ty came ; its cause a mystery ? If so, 'what an bumbler of Science it is! • How it brings.to a level the learned and illiteaTe, showing that the unknown may be tojhe known as the ocean to a drop—as eternity to time. Hold I Hero is. a 2n:ofessio7iae gentle-. man that can, he says, accountfor this singular phenomenon. He , has recently read a work on Philosophy, of rare excellence. profound, satisfactory on all matters touching camel , rerun: , A , book—na—„ y a golden key that unlocks the gri3at door of the Strong Castle, in which dame Nature for ages has kept hid her mysteries. That is, so be says. Well; according to hint, this sable stranger is a lump of petrified lava from earth's centre. The globe is hollow, or rather a ball of fire, like a huge sun is at the centre. *Oloanoes are only the es cape pipes of this immense centre-terranian furnace. Water, passing to this by filtra tion, or through fissures, is turned to steam instun6r,4xiilodes, and thus heaves tof tte heavens.part of old earth's bowels, which rata - 4613g in the air fbr the time of its ascent and descent, at last strikes the surface at no ,small distance from the place where it a t first had e g ress ,Now, reader, what do you think of that theory? In vain I reminded him of the fact that all objects partake of the motion of the body that carries them. To this he responded, that haying plumbed a loaded musket, lie fired it off, and awaited the re turn of the ball, but he found, by actual calculation, that owing* the diurnal revo lution of he earth on its axis, said ball would fall a distance West of the :musket proportioned to the altitude - of ascent, and this latter *as also alWays in ratio to the projectile force received by the ball. We told him, too, of the story of the mendacious sailor who said he once sailed an that went so fast, that in falling frorn'the top of the.main mast, one •day, he was, not. hurt, for the vessel, as he descende, g,liff'init. from under him, arid left him to fall into the sea! But all would not do. He was right. So we left him, and found oursolves in.Bellnir, on‘the Ohio river. All the sae sengers here debark and mutter .;:the greitt er, number cross the river, to continue their journey Eastward—iv few take the Cir cambendibus " Northward; ..but we (thy family and self;) sauntered off into the country in tt.vehicile provided by a kind friend, to enjoy the rural beauties of the Belmont.,Hills, the sweet-fragrtince of gar den flowers, and the rich flavor of the best of strawberries, and .sweet, pure- cream I So, reader, I bid you . good-bye for the present, having ,before me a well-filled of these exquisite delicacies ready todis patch—promising,- you, however,: other " Incidents and klights" soon; of a eharac- ter far more interesting than these. W. M. k. PERSONAL. The Prince of Wales, during his visit to Niagara ' swill be lodged at the residense of the late 'Mr. Zimmerman. Every' visitor to the Falls will remember this delightful place. It is Situated on'the Canada side, but a few rods from the Clifton Florist, and commands noble views of the Ciititact. The mansion itself is surrounded byluxu rious foliage, while an elegant-fountain be forea adds to the beauty of the greunds. Rim expected that the young Prince. will visit Ottawa and Toronto.. At Kingston the people are fitting up the Crystal Palace for his reeeption, tied he will officially in augurate the -new Crystal palace at Mon treal. - Lady Franklin,—We are pleased to learn that, the.Nerth Atlantic Steamship Com pany have generously proffered to lay Franklin a free passage for herself, her niece• and maid, in, their magnificent steam ship Adriatic, on her next trip from South ampton to New York. We think she will :,met by the song noble.epirit, ;bk . our countrymen when landed on our shores. Piing de Joinville has gone to Canada Sir Charles Barry, the distinguished architect, whose death was I:ocently an nomieed has-been interred in Westminster The Widow of Osawatomie Brown has recoived $B,OOO from her colorea ,sympa thisers in Hayti. Brigham Young, with several of the digni taries of his Church, has been in Philadel phia for the past ten days He is neeotia ting for the purchase of a paper mill, which he proposes to set up in his city. Subscriptions have been opened in_ vari ous parts of Italy in favor of Garibaldi's expedition. At Milan it already amounts to 40 , 000 f. Chas; Kingsley has been appointed to fill the chair of modern historrat Cilbridge England, rendered vacant by the death of Sir James Stephen. - 7 'Pickerel Parker bAueathed his private _ library, containing over thirty thousand volumes,, to the public library of the city of Boston. CMS L. gillOtt, of Charleston; S.' C., re cently deceased, left in his will $lOO to the Ladle's' Mount Vernon. Assodiation: This is said, to be the first bequest to that Asso ciation. P Three of the four Fix-Presidents of the• United States were in New York city Jest week_-Messrs. Van Buren, Fillmore,' and Pierce—all of them in excellent health. M. Van Buren 'is aged 78 ; Mr. Filmore, aged 60; Gen; Pierce, Aged 56. President`Collins, of 'Dickinson College, Carlisle, has been 'elected President of the State Female College, Nashville Tennessee, lind will enter upon hiS ne* duties imme diately after the next comineneenient . at Lally Byron, a few days previous, to her death, sent the sum of two hundred dollars to the Sicilian Committee of London, in aid ,of the Garibaldi fund. By her, death her eldest grandson, aged twenty-fouryears, enteral the Rouse of Lords as Baron Went worth. Ihin; 'Simmil D. Ingham died on Tuesday, at Trenton, at the advanced age of eighty. one years. persons, either in public or private life, have been more esteemed than was this , g , entleman : Ale was bore in Pennsylvania in 17'79, and Wits' a represen tative from that State in COngiess from 1818 to 1818, and from 1822 to 1829, when he.was appointed by 'President Jaek on, SeCretary of the TreaSnry. Ile`was largely' interested in the Remeyal of:de posits from the 'United States iitthk. Mit t 'Pierre, the distinguished mathema tician ~o f Harvard College, has - gone to England to spend the Summer tuonths... * 6 ' Ronson L Losing is about starting on a tour to colfiet original sketches to illus. ; trate his (Pgjelii. Book of the War of 1812," a work which' will. appear in about a year from the preierit tithe, as a companion to his "Field Book of,the Revolution." • The Bishop of Peril, %silo , suspended, the priests for assisting at the celebration of the Pe Deum at Bologna, in honor of,,the Sardinian Constitution, has-been prosecu ted by the Piedmontese Government. Nedici, who follows G arilialdi to Sicily, was distinguished in the. defense of Rome. He is a splendid type of an Italian, stand ing over six feet high, with 414nrient fair hair, an aquiline nose ( and' tual east of eounterianse. ''5.00,4 8 4 8 he has kept a small dry goods storfri!i;l , Penos, and was so genertaly .r6peettir Shlit.es he walked through the streets. thelishaitan43 of every grade unuOvtrell. /;!0-;;;lx''' Jelin hMidt and hai,hushanil' iy Lind Goldschmit... will leave London for Sweeden in the, early part of June. They will make a Visit to .the North, of three or lbw months in length. Dr. Hayes in Ensinud.