Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, June 30, 1860, Image 4

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    Nook Boticts.
of the nampton Lecture , on ."The Limits of
Religious Thought." By John Young, LL.D.,
Edinburgh, Author of "The'Christ of His
tory." Pp. 30&. New York„:,Robert Carter (1.
Bros. Pittsburgh : Robert S. Davis, and Win.
S. Bentold. 1860.. • '
Dr. Young has already. acquired a high repu
tation by his,.prev,ious ,wcirks. In the present
volume there is au able criticism of the cele
brate& Banipton .Lecture, entitled , 4,Limits of
Religious Thought," that has been so favorably
received. Dr. Young takes the ground that this
Leetru4'is the result of reaction from Rationalism
to bidief, and that here, as in many other cases,
the reaction has extended beyond the line of
truth; Our author endeavors to'show that Alan
eel has deprived reason of its proper place in the
inv,estigation of the. great subjects connected
with God and revelation. The, style is clear and
fdrcible,• and-the-reasoning gives evidence of
the mind, of,.a,niaster, even when we .do not ad
mit its conclusiveness in many instances.
published. Edited and arranged by Arthur
Roberts, N. A.., Rector of Woodrising, Norfolk.
Pp. , 215. New York: Robert. Carter. Pitts
burgh: Robert S, Davis, and IVm.,S. Rentoul.
Theseletters did not findnplace in the " Me
rook of:the. Life and., Correspondence- of Mrs.
Hannah 'Moore, " owing to the fact that the dis
til?Sui2llo Easayist,. Parliamentarian, and.Hieto;-
rian, so:Oftett introduced in them, was then liv
ing. Zaiihary-Macaulay, the father, was a man
of mark s - a:devoted Christian, and editor Of the
Chrfslfea Observer, the, great organ of the Evan
gelical party of the Church of England. He was
the. friend and counsellor of Hannah Moore,
whose letters to him, now published. in this vol
ume, indicate.the: . higkesteem_ in which she held
him, her views. of , his son's wonderful abilities,
and her opinions upon many subjects,, literary,
political, and religious. • '
SCHOOLS.- By Thomas Guthrie, B. D. Pp..
264.:New . York : Robert , Carter : Brothers.
Pittsburgh:. Win. L: Bentoul, and Robert Davis.
' 1860.
The Ragged Schools of Edinburgh have been
a complete success; and in this little book Dr.
Guthrie, argues with his usual warmth and do
quence.Sor their establishment in other 'cities,
and:in all places where neglected;children may.
be found. Theie " pleas " will touch and move
every philanthropic and Christian heart.
ILY READERS.—This " series " consists of a
Primer and seven Readers., The author is Mr.
Marcus Willson, a teacher of long and successful
experience. His aim has been to construct .a
series that present not,. only the very. best
means and methods of teaching Reading as an
Art, hilt whioh. shall also contain, a large : atnount
of 'usejla and entertaining knowledge.
Ttia.Parmin (Introductory), Price 16 cents,
Beginning with the Alphabet, is divided into
Four Parte, and extends to words , of four let
WiLeon's FIRST READER, Price 20 cents,
Beginning With easy words of four letters, in
Part 1.,' extends to easy, words ,of six , letters in
Parts IV. and;V.
WiLsoN's Seem? READER, Price 30 cents,
Is divided,into &Yen. Parts, each preceded
by one or more Elocutionary. Rules, designed for ,
the WO of the teacher only, and to 'enforce upon
itiza.the importance of requiring pupils to read
as directed by the inflections.
WILSON'S THIRD READER, Price 50 cents,
Contains, first, a brief synopsis of the "Els : =
ments of Elocution "—Part •1.., "Stories froni
the „Bible." Part IL, "Moral Lesson's." Part
lll."talees up the first great divihien of Animal
Life, the "Manintaiia„". - mostly. quadrupeds.
This Portion is truide , exceedingly interesting,
and they illustrations- eke unsurpassed in any
worli oil Natural lii;tory. Poetical and prose
selections give variety to the Lessons. Part IV.
Wlmoles FOURTH READER, Price 66 cents,
Centains, after the "Elements of Elocution,"
Part 1., "Human Physiology .and Health."
Part 11, resumes the subject of Animal
_Life in
the division which treats of "Ornithology, or
Birds:" The same as with Quadrupeds, the
leading species of the:several. Classes or Orders
of .Birds are, grouped in cuts which shun , their
relative sizes ? and many of the most beautiful
poetic Anis in. our . language illustrate the des 7
criptive portions, and give variety to the Read
ing Lessons. Part 111. " Vegetable Physiology
or Botany.'! ' Part IV. " Miscellaneous." In
Part. V: " natural Philosophy," we look in upon
the school at " Glenvrild," and listen- to the
converinitioms held in 'a "Volunteer Philosophy
Class." Piiit VI. "'Sketches fioni Sacred His
tory,"contains some: of ther-fmest selections of
Sacred-poetry,.with beautifill illustrations..
The type, and illustrations are superior to
those of any sohool books we ever saw. Publish
edly Halper Brothero, New-York,
tot..; *i.i' lit*.
Pahl in Your Own Coin.
""Grandmother, I hate to go away from
you; you like me, nobody else does, Last
night George Redin and I had a quarrel;
I struck him and he struck me. Nobody
likes me." Peter Jones said this as he was
sitting ; on his trunk ready to start for home.
" Ile only. paid you in your oval coin,"
said grandmother ; " people generally do—
a blow for a blow, cross words for cross
words, late.,for.hate.",
I. t don't'know but it is so," said Peter,
looking very sorry, " but it - is a poor sort
of coin."-
" How different it would be if your
pockets were.fall, of the right sort of coin,"
saikgraidMother. " Whai kind;" asked.
Peter., " The coin of kindness," said
grandmother. "If the great pocket of
your heart were full of that sort of coin,
the More:you 'd get, back, for you are gen
erally paid in your own coin, you know ;
then,how.happy. you would be.'
"The coin of kindness," repeated Peter,
slowly; "that 'a geed coin; t it?.
I :wish my pockets w6re full of it, grand
mother, If I'd be kind to the boys, they'd
kind to me." • .
" Just so," said, grandmother.
Petees, own mother had died. After
that - he was sent-:to> grandmother's, for he
had uquarrelsome, fretful,,temper,
.and his
annt.emild not, manage hini with the other
children. His. grandmother dealt kindly
and patiently with him r and helped him to
improve himself. Peter mow had a new
mother, : ,Ito 'his father had sent,rdy him to
age' hate. Peter did iiht, Want 'to - go.
lie , filt'L the he should not like his new
mother, and that she. wouldnutlike him.
" That depends upon yourself,- Teter,'
said, grandmother; "carry 'love and kind
ness in your pocket, and - you'll find no
difficulty.' The idea struck .the boy's
mind. He wished he could, he said.
