Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, July 21, 1860, Image 1

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DAVIDto Mn'KINN and ProprietEY ik CO.,
Bizaii.r. SUMBIeTIONS .$ 1.50
ls CLtrus /.
Immune IN Fannin ov Tus liiTilis 2.00
Fur Two Der.l.AnS; We will sena by mail seventy, numbers,
Owl fur ONs MUNN thirty.three numbers.
P istors sending us rwr.Nry Subscribers and upwards, Wlll
be thereby entitled to a paper without charge.
A RED PIiNCIL MARK en the Piper, 24 14 111 4 1 Pe that the
tvrin is nearly out and that we desire a renewal.
Renewals should be prompt. n little before thoymwexpt m .
Send payments by sere bonds, or by mail.
Direct all letters to DAVID M'XINNET 6,1)(4,
Pittsburgh Pa
The Blind
Beside the cottage door there rests,
A lovely girl so fair,
And evening's soft and balmy breeze,
Toys with her golden hair.
A holy light rests Olk her face,
Her voice is s►veet:and kind,
But ah I her eyes, her sightless eyes—
Ales 1 the girt is blind.
She Often talks of, coming joys,
And oft,of 'heaven she sings;
Until she.thinks she hears the. sound
Of angel's golden wings.
"They'll come for me some day," she says,
"Those angels pure and bright,
To take me with them to the pled° ,
'Where I'll receive my sight.
"But oh, I wish that. I had lived, .
When Christ was on the earth,
When ho gave sight to many blind,
Blind even from their birth;
If I could hear the joyful about,
Christ Jesus comes this way,
How soon I'd fall before-his feet,
And for my sight I 'd pray.'
H Because my mother says she's old,
And that her hair is gray,
That soon to her will come the end
Of all life's toilsothe way—,
This makes me long that I could see,
If only for a day,
• How I would gaze upon her face,
As long as sight would . stay,
"At evening when she shelters me,
Within her fond embrace,
In happy dreams I always see
My mother's loving faCe.
These many years I've heard her voice,
So cheering at my side;
And when I've wept that I was blind,
She's sat with me and cried.
"But, happy thought! . we're going soon,
Where Christ restores the blind,
And holy ones our_feet will guide,
Until his throne we find;
What joy,and bliss will then be mine,
When I begin to see,
And mother will be with me there,
To share the joy with me."
Tranelnted from the Greek for the Watchman and Reflector•
The Greek and Papal Churches---The Differ
ences Between • Them.
The following article, translated from a
late number of the Star of the East, a
Greek newspaper published in Athens,
though not.precisely accurate in every par
ticular, presents an outline of the chief
difference between the Roman and the
Greek Churches. The reader will keep in
mind that it is from. a Greek source, and
is hence likely to be somewhat partial.
still, the statement is instructive.
1. Cozicerning the Sapremacy of the
The Papal. Church holds that the pope
is the only head of the Church, the suc
cessor of the Apostle Peter, and the Vicar
of Christ on . earth, having the key of
heaven and hell, so that whatsoever he
looses or binds on earth shall be loosed or
bound in heaven; thus he is regarded as
infallible, and his decision upon disputed
points has more — authortty than the testi-.
mony of the Holy Scriptures themselves.
The Greek Church, on the contrary,
maintains that Christ did not leave, any
special vicar on eaith, but that all bishops
are representatives, and that the Pope is
only a simple bishop.
IL Concerning the _Procession of the
Holy Spirit.
The Papal Church holds that the Holy
Spirit proceeds hot only,from the Fattier,
but also from- the Son. The Greek
Church, on the other hand, maintains that
the Holy Spirit proceeds only from the
Concerning the Unleavened Bread,
and the Giving of the Bread only to the
In. the celebration of the Communion,
the Papal Church uses unleavened bread,
and permits the laity to partake only of this;
the Greek Church uses leavened bread, and
gives to the communicants both the bread
and the wine, in remembrance of the death
of Christ.
Iv. Concerning the Rest of the Saints,
and Purgatorial Fire.
The Papal Church holds, that in , the fu
ture world there are three conditions 1.
That of eternal happiness for the righteous;
2. That of eternal punishment for the
wicked and the impenitent; 3. An inter
mediate state for the souls of those who
have repented; but not in time to show
their repentance in the present life by good
works. This last condition is called the
fire of Purgatory, br the fire 'Which, in a
limited time, purifies souls from the defile
ment of sin, and thus prepares them to
cuter into heaven. In other words, this
condition is one of temporary punishment,
inflicted by the Lord upon the soulg of
those who have repented before death, but
have not time to perform good works,,
and limited to a certain duration, at the
end of which ho permits them to enter into
everlasting-mansions. The Greek Church,
on the other hand, holds that there are only
two conditions, that of those who are saved,
and that of those who will be punished.
And in regard to those who have repented,
but have had opportunity to perform good
works,.-on account of the intervention of
death, the Greek Church declares that they
are ivholly forgiven at the very moment of
confession, and that there remains nothing
lbr them to expiate after death. The Pa
pist, however, in defence of their own
Church, say that the Greeks reject the
name, and stillre.tain the thing. , For they
make offerings to the priestson order that
they may pray for the dead, and perform
masses, and make supplications `to :God, and
give .alms on behalf of the souls-, of the
departed, which signifies that they, believe
their souls are in torments, and that they
can by these means better their condition;
that is deliver them from punishment, and
introduce them into heaven; which is the
same with the Purgatorial fire of the Pa
pal Church.
Besides these principal differences, w,hich
were the cause of the sepiration of the two
Churches, there are also the following see
V. Concerning Oe' Celibacy of the Cler-
The Papal Church imposes the condition
of celibacy on all its. priests; the' Greek'
Church leaves them .free to choose a mar
ried or an unmarried, life. Indeed, at the
present time,
so far as •wo are infbrmed, in
free Greece, license is given to no one to be
ordained a priest, unless he is married:
VI Concerning the use' of Graven Int
ayes, in. Churches and in Private Houses.
The Papal Church, as it is' well known,
uses in churches and in private "houses,
graven and molten images of Christ,. of the
Virgin, and. of the Saints and Angels; the
Greek Church' uses.only pieturei:
- -
T II Concerning the Holy Scriptures.
