Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, July 21, 1860, Image 2
lin Vri5.b..1:471.4.1t.:, : ....1'iiitit. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, IL 1860, Revival.--At n.o9lFrlnninn Md in Plain Grove church, Allegheny Presbytery, some taoriths 'age; twenty Were inceived =exam= ination ind at a communion' held lately, seventeen niOre wile•received on exaniina tion seven, of these were baptized. No less quin,s'eventeert adults have bee?" 'bap tized in this church within a year. the Committee on a Church Commentary.— The names of the Committee on the subject .of a Church Commentary are: Rev. Messrs. BAIRo, ALEXA4DER. T. MCGILL, 11,ENJAMIN M. SMITH, JOHN' B. ADGF.i., STENIEN TERKES,,WILLIS LORD, SAIWITEi J. Wlr.sox, :JOHN W. YEbMANS, :and ROBEIGT J.I3RSOKINRIDGV; With the Til ling elders' Judge SCOTT LOAD, Prof 0. N. STonbArto, Mitj. J. T. L. .P.RisioN, and Col., J. Ross Szowor,N. Washington College, Pa.—We learn that the announcemezitmadeln this and other papers, some weelcis ago, that:the Rev. J. W. SCOTT, D. 3), had determined to resign the Presidendy of this College, with the inten tion of accepting the Presidency of the Maryland Agricultural College, was 'pre mature. We are authoriied to state that he deplines the Maryland appointment, and remains in Washington College at least for the present. , . Rokfrary ; Degrees,—The degree of D. D. has, Jinerk - coPtel;ria on gie Rev. IELAND R. McAnoYi by Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. .This is only' the, sixth degree of character thtlt has been given by this institution dnring its existence of nearly fifty years. Dr. McksoY, is one of its Alumni. Thci 'degree' of D. D. has also been con ferred on the Rev. S. J. MARRS, by West minster College, located at New Wilming ton, Lawrence County - , Pa. DRAM OF A MISSIONARY. A letter from ,China, in' the New-York Evening Post, informs 'us of the death of the Rev. REUBEN LownrE, of the Presby ierian'toard of Foreign Missions, and son cif, the Hon. WALTER LOWRIE, Sr:, Secre tary of that Board. This is the second of his sons who has died in connexion with our Board in China. The first was killed by pirates, While' passing from one port to another, several years am The one just dead, like bis brother, was a man of. fine education, fervent piety, and unusual- en ergy-of charaCter. The venerable Secre tary and - his family will have the sympa thies'and prayers of the whole Church. Who 4a prepared to take the place now made vacant? METHODISM. ME The growth of Methodism- has.been.won- Riedel. And it still grows—grows, so far as-hUmin agency is concerned, by the sim ple powers of instruction and persuasion. Well may its aged ministers cling to an agency which has •been so effective. An official return, submitted to the Gen eral Conference, lately in session at Buffalo, gives the following interesting statistics of Methodiim in the world: Total'iumber, - - 'Add. traveling preachers, croft" oommuniegatqin Arnerica, _.1,996 - „845 " - rc " Europe, 736,300 '44, • - '2;732,195 Minot:hi:Alias:, whose statistics can . 1104 h - exactly ascertained-10 r'. l ooo`ni s einbem, and preachers, Grand total, - - 2,742,395 euPPosing three riembsrs of the congre gation to one of the Church, (a very mod erate estimate for Methodist congre g ations,) we ,have an aggregate population depending on the ministration of Methodism! of hardly less than eleven millions. THE!PIIESBYTERLIN This excellent Monthly is now in the middle of itttenth volume. It has main tained 9;110 standing 'for orthodoxy, and has : been sealons,tble, and unflinching in defence of the truth. It was established by Dr. Vtrt..B.ENssE,LAER, and has been guided by his. intellect. We regret the ar rival of the time when it must be trans ferred; to others. But there is, no contend ing,successfully against providence. Sick ness has laid, its heavy and immovable hand upon•the venerated editor and proprietor. His pen is to move no more, in all' proba bility, 044 his mind : can do t .but little at guiding, and that for but a short time, any enterprise on earth. Another column will show thi the Mag azine is to be disposed 'of; and we are as sured that; to suitable persdns, the terms will bo,most favorable. Who is willing to embark in the enterprise ? Our Church should sustain) a good monthly, and this journal his now a standing which Makes it highly desirable to any who would enter into a wide field of usefulness. CIRITATIALEXT 01GOSTED, Drl:'ll.u.Li in the last number of'thees -byterient Herald, published, Louicyille, ,Keileiioky, the following extract from a lettg received; from. Dr. RAPPER- 't (j2j ]I "Crurtreasnry ii. r e,xlieuited and :we will sooir be. compelled: to - borrow money to meet- our. liabilities (as , they /fall , due. - I fear we will not have money enough to meet our gayment43.dueon Monday next. We are scanning closely all the applications as they come in,. add we hope your Com mittee will do the same. The truth is we cannot increase our appropriations much, if any, more this year. Already we, have gone; more than ten thousand dollars in ad vance of our appropriations in the: fust th4re,e - (; m ?4 1s of . year.: :This rio -wary ear the extent kt would,, be mudent-pr djewto, 3 for no to g 9 over the whofe 'apprci :imapo4 lest year, I notice thakthe ap propriations, at your office, already exceed :the, eorresponding appropriations of the , first three mouths of last year nearly three thousand, dollars, whilst the receipts there are nearly ,thirteen . hundred and fifty-seven dollars , less_ It will be. impossible to meet lour liabilktiecif this ,seme rate t ot appra. " F 11402146 igjgopt. up, d Jim& y ear ., Thiabove certainlTailloomi /picture of the.prospects-or the/Board for -the en ,actiegv,yes,r. But, >the :Church musty not permit-the tolling , missionary to suffer for i s r a nvolopp or k ~ A ir - ra t ^• ;P~: ISE mos 1,982,636 