Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, May 26, 1860, Image 4
==l =I Abstract of Fifth Annual Report'of the Church Extension Committee. EGMNZRAL ASSEMBLY, MAT, 1860.] • For.the first time since its 'organization the Committee reports the death of a mem ber, Joseph Charless; one pi ; they most effi cient Christians in the city of St. Louis. The work entrusted to the Committee *as during the. last year an .unusually heavy burden. An unusual number of sanctu aries spared by the leniency of creditors for many months, were during that period pressed to sale, and special efforts were necessary to save them. Repeated failures of the crops,And the continued pecuniary distress of some sections of our country, compelled many churches engaged,in build ing to draiv so heavily on the Comm ttee, that the, applications duly preptred ,for triear action were for $51,551.91, or more than $13,000 in excess of any previous year. , From April Ist, 1859, to April Ist, 1860, one hundred and thirty applications, call for over $68,000, were put on file. luau ,ing the applications on file aid un diaposed of April let,' 1859, two hundred and thirtpOne applications, calling for more than $109,000, were before the Com nilttee in the year, under review. Various causes reduced the receipts of the first nine months,nf the fiscal year to $11,501.32, or $5,716.74 below the same period of the preceding year, and rendered the position of the Committee a very painful one, for many: months, as they were compelled to cut down, defer and decline an unusual number of UpPlications. During the last three, months, however, about $24,000 was reoeiied, , so that the year closed more pros -perously.than was anticipated, and shows an advance in every department. The names six hundred and sev enteen contributing churches, against five hundred and sixty-five specified last year,• And records an increase in receipts of $6,197.69. While an.unusually large pro portion of the receipts, were special dona tions, showing rather what the Church is doing in this department than the amount at the dispoeal of the Committee; still, after these are deducted,, the, sum received, for general purposes is somewhat larger than in, any, former year. The number of Appropriations reported is eighty-five, against'; eighty-three last yeari and ,the amount appropriated is $34,573.87, or $10,605.72 greater than during the pre viout twelve months: The amount paid ninety, churched this year, is $31,614.33, or $11,119.43 greater than the amount, paid seventy-six, churches last year. The year, closed with one hundred appli cations on file and undisposed of, calling for over $43,000. None of these were in a condi tion to be acted upon bythe Committee imme diately, but a large number of them will proba bly, soon furnish the necessary information. During the year, five applications, calling for $6,000; were declined, chiefly for want of means to respond to them. The' receipts from April Ist, 1859, to April Ist, 1860, were $35,440.01, and .the expenditures $34 2 749.64. The liabilities of the Committee at the close of the year exceeded their means on hand, $2,239.90. The average cost 'of the church edifices the Committee have helped to build is $2,095, and the 'average amount of help they have given is $245. ,Committee have learned the condi tion in respect to. sanctuaries, of three thousand two hundred and ninety-five churches,• or of ,about eleven-twelfths of the whole number of churches in connexion with the General Assembly. Of these three thousand two hundred and ninety five ehurches,, six hundred and fifty-three are reported•without any house of worship, two hundred and thirty-two as worshipping in sanctuaries insufficient for their present wants, and two hundred and sixteen as in debt for the honses they occupy. The faCteknOin to is'render it safe to say, that one-half the sanctuaries now belonging to our churches, were built in part by aid from outside the community in, which• they are Imola and that fully three-fourths of our destitUte churches must have help frOm abroad, or remain houseless. Sinak July, 1855," your Committee have made appropriations to three hundred and forty-Six different churches, amounting to $115,468.33 ; if to these be added twelve appropriations, amounting to $1,125, made by the Cetniaittee of the Board of Missions, froni4pril Ist to' July Ist, 1855, and trans ferred' to this - Committee, the aggregate during the five years ending April Ist, 1860,, is three hundred and fifty-eight different .ohurehes, and $116,593.33. In. other' vrorde,.about one-tenth of the whole number of churches under the care of the Assembly, have been aided through its Comb:dace in the last five years. Including $1,495A4 received by the late Gotrimittee' of the Board of Missions, in April,-May, and June, 1855, the' receipts of yoiir' Coinmittee in the five years ending April let, 1860, were $121,946.40, of which $92,093.77-was from churches. - foid' years and nine months the present Committee of the Assembly , have received $53,402.34 more `and aided over nine-tenths as many churches as 'the late Gommittee of the Board of Missions did in ten years and nine mbriths. If a still more convincing proof of the lisdom of a separate organi zation for, the ,vital work of Church Exten sion'be needed', it, is found in the fact that the cAtt'e'ciegslliave hi the last five years con tributed' Ul f, * Church Extension. Fund largely iiVer font times - as much as they did in the preceding ten' years years of combined effeirtt r irkin the further fact that 3ix hun dred 'and:''seventeen' churches centribifted. during thelaat fiscal year, while only one hundred and sixty-eight churches contrib uted frentyJalyilso, to April lst; 1855. The report concludes thus : While the shave review of, the past bids us courage,., it cannot concealltWe tam; inedequaoy of the present benefactions to'•' this enterprise, or the necessity of contributions from the more than tur i e„theutaind,eight,hundrednhurches on the rollibethe Assembly, who last year gave nothing to your Committee to aid them in carrying forward the work you have ,lai&nponthem. Deducting from this iii iber those Who in other ways contribute all they should to church building among the,destitute, and all who may reasonably= ask to be excused ,at present, there must lie,yery many of these churches who ought to lend a helping hand to their des titute brethren through your Committee. To such alio* us to conimend the facts, that, last year the duly prepared applica tions exceeded the receipts more than $16,000; did closed with one hundred ap plications on file,, calling for over $43,000; that six, hundred and fifty-three sister churches-axe without a house of worship ; that most of 'Apse destitute - churches, and of the more than one hundred churches annually organized in our connexion, must have help from abroad or remain houseless; and that your Committee so far from, being able to stimulate destitute churches to arise and build, have hitherto been com pelled'hY want of means to repress rather than encourage worthy applications. If to these arguments for increased coliperation e be added s the benefits that ordinarily result from tho,erection of sanctuaries such as the improve& inoild tone of the' community;' the increased-, support of our scantily sus tained ministry; the greater permane,ney secured to our churches; the enlarged at stendance on the means. of grace; and the • frenizente outpourings of the Holy Spirit that-mark -tke fulfillment of the promise, it o,ild the houSe, and will take pleasure inel will be glorified, saith the lkoi&"—Lit seenisto us that no tight-ininded follower, or church of the Redeeiner, can re f r ain &pm aiding, as God has prospered,. ipjustawpg an enterprise so needy andno fraughtivitb.,blessinge.7;,,. t:i.:. f4,e . 