Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, June 02, 1860, Image 1
N'SCINET J. ALLISON S. LITTLE 1V.113 M'KINNEY & CO., Editors and Proprietors. TERMS IN kOVAN•Cti BINOLE SOBSORIPTIONO $1.50 IN CLODS 1.25 DELIVERED 7N EITHER OY THE'CITIES 2.00 Fur Two Dom,ane, we , will send by mall twenty numbers, end for ONE Doman, thirty-three number". rmtors blending US TWENTY aubscribera and. upyrards, will he thereby entitled to paper withoutUharge. ' eignlllea Mit the A SSD AIARE oil the paper, term le nearly out and that we desire a renewal. Renewals should be prompt, a little Were thelear expires. Send payments by safe hands, or by mall. Direct all lettere to DAVID MIKINNIty 4 elk,. Pittsburgh, Pe EUROPEAN CORRESPONDENCE. „ . MAY MELTINOS—EACTIST, WESLEYAN, AND TURKISH linsaloss MD SOOtemis—TNNl , R:olunktioN ANi) Outman SocirrrEs— Exr,TER HALL PLA'rroNN7L-AIIIIRWAN VISIToNo—SIR JOHN LAWRENCE AND COLONEL EDWARDS—CHRISTIANITY AGAIN TABOOED IN INDIA—JUDGMENTS PROYOKRD—TDE LION OF INDIA TRIMBLE:Kt ON'l TJONDON PLAT . PoNN—BIOI.r. SOCIETY'S ANNIVERSARY--” A ELOWIR ,IN THE BUD MURRAY'S SPILEOII--loNDON 0/41f 'ENCOURAGEMENT— PuirrsaßlPT. LONDON, May 4, 1860. THE BAPTIST MISSIONARY SOCIETY, by its annual meeting late in April, is the pi oneer arid 'herald of those great gatherings which'ire emphatically, the " May Meet,- It is strong in the West Indies, and the 'churches there are independent of .Emmort from home. An, Institution has •been established for training up a native 'Ministry of African blood and descent, for the native churches. As to India, and es pecially Delhi, where •one of the mission aries perished in the mutiny, a remarka ble blessing is being vouchsafed. Strength ened in numbers, and headed by Mr. Smith, who spoke so admirably last year of his ex perience in India, and of the duty of the churches to it, the Gospel is spreading, rap idly in and around that city. During the six months ending December 31st, no less than ninety-four had been baptized. There are sixteen native helpers, and these will be augmented speedily. "In eight of the villages we have native eonverts,"'writed Mr. Smith, "and we hope during the pres ent year, to see native churches organized under their native pastors." At Agra, "a marvellous change has come over the feel ings and conduct of the people, since the mutiny, in reference to Christianity. Go -where we may—in the city or in the vil lages—crowds gather around us, and will listen as long as we have strength ,to ad dress them." •At Allahabad, there is a Bible Class among native-Sikh troops. At Barrisaul, in Bengal, outrages have been committed on native Christians. The, in come of the Baptist, Missionary Society for the past year, amounted to £29,000, and the expenditure to £27,000. TIEIE WESLEYAN MISSIONARY SOCIETY held their annual meeting on the second day of the present week, and as •usual it was multitudinous and animated. Sir A. Agnew was the. Chairman. The. Society has missions in Germany, at Gibraltar, in India, China, South Africa, the West In dies, the Cape 'of Good Hope, and Aus tralia. The Canadian Conference has its mis sions thus classified :—Among the Indians, seventeen stations and seventeen mission aries; in the territory of Hudson Bay and Lake Superior, seven stations and seven missionaries; among the French Canadians, •five missionaries; and in British Columbia, seven stations and four missionaries. The number of members in the mission ary churches is 32,180 (being an increase of 4.042,) besides 6,807 on trial Jim mem bership. In Fejee (a Cannibal population hitherto,) the total number of those who wished for Christian instruction, having re nounced heathenism, is 60,000. Every mission field demanded fresh reinforce ments, and the fields are white to the liar vest. Ground has been broken in India, by the Wesle t yans. In South Africa,•twelie additional missionaries are asked for, and many more wanted in China and the South Pacific. The income for the year is £140,- 005; the general expenditure has •been £126,000. THE PROPAGATION Or THE GOSPEL SO CIETY held its annual' meeting in St. James' Hall, the Archbishop of Canterberry in the Chair. This is the only Society that combines in missionary operation, High Churchmen and Evangelicals, although it must be said that the latter give it a very fee ble support, and look upon its operations with suspicion. Many of its agents in foreign fields .are excellent men. The directing Committee and powers at home, have been generally " high,' if not also " dry." The Society has existed for one himdrect and six years; it has been more active during late years than formerly. It trains mis sionaries at the College of St. Augustine at Canterberry, and has thus sent out fifty elergyma. It has been efficient in India, and native converts have been ordained as missionarieF. The total receipts for the year are £90;444,-besides £25,986 by do nors, for speoial'objects. THE HOME AND COLONIAL SOCIETY is an Evangelical Church institution of great value, .It has accommodation for onehun dred and forty resident students, and has also a daily training school for seventy-five more. It is under the superintendence of an excellent clergyman known to rne, rind supplies admirably qualified teachers both for home schools and the colonies—all evangelical in their views and teaching. THE TURKISH MISSIONS AID SOCIETY is, as you are aware, specially- and mainly designed to help on the work of American missionaries in-the East, and also to afford some minor assistance to the Episcopal and Jewish Protestant Missions established throughout Turkey. Lord Shaftsbury pre sided at the annual meeting. 'The receipts and subscriptions amounted to £3,693 6s. 10d. The total strength of the missions is now 151 American agents, 316 native agents, 125 preaching stations, and 50 prot estant churches. The Sabbath attendance reaches 5,000 ; there are 177 seminaries and schools, and 6,115 schOlars, ofwhom . 4000 are females. Lord Shaftsbury -expressed his opinion that-the Turkish . Empire ex hibited unmistakable symptoms of decay, and that it behooved Protestant Christians to, give to its people evangelical life. He characterized the American iiiissionaiies 1s a "'marvellous combination. of COMnian - Flense and piety," and .preeminently adapted fbr this speoial work. Among the speakers were'the Bishop of Down and Connor, and the 'Rev. W. T. 'Williams, American mis sionary, from Nineveh. Lord' Stratford De Radcliffe, the iVarret • friend—when Ambas sador at Constantinople--Lof Dr. Dwight and his brethren, was -unavoidably absent. THE CHURCH MISSIONARY SOCIETY'S annual meeting was very numerous,,and its Chairman was the Earl of Chichester. The income for the year ending 31st of March, was upwards of £145,629, including ""spe cial fund for India," which amounts , to X 18,576. Of the latter, upwards 0fX9,000 has been spent, and from the contributions of former years and the present for India, there is a balance on hand of more than X 46,000.. • To every. lover of Evangelical .truth and of the human race, this Society ought to be dear. It holds fast to the glorious doc trines of the Retbrmation; while Episco pal, it is euiphatically catholic; its mis sionaries are not, only evangelical in doc trine, but godly and earnest; its: Commit tee comprises the very elite of -the excel lent of the metropolis and its neighbor hood, and its affairs are - directed with con summate energy anctirisdatn. I had the pleasure of conducting to the annual meeting; Doctors—Murray (" Kir wan,") and Leyburn, and ;my friend Geo. H. Stuart, Esq., of Philadelphia, and of pointing out to theni, diatingiriahed per sons on the platform, aniong l 4►hom Sir John Lawrence and . .Coloriel;;Edwardes, (so eminent in the assertion of Christianity in India, and so honored ofGo ph e re,) were conspicuous. The Bishop o . .. Wi nchester, brother of the Arehhiehoiof OPEC terbury, and an Old-and-fast ffidfid 'OfftEe! Ck) .... ,- ~ , ' -' - • . ...... , .: , ! . ..: .. ' Pal ~ -{ ,- • ,1 , , 5 • :... . . • .: .. , . , . . , ~. . . . ••,. . . 