Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, May 05, 1860, Image 4

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    fortiß. gDtites.
.64 or Till. Sobtil Lutz or
• }fix Tibial:halt THY OF CITRIEITIANITY.
Chr. Hoffman, Inspector of the Evangelical
...School in Stilint, near 14idorigibUrg, Trausla'-
tea* from the German. Pp. 294. Edinburgh :
T. I T., C/Frk...PhilOclphia: Smith, English
Co. :SY/Union/. 'lBO.
This Fvohitiiti co - alias oi l ' a series of able lec
tures en-the raial and political effects of Chris
tianity in tirseVentniy of the Chrlititin eta.
The geriefil latiti is the one on which Neander so
greatly deliglif.a:ffirdiiell, that personal union of
the belie with• Christ is the great centre from
vihich Chrligian ilia strikes out, assimilating all
the various'elements with which it comes in con
tact. Thus a new social impulse is created, which
without breaking down politically the inequalities
of society, changes them to the religious benefit
of mankind. And Whilst all the partial evils of
the world may not be difectly attacked by name,
that life is awakened,' and that new power , is
aroused, by which they will bo eventually alto
gether deattoyed: This' principle is maintained
by a stietii, aria)* of historiCal evidence, the ap
plication of Which is carried out with much force
and beauty.
The author writes with much earnestness and
Christian feeling. Hoitedet,itis lint proper thetWs
should saythat he treats the.writers of , the Bible iis
inspired; fatherthdhihbVtitinsrs: Adeorditig to
the opinion of Inqiiration, held by the American
Churches generally; thistisiin error.
In the unifier ofehnrch government, whilo'his
vie' s' differ Widely from our own, he gives but
little aid and comfort to the assumptions of IBA
C /lurch' 4;ilrepacy. He maintains that Episopa
cy was not of Divine appointment, butt iisiiinitti
tuted by the Apostles as the befit Mallet& by
which the .contest against Paganism could' be
waged. The first organization of the Church
Was that.tif the family ; the second, that of a
community in,.whieh the several Apostles had
equal rlghtik.governing the society as a council
of brOthers. - Then came Episcopacy as a mis
sionary agency.
Altogether. this work is one that will be highly
prized Wall reflecting minds, that delight in tra
cing the outworkings of Christianity• upon the
social, intellectual, and political relations of
By the Marquess De H—. Together with
Biographical Souvenirs and. Original Letters,
Collected by Prof. G. H. De Schubert. Trans
' latad frOni the French. Pp. 891. Price $1.00:
Now York : Charles Scribner. Pittsburgh :
Johri S. Dlttrison. 1860.
'The Duchess of Orleans was the wife of the
Duke of Orleans, oldest son of Louis Philippe;
who was killed by beintthrowhfromhis Ferriage
in YeAls. LlTer 136, the, .liliti-of-l'ai•rs; - eras heir
to' the crown of France, but lost all by the reCo
lotion of 1848. This noble woman shared in all
the vicissitudes and trials of the family of her
husbadd detiblting a most lovely life, passed
in the very highest places of European society,
and oonnected with some of the most• remarkable
events of the present century. There arc butTeii .
More beautiful delineations to be met with any
where, of 'character, as a daughter; a wife, is
mother; and - e, Christian woman.
JAIatTgLINt•PASCA'L ; or, A Ghtstrsc or Co*
N'EDit I.ttis si riow ROTA L. From the Friiiich
orkl. Victor Cousin, N. Prosper Faugerarld.
• Vihet, and other sources. Translated brit:7
N. With an ,Introdietion by W. B.
D.D. pp.'Bla. NOV York: Robert Carter 4-
1 5 itisbUrgh : Wm. S. Reistaul. 1860.
The name of Peseta le one .61 . the formiost
oite`t, ye wits . one of the profotindiitSt,
thinkers, and•one of the ablest controversialist&
In his tittickB upon skepticism, ho bore down all.
before Min, Slid his Provincial Letters gave'
Jesuitism w stab from which it never recovered.
Kiiidred in genint to him, as she was most
ellskelY united in affetion, was his sister, Jaque
rasctil, the history of whose life lies in the
itduinh before us. The introduction by Dr. Wil
liams is distinguished by the gracefulness that
ohaAeterizes all tho productions of his pen;
while the histdiji itiivniiii the struggles of a high;.
ly •gilied• mind, and pure heart, against the
&bomb:ratio:ins:6f s Cht&ch with idhieh she
connected, and the 'enthett efforts put forth to
refottethe:srbilly to conVeriV life iii
her day. Dike her brother; Jaqiielide Pascal was
a devout Jansenist, and like him she sought to
graft; after the manner of the Jansenists, the
doctrines of grace as Augustine had so mightily
and effectively presented them, upon the accu
mulated traditions and inventions of successive
of.titdrihs ih the Romish Church. But Rollie
would not accept these truths, attUrejected and
spurned their advocates.
The book is fresh, instructive, 'ailittiiiitert - aiti; .
ing. The translator has done his part admirably.
i( I.; ) ' •
Mother. Pp.' 200: Pliiiidelptifi: William S.
4. Alfred Martian. Plitabagh Jean S. Davi.:
Thii little book was originally prepaied by the
author.aa• 'Bible .Legeeds fbi ehildten.
They ::o consist, of a aeries of lessons upon. the
priimpai edeitts'in the life of our Saviour, from
tho' Islabger at Beibleharn, to his Ascension.
The design has been admiral:4y executed.- The
book is worthy of X Plaie at every family fire-
aide wliellajtieriVare claldreir, lb be educated in
the knowledge of Chlkst.
SEPOOtiliilfiZlOß)l2r t *ink; With. iti . Intro-
dilation by the Rec. john jenkins, D. D. Pp.
284. Philadelphia: Piesbitterian Publication
4 "CaNifittia' .. .e. 1860.
. .
ti c rieat Ifttlirvelaree ittatted by the Phb
licati?n Committee of our New School brethren,
(let deserves a wide circulation in the libiariea.
of Sabbath ; Sohools and in Clirfrititin:
The nittarialer•are mostly:taken from the ailratim- .:
mitaite ih 'the Indi=on'ltebeilftin,hlk
fheeifite.; • Ifittetta Owen; ' the "Martyr Mieelori
eriebisirer. Air; Mash; and, .....isroehs '
. . • ~
oyouclat;" The object is to the.
strength, and beauty of Christian cbarieter.
Siettlihe severest trials, and to •show to all, the
Mkt Offline& 'and "eihiranee otaivieleitilin
loos; therreality and depth of... Mitch• lie:Vele*
I often derided by skepthisi and prot4lY
igMbeed; it tittle's, 'by belie.ieitt.
ton has 'been: Well date; and We' eat' ere it orir
commendation to Sabbath:Bchools and
*allies. . . • .
logortittticns. zira'aifirt: The mity
nutttlftf fir at With theitistriairomptitude, and
• the same-life and variety as. before. The present
number has no less than twenty-one articles, and
the usual Literary, ittideso and the Editor's
Table, which ivaliritys first i : eadtthinigh,. placed
'last. • (
tO Pat.
"I Don't Love Von . Now, Mother."
t. many years .iigco, 7 -tlnew a lady.
'who had been sick for tir•o *yeart, as yeti
have seenmany a .one, alEthe:Cldtfie slowly
arorwifirconsumption. 81111044 btu, one
e if -1-i'lrttle boy. ,
• One-afternoon; I was sitting brirer bedl
siag;lbi Heitilt I laid *Mr,
with an ashingihearti it-seemed es though
shestditild 'cough lift f : littl eße
boy Henry sat, too, at the • •poft of the-bed,
his blue eyek so like- heris, filling with tears
to s€e her suffer
ohiigh — 'n'eased. Hettni ' ate,' init.' his
arms roUnd his •inotlierlelatil&-nestleikbli
beerd 2 ' his mother's
_bosom, and said,
" Mother ) , I-do love you ;• I. wish. ymi watift.
- •
sAitaieW,b,tei-, the same loiiiiii;tltid4Z3l6l.
bdr mad in; a grow, ustanipihg the, anon
cs " Oh mother, niai Igo* 'Meet
ing/ it is so nice—Ed and Charlie, are gp
We' &i;19;. ft et ejt," *AY' lid a 'We IE-o
they, "the ice is not hard enough yd."
"But mother," very pettishly said the boi,
" you are sic all the time ; how do you
know ?" "My child, you must obey me,"
gently said the mother. "It is too bad,"
angrily sobbed the boY, who, an heir ago,
had' so loved - his mother: lOW 1110 to
have mylittle boy • go," said' hie mother,
looking sadly at the little boy's face, all
covered with frowns; "you said you , loved
me; be good." "No, I don't l'ove you now,
mother," said the boy, going out and slam
ming the door:
Again the frightful coughing dame upon
her, and 'we*.thonght no. more of the boy,
after the cough &miriade:ed.' I noticed
tears failing thick upon her pillow, but:she
sank from eihanition into &lightish:lBP.
Ina little while- muffled steps of merea
feet were heard coming intothe .house, as
though carrying something . ; and they were
carrying the almost lifeless body of Henry.
