Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, May 26, 1860, Image 3
He contended that the Ruling Elder was as. Divinely appointed as the Teaching Elder. ~ Ite in iclittrolied no, denomination. One class of elders was every denoininationoslairnipr to be Evangelical. To understand the stitijebt,' C must look at the constitution of the Beattie., The hour of closing having arrived ,the „, adjourned." Closed.with prayer by Dr. Adger. THIRD DAY. Saturday Morning, May 1910,Clutk. Assembly met. First half hour spent in de votional exercises. The minutes Of yesterday were read and approved. By permission, Dr. Therntvell presented the Revised Bobk of Discipline,'its prepared by the Committee ' which is substeAtially the same as that of last year. The Narratives on the State of Religion / re ports on Systematic Benevolence, Synodical re cords, and reports,fromlthe.Theological Semina ries, were presented.. Rev. Mr. Irwin .presented a memorial from the Presbytery;of 'Highland, Kansas, calling the itt-, tendon of the'Aiiiiiititbly to the necessity for send ing ministers to Pike's Peak, and the gold region in that vicinity: - Rthel'iliittethe Committee on the Annuarße port of the Board of Missions. The nutinished business was taken up. Dr. The n ririfell reinuned his remarks. Ms great ob- jection to Boardi was, that. the Boards were organizations, and not organs. They were as com plete in their parts, as any Presbytery , or Synod. They had heads, hands, feet, and all the mem bers of a separate, distinct, and independent bedy. The Assembly had no more control over them than over any Presbytery or Synod, Con sequently they were to all intents and' purposes, not consistent with Presbyterianism. Our objec tion to Independency was, that it was necessary for it to go outside of itself to form organizations for evangelical effort. By our Boards we did the same thing,' and took up the cast-off rags of .Con gregationalism ; thus tenouncing our birthright,: By our Boards as now constituted, we really said that the Church could not do itscown work.' • The actual relation of the Boards was a vicar; they were in place of the Church. He admitted that the Boards were representatives of the Church; hut denied the right to appoint such representatives. The American Congress, could not appoint representatives to do its works; it was its business to legislate. So it is the busi ness of the General Assembly to do the work of the Church, which it represents, and not to dele gate its own duties to 'others. He defied those on the other side to point to a single principle in the - Word of God that justified them in delegating , their duties to others. The Puritans took the ground that the absence of a grant to do a thing, was a negative; and on this ground they left the church that acted on the opposite principle. This was the principle on which the Scottish Reformers aoted, The effect of such a systen as , that on which the Board of Domestic Missions was constituted, was to incoporate within the bosom of the Church, a Missionary Society, to warm and keep alive the Chtireh ; thus destroy; ing the idea of the essential missionary character of the Churoh ; but in debate he had never spoken an unkind word. His whole soulrevolted against a Life membership in any Society, bought for gold. To say that the Boards represented the Church, was idle, when men were allowed to purchase a right to deliberate in those Boards, becanse. of money Paid to give them that right. He looked for the time• when alll such buyerrand sellers would be driVen dut with a whip of small cords; and when the Church would do its own work. The egg of the serpent is harmless, but it eontains the serpent'; these Boards may be harmless now, but they contain a principle fraught with' 'mis chief in the' day of trial. While we stand by principle, Christ is with us ;• but when we desert , Scriptural principles we desert him. The first. principle .he would propose is, that the Church is the representative of Christ, for all his purposes toward salvation on earth. To ful fill these is our duty; we .can no more's-et by de puty in the performance of the duties •Of the Church, than we can pray by deputy. The second is, that the duties of the Church are ministerial—that is, tette her Master's will; as he has declared to it. This will she cannot change. The Church wanted unity, simplicity, and. completeness, . this- could- be -most, effec tually accomplished by a corathittee.: ,Nomeoes sity far a Marl 4 The third is, that the Clinrohlit to be its own agency, having the committees for its arm, and not sometittogytakked and bitekled on with leather,,and thongUike the Boards. Systematic benevolence is a part of _worship, and Re, distribu tion lett - part of God's service, which the ()bleb should perform iti:ftaelf. Develop° this princi ple, and there will be no starving' missionaries, or ,plaees unsupplied with the Gospel, The Church will arise and shine, instruct, convekt, and 'save the world. The committee hits' been tried. At Naihrille, some' of the most distinguish ed men in the Church, had advocated a.Board of Church Extension, but the idea of 'a committee, though feebly advocated, had prevailed-, The Boarddhatt done as well as they could:do, as now constituted, but in their separated state from the Church, their - efforts had been in a great; measure paralyzed. The claims of the world, and the ability of this Church required vastly More to he done. He- was ashamed, when be -considered how little we' had done. Our Church had only beguif tb eavalte- , te , do well 'and . He felt.hie-responsibility ; he differed from,breth ren he loved; but differed conscientiously. lie would havens meet , this queetionns one, d=uty, and , in love4tend harmony Heagreed witkadre mark made by tze Professor of the North-western Seminary; that 'if .the Millennium ' should.; now come, thaw P-resbyteriatt , Churoh would have to undergo no ~ohange in its principles. 'He im plored God's blessing on this discussion. Dr. lladgb 'Said -that his often thoUght that if DritTliornwell was right, our Church watadunda mentally wrong; now he did not think so. The only difference, according to the speech just de llvered,7was thatAbetween the constitutionof the Committee of Ohureh Extension and 'the consti tution, of the Board• of Domestic Missions. Dr. Staithiesterday, had given a history of the ori gin of the Boards,drawn largely from his imag ination weneecld one from memory and docu ments. The . Beards had pot been established by New-England Alai AB a matter of expediency J. 1. ,laneway,, Archibald 'Alexander, Wm. Engles, George Dunkin, Baxter, and others, were not Now England: men; , actingupon the, principle of expediency. Our Church has•always recognized its -missionary 'character from the beginning it had its committees on !Nlissions. -Our Boards had been constructed that the Church might do its work, , Vim:dory Societies were, outside of the Church i'ousitoards,Were inside ;ifthe:Church, and were opposed by the advocates of the Volun tary Societies, on the same • principles as those advocated by Drs. Thornwell and' Smith. Those objeetionswfirst came -from-Congregationalists.; now frmilyperi.Preebyteriane. : • Then th 4 caShe frcifolheinestAtrenie , ideas of distriblition; l MAr from the most extreme ,centralization. He did not know whether he actually understood this new thenry,„ bur trould • endeavor, -to , stottei it. It wits' tied' Yeiteirday aft'ernotin that - we 'cauld no more change the form of the Church in any pachlatiliii.tliarriii can ehaftgesloctrine. .2aL was said that the Church could not delegate its power. Bd. That to de' his was to bind the Church With gieenavithei..t:A9PctrAitiEtchis (pr. Hodges',) ideas of the Church, the Church had altsy_s diseretion AB : to thepodp!Ond tnethocls of cawing out, the, principles Inculcated hy.:Olibilt. Ha i , yielded to no Mill in admiration' f our Pres byterian polity: IA it th eSe wei c e ibiee I.lhe,parity of the miiiistryi2.,'Tlie eUbstati tivofrfght and power! of the people ; 3- Church Coufittt • , „ pi.,.Thortiwell"s idea was not that of the. Re- forineFsor the founders of Presbyterianism in this co, 'could - find our siSten6if gtrA , littrent in n all'its details in ' Scripture. ' diEniipiiiirlinis , 'any one could say - that our FtWm of thetrehlGovertatient, in all it,details, was laid dowtr,aei cleatly; ars our faith and hopes. ( This watiAohindyptcps a ; heavier burden than thnt borne by, the Jews. It 'was, riaricriptUral.. ,The Apostolic °lnt ohes wet etipt.all organized in the same Way: ', The the'ciry Was Arapracticablei' it could never betipplied in ouitrontier and &Ad ult° settlements. , 'Ask. 