4... '.Nr4i.c.t.4 THE WORDS OF THE LORD JESUS, By Rudolf Slier. Vols. VII. and VIII. in one. New edition, Philadelphia : Smith, English 4. Co, New York Sheldon 4- Co. Boston: Gould ,j- Lincoln. Fittsburgh: Win. S. lien toul. 1860. This is the completion of the new edition of the learned and valuable work of Stier, to which the attention of our readers hai been called as the successive volumes have made their appear once. From time to time we have indicated the errors of this author upon certain points; but on the whole, this:work has no equal in learning and thorough exegesis upon that part of the New. Testament of which it treats. Messrs. Smith, English 8; Co, have done:.Atacrican scholars and the American Church good service, in bringing liefore them this work in its present form. PLATO'S APOLOGY AND CRITO. With Notes. By IP. S. Tyter, Graves Professor of..Greekin Amherst College- 12m0., pp. 180. New York: 1). Appleton tCo Pittsburih : Hunt 4... Miner, 1860. By means of his edition of Tacitus, the name of Professor Tyler known to every college student throughout, the land. His notes are highly esteemed wherever used.. The present volumet will commend itself, both to Professors and students, as a valuable contribution to the understanding of the great philosopher and moralist of antiquity. THE MILL ON THE •FLOSS. By George Eliot,' Author of "Scenes of • Clerical Life," and " Adam Bede." 12me:, 464 pages. NeW York:' Harper 4. Bros: Pittsburgh : Robert S. 1860; ' • • , This volume is worthy of the author of "Adam Bede." The characters are drawn to life, and seem to be acting - realitiesotatheethen creatares of the imagination, and enlist our.human feel ings and symPathies Mire titan many of the crea tions of Sir Walter Scott. WESTMINSTER REVIEW. The No. for April , . is able as usual. The contents are L Vedio Religion ; IL Mania and Venice in 1848-9 111. The Ethics of War; IV. Plutaich and his- Times ; V. Austria, and the Go`ernment of Hun gary ; VL Parliamentary Reform : the Dangers and the Safeguards ; VIL -Japan; VHL Darwin on the Origin of Species; IX. Contemporary Literature. • tke tresibt. Arthur and the Old Clock One Sabbath day, Arthur was left at home alone, while all the rest of the family attended church. Instead of regarding the day as he should, in the quiet perusal of the . Bible =and other' : good books,' Jae made it a day of self-amusement. As soon as all were gone, Arthur began to search all the curious nooks and corners of the time-lion ored dwelling. The;garret was explored and many rare curiosities exhumed. An cient desks and drawers were eiamined, re veiling their curious, contents to his imper tinent and childish curiosity. ; An old clock stood in the corner, with a tall, gaunt, brown case. Within the dark, hollow closet, Arthur had often peered, but he had not been allowed to examine very closely the mysteries of the clock case. Now was a fine opportunity. He opened the narrow door. The long pendulum was swinging back and forth at regular' inter vals with aloud tick, tick, tick, tick. Two long, cylindrical, tin` weights, and'two very little lead weights were hanging by small cords. Arthur had seen his father "wind up the clock," and he knew it was done, by pulling down the little:weights. "It must be rare sport," he thought, cc to wind up the old clock." He would make the at tempt, at any rate. So taking hold of the small weight, he tugged away right, man fully. 'The wheels purred, and the' great weight began to rise. ' ' "Faster," said Arthur, ".go up faster," and giving :a sudden pull, the cord broke, and down came the heavy weight with a loud noise ! Then there was a terrible whirring emetic , .. the .clock wheels for a moment, and then it stopped: The ticking, ceased, and the pendulum stood still "0, what have'l done now?" cried Ar thin., in distress. "0, what will father say to me ' when he sees what I have done ?" Arthur closed the clock door, and for the remainder of the day, until his 'parents re turned, was a very humble, quiet boy. When his father returned,' on looking at the old clock, he perceived'that it had stopped. Opening the clock deor, he saw that the cord of one of the weights had broken, and that the weight 'had fallen to the bottoin*of the case. " How is this, Arthur; did you know that the clock is stopped,?" Yes, sir," replied Arthur, "I heard a great noise in the clock 'case; and when I went and looked in, behold it was' silent." Mr. Milton made no more inquiries, sup posing thak it was an accidental occurrence. Night came, and little Arthur went 'to bed as •usual. His father had tied._ the cord, and the clock was not "ticking Joudly ever. To Arthur it ticked louder than ever. It seemed to say, in 'the Silence of the night, " Boy ! boy ! boy!" " A lie! a lie! a lie!" a Ownit ! own le! (nth: it r". Arthur did, not sleep much ,Consdienee whispered to him, and with , the words of the old clock, said - ,." Arthur, you have told a lie." Early in-the morning he 'arose and gazed up into. the fice of the old clock: ItlOok'ed very sternly at him. " Quick ! quick ! quick ! quick !" said the clock. So the poor bey Wept to his':kaiber and told with a very sorrowful heart. Ecis, father freely forgave hiiu. And .he' prayed that God would forgive:Alta, and. never suffer him to tell a lie again. Dear children,. never - tell in'untruth. Lying is a low, meanvice, mid Very wicked. —Th4 Spring. - , , I Story for ROIRCWiTES "Can you make me an appropriation for my boy's new clothes, next week ?" "I am afraid not, my dear. You know I have overdrawn already to pay my in terest money." " Well, but you have Old ybur sweet potatoes; you- had ten dollars 'extra last week, and the money from our boarder, which I think you might give to me, as I had all the-trouble of her.' - . • " I should love dearly to, give it to you, but we must nave it to live on ; and be sides, I must pay for the red, cow next month." " Oh, dear i" said the wife, impatiently.; " there is never any , money for rue and my children. I do n't see how the boys are going to get on much longer. 