Angrily he had left his niother, then
gone to skate—disobeyed her, and, then bX O 7
ken through the thin ice—sank under the
water, and new saved by a great effort; was
brought home barely alive, to his sick me ,
I closed the doors, feeling more 'danger
for her life than the child's, and coming
softly in, drew back the curt ains from: the
bed. fiLheard them—it is ilenry;• Oh I
kne*lie wenb—is he dead ?" But she ne4
ver seemed ts.hear the answer'l gave, tell='
ing, "Oh no." She commenced coughing
sgouy—itiangled to. deat..4-.
The :poor mother; the boy's disobedience
killed her. :
After a cottple .of hours, I sought the
boy's •rbikii:f " 'Ash • I hid' tick told
mother I did nbereirinleir.Pge-morrow
tell het
. If6W I do , " said the child,:iiebbing
pitifully. My hart ached; to-morrow I
knew we tpust-telthim she was dead. • We
did not, till ifie Child . came fully• into .the
roma; cryint "Mother, I do love 'yams'
Ohl may I never again see agony like that
child's, as the lips. he- kissed gave back no
kiss:---as the hind he took fell lifelessly from
his hand, instead of shaking •his hand as it
alwayS had, and the bOy knew slie was
dead. • • • • "
"Mother, I do love you rich;
long he , sobbed and cried. 0:04 •mother,
mother, forgive me." Then he would not
leave his mother. " Speak to me, mother,"
bit she could never speak again, and-he—
the last words she hid ever hcardliiik saY,
were, " Mother, 1 don?t love you now."
That' boy's whole life was changed*; Sober
and sad he was ever after: a
gray-haired old man; with one sorrow ever
his, one act of disobedience, one 'Wrong
word, embittering , all his. life; with these
words ever ringing i n his ein4 "mothei-,' I
don't love,ritiviiow. , ,
Will the little ones who ` read this, re
member, if they disobey iheir motherOf
they are o:osif and naughty, they say-eve:y,
single .tune they do so, to a tender mothers
heart,oY.their actions, if not in 11'6 words
tleurytithe very same thing; "1: don't
hive you now, mether."— Western March . -
mum. •
Among`a- certain clags-of boys,
smoking and .chewing tohaeco are thought
to itp,t.ttiqqe4ionahle . requisites , to all, ,who
woUld' be 'crifiaiiidoted' 'Man*
ii.:feW days ago saw alaggedi pale
facedrisifTeni-lookingloy; aboiit nine yeaxS
old, puffing 'what was evidently - lie first
cigar. Ire 'stood leaning. against! a ;house;
his cheek drawn in, his eye s red and' war=
tery, countenance bearing the 'eipres=
Sion of nausea, and altogether looking as
though he was .resay to-repent of his fool 7
ish bargain. Several- other lads, .adaittle
older; stood around; encouraging
ionely awaiting the z -result of the experi
mlciitQ bity 1 0 :Eel iiroballi
thought it wo floe, manly he - was ,
learning, , instead of a• dirty, disgusting,.
and unhealthy habit, which Wilt prbvc,a
curse to him is long as be lives if not
broken tip; I can hardly believe he' would
have. endured the deathly nausea of that
first: cigar: with such p atience, mattyiclika!
had he suspected the real riattre of die pro.:
cess he was going through.
There- are other boys every! dar going
through the same initiatory' steps, .under
the same strange delusion. Some into
whose hands tliiS paper - will fall', may 'be
exposed to the same danger. To. such I
would say, beware how you acquire this
habit. Tfie use of !tobacco, whether by
chewing, smoking,. br. snuffing; is both a
physical and moral evil. It is' only. ovil,
and sill continually. The most Skillful
physicians in the World ha Ve testified:4N:
dangerous effects upon the ;system.
most • !eminent • men:, in the varichis-pther
W a lks .of life—cleigymen ,and teachers,
judges and lawyersonen
,ef•literatiut art;
seience, and morals—have. denounced -the
use of tobacco. as-one of the, greatest evils
of the day. It would be diffictiltdp find a
candid' and well-informed' who wonid
seriously .deny this position, so, 1011-estab
lished is the fact.
'ho Art of +Being Polite.
First and foremost, don't try: t t o , be -pa- '
lite: *ill Spoil ; ' • '
If yOu keep• overwhelming-your guesti:
withibeteatatiblie" entreaties: to Mkt *Oil
at kon;te, they , will,very soon_ begin to. with
they vi'erei th'erit. will,-very.
lildioitt . 'that
yon are happy to see them by your actions,
nct i ty,yoF n rgds.„,„ .
t Oliyi‘retdelbbdi -fio lit Asieslifillc-people
alone at. first ; it is the, only .way. •to set
them at their ease. ..Trying to draw them
out, has . sometivies,theApntany, .effeet of
driving tlieni`ou'forthe Atm. 1.4
Leading the eVitiOersation is a dangerous
experiment. • Better follow in its- wake;
and if aonlrstytrtxt.oNlear ssurself•tplalk
ers, .I§leVa • Mike a
fuss about anything—never talk"
yourself—and always preserve perfect- com
posure ::nly,glatterpnizat7soleeising;orrblun
ders ot hers 11'14 eoamit. .11Cikiiiii50:. that
it is a very foolish proceeding to lament
that you cannot offer to your guests a better
house, furn i tare?, or - Viands. • It
presume that their visit. is to you—not to
these surroundings.. Give people a pleas
ant -imp`ression of themselves; and they
will be - pretty sure to go , away. with a pleas
ant impression of your qualities.. On just
sleadei'yvhOele . as thoie the
rie of sooliettittniot. It is •our - -business
then ta VekOliem;iti perfeet
der..7--gfe• IllAiteafe4 , , '
A entlemtur dafrghters; all' Of
whom he!.lirciught up :to some•respeetable
Occupation in 'life. These datightera mar
ried, one after another,-with the consent of
their father The fueet married a gentle
man by the name of Poor ; 'the second; a,
Mr. Littlej•the ! 'thiK, a, : Mr. *Short; the
fourth, a Mr. Brown.; and, the fifth,.a Air,
ttogg. At the wedding of the latter, he,r
siiten, with. their husbands, , were ' preserit,:i .
After the ceremonies of the' wedding- Wete•
over j the old - gentleman said to` Ate giteite,.
"I hive taken great pains • to educatirmy
liVedanglittris, that' they' might *4' l *A
their part in life, and, from their advantage
tindltiqOrOvelikents,, I fondly 'hoped they
would do honor to the family; and .1:
hull:12:0 4 an •My car*, Old upset
do oilioci'iiiined out. nOihing . hta a Aar,
Litqe, 4TOrti
"Ihii'matik-set right 111. - do4 to itir Many
by; ' btig'on the other hn - nd, onn'lti#:eflr
wrong may be the means of misleading . a
wholetneighborhood; and the same maybe
said q' A t he'eßample we inclididually'set to`
those -Around us. • •
The. Viet Cigar.
The. Wye Daughters:
! ' • :"
climate Centel.
Flee from the eroridost#ll„to`.4Y!f?*4l,
Content with what thou haat,
.though. it . be
To Maid brings hate—nor Icitertliiitei pursue
He who climbs high endangers many alell;'
Envy's shade that ever waits on fame,
And of the sun that rises it' will hide.
Trace not in life avast expansive scheme,
But be thy wishes to thy state allied. •
Bo mild to others—to :thyself severe— .
So truth shall shield thee, or from hurt or fear
Think not of bending all things to.thy will,.
Nor vainly hope that fortune;shall befrioixid . ;
%constant, she—but be thou constant still,
Whate'er betide, unto. an•honsst end. •
Yet needless dangers never•madli,briie,
Kick not thy naked foot agitinfirjagf.;:‘'!
Or from experience the solution crave; •••• • .•
If well and pitcher strive
Be likthy : own, as ;in thy neigh t begaparrsr,or
go tiitthshill - shieid thee, or from hurl or fear
.., , .
WheteVei:hripPens, happy in thy mind . . '.
Bet-thou; nor at di: L ib:it; in life repine ;
Ite.'sjiipes 1,41 illwhcr bosom is resigned,
ita way nor weather shall be•always fine. '
Beiddee;:'thy'heste'w•not,' here; ,a•jotirifey, this;--
l'A'pilgriii, thOik; ..then . hie thee on thy *ay
Look up to God, intent to heavenly blies;
. Take *hat;thi.*Oitt affords, 'OK: - ...... 68 Pay;
13htutlinitat luattvant seek the enure hi lt sphere,
Soot;nili;ihaliadsleid . tiee,-,Orl : l34:l;intpx. ie l ii; ;
0 o 1,4 i: ) ....:v1::. , . '.. .. . 7,.: . • . , :. ; 114.1 t 1 q ..I
Pi r e*A. ll 4( 4 )t.e, l AM . 14"4 14. 4 4 :4:4 7 '
4dulittAsqlar the items give habit; 'dot
unni, this week.) • : •
lbw Mud Sadler:Asti
Illiislnestioircan . be answered prilrap 7
proximately. A table giving a' fixed inVii
riablequa.rititrwould'ofteirmisleud for the
reasons that quality ,- ",oft soill.thethod of cul
tivation, climate, and• locality, all vary the
certainty and manlier ot'greNttlO J Where)
for any reason, it is difficult AG:make 'Beet
" take," it may require an• additiOn , of . aa
much as twenty-five per cent ? or ppe Act
to the bushel. Again on vertrich land,
Where grain aioild'tiller ;eilibmottli;
the practice. to diminish the amormt:sewn.
