Vreshßterian c't3annex. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, MAY 19, 1860. DANVILLE THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY. ilke Graduating Class of the late Com mencement, at Danville Seminary, num bered sixteen. The Herald speaks of the examinations as having been highly satis factory. Rev. B. M. HOBSON, of Lexington, Mo., preached on the occasion. Dr. prl- GAR, of 'Nashville, delivered the address. Certificates,of a full course were given to the graduates. The institution flourishes. , The Trustees resolved upon effective ef forts to erect suitable buildings for the ac commodation of the students, for lecture rooms, library, &c. They wish also to erect Profess'ors' houses, and to found ad ditional schola:iships.. For these purposes they desire an addition of $lOO,OOO to their funds.: They have appointed Rev. Dr. PULLOCK' their agent, to visit the ehurches and make colleCtions. CHURCHES IN. THE NEIGHBORHOOD. 'LANYRENCEVILLE. — The Rev. RICHARD Li&, for many years the laborious and ef ficient pastor of the church, in this place, gave notice, a short time, ago, of his inten tion to ask Presbytery for a dissolution of, the, pastoral relation: Following this announcement the largest congregational meeting ever held in this church, with great cordiality, asked Mr. LEA to re consider his determination and remain with his present charge. Mr. LEA ,has acqui esced in the request of his people. We are glad of this; for we cannot afford to part jUst now with a brother so useful and so greatly beloved. EAST LIBERTY.—The Presbyterian church of this rapidly growing place has determined to erect a new house of wor ship at an expense of $20,000. Brother MartvAlNE has a wide and encouraging field of usefulness before him. ALLEGHENY CITY.-Dr. PLUMER'S con gregation has purchased a lot for $4,400, on which a neat and substantial, but plain houie of Worship will be erected forthwith, costing from $B,OOO to $lO,OOO. OUR WANT AS A DENOMINATION OUr doctrines are established; our Form of Government is, in general, the best and most Scriptural held by any Church; and our system of agencies for conservative and aggreSsive effect, is admirably adapted for its purposes. It is therefore evident that we do not need any new constructions of our system of faith, or any radical arenas in our Form of Government, or in the ma chinery of our Church operation's. Nor is much new legislation , required; but few cases can arise for which provision has not been already made. Our Minutes are already burdenedwith masses of legislation. But the great want of our Church is the infusion of new life, vigor, and activity, into the pastorate, the eldership, the mem bership, the Colleges and Theological Sem inaries, and the Boards and Committees. Let the: wealth, talent, influence, and piety of our Church, be employed as earnestly as men of the world exert themselves for the accomplishment :'of their plans, and, under the blessing of God, our. Church may ex pect an expansion and increase such as no other Church has ever had. Let us not be content with boasting of the past; let us seek success in the future, for the good of man and the glory of God. PRINCETON. The North •Carolina Presbyterian quotes oar correspondent's remarks, relative to the nomination of Prof. DABNEY, of Virginia, for a chair in the Seminary at Princeton, and opposes it sirongly. We admit that there is " something due to courtesy," and that there are "rights which should be respect ed." One of these rights, however, is that of the LOrd to the services of all his people in any situation in which he has need of them; and another is that of his Church, under him, to call• whom she will of her sons to any service to which she may deem him adapted. Seminaries have their rights; brit no one has exclusive rights. Each holds its right subservient, first to Christ, and next to his Church. Hence it, is not reasonable to say that a Professor upon whpm' the Lord has bestowed the bighest gifts shall be consigned, perpetu ally, to the instruction of twenty students, when he is needed to teach five or ten times twenty. Let the Church appoint the most gifted of her sons to work where they, can serve her most usefully, and let them heed her call. If then the General Assembly shall judge, with the Dlrectors at Princeton, that Prof. DABNEY is the man adapted to fill a vacant chair there, it is likely to say so; and if it shall !o vote, the Professor, as a good man, even at the cost of much self denial, is not likely to say nay. PROGRESS,. The Presbyterian, in noticing our re mark, pleasantly uttered a week ago, that we should have some little share in the credit for the increased activity of the Boards of Domestic MissiOns and Publica tion, says:- "The htsbyterian Banner, in referring to the prosperity of these Boards attributes it to the efforts made by that journal to arouse the agencies or officials to activity, -and to a due regard to the interests of the Church. The Boards are certainly doing well, but whether they are indebted to this source for their prosperity, admits of a very wide difference of opinion." This is quite a progress in kindness to ward us. The day was when our contem porary ignored 118 utterly. After some years, it began to, speak of us, but only as evil in our influence toward Church, agen cies. It now recognises the possibility that we may be really useful. It says that ,the cpestion of these Boards' indebtedness to us for their prosperity, " admits of a very wide - difference of opinion." Of course therqmust then be some very just and very strong reasons in our favor, as well as against us, to justify this "very wide difference'.' " of opinion. We thank our contemporary for. the admission; and we are pleased that it and we can rejoice together in o,,behefit, even though we may differ• a littlein , our notions as to the prox imate causes:' When the' ,Presbyterian shall again speak ;We would respectfully urge that it Shall an swer some of the.very important questions on whiCh infornistliin is asked. THE REVISED BOOK OF DISCIPLINE. The extensive alteration in our Stand ards, which is proposed , by the New Book of Discipline, is to be pressed, it seems, upon the General Assembly, this year, with both ardor and- hope. Dr. TifoRN WELL devotes to it another long article, in the Southern Presbyterian lie4iezo, and ex pects personally to urge it at Rochester. He thus exults in' his ,prospects : "From recent indications we are inclined to think