The Papal Church not .only hinder, the
VOL. VIII., NO. 44.
distribution of the Holy Scriptures among
the people, but also punishes those who.
read them, in the States of the Church, in
Naples, and in Austria, with imprisonment,
and other civil penalties; and in other
kingdoms, where it cannot use the tempor
al sword, it uses spiritual weapons for the
same end. The Greek Church, however,
both exhorts the people to read the Holy
Scriptures, and herself distributes them
among her spiiitual children. It is true
that there were some even in the Greek
Church, who have declined from the right
way, and who Romanize" in respect to
this subject; but the usages of the Greek
Church is in favor of the Holy Scriptures.
MESSRS. EDITORS :—Among the many
reasons that should prompt your ministe
rial brethren to constant efforts for the cir
culation of the Banner in their congrega
tions, there is one that few pastors are in
circumstances to despise. I refer to the
bearing of your excellent periodical on the
support of the Gospel ministry in ,our own
land. The missionary to a foreign land, or
even to the missionary stations of our own
country, calls forth the general and sub
stantial sympathies of the Church in his
behalf. But how many of our pastors, in
comparatively feeble churches—churches
that, however they might , need assistance,
iesolve to be self-sustaining, and scorn the
idea of remaining forever on the missionary
list—how many such pastors are expending
their private means, or contracting debts,
to preach the Gospel. Let the people hay.e
light on this point. The Banner has in
deed done important service in the cause.
The noble deeds of congregations for their
pastors, are spread before the Church and
the world; to stand forth as an example
for imitation, leadine others to go and do
In addition to salaries promised and
promptly paid, donation visits are evidently
on the incirse. Many of them are never
published. The pastor, through modesty,
shrinks from such a course as
ostentatious, or tending to draw attention
to himself. Nor could the Banner contain
the things that might be , written on this
Subject. It is enough, perhaps, in brief
editorials, to keep it before the people.
When such demonstrations for the support
of the Gospel become universal in our
churches, the prospects of the millenium
will doubtless be relieved from some of the,
clouds, that often create feelings of despon
dency with regard to its approach. • In that
good time , to come, in this selfish world, it
may be that even editors will be remember
ed in donation visits. Then among the
other beatitudes, this will be realized:—
"Blessed are the meek, (or the:humble ad
vocates of righteousness) for they shall in:
befit the earth. DELTA.
S. ' .
New-England Correspondence
If any one has ddubts as to .the perils in
the New-England churches, those doubts are
likely to be dissipated. Since •the Hart
ford case, another more astounding has
transpired. Your readers will recollect
that in that case a man denying the ortho
dox doctrines of inspiration, original sin,
inability, atonement, &c., and inclining to
the belief that sinners might be= saved , a4
ter deathi.was orslained-t 7 -one - ott - the_zooet,
respectable Councils in New-England.
You will also recollect that owing to the
controversy in that case, another man hold
ing similar views was soon after rejected by
a Council—a thing that- has not occurred,
we believe, for years before. But now we
have an illustration of the force of Con
grecr°ationalism.' As soon as the candidate
had been rejected by one Council, another
was called, upon which were obtained Drs.
Hawes and Samuel Spring, (who had been
upon the Hartford Council, and had de
fended its action,) and Mr. Parker (the
man ordained by the Hartford Council,)
with others of like views, and the candi
date was i ordained and installed. The sig
nificant thing, about this ease was, not only
that the man held views similar to those
avowed by the Hartford candidate, but
that he was ordained directly over the
head of the Council that rejected him.
And what is the remedy in such a case'?
Congregationalism furnishes- none. The
candidate declared that he would run the
gauntlet of fifty Councils; but he would ob
tain his ordination; and it was publicly
announced that the church would have
him if no Council would ordain him. And
the man and the church are to-day in full
and regular standing in the Congregational
body. These are the inevitable liabilities
of Congregationalism. The system does
well enough as long as there is no error in
doctrine to be guarded against, and no dis
order in practice; but it utterly fails where
government and discipline are to be main;
tained. 'How much longer the better por
tion of the body will endure this state of
things, remains to be seen.
Sights and Incidents Concluded.
Our departure from Mingo was as early as
our arrival had been late. For this there
was no remedy; as time, tide, and trains wait
for no one. Morning's gray dawn found
us on our way to the Cadiz Junction.'
Forest and fields sparkled with dewy beau
ties. Sweetness filled the air; and our
momentary halt at the first. few -stations,
grooted-with the warble of a thousand
feathered songsters. Surely what May is
to the year, the morning is to the, day.
But the loveliness of the latter, multitudes
never see. Sleep (the rogue, the sluggard)
robs them. What is the grandeur of a
golden sunrise, or all the glories of early
morn to them, compared with the dreamy
luxury, and soul arousing sublimity of ly
ing in bed! As for us, we felt that the
sweet scenes of this morning were a rich'
compensation for our abridged slumbers at
Mingo. One incident creditahle to the
character of our conductor, we note with
much satisfaction. In receiving our fare,
he had, in change, passed some uneurrent
bills on us. When he discovered this af
terwards, he, unsolicited, returned,' apolo-.
gized, and rectified it; a matter he would, '
doubtless not have done, had he not been
strictly honest; for he must have known
that detection on our part was not only
very improbable, but next to impossible,
seeing we knew neither him nor his notes.
Well, bad as the world is, there• are still
some honest men in it. Some? Yes,
many; for, 'among the •multitude we daily
trust, rogues are the ,exception, not the
rule. And I am glad to say that of the
thousands upow thousands.of persons that
I have met in my .travels; not one, in a hun
dred of them did I evariMpoutef,dishon
esty. I never have lost a cent by stealth, ft:3r
have I ever received what I regarded as an
insult or an indignity from either man or
mortal, when among strangers. • .
But, let me see, if I remember correctly;
I was speaking, .of our trip to Cadiz -from
Mingo Junction, along the Steubenville
and Indiana Road. A, few hours, our.
destination' Wei reached. Harrison,` the
county , of which CRAW is the caPital, is one
of the finest portions, of our State. , It
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Vet . the Preebyterlan Banner
Donation Visits.
