GAY I ' Ite . _ P11R1T001.451.5 ' 1 Ctinit; PAntrastair , Entmitin,.,3lJr.i.ina THI4 _llstani.or EDWARD Y ANIiA4MIN Etrzantrta lly &owe; pp, AL Boston:, 6tould 4 . • fork S/eeldon 4. Co. Pittsburgh John :4-5 1 :..Davison' 1 This . is the second installment; of the great. work to 'which We Called the attention Of' our, readers' some. time ago,. and which we would again earhestly commend' to the - perusal and sway Of all who deeire to have a clear understanding 'of the excicing, period • of which it treats. The . antlfor • does not giow weary 'in the pro-i 'chapter e - ef ,his t narrative, but enters upon everynew:, with freshened interest, and a power of deapription.that knows no exhaustion: The per-' ihnifiges he describes are. no * mere abstraetions, ; but living;' thinking, and' active beings, whose;' voices we caw hoax, whose conduct we can see, eitid Whasenharacters we Can consider. And the mighty actionethe,recounts are' not onirthings of diteliteit, but they are brought before us now, and find ourselves insensibly taking part in the, onteSts that agitated the world and the Church, Menturies ago. A writer that: earl do no commommen, nor can he write of common themes. ......14r,1141tina has sttidied.his.subjecti'-well; ' and in t r thEi spirit of thetriie 'is omen, indnoes'l ns . .readers . to ettfdy The `real' Puritan has never before been truly set before the peOple of this generatiket, not*ithstanding All that has been written, spolteit, and sung ''of hint ; nor` jias the tnte character of the Church, Court, end-Parlia ment Of the; reigns of Edward and Elizabeth been fully ceelipliikendedly;their hieteriens...ißut , in he ;WlF).s.llefore,us, mre.*ev, accuraey of,histori cal statement, breadth of view, ands most COIL acientious aPpreciation, that place, Mr. yopkins uniting the first of living hiat'orians—worthy. to fill the chair made vacant ,by the , death of Prescott. In some things there will be disagieeinent with the conclusions of the author, by different'Olasiee btit:none will refuse to adMit his candor and ability, and that his history' one ot i the few books that the world cannot value too highlY. Such a work is an honor to thi's country avid to':ttdis age. THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW. The January munber dontains some articles of great at>Sility and general interest., They are L The Three Colonies'of Australia; 11. Cotton' Spinning MaChinee! and their Inventors ; 111. China and thy`'• War ; IV. The Roman Wall ; V. Iteligious Revivals ; VI. The Life' end Works of Cowper ; Reform Schemes. The article en " Re vivals " bin marked contrast with one on the same" subject in the • Westminster, to which we' lttsix gilled attention ; and_ the article on Cowper is remarkably fine. Tfig :NORTH BRITISH REVIEW. The ' February number of this noble' Quarterly is' be 'tug,' . ebUtainink eleven articles, Viz.: I Salim Life r -14adanurRhcamiert; ll:"Ctiatt.Dbfelob - and r Rifle Coyps; Erasmus as a , Satirist ; IV. The Scionce.of 'Scripture ; V. Austria; VI; Form and Qolor ; yn. Wealeyarc illethodism.; Cityl9#fauci the Siughalese ; IX. Professor George-. Wilson; Fossil `Footprints;`Xl. Recent Pub lications. Tliisis a =Tiber of untisnal variety andAratlipellunee. Republished by Leonetti Scott Co., 79 'Fulton Street, New York. ;Elie four Reviews, and , .7314ckwoork ten 'dollars' per bli' DANIEL WILSON; D.D;', 13Muor "0 1 CATlcurli. losiali Botenia„..lll". Reo ,tor.-.iff North Cray, Kent; his • son-in-law, and: first Chaplain. With Portraits, Maps,-atii:li lustrations. Pp.: 744. Boiton.: Gould ,j• Lin coln., Now ; York: Sheldon•4—Co, Pittsburgh:: - - ,Tolt:S.: Davison. 