the things aimed !at in Senator Wilson's bills. One thing would still be wanting, but that le a thing which Congress cannot supply. Wft,wint courts and juries which can see and feel- the truthfulness of testimony, and which have the moral honesty to convict the culprits.. No Amer jean,:we believe, has yet been, convided, although several have been caught. in - the not. - but possibly if the felons were arraigned before non jtwies, and if the lurptly ..roTe life imprisonment, instead Of. hanging, - v e r di cts might become different. SOMething should be done. The Treaty with NicaragUa; has been 'rejected by the Senate. This had hardly been anticipat ed, and It causes mtioli astonishment. The ob jeotionable feature is, the granting of power to our Executive todand forces to protect the per sons and property of Americans, in ,vase Nipa ragua shall be unable to afford protection. That we should object io'the granting of this right:to ourselves ? ist3ents rather' strange. Efforts aro , be ing made ‘to reconsider the vote by which the treaty via's rejected. The plea was, that an Ex 09Utlite might use this power unduly, and involve the nation , in a war, without the action of Con , , grebe. The Prealy with. Mexico, sent to the Senate weeks ago, has not yet been brought to a direct '.Vote. There must be a ihange in the opinions of members, or it cannot be ratified. The objection is, that it was made with a man, (Juarez,) who 'was not President of the nation, and who could not ratify a:oompact which would be. binding. Our compligations with Mexico, however, are likely to become exceedingly serious. Juarez holds Vera Cruz, as the head of the Liberal party. Miramon, who claims to be President, and who is sustained by the Church party, approached Vera With five thousand men, to assail it. He had two small steamers to cooperate. Our squad ron was in the harbor, and, on the approach of Miramon'a steamers, one of ours neared them ,and fired a gun ahead, which was a demand that a flag should be raised. This demand was ans wered, not by the flag, but by shots. A broad side was then opened upon them, and they soon surrendered. They were regarded as pirates, and sent in to New Orleans. If they had been English or French vessels, we could expect no thing short of war, or the most deferential apol ogy. As they are but helpless Mexicans, the matter is in our own hands. We trust that our Government will be both honorable and just in the case. The affair will, of course, be investi gated., The Post Of Department, that most expensive governmental funotion, is undergoing some scru tiny. The deflaiitticY, aftir expending all its own revenue, is, about five millions. How many leaks there, are, 'and how great, it would not be oasy to tell. - one has just been exposed. The printing of Post ' Office blanks, last 'year, cost $100,277; and the year previous, $117,170. The bids to furnish the same articles now are, one 'at a reduction of ninety-three cents on the dollar, and another, ninety-four and three-qUarter cents! That is, we have been paying one hundred cents for work and material worth but five and a quarter cents. Officers who would thus waste the public money, and 'obtain " corruption funds," may well be suspected of peculation in anything en trusted to them. Circulation of New-York rapers. The following is said to be the circulation of the principal newspapers, daily and weekly, which are published in the city of New York: D ILIES Hired 72;000 Sun 69;000 Times 24,000 Tribune .... . ....... 19,000 Express 11,000 N. Y, Ledger...4oo,ooo N. Y.'i4fereury..26o,ooo N. Y. Weekly...lBo,ooo Frank Leslie's.. 40,000 Harp. Weekly... 00,000 Decrease of Shoes in ,Delaware. Delaware is rapidly getting rid' of her slaves. She had eight,thonsand at the firpt census, and, but two thousand at the last one. owners find ittraore profitablelo sell them at, the:'South than to keep them. Sussex County alone ships to the South, on , all average, sjx per week,: or two hundred and twelve a year. Every census shows a deorease of , ten per cent. in the slave population. • f: lowa. Legislature..) CIDAIt 'RA:Pins, IOWA; March 27.—The lowa Legislature has conferred upon - the Cedar Rapids and Missouri. Mier Railrold; OPmpaity; island grant of `seven hun.clred thousand acres, recently resmed,for the lowa Central Cempany. , This is the most valuable grant in thefitate, and insures the speedy extension of that line "to the Mis souri River. ' Steinway's Overstrink Grand The undersigned •having personally examined and pitotically tested the h:npipvment_ittprand Pianos:.inventectby SteinwayOst which the catered Strings are " overatrung " above those re- malting, do'hereby certify :' ! , AI L Ist. That as a result of said improvement, the voice of 'the' piano is greatly improved in quality, quantity, 'and power. • 2d. The sound, by Steinway's improvement, is much more even, less harsh, stronger and much better prolonged titan that realized in, any other pianos with which we are acquainted. Bd. The undersigned regard the' improvem4nt of Mr. Steinway as most novel, ingenious, and importani., fi r ,orpiarto,of sinitar construction has ever been known or used, so far as the under signed know or.belleve. i j ,.. Wm. Apo ~ ,(eon of Dr. LLowelllgal,9ri.) gniitaN 4 , eri ' 'Carl:Bergin* st . 431--lifil , '* ' - ROM: Gdldbhck,'-. Wm. A. King, , • , H. A. Wollenhaupt, G. A. Bristow,. (Director of the Now York Sa ,ereillia(Wtogc Society,).' . ' ' ... Geo. W, 'Morgan, (Organist of Graoe Church, H. C. Timm, Hill, Saar, , and many others. [N. Y. betity 2'ieiesT,4ieleA' 2d, gm.] • F, or, eard of Pittsburgh agents for Steinway's Pip,Ros, Messrs. 11..Kleber & Bro., see advert:is goignins• • . . • rADVZiIIZEMEXT..I N'Lalie's Liver :Pills, Preisitreet by Fleming Pros., of Pittsburgh; Pa Front"the unsolicited testimony continually of fered.** all quarters, of the country, it is possible to resist, a conviction of the great ex cellence of,these:Pills in all diseases of the Liver and Stontattit.. The following letter from Toronto, 9anada, itt 2 ono of the many the proprie tors have received - 7 ; TORONTO,' April 27th, 1854. MalSBßB.' Flamm Bios.: Sire :—I take this opportunity. of informing you of the benefits I have d'eriveUfrom Dr. M'Lane's valuable Pills. I have for two years" past been afflicted with a severe pain over the eyes; accompanied with a nervousness and sense of &ninon ; a malady beyond the power and skill of our physicians to relieve and cure, caused, as far as I . 'myself could judge, by a diseased state of the liver and stomach. Some of the doctors tried bleeding, and various other , remedies were tried, but all in .vaip, for the deep-rooted disease still stuck fast. At last I procured a box of your valuable Liver Pills from a druggist here, and feel, after taking a portion of them, that the diseates and painful .senakttorr over the .eyes has alutdAteutirely left me.: .:twill close by adviiing alLtloitii.aftlicted as I havi:been, to procure 'the valnable medicine at once,' and .save much time and 'with little expe'nee. With • sincere gratitude'and respect, I remain -Yours, respect.. fully, Gleßoa W.. RUSSELL, ' Pexchpers will be careful to ~ask for Dr. Oeiebrated Liver Pills, nianufaoturod by Bernie/ ; of Pittsburgh; ,Pg, There are other Nilo purporting to be Diver now be fore the public.. Dr. ld'Lane's genuine Pills, else hisDelebrated,Venatifuge,soai:now be had' at- ell genuine without the signature of , NM "Jour. of Corn 7,000 Cour. nud gn q .....8,000 Com. •Adv 8100 2vetting Post 2, 00 Day ...... .2,000 Triburte....1.4:.120,N0 Day Book. ..... ::•41:000 Herald.. 