—Two editions of a The Arctic Boat jOurney," by`Dr. Hayes, have been published in 'England—one by Low & Co., and one by Bentley of London, the latter being.edited With an introduction and notes by Dr. Norton Shaw. The Athenzewnz, which rarely praises Ameri can book, says the work is " full of thrill ing interest, so full that we could not lay. it down until we had read it thrmigh. ,It is a, well,written narrative of terrible pi vations and sufferings, borne with a forti tude and patient endurance, which may have, been equalled, but certainly never surpassed." After deleting four columns to"the volume, the Athenteum thus speaks of the author: "Dr. Hayes' most interest ing and well-written narrative. shows that he is fully entitled to take rank with the most intrepid and heroic Arctic voyagers!' The American publishers are Messrs.' Brown & Tao•crard, of Boston. Hon. Geo. Davila has consented to deliv er the oration when the corner-stone of Perry's Monument is laid in Cleveland, Ohio, on the 10th of September next. ECCLESIASTICAL. ,L. .I.I4IRIIPATRICK. has been appointed to, an agency for the Columbia Theological Seminary, 'in "the 'Synod of Alabama, and has asked to be re leased from the pastoral charge of the Glebe Street church, in Charleston, South Carolina. Rev. JAMES It. GRAHAM, of Winchester, Va., .has, received a call , to, the. First church Of Wheeling, Va. Rev. J. C. THORNTON'S Post-Office address is changed from Orleans, Ind., to Mt. Carmel, Wabash Co., 111. Rev. Dr. JAMES PURVIANCE'S Post-Office address is changed from Oakland College, Miss, to Natchez Miss. Rev. ROBERT GAMBLE vas installed, pas tor of the Union church, Philadelphia, on Friday evening, 11th Go to the Prayer-Meeting, Let attendance on the meetings be regu lar and constant. Be sure to go, if possible; go and see who you can find there. If yoUr faith is weak, go. If' your love is chilled, go. If hope be clouded, go. If joy 'and peace fail to rise in your soul, go. Every professed Christian, be sure, if pos sible; to go, that the activities of the soul may be stirred up and drawn out in the service of Christ. - If -you have for'a long time staid away, and the Christian armor has got rusty, go. "Prayer makes it bright," burnishes the shield, the sword,', the helmet and the breast-plate of right eousness. Go, if only a few are expected to be there, for if you stay away the, num ber will be less. Go, as did the good dea con, to :the red school-hciuSe r 'year after year; and often alone; and, like him, you may by-andr-by find the place filled with anxious worshipers, and see souls convert ed. Go,, expecting the presence and re fresliings of the - Holy Spirit; and ex pecting to meet Christ there, agreeable to his promise,, that where two or three are gathered in his name he will be in the midst of them. Be sure to go, always go to the prayer-meeting, when possible, even at the sacrifice of ease and profit in world ly things; and you will find a rich reward in it to your own soul, and see blessings descend upon the Church or Christ.. Go—all go, and carry out these suggestions, and God's blessing will be to you, like .his promises, sure. Try faithfully this recipe.—Chris• titin Miran The Moravian Church. The organ of this body, which' is pub .lished at Bethlehem, acknowledges that. the Moravian Church moves but ,slowly, and needa, and probably will experience great reodiffpation•within a,century ..It admits that in this country the Church is in a transition state. "It is feared by many that it may not survive the uncertainties and perplexities of these times;' we earn estly hope and pray Go d that he may in spire us with wisdom, that his work may net suffer in our hands, but that by a new impulse from on high, it may go forward, reaping the rich rewards of devotion to the service of God, and the best interests of men." PitESBI TERIAt NOTICES. The PRESBYTERY OF STEUBENVILLE will meet, agreeably to adjournment, in the Ridge church, on the Fourth Tuesday of June, at 10 o'clock A. iii. Persons travelling on' the Steubenville' and Indiana Rail road, to attend Presbytery, will please , stop : at"Tairview, where they:Will:Aid a Committee,- who - will furnish them en tertainment, and a corrreyance.to the place of. meeting. ROBERT ILERRON, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF - WINNEBAGO will meet at Neenah, Wla., on Thursday, June 28th, at 7 o'clock P. M. 11. M. ROBERTSON, Stated Clerk. The'PRESBYTERY OF SALTSBORG will meet at Wm , Lebanon i outheTourth Tuesday of Jana, at 2 deldck.P. M W. W.' WOMEND, Stated`Cleik. The PnESUKTPIIV OF BLAIRSVILLE will meet, accord ing triedfdininfeist r atMurraysville,'on the Third Tiesday of June at,2, o'clock P. M. Members doming by Railrarul, will leave the"cars at Manor Station, iThere, tiny will find a conveyance to the place tor meeting. JAMES DAVIS, Stated Clerk: The PRESBYTERY OF ERIE will meet at Georgetown on the Fourth Tuesday of June, (26th,) at 2 o'clock P. 31. - • S. J. 31. EA ON, Stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY OF DDBUQUE will bold an adjourned meeting at Maquoketa, on the Third Tueeday In June, at 73 ,lelock P. M. 7 . JOHN 151,110003, Stated Clerk. The PEESITYTERY.OF ALLEGHENY meet in Slate lek, on the 1903 day of Jane, at I.lsJclock,A. M. J. It; 'COULTER; stated Clerk. The PRESBYTERY' OP'BEAVER will meet in the church of Unity, on the Third Tuesday of June, et, 11 o'clock A. AL . D. 0, REED, Stated Clerk. ~The PRESBYTICT OF row mato' N;wilitioid ifs next reiaeffitein the'. Presbyterian church in 'Alliance, , 'Aftiartee, OE the Third Tneaday of Tune, at 2 o'clock P. M. • The Presbyterial Sermon will be preached by the Rev. T. . Speer; at 3 o'clock of the came day:: ROBERT HAYS Slated Clerk. l'r,tnerat Phls. Appleton's - Illustrated Rand Book tf American This work is indispensable to all who would travel through this country speedily, cheaply, and intelligently: And iteofitains a vast amount Ofuseful information ' to* those who , stay at home. Reviews and Magazines for April and N a) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH for 'May. Contents: :War and Progress in China; Capt. Speke's Adventures in Somali 'Laud ; Judicial Puzzles 'Elizabeth Canning ; Wellington's Career, Part 11. The - Mill on the Floss; Narcissus; The Snow- Drop; A Reuilleton ; Switzerland and French THE Loruff QIIAATEULY for April has the following -articles: Laborers' Homes; Souve nirs et Correspondence de Madame ROcamier ; ViCissitudes of Families, and other Essays"; The Bar of Philadelphia.--Washington's Farewell Address ; Miss Nightingale's Notes on Nursing ; Fox-hunting ; Recollections of Leslie; The Budget andthe Reforin Bill. THE NORTH BRUME Ilnytsw for May hos the following able articles:: Redding's Reminiscen ces—Thomas Campbell; Quakerism—r Past and Present; 'Sir Henry Lawrence; Australian Ethnology; Poems by Heinrich Heine; Church and, „state , The Origin .of , Spec i es; British Lighthouses; The State of Europe; Recent Publications. . 'The above with the Edinburgh and 'Westminster Review.% are republished by Leonard Scott & Co., New York at. $lO per annum. These fonr Re- Views with ,Blackwood,' contain an amount; of literary; ,scientific, historical., and—theological disquisitiot, every year that-ta : Hies - thenrtolln imiiitinie,paironage in this country. =I Travel. ' PRESBYTERIAN .i'I•ANNER.:;:-.5.0(110).A.t.5 . 01 1 :t i',5_.6;;:1:800... Sewing Machines. . Attention is requested to the advertisement of the excellent Sewing Machine of Wannxr..e. & WlLsoii . , -which we advertise this week. ills not our business to pronounce on the coMparative merits .of the iventions -which we advertise. Those who desire to purchase. will do that 'work -for- themselves. -But so many of our friends have used the :Wheeler Br. Wilson machine that we feel safe in saying that it is a good article - 1 Our Marlids, • Our markets, says the Evening. Chronicle, con tinue to be well supplied with all the necessaries of life prices being Mitch loWor than usual, and • likely to remain so, for some. time., ,Prime bntier can be, had for fifteen or sixteen cents, eggs for fifteen cents a dozen, and Spring chickens at Sixty-two cents a • pair. The. Price of all ,kinds • of meat about tite same; with perhaps a , clown- ward ,tendency. , Vegetables of every •kind •are very abundant, and there ft large supply, of such fruits •as are in season. New potatoes (are brought in in limited quantities, and sell readily . at remunerative prices. The crop looks very promising, this year,. and: promises to exceed that 'of last year even bkibundance:• On the' whole, lie have neVerseen our Markets better supplied with everything at this season of the year--a fact which affords general satisfaction to. our house keepers:'', • ' " Tlic; Slave ,Tride. This nefarious traffic seems to be carried on, this year, with more thane usual 'energy. The capture of four slavers, by