" And the best of it is," said grandmoth
er, "if you once begin payingit out, your
pockets will never be empty, for you'll be
paidin youruwn coin. Be:kind and you'll
be treated kindly; love „and you'll be
" I wish I coulV . said Peter.
All the way home he niore or less
thought of,it. I do. not know ; about
aielcome home, or what his father or new
maker.; eai4..Ao' him. The, next. morning
he_aroso,early, as ; he was used to. at grand
mother's, and came down stairs, where
everything being; new, he felt very, strange
and lonely. " I'know I shan't be content
ed here," he said to himself. " I know I
shan't. I'm afraid there's not a bit of
love in my pockets."
However,, in a little 'while his .heAr
mother : ewe down, when Peter., went to
. said, " Mother, what can I do- to
help you?" MY dear boy," she said,
: him •:•on - the forehead, r "i
thoughtful: you are. I thank you'for your
..4, 1 4 1 ,ata Pan,/ 4410.11e1p,0nt
tiampi atiaidit.vott will lonel t
first, coming from your dear, gooa grand
What a sweet kiss was that. It made
him •so happy. "That's paying me in
more than my own coin," thought Peter.
Then he knew he should love his new
mother; end from that good hour _Peter's
pockets began to fill with the beautiful
bright coin of kindness, which is the best
"small change ":in the world. Keep your
pockets full of it, boys and girls, and you
will never be , in want.
Willie's First Oath.
A little boy. came in from school the
other day, looking very unhappy. Wawha
hurt?' No.. Had the -boys Plagued him ?
No. Had he been in' :mischief? No;
What :was' the Matter-with Willie? He
hardly spoke at supper time, and ate very
little. His mother went up to bed with
him, and she asked :again, " Willie, what
ails you, `dear'?" " Mother," said he—
" mother, I swore. The 'minute .I. spoke it,'
I was afraid of God, and ran home. Moth-,
er, if I could only wipe those wicked words
out of my inouth---if I only could. Motb : .
er, will God forgive me, ever forgive
me, for taking his holy name_ in vain?
Pray for me, Mother," and Willie sank
upon 'his knees and hid his
,face. .His
mother did pray for him, and Willie did
pray for: himself- - prayed to be forgiven—
prayed that he might never, never profane'
the name of God: again. "I'd rather 'be
dumb all long," said Willie, "than
to be a „swearer." -
'The next day he asked his mother to
write down all the Bible said about profane
,swearing; he wanted the Word of God on
the subject; he said he wanted to study it,
and stick it on his mind, and carry it
about with him everywhere; so dhe found.
and copied these texts : ,
"Thou shalt not take the name of the
Lord thy God in vain,. for the Lord will not
hold him, guiltless who taketh his name in
vain."—Ex.xx :8. This is the third com
" Ye shall not swear by my name falsely,
neither shalt, thou profane the name of thy
God; am the Lord.—Lev. xix :12.
"Because of swearing the land mourn:
cth; the pleasant places of the wilderness.
are dried up."—Jer. xxiii*: 10
"I , say .unto you, swear not at all;
neither by heaven, for it is God's throne;
nor by the earth, for it is his footstool;'
neither, by. Jerusalem, for it is the city of
the great King; neither shalt thou swear
by thy. head, because thon cansk,not make
one hair white or black. But let your
communication be yea, yea; nay, nay; for
whatsoever is more than these cometh or
evil." These are the Lord Jesus' words.
in Matthewv.: 34--37.
" Above all things, my brethren," says
James, "swear not, neither by the earth,
neither by any other oath; but let your
yea be yea, and your nay, nay.; lest you
fall into condemnation."—James v: 12
"0 Mother," said Willie, in reading
them over, How clear God speaks How
can a man or a boy dare to swear, after
reading this ?"
He learned these Scriptures, and I have
-written them down for every boy who
pleases io learn them also.
Evil Company.
Sophronius, a wise teacher of the peolile,
did not allow his sons and daughters, even
when they were grown up, to associate with
persons whose lives were not moral and
"Father," said the gentle Eulalia one
day when ...he had refused to permit her to
go in company with her brother to visit
the frivolous Lucinda, " Father you must
think that we are very weak and, childish,
since you are afraid that it would be den
gerons to us in Visiting Lucinda."
Without saying a word the father took a
coal from the hearth and handed it to his
daughter. "It will not burn you, my
child," said he; "only take it."
Eulalia took the coal, and behold her
tender white hand was black, and without
thinking she touched her white dress, and
it was also blackened. "See ; "
said Eulalia,
somewhat displeased as she looked ati her
hands and dress, "one cannot be careful
enough when handling coals." -
"Yes, , truly," said her father ; "you see,
my child, that the coal, even though it did.
, not biern you, has nevertheless blackened
you/ So is the company of immoral
A Child's Sympathy.
A poor widow, the mother. of two little
girls, used to call on them, at the close of
each day, for the report of the good they
had. done. One 'night the oldest hesitated
in her, ,reply to her mother's question,
" What kindness have you shown ?" and
timidly'ansivered, "I don't know, mother."
The mother' touched with the tone of her
answer, resolved -to unravel the mystery;'
and the little,'sensitive thing, when reas
sured, went on to. say: ," Going to school;
this morning, I found little Anne G., who
had been absent some days, crying very,
hard. I asked her, mother, what made her:
cry so, and that made her cry more, so that
I could nothelp leaning my head on her
neck, and crying too. Then her sobs grew
less and less, till she' told me of her dear ,
little baby brother, whom she nursed
long and loved so much; how he hatl•
sickened, grown pale and thin, whining"
with pain until be died,,and then they put,
him from her forever. ~.Mother, she told me .
this ; and then she face in her book,
and cried as if her heart would break.
Mother, I could not help, putting, my face
on the other page of the book, and crying
too, as hard as she did.;;- After we had cried
together along time, she hugged and.kiss
eeme, telling me I had done her good. ,
Mother, I don't know, how I did-her.,good,,
for I onizi cried withiter indeed, I did
nothing but cry with her. , That-i 4 all
can tell, mother, for. I can't tell how I did
her good."
A Cheap Grapery.
In the May Horticulturist, Dr... G.
Morris, of Wilmington, Delaware, gives
the following deseription of a cheap cold
vinery, that seems to answer the purpose:
very well.
The house is a lean to, forty feet long by
thirteen 'wide, eight feet high it the back,
and three feet in the front, with a walk two
feet wide and eighteen inches deep in the
centre, and a door in each end. The house
points South-south-east; the back front and
North .sides are made by setting cedar
posts three feet in the groun& and fiqUair
ing them on one side, to which are> nailed
one-inch ploughed and grooved fldor
boards„making the back, and North side
tight enough to exclude frost, but sufficient
ly open to admit some air through the
joints in the boards, which 'I think- advan
tameons. The roof and other end made of
hemlock, three by four rafters, • between
which are otte-inch pine strips groOved to
let in the glam,;which is ten by twelve size,
fourth quality; four two feet squareveniiia
torsin the roof, and four two, feet, wide and
ten feet long ventilating sash hung mi,,the
front plate, together .with, the twO..sash
doors, complete the iventilation.