'There was not a single pair of pants, left over, list Winter, and Harry's overcoat has been worn three 'Winters,. and is very shabby." " Well, I do n't,know what yon can do. Perhaps next month' I can pie you the • "Next month," said , the wife despairing ly to herself, some hours afterwards; do n't see how I can wait that long." So she went to the closet, in the little 'boY's room, to examine the old coats And panta loons, and see what was to be done. "It is a shame," said she, . " that' :I should be required to menditp`,any of these old things:' This coat is entirelrworn: out in the sleevesrand ,so faded and shabby ; this one has been worn byt theta both ; ,,I certainly' shall not mend that bid, 'E±a4ie.. I have no piece for these pantaloons:; these are too shed', any.wa.yi ..All.the old things put together are not worth halftfda'Yemy PRESBYTERIAN r - -.I3ANNt I''....B..THURD At, :1.:MAy),20,...j860. time, and will not last' a' week' after they are done. But then came better thoughts. "It is vacation. Perhaps by school 'time I can have the money. Oughtn't I to' try' to make some of these thing }do a little longer? My husband is in unusual diffi culty. It is hard to get money, and after all, it is not so much matter what these little fellows wear.. Perhaps a new patch is as much to their mother's credit as a new garment There are plenty of pieces like this brown coat. Let me see what I can do." So she sat down, ripped the back of each sleeve, pieced them down from :above the elbow, and refaced them; then 'faced the back anew, put .omthe missing , bnttons, and held it 'tip. " Reilly, did not think it would look qoyy . ell; it will last another, niontbat least,n , nd the pieces will soon wear the same color." Then she took a second.. one, Which had a good plain lining, and turned it com pletely, put the buttons' on the 'other:, Side; bound the neck and:Sleeires, and` it look as good as new. An hour in the evening ' spent in making over the old caps, and theboys were well enough elethed for all the weeks before Winter. Now, was till this of any advantage ,to herself? Had she not gained a victory?, Yes;in ; deed; victory `over" her di4ont6iitg her impatience, her love of display,,and her love of ease. cr NecessitY is the mother of invention," and, "contrivance is better than work," are two good proverbs, >worthy to be in every libuSekeeper's vocabulary., , Here Was`woman: linace,ustoined 'to being denied what seemed to'her necessary for her wants, making dn, what a great deal would barely have supplied, just by an unusual exertion on her park; au ex ertion good for herself, and an 'excellent example to her children. Are there not 'Many wives and mothers' who can thus lighten their husband?' hearti, and :keep their.pitmes heavy l' twice before you throwit aside, D i o n't put those old 'pantaloons' intk the carpet rags Or the 'Mop, until you ,have patched them once more. Let the tuck down in the little girl's dresses. Make the old ribbon, :taint the little bonnet again; 'get the boots mended; buy a little trimming for that sacque, and it will look as well as.a new one. Contrive and economize, and you will be happier, discipline yourself better, do more good, and set a better example than if you had plenty of money and lived'care lessly.—L- Ohio Farmer. " rot 4. Haste, Traveller, Haste•! Haste, traveller haste! the night, comes On, And many a shining, hour is gone ; , The storm is gathering in the West, And thou art far from home and rest ; Haste, traveller, haste. Oh, far from home thy footsteps stray ; Chiist is the life, .and Christ the way, , And Christ the light. Yon setting sun Sinks ere the morn is scarce begun, Haste, traveller, haste: The rising tempest'sweeps thi sky; • The rains descend, the winds are high ; The.waters swell, and death and fear Beset thy, path, no refuge near; Haste; traveller, haste. Okyes, a shelter you may, gain, A covert from the wind and'rain--- A hiding-place, a rest, a home: A refuge from the wrath to come; Haste, 'traveller, haste. Then linger not in all the plain; • Flee for thy life, the mountain gain; Look not behind, make no delay; Oh speed thee, speed thee en. thy way ; _Haste traveller 'haste Poor lost, benighted soul, art thou Willing to find salvation now' There yet is hope, hear, mercy's Truth, , life, light, way; in .Christie all; Haat°, traveller, haste.'" [Boner..,, Nlisrdiantons. The Roman Wall. The January number of the London Quarterly has an article on the Roman` Wall, containing some facts worth trana 2 ., (erring to this column. The military character of the Roman occupation of Britain is - marked by 'various cirethnstan 7 ces. • The cities of the conquered province sprung from camps, retained to the last, the form and arrangements of Country Oar- ters. Of the multitude of . Roman inscrip tions found; not more than one or two, per haps, refer to the municipal institutions.' From Dartmoor to the Moray' Firth the plough turns up year by year fresh. records, of the ancient race—coins, sculptures, pot tery, pigs 'of lead=shoWing. the existence of a more uniform type of civilization than prevails, perhaps, between the same lati tudes at the present day. It would seem, that the Britons, under. the Cmsars , and" Antonines, went ahead,'almost as fast as, our kinsmen at the present day ,in and Anstralia. While the reckless luxury of Rome and Italy was ":ransackingevery . frontier-for ministers -tcrindolence and vice, the simpler people of the distant provinces generally did' their own work, for them selves, and enjoyed in return a moral and material In, no part of,the island arc traces!of the Bonian conquerors more. thickly strewn than along the marches of Wales and the isthmus of the .Tyne, and Solway. , The forest 'Of 'Bean,'and Am' Valley of Avon, and the'wholn:coursa of ;the,' Severn, are full of remains'indicating the,establishment of a large 'population; ,evidently stationed. there as military colonists, for the, defense of an, net less than fin'• the of the'soil. The multitude and solidity of the works executed in ' these, these Northern' marches, the camps, the' roads, the bridges, and finally the great limitary , ramparts, beificak, a constant apprehension from without or from within; but the presence of a large body of-soldiersi' fer whoni it was necessary to find occupation] in - peace as well as in war ' may help to aCL count for the extent and scale ,of these: various constructions. When the Emperor Severus, whose 'life had been spent in the, camps, andin rapid marches; froni one end of the empii*6 to the otheil,'wliO,Was borne, gout-stricken, inlis litter-tothe-footof the, Grampians, lay at last, sickto • death, in his bed at York, the final watchwoid he gave, turning his crippled liinbs heavily on his conch, Wear "Igtborenrus," MA6E:Weir This was in fact the .motto of ,tho Roman . General—whose , authority.: depended: , on keeping hie; soldiers, in daily employthent. l'he pickaxe, no less Man the sword, was the, ensign of Roman ebnquest." 'Renee; the roads of, the military,' engineer were. piled up with imperishable masonry; his• camps; fortified' like'.f castles; 'bridges were fixed like rocks in the-torrents of. the Tagus or Danube;, all his Works were exe-. outed with superfluous neatness and finish; showing that labor, for its own sake, was a matter of:tradition:my disciplinelind prac tice. All'the ErigliSh armies which' bah, enciMped 'throughout the.continents of India and'Americahaye left fewer traces of their industry. The Northumhrian hlarebes teem with' the ,remeinst of lloinan ) Occupationi-,with dismantled stations, - grasi-groWia,rnads; and' forgotten AWOL _But of.:alLthese , rumeisi iso remarkable as the great line of folltiffoat _ tien stretching ,ht *en ' Solway, Firth' and the. estiaii of t! • ,Tyn*, - ' ; Prom.sen to ,sea. the diatance in a I irect line is about 'sixty, miles, but the Ito ,f aneWall•extended a few miles. farther ale g the: shallow. shores of the Solway... Th natural barrier of cliff and 'Strewn ne . in n obstacle in: itself, has been ;denbly and eto,:,4ttongiyeoe.o'var tificial' fortifinatiO' 8;.