Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, May 05, 1860, Image 2

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    .aa?l'c, ,6 1.7:,
general Assembly of the Presbyterian Church.'
The General , Assembly of the Presbyterian
Church in the . United States of America will
hold its ,next, meeting in the Are Preclwierian
church, Rochester, New York, at eleven o'clock
A. AL, on Thsfraday, the , 17th of Atray, and will
be opened with a sermon by the . Rev. WILLIAM
Ilasojcimietpar, D.D., Moderator of the last
Assembly. , •
The Committee of Commissions will meet in
'the Ledture-RoOm of the church on the Wednes
day evening preceding, at 'eight o'clock, to re-
Cenunissions, and on Thursday morning,
the - day •of ',the meeting; at nine o'clock, for the
• Jogs I,systraw, Seated Clerk.
ALEXANDER T. Modal., Permanent Clerk.
S.-;---Stated - Cleits of Prosbytories are re
'mpoutfully requested to make out their lists of
-parsons entitled to the Minutes on a separate
shoot, and to send that, together with moneys for
the Minutes, to G. IL VAN GELDER, Esp.,
WAIN ift: &UHT, P ILADELMita. •
The Committee of Arrangements request Com
missioners and others, who expect to attend the
ineetingWF the General Aisembly, which con
venes in the CITY OF:ROCHESTER, ALky 17ru,
next, to foretwd their.natnes and Post Office ad
dresies to,SETLI IL TERRY, NocurusTrat, N. Y.,
as.soon'tis ratty he.
Placesmil/ be assigned to all such before their
teaming dome:., . - • ' , •
letiose•who,clo net send their names in-season,
"rill be provided with places on their arrival, on
application at-the Booms of the Committee, at
the First Presbyterian churoh.
Due notice will be given of any arrangements
made with:Railread Companies, for a reduction
+of 'fare.' • "
13died, RoFhister, April sth, 1860.
Sib-Committee of Arradigesurna.
Pitishurgh Railroad will return coimnii
sioners free, who have paid full fair in go
to the. General Ikesembly, at Rochester.
Methodist Code/um—The Thirteenth
General Conference of the Methodist
copal Church, <North) net at Buffalo, New
York, on. the Ist inst. Two hundred and
twenty-one dtile,gates had been elected, of
:whom sixteen were not in attendance the
trst; day. Bishop Mortal's called the Con
.ference to order.
The Baccalasreete sermon of Rev. J. W.
D.D., of Washington College, Pa.,
is issued in a neat pamphlet. It is found
ed on Phil: .iii 7--9, au - admirable text
from-which to press, upon educated young
men, thtiznpqtance of choosing "the good
•part;"4oml.l the preacher well impooves it
to the instruction of his graduating class.
"An lttler" asks the following gees-
• " Hag a member of a church Session a right
to dissent from a resolution of Session passed
in his-absence, where action had been post
poned until that member could and should
have' been - firesent."
Absent ;members are not to be regarded
as'iarticils ants in a ease, nor as responsible,
One way *or the othera unless _their absence
has been voluntary; And if absence has
been voluntary, iinstearl of claiming wright
to disseht, theyshould enter a confession of
their*ldit.`- If absence has been invbiunta
ry, they, may not have a right to enter a
.dissent upon the record, bat they. may ask
this as a privilege; or they may enter a
Cosaplaint . ,=.‘and carry the matter to 'the
higher court. - '
The April number of this valuable work,
;contains but five articles. They arc, of
course, longer than 'what has been usual;
but the'subjects are well worthy the space
•eceupied, and the treatment of them can
not but interest and instruct intellectual
readers, .who are in search of knowledge.
They are.: I. Theories rof the Eldership;
R. The Dissolution of Empires,; lIL Sir
W.. Hamilton's Theory of Perception; IV.
Man; Moral and Physical; V. The First
and Second. Adam. The last article is pe
culiarly Valuable, as containing sound
views on the dmtrine of imputation. No
Presbyterian who has time to read, and
caoney to procure„ acilities to mental culti
ration, should be without the Princeton
The letter " relative to this in
.Stitutiercyvill be read with deep interest.
whO love our Presbyterian Zion, love
Prinedtint. The whole Church rejoices in
19er Prosperity,. The elder sister is a no
ble eiainple 'for the younger branches ~of
the family. She has one great object in
view—the — affording of the best advantages
to her.pupils. Her. Professors consecrate
leart's whole affections, and'-his
undivided' time to her interests. Her sons
speak her-praise-ixeall-the, land. Devoted
as we are to our own excellent institution,
and -admiriply- adapted as we regard it to
the 'training of young men for usefulness )
we have Aot, yet become blind to the excel
-lances of our honored Alma Mater. .
The writer ' notes •one thing ''which has
,Vxertused our own mind eiceedingly;: that
is, the, li.censing of Young men after two
lermil i isful often only parts of • two terms,
of `study Our constitution demands two
- years' of stndy, and we cannot honestly call
'seven' ire;Mtlis" a year. And when young
,men will clip off two weeks from each end,
and cut a week or two out of the, middle of
each of_ the seven „mouths' terms, the diffi
culty is still increased. , The two years'
study of theology are thus reduced to one
year. Young men may wisely, look. at this
subject, and Presbyteries are 'bound to re
form- their practice. While writing thus
it , :rnay be as well for 116 to eonfess
ourpte? guilty silence, heretofore„ both in
our 'columns and' on the floor of PresbYtary.
The , practice of obtaining licence• at the
cloie of the second term, might be',toler
' ated,. if the candidates 'would study dill
gentry;the whole of the third term; but
the practice of preaching half that time or
more, greatly interferes with improvement.
Oa this point we are happylo learn that
the.bireetors and Professors at Allegheny,
"nre.setting themselves firmly , in opposition.
:We hophthey will sueeeed in` shoWing.eur
pin*: brethren the , importance of attend
"' ing'allegently and fully to the - Seminar i
VIE WORK PROGRESSES—INADINISSIBLE AS- year is, as we are assured, "in all the de-
SUIIIPTIONL ' 'partnients - of operation;" a " deeided ad-
Our readers will rejoiei:in the testimony lance." . Those, then .who Stirred lip the
afforded, from high quarters, that the in- dilitory officials, may justly claim a share
terests of the church, in her varied de- at least, in the meed of praise. ----
partments of labor, progresses at a rate
more rapid thanwsuaL This is7especially DOME AND FOREIGN RECORD.