that the tide of prejudice 'which, at first, set so violently against the Revised Book of Discipline, has begun to ebb, and that the current.is now changing in its favor. Objections are daily losing their • force, misapprehensions quietly subsiding, and the. Propriety of the changes becoming more obvious." We had estimated the matter differently. We, had, supposed that the attempted change was met by the churches, and opposed on principle, rather than from .prejudice;" and that the quiet ness attained was the,result of a confidence, that fundamental truth Would not be un dermined, and that the love of change would not prevail. ' ' Some of the alterations suggested would be improvements, if the people were fa miliar with them; but this class are not of such importance as to compensate for the evils necessarily incident to changes in fun damental laW. The Standards of a Church ought to possess stability. They. may be ever regarded as alterable, and as suscepti ble of improvement; but no alteration should be attempted' but where, in the opinion of the people generally, there, is an evil which may be thereby avoided,' and a benefit be secured in its stead. , But our - main objection to the New Book, as we intimated on its ,first being proposed, is, that it alters and. subverts a .fundamen tal principle in regard to the status of our children. True, it admits • their right to baptism, ,and that, henceforth, they are members of the Church, entitled to its privileges-and bound to the discharge of all the duties which are incumbent en members,,'but, strange inconsistency, it makes them not subject to judicial process. That is, they are members; and are yet not to be treated as members; they are bound to all duties, and yet are not to be subject to discipline for 'the neglect of them ; they are entitled to all privileges, and yet are excluded from paternal chastisement, di vinely adapted to work the peaceable fruits of righteousness) The status of our baptized children, Dr. TnonriwaLL, in the article before 'us, ex presses-in words and phrases such as these : "Of the world and in the Church." The Church is to treat them " precisely as she treats all other impenitent and unbelieving men; she is to exercise the power of the keys and shut them out from the commun ion of the saints. She is to debar them from all the privileges of the inner sanctu ary." " Dead 'in trespasses and sins." " Their whole life a continued sin!' " Their very righteousnesses abominable before God." '" The whole state of-non-profess ing members is unsound—let the. Church consign them, by a single word, to the position which universally attaches to im penitence." "The baptized non-professor is actually in the very position in relation to the sacraments and communion of the Church, in which ex-communication puts the professing offender. The key is turned, and both are shut out from the inner 'sanc tuary." He also speaks of the children of the saints, though they are. God's by cove nant claim, and consecrated to hini in bap-' tism, and trained with, his Teeple, as being' " slaves ;" and. says, "their condition as slaves, determines' their treatment" This, as seems to us, is all wrong. Men have no right so to speak of, the children of the Church. They are born in the.fam ily. They are the offspring of God's handmaidens. He says of them: They are mine. They have been , given • to God in the way of his requirement, and with .faith in his promises. He has set upon them the visible seal of own proffered covenant. He has begun to writehis name in their foreheads; forming their judg ment, impressing their .heart; ,and : guiding their life. He haimade them to differ from the mass of mankind.; in their rela ticea to him, in their sentiments regarding him, and their feelings and`conduct toward him. They have' been educated -for him. They read his Word, reverence his Sab baths; associate with his People, sustain his ordinances of worship, commune with his children in prayer, praise, the 'hearing of the Word, and the grace of giving. They call themselves Christians. They are Christians ; not heathens, not Jews, not infidels. They believe with Christians, they associate with Christians, they wor ship with Christians. They acknowledge sinfulness and helplessness,"but hope for the mercy of God,. and ; that only in and through the Lord Jesus Christ.. We speak here not of all, for some, through parental neglect and Church' unfaithfulness, have grown up untrained for God 7 * in the world and of the world. And yet, even of these we would say, "Destroy them not, for a blessing is in there" But we new 'speak of -those, and they are many ; who have enjoyed a•measure of parental faithfalness, and a wise and diligent Church care:' And, 'Oh I if the Church would faithfully dis xtharge her duty, what multitudes of, such would there be 1 God would be• faithful on his part. He •would be abundant in his grace. Well, it is of such that we speak theseborn,-baptised, and educated mem bers. Now, wherein do these, in all the visibilities of the Church, differ from other members ? They do not come to the Lord's They are disobedient to that dis tinctive command, "This do." Why do they decline? Is it from a deep• sense of unworthiness; or because of a tender con science.,6"or a morbid sensibility, or defec tive instruction ? Do they wish to opine, but stay away through fear ? Or, ,are they careless about their sours salvation ? Or are they hostile to Christ, and.,determined that he shall 'not have them? The ChUrch should know these things—know them well—and direct her course accordingly. • After all God's claim upon our offspring - and their recognition general, so fully; of, that clnim, are they to be disowned, pudiated, treated as. slaves, as unbelievers, as men of the world, as ex-oommunicated persons; and - are they to be shut out, and to have the key turned upon. then'? And all this without a trial, without ge titre; with'out a hearing ? No, mil we. If PRESBYTERtAV BANNER.LSA T IVRDA Y, MAY 19, 1860. they are to be, de /ciao, ex-Cornininicated, turned' out, cut off from the Israel of God, let' them knout why. : Give them hearing. It is their right. Deal with' them as chil dren, long, fiiithfully, kindly, before you count them aliens. Cut them not off till by a fair and full investigation, in which they have had 'unrestricted opportunity to defend themselves, you have proved 'them to be reprobates. We verily believe that a' neglect of our members by birthright, is a crying