'the.. - venerable:, Walter Lowrie , how the theory; would,,werk: in , latatthen lands. The missionary must havo„ some ,It is contrary to conscience- He Would not have any thing imposed ,en'his - - coitscitinee that `did not come from God's v'oi'cerPresby terians would not submit to its. Thee theory. that youcannot delegate your power, 'prevented- us frem:ap,pointing any one to places in College,s, Theological,Seminaries, &c. We couicl net, get ahmg wtthelitthis right. ' Dr. Thornwell's theory killedihti - ComMittee as well its the Board. Drs. Thernifell'and Smith were in "Seminaries 'outside of the' ASSentbly;.: having delegated powers. The Boards havit thine well; they Are according to Christ's will vat:wording to the opinion of ranc tenths of our people. Adjourned' '4lll "CAlonday; morning, •at nine o'clock. , Closed with prayer by Dr. Edgar; . PRESBYTERIAL►, gOTIGES. The X ZSBYTERY Or AILIONANY CITY stands ad- Joarned td meet in Shsrpsburg; on :the Second Tiesdak ,of June ) MO, at 11 o'clock A. M. ANNAN, , Stated Clerk: ECCLESIASTICAL. Rev. BRUGH'S Post;;Otace address is chanted from Meclinicstown, Ohio, to 'Frederickstown Knox County Ohio. Rev. Dr. J. L. YANTIS was installed pastor of the First church, Danville, gentueky, by a committee of =the Presb7ter,y :of sU;n Transylvania, on the sth O. .tiAttitt . : lteln — s..' - ;: - .. ii . :.' , '-' ,. ' , i 7, ..-, H.,.; • . •'; . !-', 'r -1 .;.- q Li.; ,f. ' ,,k. ' 1 ! Washington. Efforts at President-making: play sad" laire'c with the public business' of Congress. The Charleston, Baltimore, and chicago.Conventions, each made their drafts on Congressional mem bers, and party courtesy Siould allow no public business to be done, in the• absence of opponents. And there is another Convention, still in the fu- tore. Baltimore is to be scene of a stern con flict for the Democratic nomination, when the North and ,the South, of the same political bro therhood, Are to meet, perhaps to bury the hatch et for a season, perhaps to fight and dissolve the party bonds. Still, there has been a little business dope at Washington. The Post Office appropriation, 518,000,000, has been made, and the Department been instructed to restore suspended routes. Hon. John A. Dix. has been appointed Post master at New York. This is regarded as one of the,best selections. The slaver Wild Fire, with five hundred and seven negroes, ~which waweatptured by Capt. Craigen, of the Mohawk, on the 26th of April, was taken to Key West, Florida, on the 30th of April, and delivered to the custody of the Uni ted States Marshal of the Southern District of Florida. Also the bark Wen. Tate; of New-York, has been taken into Key-West, with , five hundred and fifty negroes on board, having been, cap tired by the United States 'ship Wyandotte, off the Isle of Pines. The sustenance and transpor tation back to Africa of these captives 'will be an item of expense. But it is a matter of duty. Our Government deserves the severest, `cenauxes for its connivance at the slave trade. Nearly all the vessels engaged in the iniquiteus traffic ,are fitted out in the United StateS, and sail undtir our flag. Most of them go .from ,New-York. The thing is well known, but Government is very blind when a slaver is pointed out. The receptions of the ;Japanese Etubassy, at the President's house, in Congress, and at the Levee of General Cass, were grand affairs in the way of splendor, etiquette, adulation, &c. A number of our physicians have called upon. the Medical portion of the Bmbassy, and conferred on the state of medical science in the respactive countries. The , Embassy has accepted invitaL , tions to a public entertainment in Philadelphia, and also in. New York. Republican Convention The Republicans held their Convention for the notniaation of President and Vice President, of the United States, on Wednesday Thursday, and Friday of last week, at Chicago. The gathering of the people was immense. The Wigwam, a temporary erection, was filled, hold ing 'ten ihousand people. The number outside was estimated at twenty:' thousand.: Immense demonstrations of enthusiasm might be justly expected. A platform of some seventeen planks was adapted, with entire unanimity. The Main features are, the union of the Slates, State rights, the non-extension of slavery, and the proteation of domestic'industry. ' Delegates''were present from' twenty-five, States. The:slave States repreeented were Del aware, Maryland, Virginia, Kentucky, Missouri; and Texas. There were three ballotings for President. The first. resulted. i" Seward,. 175 ; ,Linpoln, 102 ; Bates, 48;' Cameron, 50; McLean, 11; Chase, 49 ; , Wade, 8 ; Dayton, 14; Read, '1 ;' CoHamer, 10; Fremont, 1; Sumner, 1. This was under stood to express the find choice of the delegates. On the ,second ballot, Seward had 184 and Lincoln 181. On the third ballot, Seward had 110 and Lin coln 854. The nomination of Abraham Lincoln, of Illinois, was then made unanimous.. , For Vice President there were two ballotings. The first resulted: Ra'tolin, 194; Clay, 1014 ; Rickman, 58; Reeder, 51; Banks, 38i; Henry Winter Davis, 8 ; Honston, 6; Dayton, 3. On s theimiond ballot, faralin had 367'-votes; Clay, 86, and Hickman, 13. The nomination of Hannibal Hamlin, of Maine, was then made unanimous. Reports have it, thei Seward men, Bates' men, Chase men, and: all went in cordially for' the nominations. Mr.'Lincoln is a native of Sy., but, descend ed from rennsylvitnia Quakers. He was removed to Indiana in his boyhood, y . and to Illinois in earl, Manhood. He grew up in the common walks of life, tind'without any great opportimities of edu cation, but by native talent and much industry, le became one of the most eminent lawyers in his State. His official life has been four years in the State Legislature, and two years in Con gress. He is now in his fifty-second year. He is repres i ented as a man of stern integrity, up right in act and purpose, and unimpeachable in his moral character. Mr. Hamlin is about fifty years =of age. He has been Governor of his State, and ; , been, for, twelve years: its representative in tlie United States Senate. nis reputation end. important-Change. The Iron -City , College. has removed to the splendid halls in the new College - Building, cor ner of Penn and St. Clair Streets, opposite ,the St. ,Clair• Hotel... Prof. J. C. Smith* A. 1111,' for. the Past three years the principal teacher in the College; is 'now;associate Principal and ,proprie tor with F. W. Jenkins in the Institution, and IS:Tr. A. Cowley ;is engaged as, the.permanent teacher of .penmanship. The College now occu pies the `largest and best rooms in the city.-- Pittsburgh Evening Chronicle. - A Home Recommendation. It appears that our brethren of the quill in New-York go in strongly for the Steinway, Pianos. Gen. Cleo. P. Morris, editor and pre-. prietor of the Home Journal, has, within the last Week, presented his family. with 'one of, Stein way's square grand , six : hundred dollar Pianos, and..norace , Greeley, of the Pribtine, has • ; been using:bne of the same for a' considerable- period. The following letter from Rev: Dr. Van Detisen: to, Messrs. Kleber & Bros., has been handetita us ! ,, and is a strong recommendation: • " The Steinway 'Piano which' I purchased of you March, 1859, has notibeen so hing'-in its& that I feel no hesitation int saying that it has proved to bet .'you repreeented, , and' gives us the most unalloyed satisfaction. For volume, sweetness, and brilliancy of tone, I cannot-say that 'I have ever heard its superior, and I believe that it will become the most popular instrument iof the' day. A great number of Persons'have heard and have uniformly expressed the highest admiration of its merits. As it has been intro ,dueed into the West recently, if this testimonial will add to the, number of your patrons, since you are,agentslor the sale of these, instruments, you are at liberty to -make use Of it at, your pleasure. VAST DEUSEN, D. D.,, " Rector . of' St. Peter's Church." Ilittsburyk• May 5, 1860, Protection of American Watch-Raking We cannot conceive of a more effectual puzzle for the political economists of the protectionist school than for them to be set to explain the suc cess,ofp,the American Watch • Company. at , - Wal tham. The duty on watches is eight per cent., and on materials and parts of watches it is four per cent. i:ret, with only this amount of protec tion, and asking for no more, nor even caring for this, or taking it into the calculation, the projec tors of that .enterprise '.undertook to establish what has been regarded as one of the most del icate and difficult branches of manufacture, and one which was suiposed to depend upon the com bination of the cheapest labor with the most ex perienced skill. And the attempt" hai been so completely successfulis to command the market to the extent of the company's ability to produce at, satisfactory prices, driring out the descrip tions of foreign watches, which come in. compe tition with the American article. • The secret of this success is very simple. They went into the