'the case in the Boards of DoinestiC Nis- The Nay number of the Re cord presents
sions and Publication. We lately made a us with no new feature in our Church
slight allusion to this, and noted the happy operations. The work, in its varied depart.:
influence of the 'efforts made to • arouse to ments, progresses.
activity, and to a reward for the interests of - DOMESTIC MISSIONS.
the Church, the officials in those:two agencies At the Board's meeting, in April, the
of our Zion. The Presbyterian•of the 28th Annual Report to' the Assembly was read
ult., gives us additional evidence. These and unanimously adopted. Several of the
. ..
repeated intimations cannot but encourage missionaries report revivals and hopeful
the people greatly, and induce them to look prospects in their char Wes. ' ''
forglowing reports to the coming General
S, in March, at Philadelphia; $6,452; at
Assembly, and for large, and effective labors . Louisville, $277.; at New Orleans, $B3O.
during. the year; now in progress.
.We shall . EDUCATION. ,,
note, with due commendation., every im- 'We are presented with some excellent
provetnent, while we shall hope to let no editorial edibles, in this department. ' '
obliquy nor misrepresentations :prevent us ' ' ' ' • '• ' ' '
, . Recairrs, in March, at Philadelphia, $5,224; at
from suggesting other needful reforms, nor Pittsburgh, $251.
from advocating all practicable advaupenient.- ' FOREIGN. MISSIONS. ,
Our institutions, as all must be aware, are QHlNA.—Letters have been received
A d
not in . i ed for the private benefit of Di- With dates up to January 28th, of an en
rectors and employees; but for the promot- comiawinw character ' ' '
lug of Gospel knowledge and, the conver= Mr. owrie had returned 'to Shanghai from
sion of men. Every,member of the Jaime, in greatly improved health. lie hopei
. , that this comparatively Short Voyage will super-
Church has an interest in m. the which he sede the necessity of 'his return to this country
should feel and cherish; and their purity on account of health. Rev. Messrs. Danforth
and Green, with their wives, arrived at Shanghai
and efficiency should be to Min matters' of
. ..on, 21st of December, having ,been .twenty
knowlecke of effort, and, orrejoicin - w. No four weeks ,on their passage. Mrs D'anfOrth
Presbyterian should, be 4 stranger to any of sufferedsvery feeble st the time of her arrival; but
our Boards; nor -silo* 'he allow himself 'was decidedly :convalescent..' Mr. • and Mrs.
to be treated as an alien' ' , Green , • after a few days ,stay at R433/0/454 pro
oempled to their station at 'l.lingpo,whilst Mr..and
, , .
Relative to Publication our contempor- riffs. Danforth were to remain a while longer for
the More perfect restoration of her health. The
ary says : •; . - native missionaries left bt Ali. Nevins' at Hari
', " • Wc learned 'with pleasure, at the last "chow had been -compelled to leave, in 'bortse"--
meeting of the Presbyterian Board of Pub= cinema, of. the"-impending war. Mr. ..Nevius
thinks that important results, have been attained
liCatiOn, at which the Annual Report was
nevertheless by the temporary occupation of file
read by the 'Corresponding - Secretary, and place. Sonic knowledge of the Christian saiia
unanimously adopted for presentation to Oen has been diffused aniong the' inhabitants of
the next General Assembly, that this im- that great city, its healthiness and eligibility as
portent institution of the Church, notwith- a missionary • station have been tested, and he
. hopes that the day is not.far,distant when, their
standing the carpilez, , of some outside,
. missionary labors there will be reamed. One
in the !full tide of successful' operation. case of hopeful conversion took place diir'ing the
The Church will soon be able to' see for it- brief period of its nocuptiney" by' the Mission
self, when .the Report is printed, that in 'aries.. Two young:men in Ningpo hadTkiced
the number of new books issued, in the to. themselves under the care of Presbytery, with
tal number of copies printed, in the actual
lb.!;feetrhence .t 0...
s o t f ud h y a in ' g far- the.
amount of eolportage work performed, in cocriforretnanspderekfreSliinvginguelo;gYtehdoalsve/sWpoitteel
the amount received for .colportage, in the for prayer for the conversion: of. the world.' Mr.
amount Of cash receiVed, in the actual Martin and familyhad arranged to sail for .this
country in the Golden Rule, oaths 26th of 'Feb
amount of sales, .and in fact in all.' the ae
partments ofoperation there has been the ruar•Y' .At Canton. everything _was quiet.. The
, letters are mainly occupied in setting forth the
most cheering progress, and in decided ad- importance of enlarging the missionary work in
vanes of. any 'previouS year'of the Board's that part of the Chinese .Empire. A stop had
existence. This intelligence, we - know, will been put to the kidnapping thathad been carried
gratify every friend of the Board, arid will On there for some time; and Dr.' ItapPer thinks
enable them•to see how utterly unfounded
that emigration toile, West Indies will be carried
on in future In a less exceptionable way. :
are the assertions: and - insinuations -of a .
Stam.—The "week of prayer " had heen very
few , who affect to
° lament that 'the opera- • 'refreshing to the missionaryfirethren as the ' oc' -
tions of the Board are retrograde.: Surely casion of awakening a deep feeling of interest in
figures and facts are much more -reliable the subject of religion among the natives. The
and satisfactory than mere suspiCions." . brethren of the different missions united in the
services. Before the close of the week a large
The , churches will be sorely gratified with number of unconverte persons were present', lis
these facts, indicative of " cheering pro:- toning to the proclamation of the truth,' more than
twenty of whim became doeply.coneerned for the
gress ;" and will eagerly leek• for the prom- salvation of their souls. A letter Mentions the,
ised' report. But there are Assumptions hopeful conversion of two.individuals who would
probably be received to ,the, communion, of ; the
'here which seem to us inadmiisible.....There
Church at an early day.
tire 'indications of a thouolt that the Board INDIA.--Mr. Barnes dsuffered a good d'eal
belongs to the gentlemen who conduet it, from: an attack: of• rheumatism, 'and in cense =
and that all others are outsiders. What else quence had to withdraw fora timehis
from mis
sionary work at Labor.- ,Mr., Morrison also, -fins
can be meant by,the expression,, "t he carp- been laid aside from sickness, which, it is hoped,
in of some outside ?" Who are those on .however, will be
_Only temporary. Dr. Newton
mentions the conversion of a native doctor at Le
the 'outside? Are they Dr. EnwAnns and diana, and speaks of a number of other persona
who had expressed a,.desire to be instructed in
Mr. MACALISTER, and others, who, in the
the Christian religion.At Futteligarli ' Mr. and
last General Assembly, and, in some of the Mrs. Broadhead have been called to mourn the
Church journals, ventured to ask for a fall death of their only child, resulting from an at=
tack of small-pox. ' ' . .- --,
statement of accounts, and for more work, •
APILICA.—At Cerise°, the missionaries were in
and 'better work, 'and ' greater economy ? the•enjoyment of gOod health, and were still very
Are ' Presbyterian ministers, and elders, much encouraged -in their work. ,At their last
. communion, fifteen persons were received to
and people, to be reproached as outsiders, membership of the Church on a profession of
and condemned to silence;-.or to;be held up
as "earners," if they shall speak of ; the
doings.Of the insiders. in ; any other terms
than those of entire and unqualified appro-
bation ? Has it-really come tothis? Have
Men; so far foroutten their character as em
ployees.? Is the Chnrchto be thus ignored
by her servants? #
We. know that the 'condtictors of:the
Presbyterian, and` their immediate friends,
were, until lately, and, - possibly, still are,
very 'much,. the conductors of this Board.
