Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, June 30, 1860, Image 3

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    savage troops of the cruel Williamson, in
his infamous campaign against the Mora
vians•'as well as those of Col. Craitiford,:in
his ill-fated expedition a g ainst the San
dusky Indians. We might say much about
these matters. But our taste never 'de
lighted in such things. It may be at fault
—yet so it is. Au old bone, or a dry fos
sil,. or a dingy, dirty, antiquarian relic,
never did interest us much. It' is' 80, too,
with those e ffete legends of yore, that em
ploy the time, pens, and tongues , of so
many. To us they are as void of charms
assn Egyptian mummy is &filth. It is no
worse to lie an enthusiast, and live on the
fancies of the future, than an antiquarian,
and feed on the fucoids of the past. The
glorious, living, practical, precious present
delights us so tar -413 sublunary matters are
concerned; and, therefore, we boldly confess
that neither the urn that is said to contain
the bones of Columbus, in Cuba, nor this
mound where sleeps the dust of the great
Mingo Chieftain, interested us so much as
the lovely Parni, gardens, and improvements
of our worthy friend, David Potter, who
now ownkthe site of Logan's town, and of
the- encampments of the above named mili
tary marauders. And now, reader, come
with us into this level field, see its fine
sandy soil, cast up in cones as smooth and
round as if they had been turned, like bil
lets of wood, on a mechanic's lathe, and
placed here, in rank and file, more orderly
than the best drilled troops. How bcauli.-'
fun Count them. Twenty thousand !
What are they for ? Don't you see?- A
sweet-potato plant crowns the summit of
each. And this orchard; how shady, how
green, how full of young fruit! Yon wav
ing wheat field; how rich it 'looks with its
thick, swaths of standing grain, awaiting
the golden tinge of approaching harvest 1
Five hundred sheep, as fine as ever fed in
the fold or field of the . man of Ur, have
just , doffed their snow-white robes; and,
yonder, they are . piled. up, soon to be
. ex. 7
changed for tho woolman's cash. And now,
tell me,_ do: you' wish, a sight more lovely
than these apparently boundless corn fields,
with their long, straight, green rows, be- .
tween,whieh many plows are moving ?
But come, let us go to -the house,- through
. garden. - Roses, pinks, shrubs=--sweet
ness How do you like it? , Delicious !,'
Delicious! not a whit more so than these
strawberries. Look I . What a patch!
The gardeners have just gathered a bushel
off these vines, and blishels still are left.
We are just in time. No one can ever be
out of time at this house when Mrs. P—
is at home. _Well, now, feasting upon these
delicacies:ten times a day, if you wish
hearing sweet music—sitting in shady ar
bors—strolling upon the grassy banks of
this gently gliding river—enjoying to the
full the varied ,ministrations of the most
unaffected kindriess=could your mind lin
ger about Logan or legends, any more than
ours did,- in this, our first visit to Mingo!
The Sabbath corneal Sweet day, of rest!
Our friends at Mingo love title God that has
so bountifully blessed them. Wei repair to
Steuben Ville to worship. We go to the'
_Presbyterian church. The pastor,.
Dr. Comings), is absent at the Assembly.'
A sermon is preached bya stranger. Good
attention,, ...People exceedingly well man
nered.. Singing excellent. Behaviour in
choir as.gooci as in the pew. Most in.the
congregation had hymn books, and opened
to the hymn- and sung. This its it should
be. Why don't all congregations - do thin?
At the close of the morning service,it
was my lot to be quartered in the finely
furnished domicile of a leading lawyer of
this city.., But I found him not only an
Attorney4t r Law by profession, 'but a real
gentleman, and, I trust, a true Christian in
character, a member of the First church;
and qne of the much loved pastor's Aarons
and Hurs. Let me. confess that an after
noon's conversation with this lawyer, and
another, whO chanced, to be present, from
Springfield„Mo., .regrined for the Bar, in
my estimation, much that it had lost by the
pedantic declarations of that -lawyer, in re
gard to the punatiue (not "primitive").
chart cter • of. Divine Justice, to whom ref.
erence was made in my last communication.
A sermon at- night, to a still larger, and
equally refined congregation, closed the la
bors of, ihie delightful Sabbath, and we re
turned to rest under the roof of the father
of one of our South American missionaries.
We slept, arid awoke, and went on our- Way
.to see, more sights, which we hope to citron-,
isle in order., W. M. F. ..
THE' PAPERS Or • PARIS.-A few statis.
es lately appeared in a French paper,'
elatiie to the circulation of some, Par
;sian journals. The. names of all the
) ceding papers are given. Their issues
~. re said to r ho as follows.:. Presse, 46,000,
creasing; , Siecle, 34,000, recedinc.;, Con
stitutionel, 25,000, increasing.; ./fFoniteur,
4,000, stationary; Patrie,lBooo, inereas
, ng ima,marked ,manner ; Illustration, 25,-
00, recently .. purchased for 4,340,000,
ncreasing ; Pays, 16,000, increasing;
ebats, 9,000, receding; .Assem,blee.,Zrn
`'onale 5,000, decreasing; Gazette de
i-rance, 2,000, receding. The Univers,
ppressed in 1859, was rapidly increasing
hen .its suspension took place. , The
'atistician states that thew figures,
though he cannot vouch for their . perfect
°curacy, will furnish a good idea of the
umber :of . readers addressd by each of the
.apers named. He says that notwithstand.
ng the many: 'periodicals of which the'
overnment :has stopped the publication,
here are more:. newspapers and: magazines
n France at present than there were before
he 'Emperor Napoleon III; ascended the
hrone: The 46 rates of remuneration paid
miters of 'every sort have. rapidly in-.
creaged within a few years;
,and but for:
the - eitraordinary influx of, literary per
sons that is poured into Paris periodically.:
froth PoVincial cities and towns, gentlemen'
of the
_Press - could command as 'good pay
there as in. any city in the world:". Wei
are told that there are as many .papers,
agazines, &c., circulated in ' Paris, not
included in the above, list, as those con-,
'wined in it. :The sum total of the figurea
„iven is 202,000,,,and of course twice that
"umber' would 'be 404,000. Allowing Feria
have 1,100,000 inhabitants, it would seern,
' hen, that there is published' a :.nowspaper
periodical for every 'three persons,
laioh is not, so bad for Fiance. -Evening,
GERMAN TRACT Sommte.—The . old
.t of- these dSoeieties is that of the Willi
lerthal, It MS founded through the'
nstrunientality of Pinkerton, an agent of
he London: Tract and British and -For
ign Biple ; ,Societies, on the 15th of July,
.814. the name of Pinkerton is still
(ectionatelf remembered among the Evan
elieal Chrietiaris of Germany. The career
e this Society ; has been much obstructed :
.1 the jealousy of'the authorities, and only
since 1848 his it had full opportunity fbr'
'ts peculiar labors'. It has been largely
aided, both by the English and the Ameri
can Societies, and is in debt : nevertheless.
The receipts ast year were' 5,083 Thalers;
expert clitures, 5,606. 180,132, tracts were
published in the year 1858-9. Origi-'
nal German tracts have beezrsearee, hence
an arravanient has been entered into by
eighteen different tract organizations for an
interchange of,original issues..
A POPULAR ERROR.—In law, medicine,
and politics, which relate to , the, present
life, men of, age, and experience; And, tried
ability, occupy places of honor and influ
ence, but when it comes to preaching', t. 4
everlasting Gospel,
,and caring for immortal
couls—Why, the younger the •better;r:the
less experience, the &realer tionipetivicy„
Gtn. Beat is trot cant off 15pichwie WNW'
seventy-three, nor Judge McLean beeauset
he is seventy-four, nor Chief Justice Taney
because he' is eighty-two;' nb, to' look
abroad, is Guizot taken French leave of
because he is seventy-two; nor is Lord
Palmerston bidden from the helm of State,
'even in perilous times, because he is
seventy-five. Lord Brougham is of some
little account at eighty, and Lord Camp
bell's opinion is worth consideration though
he is seventy-eight. When a minister of
Christ has drawn near to fifty, or fifty-five,
lie may deem himself fortunate if he is not
embalmed and laid away among the
fathers." Of course, to all this there
may be many honorable exceptions.