sin.in our Church. The neglect is not tOtal,hy any means., Neither' are we sinners, above all other men in, this aspect. But; still, we are sinneis greatly. We have been sinners against the Word of God and due Stand ards; and now the effort is being made to alter our Standards, so as to make them conform to our sinful practice.. ,Better far would it be, to change in the. other di rection. Let us refOrm ourpraetice. Let us teach our children that theY are Chris= tians, educate them Christians, and \treat them as Christians. Let us, with all fidel ity, give • them the means of the covenant, and trust 'God that he will give ;them its benefit& We will then not be echn pelled to mourn over divided 'families, or lost sons and daughters ; but we , and ours shall rejoice together; and our, Church will be a brilliant light, shining in a dark world. A SEAT IN TUE GENERAL ASSEMBLY; DE- CLINE& • :,r According to, custom, F the PresbYtery of Louisville, appointed. Bev. W. L. BRbo.K. INRIDGE, Moderator of the last General Assembly, a Commissioner to the Assem- , bly of this year. It was his, duty, by the, constitution of , the -Church, to open ~ t he meeting with a sermon; and to preside Over the ' oroanization of the lib Use, and till a new 'Moderator should be chOsen. This duty being recognized, it has been a Uni versal custom to appoint the Moderator of the preceding' Assembly as a Commissidn er to.the next ; and a failUre to do so could not but-be regarded-as a pointed disrespect to the Assembly, and a discourtesy toward the brother. The Louisville• Presbytery fol lowed the custom, zn making the `appoint ment, but they accompanied itwith instruc tions which they knew Dr BuEcKnstitudi. could not obey, and i thus they put him Uri der the necessity of declining. The -mat ter is to be regretted;, and the more espe cially as it is Manifestly part of a plan "to carry a new measure, changing the To' uei pies and - policy of our Church, and possibly involving a sectional issue: The following, from Dr. BRECKIN- , RIDGE'S letter of deelinature, will show his views of the case: " The _Presbyterian Herald, of the 12th.' inst., has brought me ,the proceedings of our Presbytery, in session at Owensboro' on the sth inst. They make knOwn to= that I was chosen a' Commissioner' to the, General Assembly; and, further, •tliat the: , Presbytery heartily approves (and request' the Commissioners to sustain) the action of the General Assembly of 1859; and also that 41848, on the subject of the relations of. the .Church of Christ and voluntary So cieties formed for the purposes of .Art, Lit erature; and Secular Morality.' ' "In the report of the proceedings if is: added, that this resobition called out earnest and animated discussion, in which its passage was advocated by Messrs. Rob inson, Rice, and others, and opposed 'hY Messrs. Matthews, Hopkins, Hill, and 'oth ers. The motion was finally adopted with out a count.' "There is avery clear and wide distinc— tion to, be taken 'between the action of the Assembly of 1859, and that of the Assem-: lily of 1848, cited by the Presbytery. The y latter declares that the Church has no pew-: er to require of its members the support,nfi the Societies in question ; while it asserts the right, and, on occasion, the• duty Of the: Church to favor or oppose them, according: to its judgment of ;their merits. This view of the subject I do healtily approve.' I trust that I shall be.ready at times to defend and support it. "But the action ofthe Assembly of 1859 denies to the Church all right to have any thing; to do with such institutions. Bellev-, ing this view of the,mibject to be false in its principle, narrow in its spirit, and every way hurtful irr its influence, I 'do heartily, condemn . it, and I can do."nothing under any circumstances: to;,Support 'it. It is, plainly in conflict mith the 4erttiments and! usages of our branch of the Church froin, the beginning. ' I think it has been justly . described as setting forth anew and 'start. , thig doctrine: I find no warrankfor it in, the letter of the Divine Word; or in the spirit of the:Gospel:: I believe' . that it was inadvertently uttered by the,last , Assembly without"arresting the attention &the body ; and, now that it has fairly' engaged the thoughts of the Church, I - do not doubt' that it will be disavowed .by the coming Assembly." It is to be hoped that the Assembly at Rochester, will take a firm hold of the sub ject here presented. , We know 'that it is sectional, and on that account we regret it •the more deeply. But it is an aggreasioni unprovoked, arid needless. 'Andit aims' the deStruction of fundamental principles of. Christian duty. We trust that it will be put down byaiL overwhelming. vote. , GENERAL CONFERENCE ,OF::TRE.,METROBIST EPISCOPAL COURCIATS ,PILOGREBB4.ITB BOOR -CONCERN. . , This body is holding its quadrennial SeS sion in the city :of BUffalo, New-York. The attendance is very large, and its re ports, discussions and conclusions, will be looked for with lunch interest. Among the subjects, of importance that will'recefie much attention, are the, propoissa. rule s with regard to the exclusion of ,slaveholders from rnenibership, , the 4 introduction of lay men to the Conferences, and the' Presiding Eldership. , • , . , • 1 , The address of the Bishops gave, some interesting filets concerning ,the progress of this Church : • - The number' of members and probe,: tioners .in '1855 (in the Chureh,) was 799,431, and of ministers 5,4081 the former in 1859 numbered' 974;345, and the latter 6,877 ; making an increase respeet ively of .174,914, arid 1,469. The number of church edifices is 9,305, and of parson, ages 2,540; with' an' aggregate estimated value 'of $21,341,624=-an increase in `-biro years of 960 Churches, and 366 parsonages, at a valuatiOn of $8,341,624. The increase of the Sunday Schools is alluded to with' much satisfaction, as the catalogue of Sunday Scheel books, and the number' of teachers and 'schelarS, are 'rapid ly increasing:'' The- priblioations of 'the 'Church have' become , very numerous. -The aggregate number of pages printed and 'circulated since the last 'General Confer ence, in tracts„ bound volumes, 'and the :monthly illustrated`tract, 'Good News, is '51,170,900. . The New-York Bet& Concern shows that It pr , nts'lns r a net capital in real estate, cash, 'merchandiia, ng /printi offiee, and and. notes materials, ,bindery'""-;: and. notes and book ac -4 counts of . $540,721.01 arlirthat\tXo total number of bOokai;ulilished'dUrinethe last four years is 3,800,000, besides 27,802,000 pages of tracts. Total sales for the four years $1,1.75,837, an increase of $175,133 over the previous four- years ; The debt of BoeltiCoheerh iitlBs6;agl. 70,704, but now only,amounts t0,,tfi1.,§09. The total profits of the ooneern since 183 G are' set down -at'51,171,584.1 ' *7 . Pur 'Methodist brethreniditivn` not found that .a full exhibit; the` - actual 'state ot their BOOk Coneert(li4 inured, its pros perity" n any way, ,They tlai people what they have and' Whit they want; and hencn they 6rijOy''''thei:ednfideden 'of the chuiches:' tIARROLL- COLLEGE. A'country tikes its character, very much, from its literary - ingtitutions; especially frOrp. those'whi'eh 'are cataliiished conducted cicrgetioally.