For the Firobiieritin Banner
For the PreAFterian Banner
fertile, rolling, well 'Watered, richly timber
ed; abounds,in minerals and is highly im
proved. As a grain and grazing , region it
ranks high ; , but in, wool-growing it, is the
prince of the' West, having no rival, ex
cepting the `country, around Cumberland
and Washington, in Guernsey County,
which, of late years, has:yielded a fiber just
as fine, and a quantity, almost :as great as
ever was, shown by the Cadiz shepherds.
Our reception by Rev. W. M. Grimes
and his people, was truly cordial. A com
munion service was in progress in his
church. What assistance we could give,
we freely rendered fora few days. Presby
terianism here, is strong. It has grown to
a vigorous and fruitful tree, from a healthy
shoot, planted and long watered by the late
Rev. Mr. Kerr, whose family still lives
here, and whose labors were remarkably
blessed, till his Master called him home .to
his reward. He has a, worthy successor in
the present pastor, who is a very popular
and efficient minister of. Jesus
tiring in zeal to: promote the good of souls
and the glory of God in this, wealthy and
intelligent community. Reader,, what do
you think of a series of sixty sernions on
the prophecies ?" Such a task brother G.
has actually' undertaken Eight or ten of
these.have -been delivered. ---Tha_rest—Lsaw
*yranged in. their embryotic state; and no
doubt they will, in doe time appear to the
edification and delight of every attentive
hearer. The structure of brother G.'s
mind is peculiar. His - views are in the
main orthodox, bait original and speeulative.
He loves,to wash gold from sand unwashed
before—to pluck a flower from' a towering
summit, or to pick a gem from, the dust, that
no other eye has ever seen, or finger touch
ed, and to lay it all at his Saviour's feet.
He regards prophecies as a species of per
petual miracles, having its fulfillment in
the daily occurrences of life, and challeng
ing the prayerful consideration of every
Christian, and calculated to produce con
viction in the mind of the thoughtful and
reverential, of the Divine origin of Reve
lation. He, justly, does not regard the
prophecies of Isaiah,. and of Daniel, of
John, and of Jesus, as so many detached,
or insulated predictions; 'but as a grand
system of previous information, 'as to 'the
Secret purposes of providence, reaching,
like a golden chain, from the origin to the
end of all things, and marked ll,such dis
tinct notations of order, 'place, and time,
as may be palled the geography and chro
nology of propheey. And, therefore, to
understand these Divine predictioni r is to
know.what to expect to 'occur among men
and nations, or in the Church and in the
world, at or about a
juncture of
the future. Such are his views, and well
_does he sustain them. Still the task before
him is Herculean; and not void of danger.
May God,assisthim to accomplish it for
the good of souls, and. keep him from, wild
speculations and theories, and steer his
course clear of the anathema denounced
against him who adds to, or takes from the
Book of prophecy. , , -
After days of sweet, social, and much - de
votional intercourse with the people of this
place, we left in an old stage-cciaeh for An
trim. Not long after our arrival here, the
Presbytery of St. Clairsville , met in the '
Presbyterian church, to install• the Rev.
Mr. Knox as pastor. We met with them,
and heard and saw many things that' de
lighted us much. As to the church itself,
it was ..iximniz-ecitlx __about aightoGU'
months since. Now it numbers over sixty
members ; has erected a beautiful new
house; has it finished, furnished, and paid
for; called a pastor half of his time; and
bids fair soon to be one of the foremost
churches in the, Presbytery. What cannot
energy, means, liberality, and piety accom
plish when united ? All the sermons,
charges, and services of the occasion, were
truly interesting, and elicited 'not only the
attention, but the tears of the large audi
ence present.
The Commissioners to the General As
sembly reported. Their reports were very
lengthy, but deeply gratifying. Their ac
count of the great'Board debate was graph
ic; and their profiles of the pro. and con.
champions thereof, drawn to nature;
that all of us were•made to feel thankfu l to
God for bringing into the
,church such ex
cellent and gifted ',men as, Thorn Well and
Hodge, Boardman and Krebs, &c.
Father Chiniquy ( Shinekee) and his
cause was carried from the Assembly in the
arms of one of, the Commissioners, and
held up to the view of this Presbytery in
Antrim, in a way most glorious to behold.
We loved this Luther of 'the nineteenth
century before; we love him-,better , now.
Think of it. Ten thousand redeemed from
Peperyl Yes, . and one, hundred and forty
thousand more coming! Blessed Exodus !
This whole Chiniquy movement is marvel
lous. -We must visit this Colony and See
for ourielf.
But night comes, and on the inctrrow the
Tresbytery adjourned to meet, as soon as
possible, in Birmingham, a town eight miles
West of Antrim: So into their buggies
and carriages, and on to their horses, the
members, and many of the visitorr
and many or. 43.
Presbytery, got, and off they go, with a
rattle and a dust, to the place appointed.
We along. What a time ! Here is one
poor fellow with a broken buggy shaft: A
little beyond "another "has lbat, the tire off
his carriage wheel. Here is one with a
lame _horse, and there another with a broken
girth. But on we go ; no mishap's befalling
use and "got to our journey's end in good
time and spirits.
The object int coming, wa,s the installa
tion"of brother Knox, for:the other half of
his time, over this church, which, with
Antrim, makes an exceedingly pleasant and
hopeful pastoral - charge. The audience
.herg was larger' than, yesterday, and the
.serVices eqnally interesting, and
ate. Want, of space forbids special notice.
One 3roung man, Mr. Wallace, of Allegheny.
Seminary, was licensed to preach the 'Gos
p'el; a licentiate examined and received
from another Presbytery, and a student of
:Princeton taken Ander the care of Presby
tery as, a candidate for holy orders.
ended this:delightful meeting.. The minis
-lers of this PresbYtery are all loving and
beloved brethren=a truly =efficient. body of
men; and long, will they, be so, under the
lead of such ministers as Dr. Mitehell,
Revs. Crawford, Boyd, Moffat, and DNA.
After many a kind greeting, we left them
and turned our, face hoineward, where,
when, we had arrived, we' saw the last and
' best of these long chapters of sights.
, In our absence, the Building Committee
of eur new church, had determined to kive
us a " surprise" on our return. =So to work
they Went,.and had the new Lecture-Room
nicely fttted,up and furnished, in which for
unto " preach the - first sermon: Unknown
to us we, had : , held our last service in the
old building, and we gladly left its dingy,
damp, and dangerous walls, without a tear
or a regret.