With roots, onionti, etc:, Where
thinning. is practicable, it is advigable to
soer enough- allow for thiii.f ,ld
dividuat judgnient must be exercis!d
follovilng table shows ..the smaller and lifter
quantities usually the aaxe
Barley, 'broadcast, it to;; 2} bull els„.i
drills ' fto 1.3, bushels. Beans;.2
ele. Beets, 3 to 5 fbit;
bushels.. Carrots, 2 to 2} the. Corn,
(In di an,-) 1- .bush els .; Broinik'
to li- bushels'. Mai; for see:d;T'to • 1 M i kal
; filie4l4. 'to 24.. bushels: Grasses
Red Clover 4 111 to 1 16:1*; W)4skClover-*
to .8 lbs .; 'Age - Grass ( teuiltsliy,),:l6 'to 16
ilia.;, led to quirts ;,'
Graik 2,0 toil() ,lbs.; ~Timpthjr(Verde gligs#o
124,6 18,4tig: 11. 4m11; fee Sid;
for..flbori I.; ;to .11 bush:. lllil3et~ : I , to 14
'Atiffiiiird;:l l Ciatit i ,2` to.
Onlona t 4 , to: 5-= flrs. ' T'atenips;
to the. Peas;. - drills, 11 to 1. bush:;
broadcast, 2 to • 81. bcish z ,,sciordinficr the
size Of 'seed.
to 2 bush.' 7 .ll,i bush.;
breiidcast, 1 to 21ousb..Turn!paflf to 2flbs.
Wheat, in drills, 1 to' . IV ltilift.ll;tUdiiik.
11-to 2•1 - bushels. n "
Th Lim tear' . _
This 'probably,. the' best letunirnins
plant groini• in,enr- gardens.' Yt has a riCh;.
sweet, and '.britti(iy which 'can' be
compared to nothinglint itself.. In the•
neighborhood of - Aieft of bur large cities,
isailiralland. red acres are annually devoted,
to " this plant; so great a favorite' is it with
:every body; in season and out of season.
* Atait is easily raised.' Asthe Stuiimerit.
:the North. is a little• shortfor its full enjoy-
India, it to hurry itihrward iii Spring :
by a shovel or two of manure in each
hill, and raising the hill three•inches above
the iiir - 6tivaiwg , will hell) in 'giviig
•a - start: let the soil all aroundbel mellow
'nd Warm,- and the sittiatiOn bahmell. open
-I,trthe''`sun. • ?hint 'five sii beats to a
bill, and if all stark-414n- them out 'affer-
Wards to three or' four plants. Set the
ipeled in • the. center•of •the at the time
'of Planting. to plant
in dia• onw bed - about two - feet Wide, by
the side of a cheap trellis. ei fraineouid,as
the groi, they are , -trained up• en
twine leaders. This et* '000:0 1 4.o light
and. air than When they wind together:upon
poles, gives. etronger -growth, and, hastent
their maturity. • When .the • •viies -• have
sevet,in *eight feethigli,ll4-Shotild
be „ 0 . 11 ; so' r al 3 .tO miibf 1 0 1 ; OW*
!and fuller:development' the .podsbelow.
Liquid Manure, or the Garden.
Every man who has a sink sponti. hass'ir
!fiiuntaiu of-,wealth at lit: baek.,door:. :Tha ,
MPlicao9•6l of liquid manure tP.AlO4Owa,"
may farms , yty be-At.some distance irr-the
!future, but guy ita i sfe , n garden s 1,0 . 0 1
ihas already come. A good many latioreray
li*CliaakitA AAA Villi4eol. atilt • , 1 6.4( 1 3r,
it, and finding it juststhe ,^'' • • `-
If. yon 'Wirer sipthing ibettc;,lsiiilpajudf
hogshead a foot or two; ipluur• 'garden, in,
the mat t convepient . mina; anSI . run: ,a lead
er from your sink,spont, into it. A water
!lug pot is -the best. thing to, put it on,with,
ibst:i . gst *TB essential.,... A 1 , old
. pail'snd
,kept t o o r the, , •annWer.
!Ifikeb;•thirphilits are well up, spy , lieu n to.
grow.. , zoeely, apply the li4pid' two or th:ree
:times ix week, - just at, ilight";.! It Lis iticer-'
'lent - far 'vegetables and' he small fruit's; and
itir'grapes and , pears, until :they begin bo
approach mat:p:ft It,putionly increases
'their size, hue mptoVeitbeiiliavor.
A Califtrnta, GAITS crop.
sends an l e st year's carrot
'crop on tlilißli t inatilandinn Reserve. Six
'acres of kiglit,4hdyloidn'wdr6 drills
eighteen . inches, apart; the seediOrittintii,n ,
:thickly; Old the 'plants' afteriirtitaAhl i iiiled.
: I Thelieldill,ppeared so large that the
pioduot . of One ners'IVSIT earefUlly weighed ;
the ;tops.. being - 'cut of close before' the
. The reetilt was one'hundred
And one ttionEllid,i3iii hundred pounds, or
,nearly Aity-oies tons to. the crcre-1 Many' of
t)io 'carrots nie,tialired thirty inches: ;
length, and weighed . : es high . lati,"elevew
ixittads each. not remember have
;seen so large a :yield reriorted. eltelyhere.
T. writes' iliat the Indians are .very
'fond .br carrots. ';
' Mflltifed properly prepared, are plant,:
'food. The greater the quantity manufac
tured and properly used, the more abund--
antthe return .troM the land. Every de
`oitying animal and vegetable substance on,
'the farm furnishes a.aupply. Weeds from,
the garden and the
. inadOdn, leaves from.
the forest, ninek-froit swianiaiind . sods from
'ploited ground;;.niiikOrilk trirppinips of
'animals, or eitoratedvaritteliOrwabbtege,
; Will,. if.. spriiiexiil We; : Ce~Eds ;; lie worked up;
43 4, 4) . : Pdrnh oit*r Thlta*Bv . 4td;!'illbriOing
Vie 'enriches—ttio Bave‘,
nukkei-add tti,critll. : that can be made availa
ble. • • '
Te••'PNTtet .Perked Irear:SpNing.
tlf. Wis.,
recommends.-to-iwist or.. wind • together a
few,ofliWanniller HMV's' above the fork,
whieli%!: in Oat, ,ip.tlice
tree ine6nies size; 'arid—faiii....i•nittrartil
brixoe'.' Ile 'dates that •lelfaii ittaiylrees
successfully treated in this 3panper.i. • We
have prevented...forked. tieSs.,..inelined" to
split, and • even , secured , those • that had
alrea.dy , coniineneed- ,to .by boring
thiough inch' anOr and iitiVin b o• in
st f rong smaller iron' bolt;
With a l head'ini, one end 'and it nut on'llie
other endisseven betLer. - The new growth
will soon covertheloin•or bolt
tOtli g ins it6.hti) by haste in plaudit.
Many 011,1tivetors turn over.t,he.and early,
aid . leave it until ilia graidfOoti'have Start:
pa,; #hkii,thkifonti r !" i# *at* and the
weather settled, the. field is ell harrowed;
which checks difi t :4ro*tli ; `of „grass and
Weeds, anil',rendaiii.. the 'after oultivatiojn
easier. Marking. out the. rows should be
done with 11. very light plow, or better, with
ii,Ailarkei : made 41 Eittip' scantling flAih
ine : eet;atr the right distance for the rows,
and two 'handles: like a . plow .to guide it:
The Whifiletre,e, ; * be attached by two
trace chains Fu3siugiastaples near the eiids
nf Aft. scantli,fig.,::',,Pseip furrows to - ree.i've
the seed remain wet a long time if much
rain , falisrinjuring,the ,, young grain or even
preventing germi ,ition. • - ✓
•••,,,, :4.r • ' ••• 4 't e":";
, t )1717" --- ;.' t 4"" -•
Plowing.—Mrich labor in after dnltnre
will be saved •by thorough plowing of seorn
R°4P&• ii§EF ,--tha ti, the, - s°l B,
syltr, ~otlterspee. the give mech
trontle,4,;:liep„thp .ploW out. of. wet ) 1.11 ' 1 4
until:dry-enough Awn , upi. without ,leav
ing • hardt• , lumpel whick-will be alulost as
riltelt . stones "thidtifeioiit . ",the'
OOPtiPil‘ef.9:o4 o qEi•t e liti' Peg' 'by more, WO :
st i g i 8 übsoiling„ may s Often •be
cheaply done - following in each Ili - row
with a light one , h rag R iowf
al'l. • "
Root Crops deserve more attention than
they arty yet receiving in this country.
Mangeb;Wurtzel and •Sugar Beets, Carrots
and Tittnifis'are - rOished by'stdek`whenfhd;
with hay, and promote ,theirthri4 by, keep
ing up their appetite; as well-as by the nu=
triment they contain. Sow carrot,
nipp do better' iri 7 Tune: Try, at least
If any are to he painted this sensed,. it'
iirliefuir, ',4IOO,nW OA '
trier,. 411'mi Ain' ho 1311 1 1 k dries at too rapidly..
raApki,iiis . **; s itaferittle: , whYre : ietin:bi
done..!ln :Tereeting new outbnildin#,.pro
vide for
.the. introduction water ifide?