They have handled, directed, and appropri
ated its vast incomes; not as do the other
Boards, on the votes and under the re
straints df , the Presbyterie,e, bit their
own motion. To themselves have they.TO
ted. large salaries, and large,. and profitable
contracts:- This heing-the case, candor- and
conscious Uprightness -Viduld require that
they shoull,makeftill and public; statements
to the ,chinches, of the condition of the
Board's . affairs ; and modesty would:, de
mand that they shall not turn- the reel pro
prietors, the miniateit,- elders, and. people
Of the General ,
,Assernblylin theseHriiied
States, " outside,;" :and net ' re-'
proach those of them who
.ask for informa
tion; as "earpers,"%and - KS - making:" utterly
Unfounded assertions and insinuations,"
and as but i‘ ciffeCtingto lament" the con
dition of the things ,of which they speak.
We can assureour brethrenof Presbyteiian,
that none will, more sincerely,°than e those
thus reproached, rejoice in the evidence
that the 'Concealment, the: eomparatiiie
effiaiency, and the extravagance' of former
years, is Succeeded, and to be succeeded by
due 'publicity, great energy, and -a. ,. witie
ceOrterny. TheSa" carpeis'." do'not, - as we
believe and certainly we 'do net 'Wish for
any change in thq..*)p.r4's location,: nor, for
any change in• the ,Church's ,empleyees.
We are strongly opposed to alternations of
servants, whctherpublie orpriVate. Those
now engaged by the Church in the depart
ment spoken of, (or even a, portion of then,)
are able to do ,her work well,- if they will'
-address themselves to it' The 'experienee
they have . thoi ., ,be of :great, value, and the .
Church is. to its benefit.;.: : We claim
their services, for her, a.s her right, and urge
them to a full performance.
Such being • our sentirnenti, we cannot
bntrejoibe that inore'serVice is being &one,'
andthat more, still is prmnisect. The. day
of. responsibility, .has evidently dawned.,
The churches, instead of, lending a helping
hand " to crush," as was 'threatened to us,
those who have:called. for.this responsibil
ity,,are seconding the demand;' and as soon
as they shall find the answer to Come free,
'full and practical, and to an extent
diming. entire confidence, their benefactiOns
will : flow in with a liberality : adequate to -the
• sup Ply, of 'all urgent needs: .
It' is one 'of the' penuliat notions, into
Which' the Presbyterian,s ometimes falls,' to
, think thatthe fact that the year jUst closed
is "in decided . advance of any: previous
year of the Board's - exiatenee,"lnullifie,s, or
proyes,false,lhetiaSerticin that'the year be
fore it fell ''short 0 1 4:06 ,Of its Predeces did fall short * . The deficiency is
indisputable, -"-Figures-'arid.faets!" .proVe
it.' But there is cause for gratulation, that
backsliding s net Wyatt:ol. ,Tli.V new
their faith.
DoxArion's in March, $25,016.
Rev. Aloass G. Kmoirr has been up
pointed Superintendent of Golportage in
Kentucky and Tennessee..
The 'Board has improved . the terms offer
ed, to. Theological students, for , Colportage
labor, and extends to them an earnest invi
tation to occupy their Simmer months in
the work.
Seventeen New publications are named,
being small books and tricks.
Racrarrs in March, Donations, $2;208; Sales,
• ..
The fiscal '3rear closed April Ist. The
Redeipts acknowledged fer March Were
814,143.83: We say' 'acknetated§ed, be-'
cause we have reason to -believe that a large
portion of them were'but constructive re
ceipts---that is, the donora gave money to
a particular church, and reported the
amount to the Conamittee. It came not 'in
to their treasury. It Was, not appropriated
by their act. It was not directed by their
judg,ment. Several of these, donations are
in, the statement "for March:- They - are
marked f (special)."' One; is $7,102; 'an
other, $600; another, $520, others are small
er sums. We cannot see the utility of this
mode of procedure. .
'The receipts of the year are stated to be
$6,000 in advance of any previous
but, after deducting the . 4 !,apeciai," :it, is
doubtful - whether more was given - to the
cause which is served by the Committee,
than had been formerly given.
This body held its_ Spring meeting last
week, in the Second Presbyterian .church'
of Steubenville. As. is usual with,this
Presbytery, the attendance of both minis
ters and elders was good,lhe , business WED 3
eondncted' with the 'strictest regard to
Presbyterial order and much interest was
taken by•the people.of the ,eity in thepro
°ceding& . ;
The repOrta frein the different , churches
exbibitedan encouraging degree`af succe's's :
during the ecclesiaStical year This Pres
bytery,:as all nther
,Presbyteries should, ;
manifested great' interest in the ,oversight:
of the churches and candidates under'its
In the examination of Y yonng
men who are candidates for theholy min
istry, much time. is occupied, And. mem.'
hers satisfy themselves as fully as possible
with respect to the qualifications of those
who seek permission to irreaCh , 'cod's
Word. In Ihiswity aanple opportnuity is
afforded them: to give evidence of the,pro
grew they lave made in their studies, nnd
of their ability' to set` forth the preciinis
truths of the glorious - GOsPel. At this
meeting several were licensed to preach;
their.examinations and sermons were highly
spoken of.
C 33
But the interest of the Meeting enlmina
ted in the ei:dination of thiee young breth
ren to the full workof thC ministry kr.
J.. B. PATTESON‘was ordained and installed
pastor of the Second 'church' of Stenben-L
trifle; ,Mr. A: M. Km, Principal of the
Female Serainary: in connexion *ith Dr.
BEATTY, was ordained an Evangelist, to
labor at Ilulliday;s Cove and in that vicinr!
r` WAi. F. JOHNSON Was or
iesionng to Northern India.
ity ; and
_or' , n •
Mr. j*d,Et.N
missionaries so barbarously
wnpore ; and Mr. J. now goes
the there made vacant.
services :a very' large audience
t: The sermon was preached
Fattehgur ,
slain at C
out 0.1
At il4 ;thesae.
