Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, May 12, 1860, Image 3
leur the Prembiterlarillkair =' 1 / 4 Report of J. D. 'Williams, reedeurefto the Board of Dolneetilkilalitirii,..iiitt cattan; T'utfication, and Fund _for, Super. animated Ministers, for April, .1860„ • DOMESTIC MISSIONS, ' SYNOD OF PITTSBURGII.--4a,ltsbur9 Presbytery: . Apollo church, $14.84. , 'Bitsirsvilte Presbytery . : Harrison City, 5.00 ; Ebettelinig, bilanoe td con stitute Ilon• H. 11i.95. Ohio Presbytery Vt4rview, 5.00; .1111. Washington, 82.82. .4editone Presbytery New Providence and Je11q404,490 ; ,Dtpilap's Creek, in part, 18.25. Svxon or ALLnutintrir—Allegitetty opv l'resby— tery Coneoxd olwrqb,.. $1.45 ; Precdoni, ' 8.00. Erie Presbytery:. Ildinbarough, 5.00 ; Gravel Run, 10.0 u. SYNOD O} W.EtFlilLi.k(l.-- Washington Presbytery: New Cumberland church, $7.00; Cross, Roads, 23.17. , SYNOD .0v,.-,vino.--Rteplernd Pregbytcry wood ohurelr, $B.OO ; Ashland, additional4.oo; Milford; additional, 60c., Orange .5.74.:',.&[-ahas : Carribridgo, ' -. Mrticrstadamons.—Jaines 11. Wilson, Earlville, ; A Friend, Wheeling, *Va., - 100.00 ; Patterson - Estate, per Rev. George; D. „11,,109,62. . • ' Ciotiilino.—Ladies - of Congruity aural; a box, valued at $60.00:., EDUCATION. SYNOD Or PITT&BUipIII. 3I2 -Saltsblo,9 Presbytery:' West Lebanon .church, $5.52 ; Elder's Ridge, (Society of Inquiry; 8.460 16.21 ; Bethel, 6.00 jacksourille„ 4.9 q.; Curriee'. Rifif„'6.oo ; Cherry Run, 3,00. " Ohio ' I:4;esbytery: Bethel, 20.00. Redstone Presbytery : Noir P rovidence. and Jeff erson, 10.001, Seirieltj ey, (for 'Vandldafee;) 4.00. Sou OF ALLEGITENY.—Beavii• Presbyie7y : Clarksville chemcla, (College's; $2,00) $13.00; Nashannock, 6.00; Beaver Falls; 12.78; Sharon, 2,00; .Slippery Rock: 7.00 i ,Aith" 6,00, Allegheweity Presbytery: Concord, 1:00; Freedom, 4.00., Erie Presbytery :,INlercer, ,12.00:1 ttd2 Wfidliffiktint Presby= lery : Upper.. Buffalo ,churoh„ $16.27 ; Waynes ;burg, 4.00 ; Cumberland, 5.00; Burgett's !s-tOrim;l 12:00; Vest ;Union, laoii::Areftf-leisbOn Presbytery : Canfield, 11.00; Rehoboth, 5.00. SYNOD or , ORlG.—Richland Presbytery :East Union, 5.00. , Zanesville Presbytery: Norwich, .4.50. • Ittear.LLAzteove.—Patterson Estate, per Rev George Alarehall, D. D., $109.02. I'UDLICATION. STNOD or ALLEGIIENY.—BeaVer .Presbytey : Neshanpook church, $19.00. Allegheny City Presbytery Sharpsburg, 22.64. Brie Presby ter?, Sturgeonville, 6.00. , 5r...v00 ov•—Washinbiton Presbytery: Netv'eumberlOsid: church, $B.OO. • ' ' &mat) or 011tb,—Zanervilfe Presbytery : First church, Zanesville, $10;00. „.4,I.7P.ERAZPV:UATED.. ,217.4VISTERtS".....FULYD SYNOD OF PITYNIIIIIMM.—BiNiFFViIIe Pres ' bytery ; Unity church, (Female .Benevolent So ciety, 0.00, ),0 23.00., Ohio Presbytery :,Bethdl, 12:00: I?Celatone i'reSbY eery • .NewProyiclence arid • .lefferion, 'B.OO. ' SYNOD OF Auticonsvr.—Beaver PreSbidity • Clarksville church, $4.00; Beaver. Falb,. 8,.00 ; Sharon, 2.00. Allegheny .City Presbytery 'Cop cord, 1.60 ;'Freedom, 4.00. Srxon or. OtLio.— Marion Presbytery: Marion church, $11.00; Nevada, 1.00. , • • TorALE.-I)omestie Missions, $363.34 ; Edu cation, $826.i11 . 0 ; Publication, $65.64 ;-- Super •annuated•Ministers' Pund, $74.50. J.. D. W.ituAlits, Receiving Agent, .• . • 114 Smithfield Street. Pittsburgh, Pa.; April 80, 1860. For the Presbyterian Banner Report of .11.- Treasurer of ihe Boarcl of „Foreign Missions, , for . April, 1860; Ohio Presbytery.---Second church, Pittsburgh„ $266.42; Second churoh; Pittsburgh, monthly concert, 16.04; 'Centre, 16.76; ltacoon, (Sabbath School, 10.33,) 50.3:3; ValleY; 10.13; ,' Tether, Itidies' Missiiin6y sperkno Vinsti . tute#lVlri. H. Orr and Mrs. E. Hawkins; Life ' , .1 1 dembers, 61.26; ,Chartiers, 81.80; 311t.'-IVash ' mgt on, 25.12. - , i Allegheny ityr- Presbytery—Sewickleyville ohurcht 4 t.'16 . ; ;'First /phifrish i . Allegheny, X.,16.06, for': Mit American 1iadtani;')..,..4.8.47 ; "Cents'! ah., Allegheny, 78.00;` '1 ch., iriidgewater s -in , ptyt„. 10.410. . Washington , _ 6.15'; b t 14ospeot,' 6:00' ' CfroAs Roads, 6.69; Buffalo, 86.24; West Union; 10.00._-t ,t New Lisbon Presbytery.—Libertychurch,s7.oo; Niles, 4.59.- Beaver Presbytery., Newport church, $7.00; Westileld,„9.oo.; . Frankfort. Springs, 12.00 ; Sharon, 4.00; north Se\iiokl6y, 1.72. Wegefil It'cifrini,l 7 izesbyttrY.=-N6i140T.4 church, Clarion I'resbyterY.L2—Clai4o4 church, $30.00; Rbliblioth; 6.53; Licking, 25.00'; 'Pisgah, EriC 'Presbyiery.—tilinhorough church, 8.00; Franklin,,Sahl3ath School, to.eAuciie a boy in Ziincaville'Presbytery.- - -flopeivell and i t. Zion • iihnrchis;'' $9.00; 'ltoConnellaiillo, 10.75; Bristol, 6.75. BlaiisvillO)Presbytery.—:Currie'l Rum, at" urch, 10:00; Cherry 'Run, 8.00; ,congruity, monthly collection, .18.72. Siltiburg Presbytery.-:-West Lel3WinCi 'church, 5.84; Baltsburg, collection 011day' bf, prayer, 10.58; Leechburg, 60.00 Boiling 29.90. St. 'Clairsville Presbytery.—Beech a. 38.22. 4' ''" Redstone Presbytery.—LDunlap's Creek church, $5 : B0 First ch.,,lN.l'lleesppyt, balance to con stitUte A.`•• Penney and'N.rri. N. K. Ned, Life Members, 52.00. , :Coslocton Presbytery.- 7 Apple Criek Sabbath School, $1.50. Rocking Presbytery.—Mount Carmel 'church, Marion Presbytary.=-First church, Marion, monthly...concert, $31.65. • • • 'Dubuque • Presbytery.--Canton church, $1.70; Scotch Groye, (of which Rev. J. L.Wilsini and Wife, $d.00,) $l3 80:' ' MiscellancoUs.---Patters,On Estate, p'cr,Rev!Gelf). Marshall, D.D., $1'09.62. '•• „ . • H. Cnums, Receiving Agent itoit 18t0: Yer ;the Presbytertnn Rannor rl Prefbytery. of, Steubenville,-,--Sppplief r t9 r EVAe4iti , g-r:Milligan(F.iftliSaWattiothril; f3r ER TabVith Juno, to adretnister the Lord's Supper,., Beth/e/tem--Milligan, First Sabbath of May ; Stunnel Fir* Sabbath' of -June[ to ad minister the Lord'i Supper. - -41,inervq- 7 0atork, Third Sabbath of May to taininister tiAlLordis= 6taip'er MilliganL Third Sabbath of August. ,-- Coriatii—R. N. .Johnston, First Sabbath of May; Liveity; 'Fourth Sabbath;WAngiLs . tc,to ad minister the Lord's Supper. Nenroteiiile=4-Campbell, 'FOur*Sablutili,dttlay, ,to,administor the Lord's Supper:;,Browzr,, , S4oond abbath of September. It, is directed by'pres ilgoiy, that each or, these supplies take up, asol rohtiOn for, some of the Boards of the'ChurCh. ." , „Pulpits of Clinunissioner to the General Aseem bbt '..4mat4rilirm—Swattey, Third = Sabbath: of ~ A nna:polia—lierron, .Fourth ,Sabbath of 4iconsures. l .-,-Messrs. John il. Sherrard, deorge N. ,Tohnittiin;l: B. Dickey, and Thomas 'V. Milli gan, , . Gi'dinhtidns-=-MeSsrs„ =A. M. : Reid; NV:" F. Johttitoiiiand B. Patterson. .ThatallatiorP 2 -Mr,. T. B. Tatteraen over Steu benville Second Church. liaaart,. Stated Clerk For the Presbyterian Banner. Warrative of the _State of Religiqn.m Connell Bluffs Presbytery. - . .The Committee '43n the Stith of Religion within the 'bounds .of the Council Bluffs :Presbytery, re . spec,tfully, submit the following, .ns : gathered front the Ateports of the several,churches ii.our .• teem : . . While *a still feel a painful 'sense of theireat deStitutiotit in our. bounds, and hear -from , time to time, with grief the Macedonian cry coming" up from -lowly all parts of -this wide-spread re gion, .4,Come_ over and help us," and . are compelled to Se-y to, theta, to our own.grief and sorrow of 'hoitrt,' ' 4 ' Wo Cannot come ; yet we feel more deeply - the' importance of our work by observing that.w4ere-the Gospel is and has been preached, ev'en' at fridgular intervals, God has been blessing his.Word-,ay the salvation of souls. Atul whilst the larier portions of the accessions to our churches have`been:froni immigration, we have reasonto bless - Goil'''that he has made his Wordeffectual in the Stilvration -cif precious souls. Surely no land promises' to: &teener harvest to the labor of the faithful - missionary of the Cross, than Western lowa and whilst our feeble and destitute churches raise the cry, " Give us the bread of life for ourselves and.fOr our children," we too, as members of Presbytery" would lift up our voices,' 'first -to our Ftiilier'in / lieaven, and then to our Board of Missions and to;the minis ters who are unemployed, and say, Come Over into Macedonia and help us." L. G. BELL, Moderator. Clarinda, C'o., lowa, Aprit'l4,' 1060. - Mr. Zit Won hitch, one of the 6ityly . tiers of Ohio, died in Oleieland,.obio, 28. lie located in the Westorn Reserve in 3,04. • - • .The Presbytery of Newton VI 4. r ?, 4 Held its sessions in the ohnrch ``ofP f hillipsburg, New-Jersey, commencing' Id, Tr O'clock . 