„ It has ,been the habit of Presbyterians,—it is an out-going of their spirit,--to' carry literature with them, and to Plant . soil,"and to • cherish : it with assiduity. A. few of them • penetrated Wisconsin: They. estab.. lished. Carroll College: :They-clin,g to ,it. They are unable; alone, to wake it what it Should be They ask help Let that help be contributed. • • We give the following satisfactory infor mation : • • This 'lnstitution, ender , the supervision 4if :the Presbyteria..`o - ,*nod, 'Of `Wis:consin, ig 'locate& Wank7ha, fifteen . miles= West cif' MilWinkie, en /the M.. and MisSissippi Railroa.d, hasit beautiful and commodiouS edifice for instructiVe. , purposes, on a site of ten 'acres,' with adjoining lots, for.) the purpose" of`' aeconiniodatingi the erection of Profeseors' residences. It has been inine cessful operatiOn, With a • full College' or= nunizition for the last { six: years , aided. by , the Presbyterianßodrd ilf Education, while its - endowinent; winch has; been 'as' yet-only partially effected; is in progress ;T it has graduated three'elasses succesSively during the lest three yetirs, and has a senior: class of six to graduate in' July next,' With low er didsses to 'suceeed 'it in , regular progress: The President and Fiscal Agent, is now making - an appeal to the friendS of Chris tian Education, in its 'behalf, to facilitate the proseention of its , appropriate ;work; withoutinterruptiOn While pissing a peen= , b niary crisis at the West,' - which , has`crippled - so many 'similar enterprises.' Any- special hifoimation will be` 'cheerfully comMuni cated by the Agent, to any and:all who - may desire it,, and , will favor' him with an -inter- View. • The' following'testirnonialsare appended; m to assure those who ay .not:' , be acquainted With the agent, that the character and:im pertance Of 'the entePAsei'are'such . as to invite their %confidence, cokiperation and liberality. • JcarrA. SAVAGE, • Presidktt and Piieal Agent. The Presbyterian College, in 'Wisconsin, at the head of whioh'is. , the'Reii. Dr. Sav age, 'is one .of those infant institutions which are indispensable,to_Church progress in the new eountries...Those . ,who know our histerias Presbyterians, lino* `that to such scbooli, such pioneers, such humble; earnest, efforts, we have owed the supply of ministers.:`` My: is great, that if this College I.l6'supported,it wilt do more :for:sound Presbyterianism in the North- Weit, than ten times the same outlay in other ways, or, a hundred times the same outlaya - few Years hebee. Constant as are the 'demands 'made on the beneficent among us,' I hesit‘te not to Make an . , earnest Plea 'for this . enterprise, at the'doors'ef those who love the Church; of our Fathers. J: W.' ALEXANDER. 1 1 4. p - i/ 1856.' WESTERN THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, ' Allegheny City, Pa.,=.3farch 44, 1860. I have been on the site of Carroll CoP , 14-6,. seen, its officers' and Students, and eon verged' with 'the brethren of that region. have not d"doubt of the wisdom of fbund ing and - 'snStaining that' institution, and heartily commend it to the'friends of sound Education' and. true reli ion [Signed,]''''Wm. S. PLUMER. lIIMMIBEI , The General Assemblies.--One of the Edi tord, is at, Rochester, as a Commissioner, an d will faithfully report the , proceedings. The other' vrill'briefly, note affairs in the lily Wok Inects 'in, this city, - 'AerditeB.--See . an interesting communi cation in anal:ter-column: 7 ' EASTERN SUMMARY. =ME BOS TON AND NE W-ENGLAND GENRRAL BISTROOTNE, and the other. British otheers;•together.with a portion ,of the; "privates, captured byr General' Gates at Saratoga; were afterwards quartered-. at ,Cambridge, ; Medford, Charlestown; and Watertown, ,in the vicinity of Boston. Mr. Charlesil. Morse; of this city, has now in - his possession the original parole signed by:Gen.- BUrgoyneland his officers;- and it is de cidedir a long list , bf fighting men "—contain ing-no less • than One hundred and , eighty-eight names:lThe signitilre of Gen. Burgoyne was uSually'firni and handipm, but 'in this= instance it is ; Wiitten in a broken and 'tremulous' manner: Here,•tOo; : is the naive of Gen. `William Phillips, Written' 'by himself. This" is' theßritisher who once *ate t.e General Washington' as "`"Ati. Washington;" then as "George{ Washington," and ifteiwards as" General Waihington." • ~The formal INAVOIIRAVON, OF PROF.FELTON as President of Harvard,College, will take place op. Monday, the 20th •of the present month.. It is intended to make , the ceremony quite an ire posing,,one. !There will, be a long .procession _of the,, E gorperation, : of the College, the . faculty', ntudents; and citizens, generally, under the, direo 7 tionnfA,Chief Marshal. . , • The eiristiaw.Examiner,' a UNITARIAN JOERNAI t has':been- frequently of ate admitting that the Orthodox faith is'not4dtbgether. a delusion; and evenackneirledging some'tendencies in its own convictions toward '"some-of the truths of the Evangelibil nyitera have for the Most part been repudiated by modern' Unitarians. But' in its iide Charity it fs sslowto-acknowledge these as essentials to the Christian In a' recent notienraf-Prof: Hunton's of the Trinity, that journal says • With the'netion itself; the , Athanasia.n °omen- Um- of the Godhead, we have no quarrel. As an article ,ot ; speculative, theosophy, we have. not only no,objectien to it, but are willing to eonfess a speculative leaning toward' it; But when it is thrustidegiehticelly forward, as one of the essen tials of the Christian' faith, as binding authority, and as Scripture doctrine, we feel it to -be„a falsity'!, ll A un, otrSPee,. . • • • •• . ; ~.This admission is .certainly no very great ad- Yanoe• , •• . A PRESBYTERIAN CHUM* waiworganlied in Bast •Boston in 4864, - .andoanited•srith the. 