C4i4t, ferAitiSck; d : 'tun ,
for' foi; • the ..Atqltif4dtarte iingt
Priiisn4iiiioli el s manure • •
Thooe'yho:Oinkof adorning 4:mfr #4T111 . 13 ‘
*Or o.;apiiii alon g the
sideiw l f!?1,4-1.,
f OhIth 4 FISOYPA I WF 9O Yr.. gi. P ni)
inistske:often -thide iittitnipting to. Plant:
out this beautiful' frielcir a Aide,
grown in the ' thick woad": It is much
better to dig'flip'; 4;31 bizintlbst seedlings
from the wooliar / fieldi,ln \ dirive them the
benefit of nursery culture for two or three
YrOf 8 .;::. 11 . ; r : . • "' " • "1-
• *Reeadihtto'tlie - records of the Patent,
Office, there arewnolt. in this country not
farsrom oneAhowand4Boards , and Societies
consheoted latrt with agficur
tiiiir.leilie"SisieVriii York there are
ninety-fnur • In:
sliaqa,•seventy4esren-. Pennsylvania, Ohio, ,
nd lowweactivhave:tibont, seventy.
.1:1? • • _.. .
•ft:9 ;
; The, cret.of laccessial Farming.
: - 7 1444 1."(9 1 4 *3)0 1 4** 11 i l*i;*dortt44
to t :;•1110 #7,:to groW Doi; , tropics; . nor • oranges,' and
bratia id' the pole: • • ' • •
fra ~• •
r. f . ••• • • A . • I
THE ANlEHlChilitßAlDTkobnitsr,
NO. 929: , Chestnut Stiett,
'Offers, as imitable for individuals, churches, families, and
Sunday &imolai - a large - variety of • • •
Of these, a large :;umber is iutendedfor Children and Youth
—the volumes being' handsomely illustrated by fine en
gravings, panted lil clea's t•ypd;and weir botind:
The assortment embraces- over four hundred mid fifty
volumes: .
TO.ETWAL; , , I dik.RACTICAL, • .1
Orders may be sent to IL. N. Tills4FLl4,
Tract Howe., ,
je7-1Y No. 9Z) Chestnut Street:Piffle „
• iIHE:FACIEPIC - EXI'OS 'NOM ;•'!. %,...-1 ,
. TA B B to bo devoted to *MP - .
sitifin'tittArNlWOAP and - the Treadling oT•thelTheipB; ac
'cording totha Standards of our (Niurch. We wish to. do ,by .
:the Pf °ear for earrfolleir - citizens,lmd what we do for Calvary
congregatirie every Sabbath ; that is, to expound, explain and .
',preach to' Mete thiP . Witied 'Orthe'Lirtrig God: W. would, - If
!possible, furnish imbruing tobo read mrthe • Lord's day, inthb'
:lonely place of our .vrilleys and mouutaius, where there le no.
:putter or evangelist to open his mouth and show the way of
•salvatioa; and into the:crowded .village .of pitmen farmers,
latid tra v ellers, where as yot there is no houtte of worship,we ,
!deiire to fiend the Exrosiroa, to open to them. the Scriptimeh;
and preach unto them Jeans. It is well known that. aln e
number of the half Milllotrorsonilithithre mil& •ciiiMt' do
not attend any church:or meetinghonso; niftily thousands of '
'them,never hear a sermompreached from year to . year. We
'wield fritiibli spent with such reading as would remind them
'or their early tralnitle—the ironic of tlieli•Yorith‘•-drid minim
them to seek-and servo the . God of their% fathers; with a per
fect, heart ...and . a willing. mind. Wo holm to , make . the-
Axrcsira a inisedonarv, that may preach even where the
'Ooli•Miterur and etargelik'do not: go. ' - ' • • '
. Not one idollar of. the subscriptions will•beispproprlaMdi to •
theerlitor's private use. AU that .is subscrthed beyond ..ti
'actual ccit;Will'bestiont le extending the eirerdationof tho,
'work among our miners, chttieLdriVers, tirmers; sailoi/. and'
travellere. • The Bxfosrroa will be lashed • every 'ationtlq•at ,
Tree potters per annum in advance. It will undo, an•
'pL-Myrivolume 'of over six • hundred pages. It is, very, tieatly.,
printed; and 'dulVicici Minor. 'The postage prepaid to' any,
part of the tinitedStates is ore emli. forded'. rinmher. " ( Oar
dollars, or three dollar pieces, or drafts on the. San. Francisco.
Marcos Companies, can be sent at our risk, by midi.
'TO • inSt 'friends and the;• OM - idianit 'of .• the" blessed 44d'
;States.!!4, would say, that thcitfigiiCaliforriliv is Waking them'
tiell, waare-poor, and In building up
. Chriatian institutions,
not orb , . yOur prayers and s3•trimithy, lint we Aced,
'fftr if a rtitribiddbus. ' As a MthitiOattir agency, It is Mit:tilt
seelow yonean do as =lobby three dollars' in 'eliketlier '
nay,: ars Ton, breubscrihing for. this . work. Bylneana
'of the Post Office, you can send it to preach tO,thenea l lpift,
lytio hirVe herrn trilight tai iMid;trit do not attend chrtrelsOujil .
dadeedhave noneto•golo.•- i i. • - " •
.fgr.tiliniaterit, elders, church officers, all. others, who sad
!friendly to his work, ales Intiterkto act Magenta In procuring,
scribes. A liberal cotandeemn sell Mr ellesved.
' .Lifetnitott.....The , ~ c otnett-soonrwheir neomaureantt
iwiiik: 4/2412r.1r,.w . , the, day Whs.., 3iiitmo.,,log_
. 4 ,
~ ~..,1:,..., •......„,..wA4m..
sm,", _ ~.:0-6,6
4i4liiiii'W . : . l , ;,:::::...):... •...,.,,,
302fitn'.:, - 02" 14:1111,10411.- ON,
N0.:h821 Chestiot Street, .•
THB-TPIZES OP•Oillt LORD Adopte4 hy I
the New Testament. • •13'? J. ehroir r ltte jo i k
ltughttm, Suffolk. 12m0., pp. 249. ries. 50 cents.
This lolume will batty Instroction• - to veiny , a minVand
comfort too mire)' alleart. is full of Jesus from beginuingto
end awl speak 4 p,r in that tender, loving, trustful tone,
which'sh . onlCtliat fhb liedebitier was a living reality to. the ,
author's mind.
The Woilt adliticipaPntggiti determent in
the prefikellitit, nearlrblint, ; the riuthol- "ajt ulinble to
entiSult . Many honks which would have afforded him
.port: nt aseiettintii.. The-whole ors written in pericll:a
thirittdrot airVinstrarnenrtined to gull% tho hand in writing:
I Perlisinkthis seeming lore has ridded much to the rerd falt*'
!of the book. Very . reePrinly the author ham drawn copiously,
both fol. guotetfortind Illustration, from those precious wells
of snlvation the entered Scriptures., •
TEE PEAKS OF 27TER. A Monograph 'ortlie Ilelo
'glows .Experionce of a Young Alan. 18mo., • pp. 38. Price - lb
;11.1 .• I
•POR- 1 1011T.H.
Itoesdie's'Llassoidi. By Mrs. Sinai S. T: Wallace. 18mo.,
pp. 182. Price 20 and 25 cAnta:lo. , ql.4
A Cluster of Fruits, from the Tree of Heavenly Wisdom.
,Compilets. d by Annie Brooks. 18mb., 'OP. 285. Trice 40 *1
35 cen
Why was I Loft? or, liebath
doai.nll Things y
'Diary pp. 314. Pries 20 Arid 25 cent& ;,.•.
Ellen; or, Submission in Affliction. , , lSmo. , pp. 23. Price
10 cents.
Ella Graham; or, Great Facts from, Small Causes. 18mo ,
ipp. 138. Price 20 and 25 oepts.
Twytaan Hogue; or, 'Early Piety.' Illustrated. By W. W.
D D 18mo pp. 180 Price 25 and 3q cents :.
The ; Holida y s, allt4 the Timmons why they mks QUOIN&
pp." 1.08. Prieels 'and 2/ cents.. •
, uputo .lewels; or, Maggio Colton and ; m9}rirsitra.
Ilitibto.; lop. 16o: Pike is and 20
12M0. TRACTS. , .
No. 284. Tho Service of Song. Pp. 20. • -
, 140. 236.- Bread upon the Water. Pp. 8. '
, .
The Perils of Litenittormtla A - Friendly Warning to
Young lien. Pp. 44. Prior 3 bents. •
R- Por stile in Pittsburgh at the . Presbi l ierian Rook
Rooms, St. Clair St reet. JOSEPH ' P. ENGLES,
fcb2l- tf Publishing Agen ;
-rtu :Bilikting4
EiPlifilkt 6 ;Ve'L
Ar.,,VAINAIII4E • • •
• • •Misr trromm*D
. • • vi • • CILLIMDiTIMB. .; .' •
To which we respectfully invite attention. It IS an authentle
and couiplgto book' of refecence on all current religious
topics and all religious 'events Of the year ; will contain"
A Classified and Statistical' Record of Religions and Moral
Associations in the United States and Europe;
Tho History, Confession of Faith, and Present Statistics of
.; Each of the•Retigieus Denominations. el; the :United, State,
and En't;itis'; '' • ' • • .