13,209 1q,200 ANNUAL REPORTS-FOIGN' . Our five Boards are the:Agendiiii of our Church, by which she coginuonslY carries on her work, as an organization. By her Domestic Board she sustains her own feeble parts, fills up interstices in the planting of ne w eongregatiOns, and enlarges her . boun daries, as the settlement of the country ad vances. By her Board of Church• Building, she aids the needy in the erection of houses of wership, that r the poorest of her family may have a comfortable,centre of resort, where to, :assemble, for worship. By our Educational arrangements, she takes her poor and pious youth, whom God has gifted with talents and endued with his Spirit, and trains them for her ministry at home and abroad. By her Publication system, she puts her views of truth in all its varied as pects, into convenient roans for preserva tion, 'distribution and influence, and spreads it all abroad. And by her Foreign Board, she sends her heralds to publish the glad tidings, teach the heathen, and establish, the Redeemer's kingdom, to the uttermost parts of the earth. In General Assembly she can meet but seldom butin her Boards she can eoncentrate all •her power, and by them she can exist continually in an organ-; ized form, and Put forth her strongener gies in the accomplishing of her mission on earth.' These Boards, her own agencies, by which she makes effective her benevolence and performs her work, she justly requires, not onlyvto receive her instructions, but also to make reports to her, annually, ,of their doings; and the reports she causes to be published for the information and encour _ agement of all membois. These, then, shouTdrie extensively read and examined ; 'and to this end her periodical press has an important dtitY to perform.. A Synopsis of the Report of the Foreign Board for 1860, we gave to our readers some" time ago. And monthly we direct their attention to portions of the Board's work. We recur to the subject in this for mal manner, to tell . them that now the report is published in full in an Bvo. pamphlet,of 114 pages; an appendix being attached showing the amounts donated. by particular chinches. This Board employs three Secretaries; and we have been often reproved for not Censuring them for this, since we are so zealous for reducing the number of em ploYees in the Domestic Board. Our friends should note that we never opposed, but always advocated the employing of as. many laborers as there was sufficient "work for, in all the depaitments of our Beclesi' astical operations ; and the paying of them all, a fair and full compensation. fit is the employing of men for whoin there is no need, that we have opposed—the paying of idlers, the giving. of very high . salaries to .two men for doing but one man's work, and the adding of travelling expenses, also, when one or the other might choose to ride around and enjoy his leisure. •It is against this misuse of consecrated funds, this tax ing of the charities of Christ's people, that we remonstrate. Now, nothing of this occurs in the Foreign Board. There there is work to be done, and laborious toiling, faithfully and Usefully. The Christian may cast his pounds or his farthings into this treasury, with full -confidence that there will be a judicious and economical appro priation. The Secretaries of this Board, with the aid of a Treasurer, and some ,clerk hire, collect and disburse $284,037:. They have several missions in India, China, and Afri ca. They have one mission in Siam, one in Japan, arid one among, thn,Ohinese in California. They have missions among the' Chippewa, Omaha, Kickapoo, .otoe, lowa, Creek ) 'Choctaw, Chickasaw, .and Seminole Indrans., c 'They have mission among the Romaniste in: South. - America.- and they either aid. or ,employ laborks,ixn France, Geneva, Belgium,and,Holland',7,..and among the Waldenses.; They have'a . 'largeriiiiiilier of *Schools and Academies. ',`.Whey e'ortilitYt the translation and publication of the Scrip tures, and bf devotional books; and school books, in the various languages where their missions are established. 'Ai Many of the missions they are obliged to, build houses, clear lands, and conduct agricultural and mechanicaP operations. Works so numer ous, so great, so far separated,, so varied; so important, may well, in their dile manage ment, employ the time, talents, and ener gies of three good Secretaries and a Treas urer. _ • There are at the various stations, , Mis sionaries, American, 'B2, Native 6; Lay Teachers, American 187, Native 74; ,Com municants. 2,779; pupils,in the,course of instruction, 4,524. Here is an amount of well' being 'done, at which the Christian may well rejoice. The.labors of our Church, in the spread ing of the Gospel in heathen lands, ,are not in vain-. Presbyterians -may, to •this cause at least, be "'Cheerful" givers; and we may well add, libel* giVers also. We then earnestly commend ,the whole report, to.- the churches. Its being pub lished, as we remarked last week, as an extra tirthe' Home and For *cion Record, has given it a circulation far beyond which it could obtain as a, pamphlet, and relieves us. of the necessity of making, ex tensive extracts. ,RICR HD POOR'. Godito orders it: in the'dispensations of hiS providertee,;that there is nand. alvirays will be, rich men and poor men, the same community. Riches do - not, in any country, indicate a combination of all the -virtues, , nor poverty a predominance of any of the vices, but in a 'emintry like 'ours, where the avenues to 'wealth *are ecivally open to everyman, and where, emphatically; "the hand of the diligent maketh rich," , and where estates are not entailed, it may reasonably be expected thit, where there is moral excellence there will. not, unless un der,peculiar, providential , inflictions,: be inuth, Tealdestit4ion.. :Still; the posids ` i3ioO , of , this world's goods'is nelpatdistinc tiVe mark of real social