4.: M., oiu tho 24th ult. Poreshutn preached the opening „sermon: Iter., prof, Cattell„ "if as, chosen Moderator,Tetnpor ary Clerk. • ,: • • , , - The pastoral relations existing between Rev. James Levers 'and:. the church: :Mosowlet-4O n Valley, andßetween Itev. H. M. Hunt and the churches of Pleasant Grove - end Maiatield Second, were,dissOlved, .and supplies appointed until the nest meeting of Presbytery." Rev. Messrs.. T. B. Condit and W. R. Glen wore chosen clerical Commissioners to the. Gen- . oral Assembly, with Elders Dr. W. P. Nail and JumeS Stewart.. • • ik.revirement was made of all candidalekun 'der lite*care 'of this Presk:Veary, to furtysla at every Spririg trieeting Smite satisfactory report as to their•stariding, diligenee;',and, character, from their, teachers or Professors. , 4 ,„ • The evenings were spent,entirely in devotional exercises. • • "The Statistical Reports' show an addition to the, eixtvrehes of one _hundred and ninety-four during the year, and a total of three thousand eight hundred and twenty-six.., The next meeting was appointed at Blooms burg, On the first Tuesday of. Octobei'..' Kmoirrex,'Stated FOr the Presbyterian BanVer.. An Interestina Field for Christian Effort. IlEssus. Enrrois :=While 'earnest, and active followers of the Lord Jesus arc do ing much for the spiritual, welfare ,ef the' destitute of Oh?' coimninitY, there is one class who seem to -have • been greatly,civei looked. Nothing, so far as lam aware, '"has: beau 'done, specially for them. I, refer to the operatives on our railrmids. The num ber of these in and abont our two cities, must amount to hundreds, and while it is a source of gratification, that some of,-these arc included within the household,of faith, it is a mournful, truth that a great majority are ".without GO in the world," and with out the enjoyment of the means necessary to bring men to a knowledge of the: truth as jt Jesus. As a general rule, they are a noble set of men. The standard of qual ifications required by the service is high, an'd it is probable that no other class of ar tisans or employees in the community con prises ,as much integrity, sobriety, and fidelity. Mostly young men, in the prime of life, they form a portion of society, for "whose spiritual well-being those who are animated by the love of souls, ought to be actively and prayerfully engaged. It has come to my knowledge, that at the different' Round Houses on every Sabbath, there are congregated large numbers of these empl yees. At the Round Houses of the Pennsylvania Railroad, and the Pitts ; 'burgh, - Fort Wayno and Chßago Railroad, there are men enough to furnish a respect able, (and, I will warrant, a respectful,) au -dienee to any minister who might preach to them concerning . : th - eli:'eternal interests. The Cleveland and'Pittsbiirgh Railroad also could furnish a goodly number, iso also the Allegheny Valley Railroad. I make men tion of, this, important r matter through you columns, in the hope that some one—some of, our . Young Men's Associations; perhaps= nay be induced to consider the surestiori and act upon . it. And I Call, kTkOW2I29/y,vgive, the assuritne,e; that any earnest and proper condneted effort in this directipn, meet. wittra hearty and grateful cooperation On the part of railroad men themselves.' Many of them would rejoice to have suCh an' enterprise Gegun, and I have not a doubt but that the Spirit of God would own and bless it. Who can estimate the blessed,re sults of an outpouring of the Spirit on this interesting .and noble class of men? Will not the reader pray for railroad men ? And if it be in his power, will he not, of himself, or, in, union with others, something for their precious but perishing immortal. souls l W.E.M. • May 1, 1860 'The folloting ministerial brethren: - as'*e learn hy the"late numbers of the San Francisco , Pacific, have already arrived, or arc on,their-way to the Atlantic'States. The Pacific of April sth,, says: "Rev. Mr. Baldwin,'Rev.,Pr. Pierson, and Rev. Mr Emerson, with their families missiona ries froth the Sal:Owls 'and iticitMesian Islands, went to-day on the Steamer for ,the East. Mr. and Mrs. 'Emerson go on . a visit tO, their old homes, after all absence of thirty yerirs. The temporary stay of these missionaries , San Franciico .has been rnade.comfortable and ilea-'s emit 'by the liberal Hospitality cif - Christian friends. ... • 0. Jennings Miss, of the Richnzond En glifrer, son of ex-Governor Wise, has become a communicant in the Episcopal Church. It is stated that he has an idea of becoming an Epis copal clergyman. church, Daniel Pratt, Jr., "'the ,great American TravellEr;" Challenges Rev; 'Henry Ward 13eech-- er, 'AZT. Edwin H. Chapin, and Andrew hekson Davis, to- meet him—oratorically, didactically, polemically, and otherwise—to decide, in the presence of an immense congregation, " which is the smartest man in allpoints,of view." Morgan, Governor the State of New, York, is a member in fall' communion of Rev. Dr. Potts' church, (Presbyterian,) in the city of New York. Vim Pope •of Rome is -now his sixty eight year, and even should he be obliged to flee 'front the kternal City,'he will have quite, enough„ 4,d 44aintaixilimself comfoitably'for-the 'remain der of his life, It.appearw the "'Peter Pence conticibutionk.have already,-amonnted • tel about oiie hiindred and 'sixty thousand dollars, off - Which sum Ireland has contributed eighty thousand 'dollars,? asirmich as alb the"; other codritiies Europe .taketi. together. ,Deside this, it is cur rently reported- that the Pope has no less thay. twelve million dollars, the pious offerings of good' Citholias, packed awayfin boxi&tit the Vatican; so that, in case he should consider another hegira necessary, the money for hie travelling expense& is abundantly provided. , . The African 'Expeditiou;Mrs. Living stone, the wife of Dr. , Livingstone,' the=cele brated traveller,, has just arrived from the . Cape, per Mr. Dunctin.Dunbar's ship 'Vittoria. At the railway station, the name of. Dr. Livingstone on the. baggage . 'having eaiaght.Lthe eye of,, thO l ifYitaiihrs, }she and IteE 'sable attendant' were .soon surrounded by a crowd eager again to see' the great geographer. Upon being .informed,. hOWeiii; ttiiit he .ivae'still the'dentreilt Africa, they warm-heartedly- inquired' respecting 'his health; and shook hands; with her. Mr. L,ivirtg ;tone having prOceederffroril the CaPe on' a visit about eight.;hundred miles into the interior to her father, the renowned Missionary Moffat, re-`. turned to the Cape, „upon, ; his : , journey again, North to see Moselekatse, where he hoped to hear of, his missionaries,from the `London - Society' had. already - proceeded On wards to Sekeleta Makololo. Mrs. Livingstone has bronglat with her an interesting. addition to her family in • tfie person of another little daughter,, born Africa and has come with the hope of 'proceeding 'with the steamer, ...abOnt belpicti,):),ypgvelikixtent:;to : the gaintiesi, and of at length rejoining her heroic lusband. The Statistics of the _insane Asylum at Stockton, (Cal.) show that forty victims of the delusion of spiritualism are now within its walls. • . It 13 said that the Quakers are gradually disappearing from England. Two hundred years age titeir, proportion in Great Britain was about one in,every one hundred and thirtylnhabitants. At present they do not count one in a thousand. There tt.nolleetiO r n old_ Quaker,.tracts• pre- Servedrin 'the Bodleian Library, wilh — a note written upon them by an Oxford Professor, stating that he had- collected tliem, and'placed them in the Library, so that persons who should wish in aftertime to know what the belief of Quakers AVIS, could find, the statement of, their tenets in their tracts. ' The Sultan Reads the Biblc:—A mission ary in Turkey writes in* recent letter : "The splendidly boand'Bible'presented to the 'Sultan some three years ago, has been in fre quent use ever since. The Sultan is rending the Bible constantly, not only nt . homebut also :when 'going abroad on 'visits. The Bible, well packed in ,a splendid box, anci-an oriental reading desk, such as they use in reading the. Kotan, are car ried after the Sultan wherever he goes-lo' stay a couple of hours. (It is customary te,.earry everything whieli it. is siippbsed'lieWill call' for.) Ltist week he went to see Kiza Pasha. 