ALLISON S. LITTLE DAvir) Mitors 'K_T_N Prop rie NE t orsY So CO., Ed and , TERMS IN ADVANCE ® . SINOLN SUOSCRIPTIONS $1.50 CLUI:S 1.25 psi,resstm nt 'EITHER OF THE CITIFY 2.40 For Tim Dott.tus, we will send by mail seventy numbers, gut for OFt Down, thirty-three numbers." (Actors gentling ne TWEETT subscribers end .ftpwardsf•will thereby entitled to EL paper without pe charge. A KED PENCIL MARK on the par,' , 640150:that the term is nearly out and that we desire :Renewals should be prompt. a little before the yetlrexpires, Send payments by safe hands t or by mall. Direct all letters to DOB MILIANRY & CO., [Solecta] The Thfinksgiving. Deck thyself, my soul with gladnesss, Leave the gloomy haunts of. sadness, Come into the dayliglit44 sPitinclor, There with joy thy,praises render Unto Him, ivhose,boundlesS grace Grants thee athis feast a place ; He whom all the heavens obey • Deigns to ,dwoll,in thee to-day. Hasten as a bride to meet him, And with loving reverence greet him, .Who with'-' ords of life immortal Novrin knocking at thy portal; Heats 'te make for him a way, Cast thee at his feet, and say ; " Since, oh Lord, thou com'st to me Never will I turn from thee." Ah, how hungers.all my spirit, For the love I do not ,merit Ah, how oft with sighs fast thronging For this food have I been longing ! How have thirsted in the strife For this draught, 0 Prince of Life I Wished, 0 Friend of man, to bo Ever one with God, through• thee!. Here• I sink before thee lowly, Filled with joy most deep and holy, A's with trembling awe and wonder On thy mighty works I ponder; On this banquet's mystery, On the depths we oannot see ; Far beyond all mortal sight Lie the secrets of thy. might. Sun, whom life dost brighten, Light, who dostony soul enlighten, Joy, the sweetest,man e'er knoweth, Fount, whenee.all my being floweth, iferei fall before thy feet, Grant me worthily to eat Of this blessed heavenly food, To thy praise and to my good. Jesus, Bread of Life from heaven, Never be thou vainly given, Nor I to my hurt invited; Be thy love with love requited; Let me learn its depths indeed, While an thee my soul doth feed; Let me here so richly blest, Be hereafter, too, thy guest. EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENCE. SPRING—A—GAßtlldt.Dt. AND THE SICILIAN INSUR.• RICTION.—.THE POPE AND LAMORICIERIGAN IRISH BRIGADE BNNG BNLISTED—OHENS OP A DARK 'FUTURE—MAY MEET.. INOS Coxemuni—SuNDAy SonoovUxxox AND ITS Imam— Szvia . CoarvEitatax Soorrar—Ww. THE JAWS Go BACK 1 0 PALESTINE Y--THE TRACT SOCIETY ANNIVERSARY—NOTES OF THE ANNUAL MERTINO—COL. BDWAUDES AND Dn. MURRAY —EARLY BREAKFAST AT ALDBILSGATE—MR. STUART, DIL. MURRAY, AND DIN.: SPIMEMON—POSTSCNIPT. LONDON; • Nay 11, 1860 SPRING has come to us at last, and in the genial warmth of the Sun, and in the, breath of the soft " sweet South," all na ture is glad, sickness fast disappears, the hearts of the tillers of the soil are cheered; and commerce of all kinds is quickened. The present Spring contrasts strongly with that of 1859. Last year, at this time, the portents of: horrid war were numerous and awful, and all Europe looked forward with dread anticipation to the first collision of op oposing hosts on Italian plains. Now, meek eyed peace smiles benignant, though in her soft eye may be seen a tear or foreboding, because of the armed legions whose bayonets glisten on all sides, even though they are quiescent now. Well ; let us thank God even for an armed truce,.and for a breathing time for guilty nations; ere what may prove a convulsion final and overwhelming, come upon them. GARIBALDI, contrary to the - advice to Sardinia of: England . and France, but, true to his interests and his antecedents, has left the legislative halls of Turin, where he was not at -home, and et evasit, erupit,") has disappeared . ; a frigate receiving him, and bearing him away toward the Si cilian shore. The Neapolitan tyrant is, and has beau, full of guiltyr.terror. His troops have suffered terribly from the in surgents ; and they, poor peasantry chiefly, have been fighting at dreadful odds, half unarmed, and with desperate losses. Misery reigning all around, and all for the sake of the vile Bourbon, and Rome, his abettor. THE Porz is taking heart and hope. Has not Lamoriciere devoutly put hiniself at tha head of the new Crusaders, who rush to the rescue of the Holy Father from the hands of " the infidels" whom himself and his system have made ! This Lamoriciere's, real name, they say, is Morrisy, `one of the genuine "boys of Kilkenny," and born there, though sufficiently true to the song sters descrtption of the " sweet roving blades," as to offer his sword first to France, and next, by Imperial sanction, to the Pope. And what are we told, not of " Misthress Morrisy," but of " Madame Lamoriciere ?" Why, that the Pope has been escorting her •all over the -Vatican, showing her every article of art and virtu therein, and at last setting a chair for her, and saying, " Madam, it was last offered to a Queen !" And only think what Dr. Cullen and Lamoriciere have been doing, sub rosy I Let the telegram from Mar seilles tell : " One thousand Irishmen sailed hence, yesterday, for Civita Vec ehea:" In other words, this, following the money contribution, is the first installment of a real Irish Brigade for the Pope. The recruits (secretly dealt with,) get each 413 and upwards, as " bounty " money, or to pay their expenses, and they are to be the salvation of the Papacy. It is plain that all over Europe there is a grand conspiracy and a gathering together of forces, such as may , usher in " the great day of God Almighty;" in other words, the convulsion that is to ruin the Papacy at the very hour of her apparent resurrection and triumph, is now began. Tam SUNDAY Smoot, UNION had, as. usual, a very crowded anniversaryJneeting. The Union issues eight periodicals, the yearly circulation of which, is 1,340,352 copies. The sales at the new depository, in the Old Bailey, (built on, of the house once occupied by the notorious bur glar, Yonathan Wild,) amounted last year to 417,041, being an increase of 4,1,092 over the previous year. The of ;the" benevolent fund had been £1,116. A Welsh minister, who yet uses the Eng lish tongue with great power, the Rev. T. Thomas, opened the speaking, and ably maintained3hat art, literature, and science had been very greatly advanced by Sunday Schools, and he warned those writers who said that these schools had a tendency to make the scholars-narrow-minded, to be very cautious in their assertions. THE LONDON SOCIETY FOR PROMOTING CHRISTIANITY AMONG THE JEWS, held its Fifty-Second Anniversary on Friday last, in Exeter Hall, 'Lord , Shaftsbury in the Chair. Income, 432,45:1.; expenditure, £32,564; and 4093 in addition have been paid to widows and disabled ministers. The Jubilee Fund amounts to upwards of £B,OOO, of which £679 wrere raised by children. The number of conversions anion& t' the Jews on the Continent or in England, has never been large,-'yet by this excellent Society a goodly number' of the seed of Abraham have'been brow lit to the knowledge of Christ,' and mad' of VOL. V are preaching the •Grospel ' . There are one thousand 'Jewish children receiving in struction in the .sehoels of this.. institution. It finds its :supporters in:the Erangelical: sentie n t/ of the Church of, England. .The. Clutreh. Missionary Society and the Jews' Society have a common constituency. Most of these friends'of - the Hebrew race, look for a Personal Advent .Of Christ, and also of the restoration of the Jews to their own land. I have never. heard Lord Shaftsbury commit himself to the former tenet; but on Friday last he warmly advocated the position. that the Ponicrs of Europe' should encourage and promote, as .a great-political measure, the ; return. of the .Jewe •,and :their settlement iu Palestine. Thomas Scott, the CoMmentator, who did not hold the pre millennial advent of the - Messiah, does stoutly maintain that the prophecies of Ezekiel, and other prophets,. do certainly indicate the literal restoration of the Jews. Good old John Brown of Haddinaton Brown,. of 7 Adana Clarke, and Ingram Cobbin, accord with Scott. Certainly the condition of Palestine at this time is peculiarly interest-i ing, and the way seems gradually opening for the final accomplishment of mrhat spems to be the Irvine .purpose with regard tOlie people who hare been kept so won.drously distinct from all other nations. TUE RELIGIOUS TRACT SOCIETY Ali.