Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, April 21, 1860, Image 1

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Editors and Propriotors.
IN Muss 1.25
For Two DOLLARS, WO will send by mail seventy numbers,
and for ONE DOLLAR, thirty-three lattrthera. •
Pastors sending us TWENTY subserlbem and upward,,,, will
be thereby entitled ton paper without charge.
A RED PENCIL MARK on the paper, Opines 1 hat Alie
term is nearly out and that ivy &elm a renewal. . ~ .
Renewals should be prompt, a little belbrelbpygar,explreti.
Bend payments by safe bands, or by mall. .
Direct all lettere to DAVID '74IKINIVET ;li' CO. ,
' '
Pittsburgh . , re. '
There is nothing More 'common than
this—discontent I All of us are, more or
less, discontented. •We are prone to think
every place better than.this place, and all
times -better than 'ibiese 'times. 'We are
either looking with regret to the past, mur
muring, " Why. were the former days better
than these days ?" 'or•gazing dreamily into
the futnre, Sighing for the "good time
coming." ..How happy we were in child
hood, we think. How happy the people
are in New.',En glan d or California,. or. the
green islands of the sea;. forgetting all the
while - that, in all probability, people in
California, or New England are thinking
just the same of us—how happy the people
must be in this calm, conservative • old
-COmmonwealth, where men don't speculate,
ind so must sleep soundly and long. For
getting, too, that in childhood we were
looking forward impatiently to the very
times we are now in, think how happy we
would be when men and- women, to think
for ourselves, cut a figure, and make our
mark in the world. The man . here wishes
to be there. The man there wishes to• be
here. The old man sighs to be a boy again,
and the boy is impatient to be a _man.
Such is life 1' Such is our discontent;
leading our thoughts away forward, or away
back, while we are here. ,A man sits in-the
cool shade of his native valley, gazing on the
distant mountain top. He thinks how
beautiful it must be up there ; the sky so
blue, the gray rooks looming up like
guarded battlements in-the distant heavens,
while the mountain herbs seem soft Ats
tufted moss in the dreamy distance. So,
impatient of his monotonous valley, . ho
dashes up the mountain side, only to find
the air piercing cold, the rocks rough and
jagged, cutting his weary feet, and the
green shrubbery, which looked like tufted
moss in the distance, .here full of bristling,
spiked thorns. Things do not look so well
at hand aS. in the distance. Cheated here,
he looks into the valley beyond,. much more
beautiful than -the valley he has left.
There is a lake there, on which the sun
- shine falls, beautiful as a dream. . There is
n cottage on its shore,. among clumps of
densest foliage. The smoke curls so grace
. fully among the forest trees—a very Para
dise, he feels. Surely, if happiness be in
the wide world, it must dwell in that quiet
cottage; in the hearts of the humble cot
tigers by that peaceful lake. He thinks
of the fireside, 'cleanly swept, the sunlight
falling on the burnished floor, where the
baby lies asleep. All peaceful, pure, - and
good 1 So he leaves the ragged' mountain
for the peaceful valley beyond. But 'when
he nears it, he finds himself cheated again.
The lake proves to be a swamp, -With a foot
of stagnant water, where reptiles crawl'the
livelong day. The trees are dark, dank,
and poisonous. The cottage is the home of
a drunken woodman, where crime, - want,
and filth make life a. burden. All is
wretched here. Peaceful and beadiful
enough it looked from :the mountain top.
He could not, at that 'elevation hear the
oath, horridest of all, that falls from female
lips. lie could not see the filth, vilest of
all, that gathers about a' runkard's cottage
door. The sun glanced brightly enough on
a foot of stagnant water, and made it look
a very crystal lake indeed. So it is. Such
is the experience of life. There is better
than here; then is better than now; that
is better than this—in our imagination ! '
Contentment, then, "is great gain." It
saves us'many a - weary foot'; many a restless
night; many a foolish speculation ; many
a ruined fortune ; many a broken heart.
It may be cultivated, by keeping a - light
rein on our thoughts and fancies; giving
them plenty to. do where they are, and
keeping them at it. The industrious
worker is never a busy traveller. -The man
that is busy doing good where he is, does
not much wish or need to 'go where he is
not. Calm faith in God, submission to
his will, and a faithful 'discharge of present
duty, will prove a sovereign cure for all our
restlessness and discontent. But if, when
your thoughts would nestle at home, you
stir them up, and drive them out, you
will follow them—now one, now another—
a distracted man, to the earth's end. H.
Tor the Presbyterian Banner
Of the Rev. John Smith, a Presbyterian Mintator,
to his Brother, the Reu. Peter Smith, a Methodist
Preacher. . -
REY. PETER SMITH :—Dear Brother
Since my last letter, the Rev. Mr. Jones
has preached another sermon on the salva
tion of children dying in infancy. After
the congregation was dismissed, the follow
ing conversation took .place between two
members of the Methodist Church:" Well,
Doctor, did not the Calvinists receive a
pretty severe handling this evening ?" ":So
they did, Madam, but it strikes 'me that
Brother Jones would have done as well had
he given his reasons instead of so many
loose assertions. Suppose that. Calvinists
do as he says—believe in the damnation of
infants—l do not see how this relieves the
difficulties that beset our own system. I
expected to hear a series of calm and dig
nified arguments to-remove the objections
which Mr. Smith urges against the Armin
ian Theory." " Dr. Blackstone, don't you
think that Brother Jones can easily answer
all the objections which Mr. John Smith
can bring fbrward against our doctrines ?"
"That may be, but it is certain that he did
not do so to-night. I atnnot a theologian,
but Mr. Jones is a theologian, and as he
gave out word that he would answer all ob
jections brought against our views of grace,
I supposed he would make good his promise."
"What are .these great objections Pray,
tell, Dootor. Did not Brother Jones make
it plain, that all infants are saved by grace,
in opposithin to Pelagians and Socinians,
and did he not make it just as plain in op
poiition to the Calvinists, that Elrod would
be an Almighty Tyrant if he. did not save
infants by grace ? Is 'there any difficulty
in all this ? To my mind this subject
never appeared in so clear a light .before."
