Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, April 07, 1860, Image 4

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Elio Sill Beneath the Door.
There is a strange, a mystio spell
Of memory and loie,
That chains my heart to early days,
Where'er I rest or rove.
I ree again the did home house,
I walk across each floor ;
I go the passage through, and stand
farewell words'and staff in hand,
Upon the sill
That lies &math the door.
4ach spot around that dear old home,
Itawell-kept treasure gives ;
In every tree, and, wall, and chair,
Some cherished memory lives;
But no where heats my heart so high,
And no where feel I more
Than here, when musingly I stand
With farewell words and staff in hand,
Upon the sill
. •
That lies heneath the door.
What silent years have fled since I
Leolced out from dear old home,
hop' eful heart, throngh meist'ning eye;
For better days to come !
'l' was here I turned to the'ee I left,
• With longing heart once more—
Hera lingered still, where now I 'stand
t • ,With faroweltwords and staff in hand,
the sill
`i 'Thatflies beneath the
''ve. passed o'er other thresholds since,
To,granderls—but still
netiientereehome like this,
Across another sill
rarentiand home we have but once,
When gone they come no'more I
Oh I 'what a moment when we stand,
With farewell words and staff in hand,
71:11mii the sill
That lies beneath, the door.
Kindness Never Lost.
Travelling often gives a sharp insight
into character. The petty annoyances to
Which one - is aubjeCted, and the Meeting
with unpleasant companions," are certain to
develop whatever of kindness or unamiabil
ity may be latent in the heart. The follow
ing incident has its lessons:,
On the whole, pleasant traits and inci
dents-are not common in the cars, I think.
This opinion lespressed to my friend gom
ers, the, other day. In reply to my re
mark, he related a little adventure, which,
at it is apropos, and, moreover, involves a
little love and sentiment, I give it, without
apology, in his own words. It appears that
M the most unlikely places love and senti
ment may be discovered
"4", lif t s., escorting home the lovely Char
lotte D—, to whom I was, at the time,
quite devoted; we got into one of the
crowded Avenue cars. Charlotte could
scarcely find room to spread her crinoline,
and - arrange her voluminous flounces; I
stood up near her, there being no vacant
' "After 'a few minutes came in a poor wo
man, who!) deposited a basket of clothes on
the platform, and held inlet. arms a small
child, while:a little, girl hung to her dress.
She looked tired 'and weari, but there was
no vacant seat; to be sure, Charlotte might
have condenSed her flounces, but she did not.
Beside her, however, sat a very lovely and
elegant young woman, who seemed tryinc ,
by, moving down closer to others, to make
room enough for the stranger between her
self and Miss D—. At last she succeed
and, with the sweetest, blush I ever ,saw,
she invited the poor, burdened female to be
seated:' Charlotte drew her drapery
around her, and blushed too, but it was not
Pretty 131m313. at all, awl she looked annoyed
at proxim4 or the new corner, who
was, however, clean, and decently, though
thinly clad.
" The unknown lady drew the little girl
'upon her lap,'"and Wrapped her velvet man
tle around the small, half-aad form, and
put her muff over the half-frezen little blue
So great was the, crowd that
..I alone
seemed to Observe. The child shivered—
keen wind from the door blew upon het un
proteCted 'neck. I saw the young lady
quietly take off her shawl, which she softly
put, on the shoulders of the little one, the
mother looking on with confined wonder.
After„a short time, she rose to leave the car,
and` would have'rem — Oied the shawl, but. the
unknown gently whispered, ' No; keep it
on,lieep: it fop her.' The woman did not
answer; *the conductor hurried her out, but
her eyes Swath in tears, which no one saw
but me: I noticed her as-she descended to
a basement, and I hastily marked the
was in
unknown also arose to
part. I was i despair, for I, wanted to fol
low nnfAiseoye; hof residence, but could
not 14406 Misi D—.
" Hoar glad,' then, was Ito see her bowing
as sheyassed-ont- to a mutual, acquaintance
who stood in thedoerway. From him, ere
many minutes, thad learned her name and
'" To shorten the story as much as possible,
that lady is now In3;' wife. In the small in
cident which - introduced her to me, she
showed her real:Charaeter; A few days af
ter our marriage, I showed her the blessed
crimson shawl, which:l had redeemed from
its owner, and shall always keep as a me
mento. There are sometimes pleasant
things to be found even in unpleasant places
—certainly I may be said to have picked
out my wife hi the' cars.';
~0 . 0110/0.04#11-
A Highland widow left her home early
tone morning, in order to reach before even
ing the residence of a kinsman who had
IDromised to assist her in paying her rent.
,She carried on her back her duly child, a
two years old. The journey was a long
lone; I was following the same wild and
,lonely path, when I first heard, the story I
ain going to tell you. The mountain track,
:after leaving the small village by the sea
shore, • where the widow lived, passes
:through a green valley, watered by a.peace
fail stream which flows from a neighboring
lake; it:*then winds along the margin of
the solitary lake, until, near its further
end, it;-suddenly turns into an extensive
copse-wood of oak and birch.
From this it emerges half-way up a rug
ged mountain side, and entering a dark
glen, through which a torrent rushes amid
misses of granite', it at last conducts, the
traveller, by a zigzag ascent, to a narrow
gorge, which is hemmed in upon every side
by.giant precipices. Overhead is a strip
of blue aky, and below all is dark and
gloomy. , •
From this ,mountain-pass the widow's
dwelling was ten miles off, and no human
habitation was nearer' than her own. She
had undertaken a long journey indeed.
But' the rent was due some weeks before,
and the sub-factor had threatened to dis
possess her, as the • village' which'ihe
lived, and, in which her .family had lived
for •twogenerations, was about to be swept
away,.in order to enlaite a sheep-farm;.
Indeed, along the mawn of quiet
tram which watered.the green valley, and.
Along' the shore of the lake, might'everi
thew be traced the ruins of . many a:hamlet;
whirs 'happy - and contented people once
lived,but where no sound is heard except
the bleat of a solitary sheep, or the scream
of the eagle as he wheels his flight among
the dizzy precipices.
The morning gave promise of a lovely
day. But before noon a sudden change
took place in the weather. Northward the
sky became Mack and 'lowering: Masses of
clouds rested upon the hills. Sudden
gusts of wind began to whistle' among the
rocks, and to ruffle with black squalls the
surface of the loch. The wind was suc
ceeded by rain, and the rain by sleet, and
the sleet, by a heavy fall of snow. It was
the month of May; for that storm is still
remembered as the "great May storm."
The wildest day of Winter never . beheld
flakes of snow falling heavier and faster, or
whirling with more fury through the moun
tain pass, filling every hollow, and whitening
every rock.
Weary, and wet, and. cold, the widow
'reached that pass with her child. She
knew that a. mile beyond it there was a
mountain shielding which could give shel
ter; but the moment she attempted to face
the storm of snow which was rushing
through the, gorge,, all hope failed of pro
ceeding in 'that - direction': The return
home was equally impossible. She must
find shelter. The wild cat's or fox's den
would be welcome.
After wandering for some time among
the huge fragments of rock which skirted
the base of the overhanging precipices, she
at last found a more sheltered nook.