The; top ventilators are raised and lower
ed at pleasure by means of an iron rock
which-at its lower part is pierced with
holes l and fastened by means of a nail:
thF,,hitey,po . lta l bortleos, twenty; feet
40; ,Ftiltpr,ik,undey,th,4olo,4onee, a iiiii:
extendit- three feet .three inches beyond
the front and back,. except at one end of
the house, where the soil is simply :incor
porated with wood-ashes for • the pOrpose of
The border is three feet deep, under
drained with rough stones, on top of which
are layers of oyster shells, fifty bushels of
bones, several cart `loads of coach-makers'
trimmings, leather straps, (thus getting the
old horse devoid of the putrid carcass;) the
"top strata consists of the old soil of an ad
jacent pasture-field thoroughly incorpora
ted with well, rotted manure, weed ashes,
sand, charcoal and leaf-mould, which had
been prepared a year previously and suf
fered to be thoroughly intermingled. The
.border was prepared last Autumn.. At each
'end of the house are oil hogsboads, (two
;hundred gallons,) from which the rain
'water is confided into the interior tanks,
thus having always a supply of soft, warm
. The rough cost was; lumber, $4O; labor,
!$5O; glass, $22; hardware, putty, hingeS,
nails, &0., $8 ; making a cost , of $l2O, ex
clusive of border and vines. It might
have been constructed cheaper by avoiding
the plane; but being in the immediate(
vicinity of the dwelling, this was undesi
rable. Forty- vines are planted in this
house, thirty-two of the forty being Black
Homburgs; two West St. Peter's; two
White Prontignon ; one White Nice; one
Muscat of, Alexandria.; one Golden am
burg. The front row are planted eighteen
inches from the front posts, and intended
to be trained up fourteen inches from the
with the, intention,.of stopping them
when. they have proceeded half way up the
' The front row 'will be 'pruned on the
long rod renewal system, that is, having
two manes, allowing one, to bear a ull crop,
then cutting it down to a single eye,:taking
the crop the• next year from the other rod,
thus getting the . fruit from a new rod each
The back row will• be trained up on vines
one foot from the back posts, on the spur
;system; the front vines being kept in.eheck,
and the length of rafter given will prevent
shading. This season it •is expected to fruit
fifteen pot vines, which are now standing
On the front border, with the expectation
removal' to beck border when the front
,permanent vines may be encroaching, and
.there allow to -ripen their fruit. To many
this would be an agreeable feature, as the
characteristic of the American is to have
the fruit the first year. ' This plan of house
is well calculated for pot trees or vines, and
'liras partly erected on account of Rh corres
-pondence with a proposed house exclusive
ly for orchard culture. The interior has
had several coats of white-wash, with which
..sulphur has been intermingled; this and
the cost of the posts, which were got out of
the woods during Winter, are not included
in the .estimate. A wooden lattice-work is
placed at the bottoln of the walk. The
house, as far as tried, works admirably; the
advantage of the two-sized ventilators is
perceived, as in cool, clear 'days the small
ventilators only may be opened; and as the.
heat increases, the larger ones maybe raised:
,Should, more ventilation be thought neces
sary, sliding doors may be cut in the back
walk; for an orchard house this would be
required. The house presents a very good
appearance, and were another to be erected,
no change would be. made. To some the
pitch of the roof will appear too low=; but
as we expect during the heated term to
keep • the glass clouded either .by white
:washing externally or by the painting to'
resemble frosted glass internally, we have
no fears of the vines burning. The glass
is all fourth quality, ten by twelve; and is=
remarkablygood for the price; better
would be desired. A tank for - liquid ma
nure water will be an indispensable adjunct,
and has already been provided"fer.
What Constitutes Legal Unsoundness in Horses.
A Knee-sprung horse can hardly be said
to be unsound. He may be a very ,fast
horse, and can endure with ease the labor
of any common ordinary horse, although
there is an alteration of structure which
unfits him for the race-course. This would
not be likely to produce disease or lame
ness; he would be more likely to grow
better than worse,, -if used for common
purposes. But if so bad as to prodnce
stumbling and.falling,, he would lie unsound,
and a warranty should be taken against
such defects .
Chapped Hocks cannot be considered
unsoundness, if produced by an uneven
stable floor, or by kicking; but, if produced
by a strain, and a permanent thickening
and enlargement of membranes, - there
would be unsoundness. A special warranty
should be required in such eases.
Contraction of the •hoof is a considerable
deviation from the natural form of the foot,
but does not necessarily constitute-unsound
mess. . It requires, howeVer, a Most car: Oil
examination by the purchaser, to ascertain
that there' is no' fever or ossification 'of the
cartilage; that.the frog is 110 diseased;
that the animal is not tender-footed or lame*.
"Unless some of these symptoms are indica
ted, he, must not be pronounced unsound.
A. special warranty should be required
where the feet are contracted.
Corns manifestly constitute unsoundness.
.Although few men lay much stress on this
malady, still much inconvenience and many
times serious difficulties must'be encounter
'ed by them, as they are seldom thoroughly
cured. Many horses are, almost_ constantly
lame with corns, through` a scrofulous habit
of the system. A warranty against such,.
aninials would be safe.
Trembling Knees.—This' cannot be
considered unsoundness; yet it is precur
sory.symptons of knee sprung. Trembling
of the knees after a smart exercise indi
cates weakness, and should lie regarded as
A Cough constitutes unsoundness, how
ever slight or. of short standing. If. a
'horse is noticed to cough .before the pur-,
chase, or immediately afterward, he is dis
icased; but if warranted sound, and ' the
cough is not discovered till one. or two
days afterward, he is not returnable ; for a
few hours is sufficient to contract a cough,
by taking cold while standing -in a damp,
musty stable, or by eating different feed,
- musty hay, &c..
Roaring, Wheezing or Whistling is un
soundness, being the result of alteratioa Of
structure, or disease in the air. passages.
Althongh there have been decisions to the
contrary, courts and jurors are often at a
logs, for the want of intellig,ent :witnesses;`
and if a veterinary surgeon is called to the
stand; not having seen £he animal, he is
liable to be mistaken from misrepresenta
tion. Broken Wind is still more decided
ly unsoundness. .
Crib Biting.—A difference, of opinion
exists as to this being unsoundness, and
courts have given opposite decisions in re
spect to it. There are , cribbers that can
scarcely be said to be, unsound, as they are
not perceptibly injured, and it does not
interfere with their condition or endurance.
