Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, April 28, 1860, Image 4

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By I). W. Bartkft. ,Pp.' 4.4 A:
'Pater d• Co.; Columbus, Ohio.
.The,ruling of . one , kundreit, mid, fifty millions
of people•in ,by.a.few thottatuls; of ‘likitisit
troops and residettte, is a wonder ; but the, quell
ing of a rebellipn on- the part. of.t.wo hundred
thimsand,wall trained:sOldiers well armed, and
.:well, provided ; with the material of war, is a
wonder vastly rester. 'lt will bo long before
the pen shall have ceased writing on the strange
events, and.before the mind of the multitudes of
reader4itall have purfelted with the ncw, and
abundant food presented. The vast and extract.-
' dinari occasion, called forth Nast andlextraordi
' nery'powers in the,Captains,Who led,the handftdls
of European troops. Mr. , Bartlett has well se
leCtecl his heroes and events,: and thousands will
read his pages with interest.
Price 41.25., Pliettctellibio;: 41fred
.Martien. John S. Darisoa, , .114 m.
S. Rent.o., and _Presbyterian Board of, Oolporl
dge. 16§9.
The title of this book is not a happy one;frbm
the fact that it dpOs .not Comve*oomunac
qttattitedArith the contents, any proper idea of
'its'an It his a work, of induction and argu
ment, containing some ieovel and startling views,
arid .concerningthe effect of. thewhole,- differont
opinions will he entertained.
The first park is an- able, axcl, in some respects
a fresh argument .against the skeptical conelu
000,,t4t.have 'been draw,n front the Sects
. of
:astronomical science.
: ;tin second- part treats of the physiological
relithinstif man to; te, k mplic and nipxply
creatures. The chapteron the "rilysiolo,gy of !the
-Spirit," is.-a. rare- specimen of scientific skill,
Scriptural knowledge, and, daring speculation.
Not only does the author give evidence of
scientifia,attainments,of high order, but also of
• much.ezegetical and• critical ability. The work
"'treats of a subject of great importance and sub
limity; and every intelligent reader of it be
• •
greatly- interested. by the , suggestive.. trains: of
thought lt.sets before him; ':though many 4issent
'from nail, few of the conclusions.
WIFE: Condensed from the "Life of Fred
erickhristcspllor Perthes." By' Mrs. L. C.
Nag Ppi-622. Nawl.lork: = llobert Carter
4-Brothere: 'Pittsburgh: William S. Rentoul.
This is the. biography of a Christian woman
Of.. ;Iw/cited piety, excellent attainments, and
great force "of character that is worthy of a place
'emery family library. It is fresh, stirring,
and-free from lite commonplace
that so much •abounds . in most biograPhies.
limautlor-gives us one of the finest specimens
of true., womanship, of der,otedness to family
and of felicitous influence in the domestic circle.
" trust that many:will I:m.benetited by the con
sideration of the beautiful example here set.
THE FAMILY BOOK. Tits. Grxrcs Axe DE
L 4R ADVANTAGES.. By, Chri.xiophcr 4tylerAon.
Sp., 424. New York : • Rpitert Vitrter. f t :Bros.
- FittSburgh: Wm. S. Bentotg. „1860..
In our days, many efforts are made to lower
. 91e sneryinefis of the family, *die ; at the, earrt,e
"time, there is, a great .neglept in the proper per
formance of lii'duties even on. the part of those
whose theoretical 'opinions on the subject may
tos'oorreot. ".,Tl;tevcir4. of
,christeither Anderson
'has been long held in high estimation, and the
have dond godd service to the
pnbli , 3 in .bringing it. before OA peoplA the
. presertt hindsome form. No other volume that we
can,now think of, treats the subject in tile some
--raaical and thorough manner, from the Christian
point of view.
,NIGUT Tionorrra 03.;
Luz,. Pzeis, iSI3I4:ILTALITY. By Edward
Toting LL. D. Pp 468.-New York • Robert
Carter & Brae. Pittsburgh: Win. B. Rentout.
Tiffs ia liery neat edition'of Night Thoughts,"
a -work that will never be forgotten. Each suci-
Cassii'e gatteration will ; require its,pubb.uatiou..
- • ' ' •
Cogstasustrk.srs. By 4.liss,...AT:i4,,iYility, author
of "Ellie' Randolph." Pp. 191. • New York:
Robert. Carter .4 liro.s. Pittsburgh lbs. S.
This 43. a ,series sabbath day eonxersatlons
on the ten eolutasndnten
ts, between.a mother'and
71er, little daughter, that • ;will be welcomed ill
:34#1,tr households. The style is well adapted to
;;the youthful - mind, and , the thoughts stud Rios
trationsiare good. Get it for your children; and
jti,yerus,al will do much to show you, hOw to
speak to your children on Biblical subjeets. • •
from the G,erionp •of .Dr; .Tkohiekiby tite :Ravi
RObert Ifemzierap. TOtlei."
Carter .. Bros. Pittstiursh : Wm. S.• , :gets4
' teal. • 1860. • ••• • '
• • This ie.a new edition of. &Stile work thist.was
?e o 4'jea'fritli.Erigfai-9r upon itC*l 4 4PPOIRO 6O
some 'year!' ago. •It.'439:Reipairt devontineditotiona
upon the variounlimp,:hint_enoks in the circle
-.f-human life.
or r Inv*
From the Congregationalist
God Don't Forget. •
4. young , wife,(grom. :the, .State of Con
neaticut,) who had left fortune, friends and
land-fuVehritit, was*tutittfid In her
distant missionary home to embriee .8. little
son. The. babe was ,Raplesi for his
filkheri , and ir,hen hut. a few 'dais old..mus
consecrated by his believing parents to•thc
Lad in the solemn. rite of baptisni. to.
Lisp mother especially, this was a- sacred
gikusgetion. She felt, that she had ,placed
upon , his infant brow the •scal of a Divine
promise ; and her :faith was unws*l`p:t4
that the• blessings. ; of ,the covenant would
restwupon him. A heathen woman living
in the mission family, witnessed.the:soleinn
ceremony, and made inpuy inquiries.,aa t tO
nature and design.' When informed
that the appli cation of.the baptiatnal.waterS
had in itself no saving efficacy," she 'ex
claimed in the broken _English- whichfshe
bad' learned, "What de 'rise, den ? Yon no
~to• bring up baby-4-('.lie . iitissionexy's
*ife' aria in failing health) his fader. die
'perhaps----no body 'tell ‘of. 414 u—baby no re
member—who know he 'belong' to de
vcAh,"' refilittd 7 theiiiiiiliiii.; her
countenance illtrolined'lrith faith and hope,
-"God: will. know-_ it; and lie &net- for
f_gettl"-.1 V - .c - '. - :. ..: ;, .. ~.'
The.,prieicgow Of the. heathen_ kttendglit
was SOoti:'4 l .'intri ' fulfilled; • ' TIOi- ^b e li ev i ng
. mother was called away. fiem earth ; =and
." the child was t4ke¢ to tile; native lend: et
its parents. There he was kindly cared for,
I .,aed threugh% the i goof ; JFETTldenfq•of t GO,
was brought up, - .Christian fiienifi in-Ilie
ways of virtue,. •
,e.stas,ap obedient child',
trained to Jiablts:. ' indifati..y..ana order, and
faithtialtiaught.` the' dettrirtes'anit 1 . 104
of retigiiin, Yet he grew almost, go. ; Alan!.
crlioodswithout- seeking a personakinterest ;4
''that Divine Itedeemc r , to wlioin io. infancy
• his parents' faith had consecrated him, and
it seemed as if the faithless heathen might
- almost' repeat the. question. ; ".What's •„t)ie
use ?" Willie„,now„in,•hie.tweet t ietlt, Jear,
received a very flatten' * • and Incrathre'W
iness offer, which .wou ld, take him a thou.
::sand miles from his home and pious kin
- dred, and ex.poaellin4witliout . the safe,guilid
•• of personal' piety, to the
,temptations of , a
qarge city, in;0111.-erf-etie-,Weggn..Stptes.
'`aTlie situation ie ati4deac for bitaindia,"
• laid his uncle "and.tlleAltuainesa''itielf is
kluter9eptionable t 'lf:Willie- wri t •a • Ohiis:-
. 44 :0 .3 - 4 a3i, I should ..not:hesAtate, 'to= bid, lihi:go,
!A . :63i, ' his Mather little *edi
tr t ithen.:4lo
eclicated• liim so-early;to the Lord,i•that le
"ftlad t lfire 'to 'Mnialti24Asvittifiigq:bisi
tunas:' wdnder. eyor tbAhltCaft hat
parental consecration', must?-rertan4 11 .
of it, crehe leaves tv." ( . ;
felt solemn When the scene was
thus rehearsed, to Nut. But he was her-,
ryiug to pay a visit. to his: g,h4father be
fore.setting out on,,bis long jotirtfoy-West
ward, mitt so he dismissed the Object for that
time 'from his laiiingirts. :Arrived the next
day at the paternal,home of his parents, his
feelings became tender and ituressible.
ire thought of;; the long,j4ifiney `ittaOre
hiMovith its possible dangers.'ller'thcMght
also of the journey.of life, with its graver
ap.d. 7 ,deeper
„perils., -Ile; : wished, that he
- Were 'What his -mother helibi-ed hewetild be
—a child
,of 'God. Aud as,if4to;ripen his
impressions and feelings into fruitful pm ,
poses, the' providence of;Ged sent that very
,c.veoing, :to, .preach ~; i n .grandfather s
church, the Bev.