* holds its meeting in the evening of 'its an niversary day. Hence—as also , in the case of the Ragged School and Sunday School Union. Anniversaries—you see. a large num ber of men present. The. morning Meet ings are Chiefly attended by ladies, who represent husbands, fathers,brothers, whose hearts are there, •but whose absence the pressure of business makes a stern neces-; sity. We are, not, however, to.forget, that, at. all the morning meetings there is, a plat-` form well filled in its spacious extent' with. gentlemen. Previous to .the ,gathering ,in. the Hall, members of the Tract Society welcomed and entertained at tea, in the Committee room, the various gentlemen who gathered there. These included the venerable ,Dr. Vaughan, , (formerly President of the .Lan eashire College,) the Rev. Mr..Biekersteth, of Hampstead, nephew of the, late Edward Biekersteth,, and Dr. Campbell, of the British Banner. J. FRANK, 1653 Just before the meeting commenced, ar rived Doctor Murray ("' 'Kirwan,') and George H. Stuart, of Philadelphia, whom I found in close conversation with Colonel Edwardes, C. 8., the Chairman for the evening. That gentleman is about 'forty; lye years of age, of middle height, of dark complexion, with black moustache and beard, with a frame vigorous and lithe, and by no means .broken,;dow • n • under the cli mate of India. in the very beginning, of his address from the chair, he spoke Most affectionately of the people of the 'United States, as " the next best beloved to our own ;" and then proceeded to tell of what the American missionaries. had done in In dia, penetrating to the outer line," whith er no other missionaries had gone, and achieving blessed results..: He also indica ted, by a 'striking narration, how .a tract written by an American Divine, on "%Elec tion," and hands of a British officer in a station where the, missionaries had received hospitalities, had been the means of 'the conversion not of one Officer only, but of several, each of whom, when first awakened,- and when seeking counsel and.comfort, asked that his brother officer `should not: be told of his state of 'Mind— little imagining that a common influence from above was operating : on several con sciences and hearts at once, and thus elicit ing the blessed truth that God had loved them with an everlasting love ; and there fore with loving 'kindness had now drawn them. Colonel Edwardes also told how some re ligious tracts in Hiridostanee, had been found by the people in a station which they had plundered during the mutiny, and how tracts produced such an influence on these and on soldiers of the twenty fourth "Punjaub Infantry, ~that, a number had been baptized at their own request, and on their own profesSion of faith in Christ. Indeed what had begun thus in thatre.giment; was likely to haveended in the'whole body of the men coming over - to Christianity ; but for the unwarrantable, and I must: add the wicked' interference with the Christian liberty of thel officers. They werelirohibited fromeven unswering anx- • ions inquiries froia the soldiers. I cannot believe that they practically yield to such counsel, dictated as it was by the basest cowardice. As an old Indian officer, not long since returned from one of the Presi dencies lately observed to myself—the In dian Government is now watching - the Christian officers " like a cat" ready to spring upon them if in any way they over step the prescribed line of infidel " neu trality." The tide of. indignation against this resuscitation of the policy of the past, is rising steadily, and Colonel Edwardes' speech on the subject, at the annual meet ing of the Church Missionary Society, has produced a profound sensation. It lasted an hour and a.half, and was , a very remark able one—delivered calmly, but with a' deep earnestness - arid 'force of argument, which leaves nothing to be desired. The issues of the Tract. Society for the, year, have been immense, and are over those of last year to the extent •of tour millions and a half, not of pages but of separate publications in various languages: The total issues were 41,719,208. The amount of - free grants in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland,. including tracts for revival districts, was 5,800,385 publica tions of the value of £6,198. The total amount received from sales was £86,732, be ing an increase' of more than £B,OOO. ' There was also an increase in the benevo lent receipts, of pe.arly 41,000, making in all, £9,128. But as the amount of, free grants—including books and libraries at half price—grants of paper to missionaries abroad for printing—grants of money 'to Tract Societies in France, Germany, Italy, &c.—amounted to £12,072. The Society' has made.up the deficiency of £3,440, -- by drawing on its trade profits. As' I have; ere now indicated, this Society (without underselling the ordinary booksellers,) man ages its affairs, commercially speaking, with, such discretion and success, as' to make the legitimate ,profits of wholesale and retail, sided to cover all the expenses;of its estab lishment, including rent, taxes, fire in surances, payment of.. artists and authors, and all the salaries of its employees, in eluding editors and Secretaries. - Besides this, it is. able,as, you perceive, to give away a large surplus for " grants." Its Committee all serve without pay. It is composed of two. evangelical Episcopal clergymen,, two nonconforming„rninisters, With Christianlawyers, men of business, physicians, whose hearts are,."in. the work, and who all the year.round assemble under the shadow of St. Paul's-Cathedral (the Depository being exactly_eppesite,) at the' early hour of eight o'clock, and transact buSieess for one hour and .a half, or two hours. At our breakfast table - last -week, Drs. Leyburu and Murray were present with Mr. Stuart, and expressed Itheraselyes highly gratified. Arrangements`were miidi to lend .sorne of the ,:best "Woodhengraved designs - . to the American Tract Soclety. . . , . ,'• ..-_: •••• . .-... . , • . ~ . ,t. ".-',,', .; •• .i 1 I . e .. ' ' -.4. • , .. , ~ 1 : ' . • '' . ' . . . . 1 . . . , . , . . . . ITT , NO 38 . . . . -- -,. , - - PITTSBURGH, : SAT 1" DA,-I[JNE-,9 - .1860 , , „ . . .. , .. •, -.---" .., WHOLE Dr. Murray spoke at the annual meeting . Exeter Hall, with felicity and force.. THE ;YOUNG DUN'S CHRISTIAN ASSO , CIATION held their annual early breakfast Meeting on Tuesday last. The hour was 6 A. M.- i the place theinstitution'at Alders- . gate Street. City. On arriving a few min utes before six o'clock., I found •Tny Ameri can friends. already there. After quite a crowd of guests had received breakfast, there was an adjourmient to the Lecture' Hall, where admirable addresses were •de livered. Dr. Leyburn, of Philadelphia, opened the meeting with prayer. Mr. Geo ; H. Stuart spoke in ,his usual animated style, and' gave most gratifying information as to the spread and power for 'good of Young Mp s Associations in the ;United States: SPURGEON'S business is' to . preaeh t I and he so. steadily, refuses ~-to .go .on.. plat forms, that one sometimes was tempted. to doubt whether he could, make a speech: But this idea was completely dissipated - by his address on. Tuesday morning. For good counsel to young men, '''for • rich hurrior vivid illustration and ose.athing • satire .on. " the tricks trade," ,as now practised, nothing could surpass, it : ,Doctor Murray. lieard'hini ;preach at. Exeter 'Hall (on the first 'Sabbath after arrival laiLer.L.. don i )-has - eitlifeiee — d - to• me his strong adnii.L ration .of the. fullness: and. excellence , .oflitn , Spurgeon .as a ,preacher, thus confirming. all . that I have heen . the „habit, r of saying about him Tor thelast few yead. W. 