to you. And if this is not enough, I will give' more." Mr. Lindly accepted. it; . and the gen tleman raised himself erect and drew long breath, as , a man, would who has thrown off a heavy load. He was at last relieved: ' The sense of guilt is enduring and tor menting, and can only dieor be relieved by repentance, confession; amendment or utone meat- It needs not that it be the theft, fraud or wrong, amounting to a thousand, ten, .-tNienty, fifty, or a hundred thousand dollars, in order that the'souVbe oppressed by its burden ; a twenty-five cents--,-a 'guar ter of a dollar sin ; , may, •beepine larger,than the, ;lobe, weightier than many worlds, with a punishment like the sin of Cain— nneadarable.—N. Y. Observer. A Thought. When there is a thought in my heart, and i Wish it' to be in thine also, I see.k a sound, as it were, for "a vehicle by which it may pass to thee. I take asound, endow it were, gut the thought into it. Thus ter, and produce, and teach that thoug,ht, yet loseit not. If my thoullt cin'go,forth to thee and stilt remain with me, cannot the Word of• God , do the same thing by means of the flesh which.he took , un him ? Behold the Word: of God, God with God, the Wisdom of God, remaining unceasingly with the Pother, that he might proceed to us, sought the flesh; as it were a sound, and introduced himself into By'this expe dient h,e both proceeded to us, and did not recede.from the. Father.- -Augustine,, Students Preaching. The General Assoeiatiore of Connecticut, in - its recent sessibn, among other important topics,, discussed ",the irregular assumption of the,work of the Ministry." This subject came up in various''overtures, 'and elicited much 'debate. The Independent, referring to the matter, says - : "If theological students, College : stil l , . dents, and others, without, any regular ap probation or license from an association of pastors, Or agile' equally competent bthly, are to assume the work' of the 'miniatry on their own' responsibility, and are to be em ployed as preachers by parish committees in vacant, congregations, the door is wide,open for' unlinuted Mischief There have been , too many instances, Within the laSt'two or three years, of this irregillaritron the part of young ,men who were.simply ignorant or, heedless of the importance of *rules which they were Sonaetaiiies, We fear, they have been I directly' ca. -- lidifectfY . en conragettii,- iliosito;*h(P . islioit 113' LhaVe !raj %dead. thern:bettei...W„e.reminiberiiiesse in *rhich,the brqW7ETtglattd COlzr,. lege, including:some ,gentlemen at least who would like, to lie culled edniervetives rutheilhan (4sorgnnizOrs; gave a 'paper tO a smart young pupil* of the , Senior Class,-; actually reconimending hint: to ths , churches . as a preacher. If they had-,:been a .reccg-, `nized associatiouof Rastors, l and had 100- jected htm "to a regular examination in s 4 'We suprile mag_puloil7 •to be H. b,` the foOaltt College. A Square, (S lines or less,) one irertion,,,6o cents; ea& subsequent insertion, AO centet! lisof 1 1 0063 ight, ets A Square per quarter, $4.00 'emit line id Banal, 33 cents. A REDUCTION made to advertisers by the BUSINESS NOTICES of TEN lines or less, 11',60 ; eseli ditional line 10 cents . NO. 410. theologyi' they could hardly have done more. That is now .a preacher .of no little celebrity,' and we are - not informed that at this day he is in anyother orders'.. than whatthat paper from a College . .. Faculty , of Arts conferred upon,him. • We are glad • to know that such irregularities have begun to be considered in Coniecticut. It is only necessary that the attention, of pastors .and churches should be turned .to the import ance of the principle Odell 'has been dis regarded in se'many recent instances." In onnof the older States once resided an infidel• the owner of a saw-mill, situated by the side of the highway, over which a large portion of a,„Christian congregation passed 'every Sabbath to ,and from church. This infidel, regard for the Sab bath, was as busy, and his mill was as noisy ou that holy day, as on any other. Before long it was observed, however, that at a certain time before service, the mill would step, remain silent / ,and, appear to be de serted for, s. few minutes, when its noise and clatter would re-commence and continue till about the close of service, when for a short time it again ceased.:. Irwas soon noticed that OnebEithd,deaconief,the church, passed the mill =to the place, of iiorehip during the silent interval ; and so punctual was he to the hour, that the infidel knew just when to stop his mill, so that it should be silent whiles the deacon was passing, although he paid .130 regard to the passing of others On being asked why he paid this mark of respect rto' the deacon, he replied, " The deacon:. professes just what the rest of you do; but he: lives also such - a life, that it makes me , feel had here" (putting his hand upon. his heart,) to run my mill while he ispassing." This incident illustrates the power of a holy consistent life, and shows us• very clearly the kind of influence we should ex ertupon those around us. This good man, it- appears, "twalked• in wisdom" toward those without the Church of Christ, as the Apostle exhorts ,al.l.Christians to do. He exhibited in hie' daily intercourse a temper and conduct corresponding with the princi ples which he professed ; and while such deportment will not always induce a scoffer to embrace those principles, it will go so far to disarm his prejudices, that his esteem for one professing them may in .the end lead him to a, hearty embrace of the truth. Tat PRESBYTERIAN BANNER. Publication Office : GAZETTE BUILDINGS, S 4 FIFTH ST., Errrsutruou, PHILADELPHIA, SOUTH-WEST 001 L: 01 7TH Am? Clianntrf. •44^' e '0! 