4 1 1 ill , . ..... „ . . . ' . • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WHOL . T. - NO- '37 • . • - PITTSBURGH, -- " ° '''A'TURDA, JU NE '2; '1.860. VOL. V Society, moved the adoption of the report. The second resolution was entrusted to Edwardes, who was received with great applause. I noticed that Sir John. Lawrence, was much moved when Edwardes. rose. The latter is a man in the prime of life, vigorous in frame, handsome in face, and keenly intelligent in aspect. He ad dressed himself specially to the subject of India, and , spoke ant'boldly his.solemn con-: the real , cause of the Indian mutiny—the keeping.back of Christianity-, from the knowledge of the Hindoos, and the 'guilt of the kindred policy now. There seems little doubt but 'that otirla dian. Governor.Getteral is adopting a cold blooded policy. He-is one of-the Peelite school, has no, sympathy with Evangelism, and checks and frowns upon the attempts of officers to speak about Christ to their na 'tive troops, 'everrprivately: Our'Secretary for India, Sir Charles Wood, is etapbati cally " a strict neutrality man," by which is meant, exclusion of the Bible from Gov ernment schools, and a virtual disowning of Christ. If a whip, is for the fool's back, and if we, as, a, nation have repented , our confessions made on the. Fast .Day held during the Indian mutiny, then, what may we not expect in the way of chastisement ? In listeninc , to •dol. Edwardes one could not help desiring that, such a man—so thoroughly acquainted with, India, with such .power of utterance, and moral weight —were in Parliament. 'I have been told that he is likely to remain at home, and would have no objection to enter the louse of Commons. The health of Sir John Lawrence is very delicate. I sat by his side at the annual meeting of the Field Lane Ragged School, .at St. 'Martin's Hall. He said, "I am better, but not well." He moved a•vote of thanks (as the meeting was about to close,) to Lord Shaftsbury, the Chairman. He speaks with timidity, and it' struck me forcibly, when lonibefore he was called on to say a feiv words, he was apprehensively and repeatedly glancing at the notes of his intended statement. Mere was the lion hearted Lawrence, who looked the terrible Indian mutiny in the face, and blanched not in its awful presence, who yet was full of fear, in risini , toaaddress a public meet n . ing an London. iiGod bestows on his ser vants,,various and different gifts; each has his own work to do, and special strength for its right discharge. Out of a man's proper sphere, his locks are shorn, and he is feeble as a child ; and all this is that the Giver and the Lord of all, power and might may alone receive the glory. THE BIBLE SOCIETY had a. glorious Anniversary. Its characteristic was em phatically • that of evangelical fervor 'and earnestness. Its circulation during the last twelve months has been: upwards of two millions of copies of the Word of God, in various countries' and languages. The revenue' was £.145,000. - A very large in crease of circulation was reported from Ireland, especially from the. Revival Dis tricts, and £soo—the first free .grant ever sent—was transmitted from the Hibernian Bible Society. The good. Bishop of Cashel, (once the. Rev. Robert • Daly, of Powers court,) who forsfttly years has fought a good fight against Popery and for a. free Bible, was one of the speakers. Although he •has a hesitation in his speech, yet he is really and _truly effective on the platform. One of the little, and yet notuninterest= ing incidents of the day, was, that Lord Shaftsbury, the President, brought with him his youngest son, a very fine boy of about twelve years of age. He sat near the 'front of the 'platform,. and. his father ofttimes turned his eyes toward him, as the meeting went on. When the Rev. S. Martin, of Westminster, rose to speak; he :referred' to the boy's presence, and said thathe thought he had been brought.thither by his father in the spirit of dedication and sacrifice. He thep Added, very tenderly, "A flower, when offered in the bud, Is no vain sacrifice." The noble Chairman's head sank on his breast, and` he was deeply moved, while tears filled the eyes of very many. Near = the Chair, on - this great occasion, sat' the Rev. Dr'. Murray, and George .11. Stuart, Esq., in the eharadter of Deputies from the American Bible Society. Lord Shaftsbury had previously saluted and warmly welcomed them in the Committee Room. Dr. Murray was the spokesman-for his American friends and fellow-laborers. His speech`was marked, by both humor and pathos. His voice, manner; appeerance, and statements, were all in his favor, and when -he sat down, as well as during his speech, he- was very warmly cheered. 'The two deputies were, after the meeting, borne away to receive the hospitalities of one of the Wealthy friends of the Society, around whose board, at every anniversary; guests and Committee are assembled in Christian fraternity and love. First fruits of the Gentiles were pre sented at this meeting, in the persons of two converts; the one a licentiate of the Free Presbytery of 'Calcutta, and one of Dr. Duff's • spiritual r shildren, the other a Chinese. Ench wore ' his distinctive dress ; each drew toward- him the instinc tive brotherly love of God's 'people and children present;'and' while the Chinese was 'silent, the Hindoo-spoke, in beautiful and well chosen - English; -- and with ad mirable self-possession. THE LONDON CITY :MISSION held its annual meeting yesterday. Never was there, a report given in so. gratifying. It indicated—among other, great facts which tell of the blessing of God, and the mighty working of his Spirit--the formation of clubs for cahmen, where religion presides, and in which there are one thousand mem bers ; the increase ' by two hundred and sixty-five, of cabs'which do not ply on the Lord's day, making a total of one thousand four hundred and sixty-five; of the great increase of sobriety among cabmen and that some of them' are tract distributors, (leavino• e' them 'inside the cab, for passen gers.) There are now' , three hundred and seventy-five city missionaries; being thir teen' more than last year. Eight hundred .missionaries, however, are required, the population having grown to the enormous extent of two million eight . hundred thou sand. Not less than twenty thousand seven lundrdd families have been visited. Copies of 'Bibles Oa Testaments to the ••extent of twenty "thousand ~ h ave been distributed; and.the missionaries find, by the auxiliary help, of the new and admirable agancy of "'Bible women," that the number Of houses without the Seriptures are greatly less than formerly.," Religious Tracts have been distributed,. to .the number of two million five hundred. and forty-two thou sand five hundred- and forty-five. Thirty . _ six thousand five hUndred and twenty are under instruction in Vble Classes, and i'wo hundred and thirty-six thousand three hundred and forty-nine visits hare been paid to the sick and dying. Many of the dying would •have passed into eternity without any minister, to speak to them, but for visits of the misaionaries. Besides'a fund for disabled missionaries, the '! =General Fund reached the large ammuit of £35',573 last year. . . These missionaries are a noble body, ,of men. They are our' mord groove. They have .-acquired '' an itaniense Influence :for good. They :take E~the ventile ;:and,‘L4licif children out oh rural excursions in Summer times; they are of the people's own rank and class; they help, comfort, and stand by. theni ; and i• to a man, 'they teach a full Gospel—Pauline, Scriptural,,Divine. J-.w. P. S.—The keform.Bill has at last passed the second reading in' the'Commons. The 'Emperor of the 'French has turrMd spiritualist. The published , debates- in the French Chambers indiCate that-he is not a Free-trader, after. all. But that is said to conciliate tke Protectionists. We shall, I think, have no war this year. There has been Much bloodshed in Sicily, and the- King' of Naples is - cruel, as- usual, to the conquered, and to ; thesuspected-also. "Hold Fast Till I Come." 