'P. 8.--aArsiong 'recent deaths is 'that 'of Lady Eardleh_the wife of :the:President 'of the,Evangelica,l Alliance. A close .alliance between „Russia :and: Prance„ with,. joint designs on. Turkey is again spoken of The 'French Emperor is, said to be making conciliatory advances to' Germany, disclaiming any aggressive de signs. If i designs-- are .-Eastward,'. he will- spare -.Germany for the present. The ministers have been nearly. defeated on the, :abolition of the Paper Duty Bill, in the: CoMmons. It involves a million and a half taxation. The Lords will probably 're 'ect it. . - For the Presbyterian Banner Redeeming LOW and Christian. Dedication. The law of God is holy and just, without even the shadow of any imperfection. Man' wilfully and very ungratefully dis obeyed it, and thus made hiniself liable to' it's penalty, and also forfeited God's favor. Then Was the dreadful sword of justice drawn to punish the offender, who .had neither the ability to repair the , breach, nor any valid excuse to offer fOr the violation. The Son of God Saw our miserable condition and had compassion on us His unbounded, love induced him to interpose in our behalf. He then covenanted with the 'Father to as sume our nature and suffer in our stead, and thereby atone for us. God having no pleas ure in the death - of the . wicked, very gra ciously, and in : great mercy to sinners ) , ac-; cepted the terms, • Then was the plan of salVation completed, and sinners, were in to"return tO God through faith in Christ. - In the :fullness of tiihethe Lord Our. Redeemer came into the world,.and endured many privations,,and ,finally -the. painful, and ignominious eath of the cross., Then was the great sacrifice in reality slain. By his poverty,' humility, and sufferings,,, he has satisfied the'dernanels of justice;and. opened up a way -by which ;sinners, may come to G-od,,and • make-their peace with , • him. Nothing but the infinite and un- Changing loVe of the glorionS 'Redeemer, could have induced him to endure so Much for •us. He !has ,made us the • - recipients of a rich, free, and inestimable favor. • In view of what. Jesus- has done for us, it becomes us with grateful hearts, to -ap fireeiate' his loving kindneis,, and do in our power to promote his honor and glory. He has gone to prepare , A place, and he requires us .to be. wholly engaged in his service ' ,until he returns to receive us to, himself. He has enjoined it upon us to,bc humble, watchful and" prayerfnl, charitable', and benevolent; and to be actively engaged' in doing what we can to advance his Spir itual. kingdom, and .promote his honor And glory. ; He ,would love hina and be, obedient to his commands. Let us hence forth be more devoted to his service. We Should' remember thatle never grew weary of. the,work .which he sassumed in our-- lie-' also,that he is „still interceding WejiavA,been very remiss in duty,. and have not done what .we might have done, to influence . sinners to come unto God 'through Christ'. Vast multitudes,;of our. fellow beings are destitute of theimeans of grace, and,wv have not felt : that deep in terest in, their spiritual welfare that. We should have felt. We should repent of our. sinful 'indifference, and earnestly implore pardon. Let us press forward in the-faith. ful discharge of) the 'duties-which :,God re quires.of us; and then shall we have,sweet. peace of conscience, and the smile of God's approbation. We shall then have stronger faith, brighter 'hope, and more joyful an ticipations of a- glorious immortality be yond 'the tomb. J. PRO.C.F,EDINGS 50 THE GENERAL - ASSEMBLY OF 1860 NINTH-DAY. MondaLifternoon,,May 2E-3 O'Clock. Akteetehbr Pot. - Opened 'with prayer. Orr-motion of- Mr: .Co 013 'Board of Church Building, as named day or two ago, was ehanged-to that of Church Extel!..rign. The vacancies in the,Boards were filled, Thirmemorial of linnettr.S: 'KENNEDY with re-' the restouation of ;two members:of' thei Caledonia Church was then- taken up. :Before, th'e reading of the memorial, it Was voted that a Committee consisting of permanent land stated, clerks, with the treasurer, determine what papers of the Assembly 'are worthy of preservation, and make provisions for the preservation of ,the' same. •The memorial above.spoken of was .then real It claimed that two members of the, Caledonia. Church, viz.: , Alexander, Frazer: and 'Alexander Gorton, who had been excluded 'froth-the Church' becauie'theY , had absented - themselves from its' meetings for. the reason that they could: not .agree' with. the, doctrinal ,preachin,g .of. the minister— had: been, really. restored to the, .communion; of the Church, by a vote of the Assembly;,but the. vote had - been otherwise, announced, in c'onse quence.of the Clerk's counting illegal votes'from the Synod of Buffalo. :The memorialist, there .foreo.priqs•that the members of the Caledonia church be restored in accordance with the' true' nature of the vote alluded to. ;The CoMmittee reported; adv' ising the Atasem b,ly•to refer ,the .memorialists to ; the minutes -of the list Assembly,. ,Report adopted. Am Overture was reported; asking some ohange' in; Abe -Issue of the :Home and Foreign ;Record. I . Toted that,the whole matter be referred, to ,the Executive Committees ot the several BoardS, to report at. the next Assembly. The, report of the Committee ; on .Theological Seminaries 'MRS read. ,111:ev.I.Dr..:ATwairat moved that-the requeat,:fo6r a fifth professorship. at. Princeton be granted, and the Dirsceprs adjust the title and, duties of the same: 2d. That as Dr.. Dahney..declines knomination to the vacant. chair, and as the Directors have halno; opportunity to confer as to a noinination, that .the election. be • de'ferred . to: the. next: General: Assembly. • 3d. That thenominations for the fifth profess orship be . novr.made:' , Dr. E. T. Dalai) remarked that allthe Semina ries should he on equal footing; thfit there was the same,aniount of 'study. to be gone Tverin'each, l and if the, , ,clainrive.professors Princeten,le clann'five at 'Danville, and so they would ittpwlut denied T that as many; Professors were needed. for fifty stud: and fifty, and. stated also the neighborhood of': Sem' inations, all of, which. ha which was an ndditionni should have ftve. Dr. HODGE declared tha , ! superiority over other "Sem on an equality, and `vh•. should come here end °lei 0 would not be it man to say two ressons-why'Priticeion her present requests. The the . Alma Mater of two ministers of the Gospel Princeton VIIS ;on. the fronti stand, side, by side with And of Nevi-Xi:irk, and . Princetd facilities for a.goed.educati. ,But there was.a special e Princeton at present. God hatLeeen fit to remove her deuce; she was now as, in Dr. AODGE said he had awl great men of the old world. Gesenius, and Hengstenbe 'seemed to him .inferior to Jo ander. The first-part of the-first re-Aution, as far as„" regards, the granting. of the , th . prAfessorship, was adopted; the rest of the ri.olution was With drawn. :The , second • resoluthlt • was read, -but . pending its adoption the Assedtbly adjourned. ~., -Monday Evening,,x4B777l-2 0 1 0 lock. Assembly . met•and was opeoe , ~, : w ist, i pptor., 1 The order - ror - tverting r - 4the: co shops= tien ,of the Report of the '; - m." -- ' _cc... . ti. , ': - rnittoncy And . q ol,ony ~ I),ii.:;report;was. t pre- • tented by Dr. A.TWATEII, of i t r, N'OL u tlle following is. a brief - . abstract:' ' k: ' . v'••..;•, , • - •." Several thousand Romani. !'''