Minim was an intiatate friend of 'William s
mother (hring 'the' 'of her' youthful
; heart yearuedto*er the'
youth for the. sake of 'the dead..
.-God , blessed that sermon to his
and:'felt. his danger ;•and'fied to
the atoning - h.lodd o . f Christ, for pardon and
salvation.; B,efore ho•left his friends,,they
had the cheering hope that he had taken
upon himself the vows of dedication: made
for him in infancy,. and that ,wherevm: he
lived, he would live unto the Lord:"
Christian. father and :Mother 3. let, this
true narrative strengthen year faith' in*
God -'r - Yon_*may:'be ;taken from;your
dren:- . --,:theY, may be.scattered ; - loAMads,of
the earth- 7 .4lhristian friends may become
discouraged in laboring 'for-their conver
sion. But one thing certain., 'lf you
have sincerely consecrated them to God, he
will surely remember it. A royal answer
to a Scoffing world, who .sneoringly ask,
What's the use ?" may , be =found in
three' 'worda so touchinly spoken to that
heathen .douhtcr, ,".God don'tforget."
Ircits' Uonlido,ncer-Jtow :they Should ybe
• •
The Annexed ,article (copied-from
iattstritted,) we .commend to the.perusal.of
, parents It_ciontains good practical advice ;
and if it is diverging
,a, little from our
sphere to . .publisksttch articles, we tiresure
it Wilf - be read with interest and benefit by
many of the readers of the Banner :.
"'Do you want tkllearii how 'to mikes-the
children love Docyoulwant the key ,
that - Will unlock the innermost- recesses
their natures. Then sympathise with them
always.- Never allow yourself to ridicule
any of their 'little secrets. Never say,
pshaw when., they. colic shim.. you
a new kite or Marvelous. top, and 'I can't
be trouble,d,,!..when -the lard knot,wont be'
~ untied, and two and tivo obstinately refuse
to make.four on their , little slates: -. X.ites
,and knets are only': the preeursers older
`thoughts and deeper trials which the parent's
may plead in vain:to .share ! > Do n't
laugh. at Any of.a ,child's ideas, howe''Ver
odd or -absurd they may seem: to, you; let
them find your sympathy Toady in;all their
Wondernients and aspirations. Is there any
man so wise in his own ,conceit
forgotten. that , there :was a.time •once *hen
r h.,4, : also;.was.a.'phild:? The little ;folksare
too Much crewdedent this world'; people
aenerally seem to. think they , can be put
,o . r made to .eat anythiitg, ,or
crammed ints,,._.any ont-cf-the-way ear ! .
to amuse ;themselves anyhow. We
do n't • agree with these cross-grained
wiseacres. : Children have just, as much
right to the car window and, *Y . _ seat
;as anybody. It don't take.mucltu make 4,
,•phild.l.oy. you and trust in you; , and, the
boneftts to him are 'absolutely incalculable:
Oh•.; hori'vouch better it is for, childien to
.bring all their cares rubandm i and -troubles temp;
felons under the gentle eye of a wise
parent! -;. What a safeguard , it is for them
to feel that there is always a kind- ear 'to
listen doubts and and gen.' 7
tie shoulder for their, little heads to nestle
fl gaiust..!, rights ; never...think
61126an.:say ;bitteiC things in , theirpresenee,
ordo .uniust , - actions. They are the finest
discriminators of ,fair and unfair in the
world, 4.99mehody, says;: " 311 7 .1 ten.. you are
in &hied' to'be cross with children in:lcing
slow to learn;Sunt try a moment to write
with your left hand. the how awkward i 4
drenleft - hand'!'" Preserve 'us from
those precoeious infants wio spring up
ready-made philosophers and casuists
cherry-40tkpOittle7blockheadgt.are infin
itely preferable:' not he
ashamed to let them "know that you leVe
them. Remember, they will be men and
INvoincil solo day ; and the ,slightest ! word
which may influence .their, future lives
should become a thing of moment in your
'eyes:'rn •
,3.- ". ~:. • ,
'Duration of Vitality in goods.
That, some seeqs,, under accidental eir-
P!APPtnges; pori
mitality, eviderit Tioni ;lie. fact, that
grans. of •whont,;taken' from :the' hands or
Die' Wrapping of Reptinn mummies, sev
eral thousand, years. o Ikon, yegetated du
ring the present century ; But such thipgs
are e x ceptions, to
.tAke,goneial rule. How
then may. anciettain witlP derablo
- certainty. -whether. the. seeds-we purchase
worth 'the:44364, r .A.Yny experiments
:bevel:mow tried, and reports. made--taut, sot
,with great accuracy.. Th r i'folloWing
.'imeo w
unt is the most reliable, e Canpresent.
Isis understoed of course, thOtlttiseellas,are
Ac i e.ptundor good. circum,staucee,--neveriwa
44 1 damp atmosphere.
12gilitinge .broccoli, and
savoy : - .7 g00d for four years.
ePtinich,.carrotts, radish, onions,
parsnips / petulibe.ans; and other leguminous
Biliatlt.-viogl:fOr one or two years.
Beets, celery, cumin:rhea, melons, squash]
ilumpkinscrOurdr and 'the like---good for
1 tep...3n41.M0r.e yettivi.
Turnips, mustard, endive, sea-kale; aspar
, .agus 7; -4,5,00d for thrCe Ur four years. ,
*Tree-seed—not: to be 'depended on after
the.i4Ond year. • •
. .
~.....I . oatay.wketttr y bar., l es,--,.good..for.ttree
or four yeitvo f lric,,i, •
al •
Annul'aiid perennial finwer-seeds--good
Dior twomr. three:years: • ... ..... ....v
'Melon i "min have been known,. to ve l gtit 7
ate when .iii)rtii . years. old'. • Snide• careful
sualepore preforsolOreds of theeneuniber
taird' 'llielon - tritt:',.bee*ArLe' j theY. `thiiik' 'ails
ndW4n4• l oinip seeds :ptislirce planteiihioli
make a raiiipinit; ► grolftiPoTaine, but bear
. little fruit; Ind-that litte'in - the season.
' . ' 'Ric 'has Veen' known 'to vegetate. When
forty iyws, .041,;, .kidney-cans,, when one
hundied`;, and raspherries when sixteen
hundred (?).; the .Sensitive plant when six
ty years old. ' '
And here, a..word upon , se.rd. : 'saving. ' It
is of the greatest importance. for.the.lininer
and gardener to do.thiS work well; as, upon
it his success greatly depends. It ii..with
thjig cat with., the breeding,' of;. - valuable
:-..steclev . He who gives. his attention .to.-iti
.4.4. l anPeesaful, will attraiakthe no. ;
- , tice 'Of others, and his seeds will ..corn=
mandesbundant purchasers at, the highest
. Prien.l; ,
To p're4erve' seedewell,'•they shbuid*gen
erpltcbalatheredyarlien fully ripe,...ber - well
cleaned,.4rieitin, - theAliade, (not by strong
• fire-heit) and , kept in e cool place, free .front
.iiPiat44 . IhOPAre. , a...feW exceptionso
`'4,pl9). :Stine iceeeda f as h.orsexehestplik . apprn;
...toopiewr.evergaTeus, : grapes,., applesi,etc.,
t s
shoal,ll".ple,ntgd 'before they beeeme 410;
efWe *lll
,not dezetate well,. Allfieetbi
labilt lii `iitiattill" by lileveti;ljustik.
Vithlipsitind:•ritilish;igh - Ol'ildTilisccrceits:...
ipfajky .eTAPO,eI I ,,,StP 3 - ,114,FpAd;',41geyg a
thug ftata 441, am other
matters likely to attradt vermin. It is of
the gredest' importance . to .label-,seeds . parer
fully t
, at the time of gathering them. A
nUmber of sorts, tts;ef. inefens'ana squashi
'es, are gathered 'at they same thlio mid as
they, look.inuch .slike, they, get mixed, or
- fheir .distiuctive names' forgotten. 'When
: planting comes around, what . confusion ?
'And if. the mixed' Seeds are "planted, "%VILA
increased eenttsiort_at ?
Since writing We' abc7ve, we see it - staTecl
that the seed'-trade 13(36t0ii amounts an T .
nually to three millions of dollars. Ten
tons of turnip.-seed. • AVM sold . 'i there last
year, and the same of beet-seed. Of. xiiig
-nonette,. five. hundred`-pour di.only just sup
plies the. market. The seed-trade- Of Ne,w
York and Philadelphia must be unfelt
larger —we. have tie 'statistics on ' :hen d.-
-Amer. Auricultartst.