Statistics of Moral, lionevelient - inil 'Educational. Institutions
in the United States;
A'Clifilfied List "and the Poet Office Address •of theigynion oI
all denominations In the United States; •
List of Leading. Contributors and Testators tp.1494091111 and
Benevolent Enterprises;
Record of Deaths in the Ministry for the Year; • • •
Notable Helps for linderstandinglis, Scriptares.
Religions of Asia and Africa. ' •
Redigituil and Morel Teachers of Mankind ••• •
Sacred - Rooks of all Nations; .; , . ,
Missionary SoCieties;
Iliirlo Seciethercif the United States' arid Earope; • • •
Religious Periodhstlsin the United Statesand Europe; •
Eminent Christians who, have Died During the Year ; •
ellefs of all Nations •
List of : Gimortais draitributons to Christian Enterprises
oee Sio”, .
The Alet)ve le
of the g,i , ven more to convey an, idea ; of the,.general than as tin lade= to ifs 'volumltoue
contents; which will: embrace e've'rything of interest tri
telligent religious minds. • • . • • • -.
We believe &general record like, this, to which every ono
might turn for'anthentic information on all topics of current
religious interest, has lung been wanted, and would be found
of great convenience, not only to, clergymen and other church
officers, but to,all inteitifttal• in the metal:anti religions move
ments of the age. It has bet•n the aim of th.N indlishers to
supply this want; and' in. THE AIIHIHOAN; CHRIST/AN
RECORD to present a, work which would enable all Chris
thins' thirilliarly' to underetand one 'another's faith, Wefts,
and Strength, In which each'shenlif be ablest° read. the pest
and meant story ; at his •particular denoniinatioai and 'cm ,-
pare it - with that of others. ' , and in which all ,might. perceive
ate glancb, first,' the efferts of indiridual institutions, and
then the result of their :united'.opera:thine". throughout thee
In conclusion; we venture to esiy,.that, eco seat an amotud of.
varied infdrrhatldu dri* religious subjects has .tie*or befote
been brought within the 'conipam Of a: single volt:ilia.'
yLarge: 12mo, in, clear ] l vier type, on • good paper, .and'
neatry bonnd in muslin. 'Price $1.25.' • • • •
''oopteem'aited. prepnki,.on reCelpt $1.23. all' parts tbdebtintrY:'
• "WV POSO.•CIAItit'-'&.I.IEMIKER; Phbriitheni, '
, :.. •. No. 49 Weikel , Street, Ni'm; York; and.
. 221 WastlingtowBtreotc,Boston.
j.,1174 T . I!
voutrAirtriz63nlir Or • I • •
1 7 1;11"E ''ru Pt's'
- . •*: • r r 2 • . • .. `4 •
• • ! • ; M fr. ! • • -
l i lt/ *OlO4 co 6ie • 4.16 2,, OP,
' During tho Reign of Edward Sixth and Elizabeth: .
Royal Octavo. Cloth.- 52.50.
The firot,rolume of, this . great vork hgd g, remarkable eno,-
Ado, iitid'igaelgenertil , vomii tit Wel boW entice, the tinthcie
le asaigned a place in ,the frpnfi t rank l ofArnerican 'Historians.
The Barton .7ourna' etf Mtn filany of hie admirer%
regard hint Ate theegoet peornhOng eaddldote; =erg younger
writers; to All the glees In our literature, left vacant by the
destftsorProdoldl o its •.. • • • . •
Theaecond•yolnmomia tie fOund,rpoye hactripting than the
'leCOTilhirket Mit tratliftit-'
nese of history.
TILSort,'11:111;` '
teolltithbii;.ccaimAtii: 'mitt Vi4rttfilfiti tiiiistritimifi, sin d
'a *Bp of, hi" TrWifi• • •
• ii6i.l , ocia4c. 33:0b:
It will at once take i ihkiam6iigtaeheathlemdirsof itiodern•
timee, : lts subject .was. a„gre . at. : and good man, a foremost
leader' etitiniiit and uieftil men of this century.
The tdrigiapher hasseicont d his _work with trent ability
discretion, and the rca er.le broight into accittaintiv . too f with.
the. italanidin ;ari d philtinthioplati Itaglaiid. 'arid with`
ntominentruillta7 officers and cATillans., in, India. Life in ;
Iddlitc it 'in 'fit is'flholy . portrayed, both
before and! duringf tlie late inntitiy.ii The.Chriatitta bei
charmed by the earnest plety.whiCheygriwhere pervades the.
voltdue, 'and the geWeial'Madeiiii.lrbit attitiCtedini its Woo)
dettot eterea.of Information. .1, , .
..• , .
• *0 H. R I 5.T..1401k-ItIFIPT,OiR.Ii':
B,Y.IIOIIEitTattANITOLL, Dt D. : 1. . 1
l2ino. Cloth.
- this'alile work; /on U. trat'apiiearanee, receliad 1
; welcome from AchOlare aretthecflogienii,les:-ft anoet•hnportailb
contribution to reli4ious kitemture. It furnishes a key to all
human history by , unfolding , the true ichiticin of , the Lei&
JOBtI2I CtrAst . to our vforldota,thaAlpha . fuid Omega, the, ba,. l
and t}ie all thints;' the niefer centre ;reborn,'
which theprovidential, govehiment of Gotbte:volvee, and toward
which all human thought and action converge. Tho vol ume
hie heath A:wife:dud emargid ' ; ;
•;;','.'"`" 4 ." Ebrnow"cip
ritrill:l4 Oleit A L.' • Ect 1- DI it c tSk
-1‘: • ;liras ' •' • ,;• 1. , ' •
Wltb. 'fFFPPli l t f ei r ri r i a t , d ? and Di 3an 7 eri lof'
r'nttVlsTiOßOAd 31:A. Z . •
,';” px,wiAldno. Cloth. $1.25. . • , .
( The sale of the first large' edition of this work, ins lbw
; days, attests the public opinihn of its value. The voice of the
i ihallp,R,9,,st.,* itklimo.r. ~,A•fax_epectmenelsay,
pin: -
"The coneumnutte Jenipin g , lodgment, and general ability,
displayed by,bir. , ltawlihson, hiesedition o . f Fferndotus, are
I exhibited in . : .. tVpilirk
its ' special application of ;cciafar history to!.the
tration of the sacred record. it pine:mem an interest and, value
I ter Biblical students which can Imnily bcrerpremedin words.
We see not how altruism of eaudor,can read this volume and
retkin a.ko thi3 - snieli6ritierityNii the histroridal blinks
of the Old Testamentindependent. • ~ •
"The'solnme is a great advance Upon anything. before in
I the hands of the English student"—Oniaregatimuiliit." •
"A noble book, of.tlie profoundest interest and value."—
.B(..tfn:q t rf f r- r . yr
! , -' T o m ore Impottaniworkvin
In tlics . .pf. th e lustpe
.. _ •
aceirry Of the telthaarrytrappaarOa.--•
Ile:publican. • • P.•• . •
Ns:ill-La -read • tidtly - , praGiund i tereat '63••• pehmltie
every: creed, or no croed at all." r -Cinainnati• qazetteo )
. , ,
Gnat' aUft iiiiya•p/ii4f4ll're'aelpt pike: •
' ' • • GtSUIHD LINCOLN, • 1
• ' cat.224y • ' EfiNtiaiiiintdon St:; ithettnii
. ... .
! V RYE . T 1 Alf B .
LT Pi' D S .
~A,... BItITTON A CO.,
liAnisailtreii and Wholesale 'and. Retail Dealers,
lo:3. :45(wrii § . T.coNufir., abovo Market, .Philadelphia:
al o: .
The largest, mlouqnst,- and best assortment of Rualt arid
FAY Braxinioranyother'estaldlshment In tke.lln4e4 MOO.
IItH,P&IRING llYoiniltlY : intended to. 'Caw; as &min'
; and satisfy yourselves. . . ' • : ttb&l7 '
.111E.'"u#Pck*. .".
',4:6 ;Po u r Street,
. - :
C. winatior & SON. Propriegre..
'l)..lentlusithrcit escogs,'N.s.'it'sYnniip sr,' between
Mirka had ChoetoutSta„ Phillidelfthia, have for %ale
Dry and.Safted Spanish lid*
Dry and omen Salted Patnaifet,4anner's Oil, 'Dinneen and
Currier's, Totd.rat.the lowest-prima, and'npon the beet tornie.
lihide of Lent/ter in the rongh,wanted, for „which.
the higthet nutiket. priecwi biveyhtrin CO h, or 'taken AO,
exchange Tor Hides: . lemtlror dott4.lneelif hhirrige — Othd sol4t
onSVondisiou , .... Ng: . 1 y ?•1 I , ... rassaNlT *%
spivoiG , ..alemptitrolle* 01:Krosi" , •..
•:, .-Siterli. lfirchant-Tailor,: , ".•
"B r
No 81 W rtte, 4ttekt .
Respectfully invites publican:ol46i fields ISM saug uptensive
unaortment. of Bashi9pitble - SPEINO" AND 813AIXER OppDS,
funtinicin,;nlttker iteil(aiiirdaidriabl4•stilei trir ger4lEauitiz'a
weimr . which will lo; made to order in theAreirliest inrieher;
at re 4 aanablftPltatet , .,-,." ..`ttlat l7 4Y •,
ITA•Of V tot •• •' .4,- , 1: .