.. have renounced Romanism and embraced Prof. stantism. Many of these give evidence of conversion; and others of_ great interest. . . t, : , " The great .poverty, and even indigence, of. , , these people, prdduced . by th r d failere of 'the 1 crops for the past. two years, inereases•the ern ' barrassment and the urgencnof this • mission. ' It is at present necessary to expcn& from s6oo'to $ll,OOO. per.. week ttrkeep these people from. star vation. They do not ask tamp, they. only ; ask employment. Again, they have not been able to sustain themselves without Mortgaging their property, at ruinous rates of • .intSrest,,from 25 to 50 per cent. The chattel mOrtgages amount to $5,000 ; the mortgages on real eatatato $40;000. His proposed to cancel these mortgeges.hy, loan ing them money at low rates o of,interest. "'Your Committee feel that these p'eOple" have notbeen. influenced. in . embracing Protestantism by any hope of pemmiary relief.. ,Frequent Offers have been made them by ltemardits of large pecuniary aid if they woulAAbandon.their new faith, but these offers were illrefused." , The Report concluded with 'ttn - abknowledg m eat of gratitude to God for this*onderful , work Of grace, and of the high doty oX this Church to provide for the spiritual and tem - korai...4;o4re of of this -people; with a reeonntiendation that the missionary agency necessaryV :the circum stances, be referred to the Dresliyt ly, pf Chicago, and the Boards of Domestic and,- Foreign 'Mis sions Education Publication toid.Chureh Xs.- tension. At the suggestion of • r.•Wm._, . corr, Dr. Wuras. Lamy was invited to: malfe; an:ntrodue tory statement. , /,....' He said it had . pleasedVed to' inahe him' inti mately acquaintedwith.thiswork4,lle.could say to the General Assembly ,that,the Presbytery of Chicago knew Mr. :Cunfluirr ;- h' made them selves Acquainted with his antecidents,both -in Canada and the United States, anirbellevedlim to-be a, true man—a Christian martikine brought to the knowledge of the truth as ,ipis, ; in • Jesus., We have seen masses of theie people, who a short time:ago, -were bigotedßomanfsts, now:de tached from that faith, and turnip); 'With intense interest to the Bible to learn the c way- of salva-: Him, though.most of them do not profess to be converted. The --saw on*.a.''bitter-cold Sabbath;:between four endive hundred •of them. peoPlain a .Sabbath'School--manyi ofilthem. old' men:, , Again we have spenAlear, `vidence OA change of heart •in maoy ; and abo t nine hun dred of. them are new cOmmunican in'theTres byterian Church. .If this Msemblyitiria liiek in on 4.13.971, evidence:svould baseen4Ptiffnedtiess and sincerity. Their ' sincerity..has.beeo, tried. A. - young roan with . a 'small! family, a ' few week's ago, when his father effered•to save his•farin from being sold, it he. Would return •to Rominism,:re fused. .All that had beett.yetpdone, was only,he beginning of what ,could be accomplished, of whet is promised in the future. He was followed by Mr. CHINIQIIT, who ex pressed-his regret in having to speak a language not his own; but he said that •if he did blunder in the use of the English, he would gratify the hearts of his • hearers. He *wished to tell how God had brought him and his people from dark- ness to light. He could not tell how God had' begun his work his heart; it would be es easy , ' to.find theeource of the St.. Lawrence and the.. Mississippi. • His parents were Catholics, but eclubatect him well, and the 'first book •we Was - taught to read was the. Bible.. He always kept;: the Bible his father gave him. At college he asked permissicin of his superior to read'it, but was: refused. He told ..the superior that it was strange he was required to commit the heathen Poets, but not allowed to read the Bible. In 1888; he became a priest., end. always ea:ivied - 1v box et* Testaments along with-him through ,his, parish. After having been sent on a mission or temperance, he told • the bishops of •Caneda that: they must look after the French. Canadians in the United States, or they would be lost to their Church. Accordingly he was sent to Illinois, with-- the approbation:of the Bishop: of Chicago. But ; here began the discussion with this Bishop. Owing to' his representations; the Pope-withdrew that Bishop. Ile was : succeeded :by . :Bishop Smith, by whom he (Chiniquy) was excommuni cated. And "when invited to "go and make' his peace with• the :Bishopo God had begun to-shine; down upon them. •He consented to sign a sub mission to the Bishop, for be wished tothave the' war. ended. • BO he:told-the 'Vicar that: he thad: begun to„lose . his confidence in the Church of Rome. The 'Andy of the Fathers had led himto seethat•they alivays appealed •to ‘Scripture; and he had'begun to see the difference between• Rome and the Scriptures. At times he was' alarmed because of his:distrust of:the Thureh, and-had prayed , for forgiveness. Heeigned the submis sion, and the Vicar said it was all right. The Bisbop had received him ItindlYi and embraced him. He• told the--. Bishop: that ,he Thad, been greatly tempted. But the : Bishop encouraged him, and sent his to proclaim peace tethe people at -Kankakee. . But tHod's merciful-eye: hod looked down,on him, and he refused to obey the Bishop ; except according to the lawa of God. He would :submit, but not ,adore. The Bishop told-him that.he could be a no longer priest; the reply was, Blessed be, the Lord forever. He re tired•to. his room . in•••the 'hotel, and on his knees hebegan to see that.he had i severed.himself from the Church of his affection and his Parents, and thitt he was:alone ; for he had , contended against the Protestants. There ha soughtlight ; and three- . tion, and found them. He opened his New Tes tament at 1.. ' Con vii': 23, and found-himself surrounded. by a -sea of light,. though the book. fell from his hands. Then he understood.that he had been the slave Of sin and Satan, arid - tithed for ;mercy.: ::But when despairing. ofqsalvationi peace was found, and , he felt as if mountain . had been removed - from him. 'He hiid "found Jesus to be his' salvation...-Be repaired . : tot his . countrymen, who had. learned, by telegraph that he was no longer their priest.' •He met them al • the • chapel, = and told them• he -had:preached a false religion ; but he did i notwiah them,to,follow hint, but Christ. He told them that* an other priest would be sent in two or thres-daYi.=• He didnot.wish:to 'stay, if any wish him to. go. :He asked all .who wished to learn of. God from his own. Word, to rise up, and more. than a thousand men stood up. Great. joy. was.there. Then Bishop Smith was removed ; 'being told that he was not the man for the place. - ' Bishop Duggan, a.very.learned man; was his .suocessor. He. tried .to,make the people-believe.that Chiniquy had deceived them. On that Thursday, an im mense multitude .assembled. When the. Bishop drew near, the stars-and stripes were - raised, to remind him. that:he .was. not in the land, of the inquisition. :The•Tiear told the people4o.kneel, that the,Bishetp might bless: them. The people refused. On.the platform he failed to accomplish his purpose, and at the close was told that his authority -was rejected. • 'lie did not abuse,Catholics.,.. In the : Church of Rome were many sincere men to be .prayed for. He then referred' to the laws of 'Rothe-against those who left her communion: Here he , dould not be burned,but everything had been done to take hisrproperty and destroy his character. In his:suite with ; the :Bishop, he hadilost $12,000, and. hitt people immense sums. Since that time, their fields, so fertile, had refused to - yield their cropi, And hence their sufferings. and - want.. Many affecting ,incidents were , related. of the trials Of these people, ' of the contempt with which they-were treated by the Ronianists, of the incentives held out to induce them to forsake Protestantism, and of their devoted piety ; but onr:limite icilknotitllow-alongerreportt