ME sect of the Samaritans still exists,
lineal descendants of those to whom Christ
spake. In all the world there are only one
hundied and thirty-three of them, and all
but two or three live still at the foot of Mt.
Gerizim, in the Holy Land.
Bon,LmA.—A great religious movement
is going on in Prague and other cities of
Bohemia. It is stated that conversions to
the Gospel have been numerous. Roman
Catholic parish priests preach the pure
Gospel. The Bible is extensively circula
ted. The people demand with earnestness
the celebration ,of worship in the vulgar
tongue. All events seem to show that
Bohemia, that ancient focus of reform,
where four centuries of perSecution have,
not been sufficient to put' out the light of
the Gospel, is about to make a new advance
in Christian truth.
EERLAND.-7The Rev. Mr. Heibich, who
long labored as a missionary in India, has
been addressing large audiences, ranging
latterly from two to three thousand persons,
on religious subjects. He is said to be an
earnest preacher, and his sermons have ex
cited considerable sensation in the dis
Rev. H. C. MIJLLAN's pastoral relation to
the church of New Philadelphia, Ind.,
has been dissolved. Mr. AI, is about to
tak.e charge of the' church at. Randolph,
111. His Post-Office address will there
fore be changed from the former to the
latter place.
Rev. 11. B. ROSE'S Post Office address is
changed from Indian Creek to Gap Mills,
Monroe Co., Va.
Rev. JOHN G. WILLIAMSON having. ac
cepted a call from the church in Cory
don, Ind., has removed from Paoli, Ind:,
to that place.
Rev. JOHN MITCHELL, in consequence of
ill health, has been compelled to resign
the care of the church in Lexington,
Ind., and has removed to Queensville,
Rev. A. L. KLINE, of Tuscumbia,
has received and accepted a unanimous
call from the First church, Columbia,
Rev. R. W. SHIVE, of Moulton, Ala., has
accepted an invitation to take charge of
the churches of Houston and Friendship.
His Post-Office address is Houston, Miss.
Rev. FRANCIS THORNTON, owing to in
creasing infirmities, has resigned the
charge of Cane Run and • Plum Creek
churches, Presbytery of Louisville.
Rev. JAMES LITTLE has consented to take
oharge of the church at Jacksonville,
Fla. His Post-Office address is changed
from Lake City to Jacksonville.
Rev. FREDERICK T. BROWN, pastor of the
Westminster church, Cleveland, Ohio,
has tendered his resignation, on account
of inadequate support.
Rev. Wm. TouNG was installed pastor of
the Blanchard church, by the Presbytery
of Findley, on the 12th inst. On the
next day he was installed pastor of the
church of Pleasantville. His time will
be equally divided between the two
Lord, Lyndhurst—The venerable Lord
Lyndhurst, a native of Boston, Massachusetts,
was one of the chief speakers in the English
House of Lords against the paper duty. On the
evening of the day when he made his speech, he
completed his 88th year, and he celebrated
the event by a domestic party. All that relates
to this venerable nobleman, says the London
correspondent of the New-York Commercial, will
interest Americans, for he is among the few now
remaining who have a personal recollection of
Washington and Mrs. Washington, both of whom
entertained him at Mount Vernon in his days of
early travel.
A Portrait of Garibaldi.—From a history
of the campaign of the Cacciatori of the Alps, in
preparation by Francis Corrano, Colonel of that
bold corps of soldiers, the 12 Echo d' Italia extracts
the following portrait of the hero of Sicily:
" Giuseppi Garibaldi is of medium stature,
with large square shoulders, herculean limbs,
and long reddish hair and beard, inclining to
gray. His step is slow and majestic. His gait
something like that of a seaman, and his countel
nance and conversation are also suggestive of
the mariner; he wears a waistcoat buttoned up
to the throat, a wide-brimmed hat and wide
trousers. The noise of a city annoys and dis
turbs him. He likes the hill-topS, covered with
high trees, and enjoys the view of the distant
horizon and the wide sea, He has a straight
nose, and the expression of his face is both lively
antra:nimble. His conversation is unpretending,
but it rises to eloquence when he talks of Italy
And liberty." 's
Death of John Schwartz.—ln announcing
the death of John Schwartz, Representative in
Congress from the Vllith, or Berks district,
which took place in the city of Washington late
on Wednesday night, lust week, we record an
event not unexpected by his friends, although it
will occasion general regret. John Schwartz
was born at Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.,
in 1792, and was therefore, about sixty-eight
yeas old when he died. His father removed to
Reading Berke Co., when he was ten years of
age, where the son has ever since resided. He
was reared and educated as a merchant; was the
support, of Ilia mother after the death of his fa
ther, and through life the stay of his brothers and
. Rev. Dlr. Spurgeon has been allowed a two
months vacation by his congregation, which be
will spend in travelling in Switzerland. During
the last seven years he has preached on an aver
age ten sermons a week, always to large congre
gations, varying from one thousand to thirty
thousand souls, besides attending to other publio
duties. Tbis incessant labor has had its effect
on his health, and renders relaxation necessary.
It ie the intention of the building committee to
push forward the completion of the new Taber
nacle, so as to hold a monster meeting in it on
Mr. Spurgeon's return.
Garibaldi'g name has given rise to some
amusing philological speculations. An Irish en
thusiast declares that the liberator of Palermo is
the son of an Irish priest, and that his real name
is Garry Baldwin, which the Italians have cor
rupted into Garibaldi. There is a square in
Genoa. however, which for a hundred years has
been know,n'as the Piazza Garibaldi, because the
family house was situated there. Then there
was once a king Garibaldo, who, was crowned
with the iron crown at Monza. In the Longobar
dic language the word meant "bold in war"—
and Garibaldi by his bravery at Rome, Montevi
dbo, Palermo and Varese, proves his right to his
W. 11. WWI, the famous correspondent
of the London Timex, recently met with a singu
lar accident. As he was driving to his door in
a' four wheeled cab, he leaned from the window
to tell the driver to stop, when the latter leaning
down on the same side to get the order, the -uni
ted weights of the two men overturned the vehi
cle. Mr. Russell was severely injured in his
right hand, and it will be some time before he can
write again.
The Late Dr. Isaac Da Costa..--This'excel
ient man, a Jewish convert to Christ, died in the
city of Amsterdam on the 28th of April, at the
age of sixty-three years. A correspondent of
the London Record remarks : " Truly may it,be
said of this brother beloved, There is a great
man fallen in Israel;' and all who loved Israel,
in the land where he'as so long lived anklabor
ed, will simply say With Blithe, : My father, my,
father, the 9hgillt :of Aurae' `and the horsementhegteofbr'c' ,
W. S. Coleman, a London publisher, has
just issued a work on British insects, in which he
expresses thebelidf that. insects do not feel pain.
He states that when insects are mutilated in
such a.m.anner as would cause the death of ver
tebrate animals, they afterwards perform all the
functions of life—eating, drinking, &c.—with the
evident power of enjoyment.
Oriteral frius.
Bishop O'Connor.
This gentleman has resigned the Bishopric of
the Diocese of Pittsburgh, which he has held for
the last seventeen years, and his resignation has
been accepted by the Pope. This step has been
taken on account of continued ill health.
Messrs, Brown & Taggard
We invite the attention of our readers to the
advertisement of this Reston publishing house.
The books issued by. them are of a high eharao
teromd.are brought out in the finest style. Their
publications may always be obtained - of Mr. R.
S. Davis, Wood Street, Pittsburgh.
The Oil Region.
The excitement in Venango and Warren coun
ties with regard to the discoveries of Carbon Oil,
is on the increase. In some cases eipeetations
have not been met, but, on the whole, the success
has been immense. The s wells lately opened are
even more promising than the first. And so
greatly is the use Of this oil extending, that the
price is on the increase.
This body adjourned on last Monday, at 12
o'clock M.
The,Homestead Bill was vetoed by the Presi
dent. He said that the small price asked for the
land, twenty-five cents per acre, and five years'
credit, was equivalent to giving it away, and
Congress.had no power of donating public lands.