" On the contrary, to my mind, madam i the
theory of our Church on' this .point .looks
like a sheer contradiction, and the longer I
fix my attention on it, the more striking'.
the contradiction appears. Brother Jones,
quoting. from our last Christian Advocate,
showed the absurdity of the doctrine that
infants were involved in ruin for Adam's
sin; this being so, how are infants saved by
grace, if they were never lost? What has
grace to do with their salvation ? And is
Mr. Smith :far , .out of the way, when he
tells us we had better drop the term grace
when we speak about the salva
tion of infants?" ~ H ere the conversation •
was broken off. The day Dr. Black
stone politely requested me, to, state on pa-
per, our views of infant ,salvation. I did
so, and the following is a copy of the state
ment I sent him :
MT DEAR DOCTOR :--I cheerfully com
ply with your request; and will come at
once to -the subject. By one man sin en
tered into the world, and' death entered
along with sin, And so- death passed on all ,
seen, on infants as well as , adults,' for that
all have sinned. That is, al-tanned in
Adam, for,
.not -by their personal`disobedi- -
once, but fitly one nudes &Obedience, all
•men, infanta al5-zwell- -.otaxerstwert4.- macle4
For the Freoleltorian Palmer
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sinners. Not by their personareffende; but
by one man's offence judgment came on all
men, on infants as well as on adults, to con
demnation, and in Adam all die, infants- as
truly as adults. In the sweeping 'declara
tion of the 'Apostle, that all haVe sinned,
.and come short of the glory of God, in
fants must be included. Infants were .really
lost, for the blessed Saviour says of, little
ones, that he came to seek and to save them
-as lost, and the fact that they are saved by
grace, proves that they were justly lost, for
if they had not been justly.lost.they could
not possibly be saved by grace. If one in
fant is saved, it is by grace. If two, if'ten,
if a thousand, if a million, if all infants
are saved—and wehave no reason to . doubt
this—then all are saved by grace. Thus
our doctrine of infant salvation is consist
ent with itself, is consistent with sound
reason, and is consistent with the teachings
of the Bible. Contrast, with this, if you
please, the Arminian view of this subject.
According to Arminianism, 'infants were
lost and .they were not lost. They were
lost, because, first, Adam fell, and second
ly, Christ died for them. But if Christ
had not died .for them they could never
have been lost, for two reasons. First, be
cause there would have been no infanta, and
secondly, if there had been infants, it would
have been an act of infinite tyranny to con
demn them for Adam's transgression.
Again, according to Arminians,infants are
saved by grace, and'they are not Saved by
grace. 'They are sa.vecl, by grace because
Christ died to redeem them, but if Christ
had not died for infants, simple' justice
would have demanded:.thatrthershould be
saved at any. rate. Thus you , 'see, sir, , that
Arminianism is inconsistent with itself,.is
inconsistent with sound: reason, , and is in
consistent. with the teachings of the: Holy
Scriptures. In fact, my dear doctor, if ever
there. was a .contradiction .open, hare-faced,
and absurd, the .Methodist. Arminian doc
trine of infant salvation is just such a con
tradiction. Yours respectfully;
I will finish this letter with. an extract
from a sermon which I delivered some time
ago. It will explain itself.
The bodies of our little ones, snatched
by the \rude hand of the Destroyer from
our longing embrace, we may consign to
their mother earth in full assurance of faith
that the diseuthrolled immortals, regener
ated and sanctified by the Holy Ghost, have
gone to seek their kindred in the skies.
Death is a vanquished foe. In the awful
struggle with the Prince of Life, the mon
ster lost his sting, and it is written in the
volume of the• 'deep decrees of God, that
th'elast enemy of the Church that is to be
destroyed, is death itself. We ought, then,
neither to murmur nor repine. We ought
not even to wish them back. They are
transferred to the Paradise above, and it
would be cruel to have them recross the
deep waters of Jordan, in order to share
our toils, to be exposed to our dangers and
temptations, and to be made partakers of
our sufferings and trials. The dark, and
silent grave yawning, to receive its coveted
possessioh, is' indeed • repulsive to nature,
but the infantile tomb is lit Alp with the
hopes the Mighty Conqueror Himself, the
Resurrection and the Life, has •inspired.
In that bright world to which they have
passed, no fears shall disturb their calm
'repose, no disappointments cross their path,
no vexations mar their peace. The only
changes which they will •undergo, will •be
to pass' from glory to glory, and from one'
height of excellence and bliss to another
still more exalted. Were. such. little ones''
permitted to break. -the mysterious. silence
of eternity, how often might not they be
heard to whisper words of endearment and
encouragement-not unlike these : "Father !
mother weep not for us. We have been
called from your family to join the higher
and holier family of our 'Father in heaven.
We dearly, but we love him un
speakably more. We would not, oh, no,
we would not, if we could, forsake these
celestiaLabodes to return to your habita
tions of clay. Weep not for us, weep for,
yourselves and for perishing sinners around .
you. Oh ! could your eyes behold what we
behold, could your ears hear what we hear
—such countenances radiant with love;
such, majestic forms, such an atmosphere,
such sights, such glory, such kind greet
ings, such hymns of praise, such majesty
and love in the ever adorable Redeemer, so
graciou's a reception' by the Eternal Father
—but it is not for you to know these things
now. Live by faith. i on the. Son of God,
crucifythe flesh, overcome, fight ,
the good fight of- faith, fight on,'and when ,
the•victory is won, we will be the first to
welcome you to .the joys of our 'Father's
house above." JOHN &arm.
Dr. ,Tohnson.
There is the faith, which rests exclusive 2
ly on the.,atonement of Christ. This has
produced perfect peace;in minds.awakened
in every family to trath, And in conciences
the most tenderly alive to sin. This, and
this alone, ever did, produce peace in death
in a mind and heart which was alive to the
reality of things.around -
Much was written at one time about the
experience of DrJohnson, at the end of his
life, as bearing upon this point. The case
was briefly this: Dr. Johnson, though a mor
aiist, and a defender of Christianity against
its opponents, knew nothing of spirit
ual religion, so •far as biographers (who,
with the company he commonly kept, were
more ignorant than himself,) have informed
us. But he believed the Bible, and he had
a conscience which took knowledge of sin,'
and, of course, with his powerful under
standing, he was dverwhelmed with fear
when the prospect of standing before a
righteous •God in judgment became immi
nent. But for this he might have died in
that peace in. which -multitudes are dying
every day.