Others inhale and swallow a, great amount
of, wind; they bloat and are subject
colic, which interferes with their health
and ..strength; this would constitute un
soundness. A warranty should always be
taken against injury from ,cribbing, then 'if
he breaks hiS teeth or injures himself
recompense may be had: ,
Curb constitutes unsoundness, as long as
it lasts, and perhaps while the swelling re
mains, although no inflammation exists, for
a horsethatbas once thrown out a curb, is
liable, to do so again on the slightest exer
,tion. A horse, however, should not be
returned, if he sprung a curb : . :five minutes,
after purchase, for it is done in a motleut,
and doesnot indicate atopretiitosaidautiv.
13.ANN - Ef;,777.54T.:P.,g;D:;.AY,;, J:V.NE..,,•p();i•p3:007.
j v l isrellalUous.
Process o! Dying.
So prevailing is the dread of death, that
death has been called the " Ting of Ter
rors." There are many things in connexion
with it which we know to be trying, and to
these known trials we attach agonies un
known; _Hence we invest death with nu
merous strange and:mysterious terrors, by
which all our lifetime we are held in bon-
Itis however quite possible that our im
agination of the evils 'of' the pangs of
dissolution exceed 'the reality, and that
When "the pains, and greens, and , dying
strife," come to - be actually encountered,
they :will prove much less awful than we
have feared. Touching this subject, the
following from an article in the London
Quarterill, will be found comforting> and
instructive;: ,
The pain •of dying must be distinguished
from the pain -of the previous disease, for
when, life ebbs sensibility declines. ,As
death is , the final, extinction of corporeal
"feelings, so .numlaness increases as death
conies on. The prostration of disease, like
healthful fatigue, engenders a growing stu
por—a Sensation-of subsiding softly into a
'coveted repose, The transition resembles
what may be seen in those lofty mountains,
wiieSe 'Side%'exhibiting --every 'climate. in
regular gradation, vegetation. luxuriates at
their base; and &Andes in the approach to
'the regions'of snow till its feeblest mani
festation is repressed by the cold. The so
called agony can never be more, formidable
than' when the brain is the, last to go,:and
the, *ind ,prefiervea' -,to the end a rational
cognizance of • the state of the body. Yet
'persons thus situated, commonly attest, that
there are Mir things in life less painful than
the - elese: " If 1 , had strength enough to
hold a pen," said William. Hunter,. " I
would write how easy and delightful it is
to die." "If this be dying ? "' said the
neice of Newton of Olney, "it is a pleasant
thing to die." ." The, very expression,"
adds her uncle, •:" Which another friend of
mine made use of on'her death bed a few
years ago." The same words have so often
been uttered under similar circumstances,
'that we could, fill pages,with instances which
are only varied by the name of the,speaker.
" , this:he dying," said. Lady Glenorehy,
" it is the easiest, thing imaginable:" "
thought that dying had been More diffi
cult," said Loins XIV. "'I did'not sup
pose it, was so sweet to die," said
Saurez," - the Spanish theologian. An
agreeable Surprise the prevailing senti
ment with their' 'all. They expected the
stream to terminate in the dash-of the tor
rent, and they!found it was losing itself in
the , gentlest current. The: whole of, the
faculties seem ~ s ometimes ebneentrated• on
the placed" enjeyment. The' ;day Arthur
Murphy died he kept repealina from Pope
"Taught half by reason, half by mere deeay,..
To weleoine death, aied balndy pass away."
Nor does the-calm-.partake of the sensi
tiveness of sicgness. There was a swell in
the sea the dajiCollingwood breathe& his
last upon the element which had been the
scene of his glory. Captain Thomas ex
pressed a fear that he was disturbed by the
tossing. of, the ship. " No, Thomas," he
replied, " am now in a state in which
nothing in this world can disturb,me more.
I am dying; and am sure it must be- con
solatory to you, and all who love_me, to see
how cothfortably I'am coming to my end."
A second and common , . cOndition of the
dying is to be .:lost to -themselves and all
around. them in utter unconsciousness.
Countenance and gestures might in many
eases suggest that however dead to the et=
ternal world, an'interiot sensibility still, re
mained: Bid we have the evidence of those
whom disease has left at the eleventh hour,
that while- their supposed sufferings were
pitied by their friends, existence was a
blank. Montaigne, when stunned by a fall
from his horse; tore open his doublet • but
he ,was entirely senseless, ,and only knew
afterwards what he hid done from the in
formation of the attendants. The delirium
of fever is distressing to witness, but the
victim awakes- frdm as from a heavy
sleep, totally ignorant that he has passed
days and- nights tossing wearily and talking
wildly. Perceptions which had occupied
the entire ; an could hardly be obliterated
in.the instant of recovery; or, if any, were
inclined •to adopt the -solution, there is, yet
proof that the callousness is real, in the un
flinching manner in which- bed-sores are
rolled upon that are too tender to bear
touching when senses are restored. Wher
ever, there, virtual death
precedes death itself,, and to, die is to awake
in another world. 7 -2?eligioas Herald.
Tho• Power. of the Prem.
The living initiistry is God's, ordinance
to save them that believe.
,Therefore,; I
have no.sYmpathy with those who give.the
press precedence to the pulpit. Still, who;
can measure the power which the press ex
erts? An ounce of lead. moulded. into a
bullet and put in a Atinie rifle, with a little .
black powder `under it, Will; if it meet 'no
obitafele, go some two miles, and do ite-er
-rand,.yery sufficiently upon .a , mai]. But
'thatasame , piece of lead,, cast into types, and
put into one of Hoe's presses, with a little
black liquid . over it 41.1 l Meek at obstacles,
gtorthouianarof 'miles, and do its mission
;effec . luitny, not on one man, but on millions,
though _continents and
oCiani.inteintene, A steam printing-pressl.
Did_yeti .. ever go into . an establialunint, and,
lostik at a piinting-prels? !'beg you to go
and examine ~ steam printing-press.
Why, my.friendsl feelimmetliingilike awe
come over me as I stand before one of these
wonderful engines! It seems to me almost
as if it'were a living thing—one of Eze
kiel's living Creatures, " with the bands of
a,. man, antrthe the noise of many waters,
und . he
. spirit. of the living creature in its
wheels. -How it stripe itself for its work I
Tt'regniiea tin' nourishment; knows
. no wea.-
riness, • but . '•orr it :toils; • with a strength
I m41411, 1 1°1(14.1144 to scorn the might of a
giant, with
.a,' clamor as if it would shiver.
in pieces any. substance within its grasp.
And yet with a..precision and delicacy up=
attainahle, hi:l'nm= muscles, it receives a
fabric whirl any rude touch would rend,
and, impressing upon it; in . the twinkling
of an en,:thouglits whioh it cost the most
active Mtn& hours to compose, it flings off
pageiaftet 2 pagesto instruct; delight, regen- -
erate : and.bless the world!