business as a trade, to work at.iefer their living, not' es:a seheine to enable certain wealthy capitalists, or their lazy eons, to make dividends on their•stocks,,to be spent in luxmious display or vice. Hence, all their arr rangements contemplated the strictest economy; every man working forwages and receiving •what he earned, without any , provision of honorafy salaries to .drones or non-producers. Moreover, instead of copying therotmd-about•and cumbrous methods"andjying themselves up in red tape to the exi , in'e ritutine of Euriiiie'an manufaCturee, „tiiv. PRESBYTERIAN BANNER. they set their wits to work to,find out the best and cheapest ways 9f doinethinls. By their ; success they have pointed out the road for Amer ctinenteithiie to follow, in one branch after ant. other, as fast as the gen his'and skill and resourcesi of the 'countu shall render manufacturing en terprise practically desirable. , The original ideas which have led to this suc cess were; first,, the making of all the parts of a. watch to a pattern, so that any piece will fit any : watch of the same description ; and, second, the employment of machinery, contrived for the pur pose .and driven 'by steam -power, in fashioning the various parts of a watch, which n turoPean nia,nufaCtories are wrought "out with great. labor and care by hand-work. A visit to the works, charmingly situated on the banks of ,the Charles river, near Waltham, will impress any intelligent observer with the value of these two simple ideas. All the parts of the fine meabanisMOhieh go to mhke up a well-jewelled watch are ihere . formed and finished to their pattern, and tried by meas urements'so exact as not to virY the twenty-five hundredth part of an inch. The most ingenious machines are employed in shaping each individ ual 'piece, every , wheel and pinion, the jewel pivots and sockets, with stiel . pins arid 'scieWa, so minute that a:hundred thousand of them will not weigh a pound. This maphinery is all orig-,. final,- contrived and fabricated ori the spot, and so perfectlr'regnlated' that an "apprenticeship of,, a few weeks only is required to make the artisan, male or, female, fully. competent for the work. Such is the result of having men set about their own, business; 'and :setting.tlieir wits 'all Win earnest. . What do they care about a protective tariff? They chi riot even seek the protection of patent. rights for their most irigeniotts - machinery,. but rely upon the advantages of possession, andsuc bess to keep theta in advance ef , any competitors at home. The only competition they fear is that of - their-own countrymen, as. Yankee,wit is not subject to any monopoly; and this they expect to meet, whenev'et 'they must encounter it, as "Greek , mdets Greek," _the belt - way they , cam —N. Y. Evening *Pelt. • * [LDVAIIIINSWENT.] I Great Bleasing to the: , Afflicted, The number and, formidable character of dis 7 eases of the Liver have long challenged , thn at- ! tention of medical men. Son3e of these diseases, classed under the general term of Consumption, have been' sdpposed incurable', and the:unhappy patient allowed,to.die, withoutmedice,l science to , offerliim a hope of recovery: 'Happily this can no longer, be, the case. A remedy, has, been found which will cure all ,complaints, of What-. ever character, arising from derangeinOt of 'the Liver. The Pills discovered by Dr. 14PLane, pre pared solely byZleming BroS.,,Pittsburgh,:Pa., act directly on , the Liver; and by correcting its operation and from disease, cut off and 'extirpate the' complaints which hive their origin in the diseases of this organ. Remedies hitherto proposed for liver complaints, have fail ed to operate' upon the seat of the disease; but Dr. M'Lane's Pills make themselves felt upon the action of the Liver; and by cleansing the foun tain, dry up the impure streams of disease which thence derive their, existence. Purchasers be careful to ask• for Al" Lane's Celebrated Liver . .Pills t. panufactiired by hleming Bros., of Pittobur#, There., are othei . PUrporting to lie tiver'Pills;- no;r• be fore the, public. Dr. rlarte's genuine Liver Pills, also his. Celebrated Vermifuge, can now be had - at all respectable chug stores. None genuine without the signature of . [4l]• FLEMING BROS. *reign gthls. News from`Eurnpe is received to the 10th hist GREAT BRITAIN Political affairs are dull. Some A regard it as the calm before a storm ,;, but'the indicatiOns are peaceful. The *Reform Bill was 'moving slowly in 'Parliament. The Greot.Britain had arrived from Atistralie, with Ll9OOO in t gold' '' • ' , The. Great Eastern sails from Southampton on the 9th of. June for. New-York. The weather continues favorable for the grow ing crops.. In reply to the proposals of France, England consents to adopt as a basis of 'the Conference, Article 92 of : act, of Vienna, which re:-' fers to the neutralization of Chamblais and Frau cigny. , England reservettthe right to make pro posals at the Conference relatiie to the Mode of neutralization. This declaration increases the probabilities of the assembling' of the Confer enCe. IRELAND Whilst it is undoubted that many of the poor Roman Catholics. of "Ireland have given` freel - y-lo' the Papal,tribnte, still it seems that.the exertion's of collectors have not been' free froin-tyranny and intimidation. One collector stationed himself at the door of 'a chapel,• demanded " something for the Pope " - from all who entered, and refused admission to' poor old women and men whp declared they had nothing to give. In another case, a tradesman who refused,to conr: tribute was told that his name would be called - at mass as a defaulter=the consequence of which, to a niailin his positien,:Would - be Most". actions. Emigration goes on with - renewed vigor. Un der, the new arrangement, estates are being en= larged. This excludes many ,tenants who were on small farms, and they. leave the country. The attractions for the Irish toward America also increase daily. Parts of families are here, and they draw on what were left behind. . MM the vine growers say they have not, sustained any damage from the frosts, and that there- is a Prospect of an abundant vintage. ' It is said, that. th'e :Emperor's ideparfUre for Niceris postponed until the- treaty between Sar dinia and. France shall be-ratified by, the. Pied iciontese Parliament., Defensive - works on an'eitensive scale•are still• • carried, on with great saatiiity, on the coast, of Brittini and Normandy. ' Official returns show ..that the number, of sea men inscribed" - in the , Maritime` inscription is sixty-eight 'thousand.. • ' • • ' • A Paris correspondent of the Independence' Beige writes :—" The Imperial Government and ; that of Victor Emmanuel are by no means agreed .upon e several questions connected 'with the :an nexation .of. Savoy .and Nice. For instance, Piedmont demands the destruction of the for tresses of Mount Cenis, which will now fall into the possession• elf• France, and ,might,i in' her hands, become dangerous, to Piedmont.. The French GovernMent; on the other.hand, contends thaitheiejortresses, having, been erected, n, spirit of hostility to France, her, expense,, it is only, just that they should ,nciv i i remain in her power. Sindlar linveariSen with regard to the faro& iifNintiinigliti,•" on the extreme frontier of the county of. Nice. These ; points are still under discussion, and Count Cavour's principal argument against giving' way •is that every concession ,willfbe in' arm in .the .hands of the party in, the Sardinian Parliament which is opposed to the annexation.". ADRN ' April 18.--By advices just received from that quarter, I undertand that a French steam transport, laden with . the requisites kir forming a new settlement, had reached La Re union, and a steam frigate was .expected to join her in a few days. The destination of these two 'vessels is avowed ,to be Adoolis on the coast of Abyseiiiia," ' though there can belittle doubt that, the island of Dissee will'be the first pphit,iii the Red Sea occupied by our allies. The Herald's Paris correspondent says that the camp at Chalons umber forty thousand under McMahon, and will be the centre of the army of 'observation 'along the Rhine frontier, ‘ the whole force numbering ninety thousand 'men; , under the command of, the Emperor. Latest advices - frommitily state that the French garrison;would remain, at Rome, and prebably be reinforced. SARDINIA TURIN, May 7.--The result of the elections• which' are known up to the present time, shoWs a considerable, majority in faiof of the Ministry. General Garibaldi has obtained only thirty-five votes at Turin, and `Signor Lanrenti only four teen. PRUSSIA The Pitissiayt Finance Misditer dinies'any 'fiance with Austria,. dispateh.from•Berlin,says that the Chamber of POnttiii tinanitnously granted snpplies for plaCing the array upon a war footmg. . ‘: .