A= fa , days ago, upen.h i ls invitation, givervin thapnhile copgregation,Airty-six .. ynung men had cons.. crated th emselves 'Co ifie•ministry of ineonailtie*: tkin among their countryinen. • ; Dr. Wm. M. SCOTT read a letter from • Mr. Charles A. spring, now among these people, difying to their sobriety, industry, and sin Dr. CennEsThore testittrouy to *the truth of *jot had been l said of. the failure of the. crops. as for one hundred t Princeton was in ies of `other denom fiye:professorships, :sari , why 14311'06t0n inceton claimed no , uaries—Ahey,were all , illy ,of the others ~ dditional aid there . ~ But"ihere were bUld be :beard , in -1 s,that sand, five ltundre. wa tha nd•Nas t 4 and with. Union ust afford as'goo s others. • • ney in the case :o his 'providence Y• and her confi net. the feet of the I holuok, Neander, [; but they al iv h Addrson Alex- ''Dr. ADGER said ,that abundant evidence had ban given of the 'necessities of these people. Brit he thought thit some substantial proof shohld bi given of our , interest. Within a few weeks God,had converted four of ,his servants, arid he had made a thank-offering to God, of which $5O ye remained,, and which was newpgiven to this object. Several contributions of $5O and slop each, were then made, f and.Dr.` Wm. M.,SCOTT wai ap pointed to receive contributions during the con tinuance of the Assembly. ' ,Dr. Dzon.soti • mentioned the, sending of• $lOO from the Sandwich Islands, for Mr. Chiniquy and his' Colony. His people in Baltimore had done liberal things .for:tbis object. Major PRESTON said that by the ist of, August $5OO would' be sent from the ehurch to which he belonged,, in the mountains of Virginia. Dr. TRORNWELL said that he never before felt the:great inconvenience of being so pressed, but;ie $5O. He pyaised. God for this great work- • , • leport, adoiied, and Aseembly adjourned TENTH DAY. Inesday`Moralag, May 29-9 O'Clack. Asastabvliret, and , apent'the first-hrat hour-in devotional exercises: The Minutes 'of ,the last session were read and tipprlivell%•,} • --•.;k- , + p Lir r .. te icl e zlt of 2 11 „ - pru urb e e. f . . „ %imm ac ; d t,t.e4 re-. • • docket Dr -WILLIAM M .Soctri , reported that there had been already 0,000, contributed or pledged since yesterday evening, for 'Mr: Chiniques The Committee on Bills and. Overtures-report 7 .ed, recommending the reference of the applica tion of.the Presbytery of Omaha , for a. new Synod .to the. Synod of Upper Missouri,: since, this, was the Only application for this object, and had not been,laid , beforelbat Synod:' . Adopted. `• - ...Also, recommending the formation of a Synod. out of the Presbyteries of Findley, Maumee, WeStern , Reserire, , and Michigan, tolm-called the Synod of. Sandusky; to hold its first meeting - , in Westminster church, Cleveland, on the last ' Th'ursday -of Oetober,"at - seven' o'clock, 'to' be opened with a sermon by the- Rev. Henry °Neill ; or in case of, his absence, by the oldest , inister, who shall preside' until ` a 'Moderator 'be elected. Adopted. • Also, reeommending.the opening of a eorres , pondence with the Cumberland Presbyterian' Church.. Adopted; •andiDr.; Edgar was appoint- 1 ed to attend - the next General Assembly of, that Church, as a delegate frets: this body, with the Rev. Br. McMullen-as- alternate. • • .. Also, that the, church ,to be, organized in. e - w . Holland, within - the bounda of the Synod of Ohiorber transferred to the Synod of Cincinnati. Adopted: . , In answer to several memorials on the subject of, Colonization, the Committee reported: -Resefeed,That the General Asaembly, on' the•one :hand, disclaim all right:Wrinterfere in, secular 'matters, and ;on , the other, mason-stile right and' duty of the Church, 'as iGod's witness on earth, -to bear testimony,in favor of truth, land hbliness,lirid'against rata° doctrines and sin, Wherever professed and committed ; yet, in view of the ..often, repeated :action of the Assembly in reference to the Subjectabove re-; 'Jarred to,, it is inexpedient, to lake any: further: action in ;relation' thereto. '" " ' ' • Adoptediunanitneualy: '• • Also, a change. of the line between the, Synods lef-Pittliburgh and Virginia. Adopted. • - The'.Board of . Publication wai directed to'' pay the,R,ev. Dr. -Tnonnwr4,l, the amount expended liv,hint in Publishing the Revised Book of Dis .. . , .The ; conaideration of the, resolution preiented by Dr.. ATWATER, recommending a, delay of .a .year in.filling the fifth professorship, at Prinee.. ton, . owing 'to -the declinature of . Dr. -Dabney, ;and .the fact that, the Directors had not yet been able to agree in designating' a: person for this office,,and :that the Directors , )be •direeted , to ;makem some supplementary provision in the mean ;time; was resumed. • IYr.lkaans contended that, lha election -Should not,"be deferred ; ;that Acre .were,.,plentyof ,men in the `Church fully; tjualified for either of - the -vacant chair's; - andlhat the' ehtiieli-4 had a 'fight 'to lay:their...hands on-any-man and . : appoint him I to any place. , , -Dr. Boannmax • _Adjourned. Closed- with Inlayer.- ' Afternoon. Session--; (Klock. Assembly met and was opened 'with prayer. . . • F The toOn'siderat ion. of the Reviieir Book -of 4pline was made the order for Allis • evenipg r i o'clock. ' Dr. ADGER, of the Judicial Committee, repoitei the-. cases ,from the .Synods of 'Kentucky and. !Illinois. - The former was referred back to the !Session whence it originated; and the Synod of Illinoiiwas earnestly recommended to take up the latter case and issue it. Dr. lcurmirmoved to strike out "earnestly re commend,"' and, insert " direct." 'Dr. KREBS said .that,he made the motion solely from a desire to :silfoid the linfOrtunite man some prospect of relief. - - Judge Lan replied tir•Dr. KREBS. • Ile ; said that,the Judicial Committee .was en titled to the consideration of the house, from the !fact that the Committee by care, prudence; and diligence saved thehotu3e many days. The mem •bere of the Synod of .111inois gave assurapce,that tlietrieViould •be -granted byihe Synod. 'He denied:the right. of the-Aseembly -to direct the; ;Synod of Illinois, after .Mr. Tomsmy had leaped over that 37nod and come 'dfree:tly to the' Asseni big. 4Thel:appallant:gay.mars: reason -for this,. that justice could not be • bad; but he had.. no rightZto make such an assumption. rt. was meialy , a •• question • of 'discretion, that :oldie- the SYned igse.' lc could settle. 'raises' 'elation was lost, arid the report of the Committee adopted. • ' •" • • -Judge Loan moved • that-every pastemin.thie, . . Assembly be earnestly requested to bring. the *ante • of •Mr.' end': his'fikiiile' every church in; theoPreebyte,ry ivithlehichle connected. • Dr: B."M.' Smtrn• presented the It'eport'orthii Committee of fifteen. This Reportrecommended: Ist, Each Board send ,up its records , evory, year General Assembly. • 2dt,- Than the Secretaries be elected for tour Yew* 80. ;`That the BOards heieduced to twenty mem bersratid* the Seeretaries.vwhoimill; be imetilberts: CZ OtitiO. 4th. That the business . lie eortthieted without titt Eiteduiive Committee. • • • - i That five metabens:shali beta .quorum. for husiness, except for, the election of officers, when fifteen members shall be -necepsisairtoinonstitnte a quorum. • - •1!) 