Crouching beneath a projecting rock, she
pressed her child to her trembling bosom.
The storm continued to rage. The snow
was accumulating overhead,. Hour after
hour_ passed. became bifterlybOld: The
evening approached. The widow's heart
was sick with fear and anxiety. Her
child, her only child, was all she thought
of. She wrapped him in her shawl. But
the poor thing had been scantily clad, and
the shawl was thin and worn. The widow
was poor, and her clothing could hardly
defend herself from the piercing cold of
such a night as this. But whatever was to
become of herself, her child must be pre
served. The snow; in whirling eddies,
entered the recess, which afforded at the
best but a miserable shelter. The night
came on. The wretched mother stripped
off almost all of her own clothing; and
wrapped it round her child, whom, at
last, in despair, she put into a deep
crevice of the rock, among some dried
heather andfern.
[Se ect cd.
And now she resolves, at all hazards, to
brave the storm, and return home, in order
to get assistance for her babe, or perish in
the attempt. Clasping her infant to her
heart, and• covering its face•with tears and
kisses, she laid him softly down to sleep,
and rushed into the snowy drift.
The night of storm was succeeded by a
peaceful morning. The sun shone from
the clear blue sky, and 'wreaths of mist
hung along the mountain-top, while a thou
sand water-falls poured down their sides.
Dark figures, made visible at a distance on
the, white ground, might be seen with long
poles examining every hollow near the
mountain-path. They are people from the
Village, who are searching for the widow
and her son. They have reached the pass.
A cry, is of the . shepherds; .as
he sees a bit of tartan cloak among the
snow. They have found the widow—ead ;
her arms stretched forth as if imploring
assistance !.Before noon they discovered
the child by his cries. He was safe in, the
crevice of the rock. The,story of that wo
man's affecticm for her child was soon read
in language which all understood. Her
almost naked body revealed her love.
Many a tear was shed, many an exclama
tion expressive of admiration and affection
was uttered from enthusiastic sorrowing
Highland hearts, when on that evening the
aged pastor gathered the villagers in the
deserted house of mourning, and, by pray
er and fatherly exhortation, sought to im
prove-for their soul's sake, an event so sor
More than half a century passed away!
That aged and ' faithful pastor was long
dead, though his memory still lingers in
many a retired glen among the children of
children whose parents he baptized. His
son, whose locks were White with age, was,
preaching„ to a congregation of Highland
ers in one of our great cities. It was on a
communion Sabbath.
The subject of his discouree was the love
of Christ. In illustrating the self-sacrific
ing nature of that "love which seeketh
not her own," he narrated the above story of
the Highland widow, whom he had himself
knOvnst in hie boyhood. And then he asked,
"If that child is now alive, what would
you think of his heart, if he did not cher
ish an affection for his mother's memory, and
if the sight of her poor tattered cloak, which
she had•wrapt round him, in order to save
his life at the cost of her own, did not fill
him, with gratitude and love too deep for
words ? Yet what hearts have you, my
hearers, if, over these - memorials of the
Saviour's sacrifice of himself, you do 'not
feel' them glow`with ,deeper love, and,ader
ing gratitude ?"
A fa- days after this, a message was sent
by a dying, man requesting to see this cler
gyman. The • request was speedily com
plied with. .
The sick man seized the minister by the
hand, and, gazing intently in' his face, said x
"You det not; you cannot recognize me..
-But I. know you, and I k - new, your father be
fore you. rhave been a wanderer in many.
lands. I have visited every quarter of the
globe r and fought and.bled for my king arid
country: I came-to this town a; few weeks
ago in bad health. Last Sabbath I entered:
your church—the church of my country
men—where I could once more hear, in the
language of my youth and of my heart, the
Gospel preached. I heard you tell the
story of the widow and her son "—here the
voice of the old.soldier faltered, his emotion
almost 'choked his utterance, but' recovering
himself for a moment, he cried, " lam that
son 1" and burst into a flood of tears..
" Yes," he continued, " I am, that son 1"
Never, never did 1 forget that Mother's love.
Well might you ask what a; heart should
mine have been if she should have been
forgotten by me.? Though I never saw
her; dear to me is her memory, and my only
desire now is, to lay my bones beside hers
in the old 'churchyard among the hills.
But, sir, what breaks my heart, and covers
me with shame, is: this—until now, I never
saw, with the eyes of the soul, the love of
the Saviour in giving himself for me—a
poor, lost, hell-deserving sinner. I confess
it i I confess it 1" he cried, looking up to
heaven, his eyes streaming; with tears; and
pressing the minister's hand close to his
breast, he added, " It was God who madeyou
tell that story. Praise be to his holy name,
that my dear mother has not died in vain,
and that, the prayers which I was told, she
used to offer foil me, have been at last ans
wered; for the love of my mother has been
blessed by the Holy Spirit for making me
see, as I never saw before, the
_love of the
Saviour. I see it, I believe it; I have
found deliverance in old age where. I found'
it, in my ehildhood—in the cleft of the
rode; but it is the' ROOK OF AGES!' and
clasping, his, hands, he repeated, with in
tense fervor, "'Can a mother forget her
sucking, child, that she shOuld not have
compassion on the son of her'wornb. Yes,
they may forget, yet will -I not forget
thee I's
," Willie," said a little orphan boy to his
brother, "now we are all alone in the
world ; ;. father; and:mother, and aunty are
gone, and there is nobody •to take care of
us - What - Shall we do'?" "Oh
afraid," said do n't you remember
the verse that dear mamma taught Us
Wheu my father.. mother.,, forsake,
me 'then , the ford will take me'npr"
999 0 A 9
D 11. * 0
Gen. Washington's Punctuality,
On one occasion, when Washington was
sitting for,his pertrait in,Mr..Peale'stpaint
ing-room, he looked at his watch and said.:
"Mr. Peale, my time for sitting has ex
pired ; but, if three minutes longer will be
of any importance to, you, I will remain,
and make up the time by hastening my
walk up to the State House (where Con
°Tess was in session.) I know exactly how
long it will take me to walk there; and it
will not do for me, as President, to be ab
sent at the.hour of meeting."
Mrs. Washington Was, as remarkable for
punctuality as her illistriouS husband: At
one time, during the general's absence, he
wrote to her to get Mr. James Peale to
paint her portrait in miniature, and to send
it to him. Mrs. Washington wrote a note
to the artist, saying that her presence at
home was indispensable when the general
was away, and it would not be convenient
for her to attend at'his painting-room. She
requested him, therefore,. to come to her
house for, the sittings,' and offered to accom
,herself to any hour when it would
suit him to be , away from his studio. In
his reply Mr. Peale appointed seven o'clock
in the morning. When he , left his home
to keep the engagement for the first sitting;
it occurred to him that the lady' might not
be, ready 'tniee him at so -early •an
hour. He walked on accordingly, more
slowly than usual. Mrs. Washington met
him with the observation,' "Mr. Pealeii
have•been in the, kitchen 'to give my order'
for, the clay ' ; have read the newspaper; and
heard my niece her, 'lessen on the harp;
yet have waited for, you twenty minutes.,"_'
. The gentleman, of-course, felt exceed
ingly mortified, and remarked that if his
enoae^ement had been with. General Wash
ington he should have felt the importance
of being punctual to the minute ; but lie
thought it necessary to allow a lady a little
more time.