our navy, in the course of a few weeks, is an Utterly unusual occurrence: These vessels' were taken off the coast'of Cuba, and are • Barque Wildfire ' 580 iegroei ac William' • • ' 650i , '" 4, 43ogotit. • A French barque 590 IliM Total ' 2,180 Alt these 'vessels are of American build, and hail from New• -York— —• The New. York Tribunee-gives alurther list of slavers lately fitted out at.that port,, as follows: Outhe 81st of December, the ,bark> lowa of ,the burden of 263 tuns, cleared at this, port for a whaling expbdition. The Whiles 'she went to catch were running about likn the 4 red' herrings' in the nursery rhyme,'• tin the woods.' She' was :fitted out for a slave voyage, and, ere :this, per"- Naps,has landed a cargo of Africans on the coast of Cuba, or in some lonely, haven on our Southern coast. On the 21st of January, the barque Wm. G. Lewis, burden 264 tuns, cleared for the. Rio Congo and a market: *Her owners are probably expecting daily, if they have not already received ; .the returns of, her voyage showig a profit of not less than $lOO,OOO on a cargo` of slaves. On the 28th of the same month, the brig W. B. Kibbe, of 199 tuns, cleared'for the , Port, de Senna. , On the 4th :of February., week later, the;barque Emily, of 801 tuns,,and on the. 27th of March,. the. brig , . Falmouth, of 208 tuns cleared for the same port, and, on the, same errand. On the 7th of 'April, the ship Atlantic, 'of 699 tuns, and on the 28th of the same month, the: ship Montank, of • '505 tuns cleared : for whaling voyages ostensibly, but fitted as slavers, and, bound for the coast of Africa for negroes. On the -2d of last, month, the brig Storm King, Of 220 tuns,' sailed for the Congo River;`and'on • the 21St the barque Buckeye,' 820 tuns, sailed for the West collet of Africa. There is little doubt of; the purposes of their voyages: • •, "These vessels, it will be seen, range from 200 ,to 500 tuns burden,, and that is ,the size sought for in this trade. ,They must be fast sailers, of ,good capacity, and loftily Sparred, with a:wide 'spread of canvas to catch light breezes. Vessels of this charaoter go:quick in this city for ready money, and all the business connected with:them is a cash business, Without any nice particularity as to prices, and money changes, hands not mere ly fer legitimate articles or traffic, such as ships and ship stores, ,but official blindness and official good will arehandsomely paid for. 'Altogether, a very brisk trade exists umong those:. connected with it;_ so brisk that a single one of those.mer chants known as "agents' has pocketed in com mission alone on slavers fitted 'out at this port within four 'months, the snug sum'-of $16,000." Stich a condition of things, is disgraceful to • our country. We Would . gladly suppress the , , statement,'but that it is a duty to seek a remedy, :and the :remedy is , in - the - hands of the - people. Government: could suppress the:evil, and Govern ment is instituted ands : controlled by the freemen of the country. With party politics we' have nought to : do, but hi - goOd governinent we baire the deepest interest. Let, the people ,insist that the laws - shill'be enforoed. By the Overland Bail. SPRINGFIELD, Mo., June 10.—The overland mail coach with, six passengers, and San Fran cisco dates to the 21st ,of. May, arrived here at 8 o'clock this morning.." The San Francisco papers furnish the follow ing highly important news from Japan and Chi- The steamer Yugtez,,with news from -ohiantto April 10th, report that the Chinese have condo ded.to ps4 , the English and-French GOverninents their expenses, and accede to all their demands. The, ports and the navigation of the rivers are to The Americans are charged by the China Chron icle with having been ertgaged-in,the coolie trade, and aproclaumtfon been - issued by a distin guished Chinese official, warning them against the practice of kidnapping. The Prince Gortairo, who was et the head of the present Japanese Government, was assassina 'ted on the 15th of March. He was going from his house to the Palace with his train, when he was attacked by fourteen Japanese, 'dressed as travelers. 114 retinue had six killed and several wounded. One of the assassins, who was wound ed and could not escape, had his head cub off by his comrades, .and`carfieff off to preient their being recognized.-. . Twc of .the,, assassins were. princes .of „high railefitridlad the privilege given `them' Of' cut ting open their own abdomens with a -sword, thereby preventing their property from.• being confiscated, and, saving their. faMilies frem the disgrace which would entail upon them had they 'been beheaded. . Thirty people were beheaded en,the first of April; having been interested in the affair. Since the death of the old Tycoon, in whose reign the treaty was made, 'there has been an entire change. in, the Government, the present dynasty being opposed to foreign•in tercourse, and throwing every obstacle in the way to interrupt trade, and commerce, that they possibly can, without violating the treaty. The opposition, at the head of which is Prinee Meta, is reported as being'as strong as the pres ent Government, and an-insurrection is moment arily expected. Foreigners are requeited not to, go out after dark, and are advised by their re spective consuls to,go,arneed at, all: times. Vinoixin 'CITY, May DewningvMe troops, one hundred and fifteen men on' foot, with sixty guns, twelve pack mule's and, provis ions; are ontheir . iray. hither; and are expected to-morrow. There is a great scarcity of hories and saddles for •. volunteers now organizing. Provisions are growing scarce. A letter from. Judge Watson, ofitagtown, May 11th, announces the Indians ready for war. .Theyare stealing all the'stock along the Hum bolt river. Eighteen whites are reported killed near Honey Lake. , Passing Notice. .N.e Housekeeper's Friend—Spalding' a Prepared Glue. ; Thia admirable addition to our standardhouse hold economies will be hailed by all.good house wives as a boon long' wished:for,'but hitlierta un attained. Spalding's Prepared .Glue is peafectly' adiPted for thoin timely repairs to household wares, furniture ' crockery, and for fancY work, that is almost daily demanded by the experience of every housekeeper. It is chemically held in solution, will withstand the action, of climate and time, retains its full strength, and is put up in a snug, convenient bottle, with a brush, all for twen ty-five cents. " On being applied, the chemicals readily ItivaPorate and , the glue' 'becomes - firm quickly, _and adheres with the tenacity, of: the best cabinat4naker's glue. For wood, leather,' or other articles where glue is ever used, it is , just.the thing. We have tried it,' . and speak by the card. In the' country it will be invaluable, and nobody' in the city will think of doing with out it. If Mr. Spalding desires to become a candidate for the Presidency, and his friends stick like his glue, he will be sure of an election. —Frank, Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, :New-York, July 80, 1859:' (ADVERTISEMENT.I Worms l. Worms! There is no disease more common among dren, andYetsnOne'isrhioW so' frequently baffles the skill Of the''phytiiciari; - are thighlr detrimental to , the constitution'; and their"., ,presience carefally guarded agninst by z parents. On tba. 4 first, nianifeStatious-, of symp toms, every means should be'used:lo expel them promptly and thoroughly. Dr. IVFLane's Vermi fuge, prepared by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, is well established as the most certain, safe, and speedy, remedy ever offered for this, troublesome and dangerous, malady and. all who have the management, of children shoull,keep this inpulu able medicine on hand. " In additiod to. its per fect safety; it never failsto produce the dei3ired Ptirehasers will be careful to ask for Dr..3f Lane's Celebrated Vermffuge, manufactured by: Flemiriy Bros. of .Pittzburgh, Pe.. All other Vermifuges in, comparison :are worthless. Dr. • M'Lane's genuine Vermifuge ; "also his Celebrated Liver Pills, can now be had at aII respectable drug stores. 