't Our readers are all farm nu. h the story of the braie bey Casablanca, who, conituanded by his fatherto•retain his placa, at the helm of the ship, in a:fierce fight, till:he came to-relieve him, maintained his post amid the consuming flame, : yielding not, but waiting till he should hear his fa ther's - Voice, not knowing that thdt father lad" fallen in-the conflict. It is related that in one of.the battles'in :the .late war, with Mexico, a; borapaity brave soldiers were stationed to .protect, a battery, which was capable of doing great execution upon the enemy. In the course of the conflict, the hottest fight raged around this' battery ;t the :Mexicans were de termined•to take it, :and dispatched alarge force for that purpose, and as their cavalry, the picked men of their , army, came d,own with terrific force.upon the little band who held' it, they showed' some signs of •falter ing, but loud :above they-din-of battle rang out the clarion, voice of their brave gener al, as -he swept -by to attack the enemy at another point " Stand your ground till I can reinforce you," and thus encouraged they held fast', and beat back their foes, though almost ten times their . own num ber. Such is the Christian's position.. TO his care are committed the batteries of Divine truth; and the great - Captain of his 'salva tion has. conananded - bim,'' Hold fast till .1 come. The hosts of sin may- rage , round him; falsedoctrine ' corrupt•practice ; the evil,propensities of his own heart, and the deep depravities of a sinful world may, each in turn, or all together, seek to drive him from his -position ;. but- high above all the , din , of conflict,is heard the Saviour's voice, . sounding uut from the heavens, " Hold fast till I come." Thus encouraged, shall he falter ? Shall he yield for a moment to the assaults of the adversary ? No ; for he who gives the charge; hath passed into the heav ens,:.and is no more liable to be .delayed in his, coming:;. and when the power of the foe is the strongest, and the fight thickest,- he will come, and rout all his foes—and then the glory of this overcoming faith shall be given to those Who have remained firm in the conflict—and to theta shall be given tbrones and dominions;; them. power over the nations; .to them, best of all, the MORNING STAR, Jesus himself shall be given, as their friend, brother, and coun 'senor. 'Hold-fast, then, till -11 E ,, our glori ous leader, shall :come.—Examiner. PROCEEDINGS' GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF 1860. FOURTH DAY« Monday Morning, May 21-0 O'Clock. Assembly met. After singing, 11.ev. Dr. S. I. Titres led the-morning devotion with prayer. At a quarter-before ten the Assembly was called to order and opened with prayer by the Moderator. Fathei Chiniquy'was present this morning. The minutes •of Saturday were•-read• :and -ap proved. Dr. LOCKE, Chairman of the Committee on Systematic •Benevolence called for pie -reports from the several Presbyteries ; from one hundred and seventy PreSbyteriei they had received only seventy: reports: on the subject. Dr. E. T. BAIRD presented of the Presbytery of Tombeckbee, (published by us some weeks ago g ) on the subject of a Church Com mentary. This was read. Di. BAIRD moved that this memorial be refer red to a Committee of the -friends of the move ment,,in different parts-of the Church, -to : report to the nest General Asseinbly, on the character 'df title proposed 'Cominentary; its feasibility,lnd the full measure of respensibility. .to . be assumed by the General Assembly. Passed. The Report of the' Corarnittee on 'Domestic aissions . :was'presented-b3; Dr. - Wm..llt. SCOTT. {See abstract on fourth page.] The CoMmittee suggest the importance of greater religious efforts.among the people' of col or, free and bond, and among Roman Catholics, and other deatittite persons. Among the objects to be, undertaken; are the provision of . Gospel. -privileges to • Emigrants and Colonies, and .especially .the importance of providing ministerial labor for•the Kansas Gold Wines, and•for Utah... On motion, the report was received by the As sembly, and Dr. SCOTT proceeded to speak upon -the motion: to adopt. He said the first item exhibited certain eviden ces` of . progress, and . afforded' warrant for core -mending the fidelity and 'energy. of the . mert en trusted' with -the - work. It. enumerated :the in crease of 'Monis (91) and a 'Small increase of salaries, showing: a more 'adequate support of missionaries. An increase of contributions from the churches ($6,178) the great source of 'stip ply. A :total increase of-$19','241. An increase of-churches and members—an ex tension of the work into new fields, and increased energy in sections'where it had been manifested before: The second item noticed the large number of churches neglecting to contribute to the work ; a neglect that.occasioned snitch-anxiety: Doubtless many of these churches could satisfactorily ex plain this neglect. The sp' eakerlad - tiolesire te.may.'ono - Innkind word to any of those.churches,.but the Assembly was bound to urge the ditty upon them. The third item alluded to a- very important department of their work w itjz.: - ministerial, labor among the people of color, and Roman Catho lics. The report showed that wgreat increase of labor had been effected during thep_askyear, but the field was a large one; and there was still a great,want. The fourth item related to .the relation be tweet': the Ripply of ministerial' labor and' the ac- Wel deinand created by the'Church. The, ead to be aimed .at is to balance the tria,to haye all the ministerial labor available for the work ite tually:employed; and to.have; the Assembly know how much could be done if the resources were obtaitiod. .In order to:set: the 4nind of the Atsembly. right as to this want, it was to employ all the.ministe rial labor it could, control, and thus ascertain what-amount of money:wits required; .ands , the .apeaker -had ths •Prcsbyterian Church that no one' who had a sickle should be left mriimplOyed. .•The -fifth item was- supplementaryte the fourth, providing for the distribution•of•Tabor, - The - sixth 'item regarded a matter' of - Vital portance, ••the. attention tb e Assembly -to the necessity-of a.rigid economy in the expert -ditures of "the, funds ; lest the confidence of the churches be disturbed, ,anti , their contributions dried up, by a conviction of unnecessary expen ditures. The aggregate, of last year • showed the necessity-' 4 of tetrenchinent, thoitgh there' , was no item that furnished „any. grounchfor r stispiciowof improper eipenditure. On motion of Mr.' BR.ADFORD, Dr.—lrapprit sarr. was erequ'ested to . - -addres.s.the Asiembly on the. nnual Report of the Board. He 'stated 'that the receipts for Domestic-Mis sions,had :inereased during the past .year 410,- 231; The increase from the churches alenelas been $9,141. . We. havotaketv up theigreat -mission ameng the French. in .Illinois; . we:have- commissioned, that venerable man Whom I see here to-day, Father bhittiquy, and - vie want 'to sustain him, and send more labbreislolhat important-field. During•theLpast pear we have: - 'received $17,- 295,- worth :clathing for ;these. men of God. One church Alette, had. sent twenty-four boxes. In 1828 wOhad thlrty-:one missionaries` and 's2;4oo'redeipt's*; - rind'in: 1840 We'had five hail& fed fty 4 ii-X signalise; tute440, 1 784 re-! oeipts ; .last ye't 'psi% hundred !and ninety-one missionaries;; arA41.18,904.21 receipts. During the p 1" year one.thousanchseven hun 'dred and five :: e dies haver:contributed to the 'funds. of • this'l rd, and one•thousand seven , hundred and thl reight have not' 'contributed. Dr. ADGER re ed. De 'would' desire to res pectfully contraitt some- of the 'statements of the Seeretaryan tilers, that havebeen so-earn estly made, viz.: . at we are doing:well enough. In this matter lifthd•myself , ,itt 'opposition to brethren whom'lfiVe, end , especially in opposi h tion to a 'father: Or.. Ilodge,),it whose' feet .I have sat and recel o yed instruction; and4it4whose feet I would gladit, now - end receive instruc tionin many me."; , But Lam encouraged by thel D act thatr. :Rage has speittlis .whole life in a Theological Seminary, 'rather than in beg .ging money fromilthe•people. •We, then, who have done somethitip in begging; know more about this matter ilian: he' does. 