`.. xlese consisted 'of a double line of ..,`then.,ramparts to the South;' defended , , .a , fosse, and' faced by:a third mound bey , nd it;:and, at a distance- froth a,' hUndred t , ' ti'PamMand yards, hy'a . wall of'inaiotirY. :i COMPaniedhy:a Military] Weir. Bede, tie' c:'rliest aiither„ilid,refeis to, the Wall, says , is. eight feet. in, hreadli and twelve in hei Le t in a straight line from _Eaat t 6 , Woo: .. , i hers give larger dime/D:4 sions. . it ,was, pr liniblY,' With' its parapet,', ,high • fwaS thick, arrfrOm - tn4.- teen to; eighteen, • et. , -,in ;portions ,which now-,exist it rare exceeds five 'Or sit'.feet.' —=though 'in hull ws- . as many as eleien . contiea; nfl'sti:Me ar 'fonndffigAther;aMetint: iiig 65.,,pearij* ; , i.b.ytp 0. . Although the foundations, still'. emain,, and . occasionally betray ,:themselve ~46,,superstrueture has been entirely ov'':. thrOw-n , for-thirty miles; except for tWO - ', it: three'' short intervalS,. th44o"*;iooo4i . iii ' ftiSso'in still al most cenetently,apparent, , Acre Cr:there a, remarkable fragme t• :of the Well, has .been enclosed - ,irt the- g: outrds 'of an intelligent prolifieteiAnd - saii i:fidni desecration. , .Tplifiid the';een "e"nt - tlM'iohnins, where.tie,: ciiirs, rise . 41,4 . nkinals; the : wall has ilia ken. itself free i ;' the ,modern ;road, in ~ a eentiMmus , -liiei f r ten--Lfifteen . miles-- Clinibilie the 'face of sometimes; .86,- e44,i,l l o'aio ) l l o -. iian e4#'*o;4'dfffi4iltY ,f fcMot . .t,.4 - ..44w0""37 4F.eepsatafeeting An .the: extreme! tr:erge,,o r,;, the :precipice facing Northwards. ';. 'NOthingia More impressive: thin the 'Spectaele' el 'the the iirall, - Xhefri . Mid' maimed ,xs . it. is,., pareering over. rldgeKiiil even -p1irig0g, , ..4.4'41-were;Yi 4# ,n4ed eliir. inenee , whielidti...m*eal one , ;giddy to look upon: Throughout the greater part of this seetion,.ike'Wall haS hdeoine'littleelse'then . a: 8 440,1;44' niaSS'''efleeiefriginenti.' '.l,i' liiiiSepi:p:,b.Ve.4. 4 .'ipige preppitien,ef,,ils equared=faeingstonesifor fences, &c. :F The face toward the Nerth is 'heat preserved' and' Seiien'Or,'eiglite:eurses are there ciften'Seen in,`On.' , The., characterof' the masonry of thi4, ,extraordinary,.:Ofiueitulre, IS . extremely: s iniple ,i not to' say rinie. , •Both i ts ••face,s were formed alike , of;StoneS;roughly hail to a Wedge shape, presenting "an'onter Arran& of nine ,, orten'.'irreherri-•square, , .-I , witir ... their 'smaller ends set, inwards. The. stones are -_, • nearly of a siea i rr&therc?unielin•which they are laid preserves -4lteir"ptiraleflism pret ty exactly, hut are not_echaloned upon one another, as in *modern,:, style ; The space between the faceawas Alia up with unhewn oplAires. - Ekiad,..iribble, in - a mass, :compacted p - erhaps:'by mortar ' The: stones never ex.' ceeding the sine; which. a- man ,could carry between his hands or ;sling over his slibtil& ere. . _ . . . .. . . . . • Along the' line of this` Wall were, small tiirrets. Besides theSe watchtowers,eVery Boman - mile Were enclosures ,about twenty yards square, fortified ; by maionry,xleCupied by the, defenders of the wall as ,a garrison,: These - turrets and, mile-castles along, the wall were connected together by a road, up on a foundation of stones, which was trav elled as'late the: last century. The nar row limitS of the'military fortress.were not, alwayg sufficient contain' the population which thronged, to, it for shelter. Towns of considerable size g,rew up under the pro tection of the stationary garrison, and in scribe& and sculptured, - stones, as coins which have been discovered, in them, show therm to have been places`of import, once for several generations. Homesteads ' has been t termed the Tad, mor 'of Britain. The city is in: a great measure filled with its own debris, but.the excavations 'already' Made, mark it' as the Pompeii of Britain. An inscription on an altar excavated.within -the , camp at'. this place records: the name, of the detaehment " IL A:storm:it " which is known to have occupied it. Not less than..eighteen or twenty differ ent nationalitieS were represented in the fortifications: The records of the religion of the frontier gairisons show a curious mixture of ideas and cults *which was seeth lag, throligheut the 'third and fourth 'cen turies, in every city of the empire.. RECENT PUBLICATIONS. Lite and Correspondence of Daniel Wilson, D.D. wink Portialavlllamb:at/ens, arida Map of his/Eqsals. rßy Josiah Bateinita.7 ltoyanto. Cloth , ra.oo. •- , Puritans ; or, The Church, Court and Parliament of, Eng land, the reigns ,of ; Edward Sixth and Elizabeth. DJ- Samuel Hopkins. 'llojral Ere. Arias. 1. -- and - EU, -each . . The Historical Evidences - of the Trutly of the Scripture Records, with special reference. to the, doubts and discoveries. or Modern Times. By George Rairlinson, M. A. ,12mo. Christ in History. By Robert Turnbull, D. D. s 12pro. Cloth. $1..25. The Still Hour; or,-.Communion with God. Dy Austin Phelps atiln& Cloth. , 88 cents. Twentyrtifth - thousand. The Crucible; Tests of a Regenerate Stafif.ddidgiied to , briiig 'to' sUpproased' hopes. - expose false ones; and' confirm. the true. By. Tier. d. A. Goodhue, .A.M....With Introduction by Rey. E. N. Kirk, ,D.D. .12m0., Cloth. ,$l.OO. SPirititilism Tested; or, The Facts - of its Histary'Classi fied.--and 'Chide 'awe in natine "Vdrified Twin' ancient and modern testimonies. By George W.Semson, D.D., Pre,sident ofColumbian College. 10mo, . Cloth.. itS.cents. GOtthold'ti Brobleinti ; or; Invisible Things Understood bk Thingi that' are Made.' By Christian Salver. Translated front - the Twenty-eighth German edition. Svo. Cloth. 51.00. ' Annual of Scientific Discovery; or, Year Book of Facts for 1860.'13,f 71 , 1aWells; - .Etur42MO: — sl'.2,s; --- Llmits of Religious Thought Examined. By IT. L. Manse], D.D. l2mo. Cloth. . by Illn.strations of Scripture.: ...Suggested' by a Tons throttEh the ioly Land. By _IL Bzlitaqkdtp.D. , .. New and enlarged edition. 12mo. Cloth: $1:0(1. • ' • Life and Times at John Milton. By )niid Masson, To!. 1. Royal Aro. Cloth. $2.75. ' Nevelists_and their Styles .. By David Masson, MA. 16mo. 75 centi: , - ' ' ThOolineustlnhe, Biblei'iti Divide "Orlin *and liaipiio tion. By D. Doiigirin, D.D. 12ioo. • - •$.1.001 • • = . Leaders of Dtelteforisition;%or, the Representative Men et Dormany„Fraocy, England,. fool Scotland . By, 3. Tulloch, D:1). 1111,n0.' cloth: '.• •• Histoiicai Tiiii/tcotions; or, Tbe Drorin&! and 'Mies of S. Si pitupg, • . „ . •. ' Leesens 'at the Cress; or Spiritual Truths fernilicirlY ex.; hibited. By B. Hopkins: • Mom Cloth. 15 cents ' • The dreat,Coneern; or Marealtelations, to God taraState. 1 Commentary on the Ppiatie to the Etacialaria. and Practical: , ,By Pattlaoni•lD.l). 12m0." Cloth: .85 Manta: , ICindWorda for Children, ta,Onide them to the Path of Newcomb td.6cria. 42 cents. ' idoricr•Philosophy: including" 'Theoretical ^ and Practiced' Balk& Bylatepb.fillvet4' 'Cloth . • Teats:mos on Metaphysics. Sir William ,Hamilton. RoYaltiM. — ol,4th. 45.00. , " "• • LATE IS S UES OF THE " Presbytenat ,- Boaid - Pubbeitiot; NOi .821 , 'CHEST'NUT , STREET, , .