The entironew edifice will., be coMplete,
probably, in October next. Then we will
have a church indeed. The Lecture-Rom
IS, all above
,greund, and seats conveniently
about four hundred persons
Thus agreeably, ended our, pleasant trip
of Sights-anslincidents. W. WY.
IF you 4o ,not,,k4i pide ,out of your
antis and your.soUli out of;Tride Oodqwial
loopfnxtr, souls .ottt othaamen.-=--,bt,iwv
, AK
M l
..* ' . .tfat,' , '
. .
LONDON, Jittp.:gt 1860.
li . LOO is
not now observed, as it, was f , the year
after the terrible conflict, up tit of the
great, exhibition of 1851. It Ahought
better then to let the 18th ofArine come
and depart, without any d4o4l4trations
which might wound the fed& "of our
i f
French visitors. The .great,;6 was a
heartily consenting party to t, t and so,
by a kind of tacit understand_ i n the com
meinoration ceased. More thafilAce have
I seen the stream of gallant., ierloo
roes passing in to dine wi „ iiir illus
trious leader, at Apsley House-.044i1e last
of all came Prince Albert, as lepresen
tative of Royal homage to the," - f.,Si ‘ r of his
country, and then the whi - "*-. - d hero .
came dewn the front steps to 'C we the
Queen's husband. But now '.• ielgtril4; ,
Firld . iniiit - of those who stobll • "-
' '':
that bloody field, standing on' i. - vtieVen '''
years ago,. I could realizellt lin T iAler by;
its very silence, what must , ~'`44 l 34ina "the
shock, the shout, the g,r4ll"of war," on
that day, where the bra - ;', f men were
antagonists, where two hifilliked pieces of
artillery made the welkin
. iiingi and the
earth to tremble, and whosePeddYing for-
tunes were at last decided4lie Duke's
cry, " Up, Guards, and at th !"
The Guards, at least, haf -'liiid a com
memorative, feast of their ' rest' 'history,
including that, of Waterloo. , '''The officers
of the First, Regiment of ''dot Guards
dined together on Saturday Ast, to bele-,
brate the . centenary of their 'flag. The
Prince Consort presided, and'i'albeit a man
of peace, he spoke in seasonkof the great ,
achievements of the past. 'The' Duke of
Cambridge, likewise, was there, with his
kindly, genial presence 'aile words. He :
spoke of the whole British ",army ' with
affection, and hailed the vehibteer• move
ment as most important. • Oitt offieers, and
others 'comparatively young were there,
nearly all of whom. have been under fire,
most with medals and elas'fis on their
breasts. There are still amongst Us, at' the
forty-fifth anniversary seasont of Waterloo,
one hundred and minetrnfficers - above the 1
rank of' Captain, which foilght, - on that
Belgian field.
This banquet, has . naturally'rended 'to in
. !
crease the military spirit 'of rthe , `nation:
The Press has made it the silbjebt. of:sperm
nisi articles, and the Dail,, Telegraph
which often equals the. Titnes :1103,rilliancy
and ,pOwer, thus appeals to the glorious
past of the Foot, Guards: ' ''' ' ' ' ''
..,,..., ~;,
Itfwas that phalanx which rented theliiiperial
duard'atoWaterloo, and trod undiii fthittliepride
of twenty years. Thencefortyl the earth lay
heavy on the ashes of 'French "alnbition.
The blazonry of this superb 'and -dtuintless
regiment reads like an illuminattid milAtary,.his- _
tory of England for the last, twc;',hundred ,years.
It tells • the whole story of. M/tillnirmigh. It
awakes, the memory "of
,§pAni ; , , and Flemish
campaigns ; it, reminds Gertpall , how she was
saved, and. Frinee how she' 4.. htimbled. Al
most every oneron the, staff,,„i , •, s -pite .l if. a lons
peace,, wears on his breftsV-4; il , -: ' • :Medias:—
etbseeerandrs; and among the -youngest men
in the ranks there are thoie.whomightNie in the
relation of their , deeds with the most , gallant
graybeards of ' the British army. The' Prince
Consort. is the Colonel of the: First Grenadier,
Guards ; and it is no fault ,pf his that, although
a Field Marshal, his services -have been of aft
exclusively ornamental chiliaolefi. Ile - did well,
however, after the:Sattirday binquef,, to remind
his comrades of the brilliant prowess they ,had
Met, to celebrate. That iron-fronted band 'has
stood face ; to face with the feather-crested hoittles
of the American prairie ; its bayonets have
gleamed along the African coast;'the Spaniards
have laid , down their arms at ifs bidding; it has:
pursued the Turk, and brought- the Russian to
bay; it has left a trace wherever the bleed of
'England has been shed :in 'the? Low Countries.
Above all, whether the Bourbon banners rustled,
or the Napoleonic eagles glittered, from South to
North' in Europe the last blow 'llas been , Struck
by .the English Guards, and ; they never. knew
defeat'. Even at Fentenoy, thesun. went down ,`
and saw their colors flying. They ,fought in 'the
ditChes and 'on the - raraparta , of Namur; they
defended Gibraltar when the mighty 'se' fortreas
was assailed by the most powerful batteries'in
Europe; their standards flashed :thrOugh the
breaches of Barcelona and Valenciennes..; their
drums were heard amid the itottpst fire ,at Bleu , "
heim, Realities, Oudenardc, and Malplaqint, ;
they ran the gauntlet of battle. at Lincelles;
Corunna, Barone, the Pyrenees, - St. Sebastian,
Nivelles, and Nive. Finally they breasted the
heights of the Alma; twelve of their ,officers
were shot dead at Inkermann ; And they,= passed
through storms of flame and slaughter at the
tremendous siege rvof Sebastopol.— The regiment,
since its origin hasibeen proud of England, and
England will forever be proud of the First Grena
diers. •
. .