" Sir," replied Mrs. Washington, "I , am
as punctual as `the' General." It may be
imams nedthat r Mr. Peale took : care to be at
the''house the next day at the time ap
A Little Hero.
Any boy who has courage and spirit to
do right, to tell the truth, even if it is
against himself, is a hero. About six years.
ago a small boy came from some country in
Europe. He had come alone, or nearly
alone, to St. Louis; without money, and
only the dirtiest and raggedest clothes. He
could speak our language only poorly. ' He
walked the streets in search' of something
to do. At length a kind-hearted grocery
man, took him in. He was studying 'an
English every odd moment
he could get from his work. A few months
afterwards he came to my house to recite
lessons in the evening, which he could get
at snatched moments, all the while saving.
every cent` he could from his small earn
ings. When he had saved Sixty dollars, he
was admitted to, the commercial college,
and went through the course. As soon as
out, he got a good situation in an insurance
office. His faithfulness and ability soon
won him a place in .a bank, at a, salary of
fifteen hundred dollars a year. In a bank
he still is—a boy yet, I should think, not
twenty years old.
Row to Select Flour.
1. Look at the color; if it is white, with
a; slightly yellowish or , straw-colored tint,
buy it. If it is very white, with a bluish
cast, or with black specks in, it, refuse it.
2: Examine its adhesiveness; wet and
knead a little . of it between your fingerd;
if it works soft and sticky, it is poor.
Flour from Spring wheat`is likely to be."
sticky. 3. Throw a little Iwo', of dry
flour against a dry, smooth, Perpendicular
surface ; it falls like powder, it is bad.
4. Squeeze some of the flour in your hand;
if it retains ,the shape given by: the pres,,
sure, that too IS a good sign. Flour that
, will stand all these tests is safe to buy.
These modes are, given by old flour. dealers,
and we make no apology for printing them,
as they pertain to a matter that concerns
everybody; namely, the quality, of the stas
of life.
Fads Sam's Farm.
The amount of land the United States
Government has for sale is abn'ost incalcu
lable. All the people of fourteen States
and five Territories, says an exc.hange, de
riie their title to their lands from the Fed
eral Government, and the records and files
.evidencing the inception of their rights
are preserved in the General Land Office at
Washington. The 'public domain now
covers a surface, exclusive of water, of
1,450,000,000 acres. The Government has
sold but about 120,000,000 acres of :land
during the last quarter of a century, at
something' leis than $150,000,000: It will:
thus be seen, Uncle Sani's - Farm is still
sufficiently large for :praCtical purposes;iinic
though: he should sell off.; lands for centu
ries to come, he would have an abimdance
still, even if he does not enlarge hiiboiders
by the annexation of Cub% Mexico, and
half of the rest of the world.
Tin Mormons.
The Mormons, according , to their own
census, are decreasing in Utah. In 1850
they numbered 38,000; in 1857 only 31,-
022 ; and. in 1858 only about 330;000. '
They claim, however, that they areincreas
ing= in the country at large and in the
world, and they ascribe the diminution in
Utah to 'temporary causes and absences.
It is computed that there are. 82,000 hi
Great Britain and Ireland, and 7,000 on"
the Continent of Europe, besides some
5,000 in Canada, 4,000 in California, and
several thousand in the. Eastern_ States and.
South Americo. Altogether' they number
126,000.. Utah is the only Place where
they.practice polygamy and carry out , their
theories of civil government ai well as of
religion, and it is the only place where they
do not increase.
Curious Effects of Camomile,
A decoction of the leaves of common,
, .
camomile will destroy all species of insect,,
and nothing contributes so much' to the
health of a garden as a number of camo
mile plants dispersed through it. No
green-house or hot-house should ever be
without it, in a green or dried state; either
the stalks or the flowers will answer. It
is a singular fact that, if' a pint is droop,
ing and.apparently dying, in nine cases out,
of ten it will recover if you plant _camomile
near it.
Page to the Speaher.
At present , the main stay, of Speaker
Pennington is the young page who stands
upon his right, a youth, of fine . appearance
and something near 'eighteen years 'of . age.
MIS page was first appointed to office by.
Speaker Boyd, and hasmyer since continued
to diadharge the duties of "Page to the
Speaker," among which is now reckoned
the duty of prompting thp Speaker in the
dis,charge of his official business.
stands near the Speaker, and, 'directs him
in an undertone howtupnt, every, motion
and how .to deOicie.pOinte of order: as they
arise. " Thaddeus'.' is knciwn to all the
lAitithans uftll.49ollktrY,as moat re
mirTails'iarlistneetariati:Of hltlage
With the construction of the rules of order
he is PFfeetlY and every. piece
edent he;'lias ` nt_his . fingers ' nds.
NNFA..77 - SATITRI ) IVY, APRIL '7 1860
An enterprising citizen of New-Jersey
has prepared ponds for the purpose of rais
ing frogs for the table. There these am
phibious, vocalists are advanced from the
tadpole degree to. _the maturity of frog
hood, whenthmare subjected to a rap on
the -head, .Whic,h effectually retards their
growth, and impairs their musical powers.
The ,politeriot limbs are then divested of
their natural covering, and sent to market,
where they readily command the - price of
one . dollar per , hundred at wholesale.
Frogs are becoming a common article of
The PTess.
The 'freedoin and power of the press in
a corninUnity like ours, is a price put into
onr hands, not only to get wisdom, but to
impart-it to _others, and to all. We are,
therefore, muder : , mere(' o h ligations, of
which we canna' divest ourselves,' to use
this power, and to use it well.
Era and Period.
Much confusion frequently occurs in the
use of the terms'era and period among
chronologere. 'Era is an indefinite time,
period is a time,inpluded between two dates.
The beginning and ends of the periods are
epochs, though, generally speaking, epoch
is confined' to events of some distinction.
Yield of Gold and Elm
~The total , amount of gold and silver
'fielded by all the mines in the world, from
'thebirth:4 Christ down to the year 1856,
has tai~en estimated at sixteen thousand
tmiroliundied two
VlTPdA9u§ilnd •
I , Afteerful temper, joined' with inno-'
:cence, will make, beauty attractive, knowl
edge delightful, *and wit good nature.,. It,
will lighten aiokness poverty, and alio
don ;' convert ignorancc into an amiable
simpliliti; and render deformit3r itself,
agreeable. ' • '
A Prejtcher not long since told hie hear
" thni:the 'doctrine he preached was
the hest ,of,any ,calculated to make them
happy, and if c he knew of any that was,
more cal6filite - d 'to do so, he would preach
O k t it A. N.D. ORTH;
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•Troms the. :itriur-York jatie:peawient. , •
Tbg. l veiy beat book on Slavery yet issued. Sound, fudi
elpidirkind, Christian, and moat timely and faithful. '* *
author rehearses in a graphic way the, xi - meanies of vio
lence, which *Sonmimati Aoenossiox r has of late BO eye:
tinnaticallY putimed;' and, while_ condemning the crazy zeal
Of John Brown, he shows that his heroic self-denial,for, the
oppressed puts to shame the coward fury et the South for op
pression. Yet the:tone of the book, while candid, frank and
manly, is always kind and gentlemanly; not sectional, but
fraternal; not partisan, but. Christian. lie points the
, simple remedy for existing evils, by substituting
wages for the lash, free labor for coerced toil.