'The Pasha had business ready for his sovereign,. but the Sultan called for his Bible, and after reading for two hours he rose and went off, leaving the Pitshkto manage his business , he ,could. The Pasha, it ie said, became very••angry.when the Sultan was gone, exclaimed; 'lt is too bad ; the Sultan is paring over that book, continually, and,cares nothing more for the affairs of the State.''' 'For tiLii;;Pieib#feilitii Di* EiMM PERSONAL. • .-,J:':.:,PRESBYTERIAN. f,.:i-i ~..05tiltrid,.:,S.iiii'47:::: South-Eastern Kansas. A correspondent writes glowingly in favor of the schools, climate, healthfulness, fertility, coal, &c., of this section of the country..'. County Superintendent. The School Directors of Allegheny. County, niet the' Third Ward SChool House, of "the city 'of Pittsburgh, last Monday; and elected Mr. A. T. Douthett, 'County Superintendent, for the ensuindthred• sc4rs, at a salary of $l,OOO per annum. , bra'., --Tittsburg,lt Water Cure. This well conducted.' and largely' patronized es tablishment, is' now in excellent condition for the reception of patie,nts. See advertisement. The Charleston Convention. or body failed to agree , upon m' either a platform or a candidaio. the adoption of the major 4 ity platform, and the secession of a:large portion, of the representatives of the Cotten' States, efl forts were made , to nominate a candidate for the. P;:esidene.y. The' old rule of a two-third vote . was . argreed to, amt -it was also agreed ihat the nominee must have two-thirds of tlie whole num-, • • bar. , Thj..s gave the Secessionists the Same pow-, er, when absent, as 'though they hed been pres- • ents Some fifty-sixballotingeirere had. Judge Douglas 'reeeiv'ed a bare majority; but came lm.:- • mensely short of twe-thirds. 'Finding a tion, impossible, the Convention' adjourned , to meet in• Baltimore, 4iine The. Secessionists, had several, meetings, but Inside no nominations This is thmilidstseriouS spiitvavhioh has °Cour red in the''.historyLof the Democratic party. It is also the,strongest sectional maniftstation } which has occurred. Some Northerners. opposed Dou glasonad alew Southerners supported him ; but the'Contest • was mainly oti - ' the' Slavery question. This seems to be. now the question, not only be tween Republicans and Democrats, but between Democrats North and Democrats South. Mach .wisdom and great firmness are needed" to guide the ship 'amidst the breakers. The American Theological Review. The number for May, 1860; is out. The Ist article ls an essay on "New-England Theology, Historically Considered," by Prof. Lawrence; of the East Windsor Seminary ;''2(l. " Hickok's Ra tional Cosmology," by Prof. Bascom; , 3d. "Ifni tarian Tendencies ;" 4tk " The Jewish Notion • of a Redeemer," by Prof. Crosby; sth. " The Alleged Progress in Theology," by. Rev. Dorus Clark; 6th. "Denominationalism not Sectarian," by Dr. J. Few Smith.; 7th. "Darwin on the Gri gin 'of. Species;" by President Goodwin, of Trinity College ; Bth, " Maine De Biran's Philo sophy," by Prof. Astie, of Lausanne, Switzer land. The departments of Intelligenee, Critical Nptipes, and News of the Churches and of Mis.: Tions,' comprise a large number of interesting articles.' From Mexico, ';.ST. Josisn, May 7—The Pony Express, with dates from San Francisco to the 2Stli arriv edhere at lalf- , past nine ,o'.obielc.'makini the trip in seven days and four-,hours. The :Pony Ex press "which left SL Joseph on the ,13th of April, arrived at San Francisco in nine days and seven teen hours. The:Legislature, .luts pas . sed an , act to provide fora vote of the people, to decide whether a con vention shall be called to revise the State consti tution. The giving a bonus. to the; first: and second telegraph lines across the continent' 'has passed both houses. News from Mexico state that a - Liberal army, of six-thousand strong. had taken' the town of Colima and Manzahr without opposition. . • COLIMA, Mexico; April 4.—We have lately had another change'in the Government. On the 27th of March the Conservadors, hearing of 'the near and rapid approach of about five thousand Lib-' erals from 2ipotlan, Which they,had taken' and completely routed, General Valdez Nvith a loss of one thousand men and arms, suddenly •left the city, retreating toward Guadalajora. The Lib erals entered the city, on the 30th. _Perfect order prevailed. The Liberals have now nearly all left, in, pursuit of the retreating Mochas, and are now inarching upon • Guadalajora, which, in connexion with forces from Mazaltan, they confidently ex pect to take within a month. A courier reached here yesterday, from Vera Cruz, announcing the unsuccessful attack, of Miramon upon that city. In the evening Conran.• was illuminated. [ADViETISE3fENT.] • Derangement of the Liver of the most common, aswell as the most formidable of diseases known to American physi , clans, It had for years attracted the closest at tention.of the medical faculty 'in all parts.of the: ~United States, and yet,up to the time of the dis-, covert' of Dr. M'Lane's great Specific, prepared' by Fleming- 3ros., .of Pittsburgh, Pa., it was al most beYond the reach of Medical skill. Thou sands had perished without even a hope of relief, diid - althoug,h thousandS'may yet be destined to' feel the direft&effects of this -Most complicated disease, it is now, thanks to the search of Dr.: M'Lane, most completely brought , w,itbin. „the scope of medical eontrbi. The - proprietors, Fleming Bros;;Pittsburgh, Pa.,of the. Liver-Pills feel confident that they offer a remedy which has been fully tested by 'time, and 'which' has'never failed off , success when fairly tried.' 'llurchasers will be careful to ask' .for Dr. Al' Lani'siCelebreited;Livei. Pills, inanufacturedThy Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa. There are other Pills purporting to be DiVer'Pilhi; now be fore the public. Dr. Al'Dane'S genuine,:Livet Pills, also his Celebrated Vernaifuge, can now be 'had at all respectable drug Stores.' genuine without the signature of [B9] FLEMING FRON; . 1 4: 1 1 •`. . .. I,otft#t ' ... 1 3,1 ) vloi:- "..:-.-3;:fri-..,,..,..7.4.r..-.,---, The • Galway, at, , St. Johne; N . . F: had foreiin. news to ipriii2qtn:.l ;' 44' The Proceedings in Parliament were unimport- % ant. , The Reform , bill has been debated, but no' action taken. The English and French Ambas sadors had sailed for China. The Chinese were reported to be Making great preParationstfoi the expected war.i,,,ltis stated thatwAustria,,Russia, andPrus'ela have agreed to the European Confer ence, at Paris, on the Swiss queston. The. Emperor, has decided On tiio. 'military - ex peditions, which are to set out, one from Algeria, and another from .Sengal, to,proceed,to Timbuc too, where they' - tire to unite: - .A large mini-:has been placed Wtlie credit Of "thegdinister of War to defray the expenses. AUSTRIA A letter from. Pesch says that the new letters patent of the Emperor of Austria are regarded by the Hungarians as of no value Whatever. They contain nothing.tuoTe thr vague promises, and it is felt that AuAiia's `promises to. (16gOod will-never, ba realized, This is the unanimous oiiiidoxi of the iclatiotol ptirty., • ITALY The editor of the satirical journal of Turin, has been Condemned to two months imprison ment 'and a fine, for publishing disgraeeful arti cles against the Emperor.of the French. -, A commiesiOn found amongst' he 'clergy 'of 'Tu rin, to have drawn' up an address to the Pope, which; after receiving themjgnatures - of the cler gy of the, kingdom, is to be sent to the Vatican. This document places .before the eyes of. his Hol iness the danger of the present policy of Rome, and points out. that the surest means of warding them off is to accept the propositions contained in the letter of Ring Victor Emmanuel. The Toth* on the question of annexation to France took place on the 22d. The French ac counts show almost unanimity for the' annexa- THE THIRD .011 INA. WAR r ?reparations have, commenced at Rong Fong , and Shaughai^in 'good earnest: The four vestels from Shanghai, which were announced as having, sailed under sealed orders, comprise.ll. M. ,ships; Samson, Aetteon, Dove, and gunboat Algerine two of these vessels`are well-knoivn iniveyingi vessels, and' it is given on good authority that, this small expedition , is intended to reconnoitre; ill . the Gulf of Pecheli and the mouth of the ANNpp. 4 SU fru . , A RDAT'M Yr 112: - 1860 amhto Some convenient slip,:of land.;which ,to our troops: A *statelitent is . 