- Fatuity Religion . , (Smith.), .00 cents. . The'Christiori Home. (Collier.), :60 conti. healer' Tours (Lovirie:) BO eel)* The Titles of our Lord. '(BM:Anil) 50 cents: ' Believer's Daily Treasure. '25 cents. Physcian's Councils. 15 and 20,cents. Ilistory and Habits of ,Anitrials., $l.Ol 81NCE48 . 1ii.L, Idr.• Seriet 18sto. Iltiistrated. Mary 'Humphreys; or,,Light Shining in a Dark Place; :,PP.1.08. price 15 and 20 cents. • IDrOps.of Truth fromlhe Fountain of Wisdom: Compiled ' , for thel3oard. Pp. Zi3. . Price 30 and 3,41 cent& Emily Grey, the 11 - 61iati, ihd_Her Kind AMA: Pp.'lss. ,prlce 20 and '25 conte., - . The Dai; of Iron, and: the:Conclnaion of theSattei.: 14~. Yrice 20 and Z 5 cents . . . 1010. TRACTS, No. 238, TheHerratat Hatchniakeri.?Pp."B. No 287; 'With 'Christ hr Agitint PMIO. No. 235. Grieve not the Ifoly : Spirit. Pp. 24. Yor tittle; in Pittsburgh .at the Presbyterian Book BOMMB 4 Bt. Clair Street: JOSEPH. P. ENOIES;• ftib2l4 . l• Piihlinhinß Agent. Tpx, AItI*RIPAN R4CT SOVIPTY, • NO. 929 Chestnit Street thilidelphia, Oda*alt" suitable Talc chi:tells; famillcia, and llitilday'delittaba'abirgetvitrietY of STANDARD RELIGIOUS PUBLICATIONS. Of thette;'a large numbei is intended fdiebildron and yquth --the Volumes betrtg handeomclr ithistiated by flue en gravings, printed in clear: typo, arid well bound: ThaT'assortment•embrace* over four bundled, and Ally Volumes: BIOGRAMOAA POETICAL'; • DZVOTIONAL, 'editor* may lie (*Mlle 167 AltillElol •VaRtIENERS, FRUIT ORl*l* . CATitit DRALRRS,''ItC., find the boorcomplete iuteortment of booke rolitlni to ttitiiihuiitheurthet can be found in the world. et C. M. BAX MON, BARKER k C 0,43 Agrioultuka.BoogiEfolese;',2s 4Park 'Row, New York. Send for R catologne. feblB-13, ====;; NEW PUBLICATIONS. k 5 - •,peek cent by xxiail,,peet.paid; on receipt of price. GOULD - St 09 . liVaahingtois St ,Boston... Utb 2l3-I ,:r.' . • . . IfISTORICAL, PRAOTTCAL, • ARLES TO READ TIEN.RTBLE • • TErssura„ NM Chestnut Street,. Phila. jr7 ly yarn I . ink'''. . • ii. T- 0 0FrZY , MiroDICA.L.L—DRS. KING AND .00Y1 Y, tuteeeintai in the practice of Medicine mid ry- Sure Oee N 0.102 FEYTH SITNT, Opposite the Cathedral. m E G 11(11 : 1 . 11. j? !l tz tK ERIS •D Family .SeWii *aOhillef; 'A NEW . STYLE.' PRICE '550.00.. • cots= OF FIFTH AND: MARKET STREETS. (over . • llnos. ci s oods Store,) Er TIIANCE OX FLIPTIt STABLY. . Pritasmusaa. iIIiii : SLOADWAY, NEW Yost.' .. . CRESTNITT STREET, PIITLAIELPHII. .11219114 Machines sew fremi two . spools, and form a slam imesinalled strengtii;bOaiity. Ad elasticity,Whiel itliriellbfeven if every [With stitch be cut . They emir Wsllmeldoullibli the best.* the market for family nsa, ; . 'BBl6 FOB. A OI&OIILAR. AItPr.TING: w D. `&'= H. M'CALLUM, . •• SW:fourth Street, *re reokfra*Oilik=o STOOK Of ii 042EXPRVINi freEZAATADVARee• Shaodes, 'Matting, Rugs, , NPATS, STAIR-RODS, &C.. Their assortment Is yinentrir4 sold it vemloweat miss, for Cash. „ • , , 4)21-2n; . JOHNn - A. RENSHAW, Family. Grocer and, Tea Dealer, 253' LIBERTY STREET, Having reiently returned front the East, and added largely' tolls stock by, fresh purchaser ) desires to call the attention Of thi public to the finest arep Jargeet weertment of Choice' Pam iv GrOterieS, • TEAS, SPICES , s•C , to be found in this city. Families, Schools, Hotele, and Dealers who nosy favor hint with their orders, may rely upon the quality , of •the goods they purchase, ins lie object is to furnish the 'hist and ifietheat goat la 'this market, at the Catalog,mie containing an extended list of my stock fur nfthedly nudgManelred: • ' air No ' Chine. fF.caltpip. : ". Jolore; RENSIEAS O 4: •"SP 7-3 3'. 1, , ":1- Ü , ,St,ireetrznear. ;Wood.. MICERICULNI ANDvEI7ROPfEAN- • PIVE'IiV :A nit Crr 'eFFIUES In mtrTlM' Co • - f'Aisoiiiitifoil Moot ? ' •- - 73vrx." — • • '•• l ATl:CyillltliN 'or 411,* - Orntia ' No: 37 Kirk-Row, ‘L!Niiwi Yolk. IiERBSES. MUNN- L' Cek.reimiketftilly• give 110000. tbat, in addition to their own experience of nearly fifteen psalm' stand ing ns 'Solicitors of Patents, they-have asnociaMd with them HON.• JUDOS MASON. who was for, several years Commis sioner of Patents. This arnengement reriders their organiza tion thorough and - complete, and is a sure guarantee that all business connected with the Examination of Inventions, Specifications, Drawings; 'Rejected Cases, Interferences, Ex-* tenaione,,paveats 7 copinionaxixin ,Questions of tho Validity of Patents, and Infringements, - will receive prompt and careful attention.:n . . • . • • P.AMPIILiT: OF, Ap o yaCE HowtoSeintre lettiri Patent, furnietiad free. altll•o6lnietunicatiOne codsidetml confidential: ' .Addreee MUNN Fe CO., Ik4lll4l6einv • 'Si 'Pait Row, New York. Pr . E w. R A N •,• :;,.Sewing A = 1103EICIEN_IIENI .puringthq last fonrteemyrara,itiar:hundred patents Lave been grunted on ineentioni . lighten tho drudgery'offitzully sewing, ruid'at the &ate thine to produce a niacLdne that could be : profitably used for manufacturing poi-Poeta; but, strange to. say, out ortlibie • number of Sewing Machines. on lyaoma half dozen hairebsen ,provea, to be of practical value and of this email number , not one has in it combined the . ad vantages of re faintly and manufacturing machine. There are large, henry . noisy, cumbrous, and anti - Abided Mee — . woilFi r tlitit . anoint the purpose. 'Very well ;, while there arc others of light mechanism and delictifeadjustmente, which perfoim on light work to advantage and while the fonder aro exclu sively confined to heavy work, the' latter are of little value, except on light fabric.. 'Therefore I take great pleasure in stating the important fact that Mr. Howe, the original In ventor of Sewing Machines, has recently perfected his Shuttle. Machin so as to combine, in a moth smaller space and with ry far. leas machinc,,the st rengthi and durability of_ the manu facturing machines, and' at the same time possessing that delicacy of movement and ease of. operation peculiar to the family machine, and which renders &blithe only machine in market capable of working equally well the lightest and heaviest fabrics, and Is therefore designed for ALL KINDS OF 'WORK . . . Foy' Vest•makers,.Tidloig, Shoe.binders, Gaiter , : Afters, Gamest-makers. Carriage-trinmera, as well as - for all Tariltles of FAMILY SERrING,, TIDE •-• 'lll - ACI-LINE Is the only outs that, can . 4he sathilietion; and they will be sold for ortaiiiif the - stoney 'shifted:oN soy other Machine capable of doing as heavy work inns good a manner. These machines cannot he got out of order by any ,fair, Teens. and they will be fully warranted for one or morn years'. They will stitch, hem, tuck, cord, bind, gather, and fell, without boating—inaking . the locknetich seam (alike on both sides) of great beauty, strength, mid elasticity, and which cannot be upped or ratsled. The public are cordially invited to call at my room., NO. 20 FIFTH STREET, up etalny.and thoroughly test these machine °wall kinds.of work; _don't be satisfied by merely .seeiiiig's Machine sew on a rag,, bat . bring along your -light eit and heaviest work, and put the Miithineto the most rigid biata. t i...: . • Active and responsible Apnts „are . wanted for the sale of these Machines, upon liberal terms: Noise send for sinnples of work and particulars of y. Adams • apo n "W e F. PIJIIDENBERG, • • is 'OFFICE, NO. 104 FOURTH STREET, - 61. Between Wood and Smithfield Streeta. OFFICE •1 OARS::: . . . • .From 9 o'clock A. M., tO 4 o'clock P. M. • W•A.L L E S . • ::VOr 150 i 000 .ROLLS : • , AND BoApEzlB.7l2 irArcir; Bsarttifnl !Amami Gold for parlors. . • • Splendid'Vilvetued Gold. Data... Anne ball and chamber .patterns. :" . Panels and collie:ins for churches. THOUSANDS , of rolls , at cietatrt-SPence, and .thotisands at six, eight , or ten 0040. • Window Ovirtiii*PriaLbciard Prints, 'rester tope; ke; • • ,• . WALTH.B.