After some debate on the subject, the question
was put " shall the bill pass, the objections of
the President notwithstanding?" It Was not,
passed. The House resolution, reducing the
public printing forty per cent., was agreed to.
HOUSE.—On motion, the President was re
quested to furnish to the House, at the next ses
sion, all the information that can be obtained as
to the disposition of the Africans captured by the
British Navy, and what that Government did with
the officers and crertvs of the slavers.
The Post-Office Deficiency Bill was passed pre
to adjournment.
Another message from the President was re
calved; recapitulating the grounds of his protest ,
of Itarch last, against the proceedings under the
Covode Committee. The charges against him be
ing.vague and expressed in equivocal terms, he
did not for a moment entertain a doubt as to the
result. He did not believe it possible that there
existed a man who could so basely perjure him
self. The proceedings of the House he repeats •'
were violative of - the - rights of a coordinate
branch of the goVerninent, andwhich,.if enforced,
would, establish a dangerous precedent.. . The ,
House had acted without constitutional marmot,.
and in a manner tending to degrade the. Presi
dential office and render it unworthy acceptance
of an honorable man.
In the name of the representatives of this great
people, and standing on the ramparts of the Con
stitution, which they ordained and established,
he solemnly protests against these unconstitu
tional proceedings.
The message was, after some discussion, re
ferred to a Select Committee.
Baltimore Convention.
This body after a stormy session of six days,
adjourned on last Saturday evening; but not un
til a split had taken place, and two sets of can
didates had been sent into the field. The imme
'diate cause of the division was the rejection of
the minority report' of the Cominittee on Cre
dentials, and the adoption of the majority, re
port. The minority report recommended, in
general, the admission to this Convention of the
delegates who had seceeded from the Charleston
Convention; the majority report the admission of
the delegates who had been appointed to this
Convention to fill the vacancies occasioned by the
Secessionists at Charleston. The following ac
count of the closing proceedings is taken from
the Philadelphia North American :
After- the preliminary exercise in the Conven
tion on Saturday, Mr. Caldwell, of Kentucky,
withdrew the name of Mr. Guthrie as a candidate
for nomination, Several members then rose and
tried to speak ; finally the President rose and
made a short speech, retiring from the chair and
taking his place as a mere delegate. His action
was accomplished amidst many expressions of
approbation. David Todd, of Ohio, then took
the chair, and after a few moments the roll call
ing, prelimininary to taking of a ballot, was
commenced. On
,Massaehusetts being called,
several of the delegates retired from the Conven
tion. Mr. Soule delivered a telling Douglas
speech, which was received with ,round after
round of applause. Mr. Seymore's name was
then withdrawn, and a ballot taken ; two hun
dred and two votes being necessary to a choice
Douglas received 173, the rest scattering. On
the second ballot Douglas received - 184 votes,
and a resolution was then unanimously adopted
that Stephen A. Douglas, having received a two
third vote, be declared nominated for President
of the United States by the Natiodal Democratic
Convention. Several speeches were then made,
and. in the evening session Mr. Fitzpatrick, of
Alabama, was unanimously nominated "for Vice
President. The Convention then adjourned sine
The seceding delegates met at noon on Satur
day at the Maryland Institute. Mr. Russel, of
Virginia, was called to the chair. He delivered
a speech stating that the Convention they had
left had lost all title tp the designation' of nation
al ; he looked to this Convention to perform the
functions of a National Convention, and they
would'be so recognized by the whole country. A
Committee on Permanent Organization was then
formed, which reported in favor of Caleb Cush
.ing for President. Several motions were then
made in regard to the various committees, when
the . nominations were commenced. Massaohu
sette proposed John C. Breckinridge, seconded
by Pennsylvania; Alabama proposed Hunter, of
Virginia; Tennessee nominated Dickinson of New-
York ; Oregon proposed Lane, of Oregon. In
order to produce harmony, several of the names
were withdrawn, and the Convention proceeded
to ballot•; the first ballot Mr., Breckinridge was
nominated by a vote of 81 to 24. Lane, of Ore
gon, was nominated for Vice President. Mr.
Yancy then made a speech savoring strongly
of disunion, and the Convention adjourned side
die. •
Subsequently Kr. Fitzpatrick declined, and
the Hon. H. V. Johnson, of Georgia, was sub
stituted in his place by the National Com
The Southern Convention at Richmond, on
Tuesday, unanimously nominated Breckinridge
and Lane.
Spalding'a Prepared Glue.
SPALDING'S PREPADED GUN is such a simple
and cheap prepwration that it is a pity any house
should be without it.--Freeman's Journal, New-
York Aural 6, 1859.
New Railroad Inventions.
One of the men employed in the shops of the
Pennsylvania Railroad Company at Harrisburg,
has completed a model of what may be regarded
as a valuable invention. In the building of
it becomes necessary to turn a truck three
times before it' is completed. This has been
done heretofore by block and tackle, and the use
of a derrick, which would sometimes slip in spite
of every precaution. . By, such a mishap a man'
was killed in the Altoona shop some four months
ago. The invention is a Machine to Obviate the
use of .a derrick. The built upon trus
sels, and can be eleyated by screws. This will
enable a few men -to turn the truck wheneiker
necessary, and without any danger whatever.
As the machine can be used for other purposes,
a patent will no doubt be applied for.
Another invention more important for the
saving of life, is a self-adjusting• car coupling,
perfected by' Janies Widney, of Altoona. It is
designed to avoid the neeessity,of going between
the cars to couple.them when they are run togeth
er, the dangerous nature of which is welTknown
to .811 acquainted with the business. The demand
for an invention of this kind is certainly great,
as the maimed hands of fanny persons who are
now,. or have been employed. ; on railroads, will,,
attest. It adjusts itself immediately on the cars
'cot iraiiglogethe,t,
s r t rid.cahiclieZ*Olied`tO coupling
ntfvf in ii2e - awed 471 615 derntis liEfr.,
The invention will do away with - the most dan
gerous part of the railroading liusiiiess, as many
lives are annually lost couplirig cars.
Dr. 11PLane's Vermifuge.
Another .41/ - edica/ Witness.
It is no small evidence of intrinsic .value of
this great Vermifuge, when even, physicians,
who are generally prejudiced, against patent
medicines, voluntarily come forward and testify
to its triumphant 'success -in expelling worms.
Bead the following: . ;
HARRISONSVTLLE, Shelby On., Ky., 1
2, 1849. I
.. . . .
MESSR. FLEMING. Baos.—l am a practising
physician, residing permanently in this place.
In the year 1848, when a resident, of the State of
Missouri, I became acquainted with the superior
virtues of Dr. M'Lane's Vermifuge, prepared by
you. At some more leisure moment, .T. willsend
you the result of an experiment I made with one
vial, in expelling - upwards of hundred
worms. L. CARTER, D.
Purchasers will be citreful to usk Am Dr. M' Lane' s
Celebrated Vermlyve, manufictured Fleming
Bros. .of Pittsburgh, Pa. All other Vermifuges in
comparison are worthless. Dr. 11I'Lane's
genuine Vermifuge, also his Celebrited Direr
Pills, can now be had at all ,respectable drug
stores. 14one genuine without the Signature
of . , •.PiEnftwo Duos.
lortign ReinS.
FATHER , POINT, June 24.—The steamship ,
litelitei ''
passed this Point fo2dayon her way to
Quebec, bringing European dates to the'l4th
The capitulation WitS aiined'iit Palerri; on the
6th of 'June.
A Turin dispatch says of the terms of capitula
tion that the Neapolitan troops - are to embark
with their arms and baggage.
The. Fort of Castellamare had' Veen, placed in
the• keePing of the English Admiral until the
evacuatlon-has been effected. . '
A Turin dispatch says, that 'according to the
terms of capitulation the English were temporari
ly to occupy the. Ports -of Palermo for reasons
not known. This , clause, however,, has not been
put into execution.
Garibaldi is said to have , appoiriled a prOvi
sional Government.'• • ..
It is positively asserted that Garibaldi found
£960,000 sterling in the coffers of the Treasury.