worth; nitibhtitis is it a peculiar - feature of true piety; nor is the ,want of them to be regarded as a certain mirk either of idleness.or " Christianity admits of the distinctions of rich OA poor; and it secures 'to every man the eacefUl possession botlf of his own patrimony and.of the fruits,,of his own .in genuity.;and toil." . In the sense of .eipializ ing - property, it is no" leVeler "But'in' .' l3ol3ioi *ay m i ore'mOrtant, it iileiste PRESBYTEC* KIM ~~ ... . ?.. h. i A 41' ii t h. on an,'epiOity among en. ...'Ail -re the 1... § , , ~ creatures of God R i te as an and imMortal soul I , ,Eve64iirie. Beds Di vine grace, and is dependent on God, for life and all things. No - tna - ni.then";should despise his neighbor. Riches and poverty are adventitious ~, tlimni "stances, iv 6 likch should neither alienate, ieparaie;ilor keeP apart, the niiiiiheri'Of 'the - liuinaii family. The The rich and the poor meet 'together, in the grave, that" iS, they equally return to dust; they will Meet'together . .atthe)iidg,- ment seat of Christ; and they together as cendenmed or. as - glorified spir-' its; and they should" not shun a meeting -to.: gether on earth, here;'td , reeO'criiiie eaCh other as brethren. , , The truths and the ,institutions of re vealed relioion both reoardmen very much • as, equals. They require mutual love and fraternal feelings, and these to be expreased by meeting together on common 'tern's.' A late, American 41eAserige2: liar, on this subject, some excellent thoughts, which we transcribe 'and commend : " The poor-always ye have withlyci"u." -In all civilized and Christian States, society is so organized 'as tipbring the rich and the poor together,' and make mutually 'de pendent. .Ordiriarily , they do not meet on the same , level. In - varibus respects; , the rich have greatly the advantage , of' the poor, but note in c all—ant in the most im portant': respeets. The %oftener -=they <•pan • meet on common ground thebetter for both, where they are reminded that they have brotherhood. Nowhere are these , condi tions so fully met as in ;the house of= God, where all the , accidental, distinctions of rank and property; are suspended. None rich, none poor , in . the sight:of God, tsave the poor in spirit, and the rich in faith and good works. All alike are sinners, bound to the,same judgment; needing, the same. parden,,,the same " washing of' regeneration and renew ing of the Hely .Ghost," the same preach ing of faith , andirepentance :from the pul pit. The grand 'design of public Worship is to bring person's of all classes' and con ditions together ":under` the same roof', to offer up their united = confessions, atipplica tions, and thanksgivings to Nipl With . whom " there is no respect: of' persons," and to receive that instruction • which 'is able' to make them wise unto salvation. Any failure > of religious ,imProveinent, whether by the= rich or the poor, in meet ing thus: together; an infinite loss:1• 'The Gospel is a 4 saior of death unto death; or -of life unto life, to .all Who hear There are•many, fadvantages growing ou`t of the'Divine appointment of public' wor ship. : 41 The rich !:anct the:'poor meet to vether:".. In well-ordered Christian •oon gregations they meet :every ;Sabbath day,:in, their several places:of worship, where they have opPortunities• 'of mutual andr - ki r ndly recognitions, whicloare hardly: ever 's'in vorale anywhere. else...! By going to the house of God in `company; by meeting One another. at' the 'threshold ; "by' kindljr Salu tations, there 'imperceptibly, grows up _a social;, religions, and educational influence, at once elevatingto the poor, and securing the sympathies'.of those around them for their great temporal adVantage. Aside. from the higher ends of weekly public worship, it, is , morally impossible for the high and the low, the rich and the poor, the learned and the unlearned, to meet together statedly in God's' house,*from month to month, and--lesr fo'year, without feeling an interest for one 'another, midi al laying suthprejndices,, as are , ' apt to' sepa rate • them almost everywhere outside of the, sanctuary., Wil e tever. pecuniary,- -eivii,:and social distinctions may'exist in any dommu-' nity,so long as the rich and the poor 'meet and worship together in the house of God, On his holy clay, 'year in and year out; those, less favored in outward' eircumstancei will be elevated far above what, they wohlgor could have been in any other'waY.:' God never.intended thatthe the:•should build costly Churches •for •,:themselves; and shut out thepoor, however Much they may ; do to build chapels for their separate ship. It is-putting asunder' what God,hatch, joined together.:,. In some of our cities;it , may not be practicable, even 'in the largest houses, to accommodate_ all of; that class' , who can pay little-, or nothing; • but woe to the Scribes Andt'Pharisees who count their' poor -brethrenothworthy or.unfit to Genie and sit with them:,,under''.the same roof. In country par6hes ',there iii•lngiiducement, to shut out the poemtheughtere is, in most of them, greatzneglectrriiii4mt going out and bringing them in. It the duty, of the churches and congregationslinot only to provide room , enough for 'all , the tion g but to gO .cut and cotape4them come, in," that God's : "house may be • "The rich and the poor meet' together, the Lord is the maker of;them all. " What. a glorious, day will that le w.hen thershall all, not only meet together for worship, but. when all shall know the Lord; fromrthe`, greatest even to the least. DEATH OF A YOUNG. MINISTER. TG.O.MAS HOGE, a licentiate of the Pres-: bytery of Chicago, died - i at his father's red= ° dense, in on the 28th inst., after a few hours' illness. His disease was,par alysis. HopE,ssaS.o. - kis.tyrenfiy.,e4hth ,year. . He had studied- law, and practised 'fora few years hut then feeling himself, called of Ged to preach the Gospel; he abandoned thelaw, and gave himself to the ministry. , He had studied two, years in the Seminary at Princeton; and had been, ceased last Spring. His:reputation for talents, piety,zeal, and. amiability, is such as must ; be ezzeedingly ,gratifying to 'seri viving friends, while,it:also indnees 'regret: that one so qualified for usefulness was so soon innioved. 