• P. MARSHALL, •• atibpol4 . si,nd, No. 87 Wood . St., Pittsburgh. VMEIMM WM. H. KIRKPATRICK,. Tinto. of' tho firm of .Kirß prrtri, ok k Heti:gar. & co., Wluolesale'Groeets, FORWARDING - 44.11 TD!. CVMMISSIOI t• 1011.0.114 W" • P SBIIR. : MT F A E C R A:4 D ARTI CLES. s No. - 999 Liberty St., opposite head atkaithfield, PITTSBURGH,..P PAkikehir nttention paid to the male ofclonSyy Produce. . • piTtSBUIiGIA FE tIIALE COLLEGE RRV. I. C. PERSHING, A.M., President, assisted by ,ti FACULTY or BUTEN Tresses. . , .• . , Superior,advent:4; are alfOrded f or obtaining o .thorcnith i Academic' and Collegiate , ' Riery effort aduletcy smuts the happiness and improvement .bt all wbo may Mead. The Collegiate year begins August 21st; second, Seation;Decetuher 7th'; and the third,. March 21st. Tdition vailiti from de to $lB per Session, arooraing to Studies. 'For ftHdier'inforination,•npply to.the President,. or to, Professor J. H. KNOW4ES, Pittehurgh; • . . 111n13 - ;SPRING AND • NDN1 . N1RR7 .. r .. 6 . G: • New Stock !.- ow.. •es • l l4 • • .801 1 • • "CON • Carr.- 4 , • IVIACRUM: • •N0:.17 'FIFTH , HTBE PITTBB Rog. • ; '/!•tb the lieUderi VMS ritstryterian Batineo:".' • attention of all inIOLESALEr&D EN-* TAILIBUTIORS; to our • •.'. •*. : ..; ••-• Jew- Spring , and Summer. Stank- Cor'Dress Trinimings,Trubrnideries and Laos 's; • llandkerehiers, Veils, Barbee, Herding, &c.; • • • lbedery, pluses, Gauntlets, and Mitts; Skirhs, Corsets, and French Forms,- Iltniiietltlldsms, Yliniers, and Rueltes; •• ' • • ' - 'Blurts, Collars, Cravats, and Ties; . . Snowier Under-shirts and Drawers; Ilead Dresses, Bead Nets, and Ilaskots; . Zephyr and Shetland Wool;:Pattekull; &e. . klargo lino Of FANCY •ARTIGEk.§ AND NOTIONS, Alicicvorything usually kept En ' ltiist-Chusa Trimming and Notion"lfornie. • • • •• • • • COUNTRY MERCHANTS. a. MILLINERS aro solicited to call and extuillue our stock and learn our ; prices, before pur • chaeing elsishere. 'EATON, CAKE & MACKLIN'S • • • Trimming, Millinery,'and lcotion'llouse, • . Fifth Street, Pitteliurgh. 11911[1.:ADELPHIA .NET • CASH" •• ' . r 117 . 1 - 1 .0• • itinAustruta, February, 1860. The firm of E: 'T. HOOKRIDG.E . 6i CO., Valt - EliesolVed on. the Fite& of January. The Undersigned will continue 'the Hat BUM ness, EXCLOSIVNLY:ON MID: CASH PRINCIPLIi, of 02 North Fourth Street, (np stairs) Three Doors above the kierchanti' where Buyers Will flail a Stock, of RATS ViP.GAPS at figures from '2O co 20 per tent. less, than regu lar Credit:prices.. • •• E: • T 11OCKILIDGE. P. S.-,The Ilighost Priors obtained ifooBiiisi.2o won mar3.Bm WM. Z. SCHIIIIIt7I. O.:FOLLANSAEA T. A. XAXMIia• . . WM. E. SCHMERTZ : Br. '.CO N . • ad WHOLESALE t DEALEItS AND MANI3PAtTDRERS 'OP i r s6eli AND Vliga.l2l6 No. 31 Pltth.3lreet, Bank Bleak, Pillainrgli, Pa. Wo invite the Attention of our ousieniers and . Merchants gpperally to oar very large !stock'. of Deets and Shoes for Spring and i Stunnter sales, and yroeld respectfully solicit a continuance. of the liberal patronage heretofoto 'bestowed upon the Ilene& Oneetock of% ' • . - voorrs: AND • S HOES; cidalnediit first 'hands strictly from manifectnthra, l giving hien selected With the greatest'possible care, hie neyer'Leen surpainfel; and is particularly adapted to theereat" of wItST ERN. rugozu.stms. ' Oar Gixidei we have mannfactnred once to the wants of those engaged in' iletauilig,taaarsre warranted to give satisfaction.. - . . • . Purchasers Visiting this market are respectfilli moulted to call examine . , our etock, so we are &cocai n-it:slate them with - pit : lie goods, and of ,just . B . , PARTmULAR SIZES • Bathe] Inayment. Onr,prices we. mill guarantee as : lkm them of blef•Ytirk r' ,or to! end , arklefrtthinit...iifige ranted. WM. E. SCIFIRERTZ etp7-3m No. 31 Fltrb Street. .BUSINES§,NO:TICES. W.. 8. LASSCELL, Agent, . c • Pittsburgh; Pa. 011M.F..110:RICPATRICK, Late al* Allleupte, &tier deialitibttlelphta: EMIZ CATARACT 'llr ASKINGr ~ M ACH INE CLOT*llir4, AIM LABbit ;SAVA]) ! INDISPENSIBIT TO 11011SEIEEPERS. The most Fannie, economical. and durable article ever offered to the public to alleviate the discomforts of wash-day. ' ' DESCRIPTION .It consists, of a metal cylinder, with ribs on the inside, and an interior cylinder of wood, with ribs. There is a space of from six, to eight inches between. the two syliuders. One crank tarns both cylinders at the same time in oppesita direc tions, rapidly creating Steidle, fiiicintthe 'Witar , threigli the clothes, and effectually removing, the dirt.; . The action of the water d , oettlhe work quickly, divinities entirely with rubbing, andtthas saves the' wear of clothes, - • , . TAMES it: BOWERS,. 704 :Tones' Alley, Phila..; is Agent for Pennsylvania. SULLIVAN Sr, HYATT, , Proprittors ' o 54 Beekman Street, New'Yrk. N. 8.-L'-"State and_CountY Bleb= for sale,: and purchasers supplied withAladdries at wholesale on - liberallerms. - 70 A Illachineia in operation:by a laundress, daily, st.our Salesroom; 489 Broadway. ' marnait WE 'INVITE THE'ATTIENTION OF: the public:to' the PIIILADELPHIA Housekeeping Dry Goods Store witere may he'found a large' assortment of all kinds of Dl7 Glands, : required lin furnishing a , bowe r ; thus saving the trouble usually experienced M hunting ,such articles, in se ricite plooni.' , ln conseqtience of - our giving our attention to this kind , of etoak,. to the , exclusion of dregs and fancy goods, we can guarantee ear 'prima aird"siOles to he the Wore hie in the market. .- IN LINEN .GOODS we are able to give perfect satisfaction, being the Oldest Es tablished Linen Store in the city, andhaving been for more than twenty yearn regular importers from some of the best manitfactureni inlreland. We offer, alio, a large dock 'of FLANNELS . AND MUSLIMS; of the best qualities to .be•obtained, and at the very Driest prioiss. Also, Blankets, Quilts, Shootings, Tickings, Damask Table Cloths; arid Napkins, Towellings; Diapiirs; littekaliaclus; Table and -Piano Covers, Damasks and. Moreans, Dace and "afinilin Curtains, Diinities, Furbitire' Chintzes, Winda te.,=&e: ••• JOHN V. COWBble , b SON, • S. F. corner of. Chestnut and Seventh Sts., ap3o-tf ' ' ' • ' 'Philadelphia. • SPRINGSTYLES - FOR ' " Gentleinen's Garn:.. r ents, In *resit vailety mil:asking . in imit; a large' ind well ose. leetedstock of fancy French and English. , CASSITSERES ANDC OATINGS,.. • .. Together with i ns fine an assortment of Black and colored CLOTHS o AND :VBSTiNGS, thd manufactories 'of Europe can pToducc, which aro adapted to, the wants of gentlemen of taste, whd'apprichito style and'qiialitY in clothing. N 0.19 Fifth St., Viiksburgh. FUND. NATIOXAL S'..4.FETY TRUST CPNP.,ANY, Vhirtered by' the Stitt PeztroOviinta. .. • , 1. Money is received' everyday ; and an any amount, large "2: FITE 'I , ER'OIENT. interest is paid for money from; the ditylt is put im ; ; 3.. The money , is always paid back in SOLD, whenever it, is called for, aid' , 4. Money is—received from Executors Administrators, Griardians, and Others, who desire to bare it si:Place of per fect, safetyomd'swbere interest can be' obtained for it. 5. The Money received from,depositors idinvested in REAL ESTATC , M.ORTGAGES, GROUND RENTS, and Such 'other first class securities se.the Charter directs. - B. OFFICE HOURS —Every day froni9 till 5 o'clock,' and on Mondityti and Thursdays till S-o'clock in the" evening.'