'None, genuine - without: the Signature of Ftzatmallncis. ' • -E44l' " By the arrriral of the steamship Africa, we have news from Europe to the 24th ult.: THE :SICILIAN ,INSURRECTION., lON. The information relative to. the,.progress Garibaldi continuesmoagre,anci very conflicting. A supplement to:the :Genoa ...ffooimento of 'the 2dd of 'May, alleges that Garibaldi had entered Palermo with nine •thousand infantry, and' a• squadron of cavalry. ' The .Neapolitans laid down their arms. The most extraordinary enthusiasm' prevailed at Palermo'. The Paris Pairie.doubts the above The Daily'Netds' Paris' correspondent; however, is assured of its correctness, and says that Geri- Nadi has determined t%make himself, ,undispated' master of Sicily'before making any attempt on the mainland. He Will afterwards forth a strong 'naval force, `and descend upon Calabria. The 'same. authority professes Co have 'special instructions for believing. that Garibaldi bad .re ally entered : Palermo, and that s he; had issued,a stirring proclimation,:dated from that ciiy, declir ing that he had 'assumed the provisional. Dicta . torsbip . of Sicily. . ;:,The Insurrectional Committee in Sicily, •had, it is said, sent a note to the foreign consuls, .announc ing that the nation would be ciinsulted, and that the" Sicilian Pailianaent 'would be 'Convoked. The Paris 'correspondent' of the' London Post also says thetaproelamation had been issued by Garibaldi in which he took upon limself all the responsibilities of the Dictatorship of Sicily, AAilipatch 'dated Messina, 22d May, says : ,‘ There Is a great panic among the authorities. The inhabitants are joining. Garibaldi in-orowds. Great numbers of strangers are {quitting the towns. .. , The soldiers are taking refuge in :the forts.• • .mi The Paris , Patrie•,'after`ng the NeaPolitan dispatch announcing the defeat •of Garibaldi, "A second dispatch states that Garibaldi had attacked the, royal troops, who were strongly en-, trenched, and to have completely beaten them. .According • to the same.;dispatcli,. this -combat would lead tolthe,iramediate evacuation , by the royal troops of Palermo, : Messina,. Trapani, Ca tania, and Syracnse.." , MesSina tylviCes "to the 21st state thitforty-Sfx Neapolitan deserters were fired at while , -passing to the insurgents.: There have been,two consid erable ,disembarkations „of volunteers at, San Stefano . de, Camestra, to the right;afid at 'Santo, Veto, to the left' of Palerino. The rising at Messina has not yet taken place. It is expected that Palermo would • soon surrender. •r. A procla-! mation of the committee of Palernic is posted up: ,in all parts,_Nef that town, anntaincing, the Victo •rious marcrof Garibaldi, an& that'SiCily ;would. soon become independent. It alsoadds EVen the Neapolitan police are commencing to- desert their master." - • • , . The official Turin gazette contains's dispatch, dated'the'24th of May; relative to' the encounter of Garibaldi, at San Martino; with 'BaVarlans in the Neapolitan service. Garibaldi had approach ed nearer,to Palermo, the heights, around which were occupied by ,hisurgerits. 'attack' was imminent. = General Lanza had deb:landed an ar mistice of 'Garibaldi without effect.. ;i ; -• The dispatch, continued. A telegram from PalermoJ of the 2M of May, at ten P. M., announces that Garibaldi's troops, were - in position near 'Palermo, and in attack was momentarily expected. ' Twenty thousand Neapolitans , occupied the, heights, which commanded the town for two . miles round. Manscim.ss, 'hlay 26.= The" packet which left Naples on the 22d has' 'arid brings • letters from Palermo. dated 21st inst., which slate that the. anxiety was increasing,' and popular passions were,infiamed. • • On the eveninlof the 20th inst. several shots , , „. Were fired from e balconies in the, Rue Toledo. The police returned the fire, and`cwounded Bev mai persons.• Strangers had taken refuge under the national flags. The authorities had ordered the doors of the public buildings, to be built to, • half their height. • • There was s panic among the public functiona ries, and the' director of . the' official journal had taken to' flight. The churches were opened on Sunday; ,but remained deserted. , ,•Yeaterday. the fire. of an insurgent bivo,ae was seen , on the heights surrounding,Palermo, and it was Nicer •tained that a battle had taken Tilacte: .: .'" S'''• • i~ The populatibn were anxiously expecting the result,'-which .was not , knowm- , A 'very concilia tory proclamation. of Gen.-4.Lainza had . been coldly received. ••• I : "' • •• PARIS May 26.-The P attie:;eof this evening published details identicaliiitli thoSe'contained in the dispatch from Marseilles, and adds that'it was believed.that the assault'; upon :,-Palermo .would„ take place before the 27th:of May. • • il t dyices from hlessina f 4), the : 23d inst. ,Says, that a gloomy tranquility, prevails. The GOV , , Otis:a:Of Malta: Who bad arriVed'at Mars - eines in lhelirdian AWE steamer;leiien this evening , fat! London. • • .•1‘ • , , Rots May 28:--Prinee.,Wouloneki f: the g new Russian plenipotentiary,. keit..PTtlay..fOr, ;1,411 , 14: It is es c erted that:heis bearer !it); rea li se instructions in ieferenee fo" ; • .-••• • the'ofildial roPort'of iffilVatthetrotto, nearldontetialeir, the'pndarmettiiis Much • coin - mended.' • She ..brother of Oran,. anthor.,of .the attempt, is dead... The Govoisor the; 01%; Aya Tendmiti, took tO.flfeht With' the police . : 'Ho Usti linewrinioied froiii'offine iy. the Minister:--- • • • It is asserted.,tbat.Gen Latnodelere left to-day for Ansonia. He dirieff yesterd(o .. with General A rumor wam ourre 4 l . that t o Paris Montteur wasiiiting: CO' publish a speech 'of M. Lavalntte lir fifes Sultan, of so shinning' a 'natureas to' throw thetSicillian insurrection into the shade. • ...The new law concerning sugars,and coffee had been promulgated in the 4/Oniteur. ':The Paris errespondent of the Liidoit Minting Cleicrnicie give§ ourre'ncy to wieport flat ilia, BM peror .of Rimsia would shoirarvititTials:,*l Iforti gn gebls. _pf,,.troopEO:rop„Naplgs to Sicily ' " " • • MAME'. THE'DEPOSED: **').iittl:bi;r7sris . . A. Turin letter, •of Mom , in the , Opinions Nationale, gives thefollowing iteportant;,confir-• motion 'Of the new that' here is a coalition tween the Pepe, Austria, and the deposed dukes, against the pebple of Italy. ,) An Ancona correspondent, witnse .statements are slways reliable, writes to me es: follows : The . Austrian corvette Immaculate 'Conception has landed here, from Venice,' sii cannons; 'two mortars' and thirty horses, and - some ertillery men. Who do you suppose they , belong to ? Why, to the Duchies of Parma! And, more over, the vessel has gone - trtai - to - fetch a battery and a half of artillery of .the)Duke of Modena. 'Later. The North Briton has arrived,' bringing later news - there the 'Africri. The latest ; information from Naples Confine the otatenlent had entered Palermo on *the 26th, and .took ap his headquarters- in the centre The population had The troops niede'ati a t temp t to bo mbard the city by sea and land but to no effect. : • , had increased to forty thoisaed men ...man - Pltpsburgh Market. , TUESDAY, June •12, 1860. ASIIES—Seda Ash, 3031/c4 Pots, 4%,@14Y 4 c.; Pesxle, SYASY. The stock In 'first handils ample or all ordliary purposes. BACONSlMulders,t3aMe:; Plain !lams, 10%a1034c.; Sugar Cured do - , 12c. 115,1 b.. • • • BEANS—SmaII White, 65@70c., and York State,, $l.OO per bushel: • , • BUTTER—Fresh 8011, 10013 c. 7154,p:eked, 91.010 c. BROOMS—Common, 2.00a2.60; fancy 2.75a3.Z: CANDLES AND SOAP--Candles: dipped,•l2l4, mould, and adamantine 18a19c. 7$ lb. Soap: Sc.. foi common, 5Uc. for Rahn, and 10e. for Sawyer's Toilet and Castile; 515%e.rt0r Sawyer's Chemk;al Olive. and7c..Tor German.,, . OEOEBE—New Weston;Reserve, 9aptil4,c4 hamburg ,• nov ioco e : gob ; , . OORN 4L—From: first hands, 804482c4 from store, .851470 c. •.1 DRIED FII.IIIT-:-:Apples, 11'.2.501.27; Peaches; 3426@4.59. EOOB-rPueked, 1234.:0.dcr5. , Weetern, 4844450 c: '414 lb. ' r• 71811—No: 8 Mackerel, lame, E 2.50 '44 bbL, md, half bids. ; Lake White , 10.00@10.50 bbl.; half bble. do., 5.25@5.50:- Lake Trout, 8.50 '451 bbl."'Herring:' Baltimere, 7147.80,; Halifax, .