1860: Here .is a. noble biography- of a'noble man: Daniel 3‘rilibdNitis one: of the ablest"-114n, and ties'bisheniiionitected with the Church of Eng land, in these hitter days; and :Ida with the approval of his son, has given a b r iogra phy °flint that will interest, instruct, and edify any Christian in any branch of the Church of Jesus TlieSannie largo and,portly one,,but none, too large• for the rich . matterit Contains ; we would not have a single Page left out. TOpOrtray the character of such's man in all. the various'yelations sustained; was no easy task, but the effort of our author has been a cOm plate success ; and,we will be disappointed if this Life" shall not have a circulation scarcely equal r , led by the 4 ‘ Life and Correspondence force." , Herawe see him in Ms boyhood, in his School dajis, while engaged ill business atOxford,: as curate, tutor, pastor of a Metinpcilitan Church, as Bishop - of:l:llputta, the untiring Illinsion. 7 , spry, the &defied - sCholar;the able Divine, the cqueut preacher, the powerfill. opponent, (alike of nide* and 4T'riictlfritiniiiti) enereY nfLall tingedliness - ,'the benefactor of thepoor, , the friend otitilgsod Men; Ahe.;seritAnt Oh ac lite volume; is enriched with many quotations from his letters-and journals, and With 'graphic pictures of many of the great and good men with liom inidgled for the long Period of e3ghti years—the devout John Newton ; the , illustriots physician;lgui Maim]: Goode; force, a name ' '' never mentionbdlnit in commen dation; Zachary Macaulay, father of the great historian; 4 Bialitpleebeil ; Manliest of, worthies,,t!i n all,fittingly einbabited. in this mas st7ONogrfiphi. ft is a book for the praying , Chiditittn,lor :the. pious student, feithV fan belitieia, and for the, toiling pastor; it will Improve the:taste, brighten. the hopes, a nd strengthen the faith of all: it have widac'e4; the licit:if' of every academy and: 6'6114e in the land ; and let every student of theology become its owner. The man that Makes a theological student possessor of this book, may_do ..a work.- that. -thousands. Messrs. Gould Sr. Lincoln 41e4evie the thanks: of e, e ; American; Church for the re.publics4. ilon, at so .early,, of a. book of such great interest and. value. We.leave: it "with reluctance , lurk **anthill:it that our readers' will 'liear us-agabrooncerniriglt at no , • THE AMBRICAN CHRISTIAN RECORD : CONTAINING THE HISTORY, CONFESSION OT FAITH, AND STATISTICS , OR- BACH RELIGIOUS ,t 11 ? 1 /A 1 1 F i 2 ‘, 4 ,r " r ElrritbE ADiixissS , ETC., wre. "Pp. 06. —Priee,—sl:26: York 1Y .R, p.- e . t.a* 4- Meeker, 49'''Weilkor Street; 'P ittsbiir~h`s .7 . 07,a R. Davison, 460: Mite is a vacua le book„for Tifcrence. It con tains a classified recilfd - Of the :origin,ragress, doctrine, present stale of all the various religiotts denoithiations in this country. Such a work is of great value to Siery clergyman and to every one that takes an interest (auk ali should,) in the subArtridf which it treats. SCENEB,,AND IM `A PRESSIONS 1311.0 AD:. By the .Rockutell,D.D. . 34(f.--New *aim; Caner 3- PittOurgh: 4140.1)sivison. Dr.gßobliirell went to Europe last -year,; ind aftei b its :return, presented to his 'Teeple the Seems he had `witnessed, and' the' Impressions nnAe„oti the route most usu 415#.t.taben-by, European. tourists. We do not wonder that his people liatened to his recital with greatratiatifldii; for he liiiiChere 'given us freitiest books of 'European travel uponwhich our ayes have fallen fox...many a day. While lido:. described theittine 4346 and stated the same facts, there Is nothirtreonutmit , place lii the itylti;and the reader'Andsliinieif in the•company - of. w genial? appreciative `arid -in structive traveller, (Ai every page. NOTES' ON` NIIMINGI- %UT IT 'Et, AND Wilt - AT IT. is' 14Teri. I P/viesiee Itliirkting ale. Pp. 140., - 117 14ppleton 41 Co. s Pit.esburgh: John AS...Davison. 