16,000 Timeg" 8,000 _Express 3,000 IMIE Toronto 'FLUnki 'Ube— 6iii=iaiiaz *rap is By the Canada, European dates'are received to the 11th inst. • GREAT BRITAIN. ' In the House of Conunons, Lord John Ruisel requested Mr. Ringlake to pbstinine ,motton protesting against the, annexation of Savoy to France, on the ground that discussion now - would be prejudicial to the public service. Mr.'Kinglaknconsented, but would introduce it at a subsequent period; he subjeqt,of allowing France to carry out a system of emigration from India to her colonies was brbught up and denounced by Mr. Cane.' Lord John Russel retracted his previous ee- planations: ' The arrangement was' made With a view of arranging. the 'free immigration Of Fiance, which practically revived all the evils of the'ilave trade, and under' these circumstances le thought the new arrangement perfectly justi fiable. Mr. Byng moved an address to the crown, ap proving of the new commercial treaty with France, and promising that, Parliament will take the necessary steps to carry it into effect. The address was .finally agreed to, without an amendment and without a division. . ' Lord A. Vane Tempest asked if the Govern ment, had taken steps , to secure the cooperation of the great. Powers in opposition to the annexa tion of Savoy. Lord Jcihri Russel said Austria and Prussia had intimated their concurrence in the views of Eng land, but no reply had been received from Russia. The Government had not asked them to take any steps in the matter. , In the Hottse of Lords - a debate . on Italian affairs took place, .a position of strict neutrality being urged by all parties. , • No more floating batteries, with iron sides , aro to be constructed, owing to the Armstrong guns having completely riddled the immensely thick iron plates of the experimental vessel. Capt. Robertson, of the British . ship Sir John Moore, has been presented, at Liverpool, with a chronometer, from , the President of the United States, for rescuing the crew and passengers of the American ship May Queen, in 1858. FRANC That portion of the 'Emperor's speech to the Legislature, which relates to the Italian qnestion —particularly the counsel given to the King of Sardinia—is of great importance. We copy the text, as follows ;:, ;•- "In guaranteeing Italy by, my army against foreign intervention, I had a right to point out ,the lihAti of this guarantee. .4 ther6- foie, hesitated to declare to the King of Sardinia that, although leaving to him 'an entire liberty of ,action, •I could- not follow him in a policy which in the eyes of Europe appeared to intend the-ab sorption of the State of Italy, and which threat ened new-complications. I have counselled him to reply favorably to the wishes of the provinces Which offer themselves to him, but to retain the autonomy of 'Tuscany, and to respect in• principle the - rights-of the Holy See. if this arrangement does not satisfy everybody, it has the 'advantage of reservingprinciples, of calming apprehension, and it' elevatbs Piedmont to a kingdom of more than nine million souls. Having in view this transformation of North ern Italy, which gives to a powerful State all the passes 'of the Alps, it was my . duty, for the safe ty of our frontiers, to 'claim the French side of the mountains. In this reclamation of a territo ry of small extent there is nothing to alarm Eu rope, or ,to belie the disinterested policy which I Lave- more than once proclaimed, -for France does not wish to:proceed to this aggrandizement, how:, ever small it may be,' either by military occupa tion, orby insurrection provoked, or by underhand manceuvres, but :by frankiy.eiplaining the ones tion to the Great Powers. They will doubtless understand in their equity, like France as France would certainly understand it for each of them under similar eirMimstances, that the important territorial rearrangement which is- about to take place gives us a right to a guaranty indicated by Nature herself." Reports had been current of dissentions be IWeen France and England, relating ' the Zhinese expedition, but the Paris correspondent of-the. London:Poet pronouncew them wholly un founded. - • ITALY The projected annexation of Savoy .and Nice to France, continued to attract 'much ,attention. 'P The .Paris ays, in an editorial coMplaining of this hostility, of England to the annexation, says it would be unreasonable to suppose that the Emperor would renounce that which he regards as the, secuiity of one of the most important frontiers of France:" It is stated that since Cavour's last dispitch relative, to Italy, orders, have been sent to the French:- army of,ltalt to *. hold., itself. ready. to March at the first notice, and that the-reply to the officers detaanding a, short furlough was, that the whOle :army" wenld:" imrae.diately, evacuate-lom hardy and return to France. ( The Paris .F;atrie believes itself •in a positipmto 'state that 'on the question of Savoy, Sardinia shows such conciliatory intentions as might be expected from a' country which owes its aggran, dizement to France. Tunix, March B.—The Dpiniane , publishes Count Cavour's dispatch of the 2d, relative 'to Savoy and Nice. He declares that the aggran dizement of Sardinia can never prove dangerous to Frp,TIT3 ; but considering, the.obligation.s that Saidiina" is tinder 1,0, Trance,' serious attention must be given to the Emperor's demands. At the zineinent wheiCrSarditila fer the -in habitants of central Italy the right to . dispose of their•astinjr,- sge 'exposes 'hertelf to - the charge of inconsistency,' if she 'denies the right of freely expressing their'wishes to her subjects dwelling on the other side of the Alps. HOWever the regret mightbeatthe - cradle of the piedmontese tr monarchs dimanding separation, Sardinia would not refuse .to recognize the weight • of manifestation, however Slight, if reade,.in con formity'i with the prescriptions`_ of , Parliainent. In regard to the opposition of the great Powers, Cavour thinks that the desire for proper frontiers to Prance and Sardinia will: secure just and equitable negotiations on this head. • TURK! Another misunderstanding existed among the ihinisters, and a change in the ministry was hourly expected. The Western Powers had made proposals to the Porte to assist in the maintenance of his rights in Bervia and the Danubian Principalities, should any .complications and an armed intervention clew there. It, is stated that-the Porte had re quested a treaty of alliance 'with them for :cer tain emergencies. JAPAN Mr. Harris, in a letter . to the Secretary of State, from Yeddo, •expresses much dissatisfac tion with the manner in ivliiCh` the'lB43itnese ob serve their treaty stipulations. Until they are made to feel the strength - of the Government with/which they are trifling,lie - thinks it'will be useless to attempt to hold them to their. agree ments. .tortiElgin has requestid the Japanese to send an Embassy to "England; but they supra reluctant to do so, giving the preference to the 'United States. The entire Embassy, now on its .way to this country, numbers seventy-three. It is doubtful whether it will be landed at New York, or taken di reotly to Washington. AUSTRIA. A letter from Verena, of February 23, says: ' ‘ Austria is preparing for war, and the colos sal Proportions of her preparations lead to the belief that she expects a formidable contest. For more than a week past steamers have arrived at. Venice with enormous cargoes of munition, which bas been at once sent on to Padua, which, it apPears, will be the basis of the strategatic operations. All along thele of rail from Delo to Padua are to be.seen rifled cannon of recent fabrication. There are enough of them, it is said, to mount about twenty batteries. They are field pieces, but some few ,are heavy, ordinance forlireaching ;both were cast inCthe arsenaltiiat Vienna, where the works are .carried on night and day. Here we are still digging and repair ing the moats . around the' old fortifteatiena. They have just placed the new rifled bronze guns, and removed the iron siege guns. They tiN , m building a fort at Parqn ' and strengthening those rently finished at Montorson, and near the church' of the Madonna di. Campagna. At Pescl3iers: they arc working in all haste on the construction of batteries on the Malusina side, on that .eof Han Vergillo and of Cisano. Provis 'itint are bane stored 'up in the 'forts;`their' hive even gone to Milan and purchased corn and forage for the Austrian army. onnitercial. Pittsburgh Mirket. TUESDAY, March, 27M, 1800. ARIES—Soda Ash, 303 1 / 4 c.; 'Pots, 4 1 404Y, t e.; Pearls, 51 /D 5 ,., % _ prime, large 'Wis., $3.50; Grindstones, nomanites, and common $2.00®2.25 bbl. BACON-Country Illunm, 10e.; Sugar Cured do., 1M:12W; Ehoidders, 7Yie.; Bides, Wyo. BUTTER—RoII. by the bb1.,1.6016e. BEANS-05(080c, as per quality. OHEESE=Weetern Reserve, £14010e.; Hamburg and other superior qualities, 11012 c. DRIED FRUlT—Apples, 51.621901.76; Peaches, $4.00. DRIED BEEP-11011 1 4e. ESGS-1101114011.y . ic% per dozen, by the bbl. EXOUR—From store, Super. $5.40@5.50; Extra, $5.7001 5.75; Extra Family, $5.95(46.00; Fancy , $6.40@)&50. Corn. : weal, $2.25. Buckwheat, $1.62 per cut. - FBATHERS—Chicken, 1.2 e.; Geese,oe.* lb. GRAIN—Oats, 45047 e. Corn : shelf, Gqc. .Rye, 11.09. Nvbee, Red and White, at depot, s2:4o.Daref. ;.1.• ' • s'S—Sugar : New Orleinii, 4 c:114 lb. 48@49c. It gallon., Coffee: Rio; 1 >se.' . , "-41ff,01410.00$ ton. PRESBYTERIAN BANNER--gSA.TURbAY MARCH .31,1.860. HOOP PI)LES--17,0P for sleek, nod 310.00 per M for tight. HIDES AND LEATHER—Green beef hides. 6esBMe..; green salted iridcw, 7j 2 - (51 , 7% . c . .;, dry, Clint, IGOhlic. Rough - country leather is dull at , '260427c. Dressed leather is quoted es fol lows: Ited,Bpanish:Bole'f-1b.,.21®25e.. Slaughter.