Pod "
Plie 'UlmOn Tatt ' -
There in emunseewbtittleAeld;
Tn every human tn:enst,
Where tAVe• opposing lands imeet, , •
! w ' heT•e.*ol,ey. eldomrest. : . ;;;v
• Illutt , field'is veiled-from mortal 'night; •
!T-is onljt.seen by-One . •
Wite . "•knovis alone where ' 4.,
Ono army olnstors strong and floroq
Their nide of fdatnpn'foilit ; •
Ms brow is like thdthitrule'r-olotik
,Itis vcriee`tlie brsting.sterni.
llis v otiptitiiis, ai l id4nst;'ftAd r lilite,
WliAip troops watcli.idght
Swift to detect the weakest, . '
And thirsting for tbe fray.
Contendinew,ith this, niltlitY foem
`Ts but alittle 'handl •
Yet there, with nn unquailing
Tboie4arriora tiindy stand!
Their leader is of Cred-likeloim,
Of countenance serene;
And glovring on - lis-naked , breatt'r - 17. -,,,
His' captains, Faith, and hope, and"Loye, -
'oint tO•tlotifiiiinirrotii 'sign ;
And gazing`'on it,
Strength :sonroft,Divine.
They feet it saks.n.gtoriotti truth, -
A truth as great us sure ;
That to be, victors they niust , leurn::
To lorep confide, endure.' . , •
That faith sublime, in wildeat
Imparts a holy eabn ;
For every deadly blow a shield;
For evgx.Y
Aud.when they irin the battle-field,
0 4. f°Fetl;
The plain.where.carnage oncehad reined
A spot where flowers's& joy atibpeace
Spring from the fertile, sod;
And breathe the perfnate of their,pralSo,
On evefrbreoze=to God, ,
Curran,. the Irish orator, when a youth,
had a strong defeet, in; .14s, , artieulstion,
and at,scligil be was„ known
j•ifok Curran."- IVhila hb'was tinged iu
the study of the law, and •still struggling
to overcomehisdefect,:he was stung into
eloquence by `the 'sarcaspii a,.meniber of
aAlebating club r who characterized Idol as
" Orator 'Muni," for, like , OuVeppy, when
lie stood up to speak, on a previous occa
sion Curran ha.thnot ;been able' to utter'a,
Word. -But • the:taunt raised- his .pluck ; and
he replied with a triumphant speech. iThiS
accidental , discovery in • himself of :the gift
,cluquence encouraged him, to proceed,
his studies with , additional, energy and wig; or. He corrected his eunneiation‘by read.;
ing aloud, emphatically and distinctly; tile
best passages drioirr literiture, for several
hours every day, studying, his features be=
fore a.•• mirror; and: adoptiug -a method of
c , esticulation suited to' his rather awkWard.
and uno ' rappful 'fioUre.... He also . proposed;
cases' ic;llimself, which he detiilledWith as
much care as if.he. liabeen addressing a
jury. Curran "'commenced business with
the,qualification . which .Tiord' El . 4o,`,stated
to,be the first requisite - for diitinetionas
banister, that' is; to. be not worth a 'shil2
Moue temetery of - 'the •Cappuesitti.!
• Tlie. ealunetS4Tia benitithltitrehAnt •
entirely asliie,'grainfid; - 01d lighted 1 1/. 4 4
row of i ron-grated windows without glass:
corridor. Kittle along beiide these *in
dows., and' gives access to three o four
vanited recesses, or chapels, of considerable
breadth height., the 'floor Of 'whieli..eota
sists• of thet consecrated , . earth .of.:Jerusa
lem. ;IC fat stacetlied'climrousli. carer, 'the
deceased, brpthsen nf.the , eopymt,,' and 'is
kept quite , freedironi. grass- or weeds) : sucli
as WOUldegnry even in, these-gloomy;reazes
ses, if paiVs 44ixt, int liiitelied
them up. . . But, as , the,
holy ,grerd ? ,the ;.brotlier,beed ,are inimei
moriaillY • iaccnaliomeiri- when =one - Of 'their
number dies, to 'take the longest-buried
skeltdaFotlijolstlre-Ofiresi-iniallay the
new slumbereFthere instad. Thus,
ofthea Op& *jars, in hie . , turn; Oljnys .
luxury cd4a, consecrateallbedi attendeewite:
.the iNatg• *feriied3o g
.1 ot;
1i) long . beforp : ' do , larealr. ; as it':werer, and
Make. Amin:for another 'lndger. • • 0.
- The .arrangeinent of the nneartlied„Okel.;
etou •is what makes. tkappecial 'interest of
'the cemetery.' The * iii6hed and ' 4tiatleed
walls of tbetitirlidlet:eis'ies Pie supported by
massive pillars and pillasters•made.ofthigli
bones and'" :skulls; ; the. whole bf
the structure appears . be a; similar:4lnd ;
and the knebs.and:Mnbosseil.siriianients
this ,strange,atehiOetße are rgpreeented by
•the joints of the spine; and; the •moro•
.cate tramery by .the'innalleilicine":6f; OM. hitt
- man 'frame. The' auniiii4.` of," re'Vekei
are adorned wifCentiito.Liiielitoiii,Weing
as they were wrquglit',46.4lly, 'in
:bas'-relief. There is •no rssibi)ity.of des;
eribing how ..ugly itud grotesZuo
combined with a .ccr,tain :artistic. merit; Aor
how muck perverteifingenuity••has been
shown in t s neer- wayknor what a multi ,
• tnde of dead. nuniksy man y .
•httudtvt.years; niust'AitveffinftibAd their '
bany frame-soli( to • build , lip' these. great
arbhetV „pomp , of ~..the
skulls:. there. are, insoriptione r puiporting
such.a•mottk r who fnmeritmaitii'mtie .
• of, that. particular head=piece, died ora l uch
a i diland year but vastly ite.greateir
.tier are piled• up .indiStingniihsblfintn.:thi.
architectural design like the mar-deaths.
'.s l 4s l t OP: th 4 ii;" 64 4.•
in the sido walla of 'the vaults .ayaniohes -
where..skeleton. monks. al:tut _stand;
'the brown 'habit*, tl,l4l: l weitk..' in "life,
and 'labelle =moan d• the date s
of their decease._itklio=ne
bare and ethers still •colered:Jvith• yells w •
ikin. r .and: hair. dill hue kitiviit tla • earth- •
damps;) lokkottifttait belies,* their hoods ,
, Pne,t ever
rotqa xide
he the, midst of a howl of ter ;
rik).44 *lick-who* q ios eereit
RU 2o`
11 94ifiewsti If woo, i)olviitvir,As
-119 1 1€41.44.4 1 .m. ,wev_er, these, trookea and
de 4e4pio • :Tlin i to taceaporp
'tut • 7 14 0, W ,;(it•gke d try ;hdXth
, ,
":111040.11nilleAti turn it into a• jest .r
-thmemetiii.of; lie,Cap itc hitas is • I.lp •ihiCe
tA.,000310051ed ial. hopes.., the soyAllsitika'
foyilorti• hod . yrretphed under all
-of- crust d eath , , the •hO ly• earth•Siorii:Jeru-•
lotaiied • 7.1p3 i
grownlp o kaiTep, of f Ak j e flp.wetkot .Paradise
as,,itakfieiirt4lofeedp i tkod!grass;' Thank
ikeirveiktifor,i'ts sky; .it needs ,a;lo~g,
upward gaze tco . giye, os ballcour faith:: Not
,1411N94111494:90.603iNe54nm5rta11, where
the, Tory altars in these ch a pel s :of horrible
• Mcfrbieralitv' •'' .• '
7.. r `; F lns th e!" ;a : Yhf r ann "
lule4elind ;the Dominica letten
hiin the rollowievit,l6. ; 44 foid'tho'Dohyini-:
eakeiter tend .to tetthe , day-of the ;eolith,
:& 0. alc,, :I ;home! congivflea 'to itlor
the V3cOotet, its , whidh: :he. has access: . Sy¢
this-means, otherrielpr, - , - 1O00)3V ; ft, viii d!
with it; and I am Fluite Siirtitthseadh3o,l
, oiey !borer, regret :the :Eaeall'''
Wilt•eost 61m:quire a -.perked • eommae d eft
• .• .
Weds f4o,filf.'. ' for
• Any -YiarLLlel.iiiptid •to ;New Styk.
1. Divide tlic:Frithiturild number of the
givezi yearill four . (');.l -r , I
. i.‘4 Multiply .• the remainder, any,,;by
two (2)— . • .:• , .. • ••••,:.
B. Subtrant tbe .„ prolbrt from reiic-( . 6)':
-;;A:;:10.4 - 1 .,Ainniidin•'5eddiliekirii . ..yeare •
1 11 .4.4 'tbei.Y 0401; tin#,;;Tejnetlp.g'Afracf
*nit' ortikesii'by ail* (7).