But with his notions of the way of sal
vation, his only hope df.success was in dil
igence in duty, that he may meet the de
mands of God's laws. -Witlrthis there was
mingled, naturally enough, some notions of
penance, and the great Dr. Johtison, the
towering intellect of the eighteenth centu
ry, might have been seen standing in the
rain bareheaded, for some hours, to be gazed'
at, and laughed at, and all as an expiation
for sin which he had committed. Again,.
when goaded by conscience, he sought to
appease the Lord of the universe for a con
scious and wilful infraction: of his laws by
drinking.but one cup of tea in a day, and,
this without any. milk in it.
Then 'came the dark and doubtful.settle
ment ,of his account with heaven. Had the
merits of getting met, , and. being ridiculed,
and, abstaining from, tea, been equal to the
demerits of a life of; disobedience to the
first and great commandment , of the -law,
and of the second, which is like, unto it 7
"How can I tell," said he, ",when I have
done enough ?"
His distress became-intense, and was on
ly increased by his wretched advisors who
bade him remember his virtuous life. He
was mercifully saved . from' listening to
them. Finding no-peace iu-anything they
had to- give, he sent• for the .evangelical
Winstanley, and the" Moravian La-!Probe,
and through such instructions as:theirs; he
found out what the hope'of a poor Sinner
-Wak, and :embraced, it with :the: simplicity of
4'a ~.
Before lie discovered that a maw could
be justified by faithwithout works, his soul
in view of death and the judgment,, was
like the troubled sea when it .cannot rest..
After he made that .discovery .the storm
ceased,.and there was a great calm.
This was all a riddle to his' biographers,
who were seandaliZed and "shocked, as
one of them said, at their" hero's tears, and
they have, as, far as.possible, concealed the
most important, part of his, history, which,
in fact, they were so incapable of treat
'We are apt to 'think- that these things
are better underatood at the present day.
Alas ! to• how many of those who profess to
be teachers is the way of peace 'still a -se
cret !
Not only the: case. of Dr. johnson,hut
many others coming under ourown observa
tion are full of the.-
.most solemn,,instrue
rtion as bearing upon this. question. As the
sick in body will- fly to every drug for re,-
lief, so those in fear of death will fly to
opiates for the soul, and
who can discern •.the truth,. have peed of
more than human courage and skill to use
NATION—THE liar. W. Gooii , s
'1 , ....)._11LET ANALYSED.
LONDOE; . 11 arch 23, 1880.
SARDINIA marches on to the full forma
tion of :a kingdom of Italy •with a daring,
and a' , decision worthy , alike of her posi
tion and* her destiny. The Pope's Bull
may be launched at Victor Emmanu.el's
head, Napoleon may threaten to withdraw
his troops from Lombardy, or may
persevere in opposing the annexation of
TuScany • but the die is cast, and Cavour's
policy, in the face of all possible contin
gences , or • consequences,. is •to press on to
",possesion!" Once in actual possession
of the Romagna- for example, who shill
drive her back ? Not Austria, although
she points to Sardinia's aggressiveness,
and says shewill Sight 'for 'Venetia if at
tacked. Not Ferdinand'- of Naples; who,
under thuguidance of, the Jesuits, has been
arresting the most excellent citizens ,at
Naples, and deporting them. under , Mere
suspicion, so that even the Pope is scandal
ized at his conduct, and ' seems to :think,
.like others, .that he •is rushing tin his, ruin.
It is, indeed, a spirit • of blindness that
has, fallen on, the Romish Ultramontanes
throughout Europe, and to look back: even
for twelve months and see what has been
accomplished in its detrition• and demoli
tion, and that by nominally Remark Catho
lic powers, may well awaken thoughts of a
I Divine Nemesis, and of, awful prophecies
hastening on the crisis of a final and ir
retrievable ruin,. The' consequences, too,
arising from the necessary establishment;
ere long, of both civil and religious liberty
all over the Italian peninsula, are such as
can be only partially appreciated or antici
pated. A bright inture is, undoubtedly,'
before Italy, such as your mere politicians
have not taken into their reekonin gs. When
one goes, for example, through the various
rooms of that plain-locking-old house in,
earl - -Blaokfriars, Lon:deli, Were,
among editions in•the languages of all na
tions, Continental Europe has its .silent
yet. powerful messengers, ready to go forth
as soon ,as the barriers of, despotism, are
broken down, and when we recollect that
already.the cordon sanitaire which Austria
and the Grand Duke in her zeal drew
around Lombardy, Tuscany, Modena, and
Parma is broken through, and the omagna
reads the Bible, the Pope no longer for
bidding by the mouth of a Cardinal-Gov
ernor—surely there, is abundant cause not
only for hope, but for thankfulness. There
is no doubt at all that over Italy the Scrip
tures will soon have free course. Conititu
•tional government will be the "pioneer of
the - Gospel of Christ
THE WALDENSES are preparing, by Col
legiate training, men for the future evan
gelization of 'ltaly. A correspondent of
the Hews of 'the Churches, writing,'from
Florence, -says, ", It gives me great pleasure
to announce that the .Waldensian, Church
has •sent Ribet to "minister to the new
congregation of Piso , and Leghorn,- as M.