W..TA65l3iis . ,'D.D., 'of 'the
eologicaLSeihitir, from Phil.
`bYtlie Re
Western :•
three mai
detect of mere worldly culture; f. ) ;. The
essential ickedness of 'a mere wordly mil
. ,
tare; 3.. hristians carry ,,
the only light,
viz., the Gospel, that can be of essential
serviceint . enli htening reforming and
g , ,
saving men. Each of propositions
was elaborated with, much force and great
beauty of: illustration, ,which, were highly
appreciated. •The charge to : the pastor, the.
evangelist, and the missionary was given by
Rev. 'TJAvrn IL 'CA.MPBELL, aiiii that to the
aongregation by the Rev ..Wm. LAvElyry.
These were,truly excellent in every par 7
titular, an& were listened to withthe closest
atte4ion;, Iheirtsuperiors it would lie diffi
caltne for
,4 . e li . : :: P . A . i . ;r :. F ' R .r.., N ... 9 f1.6 ..10 u .l )° ' a very
promising field of labor, ,anioag a people
by Althorn, the has been most ;cordially re
ceived. !' 1 ' ' . ' '''' :. ' '. * '
has been pastoj of ,the First elmrch for the
period,ot twenty-four years. His, :faithful
labors have been greatly'biessed,, and dur- ,
r fi•
ing:,that period many souls have been
broight into the kingdom under his earneet -
The admitting - Of persOns to the emit
munion of the Church, is a vast; re,sPonti
bility,,devOlved by her Lord 'npott her ofh,
cers: "It is a`point in r the;, individual's ; life
in which others do much thfix 'his opinion'
of 'blips*, and l se seal' his case for weal
or wee. .If he is regarded by, the minister,
and, fders, after a close personal examins.-,
tion, to be, a regenerated person,, and hence,
entitled:lo a seat at the Lord's table; he is .
lik Y ely to set 'it down'sp, as a •'duly *cr.'
fained fact; land heneeforth he will hardly
i hinmelf, t9,doubt.of his . ,right to. a,
place among God's, elect on earth, and ;to a
seat•among the'saintstin: glory.- His hope,
soine bow other,' he feels beund to cher
ish.' Alas, bow.sad must be his let if it is,
a false hope 1, How importsnt, then, that
the Session:shall be both wise and faithful 1-
But Shall' the .Se;ssion, hence; keep back .
licants who have knowledge and who
seen to be sincere_? 811 A they assume to
be discerners of spirit; ? They must
,Irt looking over, the New Testa
ment listory, we find .but very slight indi
cations, if 'any, of the apostle's advising
ziien'to`.delay the receptionnf baptism, or
apprOaChf• to the Lord'S table. :Every ,
as seems to, us, appears to be rather
encouraging, and even , urgent. • •
On thin subjeet - we have, from a' member
ar , a Session the followina-note 7. •
IVlEssus. Enfroits :—An Elder, in :the
bounds of Ohio Presbytery, would like to
hear an, OPinidp expressed by you, or ;by;
some bther,,cxpeyienced,persnn,, if it would.
not often - be expedient,and sometimes Aso,-
lutely necewry, , in.revivals of religion, to
delay receptions •to :the full privileges
the Church.
i§ornetimes : it may - , be not, only " : expedi. 7
ent," but duty,.to keep back an applicanq
but . `as we `think, not `"often" When
jesus saiS,'" Come -" "Come' Unto ;"
" Confess the before men !',Whosoever
will, let him take fively ;" we are to be ex-
Ceedingly:cuatieus:;about deterring a Wil
ling applicant from the performance of any
duty, or from any privilege which'may be
long to an - Obedient soul. . . ,
Nye regardit as, wise
let it, be distinctiyand always undetstood,.
that %hey do not profesit to &side the ques- .
tion a man's real conversion to God.
is' theii duty' to , enlighten the applicant; to:
let him iclOV,olesily, and . as funk as possi 7 ,
ble,. what. ara t the evidences of regeneration,
and then arge-liin- tom/examine himself,"
16 0; to self," and: so come.
And lit also there is .
lij'e to
4% 177 y, ero, will ' be , -mor-
Xdriand`thit next daYrAnd...eveAa Alward;
aid growth also.
A . .Thengritna - fault in . 13essiOns is, not so
muefi ‘f hast,y,'adgtissiOns,"
speedy and . almost entire, personal neglect'
of • Let this fault be mi....*
rected.•• !Attend well to the health and vig
cof* .0# 4 4 'of the . lambs ',
of the `' foci ;
Let.:• after culture be assiduous, and
there !Hite but few eases ityhich
tera . and elders ,will need. - to mourn vier
" Reviiril times" will
beginnings of Christian
life; • and •.":early !'conveisions " will be
40,41 the most hopeful 'eases for pastoral
rejoicing. • • • - .• • •
t; Torttho Prat:wields§ Baum
4.4 " Prisbyfeit of Sattobgtgitiiipliii:4:'
J?arriaaaue.' -First Sabbathhr.Mayi.Bow.'Mor.
Clung ;..Third•Sabbath in,•Mgiy,-: noir. 'Morgan ;:
First Sabbath in June, Rev. Orr ; Third:Sabbath
in - June, Revs. McElwain.
Creek.—Second Sabbath in Mayi-Rew.
Lesson; Third Sabbath in Juae,ottev. Morgan.
Crooked'greek.--Firat Sabbath in..hlayo.Bay..
-.."Saitabarg:--i-Second , Sabbath--invilliayOrMov:
McMillan ;tFourth,Sabbath in• Mayeßtiv:fiDon?
aldeon: . : •-: • ;. • !•• • ‘! •
Bethesda:;—Rey.• J... C. Kennedyonwthird: of
his tittle. .i 9 :yr : r
iStewartron's•Furnace.—Rev,lterrett, ODA day at
discretion: d t : ••
•: , The - followings young, Mani werei:liciesiod:
George . W..Chaliont, ,Newelaw Lowry,:Dwrid , :t
Irwin, nobert.C.. fitewerto.e.
' W. W. Woorti l ltri,. Stated Clerk.
salesdurg. Apra 27, 1860.
. . MESSRS. EDITORS :—Thc pastor of El
dersridge : church,, gratefully acknowledges
a most animating visit,: unexpectedly made
to,himself and•family, on Tuesday the 17th
inst.,,by more than fifty persons, represenbi
ingimdst of • the .families of the ~conga:
tion, and their donation : of nearly ninety,del l
lam; one-half in cash, and the other Agyt.
Pews Y aro.9 l es. 9f. !TA' advantage. IttaY
thetr - lilierialMiia be ',tide fat, aid l thay
that "viiiaed lie wsteFed'aleo'themsel~res:
" r.