N.orte of ns_have 'yet begun to begin to
appreciate the potency of the press as an
agent for the diffusion of knowledge, in
heavy tomes, in journals, above, all in• the
daily newspaper—that wonderful modern
institutiOn, which has revolutionized, not
only the literary, but the commercial and
the political world. If you the Con
stitution, you will find, that, constitution
ally, there are only two estates in Congress
--the Senate and the House of Represen
tatives: .But a third estate hos'sprung uy)
occupying a_ higher seat Olen members,
either of the Senate or House, while Con
gress ia in session, for it, presides in the
galleries, and, continuing in session after .
Congress has adjourned, in session all the
year, and•'all over the country; it is coin
posed of the representatives of the press.
They form and shape _public sentiment;
and at this day, when the world is, as never
before, under the influence of public opin
ion, they yield a power far transcending
that of both the constitutional bodies com
I wish,lhad time to say something, of
,the singular power with which the. press
Jtas invested the public speaker. We 4alk
'of the .grandeur
,pf. ancient oratory; but
its influence, extend? Demosthenes ascends
the Berea. He delivers one of those mas
terpieces of eloquence which are logic on
fire. He ceases; how, many has he reached
by his appeals? , New York has a popula
tion of about eight hundred thousand.
Athens was a little place with about one
hundred and forty thpusand inhabitants, or
about only one-sixth the population of New
York. Not mere, than eight, or ten thous
and at the farthest have felt the burning
words of that prince of orators. Nor can
he send his thoughts 'abroad through the
land. There are no reporters, no tele
graphs, by which he may " fulmine over
.Greece." How different the potency of
spe,ech now! Why, a speaker in Congress
or in Parliantent—some of you have proba
bly,seen and heard men rise late , at night,
in. Parliament, where some forty or fifty
sleepy people were, and he would' utter
words which in a short time would shake
Europe. In Congress or in Parliament' the
audience occupies very little of the speak
er's concern.. He addresses the millions
who, in a few hours, will be reading and
pondering the words which he has uttered.
—Rev. Dr. Puller, Baltimore.
First 401 Rate Across the Alleghenies.
, The first, mail route, crossing the Alle
gheny Mountains, was opened from Phila
delphia to Pittsburgh, in 178,8, and was
extended (semi-monthly) to Louisyille in
1794, and to Vincennes in 1800. From
Vincennes it 'was further extended to Ca
hokia in` 1805: In 181.0 a mail route was
established by an Act of Congress, from
Vincennes to St. Loth; Kaskaskia, Prairie
du Roeher, and Canokia:
In the same, year a mail route,was opened
from Louisville to Shawneetown; and in
1816,from Vincennes to - the, latter place
in ,1:810 from Vincennes to Cape Girardeau,
by way of St. Grenevieve; in. 1814 to John-.
son Court House, and in 1818 to Belle
ville., In 1822, Edwardsville, Springfield.,
and Peoria, were connected, by a mail route;
and in 1823 a mail, was carriad from Car
rolton to Ross' Settlement, now Atlas, in
Pike County. In 1824 there was a direct
route from Vandalia to Springfield, and
from Edwardsville to the latter in 1827.
The first route 'from the; Southern part of
the State to Chicago, was established in
1832, and from Shelbyville, viil,Decatur and
Fox river''; and in the same year a route
from Chidag,trto Danville and 'Green Bay,
and also from Tecumseh by way of Niles
to this city. Direct rotes from Chicago to
Galena and Springfield, were opened in
1836. In 1827 and 1828; four-horse coaeh
es were 11 - 0 on the line from Vincennes to
St. Louis. So irregular was the comment
cation by mail in 1820 to 1822, thal the l
Territory of Oregon is now in possession
of. the latest news more early and more
promptly than was Illinois at that period.
—Proceedings of Chicago Historical 'So
ciety. -
The. Spider's ,Thread.
That any`creature could' be found to fab
ricate a net, notless ingenious than that of
the fisherman, for the capture 'of its prey—
that it' should fix it in the right place, and
then patiently await .the •result, is a pro
ceeding so strange; that if we did not see
it done daily before our 'eyes by the•com
mon house-spider and.
garden-spider, it
would seem wonderful: But how much is ,
our wonder increased when we think of the
complex.fabric of each single. thread,: and
then of the mathematical precision and
rapidity with which, in ..eertain cases, the
net itself is constructed; and. to add to all
this, as an example Of the wenders which
the most common things exhibit il-hen care-
fully examined, the net of the garden
spider consists of two distinct kinds of
silk. The threads forming the concentric
circles are composed of a silk much more
elastic than that, of the rays,.and are stud
ded over with minute globules of a viscid
gum, strfficiently adhesive to retain any un
wary fly which comes
. in 'contact with it.
A net of average dimensions is estimated
by Mr. Blackwell to contain eighty-seven
thousand three lundred and sixty of these
globules, and a•large net of founteen or six
teen inches diameter, one hundred and
twenty.thousand; and yet such a net will
be completed by one species--Experia apoc
lica—in about forty Minutes, on an average,
if no interruption occurs.—lntroduction to
During the last fourteen years; some four hundred patents
have' been granted on. intentions desir,ne.d , to lighten the
drudgery of, family sewing, and at tiro sumo time to produces
machine that could be profitably used for manufacturing
purposes; but. strange to say, out of, this huge number of
Sewing Machines, only some half dozen have been proven An
be of practical value; and of this small number, not one has
in it combined the advantages of a &idly and manufacturing
machine. There are large, heavy, noisy, cumbrous, and
complicated machines, designed for heavy work, that answer
the, purpose very well; while there are others of light
mechanism and &Befits attjustments, which perform on light
work to advaiitage; end while the former are exclu
sively confined ni heavy work, the latter are of little vain;
except on light fabrics. Therefore I take great plcasnre in
stating the important .fact that Mr. Howe., the original in
ventor of Sewing Machines, has recelitlyperfected his Shuttle
Machine so as to combine, in a much manlier space and with
far less machinery, the strength and durability of the mann
tate ling machines, and at the same thbe ;assessing that
delicacy of movement and ease of operation peculiar to the
family machine, and which renders this the only machine In
market capable of working e,g2tully . well the tightest and
heaviest fabrics, and istherefore designed for
. .
For Blart-makers, Vest-makers ; Tailors; Wm-binders,. Gaiter
fitters, HanOsse-iiiikieuturisge-triniuters, us well u for all
iwrietia of SEWING, • .
Is the Only one that' can give satisfaction; and they will bw
isald for one-hdff the money charged - for any othermacidne
capable of doing as heavy work in an good a manner. These
nuichhiea cannot bo get out of order by any fair means, and•
they will fully warranted for one or more y earn. They'
will stitch. hem, tuck, cord, bind, gather, and fell, without
basting—making the lock-atoll Beam (alike on both aides) of
great beauty, strength, and elasticity, and which cannot be
ripped or raveled.
The public am cordially mill at my rooms, NO.?
26 STREET, up. ertairs, and ,thoroughly test theee
machines on all kinds of work; don't be satisfied by merely
eceing a Machine sew on a rag, brit hang along your light.
eat and heaviest work, and put the 3.faihine to the moat rigid.