Coueourde's congregation in, 'Florence has
*ncreased .-largely, and requires 'all : his
At a meeting held last, ..month at. Liver
pool, to.hear a lecture on. Piedmont, by. a
London clergyman, the Chairman, the Itev:
Dr.. McNeil, made some : very• striking and
impressive statements. He,spoke eloquent:
ly as to the :fidelity of the Waldenses in
persecuting tines, . 4 ' their Christian resolve
being, 'sooner death than the mass.'" He
then added : •
They.have endured thirty-thr s es successive,per
secutions, many of them attended with barbari
fleawhich would have;disgraced anyTagan paw
er. (Hear, hear:) During one - of these a little
more than two hundred years.ago, 1655, their
cry of anguish was heard in England; it was
not heard in`Vain. There -was 'then at `the: head
of affairs in this country a man who'was '2l; Pro
tesfant and no mistake.' (Hear, hear.) He wrote
a • letter ; not a protocol beginning with compli
mentary allusions to the past, continuing with a
verbiage of mystification of the present, and end
ingwith shadowy, problematical indications of
the future, thrown - together like the leaves of: the
sybil, with ambiguity in every line.' No; the
man I speak of had no fancy, for such„ , waste of
paper and ink. 'He wrote a -letter, such as a
straightforwaixl man :writes- when' he has some
thing to say, and such as even 8; crookedlempor
iser cannot fail to understand. :Re wrote to say
that if peace were not immediately restored to
his Protestant brethren in the 'Vaudois, the har
bor of GeneaWould' spe,eclilTreficho the reports
of British cannon. (Cheers.) , -Rome knows her
men, both-friends- and foes. She :can.-.protocol
and-cajole the roost accomplished of our. compro
misers, hut without-attempting to, cajole, or even
venturing to delay, she_ did what she was bid by
Cremwell. (Chedrs.) • ome ecclesiastical may
be compared :to- an: e.el,-,whichtwists and "writhes,
and. slips. throughAke ,fingers of, our diplomatists
with all the ,olliness of a .Ligouri. • Home tem
poral is like a nettle. Tamper with it, and it
stings; grasp it, it is harmless. • The :Emperor
of the French" seems to have some very correct
notions as to how to •deal with a nettle. (Laugh
ter and applause.) We are not :without hope that
the obstinacy with which the Pope is resisting
the very moderate arrangement proposed by the
Emperor may be' overruled, ito the. emancipation
of millions from s tyranny no longer to be en
dured. (Loud Cheers.) It has: haddts.fearful tri
umph, Ire trust Fits last. It has persecuted. the'
saints of: the Most High , in the valleys.of Pied- •
mont, and wherever else upon, earth it, has had •
the .power. It has for ages been the yoke, the ,
brand, the sheltie, and isxicnii: the'exasperation of
Italy. , -(Lotui 'and' continued cheers.):',lt: is a
Church,' if it :deserve the -name--(~heari :hear)—:
by which a, hierarchy .fattens and :nation.
starves—by,which religion has,b ' sien caricatured,
morality'inverted, deceit engendered;liberty
locatell(oontiniied cheering)=a• Church which
nothing: but :standing armies -:can sustain-a,
Church which has realised the fable of Pandora's
box, and caused more wars, and tumults, and in- .
trigues, and cabals, and assassinations`by bullet,'
steel,cand poison—which 'has drawn 'forth more
cries to heaven:from innocent victims- of mock
justice, and ~ I v. r upg out more tsars of,anguish and
groans of agony petit tortured men and ruined
women, thi,p. any other' curse with which it-has=
pleased thd Almighty. in mystefious- long-suffer-•
ing:to afflict onr-fallen Mee. (Protraeted.oheer
are ,now.,.onenly,aftmed irLitaly,by 4 men in..
power, who are yet the nominal adherents;'
TURDAY, AP RIL t 21, 1860.
Thus the Archbishop of
ished a'letter to' Baron ltias
)f the Interior, , making vio
-1 of the toleration- of non
lip and " Schools of error
'cese, even to where he .said
Inured by all kinds of argu
got excf 'fled." This letter
' thou-
In the
n, nobly
, tion • for
,ys; " the
m or re
liberty of
of pub
ter being
of the
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lent comb
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" This
every Lein;
cellent t]]
idea of ti
of conscif
:the Supr
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public ri
and honor
this prey .is only
to be fol. _or relig
ions or foi, ..., or worship.
• There - are converts- at • Florence,
who have adol the views •of:the Ply
mouth brethrentuid object to all forms And
order of the Chtirch of Christ as mundane
institutionsTlL ha .
. y , ve separatedthem
selves from the lifrger` body who'plaadd for a
•Christian minist l e t " e
", lders.". The-Irving
.ite angels" hr itiso troublers of the new
Iy-formed church 's. The Piedmontese Gov
ernment has see tly recognised an Italian
conegation, or ,nized at Nice, and' hav
ing several mi 'sters, as a ` Christian
• i
SAVOY, with i
lion, and Nice 14, ,.
number, of inhabi
ed as fairly waif
was believed th 2
'popolation of half a mil
' b a much. more - limited,
nts, may now be regard
-by France. It
the Emperor - did not
mean to ,take /nor= than a portion of -Savoy,
but now he is viojating , the neutrality of
Switzerland, and, , ! reatening, its very ex
istence by absorbi ~g the whole. The Swiss
Envoy at Paris; li. khanded' to the Torei,gn
Minister a solemri .rotest, and has also ad
:dressed a note to tthe Great Powers who
signed the treaties of:18 1 _5, at.the. Congress
of Vienna. Bon I ;rrte is to explain his
reasons for dewnirit g the innocent victim
after supper, and Vis even' said 'that he
will send an autogr 'ph letter to Queen Vic
toria, in order 'to c .m. the apprehension, of
the hlnglish.aris*, key. But he has left
an indelible stain
,On his name, by this
piece of rapine and'i 2 oliation, and:no one can
henceforth trust hi t',.: Re will-be now for
peace:for some tim: 'disbanding part of
his army, and about to give millions for ag
ricultural improve , ents. , ,lle has .nomi
nated , the great E :e-trade advocate, M.