1860. .Mips.l!Tightimptle made 'herself famous by.her'. devotioirAnuti•okill in nursing:the sick; tbiriog the tertilde •vrmoi of the' Crimea; and everything" on dai, subject- from het is worthy :of bareffl! oortderatiop.' - In . the - present , little ; book , that''' al l I rma befit every honi43, sad that ,shorlehe' ' l4ll 444l o ii'lidyt "OictivOJA:P/11AISCti* hi ntill for thought to women who have person tn!!M=IIIMOMS charge'cif the health of others, that are `exceed . ingly.thiteTy andiviauable. . , ' it 114;1 e P'...EBBYTEit I All —0 as just: pnb Tu POWER Alp „Ciamis oF A CALVINISTIC ia.zansTvtin ; 6,S:l7ra on behalf of the' AS iienibies:ifotird of 'Publication. , By the Item 'V! following -excellent Tanoms : ".The Nature: of Converelo#, perienee ;" " The'Thief 'tite et4ee., 'el:4bn Way, Of Salvation:by dilabe, Preyed anil`lltustrated Ay, its leadirit'learaple." I By s. "'Canso lation• on: the ., Death of Infant Children ;"•• Coin.: piled by a bereaved Rare*. BEE 14t Ifiruibt Wale:the Child at Houk.. t The in 4116' I never see,xlittle `girl i refusing to take advice frordthoSe, Who' are older, without thinking of two birds that I once saw in a beautiful valley near that biggest of European 'mountains—the lofty, old Mount Blanc. I always expect some dan ger will tome to, that person who *ill not listen to the lessons of prudence. Of course I cannot tell you how I learned the bird , langtiage, hut you mist know ;that 'I used to watch. from my, window the pair mentioned in the following story, and I hope that every child Who reads it ; will catth my 'meaning. Love and wisdom are two.great things,but theyrnust go, together if We wish to do the greatest geed to all, as well as live in a manner. Christian But to my.story. There was once • a pair of little Summer ; birds WhiCh loved each other:with all their lie - arts. Every morning it was 'delightful to hear the gashing ,caroling of their merry awakening; and when. thezun went dein, and' the ,sliadoWS fell longer and hlacker all over meadows and mountains, their son was,the. last Vesper-hyinn. was 'heard among the leaves. , a ' But one day; as they had talked together, t heard the male bird say,: "Where shall we build our nest? where shall we hide it?" "Oh; I know the place," answered his mate. "A'lovely place it is: I diScoiered it as, we were flying this morning through the blue fields of air. It is• a rose-bush--one mass of fragrance and beauty. 'There We will build our nest, and there weshall hide our happiness." "We' had better not choose that-place; pretty as it is," said the male. "It would never be safe.* A rose-hush is too attrac tive to shelter long the' domestic peaceof little birds like us. Boys,. and every pas-. ser-by, come And pluck the roses. Then we •shall be 'found out' and disturbed: Let us,rither go into that tall lilac tree in the shrubbev.: Its white cluster will give: utsan abundance of fragrance, and there at least, we shall be out of reach, and safe by ourselves!' . , • The poor little pleader didnll'he &Alla to persuade liist niate. immovable. 'She would not i consent to hiS prop?sitiopi on the contrary, she objected, till -weary phiriful 'debate; and blushing as "Birds alone can blush, our friend yielded, and agreed to go at once and' select among the thiokest of the branches of the rese-bush the'beAtme Where to hide their home. So they went to, work, ~both happy, for theyloVed eaeli other veryyvery mudh. ' ; In - dne timid. the nest' was lashed ; and a darlinglittlenest it was. All round and sineeilir• as if 'the eweetr - 'odd; of theroSei, had been, 'woven. into it. Delighted and triumphant with joy was the female-bird, when she took possession of thefairy fabric and laid lier first tity,:blue•Spritted egg ! She thought of nothing 'but the good idea she had had, and then of the many adieu tars they both enjoyed over their winged friends and - acquaintances' . She wasindeed so sure of her happiness that'little by little, she Made her share it. And-it was' a kriely sight, that pair of littlebirds; more lovely, was still to listen to their ,never ending Atink. ` But alas for bird.hd,ppiness'ah'd for bird love:An-Ages for ftrpnyroor wilifulsrobltinate little Witerand the kind-heat:led, indulgent husband ! ' - One sad day,'ia r, ,shinelpeoPle were ,cros, singthe path through the lawn, they made. for the'rose-bush: Many were the pretty hands that• tried to pluck some of the beau tiful roses. ' Little children ; even came, and one boy hearing a fluttering of wings be, tween the leaves r looked where he, ought not, and discovered the 'nest. There it, was, with the poor -frightened