%le TIM, 2420 c,; Hipper Leath6r, dozen,. $.1.3038; Bridle Leather dozen, $40®46; Skirting Leather' it lb., 32034; lioness, 27®30, • •- MESS PORK—Couniiy, $16.00@l 6.50; city, $18.00@3.8.50. OIL—No. 1 Lard 031; 88®80c.; Refined ••Coal Oil, 75@80c.; Linseed,.B6@eBc. POTATOES—Neshannocke and Pinkeye', 55@e00. Redo sell at various pricer, according to quality: SEEDS—Closer, from store, $6.13 ; from first hands, $4.50® 4.76. Timothy, $2.9608.00, Nlax.., $1.26®L30. STEARINN-10,44 per tierce. ' ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET. ..BEEXES—The offerings during the week amounted to 440 head, at prices ranging tram. 2t. to3yikii4y l o . The. bulk of the cattle in market Gus week were , common. - bat all offered were sold. Good cattle would have sold readily; SIIREP-490 . head were offered,- and 190 sold; at $3.25@ 4. 9 7 1 , 1 cwt.; balance sent to Texas. 110GS--1.020 head offered,..l.4 of which were sold at prices ranging froin 5 to 6 1 4 e, IS lb. HORSES-4T heawere sent East. • New-Tork. , Nine YORK, March .2 . 6.-41llour $5.2005.25 for super. State, 5.25@5.40 for extra State, 55.2005.25 'for super. Western, 5.3005.65 for common to medium extra Western, and $5.050 6.10 for shipping brands of extra 11.11:0. Canadian Flour, 5.4007.00 for common to 'choice extra. Rye Flour: 3.70a4.40 for common to choice super, Corn Meal: 3,00e.3.70' for Jer sey. Buckwheat. Flour, 1i50a1.70. Prime Milwitnitio Club, 1.20 in store. Good white' Canadian at a trifle over 1.54. Rye, 25aSfic. Barloyi: , Canada East, 85c. Corn, 70a12e. . :',# . .oitt-',,IT-,6tito. WITHERSPOON INSTITUTE BUTLER; The Sununer Session of this Classical end *English Sehool will begin on the 24th of-April, and:continue fire rtiontim... Tuition, $(1.00, $5.00,p and $lO.OO, strutting toitudies. Mine or Melodeon'; (extra) sl2.ooper'Sdssion. Boarding„,can be, had in the. boardinghouse, {nearly fin ished.) audit' private families, at $1.70 anti $2.00 per *leek: For particulars inquire of Loyal 'Pont*, "Secietary of. the Board, or J. B. BOYD, Principal. , . . Dn. - MANSFIELD,} .o r • A ts T HE S S A.' BOYD' " rrangernen NOTICE is hereby given -to the Elders of the Findley-Pretthyteq, that there will be a Conyeution at Mt. Blanchard, Mancock'Oo; Ohio, on the 9th of April, 1860, at 7 o'clock P. M., for thd . purpose of Increasing the efficiency of the Eldership in'our bounds. All the Eldersin said ,presby tery;and others, arditiviteifiriattend. Parriel. On Tuesday, March &1 by' net. James Marti% Mr. Janus CALHOUN to lass -SARAH ,. E. MMauna, -both of Elizabeth Tp. On Monday, March 12th, Mr. Joins CASTOR to Miss "RAO/IEL LEWIS, both of Allegheny County, Pa. ' On the sth inst., by Rem, G. Si. Shaiffer, Mr. LIMNER R. SEIDLE, of MarriebtFg, to Mise ANNIE SHAVER, Of Mt. Union. On Thursday, March lst, by Rev. D. M'Cay, Mr. PRANKLIN MILLER, to Miss EMAIIETiI .1.. ELLIOTT, nil 'of Clarion On Thursday, March 15th;by Rev. David Dail, Mr. CilittS K. M'Kns, of Armstrong County; to Miss' AIVIRA FuvroN, of South Pittsbnrgii.. ; ' ' ' At the residence of IL B. Johnston in llollidayabairg, on the morning of March 22(1. by Rev. D. X. Jurikin, DX., Rev. atoms A. Maasuart,Of Zanesville, Ohio; to`Miss ELLEN E. TAYLOR,' of Itlairivillo,:Po".' '• On January 3d, by Rev. John Rice, Mr. Caawsoan Immix to Miss MART ANN Atunc.• On January 2603,141 r. ROBERT' K. BABA to , MISS CATHARINE LYDICK, .01/ 29th, JOHN G. ROBERTSON to Miss ELLEN LAPSLET, 011 Of Indiana At Rosemmint, by Rev. 'Wm. lunter,on the 20th-ult., Mr. Emmy M'lmnxxv, to Miss ELIZABETH WKINDLOY. At, the same place, on the 15th inst., Mr. WARREN , STEweiT .to MSS MART ANNIE PETROL At the same time, Mr. Saitza Knox to Mie Einantru Saone all, of Beaver County, Pa. March' 13th, by Rev. 'Alexander M'Gaughey, i t the 'honee of the bride'slitther,lifr.lense C. LEANT; of Mindin, Louisi ana,-to Miss NANCY E. CHAMBERS, - of North Huntingdon Township, Weitmoreland County, Pa. ' On the evening of March Md, by Rev. Alex G. Wallace, at the hoime of the bride's father, Mr. PRINZAS It. GRAY to bliss 114.13E0C1 Gimes, all- of , forth lluntingdon Tp., Westmore land County, Pa. March Ist, by Ree.,T. Stoneroad, Mr. WILLIAM Finnan', to Miss Malcca Onona aier, all of Laurel Hill, Fayette Co., Pa. At the residence of ,Mr. A. G. Lawrence, Washington, Ohio, on Wednesday morning, March 14th, by- W. M. Ferguson, Mr. W. A.. Lawartece to Hiles MUM E. ENDLY, all of the abaie place Ohttuary. lANNOITCNiENTS,, ORATIi; ADDITIONLL . EYJIAREZ, CENTSI A LINE, NIST WORDS DREW A. LINE.] DIED—Of scarlet fever, February 29th, PHILIP LOUIS, aged 3 years and .11 months. March let, ISAAC SMITH, aged 8 years and 6 montlek March 6th, ABRAHAM J. aged . 6 years and 5 .months:. March 17th, HENRY WEBBER, aged 13 months--thildien of John nnd'Elizatieth Newton, of 'Slippery Rock, Beaver County, Thus, in seventeen days these bereaved parents were called to lay all their children, four lovely littleboys by each other's side, in the time-honored grave-yard of Slippery - Rock ehnrch. Burly, Bright, transient, chaste as the drops of morning dew, they sparkled,,,were exhaled, and_ went to DIED —ln Cincinnati, March 7th, FREDERICK,- eldatt sOll of Mr. Joseph Pearson, of Lawrenceville, Pa. • , Yee; Frederick's gone--his spirit's fled, 3 But-who:would wish him back again! He's free from toll,,and free from pain, Our loss is his eternal gain. He's gone:to tune his harp` anew, - To sing and shoat as angels do; Could we but bear the heavenly sound, Our hearts . With holy joy would bound. Then let us dry the falling tear,' And And cheer thaw hearts so sad and drear; For Fridericklivee—his home's on high, lie's where thuSaviour's ever nigh. .DIED—On the meriting ofFebroary I6th, after a short illnees,'of pleura pheautonita ? Mr. THOMPSON FIFE, aged The deceased was lorig an humble and !sincere Member of Bethel'A ureh. • Ile.suffered much, but complained- not, and gaud fortableividence that death to him would be gain. He was pleasant in . .l.lfe, and happy "in death ; a good neighbor and citizen; a sincere - *lend and-humble Christian; ever hind and Cheerful in lais'family, arid one that will be much missed in.the domestiasirele in the neighborhood, andin the eburch of God.. His widow and three Bons, as well as many friends, have lost the loving: husbandi kind father, affection ate blather, and*stitYpfriend:. But their loss is, we trust, his eternal gain.! - ior "I heard a voice saying, Blessed are the dead which-die in the Lord." G.M. , GROvEn St BAKER'S .. CELEBRATED Family Sewing NlachiTles. A NEW 'STYLE. PRICE $50.00. CORNER OP FIFTH AND MARKET STREETS; (over lingua' Dry Hoods Store„) ENTRANCE ON !VTR STREET, 495 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 730 CHRSTEDT STREET, Pinrammfirta. Jar These lifabliiiiCs sew from two spools, end form s sham of aim/nailed strength, beauty, and elasticity, which will hot rip, even if every fourth stitch be cut. They are unquestionably the,betit indho market for family use. s , Afar SEND FOR. A CIRCULAR. , apin-ly THIS WEEK'S ADVERTISEMENTS. W e S. HAVEN, Ikko hrta Job STATIONER, STEREOTYPER, BLAbTR. BOOK. MANG FAOTORER,.. and „Dealar, in.. IefFILICA_N, lan FOREIGN PAPERS, Corner of Market and Second, and Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. Particular attention paid to printing Catalogues for Colleges! and Seminaries, Programmes, Diplomas, and School Renorti. WILKINSBURG ACADEMY*. The Bummer Session of this Institation will commence on MONDAY, AMU!. 231), and continue for a term of rive mouths. Good Boarding can be had at reasonable rates. The Instructorsin this Institution will _endeavor to pro. motethe moral as well as the intellectual improvement of all committed to their care and instruction. ItEV. - :f. M. HASTINGS, Principal. triarnat Anacleto Principal. OLONIE INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG Parents who hive 'daughters to educate Wilt please;, - ; $145.00 - will pay for ONE YEAR'S 'Board, Tuition, (regular course„) washing to the. lemmas of thirty dozen, 'and fire, •the alitive-named Insticiitipu t The next i3es loti will - 40u on the, FIRST MONDAY OF MAY. fifg- Circulars sent on application. .• ; . • . , - OLIVIA J. FRENCH, Principal. . . . REFERF,NCES. nay. .Wramara SaiTH, D.D., Canonsburg ; Pa: ; - .. • filar. 'WILLIAM JEFFERY, D.D., Allegheny County, Pa. 3lou. CHARLES pPAIXIG, Pittsburgh, Pa. ./OUIS Seim, Beg., Huntingdon, Pa. Bay. DAVID ISTREPAPRIOK, BD., Iffestinoreland Co.; Pa. Heir. W. C. A. Larrauca, Sp. House Hop., Harrisburg, Pa. *MN. A. G. 'Canna, Bellefonte, Pa. - Bay. JOHN T. Parssix, D.D., All City, Pa.. Bar. 