3. ALLISON S. LITTLE bAVID tors an M'K d Pr oprieiNNEY 8c CO., Editors. TENNIS IN ADVANCE... aDCOLS BOXISORIPTIONS $l4O Is Mulls 1.25 Dittirctien Ix EITHER Op IRS CITIES ' 2D41 : - For TWO DOLLARS, we will send by mall wsventy numbers,, tent for Q, DOLLAR, thirty-three numbers. Pastors sending us TWENTY subscribes and upwards, will be tbareby entitled to a paper without charge. A AEU PENVII. NARK on the paper, sign : Mini that the , term is nearly out and that we desire a renewal. Renewals should be prompt, a littlebefore the - year / expires; Send payments by safe bands, or by mail. Direct all letters to DAVID WRIPIEY & , Pittaburgh co.'a. For tho Fror!stiyturinn Banner IValking ELS ' Christ 'Walked; " Ire that snAli he abicloth in him, ought himself also so to walk, even as be walked.".,-l. JouN II: 6. We hear much of the "mystical union" of believers, with Christ,,and just because it is called mystical, we conclude that it is a thing we can know nothing about, - and so, very much of OUT religious hopes .and ex periences are mysterious, to ourselves and others. No4whatis this union with Christ ? Walking . as he walked. "He that saith he abidge4 211, ; kiln" ought himself also so to walk; even as he walked," John says. There is nothing " mystical". about that. It is true we must have his Spirit, his temper, and aims, to walk as he walked, but it is equally true that these are• given to him who really wishes them and humbly asks f'or them. Here, then, is John "the mystic" de fining this "mystical union" with Christ; and what is it ?—a thing we can or cannot understand ? Walking as he .walked. That is plain, very . plain., Are we , third walking, or are we not, is the only ques tion. Christ was a man, "of a. true body and a reasonable soul," He was subject. to many human infirmities and all temptations such as we are subject to. •He did not live in a corner or die in a corner. He lived in a period to which all nations once looked fbrwurd, and. to which all now look back- 7 : himself' the central figure in human history. History has.much to do with.him. It is easy to learn how he lived and haw he died, , what he was, what he did, and why he did' it. The four Gospels, the Acts of the. Apostles, and the Epistles tell us all about this. Now, he who is united to him, walks as he walked. , Do you,?—do I ?—a plain question.. This walk is not a literal walk, with our feet going where he went and standing where he stood. The old pilgrims to the Holy Land ,did that literal ly., and found that, atheart, they were none the better men for gutting their feet down literally where Christ put his, and stand ing literally where he stood. Not that, but our "inner man " following his "inner man," our spirits following his Spirit ;:our hearts heating with his heart.. This is plain instruction, plain doctrine the very . opposite of " mystical." Christian is one who humbly tries .to walk as Christ walked. Are you trying, and if not, will you try? To follow Christ according to the best of your ability is to boa Chris tian to the best of your.ability. Themore closely you copy him, - the . better Christian you will be. To try is to begin.,• To .be unwilling to try is to be unchristian .at heart and radically wrong, !because you will be unwilling to try to be what you yourself confess you ought to be. Begin this walking:a.s Christ walked, and you will be better husbands and better wives, better fathers and better mothers, better brothers, sisters, eons, daughters,' neighbors, citizens, better everything., Even those who hate Christianity will, say, you are better, kinder, purer, more amiable, charitable, generous, refined, even. Noth ing so refines the, character as .the Spirit of Christ in it, because it introduces that without,which there can be.no true refine- inent; ,no true courtesy; unfeigned love; to foe as well as friend. There ls nothing in the world our churches need so much.as this'plain, practical, every-day walking, as Christ walked. Nothing in the world Christians need so much as thiSfixing their eyes on his glory until they are " changsl, :Auto the same image - from glory to glory. With all our love for the. doctrines ABOUT Christ, we need a fresh baptism of love for the life of Christ. This will be the true Revival of Religion, which, with all our love for these glorious doctrines of grace kept and increased, will also make us all out and out, plain, practical, ev6ryday Christ-like Christians; prayerful as. he was, and heavenly.; kind as he was, and charit able; patient as he was, and forgiving; pure as he was, and patriotic; generous-as he was, and magnanimous; earnest as he was, and self-sacrificing. Let uslearn that there are two things in our Christian life, both indisputable,believe and be what we believe and what we are. Many are right in the first, but wrong in the .second--;-be- Hove right and live wrong. Let those of us who believe on Christ7live Me Christ. An old General cried to his men,.as he dashed into the thickest of the fight, "He that loves me let him follow me !" Christ, our Great Captain, says : "If any man serve me, let him fbllow me." No man is a Christian who does not follaw Christ. "Why I Am Not an Arminian. . LETTER TO AN ANTI-CALVINIST FRIEND DIY DEAR SIR :—ln my former letters I stated some leading objections against your doctrine of Apostasy and of the, Atone ment. In connexion :with these topics ,I wish now to present an 'additional and powerful reason why I cannot embracc your theological system. It Is just this, that holding Arminian sentiments, I could not, without the greatest embarrassment, an nounce to my fellow-sinners the calls and invitations of the Gospel.: I will explain my meaning as briefly as may be. ,: ARMINIANISM AND THE OFFERS OF SATe VATION I. If I believed in your system of doe, trine I could not, without painful misgiv ings,' proclaim those free, generous, and unrestricted invitations of mercy -to sin ners, which abound in the Gospel. In do ing so I would feel as though I were mis leading the sinner by a sort of reservation —keeping buck an important part of the truth. It; for ,'instance, I should say, "Repent and be converted, and your sins shall be blotted out," the thought would instantly occur that repentance .and con version could afford - no security against final condemnation, for that multitudes who have experienced true repentance and conversion have, notwithstanding; been hurled down to endless perdition—a proof that their sins were never "blotted out." For a similar reason I could not feel free to say, " Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be laved," " Come to. the Saviour.and he will never cast you out," if it be•true that the far greater part, of those who in times of religious excitement do come to Christ are finally cast out. A.II,3IINIAN CONDITIONS. With quite as little propriety could I, as an Arniiuian, urge the consideration that salvation is altogether free; " without money and without-price. For in' all hon esty I would have to admit that something like ,a price is to be, paid by the sinner. Salvation is not absolutely gratuitous, but is suspended on conditions of obedience to be performed after conversion. "And then as to these conditions I would not be able to define their exact extent: In vain would the convicted sinner ask me,_ How pure must my obedience be? With 11Pw many imperfections may it be mixed;? Will • anything short of perfect holtneSS secure my salvation ? To these puzzling ques tions I could give no answer. • ; SALVATION ON BOND AND INIORTGAOB- In nisking the offers of' Salvitioil; on `A.r, minion principles, I would very' winch re Yor the Presbyterian Banner ...,......-.. - '.:01'..i . • , ~ ~.,.. . .... .., ............ .... . . ~.. , . , .. . , ~. ' .., . _ . ... . .. ~.„ . .. . .... . _. ~,.. . '. ....... n .._ .. . ... .. . .„ ~. ...: ...,, . . ..,...,.. .. . Ak ~, , • . , , " t.i . f7:1„, 11 JO: . . 1 ',4,!;..i1f*, , '.'• • ' - ' • • . ' ' ' . ''.- .. ' •' . • . i'C~....,..~.,~^9'ae"r VOL. VIII., NO. 35. semble a land agent who says to an 'eager crowd of expectants, " Gentlemen,. here is land for the landless, enough for all, and, better still, without money and without price- to. all who will accept it. But, mind.ye, the conditions are that you are to be making continual payments to the donor .as long as •you live. To .secure the faith •ful performance of these conditions we shall, take of. you a bond and mortgage ; in which it shall be stipulated: that, in case of failure on your part, the mortgage is to be foreclosed and all your previous payments fbrfeited." • I would not have you, my dear sir, for a moment suppose that I would have a peni tent believer released from his obligations to holy obedience. No, indeed; those ob ligations are' increased a hundred fold by his reception of a free pardon. But what I insist upon is, that a child, of God is not under the law as a covenant of works, but only as a rule'of life. He is under grace and is ruled not by fear but by love. A POSSIBLE SALVATION Besides, what is it that on Arminian grounds I am authorized to offer the sin ner. May I say to him, " Come, for all things are now ready; here is a full, a fin ished salvation; .only accept it and be saved forever from sin and death ?" No such thing. I can only say, " Here is a possible salvation; it is all that Christ has provid ed. You must do the rest of the work yourself;- and when you have completed it, you may possibly be saved, and possibly you may be lost. I will•add that those who deny the sub stitutional character of Christ's sufferings, cannotovith propriety, offer salvation to any. , man.. If they are right, nothing has been done to satisfy the justice of God, or to appease the guilty conscience of the sin ner. As no real reconciliation has been made, there is no salvation to offer, not even a possible one. THE CONTRAST Thus, dear sir, while your preachers must find themselves hampered (ihat y is just the word,) in presenting the offers of the Gospel, see with what ease and freedom a Calvinist can perforiu the delightful duty. I can go to any sinner and say, " Come, for all things are now ready. Christ, 'has made an atonement of infinite value and price, sufficient for all, appli cable, to all, and therefore to you. In his name I ofier you a full and finished salva tion, to which nothing can be added, and from which nothing can be subtracted. No conditions of worthiness, on your part, are required. Only come.to Christ and he will in no wise cast you out. He will de deliver you from the- power- as well as the punishment of sin, and make you holy and happy. Do you say, you are afraid you are not elected ? Then make sure of it by closing at once with Christ. Do you , say, you cannot of yourself believe; then cry to Him who will give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him, " Lord, I be lieve, help thou mine unbelief." I remain, dear sir, yours, truly, L.N.D. For the Presbyterian Banner Music and Music Books. NUMBER • IV. MESSRS. EDITORS :—Hopinc , to accom plish something for the cause oof the music of our Church, the writer brought befOre , our last' General Assembly two resolutions, looking toward tliat subject,,,wilich were by -the Greneral plac'ed in the hands of our Board of Publication, with a view to their 'action upon them. These resolu tions did not, in his view and that of many other members of that body, embrace all 'that needed to be done upon the subject, but 'were merely to make a' beginning toward an end ; and were supposed to be all that could, be accomplished at the stage of the General Assembly's progress at which they must necessarily be brought up, as connect, ing them with the proceedings of the -Board of Publication, in which it. was -judged they properly belonged. The affairs of that Boardtook such a very wide •range, and were deferred from day to day until the eve of the adjournment of the body. At such time it was judged impos sible to obtain any general action upon the subject, such as its great interests de manded ; but if a half loaf could he ob tained, it would be better than no bread for our hungry children. Hence the resolutions contemplated only the preparation of a Juvenile Singing Book for our Sabbath-School purposes, and an Appendix to our Psalmodist of. a great er variety,of anthems and set pieces, adapt ed to church dedications, anniversaries, and various other occasions. A general re vision and enlargement of this book is cer tainly demanded by the interests of the Church. - As to the book for Sabbath-Schools. This should be a book peculiar to' itself, as child hood is peculiar to itself, and demands its 'peculiarities to be met, if the child is to be either interested or profited. In our Church is embraced every variety and grade of youth to be suited, and no otre class or rank should be suited to the neglect of an other. • Few persons possess the qualifications necessary to construct such a work, perhaps no one; requiring, from its very nature, that it should be prepared by a combination of persons possessing a variety of tastes and ex perience. No work is more difficult to con struct than