'W'e publish by requeit following testimonials ; - • • ; -Eetrapt from the 'llllamtes of - the Session of the First Presbyteriai Chiereh, Rodc ibrd,lll.`:"' ' . "' ll The Session, startled by the' intelligenee of the death of their.ear, young. rother f the Rev: TRIK OAS 04*,j(whii'dieS, it;„ His 'father's hoinse,'7")i llr ' (11ic9.g9, '1441 2 8tia; 'having left us in gOcisf health blit . three'dlys before,) are constrained to'reeargtheir, 'timents and feelings, as 'awakened by ',tkis painful event: - " Brother HOGE'S resi i derice and labors for the month immediately preceding his death=tke patois being absent.the.quarter part, of his time—begat in us ,an esteem and affection for lam of Whieh'we can giveonly an inadeuate expression. ' His pulpit labor s were ,not, only highly gratifying to us ,d IV the people, but:gave us assurance thaTif, perinitted'to - enter the l 'ministry rank 'lliong the' most acceptable and usefulot 'the-servants of Christ,' 'Humbly `conceal=, ing hiniself behind the Cross, he presented and Vindicated the wondrous truths of the Gospel without reserve or Mincing; and 'with a lucidness terseness of aqte ment, a heatity,aptn4ss, and variety of, Justration; vigor oflOgle, and a readiness and propriety of elo'clition, very rarely at tamed, !Specially by:young ministers, aria more rarely combined in such pipe proppr tioni• the9e..q'ualrtres, ; and crowning his wonderful character, he „pos."- - f 1" h k sesse a ervency pion work, $• - rUf .4 • roduoing'e forcible sal tenderLairetionw .4:n; ctr .. ~._ . . " ,_, 60 4. . ,:. R ---,,_.... BANNE . R A TURD A I ~JU 1 - ' 18 ' • - . .._ ...___ . . Of Lippe/ PI 4 '' , 4 brill!. ,i g- t hoi. , the t . i his hug )e . mos ~, i emarkatre in ole just adtuitV to! be pJ ,i4ras. probritic . er. Bent in the Master's work, our young brother, while here, constantly attended the union morning prayer-meetings, and be came efficient in sustaining the interest, and rpromotingtthe - Throfitable,nes,s of this Seivice.# '-f- t.. . LAI: 1 i,- • ' ' ,' 3 ' ~..His-high-toned4nd:cheerfulpiety.caused, him to he spugiit i as ji, ,comparli,cT by Chris tians, while ills peculiarly winning manners made..sidm,,4„fav,orite. .even milli _ the irre t ligiousi whom .• he - affectionately (anti faith fully uttred' tO seotn64o** the'. Sateioni:. "The SesdiOn lad 'filly * iiki*Cted`l ll '; ; B ' 4 #g, . 1 4 04K,AlleY, • have'_ sefigTis.., , 4,•;.knewn' another, min biter 1 .who-. 1 in ; -480-, abor.t •a time, could' have - gained so ranch esteem, and- so''endeared hithielf to us, as pastor and elders, to our familiii;' to all our lieo ple.,i• and.rtoellie.'piiithri and members of other congrogatieps i lp Al ‘ iis, : place, ache has . doie, 04:414, 7,!thant, of his charfiiikirm sk minister of Christ, in . the, slightest A tiKTl e, An47,l, l w4hpAii . , 4.ndlipg, a spark of envy. ti,, y ~„.1 , i . ~. , : ~.,,f; .....,),,? we A44:(ittidirPi t4:Privilegft-.0 thq labors,a94, l l9cipty,.of his servanti„th . Toggh the 4t4,0P9n4, pf 46; brief, ttlit; marked earthly' life , so: that we saw ' ,him abnost ready. .to .1?tli `4lPgiirgfd intß gloTY:''. 1 h viewo4iitriPt24l44 01 , 0 Pr ikttAkOniffint! to birn,,p,q,,N3,we ,bulleye, Of his to us, .3,1• crave . it ipssition ):iet to the stricken 'rust ! 4!;43p1443 rei l inl mourners , e of, mourners , • and leayu i0 , 0 3 1t10, PR A Carswith .t.41 1 P Wldei,4 l 4 B sori'lerehMaßt- . , ' 1 : :,.:;' , •,; " The. Clerk was direeied to send a.niann r;ltucqPi•Rrithis• *UMW , 1 6 .1 lliqttdaillf 43 4 ....t.YI ail4t tOt:aide../Ari rihlips.tion in the. wmikkif_thic:- city, kw 0,: ;:ltitobfrfwk Exp9fist i r , 140-:1"-014terifinottO, in, any cither,p,upers,o4 o ,4frieno ?nay-suggest. .4: tiAtqq.PYTf ' •(,: : 44 ,,,..- 1 ,..„.. ,, -. :: '..;',.. :1: co ', rr 't.; Ir. 4Plikri4V rw l l,4 ll lSprgifilc-: f • n'''FP C #l. C l . 4)§ l ,o!).4:l4 .2 .11 1860 . ,e :II; t tl.!:, I,, TheTresbytetyiJiaving•:leitrned , ihkgade, den death, .of one :ottheircyoutig:eandislides; tlke*.,96npelv,thinistry, 'llO ?LAS ArLooz,• ni3pr,,tidopt!thie expreesivelof the feelings of .thehmenibers of • this Zourt of Christ p house , , in view of this.., BoTroiqui . . r 1 4.... 3 ry 190 ~ h opeexPiteo,oll;:p4r nljOßPYl,4 l 4weowigesed;:tiniihift'4elovedik youn g math Ala, 0 d ersta nd i ng, :qulture,. hozirt make the to us all a Very great and; *pope, and wc„idreptykpately ;. ,elpipl taking' ourf-Phiee". l e. the. 140,40,4 mourners ; qu'd.offeribg,ourikender est: spa, pat . hyrjy,ith smittsui andigezrow-, ieg fißibr.;,- while together Ylithi:PlemArft how,. in ,eulmAission( to; tfit. living ) gpd, ih4t, hi).4,4igis,,petyg t 7lB4ow, ygonglit. Okis diPPePSat,ill4 t°, l 7lo:Nuihrr. :•• 'Because thOu didat-it '4#o open nctt our meqt l l4;ll4o(PlPßltl* gre9Artri4 l ldelAteed thy r yoice, tagd,etyeegth to, „he, given„tO the belpyed one to, bear 2:2 - • M...Fauls stated •,.! 4. / • f .• it'lHNlTEliSitir PO& •• PRESBYTERTANIV , • The tEstaliliihed, and gree.hurches, of ,• 3 't lacf.oggpAtipt frepoweencled, all thq phtirch eelte'der care; t 6 Observe, the- 2Qth of beoeinbeisneiierciiy 'of the lime* of especially _ eommeinorative'of : oe,#prorinstwon. ,Thm. will; be. ~TrfrcentellarY delebT,atiPP ; Pf ihe:4oioggsation, ;other: bratkohee„ the Playpilti* . -have been. invited to unitean,tlii:services of that day.; is teepeavAit( this' 'latter suggestion) pay: tit 4tgfpg;i%,Aiiii: - by our '.9*.a . ii9d3r) 1. 1 4, liyltaiheitrrealiytezian bodies in th'ci TJnited Bites.. L . 4 4trsiietkieitorfOr . iti•Conld„bn,4 7 , ally made ate Ritil ..meetingwor-Elynods .1. 