'JOSEPH T. COOPER, D.D., (Rensington,) Ps. ' THOMAS Piftsbnrgh; Pa. * . • J. M. GEMPOILL, M.D., Altoona, Pa. HOE. GEO. H. STEWART, I,ondonville, Ohio. H. C. HICEOE, Sup. Public Instruction,. Harrisburg, Pa. lan .C. birreuzu, Attorney-at-Law, Bellefonte, Pa. SALTSBURG MALE AND FEMALE ACADEMY—INDIANA COUNTY, PA. L. B. WILLIAMS,' .A 25., Principal ; aasisted by eoinpeteitt Teachers in the usual branches, Music and Painting included. The Seventeenth Seesion avilhopen. on MAY ler;and continue free inonths. For"firther particulars, address the PrinCipil, or < W. W. WOODEND, President of the Board of Trustees. mar3l4 , HVERSIMING: CONC E RT , ; . . . , gar Cl- Zi, A: NM I= , I .4.-I\T 0 • , MADE BY . . . . .. STEINWAY & SONS, NET YORK. „ We ' take Pletierne In inforthing 'the public that i r e hity, just received arplentild assortment of the celebrated STEIN WAY PIANOS, -comprising -.PLAIN SQUARE, CARVED SQUARE, SQUARE, GRAND.", and an ...,r , ~. . Overitring Concert Grand.-Piano. .. , . This fine stock was personally selected with the greatest care, o.tho lellotom l by U. SLEBEI‘ mid& ..tkunviestiona. bl_v thit'ehoicest tot-o offered .by the subieribers. , .. We respectfully in the musical profeistion and Ile hi general to give ii-call and exestdun the above in- W r9r .*lnioni ilweriolliy,ll:3o local column'.'' . • '`" 1 - 4 .1 4 }e ktlßEßiitie6,; , NO. 53 Fifth Street,' riiir3i-lt . , 'Sole Agony here for Steinwara Pianos. ROOFLANDIS .GERMAN BITTERS Will positively cure - - Liver Complaint, Dyspepala,.Neryoua Debility, &e. From Dr.F. B. PARKER, of _Newark, Wayne County, bi..; Read the following certificate froin a physician of high standing : Da., C. M. 3,tonson:—Dear Stir :;---Ilaving for nearly two years last past suffered very much from Indigestion, Thad ness,- and general Nervous 'Debility; l was induced, as a sort of dernier resort, .to make a trial of," Iloofiand's German Bitters." I have certainly derived' great benefit from theni and believe- they are the very best: of the various prepete; tions in use for derangement of the digestiie orians,, with torpid and Inactive 'condition 'of Ma 'liver, and chaerfulfy recommend them in those cases whore tonics and nervines are indicated. Very:respectfully, yours,.' " . •. , , E. , 8. b1.E.4 Itawark, Wayne Co., N. 1., June 1,1859. For sale by Druggists and Diadem everywhere. Price .85 cents per bottle. • • meal-It tIOLLOwAips rthis.-co - irons, 'particularly those of alard; dry 'character, frequently proceed, primarily, from a diseased condition pf the stomach and the hvor, and may often be removed by a'single` dOsemf these extraordinary ; Pills. The invigorating influence of the remedy upon the weak and debilitated is tiuly Marvelous. • Sold tit the manufactory, No. SO' Ofielden , Lane, Newt :York, and by, all Druggists, at 26e., 63c., and 4LOO petpot or bcim. J. M. DOILLAND FINKBIND,, D Iffe4eir. DORLANTii, FINKBiNg 3 POINT SAW MILL, :Fenn Street, below : arbury, ID' kinds of OAK AND PINE :LIAIDDIt, FLOONING, Ikrut; rmixos, Aar Orders iespectfuDy solicited; and promptly filied. ;, mar3l-4t : - , 110.A.RD OF 01IP Olt.TrA)Gg '4slL — Cleit' Street • '•-- • 'Offers for sato a choice aelectithr - orbOo statist:lo fOr ail .classes, on very reasonablo terms. ;The collection embraces the, entire publications of the Presby , oriart Itya.rd, 'of five hundred and sixty-nine distinct uvirksjand adarge variati or Psalms and Hymns, and, the Psalms of, Delia in,mptre. Aled, a good selection from Carter's' Nelson's,-Illassachusetts S.; S. SoeietyiTraetSociety; and S, S. Union; . fledge on Corinthians. 2 vole ' Ephestatia; English Hearts and English Hands"... The Vordi and Mhid of Jeans .Thip Faithful Prothiser • • Still llour ; or, Communion with God Life or Gen. novolock • 4'fe of Capt, Vicars Clinuning's Great Tribulation. Revival Sermons.: .By Guinness. Sermons to Working Men. By J. W. Alesander.—..,....., Mati .Engre. 'By Dr:.Potts, "." • 25 The Christian's 'Boma. A Prize _Easel •CO Family Religion. By Smith • " ' Bather and Her Time's. By . J. alaat'Daya of Jesus. .By AT: Moore Titles of our Lord iliatbry and Habits of Animait.: Illustrated:. ,Marrow of , hloden' Divinity 'Baited Lyrics Item the German. Mho 'Martyred Afissionßries • The Goepel,4nltunpeh' " _ . 352 pages - . 3leUiod of 'Grime. ftiches of Bunyan 55 Songs for Little Ones at Home • ' 4 35 The Board have taken special care to obtain a oli'olce, 6aleo tion and• large variety of Sabbath School books, embracing 1875 vole., and severelLitiraries;enibracing - from fifty to ono hundred volumes each, at from $2,5a to $lll.OO, selected from the Board of Publication,Carter's, Martian's, S. S. Union, Tract Society, Massachusets S. S. Society, and Nola= t Sons. Alt these they offer ,at a 'very liberal discount,: as. au. Judnee nient to Superintendents and .Tesehein in the country'Ais trictst.whose schools have been shopetided during` the Winter, and are soon to be re-commenced, to obtain the beat library within their reach. NEW AND VALUABL'BQOKS:: PUBLISHED. BY S I. 35.0 isT 115 NASSAU . §tIIEEV;II:EIV-YORIC.: . The Elements of IntelleOtunl Philosophy. By FRANCIS WAYI4ND, B.B: 1 :ioluitie: This valuable. work stands, without question, at the head of Text-books in the lino of intellectual PhilosOplay: Ti is thework of a.great mind-which has , liad thelargfit vxpe risks's in teaching , and combines the result of rnamy , years of the mast laborious reseach.' Ithas already been- extensli•ely introduCed into our colleges and higher seminaries of learn ing. 'No teacher br professional gatrishintld tiewithonfit • - - in Outline Ad the heeessarrilinwter Thought: A, TREATISE. ON PURE AND ARPLIEIiLOO-IC:;.. By WILLIAM T1F01.1 . 8011%. D.D., Frorost of the Queen's Colle 1 g Oxford. vol. 12mo. - Mloth. Price $1:00.0 t Thin book has been adopted as a reiniat'Text-booy in Har vard, Yale, Itmhester, New York University, etc.- - ' From FRANCIS Boivre, Professor of Logic., etc., hi Harvard - "It is one of.the moat important treatise! upon logic, that bavo appeared In England during dia . present. century,; and aksuch.reccived the high commendation of so'savere As trite as the• late' Sir William Hamilton. cornpreheusiva, and accurate, it is admirably adopted for use as a manual of instruction, while it contains enoughaftho;fridts;of success ful research and original speculation to give its author Tank among the discoverers in science. Fou r editions of the work have already appeared -in .England,rwhere ;it has also-been adopted 'ln many &militaries as a Text-book: and it needs, ably to bh•knoirri In °Matto berisecAveil witlilequul fivor In the United States." . • !sa. ai h,. • HESTER ANRI • • IEI pe,, BERATE CP WORDLWItS. By ars. TOT limo. PrloP ao the Peoeidence Evening .Ftxtf. The second title indicates 'the aim 'fflidsipirit of tlie book, which le a lofty and doe - ply impressive lesson for youth in danger of beginning life with worldly ambitions. It is evi dently a book of practical wisdom and; of minute observa tion. The story is charmingly told. It marked. by power and pathos effectively mingled, and lea;res upon the mind an' impresaldp riot easily effected. Ie will Perfeeethe old as well as the young, and unpretending ns the book is, it will certainly add to the reputation of its author. Messrs. SHELDON & CO. beg to announco as neerly.rsady for publication, a NEWBOOK, by the: author - Of "GRAM TRUMAN"—Mrs. S. R. Pons, of Louisville, Hy.Hmtitled MARY, BUNYAN' TILS BBs.A.M.k R'S BLIND , BAUGHTER.O • The gtial.popularity of the author's former work (devilish about thirtrthonsmul copies have been sold,) will secure for this ono, thousands of readers.. It traces the history •of;a pe riod of most tragic interest—the religions porwmutioi, 'and intolerance which markedl the reign of Charles 1I:o 'Eng land, and the trials and sufferings through which B nyan was called ,to yeas, in order to prepare bim to be the aut hor of the immortal ."yligrim's Progress." „ -,. UOILDON k CO. bare been making imiko' adc{ltigns to. • • SUNDAY SCHOOL . BOOKS. '4 - • • . The bale now ready about two b und rep Toluenes, ill talnibler itoOki, • published in tho beat style, and fully ;11.1isigrikod. Send for S. & Co.'s complete Catalogue of Sunday &boa SWITZERLAND ILLUSTRATED. By 8. Inarrams FREMIC, D.D., author,of a Power Of Praicr," " Europe and the East," (of which' thle may be called the :third volume,) etc., etc. Illustrated with eLc views' of 'SWies Scenery, &c., drawn on wood by .Herrick and Lumley: • 1 col. 12mo. Price $l.OO. THE FLORENCE STORIES.: • • . Vol. 2—GRIKKE. By Jacoa ABBOTT, author of the " Rollo Booka," etc., with illuatrationa daaigpyd by .Herrick. 1 vol. 18mo; Price 60 yenta—uniform With' " Rlbrifida and John." THE OAKLAND STORIES. 2—CS:1118IW aI3Y. By 01:0•;.1i•Pritbon; . ofOrl!ginia. With illustrations designed by Lumley. N 1 vol. „ilo. Price 60 cents—uniform with liennj." , • . , ABBOTT'S ,AJ,IESRICAN'IHISTOREES:: Vol. I.