' Active and responsible Agents are wanted for the sale of
these Machines, upon liberal tern's.. Please send for sample'!'
of work and particulate of agency : Address
• • -
W. .8.. LAZSCELL, Agent.,
, rittAburgh. Pa
. •
has removed to •
No. 24 6 Perm. Street,.
in tbe hquakturtuarly. occupied by Dr. G. R. Reject', opposite
tihriet ethersh:'• 'lle will give all the Makin improvements:
Teeth inserted at various pricer, •
FROM $15. . 2%161. EsB.. BET.
•., 11.11F.RREZIOES: , • .
Rev. IV. D. Rowan"), Rev. Bemtm. NEIDIAM
BRARLiT. , .. • • A. G. WilltyptOpt, X4l,
.1. H. uonuni . YAWL*,
Dr. ozonat ix:Awns; Nnsysze . . • •• • • •
Sesnrss, MICE". '• • ' • ' •• • ••• • • sier24-1.3.
• •
For Brilliancy and!.Economy,
market. It *alba= in all otylee of coal oil lamps, is per
fectly Bare, and Ikea' front all offensive odbr. Manufactured
and for by
felily • siltivr; PITTSBURGH.
wx. s SOHMIMZ A.
-SPIDOZE .43,A742 • en2i,„
No. 81 Fifth Street, Zook. Stock, PlUitiorgh, Po.
We invite the attention of our customers and. Merchants
generilly to our very large 'Lock of Boots and Shoes for.
SpriuM and Summer salea and would rospoctfully solicit a
continuance of the ;liberal Patronage heretolote bestowed
upon the House , — Our stock of
obtained at first hands strictly from manuacturers, having
been selected with the greatest possible cure, has never been.
•• surpassed, and is particularly adapted to the wants of WEST
Our Goods we have had manufactured with especial refer
ence to the wants of those engaged in Retailing, and. are
. warranted to give satisfaction.
Purchasers visiting this market are reepeetfully eNiuested
tet call and examine our stock, as we are prepared to o cooo ,.
modate them with - prime &ode, and of just snub , •
' es they may stunt.' rOur prices we •will guarantee ee'lew es
• these of Nee. Yorkprniladel l atia,
raltee.All ordsra~
i 1 1 1,
1 . •
the pnblic to the PIIILADELPITIA..
Dry,Housekeeping Gi_ns Store
-where may be found a large Assortment of all kinds of Dry
Goode, required in furnishing a house, thus saving the
trouble usually experienced in Buntingsuch oracles, in va,
rious plices. In consequence of our giving our attention to
this kind of stock, to the exclusion of dress and fancy' goods,
we can guarantee our prices and styles to he the mostlavora
hie in the market.
we are able to give perfect satisfaction, being tho Oldest Es
tablished Linen Store in the city, and having been for, more
than twenty years regular importers from some of the best
manufacturen3 iu Ireland.. We offer, also, a large stock of
of the best 'qualities to be . obtained, and at the Teri lowest
prices. Also,'Blankets, Quilts, Sheetings; Damask
Table Cloths and Napkins, Towellingo, Diapers, in uckab.aqus,
Table and - Piano Covers; Damasks and Moreans, Lace and
Muslin; Curtains, Dimities, Furniture Chintzes, Window
Shadings, &c., &c. JOHN V. COWELL & SON,
S. W. corner of Cheitnnt and Seventh Stet',
Gentlen3_exes Garments,-
In great variety;. embracing in psrt, a large and . well se
lected stock' of Fancy Fretich and English
Together with as fine an assortment of Black and Colored
CLOTHS AND VESTINOS, as the manufactories of Europe
'can Produce, which are adapted to the wants of gentlemen of
taste, who appreciate style and quality in clothing. •
• .
• marl9-ly Na 19 Fifth St., Pittsburgh.
..(lhartered by the State of Pennsylvania.
1. Money, is received every day, and in aiat . atnount, l?•tEe
or admit. -
FIVE PER CENT. interest is paid for money from the
dayit is put in. _
3. The money is always paid back in GOLD, whenever it is
called for, and without notice.. . •
4. Money is received from Executors," Administrators,
Guardians, and others, who desire to have it in a plaim of per
fect safety, and where interest can be obtained for it.
5. The money received from depositors is invested in REAL
dint class securities as the Charter directs.
6. OFFICE HOURS-Livery daydrom 9 till 5, o'clock, and
on Mondays and Thursdays tlll 8 o'clock in the evening.
HON. HENRY. L. RENNER, President.
lianear SEriainoi, Vice President.
William if: Reed, Secretary. •
OFFICE: Walnut Street, South-West Corner of Third
Street, Philadelphia. ' ' jan23-ly
Tile undersigned will attend. to the locating of Land War-
Mute in the Omaha and Nebraska City, land distracts; N. T.
The land sales will take place in, the months of. July and
August: Alter the sales, Land Warrants Can be need. The
lands of this Territory are of the 'finest quality. Good selec
tions can be made near the Missouri River, and near settle
ments. All warrants entrusted to my care will be located on
lands selected by careful land examiners.
Letters of inquiry requested. Terms reasonable.
Oriapolis, Cass County, N. T.
KRAMER & RAHM,. Bankers, Pittsburgh.
REV. D. 3PRTNI,I I EY, D.D., "
DREXEL S CO., Bankers, Philadelphia.
11. J. LOMRAERT, Auditor Penna. R.R.,
BRYAN, GARDNER & CO., Bankers Hollidaysburg,Pi.
MI. M. LLOYD & CO., Bankers; Alioona, Pa.
GEO. R. MOWRY, ESQ., Chime.
Pim. G. LOOMIS. Orianolis, N. T.
114 Saiithfield Street Pittsburgh,
,(nearly opposite the Cnstotn House ,) ha just opened 'a very
choice selection of ' '
of the latest importations. Also,
New Orleans, Cuba, Coffee, Crushed, and Pulverized Sugars;
Rice, Rice flour, Pearl and Corn. Staich, 'Farina, Yeast Pow
ders, litacmironi...Vermicelli, Cocoa, Broma, Extra No. 1, and
Spiced Chocolate; Pure Ground' Spices; Castile, Almond,
Toilet, Palm, German, and Rosin Soaps; Sup. Carbonate of
Soda; Cream Tartar; Extra Fine Table Salt; Pure Extracts
Lemon and Vanilla; Star, Mould, and Dipped Candies; Sugar-
Cured Hams; Dried Beef; Water, Butter,Engar, and Soda
Crackers; 'Foreign Fruits, &m, &c:
.11Gir This stock has. een purchased for CASH, and will be
offered to the Trade, and also to Ramilies, at very moderate
ro ad n v age apat- . es, from whom we respectfully solicit a share of pat
'Family Grocer and Tea Dealer,
Having recently returned from the East, and added largely
to his stock by-fresh imrchases, desires to call the attention
of the public to the finest and largeit assortment of '
Choice Family:Groceries,
to be -found in this city. Families, Schools, Hotels, and
, Healers who may favor him with . their orders, may-rely-upon
the quality of the. goods they purchase, as his, object 113 to
furnish the beet and freshest goods ,m 'the market; at the
towastprices. . ..:: el
Catalogues containing an extended 114 , 4 my. stock fur,.
niched by mail, if , desired.