6th, 411 . past act inconssteht. with these, are repealed'. .follOwingfreisolutions, presented' by •Mr. were, a49,pted, the entire. Assembly rising: ' " • rwarams; The RePoit of the Borird o! , Thrintorn of Prinee'- ton Theological Seminary has communicated to this Assem bly ihedeatil orthe bey. JOAZPEI Alll7llsolc•aarrazurra; D.D.. Professor of New Testament Literature and Biblical Greek id that Cherished Institution; therefore, ' ' • • Bess/vat,. That we record our devout gratitnde .to GO for his great 'favor in' raising up' and continuing" to us 'for eli many years,' one ,so. eminently gifted and !pall lied. by, sixth ;ar rich ' Variety of >pellet's and achuiromenia, the work of.,training t o ministry. for the Bhurch. . Retoired, That whilst'we bow in hunible'imbraission to the soverpfgn hand of God,.we cannot forbear, to; express our, deep sorrow under the inscrutable dispensation which heads: prised the Seminary; of a sound, faithful, experienced, and. ernidaitly learned ProfeSsor ; the Church of 'an eloquent hinalti • of.the.:Gospel, au- able ..defender of. the -fain! ; ' wise Ind skillful expounder' of the truth as It is in and 'the world pf a noble mind,qa•potent penot, pray ing voice, a great heart to feel for its sorrows, and a ready will so relieve itermert, ' • . - Resolved, That whilst we express our high eetimate of the distinguished ability; end , riirci erpditibn with which - he en, tithed his prokseional instructions, and our deep appre ciation of the industry,l and: selfsuicrifice with , which . he devoted binnself to the great end of the Church's mission in the world, we feel cheered by the tokens pf the Divine :favor. .which attended his life and crowned his death, and we hereby record ourthankfulnese for.the, grace which Made his dying moments a testimony to the efficacy of the Christian's hope, and his memory incentive to folloWatter. "if that Werney: . apprehend that fur which we are also apprehended of Christ, Jesui.." " • . . ' • .• • Rerird, That a copy of these resolutions be forwarlhallsi the femili , Of the 'deceased: ' • ' .* ' i'• ' • • . Dr. ..ICABB offered. the owing,' iesol •which were adopted without, debate viz.: 'Remised, That the Seeretarie,s of the Bdards of the Church beinstnnated to notify the member* thereof-of, theirappoint ment, and of all the meetings of the Boards, whether stated or. Special, and when: such -meeting" are: for• special , per, poses, the subject of diecumion shall be named in the notice: Resolved; That 'it: shall be the duty :of the above-muned Boards to send up to the Assembly. with their Annual Re ports; their Book of 'Minutes; maths Book of klinutesof the respective Executith Committees, for examination; and it shall be the. duty of.said Committees to.bringto.the attention • of, the Assembly any. matters in these Minutes which, in their judgment.; calls for the notice of thailesefably. . : .1U:oh:led, That it. Is not lawful for either of the above ; titullaid:Boards or .Committees' to: issue , certifkiateis iof Life Membeiship to any person, or apy,tcorthrnmial, by virtue of • Which any. person Is permitted to sit,kleilberateand vote with the !loads; but the Boards may devise and grant eartiftcates or testimonials • of , speeird • donations to 'the chile .Of !Mumma hitherto known as Honorary Members, it being understood and Provided that inch pthione San in •no sense be aupwed by. parches° or gilt to exerchte_atty aort, of right, or, ,pesition,to delibeiate and votri.With the menibers'appointedthOhe4e& mut Assemhly. .. • - Dr; Ttiortinvicti. here came TOrviard and eau that; in conirldlifatiOn of the adoPtion )ofAheiti molutions, which ..had •his entire anprov.a . b..ha herehy withdrew his protest. f- :Di. _Tnottirwiti retired' from - the-pdatform, amid much applanse: ; . • , ; • , 80ARD,3!4.14 came ( forward. and said . that iiireninsiartCeS• 'had occuric4• dirring• the recess Thatit Obviattalt:the iiteaeOity,..or his .remarks of the morning, •and- he therefore moved that Dr. ATWATER have leave to withdraw his resolutions with regard to the election - of Pro fessors at Princeton, with the view of making .a nomination for the vacant Chair of that Institu tion. Leave was granted. ' Dr. SPRING then came forward, and after a fcw remarks, nominated , for. the Chair of Practical Theology, Rev. Dr. Psiamit, of:New.Orleans. Dr. RnEris seconded r the nomination, and offered . the following •resolutions, which were adopted, viz.: BasoicadrThat Dr.brGill be aiiiiigned to the iChair of 34} clesinetical History and Church Government. .Resoiral, That tho Assembly proceed Immediately to elect Professore for the'Chairs of Practical Theology and New Tes tament Literature and Biblical Greek. ' • On' motialn, the Miserably proceeded td' ballot, and the Rev.• Dr. PALMER was • elected to the Chair of Practical Theology, and Rev. C.:W.IBIA* HODGE to the' Chair of. New Tei3tamentfLiterature and Biblical Greek. 'Both unanimously. The Report of the Committee recommending the establishment of a - Fifth Frofestoirship at Allegheny Seminary,' was adopted. ''' Dx. BOARDMAN nominated Rev: WM. PKX TON, of Pittsburgh; tei - ibis ''l'^ofessoraliip, and the , Assembly'proceeded to . ballot. • Evening. Session-7 1-2 O'Clock. Assembly met and opened with .prayer. A report from the,. Committee on Systematic Benevolence was docketed. . . - was declared elected unanimously to the fifth Professorship of Allegheny Seminary. -The Report of- the t Committee.,on ,Theological Seminaries, Wial reference to the tianyille• Semi . nary, was taken up and adopted.. The Rev. Dr.. JOSEPH. T. ,SMITII, of. Baltimore was nominated and duly elected to the Profea sorship. of Pastoral Theology and 'Cliurch'Gov ernnient, atoDanville 'Seminary: ' ' -Dr. 'Bomtrostart presented , the•following resolu tions, viz: Re:solved; That the salaries Of tlte"newly'electid - . 'rofessers at Princeton be the ea me, in.nll.rospecte,Lat thdealaries of the other Professore. Rewired, That a Committee be appointed to wait on Dr. Palmer and Bor. C. 'W. Hodge, and inform them of their election., Resolved, •Thattitomnitea and: cordial 'thanks of the, lien eral Assembly be presented to thounknown benefactor of the Theolotticallietninary,.at Princeton, for, hie dontrient of a Fifth Professorship. :The following onunittees were. appointed . to inform the newly elected. Professors :—To forth thS Princeton Professors; Dr. Boardman and Mr. :,Croltrell ; ,the. Alleghsny Prtifessor,, Messrs: Allison and Ewing the Danville Professor, Drs. E. T: Plaid; Edgar, and 11l r.' West. The Report do :the North-western Seminary. spoke of . the success that had sttended this in stitution, and ctilling'ipon the churChes to 'con.: tribute to its Support, an'd toward.a Wilding and a library. They were adopted. • Rev. Dr. PEces'eleetion to - the — Professorship, at. Union, Va., was confirmed.. The Moderator antiouned - thelolloWing Com mittee on the Church Commentary.,--Rev,. 'Drs. E.. T. Baird, A. T. Magill, S. Yerkes, J. B. Adger, Rev. S. J. Wilson; Dc. Willis' Elders-0.• N.' Stoddard, J. R. Snowden ' Preston, Scott Lord. On motion, Drs. Yeomans and R. J. Breckinridge were added.' ' ' • • 'The'revised Book 'of Discipline came up: fore consideration. . The question was on the adoption, of the first 'Chapter, and the amendment offered to strike from section :second the words " pro fessed believer," and substitute.a "member of, the Church." ' Dr. S. 3. BAIRD contended that the children of professing Christians are members of the Church, and in answer to the argument that baptized non professors could not be excommunicated b'ecause , they. never had any the communion table —he contended•that the position of such was by. no means the same before and after the excom 2 mitiricotion:Before, their Condition was one of ipi;obittiOn and • hope; but after,••they were not . only .shit Out .from the • Church communion, but: flroza.,aW prospect of participation 0.. ; the com munion of 'saints.. • Di. Wit. 111.13ifsii-f thought the minds 'cif the As senil3l , were siitoiently madewp ; hi; ilierefois moved• thesdoption of the following resolution' .'lll.solred, That se the chapters and sections of this book ,came up;after an opportunity hits been givad to Dre..Thorn well and Hedge, tut members of the Committee, to make€uch explanotions as they may deem neceesary,4he 4ssembly shall .take s vote,tipon theist= withomtdehato, except': the prop°, Bitten and'explanation of amendments. , . . . Dr.. 13. M. SMITU opposed its adoption. 