one adapted to children's tastes and interests. Themusic contained in a Sabbath-School singing book should all be of a most chaste, simple,.and easy character, both in regard to its melody and harmony. It is chiefly intended to be sung merely by rote, and caught by the ear of the children, rather than read by the notes. This is true in re gard to most •of those who are expected to sing from such a book, especially in coun try places. Such book• should ha:ve in view the wants of our iehole Church, espe cially our country churches. The chil dren of city churches enjoy many advan tages which cannot •be obtained in rural districts; hence their musical culture dif fers widely from that of children in the country, and the demand is fora book of great variety to suit both. Most juvenile music books are prepared by city teachers, and adapted to meet the wants of 'city clisses, and illy •adapted to country chil dren. The music in this book should, so far as poSsible, haVe placed to it the hymns con tained in our Sabbath-School hymn books,. and but one set Of words, for general use, placed to each tune. It is designed to induce all to sing, but in many instances even a two -penny book will not be provided for the child; such is experience. In many other eases the child is unable to read; but by mere repetition in singing, if always to the same words, they will be committed to memory, and all be induced to sing. If sung to different words, this end will be de feated. A proper musical taste and expres sion of sentiment are much more readily cultivated by using only one set of words to each piece. It is not the amount of mu . sung that makes the sinaers but the . number of times a few pieces are repeated until all shall'catch the familiar'air, words,. - tnid spirit. of the piece. Childien haVing obtained a taste of the pleasures of rinisie PITTSBURGH, SA in this way, possibly unconsciously at the time, give little difficulty in securing their after-progress. In many cases children, in this manner, learn to sin° , long before they have learned to read, and treasure up, at the same time, sacred truth committed for after blessing. The book in itselfshould be so construct ed as to combine- a progressive course of musical practice, as books are arranged in other branches of education. Its first de partment should embrace music the most simple—the pieces very short, adapted to very small children. It is the first few sin - Tie sounds of some two or three meas ures, caught by the young child or un taught ear, something easily attained, in it self a whole, that generally makes ,the sing er, imparts to the child confidence, and pos sibly convinces the parent that the child can " learn to sing," so that he shall not neglect or prevent the child having proper opportunities, or throw discouragements upon the child's mind. These are the causes which generally prevent any from becom ing singers. Let the parent neglect giv ing the child suitable opPortunities and it cannot learn ; or tell the child,' or re peatedly say in its hearing that it cannot learn to sing, and it seldom does learn. Few difficulties to the teacher are greater than the discouragements of the parent, often thoughtlessly thrown in the child's way. One Of the most successful and effective public performances in music the writer ever conducted, was.the singing of a piece of music containing only five measures, in a large church,: by four children, from four to six years of age. Each of these children thereby interested their parents to encour age and aid them, and were themselves stim ulated to make of themselves far more than ordinary singers in after life. C. F. WORRELL. For the Presbyterian Banner The Council Bluffs. Presbytery. PACIFIC CITY, MILLS CO., lOWA, April 27th, j 86,0.. REV. AND DEAR BRETHREN :-I :hereby forward you an outline of the proceedings of, the Council Bluffs Presbytery, at its late sitting, with some additional remarks, which I hope will not come amiss. 'We had a full and pleasant meeting of Presbytery, which was very gratifying in " these ends of the earth." We met at Clarinda, Page County, on Friday evening, the 13th inst., and Presbytery was opened with a sermon by the writer, from 1. Cor. xv : 58—" There fore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord;" &c. Ministers present ; Messrs. L. G. Bell, D. L. Hughes, and Win. M. Stryker, whose relation-was transferred to this-Presbytery by the Synod of Southern lowa, at its ses- MOUS last Fall, at Knoxville. Ministers absent: Messrs. Jno. Hancock, 0. J. King, and H. M. Giltner, whose relation was transferred by the last Synod from the Pres: bytery of Council. Bluffs, to the Presbytery of Omaha, N. T. All our churches were represented, so fin- as they, could be, except the church at Council Bluffs. Father Bell was chosen Moderator, and brother Stryker, Temporary Clerk. Rev. John Hancock was dismissed from this Presbytery, to connect himself with the PiesbYtery of Upper Missouri, and Rev. 0. J. King was dismissed to connect lituSelf wish' the Presbytery of - Fairfield. W. - Y. Stryker 'was chosen principal Com missioner to the next General Assembly, and myself his alternate, Ministers; and John McLean principal, and B. B. Hutton, his alternate, Elders. It was afterwards arranged that, if possi ble, 3 should , represent our-Tvfsbytery at the Assembly ; but the distance is, so great, the expense so heavy, and the cares so 'mul tiplied, that it is almost impossible forme. to attend.. Mr. Stryker was. appointed a member of the Committee on Missions, in the place of Rev. H. M. Giltner removed. It was adopted as a standing rule of this Presbytery that the Sessional Records of the churches within our bounds, he presented and examined at each Spring meeting of 'Presbytery. The church of Sydney, Fre mont County, which has been destitute for sometime, had leave granted it to employ my services for the one-fourth my time. Rev. L. G. Bell asked and obtained leave to la bor without our bounds, until the next Stated meeting of Presbytery, which will be held at Afton, the County Seat of Union Coun ty, on the third Friday of September next, at 7 o'clock P. M. The church of Clarinda was recommend ed to the Church-Extension Committeeifor aid in erecting their house of worship. We •have not a church building as yet, , of our own, in the Presbytery. At Clarinda the people are making commendable effort to secure one. In view of our wide-spread destitutions, and the urgent need of more laborers upon this field, the Stated Clerk was directed to write to the Corresponding