—AIIORIGENAL 'AMERICA. By JACOB Assort, 'author of the "Rollo Meeks," &c., %embellished with twenty illustrations, in.the beet style, from original design!, •by Stephens, Perkins, Herrick, Mullins, Luinley,and4dhers. 1 vol. 16rOo. Price 76 cents. ' • • The Publishers, in prenenting thin °erica o> popular Amer ican histories for Youth; believe that they'are supplying n want long felt in our country, and oue which :no• author living is so well able to MI as Jacob Abbott, the popular nu thor,of so many juvenile: books., Mr. 4.bbott has given more than usual care in the preparation of this Series, and they Will be illustrated in the beet manner, it .being.the intention .of- the Publishers to, make them aa attractive as they will be ueeflil and entertaining. . ; • fistol&ly, • a .14s• *Oda* . Tailor % • - = No. 84.1151it - T&CTOOt•,... tittsb aasorßespectfu tinent lly of invites pubileattention fo ithenew and extensive Fashionable SPRING AND SIIMMINIMODS, embracing all the new and desirable styles for gentlemen's wear, which wilt be made to order in the very bestonaliner t at ntascausble prices. marl7-ly .FIRST . CLASS- BOOK STORE %, . FOR Sigha r a.M.. • • JOAN S. D:AVISO,N, No. 93 Wood St.,'Corner of•lieuiend Alley, Having made arrangements for another find different busi ness, wishes to sell off his entire stock of • BOOKS AND STATION FRY At the earliest ppaalblo day. To effeci, this,. he offers ,all his Books and Stationery AT COST‘A Or less than cost, when soiled , or damaged: Terms Cash. or • Short Negotiable Paper. The Stock is unitaually select, and comprises some of the finest and choicest editions of ' '•- American and British• Classics • It is 3liscellaneaus, Standard, Classical, Academic, Scientific, Religious, Theological, and Juvenile, and has been selected from thoCatalognes of the beet ENGLISH AND AMERICAN ° PUBLISH:ERB? 711nel:ides also a very iorgwi6soilnient'of STEREOSCOPES AND PICTURE S , POCKET, FAMILY, AND PULPIT BIBLES HYMN BOOKS, AND CODIMENTARINK This is a 'rare PUBLIC AND PRIVATE LIBRARIES. Wholesale and Retail „Booksellers, as well as tire reading ,pubilo generally of Pittsburgh. Allegheny City, and,their . vttlnitiea ferireepettfully Inv to visit the establishment, NO. 93 WOOD STREET, arid aerofoil~yy examine the, stock. By, so doing, they will manilkly aubser,e their own In- IiENTAL. Persons wishing the services of the Dental operator will tlnd.O. SILL ever ready, at moderate charges, to fueniih all of the lateact improvements. He will spars `no effort to give good satbrfaction; he insures his work to be donoin the beet style, and patrons may be supplied on the shortest notice. Continuous Gum on Platina, Gold, and Corallee, &me with equal success. Artificial Teeth put op in this way; form the gums in one solid body, leaving nododfratent for food, and so nearly representing the natural organsas, scarcely to be de. tested when In the month—doing away with that artificial appearance so objectionable. the calls attentlien,to specimens, *bleb may be seen at his 000:5 110 . 87 Gr ant St",l 4 ? 0P1P 011 4 6 Gm Court House, Pittsburgh, Pa. , , , ; REFERENCES: s 4 hice 1. Rev, W. D. Monsen, A. O. Itrummiamgarm, • . A. BRAD= J. M. Pinto; W. M. FAndy 301 1. Anti; 30 W. K. Loma; H. Herlame InarPA-lk • ' , , NEM '... A ipaw,d ißte,E•.!*l n. g)'YP r i c ! °f , .1 /5) Pricy $2.25. MISOf.LLANEOUS. HIDE, OIL AND LEATHER STORE. . • D. KIRKPATRICK lc SONS, No:211. THIRD Sr., between Market and Chestnut Std.,Thiladelphilai have for sale- Dry and Silted Spanish Hides, Dry and Green Salted Patna Kips, Tanner's Oil, Tanner's and Currier's Tools at the lowest.prices, and upon the beet terms. liar All kinds of 'Leather in the rough wanted, for which the highest market price will be given , in cash, or ta)ren in exchange for Klass: Leather stared free of chirp; soba on commission. 3an29.1y SYNOV,S,BpARID Or cOLPORT4I.GE Have just received a large and new eupply of the late,isaues of the following publisher's, , . BOARD OF PUBLICATION ; ' AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY: MASSACHUSETTS S. S. SOCIETY; ' CARTER'S NEW WORKS; NELSON'S. ENGLISII WORKS; With many 'other late, publicattorts,, comprising, the. follow ing, viz i 'SDrurgeoil's - Gems Sernions • Dictionary - of the Holy Bible,allustrated t Life; of Dr. Beier. ' Sacred Lyrics from the German; History and Habits of Animals, Illus trated; Tales for Young Protestants, , Illnitrated; Last Days of Jesus; HMO. in Syria, by Mrs. Sarah Barclay Johnston. Also, alarge. supply of_A.nnuals and, tift Books, suitably for the Holiday - For sale at.the Depoiltom 45 ST. CLAIR STREET,' Pitts. burgh. : jun2l-tr C . -I,k,R,P•SPRITIGr op ,1860. BURCECEIE,LD & CO., at the North-Pmst corner of Fourth and fdarka'Streets, Pittsburgh, announce 'to the readers of the Batmen (many of whom are their constant customers,) the arrival of their second supply of , SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS , including all kinds of.STAPLE atir,Y GOODS, and also the new styles of DRESS 'GOODS,' of all; grades, Such as Silks, Poplins,,Berages . Grenadines, and others of (1019 ult French menses, iii Robt:a of five to seven Flounces, and by the yard; and new Prints, Chintzes,' Lawns, Ac.;' Embroideries, Gloves, and Hosiery ; Men's Wear, in Cloths, Cassimerea, &c.; Boys' Wear, a large: amortmeat.. Also, SHAWLS' AND MANTLES, for. Spring and Summer—and all, marked at lowest possible prices. Wo invite strangers visiting Plttsburgh to call and ass our Goods, and hear our prices. , NEW. GOODS receiving all through the season. N •E'W GOODS! BROOKS & COOPER . No. 7.5 - -Market Strept, - Tittsburgh - Have received their supply of INCIPTI I -4111,0 8 ,, 41WC4301010,411_,N, Embracing the most complete" assortment of,Goods in their linuever upened. in Pittsburgh. They deal exclusively in Linen, and rifnirso,hirnitiviiii Goods, and consequently can offer a better assortment of Goods in these two classes and sell them cheaper than houses dealing in dress and fancy goods. ..ASEP^,-We ask all. visiting the city, and'Manting , any, article iri to give us a call. BROOKS d; COOPER,' mar244t ;, ; ; i 75 litarket. Street. . t+-00 4.. 2.00 ME . BO . t. -100 .100 AMERICAN' AIVD—EITROPEAN , . • PATENT.-AGENCY .OFFICES E§SRS... MUNN In ssociation. with - Ilan. Charles Masoll: • LATE" COMEIESIONEE OF PATENTS,' • • biPICE . OP THE " SCIEiTIPIO ADIEEIO.4-si,n No. 31 , Park' Row, - 'New - Ykork. , - . . . = 'MESSES. MUNN A 'CO. respectfully give MoticEthat,./n addition to their own experiencepf nearly fifteen y,eariebtant - lug as Solicitors of Patents, they have associated Withirriem RON.", JUDGE MASON, who wets-for:several years -OoMMeitt.; 'stoner of Patents. This arrangement renders their ortardia tion thorough audCompletis,' and hi a ifure 'guarantee t Alai' business; connected with the Examination of Inventions, SPedlikaticins; Draiiings, Rejected Cases, Interferences, Ex ter:alone, Caveats,' Opimotur upon Questions - of' the Validitk,Of Patents,and Infringements, will avecivu,pronmt and careful. attention: ' - . - .'!P-41, HP E T ,- 0.1" , - -ADVICE. Soso to Necure-Tiettersliitentefurnishcd free. • - • All ComppnicAtions considered confidential. 'Address;• ; MUNN & CO.. feble-8t - ; 87 Tark Now, New York. . , MEI ' Cf '" CLERKcouaTs. . --JAmEs LOWRY, JR.. , ofPittsblirgh, Neill be- a candidate for Clerk of Courts, subject to the decision of the Republican County Convention. • ' • ' iruir3-3m* FOR CLERK OF THE COURT.' WiLLIAAI A. HERRCN will be a candidate for the office of Clerk of thu Court; subject to the decision of the Republi can County Convention. feblB-tf CATARACT WASHING MACHINE. CLOTHING, TIME, AND ZADOR SAY:ZD INDISPENSABLE 0 118.EIEEPERC The most simple, economical, and durable article ever Offered to the• Public to alleviate the discomforts of washLday. • = • DESCRIPTION. ' . . • . :It consists of a MitalcYlinder, with ribs on the inside, and on interior, cylinder of , wood, with ribs. There is a space or from eight inches. between` the two cylinders: • One crank turns both cylinders at, the, same time in opposite direc tions; 'rapidly creating a Suds, forc'ing the water through the clothesi.and'effectually removing the dirt. • The action' of the water doaa.the work quickly, dispenses entirely with rubbing, arathuffeaVes the Wear of clothes.' • • • ' • . - • JAMES B. RODGERS, 104 Jones' Alley, Phila., is4gent for Pennsylvania. SULLIVAN'S; HYATT, Proprietors, 1. " : 51 Beekman Street, New York. , . ilki.rlt.State and °entity Rights , for sae, and purchasers supplied with Machines at wholesale on liberal terms. Xlifichind is in **ration by a buindiess daily, at our, 4,39 Broadway... , • marl? m. .:W7 L .L F x; P-:A. v 7 • .:6:18.60. . • • : 150,00Er'ROILS 4 rOF. 