Ilichael Chevalier;: a senator ; and he 'finds
it his interest to aiv , dime, for. the :develop
ment-of 'results frO +.': the new Commercial
lireitY.; ,:And yet th' p ia , hot a week pass-'
es, during which .:t e ,is not? Something.
said, or,done by hi hickkgePe-AR:RIA
easiness_thrtinglidiit { 4 urope.-.7---
high military , . Officers and
other officials,. have been painfully -revealed :
in connexion with the suicide
.of ~several
persons—the most proininerit,General Eyn
litten—lwho were contreeters for •army
'stores and' provisions,'-last year,. and by'
whom 'it has. been 'diseovered enormous
frauds were committed:' .:Every thing in
Anstria.seems rotten•te the. core. And yet
!there. Popery has had her will and.way for
centuries. Is not this the proper hoc, the
true explan — ation of things as they Cie •
• The Hungariarrstudents 'at Pest,h,- in a
demonstration at: the-tomb .of. patriot gen
erals hanged 'in 1848, have been- in violent
collision with ,Austrian
~- troops. Every
thing forbodes a : crisis. ._OPpression,will.
drive even wise 'Madnetia. • • ' •
Tim NEW REFORM BILL has been the
subject of special discussion this week in
the House of Commons in connexion with
the second reading. Ihsraeli was the first'.
speaker ;••. , rurd.although Antimatilg ; that he
would - not diSidelhe ribirservatle - such a
lengthened. attack' the.. measure,. and, •
endeavored 'to deduce such frightfdl souse
.queuces as to the transference„pf,-,the,Gov
-ernment of the country from, the.npper, and
„middle classes, to ,'a fierce, demoeracy, that
it is .quite i possible ; an. attempt „will be '
made by the Tories in the 'House of lords,
.to. throw ,out.,_the bill. If they do, they
a epirit of stern determination •
thronghout the country, whose utterances
;rill . cause their ;ears to tingle. Little as I
would desire to see the power of godleie '
artisans and of Popish, peasants•in'lreland
extended, yet believe that on 'the whole .
it would be• better for' liberty aka religiOn,
as well as comme.rcial progress, if there
were' a larger iiifuSiiin of the- democratic
element. •Toryisiit' is a hateful • thing , —
timid; treinbljng, cowardly; and; therefore; •
oftimes cruel. • Nomen are greater despots
than our. Country Squires,. if-they-are•not
'of a-kindly nature ; 'for, as Ilr.Bright-says,
while borough- 'constituencies may. be open
to bribery,-the tenants of the Tory Squires
.are• -bound ..down , that " they .have•-••not
even liberty to sell themselves !" :::With :a •
free:press,' and, above all, with ; the. onward •
. progress of genuine religion. among , .the
masses, I-have -great hopes that .a righteous
constituency, will-more and -more' character
ize the towns of Great..Britain.' -As foi
'Popish, mischief in the. House, . of ,00M- '-
,mons, it is ,verysonsiderable alrtiady.„. But
Ultramontanism,is now petted by, the Con:.
servatives, and not by tine Whigs, and' the .
majority of the Romanist members fi nd
:own; they, best satisfy even their con
stituents,,by avoiding
_extreme, courses
The endowment of 'Popery at heike, and -
in the Colonies, is one .of our - saki - al .
iinS;•and•Powerfrilly:-tends. its cptogiesi •
and'•consolidatiori. • The -increase-Ad.-the
•Romith-priesthood and.spiritual machinery
since -the passing• •Of -the - -Actran
1829, is' very considerable •in Great: rit..
sin; -for; whereas- intlB29 there - were ; but
477 , :priests; inlB69,there --were 1236: -..0f
-chapels;...&c.,i thirty years -ago 'there rwere
449; now rthere are ,950. At the- former,
period: there were-noanonastic or conventu
al establishments allowed by. law,and -even {•-
'by the Relief-Act-monasteries ; are• psohibi
ted,. yet there -are ,no,less. than .37 ,pg.t4epp,
and, of : convents : there-Are • 1.43. .
mitigate lave -now
.12 glellegee, irk In and ! •
end Wales.
It may be said 14at.1116 uibreaee of
priests is not so great ivlieirthei'irietieitiYof
the population is conSidered, and 'eiltleifudly
when it is remembered what a lit? "Mint
gration of Irish Romanists has - been-going
on--more especially since the faniine of
1846-47. But it •is -this settlement-of a
strange. people with their priests:antheharr, •
, els, which. gives:opportnnities for. seiting,up
the standard of, Romanism.• in. dark:awl:ig
norant .places, where proselytismicaneat
tempt its.perunionsiwith.more c ozlesittam:' ,
..:Eactmiownlatg ArPrker7AA vas c43.0.443net.f
and modes, has now reached an alarming
sum, and is annually increasing: in
• eludes- the
141aynootb'Grant of $O,OOO
•.Nelitecitional Grants for Schools, and:
School Buildings 36,258
Ronan Catholic Reforniatories 8,000
Romish. Chaplains 7,229
Irish National Schools 116,000
Jails and Workhouses in Ireland.... .....• 10;000
' Coloidei and India. 20,000
total for 1850
It is not in the direct pecuniary grants
alone that Popery is making progress,butin
getting 'aPpointments in the Royal House
hold, Treasury, Colonial Office, Poor' Law,
and State Paper. Office,• as Governors of Gov
ernment Prisons, Judges in. County Courts,
and in the magistracy of the country.
eminently useful in resisting, and, in stir
ring up resistance to Popish demands.
`Bills in favor'of Sorna,nism introduced' last
session, were -closely. watched and exposed,
and not ;one of them was passed. The
Committee likewise succeeded in. causing
- the salutes in connexion with Romish pro
cessions in Malta to be so modified, as to
remoye the groundLef•offende consoler - Di
rolit s gaMers. The Important case on the
Queen's Bench against. a priest named Ro
berts, for, kidnapping, a. young girl, was suc
cessfully prosecuted by the: Alliance, and
the girl was cleliVered up to her father.
The priest, whose answer, on - oath, Lord
Campbell pronounced to be "illegal, eva
sive, and untrue," after being imprisoned
for contempt of Court, was, obliged to pay
the . eosts..
Attempts have been made to have the
statutes of Mortmain repealed,.forthe ben
efit of Ronian Catholic charters, so that
land. might be devised by will,hy irrespon
sible ~persons, for any purpose ;which- the
PrieSts might dictate to the dying. Not
evert:Protestants,. under . the existing law,
are-allowed to devise land for charitable
purposes. This move the 'Protestant Al
liance meets with.stern , opposition, as well
. ae,a new order, of the Poor Jaw Board. Mr
the religious instruction of RoMan Catholic
children in work-houses. A great body of
Poor LaW Guardians from town and coun
try, lately held;a meeting in London, and.
,presented such an array of opposition that
the " order". was declared "non compul
sory," and so it will be a dead'letter, and
formally repealed.