This is indeed well called u a military
month;" . for the volunteers,. even' through
rain ,and storm, have been drilling and
going through evolutions; and above , all, to
morrow is to doinn off . a grand review of twen
ty-five thousand volunteers, in 'Hyde Pail * ,
by the Queen. Great have been the prep
arations and anticipations. If :'the weather
be fine, it will be a gallant shoW ; and more
than. this, a• suggestive spectacle, conveying
to Continental nations, and espeeia l lly to
France, the quiet but deterinined purpose
of England to defend herself agauist in
vasion, if attempted. ;Should 4 there
to see,"
shall endeavOr to plotogiapla the
scene for/our readers: ' • •
TELE COPTEIL . ENCE ,topkween the. Emperor
of the French and the . Princei . of . Prussia,
was so pressed on the latter,';that, without
provoking a' quarrel; he coulenot 'refine.
Previously, (as, 4. current.rumor-had it,.al
though contradicted' , in a Berlin. official
journal,) the Emperor..had•serit, .toliim a
copy of letters which had--pasiipd :between
the Prince Consort of England and the
Regent of Prussia. In these-Yetters; great
detestation of the Emperor
,was said to
have been_ e x pressed. Explanetipni were
demanded at Berlin, and the Minister of
State would admit nothing. • Taking ad
vantage, howeter, of themattert:theclEm
peror, instead of hurling •defianee; idroitly '
and gracefully proposedthat -a kindly ene : .
ferenee_sho4d be held, at, which' he — might
prove, to the Regent how unfounded - were
his distrust and suspicions. i '
Long was the conflict, but 4 . last ihe re
quest was yielded to. Meanwhile, the
world wondered what the myeterious Em
peror meant) Was it to coax 'PrnsSia to
give up to France that side of. the Rhine
which seemed to be her "natural boun
dary," and was it, designed thakin-compen
sation for this,.Prussia, in_QrerinWny, should
play a kindred part to that of. Sardinia' in
Italv—namely, to,
,o,theek,G6l:, na
States? Or did the y Anippror`intend, if
need be, to fig ht 'foi "" an iAOl4' 7 if his
propositions.were-mot-received:.4ith, fii.vor,
whatever thay might be? . • % •
The Prince Regent, a gigantic and burly
Mg!, FAA # 0 4.14d, 4IAd 1 mayhap .40'0..504
tP !..4. 1 4:-10 01 -PseWir l4 , OM how '4 , tihrlillan
e,catetA r a quarrel againat, me !" .At,'-all
flVelgc, JlepTeln§lAllPra # l .9-. B 9.ins cunt, solo
interview with the.EMppror f qP,4stria, at
Villatianca and its consequences and he
remembers how, if they two meet?arid art,
all Gecnia4,,tievZit:44ia, wi l l *Y;t, t, by
the ..hiap of .Kii . lice . i.."Ril for ;rdi -;‘-,tul
intiii•tio.ieastifis,litiifitt jtit,2 dNd4t,
and supreme. ''' ' :•;"'" - r ....t
Well, what be done ? The King of
Hanover has been very - rude and insulting
to Prussia of late, and alt the, petty, Princes
of Austrian sympathies' have been like
minded, to say the le.wit. Nevertheless,
-the Prince Regent is-well advised. He
resolves not to meet Bonaparte alone, but
to invite other ,German Kings, and Princes
to stand by his side, and all together to
confer with this redoubtable and dangerous
parvenu Emperor ! '
Oh Saturday last, - comes his Imperial
Majesty, not with a glittering cortege be
hind him, :,.but as a private gentleman, to
Baden-Baden. •True, there is a private in
terview, after all, with the Regent. But
next day comes conference with' all. And
nowit appears that the interview with the
Regent has not been attended with any
evil t results i and that the stroke of Prus
sian:policy in bringing together the differ
ent Princes has made them rally more
closely for. itherla.nd. Bonaparte seemed
to advit3e-this. have, no doubt, he scat
tered his peaceful assiusnces around. But
the Times'
,eorrespondent at Paris conveys
the impressioU that he came back a disap
pointed man. He wishes, however, to con
ejliate, the tra4inc , population of Paris
40.01,40 *IWO; ,e 4
•ak alr% i n Atiffi-Xa410.4t1411:, • era , • Ali,l
the title of a ' new pamphlet, published at, preaches rebellion against Eng
land. The Irish recruits for Rome are dis
gusting their new masters, and no more are
to be sent.
Cardinal Wiseman has quarrelled with
Antonelli and the Pope.
by Parliament, which in •this case was
implied in its formal withdrawal, has had
an important result. It Proves, in con
nexion with the volunteer movement, that
England is absorbed = in. thoughts of self
defence:; that she looks with sleepless eye
across the Channel, and that she will per
_no home distractiond to , turn her aside
from, preparation for the worst.
And what, would be Abet worst 2 r Why,
,the successful landing of several divisions
of a French army, and their march after a
battle, or by a ; ;detour,. and surprise; upon
London itself: This it ,is which .has agita
ted • the breasts of. many of‘late ; firth, in'
connexion, with the ,Report of a Perlin
.mentary COmmissioU ori National Defences,
in which the defence .of- London; bye for
is., simply referredao, but virtu
ally' ;ignored as ;: : a thing' impracticable.
And ;secondly, it has, been , brought vividly
_b efore •ns ; by the first article of the Corn
. Magazine, written, it is said, by' Cap-,
tain Fowke, entitled "London the Strong
hold of England." According tothis wri
ter, if the enemy once , landed, and that he
thinks practicable, all Your defences. of mar
tello towers, and coast fortifications, includ
ing, protecting batteries at Plymouth and
Portsmouth, and Woolwich, would- be vir
tually- usele,ss., True,. they would save
their heads if, attacked. But it would be
the policy 'of In, enemy not to attack them,
butb3r landing divisions on different. arts
of th,e unprotected coasts, to divide, and
paralyse our comparatively. small t'army,
and then, orie division to rush toward the
,capital,and.hold it till in humiliation and
,_dishonor; it l bou.ght, _off its captor by .a
bulons,r risom
, Thai, picture .Captain Fowke traces I,
"London in a state of siege, a provost
marshal_ installed at the Mansion House, a
park. of artillery on Tower, Hill, the-Royal
Exchange and Guild Hall converted into
militar3r posts, and a foreign,soldiery quar
tered on the inhabitants."