„ ; , . FRED-Midali $1.2501.30' per 100 Esi.; 'Erhorter, Bran. 85c • Bbipstuffs. 90(41.00.: • • 1. • ' FLOITEL, Bupet,,• .$5,40@4.45,4 4i7.6 .45.; SSA 0.00;0.10V0.24i; 'snore $62503. ..50. • GRAIN—Oorn, St, 60602 e. Oats. 35c. from store... Rye, 70e. Barley : 65a08c. Air Spring, and 10i75c. for Fell.; GROCERIES -- Coffee: Good ltio, 143!®1,5e. Sugar, WA, Sji@no. fOr Gdr prime N. 0: Molnises, 49@60c.' tbr Now , HAY-511.00414.00 lk ton, at scales. HIDES ANDIRATHER-Green beef hides, 603 1 / 2 e.; green salted hides, 731173'e.; dry flint. l6@lfic. Rough countty leather le dull M 264127 c. Dretued leather be quoted 'as 'fol. iorre : Red Spanish Soleil lb., 21@25e..Slaughter lb., r2ge.; tipper Leathor f 31, dozen, 1123(438 : Bridle Leather, dozen, $40@;‘45 . ; , Skirting Leather V; lb., ,32@34; Harness, $1.25. Maryland, 1.75. LARD-10%@11e. 'l% m for• No. 1 city In bbls:, and 1.1 1 4(ill 1114 e in kegs; country, 1001034 c. LINBER—SIO.OOaI4.OO for common, M and 20.00031 for ( clear. Shingles, $2.253.75, according to quality. MESS PORK—Country, S10.06@18.150; city, $18.H318.50. OIL—No. 1 Lard Oil, 88a90e.; Refined Cloal'.oll, SSalOc.; Liusesxl, 02a65n. • ; POTATOES—Neshannocks, bans6c.i Red 5,3683864 Bluth , . . . 46c.; Pinkeyes,•soc. . •, • • • SALT—No. 1, $1.00®1.10. , SEEDSCioner, $4.2.5@4.37. Timothy; $5.0411.12. ' 51.8001.40. ; • • STEARINE-10% per tierce. - TALLOW--Rough, 7cl; Country rendered, 9%®10e. • ' • ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. ' • • ' EV E Et—The offerings during the week amounted 'to 420 head, of which 200 were sold at prices rangiag ,froin , 23( 4 to 434 c.. gross. • The remainder Will be sent Bost. SHEEP-Ths: offerings amounted to:500 head, and sales were made . at $3.75a4.00 .it cwt. • HOGS--sy z ai3c:, grow, according to quality. • Now-Tork. . Nsw Toni, June $5.15a5.20 for super. State; 5.25415 for extra State; 5.15115.20 for super..Westorn :- .5.25a5.45 for common to medium extra Western; 5.75115.85 for shipping brands of, R.,H. o..,..Canadian Flour : 5.30a7.40 for common to choice extra": Rye F10ur,,3.50a4M for com mon to choice ;Super. Wheat: Milwaulcim Club, 1.26a1.% for common to very choice; Racine, white Canadian, and white. Indians. 1.48. , Rye, 86c. Corn : G334a65 3,4 for rtn sou'nd. mixed Western; 66 for sound shipping da.; 70 for choice Westirn yellow .70 for Jersey do.; and . 7 for :choice white Southern. Oats; 38a42c. ' • • • i„. ' glitiglbttrts •• . '• MRS. W . INSLOW •an experienced" Nu r se and Female Physician, has a Soothing Syrup for children teething:which greatly faailitates the process, of teething, by 'softening the going, reducing all inflammation—will allay all pain and regulate the bowels. Depend upon it,.mothers,• it will give rest to yourselves and relief and health to your M ints. Perfectly safe in all cases. See advertisement. m 28-ly "BROWN'S LAXATIVE TROCHES."Theie• . Is no taint of onackery their composition. Very milli! Of{ :the first pig/Solaris, where the Troches are , maiinfolctoied: know their ingredients , and freely recommend their:Mk., Where habitual or occasional constipation exists, they : W:tn, infallibly remove it,and will In due time restore a natural` and healthy a•Olon. . • Of I _ ,:• arrit- - In East Dear .Townahip, May 31st,. by Rem. W.l). Taylor, Mr. A. H. Bl'Havri to Hies ELEA:fon ,BOTD. On the same` evening, 'at 'Taientum, Joni Eitiett. to Mee ANN E. DUVIORN. ,!? • • ' • - • • In Stewartatown,_ York County, Pa., AprillBth; by. Ben .T. Y.ldetdlce, Mr. THOMAS H. li r ltl9llT to MISS Kier{ . On Thursday, May 24th',. by Roy. W. P. Moore,• , 31r. 1). Bnirre, of Blair County, Pa., to Miss MART M. Caina, of Clarion County, Pa. . . At Island Creek Parnbnage. Junti,4tb, by Rev. M. A: Par-' kinson, anointed by Rev. Dr: Elliott,' Mr.' IttottoitnOns.mr.Ens to Miss MARS E. tuts; both. of Jefferson County, Ohio. • ' On the 6th tnet.,by Amy. R. 8. Morton.:in the Treebytcrian church of Ilooketown, Pa., Res.-, Wsimau F. J011:48TON, of ltichmond; Ohio,. Mliedoneey to to' Mies RAcnit. L., daughter of David Kerr, Jr., of lloolcstown. . . . • . . On the sth inst., at the house of the bride's mother, by ROY. Joseph Stevens. Dr. PF.NJAMIN BEAR to Miss LYDIA HOPHIJIIN,. only ,stireiving Inughter 'of.,the late. Jamcs M Hepburn, both of Jersey Shore. • 0 ......„ + . I ..,.. 'd .., , [A NNOIICE611:1110V 111:013 ;ADDITPONAL. RiuAace, FIVIS CANTS A. JANE, Nl= WORDS REMO A LINK.) DlED—bn the 20th of May, 1860. at his residence,. near New Akiiaitißiak Capt . . JOHN CRAIG, in tlie 75th year of Ilia age: t ,: • . • • DIEDAt the residence of his lean; Rec. Coshocton, Ohio, on , the 3d hunt; Dr. WK. P. HUNT, in the, 69th year of his ace, of Pedticktown, Salem Colmty, New Jamey where he had been engaged In the praetice of medi *atm fo ' rty-live years. . • • DIED—At his late retidence, in leorthemptofi, l :Bucke Con' 'Pi_ on Fridnj'moroing. May 18th, after 'a llngvring illness, `ISAAC VAN ARTSDALEN, in . the 89th year of his age) The demo/led was for forty, years a member of the Preabr i‘lan.nhurch of, Newtown , ya.,,itnd for twenty-five years of that time, one of. their most active and efficient Ruling 'Hiders, whime counsels wets highly appreciated, till 'he was lafilaside by dieestee. By the death of Mr. -Van Arisdalen, 'the Sessidn feel,that they base loot a dear friend, a faithful . .and judicious no-worker; the church; an able and .honored officer and liberal supporter; and the whole community an upright Christian man, and a useful member of society. Ho was possessed of iliOes sterling virtues and'gruces that impirt force and energy; and glee beauty, loveliness aid attraction to the:whole , Christian and eoclal character' of man. - Ile. was , ogemlly faithful in priest4s, social, and public reiigious duties. He , lookell well thsrays ; of bousehold;and trained up children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, . . Who ncrii"rini up to'calitim blessed. pne eon, whom he Mu cats& forithe Gospel ministry; he lived to seaman:) , years slit cesefully engaged in his heavenly calling. ' . : • . In the various judicatories ofpi3stuiJcb, from the Session to the General Assembly, he wee often a member, and took A deep interest in all thitt pertained to the welfare of Zion. He was ever ready to give his time and talents to promote every good cause, and all benevolent schemes found in him a liberal palron. ' Thus be labored till'etricken down'hy paralysiA, and heluia 'defierted to that Mat and' rewak that' remain for the people of God. And in his departurnwas strikingly exhib ited the power of religion to sustain And comfort the depart ing, soul. In his lest illness? his mind we; clearer and fiiioner than it had been for some ,mouths previous, and to the end'it vies trunquil and full of hog,. hire' had 'no terrors'; it Waif not only'rObbettof: int sting, but was a sweet release from his sufferings., .He seemed to have . no de eire to live or die; but with the, resignation and spirit Would often say, All the days of my appointed time will I wait till my change come." Conscious of the near alueiat lie gave directions concerning', tixik an affealtioniate , farewell of his wife and' children, and sweetly ..111lialeleksp in Jesus, to awake in his likeness. . • , _ "How blest therighteous.wheu he dies." ; , • 8. DIED—At the. residence of her son, nOar. 