'WALL' PAPER i - • • .01 t lANDl:Ndßbiies TO WATCH. • • •••• ' ' • •Beantiful siaiiPed e Golid for Parlors. e • ' . • ••• 0 r Spletulld Telyet and Gold: . • • handsome hail and chamber patternr. • • • ' • _ • PandLs and whim,* for churches., ,• • , . THOUSANDS of roils at 'Heren-penci,' and thonaaiida 'at; eft...eight, or ten • .•• ; • Window Curtainj,,M.Re.board Prlnta,4 l Test,er tops, !hr. For mak by • 'WALTER E MARSHALL, ''• 1, ; rip Alio old staudino.:(l7:lNocid.2l4,PittsbuFgtik znarn-3m • . • ..,... . . WANTED . . By a young man, a graduate of Jefferson &Mega, Pa., and 1 who has had nearly: ;three; yeetra'.experienge in teaching, a 1 situation as PihiCipal Or' Asidstiiiit 'ot'ini Adademy or High: ,Elotp:A.. _Tho-beet ,of testinioniayi,dan ' bo Alvan. • Pleaer ad- i .iirssu, withAwitieidaiso, ' ' . . , BOX 20, • '. -..V1nar.. 31-6 F:•: ! .' - : - ;,, Fagot*, Soneei Co.. Ohio. : W4'OASE.., B R A.lOl - 4,1 r. .11C • )i ";.: I :l3lcnible • Tlitead . .ihoselliniivuu«i kw:binge cut Im:l6i:fie, folloTipeprices: • ' • • . • Small Machines ... . . • " in quarter . ........... 45.00 " • " in half case 50.00 " • " in fell ease. ! 65.00 . We Claim for this Illachiiie superiority over any other Ma chine ever made, for the following reasons: let. Both the upper and imder threads • ere used directi'y from the original spool.'thus doing awg y, with 'the trouble of, re-winding, against which so many complairitii are' ade. 2d. It can bo worked backwards, as 'nB fdrivarda, with' the same' facility, can be started with the foot alone, and• is always right, , • . 3d. j.t. newt a ierpeadienlar needle:bar, and•etralglit needle, suad•nererbreaks needles. • 4th. It ie so simple that it 6in . be very canny learned aid; operated, by a'child. twelve years of ago. • Stli. It is alshost noiieless. By; the• combination' of.theso features, so important in af Sowing' ,Machine, we are enabled to offer to the public, I", Machine which butts the-riUderstanding as well as' the purse • ofd.. •• . . • Every kachfne is fully warrsototi. - Tools inthrtill printed 'directions accompany each Machine. Agent» wanted In every town throughout the country, upon profitable terms, and no possibility of lose. Send for Menhir of terms to Agents. . , • W. W. NORTHROP,. General Agent. • • 1.10.'60 31arket.Street, (up staint) tnarl74ltt . •, ; , : Pittsburgh, AGRICULTURAL; 'U. TO. FARMERS I AND GARDENERS. The embecrtbers ofFer f ftir'saleitily"tbonstuid barrels olf POUDRETTE, made by the ,Lom,MAWII/ACTURLNO CO)IPAYIT, in Lote to suit•Purcliaiiiill „Thal article' is in the twentieth year of Its introduction into this country, and hee outlived fertilizers of ,every., ether - description ; • for the folloWlng reasons:. . Ist. , lt le made f r om tho night litoil'of the City of New.Yarli, by.the L: M. Co., who have a capital of 11100,000; invested n fhe traskiess, which la. at ,chit eltottkVihey make a bad , • !•; . ...1: r” - :1 l•:- • • 21.!..80r..C0rn and Yogstables it is tiriehettpFet, neatest And - hiedfashislieninnre thirworld;•lt'ean . bif ideoed 'well:met con totet with' tho .stfeel,, forces, and, ripens .vegetation two :Weeks preienta the cut worm, doubter the crop, and is mak ant disagreeable 0e10r , . , , ;Three dollars worth, or:two barrels, is all-sufficient to manure an acre of corn in the hill. .. • Pates-1 bbl., t 2.00; 2 bbl:., $3.50; 6 bbls_, 63,06; rind over 6 bids., t 1.60 liar barrel; delivered,free of :asrtage, Id vessels or railroad in New York City. A parMiblet containing every information, and certificates from farmere all over the United States, who have usiSl troin seventeen years, will beient free to any one ap-• 'plying for the same::. ORIFFING, BROTHERS B.COy , • . Nottkltiver Agricultural Warehouse, ••• •• •" 60.Conrtland Sreet, New - York,' . : marlo-2th ;nrl.llB,lllouth Delaware Avenue, Phila., Pa. S'' MALL FuRVITS, . • Henidg'for many years paid special attention to the culti vation of small fruits, we are now prnparod to furnish, smaller large quantities, the following valuable Tailgate: • • Strawberries.. Over one hundred varieties, embracing nearly all , the native and foreign kinds of any repute: The. Most universally . popular of these is undoubtedly the , . WILSON'S ALBANY .811:EDLIIM, • . • Of which we have on hand the iergeet stock in existence,. which we offer at 25 cents per dozen, $1 par 100, $8 per 1,000,, and $5O per 10,000.. It is unnecessary to say anything in plain of this fruit,. as any ono at all conversant with strawberry culture for the last two Years, who•hae acquainted himself with:the dinete. alone of fruit-growers' 'associations, and tho contents of the :Horticultural Press,-, is aware that, for size, productivenesi, and profit, it stands nt the very head of the list of Strawber ries. Pratt of this remarkable variety from our grounds sold in the Pittsburgh market lest season at $l.OO per quart,l and a single plant hited with the fruit on, brought $l.OO. A : writer in the Cbuntry Gentleman says, it succeeds well on almost any soli, and that it has produced with him at the rata of 5130 buthels to the acre. Other Tarietimproportionatoly low; endwise Inducements offered to those wanting large quantifies. • Rapberries. Brinckle's Orange, sla per dozen, 57.00 per 100; PeatoltY,, Rivera' Large Fruited Monthly, lineTetee 'Giant, Red and Yellow Antwerp, $1 per dozen, 0.00 per.loo.. BLACKBEFiRIES. • , • NEW ROCHELLE, OR LAWTON; sl.oo' per dozen; $5.00 per 100, and $4O per 1,1:00. DORCHESTER AND NEWMAN'S THORNLESS: $3.00 per 100; $26 per 1,000. Wholesale purchesere and dealers allowed a - liberal die.' count. VANT iyenien. Pox $l.OO we will send , to any Post Office In the country, exceptOragon and California, postpaid, and carefully put , np, in' cotton and oiled silk So as to• carry safely, FgarT Albany Seedling Strawberry Rlanta; or tbasalne number of `plants of any other' wisty Itiour catnlogue Offend at twenty •nye'coiktcpotatereni awes at fiftynents.per dozen, half the number. yea,lll 09 we to ilio,seadi •Rochelle InitaktiiiiryiPlauts. E • 4 ' • .9 1 .Mnirlf0,410 01 3 1 ' 11 Mmatrnig 0 47M lAgglaPagY Plants. utralogues rent' on appllsition, enciWnia damn , • - alp^ 01 MI 110t1 - J:E41112(0/xy.)t roarlo-4t Box 478, Ilttebirib;+ Ps. F ARMERS, . GARDENERS, Faurr ! GROWERS:, CATTLE DEALERS, &C., • . . Will find the moat Complete assortment , of books relating to their businese that can betionnd in the world, at C.M.' SAX TON, DARKER L. CO.'S trip7ictelturat Apr* Rowe, 26 Park Row, Now York. Send for a catalogue .` - feb.l.B-ly , LATE PUBLICATIONS, &C. ig . t iLIONS 110p11 , OF-THE .1 i 1 Y• .; ' •16 4 ,,,0 • Al' • - 4 ). 43?;113C7 STANDARD SCIIOOL-IOORS, PUBLISHED BY A., S. BARNES ,& BURR,, • & 53 'JOHN' STREE T ,."" . 4 NEW YORti. ' . . . Descriptive' C atalogues ortheir Publications sent postpaid to. any part of the U. States. Among the Books Published Ay them , are: 1. Basler? Complete Course of Mathematics. 20 yols. 2. Willard's Series of School Histories. • 3. Monteith and McNally's System of, Geography. • • 4. Clark's Syetera,of English Grammar., ," 5. Parker k Wataon's Series of Readers and Spellers. 11 Parker's .Nutnral and Experimental pnil9 6 onilY. 7. Porter's PrinciPles of s aiernistry. .. Northend's Double Series 'of SchoOliSpookere and Dia • .. 9: Smith k 51aMin's Single . and- Double Entry . Book- Keeping. . - 10. Boers' System of Penmanship. • • 11. Brook.field's First Book. in Composition. • : 12. Boyd* Mahan's System. of Logic. 13. Malian's Intellectual Philosophy. 14. Boyd's Kamm' Elements of Criticism. 15. 'Sorra Edition of English Poeta.' 7 le. Brooks' Latin and Greek-Cliusslesd Series. . 17. Snilth's Orthomphical Works. . - : MATHEMATICAL....tEXTBOOKS - " USED IN TDB MILITARY ACADEMY OF TEIE LikT!ED • . ' • STATES AT WEST POINT. • Davies' tinliersity - Arithmetic. ' ' Davies' Bourbon's Algebra. , • . , ; Davie's' Legendre's Geometry: Davisstßlements of Surveying. •.. Davies' Descriptive Geometry. Davits' Shadre, Sinulows, and Linear Perspective. . • Bartlett's Analytical Necitimies. ' Bartlett's Acoustics anti Optics., :Bartlett's Spherical Astronomy. • ' ' Many of tho .abor are also. the Text-books of the • New York Free Academy.; Columbia College; N. y. State Normal School,and. Rochester Miiivereity; also, University of Vir ginia, Michigan, and numerous other Institutions in- the different States of tho THE SCHOOL" TEACIIERS! LIBRARY. • • S::BARNES• & BURR • Publish' the well-known volumes, under the head Of Teichers' Library, consisting of ten vols., and highly recommended •to the School Teachers 'of the United States, at sl' per • volume : •t - 1. rage's Theory, and Practice of Teaching., • 9. Holbrook's Normal Method of Teaching the Common Branches. • • 3. Northend's Teacher, and Parent. ' • . 4. Mansfield on Ainerican Education. - : Be Tocolieville's 'American Institutions. 