Subtriet Aheaemainder,:if..aubliom
!seven, (7)1
AlitttitOie Ole brdb'x i 4 4.ltoe,rooyewletters
v.:1)61;14s g:. :8' fs 0 and so
ot!x-- 7 1..;171i . • en4t olioheri - ouctirs ass re
iUein.aei:or./pisiiiii4qotosiiid:::ieboraiiig to
the rule.
. _
L. or Igssextile hi . :one whUse:
oanumberis a multipresciflbur.
B .. l, PertiVar"heCtliCiAlktillinitilegere• l t,
The :A t * Vves une . • for . the .: last teal
nionths: T the;
one next in order, of
Thus the prepent year, 1860,,,,i5, leap, year.
ThojtnlegikeekiSklhrrtim .lasti,iten
41.03onking..itter. Gpis
ary and Februars i nr the: treemitjist•
This Rule..utay-Aceni , .411ilieult.end!.0oxn.,
,Pliqat.ed•LbAt it• i'p - ot We*.t. ,l' ;'s': andi
Plain, and whit is beitaull;:itispOrtable.,:
convenient, and ipfallible:—ltistrop4*-1
ti ce is neeessary,,iirr order C•withl
readiness and certainty; but ti pfile-i
tice will suffice.
As preliminary conditioris,.i.tlii-ikeeesia-'
ry to fix in mind the•number»of-dazspand
• hii Alittial letter - of elelt itonth which is
invariable. Vor these purposes'fliefialow-:
ing mmilnOnic.deFices wijl newer : "
Thirty days bath:September,
4Wrni Sane, "ea! ( l'N'el'aPat)er
• • • The re4, ll eve-trArzYT94, • •
,• lbuts•February,aloimi.:. • ••• : • ,
• "•Wiiieltliiitti eigh.t***9pre; ;
• i
.• • At. Polreft"lfyiflt GeorOtitteVni,:r#MieN
•Orthus:. A , D D•4l, BE G P:A•D F. • '
• Ex,empie--- , Find the Deminteal.letterof.
f 1 tenitniienmbei•
.: . *:*;i4.>(..; •
' . 4 J.. 15„ odd yeo.r . s., "
•:. • • •.. ..8 , lourtik ,part, rejectintirstOtion
_ ~;
i. A.
."-apen Abut . 'the:
Neaps atrtt; of
.39:iterlocw-hone; Oil the ' Sthi
(Mir °W i tte IStli
June, of 1815- 7 *r - 4:Ana fought on the.i
Sabbath. .
41 17-1 TiA8 80 .•:• r • • '
NO. 929 thiphitititreqt,.
Offers, as snitißdeW . Itigßidintlti;' and
-Enindny' Schoolt,4iti*6 itkrlnty 'or • • '
'Brittijd) us PußtldioNs'
. • At • .
Of theite, a largo nnniberls intended for Chlldteu And . Youth
volumes being , Inutdsomeli illustinted by fine en
gravings, nrinted lty eh* tvikkmd well lsiiind. .
TIM assoitntiui' timliriroos or& 'four hundred and fifty
POETICAL, . . ritAcTkcAL, , •
Orders may be egtitto‘ r . ..; II: IN.. THISSZLL,
: • -7
• . • N0.,929 Ohestunt
.• . . • .• .. • •, •
' vtiOT.ttmn6-lireotinva ts to be'tkirriteSto
'eftleirtillSklbi•Wiiidpand' Cie .kirifPelitng St' the ObSprV.iie
oothltinttrittielltanibtrtis of oar Oilireh. We. iiish to :do, hy
thi' enrol, fdi o'nefelloW•citizenp,juitWliat We'ild for qurtiry
congregoition every Sabbath that i4ttf expend& eliplitin anti
preach to them the... Word wg.LiyiligOod. We would, if
possible, furnish aerittonVia betuadimtile Lord's day, in the
lonely, place of our valleys and mountains, where -Upsru-is no
pastor or his ruoutlk.atid shoW the .waYtaf
ha.P.Sile,crowded of-slithers, Strivers,
awl travellers, where aayet there is no -home of worship, we
•o‘4lto to semi the Exrostion, to open to diem the Scrinturyls
anti Preatlvituto diem :lath , . It it 'sell known that a large
'thiothei of the liar( million of souls that are on this coast do
notattendany.ehnrch oiqueeting-houso ;'• many tlionsantis of
Mini never hear a sermon' p reacht.4l from year tO year. We
-would , nt with such:reeding as would remind tlitint
of their early traitting—the home of their yOuth—and aline
them to seek and serve rho deal of their fathers, with a per
fort heart and it:Aeilling Wei hope to make tiro
EXrOSITOI3 a udainonary, that may
. preach even where the
liolportenialid•tlie.evangtdist . do'uot. •
ge. -
-' Not ono ddlianortite sttbscriptaone will be apprortiltiteit. to
dud editor's' private use. All -that is subscribed beyond the
actual coo. will beSpent inceibthdfmr the circulation Of• the
worrAtmong.onr mitres, cattle-drivers, farmers, sailors. and
( Tb.c.F.XPOSllant be- netted every. month; at
Threof.Uptlora pdr,anutun, -in advance. It. will make an
.91 , tm9?'vek-uute 0 (1 0 4r diX. hundred. Is very. neatly
printol, .and on: :mod: potter. The ; postage prepaid .to any
part of the United Suites is wiz osx.v.for each numhern: Gold
dollars, or three dollar pietca, or drafts on the Ban Francisco
Express Colil[Kli i. qq . Cap s. .t.a cur,risk, by mall.
rny.,.frion4l. and . the - Chrbitlans..of ,".the bleared pld
Statese"l wimbi aky, that' thongli California ib midcfng them
rich. we aro pnpi, banding' ui Oldistian institutions,
we need =gorily /your. prayers and sympathy, but we. need
.your.cduir , ibutinas. As a missionary agency, it is difficult
tCr i seetio)k you tap tip as Burch by three doltani in anj , .other
'way, is 'ybu - can cici:hy subscribing for this work: ' mania
thd Poet •011 ice. von can Send it to' preach tO thouistods.
Nth° have been taught to read, but do not athrud "chtireh; 'and
baled(' havilliotunto-gold. . . .
rdErlifinistersi sidore f chiirch officers, and 'others, wko aro
friendlyto hie weirc. aro incited to Het as agents in procuring
subscribers. • Sangria conunistion willtio allevered.:! • " •
mYlritov*short, 'Tile might •confetlr snow when ito:noln'otut
work. 'Let no work whilethe tiny lads. , Oftati.llo
Son Vrapithei . :lothAfildig 74), korrlSam •
ategi Vifift,r§oo ) ih •
r"iffii 4 •
. .
$ . rian
. Y f) 7 1 15 1 4 i 4114 " 1 A
• „PA IL Aligt*i .
rirlin:TerLEs. Coy, Ofilt. , :ilOßD. , •lAtkiptedeby.llittwedfrin
• the:New..Xemiatnent: -'Ey .1. Montague Randall; Vicar ..uf
Asingluun, Suffolk. ~ .I.2ww.t pp. 249.. ;rrice 50 cents:.:..' •
volumem - 111 carry , Instruction to niany: a Mind,. and
comfort to many aliourt. Tile fall of * Josue from beginning to
and, and speaksof him !mina* tender,. loving,. trustful , tone
which shows that the Redeemer was a living reality to the
,author's mind. ,
The rock derives additional Interest from a statement In
tiie.pre . 4ice that. nerirh , blind,:theriethor hestmi.unable to
.;001)5Itlt ninny hodlis,whiqh would II: we. uffordcd hitn .in.
.purtant'' liolstaure., The whole wits.written. In .pencil, with'.
tho 01.aitinstrnmont used to guide the hind writing..
Perhaps thlii seentimg less has added , much. to,thc. real vane'
.of the lmok, Tcry:cOrthinly:tho author has draWn
both for quotation and'llluAinition, fromtkoec.Precious wells .
of salvation the emus] Scripture , .
Pr4.lCt. A Monogniph.of, the. Nell Pprtowi ExoKencerkrt pif.llo." Prici`l.o
Sala lOW MEM •
Reentic'e 'Lessons. By 3irs. SOraN E.,T. Wallace.,. 15M 0.,•
pr. 132. Price 20 and 25 cents.
from the Treii ITelevenly •Whidom.•
tompiled'hY :Annie 'Brooks. 18mo., ' Pried 30 ands
• 55' Cr.loll.
Wily wee .I.LeCtt•or,, hath • done•onli:Thinge Well. By
:Mary, WING& Price•2o and 25.cente.
i..Bilenr,or, Submission i n•Aftlictioni • 18mo.; pp: ad, Price.
.10.conts: . 1 . • .
Ella Graham; or, Great Eacta from: t niall .01uusea..• 15m0.,:
pp. 128. Price 20 and' 5 cants.