'Stenbemille, Ohio, May 20th, Mrs. HANNAH ROBERTSON, wife of the hite Thomas Robertson, in•the Sith year of her age: :Mrs . ..Hebei:Mon .was an esteemed and worthy rtiother in She ;descended from' pious' anceitore; and in early enjoyed the ; blueing:of a, religioc!l It, 1798, With her husband, she remred, from WestmorelandCou9ty, Pa., to Ohio, and settled In the bounds.orwhit IO now'lslatid . Creek congregation ; and Wheri' that church Was organized, • she was one of the number who compcsed'iti-niemberehip, ,and at the time of her death WRB the; last of number, 'havingilxfon a member of that church for nearly sixty years, She .war an earnest and active Christian, and always took an active part , in all the interests' of the Church: Her piaci", When hi health wile never vacant in the house. of Ood -4 he ,10v;..d to sit at the feet of 'Jesus; and ebe lived near the cross. Her love for the Saviour and his cause.inereased with her years, and the strength , of her lov e was manifested in her last short illness. -- 11er - cioSin4IIIILITI were vent in talking of Jeans, and'ebblineriding'him around her. She earnestly desired the moment ?flier departure to hast,sn, im ipatieuYto De'ivltti her Saviour; end she Could ,iritiMplantly "0 doath,'Wheio Sting? 0 ire,' where is' thy :victory?" ,!, • • : • . • ;. upeeeedpre the dead which die theMord.'!'. es4A, THICWEEKISADVERTISEMENTS , NOW READY. A GREAT ' 8008 BY TEIE iirliOß 'OF '"GR ACE . ' ...FRIIMAN." • • : t: , ~1, . ::•:i - .• ' MARY' BMITAIC " . -'/.-:' The DFnamers 'Blind . Diughtet:' .i • A.,t4LE i ,90 . ,„RE..4.00ug : PERsgcuTjopc- BY MR& .1. ROCIEBSTEIL F6111:0, of Leaknille. r : 1 vohnie. 12niii. 483 palm. Illustrated •• Price $l.OO. The - great , popularity 'Of - "Grace Truman," (of 'Which thirty thousand copies have been sold,) will secure, for Ude book, thousands of readere. ~ . . . ' ' READ'WHATTHE PRESS SAY IT. ' -. ;• , 7 • Frain the New-York Eicaminer. •• : ' • • • The numerous. readere of; "Grace Truman", have here another work on a toplc.of deep and thrilling interest, from' the anther of that highly popular book. Mary Bilnyan; tho• blind'daughter of the. immortal dreamer, - Is referred to re peatedly in his autobiography and other works. elle WAS 'about twelve years of ago when Bunyan was :imprisoned in. Bedford ]all y sodhis anxiety on her behalf was ono of his principal Ca 115611 of 'distress In his long imprisonment. Ae drawn by Mrs:ford, her character seems to leave been one .of great modesty and loveliness, and the story of her' love for William thinner, and of his death for the curiae of: civil i and religious freedom, bee much of the pathetic element In it. Mrs. Fdrd Is evidently thoroughly an fail in the hid-, dents of- Bunyan'a family history, and in the topography of Bedford and alletaw.: . We can safely predict for the work, an extensive sale.' - . From the New-York Evangelist. I ,;:••• The simple incidents of Bunyan's life, his protracted Joh: prisonmeut, his heroid endurance and lofty faith eruct them.' selvei full of the deepest and most' thrilling. intereiiti:T. needed only the 'picture of ,his blind, daughter, Mary,.in.:ller gentleness and patience under sore misfortune, to give-cent pletences to the tragic yet noble scenes in which Ituriyart figures, so modestly yet grandly conspicuous. Tho author of the volume befortrusilfirs'eareitillrgathered up such histori cal facts, and they are,,forhquately,uninerous and well au thenticated, as could thrOw; light' Upon the sultieet, and 'has employed them with great sagacity and effect in the constnie tion of her Story. • - , .• • , - • From the American Baptist, N.Y. I . • , The announcement of a new work front the pen of the aectml pllshed authoress of Gruen Truman," will send a thrill of de light through thousands of hearts: The book will be read with. an enthusiasm, rarely equalled. , There will be; many a mois tened eye ' over the beautiful ilges of 'touching scenes in the history.of one whom all know. only to love.. Befdre•it was out of the press, five thousand copies had bon ordered, and wo doubt not it will haveah immense Sale. • ' • • ' From the Pittsburgh Chronicle...) . • .1 . Mkt .is ; the last, product trom the, pen of a...lady • whose. writings are rapidly becoming popular. 'Her last work; "Grace Truman, had weals of-over Uurty Ginn-send copies, and this one is said , to be a better and a more interesting. book. It - Is a -Tery^rhasinirtato" of fiction, - the scene of whirl] is in Morrie England,",and the chint,ohafacter, the, immortal Hall beiiif-to-*fergotion John . :Bimyen, tpiiter of i , •.1 - f,'; 7' Publiod by :•SILEIL.pON so _ 115 Niesau atrvisti 1400FLANDIS GERMAN BITTERS u- -mill positively cure Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia,' Nereou& Debility, &c: .Frout ,the .Rev. J. B. Herman, of the German .Reformed Church. . , DL C 3r. , JACKSON :--:•Respected SI•i• =I have been troubled with Dyspepsia for nearly twenty years. and have never used any medicine thed did me so much good as Afoidland's Bitters. very much improved in health, after lutving.taken .five bottles. , Yours with rein:ea, Jr. S. HERMAN. .Entatown,-Berke.County, Pa,April,ll33B.' , ~• . For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Price 7,S cent per battle: - • ' junl.6-It BAR TH'OLP 9 S CELEBRATED. SP. N •11AOR IN RS., The Best . „ , , Thiee Machines inane tbe'Silirilz; .61:Lock Si:4o2t;"Nollcli le undeniably tbe beet. .Tbcy,use but little Thread, work almost noiselessly, are 'simple, and easily operated. ' • 'Active and reliable lneal Agents wanted. • •4 4 - Address - HENRY M. RHOADS, Agent; . Federal Street, 'Allegheny City. . , AWSEND :FOR A CIRCULAR.Iiii nual.o-1Y • WHIOELER St. StirIXSONIS SEWtNG'MACI-I.INES I Fifth' Street, Pittsburgh. . . We offer to the public WHEELER & Wit:SO:VS , — IIVIPRoVED"°SEWINCIVIACH With increased confidence in its merits as the T._ BEST ` ANT MOST RBLIABI.E FAMILY SEWING I%IACTIINE now in use. It seweennally well an the thickest and thinnest fabrics, makes the lock stitch-impossible to unravel, with the essential advantage of being alike on both eides, forming no ridge, or„ chain on the under side'Lls sherd& in r eonstructieti; more - speedy in more tore Durable than ,any, , Other. Machine. We give full .inetruction to enable the purchaser, to ,Ul3l , ordinarrscauti, stitch, hem, fell, quilt, gather, bind and tuck, `ell on the - same nteblne , , and , .• ' WARRANT IT . FOR THREE=-YEARS:; cancuLAms containing . • .” Testimonials Nut ladliee et the . 111thest needing . , East and.' Wegt, Oiving prices, &c., will be furnished gratis, on application in - - person or by letter. ' • - • - • • Sewing Machine: • • TWIST, COTTON, ann OIL, , Constantly on hund. - , • jutti.673nt WM SITWEIV &. CO. APPLETON'S ILLUSTRATED • .•HAND7BOOK OF, :TRAVEL, ..„NEW EDITION -NO7 Ey4;nlr APPLETON , Nos.- 443 and 445 Broadway.t .., HAVE NOW READY ;;; , ; , • . . Appleton'slitustrated Hand-Book of American • Travel. A. fall and reliable ; Guide by Railway; Steambriat; 'and' Stage, to the,Oities, TOWTIB, Witter-ValKilattle-Fields. Mountains, - Rilfore,Lakei Hunting and Fishing Groinide, Watering- Places; Summer ; Resorts, and all scenes and objects of Ml portance and interest in the. united States and-the British ''Provinces: = By T. - ADDISON RICHARDS: With careful 20.119 of all parts of the- country, and Pictures of. farms, places and scenes, from original drawings, by the author and other artiste:. ' ; Containing the NORTHERN AND EASTERN STATES. SV.OO. PAKT IT: Contitining thoIOIITITERN AND'WESTERN STATES. , $1..00. - • - - ; ;The TWO PARTS,AISIINIP TOODTHEII, Brice 51.50." B. A. Sc . CO. ALSO PUBLISH, .C&FiejAL. RAILVai Containing the full Time Tables of all the nailw4i in the llniteil Stittes'and' Ceitadas, together with 'one hundred Maps. .Priee,2s cents. ' . . ,:: . ,- -. , .:: D..A.,A :CO: ALSO PUBLISH t ': i ' L The 'Pliy'selegy of Common Life . . , BY GEORGE HENRY.LEWES' Ilithdrated with Engravings. 