;01E,WTO.TrUeilitrAMP . . .
Be t w.tcsiood,an'd Stiette. , g-. 1( ste)
!; • - •••• O.I!IarISOSI , , , Iff 0 lirft .f,•!
filer 13 From o'c.keit A,114,t0 4,c10k591 p.m. •. • • •
GIStiRGEwIto WHITE:* it i CO:" ' -- ...
. . ...... ,• : ,:a
..... v .h , ii efl 044:;•Sttg r•••• .• ' ' ••.1
'T.''..w. 431) •°" 1 • 43 N '. • '• , ^ ~ t l.l.
Thursday, March/Bth, 1880,
A' Fliit• Ali& do.privgas STORK tik ..,' I ,
opitpasa,.Orioo3ite.. at, • ...
.fia:DRJ RODER, froni 5. to 9 FlOiinces. • .
. AftEtIADIN It ItQBE R,, from sto 9 Flottum. , • >. !
BAREGFI Pa'AscArs, from 5, to 9 Flounces. . , ~.
AARPAIM'ANGL AlB, from 6 to 9 V lonncee.
Together with BAREOR R Printed, FOULARD MICR Mot
'Med; an elegnnt . iiiiiiiiimtlf 16111Miiitiet. niteligi be
, Erca•Voidepies v . ,••., • :
A urge rdseortmeut of ....,-; 0 > ~ .! :
. IM ,048.1fs m irit,w.‘ ii ~ • - -.
And the most desirable of
.... ,
.trOtrs. ' tp.rrpr -
, Eii.o..z mr lius.MAitirr.,. )(Mit AND ROMP , WEAR.
, tlieliteatitjfht:SlCNOWtiortqlotni'initetles of .. - .
>, ' ' ', . atiosP"sKar,ro,.,' • , -
W 1& froailMiqi? *to ft otilitgi; " inarlo-210
*. 7 *.:•11)11i B "• • • • •
Book, -and , Job Printer;
PAI'ERS, Corner of 3iorket and Second, and Wooic
Third Streets, Pitteburgh. . ; ;
Particular attention paid to printing Catalognee for Colleges
• atidlltirnlnAriel'i,:lirneitiihniCk, Dfploinsisi and; School Reports.
• inar3Di/y e - • • . •
• 'A" ' 'A' • • - • • S '. •
150,000 ,1101.:CS OP WALL PAPER,
Beautiful staipieMo r;44-' krt.! +.l ±! lipleudlillfelvet and o f
Handsome bill and chamber paten:La
Panels and columns for churches.
TIIOUSANDS of rolls at elren-penee, and thousands at
six. eight, or ten eentin•; - • • ••• • • • •
Window Cortrdm, plre-bottnl Prints, Tester&c.
Hor ado by; WALTER. P. NIA.DSIIA tops,
t:';• • ' it thb old stand; No. 87 ' Wood St., • Pittatrargh:
marl 7-42
•..•• • • • •
Late or the him! or Late with' 6141001 e„ .."511er
petticklfflzer : XlipAgel.
WC:IL kaititiKeittlCK
Foßlni•loo . 6 .)/ JrP4ectiritp,i
• • P.m's' furfteprAcTimEn•Alt74 - 0. , `
No. 2g 911bcitytt.,
WU head of
B'leo 'A
Particular Attention paid to dm ode of Country Produce.
.111. tb ' • 111SEKtBP
The most simple, economical, and durable article ever
offered. to glepublic to alleviate the,tlisconiforts ! of Wiish-day.
.!' DBSCILESTION.- • -• .
It consista of a metal cylinder, with• rib s oath°
iaddo, and
in interior cylinder of wood, with rib's. There is a space of
from six to eight incheis‘ between'this two cylinders.. One
Crank turns both eylindeivat egiataneklusein oppolita dliec
tious, rapicily.creating a suds, torcing the. meter .through the
clothes;and effectually. renioving the dirt. The action of the
water do& the'vrork•talcklyolispenses entirelY•Witli riibbing;-
mid thus saves the wear of clothes.
• . . . • . JASIES.43..RODGRES,
• , 04 Josaie Alley, Ptdle., is Agent fur Pennsylvania.
SULLIVAN & HYATT, Pioprietoru,•
114 Beekman Street, New York.
8.-State and Connty Rights for sale, and purchasers
supplied with Machines g,....,zithoJesals mlibctill terms.
OA MaciiinO Isin operation by a lauhdrmis daily, at our
, Sale e, 439 Broadway. , marl7-3m
- -
NVE. 4?lYrileT.E, THE 'ATTJEN'r1 011 0
the puVrio to tlid POYLADELPtIik.
'Heisekeepbe Dry" . Goods Store, •
• Wien), found a t large assortment of MI kinds of Dry
Iftleas, required lh furnishing a house, thus saving the
trouble usually experienceddn huntinvisuch-articlee, in va
rious places. In consequence , of onr i givfng our. attention to
this kind of Stock; to the exEl6ll4it &LIZ 'andlancy goOds,
' We can.grurrantee Oui.pricewand • styleil to be the most - farora-•
ble:in the . ' • •
we are, Mae figbre peifeet, satisfantl on, • being ,the , Oldcat Es.
tablishid .Lifeen l3tare in the Men and having i been for more
than' tat'enty years• regulgii—impottersli* skims of the 'brit
manufacturers in Ireland. We offer, also; a largo Mock of •
or the pest qualitics fa be • obtained, and. stills very lowest
p#ces. Also, Blankets, Quilts,.Sheetings, Tickings, Damask
Table Clothe, Pi and'N'aiiklns, Towelling% Diapers, Ktickabteki,
Table and • ano Covers, Dcuilaiiks and Koreans; Lime mid
Muslin Curtains, Dimities, , Furititnin : Chintzes,' Window
Shfidipga,. JOAN .V. COWELL- & SON; .
S. corner'W: of Chestnut and Seventh Ste.
41804 t
• , • . . .
itlentlemen's ,Rrtari.3344.2lteni
In great variety; calibrating in put, it large and null MY
stoukbflaney BrentynnclEnglish!) ,
TOgether with as line nn assortment, of .Elack and Colored
CLOTIX.S' &ND NESTINGS, as the masinfuctorits of Europe
can prisbice;' , Sliith are adapted to the• viarits•of grntletiten' of
taste; whosipproclato style and unelity in clothing.
• ' • • SAMUEL .01.tAlt.&
:inarlo-1 No. 19 Tifth St.; Pittsburgh.
.. • ' •• •• . . . . •
SA.P4if:fl•yr.U.N 111;•. 1. • ,
i ' 7 lrAiroicis;wrenefrr: 21111gri AiIIiPAIVY,
Chartered by the State of Pariharrards.
r. ; • :' ....111TVES•ri •- :.i i-. 1. :. ,
la., MOney la Teceloed;ee,e . ey dayt asilan• allylWlollS4 :We
ur small.
1 i I,I4E; I PEIt inii i i i' O*Oit ilAbfigi . i . i,Pi * l /0 1
1 •.4.1.-. The money leahroie paid bob* in.GOLDorbeiieve*Wii
i71 1 41.4d- iity a t 71ti reraZil'ilkalibiii, - idinfnitriiira;
;Otaudiane, and others, Witillidtiela bitielit in a - pinee Wino.
Ifni paSity, end .where , intro/Scan be obtained for it,
i FP iThbnioney ribbiarsidlttnitrtiefiasaffils itivAidod in ARAL
' 1 3WTATE, MOR.TGAGES4OROUNDMTA. and such other .
EFiCalasssectirittes as the Chirti. d
~ .
6i 0.1410B:110IIRSILVinty dayYntnn 9 till' 5 deka; and
oibilondays aosi Thunahiere till-Sn'elecitiin thoe=. t .. ,
6 ' ' . - 1 ' RollillT Ser.irisincia; Vice PkorgajitC; ~ , ,
7377/fats J. Rerd, Secretary. • • ' • ' .
Oar OFFICE: Walnut Street, South-WeTt Third
Steeet:Phitadfifpider, : .
IN - E : 111 . 1a rf:FE .kl -
L:it . WS * ..i '• ' .-
The.nnderalgned_ekill attend ,to the ltxadng. of LandfWar
: mete . the Omaha ,and Nebraska City : landdietticti,
The land sales-s ilLathe'"themonthe of July and.
August. After the ealeA Land Warrants can be wed. The
I alidirTif Ihllrret+lioWliffi IhTigeViiitialiti. .og:4l — tierce
tons can be made near. the Iliseouri Meer, and near settle
ntents. All warrants entrusted to my care will be located on
lands tielectedibnpnletWand •
I Letters of ingutiy.treViested. gerto re* : amiable"
Oriapolie, Ceps County, N. T.
114;1571.14;DP,KINigEY,"1:11D.,i• . , •••,_ . 4 ‘.••1,; . ; . ;t
DBEXEL 4 CO., Bunkers, Philndeliihia. .
niti . T. LOREBILEFATP AnilMr•Pennal • • l'hiiaderphist. •
BRYAN,,QABBNEB..& CO., Banke , Tenney, Pa.„
i - 16 t!" M; LLOYD t 'CO.; Bnukiiii, - • Pa. • •
110y5SY; F92l4:,,Chicagoe7Pi
I ALEX. FDILEY„Esq., St. Louie.