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Its animated deactiptioni, and the frankness and cordiality
of its tone, are adapted to give it a favorable. reception : even
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- * The topics to -which this volume is
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they may-arouse a.terepest of opposition from those who' re
gard silence as the only giiarantee of safety, will aemire if a
wide cirdidation'among the' Ilion& of Freedom throughout
• Prom the Atlanta (Ga.) .onjideracy.
:It is a', emitcmptible abolition production, written in a
`very readable style, and well calculated to taint *eminds of
the - young,. ' , ' • .
• "'FrontMe Detroit Christian Herald.
It furnishes valuation information on tho question's which
npw agitate our country. ' •
such as ivoubilie derived by any bon
fairTniinded,Nortbarn man. It is warm, direct, eloquent.
i'rons the New reek Observer.
`The book is intowly;and s t vowedly. 4bolition:
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contribution to religious ,literature. It furnishes a key to sit
lniniid history by unfolding the true relation of the Lord
Jesus Christ to our world, as the Alpha and Omega, the be
0-11.ningand.the end of ill thingm; the moral centre around
which therovidential government of God revolves, and . toward_
which all human thought and action converge. This volume
has klen,reVecci,indoniurfod for the,pnwent edition.
- OF •Txa
TRUTH OF . THE ibßirrußE .R.sco.a. Ds.
With Special Reference to the Doubts and lliecoveriee of
Modern Times.
12mo. Cloth. $1.25.
The sale of the first large' edition of this work, in a few
days, cdtests the goblin opinion of its value. ,The voice of the
, press is also must •44cit in lie &vet. A for specimens may
be given c
. . .
, .
,„.‘• •
timOrliEunate inarn ng• judgment, and general ability,
displayed by:tdr: Bew'Bison, in his edition of fierodotue, are
exhibited in this work also."—North. .dnierican.
"In its special application of secular history to the film
tration of the sacred record, It pmsessos au interest and value
for Biblical students which can hardly be expreseed in words.
We see not how any man of candor can rend this volume and
retain a doubter; to the authenticity of the historical books
of the Old Tastament."--./Miependent.
"Vie volume is a great advnum upon anything before in
the hands of 'the Engliahirtudent."—arnuregationtaief.
"kuoblo book, of the pr o
foondest interest and value."—
f' No more important work in'vindication of the historical
ioxuracy and credibility of the Scriptures his evereppastied.”
--Sprintotelei Republican.
"It will be read with proforniit'lntereat by pemone of
every breed, or no creed nt al1."--Okeinnati Gazette.
tar 9:444:23 aka by snallppost-pitiel on receipt of price
• 60 Wousblogton Bt., Boston
• The PAGMC EXPOSITOR is to be devoted to the isxpo
sition of GOd's 'Word; Mid' the preaching of the Ooeptl, ac
cording to, the Standards of our Ciiiircli. We wish to do, by
the Press, for our folloW-Citinena, just what we do for Calvary
• congregation every
. Sabbath; that is, to expound, explain arid
preach - to them thu Word of the Living We would, if
possible, furnish sermons to be read on the Ltird's day, in the
lonely place of our valleys and monntains, whore there is no
pastor or evangelist to open his mouth and show the way of
salvation; rind into the crowded village of miners, farmers;
and travellers, *heat as yet there is no house of worship, we
desire to mend the EXPOISITOR, to open to them the Scriptures,
and preach unto them Jame. It. us well known that a large
number of the half million of Roils that are on this coast do
not attend any church or - emoting-house; many thousands of
them nover'llear a sermon preached from' . year to year. Wo
would furnish them with such reading as would remind them
of their early training—the home of their . youth-.--and ainso
them to seek and Serve the God or their fathers, with a per
'heart and - a Willing . mind. Wo Ilona to mike the
Exeoarron. nassiatiary t . that may preach oven .Where the
aborts= im&the evangelist do nut go.
Notilthe dollar of the subscriptions will be appropriated to
the editor'eptiyao use. All. that is subsertheil beyond the
actrial,tort, will-beirithit in extending the circulation of the.
work arnong..otir miners, cattle-drivers, farmers, sallons;and•
travellers. The Ex Pon will be issued every month, at
Three,Dollars per. annum, in ruts-mice. It will make an
octavo,volume of over six- hundred pages. It is very neatly
printed, and on .good paper. Tho postage prepaid to any
part of the-United States ia owe czar for each nnmber. Gold
dollars, or three dollar pieces, or drafts on the San Ensmaineo
Express Companies, can be sent at our risk, by mail.
To my and the Chriatimin Of "the blessed Add
States?! Imoidd say. thatthoufdi California makings them:
rich, we are poor, and in building up Christian Inatitutiona
we needmot only. Ton{ prayers ,and
see synipathY,
I hut ins ; need .
,r o sur
do A as s f . i it m uc ttl y n z l 7 leAc a y i; Is an cll y M o gi e i r t
way, aa you tan do brsubseribing for thin work. Ily means
of the Poet Office, ,you send ft to preach' to thousands,'
that here been taught to read, tint do not attend church, and
indeed . .have none to go to.
afir,alinisters, Meta; churoh ofacors, and others, who are
friendly. to thin workArtehisited to act•as :agents In procuring
subscribers. • A liberal commission will be
Lift. is short.. The night cometh soon; * when no Hain can
work. .Let us work while; the day lasts.. Will Ism
Ban rquicisco, Octobei 106;1850. n05124m..,
The above Is given more ,to convey : an idea of the general
character of the work than 9s an index to its voluminous
contcnts, which will, embrace, everything of inprest,; . e in
telligent religions minds.
WAbelieve a general record like this, to which every one
might turn for authentic information on all topics of current'
religious interest, has long been:wanted, and would be found
of great convenience, not only to clergymen and otherchureh
officers, bet teall interested in the moral and religious Meru-
Ments of the age. It has been the him of the puldislibrs to
suppli .this want, and 'in TICE -AMERICAN CiLItISTIAN
RECORD to present a work 'which would enable all CAtrie
tians'finniliarly to understand ono another's faith, efforts,
and strength, in which each should be aide to read. the, fast
and . present story of his particular denomination, and corn
pare it with that of others; and in which all might perceive
ata glance, fist,, the .efforts of individual institutions, and
then the` result f their united operations throwMout the• - .
In conclusion, we venture, to,say, that so vast an amount of.
varied information on religious subjects has , never bebro,
been brought within the compass of a single volume.
• Large 12mo t in clear Brovter type, on good paper, and
neatly bound m muslin. Price $1.25.
* Civics mailed, prepaid, on-receipt of
AiRr'AGOTS WANTED in all ports - of the country.