'Old Schoel General ASeembly; itt:1858:; This visa the first PreslVeirian chufch iirchiculeFlOn with our Assembly, in Boaton, let; iiiiinty=fire year*" Or since "'the Federal' Street left the' Generol':*- Oembli: This church has 'completed . lee erection of a handsome and hOuie of worship, at* cost ab0id..511 . 3,000, This build'- 14 1 1,," 4 diali !! :I T the arteinoon of P 14.491 made Ont.paspior, ~Tiev. ii 11..rohnlion, 'and . A by -iiitt;. f err. Y:frli 40' i : 8 ft was an able MEI BEM produati on, - setting forth the *reasons *lty.G'ocl took , 'pleasure in having' plebes erected for his worship z, and tbafeelings of reverence, gratitude, and attacbment.iiith'whieh men should regard them. The-ehoiritiug.the beautiful Scotch ver sion of the eighty-fourth psalm, and several ap propriate hymns. 7: Mr: genryfis-the;brottier-in-law of the pastor, and waiTcirinetly paitoilof a church in Chicago, but is .now colleague with Dr. McElroy, of the Scotch Presbyterian church, New York. 13oth of thesibretliren began the work of the ministry in the.4asociatelteforineci Church ; both received thSii . theological training in the Seminary, of that Church at Allegheny, under the' :Re*: Dr. T. 'Pressley ; and Mr; Henry is : •a 'naive of '`'Allegheny County. .. . . humus. • EBQ.' . Senior editor of the „ritittricid,S.unvurhich lie founded as long ago as 4890, 4i4 last week, at the venerable age of ~eighty-four. He was the oldest editor in the Union. • . .• • • ' • , IVETV 2 IrORi.K. - 1 1 • . , . T)/e.M.l.tivreuz .A.m.DA.,mpous aTrAyed.lapt.:*94.4c, but 4.!!linito l 4 . not 'O64M to appear.. .whore in pub3io previous, to: ,presentation to. the President. They remained on the United States steam frigate :R9anoke, until her departure-for Norfolk, from' which place they will proceed di irectly to Washington:. , 'lThis city, last Week, lost one of itt oldeilt and most 'distinguished. lawyers, in the *death of Gronos Garyrix, ESQ. Whatever opinions Might be entertained' concerning othei members no one eyes; failed:: to place Mr. among the very first. He was. of New parentager., born ,'January 1778 ; giailuated at Tale ,Goiiege, studied ,law with ,Indge Illuiler,l ref . Wytiming Pa • 'married the •• sdangliter iof Poi. 2ebulon, Butler, vrhocommand etN4 Westyoint,during the .Itevelutionary War, and who defended his native place in the terrible Indian massacre at. Wyoming ; and came to New ,York at the age of twenty-eight. Here , ho at once took a very high, position, and was immediately acknowledged•the equal in eloquence and legal learning to Emmett; Wells, Hoffman, Pue . r, r Jones, " Livingston, Wood; and others, who corn posedA legal galaxy that has never been. , sur - passed. 'He was a remarkable instance •of the union of the most 'overpowering eloquence, the closest logic, and: the most exact knowledge of law. Manyisithis "speeches and arguments will be models for succeeding generations, and extracts from his aild7sisses have been declaimed in almost every colleg e o and ace.acad emy , qftisp land. He was; closely related to great rifeh,lsoili Collaterally and in his own immediate'faMily." ;Many now living remern* well - the glowing eloquence and fervid appeals breii pulpit, of liiirlirother, the Rev. 'Edmund" Nil.' I Griffin; Pitido:lent"' of Williams Ciallege;ind,one.of, the ltiniiieirieif.iif the Preg- . liyterian~Church id'his ' idaf histois Griffin, The elfifet ' . of thioige * Griffin •of great • ' pence as a laiiyer, anit'a ' man of most lovely, otu io . and blameless character,die in 1801. ';The Rev. Edzinnd' Griffin, another son, diet Va t• the age of, twentY-onec after having given bright promise of "eietraordinary ability- and usefulness.: Charles;.nnothei son,. and a mem ber of the same' profession Si" his father, died last year. Most of his grandchildren are of full age,. and some of them, of both sexes, give evi „dence that they. inherit the talents of their an cestor. Mr. Griffin was a zealous member of the Presbyterian Church, and after his retirement from the bar, devoted several years to the pro ductko,n of two religious works of great ability, eintgled " The . Sufferings of our Saviour". and •the'‘f Evidences of Christianity." taili:WeCk was " ANNIVERSARY WEEK," and a large number of strangers were in the city, for the purpose of attending the annual meetings of the different'Sodeties. But, as a general thing, ibese meetings are not so well attended as in former yearn: Residents of 'the 'city take but' little interest in them, except when some special emergency, irises, as in the case of the Tract' Society; and persons from a distance hare grown, weary of being entertained every year by the same speakers. This ernPloyment of nearly the same spoakere, every, year has been a groat mistake; and our- General Assembly should take . warning in time, and cease to confine its appoint--; merits for Om . annunl, sermons, in behalf of the. Boards, to a few individuals, residing in peculiar. 1 ' • At"lthe. Apniversary; the' Aitant CAN •BiaLs. Soozsgst the Hop. TheedOreTrelinghuysen pre sided; and 'the Scriptures. Were reed and. prayer offered by the Rev. DOiermilye. The Annual Report gave the folloirAng summary : • Eighty-one new aexiliaries haVe been recog nised: Of Life Directors, eiglity-eight have been inade, andat Life Member's, one thousand five 'hundred and, 'thirty-two. The receipts of the ;year :amount to. $435,956.92, being an increase •of $20,945.55 over the previous year. Of this sum, $241,299.57 are from sales of Bibles and Testamentif• and' $107;657.35 gratuitous. The 'number •of volumes issued is 753,772; since the organization of :the Society, 14,278,881. Grants of °books have been made to. auxiliaries, benevolent Sobieties, and . individuals ; to. the ,amount of $47, , New Beoke—A. new German Bible, 12m4y., has been published ;• a modern Armenian Bible; 8.v0., with references; a • nonpareil Testament . .and' Psalms, 82m0.; a diamond Testaphigt.andP . salms,' 48m0.; and portions of the:Nest .Testiti):tant in Cherokee, 24zna., ,Now 'stniare . l6Faq;; a . mniferi 'lrithotit ireferevieda; , Maid • dad ;•.8 iliiniontßible, same size,mithout aceedsories; for lews.; •a'pearl. *-reference Bible, square:lBmo.; a pearl Bible; without refer,ences, same size . ; a Cherokee New Testament, 12nio. ..4geets--There are forty-one igents employed by the' Society, including one in the Levant, one in Brazil, and one in Mexico. .Gneral• Supply—This • work, commenced four years since, is still in progress, with much en-, couragement. ,Graitts Alaney—These have `been made for publishing 'and circulating the • Sdriptures in Spanish America, France, Germany, Italy,' Turkey, Syria, India, China, Africa, and ,the Sandwich Islands, to the amount of •$88,259. 