74FlifikuO 2ooms, oriktionic.irm :
la . . p•viNvlif Vtrii /JONI' s,
~..;. , 114 - 4mithfield , lßreskjittsbargh) ... -,•
inbilig4AlPOlEW•therCuatom Honie,) haii-Steliti attempt* eery ,
lades Nelootlbstof*
l ' i•••• , i elitEtile • Mid • BLACK . TEL ' •
cdttiNflataft hfiliditittlomi. *:Altio, . ' - -.-
ilMt, gaI:TATUM, AND • OLD,•GO'KER.FfiIfI= J 4 VA'
t . ' ' COFFEES
:Elk Oiliarm, CclbilAirei; g oTUlSiledi' aild iPtlitelikh 1314•16 '
4 Ftisk Moe Fltair,Pene awl Corn Starch, Yarinaglfeasi Pow-.
'dent, Maccaroui Vermicelli, Cocoa, Bronx, Extra No. 1, and
Spired' tChtkolstint• , PhroAlround SPdolis; Ceibtile, A linestA,
SEstlet, Palm,. fterinary and Rosin Spaps; Sup..Carhanate of
taithf; 'Cream Tartar; Extra Flue Table Salt; Pure Extracts
DPW , . Rftd- guld 13 a 1 *Ms gouldi and•PiliPed Candle/ 5 P Saga r-
Cared Harns ; Dfted Beef; Water, Bufter,•Sugar, and' Soda
.evickers; 'FcMigroFtbits/Mt, M. , • • ' •
i • Alift,Thls tuck has.been purchased for CASH, and. will be
laifillid•to tlielitkile, and also to - Fairtilies, tre very intsierntr
i i4rinceeo4roi nil x , in
,w,,, Thwect,felly.solicit a eba jan re lt.t of t pits-.•
!Mine- - . ,
AI: xt.tOoLF!..s
. • tvf.
W.1 , N41,. • ill Are Si r
" Th6.134 . 6ti
• , iliesi)tinaiiiies"Edaite the
undeniablysthe ••• • • ' :
They _nee butlittle Turewl,;wqrk,seinipst noheTlffsiy,jhre,
aimide; edd•iegaily Operated: •• • •• • • • '• • ••t•• • • - •
~HE !IL , SHOADS Ageut,
iiederpfl3*ellt, Apeetimy City.
iiiiiloay • •
1 7 " V' le for G
WZ7;tL AM JO:TallSbNc
.13 TES & JORY9O•6 •
Sole litienfiibbiii4n. and Dealer In the folltrelnk thrisedhstilibi .
"kinds of , Recilinitt ';. • ' • • • •
• let. Gum Elastic CeMpotaelt and Canvas Roofing.
.241: 1 1esproved T'Sit,'Clereollt and Gigivel Beefing.
• 3d. Patent English Aaphaltivo Felt Rooflng. . •
AU Fire and Water Prnef, and - Mi/mite&
4 10 01ing •Ait tcrial !or sale; with printed. instructionclor
13.4111 g.
Offibe at Bates & Sohanon's ord stand,'
74V Smithfield Street., Pittsburgh. Pa. • ;
N. l3.—This GUM .C.E.MENT. 18 unequalled •as a paint. fog,
Metal hoofs; lasting twieo hslont. and cheaper than edmeabit•
'.paint;; also a.*a pamnto prevent alamposiss in•B*&-IPAlls;
des2.4y . . . . mil. i. JOHNSON.
r A 'lt B "N""0 - 1 • L.., "'
I.FornErillistuoyilUbd.+ E 0611011174
irriarket. It wilt burn in all sticks tir coal oil Imps, bs-,pett•
.fktliienft t ithid 'free frOmilleokriroii+l , odoi. • .thiiifictutid
'aa for „
*ll t lir Isl UMW: &run, rirrspuyivA.
-Hitt; Straw
itruittir.gAttir RttilitY " ...1
dil * ' OAT! b
14tio now on intuit for Spring Bales, aa,largo and complete; an
leinettbilint nt Goods its can be fonetV In 'any of the F.aieeitti!
Agekcgnaistingof , . . . ,
I :and; i .F7, : p01..H.,ati„
:of iv style iniinnality CA.i'S of pee* latest .
• i•ralm &miff. Straw - •Tegbornpiewl.untanw RATS;
ri= a ttanitelt etc- . = m ud
•• ,tto nall.spatextunitie our steak- ' • ..nnerl.94r
Alla% IiULTATLEY AG , .; ,• • I
84; WOO DillkT11•13-2 •• 1 ! • ,
• c!rger to/ D.4 01 d. • • 44 8 34 . .. 17 4 1 4 10 V4,
• ,
Oaddlep,:liamesti v luid Tru i zaul; •
IT E7• 4 I),,Lete.T.I"Hos,., AND. !lupin= Bosom
; • jemir,
'Kr .% •'•• r. TEM BVil DB Fati R , 2'o • - -
146111-31131L5 EIF ..4311E ; IC 8
• , Deo .9:#107: •
41' 2 tti)! 21 ithiEttri EthitiVie• 11644 *alt
Pil; t ; f .. W.! .
illA.RiarAtigNag !JIM: API , AIAPOS
il-o. .
1 01 44
', ••i _. ...q . .-...; c.
... -,
• -
• -
::I .b., :“;., ~. .seArensteen, . -: ~. .., ti,:ta
NEW. Atlo ~; SECONIr-111010 .'11 ) 1M011 1 '
: 3 , -1......:, 4 !., 1 „ 1 ,, i.
43" . e.h . inkto'ioance my dock Of lrehtizil: c rios, T Will
the followihg desirable lot of New and end-hand Pimage
now in store and ready for examination and sale at liee
extremely low prices 'anneiednv them,- and thane who do-
purchase may be ensured that, such an opportunity is sel
dom offered. Oritiohe Wiarkiiiiro? Oasis, iiiiiillecount will be
: Thine • for Atale on - . :credit,. ,:Threet Notith a , ofily ~3..- 1 111 lw
given, and tatted las !tattled for, hy -notaksiassible-ln. the city,
or a discount' of three per cc* forrili. The follow-ink
ki#ooit'Sdveli ve • Planes •
, ONSOIT,., ~TII.REE .1.101471i* „; •
. , . ,
now sod:elegant 7 octave 111; . !49woptiLouis
With all the latent iinnrovfxnente, mirk ilintittelY '
'intstoritter, 'aha , be Wairatitedp The faehn • zeliSitio 1 %.
of this style isssooi. &hole
Another of the saxne t stylo end --- ..
Aisother'from the same 'shaker. In an elegnitcgorrhotlf
nuantisettirelatitiiOe i;175 ; • • for •
An el&onni.lteniewood27:ediase Piatto;-thado,bjtEtit!@eirlosit,i,..,.
Boston; in .perlect,otder . ould hione Im,,thast one ywp.
When new wan $3,50 9 .1 240
A Addy caned 7 &twee; new and , la•rie
'.ftTiaate,tinttiot by. A: IL. Oae; the liow ;Yrs*
which ono year. ago was SIM. • '
Tiro elegant, Rasewood 7 octa6 : l,l tintia, - eltived;mould,. - •
Inge; edUa from A th A; • *leo.. %
'Pieced *by- good ..,Indgea •im anttntiv the'dhst, bf x th e Nem;
.York pokers, at 4o Bl l7:P.Tiq °c •:
•- : 4 1:7•••••-."--:'--• 21 i
One naninty3e,'6% octa Ss._ ••- • • •t. • 250
Oh • O'elegiint Mosetiood eldekerring as:tioit's 7 oohs* , old' • •
aciao,in.teee not „more thud el X • Illkellthe the a•btail prltTe •• •
01 , 10)1CM/4375 •
•'' • • '
• • •-•• • • -• •
by;• .. • • 4 ilitraid• •
ft orible-io'and coiliezikp mum, py A.
thiacting-A Holm' ' 'a ''•" liL7.-AiktiA4111444c.:4260
AJtosertood; Coat:rive, by Vi1kin5aiini4...,::44.—...414-.0100
A.16010m6y, 0 octavo, Walrus . 1 : 1. • • us
s'ifidinitiiy, a by cmcbettoa:Wri":-;.l—. ao
A Mialogany, 6 cctave, .by Sihirr Las4.l '6O
A Slaboitsbi oastaTn;± Land. a5et0.1....4.-.4.40«.01,11.‘z...f. '4O
AklifFPo4s octetr-Ml63Sericgm•-....rWnr
It weakatl, Vioctti*Xiiiinh 'mitt 72 " •
fekroF.clirge; WO to tt 06001mit: • • , %t: 1 -4:' • • •
JOHN• H. 1112LLOR, •
81 Wood preet.
W • El: I:IICA : RFAHIC". c.
DCeible , ,
These unrivalled Bluetit:Pea wlll. haradter be sold at the
following pricaer ' ra»
SW,l•er •
Largo " „," r. 4.7••• - OM
in quarter 46.00
• " : " in half 5000
" , " in fut.' 65.00
We claim for thlsMachliie 'sn'perictrlty over any other Ma
chine. ever 'amid, for the following.ieakam:
let. Both the upper and under,,, mule•are used directly
from the original spool, thei doing with u sed
trouble of
re-winding, against which so many, otattplaints arc made,
2d. It can be worked back Wards. as es forwards, with
the same fiteilityi can be started ':' - tiUt , the feet. alone, and is
3iL It a s a perpendicular needle-W.4 and straight needle,
and nevinbrerars'needies.