The damage done by the, bombardment of
Palermo was immense. The Treasury 'was des
The - Neapolitans committed great atrocities.
Three hundred houses were burnt by the. Nea
politan in only one quarter of the town, as well as
several convents at the moment ;of retreat.
Women and children, who sought to escape from
the burning houses, were killed.
The Carini Palace was sacked and burned.
As they retired the soldiers set fire to all the
houses in their way. Catania was given up to
pillage by the I,toyaliets and then abandoned.
Garibaldi his issued a decree calling' all Sici
lians to arils between'the age of seventeen and
Fifty, vessels of war were in the Roads of Pal
It is reported that Mazzini hid' embarked for
The Sardinian • Government bad. ordered all
their fleet, and all authorities, along the coast, to
apprehend him, if possible.
A Neapolitan Envoy was on his way to Paris
and London'.
PALEnsib, - .Tune 13, eitening,:--The erabarltaL
Lion of the Royal troops continues. The town is
still barricaded.:
A circular of the Sardinian Goyernment to the
great_ Powers, is about to be pnbliphed,.expressT
ing a fear of con'spiraey for the'overthroiv of the
state of things in Central Italy, Etat for thelMi
toration of. the exiled Princes. • : • .•
In the House of Commons, on the 11th, Lord
John. Rosiell announced. that, as i there was, but
very little prospect of the Reform Bill being
passed this ,session, to Government, with the
view of preventing further waste of time, -vas
reluctantly compelled to withdraw, the_measure.
He promised to bring forward a new bill at. the
earliest opportunity at the next session.
'; • D'lsraeli congratulated the Government on the
• withdrawal of the bill, and even Mr. Bright said
he could not blame the Ministry for the course
they have taken.
Mr. Bright also entered into a defence of the
commercial treaty with France, and protested
I against the misrepresentation of the, rasei upon
the subject. He predicted the Most beneficial
results from the treaty.
fr On the 12th, in the Commons, Lord s Paltheiston
stated that in order to afford shelter to persons
claiming the protection of the British flag, the
Admiralty had been directed to station a ship of
I war at Mama, another at Marsala, another at
Palermo, and four in the Bay of. Naples.
a It is announced that the steamship Great Emu
em would sail from Southampton for New-York
on Zaturday, the 16th. It. is confidently ex
•:pected that the ship will reach New 7 Yerk within
ten days, where it is intended to moor her near
the city.,
The Emperor would leave Paris on the 15th for
Baden, there to meet the Prince Regent of Prus
sia and other German sovereigns.- On the 14th,
the Emperor was to hold q, grand military review,
to celebrate the annexation of gavoy.and Nice,
which was tb be formally accemPliished , that day.
Negotiations for a treaty of commerce between
France and Belgium, were
It is asserted that trade was never more . dull
in Paris and in the provinces'than at present.
The .Afoniteur publishes an Imperial decree,
promulgating the treaty concluded with Sardinia
for the cession of Savoy and Nice.
The Sardinian Senate had approved Ole treaty .
ceding Savoy and Nice by a vote of ninety- two
against ten.
The evacuation of Italy to the. French troops
was completed: Marsha! Vailliant.was expected
in Turin on the 12th. • •
The Austrian Government had .resoilved,npon
increasing the effective etre9Att .l of..the'seound
army in Venetia, and a corps,4 osyliky is :alike
to be collected in the. Italian Tyrik s o"t" 'of'
the Auetrian territory nearest to ".. ..• •
Pittsburgh flsrket.
• TUESDAY, June 26, 1860.
ASHES—Soda Ash, 3(4314e4 DON, Weft.; Pearls,
5%05%. The stock en first hands is ample fur' all ordinary
BACON—Shoulders, 8 1 408Mc.; SideN 10a10 , 4 o.; Plain
Hams, 10%a10„ki.c..; Sugar Cured
BELNS—SmaII White, 65@70c., and York State, 8420 c.
per bushel.
BROOMS—Common, 2.00a2.50;' fancy, 2.75a3.25.
CANDLES AND SOAP-Candies: dipped, 12 1 4 c., mould,
13c., and admriantine 18e19c:3i! tb. Soapi 'se. for common,
fic. for Palm, and 10c.' for Sawyer's Toilet and Castile;:
hahlAc. for Sawyer's Cherniral Olive. and 7r. for German. .
CHEESE—New Western Reserve, ii@fiyic.; Hamburg,
new, 10c. 'fib.
CORN bf_EAL—Prom first hands, 60a62.c.; from store,
DRIED FRlllT—Apples, 81.0001.25; Peaches, $4.0004.25.
EROS—Packed, 12, 1 4013 c. doz.
FEATHERS—Prinie Western, 48050c.* lb..
FISH—No. 3 Mackeral,large, 12.60 bbl., and luilf bble.
do., 6.60; Lake - White, 9.60010.00 Vt VOL; half bble. do.,
5.0005.25. Lake Trout, 8.60 bbl. Herring: Baltimore,
6.7507.00; Halifax,
FBED—Middlingn, $1.00g1.10 per 1.00•15 o.; Shorts, 1.00;
Bran, Bfic4 Shipatutra, 901.00.
FLOUR—Super., 85.3005.40; Extra, 5.6645.80; Extra
Family. $5.9 46.20; Fancy. 9e.4006.60. , .
GRAIN — Cori, 55, 56@57c. Oats, 36437. c. Rye, 75c.
Barley:6srt(S&l. for Spring, and 70a75c . for Vali:
GROCERIES—Cofice: Good . Rio, 14%015c.. Sugar, 84
5 7 )44:§9 , 4c. for Sdr to prime N. 0. Molabsos; 48igf.0c. for New
RAY—slo.oo@l3.oo 14 ton at scales.
HIDES AND LEATllER—lireen beef Wee, 014110 An..; green
salted hides, iy i tgiXc.; dry flint, 15®10c. Rough country
leather is dull nt.2B(Wrie. Dressed leather is quoted se fol
lows: Red Spanish Sole 41 @Mc. • Slaughter. Sole 'it lb.,
28®29e.; Upper Leather, VI dozen, $33@88; Bridle Leather,
VI dozen, $40®45; Skirting Leather ih., 3203134; Harness,
LlME—Louisville, 51.25: Maryland, 1.75. .
LARD-10•3011c. - 0 5 for No.l city In bble., and 11KOD
11 ,c. in kegs; country, 10(410 1 4c.
MESS PORK—Country, $18.00016.60; city, $18.000) 18.50.
01L—No. .1 Lord. OR, .88a90c.; Refined C0a1..011, 664004
lammed, 62,105 c. .
POTATOES—Neshannocka'6oas4e.; Reda, 415 e..; • Bittai i 'doe4
Pinkeye% 00c.. derecys (new) 54.7655.00' ,b 101; . ' . •,. ,
SALT—No. 1, Sl.oocaillo. '
"SEEDS—Clover, 64.25(44.3i. Timothy, 53.0003.12:-. Iles,.
El. c 1.40. . . , .. .
. .
ST - A.RINE-1034 per tierco. ' •
TALLOW—Rough, Tc..;. Country rendered, 9QIOc
BEEVES—The offerings during the week amounted to 470
head, of whicho,o wore bold at prices ranging from VA to
434 c... gross. The remainder will be sent East. •
SHEEP—The offerings amounted to 300 .head, and sales
were made at $3.7504.00 .
cwt. . •
HOGS--6c., gross, aoCording' to alias . and quality.
• New-York. . • • .
NEW YORK, Juno 26.—Plour: 453515.46 for.euper. Stati ;
5.60;1505 for extra State; 53585.46 for Raper. Wretorn;
5.55a5.70 for common to medium extra • Wceteru; 3.80n15.00
forahippink brands of extra Round •Hoop Ohio. Canadlan
FlOnr: 5.C6a7.50 for common to choice extra. Rye Flour,
3.501420 for common td:Buper„ Wheat: Milwaukie Club,
1=4.335 ,• white Cepadlan, 1.47 ; CBpodlan . Clnb,l.2s ; ;WI u-.
ter'red 'Weitero. 1.45; white Kentucky, 1.60; cotuntolk rad
Etnnthern,: ;IK2oloolSltringi , lA !V.% toru
l i spja i ted mound .taixnU. Prito, Asei
tairr4.l Nat e . • ' • .
petial Routes.