77, aside from the funds, expended in the Bible House in printing foreign versions. Our ex tended commerce, and ntui2erous Missionary establishments abroad, are 'making increased demands every year for means to piepare and distribute s the Scriptures in different ;tongues. of. thhi, we ) wilh not. complain, but. rather give , thinks:to God,, who thus opening the way for his 'Word alnottg' all nations. • , . Addresiei were made by the Rev. Dr.-Plumer, of Allegheny City, Rev. Dr. Fisher, Rev. R. W. Henry, and others. After the conclusion. of Dr. Fisher's sppech,, a letter was•read from. the Earl of• Shaftesbury, in response to an invitation to attend the anniversary. He expressed his inabil ity. to,come on account of the pressure of his pub lic duties. The Acttdetuy of Musio,-where the meeting was held, was not more than one-third 'The Thirty-filth Anniversary of 'the ADIZICAIir TtutoT Stibtaix-itina Bold in Rev. Dr. Hutton's "'Church; T . On''WedneadaY Morning of last week. • In'the . abience of the President., Hon. Thomas S. Williams, the meeting was called to order by ilOn. Wm. C. Alexander; Vice President. Prayer was offered by Rev. Dr. Burchard, of Rew-York. It appeArs from the Annual Report, that • during the year the Society's agents made 630,000 family visits, offered prayer in 425,000 of them, • and,•circulated 443,000 volumes by sale, and 120,000 by grant... Since the commencement. of this work the colporteurs have made nearly eight millions of family visits, and offered prayer in some' 'inillianS of habitations.'Th'e'y had cirau lated by sale in nineteen years, 6,860,000 vol umes, and beitoWed two millions on the poor withogt money and without price. Foreign ap propriations in cash for' the year, $12,000 ; since its forination, $510,000. Of the publications circulated during the year; there were' in the Northern and 'Middle States, 12,350,000'pages, value . $6,000. In. the Western and • North western States, 6,500,000. pages, or $4,000. In the South:western Statia;ls,B7l,ooo,.or $lO,OOO. Of the six hundred rind' fortynitie colporteurs and stddezits at work during the past year, two hundred , and;twentptlime labored in the North .ern : Staten,. one hundrrd and fifty-two: in ; on 34, este*; . §tates, and two hundred and .sixty-one in the S9uthein States. , Printed ;during' the ,year, 731,700 . tolniness, 11;041,400' putlications, or 238,876,800 ; final in thirty-five years; 15,778;529 volumes, 226,582,300 - publications, or 5,596,286,104 , pages. gratuitous distribution for the year, in 3,040 Aliatinutzranys, 55,013,082 pages ; and 12,800,340 :pates to Inanberi 'and direotora ; iniduntineto ''• I • ' • • • • Receiptranci .E . Tpenctiires.-I*eii , ed in clops, !inns sind inn die's, $111i864.81.; wile i , $232;6Y6.- .f ~%'~: 56 ; 'received on insurance and expended before April 1, $32,718;91; making, with balance in the treasury, $380;762.93. Expended—Manu facturing and issuing, $226,058,67 ; colportage, $79;616.20; coiporteur agencies and deposito ries, $29,497.99; cash for foreign lands, $12,- 000 ; all other expenses, s3B,69o.o7—making $880,762.93. Speeches were , made by the R,ev.Tir:,Riddlel of Jersey Pity, .formerly, of Pittsburgh Dodges, Esq., and the Rev. Dr. Wolcott, of-. Ch- 'cage. This last gentleman submitted the follow ing resolutions, upon which he made an animated speech : • , •• f' WIFERMAS, 'This Society, in '1857, on recent-- mendation of the Committee of fifteen, adopted a yesolution affirming that those moral duties which grow out_of, I,IM existence of slavery; as well as dose moral and evil vices which it is knoin to premote, undoubtedly tio fall within the province of this Society, and can and might to be discussed .in its, publications,. and this declaration still stands in full force ; therefore, _Resolved, That the reasons which urge to such disolissidn - still reinain, and now press upon the • Society with aecumulative weight.. Whereas, This Society, at its last meeting, de clared that "it has no doubt in relation to the sin of 'the African slave trade, and the great wickedness of recognizing that iniquitous system in any form .}». and 'Whereas, During the past year evidence' has accumulated until the fact has beconie notorious and flagrant, that this, accursed traffic has been •pursued by vessels sailing from various ,ports of this country ; therefore, Resolved, That the publication orrePublication of suitable tracts,. setting forth the iniquity of the African slave trade, would meet the warm approbation of this Society. , At the conelusion of his speech, the Rev. Mr. Lee, of Brooklyn, offered the follovaing,,evident ly intended to cast ridicule on br. Wolcott's res olutions : Resohed, That in, the opinion of this Society, the 'opening of German.lager beer gardens in New York, on the Sabbath, is contrary to the law and Gespel of God, and that there are many oth .errpractices inNsw. York and 'Brooklyn, att.& in ,Tariotts parts of, New , England, which :are de eervinw of our disapproVal and hearty condem -nation. Relolved, That the , Executive Committee be di ,ieeted to publish against the evils:of abolition ism. .: : ,Whereuport a ,motion for adjournment: was • made by the Hon. Greene C. Bronson, - which was carried amid much confusion... To say the least, • this was not, a - very dignified f inale, on the part •of a great.national Society: Nothing would have -been lost by less haste, and a full' expression of .opinion: After the adjournment, the Life Mem 'bers cleated the - old Committees by an overwhelm ing majority. They are as follows : Publishing Committee.--Rev. David Magic, D. D -Elizabethtown N.J• Rev. Wm. R. Williams, D.D.,, Rev. Wm. 'Adams, D.D., Rev. Benjamin C. Cntle.r, D.D., Rev. Neh. Adams, D.D.', Boston, .;:Mass:; Rev. Thomas Dewitt, D:D. ' Distributinr Committee.—Wm: Forrest, Alfred I Id.