'also current that they were disipatched to apture 'Sonia trading which had left Shanghai for the Peiho, and sup- - posed to be loaded. with arms and ammunition., is also stated that,theqehinele Gov ernment , are casting heavy pins, and ding large quantities.. of American anthracite - coal- for. this purpose: , Guns of -the largest calibre, have,.alea . ,hett im7 ported front the i ttaitv,i4atcs, , • Her Majesty's ship ift4erfatute, fifty-one guns; • hearing the flag : of, .Iritital Jones, C. 8 . ., second in Command; left Honflaitt for 131 40 1 4- on•the'22d of February: , 'Eltui took 'up six :boas, each .onPablainf , .landing;'olle4,lluntlibed men, a largo number pr.Aeos, and ,a, bridge. or. pier, which could be made available for lit,inditig. troops over the mud. She ',alio lied . oti hatird, ' field' carriages, for'; t belt ' thirty-two. potinders, ands large 'quantity of ammunition anti war stores. The'Britisiesandirrencltnavalcom-;• menders are l engagetkat Efong.Hong in chartei jag : Teasels and .steamers, ,organising a ,Chineee Coolie cork and Other' nedinatery meatfurels. General Montauliah, ifkfrreneh military cc;Tri basAismarrived in France, and The Quartermaster-General•of, the .British; anus , 'From these activer,pperations At. may be argiied . that it is intended to, push the 'expedition to the North during the prisent., month, in perfocere'ad iniwa' for the of LCild 'Elgin' and his: French colleague,. Baron Gros.. , The . delays their departure will: patisefiriently be a source: of great disappointment and .anxiety. Nothing of a reliable nature has been heard of the action Cr intentions of the . Ceart . of Pekiii; . nor of our AMibissaclor, Mr. Drace:'• It isrumored Chat.the taliti forts - have 'bidn'aiiiiiixitlect, in order:, to strengthen• those at . 'ltiemtsinr ••There have' bedn no further reinforcsmenta from India. The liiiiedore,•-lfagicienne;' , ...Lroroghly;• and Fury, were engaged engaged in 'towing feotik 'the' Malacca up. to',Singapord. • • t t lIMMII friltnt • I' PittebitrOli Market. • t TU:ESDA I", May 8;1880: ASHES-Sodaaftl s l A ß. !pis, '4 1 4R14-Xc.; .1,44104,1 ----- . 5.W . G. ' Thii Itick - Tn - 4 - - rsaiiiidils rinviS r 4 11 dr ' ''' or a or nary pu Tows. 1 ' • BACONH-Hrups 10(0}0 1 ,4c4 Shfrililere 708 c.; Sides; 9Wi/09)4c.; 'Bugca. o , ired ne:44i7tie: BEAN SStna.ll 11 bite, lb@ . per wshol t ,t N.?5ercii,12..94,92.Tr. 'DRIED FRlllT—Applrn, $1 '.so6r.fs ; Facch05,.51:12404,:,% EGGS--113.4®12c. Vt doz.! • FEATEERS--Wcatern, 48@b0c. lb. ' • . .ILo.lllt—Super., MA; Extra; $5.90; Extra Family, $B.lO 66.15: Fancy, $6.50@6.75. • . GRAIN--Corn, 68(460c, for rnediiim, and Mc: for prline.. Oats, 44®46®17c. Eye, P11@95c451.00. 'Wheat: $1.36(0. L 60.• , . , . OROCIERiES—Coffer:. 1.4, 1 2M6 M. Sugor, 6 . 14@9c.; for prime N.. 0. Moine:my 48@50c. for New Oi eana HAY—SIO.OOE4I9.OO IA ton, at scales; baled, 517.00(4. 17.50418.00 per ton.. . LUJIBER--$8.00010.00 for common, and 533.00 0 }22.00 for clear. Shingles, $2....4,42.50, according to quality. Iffnus AND hEATllElt—Green beef hides, .3€06 1 4.; green salted hides, 7Y 3 07.Y 4 c.; diy'Blnt,"l6ol6e. Rough counter leather is dull at 28(d127c. Dreamt leather in quoted as fol lows: Red Spanish Sole 1ti.;;21®25. Slaughter Sole lb., 260.29 c.; Upper Leather, 'l dozen, $3.9438; Bridle Leather 44 dozen, $404g145; Skirting Lbather lb., 82@)34; Harness, 27(939. LAB D —101,441.1 c. .al e .: ,;• MESS PORK—Country, SIB.QOBI.;,city, slB.lKyalB,so. OIL—No. 1 Lard Oil, 88aIlDe.; 4e9ned Coal Oil, 75i480e.; Linseed, iitsreac. POTATOES—Neshannocks, Mk. Reds, 35c. , SALT—Nth. 1, $1.00(41.10. ' • ' ' SEEDS—aomor,l4oo.4.2.s. TiMothy,s2.lls49&oo. 'nix; TALLOwa:diuntry rendered, 99(410c. . • • atLEGEIENY C . ATTEE mAnzar. •• • • BILITZB—The offerings during therwttek ammintad tiOlo head, of which one-half were sold , at .prices ranging . fro m ;34' to 4 1 ,4 e., gross; balance sent East:. ' SHEEP—The offerings amounted ,to 480 hersk•sisd . sales, werenrado In lots at 234(gl.tyic. groes, according to size quality. 110 GS—Sales wore zunde in anuill lota at 6Y t a6e., gree/i . • . New•Tork. • . • Naar Tons., May 7.—,Flour: 0.05a6.60 for extra State. Canadian Flour '5.30117.50. 'Wheat: '1.20a 1,39 ; No, 1 elAncsi -Spring, 1.W40, Red, 1,51. Nye,..BBe. Barley. lie. Onts, 42.a4234e. for 15 astern and Canadian, and 42%a.13e. for State. Rico, - 3%443.0., cash. .1 , ~„Spitiat-1 rt ..„ BRONCIIITIS . ..-- I Wiiii:. Mr.' 0;11, Gitranet, Principal of the s ituigers Yerutde Instiu - te.. N. have' been afflicted with ffronchitis• airing the' Put W!ntisr, and found no relief until I found'Yolir "Wee' hiii:""!./ilistes+ Bronchial Troches," or Cough Lozenges, are &reale thrower ont the United States... : • I' Panic • April sth. by Rev. J. W. :Walker. Mr. Wuxisx TASR tp Miss Lrrrioe OGDEN, all of Ligonier Talley, Pa. At Shade Gap, Huntingdon . COunty. , Pii., • O. Ve i t Volta. Esq.,•of Unntingdotti CTOtit Co Mies Eirmustfra OWL , * Of Juniata Ccitinty. ;•••••, ••' On Monday evenink, APiil 31st, fu:Pifteburgii, lij leetv. Mr. Smith, DINRY V. ISRIVSRICR, late.df . Massachuskitti, to Miss MARTHA. A. M'GmetooLE, of Pittsburgh,,Pa... On the 2tith ult., .at ,the residence of the bride's .fathei, 'near Chemberebur;s, Pe.;• by Rev. Carothere,' of Wash ington. D.C., Rev. .7Ae. D. FirsozA.t a.,0; pastor-elect of the 'Presbyterian church of 31artinatille,91tio, •to Mies .11. Lucy ‘Wrroznereorr,'Of the 'fortnot place'. • • • • On Wednesday evening-, - April 2iith,' at the ire' ideticeliet bride's father, by,ftev. Cleo. S. 'Woodhull, of Point.Plessant, Va.!, Rev. D. W. Nisnri, Missionary to Sinnt. - to . Mies katiNDA D:Kotns, Sunni° Home," near Ifaveinorood, Va.! ; • At the residence of the bride's father, Alex:Laughlin:T*l4 'hear Selicenville. Ohio, isti the 25th ult., by Rev: W. RI. Fec gluten, Mr. Iltaitt C. Ilutacs, of Cumberland, to thee NAIIY C. Lauatu.m. _ By Bar. A. B. Maxwell, at. the residenc¢ of the brldWe mother, Salem, 0., M..slide' Salsai*,.of'llook. Island, Ill; to ?dim BERTHA M. 3rI:IILACESS4 .. By Rev. A. 0. Itocimil, onthe 'tit. S Wnsott to Mini Nirtor Pareasott; both 'of Alleg coy Couhty, PAL On the 3d font., Her: ,T. C. Ifairtun. Of •thei Methodist 13pla. copal Church, to Jliei llettrai , daughter of My. 3:obu 'Hull, elder of Lebanon church: i ll • ••••t;•:. • At Locust 11111; Franklin County; PC; his - -.ths . 2g hy 'ROT. Thos. Ocutgh, D.D., ofMercereburg, WASASIN or Gettysburg, 'Pa, to bliss 3zaz - zi, daughter of the fats Wm. On Thursdn:r eireahig, Rev. L:ltortaisup Mr. Wu. T. MOORMAD, of Armstrong , . County, Poio, Dis Sis Ombra, 'Allcgheriy county, Pa:`. • • • • In Shelode, 'April 'l4th, by Rev. M.M. Shirkr7;llr. - Japs IL TATUM. ..t.O Anse. SUSAN:CA.II AXTllolfi', ; both; of - Indlanfi °county, Pa. . - IJI bitnarg. [Axwoucixzwrs,' Churls • AimirritetitiEtitiscrs,• . Frvi. CM? A LIN; NINE ii r ,OiLDS IMMO! `: DTED--On; the 6th :RFPTE,3Wife.:Of Hamilton. and daugbler of t;leorge.Ocasyle,y, In the 4Ttkyfor of her age. DlED—Aprillst, 186, 'of • 971Firlelala STA. 8.. wife of tlamnel:S: Moorhead, rige - d..16 Years, a months, and 1.1 days'. ; : The deceased hturthe inivantages of a religiinia education, and was early led to, , niake . 4 public prefeetden etAitii , in Chriet, and reited with the Methodist F.piw;optl Cluirch, of ii - hiCh her parents were membere. ..After her marriagosha joined, with her husband, by certificate, the Prat;byterian church of Fairfield. Shewras-naturally- of an amiable dispO sitiop,a.warni frioudoind agr i eet . qc companion, llee fife • Oxeimilary, and ' she convinced , by her • Witlk and con ienintion, all who kneiv bei/thit votiid follooree of ,the: Redeemer. Rellifon was her linipport in all the trials. of life, and she .over entertained the moot lively, hoyes of heaven. , . j .THlg I WEEK'S'ADVERTISEMENTS.' • A SITUATION . WANTgD By 'titirailinttS of ' Jrfferson . College; 'Pa., :in' Satan School or Academy, enhar as Principal or Assninnit.. Would engage for one or two years, or any shorter peribil of dant. 'Best 'of referenda -" ' rayl2-Ite• . „ Pittsburgh, Pa. NEW BOOKS RV OUL 9 9, • NO. 20 ST. CLAIR SITREET, South and Nortli.' 'Abbott. 21.00; cir 4 cents Paper. Our • Livingc,ltspresentatlyo Men. ,Savego . ! comp= Line of Stephen I)oukhes, , ostitesou; Chose, Cushing, Jeft JJavis r Everett, Are., &c. $1.25. Boardman',fligher'Cliiistien‘Life. 23.00. '- The Puritans and. Queen. Nlizsbeth, Hopkins. 3 vole:, $2.511 each. 2 vole. bait: - Horne Tooke's Diversions of Porter. $3.00. • Life of Dauiel Wilsbn, Bishop of Csletittaii• $8.00; * * *Mailed free, on receipt' of . Ilmse'prices:• FLORENCE NIGHTIN.GALEIS -NOUS ON NURSING.