Secretary of the Western Executive Committee, to inquire whether they could commission some suit able young man to labor exclusively as -an Itinerant within our bounds. In the mean time, Presbytery recommended our Ruling Elders to hold prayer-meetings, and read at teach a sermon in those congregations where they have not'a preached Gospel, and to visit vacant churches .around them for the same purpose, and encourage their " weak brethren. Presbytery appointed Rev. W. M.'Stry ker, and Mr. J. M. Windsor, a Ruling El der, from the church' of"'On ellundred and Two in Taylor County, a committee to visit Mt. Ayr, the county seat of Ringold-Conn ty, for the purpose of holding religious ser vices, and, if the way be • clear, of organ ising a church there; and also to' visit Afton the Sabbath following, and adminis ter the Lord's °Supper. This last place is an interesting- and encouraging point,.and with Mt. Ayr, and their respective out posts, demands immediately the labors of a faithful .missionary; while the church at Council Bluffs, the most important point as yet in our Presbytery, is still vacant. "The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few." Presbytery, adopted the General Assembly's plan of Systematic Benevo lence, and recommended every minister to present it faithfully to his'people, and the Elders of oar vacant churches also, to ear nestly endeavor to carry this plan into op eration. In, connexion with our Ecclesiastical pro ceeding,n, an interesting communion 43eason was held with the congregation of Clarinda, and all the religious services were well at tended. Bro. Stryker is doing a good: work both at. Clarinda and at Bedford, Taylor County. He is acceptable and prospering. The church and town of Clarinda are grow ing, and I can see the great advantage of having• the ordinances of the Gospel:regu larly administered, if comparing the present of Clarinda 'with what it was two years ago, when I visited it, and administered the Lord's 'Supper there. And such will be the happy •result in every place, to .'a greater or less degree, where religious priv ileses are fully •enjoyed. We now need badly another minister,. to take charge of Union and Ringold Counties, both grow ting, and-destined to A Pe important counties ; besides another - to supply our still vacant, church at Council to be a travelling plore Cass, Hariir twenty counties for County,. at Stryker, is grow need a minister the •county seat wands special att located ; is grow' fully; is near finest counties where ; contains this region, and contains a la, under the supe which, properly tallied, and. a gi county. There al hers belonging to there, and I find who are anxioui to been 'appbikedby" a partof my Cane holding a COMMUDI weeks. We. need, good elders, to h( We trust the Lord awn gecid time. The whole of., beautiful, energetic cultivati and,. with ,Ged's'‘,l) repay in,future,yl But our ,destitutil small vacant churl. have the , bread', of and yet we- i can, Father Bell has fel to Eastern , lowa, children, during poses still tounnet if his health venni' and myself are ,th now left in this counties under. his Sidney for the 'pre! this side of the 41i the other. 11 is it to do much in I had the pleasul Presbytery .lately,. gion is progressiug The weather ,!ht . We) ,hav,e , ,had, , no Emigration is- crow this Springugain-,..1 only, to be. - hurried. the stampede of la! penniless. ~Wheret en, I fear, will, lose the. best teacher. ) St. Joseph Railroad. siderable , attention run directly , thr greatly benefit Was Pacific City will be •Connty. - . ' Very truly. , - EUROPEAN , ANNUAL 'MEETING OF THEE'I IRELAND—THE REVIVAL 'ENGLAND,' , FARECULLY THE . FREE .Cauncti—ilum THE CHINA MIeSION AND" OF THE. OOTT6ITREF . OIII IY NITGLAND-," WATER nrukvas." Om ars Ertl; THE CONFESSIONAL AND war azal GENERALLA.N, .4 . prz7 1860. , THE SYNOD O. 'aISDYTERIN A Cunacu in Eng iu Session . at Sunderland, and I ' that, t 97,4- It is not possible fo - offer brief resume of a p of the . proceedings at present. Next week I hope to give a ;full report. I believe that the meeting wis preceded by prayers offered from many hearts, that.the Spirit of Ged.might come down upon the ministers :and ..elders, and that there might arise no heartburnings among .the brethren, by. reason of, differ ences of opinion. , Ihesepray,ereltaye been graciously answered.; A fine tone was en to the Synod by the presence of,a,depu tation from Ireland. .Mr. „Canning, of Coleraine, gave a, must impressive acceunt of the great Awakening inlU,lster, as it had operated in his own town. His remarks were characterrierby graf-fylidom. MoCready,' of -Saiiiifield i followed iroa. similar ;strain, andletheridep uties, addressed,the ;Synod. =lmmediately following this, the Synod timk.,up.the.sub ject of the State of Religion within its own bounds. On , this'silbjed Docter tier M. White, - dfx`Livelpsfitil; made state ments aa to.a very deep:and extendedlvork of God in his own congregation, and of the spirit of prayer .. nu:red nut on Christians generally in that town. )r. W. also de tailed eriikAralhitififuoTelp-Terftofitpour ing of the Spirit on....the whole of the in mates. of , a f. penitentiary amounting in number to seventy-three. The Matron immediately , 'before` this:m6ve ment, after long and continued 'prayerrap. , parently in' vain, was , a.bouttoleave: 'One poor creature in , the asylumilearniurher intention, besought -her :to wait, .as' -some thing wa,s coming. An d verily that. some thing has come with power, and „twenty three of these women. were,prostrated, and all are under ~deepest impression---:yery many of them rejoicing. in, Christ: ~.,The Synod resolved .unanimously, that .a; pastoral letter should he issued to ; . all the congregui tion,. and that ,special sermons ,shotild preached on ai,evival, on a special day. A DepuMtion from the Eree, Churph ad dressed the.. House.,, Dx., Cunningham was received with great. enthuslasm. :In his address, which ~was, warm„ and ':hcarth r * spoke of the parallel furnished by the tAree fold'aspect of our Ministers,l6.ltiglank to What, had been said of Airieliei, that " God had been sifting the 'three kingdoins :for the finest of the wheat to sow overthe Wil derness." 