In the .Nortli of Ireland • the priestly
chaplain of the .Newtonards Union demand
ed to have altar, vestments, &c., specially pre
pared for hint at the expense of the rate
prayers. -Thr Guardians took the case to
the Queen's Bench,. Dublin, and the. Chief
'Justice ignored the claim of the priest.
Rad he succeeded, the Guardians had made
rup their minds to .resign in. a body. Other
cases •of • such •ecclesiastical impudence just
nascent, and in the bud, -were thus arrested.
In truth the Constitution and. Rortianisni
are Constantly-in antagonism, and so it will
always be till the'abomination is eliminat
ed. Dying as Popery is at the heart, that
vitality which she displays at the extremi
ties,- appears almost• prmternataral. But
the anomaly, is largely explained by the use
and. abuse of the toleration` and the frei
dom of Protestant Countries, such, as Ent
land and the-United States, for the ad,
vaneement and, wealth of a. system which
aims---hoyever, hopplesslyin the_e_od—
right to
(how ex
the false
of liberty'
of private
ibility to
ibute of
de of
va rrig
limit of.
Brotherly communion amono. real Prot
estants is increasing, and will increase just
in. Proportion as men are brgught to sit at
Christ's feet, and, through his Spirit's life
andleaehing, drink in his.: requirement to
have love one to another. Priestism kills
true catholicity, and therefore is of, the
devil. It is lamentable to mark its work
ings in the, Church of England, in many
quarters ; but it is truly delightful to find
a large hody who sigh and labor for that
mutual recognitibn between Protestants
which prevailed at the time of the Reforma
In. my lastletter I referred to the Rev.
William . Goode, a London Rector,
who.. has been . a most able and successful
opponent of Tractarianism, and who has
labore4 also to. proznote. catholicity of heart
.sod intercourse among Christians. His
".Brotherly Communion • with the Foreign
'Protestant Churches desired.and cultivated
.by the highest and ,best of the. Divines of
the Church. of England , " as published' in a
:pamphlet, is tlie substance of an, address
deliyered at Cambridge, at a. private meet
,ingof some of the senior members .of the
University of Cambridge, and published at
their request. It is an, admirable produc
tion and..pile of facts, many of which are
!little known. 'He Opens by showing that
the chief impediments to the Emcees . of the
Reforinatioulas be,eri disunion, .and that it
.has ever been the policy of.the .Church of
Rome to foment discord. ,He then. says
that there is a special reason• for showing
what the true spirit of the English Re
forrners.wa.s, because of the. misrepresenta
tions "of late years, active, resolute,
mad,; who.lave 'said that
the Church of .angland is "precluded by .
her Principlei from holding Ockiiiniunion
withi Non , Plpiscopal Ohurclies i 'ind she bas
no sympathy ;with . -foreign - Protestants."
The application of the principle of.brotherly
communes, with ..any foreign ~Protestiint
Ciiirch, must .of courie .cleperid on. its
present state. But Mr. 'Goode maintains
that " so far-as-they hold-to-their ancient
Confessions ofeFaith, so ; far . do, ..the testi
menies adduced by him 'hold_ good at the
present-time for our intercourse with them."
- . He then •refere to Creamer's endeavor to .
!effect a-union,.of, all Protestant. Churches,
-by the proposal in 1548• to 33ullinger, Cal;
min,.and Melanothon , that a Synod should
heldin England; to drisettin•common
Confession :of Faith. z was to this: pro
pbstil 'that•Osivin responded .by saying.. that
. he. would ! ffeoilliney .cross ten .seas; if .3.t was
necessary, to !insist in each a work.',' The
tronbles of the times marred the design.
'Mr. Goode- also refers, in proof of his
itbsition‘ to the rece ption and welcome given
refutees.from-foreign Protestant. Churches
o , r incltaling,the Dutch congregation under
John ; tasco, as well -as the Germans,
Italians, Walloons, and Stryhe. Of Teter
'Martyr, .Stryhe says, of him our Arth
bishop made particular use in .the steps- he
took in our Reformation. Bucer also came
over by his influence, was employed by him
to write a review of the Book of Common
'Prayer, and adopted in the, second edition .
'several of his suggestion's. In like manna;
Maityri-Bucer, and Faguis become Profes:
sora Universities.
In .Elizabeth's reign ,there was special.
Oldness (warmly approved by r .the prelates
amid, clergy `of' the day,) 'shown by - the
•Maien Queen• to the . Freneh-Prcitestants,
IDEr:=Goode •contrasts-with this the following
notice of Elizabeth's conduct by the •noto-.
,rious Tractaria,n Neale: ",One of the-worst
actions of her life," he says, ".was the as
sistance which she gave to the Huguenots,
the French Puritans, then in arms against
their lawful sovereign."
• YlThe-Zatrichletters are also :adduced • by
-Mr.4iloodep,. in:connexion. with. the, position
_then takeroo9,.ishops,..that.'.' one form of.
Church fickrernzeint is not necessary in all
times: and plocep of the
. chnrch ;" that
ireieftoreTfeebyteriaiiism 'vie es lawful as
lipisdoplicy ; 1 ' and t that . . f'.the : :•reason ithat:
• "oviMVAOLEnglisiOXiiint:‘.l.4lo.-to,dike
WHOLE NO. 395.
this" (Presbyterian) " platform of doc
trine was, that they did not consider it
suitable" to the state of our country, peo
ple, and commonwealth.
As to doctrine, Bishop. Jewel wrote to
Peter Martyr, at Zurich, in 1562: "We
do not differ from your doctrine by a nail's
breadth." And so Beza, on the other
hand, wrote in 1.660 to Grindall "your
churches agree with us in all points of doc
trine." Mr. Goode does not exclude horrid
Presbyterian Churches from recognition,
and refers to, his work published in 1852,
in " Vindication of the Doctrine of the
Church of England on the validity •of the
orders of the Scotch and Foreign' Non-
Episcopal Churches."