- ' •• ' • - A Cheap tilltlo34 Pelee l 2B'Ciihk D.. APPLETON Bc , . CO., . 4 . 43. and 445. Broadway, , ; , Have no ready' a Now Edition of . • • ' 'No TEA , : 0 N . , U R.El' I leo • • • wakr ri, AAD lyn.crl:T IS : NOT... • : By Florence Nightingale. 1 vol., 121n0., 010th,:25 cents. Ready in a few days:;' 't:: i A STILL CIIEAPIt. F.DI'TION, IN I'APER I :COTERS. Piice la cent% tityl2,lt FIOLLOW.AY 9 S . Headache, ono of the nioetsommon RH ailtneUts,is *meted by a single dose of this gentle aperient: 'lt does not act *oh the sent of the pain, but upon the dieordered !amain*, the obstructed bowels, the distempered liver, by the irregular action.of which thejortitre is occasioned. ' Sold at the maminictory, ,V0:80 'Maiden' Lane,Hew and by all Dniggielts, at X6c., 63c., and $l.OO per box. • .11 1 7/ 2 clit I ; • ... ; ; • r OOFLAND'S GERMAN HITTERS Will pOeitlvely , • . . , • , ,Liver Dispeops, ?iervouf. .. ''''itt•ad the certificate ei tov. 3. IL TURNER, pastoir of the Heddlng M. E. ekinreh: • . • • • • • ' PKILIDELPHIA, April 00th, 1850. Da. JACKSON tz—Dear Sir:—Having used yonr . •• German Bittern" in my family frequently. I am Properfni to any that it has been of great service. I believe that in most calor" of general debtlity'of the system, it is the safest Multuost valua ble refute:ly of which I have any knowledge. ' I Yours; respectfully, .1. IL TURNERi 728 North Nineteenth Street. For sale by Druggists and Dealers everywhere. Price ffi cents per bottle., • myl2-1t .1;1 ' , ill .:• • _ , A NW :" 'FOR KS BUS T PIIIIIILSHED. * ' • SMITH • ENGLISH & 'VOL • op I Booksellers, Publishers, and InipOrteri; • No:.". North-Sixth St*, Philadelphia: • ; • FARRAR'S 9 SCIENCE' I IIC,THEOLOCY. scwnions.preached in St. Mar?i, , Oxfierd, before the Val versity. By ADAM S. , FARRAR, M.A., F. 0.5., F.R.A.S. lane., Cloth, 85 cents. Schmucker's Popular Theology; BlCmenti,of PcToliti , Theology , • with oecnoilonal references 10 the 'Doctrines- of the Rofortnalion, RS avowed ..befdre; tho Mot of,lAtteliprg in 1530. Designed chiefly for private Chtistlans'and Theologiml Students. fly S. S.SCH'IUCKER, -D;D.. Ninth.Edltlon, Revised and Enlarged. 12snoi, Cloth, $l.OO. • • LUTHER ON GALATIANS. . . . . 'A - Coinnientary'on St. PaUl'stpistle fo tho Galtitlansi• By .MARTTN. LIME - F.ll. Toiwhich is prefixed , Tischer's Life of Luther, abridged; n Short Sketch of the Lir. of Zwingle ; as 'also "It'Dlicourse 'on the Glorious' Reforntation. • -By S. S.. SCHNUcKEE, D.D. Small Svo., Cloth, $1.25. • . • * * *the above will be sent by nuiil, upon receipt of the .pricelby'tbi Publishers:. • • • • • ''• • •." . NEARLY READY: FLESIING'S VOCABULARY Ole PHILOSOPHY. Edited by Cuaiii•TAP. 12iii6- Cloth. HENGSTENBERO ON ECCLESIASTES. and other Trea tises. Translated from thoCierntaa. Bvo., Cloth. j°sly . . • JAMEE,EING, M D . li. J. COFFEY, M.D; liff,tblGAL . . = l3li.C . , ' .lllNG, AND ....:T='cciritzr,;•osioclikted In tkiiiractlee of Medicine and Muir. " • : ' • 0 co NO: 102 FIFTH STREET, opposite the patbcdral. inylo2,4t*" • . • . . • , I 1 M a Lltb and .Correspondence of Daniel Wh ins, D.D. With, P;utraits, Illustrations and a Map of his Travels. By Josiah Cloth; $3.01):*!'""" ' • Puritans; or. The Church, Court and Parliament of Eng land, during the reigns of :Bdward 48istis and Elizabeth. By Samuel Hopkins., Royal , Svo.. Tols. , A;stod 11., each, 4.50. s'9l t • 1 The IltstortettrEvidenCes of Cie oi 'the Scripture . Records, with special reference to the doubts and discoveries' of Modern Times.. By George ltawlinson, M. A. 12mo: Cbrist in 'Rotary ; By: Robert Wgrnbull, D. D. 12mo Cloth. 81.21." The Still Hour t. or, , Communion with God. By, Austin Phelps:- lthido: Cloth. 38 cents. Twenty-Ift% thousand. . The Crucible ; or, ,Testp ofm Itegenerate State; designed; to bring th fight: suppressed' hopes, 'Cxpocie false one's, and condtm the ,irue; By Buy. J. A. Goodhue,"A.M.:',With an Introduction by ltev. E. N. Kirk, D.D. 12mo.,•Gloth. $1.00.. Spiritualism 'Tested ; or, The 'Pacts °Pito' Efletoit Clean -8.0, and, .thetr cause tn. nature verified from .ancient and. Modern festimonies. By George W. Samson, D.C., President 'of Oolimiblan College. lthno. 38 'cents. • '• Grottbold'a Emblem; or, Invisible Things .Understood. by. 'Thinga' thitt, Ore made. By Sciiver. Tradelatad . Twent hth German edition. Svo. Cloth.- $1.00.• Art . nit!Ll of Sc ent fig Dlecovery; or, lecnr Book of leacloi for. '860.' 'Bj , D. 'A Wellb, Esq. • 12ito. ,• ,Llrtilts of Icellgious Thought... Examined. By H. L. Maneol,' B.D: • 12mo. Cloth. 'sl.oo. , 'lllnitratlonts of• Scripture: ' SUgginted by a Tour' through Duly, Land. By IL B. Hackett, D.D. New and enlarged 'edition. " Cloth. SIM. ` . ;Life and • TintelsoE Joins Milton. By 'David Maoism, M. A. Vol. 1. 'tops! Svo. Cloth. $175. , Brltinh'Novelists and 'their Stiles. , By Daild ' lOtno. Cloth. 7.5 cents. • , • • • • / Tlieopneustid--The Bible, its Divige mien ilitidariepira • ion. By'l..•Gnassen,D.D. .12reci.• Sl.00.! • Leaders of the •Reforuiation; or, the , Representative Men of n Elerman'v. Fralicz; England, and SoithuuL' 'By J. Tulloch, .D.D. Rlitio. 'Cloth. $l.OO. • • .• ' , ,s ' . . . Historlutl Viudleatlons ; or, Tic Province and UMW 01 Baptist Ilistory: B. 8: Cuttitig; D.D. .1.2tu0. Cloth: . . ' Lop Sons ut tho Crois ; or Spiritual Truths familiarlYex hibited. :By.S; Hopkins. .:16m0., Cloth. 73. cents. The Great Concern; or Man's Relations to God. and a Fu ture State. By N. Adams, D.D: 12nwi • Cloth.^ •85 cents: -Commentary on tho' Epistle to the Ephesians. Explana tory, Doctrinal and Practliml. By R. E. Pittlion; ,D. D. 12mo.- • Cloth. 85 cents. " " ' • '''• ' • • Hind Words for Children, to Guide them to the Path of Peace. By Harvey . Nonlcomb. • 19mo. Cleth. 42 ciAte... Moral Philosophy. including Theoretical ind Practical Ethics. By Joseph Ilaven, D.D. 12mo. Cloth. , $1.25. Locturoe on. Metaphyidce. By : Sir 'William Royal Svo: C10th..55.00.. `Air Any work eel Vbi instil,:poet,paid; on receipt:of price • . • • • ?I' GOULD it • LINCOLN ,feb*ly . Wnshington St., poston• MISCELLANEOUS. ' AMERICAN AND EITROPEAi.N:' . . • • :PATENT •AGENCY OFFICES. • , ,•••littfBs,RB - ,. - A,CUNN•& CO- In ~lesoetallon -*WC Ron.. Charles linen . LATE • COMMISSIONER ; OF PATEN* , ; • Orrice OP TUX SO7 - LW/7W 4.IIIE4ICAN,'; • . No. •37 Park Row, New . York: MESSRS. MUNN & CO. respectfully give notice that. in addition to theiti own experience of norKly.fifteeri years' stand infests 'SfilicitOrs 'of Pantrits,ihey lave associated With them lION...IUDGA MASON, who waafor seTeral,yeare.Corantle- . stoner. of !Patents: This arrangement render's' their organiza tion thorough and complete, and is a sure guarantee that all business conhected with the Examination of InVentiOns, Specifications, Drawinw Rejected .Cases, Interferences, Ex tensious,.Caveate,,ppinions upon Questions of the Validity of Patente,• and Infringements; trill receive prompt and direful PA.,3IP riL•E T ADVICE . .fi:put feature 'Litters Patent, tarnished free. • : Ji All OeniniunicatiorM'Conitidered confidential.' • if Address „ • feblS-Si-UOW " 37 Paik Rciai New York. ..... , . LERK"OF, cOurt.T.s. '*- • ••:, 1: .••••4if, • ' JA.I.LESPriFEY, U.. of Pitt. burgh, will be a puldictate foi ODA of °otitis,' en bi mt. to the decision of the Ettpublicau C¢loo7 COnY. 4I I9IPL . ' 110 478 1 4 . - .lL' • .IC-T ED. ,• , • • . . • 1.1 , !AGENTS 'to •Sell fine. Stind Plato Enatneings including Entrtvittig of the LORD'S PRAYER, CRUCIFIX ION, LAST •SUPPER; &c:. Au tietiro person; with only a entail mid tal, can make $5O to SAO per mouth,. ,For:payticulars ' addre D.,'Ef. MULFORD; ;.67 Broadis4,llswYork: ; • :" • FOR CLERK OF THE:COURT.. - • : • 7.walavor.g. Himnow AVlll ' bolc . candianti for tha"ciflico of lilerkof the Court.:eubject to the decialon of. the.ltepubli cnn Count,' Conventinn. • ' 'lOl.B-tf • CIARIVIER, CiARDENERSii 'FRUIT CATTLE- DAAVERS, , )&C.,- Will find the moist complete assortment of Woke relating to their bustnet4.that can ha found In' the world, at.C. Di. SAX TON, BARKER .t CO.'S AO iciiiturai Book Mem, 25 Park •Rovt,•Nolivr.;York: ..Bend.for n catnlogue.• . • fe.blB:l PRE .EICE.DR. ;JAMES, R. SPEER devotes special attention to the treatment, inedicaland Disennes,-Defortnities anti Defecte of the EYE. BBFEA:ENPF. —Profeeeore Weetern TheMogienl Beeninnry. Patients from a . distance can produie Boarding on moderate tonne. , ' • 08870 E, 334 PENN _ BTICERT, Pittannrgli. 