Twymen Regos; or, :Maly. Plety: Ilinstratcd. By W. w.;
llill., D.Q, 150. Price 25 end BO "pont&
The lOolidays;eitnil'Vulbinito43whyl Gray-are Observed.]
113n0. v pp.406. ',Price 16' and 20,oento, • •
Hems ' Jewell; ,or ;Ella:Cr . gtojt find twir Brotheni.l
Prifie andlOvents:' . ' '
- • • '
No. M.t. The Service of Song. Pp. 20..
No. •205. Bread upotottiO Ep. B. ' • • ...*
•• 1 IT f •
rni.OPC4IIB thontioneincier lA Friendly 'Warning to'
Young Alen. E,1k r 44,,,,
'AZ 4.l*b e t- tll.
• GEGIPIT Meitti;: lll°°l4 ,
• c5211-it ' •
offsli-HIY6I,JI/132 -PII73t7SSED
An -E4O.4rPIY 'Work,
041:141D SEX
.T q widdi wc respectfully havita„attention. It faun authentic
601"tfintplbtil boOli of refekencti on all pirroitt,
*WM n uL all'raligioua eientio of the year;
A Classified . add Stailaticid .Itocorii of ItelWouS apt 'Moist
qiiPaindatiana inild Untied. Slides Sill( .Eifrope;
•The COnfellsion. of Faith, and Present Eltottslatiti of
Each of the Religious Deuornizuttions of, the United. Stales
' •
and Eurepe;
Statistical of illontl, Bonovohnt and Ednentfonal Institutions
111 the United States; • '•
A-Chtositlqd. Listupd tbo.Post Office Adams of• Clergymen of
nit dehomitiOttOns In tho United Staten;
Zia. of •Leutil n'g Contritontor snit Teatatont to 11.oligtoos and
, Benevolent E nterprises . .
itechhi hf Deaths in the Sltailstry for 'the
fer,Unckeettuidhig the Berlptures.
Axiu Ond Africa.
'Xt;llkflug find Moral biacluirs bf Manki
B..erud lionk4 of all Natioits; .
ddlotriolutry Societies:.. • ' , • , •' • ; . .
Bp)lo Societies of the United States and Europe; ..
.741zious Periodiattgiu the Untted States and Europe;
Nthlnent;Chelitiansisilio . Wive li ieillt . uring' the Year;
Betio& of all Nations •
of_,Geuerona Piontribatora .to Christian .Enterprise;
• 'lstirin;, Yrier:
•Se.; "Se., ' Sc., &c., &c., &c.
Theubovedsliien.rndru 'to 'convey an Idea of the gonkrnl
character of thu work than ni an indes.. to he voluminous
contents, which wilt ,embrace everything, of intert to in
telligent religibuiniltida. ' •
".We,belleve iigenetal record like this, to which corky , one .
might turn for . authentic Inform:4ton on all topic!: of, etterent •
5.0 In It ra 1 inig been h a t ted , mid would be found .
'of great idonveitieneti, not only . to clergymeaanddtherchurch
intheenalsut to all Interest...din thwitiornt rind religious move
:Noah: tf, thehas been the :Out !of.the publishers: to
'oeupi:lge this' wont,' and 'ln TUT AMERICAN
ROCOltll to prasont a work which would enable ail Chris
,tians t0,.0 tide:atm:a onw-anotherla faith, efforts,
end krl.l4th, hi Which each Mould bp' male to mad the oast
and'pregmt, atory'cif.his.ifarticuliti.'donMuliiatilmh' and coin_
;hurts it .wlth that,of Others; tind,in which all .might;.pereolVe
at ugh:nor, firk, the, eiTortkof indLvidual , Institutions, 'end
r thlin • the 'riault Ortlfeir tizategritt3olu throughout the
. •
, ••• concitedon; weiventurs. to, say, thatoo vest an umennt of
viisted, ; information on.. rc/iiious.suhjects hn mover •bcfore"
Aiden brought within'the QM:pied Of a single volume. •
• L1ig.8,44*1100 in telow , Dresier ou good paper, and
mikty. Wund in-mu Flin... Price 51.20. • .. •
;,'COmw: mnilyd, pt...paid, on reclipt of 51.2. ,
W'AfFENIEI . WANTED in all panel of the country.
!• C.' CLAItIi &'3lKKlC'ER,Tublishprs,
No. 49 Wtilker 5tA9* . 1.464 , YOrk;frind
;, 41.416-3 m , 221 Wo4loinotou Fstri6t4sOwton.
i'•.i 'OR.'
i • :• i/PYGLAND;
. 4405A1r4eigno: of ;.E d.ward.Bixth nil 'Elizabeth;
; f , 544 . 10.Ef.; 110E6 S. , .
Royal. Octavo. Cloth. WO. :
firstvolumo_of, this great tent* bad .a , remarkable sac
itiltby thegiindral iota: of the Mat critioc, the' author
la avertgited n pima in the front rankof An:aria:LW Hifttoritina.
iThe *atom Journai mo,ye ; of him: "Mnny of his -adadrars
regitid'hba ns the most Trombang litinclklate, among.. youngur
writers. to fill the place in our literature, left vacant 'hy 'the
. . -
Thesecond volmne will ho found more &min:ding aim the
first. It comb.inoa the charm of rornatiOoith the truthful
ness of Meted, - ;. • • .tt .
tab Thidiop of Calcntlh. 7 'Wifii •Toitralts, Illustrations, and
, ..• .ap of his Trawls.
. M.
Rot it Octai6. Cloth. $BOO
°nee take rank amongthe beat Meinniraofiroxiern
Hines. TM subject was a , great. and good man: , a forenusit
leader lutiong the mainline , and ,useful.rners of-this century.
,Thelitegremherluosexcciatedlils. work with grout. ability and
discretion, and the render is brought Into cequaintatice 'with
the atatimnim Rod Thibintlimpletti of England; and with
prominent military otheere;ren,l eiyellanu in India.• • Life in
J .ull' Its .wonetatrful rnriety, le. timely piirtrayell.:botti
before and—
do rim,: the late' mutiny. • The .Glirietlan. will be
charmed by the.corneet,piety which everywhere pervades the
volume,. and the general rendes' will. be attracted by its won
• Oudot stoma of information:
ci4R1 . 31" 1 -INI
• BY 110i115R4' TtriI.NBULD,7),I):
1.1310. .Cloth. $1.25
. ghis ablelrork..:on its first.oppcarit nes,. recelved.a. cordial
malcinde from scholars and •theologinne, as a most important
contribution to religions literature.; It furnishes a key to all
bnmumbistory by unfolding the• true relation of .the Lord
Jesna Gliritir to our world. as the Alpha and Omega,:the • be
ginning and the en,•all things: 11m -initial centre around
which the providontiol government of God revolves. nnillittward
which all human thought and nctiomiconrorge.. The; YOll4llll
hop baewrovised and indanred for the. present edition. ,
.; " ', • *kW' • • •.t
Itertoiite to the Doi ; of
.)TorlPrn ' ' • ,
. • Brno. Cloth. t31.2.45:'' '- ' •
sale' At the fli4gtasks edition or Ho .in. a coif
days; ittiksts the pnbtic opinion of yaw: •ThVyalce of the
prtsts is aiiio 1110 AL its farm:. ' ditnrevettnens may
bu given :
• ."Ilirconsiiintriate IsariiinA;judgnientlanditeh'einrribility,
duiplaytal Iv Mr. ltitlylinson. itt hisedithm`of Ildroclotteg are
exlribited. in this wurk , also?'—Nortie
In its special. application, oi scalar Islet:try to thtitiltii
iratioa ottlic sacred record, it an intermt anti value
ffii• iitl t 1 of students which can expressed in wohbt.
Vtisee not how Any nisui'of candor can mad Chid volume sad
retain n doubt m to the nutlienticlry of the histoeleal books
oor•tite.old4ostanient..—/ndepeadcati • • •
"The volume. la n grmt advance upon anything before in
the hande of the'Euqlisli andcut."—thnigregatimialisf.
" A nohleli . 44,lcif2ttio inufouingsi ittibitist A xdlvalue."—
" No more important wotik in vindication of the historical
accuracy. and credibility of the Scriptures has everappeared!!
Itcpublioctir. •
~05j.t..vd,11, iv) rOut, mith . imofoun4 'lntel : eat b 4 Y , ':fieisans
every croll, or Ike creed et all."—Ctincinnati Gazelle.
Air., Copies sent!br wail; post-paid oa.reccipt 'or price.
fol! 9 4.trlY , .r,. 59... Washington
E •A N.- BALI N , D , S••••
,:' •:•'•iA:-:BRITT'ON '• •
Manufacturers and Wholesale and *int! Dealers,
• aliOveiMeket;Vhilidelphia.