4tb. ,It is so simple that it can be very easily learned and
Operated, by a child twelve years of age: •
• oth.' It is almos t waistless.
Ity the , combinhtion of these features, et, important in a
Sewing :Machine, .we are. enabled to offet to ' the public gt
Machine which suits.tha,tuideratamiing as , well as the purse
Every Machine is 11110rananted. ;• , •
Tools and full prin*d directions accompany each Machine.
/IWe Agenuowentqd in tivety town throne:snit thet!ountry,
apn . profitalde . and . , p? .
possibility of low Send for
Circular Of terms to Agents.— •
W. W.' NOR OP,. Others] Agent,
No-60 Market Street, (up stain%)
' ' • 'Pittsbug. PR.
EE T H..
SA Trig. THEN BEFORE.Zr 173: .7'oo LATE.
' C. ST7I-_..,Tfr
hos Yammer' to
NO: .246 Penn Street,'
in the house formerly occupied by Dr. G. IL Keyser, opposite
Christ chinch. Re will give all the =dem improvements.
Teeth inserted at various prices,
- 1118wITID.110wean, Rev. SastinmFINDLIY.
•A. Boansxr, , A. G. 3rcANDLEXIB, M.D.,
• - W. :CELLI,
it. thOotres EL .tarsza, . W:ll.l.rnotz;
Bunn lieKsz. , .
• . . .
. 0 13 Ait . L D S,
Q- C)* I t /
.:b . ..rwatuasss. AND INFLUENZA, HIRT
oiI lAi TATION, . SORENESS, or any affection of
eRON rmt
the Tffunes; CURED; the Racking Cough
In Consumption, Bronchitis, Whooping
4490\1 % V. •Cones... Asthma, Catarrh, Butimen, by
"A:simple and elegant combination for toughs. itc."
;., • . Dr. G;F:.Brorsost,' Barton.
4 !Brive proved. extremely serviceable for Hoarseness."
Rey. Uzsav Warm BEECHER.
I I...Jew:nand their use to "Public Speakers."
• 'Raw B. H.:Crtarm, New York.
" Moat salutary .relie in BronChilfs.P.
'Re* E. Sercrarmo, Monidown, Ohio.
"Beneficial 'When compelled te epeak; suffering trim Hetet.' ,
, •IteT. S. J. P. ARR/M.(ONi St. Louis.
. „
"Effectual in run:toying, 'Hoarseness and Irritation of the
'Thitati so coinnerif With Speakers and Singers.'
Prof. M. STAGY JOHNSON, LaGrange. •
Teacher of Music, Southern Female College.. _ ;
• ." Great behelit wheif taken before and after preaching, - as
they preVent: Hearsenotis. From their • past effect, I think
.they will be of permanent advantage to me."
' ' " • • ' • Rev. E. ItOwlxv,
. • • President Athens College, Tenn.
sir Sold by sAklztggi2l2s, at. 25 cents per box.
Alen, BROWN'S L4.2tATIVE TROCIIES, or Cantsisno
tomato*, ' fOrlUjerpepaive; Indigestion; ConetiPatinn. Head.:
Affections. . , • . , , • nolk•fttn
i T,T S B
:Looted at Haysville Station, meNdieellittsbitrglii. lit:Way - no
,and ten miles Weet. of the
.City. This-InstiticticmWeimbliestMpertoradvaiitages; fcir the
!scareiatfitl 'treatment and , comiihite •eure 7 'or, diectaL Ave
=would especially Invite the attention of females seho have
:erniTerbttfor yearlionad'.hive' disrailicitofs finding re
:B e4 M i onx,rlyablishment. We can. rag:caw:Rd this Instals,
ruin to female imffeiiiis'iiith" greatconfidence, as - inour long
!experience in diseasesipectdtar tathelr. tem, we have had ati
*lmost uniform success. We ili gladly give any feather
!information to those who desire it. Address Box 1304, Pitts..
'burgh. Ba. 11. PRBABE, MM., Physician.
_ .
I , P.f111141 4
•• ' " • : * 90740a0,07 :" . 7: ..7
0-0 Tier,
lig 142"
I P-Ar-W1
of ttis
pie ntiogot...-Impasgisibar.. gmiCpardaity
aely t thrungkYeariofArisi! triglie 2 .o44 ll •oo 6 ction
qiieidend itte44tionidame •
" ' 7 ;4;1 7
Neiv 6 u. De
bilASY;A:olessum. of therXidnem, .
mid r ail diseases arising from a . disordered lirr, or reap. ,
' " stoniliavaol:•igiiitir,chtwe, ' • r • •••
.i/L•Fipanismts• "awry: • '
MUM FLYER, MOS; fritnlpliP2Alllll.4lg: Age,
Bee oar Almanac for proof. Pala, 75 =taper Bottle.
• '
litikraftli ' Walk €041 5. r d .
• : tooq
.r.415111!/,•0;#1:ok•IfloiroloPm Ihram
c om i pi t risiass i s i da; rniip y ent c4siniesi o ir
bee pertistmed *most astonishing cum
-?.t; is-;• •'• it . I of Cti. J.. • e::
Ci 01.3741111) "PFSWIPTIPTI"‘
.11; ' Pb illirraCea eCallifd I t li.nn eggaßed .
bang well tiown thrmievietVaTope and America, weft
no - airrimn4. 6lo 744ke , lenfikaMilareilietabl% ars
prepared with great exactness, and axe sugarcoated. No
better Caibartie•Plll can be Ibund:: :Pau* 25seti. per box.
nese; !Atalanta litre'. prepttral ;by - Di.-o:ll..Taotaod k
. ‘Co,,Thaadelphia,TlL, and St...honis, MO4 and.are hold by
druggiata and dealers in medidnea - everywhere. The eig
, nature of .o,..ll...Ticaaeit.irdt .bo . on the .oataide of each
t ietttla or box... •
In our " Aracgia.c..rrimblished annually, you
. teathuouy oud commeudat au: aottees from all
prieof:the'. r
ecdnitß.;Tifeas . A;rtusilabee ace gjian sway
e • • ':'" •
Ceitbrated Amtriciirc
'''SPE • •IFI• • '
'0n.... I i • A. f.
1 . • !;t:":
Vag' •counte ll .4lCe."t.* Pale' lableliv.
colored, with, occasional, Bushes; or a.cir
icumscuibed spot on bump dr. - both cheeks; the
eyes beecone .dull; ait•ipupils• 'dilate; an'
azureacriticriiiii Wag the lower eye-`
ti[4.a.14411;... 9i,sWeirM"Soit the : upPer lip;.
occasionat,:useadachNf•fwith .humming or.
throbbing; of the eats . i . "tut unusual' secretion
of *ll4ra e "ditty. 'ofi l lrt4fed tongue- bieath
a P"
pente i variable; sometimes voracious, with a
_bsawing.sensation ,okhe, stomach, at others,
:entirely-gone; fleeting pains, in.the stomach;
:cieCasioitall.t.natroaa anct veinitipg • violent
'slimy; not
j mfrequendy tinged,Fith ' bl"44etelly swot
and- 4 1 %4, urine turbid; , respiration oc
-casiOnally.;,Alifficul. and , atcornpanied by
iticOugitughtodinetimeA'dry convul
thieit laveNlistfabea r. sleep, with
.rT run -
gnmdiag ot tat „a ; temper va riable, but
generalli9 . #l)a*
t4t4 o lA.V4 l l4oPlikAre
f .• • 1 ';•founct Alienist ;
- Witt cera
„g - edt - caire:.
The universal 'lSiiiicha as at
• the • - acizzinitin
. • Alla'
-ation has been SUM .a s tp uppluit Us In
.... ...... ......
in: el* , his" tentiiiiii*i t t Shh4tl . prove inef
fectual: "providing& sjiMptoitts attending
the sickness "or Mir clulrrelidiiit should
wiffanttheisupposition of worms being the
e r l e•FlgunASitgA MediPinloibet given
,Acticrfjc.F. wim TRE . I?7NS.
• :,39,1k Tegigff-SnigtelYPl!ltO -the pahl s. ti at
11 .. 11 .4 5i mie
•tl ra: f: • 's enntruge
' • i; • : •"
'ban k and that .itrisran . t innocent
, not capable .-% of doing the
t'ili .
iiii:l4 7 4njury to the *pit; tender infant
Addresa.oll44ooii to
'Tittinita OS: ` piri +! • • • ••qt 'a...! •.' - PA.
P. 8. Dealers and•Thrtafinaondadng front *San than
irtMlston,swont 2Vrl l l ip to oriOz.thelx - Ordil y distixtet . lY,
;roe; Pbittsorgkartu To those wia tr ro eye them a
.Ixial, era will. foryard,,par maU,poet to any part of
States, Oils box of Ma tor' tio3bre three-cent
'''Petage'atilePa,' or one vial Or ViemitegO lbyr ft,arteen
thteeoont , stanipa; ,:All orderirifromost be ac
bY..tWeatY (*in! extra.
aa4e DF;Aggi;tri aiii
, ite4eati