'Mee 'Mum : 834 o'clock A. 314 and 2 o clock' P: STEINWAY'S NANos. Second Spring Sup ply. Just received, a...gxkmpiecs assonsnent ,of•e unrivalled STEINWAY SON'S 'o.lzw TO* . PIANOS, of all styles and prices, including aeplendid GRAND''PIANa. L STEINWAY'S are" admittedto be the Niost 'perfect Piano Fortes ever manufactured. . They are warranted for FIVE :YEARS; and are sold at New York anuilictnrers . prices. We respectfnlly solicit a call from pur r nchasers. : 7 • • : • • • AI.; R KLEBE & 8R0.,! myAltt . • Sole Agri, for Strinway's totanog. &c. : 111 , ,t.1.L. , 1:01ii,5y •BOLD .OF. ` , THE • '••: 44.11(I :•:• • • 2 7.' ,.1 * or,• STIIAI4Rti,,SIIOOL-BOOO; P1313L11311112:1 BY ; . . • , A - S. — BARNES , k.BITRR. JO ill , ' • •,s . : maw y oRK. • . •,,, •i . Deseriptive Catalogue. of ,thsir,PickliesAions sent.pos tpaticl to any part of the ef. States. Among the Books Published by' them - are: 3. Davies' Complete Course of Mathematics. 20 vole. 2. Willard's Series of School Histories. 3. Monteith and•MeNally's System of .oeijography. .4. Clarli's System of English diammar.' ; , 6. Parker, & Watson's Series of Readers and,Spellers. Prirker's Natural andExpOrimorital PhiloSophY.• , Porter'. Principles of Chemistry.. . • • B. Northend'a,Double Soils. of School SPaolter's and Dta. .• • ; • • : 9.. Smith & Martin's. Single and. • .Mouble Entry Book- Keeping. ' • . act: Beers':System of Penmanship... : • ~ B . rooktleld's First ] hook in Composition. • • ' • 12.. llOyd & Systein of Logic. ' • !!,:13:1Melkan's Intellectual Philosophy. • 14. lioyd's Kamer' Elements of Criticism. 15. Vilyd'S Edition of English Poets. • • • Brooks' latin.and sareck. Chia/deal Series. 17: Smith's Oriintraphibal Works. ' ' • ' - MATHEMATICAL TEXT-BOOKS, 44 ; PPI IdniTAAY. , Aq4.IO,NY 0V,'1141 . 11#17p1 . . • '' • • STATES AT WEST. ' 113 It • • ' Dirrieir thdirentity • Aritimildtie. ' '• ' alavied - Bourbon'a Algebra. ; • - I Davied•Legendre's Geometry. • , • ' • Toile& 'Elements of Siii•veying. " ' Daries' Descriptive Geometry. z • Davies' Shades, Shadows, and Linear Feaspeottfe: • Bartlett's Analytical Mechanics. • % ,**. j 11 • Bartlett's Acoustics and Optics. . Spherical Astronomy. • •"' • Mani of Vie: abovo are alsci''the Tait.BOOks of ibb:Wear York. Free Acacionly ; ,Columttia college; N. :r. State *lrma School, and Roclienter Univeralty • also , Univereiti of lirlr ginia,•, Michigan, ;and 'numerous other Institutions. in'lthe different States of the Union. • . • • 1112 "SCHOOL TEACHERS' LIBRARY. . • A: S. 'BAR NES £ BURR ' Publish the well-known volumes; ulidiw'tho iiead of Teachard Library, eonsbiting of ten vols., and: highly recommended to the School Teachers of the United States, at, p. per ; volume: 1. Page's Theory ' and ractice of -• • • , 2.• Holbrook's Normal Method of Branches. . • „ ~: • ' • 3. Northend's Teacher and Parent,' 4. Mansfield on American 5. De Tocqueville'n Aritericanliisffteldoni. • liate's Institute Lectures pn.Mental and Moral Culture. 7. Ihright's Higher Christian ltducatipn. 8. May Ms Universal Illdrestiort.' ' 9. Dikes' Logic of Matlioniatic. 10. History of Education, with Bornaid'it Introduction. ..1111,111ENTL!'„PUBLISRED. Brooks'. minium of Devotion. Drbake', Seii,otA ''D e yiterst Reglffter. Ditight'a Hoddrn . Pliflology. Eloclola; If OM of 81boria, SUclo Pelllco, and Baron Troncl:. . tfir lior sale fn Pitbiburift by A. IL ENGLISH 8: CO. . .; BARNE S it BURR. , rn • . , ar&Sinattwt • • ‘. • TIM P9TTRT - -PEAI'm • The subscriber le now r issuing one hundred thousand Splendid Colored Engravings of ,REMBB.ANDT PEALE'S celebrated Original Palnfing of the • • , „. COURT 'OF .DEATH, at the unprecedented low price of . • ONLY ONE DOLLAR EAOH., Bru, 23 BY 31 Iccitce t • ' "- • The lowest reg - nlar price for engrayings of the die, and. quality of this is $5-4nd in answer to the lineation, "How can (they be sold fer'One,Oollati?" the subscriber would. state that instead of isening 5,000 copies at $5, he issues 100,000 copies at $I Tho main expense of such a work is not In the paper anti printing, hitt. in .gettipg up , the.plates...,Jl 5,000 only trra 1 1 014 1 ;4151s but a . fitir price, But if 100,0fX) are . sold at $l, the aggregate profits are larger than on the 5,000. The Original Yeipthrig, ,of which the Engravings are a TaC-91MILY. dopy, was painted:by kirithrtindt Peale In the city of Baltimore, , iit 1820, add has bceulthe study and admiration of tens of thousands of our citizens. It has long been valued at • 25 , 000 . Dollars. Death is personifled'ae'frititlg or 3fonarch, and them Is not a skeleton or anything repulsive in the pleture. , Thera are TWENTY-THOtE iTLL-SIZED monis 'in the en graving, • and arranged' into• five groups, presenting living representations of Death, .War, Sensual . Pleasure, Intemper ance 'and the TziunlPhs'ef Christian' Faith Over the Terrors of Death. It is a work to delight the.eye and improve the heart. It cart lie studied arid untleratcanl by a child, *bile its 'sublime conception affords scope to the strongest imagination... It has been nutde the sitbjeCt• of special discourso by Rev. Dr. Sprague, Rev. Dr. Welch, Rev.. Dr. Bacon, Rev. Dr. Cleve land Rev. Dr. Wayland, and others. 'A more impressive, instructive; or beautiful Parlor Orna ment could not bo purchased. : • . • . . Tho subscriber wllB ativiSed to hare the drapery of the fig ures brilliant and nhovry, te gintiOnthataste of the "country people," lint he determined to imitate exactly the rich mel low tinte*Of the original painting in this respect: Tho witulont of this decision is .verifted .not only• by the Artistd in. this city, but by the venerable Rembrandt Peale himself, as will lie seen by the tbllowlneunqiialified - certitlatta : • - • ' . • • •"Purtstictents, November 16;1859. • have seen the „Chretrio-Lithogrepnic •Engraving of my Painting Of the Court of Death, recently executed for' Dr. G. Q. Colton (the present proprietor) by i Sarouyi Major & Knapp, of New York, and can certify that it Is an accurate and ad mirable copy of the original Paint - in' t , - '• • • • p NDTTEALE." . • . . By inclosing One Dollar and , Ara r letter *amps,. (to pay postage) the Engiaving will be foriviiiied; poet:paid; rollcd la . . Ciergynieh can add largely to their pearly income . (in emu rniseiona},by intcreating thimiselvat Itr.the dietrlbutfan, and at the same time place in the. hands . of each subscriber , " sermon on canvas." . Any person whoa will show this advertisement, obtain Svc; sulneribers, and forward Ste, shall,receivea sixth copy gratis; post:pitid.: ' • ' • ' • . AGENTligoatlemen or ladice;can make, money rapidly; . by taking subsciliitimic for Oils beitutiffal work. One Dollar and six-stamps• drew Agent; for' one :copy atid:a letter of Agency, stating spix.ial terms. „ . . • An active Agent cftti•nbi niaki4 less than It"om'iwo hundred to•three hundred dollars per year in the linsireasi above ex 4 pewee. A deWeriptiokwill be Sent:with cacti picture. .The.subseriber to gentleinen The .venerable Rembrandt Peal; Philadelphia; . the .BQn. Dillard Filltilom, Buffalo; the Rev; S. L Prime, D.D.; Editor New York Observer; 1ter...111. B. Palmer, D.D., New Oileans; A. M. Holbrook, Esq., Proprietor New Orleans Bicaynne the `Rev. Aga D. Smith; 1).D.; the RON% Dr.' Abel Stevens; E ditor, Christian Advocate and. Journal, New York; the Rev. Clor- Mint D. Abbott; Spinglei Institute ; the lion.tieetne Brooke, • NewNork ; the Lion.llenry J. Raymond, NeW To avbid Mistake, the Nallle, Town, County. and • &ate should be PLAINLY written. Additesi • • ' • ' 0:1: COLTON, P. 0; ...:14 : 71. 17 . 1 " itc'w,,?;i:slNZk S • I.•DcON .thr. Decent PubficatigniL SWITZERLAND;.;: By S. IIIEN.X.IIS : P111311.1. D.D., Editor of the New-York Observer. Illustrated with Sir 1144 of Switis.Scenery. 1 • volume,.l2ino.. Pride SIM; • .• • • $ . is the, discriminating , heart-inspiring story, of what a Christian genileman found in one of the most inter-, eating eountries'of the wortar ind •we congratulate' tiiin •on having provided eo. pleasant al nunnolial of his twentieth year of editorial'iffe!!-IV.'Y. Exit* iner. • GRIMKIE. - Being the Second V,oltune of The Plorence Stories'. , JACOB ABBOTT. Afithovortho "Rollo Books." 1 volume, 'Henn. Illustnitid with Seven Engrasings. Price 60 cents. , "Mr. - Ablittis known . to be a pure, Ft adviseful and useful . writer for thel:youngardipld.:. He is also -the, most popular author Ofjiiienilk books nosi . liviug."