Eliterarsdge, _April 2 0th
For the. Freshiterien Bannon . •
• 'light of C ol portage, for April:
• . .;•, • ,
• • • •
4911001.1.from,Crosik RosOsothurch, Alle
.lfeOyli9i7;ki.63l4,tery, Synod
ite:v.: Dr. 31!Kiliziey " 3. 1:00
ae ' ../OnW:CULIMILTSON, Libriliani .12
Pittibtavh; AprU 30, 1860. - ;
41:11ome, a Dutch astronomer, announces
•thaithitfamous•comet of Charles V:, which , :vras
'eeoa►:in,lrsB,,will re-appear, in August neat:, .
• J\
1„t" •4.
In .discourse he advanced
propositions : L The radical
For the Pres: kihn Bannor
BOSTON quie place, in its business opera
tions, when compared with New York, yet it con
tains many individuals and firms of much solid
:wealth. There are one hundred and twenty per
sans, inns, and corporations, that are taxed for
a .quarter of a. million_of; dollars, and upwards
Nathaniel J. Bowditch is taxed for $1,182,090 ;
est4i:of J. Sears $1299,600 ; Robert M. Mason
$1,104,000; and John)). Williame',heir.Ssl,o7o,-
100. These are all the. individual estates that
exceed a million. Charles Francis Adams is
taxed for $262,20 "Virilli!un Appleton - is taxed
for, about: three-quarters of a million 4 Joseph
Coolidge for over .$700,000 ;-r John` C.. Gray for
about' the same; R.' ;Hollis Runnewell goes to
$862,000; William P Mason over half a million;
Jonathan Phillips $878,000 ; ,JOSitth Quincy
$688,000'; David Sears $975,500. John Simmons
$600;000 ,',:John 'W.' Trull' goes' a half million;
and MoSei'ltillinitareache's - three-qUarters of a
The large. amount of ;Mau ESTATE belonging
to Harvard College; is becoming more Valuable
every Year. In 1660 a' Boston . merchant named
Welch, gave a house ,and lot, - now to: 112 Wash
ingtota Street, to this Institution.• . cone hundred
years ago yielded the College an an
nual income of only $l-2.00:- 1n1.831 itwasleased
to the'Senier inernbea of the celebrated publish
ing honie of:Little, Brown Si Co., the present
cupants, at the rate of$1;100.' Afterwards in
creased at various periodi to so,ooo 'per annum,
which is the present rent. The College corpora
tion is about to erect' a large' granite ` on
.• • ..
this, property, for Messrs. Little, Brown Co.; a
Part of whiCh ' will he occupied as the `Treasur
er's office, and for the meetings of the corpora
tion of Harvard. When :Edward Everett was
at the head of , this College; his father-in;
law, Mr: Peter C Brooks, gaie $lO,OOO for the
purpose of. erecting .a suitablelouse for the Pre
sident At Mr.i Everett's suggestion, this' money
- Was so invisted,lhat now about double ithe
original sum; and, the contemplated honse will
soon be built. : ; ,•• •••
The "YOUNG Alves °Reiman Uxtox ".of
Boston;' which has Veen'heretofore constituton-
ally uusectarian, and which admitted to member
ship ,any,young .man ,of good, moral •character,
without respect to his Church connexion, pro
poses tn become Unitarian" in fact, ai 'it really
has practicallY,fronr the start. ThiS organ
ization, hoiever,.is to be minfonnded with
tha Young 'lien's •Christian Association of the.
Same Pittee, that has'bean uniformly evangelical
from,the beginning • of its .existence..
..,, The last legislature appropriation .of
$22,000 in aid'of Wirantansm ACADEMY, thebuild
ingsof which wore consumed - by fire' some tine
• .
ago, on condition that;s 3o , oo6 'given
by-private individuals. Two ,genilemen,
Isaac oßich, , :of Boston, • and Mr. Lee Chaffin, of
llopkinton c have.themselves subscribed the whole
of - the' iequired konount. This Institution is en
tirely under. the Contra of the Episcopal Metho
dists. ,•': 7, • , • -
, •We 'have frequently , adverted to the exception
taken 'the EvAxonntdid; Ciintsitiris.d' New-
Engiand.; to Mrs Stowe!s
but„Universalists, and. others
,pf kindred. sent-
meats, have given it a cordial welcome, because
of its hostility to the Drthodoi. - faith The' e:di
tor,of. the .ChiCago Univeraatist Paper speaks
in this way : • . ,
"Val - versalists have cause for gratitude to. the
author:of this work; for ....the has - feelingly shown
the inefficiency of the Orthodox-faith irothe time
,(if' sorest earthly' need, and- has put -`into, the
Mouths of - Mrs. MarviiiAnd Candace, one of the
strongest pleas for Universalism that has •ever
been written. From it's character' nd its source,
it will penetrate where ordinary Universaliat
heoks would not reach ;'and adds' another
to . the Ma* 4,,gericies' wOrk' far flieliberaliiing
of the'Clitirch.": •• ,`:
This musee43l-tainly consolatory to the
author arid' lieFhifshittul,flre-AxidoverTrofessor!
The munificent donation of $lOO,OOO by Mr.
McCormick, for t:be - 'endentnt of the NORTH-
TniotognziAT. SEIMINARY is 'often spoken
of as the largest` ContribittiOnTor a sitailar . . Purpose
ever maae this pountiy." not 'dor : ,
rect. ".T I S-o'benefaCiore 'Of A'ndover Theological
Seminary each itive a"'Stier amount : The eon:-
tribdtions fOr the ondoiment of this 'Seminary
hav:e been, as follows
Bis 4 iiii.;„) . ibluip' l si,o.,s . o:6 • '4 - t0,600
y Sainuel Abbott • • ' • 110,000
7!y ~Yillinmßartlett • l ; • t 160,000
By Mosea Brown- ••• :.0.85,000
By John Norris tryl.l.4s Wife: .% 40,000
By William Phillips.. 10,000
By Miss Waldo, of Worcester " 1 15',000
By S. H. Hitchcock,` (recently, ) ' 15;000
From 'other 'goatees • ' ' - 45,000
Thep it,will,be seen that the great bulk:of this
larketendomment came , front , a very few Persona.
." The RI? Ds.. SWAIN; of. Providen . c&, Rhode
Island 'has been :sent. to , Europe; by 'his °angle:.
&den,' in a'very sumthary. way; : • - • `1•,!.
. 41. The Centred"*Chureli;• (Dr.' Swain's,) ib'efere
asking him if he would go, raised the • needed . surn,
then sent a friend to break the matter: to the un
suspecting man". He began his errand by grave
ly. telling his that a great stir , about 'hini
was Lreing on, and,he (the friend) had been sent
iii i inform him that all the leading men of , his
parish bad signed a *per to send hini away.!