It also appears that a large number of
foreign ministers were admitted without re
ordinatimi up till 1661. "We had," says
Bishop Pleetw - ood, "many ministers from
Scotland, from France, and the. Low Coun
tries, who were ordained by Presbyters
only, and not Bishops, and. they were insti
tuted into benefices.' It was the infamons
Act of Uniformity that virtually put the
Church of _England in the false position of
unchurching all her sisters of the Reform
ation i and ;till _that is,. repealed, her catho
licity mist be confined 'to the floor of the
Church or to the platform or prayer-meet
ing. Chalmers could not enter one of
her pulpits.
The four English Divines sent to the
Synod of Dart, Archbishop Ushers' tes
timony, and many others, are intrOduced.
Laud seems to have been the first to ques
tion Presbyterian 'orders, and was for this
rebuked publicly at Oxford, by the. Regius
Professor of 'Divinity. His elevation to
the Primacy was the interruption to. the
harmony whiCh previously existed: Alas !
I , .the "spirit of Laud is still malignant and
active. It is not long since a London
suburban clergyman of the High. School
was seen tearing down, in his own parish,
the printed bill announcing a sermon by
the Rev. A; 'Raleigh, (a, Congregational
minister,) for Female Education in India.
This man, eloquent, aspiring, Wand ambi
tious, is the son of a Wesleyan minister
What if, after all, a Wesleyan. baptized
'him, and so he himself is not even a Chris
tian enrolled among the faithful !
Air. Goode's pamphletis the loving labor
of onp who is set upon promoting the good
of the whole Israel of God, and who hates
with a perfect hatred, and counts as his
enemies, Rome and, all her abettors and
imitators.' J.W.
P. S.—The Irish Unitarians have been
quarrelling among themselves. Dr., Mont
gomery (the "Lion of Arianism , ") in olden
times was fierce against Creeds and Con
fessions. Latterly he got frightened at the
fast tendencies toward Socmianism, and
Theodore Parker's notions about Inspiration,
&c. A Code of Discipline prepared some
years ago, contained a limited and meagre
list of questions to be put to candidates for
'ordination. • The 'a Diiine Mission:" and
14Iediation of the Son of Gocl, was therein
acknowledged, and -the Inspiration Hof the
.lloly, Scriptures. There is not a word of
the Atonement, or of the Holy Spirit.
But, one Presbytery lately ordained_ a man
without pitting these questions,and so
there was a special meeting of the-Remon
strant Synod. The Presbytery was‘blamed,
but their offence was condoned , and the or
dination ratified. 4 Dr Montgomery finds
inmseu—der — isled - being—an advocate of
- Creeds aid
as in part the:fruit of the Revival which he
denounced, .ninety-five fa,milies have just
' been formed at his door , into a new congre
gation of the Ceneral Assembly.
The former students of the lamented Dr.
Wilson; the late Professor of Biblical Criti
cism in the Assembly's Theological Colle. - e
at Belfast, are about to erect a,marble tablet
to his memory. Many testimonials, with
gifts of, money, are being, presented;to min
istera in Ulster, from grateful Congrep-a
tions. One of these was to the Rev: D.
Adams-, of Ahoghill, County Antrim, where
the Revival appeared, early, with astonish
ing power, and cmitinues till this clay,
'There are now seven hundred cm:mum
cants. From March 1859 to March 1860,
two hundred and sixty-nine communicants
were added to. Mr. Adams' church, "su r
perior for devotion" and piety."
The French Emperor acquiesces in the
annexation of Central Italy, takes Savoy,
and leaves Austriti', the Pope, and SWitzer
land n.the lurch.
Miss., Nightingale is very, ill. Prayers
were offered for her" by every military chap
on last Lor'd's day, in connexion with
his - ,public serVices. Many a poor fellow
who had known her in the hospitals:of the
Crimea, would say "Amen !" with his
Whole heart".
The following are worthy of being print
ed in letters of gold, and being placcd in a
conspicuous 'position in every household`:
I..—From your children's earliest infancy,
inculcate the, necessity of instant-obedi
ence... ' - ,
2.—Unite firmness with gentleness. Let
your children. always understand that you
mean exactly *hat -you say.
3.z—Never promise them an3rthing unless
you;are sure you can- give them 7hat you
4:—lf you tell a child to do anything,
she* him how to' do it, and see that it is
5:,--Always punish Tour children for wil
fully disobeying -you, -hut never punish =in
6.—N.cver let them perceive that.they
can vex yon, or make you lose your self=
they give way, to petulance and
temper, wait till they are calm, and then
gently reason with them on the-impropriety
of their canduct.
B—Remember that a little present pun
ishment; when: the occasion arises, is much
more effectual than the threatening of, a
greater punishment should the fault be re
newed. •
9.—Never - give 'yoiir children anything
because ,they cry; for, it.
10.—On no
,aceount allow them to do at
one time what' you have forbidden, under
the like circumstances, at another.
11.--:Teaoh them that the only , sure and
easy way to appear good, is . to he good.
I.2.—Accustom,thcm to make their little
recitals the perfect truth.
13.—Never tale.:bearina
14.--Teeth them -that self-dental, not
self-indulgence, is -the :appointed and ;sure
;method of seouring.happirtess.
The Agency of the;Holy;
The presence -and agency :44,the Holy
Spirit should be recognized sought„cher
ished,and gratefnlly acknowledged. Alpon
this agency ,the 'Ohtirch is'> dependent for
prosperity„progresap and poWer. Without
it our prayers are not .answered, the cere
monies of worship are formal and, power
less, and the, preaching of the Gospel is
comparatively in vain. The, terrors of Si
nai and the sweet accents olCalvary, dives
ted of living power, fall , upon listless ears,
•and the hearers,remain insensible under the
„discipline of; • and ,of judgments.
Every tboughtfdl" Christian know% . that
when'thnSpirit of God is present in'it eon
g,regation;- Christians are instinct-with life ;
thy ....labsire'fb±J_ChriSt;.:they agonize .for
Mlles for Rome Education.
Publication Ofn de
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anbsequed insertion, 40 cents ; each line beyond eight, 5 cte,
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BIiSLIIESS .1601 4 10 ES of Tex lines or less, $l.OOl each ed- -
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• nioruir.vons . Puntisßsits.-
souls; they devise and execute plans for
the glory of God; they consecrate them
selves with all that they possess to the ser
vice of Christ—they cokiperate cheerfully
in every good work, and the preaching'Of
the Gospel , becomes the power of God• , in
conversion and sanctilication.