—New-Tork Observer. , Mr. Abbott Ili t iiebn to g abroad, and the remaining tunes of this Series, will be Travels—similar to • , ltollo's Tour in Europe." Volume third will be an account of the Orkney islands." • • COUSIN GUY. • ' Being the 'Second 'Volume of the Oakland 'Stitilia: ,By GEORGE 13. TAYLOR, of Virginia. • With Oitiktratkisid IL W. llerrick. 1 vol. IGnio. Price 50...,c0n 0 . jfikoznix! with "Kenny," the first volumel'l 6[6'Bkm: - ' ' • , "This is a series, bearing some: Realms' OCieeteebleitee td the well-known Rollo Books, end, In our Jae:meat, tope, at interesting and profitable for - theta:lye 44 eels.' It Optima; ft • Prom' nom , Also°. among tbmbOok line; com bin i ng, as it does so largely, the usefulpith breorastiove, Hartford Christatti Seereterry 'A." • /3 -' • `*lll Publ is h; Ist= • A NEW BOOK BYTHE AUTIIOIOI` 11R1:1M6t.n. MARY VILE. • DREAM Faye :131,Esiti LiA tIO TE IL " ; A lids of Relleoue Persecution. • By. Mrs. S. ROCHESTER FORD, Of LouiiMlld. 1 vol., 12nio. Illustrated. Price §l.OO. -:'The great populiiriey of "Grace Truman," (of Which thiity, thousand copies haye been sold,) will seems.; for this 'book, : tin:Amanda of readers. It traces the •history of a, pe riod of moat 'tragic . intereet—the religions -perse'ciitiou and . intolerance whirl, marked the reign of Charles 11. of Eng land, and the trials anti sniferings through which Bunyan was pass. in order to prepare him to be the author toftko inunorAl "..Pilgritnis Progress." • • ' AND 'PENALTY,' gaternaklNSOlVAS:AelnistMClltii Use Fittheztiood of CIONJ : ' • • • " • • Ap•MSTRALEDIN ` "BY , Itl.1 7 'JOSEPH I'. '1"11 - 0"311'SON,;•IY.D.; Piustoi ut the .11readwey. Tebeineele Church. • . . . • Behold the Goodness and Saiterity of God."—Ron. ai :,22 ABBOTT'S;: AMERICAN :HISTORY'. ABORIqNAT;-,AMERIPA. Being.the first; yolnme. of -New Series-'of Anthrican" Rigors: By `JACOB' ABBOTT, - Author of the - "Rollo•Books,t!. Bolto's Tour in' Europe,". "Ilarper'S Series „of European .illetories," ko. Beautifully embellished with' eighteen illustrations, in- tile best'-.Aide, ifrotworieinal designs, hy,Darley, Qhispin, Stephens, Perkins, `Merrick, Mullin,'Parsons and others. id, 'idmo.. Price The Publishers,- ;in presenting this Series; f popular Amer ica Instates for Youth, believe tbat they are supplying; a .went .long 'felt in Mu , coinitry; and ene mdlich ne author living is so well able to iill as Jacob Abbott, the popular an of so many juvenile books. 31r. Abbott bite given more Alien Usual care in ;the preparation of this Seties,.and t'hey will be illustrated in the best manner, it being the intention of the Publisheri to make them as attractive as they will 'be useful and entertaining. ; A New History of - Englind for the Young. 1. Yol., 16mo. With' twenty illostrationS - brJ. , R. Chapin, :and, ahem 13y, Mrs.. ,Tllol4la GELDART. Author. of "Daily 'Thoughts Child," " Stories of Sdotlincl," " , Stories of &e. Mrs: GoWattle one of tho.most popnlar, writers for the yontig IA 'England; and no more, profitable Vohs can be plan*in the hands,of the , young than' heripstoricalSerles. "What children read they often retain ; therefore, it is de sirable that their books"abould be of a high moral tone. In 'this seeped, Mrs. Gulden has few equals as an author, and we hope that this tittle work will be found in every li brary.—Warcestir Palladium. ' • YEW EDITION OF Life of Frefilrlch . Schiller, !FITH Ai' EX4,3IINAIVO.Ar OF HIS 'BY TIIO3.IAS CARLYLE, Atithor of " .'French Rerelittidn,"' An, 12m4. Price $1.04. Uniform with the, new edition 9f Carfyle's Essays, in four vols., now ,being pub lished in Bbston. „ This Is one of. Carlyle's Beet Works. • . - A DAY WITH HUGH MILLER; And Other -Sketches By RICHARD C. :?&CCRAIiCK:;‘Ati tbor of "The War in the Crunea,'! &c. I vol., 12mo. Price $1.00., ►IO.aTRR .pRRISTUS WORLD. :;The Celebrated Large lngraving, 111 ST AtID #t THORIVALDBEIVS IMMORTAL GIMP."SIZE 24 AT hfi.) A BEAUTIFUL , EIHALE,IN, 9111-T,' , YOB. 'ONLY. $2.00. It is ime-ereineritly appropriate for the : C.HRISZTAN, HOUSE HOLD, Father om !hkparlor.v3,ll or centre table I EZE ',toupHikd REIVIEMBRAFJCER of !our Divine. Saviour M6gnifi6elit Wreath, of Art on 0.13 angellk ptar ou r ' Faith 1 ' . . . , . groin Rev:lir. Prime, Editor of the "New Tork Observer.") THOEWILDSBWS STATUS:Er.' Daytori & ralveilisemeat' of their fine angraving- of Thorwaldsen's elehrateil groupuf " Christ and his Apostles," will attract altentiOn. One . tif the itieturialianginbur itudy, and4e regard the Work 'ad eminently atinable few 'Die walls of every Christian household. The beautiful clasped Bible, which is presented with it, is bound in velvet and gilt,' and. the priceut•which-heiguffers therce,is -so low, that thousands may avail themrlves,of the pimortutaity. Nye,hope they will SECOND NOTICE: , .. , ,V,rom.the Rev. Df.:Prispej DAym'a ,FDctitkvirps.—Wo,wo;uld again call I,attention, to Mr. Daytin6 aithrtitlettients. We iniVe every% reason to be lieve thatithera , 'the proper 'reeponsm from Mk. DA establiskinwnt to any„letters contg!inipg lOney for its splendid worke of 'Art. ' " • - •.• 7' • ,:i• trTom the „Icqw,.:Kork - Lqatipr.] The flee litho,,s4by of Christ and Es Apostlesi7 with' most'ilabOitite Fill r rouTidin lit'copy of , which , attracted great attuntion } at,the fair for,the Sisters - of M ercy, , most' valuable adjunct to the office, 'fhb studio, 'Or the ,boutfoir.; The gift accompanyitig this entirprise i's:atandlpocket Bible,, bound in purple and gold , ~'n. , The Bible which we present Atli this improve engrostlt is SimA., bound in velvet—with gilt :rims and !clasps, - worth at retail , from 5210 U. • r • • : . To 'thOse witO wish to pnichase this religious picture without the Bible, the price is $l, with 12 litty Ale - Send to DAY'rOfg it co., 37 Park-Row, N. Y., $2, and ; 25 cents in stamps 'for, returin.Tostage on Ragravittg anda • ste'pthitorisiiving the itliove`atf insertion and forAarding a -cimy of their paper,tmarketiovillreceive• a:copy of ,eithen. of our ptsbliont4Pus by - 71998, pre aid . Address '" DAYTN" Si - 37 Park-Row, New Yothr. [Fran the' nentld'of Truth <) • •• • . . 'Dayton's Engraving of, Thorwaldsen's "Christ And Ms: Apostles" is 'a magnifteent"group. The engraving is .nnted in a monody, manner, and, us a„ work of.arty is highly couunended. rmission, we invite all our patrons to tar the With Si ecial Pe nof the "Presbyterian Banner," wino-to Rey. Kr. A6 l alitt our beautiful epßraVng until that we arc repppoloble,.arwpatbe tams,mar eleigant Bible eke net nne e Baia BUSINESS ;NOTICES. . I : .; t3 . 17 . 4Wi VA II W_Wi_oo *1 0 REV. I. C. PERSDLOG, A.M., President, assisted by a PACIft:PY OP ELEVEN TPACTIERS. Superior advantages areaffgriied for obtaining a thorough Academic and Cc,llegiate education.' Every effort wig be the happiness and improvement of all who may attend. ;The Collegiate year liegitut*A4un 81st: second Session, December 7th; s and the third, itarr. fflitt. Tuition varies froni SS to $lB per Session, according to Studies. For • further information, apply to' the President; or. to Professor 3. K. KNOWLES, Pittsburgh, Pa. aulff SPRING' AND SIMMER- 7 -1860. •. . New -Stock I New Styles ! • • EATON, .41= 8., ma - cll - umt, NO. 17 , FIFTII STREET, PITTSBURGH. SPECIAL NOTICEi To the Readers of the Presbyterian Banner. We invite spe r eisl atteniion'a till WHOLE'S:oh.F: AND RE TAIL BUYERS, to our : . • • . ..New Spring.. and, Summer. Stork Of Dress Triuunings, .Brabrolderier,.and Laces; Handkerchiefs, Veils, Barbee,Therthaa, &e..; Hosiery. Gloves, Gauntlet*, and-Mitta; - • Skirts, Corsets, and Trench Forum; , Bonnet Ribbons, Bloweni, and finches; Shirts, Collars, Cravats, and Ties;.. . Summer Under-shirtii and Drawers; Head Dipoles, Bend Nets, and Baskets; • . - Zephyr and Shetland Wool, Patterns, &c.., A large line of FANCY •ARTICLES• AND NOTIONS, • And everything' Usimlly kept In a First-Clmii Trimming and Notion COUNTRY YMRCTIANTS & MILLINERS are solicited to call and examine our stook and learn our prices before pur chasing. elsewhere. EATON, CREE & BLACItIIM'S Trimming, Millinery, and Notion House, ap7 m N 0.17 Fifth Street. Pittsburgh. ► H Fr-41 ELLA. NEirC -- A - 1 - S _T-TA,Fr HOUSE_ 4tt,),• • —? PitI7,ADELPSIIA, NelaralliTy, .1 ••. The Atm nt MOCKSIDO.S k. CO., .was dissolved on the First of January. The Undersigned will continue the Hat liminess, EXCLUSIVELY ON TILE CASE PRINCIPLE, .at 62 North Fourth Street,lup stairs) Three Doors above the Merchants' Motel, where Buyers will find a Stock of RATS 'AND' CAPS at figures from .tN) to 30 per cent. lees than regu lar Credit Prrepa.: , Reupectfullv, • E. T. MOCKRIDGE. Hist,* Prioes obtained for FURS sent to ue on Conligh*lte . .TUar,4m Tr. B. BpII?fI6TZ...A.....O.,POLIAZIABLE T. A. 1TA1111111136 M . ..E. SCAIIIERTZ & CO., • ~ WHOLESALE DEALERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF • agg).og.3. 