MRS.. 'WINSLOW', an experienced Nursc,
and Female r bysiciani .Ims a Soothing Syrup for children
teething t which greatly facilitates the process of teething, by
softening ihe gums, reducing nil intlamtnatien—will allay all
pain and regulate the bowels: Depend upon it„ mothers, it
will give rest tovurselves and relief and health to sour in
fants., Perfectly safe in all cases. See advertisement.
my 2,1 3, • ,
On the alerting of the lOth inst:, at Virtue's Hotel." Com-,
bridge, Ohio, try Bev. W. M. Ferguson, Mr. W. P. TA.4I.OR' to
•MiStit 3.411111,111. CoennAte, of Middletown, Ohio.
, .
June .21st, - by„ Bey. J. P. Kennedy, Mt... W m -true E. Me-
CIMERY to 'Miss ItiAnr dttler. Dunne, both of Cambria
County, Pa.
By : Bo*. J. P. Caldwell, on the lath Inst., at the house of
the bride's father, Mr. GEORGE Can, of. Holliday's Cove,
, to Mies Isamu PROUDFri, of Florence, Pa.
On Thnisdayavening, June 14th, by Rev. George Morelia,'
D.D.B. Masansfa, son' of the officiating clergyman, to
Miss Wan ANN, daughter of Robert Johnston, Fsu., all of
Bethel, All6gheny County, Pa.
On Tueeday, May 22d, by Rev. W. B Reeling, Mr. OLIVER
'O. FORSYTHE to Miss MARY E.:list.e. On Tuesday, June 12th,
Washington:County, Pa.
On Monday v June 11th; by RSV. W. P. 11•100TOOIT. WILLIAM'
•JOHNSON to MISS EANDIE PATTON, alt of Clarion County, Pa.
On, .Thureday e : afternoon, Jsme 14th, by; Be.v U. G: Co.
mingo, D.D.; assisted by Rev; J. B. Patterson, Mr. EDWARD.
DENMEAD;Of COSIT ' OCtOri, Ohio. to Miss: A. Rigussk daughter
of Sohn S. Patterson, Esq., of Steubenville, Ohio.
On the 14th inst., by Rev. J. P. Kennedy, Mr, 3.. E. Prrr
swe to Miss ALMTAA. MOLLISTRA, all of Cherry-tree Borough,
Indiana County, Pa. : . • •
' DIED—Of scatiet fever, on Sunday, the 17th of June,
,CHARLES HOWARD,.aged 3 years, and fl nionths, and tin ,
Wodneeday, the 20th, JAMES CALDWELL, aged 7 years and.
9; months; only. children of John R. and Ellen. Sibhat
hilionigal, of Youngstown,Mestmoreland County, Pa.•:
DlEDL4luddenly:from disease of' the heart, on June 11th,..
'at his reaidenee on Castleman's Run, Va., Hr. CHARLES
BLAYNEY, in his 72d yiar.
DlED—Sune 11th, 1860, in Peach Bottom Township, York
aged 22 years;S months, and 24 days.
Our beloved friend bore a long and wearisome illness Of
eightweeks, with the utmost patience and resimmtion ; seem- .
jag toe'keep always in` view the example of Christ, whom she .
had chosen as her Lord and Master. She did not appear to,
be troubled with a single- doubt or fear r ;--all was trust, and:
confidence, and Mai 10ve... -, • -
DlM—Near Mt. Union, June 20th, after a week's
Mr. WILLIAM ROSS, in the 52d year of his age, and , for
many'years a Member of the Presbyterian Church.
DIED—In Washington,Ps.„ on the sth inst., Mrs. SAIIINA,
wife of Robert Wallace, Eeq.; in the 52c1 year of her age.
The deceased was a daughter of Z. Lindley, of
Washington County, Pa. She was the mother of eight chil
dren, two of whom preceded her into the eternal world, .She,
first made a profession or her faith , in the church of Dunlap's
Creek, Pa, in 1832, shortly, after er marriage. Her Christian
lifo , was quiet and consistent; the duties of home received her
primary attention;. and she bad the undivided esteem of her
neighbors and friends. The discipline of her last pretreated
-:illness was made a blessing, and her end was peace. B.
Summer Boarding Hone;:
Convenient. to the city; being near the Beaver . Stations on
both. Raiiroads, is just opened at Etone's Point. by
' H. e. ArecriLouGs
Leave the ears at Bridgewater. un3o-3t*
llt. H. HARTLEY CO •
86 Wood Street, Itittsburot •
Hrive.a large Mgortment 'of HARNESS, made dining the
past Winter,:of the best material and.werkmanship,- that we,
will sell at prices to defy'all competition; to wit : Two-Horso
'Carriage Harness, Silver Plated; at $30,00; One Horse ihiggy
do., at $14.00. And all other articles in our line at remarAa
bly log prices. • juit:3o-'2ln
Nos. 443 .and 445 Broadwajf,
....12mo Cloth-...
This work ie aesociated with an event of apeculiar national
character—the acquisition of the Mount Vertion'Estate—and
has in that respect a very general Interest, which thii choice
or dubJecte and the tredtment greatly enhance. Mount Ver
nori itself; The History of Christmas; The Ilistory of Frank
lin's llouse.; The Comet; Some Circumstances of Washington's
Private Life; Louis Napoleon;, Str,Waltor Scott; A Journey
in Zurope"; Italian Nationality; Prescott, Hallam, Hum
boldt, are among the things treated of. Mr. Everettle.noted
among American writers for the purity and elegance. of his
style, us well as tor. his extensive acholarly attainments—a
repute which this, work will admirably maintain.
Aside from thii excellence and value of the work Iteel4 the
publishers believe that a book by a gentleman so dtatht.
guished in the political history of the country, must ho a 4
interesting Salton to American-Literature. jun3o-1t
Will positively, cure ' •
iliter . Coliplaint, Dyspepsia, Nervous Debility, de.
From John Maginnie, Eeq., of the Wew Orleans True Delta.
:ILEssRe. C. M. J Leanly & Co.:—Gentlemen :—I have for a
long dui° looked upon your Midland's German Bitters as
the very best dyspeptic preparation extant. But I am now
disposed to, accord it-etill,higher merit. I find that it will
effiectually prevent the ravages of that scourge of Mitt
climate Fellow Fever. During the prevalence of that
&teaseled Summer, I had ample opportunity of .witnessing
its efficacy ; and I firmly behove that even an runacclimated
Person, with proper precaution and the use of your Bittern
as directed, could safely. Bummer it in New Orleans. As a
preventive of Fever and Ague. also, I cheerfully endorse all
you claim for it. 1. lleapectfully,,youre,
Joitzi Macrsmi.
.• .• • •• • ' Proprietor of True Delta.
For sale by:Ding:Oda and Dealers everywhere. Price 75
rent. per•tintMe. • , , jun3O-lt
OF • .
The'; American Sunday School Union
The $lO Sunday School Libraries for distribution is per
legacy; in ;Will of the late CHARLES BREWER, will be
ready for delivery on and after July 10th. 1880.
The Sunday Schools entitled to those Libraries areittose
established in, Allegheny . County, Pa., since March. 81st,
Applicants will be required to subscribe to statement dn.
lug name, location, and date of organization of the School;
name and Post Office address of Superintendent; average
number of ;teachers and scholars in attendance, and amount
then contributed for support of School. ; •
Itmusonable evidence, by amount of cantrihutions and oth
etwise, of the permanence of the School will be required.
• Apply to
F. 11. EATON,
juraa•Cia No. 17 Fifth St., Pittsburgh.
Publishers and Wholesale Booksellers, . :
Nos. 25 and 29 Cornhill,
• Have Recently Issued
. ,
orltical and Miscritaneoug, • .•
In four volumes. Price per volume, E1.25.:c ' . .