W. S.C. CLARK & ME E . . 16111%, Publishers .
No. 44 Walker,Strpot, New York, and
feblB-3m 221- Washington Street, Boston.'
NO ,929 Chestnut Street, . Philadelphia,
Offers, me suitable tor individuals, churches, families, and
Suads.y..Schools, a large variety of -
. _
.0f these, &large nuralleriainiended for Children and Youth
—the volumes ,being handsomely illustratpli by line, en
gratihgs, Printed in dear type, and well bound.
The assortment embraces over four hundred and fifty
Orders may be sent TMSSELL,
Tract House,
. . .
je7-ly92D, Chestnut .§treet,
Q I P 9'
e 113 It ' L E:YI .
• New Edition Just Publisited.
J YJOHV 110:1114 - E TOOKE. •
!With Numerous Additions from the copy Prepared by the'
Author for .re-publication.. •Nevised and Cop.'
rected,,sylith Additional, Notes,
SMITH,, *s9.l4isJEc
The book will be sent by mail, pre-paid upon receipt of
Price. juns-13,
• D. KIRKPATRICK k SONS, No. 21 &Timm ST., 'between
Market and Chestnut Sts., Philadelphia, have lot sale
Dry and Salted Spanish 'Hides
Dry and Green Salted Patna Kips, Tanner's Oil, Minuet's and ;
Currier's Tdols at the lowest prices, and 'upon the best terms.
AG; .&11 kinds of Leather in the rqugh wanted, for Which
the highest ;market price.ivill be
.. given nab, or taken in
exchange for Hide& Leather stored free of charge, and soli
on ea:m:lo29km. ja,n294y
• •
:Book and Job Printer,
PAPERS, Corner of Market and Second, at Wood and
Third Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Particular attention paid to printing Catalogues for Colleges
and Seminaries, Programmes, Diplomas; and SchailKeports.
Late of the firm of Kirk-* ! Late with Gillespie, Zeller
patilck k Metzger. £ Co., Philadelphia.
Wide . if. KIRKRAI I RICK & . CO.,
Wholesale' Gi*ooOrp,...,
FORWARDING .42W oomicrazzier • NERCHANTS,
. AND, DRAMA •IN. ._ .._, _ . .
PITTSBURG/I 31ANTIPACTITipkG 1 . .41.1=C14,14, .
No. ,991iberty St., oppositi.kettd:ortmithfigd,
PI i
' Particular attention paid to the Mb of Country Prodiana
'.. ap9-ly •
.., .
the public to the PFLELAIDELPHIA.
: Housekeeping Dry - Goo'ds .Store,
% where may be found a !Rile samogllment of all kinds of Dry
Goods, required in furuishing,a; bomie, thus saving the
trouble usually experienCed iii linntitig such" articles, in va
rious places. In consequence of our giving our attention to
this kind of stock, to the exclusion of dress and fancy gads,
we can guarantee our prices and style to be the most tavola,
. ble Itt the Market.
' • IN LINEN 000DS,.
we are able to give perfect satisfaction, being the Oldert a
tablished Listen . Store 1p the city, and having . been for more
'' the* twenty:, years regular importers from s ome. of the. best
numedieturers in Ireland. We offer, also, oi. large stock of
of the beat qualities' to be obtained, and at the very lowed
priced.' Also, Blankets, Quilts, 811N:dings; Ticking-A Damask
Table Clothe, and Napkin., Tossollings, Diapers, tinekabacks,
Table and Plano Covers, Damasks and Koreans, LOCO and
Muslin. Curtains, Dimitiee, .Purniture Chintzes, Window
&bodkin, ac., kc. JOHN, V. COWALL k 80,\,
S. W. corner of Chestnut and Seventh Pte.,.
______ • PhlladelPhia.
0....0 ~ COUGHS, COLDS,
, et 4 WA R.B
TION, SONESS, or any a ff ection of
ON 0 Nui3 !f c l.. :TtntoaT,CURMD ; the Hacking Cough
conalivar n iz Bronehiths, Whooping
'/?0C1/4k1 ,h BRONCHIAL TROCHES, b o y r
" A Pimple and elegant combinellon 1'01.0;40s. &c."
• • .: • 'Dr,. Boeton.
" Have proved extreemily.aevicesiblefor froarsatess."
Rey. R 8.113.7 WARD BRECIIER.
" I recommend their use to Public Speakers."
Rev. E. N. CHAPIN, Now York.
"Most minter,. relief In Drone/WO."
Rev. E. SZIOPRIRD, Morristown, Ohio.
"Beuellcial when compelled to "speak, suffering from MEd."
"Effectual in removing Hoarseness and, Irritation of the
Throat, so common with Speakers and' Singers."
Prof. M. STACY JOIINSON,LtOrtinge.IIa,, ; •
Teeteber of Mimic, Southern Female dollege.
"Onset benefttsdam taken before and after preaching, as
they prevent Roareenese. From their pas! effect, I think
they will bo of permanent advantage to me.
. • •••••• •• . President Athena C,oilege; Tenn.
airqloitibi all Druggists, at 25 cents box.
I,I)=DGEB,," for .Draiepsia,- /ndigertion,;(.7ouellpatiop,...
-arIIVB/4f0111'W6!:thil111:&'c: . 1,.0 P: 6 in •
An. Entirely New Work,
To Which we respectfully invite attention. It is an authentic
and complete book of reference on All current religious
topics anti all religiOtaterrents of the year; will contain
A ClassitleA and .Statietical Record of Religious and Moral
Associations in the United States and Iturope;
The History, Confession of Faith, and Present Statistics of
Each of the Religious Denominations of the United States
and Europe ;
Statistics of Moral, Benevolent and Educational institutions
in the United StateS;
A Classified List and the Posh Office-Address of Clergymen of
all denominations in the United States;
List of Leading Contributors and Testators to Religious and
Benevolent Enterprise/WI
Record of of Deaths in the klinistry for the Year;
NOtible Raps for Understanding the Scriptures..
Re/ 1 091 1 S 0f..4 181 a and Africa. •
Iteligious and Moral Teachers of Mankind.
Sacred Books of ail Nations; -
Missionag SimietieS;
Bible Societies of the United States and Europe;
Religious Periodicals ,in the United Statektand.Enrope; . •
Eminent Christians who have Died Dming the Year;
Reliefs of all Nations ;
List • of Generous ,Contributors to Christian Enterprises
During the Year;' , '
• tte., ko.
• The most simple, economical, and , durable article ever
offered to the.public to alleviate the discomforts 'of wash-day.
It consists of a metal cylinder, with ribs on the inside, and
an interior cylinder a wood, with ribs. There is a space or
from six to eight inches . between the tiro ; cylinders. , One.
crank turns both cylinders at the same time in opposite three
tionS, rapidly creating a suds, forcing the water through the
clothes, and effectually rentering the dirt. The action of the
water does the work quickly, dispenses entirely with rubbing,
and:thus - saves the wear of clothes.'
101 Jones' Ailey, Phila., is Agent for, Pernawlvalua.
• SULLIVAN. & 11:YANTi Proprietors,
54 Beekman Street, New York.
N. B.—State and County Rights for sale, rind purchneers
supplied with Machines at wholesale on liberal terms.