6. Bate's Institute Lectures on Mental and Moral Culture. • 7. Dwight's Hi g her Christi:in Education. 3layhow on Universal Education. . , ' ; 9. Davies' Logic of Mathematics. 10. History of Education, witlrßarnard's Introduction. RECENTLY PUBLISHED. Brooke Manual of Devotion. Brooks' School Teacher re Register. liniglit'S-MOdern'Philology. Picciola, Harlow) of Siberia, Silvio Peliieci, and Baron Trench. ; .0a - For solo in FittaburgiiyA. ENGLISH k CO., A. S. BARNES B BURR. - . . . • mar3Arriesral ' • THE cpER.T:Or DEATH: The eubseriber,.te now issuing ono 'Nindred thousand. Splendid Colored' Engravings of ItEIfOIIDT PEALE'S celobtated Original Painting of the ' • ' . ' COURT . OF DEATH, at the unpnecedentdd low price of: ONLY ONE DOLLAR EACH. - 812 f, 23 B . lr 31 INcires. , • The lowest tsiilar price for engrasings of the eivi and quality of this is ss—and in . answer to the question, " How can they be 5014 for Ono Dollar 1" the subscriber wripid state that instead of baiting 6,000 copies. at $5, he issues 100,000 copies at $l. , The main expense of such a work is not in the paper and printing, but in getting up the platen. If 5,000 only are sold; $6 le but a Lair price.' But if 100;000 are sold at $l, the aggregate profits arc huger than on the 5,000. The Original Painting, of which the Engraiinge are a FACATMILE copy, was Rembrandt feats In the city of Baltimore, in 1820, and hen been the study and admiration of tens of thousands of our citizen!. It his long been valued it • • '25'000 Dollars. Death is peniontlled ae s...lling or Monarch, and there is not a skeleton or anything repulsiveintbe picture . ' ' • ..There aro TWEriIt:THRIE I'ULL-81Z*0 .710118E5' in the OD. graving, and arranged into five gronps, presenting living representations of Death, War,' Sensual , Pleasure, Intemper ance and the Triumphs of Christian Faith over the Terrors It Ls a work to delight the eye and improve the heart. It can be studied and understood by.¢ child, while its sublime conception sifordasoope to the strongest imagination: ' It has been made, the subject of special discourse by Rai. Dr. Sprague, Rev. Dr. Welch, Rey. Dr. Bacon, Her: Dr. Class, land; 'Rev. Dr. Wayland, and others. • • ; • , A. more impressive, instructive,. or beautiful Parlor Orns. mint could not be purchased. • • • , The subscriber was advised to have the drapery of the fig ures brilliant and Showy, to gratify the' taste of the "co - entry people,7' but he determined to imitate exactly the rich mel low,tlnts of the original painting in this respect. The wisdom of this decision' le verified not only •by the Artists in' this .clly,:hut by , the venerable Rembrandt Peale himself, as will be seen by the following unqualified certificate : • • ••• • - "PHILADELPHIA; November 16,1859. •'lsllaitina Man the; Chronio-.l4thographio qingTheing of my Painting the Court of Death, remntlyAteented for Dr. G. Q. Colton (the present OrOOrlator)'bY SirotiF,lifajcir •.4 . lRnavi, of New.,Yorle.,, and .can certify, that : it, is Ain accutrats and ad minable topy,of the original Painting. ' • . -• • . •:: .•"'REMBILANDT By incloslng One-Dollar and four letter etainpe i •(to, pay postage) the Engraving will be forwarded, vast-paid, rolled In a etiong caw: • • '• • ',• • ' Clergymen can add largely to their yearly, income (In com missions) by interesting themeolves in 'the distribution anji at the same time place. In the hands of-each . embscriber a . sermon on canvas. " Any person who will•show this - advertisement, - obtain five subscribers, and forward $5, shall receive a sixth copy gratis; all post-paid. AGENTS—gentlemen or ladies—can:make money rapidly by taking subecriptions for this beautiful work. Ono Do ll ar and six stamps . *Gm Agents, for ono copy and . a letter of 'A'glney;stating special "tering. , `' ": • " • ." r. I An active Agent can not make leas than from two htradredi to . three hundred doliars'per year in the businin , w, above' eir mites. :A description pill be sent with each picture. The subscriber' refers to the following gentlemen: The liinerable Reinbrandt Peals, Philadelphia; the Hon. Millard • ; Fillmore, Bliffalo: the Rev..S. I. Prims, D.D., liditor•New Ydrk" Obsirier; M. 8.. Palmer, D.D.; New Orlearia;" A. M: HOlbrook; Esq., 'Proprietor 'New Orleans Picayune ; the ReN. Aio D. Smith; D..D.; the Rev.. Dr.; Abel Stevens, Editor 'Christian Advocate and Journal, NeWYOrk ; the Rey, Gor ham' D. Abbott, Spinster:lnstitute ; the,Hort. Eisstris•Birooki, . NeNC ., York ; the Eon, henry J. Raymond, New York. TO avoid lmiztake, the Name,. Town, County, 'and Italie should bo rx.etax.r.written. Address, , . • - —G. COLTON? • Ne. 37 Park Row, New York' • . • P." 0. BOX ;FP- 1 e391.- !.; • • .:Meru • . . MO . V}IIE ViERI§TIAN : WtißtD. . I'l4 f.t."f ^ ••' • r Colo'biited largelntraft • . • • ..7 g. 4) ; •T. . Ow AD. iiPOSUES; :4 (ftpx THoswaamixt autostrp 43nm Mort K.) 11 .; • ; ' ; ' BEAUTIFUL. BIBLE ''LILT • , 1 ' FOR. ONLY $4.00. ' ' IPI 2 - o , :* fr! • 1 • I,PI Prellnimmai ipilkoPriate;fiwr; OW: i t i; 0i) ;• d " 4 0101,11 . 3TIAIeHOUSEHOIti'Is' tither on the puloiwsll or centre table 1 clit• t • f- : r ' _ • t ' TOUCHING REMEMBRANCER of 'milt Divine , sevionv aa . i •• , • . • Mit,gri.ificent •l Wreath of • Art on the an g elic &lbw of anr NSW! . • gram Bev. Dr...Pkimi; Editor of the "Mew York Obeerver.l THORWAIMSEN'S STATUARY • Dayton a Co.'s advertisemeitt of their lino engraving of Thorniabsses celebrated group of " Christ and his APoellewl will mallet attention. Orteof the pictures bang in our study, regard the' 'Woit as eminently mutable for-'ttie wails of. every Christian household... The banutiful camped Bible, 'which to presented With It, is hound 'in velvet and gilt, and Abu price at which ho offers them is so low, that thousands may avail tbeinselven of the opportunity. • We hope they, will 'SECOND NOTICE. .. • i • , • '[Eroni 4he Rot. Dr. Prime.]' Darron's Etsciiiivoros.—We would watt) can attention to ' lir:Dayton's ati , Nrtisiviionts., We have .Every realon to. be. .tiers that there the proper response from Mr. D.'s ' . establishment to any. habil) containing money for itsaplendid ,works of Art. • .i • • •• • (Troinrdielitioiflroik 'Nader.] • I •:.• •. • . The Am Uthograph„T tit'l•l •• • •. ' • ''" • • • • ' '•••• w;e: .:• sill. Chrigt ;11,13 1l .IIIS. Apostles • . • with wild k ehboKa epUtronndingi, copy . of 14 . 444 h alitnid 4 4 gmat.littisitiiin i 'ilia filf for the Sisters .of Mercy, lb is maid . yainowadiumeelo the °Moe; tbe 'studio; otlesr boudoir. ; 'be gift uccompeuying this ontorpril!ptt is, a fine poefristAliblis„ bOuud in 'purple and gold. - The Bible which . ** Urecietif ye sigrael is 24m0.; bound iq eale,strwith gilt rims and claw, wcirth 'at'retsif from' $2 to El:: • t • "To'i2ioas whd 4 itedi:'tiillinrchkee' this religioris piiiti f ro' without the thli lidos is $l, with 1.2,,0euts .to pity postage 7 'gar:Send to DAYTON -A CO.; 37 Park-Row; N. Y., $2, and • 25 .cents in stampe c for. return postage on gligraylig and • , • :'•4,•• it4Yrigthe above : llJ Si;Wilding 2 copy of thelrapapari mffirkeld, will 1150121T0' a ;copy of Dither of our publications y mill, prepaid. Address . • r- • D'ATTON' . • Park-Row, New York:' the 'Herald of Truth.] • . • ••• • Dayton's .Eases, Thorweldsen's "Christ and El. `AidstieeP• is ftent 1+04! The 'intr.:eying is I c ute,' in.a mastirlypfanns4and, as t, work of arti u NOW ,'lminzneifded: . , . ,1 yi. ~) iCE I ;( 1 , I. 441 ',DLL ';`40.1.01: • t l td With . "Pi 0. 14 fi l ial write to tbe,Ber 3 fr.AllisoNir,l4ts , V.Pfewbrhin B 31 304" that we are eta) that our bewitiftteSio4ing idegumeßible ore not misrepresented irike•dan BLAini*ifttE FEMALE• SEMI NARY. • RIM 8: 11. SITEPLEY, NM. P. Sitt.pLEY , ...ideally a full corps of excellent Teachers. Young Lease re tinioy the highest advantages for a thhroulpiti, extended, polite, and Christ:Liu' education. The next. Setiftst. (the Six.. teenth under the present Principles,)' will . 'cainilisoice of the FIRST •MONDAY - OP'ICAY. The Mit foi bud and Tuition, nerB.alega cif five monthly beleo.ooi. Nor other infonnation, catalosus . gtll 1r ant on application: mart4-4E . -• . .• • • • - 6.11. 811RPLE1. EPP giv.; l ? BAP II SEMINARY Felt YOUNG LADIES, j , • ..At. Sewickley, pa. ; REV..A..)111i,1441k. D. D, rineipal. . 