The larva., cheapest, and 1)1.4 asaortalerit PLAIN and
Ta'Nor ( Hume opatiyothee ostablisbinent theihtitii . Stittett
4%7 ILE.TVERINCI : promptly.. attended to. Give .ns a pall
. .fi•bB-ly
• • •
Bort 11../ Street,:
eArAVElßANK:o•oo4llerrieton. • . •
Market awl Chustuut Ste., Philadelphia, have for ardo
''"""'"Dry F ind"Silt~ii~ " SptitPißfi " IIiiT~~;
Dry and Green Salted Patna Kins;Tztn4r's Oil, Tanner's and
Currier'a Tools at ttidloweltimee4 tind:niwn the beat terms.
.11/Z- All kinds pt Leheuir itt.tbe. rou4L IVllnted, for which
the highest market price vrill be' giveet cash, or taken In
exchange h,r lilies. Leather doted free of charge. and soli
ou COllll/11614011. ;14131294y
srAING AND ,spun .. GOODS.
t 0... „5A..., !..ytte., Street Pittsbarwir.
ReapectfulliimiteWitabllenttentlon•to hie new and eatenatee
•roßtoumtof FashibhableSl4ll.ND AND SUMMED UOOD3,
etelbeaeing allltlier nuw and daintble •fftylext for gentlemeh's
wear, which will be nudla teeorder in Dui !very heed manner,
at Jew nOla • „ .nmrl7-Iy,
' 3111.301111F.110311:16710..
;VC). 104 FOUR anuarr,
BetweenMpod,and Bin itlifteld;t3trefts: .•
' OFF leg• 11FAFRII:
' •
. I FrOlNeeilfb;li AAt,
gitk I •ft •CO.
~SILLOR bar "
!larch Jitth; 1860;
AP474.42rD c9iits.Pir2 srock OF
DRESS Ci-ocaps, ezc..
to•O Flounces
.11NIV.A 11 KY, • OM'S, from 610 9 Ploonces.
belt EOS FRANCAIS, front 5 to 9 Flounces
'RAMA* ANGLAIS. from sto 0 Flouncys.
COl , onstbertbikktßOES•Prlnted, FOULARD SILKS Printed,
Also, on elegnZtment of•OlLthellatest novelties in
i ;11:- 'A
A large n..ssortment of
el e (A SP 18.. M. •
And tbe most tlesiroble stoc)c of, ,
HOTJSEK.EEPII4I3I:. .000,1)8
Pivilt.Oessießaitirtu.sMagnvr.• ragri.4IID.ROVEN
the lanast style and all the varieties wft . • •
to tortiipriggs, • 1 'bia r kigii i . •
NI •
86.0 . U,! an.a. ..job
PAP} RS, of. itlarkk: and Second,. and Wood. and
Thiid Strepts;Pitt;ilturgh. Pn. '
''Pstetittilar attention paid to prlnting,Catalogues for Colleges
and kentinarie.-t, Progranufmee, InPlunitts, 'Sod School Reports.
i .
'A L L ' -. A P - E• It St
.. Fo - r.", 1t36Q.,•; . ...
. . ~
.. .
_. . .
• : 150;000- , -ROLL.S -. .' OP WAIL - t- - PAPER'-'•• • •
AND BORDERS . .O• Iretrelf.'" " . ' 1
:. ''.lientitifitiiramp • ed • Gold tor poiltbni. . • . . '
• .ZButiiiidirilristt4.4 aiid.Oola.
.. • • Il'ondsonw•hnll and chamber Tiatterns: • • • . • •
Pancle Rod columaafor.charches.
• TI{OI7SAAMS •of rails at d . ivan-pence, sod tlionsaniis at .
• six. •iqglie,• or ten cents:'
.. Window-Curtins; Fire-bottrd Pzinte,a'eeter tope, &c..
For Hale Ily WALTAR. P. MAJ!.1511./ILL,
• nt the old stand, No. Si 11ood St., Pittsburgh. . .
. .
at. it. XIicATATRICK, I ?AUK if...E.M.V.AItaIOI4 •
"Lae" of , Late 'will :Gillet:l6le, Zell*
:varlet AY ) Mittzget: • '
KILMEPA t irRIVIE . 'ft' CO }
; . 0-r.0cer€4.43....
pammiainsa..:AND-,commissrox JlBRair4hrT4
• . • ~.Art,xosoLits :
• ,11 xprqopT , nop
opliositekOolf Of Siiitlifk]
• PIT TBII . UR P A. .
&do of Country Produci.
- Particular attentlon.l4l4 to gm
s' 's
LO raf.A AS& et.IVED
7 ,.
The most simple,--economical, and.-durable -article ever
offered to the public to alleNiate the discomforts of wash-day.
consists of a metal cylinder, with, riles on the inside, and
'an interior 'cylinder of wodd; with ribs. 'There is a space nt
irons six . to eight ibehee between . the, two .CYliFtdellt• en° .
crank turn' both cylinders at the same time in opS=diree
'think rapidly Creating st Suds, -forcing the ~thiter ("the
clothes, and effectually removing the dirt. The eotion I. the
-writer does the work quickly, dispense! entirely With rubleng,
and thus saves:the wear of clothes. • • • '
• 3 04' ! Jortee. Alley,Phila4 is Agent forPenneYlling 3 -
SULLIVAN & HYATT, Proprietors'... • .
0. Beckman Street, New York.
N. 8.--State and County Itighur for sale, end purchasers
01 , Plied with ledlteidnes,rit:!wh'Pilailiir, terms- I
A !Machine is in operation by a 'enflames daily, at our
Salairdont; 439 Br(llldWaY.. 0 • Inetri7-3in •
.E.."I4;v4TE THE —*TIT NT lON OF .
the the
--- , Housekeeping Dry, Goods Store,
,w . ht,re malt beSound rt. large. assortinent:ot all kinds of Dry
Goods, required in furnishing a ,houss,' thus saving she
trouble usually experienced in huntibiesueli• l aitieles,•
rions places. In consequemee of our giving our attention to
this kind of stock, to theratlitirion of dna. and fancy goods,.
we can guarantee our prices artd•etyicti.t4 be the most favora
Isle in the xnarliet. •
! •-• IN- IvINE.N. GOODS; • •
we nre.nblet to gins perteqt miiiitactien, being. the Oldest
toe/irked Linin: Store in the city, and having been irk 'note'
• thaw twenty years• regular. impoltora from some . otthe 'best
manufacturers in Ireland.- We offer, also, a large stock of
of the ' , best litUttlititsi'tei he 'obtained,. • and • at:tlie very loiveat
5°,714v3ke, Quilts,.Sheetings, Ticking!, Damask
le4l B,lthd'Napk t4,
inicTOWollinga, Distpers;liuCkabbeks,
Table and Piano Covers, Damasks and -Aloreans, 'Lace and
3lnalin Curtains, Dimities, Fmnitnre Chintzes. Window
Shadings, &c., JOAN V. cowELL 6 SON,
S. W. corner of Chestnut and Seventh Sts..
wF . • eans/. • ..` • 7Philadolplifit.
.splaporp. pcts. . . •
,Ge• - n.t e e s ,Aaa roue s ,
• at t at ek ultrisW ; embracing ju. rttf . ll Inttr.i r'eu'ser'eu'se ri
of' Ftenth suirrEliktbelt
• 1 .• elltaiNtet2E : f3 * AND S COATiritB;
iT A gsher..with,.; Simi. an -asuortmeat •ot .111ank- and,Cakired
ClA.)!llig AND VYISTY 14(45, ns the manuanctories of 'Lampe
num) Innduenoilticlunre - adatitecl tiptliirwiutta alehilkileil of
tsl.444.also.appracLata style and quality hk clothing..
. • . • • SAlifintri' GHAT 4017.
. 11311 r*Y •;:, • • EP. /9. 1 :1 11 b St; 4tittatturgli.
:gar.licol: NV FIU:N•,D ' • .
••; , .rritT.rozar; gAIMPAY; sTitV75l . • COMPAIIIY, ,
!!'..+.4Bairtoisil by po.4lBs6 , ol:l4unsylvantn.•
; )•• ; . " , .
.• . .
Monexjareenlvod every day, and in any amount, large
•2. EITE.PERAMINT. interest, is-prild for. niciney from the•
; 11,...The money is alwaysLonidtkock iteGOLD, Uhenever'it is •
palled for, Fuld without notice..
'MOney is received' from Eioontors; Adminintiniors,
aitardlaws and gthors,.who.dadro to hi velt,ln a place ofper
lea glifety, a i
nd v liCre interieri . ain 61.44iined for it.
6. The money received 4lnmi depositors is luvestedinitlDAL
lira class securltien as figereitattor directs.
6. OFFICE 1101.11I 1 9,ENery day from- 9 till 5 o'clock, anti
on Mondays and lehinidayttfirl'il in the evening.