But when the Spirit of Gbd hi not pres
ent, Christians are characterized by spirit. ,
ual insensibility; they are not active and
devoted; their prayers are lifeless and.fot ,
real; they complain of the:burden of .the
Cross; they turn aside from the straight
and narrow way, and seek a path to heaven
strewn with-flowers—they devise no liberal
plans of usefulness, and oppose. those ,de
vised by others—they.withhold their gifts
from the treasury of the Lord, and invest
.substance in stocks, and mortgages,
and bonds. But the Churel languishes, the
benevolent agencies are not prosecuted vig
orously, the treasury of the Lord is not
filled, Colleges ansl. are not en
dowed, expediency is made the rule of ac
tion, prudential maxims constitute the
standard of morality, the ritual and the
form are the chief manifestations of Chris
tianity) religion is.nn incident, rather, than
an 'essential .element of life;-and in reference
to the great interests of the soul--immor
tality and, retribution,
,the relation of the
cause and the effect is disregarded.
A' Ministerial Ability.
The ability to be alone is a great ability.
Is it not peculiarly important for the Gos
pel minister, upon the acquirements of
whose heart and brain such vast interests
depend ? At the same time every church
member should be taught its importance
for hitnself ? The ability to be alone (we
can mean, of course, 'only alone in regard
to the presence of human heings,)` with
pleasure, felicity, and effect, is an ability
not as easily attained or retained as some
may suppose. Doubtless Satan is ever
ready-to infuse an irksomeness and gloom
into the soul in retirement. To remain
half au hour resolutely and passively alone,
shut up with God, is such a grand security
for his intimate enlightening and invigor
ating manifestations, that Satan plies all his
powers to preventit. Satan is not so much
opposed.- to set seasons of -hurried prayer,
which modify rather than remove-business
or social perturbation. He is not so much
opposed to merely an intellectual glance
each morning at a short Psalm or half a
chapter of the Bible, especially if it be fbl
lowed by an hour's heart-plunge into a
newspaper. He is not so much opposed to
an exciting discussion or controversy in
the social group on the current topic in the
public mind. Nor would he be much op
posed to solitary reveries which continue
flights of fancy or throbs of emotion, start
ed in the busy world under his guileful in
fluence. But Christian solitude, especi
ally if daily, systematic, obtaining the force
of a habit, Satan will spare no pains to
prevent. -His envious malice is committed
against it as against the sight of the soul's
intimate familiarity with the source of
bliss • and the reader and — writer must be
resolute .and :watchful k6pt , ahort bf
it.— Chris. Adv..and Journal.
No Ihndrancd.
. ,
How blessed to reroeldbei that th . eie is
wnien our own Fears , suggest ! His
words are, "Look unto me, all the ends of
the earth, and be ye saved;" as if our. Lord
would speak to every, individual between
hiniself and the isles that were very far
off, and pay to each, " There is mercy for
you; only look, and live." And 'then to
.encourage their approach, he says, " Him
that cometh I will in no wise cast out." No
extent of sin, no abuse of privileges, no
real or imagined difficulty, can prevent.
"I who have said the word, 'Come unto
me all that are heavy laden, and I will give
you rest'—l will fulfill my promise; it
shall be done; only come, and ye shall
have rest in your souls." Oh ! how sweet
the promise how sure the fulfillment!
There is,'indeed, no promise for to-morrow.
We know not that when trials come, there
may be a moment given to. come to Jesus; but
should that moment graciously be afforded,
do not- despair, but think that, in love to
your soul, and in answer to the many pray
ers offered for you, your Lord has watched
over your course.—J. H. Stewart.
an _ 1
rTayet_in the household.
I was once told of a cottage patriarch
who was born in those days ,wheri Scotland
had a church in almost every house. There
was one in his father's dwelling; and when
he'pitched a tent for himself he builded an
.altar. Round that altar a good number of
olive-plants grew up ; but, one, by, one, they
were either,,planted.out in families oitheir
own, or God took them, till he and his old
partner found themselves, just -as rat their
first outset in life, alone. But.their ;family
worship rcontinued. -as of old. At last his
fellow-traveller left, him, Still he parried
on the worship by himself. So sweet was
the memory of -it in his father'slouse, and
so pleasant had he found it in his own, that
he couktnot.give it,up. As ihe,.satdn..his
silent.habitation, morning and. evening, his
quivering voice was heard singing, the old
psalm-tune, reading aloud the elta:pter ' and
praying as if others still worshipped by his
side. He had not found it Jas.
Hamilton. -
Christian Comfort.
'Let the course of your- tribulation be
what it will, " in me ye shall have peace."
Row is it, then, perhaps you will ask, that
Christians are not always rejoicing ? How
is it that we so often see them bathed in
tears, and Scarcely hear anything from them
but. sighs and complaints? It is easily
enough to be accounted for. It .is because
they love the world, and the things 'of the
.world, so much, that they have no room or
relish for Divine consolations: To be sure,
'Where Christ is there is always ground for
comfort ? 'but Christians are not Always . fit
to be comforted. They may through mere
inattention to spiritual 'things, or too fond
attention to temporal possessions and.en
joynients, be so sadly declined as to require
reproof rather than comfort, and what they
want, Christ gives.—Lavington.
Why Put Into the Church.
Arikt-puts, any one, into his,Clutr i eh,
he puts him there to, work ,for.-him.
yon are really a member of his. ,Chi rph,
you were redeemed by his preciotus.blood,
and renewed by the Holy Spirit. ,Pid
Christ die for you, did the -Holy
give you a new heart, that you might,,T4ter
his' Church, and fold your arms-in.:Ado
knee, and give your affeetions.tly
things, and leave to others thp_self4enial,
and the spiritual labors which - the.Chnreh
was instituted to perform? - .What would
be done by the Church, for: the 7 honor of
God, and the salvation,and. l happiinesa of
men, if all, the members., of
..111.e %lurch
Were like yourself?
:; • •
Bon a person to leave public 110014 in
raptures with the minister's s, is no
74. N.
-proof , that-he has received spiritual bear fit.
Booth. .7