• Treadwell, Alfred S. Barnes, Samuel S: Con stant,, Dr. Wm. N. Blakeman. , !Mance Comstittea=Richard T. Haines, Moses Allen, Thomas C. Doremus, Richard S. Fellowes, George N. Titus, Esq., Oliver E. Wood., The head-quarters of the BOSTON, TRACT SOIN ETY, is 'in "the metropolis, of New England, but the first anniversary was held in Dr. Cheever's church, in this city, last week. The.following is a statement of the operatkins for the year; "Whole nunitier of tracts published dining the -year; fifty-four---copies printed, 4;129,650 ; whole , niimber of; volumes published, sixty-sevem— :copies, 151,6774 ,whole amount of printing done, ;(tracts and books,) 22,283,532,page5. The Soci etypublishes two papers, called the Tract dro-urn al and Clad at'Bowie, of which they have . print ed; altogether:l,ll2,ooo copies. In addition : to their own publications, the Society has purchased and distributed $17,797.17 worth of matter pub lished by other Societies and booksellers. They have paid in aid of the Press atforeign_missionary stations, $l,OOO. They have employed thirty three colporteurs, of whom two were engaged in the'ilaveholding Sta:es. The charitable distri butions of the Society to hospitals, seamen, mis sionary associatiChs, Sunday-Schools, &c. in the way of:tracts and books, amount to $11,928. 06. The sales during the, year, including pub lications in the, binds of colporteurs, amount to $47,732.98. The finances.of the Society show a balance'in the treasury of s9o2.Bo—the total re ceipts frOm sales, legacies, hiving been $67;600.86, and the total expenses, $66,698:06. After the reading of the report, Dr. Tyng 'nude , `in able `and characteristic speech. PHILADELPHIA ,MAYOR HENRY was duly inaugurated Mayor for a second term, last w eek. In this ceremony Rev. . , Dr. Brainard read a portion of the second chap ter of first Timothy, with the ninty-ffist Psalm, and offered prayer. Then the oath of office was administered by Judge Oswald Thompson. This, was, followed by an address from the Mayor, in,,which he , pledged himself , to fulfill the dutse.s.of his station faithfully, impartially, and apcording to the best of his ability. The Ptsv. D. R. Goonwrx, D.A., of Maine, has been elected Provost of the University of Penn sylvania: This - Office was made vacant, some' time 'ago, by the resignation of Prof. Trethake. , ' Philadelphians take great interest in the Pon- Lto ScnooLs of their city, and are proud of their Continued success. The Philadelphia Ledger • . In the ,year 1850, the public school' system of the city included 266 schools, 727 teachers; ‘inid 45,383 scholars. In 1859' it had reached 828 schools, I,o62leachers, and 61,745 scholars. In 1850 there was one teacher to every SiNty47o Scholars. In 1859 there was one teacher to every fifty-eight scholars. The proportion of scheols , Seas somewhat different.. InlBso there was one school to one hundred and seventy-Seven scholars. In 1859. there was one for every One hundred and= ninety-one scholars. Thus, while the number of teachers,in propertion to scholars ha multiplied;the number of schools in propor tion to scholars has not kept even pace. The AMERICAN SUNRAY SCHOOL , UNION ,oele-. brated its Thirty-Sixth Anniversary last week., John P. Crozier, ' sq.,< Vice-President, presid ed. After the singing of a hymn, and a prayer,' Rev. B. B. Westbrook, Secretary of Missions, read the annual report. During the year the number of new schools organized directly' by missionaries, w,here none previously existed, ; teachers pledging themselves to conduct. these Schools, 14,225; children enrolled at the time of organization, 88,278; schools visited and aided by the missionaries, 3,701; teachers laboring in these schools, 30,355; scholars in at-. tendanc,e, 215,168;,wh01e number of schools or ganized and aided, 5,792; whole number .of teachers, '44,580,• Whole number of scholars; "298,446; volumes of religious books supplied' to these schools directly by the missionaries, About. 224,000; making, in 18mo. pages, more than 29,000,000. The business of the Publication Department has 'grown largely. The sales have increased from $202,426.30 to $234,436.'82. The number of new books issued'is larger than in any former year, and they seem to be meeting very general acceptance, and to, be doing a good work. The Society has,now a large number of volumes in various stages of, progress, and most of them, ready for publication. , ' Addresses were - delivered by- Rev. N. H. Schenck, Rev. Hiram Eddy,' Rev., J. Hyatt Smith, 'Rev..W. J. R. Taylor, and the exercises closed with, a, benediction by Rev. Mr. -Cray- For the Presbyterian Banner. Our German Mission Churches. lEssits. Enrrons :—Allow me to call the attention of your readers :to the visita.: tion of s Spirit, amongGod' the Germans of , Rochester and vicinity. Nearly three months, ago, a little church consisting of thirteen persons, was organized and placed under the care of. Allegheny City. Presby tery. Since then, whilst I was preaching only 'every third week, the Lord has been pleased to bless my feeble efforts 'there,to the hopeful conversion of many. , On Sabbath, the 29th day ,of April, we had a most precious communion season in the church ,of _tr other Cuurthightun, in Bridge water. Twenty-one persons, among whom the aged and the young were':feund, were, on examination, admitted to the sealing or dinance of the I f ord's Supper, and five in fants were baptized.:, , • The people feel very much encouraged, and hope' for greater things,yef. In West 4ancheiter the work is, progressing some what skiver, but elleeringlreneugh. On last Sabbatlefour persons were received, in to the church, and took tbeir'seats" at the Lord's table;; Three .children were ap tized. 711E1;6:dire nuMber of ,Germnp pres llthrians belMiging to my charges . js sixty, six, and the average attendance on Divine worships nay he said to be seventy. To the Lord be all the praise. Yours respectfully, JNO. LAIINITZ. West Manchester, May 8, 1860. Poi the Presbyterian Banner. Fall of Aerolites in Guernsey and Raskin gum Counties, Ohio. MESSRS. EDITORS :—The usual equan imity of the good people of this portion of 'Ohio, Was much disturbed at noon on the Ist inst., by a succession of tremendous ex plosions in the heavens, at an angle of about dirty-five"degrees from the earth. These reports were heard over an area of from -seventiftire to one hundred utiles square. I.n parts' of Guernsey and. Muskingum counties, the shocks were really terrible, so Much so, as to'shake the largest buildings, in a manner similar to the loudest thun der--causing lam& alarm to some, and wonder to all. The soimd, to y m ear, was like that of a large volume of steam passing through cold water; as' may be heard, on a small scale, when a railrcad engineer turns the steam pipe of the locomotive in the water-box of the "tender "..