ZION. LIRNRY BEENER,..?resident. •
• • TieirPlit4ilderitt
Wqiiam J. Reed, SecreNrli , , '
"•" 111r , OFPItR: WalutitEtreet;
• , ' !, • i 1,10312103'
NrE.B;BrAi Sire M i ILEA:ar: - DrSr:. •
. - Tho underPigndi.wiltalXend 36 the . locating of ;Luta Ws4- .
rauts in the )nilitut anti ,lifebmslia, City hind diAricpp, pi: T.
The' hind sales will . take pla the 'ino nth'? of July had
August. Aftarrhe sales, Laud Warrauta ca be. need. : The
• lauds Of this Territory are of the, finest quality. Wm' selee-
Mani eau hemsile near :the; 3fileiourfitiver, neer settle,-
mente. All warmuts eriteusted,to my cam will be located.on
lan i, selected 1 atrellif Emil •exttthinerr.
,44.teno ofdoquiry,revrett). .Terms:reasesiaele. • ;
, F. ,
Otiapulus, Cass Cbatity, N.T.
::REFERs'Itb '
ICRAPTERI I;taAnkens, , Tittaburgh;-
.& BLACK, "'
BICVi.II..ISVIONN'EroTaL j • " • • •
11)R.EXEL &. CP., Xtankera, philadalplita, , • . , •
LomiboritT,' toiditor Patina.
PICKAN, .0 ARDNEIt• .00,-Bankezoi rßoilidayaburgi Pa.
M. LLOYM 5; CO., pankero? Altoona? Pa. 1
G K0..10 IitOWICY,-Xuat; Oldaaki% ' •
ROILItY.• Esp., St. . . •
Plebs: ' O.' 5173 ' UtiapolUi, 13 : T. • " ic":4:er
ciW"E'W • T.:k; ''lrz.VitEitto
. •
y-1" - .-i -.1, -T ~ .X.0,11.4-NE).-;
smitlifield. skeet,,Pitifbitrgh t „„
(ttencry tfpnelts the Custom House, ) has just oiencillii very
shako ection of
of, the 14tonfinporintions. A 150 , ..,
Now Orfeane, - Culla, Coffee; Crushed; , and 'Pedverited'Sir
Wee, nice Floor. Pearl and Corn Starch,. Farina, •Ytaxt ow ,
do's; IlinecnioniTTeirriiiealf, Coo* proms, Irxtrn - Xii.l; and
Spiced Chocolate; Pure Ground S,picea; Airdood,
Toilet, Palm, Garman, and Rosin Soaps: Sup. Carbanate of
Soda; Cream Tarlar;....Ext.r44:ine .Table Salt; Pure Extracti
Lemon and Vanilla: star,lfould,,and Dipped Candice; Sugar-
Cured Hants; Dited,PM4.4 Water“ Butter, Sugar, and Soda
Cmckers; Foreign Fruits, &c., &c.
Are. TWA eta& hint been. purchased•feir CASEIt and *ill be
offered to thuTiatle, n and ! also to, Fiunilies,.. at very moderate
advancks, frNi wlweg alit'resiniettully - nolielt a slran3 of
ir •y rr , :.. 0 : 1 , •F,
The i'BestAtt:: :Use.
Them Ma hineß inn Tit thq tocii gi.kerW," WOO
j„e Uudeitbirthe " • •
utw but littie Thread, work. ahimet qloiselesslyvare
amide, and easily,operpted,
izAap§ p 44,4
• I'p - 441',560,et, 'Allegheny .04,
Op:SEND, .F0:1? d CIRCULAR G 0
(fate BATES & Jetnises,)
Sole Manufacturer and Dealer in the following three distinct
kinds of Roofing , :
let. Gum Elastic Cement, Felt and,Canvas Roofing.
2d. Improved Felti . Cenient - andGrerel Roofing.
4 / 1 - 1 4 iV t,1 1;i:;', 1 % .1 t 1 glitt;:atit4
Roofing Material for sale, with printed instructions for
: ' • - '••
••• • • '•'
,43,-,oMce at Bate% & Johnson's old stand,.
TS Sialtbfleld Street, IttibttrgS. Pa...
-"^Vll3:—:27iiiiGM&.C.Elittitfi l ifUlaiStpiallett as' a paha for
la4ting twice SS: 104 g,, iiild cheapefthan,ranninitit
paint; also as a paint to prevent *tupness in Brick Walls.
.poi Brilliancy and,= Econon%
etyloe 'of rota oil toznpe per
fecklygiefe, end
fie front-all :offensive odor., Icianukactiired
'and fur sale by
fell-ly 167 LISMRTY STREET, PL1T311:444';
.70111ST T D: AMOR))' sAms''3: `M'CORD
AINTfr IlEitElt` lir ;
Hats-, 'Gaps, and ' Sera* aso.ds,
I Wood Street, Pittsburgh,
it;;tir rittli4;tui:;rie rend cinnpleta 013
OAVittYfelit of Goods , as tan: Wraith - in' any cif'tlie . 1 iieteiti
cities, consist/n.01 . '
Fur, Silk, aiael Wool. Hats,
at' every style and quality; CAPS , of. every gnalitY dryllatest
fiialiidast Darla Stitinv,':•Leghorn, tined Panain iIrATS
Stray, and .Sirk, poNNETs, etc.,.. pevanris
.aufeliac'e CiiiitiC s by - aliClCsale or 'AO , tail,'ti - ill Mid it to ttieli
idly tyitisp to con 'and, examine oar stock.,
sivtboa l ETB.VEZ
Prner of I t lootold Aikvi'lNlgthurghs Pai
Saddies, -Iramess,. and Trunks,
• jell-1 •
IlUrilkitti44_3llP3ll3i.p.olo c•f 4041E...4'
NOR Tift4ittSti'
ti V E-S - ' Aft E-R A N ,
For Familiesr, and DEST- WOOD COOK--sTorv.E..
A*r. , N0.,245 LIBERTY STREET, ta the he*d of Wood.,
l'lttebefith .
'": ' febl44y
• • , , •
Wishing to reduce my stock of Renting Pianos,' spill sell
the folldwilig"desintidh lot of &Ali and' 20Corfil-baiid Pianos
now in store and ready- for, examination and ~ E4le mt the
hicfremely low prices annexed to them, and thOse echo do
Purchase may' be 'essueedi that 'such am appoVtunity:lti sel
dom offered. On those Tacked for O t tss, no discount
Those, for:sale, on. credit,
gi ven , and toned be settled for by - noto, payaido in `tlie city.
•or a disci:mat .of three' per. cent. .for, cash: The follawtng
Roewood Seven Octave ,PJAnos
A new and. elegant 7 octavo Rosewood Louis_
stitli all the lattist Unfirovements, made, csfirellb for
suhatriber, andx"iill be warranted. The factory4nicv :
of this styleits+oo; for:este at ' --4895
Aubthee of the same stile and price- 3re
Another from the same maker. in an elekantlinseSsbod . •
• Qum nilanfectuveis'im ice 370 ; thr 290
An eleglnt Itosewood,7 octave 1 iano, made by, Slaer8011:1, Boston
On pet - gent order and in use klss thap,one yelft , ;
price wiieri. new weir X 350..
A richly cart 7 oeuvre. new and large sealiStßbsSifocitt ,
Piano, made by A. IL Gale, the New York price of
which one year ago WM Itibb 200
Tmooleggut ROlieWOod 7 octave. tioness,carved
ing4; "teale`frortiA. to A;'nut& by Onle - & Co!".
, 54"41 6 1,1_ ,
'ered.ty" good judges air nmerit.-the iftrativifithilqi'vaT
iTork , Mskers, , attthe•low,Prke of • . ....... W -
Ons) wain style, 63octaves, 250
`Otte Rosewood' Chlckering Snii'd i;hthv4 old
scale; - use no. more tletn oixquentliktheretailinice
h ofovMak i 8 $375, ' 290
. .
. • • ONLY
A oc t av e, mado4 by.
Otivickeripg'A" • - • snic k .
."•Acßoscskood,,S•oog.nie, trWalklnsosat
MalMitay,s , A
• -
Mahogaay,-6 untar.. Chichaykriiiiitetvait: .
A Mahogany 6 octave, Landektßra.4...",u.:.-4.414 ...... ... -j g i p
A Rosewood, 6 octave s Chialuming 7.60-
A Rosewood, 6 ectaveriVitrinlA'ffiark
9 °
cit t s e stSt h lttbar. org to , a , dioante ,
teb26•ly 'Wood - Street 1
RIVA - 111 AF At. C O.'S
rmataar-strivatere .-Duktating.
These unrivalled Macbliitiljain4Vetdatter be Sold at the
. .
following .
:r • ;
Small Machines ................ ........ $36,00
tame • .. .. . ... . ............. 40.00
. (painter ..... 45.00
" in half esim 50.00
". " full case. • • €6.00
• .Wealihn for this Machine lellirFOlM. over any other Ma^
chine ever made, for the following reasons:
Ant: Beth the -viper and Mader tiathida . are used direct/y
.from. the ofiginal, spool, thus doing annyleith theronble
re-defecting, against which So ntany-complalnts are' made.