• SICILY.. A Turin dispatch is says that the insurrection . , spreading throughout the, Island of Sicily, and is spontaneous.; The royal troops are in posses ion of the toWns, and are blockaded between the sea and-the insurrectionists in the . interior. Naples adviees of the 4th inst., report tran quility throughout Sieily, while other dispatches RUSSIA AND TURKEY From Turin, rumors were current that the re lations of RUSSia and TurkeY were again assum ing a bad aspect, and•that Prussia and Denmark are on the eve'of 'a rupture with ,Holstein ; , but they were thought to bermanufactUr4l:for specm. lative purptisldai., 4M11: SPAIN Count,' Montenelign and publicly annothi4ed their. c thione. ; . • . ...' ' INDIA AND C. MARSEILLES, May 3.—lt i 8 authority of letters received f 11th ult., that orders had bee: and. Madras to suspend. the •dh China; hepas being entertain arrarigiunent of the pending Khan Beth'adoor had been 1 The disturbances among appeared to be subsiding. TRIESTE May 3.—Advice nqple to the 28th ult., report offered‘the Porte forty million land of Cyprus. • . r 1 'The Gazette' of St. Peters yirhaitjririt :pub-. liahed the treaty of commere aolohided- on: the 19th of August,.. 1,858, with' . .pani,:which. eon pletes the treaties concluded ‘ 180 'and 1857, at Simoda and Nagithaki. .new'lreety 'con"! tains ietipUlation that ' a •Ja anise ambassador ' shill reside at'St.,Patersbrirg arid i Itussian one 1 at Jeddo. . The latter is to 11 ye -full liberty of • visiting , all parts of the co try i , end Russian . consuls are to be appointed i ttll pairportis open, to eoniriierCe.;', - Ittiaintinti ire . loir`tid'to'reeide'Et leddo . and Osaka for trading triipoiies-only. _ .. ... .... , RUSSIAN AND FiENCH AIL' iti , --rittran Bud- berg, the Russian ambassido at Berlin left, that city for. Paris in- such., haste at -he , .vas cora pelle,d-tolco,untermand,the a Ye:twiny . fete of his, sovereign, and the conclusic i n drewp ie , that .tho Mission with which he Is eh lied - by :the Eisi perch , Alexander, must `boo a delicate' ands' pressing'nature: The belie of the . Berlin icor respondent of the. Ifforning Berard seems to:be, that Baron Budberg will sh rtly be called on. to T succeed Prince Gortschti c ff ,as Miniiter of ' li i oreige . Affairs in Russia, rid that 'his mission to Parie'has reference tn a. ranch alliance for a joint action in thb'East.. ..T e Prince- Regent of Prussii, it is said, •has I at all hope of, an alliance with Russia. He rceives that the lat teriPower is deveted to the olicy of the court of France, and he therefore r .. ognixes the absolute nichesity of Prussic prepa "eherself; 'in ca's'e of war with France, 'to confidb , alone - in her 'own national force, ',combined .irj,th that. of ,the Ger-' - man. Confederation. The:giro/de correspondent , remarks:. , _ • ' ,• • The Prussian Governindort is now convinced' that the intimacy which ha's 'subsisted for the last three months between Russia' and France beComes every day more .close, to such:' a point that the two Emperors are now completely in,ac cerd as to the policy which thef have decided to pursue in EuroPe and - the Bait; where , great events will necessarily be aiccoreplished at a time hfready agreed upon. ' There' IS even 'some reason for believing that Russia, usually, se Considerate and prudent, exhibits . even now ,some impatience to precipitate matters. Under - wlinteier pretext these-events may take place, it is understood that she ' will endeavor,' in common' accord with France, to derive. for 'herself the great est benefits; to. the disadvantage of the. Ottoman' Porte. and the other, European powers..„ . efowtrrial. Pittsburgh' ASBES—SOda (44,4 e. Ash .3•3(431/c.;Tots,. dV,; • Pearl's; 5 , /,,®SM. The stock in find fiends is amplo,for all ordin'ary • purposes. • . BACON—Shoulders, 7X(diBc.; 9 1 ,11afiXe.; 'Plain Hams, 10%®10 Su Sugar Cured do., 1'4 , /,(4144c.,11 'BULK ItIEAT--B@6Y, t c. • for Shoulders,' 7@7'%c. for Skied,' Bc. for Home. DEANS—SmaII White, 75®040c., and York State, Ofic®LOO BDTFER--Clood Roll, 12344 , 113c.;* lb.: common, 1.0; 1 4014 4 BROOMS-Common,9 niu').so; fancy. 2.75a3.26. , CUE ESE—'-New Watenr Reserve, 0%®10c.; llcuriburg,o 12a12%c. it lb. . COM MEAL-From first hands, 60a62c.; frOm DRIED • FliIIlT—APPles, $1M(411.62; Peaches, $4.25(44.50, EGGS—Fresh packed, 0 1 / 04)10c. 11 doz. • • • FEATHERS—Prime 'Western, 43050 c. * lb. , CANDLES' AND :SOAPCandies; dipped. 12 1 ,46„ mould, 13c, and adamantine. 18a19c.* lb. Soap: sc. common, 64c. for Palm, and 100. for Sawycr's Toilet and Castile:. 5a3%c. for Sawyer's Chemical Olive, and 7c. for German. • • • FISII—No: 3 Mackeral, 12.60a13.00'111 bbli, and half: bbla., 6.50; medium Mackerel . 8.60; half bbls. do., 4.26a4.541. Lake White; 10.50* bbl.; golf 6.50.' Lnke Triiit;) 8.50 Vis bbl. FLOUR---Super., $5.40®5.60; - Extra, $5.75. 5.60, 6.966 6.00; • Extra Family, so.l.oii 0.26€03.30; and :Fancy, • Ploy 6.60®6.76. • GRAIN—Corn, 55®60c. 62a6.3c. from Oats, 43(644c.. on . wharf Pod .45 0 47 - front store. Wheat:sl.2s(4lm for red, from'etore. Barley: tibiae. for Spring, and 70a73c. for Fall. Rye; 96c.061,130. ." ' • GROCERIES—Cate :. Good Ri0,,113,4®15c.. Sugar, WO 9c . . for filr to priine N. 0. Molasses, 48®500: for New Orleans. 11AY—514.00617.00 ton, at scales. • RIDES AND LEATHER-Green beef Itides,4l(4:6 l AC.; green salted hides, 7 1 AgiNc.; dry. flint, 76®16e: Rcmgh - country, leather is dull at 20427 c: DredWed leather ,is quoted es fOl-: lows: Red Spanish Sole alb., 21®25e. • Slaughter Solelk lb., 211029c4 tipper 7.eether. dozen, :V.313©38.; Bridle.beather ioLslo®4s; Skirting, Ln ether •p lb., 380 . 34: Harness, ER--$10.00(04.00 for common. and 20.00431.00 for clear? 186ingiee, 'an:Milling to finality.' / • , LARD:lo34@alc...ft lb for ice. f city in bids:, and 11 1 /A 11)5c,11 kegs; 'country, . , • • . 1 MESS PORK--Omintry, $16.00@16.50; city, 518.00(08.50. OIL—No. 1 Lard Oil, 88a90c.; Refined Coal Oil, 75a80c.;' Lisseto;o o : 6B c- , • • _ .• POTATOES—Neshannocks, 80a.55c. Reds; 35a40e. i Er.oogilo.. .0- • • - • . !!- . ALLEGHENY VA TTLE 'MARKET • ••• DEETESThe offerings during the.eek amounted t 01,319, bead, of which 587 were sold at priced ranging from 23 to lIEEP—The • offerings amounted to 2,602 bead, 417 of which were sold at 3.0 ca cwt. The remainder will go' Bast:. 110G13-2639 offered, of which 1,221 were sold,. - nt priers ranging from 4to 5e., grosi. The balance were sent East. P * ttial fthicts. ~6 ' ' 1 ' ' MRS. 'WINSLOW,' an . experienced Nurse' and Female' Physician; has Soothing Syrup for' children teething, which greatly facilitates the process of .teething, by softening the gums, reducing all InflamMitiOn-4ill allay all pain and regtilate the bowels. Depend upon it, mothers, it will give rest to yonmelveland relief and health to your in- hats. Perfectly safe in all mem. See advertieement. DYSPEPSIA. -One . peat. •predipposing COMM to this disease., ia tbaneglect. and irtegolnellir of- **Hon of the function of the dans& nod bewail., libeit these OM to regularly perform thisii'lluties, for l UnY 'length 'Of time; Dyspepsia in some of its forms is also: moat. sure to ;folk*. Brown's Lo.eatire Trothei or Cathartic Lozenges will: effectually aid Nature to restore these to I . t . healthy steilwit2 Physicians who know their ingredients freely, * recom them. 1t e ••• nebr._ I .• • . . , . Mai 10th, by lies'. G. W. Mechlin, Mr. Titomst. A. Mts . .= of .Waahington, Indiana County, Pa., to Mise Kass M BETA:V, of Counnahannock, Armstrong County, Pa., [United. resbyterian plefuse copy.] • • . . Thuriday;May, Si,' et the Skelton Place, .aboveFreepert, Pa., by Rev. D. Ilan, assisted by Rey. Mr. Gm*. Ur. Win unit Born , ,to Mies 111:1:CAH Meirsansien, all of, Armatrong County, Pa. Tuesday, May Bth, at the house of Mi:VOtaph Shields, New Middlesex, Pa., Mr. Joant Proms to Mies MART SHIELDS, both of:Armstrong County, Pa. . May.fith, by Rev: R. Tannehill; Mr. ROBERT ALOZCI tti m i es i 1.4112 .1. Timer; both of Monroe County. Ohio. t By: Rev. J.. 1. Fredericks, on the 3d ult., 'Mr.- °termitic SIMPLY to Mtn MARY J. VAN EMEN, all of Burgettetown, PM. At thoreeldence of the Inidt efather, near-Cenenebur4;.l4 Rev. Dr. Smith, Rer.S. G. IVFIRLA:NI). Mlselonary•to •Blam, to Mine Jya:in E. HATS, formerly of „Florence, Ala.. Dev. 4.11. Or! nee,at . the brido'i horne, vale, 0., on the ovening of the 9th inst., Mr: D. MOORS OE Mier. SARA rt Fours, all of M'Connellaville, 0. On the evening of the 9th inet.; Fliorxr to Biles Engtos 'DTAX&- DERV, of Deerfield; Morgan County, Obio. . ~ , May 17th, ti; Rev.' D. W.'Townsend, Mr. R. TlCtuilli of Westmoreland County, to Mice .I . .nacca ROSS, of Allphon County, Pa. . • ... 5' '...,; '.; ? ; /'.