.ACoordirerto this officer, Lyndon may b e
saved frOm being • overrun and sacked , by a
hostile army, by the same means" by which
-Wellington saved his handful of troops in
Spain, when Massena was tuivancing-with
his superior army, •as it seemed, to' annihi-
Jate •him.?.' These means were. simply some
" poor mounds of earth at Torres Vedras,"
and by these earthen redoubts, thrown up •
on every vantage ground, Wellington's po
sition was rendered impregnable. As the
quadrilateral fortresses of Austria, last
year, compelled the French to pause in
their career of victory, so says this. officer,
London should be our quadrilateral, and
that a chain of tolerably large forts, at a
sufficient distance not to interfere with its
-growth,' nor hamper its suburban traffic.
'Should: be'thrown up as -salient points of
defence. • Thaw forts would be' garrisoned
by volunteers, and thus the objection that
.ourregtair troopit. might, in case of. inva
skin; lxo locked:4p in fortresses when they
Wirewintadin the open country, or on the
coast; is igot -rid. of.
The •Tiazesis strenuous that something
should be done ; the Telegraph is of the
Same opinion r andkLord.Overstone (former
ly Lloyd J, ones, the ( mAlionaire banktr,)
as the representative of national and met
ropolitan wealth, haii .:published a paper,
emphatically,pallin.:mit that the defences ,
of London Juust be ,gloh . that its capture
cannot take place.; . '' -
And yet, except ' the LOrd,keep the city,,
the forts, volunteers and patriot watchmen
of our classes, would 'watch -and resist in
vain. There are minds that contemplate
greater catastrophes, than have ever yet
been .realized, and that,.England may, for
her pride and . nangli p tineks
,of heart, yet see
a dark and cloudy day of 'humiliation.
Ones ready to cry out with old Priam,,
•let niine eyes. be sealed in, death, . ere comes
that day ! We /tope.
.and pray that God
will s give us repentance, and then and thus
returning to him, lie will be a wall of fire
and the glory in the midst. '
~, , . . . .
PROPHECY is coming up afresh in these
tithes for ; study, interpretation and Willi-.
t ferketation, t00..' Odetoi Cnmming follows
up his book, "The Great Tribulation," by
lectures ju
. various ,places in ,a kindred,
strain.. 441k0k only anticipates, great j udg
monis and convulsions as most Christian;
1 men do within the . neat few, years, but he
fiats the:. - inelYl . oi 'aioriiii for ", 1867, . The:
OartifitilfHOt' belielfti4,4l, lit: will COO*
`Ont. --,' 'of :ilie''‘...' ,:;I**lll l2 pi' fiir,;44.nd :p*liiifi ed. :.
bed* "Ciinlit4itte:Wee, twitted r by litit.ialt,
the, s folhaiing renewed his lefoe
of .a nice' little country box that he haa'at .
Tunbridge Wells, in Kent, for a long pe
riod. He was asked how he could recon
cile this•with his affirmation and professed
.that the world.wsip,he burnt
up in 1867. To which it was ingeniously
replied-4n a plsttform leeture—to the ef
fect thatlie had increased the money :value
of the property, by..ttking out, the , long
lease, and had thus a on the principles
of " cotninen.Ose,"..: . *
ut if a man blows,
or is pier4,corFpi, !Abr. C. says, he is ,
that the ,wnylciils l A'.end . in seven ;yeats:
hPAlCP)iii.o.oida he 00 be' . content witll
a. seven years lease'? '..)lO:worif ii.7o king
in this. mortal - state, ankh*, Children:wont
need snail lidomjelle,,and indeed it ,wiil be
in ashes.' It again he sells it in the melte
_... : .4 -
time, will be accept a money value, say for
a leira ; ;.having per parchment
,ninety _years
to;run, l Or; only take a seven years'
it is
,livelb:•ns, what mAtter .A erfaet and
"common,. sense " our -Millenarian 'friends
are' in niattere,..nieircianti;e - : and . pecuniary.
li t hiik tlfey;pot - 1404 an , ocostuonal doubt,
andlio,when the matter comes iit'a worldly
Shape the tesAves."l a t. he beaefit, of
“ , r,.. , ; - , . •
'MAIM& , .
WHOLE NO. 408.
TEE SABB4TE QUESTION is again before
the public, in.connexion with a - bill which
has passed the House of Lords, and has
come'down to the COMIIIOI2B. Its author is
Lord Chelmsford, the ex-Lord Chancellor.
In. London, in many districts buying , and
selling in shops and streets prevails exten
sively on the whole of the forenoon of the
Lord's day, Thus at Rag Fair, at Lambeth
Cut, Somers Town, and Wliitecross Street,
an immense traffic is carried.on by the mass
es of the people. The evils, are immense.
The, abatement of it is proposed by the
above Mentioned bill—its enactments le
galizing traffic up , till ten o'clock A . .. 4.,
and after that time subjecting it- ro legal
penaltY. . If 'this were on the plea, "-of ne
cessity and mercy," it might be acceded
to. But all kinds of, shops are to be opened,
and periodicals and newspapers may be
hawked and sold on the public Streets, all
day, except from eleven to one . o'clock:
We are bad enough = already , with our
semi-POpish recognition of open public
houses and cigar-shops after the..hours of
Divine service as if -one part of Sah
bath day was holier than another. ' tilt we
add greatly to our wickedness as a nation,
if we actually make a law for breaking
S",cs46o, ,as Lord Cheliniforcl'S bill vir r ,
gallytdO l ca.. - 4?lffic!_wlrlit t a 4 ol.
Tufe;lllq A
4 , arm.. pause, in the Prpgr",
of the"measure has been secured' by
'question as to the ;hill - being received
at all ' by the Commons 'from .the :Lords,
inasmuch as it involves revepues, &c. 'Pe
titions, are pouring in, : and it is hoped
the obnoxious bill may' be thrown' out
the Commons.' Better far, not' to ' legis
late on Sabbath questions, rather than
"establish iniquity by law." A work is
begun in "London, of, real shaking of the
dry bones, which, I trust, will be
,the a
cursor of such a resurrection of living
host'of God ' , as shall secure a real Sabbath
keeping in this mighty metropolis. Let all
American Christians who'read these lines,
yield consent and mutual compliance to' my
earnest, entreaty to " pray 'for, London," to
supplicate in . private, and when ".two or
three,"' for a mighty outpouring of the
Holy Spirit on the million peopled 'city*,
the heart and centre of the world. ,
GARIBALDI 'having triumphed' at. Pa
lermo, and the Neapolitan army having ta
pitulated, and daily leaving that city, it
remains to be seen whether the King of
Naples will make a further stald .in Sicily.