mother-bird Vainly spreading her wings_over it to :hide it from any intrusive eye. Oh! did • not .she repent then, not' having followed the advice of her more judicious husbandin stead of her own giddy little will ? But it was too late even for repentance. The cruel boy, thrusting his unsparing head forward, seized the nest—pulled . it - away from the pretty spot where se Much 'love and..,sa much care had fastened dtq• he took it away = the naughty boy, with ;the tiny eggs still warm = as they were fronythe ten der Wings' that could shelter them no more. And-the birda—who can tell where they flew ; faraway , from their „loved home? if only that olisiinate female-bird had : listened, to the Advice ofrher :Mate: .*4 r • ' • Samour happy would:Um If I could. but _trust :in , thee-- Trust thy wisdom' me to guide, Trustlthy grxidttas.ttrptostide47.t Trust thy saving, lovemnd power, Trust thee every ,day_andlour.; TruSt-Ithee is the. only; light i 2 In the darkest "hour of night ; Trust in sickness, trust in health,. TrUt)ii4iireiWgfid NelTtM Trust in joy and trust in4grief, , Trust thy prondse for relief; Trust thyblood'a 1 ~ccansemy,sou Trust thy grace to make me whole, Tirist.thee'living, dying too•:= • Trust thee ill"ray journey through 'Truk, thee,tilt my feet . , Planted on the crystal sea. • " Did you not , say, Ellen, that Mr. B— is poor?" . "Yes he has Only his profession!" your unele favor his suit ?" • "No, aiud, I can ekpbet nothing, from' him." " Then, Ellen, ytiu, will have to resign fashionable 'Society." "No,olatter—il shall see more of ped:" " You 'dust 'give: up dipeneiVe diem" "Oh, Fred admires .simplicity." • "Yon. cannot keep a carriage''_ "But we-can have delightful walks." 11 13 1 0 take a- Malt hAlile.t , P# • Y iiish it Painly.”. for ,oeg:vit,fumiturq*9.l44 lie out of place in &cottage" , " You will have to cover your floors With caipets." "Then , I shall hear his steps the soon:- ES - 4 4,l43te4Children's Good-Night. .- .1 .1t „would . is giough 'brighter .and vi?etterspitits , of childhood;if4sti4rthote lit;SOMefiniel tOriOis , thelf . coingiliini. to teach us something-concerning the dead. Tife:aglitWit,.!Afit gradto4'Allig';*, end 3es of aomer three+and our.yeazs,were did is d u usditt*itli • = Treat. A Mad . Woman • in lien at the foot of the s tairs,to go to their trundle-bed; We listened. lest any strange fear ,should oviertak'e them. As they, passed the Chamber where the remains lay, one of them said 'qiet-us , gti in. And bid dear grandpapagood-night. God may let`lsinzhear , .so44ie-y opened the.',46o, MO by the distant light of thep 'hall-han Went np they bed; AtteAdutlidr'4o.4t , kood-night, arid went happily to• their rest. , Couild the heaMed oratory atijoake -power , so to flood the heart• andsuffase the eyes until 'they ached ffoni very, the Kilt •ness of . ble.sqng, as did these simple words of childhoOd Rdigidus' Afilqz,fno• y.. St r. Baby. . BY JOKE • Winsome baby Bunn4 Brighter than the stars that ries In the-duSky evening skies, Browner than the robiree wing; Clearer than a woodland spring, Are the eYes ( Of 'habY Burin! Ninsome baby. Bunn.!, Smile, mother, smile ! Thinking, softly- all the while Of., a Jender, blissful day, . . , • -- '• - When the dark dyps, so like ,th'ose of,the cherub on your knees, - - Stole your girlish laart, away. Ohl the eyes of babyl.Bunnl• itirest misahief they will do; , When Once old•entuigh to steal`` What-their father stole frcityryoul• ' • , 'Smile, Mother, smile r 4. Winsorne , bliby 33 - atat half 'unrolled, Set' in. enlyxew of gold, • Cannottnatch fOrehead fair; With its ring's of yellow hair ! ,Boarlet berry cleft in twain • ' By a wedge, of .pqnriy , ,grain., , lelhe mouth of baby , Bunn• ! Winebtrie baby Biinn ! Weep, mother weep For the little one asleep With his head' against; your brei,iSt? liever in the coining-years,- . Though he seeks fdr it With tears, Will hefind. so sweet a'rest. Oh, the brow of -baby Ijunn ! Siarlitlfientlf of One must 'Wear! its brotivn ef • thoins, Drink its cup . of gall must one! Thettgi`the