A - Machine's in operatioebYlatilidress daily; at our
. ,
Salesroom, 439 Broadway.
W A L L.. P A P' E: It :S •
For 1.860.
Beautiful stamped Gold for parlors.
Splendid. Velvet and Gold.
Handsome hall and chamber pattern..
Fanelli and columns for churches.
TnuusANDs of rolls at eleeds:pence, — eind thousands at
six, eight, or ten cents.
Window - Curtains, Fire-board Printer, Tester tops, kc.
at the old trtand, No. 87 W 0911.4, PittaburElli
[Este Us ed'cn .]
BELLS. The subscribers have constantly for sale an sr
BELLS. sortment of Church, Factory, Steamboat, 'Locomo-
BLALN live, Plantation, School-house, and other Bells,
_BELLS. mounted in the most approved and durable manner.
BELLS. For full particulars as to many recent improve
/Ma& Manta, warrantee, diameter of Bells, space occupied
8.F4/..4. in Tower, rates of traneportation, Ac.„ send for a
BELLS. Circular. Bella for the South delivered in New
BELLS. York. Address
• A. MENEELY'S SONS, Agents,
myl&eow-tf West Troy, New York.
11Rp14NTS , HOTEL,
46 North Fourth Street,
IL IPKIBBSN t SON, Proprictom.
1-114211• T HOUS E_
PRIIADELPHIA, February, 1860.
The firm of.E. T..MOCERIDGE & CO., wee dissolved on
the First of Jaiinary. The Underalgued will continue the
at 02 North Fourth Street, (up stairs) Tlira boors shove the
Merchants' Hotel, where Drivers wilt find a Stock of HATS
AND CAPS at figures from 20 to 30. per cent. lase than regu
lar Credit Prides. Respectfully,
P. S.-.. The Highest Prices obtained for FURS Gout to us on
Commission. msra-3m
Obartetedldr the State of Pennsylvania.
"RULES : •
I. Money is received every day, and in, any amount, large
or small.
2. FIVE PER CENT. interest is paid for money from the
day it is put la. . •
3. Tile money is always paid back in GOLD, whenever it is
called for, and. without notice. ;
4. Money is received from Executors, Administrators,
Guardians, and others, who desire to have it in a place of per
feet safety, and where interest can-be obtainedfor.R.
b. The money received from depositors is invested in REAL
first clam securities as the Charter directs.
6. OFFICE HOURS—Every day from 9 till 5 o'clock; arid
on Mondays and Thursdays till 8 o'clock in the evening.
HON. HENRY L. BENNER, President.
ROBERT, SELFerinct;, Vice President.
William .T. Reed," Secretary.
4411 OFFICE : Walnut Street, South-West Corner of Third
Street, Philadelphia. jan23-ly
J.:I •
The undersigned will attend to the locating, of Land War-.
rants in the Omaha and Nebraska City land districts, N. T.
The land sales take place in the months of July an
August. After the sales, land Warrants can' be d,
used. The
lands of this Territory are of the finest quality. Good used.:
time can ho 'made near the Missouri River, and, near settle
ments. All warrants entrusted to my care ;fill be located on
lands selected by Careful land examiners.
Letters of inquiry requested; Terms reasonable., ,
Oriapolls, Cass County, N. T.
KRA.K.En RAHM, Bankers, Pittsburgh.
REV: D. 43.1". KINNEY,
,QO., Bankers, Philadelphia. .
D. J. LOMBABRT, Auditor Ntaxia. Rat-Philadelphia.
BR.XAN,, OARDNBIt 4: CO., :Bankers, liollidaysburg, Pa.
WM. M. LLOYD A. CO., Bankers, Altoona, Pa.
/10. /t. MOWRY, Esq., Chicago.
ALEX. FINLEY, ESQ., St. Louis.
Pam. G. LOOMIS, Oriapolis, N. T.
. P . •INT I I. lAMS,
114 Smithfield Street, Pittsburgh,
(nearly oppcmite the Custom House,) bas just opened a very
choke selection of
of the latent'. importations. Also,
New Orleans, Cuba, Coffee, Crushed, and Pulverized Sugars;
Rice, Ries Flour, Pearl and Corn Starch, Farina, YeasfPetw
, dere, Maccuroni, Vermicelli, Coeon,.Bnnua,....Extra - Wm J.,'and
Spiced Chtholate; Firm 'Ground Spices; Castile, Almond,
Toilet, Palm, Getman, and Rosin Soaps; Sup. Carbonate of
Soda; cream Tartar; Extra Fine Table Sant. Pure Extracte
Lemon and Vanilla; Star,lfonld, and Dipped Caudles; Sugar
! Cured limns ; Dried Beef; Water, Butter, Sugar, and Soda'
Cracßers; Foreign_ Fruits, &c., &e.
Are.Tlde stock asbeen purchased for CASEC, and will be
offered to the Trade, and also to Ermines, at very moderate
advances, from whom we respectfully solicit a share of pat
, renege; • • . ; • . jan'l4.4f
The' Best in 'Use.
These Machines make the SHOTTLK, or LOCK anent, Which
is undeniably the Jaist. , • .
They use but little Thread, work almost noiselessly, are
simple, and easily operated. •
RHOADS, Agent,
Federal Street, Allegheny City.
Ant- SEND FOR A ClRCtliAli."l:4
(Late BATES ot; JOIINSONO . , •
Sole Manufacturer and Dealer in the following three distinct
kinds,ofTtoofing: ' • •
Tat. Ginn Eleatic Cement, Felt and Gattersßooling.
2d. Improved 'Felt, Gement and Gravel Rooiing.
3d. Patent English Asphaltive Feltßoofing.
AU Fire and Water :•Proof, and. Warranted.
Roofing Material for sale, with printed instructions for
Office at Bates do Johnson's old stand,
'!- 'zs Smithtteld Street, Pittantrglio. Pa
N. B.—ThistilThl. CEMENT-is unequalled as a- paint - for
Metal Roofs, lasting twice ne long, and chraper.than.common
paint; also as a paint to pro Tent dampness in Brick Walls.
Tlec3-1y .. .. , ::WM. JORNSON.
0 N.- 0.-I L
Ra . Brilliancy mil Bcononay,
market. It will burn in all-styles of coal oil lamps, is per
fectly safe, and free from all offensive odor. Manufactured
and for sale by
..1141[ 3 410. 411,31:14311310
Csps,. and. Straw Goods,
. ,
134 :wand Stre-et, littslywrgh,
Hate. now on hand. for Spring saleeoss largo. and complete an
assortment of Goode as, can be found in any of the. Eastern
consisting of
Fur, Silk, and Wool Hats,
of every style and qpulity; OAPS of every quality and latest
fashions; Palm. Leat; Straw, Leghorn, anti Panama HATS;
Straw, and Silk BONNETS, etc • et*, Persons wishing to
Mirchase.either by Wholesale or 7Retail, will End it to, their
advantage to call and examine our stock. marl9ly
Manufacturers and Wholesale and, Retail Dealers,
No.32,Noasa Swamp ST.; aboralftrket, Philadelphia
The largest, eheapest„. and best assortment of Yt.ust. and
Farley litmus of any other establishment in the ',United States.