He is fortifying'Messina. Naples itself is
'greatly agitated. His uncles and - other
counsellors urge a free .Constitution
granted, He is obstinate even , while.ter
yor-strickerr, and is said to have exclaimed,
"I would rather be an Austrian Corporal
than grant dfree Constitution." One him
`fixed additional dead bodies, of persons who
perished in the bombardment, have . been
found. at Palermo. Garibaldi has to fear
assassination, a body of brigands having
been hired for the purpose I He is rapidly
organizing an army, and will probably, ere
long, be at Naples• by a grand surprise; ef
fected by
. skill and strategy.
P. S.—We have now had nearly ten
months, bad,weather. The rains continued
up till yesterday. In the evening we had
thunder-ntorm, which seems to be the pr'e
sage' of 'Summer at last. Provisions are
very dear. Lambs have perished in the
field. A,fortnight's sunshine would reme.-
dy the. How dependent ..are nations
For the.Pregbytrirat Bst:niter
: Letter From Ireland,
CORK,. 20th,1.860.
MESSRS. EDITORS :-=Sirs :--When you
last heard from me i I was. in the land of
the a ; many Scotch," and ~ expected„ ore
this, ;to have been in th'e " Eternal
but - find niys,elf in the island of Green
Erin, in the city of Ceti:, head -quarters 'of
Irish- Cathelici,sm; where the:Pope, anduot
the Queen, ~reigns in the- • hearts of the
people. Many of. Ireland'm sons, either
less cautious than Myself; or -having more
sympathy for the Pope, have embraced the
present opportunity of Visiting the sunny
-land of His Holiness, As-for inyselfix--
pence a day, a haMmock of ,straW, and-:the
canepy of ;heaven. fora sovering, with the
privilege pc- fighting 'for the Popish ,cause,
are by no means strong, inducements. Triere
is one other inducement 'to some,ifUot all
'of thoie who have already enlisted ; that
is, that,' they will -receive - a " free ~paSs
through pUrgatory;' l sheuld„they,,saerifice
their lives for the interest of the Pope.
'Your ProteStant reader's will perhaps think
your writer is jesting; huti verily believe,
from my intercourse with the people of
Cork, Dublin, and other parts of : lreland,
that themajority of those who have,,,gerie
to the armyhelieve, or have been taught to
believe, that if they should die fighting for
the Pope, their souls' salvation would be
sure. Those who have enlisted are not of
the lowest and most ignorant class, hut of
the more intelligent order, except OD the
subject of *religieri ; they •know little or
nothing' abOnt the Bible. Such is the
'fluence Of ropery.
The first day I landed in Cork, as I was
taking a, stroll through the , city trying
what I could see, I passed through, the
market-place, and there received a very
pressing invitationto' Sign a, petition, which
ran about as' 'follows : the under
signed, itatives. of Ireland, petition Her
Most Gracious, Majesty ;'for a re
peal of the Union!' I refused, on, the
plea that I was not a native of Ireland ; lily
soli&tor persisted that that - was 'no differ
ence; but failing to convince me,:and 'not
seeing the- necessity _of a repeal of , the
Union, passed- n, otherscene..,,,
There is great dissatisfaction with the
English Government; and seine talk2moSt
'bitterly 'against it ; that is, Catholics iii
the middle:and 'South of Ireland:do. They
want more liberty, which means, according
to their, clefinition_of,the_word,,,the privi
lege of being, governed bythe Pope, the
enjoyment of Popish institutiqps, the
overthrow of, the. Church. of .En and in
particular,, and 9fAIe,,PKOPPtNat
'But do net - think 'there ire` rretest
ants -here: On kit Sabbath Week,ilie 11:6.
Mr. GuinnesS,4lo - had 'just-returned frein
New York, preached twice in. the `Athe.-
DM.III, a very,commodioushnilding. and,it
was crowded to excess during each,service.
The congregation` of perhaps twenty-five
hundred people, - was' very attentive, and
very respectable in amearance.
The:emigration from this country to
America has -been greater, this _Spring,
than Usual. Nine thousand,left Liverpool
in the month 'Of ,
May; and Many, kI
-think,sleftOorl4 ealWay; indienderiderry.
About the Said? left in April - randi':from
thexurnbers crowding the. steamers, which
• have left for.Nnw-York within a few days,
imagine' the emigration hat for' June will
be as long as thfise of the'pieVions months.
As I - was' passing;• by rail, 'a, few weeks
since, from. - Londenderry:to- Dublin, I wit
nessed some s4enes, illustrative of Irish
character ? auCtipAll, ,dogree_at . leash. as
the Irish
, aro,n,,e ~are ea jahle of producing.
Abont every ' I- third statioil, at which
train' stopped, 1-perlsons Were; -getting
bbund-for Awe - ilea Cork. f. Thew - came
the -extraordinary :scenes., Such manifes
tationauf neversaw the._ United
ttateg - "'Biro ifiefi leaving siatei!e,taiiihrgs
Publication Office :
A Square, (3 lines or less.) one insertion. 60 cents; each
subsequent insertion. 40 cents; each line beyond eight, 5 cts.
A Square per quarter, $4.00 ; each 13 cents.
A Itermerion made to advertisers by the year.
BUSINESS, ruMen of Tee lineior less, $1A0; .
ditional line, 10 cents.
leaving mothers, and husbands leaving
wives for the far distant West ; many of
them not expecting to see each other again.
Then flowed the unbidden tear, as they
gave the last shake of the hand or pressed
a last warm kiss. The young wept most
bitterly,. and _the., * ,aged cried aloud, wring
inn' their hands,
_and refusing to be corn
' 'the Whistle ' Sounded,' and the
train moved off, the apparently frantic
crowd - loudly vociferating, .•" God bless you,
" God you, John ;" and then,
as if not to give them up, they
Pursued the cars until the increased; speed
'of the engine' bore them from their gaze.