04..Vrc5.03 4 0* 47. * memorgioit would be peculiarly .fittint to tbsiffe4',:evene i ih*,resulta we"nom jOy,fanealsoathe,ooniing in the:: present :as fietit,•olflielibiOstt e : •.‘ • '';• '.• , • . • • b.;•' o'l,ll • . , • •:•• • tv•f• efF4gret- .learn the death ofthe ttey. Di.:HouGitroN, late editor of the .A.Meri4 Philad4hiip Ps death wastbec, a gangrene on the food . • " ' • - .e.te:,.i'ress, in. speaking of the funeral Mr. began the services by reading,the sublime chapter in the Epistle to'the corinthiatis, upon' the Resurrection, whiphliiio'fatnilliat',but - *hie c hyet strikes hs '3ll . ~ , new orce every time., Fe , ear . 4 Dr...Thwatclun tollowed in an address, in !blob :011e L gathered together Pthe .lessons tMight . :Aiy Divizie Providence . , in 'the re iq li°l,lll*Frkialt with i9lerican:.t'reskyterscin, then ot gav's skeroh.of character, as alllin 93. f sancti= Lion`gieat energy arid' perseve ••,9 reneeti • 9 manliness and piety. , % inot.I.EqCLESIASTICAL. • Rev. fir . Jon 70ItYTH, of Newburg, lei: 'fiY.infbrnierly: a' Prinfidton Nesii•Jeniey, *.frchtflthe•Senond church in that place: 4 ' ,mopKuls , koisi Office addicts from' , X [4 9l l ßlV SAdneyt, to .; .„ ABC. '!DATiFF,L' WIIMTAIkie Post. Office ad f,,idriiig changed, from to-.Newbxurp; Cumberland 0 County, Pa. •• •• • 4" „ .:LICO!kT ,4aS accepted' an . 414 co” gAtifily tho . elabireh' diittehden, .14; and has re m oved thither. %!:.I 4 t 4 , •4 Rev. J. M. CRAWFORD has aceep . ted.a sim ilar:4ll-440°n from the church, in 'Ky., and haiVeOinincineitd la " that ` place. ' .71 . :al:3 . _ 2 ' ' , .- • • Rev . .., Au E. IiTHo BISON has: been: ,:released the •:paatoral , charge : of , ioswego 1,-.Aannithgllitiois, and haa :receiied And** 11 cliOed mix t ilivitatation to supply, lor,a o.,sewnh,!.the. , ohurOhes Of; Maryaville.o,,nd r:Oaritie, ;Ohio: Hi s • Post _Office .addressirill-bel.Matysyille, Ohio. 2 - e Aey. FREEMA.N has accepted a lavltatipa to.settle at Centreville, La. • e;,t, • . • Rev:}IOBERT GAMBLes: Post Office ; ad , from-Paradise ,Pa., to Not , .l42odiornbaxd i•Stieht, 'declinea 'egg ,an ‘iriaiiiid `hint' by tlie;'churcli of intiii.ittocuit ., to remove to Ppringfieid,Ohice.: . the grssbyteg . elected, un ,tsP.4l.lfifi,of Jane,, to the.chpir of IthetorkaNi Belles Jacittrekill TrcOreVPigq .B 4y, pi • ite • 11` I n 4 A:LEXA. I NbER /U 04.. ifiOnittltki'. 'rebeived &mite& a unanimous .call . - , :tolthe.oinfroh. MaltavgaratOgivCountsr, . c; • ; e..;;: , .1 .; • 16.84'1:t1e4' 10 •-s.. r Pi; ° T ed' // 4 .o #ll ngton *Y• . .iTig I . • Ass% Ono.iMlLLun'has •takenvchargei og the church in Pleasant 111115 Cans :County, 3 1 9. • • •:•••'• • I Rev. Jeinze Ceauuriory- hie' 'lately, coin nien62l as a stated" suiplY-k the' &un- , ;tiee of -Sehuyler'•and thli‘nnly Old School' Yr'esbyteiiiiSi.iiiinister iti eit of•those - counties. • - ; Itaj, S. D. liiitrc,i,o4 ll ?4 h O in aI . CCATF 64I . °bilis:4W' 'ie . . lkorlonie7 . . I Olt and gh fritl 4 . co pas . 114itifois46, Olt', ;Mont k • ,••I • J; emery unty, • o. . rc DEATH - OF IN "EDITOR» ,13: :1 :',";: 'I ook, ..; •• ..g, B f A. T(ItT ATVD AT K , TEALANDI,O • it . • VIE ARCT s k3 BAREDITION of Dr:Hayes has been oneOrthe themes of conversation in Boston for several weeks. The expedi tion sailed on , lastrSatutiday. The following ) artt- Wet OlSOeis and Crew : I. I. Hayes, :Eftkamatidar ;-Aug,ust-Sontag, - astron - omor, - 1 1 1 ?.0A0condjP Poilinl4n4 ; •S• A.:McCormick, Ari3t . cfficei. ; George F.,Knorr, second. °S tor; 4r, astlistant . .istroionAr Gib •• cook ,; ' iltii44 . .•., t l • 3 1 #1 av!tilPfiail ,s,elA t oon sr,. calle.4, the f•S'ytates.'if She, is provisioned fottlipselyears..7 Hayesitind *niinitier of' his ivitfewitlit Dr. With the adVaiitag4s Which CaPeiien be • and Chse7ation have given them,.t4is party, will . I .;e able, to successfully explore the hitherto -unknown Polat-Sea.' • ; e • 144 it et l e Were ' no r t ''an io n l g tt tn e eattiest t i l3:e.'timep of the,. Tip . On year .1642 ; Boston did-tat have snit gie lawyer. - - One Thomas- Lechford came dyer' . in . tliet ; :yeiii With the . ' intention of •:- r a atiiaing v • • •-• • * , The for .*rriv44. t , Tbe.,,Gov.ernor and, magistrates Ithoirglitthenisalvia Competent to deCida all . ntatkehi* of) didiereniecThetween.-Maii' and 'man? •: . ; ISAVID 7 XCINNIERA,mksAcon sp.Tvived .confed.cxateo: the: tarnows I Boston Tea :Party; wait , : in 1851; in aCliicago,'sit the airtraordinks age of One hundred and Aftes4 years. ge r has since "passed ,away. : giit,ilieimitittemilmc.fiequeiktjyym,de in ; the ..newspapers;andlendorsed erenhyldr. Ever ' 'eti'irehis late FonliffiellJulr'orlition, Heroes remnins, IS. riot 'awed: Thciug,h eighty .five 3 1 ). 31 9i.1 1 A7.1 since 444 I'ePATIVA struggle. toxik-plaee, one who ::took part in it still . :in' Mr. aidtaiggailiinti; 'Who' nnjOy ment of ekeellent, health, altiorigh ' his pup h s tadred, and fourth. birthday was lately telehrated;;..; .. 'This.. 'event . 'drew ..together 'inryilarge:cOneourse , pegpleiiiionglit out . KAN:lived by one !" / i /4ed o a ..fcii*:4l'felPiinS"' l :froia a iwarippounder,. : And a dinner. en - livened .willlilloastr and; wmeeches. Mr. Farnum WisqlotllilbeiniditOf the' hatpin.. Having 'only on the diii,R7 .3 triblii; it * 4 : 1 40 4t 1? detaiied .4 o°,l4 P;g 111 0 to of,: artillery, atiO., baggage; at .some Aistarice.-froni- the • redoubt.: • 'so 'close a protiWiityld the scene" of tia;:obiwtratiois4iiiiv •distanetlY'recolleeta to. this, day, are, highly infieresiihg,, and.we trustrAhey will be given •to.philiublio by sonie•acTipetent,:4o. • IdpiElzfoii"ti* - face I tll Battle O f fEunknrHill, andlOo l kirai3p. 40.•44br f'4 l .igea), 1 1 . 