4 The Summer Session of this Institution will commence on 'the FIRST MONIiAY 'IN MAT. As only limited number .can be rozeiroxi,..early applications are 'desirable. • YOr 'terms: lc., see the neW. Circulars, just issued, which .maybeobtaiiied at the bobk auiluituOc'etores, or by applied, , the k'riuclpal. . mar24.ot S /;CKL EI r r4PA DEM Y • .A.CLASSICAL AND COMNBECIAL HOARDING SCHOOL FOR liOYS, on the P., FL W. & C.,11. R., twelve ,miles from . -8EV.4.93. THAVELLI, A.M., , Prlntipsl. • The Thirtyfifth .Setodo4 will commence the FIRST MONDAY OF'MAY. ' Yor circulars, otc., ,inquire. of JOIIN IRWIN-t SONS, 87 Water Street. or VII. NEVIN eflo., 28 Wood Street, or of the Principal,Soivickley, Pa. • • ' hiar24-6t GLADE.RUN DIALE AND FEMALE - • = • ACADEMY. • • .7.; N. ILUBIIAI4, L D., l inatructor i . • D. J. I MIN, A. B•I Mien BAnil.ll 11. COE, Principo.l Female, Dopartsnent. • The Summer Seationul this Inclination wait own:cameo on WEDNESDAY,' : April , 18th; 1800. Bates of Tuition, $B.OO, $B.OO, and $lO.OO. Boarding .catt be obtained at reasonable . For Itirthoepartiaulairic, addiaia!' .- ` 77 mai244tt REV. G.:3olr. , X6Crlitl.V. Da: ESHALL •ILSEIWriIIY SON TO SCHOOL? • . altliere will, his associates not .bo loung sum 'who thhik it Manly to diebbey parents at home, and manly, of course, to by:disobedient:mid disorderly at schOol 7' 'ieris ;rut' they net b e . the idle, the. vicious, the, profane?, Wlterowlll the tilllousiiiiiitiud'restridrits be such as Milt him fOr th e highiiiit .aseftilneps and happiness? Where will he:be:well taught? • 'V* parents asking these and similar vestimis, we suspect- Aft/ present • . . • ; • • WM • , zrA• ~ .i-TUSOARO.RA ACADEMY; One of, the oldest schools in the Stout., Within : the, hut, Term Yaili It lotti hall ipiearilb 'Or Arty -Young mon preparing 'for the gospel ministry. . The efficiency of 4te: meataland, vomit 'training hie been clamed by parents am& by the Faculty of ~ B ruhilier Session opens May ISt:, ; TERMS :-465.00 per Session of...fivo mouths. French and , German eifia. For full particulars, np i ly tp Arml.ruUt. Junisktn. t'nll , l r 9. Pc. marlo-6t NW REV. I. C. i . ERRIEUNO,./..M., Preiddocit, aadetld by FAiiIILIT Or . ELiTEN TXACIIIIRS. , Superior advantages itrAtifforded for,obtaining a thorough - deaderiii6 and Collegiate education. Every effort will be made to. secure the implant:strand 'lmprovement of all who may attend. The llollegiftte.yearbegins Auguat Slat; second Session, Diceinberlili ;'aid the third, Mirth '2lst. Tuition varies from $8 to per Seition, according to:, studies, Per further information, apply to tho President, or to Professor J. If. KNOWLES, l'ittchurgh,,Pa. • • aul3 VElllll ILLION INSTITUTES iREV: BANDA DEEP/EN - DORF, D. D.,' Paincipid • and rofesisor.of Laneng . ema ca .4 . 4, A., John' Slmpro?n,, of”oor of ,Math ema tic . ti ‘So.inuslillase, M.D., Lecturer ottAnakeni and Physiology. Rev. James Y. Ashenhuret, Professor of Moral and Natural Philosophy: ' Jamenyocum, Leetnrer t enCherpistry. Mr. Peter Bailer; Tutor. - Mr. J. B. LeyinbergiroTntor frOlathomities.•: Mr. Z. W. Armentrout, Lecturer on Book-keeping. " Mi. Henry L. Oinbe, ProfessOr in • ' This Institution Is locatkin the quiet and healthy villege opinyesvillo, Ashland "Coun ty , Ohio. During the last _year - there wore' over TWO Hu:CURED ari/DENTB; Male and Female, •in attendance. , Diplomas are. awarded, to young ladles who finish thd course of Studies laid down•in the Catalogue. The branches taught are the following :fAritinnetic, Higher Arithmetic, and Mental Arithmetic,. Geography, English Gramnsar; Anatisis;' Oithoirrapgy, 'Book-keeplrig, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and all the higher, Mathematics; Philosophy;- Chemistry, Aistrononay, Botany, Physiology, Hletory, Mental end 31oral'Sclence, Germah,l French,' Span ish. Italian, and the Latin and Greek Authors usually read in •College.'* . ! .• . For Seventy-five Dollars, paid in ridvaisce, a student shall receive pied board, a room furnished with bedstead, table, ehairrostove• ancl fuel; and" tuition in any of the above branches,. for Two Sessions of Five Months. each. Or for Forty-tiro Dollain find Fifty Cents paid on the 20th of October ,next, .all.the ,above items will. be furnished for the Winter Session of Tin:Months. The next Session ;will opeo,October Two students.will occupy the same room, and frtrnbili their Own bedding, which-cart easily be brought in their trunks. .Students are admitted at any time. *0 Instruction given on the Piano and Melodeon, at moderate charges. S. DIEFFENDORF, Principal- . myll34y , . . . 'BUSINESS .1415fICES: WM. IL KIENIUTIIICIL, JOHN efaRKPATIIICi, ' Late of •the firm of Kirk- Late - with Gilleepie, - Zeller ,Eattlek,&?fetzgar t . a . g9,, phitedelphia: Wite.' S. 'Nitt*PATRICIC & CO m •.•• • ' • • • • -17 • • : Wh.o l leale :Grocerey., roarrAmerivg AND CONMISSIO.N . IITTSBUItGII. lIANOTACTUREp ARTICLES. •, No. 299 Liberty St., opposite .hettd of Smithfield, PITTSBURGH, P A. . Particular attention paid to the sale of-Country Produce. ••WE INVITE THE ATTENTION OP v tho publiple the PIIILADELgaLtj • ;Housekeeping Dry , Goods - Store, where May be 'fiend is large assortment of ill kinds of WS' Goode, required ln• furnishing a holds, • thus saving the tiouble'issually experienced in hunting such articles, in va rious places. 'ln consequence of our 'eying our attention to this kind of stock, to the exclusion of dress and fancy goods, we ban'irnaraitteeMii; mices and style'', to hi the Most favors. ble In the market., , . . . ; . , 2 IN : LINEN GOODS, we are able to give ,itorfect isatisfactlim, being the Oldest .Et tabfished Unit' the city, and having been for more than twenty years r,egular impdrters from some of the bet mannfactirtirs irtllreland. •We offer, also, a large stock of FLANNELS AND MUSLIMS, .of the best, qualities to be .obtained, !kW at the very.lpwest prlcCs. Also, Blakikets, Sheeting, Ticking*, Dluttaek Cloths, and:Mapkirus, Tawellingiada_ pas,llackebacka. Table and' Plano Covers, Damasks and Montano, Lao and Muslin Curtains, Dimities, PainWeVehfisost_ Wlndair Shadings, &c., &c. JOHN V. COWELL & EON, S. W. comae of tbastaut and Elairant& Mx, - G.E • MR QE x. WHITE . & do. • • • WILL OPEN ON ' Thursday,March Bth, 1860, . A, FALL AND COMPLETE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS, 434 . a. v. , ROBES,..from 6 to 9 Flounces. .„,tOBENADINB DOSES, from 5 to 0 Flonnota w • BAEEOE FRANCAIS, from 5 . to 9 Flounces. BAB.EGE ANGLAIS, from 5 to 9 Flounces. Together with BAItEGES Printed, FOULARD SILKS Printed, .01LGANDIESPrinted,-MODS:DE SOIR;BAREGES, CREPES DE CBINE. Also, an elegant amortment of all the /stead novelties in 4 • . I Li . ", : EmbToideries,: • A laiie asaortECiened , . ogg' (TA 3E And the ntost. desirable stock of A(;tugKEEP.DIG G,OOD S Eng onsED Tic we Ktissr. MEN AND BOYS' WEAR the latest aly:ls SHAWLS, and all the:varietlas'of . HOOP SKIRTS, With front fifteen to Loft wings: . marl Min F. Fr 1' G; . . • Sisz .4. 1 c'E,: O. 301 FOURTH . STREZT, lkstweCn WOO arid Sirittictiold Streets. , OFFICE R01111iS: - • • Trout 9 o'F.lbek A. AL, to 4 'o'clock P. M. , • deollyt; t : .• . „ , WAFTED, • AGENTS to eiell fine Stoel.Plata Engravings, including Engraving of the LORE'S YEA,YER, CRUCIFIXION. LAST SUPPER, &o- ito.. An acttve person; with.only a small mid. tal, auputke,§so,to $69 per.nionth- .For particulars, address D.. E. Nitrumtp;lff Broadway, Now York. fobllgy „ - H. HARTLEY. & CO., ii0 J . 4 8 . 6. 2 W0PD "TIED T, • tbiriser irDdradoid Arley; Pittsburg?", Pa, ; • •... • ',i); . 111ANST1CTISIESSIOF !.!Saddletii 'Harness, and Trunks, AITIttreLSATHIEL: EOM AND *WHINE SILTING. -,4..1ien4r S , AffpncirAxTs , HOTEL,, . • • • • 46NO:rt-h Fourth' Street,, ". PHILADELPHIA. a APHIBBEN & B&N. iiropiletors. ay • • • - ifteg , z ' inle t PDONOMIir % 112 , ,napaatalla 2 /A t ~,,ave tat: P i eces : " iv/Waists will hemp., even ei,ett•reanere fieseratee: kee •017.4edrablel tkohave wires übsn, ard'eoilemarn'mnly foe mar. tegg.reiniSSer&i..Tole, OrsFkery,.&e,..,. ;EPAID3EG'S PREPARE) GLUE meets 191 met. emergemaelee, end no ltouseliold can afford to IM without ft. It N . always ready end op . so UM 'ticking point. 'nem fs oo longer a'neo. iij for limping olunjes; frplimered a/ere. homileaa 4011 s. aml i brokan emollaa- Is Put the ardEie Mimic :shell, sod other ornamental cork, so popular wil.h et riggiiiqi:btiski us 4 , j ,T 4 tie loinptparstier.,fs'ased cold, beleKetternicalli belt la ~naataalog all. the 'aloof,* omalh leo of the Mr Yt mei he eeed In the ploM, of ordhm— . • M .• • tn; rprly•morsnameink. , t . /38 . 1CFU . 1 AVV.R . Yll . - Bripth saceispiudis with balttit. muck_ •;;., • Whoiesl,.D4ppßt., No. 311,11401-it, 110;w1rodr e. AIWING . ll4Mnr, A EPALD,Mq . .; • • ii 6 sll,. *r. rTfirk • PA InfAmr.*lN 1 0:01 , •1. midiatimotiroarreig•fn. eaCworsho ihmsest—* uesouhil UtbaKriowlllb9w4Cai:o l .devisplig us" eifs Nli by all prominent. MAukinarn ad trundlifinilViniloritalroniptro siat raiwilphit J v • Country marchanta 130i51.1 k4a.easetarCrasaglit TARED 041 M, wine mokluergi itti 'Vei • , •r tit ; , 1 , .+1) w Ocsale Depot romgverl ;row pwkstmit, ll :).TO:4I ! .CCEDAR Vitt} 7 ,diti.U4S SOIVOLS. Ma