.iIkSEPAIRING promptly attended to. Give us a Oar
and satisfy yourselves. lebrs-ly
N0. , 8,6 WOOD F. TREET,
Corner of Diamond Alley, Pittsburgh, Pa,
Saddles, Harness, and nunfrs,
APIRMIIrn.AI*-31F3r: 41P11111,...,
.7.`nr Families, and ANSI' WOOD COOK -STO''l4.
a^ NO. 246 LIBERTY STREET, at the head of Weed,
PitteSureS,Trt. reb7.94y, :
A E W E , . R A..IN
Se w ing
21111CI&AUMIEIEW31Eni 2
. .
- During the lastibUrteen yews, scene four hundred patents
have ham-, granted ,on inventions. designed to lighten . the
drudgery of family sewing; and at the same time to produce a
machine that -could be profitably - treed for, ritanufintnring.
purposes; but, "strange to nay,. out of this large number of.
Sewing Machines; only Some half dozen haVe been - proVen to'
Le of.practical,value; and of_this small maw, not one.,leas ;
in it combined the advantages of a family and mannfacthring
machine. There arc large, heavy; noisy, Cumbrous,- and
complicated machines, designed for heavy work, that answer,
the :lain - a:me Very well; while there are others of light
- mechanism and delicate adJustmeats, which . perform on light•
work' to advantage; and while the former are exclu
sively confined, to heavy work,.the. latter are, of little value,
except on light fabrics. Therefore I take great pleasure in
stating the important.: fact that ktr. lirowc, the original-in-
venter of Sewing Machines, has recentlyperfected his Shuttle
Machine so as to combine, in it much mailer space and With
mar hem machinery, the strength andliprability of the mann
fatturing machines, and at the same time, possessing , that
delicaCy orratriertient and ease of operation peculiar to the
family machine, and which renders thin the Only;machine ,in
- market capable of working eqyank well the lightest and
hesxviese fabrics, and is therefore designed for
For Shirt-makers, Vest-makers, Tailors, Shoe-binders, Gaiter
_fitters, llainekemakers. Carriage-trimmers,-as well as for all
varieties of FAMILY SEWING,
Is the only one that can give satisfaction ; and they will be
sold for our half the money charged for any other machine
capable of Anil); as heavy work in es good a. manner. These,
machines cannot be got out of order by any fair means. and
they Will. he f illy warranted for one or.more years. They
will stitch, hem, tuck, cord, bind, gather, and fell,
Lastingl—making the lock-Mich seam (alike on both sides) of
groat strength,and elasticity, and which.. cannot, be
nppod or raveled.
The public:are cordially invited to. call. at roams, , NO.
60 MARKET STREET, up, stairs, and thoroughly test, these
machines on all kinds of work; don't be Satisfied by merely
seeing a Machine sew on a rag x .kgt, bring along your light
est and heaviest work, and put the Machine to the most rigid
Active and responsible Agents are wanted for the sale of
thess,Alathines, upon liberal,;terms..,,Pleaso mud for. samples.
of wok and particulars of agency: Address
tiV B. ' LAASCELL, Agent,'
1en21.3m.. . Pittsburgh, Pa.
Wishing to reduce my stock of Renting Pianos, I will sell
the following desirable lot of New and Second-hand Pianos
now in store and ready for examination and sale at the
extremely levy prices annexed to thorn, and those who do
purchase may be assured. that each an, opportunity is
dem offered. tin those marked for Casa, no discount will he
Those for, sale on credit, Three ikintlis only will be
given, and must be settled for by note, payable in the city,
`or a discount of three per cent. for caitl. The following
Rosewood Seven Oetavp Pianos,:
A new and elegant 7 octave Rosewood Louis XIV. Plano,
with all the latest improvements, made exproesly for
subscriber, and will be warranted. The factory price
of this style is $500; for sale at $385
Another of tho gime style and price 385
Another from the same maker, in an elegant Rosewood
Case, manufacturers' priae $375;:f0r... • zgri
In elegant Rosewood 7 octave Piano, Emerson,
Roston ; in perfect order, and in use less than one year;
the price when new ins, $350
A richly served 7 octave, new and large suds Rosewood
Piano made by A. H. Gale, the New York price of
which one year ago was $450
Two elegant Rosewood 7 octave Pianos, carved
ings; scale from Ato A; made by Gale co., conx id„
ered by good, judges as among the dnit of the New
York makers, at the low price 0f275
One same style, 63 octaves
One - elegant Rosewood (Bickering & Son's 7 octave, old 250
seeleja use not more than six raorttlui, themetail price
of which is V 75
6 . 97l thoganr,,d o u l,lo lvimd cornell) 6 octaYei madelky A
Clinkering & 'Sous 'll6O
A Rosewood, 6 octave,. by Wilkinson • IN
A Nalioiany, S octave, Wilkins &'N 135
A Mahogany, 6 octavo, by (bickering & Stewart— ... 80
A Mahogany, 6 octave, by Scharr 60
A Ifalsogany octave;Lond Ss Rio • • -
A Rosewood, 6 octsrm.Cliickering
A Roie - wocal; 6 'Octave, Minnie& Cfm' 12d
ihr - EackingMoxes will be furnished, a n d th e pl um
packedfree of charge, to go to ,a distance.
JOHN 11. i MELLOR, •
piTTssußvir WATER CURE
Located at flayirvillo Station; on the Pittsburgh, Pt. Wayne
and Chicago Railroad, and Ohio River, ten miles West of the
City, This Institution oombipes superior advantages, for the
successful treatment and complete cure of disease. We
would especially invite the ' attention of females who have
suffered for years, and bare almost, despaired of finding re
lief„ te our establishment. We can recommend this Institu
tion to female Sufferers withgreat coundence, as in our long
experience in diseases peculiar to their sex, we have hart an
almost uniform success. We will gladly give any further
information to those who desire it: Addiees Box 1304, Pitts
burgh, Pa. PREASB, MD., Physician.
AS TILM. A . .
JonaS Whitcomb 's Remedy,
Prepared from a German recipe obtained by the late Jonas
Whitcomb, in Europe. It is well known to have alleviated
this disorder in his case, when all other appliances of medical
skill had been abandoned by him in despair. In no case of
purely asthmatic character has it failed to give immediate re
lief, and it has effected many permanent cures. Within the
past two years this remedy has been used in thousands of
cases with attonishing and uniform success. -11 contains no
poisonous or injurious properties whatever; an infant may
take it with perfect safety.
The .fol lowing. certificates furnish conclusive evidence of
the power of this remedy :
WASTIS73ORO', Vt., lifay 12,1E57.
Mn. BITERZTT:—I take pleasure in stating the wonderful
effects of "Whiteomb's Remedy for the Asthma," on my
wife. She had suffered for years more than my pen can
describe, with the sposmodic form of that terrible disease.