'Again; I .flti'd myself in opPositi ~,,, l'o:inetr inlthe. cities living near the Boards. ' J ere is Dr. Boardman, who -is in -name a.‘ , .// .tnan," a 'member of the 'Board. ki:. - - . , . It may be said hilknows.something about-the matter, and I knowifmothing, since he is inside and I outside. Thiide.nottrue. He is like a, .man who is in theloitivardicar of a•train,.whiles Tam in - the rear,• attdleftmay 'know that some- thing is out of. -.order -i - iicme :wheel. Wrong, of -Which he-knows not , 4.` - ).. Now, of. the sl46,oenk,li 1 joie , slops, only - $83,000i1 gOt-icliviugfiheinber s •of the Church. Neu!"Yhtlint:a, thing to-glnry in? We. have three thous 'fourlittidred and eighty eherehes and two -h — tired; and fifty , thousand Members, and - we ,, giite:sE4ooo - for `this'objeet. Is that -doing, well< *ugh ? -Yonsay that the missionaries are reeekiing - sBoo'per -year-salary. Now - $l,OOO is little , enough if they needit, - -and no doubt many of th*mten• are - paying 'for • the privilege• of being .missionaries; more -than the Church and Board arelivhig them. And yet they tell us nve aresdoing--well enough. They-say. we are prcgtessingrapiclly. What•is the:annual increase •?' Why $5,000.- The; think that looks big-5,000 ,dollars.' 'Why'who gives it-? How many Churehisl. - Sow many people ? When we look' at it in this may these figures look very very small. The: only language -that ought to be employed -in' sneaking • of•• this matter should be the language of bewailing. We whd are outside tell you. yen--are'Mot. reaching the pulse of the Church, arid you ne - ver-willreach- it with- your present - organiZation. Nowthe only proper :field- for the 'Board is:the great frontier settlements outside of our hettlederganizati on.- The ; several Presbyteries- should 'have' the control: of the field-inside of our- settled'organizatione. God - has given us a• Divine Systemuof Sessions and Presbyteries and SynodWand•eholy• of these you may. consider as a wheel, several Sessions form ing a Presbytery and so On. . A Synod should not- dii: - df a Presby tery, 'nor-a, Presbytery; tile , work.: Of a Session. You try to do the work of Domeatic . -Missions by , one great - . wheel, arid vliat'is.thei consequence? The - consequence-is that there are - one thousand seven-hundred and five contributing churches, and one thonsand seven hundred ancleighty-three non contributing churches. The reason•these church es'ile not contribute is; that! they do n't like the system-; they think they know where' it' came from, and they don't"like anything- .from that quarter. Now our brethren muit not tell.ns -they -will not yield; The• - fact is we must come together, we must work together. It -is idle•for you•to say that we desire- change for-the sake of change. We want to work together, but we don't like your system, and, we must work- apart, ityou insist upon your: present= system. :You ereetyour great wheel, in the wrong -place, of big men •and big names; big titles, and all that- looks , big, but a few. du the-work, and , the rest is all , moonshine. And when the Presbyteries come; together they say:it is no-Use for us to•do•nnything forDomes : - tic - Missions, for we have -n 4 big'Board. at Phila delphia °Pa-lithe biggest memin the land to-do it - for Ms. 'That is the' practical working of the matter. You -have a-big Board-tut-a 'mighty lit:. tle•purse. You think it's a.tnightylng purse, but I call it a very little' purse.'' You may chuckle over it; but iv don't f.a.Mhunt; to ' much. The -'Presbyteries• should, do 'the ework*th, own:hands ? •and the.Cential-410mitilitterthirulartir- Is calve the surpluses from the rich - Presbyteries and give them to those' who areqmor. ' A - conimunication -was read from theTritstees announcing the death of Hon. JOEL JONES, and that therwwere, nOw-felfr'vacarMies in the Board of Trustees, which could , maly be , fdled by the Assembly-meeting in:Ponnsylvania.-- The- hour of, adjournment having , arrived, the Assembly took -a recess- to-3 P. M. - Dr. Adger haring the floor. Afternoon Sesslon,-3 OTlock P. M. 'Miserably met. • A communication was presented front the New York Central Railroad, offering the Assembly a free excursion to Niagara Falls. The invitation was aecepted, and. a. commitee consistineof Rev. J. W. Blithe, Re'vl iJr. 'Hick ok, and Mr.: Bradford, was -appointed to :return the thanks of the Assembly, and make the ,ne oessary-Arrangements. • • ' The unfinished business came up, Dr. •Aziaga. having the.fioor: He said we ought not to con gratulate ourselves on the amount given for mis sions when. probably the children of the Pzesby terian-Church spent that amount for sugar candy, and thottght he would'not' be much but'ef the way if he said the ministers :of. the Church spent that amount for tobacco and,smolted it np. The speaker had been asked whit he proposed to do. He would answer.: :was.. this Bedizae: 'the Board-to a simple form and effective size, say seven, nine, eleven, thirteen, or whatever nuin ber is thought best, so - that a- few, men 'living near the centre of operations might do the work. This would obviate the ,trouble we now expe rience of +laving the Presbyteries neklecting•toido the work they" ought to do; because they have-a large'Board to do it for them. 2cl. The Presbyteries should . do their own work and the Board . Cortfine•thenntelves 'to unoccupied fields. .• .3d. Throw upon ther•several Presbyteries their own work, and Jet them overtake their work as fast as possible, and if they can do more let them do it.- This 'would - only be compelling tLe Presbyteries to . ao •ttie• work : that Jesus Christ gave them to do. • Carry out this plan and I do believe: you will see a gretainerease oVer•our present. operations. What- we want is life,. activity ;-not,rnachinery, not big men, not big Boards. - How small the number of contributing churches. • One thousand seven hundred and eighty-three contributing nothing to this Board. Now with regard •to these'''churches. -- There is the Harmony Preshytery•of South Carolina, they do their own missionary work,' and their contri butions last , year were .$2,600, -and- ik is not rich Presbytery, yet they have not a : particle of recognition here. Then-the Presbytery of South Carolina:, when.they were auxiliary, to this Board, a few : years ego,gave .$BOO or $4OO a Jeer ;• they cut. loose froze it however, and the very next year their contributions' rose to $1,200, mid.: it -now 'stands -31,800. They never would have done this' if they had remained auxiliary to• thie Board. The •Board claims - credit for itself where 'I think it does not belong Now, 'with regard to the argument of 'Dr. Spring that we. ought. not to, disturb the present organization; in view of: the distracted ,state Of the country: Now, Mr. Chairman, I don't think Alm Board is any bond of union. . The people where I lire do n't ;know.