'He urged, however, -'.that, we should sustainnur `College'and raise'a min istry•for ourselves thoroughly Englishhnd racy of the soil. He. paid .a -highAribute to Dr. McCrie ; .our Senior Theological,Pyo fessor whom Scotland had given us. There are about tbirtynf our ministers will, were once,students df .Dr.. Cunningham. „They entertained him this .week ,at ;breakfast. He is much recruited inhealth, and,is still a mighty man of valor., THE TRICENTENARY of the Scotellitef ormation, had a stirring celebration. In the presence of ,a large audience/ministers and elders moved and seconded series of important resolutions. Dr. Cunningham took part in the proceedings; They were specially 'fixed for Thursday, A.pril• 19th, being the 300th anniversary of 'the? death of. Philip 11felancthaii....1110,;.4.nniVersary hasobeen celebrated.alLover.Protestant Ger many. . The Rev. Bruce Cunningham, 'of Tres tonpans, gave a deeply interesting• account of a revival in a fishing village in his own neighborhood. It -began with -the prostra tion of a gentleman -who lad 'been remark able for his 'conscientious walk. ..The,work was thus deepened in Ns own bleat* and after this. the ungodly and th,e hardened were arrested and ,converted.• The ,first fruit here was a Wieked,fisherman to „whom Christian mates gaid, d WC I not to go to heaven *ithOut t ,yon." The lay members of the ,Deputation present were Pirrielohnston: inid,Gentge Barbotir 4 iteqs...`"The letter isAe"brether of 114e,re . „141tiotri, .I(firothee . tei, leialeZof That *iiienibein'of the Free tthitiK"Aithc l . felry .•tiAY , ',M.:AI:;I':-,9:,:i860. and yet another Lary, and ~ to ex- • some of the other it bounds. TaY 7 ipplied• by 'WO. and will ‘soon Sydney, too; county,, de is beautifully ily and' success , of one of the ) , :be found any- Mourtzllouse in it about $25 , 000 - pary,,also erected Of Father , 'wilf'be' well sus 7atitagd to that )out sixteen mem isbyterian church eight, or, ten more 'Haring itery'te; labor there ;mill:der; I-purpose lsouthere• in a few very : two on, in Ouy, provid,e them in his :western lowa is a is worthy of 441-41r.sk ..k t ibundantlyl faithful' effort. vas upou are very anxious to braen: unto ,them, ;little for, them. be his duty to go ,the.re,,,near, his „it: days ; but ; pnr. ts,Springaoa Fall, io ,th4t St l 7ker ply active” members ield. , He has two mdl.,having taken Lave;thrce 7 --two on Rivery j and one on defog us therefore, ions beyond." letiligthe Omaha .aska,City. Territory., „ remarkably flap, r long time. .iin.,,yastmumbers, Peak.; perhaps after. a little, like disappointed and money there, it experience is ; and eon interest. ,-„It 'aeific City, ,and thii region. ly depot in Mills fif L. HUGHE§ lIIIIN 'ODIDENCE.. ~ , ,Eak.., - -, A N F AXENIAB 't-r:DIiMMItIPS' TEAM 'SHAM'B ADDIEptiS-- ;ME IIiIdENTENARY IRTZTVCALVINC!rISKT "ECTED---TilE "COAL ITINGOI-SISOREOF OF °ALTAI:nue, Per and cordially aid our Foreign Mission in ,There are • now nine missionaries, of whoin about one half are supported by them. It was tit Sunderland, thirteen years ago, in the 'same church where the Synod is now sitting, that the Rev: Wm. Burr was set apart and ordained itS the first, iiiissionary. Mr. Barbour exhibited a :colored map, showing. the district .where Mr. Burns• was first imprisoned. Ile, also 6X - till:Ate& a remarkable document', which 'Was Sent:home 'as a petition from native ,tiotrierta, asking for more teachers to be gent ,out., .• As,l.hope, this letter 'may arrive about the, time of 'the annual,meetings; of your General Assemblies, it has occurred to me thatd- Amerinan .Presbyterians might be ,qUieleeneil to some kindred= celebration of the Tricentenary of the ,Sccsttish Reforma ,tiou, by, reading the subjoined programme Of the ; proceedings and resolutions of the English Synod on that subject It is as follows`:' Devotional Exercises—Praise, Reading of the' Woid, arid Prayer, by Moderator. .Fl7 , l•st' Motion: MOVe.d. by Rev. Dr. PAT- TERSON The Scottish Reformation,inits.primary aspect, NA's a mreatspiritu,al work , of Revival in theheartof the nation issuing return ofmes,,r).ythelyhoje l , Gliurcho the apostolic times ; and `tibia Synod as an Evangelical body, • cathin'ent"'erites the' event at'a'renitirkable:instance of:the:presence' and 'power of the:Great.lread of the Church—" to the praise ortb.e glory of his grace." Seeond Notip'n: - Moved by Rev. Dr. - RIV seconded by Principal CuriNDio ' HAM, 1.D., :Moderator of die :,Tree Church of S,cotland The Scottish Reformation as a testimony to the truth' and grade Of Christ, necesSarily, becanle 'also a protest; against the.corruPtions , and usur pations of the Roman Anti-Christ.. It was a long and arduous struggle against the"power of'the Papicy, ending , in a; glornits and ever=meinorti v'ict,ory, and as ti • Protestant body this Church', rejoices to join in the commemoration of the event as a pixidie:dentoistration tigairitit the Still 'growin&oorruptions , of the Church of Rome. Third Motion. Moved by Professor Me , I).D, and seconded by Rev. J. AMFORD CANNING, of Coleraine. The 'Scottish . lleformation Was a Presbyierian Reformatien;'snidissued•in the getting, up•of National Church, which,„in .spite of occasional delierions in her administration, from ihe purity 'CT her'oirit'Prilleiples;littsieibibited to the world for r three'centuriesj grand .example, of the, ad witages of the Presbyterian constitution for (Ic ing all the'Work arta' acethirNishing Art ihe ends of a Christian: Church: 'This Synod,' as: a• Pres byterian body, acknoWledges with profound grat itude the service which. the Reformed"Chureh of, •Secitlang. Alas Andered in -this - respeetand re gards this special aspect of the Scottish, 4efor mation as an additional extand for the thankfnl abiniiernoration'of that•event. • • • PRAISE..' t PRAYER...,, Benediction, by the Moderator. tA. Letter *as here;read from Professors apd Atiuisters of .Wittemberg. Fourth , Motion.' Moved by Professor,Lox- EWER, 'p.p., secondedby i the Rev. J. The; Reformation of ..the 'National Church of: Scotland, was ; a : movement propagated, by snc cessivo,impttlses from the reformed Charches of the Cofitifierit, and it repaid the 'obligation; in 'some 'degree; by 4return of iiseftil services' to -those Chtftches. i'Recalling to mind iliat. , early -mmiimunion of the - Britisli-and Continental Re formed Churches, this Synod desires to cherish, toward all-faithful men. in the latter,, the spirit of brotherly recognition and fellowahip ; and, with. reference' o the invitatioil addleseed to them - by, tlie,frtittifitets and,,..prefessoratot.the4Evangelical- Chureh•of Germany, ;in Wittemberg, to,assist in •the ; erection of a monument ,to Philip Meianc tlion, in that celebrated- city—the cradle of the Reforrriatieii r --this Church expresses her cordial - Symptithy'' with such a design, and will'rcjoice to, foward to her Saxon brethren any