As often as ten or twelve times in a year she was brought to
the very gates of death, requiring two or three watchers
sometimes, for several dap' and nights in succession. At
times, for hours, it would seem es if every:breath must be the
In_st. We were obliged to open doors and windows in mid-
Winter, and to resort to every expedient that affection could
devise, to keep her alive. At one time she was so far gone
that her Physician could not count her pulse. At length I
heard of "Whitcomb's Remedy." It acted like a charm. It
enabled her to sleep quietly in a few minutes: * *
I am a Methodist clergyman, stationed here. I shall be
happy to answer any inquiries respecting her case, and you
are at liberty to make any use of the foregoing facts that will
benefit the afflicted. Yours, truly,
NEWBIIRTPORT, Feb. 2.5, 1856.
GEN. rtexmr:—lt is now nearly twelve months since I re
ceived the first bottle of your valuable medicine for the core
of the Asthma. I was determined to give it Is thorough trial,
and to convince myself that it was through its effect that I
Was being so much benefited, before I wrote you. lam now
satisfied that my relief from one of the most aggravating,
moat distressing, and most unrelenting disorders that ever
afflicted a human being, is to be attributed wholly to this
remedy. For thirteen years I suffered with the Asthma and
during thattime there were but fw months in which I did
not suffer with a paroxysm that entirely prostrated me for
two or three days, and sometimes longer. It grew upon me
in severity, until, in 1858 and 1854, Imes obliged for mouths
together, to sleep in my chair and the least active exercise
would bring on a paroxysm oftentimes eo severe that I meld
not move an inch' for honre. But it is useless for me to
describe the, tortures of the spasmodic asthma. Those for
whom this is intended know full well what it is, and I will
merely say, that from the time I took the first dose of your
?BetnedY " to the present hour. I have , not had a bad attack,
and now my syetem is so free from it that the most active
exercise and exposure seldom has any other effect than to
slightly, restrict the lungs.- Your medicine soon dispels that
sensation, and I can safely elerMa general release from the
tormentor. ,
With great respect, your obed't servant,
Extract of a Letter written by a distifigniihed Lawyer in
H aloe
GENiciarmss—l have purposely delayed writing to you
until I bad thoroughly tested the medicine, (Whitcomb's
Remedy for the Asthma.) at different seasons of the year, for
I had often. obtained relief, for a short time, from 'various
kinds of medicines, Raving no permanent good effects. 'Thus
have I tried more than thirty different specifics for the
Asthma; .until I had become worn down by disease, and
almost discouraged. When I commenced taking your medi
cine, I had been afflicted with the disease about twenty years.
It is of-the spaemodic.kind ; and in a bad attack I have fre
quently sat up sixteen nights in succession. Soon after
taking your medicine, I. found an unaccustomed relief. my
health and strength began to improve. I have gained about
twenty pounds - in weight, and have, comparatively, no
asthma. When I feel the symptoms returning, a few tea
spoonfulls of the medicine is sufficient to remove it.
It seems to sue that the very foundation of my disease has
Been broken up, and that it will soon entirely leave me. At
any rate no one that , has suffered, what. I have, heretofore,
and enjoyed - the health that I have enjoyed since -last Fall,
can hesitate to, believe that there le a wonderful power in
Jonas Whitcomb's Remedy for the Asthma. Respectfully,
Afi?- Jonas Whitcornb's Remedy for Asthma is prepared
only by JOSEPH. BURNT TT k CO., 27 Central Street, Bea
ton, and for sale by Druggists generally.. janl4-3m
4telttill MEDICI*
of the preaerit age,,have acquired their great popularity
;only through Yeariot trial. Uritionnded eatisfiretion
ie rendered by then in all eeem
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Nervous Do..
Diseases of tiinSidneye„
and, alt diseases Sitsibc, from a disordered liver, or :westk
revs of the Stomachund Digestive Organs,
:WM MOTT= Minn
nvElt, FEVEI4, AIM Frali MID OIL
Pea our Almanac for proof. Palm, 75 cents per EOM*
'lmitates Balsamic Cored
Qat** Odds, etc Scarceness, Bronchitis'
Croup, ritorananin, incipient Concureption,e ,
and has peribrmed the meat actonebing ewes wirer known
Diarrhcea Cordial it is anequalfea. Pithe,7sients
per bottle.
being well known throughout Ammo and. America; need*
no'cornmendallm here. They are purely vegetable, are
prep; undwith greet exactrielw, and are tojegarlxiated. lAa
better ,Cathat* can be found. Pane, 25 OA: per box.
These medicines are prepared, by Dr. C:DL ItaisoN &
Co., Philadelphia, Pa., and St. Louis, Mo., and are sold by
druggists and dialers in medicines emrywbwe. The sig
h al:Enka,o; M. JACEMIr will be on the, outside of each
bottle or boi. • -
Diouf u...Drerybody's.Mmarwier published Anomaly, you
will Ind testimony and commendatory notkes from all
parte of the.comdrj. Then dhuarntes are giWns away by
all our agents .
Celebrated American
ITIRE countenance is pile
,and .
colored, with occasional flushes, or a cir
cumscribed sr/of on one or both cheeks; the
eyes become dull; the pupils dilate; an.
azure semicircle runs along the lower eye
lid;: the nose is irritated, swells, and some
times. bleeds; ;,a' swelling, of the upper lip;
occasional headache, with hununing or
throbbing of the ears; art unusual secretion
of saliva; slimy or furred. tongue; breath
very foul, particularly in the morning; ap
petite variable, sometimes voracious w with. a
knawing sensation of the stomach, at others,
entirely gone; fleeting' pains in the stomach;
occasional nausea and ~ vomiting, violent
pains throughout the abdomen; bowels ir
regular, at times costive, stoislS slixriy ; not
'infrequently tinged with blood; belly swol
len and hard; win' turbid ~ respiration oc
casionally difficult, and accompanied`_ by
hiccough; cough sometimes,dry and convul:
sive; uneasy and _disturbed . sleep, with
grinding of the teeth; temper variable,.but
generally irritable, &c.
'Whenever the above symptoms are
found to exist,.
Will, certainly effect a cure.
The universal success:.which- ha.s at the administration of this prepar
ation has been such as to *arrant us in
pledging ouriOves to' the public to -
in every instance where it should prove inef
fechial "providing the symptoms attending
the sickness of the child or adult should
warrant the supposition of worms being the
cause." In all'eases the• Medicine to be given
We pledge ourseb.-es to the public, tk at
NII z r
Liam's Verrnifuge
in any
,forin; and that it is an innocent
prepatation not ' capable,. of 'doing the
slightest, injury to the ,most tender infant
Address allarders
P. S. : Dealers and Phyeiclana ordering from others then
Ylembißros . ~will do well to write their orders distinctly,
and take.sione but Di . ...,,llPLernes, preprzral by Fleming
4ror., Pittsburgh, Br: To =tho .a wishing to give them a
trial. we Win forward per mew poet paid, to any part of
tiMUnited States, one kw: ofTille for twelve three.cent
postage- stamper, or 'one: vial- of Vermlbmir am , :: , .,.arteen.
,tketosat stamps. All orders, from Canada moat so.
pompou' by twenty came extra. •
AIW,"For avde,,b3rDaggis' t, ad Coat:74ton Kaput
Ceara' I, I*