6 , , , ADVERTISEMENTS. TRRMS IN ADTANCt DAVIT► WPAINNEY CO.,' PROPRIETORS' AND Pinutisirms Why the Mill was Stopped. Oh Sending Children to Dancing School. The Presbyterian Sentinel, of Memphis, apeaks as follows: • 'My great objection to sending children to . daneing-school is that I am persuaded it puts in serious jeopardy their immortal in terests. As an amusement, it soon becomes exeeedingly attractive, and even absorbing. Children will negleet their lessons in every thing else, but the lesson in dancing nothing must interfere with. The young ladv will dance, all night, though she sleeps the whole of day.before as a prepa tion, and the whole of the day, after as a consequenee. - And then, too, she is brought into a sc'ene of unrestrained levity, not to say of ,boisterous mirth. And if a word were to be spoken that bad the remotest bearing upon a serious subject, it would be felt, to be sadly out of place. There is, on these occasions, everything to stimulate and exheuSt' the , animal , nature; and, I may add, notlinfrequbritly; intich tolslunt - the natu ral seuse,of delicacy, without which female character ,is never really attractive. I think I irtay appeal to all experience to jus tify me, when I say that the direct ten dency of mingling in such scenes is to cherish spiritual insensibility, and to make religion very distasteful. Quite:in har mony with this remark is the fact that whenever a young person, who has been accustomed to attend balls and dancing par ties' is brought to a serious consideration, that is uniformly the signal for giving up all such amusements., If you were to see a beloved child lying on her death-bed, without any of the, con solatiOns of religion, reviewing a life of folly, and anticipating an eternity of misery, would there be anything to alleviate your anguish in the reflection that you had not refused her the advantages of the dancing-school ? The Bible. "This little book I'd rather own Than all the gold and gems That e'er in monarch's coffers shone, Than all their diadems. ":Were all the seasons chrysolite, :The earth a golden ball, Aml diamonds all the stars of night, This book is worth them all." The Dignity of the Ministry. When the celebrated George Herbert in formed a court friend of his resolution to enter into the' holy orders, lie endeavored to dissuade him from it, as too mean an em ployinent, and too much below his birth, and the excellent abilities and endowment of his Mind. To whom Herbert replied : "It bath been formerly judged that the domestic servants• of the King iof Heaven should be of the noblest families on earth. And though 'the iniquities of the late time hive made clergymen meanly valued, and the sacred . name of priest -contemptible, yet I wilLlabor to make it honorable, by con secrating all my learning and all my poor abilities to advance the glory of that God that gave theni, knowing that I can 'never do too much lbr him that hath done so much for me as to' make me a Christian. And I Will labor to be like my Saviour, by making humility lovely in the eyes of all men,' and 'by following the merciful and meek exam le ofmy beloved Jesus." p "The World Owes Me a Living." Don't be too certain of that, young man. What have , yon ever done, to bring the ;world in , debt to , you ? How many more blades of grass 'grow for youttoil ? How many trees have you planted? -How much have you the productive wealth - of the world? What• have you discovered? What, invented ? What widow's tears have you dried ? What orphan have you rescued troni 'poverty and sin ? To what youth, sorely 'teMpted, have you exterided the friendlythand and kept them from falling? What little child have you taught, the way to heaven ? What, sinner,, old ; ,and gray headed in sin, it may be, have you led, to the Limb of God, who taketh away the 'sin of thd world ? the world;td:day, richer;' wiser, better, for-anything .you 'have , dorial) by toil of hand, heart'. or brain;? Hiinotif then-,cesse your, Aly,talk about the 1 4 ,l t -Otes Y°s4 l strlf ' 8 4%14 Only n, , blame elcbrdind tlieoproirereGalinigllrenioltlar that it lutivbestmnia. upon youV arldrif yang do n't improve, it, the worse , Will—becjvar-: own.—.N. • Y. Examiner. it.Titi AND VICE If ' ; thou. Wrest *nes in 'what is good . i the "paineS vanish, the remains ; if thou e take ileiatire 'in whatris! evil, - , theo evil remains; oikdoihe PJeaguKeMinisliesl *hakaTtith,orrthe worse for paina4os3lae 430 - tkagr o piejowft,Atrd both are pastV—Zucluidim. CI MOE