•. • :-_ r : JI, • April 2t3th. by. ROT. :J. AV.. Hamilton, Hr. , EDNA Pir is Miss Ames Onenr, , all of Charlestaint, May 10th, byßev. A eiraney, Rev: Jnnan:W..Esahnell*, of Charlestown, Ind, to Mies SARAH As:v CUADDOCK, of Came County, Ohio. . At Mt. Union, on Tamlay, the 15th Inst., .byltaj. G. W. Shalffer, Mr. JACOB G. COVERT, of. Springfield,. .t.c! Mist AMANDA J. BIIAVIVR, of the former place. . Obititarp. [AINOUCNNENTN °DAM ADDITIONAL RIDTANNA' YETI CANTS A, LINE, NINE WORD! ' DEING A Lrio:.]. DlED—April lat., alter a protracted and paitifal Mr. JOHN - NEWEL; a tneinber of the Prosbytedan.elirch of Bucyrtui, Ohio, in the 55th year of his age: - -..• , DIED—At his rosWnce, in Bristol Township,. Morgan Ohio, April 29th, Mr. WILLIAM ItOWLA.ND, aged 75 ,ran . . DIED—On the evening of April 2Pth, of malignant scarlet ;fi;ver, a lovely boy, GEORGE P. C., second eon. of Rollers Henderson, of Bristol Township, Morgan County, !Ala, iitiod ;about 9 years. _ ... . .. DIED.-015 the 16th inet, of dyipeptda; Dirs. - MARY. wAiti Hof Mr. David Duna?, of Florevo, ra., in the 66th year of her age— ` '" ..• DIED, , Near Greenville, Indiana County, Pa., of paraiyala,' Mr.JOHN MoFRATERS, an elder in Harmony •Presbyterian church, in his filet year. •DTSD—Near Washingtomilla, Montour County,. Pa., on. 'the Ilth ofbfarch, 1880, Mrs. HANNAH, wife of Mr. Richard! Matchin, aged 73 years, 2 mouths, and 4 days. • The deceased witnessed a good profession during a life az, , tended beyond the allotted boundary of our frill 'DeWitt..! 'Upwards of torty yeari did siiiilitithrully 'the doehriefe! of Christ our Savionr; no thnt, all who knew.hir declaim( Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no guile. pow, Christians here have led a more evenly exemplary life, and shown more clearly the Power of religion in every day &Mars, and in all the ordinary relations of life. She walOoved and' honored by . all.who knew her. She died as ' sheMved, . . perfect peace, in full confidence of her interest in Christ, and, of a better resurrection. Mark the perfect man, and behold, thio Upright, fir thb dnd if that um la *Li. • • ' ...... --..-- '",,' 19 , , .., ,• , ''''''. ,, ••••••••111111.181••••111•60•11110114:1 . , , - ...sor.•••••••o• ,•T'd,ilP.l•llo.r. ~...............••••••••1•110•11•14110•••4 : ••••••r• • . . •••', -•• ' --, • '' , - •••••••••••••..t. . .. . .. _........ ..... • . t t• • , • • DIED—On the 18th inet., or pulmonary consumptioN-Ilhe MILRIA DUIiOAN, .Floyence, Pa., in the 20th ypar,othrtif age. • , fiFeisando had to MI ED.-"February 2.5 th; 18130, Mrti. ELLEN. Fyi),ll4' Rankii, Esq., of Waellineen County, Pa, 10 tbe llOth'year Of her age. ,1 ; .•. , • •, hint Rankin wan one of the mothers 'Me was favored with plops parents, and her life was the hest evidenCe of the colleens education she received. At an early age she connected herself with the Presbyterian Church, through out life Bile gave evidence that her faith was genuine. Her end wsivpeacefuland happy. ;..,i eported* here, on om Bombay to the given in Bombay etch of troops, to d of an amicable ffieulties.l' ; DIED-March 23d, 1866, Biles MARTMARIMALt, in'the 09th year of her age; • In the lois of Miss Marshall, the Christian Church has lost a oonsistent and useful member. For many years else was conneeted With the chnich of Mt Prospect, *ashington County, Pa. Although there were no transports of joy when she carge , to lie, yet there was ouhstantial comfort (lorded to pinirAy The dark valley bad no terrors to her . e. indigo plants' . from„qou4skti bat Belgium, lied, fratica for he le . 1 ; . ; • •: I RON. VITY CORIXERCIAL COL., L'ixii;m:oo pays the satire 'colt of tuition. Wide Mrs' sons half price. Students enter at any time. 'Tor Cata log-nee, Speniumna Sc., enclose five Niter stampede . • my26.6pf 'JENKINS & Pittsburgh. P. . . . . . • I_I . OI.I,4I),WAY'S . DYS .PEPSIA,, gastritis, and ,all inflammatory , and con strictivei 'diiiorders •of the stomach, 'growing out of indiges tion; thereile eqmething cbemically.wrong in the fluids which. should dlssolVe and assimilate the food. These searching Pills, :acting/ upim 'the. gastric juice and upon• the :bile es chemical agents, restore to the one its solvent properties, and to the other iteModifyleg and tempering qualities. " Sold at the manufactory, No. 80 Maiden • Lane. New York, and by all Druggists, at 36a, 03c., and $l.OO per box. , . • Mil OEM Tr thin'Ar, Yaji 22,1880 - TAIDINEEKIS ADVERTISEMENTS. illial HooF,I,JAND's., ficiPPIAN BITTE RS. :wiit cure ' Liver Ooerpfstdt , Dlepepeta ; 1181 Debility,. :Sac: Read the certificate of the REV. J. M. LYONS, formerly' pastor ct• the colambna, -N. 3, and Miiistown, Ya., Baptist churbhee: DA. C. ,31. • : .TACICSON Mr fool 'it a; pleasure, thus, of my f ewn accord, to bear testimony to, the excellence of the " Ooniian' 'lnhere' Some years sin* being Much' aßllcted.with, , dyspepshi,. I. reed thorn with very beneficial re sults. I hate often iticonimended 'them to persons enfeebled by that tormenting disvuie; and have, beard from them:the moat Battering testimonials as to their great value : , In case') of 'general' del:4110;1 believe it to be a tonic that cannot be eurpaised. , ," • , J. ;11, LYONS,. NeiellocheUe, N. Y., April 23,1359. For sale by treggipti anti Widens' everywhere: 'Priae 75 cents N9r. t4itle.f .:1';.; • ••;:.:/ • ip assy,2B-Ir : A MERICAIIT IW:4C 717'0* '.O", • MADE BY,TIIE tot AMERICAN WATCH COMPANY, • 'At Witithaili' . ‘... ...„, •,P ~.,1 • i:'' • Attention is invited to the statement aa4aMotmo:, panving letters of reccautuendailOn and:l64lznion*ls r he *Tor , of these; Celebrated 'Fratches.. :l • • . 1 ' gold niedM Was awarded to thoCompanfbiliii o Aiitiie4' earflnsiitute; at New York, in 1867.. • • • ' The •Company, dloo , received , the :first premiuma . -gold. medal-from the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, in 4858... These W'atChni have now been in 'the !market for nearly ten . Whieh time they baie been tested' as to acctt: racy, diiraidlitY, and rellabi)ity hi every concelvabla mintier; Sind hive I/roved:themselves to be the most satiefaetory timo: pieces ever fitri;treli to the.pukio. , : f i This result bee been brouritaboat by a strict application of mechanical science to the construction of the Watch . froia correct in all Its proportions, and necessarily an perfect a time-keeper as it is pastrible.t4 ; • The Company have teetnetlieir Niatehes in many instances by actual daily noting, and the result of this test has been that they have exhibited a rate equal in regularity to the best marine chrOncimeter...i ., .; . , N. B . .—We have just introduced a nin) ; _gegis. of Watch, elaborately finished, anini inner 'than noVtie'hrt'l l e • hitherto iirodneed, with several imProvententireaculated:*to lance the grentest accuracy of performance; itiifl,to .prerentethe accidents ... and.derangeinents to. *blob foreign watt e$ are liable. • . ; The.Slllowing is from Mr. PORTER, the well-known Morino Phrononsee? and Watch Disko!: • , , . . Mr. It. E. Rollins, Treasurer, &c. Dear Sir t li::SincU my zioti to you of BOpteMbeV, 18.9; I have sold a niunber•of your - Company's , watches, , and hear good Teilotts; from them ,ivithouk exception. They give me no trouble and my customers every satisfaction. Recently a igslp-master to whom _ I sold.oso last year, called; to Say. that his Ohronometoiollaytng broken down 4,990, ha Atorleted his vessel eXtilliihMnii . bY Wit& • • • ' Gio:ll.'Ptsszm • • • • . • Office of the Tit h emed • • New•YOrk, October 21, 1850. j AMMMILLON WATC/C COMPANY, Gentlemen :—Havlng carried one uf your Watches for. the last eighteen mouths, I,catk gay, confidently that they will do, ind may be bought with assurance that they will keep time. I believe the watch unsurpassed. ITOR.I6E GIEELET. • • , Book Room, No. 200 4falberry St.. New York,t • , • • • • February 0,1860. 5 It. E. ROBBINS, Treasurer American Watch Co.: ; .Dear Sir :—I taii&iriat rditieure in being that for the last.teirmotitlisd have carried a watch froinqhe rearinfactoi7 of the American Watch Company, And that. it hay gisen perfect ,satdellintion ns fL thno-h„MPrr,,....,Tuggiug from the one,l have, I do naiiiiiiae to predict that tbe day is not fie . diatanti l iaitsagratelie' a l tos& in the United States *II supersede all others. • • Jamas Ftoe, D.D. , WILTON Itiurr 13. c. Octqber , ?A NM It. E. Roust:ls, 'Esq.: Dear Sir :=The three Witiit ' I purchased to be used 'on my plantitioitOutio prOved!to be the mostcorrect time,hoppere,l have ever known. I gave my head ecrrant, l my bead carpenter, and my head engineer, each One of them; and since they have been in their respect ire paes9seion ,- every thing on the Plintatiaigiriii4lli clock-work, in consequence of the.patreme aixsigacy and reg ularity with winch tOstiivfitcliei Petforiegli . Yo l win ch itialy, , ; ; • . . Ootnaao, 111., March, 1660. Artutticsa Wavon Com?aar, lyal i tharn, Mass.: I have tested with eiiidino carethe rtithling of the watch I botrigkit yot!, ; .fiow' ;nearly. b l ,year :arid . ne ace.rititto pable haa , been its performances that I hav e thought It woultiekrtelealt. end all.otheitifitiatiliar with horology, to' See — a "ittiic:rd r of 1ii . 