. .110 N. HENRY L. BENNER, President. Itorizar'SEtrarOni,'lriee President. William .T. Real, Secretary. , OFFICE Walnut Street, South-West Carrier of Tkird Street, Philadelphia. jan23-ly NEBRASKA LANDS' The undersigned will attend to the locatiiig of Land War rants in•the Omaha And 'Nebraska-City land distriels, N. T. The land sales will take place in the months of:July, and Atigint. ' A'fter the the sales; Wan:ants can Mr Wised' ' The , lands of this Territory,are of the finest, , quality. Good Belem. tibns 'Can"he'rnade - near the iliesOuri River, and near settle menfii Allwarrinte entrusted to my care'will be lecatedon lands selected by careful land examiners. • 'Letters of imjuiry reipiested: Tears reasonable: ' ' • . - ALEX .F. IWKINNEY, OriapOlis, piss County, N. T. REFERS TO BRAILE.R. & 11A.1% Ilankere; PAtabargh. LLOYD 4111LACIC, KEY. D. 1/17.11INEY, • " =EXIT. .dc C0., - Dankers, Philadelphia. : • IL J. LOMBABItT, Auditor . Penna. ft.R., Philadelphia. 'k CO., Drinkard,. Tfollidiyaburg, Psi. LLOYD ‘it CO., Bankem,Altoona, .Pa. GDO. mowny, chkago. St•Lonis. • • • Pam , . G. LOOMIS, Onapolis,N. T. jeZ-tf IWT-E W' TE A WAREHOUSE. , WHOLESALEr AND- RETAIL. J . IV I L'IA I A IVI S , 114 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh, (nearly oppefite the Custom House,) has :just opened a very choice selection of CROSS 'ASS TEAS, of the latest iniportations. Also, I EIO LAGUAYRA AzArp OLD COVERNNENT JAVA COFFEES; New Orleans, Cuba, Coffee, Crushed, and Pulverized Sugars; Rice, Rice 'Flour, Pearl and Cons Starch, Farma, Feast Pow ders, Haccuoni, Vermicelli, Cocoa, Broma, Extra No.l, mid Spiced Chocolate; Pure Ground Spices; Castile, Almond, Toilet, Palm, German, and Rosin Soaps; Sup. Carbonate of Soda; Cream Tartar; Extra Fine Table Salt; Pure Extracts Lemon and Vanilla; litar,Hould,,andDipped Candles; Sugar- Cured Roads; Dried Beef; Water, Butter, Sngai, and . Soda Cruekers; Foreign Frei*An.; dtc. *al' This stock has been purchased for CASH, and will be offered to the Trade, mid also - to Families, at - very 'Moderate advances, from whom we respectfully solicit.* share' of pat janl4-tf :ti R T HOL CELEBRAT,EII SEWING MAVHINES, The Best in Use. Kaduna, make the SHIITTLE, or Lacs ST/ern, which inuhdeniably the best: .They use but little Thread, work almost noiselessly, ore simPle, , and &drily operated. ITSNRY M. RHOADS,. Agent, Federal Street , Allegheny City .4%-- SEND FOE A CIRCIIIAR. - 101, , 0 - 0 F N G • • ...WILLIAM JOHNSON, . (pate Beres k Jong/so:0 Soleifinnflictrirei `arid Dealer in the following threedistinct kinds of ItOofing: let. Gum Elastic Cement, Felt and Canvas Roofing. '2d. Improved Felt, Cement and Gravel Roofing. 3d. Patent English Asphaltive Felt Roofing. . • All Fire and Water Proof, and Wai-ranted. Roofing Material for We, with printed instructions using. "AM" Wilco rit Bates & Jotmeon's old itand, • • 175 Smilthneld Stitet,Flttsburgh: Per N. B.—This GUM CEMENT is nnequalled as a paint for ! Metal Roofs, lasting twice as long. and cheaper' than common' paint; also as a punt to preient dampness in lFtzlek•Wall4 dec34y, . WM. JOHNSON. f; A R B O N 0 L For Brilliancy and 'Economy,- SURPASSES ALL OTHERILLURIMATING OLLB now in market. It will burn in all .etylea of, coal oil bunps, ie per safe, and free from 'Manufactured and for sale by • . 14A0 .' ktOWN, • Frrreamtoir.• .. . S. WCORD. 41130 3111171:10 vie AIIC 411:10 • es. AIARTIFACTITEERS ; ARD • DEALERS IN:, ( -Hats, :seats:3;4a Straw Goofie, "WitOLESAIE' ;AND 'RETAIL, 131. .W'crod Pittsbnigh,' Halo ncni'On 'hand for Spring =lei, as largo and complete an assortment of pooda as can .ba,fonnd in any of the Eaftern citice, consisting of • . Fur, Silk, aiiil:ANT6ol Of every style and quality; allistOtevery quality and latest fashions; Palm Leaf, Straw,, Whom,. and •Panimut BATS;. Straw, and Silk BONNETS; 'ilitat4 'etc. Pinions wishing to purchime either luy 'Wholesale or Retail, will find it to their advaiihige to call and examine ourstock. • marliii-ly R. H. HARTLEY FL CO., . Jam, • • N ;86 WOOD FTRiBT, Cornir 'Diamond '..41/ey, nit:burgh, . . NANIIFACTUA} RS OF Siddies;::::Karness, and Tr,unks, LL&TBER HOSE, AND i.. . R) U ftO . • • • : • •-' I B •. • rarl'iltirli . .FAlß *• • • 411131 - 31111 AL le , 411 E -1 111C1111010.:, .FOl4. THE'BEST. I . •.; ST-OVES .A.ND .RANGES, Ibr Fantails, and BEST 'WOO'S" COOK STOW., . Kir N0:145 LIBERTY STREET, at the head of Wood, Pitt4burghi re., febL%ly rior " P 46 ; N ARM §eventexrn 1 . • NEW:. AND " SECOND-HAND,: - PIANOS ; FOR SALE. . . Winhiing to reduce my stock of 4entingllanos, I will sell the follonihg desirable lot of '. , few end Send-liantl planes now in store and ready for s examinatiori and 'sale Ist 'the extremely low prices annexed to them, and those who du purcbasesmay be Assured thietmeli an opportunity is sel dom offered:- On those marked for Cos, tm discount will be Those for Salo un credit,. Three Moistist only will . be (01.6; end nide be settled fur by Imre; Piyible iri'•tbe city, or et , dtiedunt of three per cebb , feCalekroTh o fouawint . . • t ßokiewood• Seven Octaves Pianos? ON A CREDIT OF ° THREE MONTHS. • A iie4v and elegset 7 octave Rbeeireed Lo Pismo ' • with all the • letest :improvements, •nuule. nitpresely• for'.• subscriber, and will be warranted. Theleatorr prleo , of this style is 1500 ; for sale at.. ..... ' Another of the'sarae 'style, and price..:4l'.... ............ ... . .)..* 385 Amither from the same smelter. an elbgantlroieir . ood . • .oam; manufacturers' price $875; for ' ' 280 An elegant Rosewood 7 octave Piano, made by Itmcriens, oston; in perfect. order, And in use lest then one Sear ; R • the price when new wee $:360 24 0 A.,richly•carved 7 octave. new and large.ecale Rosewo e d Piano made: by A. it. Oale the New. .Yoll& *rice of which one ' year ago was 8450 ' ' • • '3jo Two elegant Reerse'rood' 7'octave` Pianos, 'mulled; • • Sags ;',scale from A to A; 'made by Gale &, • No*: • .• eyed by good Judges ea among the first .of MmiB(ry York makers, at the low price , One rehno style; 6Koctaves.....» • • • One elegant Rosewood Chickening a.Son's culage„ old . • , Jade; in use not more than six months, the tigniKpriiin • - of which is $376 . : cm • t:. r. 7 1 .7L....:77 THE FOLLOWING ARR-F.ORTVAIMAIIIIN A Mahogany, double•round corners, 6 octave', made by . A. : •:• • Chickering a Sons $260 ....)Xceeyr p 9d, 0 octave, by Willitinisin • 150 A:Mahogariy; 6 octaiks, Wilklne & N... • ' • 135 AiMahOgany,*B octave; by'ehickering & Staararg.;::...“.:.•: 60 Ai Mahogany, . 6 octave v by A Mahogany 0 octave, Lend& 1. 60 A Rdsewtaid, fl'oetave, Chlekering.: lt . . 150 osewocid, 6 octave; . . . /01 -! Padodnig J will be linxiddied i: and Pl!clukds.Mo 9 1 0 111 4er to - 16 01:1 got 4 • • • • • qogN, H. ‘ 3l -ELICOL r 81 Wood litholt. MM===-z:=z= w . E. *ff.'