'The Eiurprise was too serious. -The uneffending
pastor bowed his head .fat.grief, but, the friend
heated to tell the whol .
,; NEW:7Y04.14
The ei;titnates",tliBo' : .reeently
justify the bellef.tluit the , Cz sus ico ; it* Twit
this Bummer' will show that the jpreient
Lien of tbis'i4ty is near* lif . 'ilbealtopei l nine
144red:taionsami. The p op ulation is p ro ceed
ing Northward at the ;ate' of t twelve ' to i fifteen
streeti ~ The lots in the:: vicinity of
the Central Paik`hainliei'Ldy doubled 'in vilue.
But this uptown tendency is dlininishing the
value of PicCiiititii.rittne lOWerifia l the city.
Lots :in , theiwkinity of thp Battery have lately
beiii.sol&.:e.t.tWo-,fifths of what was offered for
elx ! i yeses Isis*: Still. luxury more than
keeper epees with?: the inhabitants. • The. palaces
Of ....thermerchanti are beginning to rival those of
.thereteters in:extent and cost, and some of the
Ants paid 'annually would be, to most persons an
ample fortune. 'Th'e Mocire have re-
Cank removed into a store on Broadway, for the
Ile of dry goods at wholesale, for which . they
pay on a five years' lease, (including the cost of
td given up to the landlord' at the ex
or:the • leasP i ) -$63,000 per' annum.
& Co 4 the largest whole
sale)lollse. In 'the city, are 'erecting a store in
Worth Street, se'vensteiies H liigh, three - hundred
asel seventi-five • feet by eighty, of white marble.
The ippletons have leased. their bdildjne . fOr
$4 0 ,0 0 0 per annum, for ten'Years, le a eee
subsequently : refused their offekof:a;ltonio
$66,00Q to cancel the ,lease ? wen n ew
stores , of. • marble,: Dorcheste r stone, Politlanii
stone, and iron, are going up on all the prin'eli.o
thoroughfares, and, the highest skill of ;the
architect and sculptor are in demand for their
adornment., It is to be greatly regretted, that so
much• of this, costly architecture is so tawdry,
and overloaded with ornament. Some of ,the
structures seem to be a combination of all the
different orders
_of,. architecture,__ with a few
original..idens that each builder can claim as his
H;exiiisli is Mill measurably active, and 'the
146414' hiitisesi 'have "L'alr'eady , ' , dispatched their
agents te'EuropF, to make'selections' for the Fall
"SilbOintial Merchants are preparing to
rotire for thiitner to their countrY'retreats•
along the' Hudson, 'or over in
the fashionable are active in prep
aratlori'fol' the tour of Europe, the §prings,. or
the sea-aide, .politicians are nerving ' themse lves
for..tye approaching ' campaign; and
editors are looking'foniailed to a Summ er g of ei
aitod and ceaseless . ' "
In the meantime, Airrpcoaa eico PuaLisirEas
are not ! idle: . Messrs. ;She:4o co" WA Elocin is
sue " Milmates Latin cbrii!!lo4ty," ! iii sight, file.
Tiffs is a .very rare ariCiabiel#l**4lF; 40: will
,be - highly appreciated by sabllsika, • It is really; a
bist f ory of,medcni,Stlfpße pap point. 0f,v17
of the;ChristianChurck. The Key-note is found
in a single 'remark by Author in the intro..'
. ,
duction. Re says, .
and that truly, that " the
great event inthe histery of our religion and of
mankind, during many centuries after the ex
tinction. of Paganiim, is the rise, the develop
ment, and the dominion of Latin Christianity."
'The same house , has announced for republication
the Dictionary ' of Blblical Biography,! 7 '_‘_‘ Geo
.graphy,",. and.," Antiquities," prerred„by Dr. l
William Smith, the well-known compiler of clas-.
Sigel dictionaries. This Work embodies a great'
- arraY'oescholariship. The first volume 'has Just'
been issued in England, and the reprint'maY be
looked for in a few months. The articles on
"'Geography and Antiquities" will embody the
- „
• results of recent discoveries. The fourth volume
of " Alfred's :Commentary" brings the work
downto the close of 'the Second Epistle Of Pater.
Yolume Fifth is delayed by the authOioecritical
labors uponthe Revelation. The English edition
of Alford may be procured of Wiley or Ran
dolph ; but the neat and. accurate reprint from
the, press of. the Harpers will soon, be. in the mar
ket, at little more than half its.cot.
Rev: Itr..TYNG'S Cannon, contains :nine hun
dred and twenty-seven communicants, and eleven
hundred and. thirty-five 'pupils in the Sunday-
Sehool,' besides six hundred in the miasibn-chap
el scheol,siX hundred , or seven 'hundred in
the week-day and sewing -schools, making a total
under instruction;-of‘betweentwenty-three hun
dred and twenty-four .hundred. The contributions
during 1869, amounted t0334,767:25. Large as
these, contributions are, they are greatly, sur
passed by, several of , the Presbyterian chuTches
in this•eity.,'
. _
Nest week, *ill be : the great Aiuirnniertr
Wnew. The Anniversary. of.the American Tract
Society will be held in Dr. Sutton's church, on
Tuesday: The officers Seem to `anticipates vig
orous encounter, with the friends of the Beaton
enterprise. But since they have withdrain, and
are now acting in an independent:capacity,- they
should cease to • troublethe meetings of, the Ns=
tional Society,. There is work, for both orgard:.
zatian,s, and let, each of them be active andfaitb,-
ful in' seeking tho glory of God, and the good. of
Men. The bill giving the members of the reli
gioda. Societies the right of voting by prat&
failed' it last before the legislature. ; This was
right ; the, change was not asked for by the Soci
eties or their best benefactors, and no good could
have resulted froutit at present ' - •
Eleven years ago, the . Rev. Dn. Bintuxs,thert
of Philadelphia;; delivered a sermon in, this city
ort Sabbath &hock , which contained some views
that were the subjecti of severe commentin stone
quarters at thnt time. But many will now admit
that the progress of events has done, much ; to
eonfirinthe position then taken by Dr. Bethune.
This sermon, at-therequestof the Sabbath School
Teachers' I),sseeititibn of the Reformed Dutch
church on' ':Fifth Avenuel4ite. repeated on the
evening -of last Sabbath two weeks. The Dr.
apologized for bringing Want from the '""dust of
years,' only because, invited th tiosO,:nnd with
the gratifying refiectionthat those who formerly
opposed his doctrines _were: now practically car
rying 'them into operation. -Ire advocated" the
original use of these schools, es legitirnately for
poor, children. Re,,urged that parents hi, com
fortable circumstances, and: of piety, were the
proper• sources from whence children
: should re
• - • •
ceive their, moral and religions , training. , The
reasons for it were obvieus,, such as natural
affection , and fitness, home being the. peculiar
place: for 'such educational culture. Parent's
ordinarily had. no right to delegatasuchlabor to
strangers, and they would, always receive. their
appropriate reward in the superior character and
right training of their offspring.