2 TOIS. , rhitiL ,V.OO. VOL • ' IL separately, to complete` sets, SLOO. , . No scientific subject can he so imporiant.to ,mantie,fhat of his own life. No knowledge , can be so incessantly appealed .. to by the'incidentsuf"every day as the knowledge'of the Pro. cesses by, which he lives and acts. Atcverrmomenthe is in danger of disobeying laws which, When disobeyed, may bring years of suffering, decline of powers,•premature decay. bani tory reformers preach in vain, because they preach to a public ' which does not understand the laws oflife—laws as rigorous' as those of gravitation or motion. Even the sad experience' of:others yield us no iessons,, unless we Ande'rEp.ndlthe prin-1 aiples iavolyed. If one man is eeen to suffer frein vitiated , air,' another is seen to: endure .it without apparent barrik a , third concludes - that ~ it,is' all chance.," and, trusts, to that chance. ' Mid he Understood the principle'invOlicd, he 'would , hot have; been left to chancet-his first - lesson in swimming: would not have been, a shipwreck,, f , , .., ' The course of inquiry includes' ' 1 - ,; Hunger and Thirst, - . :Ths Structure and Iliesof Digestion. and Indigestion, the Blood, , cli c , ii i a tib i i; - ~ , ... ' , Respiration,:and ;Suffocation, ,: Why we ,are Warp. and, how: Feeling and Thinking, . • we keeper:, ' ' Our 'Senses and 'Sensations, ; The:blind and the Brain, , - The.Qunlitieswelnherit from Sleep and Dreams, : our Parents, . Feed and Drink, '' ' ' ' ' Life and Death.' D. A. .t.Do. him recently published Dle. Third Edition of THE ciitivii.STßY OF`O,9MMON LIFE. . . . . "ItY 'JAMES' F.,"JOIINSTI)N; ACA4 Kit:B4l%6A plustratbd:witE ;numerous Engtavings.' 2 vas: 12mo. $2 .junl67lt BUSINESS . NOTICE,S. ITTE, pit, AND „LEATHER STORE. KIRKPATRICK & SONS, No. PI 5. Tnnto Sr., between ;Market and Chestnut Ste., Philadelphia, have for sale . • n Dry. and Salted Spanish Hides. . Dry and Green Salted Patnit Ripe, Tanner'a Oil, Tanner's and .Cnrrier'e Tools at the lowest prices, and upon•the best terms. • .elf: All kinds of Leather in the rough.wanted, for which the highest market price will be given in cash, or taken in exchange for Hides. Leather stored free of charge, and sold • on commission.. , ~. •••. jan24Fly 131,ITTSBIURCrH . . . Jr' 4 A FIRST-CLASS MIS"' I.l l lRielid' , year. Room for•crier omikedidied pattente. 1± Or:Send for Cirespar, to. • • H. FREABE; M. D.., ' • Pittebargh, Pa. 1 ' inys-13- SPRING AND Wet • GOODS. . lavorril Merchant. Tailor; o ' 'B ' 4 'Wylie :streit lfittsbnr h, - Neepectfully invites pubileiditention to his new and extenkve iseortment of FasblonsbleSPßlNG AND SUMMER GOODS, embracing all the new, inif ,desimble styles for gentlemen's ' wear which will be 'made order in the very best manner, at' reasonable prices.. :, 1 , • • marlT-1..r . . • • • . . . • s' • HA . 1r E N',' Boole. and Job Printer, STATIONER, STEREOTYPER, 'BLANK BOOR MANU FACTURER, and Dealer in AMERICAN. Atm FOREIGN 'PAPERS, Corner of 'Market and Second, and Wood and ;Third Streets, Pittsburg)), Pa. Pirtieular attentiottpaid to printing Catalogues for Colleges and Seminar's; PiogrammeeMplomaa,"and School Reports.' ••;..,.• I ,nar 3l-1 .Y.; . •. : . • . • • • ;WEST , 4II M a X:RCLIA FOUNDRY: . Wens Or /526.] T3ELLS.' The' subartibereliave constantly for male kW 'as- BELLS, sortment of Church, Factory, Steamboat, LocCano- BELLS. tivo, Plantation, School-house, and, other Bells, !BELLS. mounted in the moat ipprored anddurablr. manner. BELLS. For full partieulara :Be .tii many, recent iinprove- ItELLT. manta, warrantee. diennet , ei Of Bells, apace occupied Tower; • rates of tintnispOiltation, &c., send.fer SETALS,Circnlar. Bella for. the, South delivered in New york. Addreas ' " ' • • • : igt , !!. A: MENEBLT'S BONS,: Agents, ; lbaow-tf, , • West Troy, NAT ; Tprk. • • •91r•t.E,..E. fr._11:•.•••• ••• • , , • EAVE . TEEM • B RE IT Is TOO LATE! • : d_. hoe removed to . • , .• No. 246:..T'emi Street, house formerly occupied by Dr. G. 11. Kepler, otipos' ite Christ church. 110 will give all the modern improvements. Teethinsorted•at various prieee; • FROM , $l5 TO $O2 PERte&T.-•' • REF . ERENCDS: , • . Rev. 7. D. 110FAZ.D, . Rev. &mum Funist. ii..'BitatiLsr, • • ' A.G. M'CANDLess, Roesurel• VANTI.III3I., try. GEORGE,IL TOTISICA t . /54111014. '4V,BLXVEL*.brKir. • • ' " : • martbt,:ly ER V tNFT I 4.N ' .. A1 . 1..1.141 . D . C 0.,,. lisaviiduro and Whol6sale and Hetill bailers, . , • No. 3 . 2 Nonni Becovin Sr., above Market, PhNadelphli. • The largest, 'cheapest, and beat assortment of Put= and ,FAINCY .11,41ND6 Many other establlshmentinthallulted States. REPAIRING promptly attended to. Give us it call tiatietlyryouraelvea • • • •_ PIS rehEl-1y pITTSBURGH FEMAIMCOLLEGE • REV: I. 10.: PERSHING; :A,ll4 . lllBl . dia,:assistad 'by a r.Faklaxtr - ap,Euvaa Tsecnsasi• , H • • ' Superior advantages tun afforded tOr obtaining a thorough :Academic and Collegiate education: Fvery'effort *PP be pada to secure the happiness and, improvemen of all.lrho may=tend. The Collegiate year begins t August 31st; second Seitsion,Docembeeithi and the third, March 2138. Tuition varies from $8 to $lB per Seision, =cording to studies. For birth= information; apply to the Prealdent, or to -PrOfersor ;J.4l...sNoyyLs . s, Pittsburgh, Pa GaPRING• • AND SUMER--1860 N • • • • ; • New, Stocks!New Styles' 'ZirrON CREE 8. MACRUtit NO. 17, FIFTH STREET, PITTSBURGH: -. • SPECIAL NOTICE... I ' ' - To the Readers of the,• Prestmterials Ba ' ittiat Wo Invite special attE n tion.ofalk.lVllOLESALS AND RE- ' TAIL DOYENS, to our , New Spring , and lumpier Stock Of'Dress Trimmings,•Sinbroiaeries; and Laces; Bandyerchiere,,Veils, Barbee, Destines, Scenery, Oloves,'Gauntlets, and Mitts ; • Skirls, Correa, lend trellelPFSlrms; 'Bonnet Ribbons, Flowers, and Ruches; Shiite, Collars, Creel/if:4,f and Ties; Summer Under-shirts and Drawers; Head Dresses, React Nets, and Beek jZephyr and ShetlandiliFsiolil A large.iii?i 3 of; '10 517.41.1./ /1 % • 1 4 A2c,r ;AflTA . C.L.E . .s444.ltarfolis,i And ever in usu Ally kept in a Piirthitass 0 Notitin Souse: • • •• • , ..I . COHNTNXIMERCLIANTS Itc , MTLIANERS iars midi& to / call and eAamine our stock and learn, onr prices befoh , ibhiailikehleirliero.:' ' , EATON, CANE 'A 'MACItiSII3 ' Tramping, niillinery, and erp7-aro Nal IF Fiftb Street, Pittsburgh. IRON CIT Y; .POIVIAIERCIAL COL LEGE.—S3S.OO Pito liJ eilarptost of tuition. M n ale te' sons half price. Siudinfii enter t any time. For Cata logues, Specimens, &c.. coclase five letter stamps to my26-6m JENKINS & SMITH, Pittsburgh, Pa. it. Tr ep' ev p A g e , im e o d e 41)4, 1:1 7 "w• ECONOMY! * r oo IA Sig i ce Dispatel OP Ciq "". Save the Pieces • Is aOciAnta, aiii Aappaat. toew M weZrigoolnawl Aworriaa. Y at very jearalile to haialifinie , eboati ind wamosimat way ter mall. ling Furniture, Tnie,"Creckery, ka. • ISPALDIN47B TREPLILED GLUE meow all snob eurtgenciee, until no,boneehold lan abed es ae; without It. it Is always ready . and up to this Woking pant, There le'Vio longer a "necessity ter limping clothe, splint/nod ve neers, /mallow dolls, cud broken cradles. It. Is ism tbe ankle for cone. shell, and other ornamental work, so molar with New of rellnithent end thine. ' - This, edmimble propandion Is nand coid, being chemieal> MIA In solctlen, and posiodisiag all thu onlaahls qualities of the boo, cablnet-inekere , 'Ohm. TiMerbe wed In the planner *Mimi" more .4140y6. t• • . • • RVERV Roues." it. B.—A Brush aceiUripantes each bottle. .. — Prtes, 25 e ,Wholesale Depot, Ne-30.Platt-st, New York. EMMY C. !WALDEN • & co., `..,, Box No. 3,600, Brow York. Address Pot up for Dealer/ In Caaea containing lbw., eight, awl melee dolum—a beautiful Lithographic Show• Card eeeochpaoyiug each petioles. or A .alugle bottle of SPALDING'S PRSPARND GLUE will ear, led Gam ita - eont annually to everrhouaaboht wet Sold by all prominent Stationer., Branhas,. Hardware tat garniture (Nagler*, Bracer. and gamy Stan*. Country merehauts ebould Make a note of SPALDING'S PM rAimico OLDS, Whrti making ap Utak Hat. It will 'stinted, elhuatie. .4Nr• Whoesale Depot removed from No. SO Platt Street to , NO.,. 4 4teRMAltaTI,Lig.ff.T..NoW - MERCIIANTT HOTEL, 46 .N.6ith. Flourtif ',Street, PHILADELPHIA. & SON, Proprietors. 