811 3 , set to true r timo /Mein bad been regulating in mkpossession 'for thine .shine . :«:...lost 4 seal OCtober •t lost illistslgt _,At 1 401.4 . ' . PecerPer, , ; y es average Fionthli : • - • . ' •• •• .I:•rii --rr;": , •T OAUTIO:T.-Aa oar latch is now orteniively counterftitid lqi - O.Afot tisan'ciforiar,era, vie have inform the no *atelf le 'of our production which unaccompiinted by "Is aortifießto of genuineness; bearing , themumber !of tha,watch.j .40,#4.4 by i 9uriTrynrer,.F t . E. Rpbbituy, or . by our : pre- . dss/ssiorsi, Appleton, Tracy , . . As these watches aro for t sale by jewelers generally ihiO4kOitt the' 1:11dc;n;' die t.Atnerscait "ffidelypisitiiitiay do not6olicit ea-dere:for singla•watchein',.; i• ; • ".• • .1 , • R 0103 0 .8 &;APPLETOII; , • • •• • Arbobleilio Agents, idl Broa4, Ney.Tork _; m.72437tyit1e0wt.., 4 , Ji. . trigN r - r - c )1,1 : !.tir • r 7.7 • Ao sh,e!fe4 Maim .nd Femek Phialcinn, .tlnn or rnoillen,lberr • , , . SOOTHING SYRUP , " FOR CHILDREN "'TEETHING;'' fo;hleh 4;ently the Protean of teething, • by sothining the &% relineing all tetiemtnatioe:--will sling ALL PAIN end ipaaaoacacti* SURE REOULATE THE BOVELS. DePginit epee it,' mothers, liCilrgirit rest to yersreelvei,'Ati ". • •RELIEF:AND''• KEA LTIT TO' YOUR INFANTS. • LWe, 4 and, sold this artkle•fati *vim riems,.and .CAN I qAt INCONFIDENCEAND TRUTH or It what we weer bar. beer. able.tamiE &any other modiebte,—NEV HAS FAILED,. IN At' sorats ISSTANCE: . TO EFFhVT A CURE, when timely died.. ! Plessadtd,ww know an indesnee of • illissitielleCoa wax eme.wbe ord ii. Oa dideontisry. all ere deli; hied with its eperstfma, sad Speak a la, terree.oPmenmendiaiion of Ile , macketaffeets • sad' medical airings.? .yri. speak is this matt" WHAT WE DO' KNOW,. after ten ware'. rose AND PLEDGE OUR ,REPUTATION. FOR.' THE FUL. , FILLMENT OF WHAT WE'IIERE DECLARE. In almoat ever, M. slsaca whenr:ths Want Is.!offering , • from pain iedeshartatkon, rake.( will; jibe fneniPid Mien M. twenty minutes after OM syrup I. administered. Ai. rateable Ws palridlow is- the-pfeseriptios jet wear thy 'meet RI. PERIENCED"ein4 SKI LLFUL NURSES tel No. E. 4 1 . 41 *dal has hetet , owli•w4 4 1 trERFAILINR , sPcCRS 8 ; : • t; 'THOUSANDS • OF OASES . . I 1 wsovonly re yes the &lid • • from mda; het loehmantes the •rimed, Iford•beweita. acidity . • ',sod giros rens • and enerar , to the wh ole. sfeMm. It wilt stendebistantly, walleye GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AND WIND COLIC, sad ararsome, loonvelaione. whit), If ent,ageeil. .115 remedied, end In dead.. • We believe It the BEST AND SUREST RE NIF.DY IN THE WORLD:in all emcee 1 of DYSENTERY:AND lIHAR RHCEA IN CHILDREN, whether la. arise. from, teething, or from any other cause. We Would saw tweverr f mother who hag • child sees from' any of Cm foregolair theMplatto ie—DO NOT LET' YOUR P JUDICM, NOR .THE, PREJUDICES OF OTHERS, stand • between r an and moor meeting child. and the relief that Will be . SURE:47ei ABSOLUTELY SURE—to follow the ; asg of this medicine. ,if ;timely mod. •dlreetlons for 'Ming will" iesornperii "(nab boil., Nam semolina nolms the pleeinalls of CURTIS A PEAK INS,: New York, I. ea the outside wrap per . Sold by Druggists Iltronat out the world, • Priztolial Officei: 13 , Ceilar Street,lf: PRICE zo CENTS PSI BOTTLE. ME :MISCELLANEOUS. NEWkWORIES JUST PLELIS HE SMITH, ENGLISH it CO., : Booksellers, Publishers, and. Importers, pFo. 7.3 North-Sizth. , Btreet, Pigindelphia: FARRAR'S SCIENCE ~ IN THEOLOGY; Bonnons pienchsd in St. Mary's, Oxford, before the Vol sreteit..*. By ADAM S. FARRAR, 1240., cloth, Sb.conta. • • 1 • : - Schmucker's Popular Theology • Element' of Popular Theology; with. occasional referehoel to the Doctrines of the Reformation, as Pv9w,d before the Diet' Of Augsburg in 1580. 'Designed chiefly for private Christiana and Theological Students. !By S. S.SCIIMUCKER, ninth Edition, Revised and Enlarged. 12m0., Clotk, ••'"' ' " '• 1. LUTHER • ON ..GALATIANS.• • ••••. • ;,: n i .A AltimmenPkg on EL Paul's Epistle to the Galatiatui. eay MARTIN LUTHER. To which'ul prefixed TisCher'e Ufb of linliber,lnbridge(ll to Short Sketch , of the laife of Zseleightipia' :Moo ft Discoune on the; Gloriont.Reformation.. Byrit,4.l i.EORMIJOILER; D.D: $ 1.25.• • • %one above will be sent by mail, upon reisipi afttbio 'price, by the Publishers. • _pp • MILT BEADY ' " nrsurro , s• TOOABOLAF.Y. OF PlifLOSOFHTMalted • .by pleat:ELY. KRALITH, P.D. • 12m n o Cloth.. f• • • • - 11E1IOSTENBERO ON , ECCLESIASTES, and c44 . 2 ( , trb:. Itieeef aranalatediftein the Getman. the;;Olbta_P • .1 7 30'17 o,p i ' , : rI .. ; . .• PRESBYTERIAN. • gikee F . riji) )19 0 01110.0 0 A STRICTLY RELIGIOUg PAPAW • PRICE REDUCED. , After the Atoll - uunthei, 'the Sabbath'-Nclient' Yesitor appear as an enlarged sheet, upon' tine paper, • with new, large, and clear type, and embellished in every .number.wfth new and beautiful wood-Cuts. No effort or airman will lie spared to render it as attractive and instinctive as is:wit/Tete youthful readers. . . ITS AIMS will be, primarily,,to guide Its readers to.the erode of Christ, and through him to salvation; secondarily, to excite in their; minds. n controlling desire to slive wise; holy, suseitil I liras; and liking with these, to infuse into them an intelligent , liberal; and affectionate attachment to our oWisi+lrtaitth cifstlis ' Church. Ali friends of Christ and of the rising generations art eArnoatly beibugheto procure and forward, us scion as possible, names of new subegriburs. . • s . In order to 'enable the Board to matte the desired improve ments without increasing the prices, it will be issued Monthly. Subscribers who haye alrtaidy,preqtid for ILO year ;18.60i on the Sorrier and higher terms; can obtain an equivalent by, iroceivinga larger filmber of copies, or by haring Inc surplus.' pre-payment credited on . next, year's,bill, Si. they may select: In drclerto eecnre''thus CcitdvalCnt, it will be necedtairy tti wrios,.before July let neat, to Mr. rcrsa; WALSER, No: 821 Chestnut' Street, Phibulelphig• and . edato their pleasnre on =I WiTU kOST.VOIL • • For 16 ,copies to onic Fur 60 copies to one address.. WOO .. For , loo egipies to'one itote Payment invariably required In advance.* -* • • • * The paper will he stopped when the time pre-paid for ex- Visitor will be sent, as heretofore., hoe. of. expernie,,to thi folloiving places :-. 1 -Csivrsit '& Boos, 636 Broadway; New York. Mummiti & Stn i tivss, Baltithore„,Maryland: hsv..B. WO:it, Nei , Orleans, Louisiana. L. L. WARBIN, Louisville, lieskticky.. fi. Cimym,E, & CO:. Wheeling, Virginia. Itz.v. A. KENNKDT, London, Canada West., BOARD,OP COLPORTAWi t 46 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, PentidylVankt. -. J.T. TAMtim, Cincinnati, Ohio. Kum -it - Woons. St. Louie, Missouri. W. G:HoutaS,Ebicago, "•:Mdireas'& .Troy, Noir Yxolatia:a iniperti, or articles'intended for iniertirm. in the 'Mack, should becaddiainsed to , this "Editor' of the Sabbath School , F.ititOr." N 821 Choettimit Street, Philadelphia Oideis for the Visitor, and money in payment•for it„ahonld be addreased to Mr. PETE& WALKER, No. 821 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia., , ,•, , : • • ' PitESBYTERIABOARD OP PILASLICA.TION, • ap7,Bt i • • • 821.Chestnut.Stivet,•Philadelphia. CLERK OF COURTS. •.1 es 7 •• •n";,l'' •t!li • N . 0 ,1 •, f J. 61163 'LOWRY; JR. oriltildiaratiirill be tor Clerk 46 Corte; =ldea tramp diclidon'ot the Republican 00 603 , 'Ars'ention• s . . m+4B-.6.60! FOl ~CLERK TPLE.C°PRT. WILLTAIE A. HERRON .11111 n cendi date for the,,offieirr of Mork of tho Citurt..ihiPjeelt to tiii'dociellin of the Ripubli dul:Oßunty:Corivention..,..ll fail&tf Lt. -4 • E. ,NY .130.0113 R ENTO.Er L%S., •:I N cLAnt STREET PITTSBUROIL :" South mid North. Abbott. $1.00; or 50 cents in paper.• Our Living Representative Men. Savege. Compriaing: Lives.of• Stophen , Douginsiviiewarde Ortmeronillanke;'llatenr Chase, Cushing. Jeff. Davi& Everett, ke.. Ace., Sc. $125. Boardninn'a.tlisher Ghribtian Life. $l.OO. . The P,tuiona.apd.Quein Ellzaboth.} llopkins. S 2-50 each. . , AvolaZoltr. s • i • Hortie T4oleATlvetiloieiof $3.00. ' • Life of Daniel Wilson, Biiliop of Calcutta.. $3.00. ** - Mailed free, on receipt ef these prices. • • • • . myl2-2t ..:•, . f...,. • ' ESTABLISHED, 1869. I . ' • • ' '!i( , 00ARRIO: • • • ).; ~ FOR VIE: SAI4;O , , • SEEDOILAINI E &C. ; „ • • • h • ' • ' • I"$41 - t, PLigter,:bicOe - ni, liqiiktioust:224 LUMBER OFFICE-4eM Falle Avenue: : ; • !, • • . !