__lt Was the
pool who needed for their children tlie care of
the Sunday School. ,A perversion of the original
design, of Robert Rallies, consisted in-permitting
the: children of not in' indigent circum
stances to usurp the idaCes of the poor, and thim
engross.thenympathy and time of teacher& „
They thoughts here suggested are , certainly
-worthy' the
.prayerful consideration of those
chriatian parents who are inthe habit ofsatisfy
ing•their consciences ,in regard to, the religious
trainingof their. Children, with the thought that
they Ore, iii the Sabbath School. The" Sabbath
Seheol, heweier useful in its place never
supply the absence of the instructionand treat
ing of the Christian: family; nor can any Young
Men's Christian AssOciatien'fill the`plate of the
bhtirch: , ' -
/ROJO Taill4S Of SOME, &PASTORATE in a great
city like this, is connected with all that is pleas
ing,-eneiiraging, and'abundant: Some seem to
look'u'PoriChur'cli here, as a field of labor, as if
it were the very paradise : of 'canisters' on the
earth.,..:The incessant calls to, which they are
subjected, the many cares and perplexities, with
which they are sirroUnded, and their ardnoms
and manifold labors. are not thought of. And
above all, it is not supposed for a moment
incompetenq of salary, "the dread .terror.,of the
country parsonage, can evermakehis unwelcome
presence felt here. ' But' according to the Nam,
Ave latelT sent out, by the l'resbytery of, New
.York, this undesirable 'Vest is not unhnown , even
amid`the'weelth an'l Splendor of the churches of
the great metropolis.' The-Presbytery says:
'tilde is our field ; so many, so vast, so
clamorous, and so rapidly, liticraiing are the
needs which absorb the.charities of the Church;
and so heavy and fast enlarging are the necessary
expenses of living in, the city ; - that not, a few of
Oin.. ministers Arid. their Salaries utterly inade-
Sorne of them, after practising a painful
economy, which God's people ought'not to exact
of them, still find it, impossible to Hve'without
diniting largely on their, own resources„ where
they' have any ; going deeply in debt; or
suffering want, where they have not." '• '
At the meeting of this . Presbytery held :last
week, the Rev. Luther H. Van Doren, and-.the
North-western Presbyterian church, on Fiftieth
Street, were received from 'the NeW'Schoial.
Cm. is improving rapidly in , theAricinity
ofl Fairmount and in thee entire district West - of
Broad Street. Large and splendid 'edifices are
in process of erection ; sthe price of property has
greatly increased ; and .in a short time, this will
be tha most desirable place .of residence , in the
city. While the princelY Mansions =of , -this' city
are not to be-com Pared inPcdnt of splendor and
e,ostiiness 7 ta many ; of, the residences. of New-
York,lhey haVe an,air of. comfort ,and ,a home,
like appearance, of 'which their , more ambitious
neighbors are'in a great measure destitute.
The , ,type-founder, Lawasuce
Initusins;'Biu., died'` of , paralyais on the. 26th
'A: few weeks ago,
.when sveproeured the
new and superior type on which the. homer is
now printed,he was inthe enjoyment of vigorous
health. Mr. Johnson'was 'about- sixty years - of
age at the time of his`dee*
lisliman by birth, and he emigrated to this Coun
try when quite a young,man. The house of; L.
Johnson. Co.,has been 'for - many 'years the
leading etitablishmentYin the country 'for the
Supply not only ,ofi type, stereotype plates, elec
trotypes, &c:, but of every other article of prin
ter's fuldingis. Johnson & had'a branch es
tablishment 'at Cincinnati; and their bUsiness was
as, the Union. He wee very
wealthy at the time of, idedeath, and his success
in life. is attributable to his industry and strict
, .
integrity' The'deceased suffered a severe blow
IPAereeenti:death of his eldest cialTiter,Asi
:wife othev..Mr. Wylie.
Quitea large 'number , of PniiicnP.lloTiiTANTS
ha resided in , this city for the last feir'yetini,;,
and for the most Part they have been deprived "of
,the privilege ,of hearing; the, Gospel preached .in
'their` own language. At length the •Rev.. Mr.
PA t itteit; a very 'eloquiertt young riencli preacher,
has consentedto cross theAilantic for..the'Por-.
pose of inaugurating the Movement, provid.ed a
-shfficient'sum israised 'here for his first year's;
iSiary: 'The necessary . 'sum has , beep:nearly se
cured,by subscriptions from Pr.oteettutts of dif
ferent denominatiOns ;, and an short ,tilue it is
ex - pectedAhat Mr: Pargues =Tire, to labor:
for the benefit of:his countrymen.
The GENnnar, SYNOD ~of the leformed Du' toll
Church will in the Second •Reform eil Dutch
church, of this city, on the first' Wednesday of
~ t _.
For the Prosbyterian Banner
Closing of tlie Princeton Seminary Term.
MESSRS. Ennons: l --In compliance with
your own request, , I give you some account
of the
closi4; days in the 'term of our
The examination s
Seminary at Princeton.
continued aboitt five days, beginning en
Thursday, the, 19th; and closing on Tues
day, tie 24th 'inst., and were remarkably
particular and thorough..::
Only two of the sixteen examinations
which would have been made, were omitted,
in consequence of the vacancy in that new
and unique department, erected' by the last
General-Assembly, for the' great and good
Prof. J. Addison Alexander. But he was
more thaw missed ; on this first occasion of
the kind since the foundation of the Sem
inary, when there was no Alexander 1 0
give it the lustre of his name and the dig
nity -of-his: presence. Every considerate
friend of the Institution and lover of the
Church was saddened, to see the hospitable
home Of the'rAlexariders closed ; and occu
pied only with preparations for removal, by
the remaining-Members' of that loved and
honored family. -
Another cause for - sadness was the ab
sence and illness of Dr. Van Rensselaer,
the appointed Chairman of the Examining
Committee, this year. And still another,
the summons which came to attend the
funeral` of Rev: Dr. Eli F. Cooley, one
of the most useful. and venerable members
of the Board' of Truitees: • - And yet an
other circumstance occurred to increase the
melancholy reflections of this usually cheer
ful occasion. The venerable Dr. John Me-
Dowell.-resigned his clerkship in both
Boards, Directors' and Trustees, in conse
quence of his infirmities, being now eighty
years had'been ' Secritary to the
Board of Direetbri ever Since its origin,
forty-eight year's ! "He had been Secretary
to the Board of TrusteeS alio; ever since its
charter,-`some thirty-six years, believe.