-the noise being low, and heavy, with an occasional note of peculiar empha sis. It seems the phenomenon was of a meteoric character, as many great stones fell near' the villacres' of ,New Concord, Claysville, Point Preasant, and Hartford. Some of these aerolites I have seen. The one before one, foUnd by our townsman, Mr. R. J. Clark, weighs nearly four pounds, is cubical in form--sides smooth—corners rounded off—has a dark iron-colored sur face, exceptino *here one point was broken ,off in the fall, by striking against the root of a tree. The texture of the stone is granulated closely, resembling a common fine-grit sand-stone, though somewhat heav ier, its specific quality being about 3.45. More than twenty of these specimens ara now in the 'possession of persons in this community. Some ', of these are much larger than the one above described, but of the same general appearance. The largest I have heard of, weighs fifty-six pounds, and was found on the farm of Mr.'Law ' West of Cambridge. Messrs. Noble and Hines in the same vicinity, have secured the next largest. One of these weighs fifty-two pounds, and the other over thirty-five pounds. These gentlemen saw both these stones fall; beingiu the field at the time of the explosion, and - looking up they saw theta coming to the ground with great ve locity, attended with a whizzing sound. One fell a few yards East, and the other a like distanee West of them. They ran immediately to the spot where the first fell, and found it biiried in the earth to the depth of near two feet 1 • They dug it out. It was yet warm, and emitted a sulphurous smell. The ether in its descent, struck a fence, brealdng two rails, and sinking into the ground about sixteen inches I We know other parties that have speci mens of great size, weighing forty-three and a half; thirty-six, twenty-three, and six teen pounds; and ahnoSt all weights down to half a' pound. HI can procure a good spec imen I may send it to you, Messrs. Edi tors, as a, present, and for' your inspection. Now, 'what I want is this, that sonic scientific inns that reads this account, or hears of this extraordinary meteoric shower, will gii-e us and the world a iatisfactory ac count of the origin of these stones, of their peculiar shape, of • the'- cause of the sound in their- descent,and -the reason' of their tharnsish temperature immediately after their fall. We do not ask a rehash of the old :Cometary, /unary, or planetary theories. These we know, and they are all unsatisfac tory:'Nor will we listen to the asterodic hypothesis. This is old and obsolete. Notice ; the sound reached the earth before the body. Many persons heard, then lcoked, then'saw; so that to say that the sound was the:result' of the explosion seems Unteni ble, for the velocity of heavenly bodieS in their 'orbits, as well as that of ponderous bodies falling great distances through t'e air, is kndWn to far exceed, that of sound, (?) which is only eleven hundred- and Tciity two feet per second. - The temperature of theSe Stones, too,As mysterious, Had they beet( red - hot we might 'have accounted forthia high degree of heat on atmospheric principles, 'but be ing -only tvaraiiik when picked' up, five seconds after the.* Struck the earth, explodes this view ; Besides, had any them been very hot we would have, doubtless, learned of their setting ` fire to the leafea and other dry and 'ecinibustible materials athong which they fella 'No one of theta, that have seen, has the slightest ap - pearance of, being a fragment of a 'great rock any More than the round, smooth pebbles on "tliesides of river& -Itile; 'They ere,all?Wcated: with and have • a cleari'Metallie ring, when struck with aliammer: The literati of our town have formed a Society; to talk about and theorize on _this and ; kindred topics—and `any light that they can receive on the subject, will be most thankfullrteceived: — The - whole phenoinenon is singularly mysterious, one worthy of 'the eonsidelatidn, of the philo sophical world—and i,s t hoped that our modern geologists will pause a naoment in their zeal in and'boring the solid earth, to get a; register to contradict Scripture ; and pay their respects to these meteoric strangers " Thii,'at least ; Rill at!. ford variety in their - field& of observation. Whether the - image of Diana, that was so hal:Mimi:Mid worshipped at Ephesus, and traditionedtO' have fallen from Jupi ter, was an iieolite. found and'carved by some cumungsculptoi to delude the lovers of mysticism, knoW nOt, but ani inclined to believe. For,' no theory Of the origin of the.Se stones onght:tohe'reeei*e'd: that does not account for their on , batural principles founded on' secondary: causes :;• , atiperstition may think otherwise, hut truer philos4 - ,pby never-can. But enough for thezpresent. Por this Presbyterian Brorm.r. Abstrict Of the:Twenty-thirdAnnual Report of the Board of Fpreign ilMsions of the .Presbyterian Church in the United Stade of America. The:Board ,acknowledge their gratitude to , Almighty God, for the many tokens of his, favor s bestowed upon this great cause, dining the year, both inits , home and, for eign departments. - The receipts from all sources ,have been 8237,582.28, being .an advance over those of last year,, of ~.$7,501.71. The expendi tures have, een V 34 ;037.'73, jeuving a bal ance in the Treasury of $3,5} ; .55, Whilst the, aggregate adiance of ihareceipts of the present over..thu previous, year have been only $7,50171,- yet, the actnal increase -the, ordinary sources has been $2;l,- 544.18, there having been included in the last year's statement $19,476 more of the fund for repairing kisses in India, and of Government' appropriations for Indian Sbliools,than is contained in the account of the'present.year: This advanee of $25,- 544.18 in the'contributions of:the churches, Sabbath-Seheols, individual Christians and le&aCies ihe'Board grate - fully acknowlethze as evidence of .a growing:interest in this gieat 'cause, as well as a Pledge of the con tinned liberality of the Chtirch in sustain i*g, • 1, no; number of nr7 --ssionary laborers sent dung the yfar; has een forty-four, 'Which, with twenty-two .others' received, in connexion' with that'bran"eh of the - Choctaw mission formerlY under the ,care of the American Boald.; innkes thee - whole number added to the itnissionary:force. , sixty-six-- . 4ing malt , ;twice as IFLanyy, as have been brought into the missionary Service" in any W.• F