contributioni -which she may twelve from. her people, as. a mark of her veneration for, the : memory, of thatillustri ous , Reformer, who was not only 4 ‘Preoppior Germanise," but also in 4 degree inferior only to 'Luther' and Calvin; of the whole Protestant 'Paper MCCie - ri, an' " - The Soot;tih !Rifotouitioti Parliam6nt of la O. ThJIl 111 4 oi innr 'Van ed` by Rev:. Dr. HAM- . As an eneletiiastical body planted' in England, 'but „ by , connected , many,ties with Scotland, this; ChnielirreetillkWith 'deep interest, the close con nexion which subsisted between. the:English and, iScotch-Reformationi, and the, important, recipro-' .cal services which - were rendered by bethnations in that age to the great common cause of Chris- Elan truth' and ltherty; iiitd"the Synod desire's' to 'be animated 'hy these recollections to renewed 'and* iucreased:exertions in thenarde service,-es pecially in -view, of: the, tiangers f with which the, interests of:Evingelical truth are threatened our -time, by the uneipected revival of Eiinini 'sing principles `anion . 0 a powerful party of the , clergy: aid laity of England: ' • . , Smith ,I~obufn- Moved by ReV. ANDREW cekbration-41ihe , the-Tresentywhich, unites ,the liyeliest sympathies. of all ~hranches :of the Preihyterian Church of, the three . kingdorifq ought net to be allowed to piss-away'without sortie - practical fruit accruing to rho aditantagm the unitett action, . influence, - and usefulness of whole,,Presbyterian, body, and , thi:s „church gladly assist in carrAng,out. : any yell-con sidered scheme ,which would be likely to Tioniote these impel an ends: - • 41Clatit: 11.11 .by: tlth Mader agar dirineipal - - Ciinniiighamis.l noble: •dtesari hePe.4o , give - 4 , :eullMarynNtt.week. • fflow:Casyrtnici Aiomed iout: -IL 4 - very; Twigsleagiar• fisPeAr*:.9, o 4lo9 6 with, s c . c omparetively. small body,,,in Ex!g , not allude hereto the Oilviii istiiei:2l4l..kist:s,'iitio tire as ilic•it'is well•pOSSibletcrbe; who;abjerdithe idewOf free communion;ye g ardt - with •sualicion all c liinr it; Leta are :in fact ;ecnit p letklyitiOlated and exclusive. I refer otherootoaDiltiody Who?, glorying : in aremore Calvinis tic than , who . wine to, verge of An thioliniehient,lf 'they •ao ntit'ofiiineti pass it. This bay' g ioeiter and 'Akre. of their iviiters • , es , very. weakly for ,ff because Paul • t. rms that water bap ,7esi,no ,giart of his commission,be xvi : 16,) ' He that believeth ani tidptiied shall be *saved," ' cannot iefer'teNiat,er ( baptisin, as that would make : it • essential. , to . salvation; and •• therefore , it must mean •the one,b9tism. of , the Holy `Ghost," and "because in the twenty-one Epistles no • instruction is given:to .centiii ire wat4 the Clitricih." ' The same-wilter . says: " T - iventy-yeani , ago, was baptized in water by immersion, and:it is •now ; about ten years. since ,I was . : led to .adopt these views; and I solemn) y.deelare .that ever since, I have felt like one ileliv ered•from: bondage," The ,weakness of all this; needskne l refutation from me, :Bet the distinguishing :characteristic gof ? Able body, is their. Higher-Calvinism..; ,Their.:great apostle in., the last century, alas.` William Huntingdon ; originalbr..-a: ::,He owes of the. Bunyan type .of'. mind, And ':+111!il :real genius. He was 'apart of. his time ,as a minister- at Lewes, in Sussex, and died there. .Bitt liwwaa for years prominent! in the metropolis,. thundering. against Armin-. ianism, .bitterly hated, but very .bold And .A-few :hours before his death f ei Jiewes,, he .dictated .the following epitopli whiob,l.iecently read on his tonlib : Herelies, the , Coati] eaver, beloved. of •b is god; :bit; Ohorred .of men : , The Otriniseioitt J.ridge shisU,,,e:t the Grerit,Alis4zt ratify arid confirm thus to' the confusion of thousands, and' 'Engbui,d - Mtl lip metropolis shall know that there basil latiftifiliet'age6ng piisaLrA • • .... SiviiiP—ttiett; WTTOLE' N0..•'399. which he said was his title instead .of a University, Degree. Some of his enemies interpreted it as -" Saucy Scoundrel," which was too severe,. His style of preach ing and writing Was exceedingly quaint. His 'sayings were pithy, his satire scathing. He once preached 'a sermon, for the publi cation of which his delighted hearers sub scribed a sufficient sum. The text was Isaiah xxxii : 5-8 ; ," The, vile 'person," &e. In point Of expdsiire of 'Arminian errors, -I' do not think it better, or 'so good, as the ,argument Maintained by -" John Smith," in your own columns. But as, the title suggested by the hearers was The Funeral of Arnunianism," the preface brings out the quaint; wit of the'man my readerinquires the reason'of my preach ing and publishing the Funeral Of Armin ianism while it is etill, alive the world, and as likely to live as ever, my answer is, I know that Arminianisin must die sooner or later, td Make - way for the everlasting Gospel of Christ;- and therefore; I 'come beforehand, not to anoint it , to its burial, ,but to preach its funeral sermon. For it is all the, fashion, now-a-days, to preach fimerals over great' bodies; Whether it be the body of the beast or the body of Christ. The ancient prophets were often beforehand with their V funerals. ; „The:_propliet,,l-.. TreaVred the fgria sermon , of theliinii.;f Babylon, some hundred years bofore he was born, in Chapter xiv. The prophet %hint Preathed the funeral Rabshakeh, and of the. King of Assyria, his master. Daniel preached the funeral sermon of the Mau of Sin,. and of.his mystical body of Papists, chap. vii : 12. ,And the' Lord Jesus preached the funeral sermon of all the'Seribes, Pharisees; andlypocritei." One, of his heads is, " A-Spiritual.Sea- Voyaae 7 " and its title, humorously 'sir: , ( , estive and• satirical, as well as indicating genius and' quaint piety, is worthy 'of quotation: It is given in small capitals, in 'the' works of Runtingdon, and •is as fol lows .„ • , " A Spiritual Sea Voyage, (Psalm: 12,) - by William Huntingdon, S. S., d i for merly`a pup. "u'n'der M oses, an ins ructde in all the wisdom. of 'Egypt, (Rolm - kill': 12,) but lately a pupil atthe feet of 'Jesus Vhrist, (Deut, : 3,) and by him in structed in. the language of Canaan; for 'twelve yea] s a Fellow of Grace College, in the University of'Zian, feliOw sfudent With Jonas; Teter, Thomas, Manasseh, Mary Ma.gdalene, and , John Bunyan, (Isaiah Hy: 13 ;) ordained in the'well-rememberedyear of, our Lord, MDCCLXXIII, by the only 'Right, the only, Reverend, the only Father, Abe- only'God and Lord, High Primate of :Heaven and Earthy most gracious Arch bishop of Souls.: (1 Pet. ii : .25.) - Now Under Chaplain to *Her Most _Excellent Majesty, the Royal Shcba,7(the Chureb,) "through sovereign grace the Queen of Heaven, '(Psalm xlv : 9;) at her Royal -Paiace i Prosperity, in the Metropolitan City of ; Salem, on thel eminent mountain of Zion (Psalm xlviii : )in the Laud of .Canatin." ordination is by this body called " an oin t ing.h I have had 'access to 'some private membrandums With regard to- Mr. Hunt ingdon, -and.