i tranibling White"with anguish' as they drink,: And the temple sweat with pain Dkopti of 'bleod like purple rein; Weep, mother, weep ! . . . Winsome, little baby Bunn! Not the sea-shell's palest tinge, Not 'the . daisy's 'foe-white filfige, Not the softest, *faiittest glow Of the sunset On the snow," Is'inbie beautiful and .'sweet Than the wee pink hands , and feet Of the little .baby Bunn— Winsonto baby Bunn' Pray, mother; prayi Feet like these may lose ; the 'way, Wancreritkg 'blindly from the lied, • Pray; and sometime will your, =prayer's Be to hiiu like golden stars Built thrOughltiadatekiute. light. Ob. l' the dimpledlaads of 'Bunn 1 .. - 1:lid like rose leaves in your briaiti These *Dl:grasps jewels But- to find them.emptair. These feet •sliall falter many a day; Brilised'ind•bleeding Ere they , reaeh the t land of Asti • Pray ; mother, pray ! :• pm! Agrkttliitriktl. • For the Presbyterian Banner. 11Inssns.' EnrrOns:—Next to the Dela ware,Grape ilairor‘and,lardiness, comes the Diana. 'This fine fruit originated , soma ttirelVe' or fdilitee'n years ago, from' the seea 'of the Catawba,:ip Massachusetts. And al though highly esteemed there for its ability to endure their'inclement Winters, and ranked by , the New. Englanders as their beat grape, y,et the fruit when' 'seat fiom- Massauhueette to , Cincinnati,lor -compari son,- did •not sustain the claim 'of ,being su perior to the Catawba nor that point fully conceded until fruit from the,vine, planted. in the Welt,Tas - produced, when. was indeed true of 'lima Northern .grapes,)that the fruit,improved 3 bah in:size-turd' flavor,' when , raised- in a snere•Soiithern - ' AndTt ad :mittedrthat-it4s”second , onlysto , the , Dckt- , - ware, as a tablezrapenot‘ so;..earlyin rip ening, but i a stronger grower. It s very hardy, and produatiire, and - the fiuitf large,--handsome, and good. - Phe-bunches, 'as Wel .as the berries are, when well groWii, about as ;large : as itlte Qffiawia, and,as t it t ripens Tully two weeks earlier, i:s inudtibeVt. tar adapted 'to.: rien,'-vinous, and aromatic flavor, it is now 'generally dd . eddelli toli-e*Sitpnilot JFeri vines of- this otariety ;,hate 'nt: yeti &lied -•in Allegheny County-; but., from what we 'haveseen,:fire feel-Well:Ridged to' recommend it, as a table, grape, for eultiva tion-in Western Pennsylvania. It is-now. being tested•aa'a Wine 41. Cincinnati, 'and it is believed there, that it will proye e*eellent ,for that purpose. ti .has also the• ineritAbeing easily 'propagated from ent-' tings, in the open. air, 'and is 'consequently, ;now .offered at a reasonable- *lee, with a ;prospect of being still eheapor, in a year or , two longer. , THE CONCORD Here is liGiitptS=foitliii million; it GirVe ;for the lazy cultivator'; : n. grape for the parlret=llll9l4...arid:; for , the !huckster: ,''' Its ,vigorous growth and hardiness makes it', .proof against, ignorant or . careless*,billtiva tion. It prefers, a rich Soil, but a;rill grow ancl,produce well in a; poor "one, .Ti js !grateful 'for - good eultivatioakbut will put !up with bad ; likes . a Southern diposure, :but ivill'grow vigorously on 'a 'Northern, or 'Western one:- it is -la great bearerObe. bunches and berriesVerYlarge---larger than the isa4el/a± - and rivallingih size' the' far-, !famed Iliad,' :Hamburg. Iruit, dark - pur Iple; alrilost black; and" covered with bloom. : It - ripens lief Ore the Isabella. This Grape Idi beeh. firiit6llati4; anaLsost44 all we have saidireSpecting it,- flil am sorry tiV.chttiretd , add' tiniti Ili - .MIA' of figriWit iif in either, the D elaware orDiana. It is considered by some to be equalin this' respect to the Isabella ; others thirik pot quite so good, while others again think it superior. That be it may, its extra, ordinary,hardinessi - vigor, .and:lproductite nes.s—the size and boanty of itsliiiit,lhe lability With whichit,can be tropagatnd--:- will , cause it to be 'sought, for: in preference to' all others; for idarket - pilipeses, in West- etin - Pe;rmnylvanito , ' : .I.see the.,-paparsare lainenting