These seelies , were repeated until we ar
rived at , :the beautiful city of ihablin;
description of which I will not trespass on
your patience or paper to give; but only
say that, in the - hirable opinion of your
writer, that city of the " Engliihmlespised
Irish," is the prettiest inthe - British domin
rThis Thinking.
In one of beautiful inland towns
within fifty miles of the metropolis of 11Ias
saehusetts, :there has, lately died an aged
Tan whose history is, worthy of at least a
Vsinglorament. lossessing great wealth
lvolititeWniti'd;:he exerted for a lono.
'series' ()f . ' 'yearsi loonlitian'ding influence
over & class'of his fellow-citizens, and
especially over young men, who, in every
place, are moskeasilyinfinenced by what
ever is, addressed to prejudice and passion.
And' theAatiire of /is influence may be
easily - imagined, when it'is added - that he
was ; notorious , for his skepticism and sar
castic .;scoffing . .at evangelical religions
Whatever wealth, and wit, and example
could do to loosen principle and respect for
the Bible -in those around hini, was most
industriously done.
But it is not the writer's object to give
the, skeptic's, history, so much as to call at
tention to a, single text in its concluding
- chapter. .gsbe tottered feebly upon the
- brink of eternity, and the voices of the
eternal world sent their echoes across the
gulf to the-listening earphe was observed
to be more than usually silent and appa
rently thoughtfill. So evident was it that
his unbelief failed to make him happy,- and
the prospect, of death welcome, that he was
at, length ,aceosted on the subject. 'And
this W 445 his reply : " I could
• get along
Well enough, if it were not for this think
". This thinking ! " This thinking ! "
Whatever these words may have been in
tended .t,9 intimate - as they fell from the
lips, of the, scoffer it is not. difficult to un
derstand their - true import. But why
should'a Man be averse to thought ? If he
is it pea:Ce'withliis own conscience, and he
feels thatit is:well with him in his rela
tions to,God. and eternity, why not adopt
the .lanauarre of the Psalmist —" How
precious also are thy thoughts unto me ! "
" my' 'in of •him shall be sweet; I
will be glad . in the Lord." " Oh, how
I love thy law ! it is my meditation all the
day." .."..Em.the -multitude—of my thoughts
within me, thy comforts shall delight my
Ah! " this thinking " inirolves the whole
question at issue between the believer and
the unbeliever. The genuine believer
6ves to think. Thouolts of God, of Christ,
'of truth; of salvation, and of eternity, are
his 'joy, even in the closing hour of his
earthly history. • He would be wretched
without " this thinking."
But while to the believer thoughts of
God, of eternity, are delightful, and sweet
ly breathe of peace in the last and faintest
-whispers- of his lips, to the unbeliever
they Are repulsive ,
unwelcome, annoying.
" I could only be rid of this thinking,
-I-should get along very well " "lam at
best taking a, Leap" in the dark'
How many skeptics, in their closing
hours; have given, often indeed uninten
tionally, sometimes even unwittingly, evi
dence of this dread of thought—this un
willingness to commune with their own.
hearts,und live at home ! One, who stood
hioh in this class of persons, represents,
in this respect, a much larger number than
is commonly known, when he sadly writes,
'" I' have often wished for insanity, for any
thing to quell melnoyi, the never-dying
worm that feeds on my heart?' Nor does
his muse less sadly. sing :
" So
tbetnind remorse bath riven,
Unfit for earth, undoomed for heaven,
Darkneas.above,,llespair beneath,
Arciund it flame, within it death."
~ 4 . 3. V bat.exile from : himself eau flee?
To foreign lands, and realms remote,
Still, still pursues, ithere'er I be
The blight,:of, life; the demon Of Thought."
—Tract, Journal:
Religious Depression.
Xis the strange truth that some of the
highest of God's servants arc tried with
darkness on the dying bed. Theory would
say, when areligious man is laid up for his
last struggle, now he is alone for deep com
munion with God. Fact very often says,
" No; new he is alone as his Master was
befoie him, in the wildernes,s, to be tempted
of the devil." Look at John in imagina
tion, and you would say, "Now his rough
pilgriinage is dorie... He is quiet, he is out
of the Arid, with the rapt foretaste of
lieaven'in his soul." Look at John in fact.
Re is agitated, sending to Christ, not able
to re,st, grim doubt wrestling with his soul,
misgiving f for one last black hour whether
all,bis liope had not been delusion. There
is one thing we remark here by, the way.
Dmibt often comes S from 'inactivity. We
Cannot '= g,iv"e the philosophy of it, but this
is the fact—Christians who have nothing
to do but to_ sitlhinking of themselves,
meditating,, sentimentalizing, (or mysticiz
ing,) are alinost sure to become the prey of
dark, black misgivings. John struggling
in ;the desert needs up, proof that Jesus is
the ":Christ. John shut up became morbid
and doubtful immediately. Brethren, all
ThiScis Verymaivellons: The history of a
human soul is marvellous. We are-myste
ries ;, r . , but, here is the .history of '4 . - 411; for
,sadness,ifoe.suffering, for misgiVifig, :there
is nureineely but stirring and doing.—Rob
ertson. ,
Eternity has no grey hairs. The flowers
fade, the heart withers, man groes old and
dies; the world lies' down in-the sepulchre
of ages,; but, time Writes no wrinkles on
eternity !. Stupendous thought! The
ever-present, unb t etu,- nidecaying, aud
dying-44,he.etidless;chaiti, compassing the
-life of God=--the golden.thread,'entiiiritig
thu,destinieS ,, Of 'tile universe. Rattle his
itS,beautiesibuttittle Shrouds theni-foi this
grave •, its .honors fare but, the,suniliineef
an_ hour; its :4:lslam—they are i;.tit [ girdoi'
sepulelizes • 'its pleasures.-they are''bUt'as
.bursting , bubbles. Not- , so in the iiiitriea
bourn6.- In the : dwelling of the AilinAdiiY
-carp leome footeteps!-bf: decay. r % vi t y
willlnow no , darketingrnal' ifilehaar
fgrbida 91.A.appxoac.huklaight..;:...1.
, Wwst Gout :Willfilvel• rho ilrelineslilfe
teartOst 4ts'iltrayalgiepedre.,toeask;;AnA
for what he will do, heln 4040044114
...—Henry. •