0 1 , 11 .4 79r.41 a ;long J01141443y,: ••• ::i•i•;• • '•:'7 a: .1 The last number of tbti:j:llTal7i`•Antericiin •• tia•tt, :itAitiT7Eo JZotess has an acco,tpt, c, -4*DiThAtlk:v ( q•Prozl9f,the.. , peo s forithe last fifteen .yeszsC i This is ex etinsiire bplan:liissesstrients - itihseilptions;the egulatsaltirieseff *utters, the':lS "' I 'and. mo n e y give gor ovin ehttrehei3. ; It inellyies.:onlyithe - - • • • 4 -<•f • "--zspialanianziatd...atabe• cells Of charity andJbetteviiletice.• 'these and similar restrictions, the writer presents the knoWtr charitable contrihotions of the people of :Boston for -the paiit,llfteen years, !at amounting 'in . - all to $5;140,088.98J • These lei* 'contributions' arero r di i strilitited Ge different ciases- 'or"objects ; which again .are,,snbillTided among .many different Societies and institutions, The whole amount is appropriated as . ; follows, - viz.:' For °Nee* - 0,1;220,726.71 . foi : thi,relicAnf..44P:an.-i,g4aring, and want, $1 482 726."4.3 • for 42 055 709 ; .46; for monuments. to[tenlinSid:characters and public works of iart,!51.68,784.50 ; for $212 086:83.. ;Arid it igin' • • mind it of these contributions were„ given eir4 ..penditturein other ,partsp of, the land,.; and Ait other' portions of , the 'workt—'Dnring Ithesefifieen, • B4Stim l ' to 07 - r* •Ain'eriilif mi '046 • "th r o e nreqn. , . , . Baptist Missienn7 ,, Union,4Bs,ooo.; and to - the American Ho tMiasiooaiq Society, '196 OW. dr ; thit m issionary • contributions” of ille.' y ptigregatl?nal ,Bag iety to alone, ;f9r: PPriod; amount to considerably more thezi.s4#l.o;ooQ the ,, Baraiste irome not . , t .;; • ].p.tiolopsSativxgEs were held.oaboard the barqde , Sniyritiote, Captain :Weston', on . Ttieodayof lzlit weelq -preparatory • to' the 'the following . narncd'mis~ on- I • / .• '4; 7 • arms for, it inar . , AteAr f . zdessrs, e.t . „ •... 11/ 1 / 4 .Vb:4P4 nj•-tegy antf Emife,=Henryltr. Cobb:and Flaiikif and. Frank IT.!'H.} Yonaig. ,iferifees COndne'ted s *. The '" Rev. 1 " - . Yi t Q London. The barque Henry Hill,. Captain -Pollys; also sailed the same day for Smyrna, Avith. a .ritiMber of missionaries. The hbuor haiing originated the s—;-4`,0 41 1 11 4 1 .TH Squo 01, in .tAis ; country -,bas; leen 4laimed , by . several. fettles. But - the , elaimi of all ortheite are limited to the iireeent:,eentur" e"lict . ttha l t:'4 'Patters on, I .lq ' ' J iiil794.' But . hits been" die toovered that there wasa. school of this char -11-aeter in existence, in Boston, three years 'fin` oldnelripaper (the Norwich "PaletYof 2§4:7;11 1 Te l kir:;"1. Biin ;W.:ANO/01, .117.7 Ytir. , Qs )43.".4i,s d i s hed,. 'l% .;:bY4MP10141:001:800 ,theLDUteh..(la N DfantlL ,factoiyp intendeavifor .the 'benefit of the .'yoting':daughtets of indiiiitrY"iiihilbyed • in sa iaof a i et k64 . .io ' ,r ..1 ' • 1.191 ' • •• . ~• isst Areak t ;lgrs. 4OHN‘CHOATEiittheisev ih - Ascent from .thi oble !old martyr, John Si:int* 'drid r ittaii;sx , 8 1 . • ~ ; rt 1 1 CpIIiMENCEMENT AT rAtE,COLLECIE COC • • • „curs. op.:Thursday,. July ' • The' pre; Jvious . exereiies of the :weeli , are as folloiS Ira Sunday GlfleS 4l43 fin-:ettioalariieafi:Sertiiii:'l3y eß,er: .GfP. Fisher; .? Livi4t6ti: Tref*** •of iDi ‘Y.i.nitY• '‘... E F e ning — Pisc94reoAforetheitaleiktis-; siocary. toociety>.bY ThomPao44l,Wi of New York. • • Tuesday "Afternoon' —Two hundredthAnnivar.' : Eery of the Hopkins' Grammar School; Histiiii4 cal. Discourse . by Ker. - Leonard Bactit, of Litchfield.. rpvening---,-Coneio ad Mend, hy,He7r; , C. NY:. 'Ciapp, of ,Kofivillc, Conn..., 'Evcinag r :-Annual Meeting Of the 'Win:' B 2 `;Birggizei D.D., of Albany.' .Evening---Orationvlieroic , the .-Phi Beta -Kappa Society, by Hon. B.:oF.tiri l e unas , ~Boston, late r Judgo of, Superior•Ceurt ildassiebusettL Thuriday—Sommencernent.• . r r • 14826,.a826;10189,n886,,1840,, 1850.,,and'1857:'' Candidiansforadniiimion:to 7 F.* ° arnin4l onAtonday,:.anil Tuesday preceding Com menomnentt .4fEriclgepiiit,.. : bonn., there is a MoNn- AIENT that seernalio be a burlesque on the general style of nionurnenting, now-a-days. It is that of Mr. Stratton, the father of Tom Thumb, a man Very &scare :in every view, except that he acquired' fame and Vein " that Paternity; -in' fmanciering upon it. This is a' lofty mon ument, Soule t,hirty feet high, as if intended to mark the resting-place of some renoWned hero. This is surmounted by a statue, of the renowned-:Tom Thumb himself, aslarge as life That; will;flo.• NEW-YORK GitEAT EXCiITEMEigT was produced by the refusal of Mr. 'Vanderbilt to allow the California mails to , be taken on board his vessels, on, account of the failure ,of the appropriation by Congress. But' an • ar rangenaent has been made, for the time, by which these mails , •will-:be , carried as here tofore. Much public indignation has,been expressed against.: Mr; ,Vanderbilt, but he says, that the .magnitude =of the California mails' is not 'generally' understood , ; they have 'lexceeded.' 'thirty - tona by'a` Ste6ner. - Over one 'hundred sacks of free matter , are now in the, New-York„Post ,Office, which the present, law would, re ‘quire hitti to carry for the 'postages--4hat is, nothing. - ' The tA.sx7.ltlV,is visited by thou :sands every day.,,! The reduction, of the ad anission fee , from one dollar to = fifty cents, has been a fortunate move. Some :of .the Railroad'Ciimpanies are issuitii , exettraion tickets to visitors - of this monster; of the deep. Efferts are, now being made to have ,this vessel , visit Philadelphia, and An nap'olia; Md., during the season. The Dzmort OF MURDER seems to have broken loose altogether in this city. Scarce ily a day ;passes without some outrage and death by. violence being brought: to light: The execution of Hicks, the Pirate, ,who murdered the Captain and crew of an oyster sloop for the sake of the Money on !