4WD iggßegg s . 11141(th. (Erect, Bask Blecli;PittSburgh, Pa. , Wo invitti the attention •of our customers and Merchants gerteridly•to• our 'very largo stock of Boots' and Shoes for Spring and Summer sales; •and would -respectfully solicit a continuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed 'upon the House. • 'Oar stoCk'of ': - BOOTS AND . SI-IOES, obiained at Brat Wade strictly from manufacturer'', having begneelecred with the'grentest possible cure, ban never been Surpaseed. and is Particularly adapted to the wants of WEST ERN PURCILASERS. Our Goods'wo have had manufactured with especial refer ence to' the wants of those engaged in Retailing, and are warranted to. give eatiskiction. Purchasere visiting this market are respectfully requested •tooildl and muunino'our -stock, as we are prepared to accom modatis them with prime,goods, and of just such , . PARTICULAR. SIZES . . . as they may . wint. Our prices we will guarantee as low as those of New 'York or Philadelphia. All, orders promptly attended tn. and satisfaction war riudisl. . WM. E. SODIERTZ & CO., • • • 'No. 31 Fifth Street. A , • NEW ERA' IN Swing ?~z~.C~~NEO~i S luring the last fourteen years, some four hundred patents have been granted on inventions designed to lighten the drudgery of Mindy sewing, and at the same time to produce: a machine that could , be profitably .used for +Manufacturing purposes; but, strange to say, out of this large number of Sewing.Mgebines, only emu half dozen have been proven to. lie of practical value; and of this small number, not one has in it combined the advantages of a family and manufacturing machine. There are large, heavy, noisy, cumbrous, and complicated machines;designed for heavy work, that answer the mirpose ,very; well; while there are others of light mechanism and delicate adjustments, which perform on light work to advantage; and while the former are exclu sively.confined to heavy work, the latter are of little value. except on light fabrics. Therefore I take great pleasure in stating the important fact that .Mr. Howz, the original in ventor of Sewing ,Machines, he recently perfected his Shuttle Machine so as to combine, in a much smaller space a-id with Lie less machinery, the strength and durability of the manu facturing machines, and at the same time possessing that ;delicacy of `movement Sand ease of operation peculiar to the family machine, and which renders this the only machine in market capable of working cquely well. the lightest and iiminfesdfabrics, and Is therefore designed for dALL, L ICINDS OF WORK I Per Shirt-esabers, Vest-makers, Tailors, Shoe-binders, Gaiter 'Attar.. lidinesa-makers, Carriage-trimmers, as well as for all varieties, of FAMILY. SEWING, . • THE .HOVE MACHINE la the only one that can give satisfaction ;.and they will be Sold for one-h'off the winey charged for any other machine capable of doing as ham work in as geed a manner. These machines cannot be got out of order by any fair means. and they will be folly Warranted' for one or more years. They ,wlll atitch,hetn, tuck, cord, bind, gather, and fell, without baiting—making the lock-stich want (alike on both sides) of groat bsanty, strength, and elasticity, and which cannot be ripped or,raveled. , The Public Are coldially inrited to call at my rooms, NO. 213;FINTIIISTREIST, up stairs, and thoroughly teat these machines <moll kinds of work; don't be satisfied by merely seeing a Machine sive& a rag, but bring along your light ag, and heaviest work, and put the Machine to the most rigid Active and responsible Agents are. wanted for the sale of these Ilachines upon liberal terms. Please. send for samples Of work and 'particulars of agency. Address W. B. LASSCP.LL, ;Agent, Pittsburgh, Pa. J -3m R 0 V A.K_E R'S ,CELEBRATED Machines. A NEW STYLE. PRICE ,$50.00. CORNER OF FIFTLI AND MARKET STREETS, (over . Hugu3 7 Dry Goods Store,) ENT/LANCE ON PLPTH STREET, PITTSDPROIL 495 iIItOADIFAY, NEW Toni. ' 730 MESTNITT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. sew from two spook,' and form a seam of unequalled streng,tb, beauty, and elasticity. which Will 'net firp,''sven if every fourth stitch be out. They are unquestionably the best in the market for family use. fta- SEND FOR A CIRCULAR. aplo-ly .CARPE'XINC. W. D. & H. M'CALLUM, 87 Fourth Hayo'receivedtheirSPßlNGorOOK of ,04C.'StR4R . ;7eTv arsbartarims, Matting, MATS,"S.TAIR ROLES, &C. 'Their assortment's aneurilassed, and will be Bold at very leecrestrates, for Cash. s ap2l2m JOHN;. A. RENSHAW, . Family Grocer and T ea Dealer, 253 LIBERTY STREET, Raving recently returned from the Etist, and added largely to his stock:by fresh purchases, desires .to call the attention of the public to the finest and largest assortment of Choice Family Groceries, TEAS, SPICES 4.0 . Err be found in this city. Families, Schools, Hotels, and Dealers who may favor him with their °Oafs, may rely upon the "i . luality of the goods they purchase, as his object is to furnish the best and freshestloodr in the market, at the lowest pripes., Catalogues Containing an eatendeClist 'of my - stock fur .nisheil liy mail; if Madre& , I 4fill - No charge for cartage. • • JOHN A. RENSHAW,' . Liberty Street; near Wood. anZILL? ; 4:W41.1 ;4 11 5;441 thet aubscriben offer for sale .siity .thonaand barrels of 'POIJDILUTTE, made - bylhe Unit SIANUFACTBILING COMPANY, iniLotif to suit Purchasers. This &title is in the twentieth year of its introduction into this country, and. has outlived fertilizers of every other description, for the following let. It is made from the night soil of the City of New York, by the L. M. CO'4 'aihmliave•a dititar , a .$lOO.OOO, invested in the business, which is at risk, ehbuld they make a bad article. • . - , 7 td. Nor Corn and Vegetables It is the cheapest, neatest and handieit manure in the world; it can be placed in direct con tact with the ansd, forces and ripens vegetation two weeks earlier, prerents the cut worm, doubter the crop, and is with ouedisagrecaide odor, Three dollars worth; or two barrels, is all-sufficient to manuman acre of corn in the hill. . . „ bbi:, $2.00'; .2 bbis., $3.50;1 bbis., $8.00; and ever .6 $1.60, per barrel ; delivered free of cartage; to vessels or railroad In New York City. . paniphletciintairiingavery inferrnation. and certificates from fannemalt over the United States, who have used it from two to seventeen yeani, *rill be writ free to any one ap plying for, the same.. L . .o . G.RIFFING, BROTffERS .4 C 0.,. Is'prth River Airieultural Icarellotuse, • 09 Courtland Sreet, New York, or 136 South Delawere -Avenue, m . 10.2 m Yrep . to p Di?' " b 'tT t ei : i" Vr EtjOlsTOPtrt w igo 4 4 4 1 1 1)' ,.,1 1 " )110P3/toeh 1 44. Save the Pieeek! :9•••• .happen, weiVeVyetrreed "verities. %V* very deet!able w bees soraveleretr - stnevevevrtienewe.7 ter rirpatr• hey - Fureilitie, Yoye. Crockery; SPALDING:B PREPARED : GLUE . , meets all s9cli ninntiestielan, and no hpunstitilii ens lased to b Xt' is illways • rentiyi• and nti jig the stinking poi* Thnrs: is no losgerit ti*eneityi for .limping chid en,.spi hunted. vs ,Seen; headings dsliA, and, tsars ,Xt just the ankle and other *man:instal work, en "Itephinr With built* sr. l',eillisinnst.nsil " :u.: This admipthle preparation fe need cold, being, chemically bate • in natation, and poseattetng 131.1 ell the en a qua thlaa or the bet eibtao:pakkinat,Qing, It may be glad the.pbmar e( ondies'e• muelbµge, betnemastly more mlheale& _ 4 ` ußgrtit: IN - N.B.—A Brush aiFompanfen each beak " tes esni i Wholesale Depot, N0.:30 Platt -it:: Nem York, Address a HOMY C. d'ALDIXO'ic CO - ,7A6x No. 3,600, New York. Pet up for Dealers In C'fp , as coutuininVour, eight, end twelve doren..•-.0 beautirel lAthhgraphic ShosieteCid accompanying each Sir 'a single bottle of SPAUItriG'S 'PRP:Pa REI) wlllairsktflpillpoes Its coot annnelly, to even ,houoehold edilr • • gbla•Arial prominent Station:es, Drnturists. linedwer* aui iheilenh` fl recent, and Fancy blots", Ceentry totreittatte eltunlit maim e hole of SPA c.riumrs rRIF PARED ULU% when melting up then list. It will steed sap climate. ACif'• Whom'.lo 'OrPot removed froin - No:80 Platt Street to NO. 48 CEDAR.STILNET New York.. decakty, ,