1 /411.:H. KIKKPATRICK, - I JOHN F. KIRKPATRICK, Late or theAirm 'of Kirk- Late with Gillespie, Keller patriek A ilfettgar. pa, Philadelphia. „kIRKi'ATRICH &- CO., ``-Wholesale Grocers, FORWARDING , AND COMMISSION MBRCILANTS, AND DEALERS IN PITTSBURGH MANUFACTURED ARTICLES'. No. 299' St.; opposite head of Smithfield, • ;;' , PiT,TSisIIRGE, P. A,. • . Particular 'attention paid to the ode of Country Produce. LATE PUBLICATIONS, &C. T. SYIf 0 :13 S 'BOARD "OP COLPORTAGE, 45 St. Clair Street, Offers 'far sale a choiCe*.selection of books suitable for all dames, on very reasonable terms. The collection embraces the entire publications of the Presbyterian Board; of Jive hundred and atity-nine distinct works; and alarge variety of Psalms, and Hymns, and the Psalms of David in metre. Also, a Food 'selection froni:Catter's 'late publications, Mar pen's. Nolson's,llassachusetts S. S. Society, Tract Society, and S. S. Union . . • Hodge on Corinthians. l vols. Ephesians The Words and Mind of Jesus, The Faithful Fromiser.. Still Maui or, ,COIMMUtiOtt with God Calamine's Great Tribulation Sermons : to Working ...Ken. By J. 'W. ALexiiii.unt The Christian's Rome. A Prize Essay Family Religion. By Smith Esther and Her Times. By J. M. Lowrie Lmt:Days of,Jeaus t 7.1 w, Tc,v,, Moore 'Titles of our Lord • ' " ' ' lddthbd , 6naia6e Michas of Bunyan Songs for . Jade Ones at•Moine - The Stirs and tho Angels astirdmitit'a Higher Christian Life Dr. Conger'? Sketehps Mamma's Lessons about Je5u5....... ~. . . . ... .... . ... .. Rei'. j.Addisoif Alexander's Sermons. 2 v01i.......... ..... 2.50 Rev. j. W. Alexander's Forty Years' Letters. 2 vole 2.50 Rev. J. W. Alexander's Consolation to the Suffering 1.25 Rev. Dr. Halsey's Literary Attractions of the Bible ..... .. L 25 The Province of lleason. I By Young 75 Nelson's Beautiful Oil Color Views of American and • bad Eastern Cities, in naekaies of twelve views-- .25 ; The.Board have taken special care to obtain a cLoice aelee tion and: large variety of, Sabbath School books, embracing 1875 voli.,'ati& several Libraries, embracing from fifty to one hundred volumes each, ettrom $2.50 to $lO.OO, selected from 'the' Board of Publication; Carter's, Martien'a, S. Union, ; Tract Society, Massachusetts S. S. Society, and Nelson & Sons. All these they offer at a very liberal discount, as an induce.. Meat to 'Superintendents" and Tu.tchers' in the 'country dis ,tricts,vvhase schools have been snspended.during the V inter, r and' are eoon to be re-commenced; to obtain the best library :within the' each. .maral-eovq. NEW BOOKS LATELY RECEIVED BY SMITH, ENGLISH & CO ., Bookseller's, Publishers, arid Importers No. 23 North-Sixth Street, 'Philadelphia: 4 KURTZ , S CHURCH HISTORY. HISTORY. OF THE CHRISTIAN. CHURCH TP THE REFORMATION. •From the German of Professor Kurtz. With Emendations and Additions by the Any. Alfred Eder shah', Ph: I) - Svo., Cliith, $1.50. Christianity In tie Firsi CentiEry• On. THE NEW BIRTH OF THE SOCIAL LIF EPP MAN THROUGH THE RISING OF CHRISTIANITY. By Chr. Hoffman. Translated from the German. 12m0., Cloth, I ' I ' ' • " TOOKE'S ''POIRLEY. THE DIVERSIONS tiF PURLEY. By John Horne Toolte. With: Numerous Additions from-the Copy prepared by the Author for re-publication ; to which is added his Letter to 'John Dunning. Esq.' "Revised, and Corrected, with addi tional Nines, by Richard Taylnr, F.5.A.,: ' Svo., Cloth, •' - . ' • * * *Any of the above will be sent by mail, upon receipt of price advertised. ittns-ly p.CBLICATIONS OP THE Presbyterian-Board of Publication,. , NO: 821 :CHESTNUT STREET, • • • Thiladetptiiii; • • - • SINCE MAY ley; ism . , .Veries : for,,rauth. 18mo., nhatritos.... • • Little Annie's, Phut Thoughts about G od. By Pfoo, barna: ' • • ' • • ' —•-• r The Lost Children; or, Henry and his Torch. By the avr• tbor. of 'the Widow's Sixpence. Pp. 82. ' • 4 `.• • 12M0. TRACTS... No. =9. Are You Baptized? Pp. 8. ' Nh. 240. Are Your Children Baptized? *Pp. 8. No. 24L Johnii Baptism not Christian Baptism, Pp. & No. 212. 'Why I Love my Church. Pp. 8, • 'IBMO. TRACT. • . • Man Responsible for bleßellef. Ity the ECM. W. P. Bread. Pp. Price 3 colts. . , The Board are now prepared to furnish the Church Register and Minutes of. Session at the following prices: - • Church Register, plain, $2.10; full bound, $8.60. • Session BSA, for Minutes, 2,3, and 4 quire', plain, $2.60, $3.00, and $8:50;' fall bound, $3,30;'14.00; and 54.75. Register and.Minutee bound , together; plain, 18.59, $4.004 .and $4.50; full bound, $L76,1526, and $5.75. • . Ale- For. eala. in :Pittsburgh at the Presbyterian Book Rooms, St. Club attest. JOSEPH P. ENOLES, fbli2l-tf . Pnblishing Agent. IQP ECENT PUBLICATIONS. Life and Correspondence of Daniel Wilson, D.D. With Portz:die, Illustrations, and a Map of his Travels. Dy Joaiah Bateman. • Royal Bvo. „Cloth, 1,U0., Puiitans ; or, The Church, Court and Parliament . of Eng land, during- the reigns of Edward. Sixth and • Elizabeth. By Samuel Hopkins. Royal Svo. Vols. I. and IL, each The ITlstorical. Evidences of the Truth, of the Scriptaaro Recnids, ivitb, special reference to the doubts and discoveries of Modern Times. ~ B y George Rawlinion,. M. nuo. C10th.51.25. Chrlat In History. By: Itobert Turnbull, D. D. 12mo Cloth. $1.25. ' - • The Still !Hour ;_or, Communion with God. By Austin Phelps. 16mci. . Cloth. 88 cents... Twunty-filth,thonrand. The Crucible ; Tests of a egerierate State; designed to - bring. to light- suppressed hopes, expose false ones, and confirm the true. .lty 'Rev. A.Goodhnec A.IL With an Introduction by Itov. E. It.fiirk, D.D. 12m0., Cloth. .81.00. Spiritualism Totted; or, The facts of its History Claeet tled„and their canna is• nature yeritled . frOot ancient and modern testimonies. By George W. Samson, D.D., President of Columbitin'College. , 16mo. Cloth. 88 Cents. ' Gottbold's Emblems ; or, Invisible„Things : Understood by Things 'that are 'Made. By Christian Scriver. 'Tnithelated from the liwenty l eighth German edition. .Bvo.. Meth. .31:00.. Annual of SCientific Discovery; or, Year,Book of Facts for' -186 u. 'By D. A. Wks eq. lthno. • 81:26.' • ' Limits of Religioill Thought Exatruned., By .shuael, B:D.' 12m0.” Cloth. " 81:00. : Ilhistautions ofitUfrljture. , Suggested b 7 Tour through :7tiliono!y . .N-!A!'ritiPgarged Lifo • and Times of.Jolkoddllton. By David blown, AL A 'Vol. 1. 'loyal Bro. ClOth: $2.75. British Novelists and Uielr Style.. By David Masson, l6nio. Cloth. 70 cents: . Theopneustia—l'be, Bible, Its Divine Origin.and Inspira tion;.Ganesen;:D.D.' 12mo. SLOG. " • ~Leaders of the Reformatictnt or, the Representative Men of Germany, France, Brighind, and Scotland. By J. Tulloch, D.11: • ••12mg; Cloth. $O.OO. HistOricaT Vindication; or,The Province and Use. of Baptist History. ,By 8.8 . Cut ting, D.D. 12mo. Cloth. 7b merits. Lessons at the' Crass; 'or Spiritual Troths familiarly ex hibited. By S. Hopkins,. 16mo. Cloth. 75 cents. The Great Concern; or Man's Relations to God and a Fu ture State.. *By N..Adanit. D;D: 12mo. Cloth. 85 cents. Commentary on the Epietle .to the Eplcsians. Explana tory, •Doctiiiud and Practical. By R. E. Pattiiien, D. D. 12me. Clgth. • bs.cents.• -• •• _ • • ' '• Kind Words for Children, to Guide them to the Path of Peace. , •My Harvey Newcomb. .16mo. Cloth'... 42 'cents. Moral Philosophy, Including Theoretical and •Frartical Ethics. •By Joseph Baron, D.D. 12mo. Cloth. $1'.25: Lectures on Metaphysics. By Sir : William •Ilamilton. ItoynlBvo. Cloth. $5.00. . 1' Any N!ork.senthy mail,,polt-paid: on receipt of prim COULD & .„ 'E;9 Weahliinton St.. Boston. ' febT3-1 y TIIE .13 tig/ 11 04-N:lttititT. NO. 919 Chestnut - Street, Philadelphia,' - • ,Offers, ea asiAbtelffinfafAvidixals, ebtarcbea fanatics; - lad Suodayslarganr,efy.of STANDARD, RELI G IOU S .PUBLICATIONS. • Of them, a faille number is Intended for .Children and , .Yofah —the filaincif' beiag baiadioxuely illusf.rafTl by, fine en graving/i,!printett in clear type, and well bbund. The essorrineat eMbraces orer 'Mar r hundred lid fifty voluineaf • , . • ' ;.. • , BIOGRAPITICAL,' $ „ STOILICAI; , • POETICAL, • PRACTICAL; DayopaNAT.,„..,. • • • IVIAPE,T O JEI4IO_,TIIII ' sent to , N..THIVELIa • • • $.• $; . ; 11. 2.,744 . 97 , i .114 hcesm „, e , L.fiNo:4l9?o,thilt-.lllm4.Thus• . . IiWARNIER:SOGARTIENERS; : PIWIT 3GROIVERIVOTLE :DgAIIIRS; itai • Win find filiMl(Odioniletormiefortoqreit °MasksrdadMl4 that' litisineei that, can bo found in the workl.A4 Clll. , IMi,IIkIt4EWNOCI*.% Arr t icuitili-eir-ifooklaieidt -25 1.5 4 Rbwr, Mrst WA, Bend far a catielegua. MO* .zoo 2.00 = Eta'