- the' Board. Some'of Remembers that live theeirdoii'Vknow that; they have-been elected; Bilt-AheitrWone thing we do know. We know the. General 'As sembly, and we consider that a- greet hend"Of union, for here we meet as. brethren. vie • dom't meet to discuss - politics, but to transact business concerning the Kingdom of God. [Dr. ADGER was here called to order by the Chairman' for wandering from the question under' dituniegion,it being on the report on Domestic Missions,. a nd th e 'reorganization ot the' Boards.] •• • ; • Dr. SCOTT then took the standin, favor Aithe adoption of the report. He asked what thepawae to justify the statement of Dr. Adger thBt the committee was - glorifying-itself. Dr. A., interrupting; replied that it,was in the remarks' of the SeereterY. Dr: SCOTT replied that the Assembly' was :dis cussing the report, and not the Secretary's re marks. Now with regard to the non-contribut ing- churches, Dr. Adger complains that,the re port censures 'them, and, yet le complains that those who have contributed 'have fallen far short, and hi thus censures those who have done most, more than the •report . censures ,Those who have done nothing. With regard to the other poipts of the report, 4 l. cannot see that Dr. Adger finds any fault. -I- be,long to neither the party whom my brother 'represents, nor the party of the -Boards,-as it is called, .Myrdoctrine is Whatever _stands in the way of the progress of Gods work, be it men, Boards, or any organization of - tiny kind, itihould baimrnediately and'. entirely swept away. , • HOD. SAMUEL GALLOWAY, Of Ohio, took 'the 'stand in favor of 'the- report.' -He thought we ought to be very c'areful howwe arraignthe mem bers of these Boards,.for the duties they have to - discharge 'are 'often unpleasant' ones. Let the - specific charges be mtula,:if they have any; before the Committee, anti Jet She rgeult of their labori come before us. But they'bay that-Botiltdawiti not a Gespel . plan. Then give us a Gospel plan. Is••there any more authority-in the Gospel for an Executive Committee than for Boards? Where :is there any-authority in•the Gospel-for a General ASseMbly r -True, there was . a council at; Jeru salem about circumcision, but I doubt whether it was an -assembly eonstitutedlikethis. - - I doubt whether in that. council there was any ComMittee on Billiand Overtures. • I doubt whether there was any machinery, such as we have here. The speaker was called to order for wandering from4he subject. - On motion, the report under'consideration Was recommitted for consideration. • - The unfinished:business of Saturday was taken up., Dr. had the floor, but yielded' it to Dr. THottswELL, who said that he had been accused of making the Clergy the Church. He had, said that Prod Mid given us a Church fully constituted, a free conunoriwealth. What connexion there is between these statements he failed to see.. It re- Minded - him of the story,of the 'hard=shell bkip tist. minister attempting to prove that, immersion would become the universal mode of baptism, Srom-thelext, " The voice of the turtle shall be heard in the land." The preacher was one of _those who believed that he.ought not to, select a Subject beforehand, but when he arose to speak and opened the Bible, the first verse that, met 11is eye must •32. we used and. sit liataine24his• -f v " . ''r*Y4 4 7 l,titriorritii` h` Wit iltalrb4itiittalia the la7ndl" At Irk he thoUght he was stumped. At length he said, " Brethren, at first sight one would think that there.was not much in this text,. but on, a little consideration yeu - Willeee there is a good deal in it. Now you `all know 'what a. turtle is. -If you have been along by &pond you have seen them on the logs sunning themselves. Now it is said, The .voice of the turtle shall be heard in' the land.' But faille hasn't any voice that ever anybody heard, so, it, must be the noise that the turtle ; Made in idetiging off the log into the water; hence we conelude that immersion is meant, and thus that immersion will be Pnivergal." `The speaker thought there was about as much .connexion in one case as•the other. Ile had been accused of inconsistency, in say ing that he would not leave the Boards even if ,they t are ,not changed. Not until lie was ordered to - believe what he could not conscientiously be lieve—not, till, he was ordered to do what he 'could, not conscientiously do, would he" fail to yield to the will of his brethren. My brother has said we htive no Apostle. I Contend that we have the Apostles in the in spired writings. Ahd I wish to have Paul, settle this question, and settle it forever. The breth ren referred t•o the parity'of the clergy as Tres byterian. ' But, that is a'doctrine held by all non prelatic churches. He speaks, too, of the power of .the people. But that is rather a distinctive feature, Of independency than Presbyterianism. Again, he says,, the Church is one. But that is a , principle held in some degree by all churches. The- brother would thus Make us eVerything in -general, and nothing in particular. But I contend that the great principle of Presbyterian ism is government by representation. Do we ignore the people? No ;. they choose the repre sentatives. Aaother fundamental principle of. Presbyte rianism, is the fact that the representatives are of two classes, viz.: teaching and ruling elders. Without concluding, the speaker gave way for _ an adjournment., The Connittue. on the invitation received from the New'York Central R'ailrOad, reported Satur day next , as, the day for the .excursion. The report was adopted. .A.djourned to 9 A. 111., Tuesday FIFTH DAY. foca da „ y Morning, May 22-9 O'Clock. Assembly met.. First half hour spent in devo tional exercises. Minutes of yesterday read and approved. The Committee, on Bills and Overtures re ported Overtures No. 1 and 2, recommending the observance of the second week of January, 1831, as a week of prayer for the conversion of the world. Adopted. The same Committe,e reported. Overture'Ne. 8, gespectirc ealedonia; , Placed on , • the Also, Overture N0. , 4, respecting the Presbyte rian Historical Society, recommending that So-- .eiety, to the favorable consideration of • the churches. Placed on the docket. Ale6,_Overture No. 5, from the Presbytery of 'Cincinnati, concerning stage plays, private the atricals and dances. Adopted, and is, as follows:, To the first questiom.viz.: .Are social dances and private theatiicals included among the sins forbidden by the Seventh Commehduient ? they make the following reply: That whilst the pleasures of the ball room and the theatre are primarily intended by the " dancing . and .hage plays forbidden, the spirit or the prohibition extends to all kindred. amusements whiciinre eiticulated . to 'awaken thoughts and feelings 'nem afstent with the Seventh Commandment, as explained•lsy the, Saviour. To the eecond question, viz.: Is it the duty of the 'Church SossiOns to exercise , discipline upon those members of the Church who send:their: children toi (lancing schools,. or • who give and attend dancing parties; and if so, ought such (BR& pline to be carried to the extent of exclusion froth the eacra 'ments, where other means fail of producing reformation, the Assembly. answer that, while we: regard tho.practice of pit. miscuous social, dancing by .members of the Church,.as mooriifiil ineonsistency, and the giving of parties (for such dancing,) on the part of the heads of Christian'fiunilies, as tending to .compromise their religious. profession, and the !tending or their Christian parents to tllit dancing saheb], as a' sad error in family discipline, yet we think that -the Session of each church I'l.llllly competent to decide. when discipline is necessary ; and the uxtent to which it should be administered. ••• 'Also; Overture No. 6,• from Tombeckbee ' asking if. a minister. has.a. right to lay down when feeling in his own conscience that he •should do so; and with the advice of his Presby ,tery.• Placed on the' docket. ' Dry WiLms Loan, acting as Stated Clerk, pre sented.) a •letter' from Dr. Monod, President of the 'United Synod of . the , .Evangelical•• French •ohurolies. • Mr.