&Fr. No charge for cartage.,
• apr-ly Liberty . Street, near, Wood.
O'o -G .
(Late BATES & Jonas°
Sole Manufacturer and Dealer in the following- three dist:Mit
kinds of Roofing
lst.:Guncßlastic Cement, Felt and Canvas Roofing.
2d. Improved Felt, Cement and Gravel Roofing.
.3d. Patent English Aspbaltive Felt Roofing. -
All Fire and Water Proof,
.and Warranted..
Roofing Material for sale, with printed instructions for
Aar Office at Bates & Johnson's Old stand,.
75 Smithlield Street, Pittsburgh. Pa.
B. This GUN CEMENT uneamilled as a paint for
Metal Roofs, lasting twice aslong, and cheaper than common
paint; also as a paint to prevent damp:min, in Brick Walls.
dec3-ly WM. JOHNSON.
[Estuotishea in IS2
.13ELLS. The subscribers have constantly for sale ,
BELLA'. oortment of Church, Factory, 'Steamboat, Lawson:
BELLS. tive, Plantation, &hookas:fuse, and other Bells
BELLS.' mounted in the most approved and durable manner.
BELLS. For full particulars as to many recent improve-
BELL& ments„ warrantee, diameter of Bells, space oceetpled
BELLS. in Tower, rates of transportation,send for a
.11,ELLS. Circular. Bells for the South dlivered -hi New
.1/44.,T f p. York..-Address
' West Troy, New York
O. PERSHING, AX., Pieddent, &seated , bira
Superior advantages are afforded for obtaining a thorough
Academic and. Collegiate ethication.• Hrery effort ;wit( be
made to secure the happiness end improvement of all The.
may attend. The Collegiate year begins August 31st; second
Session; December Itb and the third, March 21st:==Tuition
varies from $3 to $l3-per Seation,,according to studies.. ..For
'further information, apply to the President, or to Professor
J. H. KNOWLES, pittsburgh; Pa. • aula
D. KIIMPATILICK & SONS, No. 21 S. THIRD Se.. betimen
Market and Chestnut Star, Philadelphia, have for sale •
Dry and Stilted Spanish Hides.
Cry and Green Salted Patna Hips, Tanner's Oil, Tanner's and
Carrier's Tools at the lowestpricea, and upon the best twine;
All kinds of Leather in the rough wanted; for' which
the highest market price will be given, in cash, or taken in
exchange for Kidcw. Leather stored free of charge, and sold
on commission. Jan2o-1*
. A.,147) DEALERS ily
Hats, Caps, and Straw Goods,
I W us. d-8 e P tt s burgh
Have now , on hand for Spring sales, as large and wropletean
assortment of Goods as can be found . any of the Eastern ,
cities, consisting of
Fur, Silk, and :Woo Hats,
of every style and quality; CAPS of every quality and latest
fashions; Palm Leaf, Straw, Leghorn, and 'Panama HATS;
Straw, and Silk BONNETS, etc., etc. Pergens wishing to
purchase either hy Wholesale or Retail. will find it to their
advantage to call and examine our stock. marl9-ly ,
THE SiA:TE FAIR To. .. .
P07,11T41164, and BESI' WOOD COOK. STOVE.
246 'LLETRTY STREET, at the head 'of Wood,
Pittzbutgli,Pti. ' • ." febl9-13,
. -
Wishing to reduce my stock of Renting Pianos. Will Sal
the followthg desiiable lot of "New and Second-hand Pianos
now store' and * ready, easniinationland sale at the
extriraelY prices annexed to thetn, and those who ,do
purchase may be assured that each an. opportunity: is 8e1.4(1M
.4(1M Offered. On tllO6O marked for Rasa; no discount will be
Those for sale on credit, Three Hangli only will be
given ' and must be settled for by note; payable in the city,
or a discount-. of three per' cent. for cash. The following
Rosewood 'Setren -Octave- Pianosi•
A nevi and elegant 7 octave Rosewood Louis XEY`
with all .the latest linprovements, made expreselylor
subscriber, and will-be warranted.. The factory,price
of this style ia WO; for sale at - 1385
Another'of the shine style pike - 385
-Another froirthe same maker, in au elegant Rosewood
Case, mannfixturersT price $75; for
An elegant Rosewood 7 octave Piano, made by Emerson,
Boston; perfectorder ; and in useless thea,one year; . 7
,th 6 price new was $350 ” ' '' ' '240 .
A richly carved'7 octave, newand large 'scale .Rosewood
Piano, made by -A. 11. Gale, the , New York price; of
'which one year ago was $450 . ,
.Two elegant Rosewood 7 octave Pianos; carved
loge; -scale from A to: e; made by Gale: & 'Co.;
eyed: by good judges as among the
_find of the New
York makers, at the loW.pride of 275
Oneisime style, 6 34 octaves - ' • 250
Ond elegant. Rosewood OblekeringA tion'al octave, old
scale, in use not more than six months, the retail price .;
of which is $375
' 290.
A Mahogany, donblo•round dorners, 6 octave, roade.b ` A-.
Chickoring & Sons -‘•
1 160
. A Rosewood, 6 octave, by Wilkinson. • '
&Mahogany, 6 octave, Wilkins A 'lso'
A Mahogany, 6 .oatave, by Chickerinic A Stewart 135
. 6 9
A MahOgany, 6 octave, by Scherr " '6O
Aldtdiogany 6 octave;
A Rosewood, 6 octave, Chickeribg 40 '
A 4ose7vood, 64 octave, lanais A Mark., 120
Alay, Packing Ponta ' 4 1 i..furnished, and ,theP*toet
packed,' free of charge, td gold's distailoe. ' • c.
;;AgrAJA,‘" A. 4.• 170EN'tliAIEBALOit • ::'•r• r '
43112&37 ,
51 Weed
B .It
~ 3`: F S
The Best m Use:
These Machinee make the SICOTTIE, or Lena Strivrt, width
is undeniably the best.
They use but little Thread, work almost noiselessly, a re
simple, and easily operated.
Active and reliable local Agents wanted.
' Address HENRY M. RHOADS, Agent,
Federal Street Allegheny City.
46r SEND FOE A 011iDULAR. "ft
201 to t 1111 L.. 3
- ,
Tn its sixth' year. Room for mist^ one hundred patients.