••. VEIIetIrE.DIEGCJAXE . li; pPEEIC P,0911,0114 April 20,1860. devotes . Yipbc:fal toihOtiktmeht,'imellioal and surgical, of all DlocamehiWormltief,andpofects of the EYE. ie,P".nt q b aa ,334,r°,n'nicxlicTate REFERENCE—Profgsiors Weston , ThYgogical l Sonthla7. OFFICE", all PENN 'STREET; Pitedhlrith. Office Flours c g 34 o'clook , A3Loind 11 o'clock P. M. , , mys-4t •••., • • • • • • -• grEINWA.I74 . . . Socaiiid 'Stir - 114' Siapply. •• Jnst received, a . complete! asseittnent or, the' ',unrivalled ST4INWAY k SON'S -Yqau) „PIANOS, of all styles and prices, including a splendid' • • • OVERSTIIIN.G 4 . GRAND PIANO. 'l` • #,IN'tiYAY'S. are - sdniitie d . to ' be tkOMaiiieVeit Plano Fortes, ever. manufactured . They, are, ,warraated FIVE and are * sold at few York manufacturers prices. We respectfully solicit a call from purchasers. • ' • , , lELF.BEIt • mys--it • :Sole Agents fur Steinisay's 'Nano's. , -•' • , •• ep •,,, • ..‘irn. • ~0 • . • .20.. • • • ,• . . ' • • • "SY ' " " !--60. „," tooNomentil * ... TT v. / • naps,. , . : P 4 'l• • •.• • ...Safe the ';Pleeett"",* %.' • • i• :•.• • . relm: , • .; I A* iioNdoseelif/hhigrerWevrii e} , i firg-,4 0111 ?thle t,...b!“. 001 1 0 . ct ?"P " a i # I ".TA ~!Mti liAltitif; Teo. Criater's,i . ; • :ti• • 1 ....) s iPALDINIO, PREPARED. GLUE : . meets...ll such emergencies, • !minefield afford to be elthtint It. It is nleitys rendy op . to'tbe sneklne ' Therefe;no'lougar nennity for limping Orsdire;•Tllntered neerklittrulless dolls, end brokee cradles. ; It Is 3net i lhe,srtlele; for onte,'sliell.ind'othirr cnniumentalWnik. so nimniilr'leltli'l'ellies• ' • of refinement and:teem; t; • ; ••• , ,1 ; This 1L1i1111110,1111 . , prepnrmtion•M teed cold, beirrygohewnteally row if i In solution; anti neasesslng ell the :raluilblelliutlittetot the by issbinst-tnekini . Alive, • It may be aiond,lll, the - plane at ordies• - • lancrlbece,,belng rutty entre adhesive. • I ustru. IN EVERY EIOUSE.r, • , itcd,24: pit... 26 teatiff . : .-;' • il;• • • •'•--:”•• lit •' ' ; ttr •: ioloisale Depot, • 30 pro. York. Manus l KERRY C. BEtiLDIMI.I 43ipz No. MOO, Nirir Terri. 11•1 f. - • Pot no lbr Deems Osiovi..enotihilnK 101611.4. down—a bdritall'ol LithographlisShOw-eard 'aidailpon ...yisig a • C.. mr. s A heicle battle of SPALDING , 3 PRRPARop w.. 08 will ea vs up tier.. iM cwt nottui•Ny to every.ltoniebokL,6l.,Thci Sold 'prominent 6tetliiiterw, - nadwa• ftlr f re Desle,.Groeen tu , and Fancy Stores. •t: ' Cortr,i merebstda should Mai note of SP AtalttlOM 'PA 81111 Gli.4/3, when =eking; up ;their Ust.. , It trill ellteidlefig, Mimes. beliot teiztoveCtrom No. 80 PlAtt StrOot NC.G 43 CEDAASTREFIT.,New ; ; : .•11003 1, 1Y.1 • ' . . .S,T,INPAIII . V.I`Segiat:4OO . Ik.: 1 • , ,,t Docriptive Catalogues of their Publicattons* :tent part.olthati : Statitoi-7:1 deicing the Books Published by . them/strut , • 1. Davies' Complete Course of Mathematics. 20 vols. 2. Willard's Series of-School Histories.- - - j 3. Monteith and McNally's System of Geography. 4. Clark's System of'Drigihill Grammar: • . 5. Parker k Watson's Series of Readers and Spellers. . 0: Parker's:Natural and Experimental Philosophy.' • 7. POrtar's Principles of Chemistry. . S. Northend's - Double 'Series .of"Scheelz Speakers and Ms _ locues. , . Smith' . &' Martin's Bingle and ' Double Entry Bonk •-*YrneePinS- r i • V.' •••.!•'; ~" • • ' • O. Deers' system of Penmanship. 11. Brookfleld's First Book in Composition.. 1,2.. Boyd 31ablin's System. of Logic. 13. 'Mahan's Ifitellectiial Philoeophy. - • 24. sloyd's Kamee_Elinnente of Criticism:. 1.. 'Boyd's, Edipion of English posts,; gooks' Lattii anitGrask*Closelill Series. §P#4 2 .f.OrOPEirialq4caY7cirks? .l • MATHEMATICAL I . TEXTIOOKSI. vitic# F # ; riz'aiiritreitt'AcAiiratt OF THB ' IIi7ITED .•: : BTATEi liiST DAVE:it ,t •. : Davii*Dniroisity Arithmetic:: Davies' Bourbon's Algebra. Davies' Legendre's Geometry. Davies' Mkunenta of Surveying., Davies' DesV;riPtiva Geometry. - Bayles' Shades.; Shadows, and Linear retyped:lva, Dartlett'a Analytical. Mechanics. • r • Bartlett's Acchiatics'An'd Optics. Dartiett's Siihnrical .4001014. . an tp! •,! •sr j. Many of tho al?ove are . also tho Test!Doo)cs,pf the, New Ydik Free Academy ; Columbia College Y:•State Normal School,' and Rochester.Duiversity; ;also, UniyArnity• Alichigah, .and nonitorous ot4rr Inetituttuue in the 'different Ktatecortfio trifled: •. • • '; . 31 ' •( • . r: • l i b"gbliod"rtEACllEßS' LEgliktY • A. S. BARNES &. BURR' Publish the osoll.kitcran voilluitsi,undertholead ofice there' 'Librast, (=slating of ten vole., and itighly.rocomthended to ;the Schoid!Teach'ens of!thollisited Stateepat. sl' Tier tiolunuiti 'I. Page's Thoory.and Practice of .Teething. • • . 2. RolbroCk'S Norisial Method' of Tiathini the Chimion • •. I Brinehes. • I • !• , I'. ..f1 I •.! 3: Northand's Teacher and Parent. • 4.4fansfield on American Education: !!! 6. Do Tocquevilles American,lnstitnticms.. a. Bate's Institute Lectures on ?lentil and kforrtiCuiture ' 7. - Dveght's Higher Christian 2ducatien. S..3;styhew.on,Univereal *AUCatiOn.. . „. I , Ihild'oT kfithemahos.' ' I • 10. History of Znuciation, Nithßariaxdre Introduction.t •,• , • I • • • , RECENTLY PUBLISHED. . • - !Brooks' hf 'Devotion': Brooke' Schliol: Teacher.' •Regieter. Dsylititt t eklndern philology. Picciehl;,llllYMll,s4; !Siberia, Silvio Palk:wand Baron Trenck. ' -• • ' ••••• , I . O T'fiewlaiiTittablifgbtbf Wit ENGLISHIk CO:lu 1 $:-.f1;411 ; ,, Q.,:.).1 A.!s. BARNES;&rBURR: “1 TERMS. WITHOCriIPOST/Gle For &mingle ... 10.copirp to ono address.. M eolilesto one midterm:. 100 'copies to one tuldfess. BUSINESS 'PrOTiOES. :01 : • •!., $'1)1'1: , 1. •::^7:••1 Dtr:LVIOV'S:: 1•• ; ; SOLD OF,,TIIE, .1 .; MEI • _ • , „k -. 1,1, iMIE DT, .nri•;• A lARNES'&I3I7IIII 51 Voirtit. Paz colort7 0,1? DEATH. . ....mi t ,. • • • , t 1 nalitilr. PI; 1 - I"iitit ' The subscriber 11.01MVASittliritiPsjin.aked thousand Splendid Colored * Zneintiror RicathgrANDT PEALE'S. celebrated Painting" Ofithe s ' • • .COVRT OF • DEATET - 1; at the sinpreeedented leiv pribe s ot ' • ''• ' ' • • r. ONLY CONEDOILLARIOkptf: t • • 7 *':- • • • , sisz, xt aY s 1 rseusi6l:%.,l" • . . The 'lowest regular prim; for ay.; el:Siena quality of tlits is ils;—and in answer. 49 ItiltpfhPpi;'`H°W:r am they biaold for One Dollart"%the subsetibpi'would,stits . that Instead °Meaning 5,0110 copies at I.s,llusissma , loo,oo)l elp t ipp l rit SL. , Thy main. expen,e of such a,work,is,iikj_ paper and tirintlng, in' getting np plate f 15,0 W only ere epldi S 5 is hAt..a : isir price. Itut,,ifl,l.oo,lXPlinireo/411" at $l, the aggregate profits are larger than on the 5.000. The Orlgintir•Pitintlrig,..orwhich glee tux-snots copy, vas pabitcd by -.Rembrandt I , ealela,tile.94 , i of Biltithore, itafolid has been.the study ind adillratlon of tens of thousanasbf our`eitizetta.,' Ithasiougheen -raided ii; 251000 , iptiti a K . , 1 .. ; • .• . 1 ; • i , Death is Personified as a king or Monarch; and there is not a skeleton or anything teptithivelin'tliepicture."' "• • • • • are .TWIINST•TIIREIS.,FULTALIZp. P . WILIIIMI in the ea, - graving, and arranged into. lifo' gronpa, `pirciinttag living' mpresentations of Dentli,,M'ar;l Sensual , Pleasure,t Intemper ante, and the Triutuphs of Christian Faith over t/r.Tcrrors of Death: '.." •' ' • • . _ 11111 Thin • It IS tiworkito delight' the eye lad ihnpruvectbe ;heart. It Ceti be studied and unclerstomk by' iv:Child, while its sublime • conceptiOn'affords scariStalliestrongestiMeedatioix.. , Itluef been Made the subject of special. di•• sinePy.Rey... br. Sprague, Rev. Di-: Welch; Rev. Dr.liaedd4Rmetrt.Cleve land,,Relsuer. Wayland., and others.- ,• 3 'ill 1 c,„ , 1. A more impressive, instructive, or betudlfhl i Parier meet could not be pi:meths:ed. ; ..The subscriber was advised to have .the draper/ i t/11w Ate; ores brilliant and showy, to gratify the tante of the"' entry • people," but he•determinetlitrimlttitsiesitetly-themlehr tints.of the original painting, it; Min oltirct The 1 14 "• of this decision ie verified 'not ' only' '.ll trie 1 - 8.45 cityi but by the venerable Ittembrandt yealp_ldmeielf, be seen by the following unqualified certifleats : "Paiiiintimits;"Novernberl6;;lBs9. "I haveseen the Chromo-Litheirephic Engra:Trng 'etiVini • Painting of the Court of Death, recently executed for, Dr. G. Q: Colton *(the present proprietor) by tkirenjt;ldejew4c s Knitpp.": of New York, Rod chn certify that it,ls; accuratels4a(l7 hatable copy of the original Painting. • ; •.