•Donom was added to the Committee on the, Narrative. • .: The:Report of the. Committee on the Board of Foreign Missions was read. (An-abstract ofthe Report .of - the . Board was published II.: 'my-last week.) . . • WAtrzit -Lowals, •%Seerettay :of• the • Board.. spoke:at -length, :setting forth. the :greatness of the:work; the claims and extent of the different elds,::.the success that has attended our mis the- enoouragement at present ..given in many.. places,:the reniissnees of the -Church at hom6 to pray:and contribute, and the solemn ob ligations resting upon the whole Church and every-member of the~ Church. ..In. closing, he said :, More -.than one-half of. the organized Presbyterian churches. did not contribute a single dollar to.t.his Mission. It was a solemn 'reflec tion. lie had once added the - number of minis ters arid. communicants in these-non-contributing churches..: There were of this class sixty thou •sand communicants, , and:among them:five hundred •Ministers. . - ..:Sommtime ago a missionary in China employ ed.;tv.teachiri .-who, on one occasion, told the :missionaryLhat+lhe•bad been reading•of Jesus, 'whom, he-regarded as , a very good • man. The missionary explained that he. was; God•as well as and Ihen , his:plan:of - seivation. The teach er was.astonished, 'and asked how long the Amer ican nation:had known •and believed this. He was told, and the teacher asked why it was the raissionary.had ;so long postponed his visit and his missionary labors. This sis tvquastion that each man should ask hinisAdf. This great agency was now established, and it - Was now just as easy to:rest:eh Hie hetahen•; abroad, aei the unconverted at home. In•conolusion,' the speaker remarked' that' the Foreign". Mission is:. that.pays, but it re quired-the associated: elforts.of -the Church. : - ::Hathen. related several instances of martyr •dturf of-native converts, who refused to renounce their: 'profession. * Twenty-nine had been - skilled AtYl the sword, on one occasion, for -refusing to de ity their Lord, and-so far as. known; one con 'weft .had yielded, in :order to save -his 'life. It .Was:on account.of his -wife and children, who had no , other means of-support. He afterwards went , again to the -mission and professing sincere re :pentance, :was received' again into the church. ~ One native, whO had become an enthusiastic iconvert.;- , was bound to' the mouth :of a cannon, 'and in'this pcisitibu was called upon to - renounce 'religious profession, or t &fel' instan t* death. • He refused to -deny . .iiis -Lord,- and the match was ap plied to the gun. It flashed in' the pan ; and a second timeiC was•applied, with a similar result. The' Governor: then ordered the' soldiery to cut him to pieces with their swords, which they in • stointly did. MATTOON, cilthe•Presbytery of Siam, .spoke of-the -progress -of the' work in the king dom of Siam. -He said lOwaszelittle over 'thir teen years %since >he •firsti..visited -Siam. For eleven years. %with a -Single .assistant, -he: had toiled in that land. It was then-under the rule of a despotic monarch, shut up in his palace, and going forth. but once a 'year, to visit his liagen -idols in the mOnasteries. The-officers of the government refused to present the petition-of ithe Lmissionary to the :monarch -for a place to establish their mission. They were; .therefoie, `it one time about to abandon the missionlijcon 'sequence, but.the•trionarch-dial, , at the very time, when the Assembly.wtut praying•that the mission Ibe •saved. The monarch's brother succeeded, I 'and -had 'at the very - tithe , Of his coronation' -pledged his'protectiantalidfriendship to the mis; , sicin •• eau* . 'and had "nebboredeemed his -word. 'They could-now:travel - Under the passport of: the 'monarch in every part of 'his •doitiiiiionvwith:'Ssi Math difethistin•thre'doillitry.Th j The speaker described the monasteries, and the systems upon which they were conducted, the habits of the people, &c. lie pictured the situation and condition of the two missionaries, unacquainted - with the language, and with un translated Bibles ; the months of patient toil in enforcing conviction upon the hearth of these materialistic people, worshipping materialistic gods. Was it a wonder that the misaionary could notreport a city evangelized, or a nation converted to God?'But they had, notwithstand ing, accomplished much. They had sent printed* pages' over the whole land, and nearly all the na tive population could read. Almost every family in the city had been supplied, and, the mission aries had received calls from all parts of the country and different provinces for tack books. The Assembly adjourned to 8 P. M. Afternoon Seasion--3 O'Clock r. N.. The Assenibly met, and was ppetteff prayer by the Moderator., , The order of the day was postponed, to accs tinue the' business off,rning, the con sideration of the Report - On •Foreign, Alissiens. Rev. Mr. J.9.vvine, of, the• Synod of Northern India, spoke of the great difficulties of the work in view of the education of the people in their peculiar tenets. The common ; people, are: not educated, but when worsted in argument they say,,, we will ; bring ~our learned man to-rpo'rrew, he can t answer, you ; so: that - reach them with the Gospel we try rather, to• soothe them than. to argue with, them. They , had experienced great losses lately, but none of the Lodiana . Mission haffseliered. • . I .think the Sepoy war was a Mohammedan movement; one , of the great expiring struggles of Mohammedan Antichrist. Rev. Mr. Brrvaxox, ..from the Choctaw Mis sion,-remarked ,that, Ike had just come from, an Indian ,congregation. he. last: : Sabbath I was there I was : with then], house jam full, and now I am with you,. and Lthink I see..more ministers than ever my Saviour,saw. Now I. hope, breth ren,,you will. hold,on. You.believe in the,perse verance,of the,saints. This: falling, from grace is none of our doctrine. I think you .need a missionary, among the English. We have no whisky with us. 'There , is no distillerramong the r :Choctaws. How far do, you suppose, we would have to,go.from,here to find one? ..If any one brings any whiskey .there, he is shot down. That's the, government I live.under. We, don't know anything about moral suasion; it is mortal suasion.there., can't say much, but-we have been -to 'work. We preached in a little out building, a log, cabin, with a place in one -corner with hay ler the horses. -Now .I want you,,to remember these people, and these churches. „ The. Report was, adopted. It embraces the following resolUtions: Readved; That from the details of said Report. it is mani fest that our.Boreign. Missionary work is irea highly prosper ous course, of .operation,. and, Ahirs . afford.. great .cause af thanksgiving to Him whosehlessing alone has made it thus to prosper. -licsetved,!‘That the:increased•benevolence of our;churches, during the past year, in sustaining, this great cause oral's sieve, is a matter of special eueouragement, Mid thhe AsSem bly-trnsts thatthere be a still more'liheral , rind •steddy increase of, contributions to the ;funds- of this Board, from year to year. Resettled, That in order to accomplish this result, it is ire. cuMbent mi all ourelnirches to' aiii•by their Contributions in scouring sneh anincreasei nor. can the Assembly forbear ex , pressing their sense of pain in finding. that .somany, of our churches, from year to ,year, are standing apart froth 'this great work; md the more especially are they, thus• effected, when the way. to. the great heathen nations is so fully.opened, and the Assembly would call on all these churches to join their brethren - in making known the only Saviour to these 'Perishing multitudes. :Resolved, That the'General Assembly would:encourage the Board to go forward in their labors of loveylaying broad and • deeptim•fontalation of the Lord's work 'among the heathen, 'the Roman Catholics; and the Jews, • Besolval, That the General, Assembly would cordially ap prove of the action of the. Bciard. in receiving under their care the.lnissionarics aunang the Choctaws, who were former ly under the care of the American Board, and the Assembly would ; remind all lie churches of this additional charge on the funds of the Beard and that increased donations will con 'sesmently be needed for tbeir support. Resoteed, - That. the Report of thedioard be approved •and referredto