" The .preirt.edition earnsearpely ;be commended, in too
high ternes.”-r.L.87. 17•Tribuite. " •
".There are some thirty articles in thin edition; which are
Included in no other, English or, American.7—Boston.Trarn
is so elegantly, printed that one almost dislike% to han
dle it, from the fear that its beauty may be injured. The
casket is indeed worthy of the jewels it contains."—BOsten'
' Traveller. . . .
• "In 'perfection of type, in paper, and in general 'good
taste, the volumes have never been equalled, certainly never
surpassed in this country."—Citecintiati,Cieristion Advocate.
tionary of Arta;, Sciences, Literature, tris,tory, Politics,
Biography ;
.including a copious collection or original ar
- tides in American Biography. Edited by FrancieLieber,
assisted by E. Wiggleeworth and T. O. Bradford; with addi
tions by, Professor Henry Vetbake, of the University of
Pennsykvania. In.fourteen large octavo volumes, °ordain
ing in 'all nine thousand large, double columned pages,
furnishedin various styles of binding, at very tow:priors,.
with Additldps and Corrections. By Agnes Strieliland.•
In seven very handsome volumes, crown octavo, illustrated
by fourteen enrvlngs on steel. Price per volume: cloth,
$1.76; helical , 48.00; sheep, $2.25.
The execution of this work is equal to the conception.
Great pains have beerntaken to make it both interesting and
valuable.—Literary Gazette.
A valuable contribution to historic knowledge. • It contains
a mess of every kind of historical matter of interest, which
industry and resource could collect—Atlannura.
A charming work—fall of interest at once serious and
pleasing.—J/ensieur Cuizot.
PARLEY'S CABINET LIBRARY. ;By Hon. S. 0. Goodrich.
In 20 vole., lilmo., 500 Illustrations. This is a complete
, Library of Biography, History, Philosophy, Art, Science,
and Literature; embracing subjects of the most important
kind, 'finch as every one in this age of progress should know,
and which can only be obtained elsewhere at great expense
of hooka and time. Price Silrper set, •
MARGARET FULLER'S WORKS. Life Without and Life
Within. An entire new volume of her unpublished manu
scripts, edited by her brother, 'Rev. Arthur B. Faller. 1
vol., I*. no. Price $1:25.
AT HOME AND ABROAD.. Memoir of Margaret Fuller
erature, and the Drama. The above six volumcs;.lieing the
complete works of that much esteemed authereashlargaret
' Fuller, are publitthed uniform, and furnished separate or
teresting narrative of Arctic Life. Fourth thousand. In
1 vol., 121 mo. . Price $1.215. - •
The. Complete. Works of Francis Bacon,
In 15 volumes, common octavo. Price per volume, cloth,
11.50. They will be'reprinted Ruin : the recent London edi
tion, edited ,bv,James Spudding, MA., of Trinity College,
Robert Leslie Ellis, M.A., late Fellow of Trinity College, and
lDonglas Itenorlßeath, Barrieter'at , Lawi late 'Fellow of Trin
ity College, Cambridge, and published by subscription. Ono
voltime each month; the Met volume' to be honed July IA;
A Prospectus, with.specimen papa; mill be sent to any ad
dress on application, ,and those desirous' of enbecribing for
the Work's- may send 'their names direct to- the Publishers.
Persona thus auttecribing yen resolve thOr.vOlumee,' each:
mouth; s nilaidied, panne priPaid,nnd volumes thus
.leint.will . biy - pkiketitedietron vita re )
Jurrk-2i • .
SIVE right to make and sell lANGSTROTIVE
:BLE BEE RIVE in *Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, notice
'ie hereby given that all persona found making, sellin or
7 ^usifig the Movable Comb Bee Hive, whether In open violation
of the Patent, „Law, or ,under the pretext of pretended im
provements, without having previously purchased the right
,from me, will be prosecuted according to law. • '
Relict of John Weitbreeht, dec'd,
Birmingham, June 2180860. jun 36-20
SCOTT, ST•URG'EON Sr. C 0.,: •
Filreign and Domestic Fancy Goods and Baskets, .
And manufacturers of all kinds of Looking °lassies `Mid
Children's Conches. ,
No. il2 Wood St., corner of Fourth, Pittsburgb„ Pa.
No. 27 Fifth Street, Pittiburgh."
We offer to the publle WHEELED & WILSON'S
;With increased confidence In its merits as the
TAMMY SEWING MACHINE now in use. 'lt sews equally
well on the thickest and thinnest' fabrics, makes the lock
stitch impassible to unravel, with the essential advantage of.
• being alike on both sides, forming no ridge or chain on the '
under side—is simple in construction, more speedy in move-,
'silent. and
:ffiort Durable than any other' Machine.
We give full instruction to enable the purchaser to sew„
ordinary seams; stitch, ban, fell, quilt, gathei, bind and tuck,
all.on the same machine, and ' •
CIRCULARS containing
Testimoniale from ladies of the 'Highest Standing, -
' ' - EaBt - and , West,
Giving prices, &c., will be furnished gratis, on application In
person or by;letter.
Sowing Machine. . .
Constantly on hand.
Book and Job Printer,
',PAPERS,''Corner of Market and Second, and Wood and
"..,Third Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. . ;
. Paitieular attention paid to printing Ottalognes for Colleges
and Seminaries, Programmes,;Diploreas, and School Reports.
Late 'of- the firm of - Kirk- Late . with Gillespie, Zeller
patrick & Metzgar. - .t - Co., Philadelphia.
M 'li. - KiRKPATRICK 4!‘„ CO.;
Wholesale Grocers,
No 299 Liberty M.,. opposite head' of Smithfield,
PITTSBUItOni 1. , A.
Particular attention paid to the Atlio Of Country Produce
mooleT3Dorq . 33 : 00 S.
' Penniar Ilistory' of British Mosses; Geography of Phinots
. HiOtury ,of Crusts cea • Molluscs; Economic-Botany;.:Field
':Botany; Greenhouse Botany; Garden Botany ; Concholou ;
,History of the Aquarium; History - of Birds, Eggs. Scripture
Zoology, Physical Geology; History of Palms, Mineralogy;
British Sea Weeds; Voices from Woodlands: British Pinto
inoloa ; Ornithology, - -by - White ; Birds, by posse-;'British "Zoophytes; Linchens ; Ferns; WhitOs Manimalia; in all 2.4
vol f.-sold separatelY.
Rary's Tour Round My. Garden. •
Wood's Common Objects of Country Life. '
Wood ' s Common Objects of Sea Slime.
Our Woodland Heaths and H-dge
Lbity fn India, by. Russell, Times' Correspondent;"
:Stonehenge's Shot Gun and Sporting Rifle; Stonehenge's
iliritislißural Sports.
Uniform edition of Vleriteli; S 'vole.; Miller's English
Country, Life ; Hogg On - Microscope.
Buiwer tytton's Poetical and Dramatic Works.
History of British India; Half. Hour with Zest Authors,
t ' Th's.' above books, most'of whieWare beautifully illustrated,
just opened at , . ' • _
R. .:S. DAVIS!,
[succEssoß,To QUN S . DAVISOZI,J
• 93 Woo:d, Street, , Pittsburgh
inn2z4t .
and Doi:lei? Shop,
Steam Engines for driving Mills, ractorieS; Oil and Salt
:Wells. Threshing Machines, Printing Presses. dm., with
Portable and Stationary Boilers, always on hand, and made
'to `order. Steam Boilers, Salt' Pane, &c.t. Mill Gearing,
trick <Dlachinery, and Casting of all kinds,, made to
odder.. Saw Mill Irons, Water 'Wheels, 'Vault and Cellar
Grates, Smelt Shoes:and Grate Bars, always on hand.
'..O..!' , .Oftice, 319 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. '.
itn2,l-tf . ' W. W. WALLACE.
Between Wood and Smithfield Streets.
'From 9 o'clock:A. M. 7 to 4 o'clock P. M.