•••one •of these, contains the prayer, offered by him. at the "anointing" of a minister afterwards ,well known, Mr. Chainberlain. 'lt is addresSed to Christ, - and 'begins thus : "0; Lord God, the An cient' of Days,' and the End of Time; Alpha and, 'o,mega,,, our " Everjasting..F,ather,',' who, from all ,eternity wart set up to be a fattire Head, and a gathering Shepherd.; who receivast our names and persons, and •the 'number of them, even • before - Chaos was conceived, or• Order born; thou great ,I, : thou one eternal. Now, and Eternity's only Centre; whom no space, can measure, and in whom the past and the future are forever 'lost I" He ',then went Oil td ask -the Lord td " appear the watchful, , careful, tender :Shepherd of Israel ;::to gather his sheep from among thegoats; to bring back that which had gone astray ; to heal that which is sick, bind up that which is broken, and feed that which is faint." "Let not even,an ear be , lost, (Amos iii : 12) or 'an hoof be left behind ; and as thou ,bast ap peared in .every Covenant character from age to age, and established thy Word to a thousand•generationS, be Pleased to estab lish, ;settle, and 'strengthen thine• elect in the-strongest faith.of it." " This -world," he adds meditatively, "is our furnace,. the angels are our guard, regeneration is our road, Christ is our, end, and heaven is our These' Christians ha,ve &literature of their own, including the writings.of Haxiker,pf Plymouth, Berridge,, Toplady, ; Hervey,- of the. Church of Englarid, and also George Whitfield. These, with :Bunyan, Luther, 'Calvin, 'Gill, Htintingdon, and Some - of their) own ministers, including, .31r. Wells, This man is very ,cc high„" indeed;; and cannot tolerate even Mr. Spurgeon - , who is so thoroug Calvinist, but abuses him soundly :,'and beeauge Antinomiah; calls him Satan in the form of an ,anger of light. , One of their rhymsters has celebrated these and others as • " Valient Men of ;Israel." The folleWin. , is his eulooinni on Luther: ".1 1 uther,:just •like,a blazing star,. TVrougYVopishmiiti itc ikons:afar, , 'On dark;-benightedrlands t' • • • The Bushel's joyful news would tell, lit spite of Satan, ROMe,•kki 'TheTontiffis bulls or builds." • -! And ants lie sings "'S , - ohn . Gill, a mllll of Warlike skill; ' .With'Satan,;WhitbY,• , and . • - howlis. cannons yoar He' Moil - tits a formidable guard " 'ln all our Tort* and palate:yards--, Ile,botabuTded door." ,Romaine is thus celebyated; . • . " Romaine,wa,s simple sweet. and plain t , The savor cif his words remain the'Churely below; Rallied., he roate,d, ,he triumph'd here,: Ay faith in Phrist; 'O'er every fear . Christ, he Iriainphs ;miiv ." 4 ' 'Tlie ieferrenebe Here=' aie to ' `Ron:tallies' Cg Walk of Faith - ,' - end a Tritimiohu , -of Philth.". • ,Let me •adittlie , poTtraiti of, W4l - : ,‘.. .‘ .flontingdon„„t,houghxather With blazing lamp amongst the goal, ,Ile z bronght tkro gems,of sparkling pre; Which in the dark lay hid before, , • "Now 'in diylight they shine..' This somewhat, 'lengthened notice of a . small body of prefeseors in England, you will excuse, as:. I belieVe I have never sketched, them. before, .:and as I. have:had yecent opportunities of abiding, pcw a 44y and'night at :the house Of:'one of thein-4a truly good and humble man, who; 'though exellisive as to Church-fellowship, I 'found truly one of . the sons Of: :Zion, : : and: com parable-to fine gold. His conversation and : prayers are very,p?miii,r, and.his-einriepis on, Scripture are , equally so. 'But glOri fies'sovereign grce with geniiiiize humility and gratitude, and mourns-over the prac lea/ Antinomianism of semeof, his party, who Jive in the indulgence of the flesh. should add that this party say that the la* of Moies is not the rule'' of Chri r 'stian life, - but " the la* of 'liberty." But-on close examination one finds that, this implies also the holding' and -teaching that God's people are.tatfght s and constrained by &rye to!' live These people object ,10'"'preaehing. tb the Odly"; their Gospel,, I tit ig 'oncy`2.fdi'Losettiihigi THE PRESBYTERIAN BANNER. Publication Office: - GAZETTE BUILDINGS, 84 Finn ST., PITTIMROEI, PA. PUILA - pELPB/A,Borx.B-WEST Con. OP 7pSI et*TMIT. ADVER rI EM TS. TERMS ADVANCE. A:Squars, (8 lines or, leas) 'one 80 'cents; each subsequent insertion, 80 cents; eieli lialeheykind'eight; 5 cte. A Square per quarter,. ,S4llO each line additional, 33 cents. Ilsurdcmort made to - adveriisertrby - the year. ' RUMNESS NOTICES of. Tsie„linesor leps SPX ad ditional line, Viet:eta,. ! ! DAVID 1111K.I3,INEY. 811. ) CO6 - , PROPRIETOR ' S ..A141; Their system is an exaggeration of a great truth, the sovereign and electing graeo'`Of God in connexion. with the eternal counsel of grace between . ; the; Father and the. Son- It wants the,beautiful harmony which. dis finguirshe:S' the Pauline theology, and, is liable to be fearfUlly abused by its -ad laerentS: • ' • ' THE'dECIVECY OF THE CONFESSIONAL has lately come out strongly iu opposition to the spirit of English law, in - the ease of a Father 'Kelly, a priest in the neighbor hood of Newcastle-ark-Tyne. At the last Durhan Aisizes,,,a man was indicted for a highway robbery; and the Stealing - of a watch from the person of the' prosecutor. Previous : to the trial, the priest returned the watch to the loser. was summoned to give evidence on the trial. He ,was asked to reveal the naive 'of the penitent who gave up, the:watelY.7ll - e:refused, de claring =that' , the- Church' hound 11iin to • secrecy.: The Judge told : him. that Ithe English law irecogni ze d no such fauth,ority, and on his continued refusal to answer„.he ' was committed to prison for contemp i t of court. Other evidence Was found sari tiently strong to convict the prisoner, the priest was liberated next day. The Romish party cry out * the severityand ••.A"• • ' " ' -tice-oktu9.lGonstitatmuan thtsmatter, and the loCal admirers of Father Reny have resot6d to express' their - ,symphily with hini -regard to hiS"reeent incareers -tion,:at--Ditrham, by-presenting him with fa ,gold watch