•• 2d. It can be•worked backWlLtda;Mrtrt'n ad .I °rWardS,Vitit
thename facility, can he started.,with.the foot alone, and is
'always - right.
/ 3d, •It uae.n a peipetalicidar ieedlCobar, and straight needle,
and starer biTaks weedks.
4th. It is so simple that it can be very easily /earned and
vended, by a child twelve years of age. •
sth. It la almost I:else/en.
.By the combination of these • features, Se important in a
'Sewing Machine, we are enabled to offer to the public a
'lllaehineiritich snits the under s tanding an wellsa the pang,
Oran. •
Every Machine is fully Warranted. •
•Tooln and' fuliPrintecUdirections accompany oach Machine.
Jay- Ageata wanted tn,every.tewn throughout thecoantn-,
nntin prontaldelcroza, It'd no possibility of loss. Send fur
Circular of terms to Atiantra. ' •
W. ICOR.TI01:01", , Oencial Agent,
igeoc . ,o Market Street. (np stairs,)
Phial., re,. pa,
. ' • •
has removed to
No. 246 Perie'Stieet,
iii the houie fornawly acetipied by Dr.O 11. •Soper; oppodte
Christ. chltrelt..: Ile rill give:all the -modern: tatprov'eraents.
Teeth i welted at various ;niece, .
• '• FROM "$l . O 'TO $62 PER
Re . v.;W: D:lttokutp, • Rev:Slikma. IPlatotxr.•
A. littapur, • A. G. M'CA:sbLLSB,
'J. 11:11emitxs ' Thirst,
Dr. Geoaaz H. Ezrges,, W. PUIIIIIN4; •
Ssatilm. 7
•• • -‘ 7l. WU' G . 4 "ea VD:I3,
. • . if s ,l itukiskrzi:s .AND' rrutirmcze;
RoN A T I ATION, sonnzgas; or.any. a of
6 GHIL t
TEnovr. CBRED ; the Hacking Cough
.•• ,‘• L C")' :•Gmisufnption,
.'Bronchitis, \Moving
( CJ
.. • ' Conon .Lozvoni. •
" A simple; and elegant combination for ClUechs. Ac."
Br. G. F. illoanw,.l34:efon.
liffaire • pro s fed extremely serriciable fleihscnect."
• Rec:HaXllYWAintudecit.
"I recommend their use to Public .spcakers..
Rev.' R. 11. Cna.rix, New'York.
"Newt ardniarY id'ilroectritj.r."
Rec. E: SejunuEb, Morriedown, Ohio.
. .
"Beneficial when compelled to speak. suffering from Cbld."
• Ter. S. J. P. Azenzengos, St. Louis.
"Effectual in rerooling Heart...mess and Irritation • of the
Throat,_se . common with 'Speakers and Singers.'
• •' .
.Yeacheeof Music. Sonthenryetuale Ooflege.
"Great henefit when taken before. and. after. preaching, as
they 'pievent Thio.Wteneso. Front theft- past "hir&t, I think
they will . bc . oLpuwstpont sulsantage.to_mc.7 _
lt ev. E. ROITLF:T, A.M.,
President Athens College, Tenn.
2139 - Sold by .10.11!xtwists. at 25 rents per box.
.Loidnioss,., for: MlnjApidgC, Indigestion, •Constiliation; Mead
maim Dfllma Afferbojwi. &C. nol9•6nn
rt TAMTitfi'ir Niwr,4:Tvit •• E
• • • • BST LISENBIit
Lopated,atMayaville Station: on ,the Pittsburgh Ft. Wayne
iital - Chlwig6 BA-Broad; mid Ohio River. tete niitta Treat of tho
•City.: Thia:X.ristitution dombimeg saPerior adrantagea, for the
enecessful treatment and cOmpiete cure •of disease. We
would especially invite the attention of fninales who hive
suffered thr ; year., and have Minuet atiimalred of,finding
lie[.tc our astablishment. We can recommend this rnstitu
tion, to Blind° eufferers aith grearcontidence. as In oar. limg
expezience in diseases peculiar - to their sex, we. have had An
almost uniform success. We will gladly give any further
infarmation tokhassearlo desire it. Address Box .1304. pate.
burgh, Pa. - iI. FltBA:.% 31. D., Physician.
; : . .,',. : •!?..:.- + . !;11.;
.i',l,*'!: ').1:!"0:144.--4.
of the Front age, have so:T*0401 grilti
caljthrough years of trial. ElsiiYgtico
is ienderol tiy
HOOP Ittrwa ,
idirer Comfylen!, Dys.pciala„Jamidice, Nervous De
Thoesees of the Sielne4",
ettti - eII . dimwit* arieleg from theorclered liver, or weak
' nest. l 4 the Stomach and Digestive Orgaut,
_fizrzeirst Y QWTIVELTntwri
Kee onr.Almanao for proof. Plucrvis,mutekporaottllo.
lioalland's Balsamic Cordial
— Aral roarermi.earaz
Coughs, Colas, or Hoarseness, Ilronebi*, Tatum,
"Crinig;ltkai, InkiiiiiitiVoniturtptaort,
astonishing coxes wirer blown
°AU. a,Morrhozi °Orilla!fi r s uttetgratelk=l'utakil amt.
per, lxittle,
hetet well'known thrtnighwat Stirope:and America, needs
, no oommyndation •hero. They are mwely7egetable, are
prepared with great "eaiernise, Ina ire eigerioarid. No
bett: batliiiiie fill can' borratini- 'Plidei'2s eta. per box.
-,These medicines-ate dmaPariaLby "Dr. JuSSON &
Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and St. Louis, lila, and era sold by
drunists and dealers in medicines everywhere. The Big
mai* of a 'ait.''seciiiliozersifit'a laytli oritelde' of each
bOttle or bit. • ;
; I.n oar “ 46: ! ow l ep Aintrautc,',"ptablished annually, yon
, incl . ...testimony and commendatory notices froze all
Para bethetcinityry., thew Almau 6s l to gteetinway by
all cui-Agtki,=;
Wt:':'.. Ai.r.'NgES
• ','. . t eieli - * drii"tibilii: .-.
. .
- .IIIIIE - 7countenatite Tarot leaden
cnkiteclOvithlodeabititial-flushes;'or a cir
cninseribed' Oriel both cheek§; the
eyes , become : ',dull; the, pupils dilate an
apre.semiciiele rims: along the lower eye
lid;,:the nose is• irritated, swells, and some
-times - - bleddi;..a swelling. of the upper- lip;
odCa'sional heacladhe, with humming or
vtliiobbittg - Of the ears; an unusual - secretion
of saliva- slimy or 'furred tongue; breath
.very, foul, particularly in the 'morning; op
- petite-variable, sometimes voracious, with a
knowing sensation 'of the' stomach, , at others,
.tintirelyione;: fleeting pains in the stomach;
oCeasi64l',...nause* and. 1/oinking: violent
Tams.throug othe aomen, .bowels
regular; at times costive; stools slimy; not
, unfrequently-tir!g&l with blood; belly swol
ieivalidnbard.;”urine turbid; 'respiration oc
liikinally and . accompanied by
ccoug ; coug sometimes dry and cortvul
.4l;ev uneasy .parr disturbed sleep, with
grinding:of • the' , teeth; temper variable, but
generally' irritable ; &c.
"Whenever' the abOve symptoms
found to exist,
Will certainly'effect a cure.
universal success:: whiCh has at
'tended the 4 , d-thitas — trAfaii . cif 'thit prepar
ation.,, been such} as to .warrant us in
Ourselves; to 'the public to
evetY,ißsz.2llcq 'Wtiereit . 'shotilsi prove inef
fet'pral,:.,‘lnnyiding the symptoms attending
At sickness: of :the:child or adult should
warrant the ,suppositiOn of worms being the
'citutelP: Iniltcases:the - Meclicine tube given
x. N I F# j plelge ourselves.; to the public, ti at
M-Lane'S Vennifuge
int,a.ny t .fonn; and that, it, is, an innocent
preparation, , not cdpabio, of doing the
:dighteit injury to the inost - tender infant
Address sii.orders to
~ w
FLEMING BROS:i 'PritstußcH, PA.
T 'l P e
;Dealemapi t d phr, ordeeingdrorn others than
14 *Cita theleatilera distinctly,
and none -wit , orr zeti4o4 ,- .oiveirie by Flevalt9
talfor.,lll4sbangiry-Ib: , ,To those. wishing.h 0 give them a
trial, we, ~rod - per tmad, post pant to anyisnt of
the Mated Seidel; ,bbx of Pills' for •tweltin' tbreo.cent
'' ) liklidagVildnifiniPdifeng , Slat nflTettrdfageo die fonrteen
tidsooen * ps:, • 411-ord sys ion-Pon** must be ac
fisPr i6 f.o7 i? n " extra `
` 411 " i r °i: P 1 4 16 '0 ) 0404 1 Of 4l l44Aolvt roeTerg