• is . • ;'; • '; "REMBRANDT tEIIAL.". • • tilacloeing,One Dollar •and four letter ,Sttuligsg (tEs pay • . postage) the Engravingwill be forwardedipesi b t-p ,3, aid rolled in sit:if:mg ease. • • -• • . •.. ' l5 Clci:gymen can add largely to their yearly Ilicomefin,com- mission) by interesting themselves' in the • distribetion ;Ind at the same time .place:ln the hands of each subscriber."vs': sermon on canvas." • t h is : a , " 'Any persoh who will shim' this :attrardsetnent,' obtain 'five' • eubicribers, and forward $5, shall recoil - e t a sixth l cepyigratiel; till post-paid. . ,AGENTS--gentlemen; or ladies--ean afaie :mlntey2repldly by. taking subscriptions for this,One Dollar and six 'tempt from ;Agents,: for. - one copy and's' letter 'of. Agency, stating tipeabil terms. i ... • An active Agent min not inakeiese than from two litindred to three hundred dollars per yerirln • the ;busintitit','"alkove erg. ;enseti. Adescription. ,will,be, eept witkeko The • subscriber refers to the 'following gentlemen!. The venerable Rembrandt Peale; Philadelphia; -the Mom; Filimore,, Buffalo; the *v. S..Piime, ,D,D,,Eattor „New. . York 'Observer; Rec. 31'.D. Palirier,D2Tiq'Ne* Orleans; A. ' 1191breoli, Egg, !Proprietor. New Orleans !Pit:spine Rev. Aa D. Smith, D.D.; the Rev. Dr.' Abel Stevens, Editor Christian Aditicate and ' Yourtiitl, New Yorklttlie; ham D.:Abbott, Spengler Institute ;..thallon. Erman' Braolw, New York; the'llon. Henry J. Rafniehd, Neu York: ' To axeld mistake,' the Name, ;Town; and • Stale : ishould . be Pi,Ausi.Fmritten, Atictros4 • • . • • . Cl6trlyki•" • ; • iNik437 , Park' RbsiciNing • i ....t , . M." 3 "IM • :••• i SCC9,: ::0510• 0. 1[0x..ii...8,491 •SitiFnuDoN & co. , s . • • . . •,. •••,. i Recent ! PublictEkiipkis'." • • • "SWITZERIAND: . By S. 'IRRNEIIS PRIME. Bilitiir'oriiit;ureii&a.k . • 01Worrcr. , Illustrated.with ;Viewe of R wise,Bceitety.t ,1* volume, ISUiO. Price $l.OO. "It is the discriminating, genial, heart-inspiring' story;of • What a Christina. gentleman finiiid,ilijoun thetnost ipter csting countries of also world, and we congrattilate hina on having pr&lded ifienicirlaßotif Itis twentieth year • of editorial life.”.--1 1 1. Y. Examiner.. L: •" i t • •.; _ • ••, •••• : _Being-Abe Second - Volume of. The, tEl.ereitcc)Btor.ii.s. • 'By JACCI,ABBO'TT, Author of the "Rollo' Books." 1 Tidume, Illuitrated with Seven lEngrarit'gd.' 'Piice 60 cents. ' • ":Nlr. Abbott it known to ho a:pure, inkcenifutand: iukifal wi - iter for the young and 'old. ,Re is also',the meet: opukr authoinf book's note B ring:"' -Veiii- . Tonk Obbirbcr. Mr. Abbott is soon ,to go ' tunes of this Scrim will Le Travels—similor to tliollo's Tour in liurofe." Volume third - will be nn account , of the Orkney Islands!!! ~ ' : •• • I , • . '0013811.1 - G. :Ur • • , Tel,* tlii, , stkiind• 'colonial ilievoikiiiidlatoit.4l By OEO3tOR B.•TAYLOR, of .Vizglnls... :With illustrations,.by . IL. W. Herrick. .1 vol. Vim?. I'd& 511• cents. tnlfoiml trait "Kenny," the first volume. of the , Series. • . iThis lea series, lie.aridg some, feathree.of emblanee.tei ilm welliknown Rollo Books, and, in our judgment, quite as Interesting and.prbtltable for the bays and girls,• It deservee a Prominent place among presents,. in, ,the .book. line, com bining, as It does so largelyctlie'useful with the intireatiim." —Hartford Virisiian , secretary: I !II :I! , • !" , ": 0 ." , Mill'Publish; Ma, Isei* ' 11 4 'TILE AITTI101VORI" GRACIE TRIRITAIL' • •,' • .11 - 1 E DR,r.A.YLER'SI BLrN - 1) DA1,79.11,TA8, A Tale of -Religious Persecution. By.Mrs.S r EOCPLEBTEE PORD,'of ' r Illdatisted. Price $l.OO. The: great ofiNsbrnOS iTrininan," '6l which thirty thousand copies bare boon, .for this book, thiiibouids or readers. ' It' 'traces, the hirfory of a pe riod of most' tragic. interest—the•relight* persecution and intolerance which marked tits yelp, of Charles. 11. of Eng latid, and the trials . ' Ind 'Suffering, *Walsh which Banyan stns. called •to pose; in order to pnelaratiatin to be the. author of the immortal " Pilgrides Protrosi:” ; : • ••• 1 . LOVE, AND PENALIT. Eternal Punishment Consistent.nitb, timfatimels6l +; AS RintALEDU THE iiitarentiz AY. REV; JOSEPH P. 0 111011.1"30Ni 7DD4 Paostor or the TOeFniTtr., Ph tuFh• _ • Behold the GoOil tieeat alidSeveCiti God."----P tom. xi : ?It . • ..-1;' , 0.•t ' : • ABBOTT'S AMERICAN HISTORY. ' itottparKkr, AMERICA. Being the first volume of • New Series of American ilistOry. By , JACOB 'ABBOTT. author :of the :`Rollo Rooky,". "Rollo's Tour In Europe," Harper's Series of E uropean • Histories.," ice. Beautifully ithbellished with eighteen illuatratione, in the beet style, froor ori,*al designs, by Dariey, Chapin, Stephens, Perkins, Iferridkaliillin,"Parsons, and others. ' l'vof.• 16mo. Price 1 5 PPntst; ; • ! : • • • ` 1 The Publishers, in presenting this Series ,of,popular Amer fir Youth, believe that they are supplying a Want long felt In. our country, and one which no author living is so well able to fill as Jacob Abbott, the popular au thor of so inniky .javenilo books. 'Mr. Abbott hits given More than usual care in. the preparation of this, Seriesoinii they will be illustrated in the best manner, it being the intention of, the Publishers to makwthast as attractive ar they will be useful and entertaining. • A,New..History , of •England••for the Young. • 1: v01.,4.6tu0: With 'twenty illnatzatlons: by. 3. R. Chapin, mid . others. By Mrs. THOMAS GELDA.RT., Author of "Daily , Thoughts fort 4 :Stories •of Scotland," Storimsof Ireland " , . • Mrs. Geldart is one of the, most popular writers for ~the young in England,' end no more proflbtble' books can be placed-In ,the bands of the young than: her-Hiatorical Series. u What children read they often retain ; • therefore At ;is de- Bitable that thiqrboolcs should IA of a high moist tone. In this respect, Bre:Ocldert bas few equals as an author. Andres hOpe that this little work will bo fourel In every child's ii brary.Woreester.raUaditon, ' A. irei—E'prrioN OF The , i ifs chillei, wr 13 , .i.+Atitiiii*rd"AF His iVMYKS By TROMASCAHLYLEAVeithir or* reliclibTolirtionr 'Ae., So. I...troVi i l.ftw v . P 1250 $1.00.• Ira irith the new raitton of dailyteilikm ill* , being pub ',flatted in'Hoetont..; ) ;•:.• All 0:: ; • t,.•,,,•. IT ,his .9.)l9PC9lfiretlillf rks ;/ .1— • • • i • DAt WITH MILLER, ' , mid Other' Sketoheb " • WOORIIIOIt, Author of t• The War in ,thoCrimen,r ±an a i rot, }trice . . T 4 3, •• 7 =,, 44! - 7 1 A 1 , 1 ...:' 0 I. . ,ThetelebritifeeLt* ; . • ! .(Peon pionWatpares retoßTAT:eitogr—Stse 24 sr 3&) '• BEAUTIFUL BIBLE IN'OILT, IBM It ; is Pie-eit . ilnliritly • i tom. :„..;ioßlder-AN EOUBBAO • gr' l o.F. 111 21. be pgijoi; wall or:eentre table TOUCHING;_ REMEMBRANbtit of cour . .Wvinu,Saviour ! :It Aft ti 4 r • . • ,111eignifibent Wreath of Art osi th6'ti4dia agutz'of our , Faith I . rfflll3,',l inat teri.i)r.lVriine, Editor of the ~ N eer'l"ork Oheereer." . l TlfOltiViLDOth"fi STATuiItY. . . . Dayton Co'gs 'inivertiaem' ent of their fine engraving of Thorwaldeen's.colebrated•group of 4 Christ and his Apostles," will a . ttract attention. One of the pictures hang in our study, arid we regard the work: a&eminently suitable for the walls 'or every . ClFlstiaa household, The beautiful clasped Bible, :whiCh is presented with it, is bound in velvet and gilt, and theprioe at which' he •offers'..them is so low, 'that thousanda • rriny avail tliemyelves,of the, Opportunity: We hope they,will . • • • IMEI MEE DAirotes EirenaVnges.—We wovild egi;ln min Moen= ti lir.:Dayton'eadvertbietuents. We have. evarrawoh liovb that there ,will be ,the proper reeponeo *OM :eibibiiehreent'to eilY Minis containing moneyfor fts 1;624 .wcu:kb of Art. . ,•f • ; . . •• I • NM I r• . li I 01, .;I :. i' Frith mort elaporate surroundiu ,p v .a;copy, of ;which attracted. !giciii attention at the fair for the Slater* of ktercy, it a most Ivehtibleguljunet to . the Tofitcoi , the itudle; ,or the. bendeir. 'The gift accompanying this enterpriseia a fine pocket thinad'in purple arid gold: • • '• , . . The Bible which we present witittbie iinpraelvaengrarinit,. L • 11,24m0.,, bound in, eely,-- with gilt , rime :at* clirpe, viorL4 i at retail from'S2 WV:" " ' ' : 'AO' those who :Wide. to'l3tircharie . thin 1 WHOM& Ipletniel theta the, ilit,ole, Mile, pftp- A ll fi,r4,4f . . f ,sti,t. ? pt g , !po.tat& ", • __, . . wa r gelid tbeDAYTON _ •Arr' Wit atii arr-r, $2, *atilt 25 '' ul ff i i i l i tAin 51t3li t i a . a , m birl it itPl i qfF 9 17"I n g: 10 ; Bible:, , ' ' - • .. . - 'it • lig • ' ' I A" "iti .. ' fid? ' 'ini • ' *** Editors. ving t 'berg an nee on-a ‘ orwrt ng a Uth • leoß7l° l'ro, tßlrviXark° l4 YI/ 1 nel l iV4 1 k cm' °I . ; ftigtei a '11: priligeatio by mail, prekpaTd. - ddress , • . i ' , -, 10 it •••.gii livitAllllol4)4cgteg.i,ital 4 •,fi i MEM t ,! awn :4173h4tkiiliw, law arefilk; • EFIc'T H is • • Ilayton poiireeitig of f :Thorwitliteen r • AtiOStled ris n mdgn SUbd gfiSitpd Ttie Sittig ii' exe cuted in a mafterlT toepti& , l . 44,lsta. workofiext,le isighir otounieidea. ' • - • It' 041.11. 070410 lo ;,,,' ! • r~s► with epeoial la • lierideaoryi.wpvW,SUl OM p i t ons:oto write to the R. W. Allison, pt gwebyteri;p Banner," that we ere:reepootsipli, end ithif oar t k eetati4tl ertgrayilig sad elltgelli FR& nb't mrirtiln'etteAd,. f • jalottr:Mpe UM= • AND Voit:OSNVE 42:00. SECOND' isronan; tFroiu tbo Itnv: for' Piimo9 • ' [lTolii the New York Leadoi4. Thellno Ilthoghtpb* Or "'• • f. • • 7thrl d t!!4;:)*(Ailk)itjw,