the Executive Committee for publication. . The unfinished business of yesterday afternoon Ras taken up. Dr. Tacnorwra . .T. resumed his-remarks He said the only Ypower that the organized representatives of our Church have is- minia terial.ande declarative. The groundthat I took -was that there was aii increase' a authority be yond what 'lves necessOry, beyond what was given them in these organized Boards. What, ever is. necessary to execute - the command, to educate men for the ministry, &c.,- is the duty which the Assembly ought to do. Now, if a ' Eoard was the agency through which the Assembly did the work, it would' be 'right that they should remain. ,But theEiecu tive Committee is the agency, and The Board is only amachine joined an to the Assembly, and appointing the Executive Committee. doc trine is, that the Assembly-is the Board, and all we need is the Executive Committee directly at tached t 6 the Assembly. But we hal ean Execu tive Committee joined to the : Nara, and nee Nerd created within the Assembly. Is that er ecuttVe agency? Now, what; I'propose to do, is to.aboliSh the Board and let _the Assembly be the Board, and let it do the work through its own Executive -Committee. Suppose we stand on this platfOrm, then why should we erect another body between the As sembly and its executive agency? What has the.-Board-ever been? Nothing but a wall of separation between the Assembly and the warm affections' and sympathies of the people. Do you believe the efficiency, of. the Church will be as great when you make every member of the Assembly a member of the Board, as when you select a certain number. Do you think it con sistent with the dignity of this Church to , allow Men to purchase positions in this Boaktitith money ? I .love simplicity, and 1 think •the machinery of, this Church should be a model of simplicity. You have complicated this matter. You have put wheel within wheel, until there cannot .be that sympathy with it from the people that there ought to be. It is idle then to tell me that it is a small matter. I loy,e the whole Cath olic Church,, but especially. d . e ,I,loye the Preisby,- terian,Cburch, and !els her free front sll cumbrons machinery, and go. for ward in her glorfoils mission. Dr. Honor: took the floor. My remarks were pot develop any theory of Presbyterianism. Ti. was all con tained in three sentences. These threesentences Dr. Thornwell developed into thin air, and held me up as undeserving even.the ; name of Presby terian, congratulating himself that the doctrines bad set forth were discarded by the Institution with which I have been connected for more than forty years. Allow me to say that. those doe trines embodied in a pamphlet in answer to, the question, what is Presbyterianism, have been adopted and circulated by our Board of.Publica tion' and taught by Dr. MAGILL, in Princeton, and have, been recognized by Bcotehman across the water with even more heartiness then in our own land. ' The fundamental doctrines of Preutqterianisin - 4:4' ; the; Holy Spirit is, in'the first'instance,..the,gertn4f, the . Church. . 2d. That:nen thus renewed : past exercise their power in the way Pointed out in the sacred Scrip tures, and • that there are only three officers therein recognized, viz.: ministers, ruling elders,. and deacons. • , • Dr. hpbcs then ably reviewed the position of Dr. Thernwell, setting.forth the.doctrine of the Church siud the only bailie on -which its system could be carried out. .' Dr. KitErts said : . We do not delegate our authority when we ap point a Board tci . cirry oat . die commands of this Assembly. • The3noillit. 'this body sits only a few. Weeks in a ye,nr, :ereatas..the -necessity of some such agency. •If -you want simplicity why not take one•man, say:Hon. Walter Lowrie,, far the Board of Foreign; Missions, and Dr..RaPPer sett Or . . the . Board of Domestic Missions, and commit the whole matter to them. • Adjourned till to-morrow morning. Closed with prayer by Mr. Chiniquy. • SEITH.DAY. Wednesday Morning, May 23. 9'O' . • Assembly met. First half-hour spent in devo-: tional exercises. they had Committee on. Finance reported.that they had examined the accounts of the Treasurer and found. Diem correct. .Report adopted. On.motion, the bearing of the delegate from the Reformed Dutch Church was made the order of the day for three o'clock.this afternoon. The Finance Committee reported, recommend ing the adoption of the proposition made by Mrs. Mary Anne Richardson,.formerly Ayres, with re spect to the donations made by. her to.the New- Albany Seminary. Put on. the docket. -The report of the Committee on Domestic Missions was-adoptedi•-and •the nominations to fill vacancies were placed op the docket. The report.of the Committee ;on the 'Board of Edunation,was read by. Dr. Bonsuiststi, and is as let. The reports should be publislied'and otreulated.inder the direction of the Board. . 2d: The Aeberably • records With fervent gratitude to the great , llead of the Church; thediteutl prosperity of this Im portant egeney, as seen, especially, in. the .unesampled in crease of candidates daring the paptlear ; the number of new candidates being 181, .with ntotal Of 493. ' .3d. The Atiseinblrtediiices to. heir , of the success • which is OftoPOillg 80 many of the tool:1001N academies and:collegestin der the care of our Church ; and whilst nchnoWledguag the ;value of well conducted public schools. especiallY those in which 'the principles and preeePts Of the'.Bible are inculcated, !wed bidding Goddipcolal Bvtingelical Christi.= educators ot whateirer name, we cherisestith a peculiainterestthrtsi made within our own bounds to establish and PRESBtrERIAN BANNER. A Square, (8 'boa or leas,) one Insertion, GO cents; each inibeequent insertion,-40 mute ; each line beyond'eight, 5 - Fie. A sqbare per quarter, $.1.00 ; eu9lrlirie additional; 33,oesrle. A REDUCTION Mribe to adVertiNerall: I`.ll°4Px:*** BUSINESSNOTICES'er Tea lines or Yet!, *-00 sash" ad 'ditioit'al line, 10 tenni. • • ' • ' ' ' • - DAVID 111%1111VEY PROPRIETORS AND . TIVSLISIOZSII. NO. 401 narks oflearning,..whether under the direction of the,Chnrcit or under a general,,P,reatiyierien influence. . 4th.' The' A'ssernbly observes with *nth sailsinetion; :that Vie Board is: giving increased attention to the interests of education in California, and again commends that : distant field to its *Cita consideration. sth. The Assembly vencwedly expresses its sense Of 'the vital iniportance of: tnaintaining (thigh standard of ministie. . rial education, and. refers ell concerned to the lucid. end obie amument on this topic contained in the report now•under 'egnsideratioa.' • ';•.6th.:That this .:Assembly renew they resolution of the Aii -sembly last year. and " earnestly urge all our • Presbyteries And Committees, ad ifiterfin, to guard with a becoming mu tton and a firm vigilance' the' door to the holy office. of. the • Ministry, so as not to admit to the sacred. Calling 'men want , mental and moral gualilicationlor4fithigh.functions;" ankfurtherreore, aB, a, means of axelucliag improper persons, thatthe Arscirilily enjoins`upon every Presbytery which has not , done so, to appoint a Committee; whdise duty it obeli be to make , careful inquiry as to the conduct ancl • proictees in study eel! the Candidates. under Its care, aiid:to roalie„reli e rt. to their Presbytery at every stated meeting; or.ofteneridf Pres byterial action is needed.. 7th. liotwithatanding the increase of candidates, the As sprouty is constrained tg•hplieve that with k irroper fidelity on the .part of parents, teachers, and pastors, a- usuch,larger proportion of the young men-'of piety' and' talent th the Church would, 'by. God's ••blessing,, - find • their way , into - the ministry, and under this conviction they renew .the recom usendation,of former years, that the, last Thursday of .Pcbru - ary nest be observed thronghMit our coinmunion as a' day of • special • prayer for the Ybuth:. of dur :land; .r.especially • for prayer to the. Lord of the, harvest that, he .wonid send. forth laborers into his harvest. ' • The following_ statistical - table ..exhibits the operations ,of the. Board of diction ;the , department, of, 9a4didates for, ,the uwastat :e .The, number of candidates received litubeen . 