..4.3lAN '• Double' Thread FAMILY SEWING MACHINE. These unrivalled Mechlin* will hereafter be sold at the following prices: Small Machines'(plain)... $35.00 Large 4001 " in.quarter case' 45.00 " " in half case ' 50.00 " " in full ............. 65.00 We claim for this Machine iloPerlorify"over any other Ma 'chine ever made, for the following:reasons: • lit. Both the per and under threlide are used directly from the original spool, thus doing away with the trouble of re-wiriding,,against which so many complaints are made. 2d. It worked backwards; as well as forwards, with the same facility, can be started with the foot alone, and is aluisys right. , 3d. It uses,* perpendicular needle-bar, and straight needle, .and ,weer &Salm needier. - 4th' so simple that it can be very easily learned and operated, by a child twelve years of age. bth. It is almost noiseless. By the cOrisbination of these features, so important in a Sewing Machine, we are , enabled• to offer to the public a Machine Vrhich,suits the understanding as well as the puree of all. Every Machine is fully warranted. Toole and fell printed directions accompany each Machine. AgentsVanted in every town throughout thecountry, upon profitable terms; and no possibility of lees. Send for Circular of terms to Agents: - W.- NORTIIROP, General Agent, No. 60 Market Street, (np stairs,) Pittsbargh, Pa. CZ= 'SAVE THEhf BEFORE - IT • IS 1400 LATE, C- SILL ban removed to • :No: 246 Pena•.'Stiee' in the bonze formerly occupied by. G.: IL Keyser, opposite airist,chtireh. , lie pill give all the modern improvements. Teeth inserted at Various prices, FROM $l4 TO $B2 PER . SET. . ' REFERENCES.: . Iloweiti Rev. Sament ltsrotxr, A.. 'BRAxnair," ', .J.W. KOPKO'S ‘. . • _Dr. Gnomic Kr.rann, W. Nisactc, Salient. 111'Kei.. ; mart-1-ly ENETIAN BLINDS , '5 tC Manufacturers Atilt .Wholesale and Setalt Deafen, No. 32 NORTLI Seto 29 above Market, Philadelphia. The largest, cheapest, : and best assortment of Elam and BLIXDS of any other exiabliShineritin the 'United States. Aar. REPAIRING promptlY attended to. Give ns a call and satisfy yourselves. : febB-ly ERCHAATTSv HOTEL, 46 - North - Fourth Street, PHILADELPHIA: C. WILIIMEN & SON, Pioprietors. I:=31 OIL AND LEATHER STO HE. DAKTIMPATRICK k SONS, N 0.21. S. "Dunn Sr., between Market and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, have for sale Dry and Salted Spanish Thy and oveen Salted Patna Kips, Tai ner's Oil: Tanner's and Currier's Tools at the lowest prices; and upon the best terms. Arr. All kinds of Leather in the rough wanted, for which the higheitraniket price Will be given In cash, or taken in eichange for Irides. Leather itored free of charge. and sold on commission. . ' janW-13r pitTSBLIRGH - 1101 7 " 41C At- 41 A MST-CLASS CURE, ',nips sisal year.. Room for °yen one hundred patients. •Alrev''Sind fat Churdar, to - • FREASE, M. D., Pittsburgh; Pa. my 51y spror.No . .AND sum DEE n GOODS • - SMITH; Mordant Tailor No, 84 Wylie. Sire - et, Pittsburgh, ReSpeetfnlly inviteepublic attention to hienew and extensive assortment of Fashionable SPRING,'ANDSUMMER GOODS,: embracing all the new, and desirable , styles for gentlemenn wear, which' willbe` Made' tn °Her in. the very bestmanntr, at reasonable prices:: - marll-13" W HAV EN - Book and Job' Printer; STATIONER, STEREOTYPER, BLANK ROOK MARV YAMMER,. and Dealer, in AMERMAN AND YOREDIN PAPERS, .Corner ,of Market and Second, and Wood and. Third Streeta, Pittsburgh, Pa. Particiaer att. ention paid to printing Catalogues for Colleges and Seminaries, Programmes, Diplomas, and School Reports. mardl-ly - ' ' -I?ft g0p;44§41): ir HOODLUMS if 00 RED C 14.43, IekANDARD IREMEDIES • • *ow orsseiit ems, hair!! rraiiiir4 Atteir . :great Pop t 7 rnily tbrongh yearn of trial. lintinniled mittalbaka random). by them in elf awe% • -BOOPLAND'S . GERMAN - BITTERS', Idvar Conaadnt, Illyinperda,Zaundiaa Narvixerlair. • way. Xemeseee of tbe Mate o% r ! . and all•dleaseas arising from a dtandend liver cam*. • nomk of the Atomachanclftti4i*tr.ltglie,pf , JED WILL 1011511 . 11M2, MUMS-.:: : ,!; Mint RVElti SUMS fl Vl3, All UMW! Ar ~ Eati our 'Almanac for proof: '= Pima Cadtpaellialtia: Hoofland's lkdsande Cordial 'WILL acamvxcr orrax, Ckagibs, Colds, or Roarieroas, LOOM. Croup, Pneumuniii4lotaidralt sad has partmaed the moat atikadithingaaindiiiiparidianra of ,' • comtrunurp contammentiri4 As a iliarrlioaa Cordial it is lifixtroorets HOOFLANDI .GERMAN ,PILL, being well known throughout Europe and Anemic% needs no commendation beta. They are purely getable, are prepared with great exactness, and aro nagar-eoatad. No better Cathartic Pill can be found. Palcs , 25 eta. per box. These medicines are prepared ±4:d. at. Jumecer & CO, Pbibidelplifs, 14‘.., and Bt. Ueda, so; 'arid aie mid by dreggida and dealers in medicinm rierywileia." The sig. nature et C. DE. Jacixiker will be on the cratacble 'of each "iikaW~AlwWww"nntilabelazdaianYi7ala will and tesstinwaY and commemdMory notices from alt puts of the anuitry. . Thew Alseame are FOcon away by angli-ay . • •• .DR. MtANE'S .Cf:U:BRATED LIVER PILLS, FOR 711 OVU OP Hepititis or Liver cfp*piaiiit,, DYSPEPSIA AND SIC-11C.14ADACII8 Symptoms of a Diseased Liver. TOUN"in . the,tight side; under the edge of th l l is - Whiereatte attitiessnre sometimes thi;pa , the - patient is rar#4 to ihe left side . ; - soreetimes Ala:pain. is •felt , tsisder the shoulder blade, and it En:Tinsel , extends to the top of the slioddeir,' lid' Sometimes - mistaken for a the arra. The' stomach is %Weak * with, loss of, appttip:sxtd sickness, the iiirWels in general arc estititere, sometimes alternative with theq.heid is troubled . accomikisded with a dull, heavy 'won in the. f iiiiiktart. 'There is gene koolUndentitle loss of memory, accom tillyed.,,,, ,:lidilt:ciii‘s4ll sensation of having left Sindozie,stinitthing which ought' to have. ibeinif slight, dry cough is .some .4ditiee int.atinsdarit The patiene 'complains : oriv.ition** . deb4ity; . he ii east ' iy;t ed, :;hit';* bornini, 16 4 16 com plainmi of.prickly sensation , the skin ; bit *rift awe low,; , and although le is satis ,fiedt,that exercise , wmild be beneficial to him, yet ean scarcely summon up fortitude . 141,1* to try it. In'faet, he distrusts every rstioudy. .§evcral Of; the s§Ove 'symptoms aitend:the : disease, but cases ; hive occurred Nibs:re-few. of them. existed,. yet. 'a:lamination of" - t ` *Weil; dadr, has shown- the urns' to' lisive inn` &lira** .deranged. 'AGUE":AI4II:: FEVER. DR. M'LANt's LLm Pads,- lir CASES COT Aetna ma) Frvea,,,,,tctt taken with Quinine, art p . lo4lic l u Are pt the most happy, results. No I )etterC i tised; preparatory to, 4iitg,g_uinine: We , would a d v ise ?-alitaliO are afflicted with this diwou t to give *WI AIAPt ?MAL.' Addre3a-all •orders -to FLEMINO PriiittUßCH, PA. ,Dea.u n and.Physinians, ordering from other, thee neoldd r ßidi4 will db to write their orders distinctly, Oink, mons best, Dr,.l.llTtianes, prepared by .Ftewiaig AlgltPittsbzrrgh, AL . Tol those wishing to give them a ZwiMill forward' per iandl. Poe, te. allY Pert of lan said States; one box of PUls footwelve three-osot *Me! stamps, or one, nisi of Vermithge for fourteen • stamps. All orders from Canada must be ac •;': by twenty 'cents extra. iiil4;by,:alLzimictertebte 'Druggists, tknd Country Store Kasper venerelly. MEDICAL 6n,mA..r MEM