'Hi said that lie hid come to the Assembly tc'dit-: libeinte and vote; and nothing , short of-a 'cin . ersia tionfof life and death would induce him toi:vote* for is gag law of. any kind. Ile said 'that.. .any 'one-horse- man, one-mule man, or two-penny man, : lad a right to speak on this floor that. could not betaken from him by any gag-resolution; erneh areal:Offered, by Dr: Scott, of Chicago. CLARK thought thiswas the most. impor .. tank question:that had•yet come before them and ought not to he hastily passed. over. . No desire for adjournment should induce us to sinrinleffbm our duty. He' would throw' himself itarois the , track along which the• Assembly' seemell to rush, : ; Adjoupiedi•B. BRADroity haying the floor Closed with prayer. _;, ELEVENTH•JAY.; : ' :; • Wednesday Morning, ?day alh-9340%110e.k: - Assembly met. First half-hour ap'ent&k.dpvo-, tional exercises. The Rev. .Y 41410, ninety-seven years of age, and late , chaplpin in. :Congress, offered prayer. • The Minutes of.yesterday,,xere read and ap proved. . , The order:Of the day was set. aside, to con ;eider the subject of the Revised Book of .Dis " ciplire. , Mr. Lawsbx moved that, this whole' matter:bet referred to the early consideration . of. the .next General Assembly. Judge Loin) moved, as a antistitute,.that it; lie referred to a Committee consisting of the members of the former CoMmittee and three additioatil ministers and elders. • . • And, as a substitute for both .the fi ! bove, tions; Dr. Anztirraolva moved that. the Book be committed to • a new Cerairiiiteeorisiating ' 'Of three pastors .and three -elders .. -,-to.-,examble, it,, harmonize all conflating clauses,.and make such other changes as they may 'deem - necessary; then print it as revisedin-parallel. lines: with the ,old Book, and send it down to all . the Presbyteries, to be' placed in the hands 'Of those . mentbers who shall be appointed as . 'Commissioners•t.o'the next General. Assembly, and report finally to the next General Assembly. An' imendment•was offered ta the effect' that the Book, thus prepared, :be sent to all the ,pa.s-. tors .of the Church, and that the Presbyteries appoint committees'fa:exarhine it and setid their reports to the next• General' Assembly, • and, if possible, to the Committee appointed on this sub ject by the present Assembly. DrE Suirrtread :a; series of.resolutions Iwhieh he•had prepared on the same sahjeui,and.movsd that all these papers and 'resOliitions which h ad' been :offered ibe.forthwith placedan the hands of a Committee of five, to report from them . some planlor the action of this Assembly as soon' its practioable. . The. motion •passed, , and. Rev. Drs Smith, Cheeseman, and Armstrong, and Elders Scott Lord, and H. K. Clark were vappointed , such Committee. . , • „ . Dr: BODGE offered the.folloming ,peper, whit* , was op , viz. :WaitsEss, The Rev. .J. H. itiorziwell, aid 'the Cyrtds.Diekson,D.D., members blithe prtient Assembly, pop; pose to be in. E.urope at tha time Of ;the next Anneal Meeting of sthe'Syrtod of the }IN/angelical Churches' of France, • itesnlped, That the above brethren be - deputed to repyesent this General Assembly in the above Synod, in accordance wftli4he fraternal wish eipressed by the said Synod, through its : Moderator. the Rev. Dr. Monod. . . ..1 • 7,.Reaograft, That the above named brethren, be added to the Deputation appiainted bitheleat General Atieembly:t&reprei aent ourbranch.of.the truth at the Third Oenteanial Annl7 vereariJoUthei 'Reformatiiiii, to be • Celebrated durinethepreien. , • . • • • ' • The Committee...on Bills and Overtures -report ed in:reference. tsi the queries, pro Posed hy„the Judieial - Committee t arising from a 'judicial cue &Obi: the:Synca` Of Illinois, rendrairiendligliiit the legabright,tolhe houSeptif •Worship isivested im the Trustees,:.yet -.these Truistees shouldrnot permit:the use of, the . house ' t ot'. God ,for. seeular PIPTPEMS or for tuiy, other , object thpn.that of worshipping' God, without 'the coattail ''Of the SesSion. • {i ' ' :1 The Committee also reported that . ,l4U•tAlder would:not be transcending the,dutios bie-of #cei,jlf he should arise and rebuke copluct, uptho comm.' the house dediciied to • the .worship of God;.and where ilia Ito* orditianoes, of religion are i lidainistered; *sting . held ire such house. . •Dr.:Ww. A.:Scorr-ready a memorial, from the Rev. BalnueLJ. Baird, ; D..D.j•in which he ,stated that he.had expendeditiree. years of hard labor in the preparatioa•iirthe '"Dygest:" for which the Board of PATielitiori had 'Raid . . hint $1;000; $l6O fof which had been .spent.travelling to collect materials, and over 's 2 / 4 0ifor proof-read, log, BO that-the entire net opmpensation had been only.a little .over. $6OO, anli ,tliat the Beard of Publidation `did .ndi eilithideritself authorized to pay any thing erditiiingzifiltiss ordered by the General Assembly.: • ....Dr) Soon said that the "'Digest" was a•work of, great 'value, upon :which much .rese,a and Jahar : had been bestoWed; and t mOii thitt.the Board of linblioatieri ' be "directed'*' Dr. B:intro' an ^ additi oriel 41,000. ' ' -*.:lll o .2BOA.some.N said., the 'proposition •watil •but reasonable and just. Dr. Baird had done-a:Rork Square; (8 lines or iesa,) one Insertion 60 cents; each subilequentdneertion, , 4o centet.eacli eight, 5 eta. A. Square per quarter, 84.00; eachlinatidditioual, 33 cents. A Antronox made to advertisers by the year. "BUSINESS NOMEB Of TEN lines olokinl.oo ; etch ad' dpkmal line,lo oents. • • DAVIDVPIEDIYIET'SC COy •::, : • • • • TuarmotrosiVatar Emliserasse. NO. 402. for. which. he deserved both the thanks and the remuneration of the Church. • Dr. DICKSON said that not only had the-author devoted three years to this work,, but that Ids father, the late Itev.;Thomas D.,Baird, had, given much attention to this_ subject, and to the collec tion, of materials for , a :history of the Presby terian Church in the United States for a period of nearly thirty years. The, father died sudden ly in North Carolina, leaving, as the sole inheri. *meet& his family, an unsullied name and these t e s ll: • • • .14ilakbioved, as an ,amendment, that the lit:eifKiinipr. Baird $1,600: Tbe'satiendment was lost., and the,original mo tion pa ssed. . Mr. DOW 'liiviented 'a resolution from the Elders' Prayer -me eting, requesting t4e, General Assembly to recommend every pastOr to preach one sermon every year on the duties arid respon sibilities of the Eldership. , , Iktr—Cooitia said that he sUpposelit t to be hi s dut y to Speak at least once in the Ganitit. , aenibli , before returning to; his ,Presbytary.: was opposed 'to this motion.. This was a,ilustiar that shoUld be left to the sound. Asscetkin of every pastor._ There were. alrea d y _, - so ,n any special subjects, that theie Was a place fort such a 'sermon as Ibis. The resolution was lost. , THE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER- Publication Office.: GAZETTE BUILDINGS, 84 Firm Sr, P/17146kcgt, PHIIADALPHIA, . SODTAZWIIIIT COE. OA 7= AND ADVERTISEMENTS. TE NllB IN A,DtANON. Apirivate letter from Mrs. VAN'ittivstiziazato Dr. Doennetax, acknowledging the ,reception of the letter of the General .i.