`board, and whe, , if his own confession is to be believed,'was , stained with a hundred ether crimes, took place at Bedloe's IJast Friday. The,mode in which this affair was conducted, reflects ..but little credit on HMaishil .Rynders, who , had the matter in :charge. The beat: that conveyed the cul- Prit;'was - filled with a Motley - crowd, and took : an excursion up the river, for the pur pose: ofyallowing these worthies, the privi lege of viewing thy magnificent proportions Of. the Great Eastern. The . stolid bearing of the prisoner made h almt a hero in 4.2 tm os- • the ...eyes of those by whom he was sur rounded, and. who endeavored to• make as Much , of the occasion' as possible. The :JAPANESE EXPENSES have created quite a flutter, ~,Thirty. thousand dollars were apprepriated by . the city for the enter tainment,4 these heathen strangers, and this sum was thought extravagant. But the bills, when footed up, amount,to the emir:mous sum , of $120,000—590,0004 of which" are' . hotel expenses. Aldermen Beale and Van Tine, who'took such - an aCtiVe part in the ridiculens demonstra tions, have been, greatly agitated, at „the announeenient, and have labored assid ,mouslito have tre-bills:reduced, hut have. only succeeded to bringing them down to $109,000. As long as a great city Twill place such men in,anthority, the people may expect to be fleeced, 'and the municipality -to be r Made ridiculous. It is to be said, however, to tha Credit of the traPanese,that they appear to have been sensible of their obligatious to, the police, for,, upon leaving the 'country, they~ deposited $20;000 with Mr. Belinont,'Ve be distributed among the pOlieentert of the several cities throuith whieh,theY passed, as an aCknowledgment of, their services in protee.ting . them. The distribution of the Money will be made-by theo Mayors of the citi'es.' This, we be heve, is the only expenditure the Japanese incurred while in• this_country, as their expenses , of every kind were met either by the General Government or the cities which A correspondent or ,the, Evening ,Post • .ealls attention to . the, teeent-En.stroLPin diCiLOOlCAL IMPORTAT/ONS; 80 cUrreny used in .this 'ntetioptilik i tirid . so caret:WY/it itateldi4 nanny other places. He . says : Niiwlieie in t 6 world, ,where the. English lan gu'igel'is spoken, is, there . so:snuch affectation of .Fietich'plirasecilOgy No• actor oi4tctreas ever plays apart or, lc character—it is ,a,r6k---no:painaxihas aipeculiar line or depart ment ()this art—it,is,ageAre. Pexhaps reasons ,might n be,giren for the:occasional,einployment of i Fiench' i n ; s preference "Ati'Englieh werds; ic but 'surely," says our . Correisp - i?ndent;' "when French is used, some attention.mightobe paid to -its• or thographyy : Now , it is a fact that. bouquet (a nosegay) is invariably printed boquet—and eru ployditralwayeniiftenyie. There is no authority for .the New-York peculiarity. " lte form it altogether.'!,., „ Tlie Churclona a has always some trouble on , ,hand. The 'p r e cent ieseut agony, is the p. 1,1 . ,• organization of a Nmv - MISSIONARY So-. .by; a;of leading Episcopal -clergymen; of Low"Chuieli views, because* :their inability to act consistently in °petit existing.• _ng throug hthe oar o_the Episcopal Av.: Churchman,. Os :courses. upon the Movemenkin -the following 'alarming manner, • ' • ' • • '"«O; how malanchOly thing" ft is to "be 'coin ; palled to-record 4 , clerical 'device of such a fearful character. Five:Presbyters +of the Protestant Episcopal Church, in so-called 'good standing,' periling their eternal interests to carry out these diabolical schemes against the Chiirch of Chriatl Veiny; Ani hon, Canfield;' 'Tyne 'hay° labored long to find two clerical adventurers,bbld ,enough .to join them in their Crusade against the Church;,.:: and it is ,earne.atly to be hcPeA.that jdeitirt. ;ones and Wiley, will soon becomtoon vinceti of the inconsiderate 'step' they haVetaken, litralloithig their iitinieis tole useil'in •ing up opposition to the views and priidflee of the :Church.." ; • • - 13rtlie.way, the , liame thinni* •t, 'organization, savors as much of: High t Churc ism, in itae*it way, a s anything:the . . :67tarcha:kpa,c . %mld hringiforth... It is called American, .Church Missionary Society. ,This willido:pretty well forllr: i fyng, eft* 111- hid"lifildell'iiiraitiat High Church e. tensions:; `t. .w• tert.IZADEL PHIA .ttsbeen e ying quiet. for 'so fa-me i as mcv ),i • beak u again. brought -before the public 'Lait week a large number of. meat .met at the Core Exchan ge, i for, the periieee te ao ,td.drve : dfliye'red by ‘CaPt. T. J. OptMtpf.Xll,4oki. • .Ragiheerieg corps, in f avor . ottliwistablishment of the Ilandall ste amship'hrie'lciteieeri4,his City and Europe and $6 FitAiscii.,„: • 4-tti 94ibikot4"a41;; 4 the extreavka wady) to objeeti eflletneeting4 ME - Was 'then introduced, and stepping forward, said that he bad been called upon to deliVer an address, the sub ject of which was of pecuniary interest to every one, and of vital pecuniary interest to the merchants of this city. He then ad. verted to the foreign importations to this city for the past, four legs, from 1856 to 1860. During 1859 the direct importation of foreign dry goods from Europe to Phila delphia, amounted to $2,839,570, while the indirect, or that which comes through Ne w York, amounted to $21,815,430, showing a decrease of over $3,000,00.0 in direct im portations from 1856, and an increase or the indirect importations. Thus it will be seen that Neii Yerk is the foreign port of entry for Philadelphia. In 1859 there were nine thousandthree hundred and fifty. three direct arrivals in this city, and ten thousand. six himdred and ninety-six in direct, making an aggregate of twenty thOusand arrivals of persons. who passed through to the West... Outside of this, there were ftve thousand-persons who either staid here or passed through to the South. There is a noticeable feature which should be taken into consideration—that is, while the arrivals in this citythaire been about the same yearly, in 'New York they vary con siderably. In 1858 they were less by one half than in