AN,N, rime Woo
° NY '
° ECONOMY! et,
nfin• tDa 14-
. - '
c.lo..iidottet seal happen% sato fo InolVrecostatati
.frartiNolo. It h
;very toptrable to have some chomp antVeortvontOnt way for mask-
IttirEarultura, Tort. °rockery. ,
meets itti sue) - eshertstncho, Oral cow - Sere.4 to Its
tiithoot ,It hi nhooys reody. and, up to the odektoo testnt;
rutio AI nocessiii tor lintnini choirs, ophntstrod so,
neahs t 'iless dolts, and brolo.. erprilen. It to jto.i -lb* ;mists
for sotto, she% and other mnsinootol,ivork, so papules rtsltlialas
istinghteSS and taste.
. .
. . ..
Iltis admirable preparation is used oold. being ehealleally lilt
;In aolatiou; and, cramming all the minable ratalittee, at the Mm.
.aibiniumniceite (line. It may be wad in the places! orriterae
eitusibige.• being snAtly more ralbeei,.&•
•t USEFUL. IN kvEßsr r •
W.B.r-A Brush acesmptintes each hottle. Prim, 26 son{
_.Wholesale Depot,. No. 30' PLltt-st., Nola ,York.
Box No. 3,ooo,'New York.
. kw Deniers in Cases something Shur; Sight: oral t.rthre
beautiful Lithographic Show-Card accmunanying s nob .
peeked*. ,
• ap-, A sing' 1* bottle of SPA LTITNIPS..PWICPA °MIS
wttflateri ten times its 00*1 sonnally to eve ry household-dm: .
Bold , by all prominent 5t11410.5111, Drogaista, .liardware ant
Ihralent, Grocers, sad lanstcy Moms,
Country merchants should mottos noted SPALDING'S '
PARED GLUE, whoa making up their list, It will stand vs;
I.lEle Whoenale- Depot removed from No. 80 Platt Street to
NM, #R CitDAlt STltO)l3l'. New York.
'46 North Fourth StrUet,
• ' " C. MiIIIBISEN & SON,Troprletont.
4. BRI . T.TO'ir
ilatiafacturers and Wholesale 'Ana 'Retail *healers,
No. al NORTII SECOND SF., above Harka,
•The largest,- cheapest,- and, best assortment of Pirati• and
Pervev lturins of any other astablishtnent in the United States.
RBPAIRING promptly attended to. Give ue a call
and SatlsfY youraelves. . • febB-1y
• ' New' Stock I New Styles !
To the Ttortclims,'oPtlie: Preseryteridn Banner.
We invite special attention of all WHOLESALE AND RE
TAIL BUYERS, to our -
New Spring and Summer -Stook
Of Dress Trimmings, Eznbrolderies, and Laces;
:.Ittntikerchiefs, Veils, harbes.Berthas, &c.;
Hosimjr; Gloves, Gauntlets, and Mitts;-• ,
Skirts, Corsets, and French Forms ;
• Bonnet:Ribbons, Flowers, and Ruches; • .
• Shirts, collars, Cravats, and Ties;
Summer Under. diirta and Drawers ; •• ;
Htiiii•Dresses, Bead Nets, and Baskets;
Zephyr and Shetland Wool, Patterns, &c.
.&14rg,e line pf • - • - •
And everything usually kept in a First-Class Trimming and .
Notien House.'
calland examine our stock and learn our prices before pm.,
chi:Ming elsewhere. EATON; CREE & SACRUM'S
• ;1
Trimming; Millinery, and Notion House, . E'
• KO . No. 17 Fifth Str..t. Pitts•st.lrsch.
- . .
T-; Frech Burr Mill Stones, Anchor Bolting Cloths,'Portable
Freittt llurr Smut Machines, 31111 Irons, Screen Wiru,
and Mlll - Funliebing of all hinds. '
°Bine, 319 Liberty Street, Pit - taboret, -
jun23-tt . W. W. WALLACE..
.4„KLEBER 13110, sole Agents in' pittsburgh and
Weitera,Penneylvniia fertile Celebrated'
-Coricelbarand, Parley-Gread, and "Siluatal - .mild atFactory
prices:. '
'• . jun2B4t • • No: 53 Firth Street, Phtsburgh.
AMBLE MANTELS always on hand, and, being mann.
factifiM . by machinery, sold at low Miceli. - Thesemantels
are always neat, and add.nsore to.the beauty of a house than
any. Other aiticle that can be boughtfor the same money.
Marble anciStoneMeartits; and
.I\l'ar.. b'le ., Tcitos
. .
, . • ~, .t., . .Isti e,a , it
l for Tiiimiturei .Wash-Statids; Cauritersilitm .i;ili sows"; . J
- J. Monuments, Tablets; and
Gra la '
to '
n ' el
, ala a ff ti4A ln
ind, at.,
lovlircea. '
, ifiir,Waicroom 33; Office 319;ii Liberty. Street,.
Pa.._ f . • .. „ ' . . w.:%T. WALLACIS:.., 4
' ; — jrni.23.4r , '' ' ~.;,',"' 1 ... : • `,: :. , ,
; 3 .-.
, ri4 l ;,,arrtirated,
KS , "I' *7 016rern:yriiliAegi • A
.11r. IV '46d1:4443
T 0;
anti '• '*
Merchant Tailor,
No. 84 'Wylie - Street, - Pittsburgh,'
Respeethilly Invitee public attentiodto his tieweind extenelve
assortinent of•Dasbionable SPRENG AND BUMMER GOODS,
embracing. the new and desirable styleufor gentlemen's
wear, ,witich . will be made to order in the :salt bees manner,
at reasonable Oticaa. mar 17115%
S Y,N 0 D 5 S
45 St. tlair Street,
Offers `Sor Sale a eholpo , seleeMon or books suitable for all.
classes, on very , reasonable terms. The collection embraces
thO entire publications of the 'Presbyterian Board, of five
hundred and silty-nine distinct ,worke, and a large variety of
P911.1M5 and ITi , mtts, and the Psanna of David in metre,
Also, &good , selection. from Carter's late publications, Mar
tien's. Nelson's, Massapiusetts D. $. Society, Tract Society, and
S. S. Uhion ' '
Hodge on. Corfiithiane, .2 vols..
The Woidiatiad Mind of Jesus.
The Faithful Piateiser
Still HourrOommunton with God
Cumming's Great Tribulation
Sermons to Working Men. By J. W. AloSauluer
The Christian's- Ifmne. A Prize . Essay......
Pemily Religion. By Smith....
Rather and Rer Tiinea. By . J. M. Lowrie'
Last Bays of Jesus. By T. V. Moore
Tiara of our Lor
d of Gram.
Riches of Bunyan
Song's TotrLittle,Onds Rome
The Stars and the. Angels
Boardman's 'Higher Christian, Life
Dr. Spencer's Sketches '
litammit'S Lessons about Jesus
Ear. J. Addison, Alexander's Sermons. 2 vole 2.50
Rey. J. W. Alexander's Forty Years' Lettere. 2 vole 2.50
Rev. J. W. Alexander's Consolation to the Suffering ' 1.25
Rev. Dr.' Ilalieyfri,Literary *Unctions of theligdre, .. ... 1.25
The Province of Reason. By . Young 7.5
Nelson's Beautifal 'Oll Color Vienrof Ameriam and '
and Eastern Cities, ha,packages of twelve yiews ? .k. 26.
. . .
The Board have taken special care to obtain a choice mien
tion end' largeWatiety of Sabbath School books, embracing
1675 vela, and several Libraries, embracing from liity to ono
laundredr,olluriear each, atfrom $2.50 to 310.00. selected from
the licOid: of Barter's, MamieMs, B. E. union,
Tract Sogicayi.: S. S. Society . , and Nelson t Sons.
Ali tlienSoth4f2SW — a.ta ventliberabdinMairt, as au induce
mellt, *T.S Mins achr leachers in,tbreountry
trig ihiMabent - itapenifed dnillinr the Winter,
and*aliAn'e• be 14eimbflener* to obtain the beat library
*nide' tb,alr reach. mar:3l-44
Js~ziPpkr . O&M:WM
1 1.14E 1 i V• 1 01 4 1 E
ar . ,
' WM*. ZVI) E
Oloth ea cents.
ThdAlinctilling and its Jletivenly ;Blotto.