and, appendages. The incident brinvs.ont,afresh the anti-social character of 'the RorniSh system, as the blasphemons usUrPation c ' of Antichrist, Who sets ' the priest in the confessional 6.4 the representa tiire 'of Christ himselfsitting . the , temple' of God, and,declaring himself tube God." , The temporary , RESUSCITATION. OF -TIFF. PAPACY is one of the marvels of therhour. This comes to pass through the nomination to the post of Commander and organizer of the Papa•l army, df -- General lanimiciere, a famous -Republican General. Ile was a mighty man in the days of 1848 •le op posed the' usurpation of Issl, and was pX iltid from France, but recently was permitted to return thither. While in his Belgian exile, he became religious after the Romish fashion; and the Jesuits thavV laid hold of his . sympathie,s,and actually persuadedilim to become ,the champion of the Papacy,? More than this; the Emperor Napoleon has . sanetioned his present position. It was no part- of the Emperor'S plans to driv& <the Pope from Rome. =The famous pamphlet, 4 f The Pope and the Congress," proposed ,to depriye. him of the., States of the church, but yet' to give him Rome, with a . Magnificent Court. And so the de- -sign thrives ''in 'this remarkable way. Doubtless', the General of the Jesuits; and all the Cardinals,. rub their hands and siug "Gaudeaniusf but.the end, is not yet. The crisis is but . postponed; the crash will be all the more tremendeus when it comes. We give the Papacy five or seven years more, ,an d.,then----after, terrible convulsions —we hope that it will .perish finally by the hands, tipt,ofheretleal powers, but of those Very' , kinagdbnia which once gave to it all their afithoiity. J.W. Presbytqy. of Dubuque. ~ The Presbytery of Dubuque Feet - at hide petiden'ce on Tuesday, May Ist, at. 8 o'clock P...M., and was opened with a sermon by Rev. A. A. E. Taylor after which, the roll being called, it Was found that there were present thir teen ministers and - fourteen Ruling Elders. „Rev. J. D. Caldwell was, chosen 'Moderator, and Rev. J. Clerk. . Mr.' M. Noerr, a licentiate, 'was received from the Presbytery of St. Louis, and a call from the Makoqueta his.pastoral services being presented to Presbytery, it „was, on motion, put into his hands. •!1.t , . Was •thereupon resolved to hold , an adjourned meeting at Makoqueta, on the third Tuesday of June, at 8 o'clock P. M., for the purpese of ordaining the candidate, if the way beelear. • : Rev. R..tMerrill, from the Presbytery of Steu benville, Was received, alter du,e examination, as &member. of this Presbytery, and also the Pisgah church, (N. S. ) in accordance with their request, was taken under our care, and the elder of that church admitted as 'a 'representative upon the floor. Urgent requests from needy and important fields 'within our bounds, for supplies, being pre sented, Rev. Messrs. • Wells and Taylor were appointed a, Committee to secure, if possible, .more laborers for these destitnte churches. . Rev. S. .T, Wells, and Hon. Lincoln Clark, were elected Commissioners to the General As -Seinbln With - Rev. M. Haimon, and Dr. R. S. .-Lewis, alternates. A letter from the Church Extension Committee having,been received, reso lutions were adopted urging this'cause upon the • special attention of the churches within our bounds c , - ;and pressing upon them the , duty of Bye 't emetic Benevolence. 'Dr. C.. 0. Waters, Superintendent of Colport age in the North-west,' being present, by invita tion addressed Presbytery upon the, claims of the Board of Publication, and its importance in our own territory, so poorly supplied with the bread of life. After,which resolutions recognizing the 'special necesiityof this work in our territory, and its l rightful claim Upon , the prayers and con tributions of our churches, were unanimously passed: . : . • The;foDowing.paper.was adopted, , with but ono dissenting vote : , • WitEzzaAs, The General ASseMbly, at its last .maeting,:abceptedthe transfer of the:Theological Seminary, of the North-west, and received it under their direction and control, and appointed a Ward: of - Directors and Professors therefor ; . which ; Seminary we understand to, have been in successful operation dining the past year, with a 'Tull corps of Professors' and. in 'encouraging .aureber of .students ; therefore, Resolved, Thetas a presbytery of the North west, feeling the great necessity for such an In stitution-in thislobility; to prepare 'laborers for our vast and needylteldo We do hereby record our gratitude to the great Head .of the Church, by Wirese. wonderful providence it has" been istarted at once:into auch.a; promising existence. .11.c ? zolveq, That we gladly recognize in the filleologiCal Seminary of the North-West an im p'ortant acquisition to'ottratrength and influence, avidenee of/the. steady, and...prosperous growth of our beloved Church. Resolved, That as a Presbytery we bail 'With .thanitful,hearts the actionafthe General'Assent wliereb,y this :Seminary. was .put into opera- Gen, end hereby pledge AO it our 'affection and `cordial eirppOrt, - as an Institution of-the Church, .earnestly , reecirtunend: its interests to the prayers and 'benevolence of the :churches:under our, control. • , !Hopkinton was ehostn as the place, ,and the ilonday before the 'next meeting of Synod, at 'S o'clock' P. - , as the time for the Fall meeting of Presbytery..:. , After very .harmonious sessions, „ the largest attendarice.ever present, Presbytery ad journed on Wednesday night, to Meet according to appointnient. Dec/. Progress of the Chriitiait'Riligrion. Some months ago the Bishop of Seri . saleM.ient a Supply of Bibles to . the King 'of 'Abyssinia, in his. r.inVit -language. He .received them with great joy, and began. at once to distribute them, telling the priests to: whom he gave ;them that, henceforth, they must teach the people out of this book : in 'the vernacular. The missionaries ;who labor there have gained a great infloence over thelmind: of King Theodorns. .They build. roads and, bridges,-,introduce.useful arts of all kinds , distribute Bibles and recommend the truth by their conversation and their hvos. The King has so far recog nized.theii eivit SerViceS..as to. raise-tthem to the rank of nobles. He has -recognized 3them-to;lie rightin,thosepoints- where the doctrines-of the Bible c differ from the tradi tions of the Abyssinian .. .Church, and, in has: received' the 'ia4artient of the Lord's SiiiiSer.Svithttligrit.nt Jc.;) NMI For the Presbyterian Banner
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