‘ssembly to. her king husband, was i th? read. • • , L In' this conimunicatiOn ihe rah:Vl:hit the lotion Of 'the i•A'sseiribly" had, filhitillie t liniairs of her husband, herself, and' tier eine- Lions that , words could. ; not expresa. ;Ger hus band, though'sinldng every day, was .calm and hopeful, trusting in Lord, and sent his sal . utations to the Assembly with which. he Would never again meet in this world. The' letter' of the Assembly wciald'irer remain to her and her family the" most precious of all,the jewels ever presented, them by - kind, and loving hearts., • - tori"Lticirt then presented the RePortoflle Committee on Systematic •Benevelence. The re• port said that although our Church was still greatly deficjent in this matter, there was move ment in the right direction. Of ihe one hundred arid sixty"-eight Preebyteriee, mere.lhan one-half bad complied with the - direction:of'the Assenibly Of butt 'year, in sending up reports on this sub ject; though only fifty were . in the regular form. Last year but forty-four reported ; this year eighty-four report. And the statistical reports give evidence that at - least two-thirds of all 'the Presbyteries have, given - more or less attention to this subject. The sum of ouir contributions to benevolent objects, independent of congrega tional expenses, was $500,000. This seemed to be a large-sum ; but, our _ membership was three hundred thousand, arid our churches numbered thirty-six hundred. - So, that viewed' in this light, the sum'was pitiful: If Presbyteries would do their duty; the churchett also vrotild soon' do their duty with respect to sytematic benevolence. Every Presbytery and every Session should be faithful in this matter. Every' communicant should give something. No one is exemptliom this duty. The tithes should be brougnt into the store-house of 'the Lord. 'Prayer was not enough';;-'it must be "accompanied by our alms. The channels for the benevolence of the Church should be alwaywfnll and•teembig. The report concluded with the following reso lutions : ' Resolved; That this Assembly enjoins each Presbytery to require one sermon arianilly to be preached to every congre gation within its bounds, on Systematic Benevolence. : Resolved, That all the lauds now placed under the heeding "l'rtabyteriil,"hit transferred to the' column headed "Con gregational," and that the column thus vacated be occupied with •the funSe for 'disabled ministers, and the widows and orphans of mlnlstexs, that mayorequire such assistance; and that a column for the contributions of Sabbath Schools be inserted in:our tables immediately after the column contain ing:the number et childreruin the Sabbath Schoolchild Bible Classes. Resolved, That the Board of Publication be directed to tibliati ;the .acoompsnying blank Ruth, and send it to the Stated Clerks of Presbyteries, that they may be able to know exactly, the kind of iteport to send tip on, the subject of Systematic Benevolence. ' Resolved; That a Cornurittee be appointed by-the Moderator to bring this ,whole subject .to' the attention of the Presby teries, and to report at the next meeting of the. Assembly. The report, separated from the resolutions, •was•received , and. approved. • Dr. 8..M. - Szturn mcived the adoption of -the ;lirstresolutionoirithout:expressing:any opinion on its merits, but for the purpose of :bringing it. before the house. ' • ' • .Mr. Caowent. opposed the:resolution ;. it was !unnecessary. Systematic benevolence should "permeate all our devotionsand our entire Chris tian life. Ministers should preach it; and Min-, ,isters•and people should practise it. It should ;not bsconfined a single sermon in the year, or • a•single occasion in the year. The adoption of thel second resolution was then B.i IL; Steals rernaried• that it was difficult to settle this matter. satisfactorily. There was .no•use':in: tinkering year after. year with our 'tables. :.The•Sunday Schoolchildren did not see our minutes, and consequently the • acknowledg- :meat of:their bfferingsizt: this separate column would do - them no good. This could be done .better in our-Sabbath- School papers, missionary journals, and weekly religious:papers. • ;;The -resolution was then laid on the table. Dr. ,Locirn•said he-waa•sorry, and the Church would regret, that , the Assembly had given such &blow to•the' dund for Superannuated and Dis abled Ministers. : . • ed3or. Bocoex instantly arose and. said , that he ;bad forgotten; and he was certain the Assembly :had forgotten, that this subject was included in !the 'resolution. first laid.on the table, and there-. foremoved the re-consideration of the first part. Carried. -.Dr. Branca: said that this matter :was involved in considerable difficulty. Much ought to be • lefato,the discretion of the congregations. There was• scarcely it: month in :which the church he served, :or at least individuals in Giat church, were not called .upon to' contribute to the relief • of disabled or; aged. .ministers. This call was always promptly and gladly met by himself and people ; there was no 'holding back., But while ' ample provision should be: 'made to relieve the *ants of all, care'should betaken lest the estab lishment:of-.too considerable .a fund should be used as - an %row:tentby:some congregations for casting off infirm or superannuated pastors, in stead of providing abundantly for them. For a congregation to neglect to provide for its pastor, casthim 'off after having labored thirty or forty years, was an offence against the very spirit .of Christianity, and against • the Great Master. himself. He was not arguing against help for disabled ministers,' but against congre gations being unfaithful to their solemn engage ments to those set over them in the Lord. .!-ffiheifirst part of •the 2d -resolution, and the I twtPfollowing.reaolutions ;were then 'passed. ..Previous 'to: adjournment, it was resolved to meet at half . past tWothisafternoon, and to spend one hour in prayer for the Divine blessing, and !in:thanksgiving to God for the harmony of feel ' ing and: the :unity of 'sentiment for which this meeting has been characterized. Closed' with .prayer: Afternoon Saslow-2% O'Clock. Assembly_ met. The services were introduced by prayer, sing ing,,and reading a ,portion of Scripture. After which, was offered by Drs. Hooon and B. M. SMITH. .... 1 7he, Narrative . on the State of Religion was ' teed: by Bev. J. 11. Ans. One hundred and . thfity:of. the one hundred and sixty-eight Pres hilteries.Auid•Stent up Narratives of the State of Religion within their bounds. In these there •wagreatnniformity; almost all spike of revi : valsin some of the churches, and of increase to ' the membeiship. From only three or four was the voice of wailing and lamentation heard. ~.All the Presbyteries iliaesk of enlarged attend , exiCe upon, the preaching.of the Word, and of in creased energy in the Sabbath School, the Bible Class, the prayer-meeting, and family religion. The,past year has been one of wonderful dis pensation . of God's, grace upon our churches, The Additions upon. profession of faith to our Church had been remarkable. During the two : years preceding , much had been said about re vivals,. but the last year has been the one in which we have begun to gather in the precious finits. • Reference was made to the remarkable work of grace in our. Mission at Ningpo,, China, 'and among the French Canadians in .Illinois. The elders, were also, beginning to wake up to 1340i1f? proper conception of their duty. The pew of the Church : upon the world was. begin ning be Felt more than formerly. Men , of the World were being brought to feel their need of thetospel, and to attend upon its ministrations. Ppogress in the observance of the Lord's day, in many places,.was . noted, as was also the nage ment in favor of temperance ; while the 'deso, lating ravages,of intemperance were.deplered. • In conclusion,: the: good hand .of our. God was devoutly acknowledged in the,peace,..nnity; progress that have marked our .churob,thiring the year, • • the. '. 3llo When ; the reading of- Te fiaiShed the .veherable Dr,Srabiniettig .AO said, he supposed , that. ; : the, Oviartlttattaf lus PissbYtery could have had' in seniling;,liiin;fta this, Assembly was,t4aktk%lnight.have an4tior . - • *tity of bidding farewell, to his breikrin ministry and el erahip. Hie time Upon., eartli was about ended ;, ,hitr nearly .: work wear nearlone: 13inn theiplioe• dial ; koevaiiirk . weidd,know liim no more. but he would say to .. parting, there Avast nopiiig.,llo,,locced so muck„iie;,the,Gos- V'S'S4ro fk*tYcl,ul:4l'l4l4”Dri.-.403-
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