" The Fathers, - where are they P' -
Last Sabbath; oecuring in the midst of
the examinations, was a day, of peculiar
solemnity.and interest..
,Dr. Boardman, of
Philadelphia; preached Tin the morning at
the Seminary chapel;`aid Or. M. Dickey
preached - in the eVenineat the Fit* Pres
byterian church, the - annual sermonbefore
the Directors of the Seminary, Professor Wand
Students.. In the Conference on Sabbath
afternoon, the conversation was held mainly
by Drs. `. Potts, Dick* Boardman; and
Spring; and the counsels,of wisdom from
the lips of these eminent pastors came with
a . seasonablenTs and power that made a
profound inipiessiouoit the crowded Ora
tory': r:Dr:l'Spring made the closing prayer
with a.Servor, and pertinence, and-tender
ness, which no one could,,Mnierstand from
any' description- • Segotn . unman lips
utter, such., strains of
,4evotiOn this side of
heaven.. ~• .
On Monday,evening the anniversary of
" the Benevelent, ContributiOn Society,"
was heldtin,the First Presbyterian ChUrch.
From, the repert,read if appeared that near
ly hundred dollars hadbeen contribut
ed in the Seminary,to our various Boards,
and to the,Bible and, Tract Societies. The
Rev., Dr. ~*: Thayer., ef Newport, Rhode Is
land delivered the annual, address which
was one of:,surpa,ssing beauty in style, and
preform& subtlety and freshness of thought,
on the, Philosophy, of Missions.
The Students were cliamissed,on-Tnesday,
the 24th, with a brief bet singnlarly spir
ited and appropriate speech of Dr. Dickey.
Certificates' for the fall course Were
-died to tliiily-ta members of the Senior
Class. One -of them, =Francis E' _Butler,
received 'a,,public expression of thank; 'from
the Board of, Directors, and a donation of
all they Works 'of John Calvin,' as soon as
the O'opy''oan, be &ported from: Europe;
for his agency and ''Suceess :in establishing ,
the - Langdonie - system of gymnastic exer: -
eise; and Preouring 'mein§ for the erection
of the fine ''building appropriated ~
object. ' • -
- The DireetOrs held their annual meeting
fo bisiiiess; in afternoon, eighteen Ott
of theft. being present: The annualeport
otthe Tabidty, showed that'siity•Vo - rnew
Ai:ideas" had Veen"regularly matriculated;
4:Wlmi-eleven graeuates were:Aquae New
England"Colleges,`twenty-one'-from Virest,
ern, and 'fear from Scitithein -Colleges.
These statistiei are interesting 'andsignifi
cant. ' 'Since- the ditisiere ef the . Presbyte
✓ianChitieli 'in' 1838; tioVfitelity-tweyears,
the average accessions of graduates from
NewlEngland ,, - but fractiounover.forrr per
cent.; this year it is eleven. The average
accessionefrOm,the West, is ,thirteen; this
year .it, twenty-one. •", The average from
the South is a fraction, less than Sour ; this
year it, is Sorm., The ; accession this year
from,New l England Gellege,s is the largest,
over nnronq -Year- -- ; 'What from
the . West ; is the largest, ,exceptin i last, year,
and;the Year ,1849..,1 -The greate#,decline is
from the.,Sonth; which in this .calculation
does not , include ;Kentucky and ,Missouri.
These States are :counted in the - test.
Thin:too,, is:the only year, with hut one ex
ception, ire,whieh the aggregate of students
froni. - :bey_orel; is larger, than that within
what is- nowt considered the proper, territory ;
of Prineeton. , , ;So that! this old Seminary
even.morethan .ever, has a, nati9nal patron
.The Faculty presented - ,to the Board an
others paper, in Which tlieyrequestahat the
departinent of Pref..MeGill,.whichis really
two chairs in :every
. 60er 'Seminary at, pre
sent, and the' . departinent which more than
any other ; has its labors increased with the
increase . of be divided; and that
the department Made - vacant by the death
of Dr:: Aleiander, be' continned distinetly
as' arranged by last General Assembl3r.
TVs, I .oo* vis granted, so far as the sanc
tion of the Board earCgo ; and they will
ask the Genernl Assembly now for two Pro
fessorS, ',making a Vae,ulty offive. Dr.
Dabney, Of
„Virginia, - named by the
Beard, as a suitable - person for half of Dr.
profeisorship;* and the Rev. C.
lledge,'son 2 of Dr. Charles Tlodge, for
the chair. left vacant by Dr. Alexander, the
fifth chair,, 'new t -arranged. The endow
ment of thefitth is secured, by the promise
of agentlenian whole means are ample, and
whose 'integrity is exalted. It is under
stood that' he' engages' to; combine the con
tribirtioes of 'ethers with his own, pledging
liii!eive„ . ,that the object, will be effected.
' The Board of 'Trustees met on -Wednes
day. The most important matter -before
them wat.S,. the business ,of, new. buildings.
The 'transactions of the joint .Committee,
in, purchasing additional erounds„,:adepting
plans,!.:and, fixing the ,location, ~were ap
proved. - A new and imposing, edifice of
stone, larger rin /dimensions than; the pres
ent main building, is to be erected with as
little delay-, us• possible; : for.. dormitories.
They are, ?moms for ; ; single occupants
and. very .spacious. The building will be
one, hundred? andiftfty7seven ; feet by fifty,
and-four stories. It, is , to,be called "Brown
Hall," in, honor of . George Brown, Esq., of
Baltimore, who bequeathed the: means.
Thrh-,Faclay. informed the Beard that
ther ,had . appointed Mr. A... U. .Chambers,
of Piqua, , ,Ohio; steward, in • the room of
the, Rey. P. S.vCaffrey,, who hae,resiened
theefficc, and. goes in a few, dain . to Port
land, Oregon' ' as a missionary .of .our Board.
Mr. Chambers is a gentleman of liberal
education* . and' excellent ' character who
Conies• .
to'prepare for` the 'ministry, while
lie" dritieeof This , important,
Office:- The' appointment was 'appioved and
'en - firmed. -
It was gratifying to see, at this meeting
of the'Beard, .patiently , atten'ding to its
minutest' concerna, , ,seme of the first and
„nien. of the elnintry;. the Chancellor
Of 'the State presiding, and :those; princely
benefactors ' net of 'Princeton' only, but of
the whole Church, James Len Robert
Stuart,l. and John 'C. Green, Esq., faith
- ,