11. The Inheritance, and the Journey. to obtain it,
Ili. The shipweecked Traveller:
The writings of this author , ar bi kie . 'papti
' ere
land and Germany, where rhey lict4 adm ade.
general sentiment of the fereigoiiiresitieemid littla V
iewing from the Scottish Guardiatic " lrehArcr not, found
in so small &commis a mass of Chrierien a1T41012Ca . 150 met
nan t. with instruction to all who are °lipoid pin the Lord's
work." '
The Opening.:Vision•of the Apocalypse, and
. Christ's Epistles to the Seven
churches of Asia.
Author,of The Better Land?' "Gathered Lilltis,"
limo Cloth $l.OO.
Art attractive VO 16no of discourses or nieditatiorie; on the
llrst.three ehaptortnof the Apocalypse, the interest of whiole
is greatly enhanced by the author's recent visit to ratings
and the sites 'of the seven Asiatic Churches.
A History; oLthe Revival in Ireland in 1869.
Professor of Christian Ethics in Queen's College, Belfast, and
Moderator of the General Assembly of the Pres
" byterian Church in Ireland.
12m0.......... ....... Cloth $1.25.
This volume, originally prepared for the American pub—
lishers, with,great care, labor and skill, by Prof. G.bson, a
gentleman, so - emiaently qualified for the task, is the only
complete and'nuthentio History of this great work.
The description of the touching scenes of the Revival; the
striking cases, of conversion; the language and conduct of
the concerts;' the marked effect of the work on the morale
andhabits of, the community, etc., render it a volume of ex.
traordinary interest.
' Dr. Stow, who visited Ireland during the Revival, expressly
to witness the wonderful movement. in his brief Introduction
bears testimony to the marked accuracy of the account of the
work as he saw it.
( iTt .
The Dreamer's Blind Daughter.
EY MRS. S. ROCHESTER PORD. of Louisville.
1 'volume. 12mo, 4SB. pages. illustrated. Price SLOO.
The great popularity of "Grace Truman," (of which
thirty- Ebousand.copies have been sold,)' will secure, for this
book, thou s - 116. of readers. • .•
. : From the New-York Examiner.
The e numerous readers of "Grace Truman" have here
another work en a topic of deep and thrilling interest, from
the author of that highly popular book. Mary Bunyan, the
blind daucliter of the' immortal dreamer, is referred to re
peatedly. in his autobiography and other works. She was
about twelve years of age when Bunyan was imprisoned to
Bedford jail, and his anxiety on her behalf was one of his
principal Conseil Of distress in his long impilkonment.
As drawn by Mrs._ Ford, her character setae to have been
one:of grearmodesty and loveliness, and the story of her
love for Witham Dormer, and of his death for thercause of
civil 'and religious freedom, has much of the pittfietio'element
in it. Mrs. Ford is evidently theronghly au fait ikirtheineiv
dents of Bunyan's family history, and in tirs tepograpky
Bedford and I.llstow. We can safely predict'fortho*O* tal
extensive sale. -
'From the New-York Evangelist' , "
The simple , incidents of Bunyan's life; his protracted im
prisonment, his heroic endurance and lofty are of them
selves full of:the debeest and Ines( thrilling interest. It
needed only the picture of his blind drii(s.l;nsr Bier:, in her
0 13 c , ntleneas arid patiefice under sore misfortune, tik.gire com
pleteness to the tragic yet noble scenes in which Bunyan.
figures, so modestly yet grandly conspicuous. The author of
the.volume before us has carefully gathered up such histori
cal facts, and they are fortunately numerous nod well au
thenticated, as could threw light upon the subject, and bas
employed there. yrith.;drettstioc4ty and effect in the construc
tion of her.story. • .; I ;
Tirol the' Aulertais Baptist, N. Y
The announcemeot of a new work frouithe pen of the =corn
plished authoress of Grace Truman," will send athrill of die
lfgh t through thousands of hearts. The book will : be read with
an enthusiasm rarely 4cinalled. There , olll.lm merry a mois
tened eye over the beautiful pages of mild:ling' swum in the
history of one.whom alt know .Only tO : love. Beano it was.
out of the press, five thousand dOpies-haittneieerthired; sad
we,doubt not It will have altimnienee•salf: : .
.From the Pittsburgh Chroixtelk
This is the lest product front the pen of a lady whose
writings are rapidly becoming popular. tier last work,
"Grace Truman," had a sale of over, thirty thousand copies,
and this one is said to be a better and a more interesting
book- It ia a Tory pleasing tale of fiction, the scene td
which is in " Nerrie England," and the chief character, the
immortal and'riever-t6 , be-forgotton John Banyan; writer of
the Pilgrim's Progress.
Published by
,la BY
Booksellers, Publishers, and Importers,
• No. 23 North-Sixth Street, Philadelphia:
REFORMATION. From the German of Professor Kurtz.
With Emendations and Additions, by the Rev. Alfred Eder
;Mein, Ph. D. Svc , * 'Cloth, $1.50.
. Christianity. ,:in the - First Century;
Chr. Hoffman. Translated from the : German.
Cloth, , • • .
With Niiinerims - Additions from the. Copy prepared by the
Author for re-publication ; to which is added his Letter to
John DaiallMe Erie Revised and Correeted, with addl.
Gimlet Notes, by Richard Taylor, F.S.A.,
Cloth, $3.00. - .
* * *Any of the."abOW3 will TA sent by mail, aipmV: receipt
of •pries advertised. . • :' ' ,
PrOsbyterian ward of PublicatiOn,
Philadelphia, ;
SINCE MAY 187., 1880. •
'Very! for .I:buth...; 18:ao. Musirated.
Little Annie's plist Thoughts about Cod. By Nellie Gm.
hams. Pp. 871: '
The Lost Children; or, , Hstity and his Torch. By the au:
thot. of the Wido w 'sSikpence. Pp'. 82.
12M0. TRACI'S.
No. 239. Are. Yore Baptized ? Pp. $.
-No. 240. Are Your Children Baptized? • Pp. S.
No: 241. , John'S'Bei,tisin not Christian Baptism. Pp. 8.
242. Why ILove my Church. Pp. . • •
.18310. TRACT. • • - , •
&an Resporisiblefor his Belief. By the Rey. W. P. Breed,
Pp. 71. Pricw3leente- '
The Board are- now inspired to furnish the Church Register
and Minutes of Session ut the following prices:, _
Church Register, Wein, ; full bound ? $3.50..
Session Boot, for Minutes, 2,3, and,t Tures, plain, 52.50,i
$3.00, and $3.30; .full" boned, 83.50, 54.00, end $ 4.75. -
Register atiMblinutes-biumd together ; -plain, M. 50, $4.00;
and 54.50 full,bound, $4.75, $5.25, and 53.78.
. For sale in Pittsburgh at, the -Presbyterian Book
Boothe, fit: Clair Street. • • 'JOSEPH P. ENGLES,
f0h21.4f • .P,oblishing Agent.
NO: , 92,9 - Chestnut Street, , tPhiladelphia, -
Offers as.:anitalile fotslgdividualei churches, fatrullm., and
SuudaySchools?.. a large y ar iery , - ''•fq
Othese, a larg,e numbF is intended for Children and touth
—the Volumes being" luiridsoukely illustrated by 'fine en.:
gravings, printed in clear type; and well-bound.
:.The assortment embraces over font hundred and 887,
1. , ,
Ordain may Meant to ' "1161111 plussEm"l'..l;".4'.7.
„ , , Tinet„Hinute
" 0 . ,... 929 Cliestnni'lltreee,-
F*Rivir,LW, • , GARDF:NERS;,:FR:I3IV
, Ir. ,GRO*EitS;.CATTLE DEALERS &C" - or. .0 •
Whir biietnena
find * the Inolt
thatlcitar b nonpl er tq fon e,n4sortntat Itolin4eLitlng,to
nd iiffite mm( jitt'Adt
4.7sA.V.EißliAgl.ll , :429tiquituraloligAsirowq.f.6 Zawkl
•7v. liddv 417rk. WWI *May
.. . 2.00
. . 100
. 1.00
fis, wagiiingtnn St.. fl inn
115 Nunn.' Street, N. Y