Ata".Seret for Circular, to
H. TREASE, M. 1) . .,
Pittsburgh Pa.
my I
.III. tEGE.-,--$3§.00 pays the entire coat of tuition. Mi n i,
ters' stints half price. 'Students enter at any time. For Cato
loguee, Specimens, &c. ; enclose kite, letter stamps to
my.26-q .TENE t INS SITIT.4 ; Pittsburgh, Pa.
Fam ly Sewing, Madh in es.
Huguee Dry Goods Store,) ENTILA-NOR 03" FIFTH STREET,
495 BROADWAY, NEW Toms. • ,
*sr Them' hfachines seer from two spools', and form ,
semis of nneutM.lled sfiength, -beauty, .and elasticity, whi c h
mill, not rip, aeen if every fourth stitch , be cut. They are
'unquestionably the best in the market for family use.
At sgpaliencedditree and Female Physiebm, presentbie tl, Mies.
thou of mother, her
which greatly facilitate' the, promo of teething, by softening the game,
nmicing all bdianunettso—moll alley ALS PAM and "pies, attima,
and is
Deieed upon it, inetiters, it will g ive rest to yoarsalaaa, and
We hare put trp and sold this article for over ten yule, and CAN
&M IN CONFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it What we *ever hare been
aide to soy of ony.other enedielne,—NEVEß HAS IT FAILED IN A
Never did we know an instance of dimatinfection byen7 one w ho used
ft: On the contrary, &Faro delig bled with its operatrona, and speak
in Aaron of eommendation , of ita anameal effects- and medical vutent.
We speak m this matter WRAP •WE DO /MOW," after ten van"'
OFWGIAT WE HERE DECLARE. In alnamt every in
flame where the infant is suffering from pain and erliemtion, relief will
hi found in fifteen or nativityin
mutes after th e syrup is administered.
Thin minable preparation is the pr meription of one of the most EX.
PERAENCED and SKILLFUL N"..SES in New Enema, =Use bees
It not only relievesthe child from pain, but invigorates the stemma
and bowels, corrects end awes tone end ,ner gv the whole
"relent. IL will almost inetwitly . Mime OR/PDiGi IN rHE ROWELS,
AND WIND COLIC, end Ovemome convulsions, which, if not speedily.
remedied, end .in destb. We Whim it the REST AND SUREST RE.
RHLEAIN CHILDREN, whether it - arises from. teething, or from .n
other came. We would
,Lay to mewl , mother who has a child enitentig
from , say of the fit_ omit conmhuzi es—DO NOT LET POOR PM
you and your Miferiimehad. end : the - relief that will to S U RE—yes
ABSOLUTELY SURS—to follow the ewe of this medicine, if timely
med. Full direetkmalor om -
~ w ill accoinpany, each bottle. Nom
genuine emlemathe rec-elmtle of . CORTES & PERK INS, New Took, is
o.t the oda& Arrittier. Sold bvilliegoislo angel net the world.
Prineiml Ofhae, 13 Cedar Street, N. Y.
• • rams 2 DENTS pliE norms.
%AO ir4
of the present age, have , acquired their great popularity
only, thuatgb years of trial. Untxnuidad itatisfactioa
• 1100FLANIV4
User 6miplaint; Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Nervous
Diseases : ()Me Xithyrys„
and all dieeaaep arising from a disceilsred liver, 'or wealS-
Demi of the - Etpumob. and Digaidiyo Organs,.
Bin Mir Almanac Zr proof:". Peucz;ls cents per Bottle.
Bodin& Balsamic Cordial
ram roustrimiecnnue
- Coughs, Colds, or Roars e , Bioaasitis . Infloe~.
and Las performed tbe moat askosiitisg asssisssesAmsnen
Asa I:4SrrlsS uS4 r ikiSit PEt L 75 mitt
-. per bottle.':*,
being well kponut tbreightuttleitiOpe and Anierica, needs
no commendation here. They are purely vegetal* are
prepared with great exactness, and are sugarcoated. No
better Cathartio-Pillean bo fetal: Tisn*-25ete:per box.
These medicines are prepared by,Dr.e. M. Jemmy &
Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and Sto Lonitc,l44 and are sold by
druggists and dealers in medicine-everywhere. The sig.
nature of C. M. Atunottwill44 ott , the \ mitt* of sash
bottle or box. „
In our" Beery - bedfs..drawn . Wi.r.pPobliehedannually,you
IrM And testimony and 'cointaidatorytnalcee . .from all
parts of the tfoontry. These 'eee are lit* away by
all our agents.
. ,
'lnen-1-•v ' ' " •
, WLANE!...S
Qelebrated American:
THEcountenance: is..l - pale and leaden
colOred, with occasional.. flushes, or a cir
cumscribed spot on, onelor both cheeks; the
eyes beCome -dull; , the pupils dilate; an
azure se.niiiirele runs, along the lower eye
-lid; the hose; is irritated, swells, and some
tlinesiobnialeedsLadaaswchrel,li-- wit humming th'e: hunarni
thrObbing of the .ears; lan unusual, secretion
of „saliva; slimy orfurred tongue; breath
;very foul; particularly, in the morning; ap
'petite variable, sometimes Voracious, with a
knawing sensationof,che stomach, at others,
entirely gone; flecting.pains in,the.,:stomacit;
occasional nausea and .vomiting, violent
pains ihroughout, the abdOmen;, bowels ir
regular, at times costive; _stools, slimy; not
unfrequentlY tinged with blood; belly swol
-- len and hard; urine turbid; respiration oc
casionally difftCult, and accompanied by
hiccough; cough sometimes dry and convul
sive- uneasy and disturbed sleep, with
grinding of the teeth; temper variable, but
generally' irritable, See.
‘ . WiwoeVet the above bYoTtoms are
found to exist,
Will certainly effect a cure.
The universal. - success :which has at
tended ..thu.sachpinistration .of-this prepar. ,
ation , has been. , such. as' to.. warrant us in
;pledging. 'ourselves to the. public to
every instance,where it should prove inef
fectual.:: ffproviding the symptoms attending
die sickness of the child or. adult should
y.waii.t: the supposition . of worms being the
41ec." all s'ses the Medicine to be given
WC pledge ourselves to the public, ti at
Dr. M'Lane's Vcrge
in , any form; and, that it is an innocent
Tres t a tes ration, not capitbk, of doing tne .
• •
'ado' t tnjury to ..the most tender infant
Addretteollaiders to
'P. & Dealers and Physicians ordering Item othem than
Zolob/it Dm, doorrell to write their orders distinctly,
aid take sons but' Dr. JP.Lam'o,' prepared by FleoNl
'Bowl" Pittsburgh, As: To thaw wishing to give them •
kW. we will trout! per mail, post paid, to any part of
AM United muss; teas box of Pill. lbr tredve throeuent
statope n - or ens vial of Vermiform for fourteen
"thnereent aim* "All orders from Canada mast be 4000i paaied bf twenty tents extra.
liiir„ltor;"*.rtff.ll.ltrights Ind Oman' Sore Assimo