181 'lifahingin alt frdrii the be:ginning (fiitsll) 2,41§2 The whole number ou the roll daring the past • • year has. been ' 492 In their Theological course ' Collegiate 178 • it Academical ti 107 Stage of study nocreported • • 8 Teaching or otherwise absent The following is general view of the peon , . niary affairs of .the. Board. during, the ecelesiasti ealiesr.ending:May ;Ist: L CINDIDATp:„YI7.O. Receipts Balances 1859 l'oUainemne Tayments Balances,-1860 111. ansezp.Azirous rusTr. Receipts - • $155.00 , - Balances, 1.6613 • 48.76 Payments Balances,lB6o 8.76 Of the African Fund, $l,OOO is funded. pwing to the illness of Dr. VAN Rensszr,Ann, Rev. ROBERT M. WATTS presented the claims of Re opened with an- affecting -allusion -to the serious illness of Rev---Dr. Van Rensselaer, from - whose sick chamber on; the banks of the, Dela ware,. the speaker had, recently returned. He then proceeded to review the report of the-Beard of 'Education, stating that - the proseperity of the past year had no parallel. in the history of the Board. There were now . onehundred and nine ty-seven candidatesfOr the ministry, and the re ceipts for the past term exceeded those of any preceding year. He made a general review of the affairs of the,Board. , . Rev. Mr. WOODEND presented the difficulties the. Board bad to contend with in , making corn prehensive reports. He.thought it would be pro fitable to occupy time in perfecting some plan for increasing.the benevolence of the churches. The report was further discussed by the Rev. The Report .was adopted. The acting Clerk here read a resolution ex pressive of the sympathy of the Assembly with Dr. VAN - RENSSELAER, now lying at the point of death. The resolution-was-accompanied with a letter of 'Condolence addressed to Dr. VAN RENS SELAER, and .testifying to .the prosperity which the Board of Education had acquired under his administration. -Dr.SPRING remarkedlle had known him for -many years. What gave deserved preeminence to -his character was; that he had labored with so much disinterested Christian benevolence. In the course of the speaker's experience, he had known so many- young men who bad become lukewarm in The cause, that he greatly admired the man of worth who so nobly stood up to the Master's work. --He -was-now 'about to die, and he (the speaker). intended to visit that dying chamber, and tell ,the brother how greatly he was beloved by, this Assembly, and there endeavor to catch a little of that dying fervor which would continue with him.tu the end. The letter was then adopted, members rising, when at -the request of the Moderator, Dr. SPRING led in prayer. Notice was given that the members of the As sembly would have the privilege of signing this letter. On motion of. Dr._SratNo, the hnfinished busi ness, viz:: -the - 'consideration of the first recom mendation of the Committee appointed by the last Assembly, on the Board of_ Domestic Mis sions, that is, that the organization of the Board remain- as it is. Dr. SPRING iemarked that be had intended to make a speech on the subject of the Boards, which had been under discussion, but under.the present• State of feeling, when the subject just now before us had brought us so near to eternity, he had nothing to say, and he thought that if we had the right feeling, we could dispose of this subject in twenty minutes. He therefore moved that the matter be taken up. The motion was carried. Dr. •Kumis had the floor. He said that Dr. Thornwell, in his argument, was thirty years be hind the age. The. Church has disposed of vol untary agencies forever. He was not ashamed of the fact that Boards were used on the ground of exPedieney. God had compelled the Church in all the details of its administration to do that which seemed right; that which seemed best and most practicable. Much ado has been made about our paid mem bership. But he would remind the gentleman that. these members had no voice in the action of the Boards, t4ey were only honorary members. ' Without concluding, Dr. Krebs gave way for an, adjournment. Adjourned to 3 P. M. . Afternool Seaston-3 P. XL Assembly 'met. Opened with prayer. The first regular order this afternoon was the hearing of the delegate from the Reformed Dutch Church, Rev. JOHN DE WITT. Be contended that the only difference between his. Church and that of the Assembly, was that his was rather the more Presbyterian of the two, and though they would not contend for the name, they never would yield the principles. He had been very much edified by the discussions of the pastlew Idays, and the 'definitions of high and low Church , Presbyterians. With some slight • changes:he might. •have felt that he was in the Synod of the Dutch Church. He said : It has been intimated that your As sembly selected the late. delegate to our body, (Dr.ilinkns) . on account of his peculiar physical adaptedness to.beuppreciated•with the Dutch. I assure you -we- do not believe any such thing. • However adnfirably adapted•be is by configura tion. to sit down • with us,•We shall always • wel come any one of you who brings as sound a head and *arm a heart as Dr. Sassy. The Moderator responded in behalf of the As sembly, assuring him that they fully recipro cated. the cordial Christian 'feelings he 'had ex -:pressed: ' .• • •.11e•Report.Of 'Theo ;Finance Committee in ref ,lire2loo to the- memorial of Mrs. RICHARDSON, was taken up.' • • Dr. Wit. Scorri:opposed the recommenda tion pf.4e 2 Comul,ttes...• It was not pleasant to anyone * fox money, ofd especially a lady. Glut duty tOge.institutien *Which. he had been Pieced brit% Aisietably, :I.v:tired him to oppose this . pcommendation. The title t o, this property Was vested in tliq'Trnstees, and . they banded it .over *toiliii - AisierntlY,.ithen they save up'New , Albany Seminary to the Assembly, one year ago. Dr. BoannifAx Moved that the report be refer red to a Select Committee consisting of the Fi nance Ctimmittee, and others. Col. Ross SNOWDEN spoke in opposition to thii• refeienee. There was only one way in which the Assembly could decide. If the,pur pose§ to 'be accomplished by the donation, had :•*fail.kid, according to the conditions of the ,origi . Dal grant, it Minn, revert to her. This Assembly would never attempt to compel a donor to.apply his or her gifts' in a Way not desired. Rev.,.T. W. Bit - TilS ' D.D., said that Mrs. Rich * ardion•siMply wished to sign over her right and 'title to 'the Seminary property in New Albany to certpiii paitiei; for .the benefit.of Hanover Col lege. •Ifer-legal right in that. property must be tested elsewhere. Dr: Wsi. 1§9.0n , thought the reference should be made. ' Mr. floirtrz / A.*CLARK, said that the memorial teas obseut4' aid' ex parte, and required.careful Questions. of both ) Ittw ap tl ..flket `'were involved, and caution ,s 4 pr4deneetntist. St observed:.`• • ' fotairinkOditiona walla : ado' to.the.rpm 'litittee ihiatc Lord, ' gi; •GallorOY, and 11 0 1 7..C9. 0 Per. ••Dr. siiaus moyed,tkiat Dr. tie:rag:nest , ed . tiiliddreas the Apagaildi!witll,regrid to the re- • mark made by thr. horn* .4b1 . ..0r..t* ago; Alit The diso.gre.etne4hetiesen Dye. krGill and ' •Thidge,on the subj ect of chtirde:Giiiernment• 'Dr:;3l'ol# . said It la .ttuei,itiat:Dr. Thorn- to say , tliiit.4l4;ee with his idoetiinei Priisbyteiianksih.. ay . I#e substan theorrisf - Pr i t,p.thrjitrism. I have no sympathy •agitkion with ie. Publication Olnee GAZETTE BETLEINGS, 84 FryTa ST., ,Prrraimnail, PHILADELPHIA, 'ScrarzWasi COIL OP TVIE: AND 011(ZaMOT ADVERTISEMENTS. T E - I iB IN • Al). V N•6•X $64 Gal . 9 .• '6,672.38 7.1,209.57 ... 59,10419 12.105.38 198.'6 198.00 IL 13C11001,5 Arm COLIS9IS $6,340.20 1,197.64 T,537.84 ,a 18.22 239.62 IS= $ ,35 .89