the Previous year. The num ber of foreign importing houses in the city of Philadelphia is about one hundred. They must consider that they are helping, to sus tain the line of steamships running between New York and Europe. They would, no doubt, support a line running from this city, if they '::were assured • that the rates would be as - as to New York ; emi grants would come, here, if the fare was as low, and the accoMmodations as good. Capt. Cram strongly -advocated the adop tion of the plan `Of 'vessel proposed by Capt. Randall: • The SELECT COUNCIL has passed an or dinance prolidina- ••for a loan of $200,000 to build the phestimt Street Bridge across the Schuylkill. The commencement of the CENTRAL HIGH &nom, vas held at Concert Ball. The opening addreSs was delivered by Wm. M. Smith the „salutatory by James P. • Young, the acientific,address by Albert B. Leeds the historical address by H.F. Bax ter, the honorauoaddress by George H. Naphe.ysinnd:the valedictory by Edwin C. GriffithS:r 111 i g"del.;=ree of Master of Arts was conferred on seventeen graduates, and that'of Bachelor of Arts on twenty-six. The npruber' receiving certificates on par tial f:edurses was twenty-five; number of distinguished, forty-one; meritorious, one hUndredjand three. CAltreuELL wife of the Rev. Dr. Campbell; missionaey to India, and mother of the Rev Thomas Campbell; of Sandus ky,-Ohiofsailed to Liverpodl .the Kan garoo on - the 7th instant s ."'Vroni that place she will sail to India, to - rejoin her husband. In connexion with her departure, interest incr missionary services we're held, in both Philadelphia and ,New York, and, many valuable presents were:rgi - ven. to her and her .o.f.her the` - - Banner of the Cove nant says It is but due to Mrs. Campbell, to mention that her,:iiiipbtrusive_deportutetit;i ai - Siduous attention toThe education of - her clinifieb;- (the object -for which she=visited America) her value during thenlectiug held ,by Rev. Mr. Guinness, with persop%seelting religinus:eounsel, aria indeed her entirc l eofrket, while she has re sided in this country, haVe e °in:landed the re spect of all who 'kneivl her: 'ANY she 'and her lovely children, be permittedto rejoinherhusband and father frora.whontthey have been so long separated, and'' may the' blessing s of God ever rest upon her, and upon them, in'tha.t far off land; whither theyi hope gonedb live„for his gio ry7,ami for the gond of perialfing.souls. TheApread of: Pro,testaittisnvin Turkey. Fifty years' a.o, it have been safe, we apprehend, for a Christian mission ary, froin any loreige' - eounty, to go into Turkeiloy . therlturpose of spreading his religious opinions. The old fires of Mo hammedan fanaticismahiuirstaba great deal offlife in theth,,;and• required?. only to be /stirred a littlwtoTcause . .thein•to-burst forth Nrithti.something of. their. pristine vigor. Waven less than forty_lyesraeago,.,when our excellent Americahamissioriaries first went to that country, they did' hot deem it pru- Omit, to .speak to. ; s Turk„ or , any other be liever in the Koran, •on the subject of Christianity,, because they knew that, con wetild immediately be followed with Atthat time, death wee tbe 4 penalty 'far minatory' from . tl i ie ; reljetfin ..i?f the Am ble') impoetk: ;Our niissiOnaitice pursued a wiser .ectiirse: Instead of .itpproaching the Turks, they ' turned_ their attention to the noming'Cliriatians the Turkish Em pire, Tittle lii,ta'sheirn":that :this was the &ue coTirre .„4 11 .410 th e y met with mech. oppOsition from ~ t it he hierarchies of the several prientld charehes at the outset. and ibr n leing time, yet have lived to see thOT,WKiee,"eirolned with great success. Amo of the adherents of a grerkly, Chr,istianity in the East. they"feuiid And important field for • • r •cr evangelical;; „an, t etange Istle iliar!oo ,s.peatk) Abits. There are six 'ilit i t4es.Of whit play be called the Orien -114-Chnieh, viz.: The Greek, the .:I.rme ntati'; Ne:storian, Syriart; Coptici , and With the hist tiro natird, indeed. thq'_eaclier American mifsigiiiiies had little 'or . noihiii:g to de: ie 'elate that 'anything has ',Semi. atienod foi the Cbriv• t• C opts in' E . e. As t,i - &- lar!,gyp ; , e Abyssia itini, the mittaionarics„iselio ,Have labored among them have heed Geiinans or German , RWins- hi. addition to the six Eastern churches, or branches, rather, of the East ern Church, Church, we members, must add theßoma n Cath members of the Latin Church, if we would inelude all the Christian bodies or' Oiirehesi n the Turkish Empire. With theiri our Ameiipart mis S ionitties have hal bUt We, mayyetaitrk;in'ii.diatyki t ;Oat if there he 37;00.0,000 of .people inlit4 Ottoman or Turkish' Empire, as, *eV ArObahly are, %re may enfely Say, that'l7,ooo,,ooo are nominal Christiitue Or,these; 400 10,000,000 are in Turkey Ettr' °Pe, :and 7,000,000 in Asia and Africa."' Of these 17,000,000 ef Christians, it is estimated by the Russian Geverement, which is' likely to know a , well as anyone; ; that 12X100,000 belong 10 the Giiik'Cluifeli. The remaining 5,000.- 000 belong to the Armenian, Nestorian. Elyrian,v 'Coptic, Abyssinian and Roman Ca tholic Churches. Of these the Armeniani , aresrfire ',Mat , numerous, and next to ne inentlerti of the - Greek communion have the most dnfluenees in the Turkish' capital and sOme ,, of the other pritreipal ..•". , is among- the Armenian Christians that' our missionaries have the greatest success: More than fifty Protestant con gregations 'and . cnurolieslave been gather ed im iieltiamong thene people in Turkey in kat iinti Asia .Minor. There has been .oittels success else among the Nestoriaw. olive in the Eastern portion of the Turk • atempire tu4,pp. the Western side of the eriian king4om. Nor has success been ens rely g wanting in , regard to, their effort spread the Pure Gospel among the follow , 46,f the' Gatelek Church and the Syrian.