oVer.the destruction of the'peaoh bud's, this Stfrihg: I :do , not find this to , bet themase- - in , this re. `kioii: ` '04'.:t14 contrary; gis'-fai-ili'ernlir , it, prospect Of an excellent crop: • -Theortieultitia•and Agri M cultural- 50.10#.10'44q10 .10#.10'44q10 County lagb'fdYitlo6:* alli ance to iir*l.l .f4r on 'f,llo,4o•Jposiia" , niinoiis pea - I 0e,V,0 - tnalri, s l 14A4 ' hilt -killers. It: ieri ' - diit some philosopher, thatrziliirgteati ,- Pleasurionii4ing, arises•frina.the feeling of triumph zwe,,experience when we have Bucoasfa Ily mitolred• our intellect, and' the scientific aids it fianighes, against Ate in-, stincts of the--wild animal. lust think of .one of these loafing nuisancesT six-feet-two, :with a spot i gmaf t ktng t as, 1 . 4 . 1 4 ,a1f, moni toring his `mipi t t a y. intellect against the in littinct of a wren: i• q frYiiii fag 1 3 (Rif, &gaol to , jay 113 in this cr,tapylt ivrift ArniisheyOuJorispubli 'cation, an . alistrapt of .the laws in force, and,a4464,rei l d s . to. the Societies upon the aubject,, containing some suggestions 'that ought to bet carri ed.. into.:effent -aniong•your readers. , ... 1 11aosr L. Brawn. , : Seidl474llrisfiretiets, 'Mitt& 15, 18601 • ' Renovattife „ • - The lure of dole - orelliird9 C Fel WriEFIPCBRI TEMP 9reilf ity ix le -60,1,11.Eyiliiii;i1cts;iiiitieihis.iiiiiik of proper nourishment in the soil, whioh has become; •cxbipu4eji,i. The; ,Fall is the:bost, time to apply, mapure, renovate : ld. trees. If the orchar d is covered with turf, tear it np to tYPA e ll t kvt 91P °f .9,9 R four ?11.01e:8) by running la; P.oildis very : shallow, or with a harrow ~ 911.4v,tt0r. ~The roots mutt hot be injuiedi ,triiowihowishallthe manurebe applied.?` _I.-have-seen ' several orchard 9 where the lultlittre Wae:piled abotttlthe Ultras of the tree, to thei 'depth' of foot, , or more, extending•butithipeso46: a feet each way from it., Isthis right, .Theroots•of a tree will always' extertr i liarfai hathe top, and there ; fore Ma. °Wi l e:with 'relit!. twice the 'diam eter of it. Sometimes, they will extend much .further: The extremities of the roo_tig imply:the . , nourishment to: the tree. Consequently the , manure should be seaiz tered evenly ov,er,thje a ciirole.•-• In/orchards where. the .treei• Otaii# thirty .or' folV:feet mat, ihsc,'Ailializi4oliiiit'sfitiad - - be Cov ered. - • ' !lives . item to do well when the ground is rooted. by hogs. It is• doubtlieb "poor economy' td-woik th efoa, SkttAf tligy :il lcrridAtri-poother.dgry a lOW riliftibei idworiii4.;,riaimi..siriing,ot: the year pu t straw; orvery coarse manure, in small piles up6W'the. griMixd;:of*lniffieient thiekiaess to alnide,the'groun.d and:-keep it moist. The worms &Aka ,ititder this. The' hiws •sooli. learn .to,,root over these piles, mixing thenr-with the soil, fortning , an ex cellent manure.,and ,mulch, and destrciyitg the•worms•Which:may have . Collected' weft', ithem.;—qor. of Rural ;New Yorker,:. ME The operation of :plait rig a tree:, might beberefti, sQtai - WfalTows: 'Pre** i"suf fieienily wide •biiiinlor thereceptimrof the •re,i3fii; lieei.t4e"suiface, middle itid layers of: soiliin-• separate heaph; when . ta:- . ken. orktriortiiii. set the tree in the basiti toi dipth. ecidal •to the deptli :arewhieh it•stood before its removal, allow inF a , RN. eAfax ita : settling after• a heavy ireary prune off all the damaged route, pre-,. serving all .the 'Bonita fibres possiblei. 113pread , alittlectOltitetiine soil in the basin; unrihis sireet4illia rootlets and fibres ; .then. return 'a; pargoti Of the best of the active soil over alielroots, or what is better; :have sonic rich compostmiredwith .this; poinposed• of .decayed: leaves, ice:, but:urit* ;foe rich, Or in 4: state: of rapid deeoriiPoii ;Alba: 'On ' this; 'retain ; first 'Pre Upper . layer of Soil, and afterwaids-itill• in the whole. fit is seldom. found. necessary to= *Ater . the roots of a figt .tree. In ,treasPliiiithig !extra sized trees; Itiwoldd be air , appliance,lxi i 2r4trlpraattle ita.:=oo `properly. Having' pHaf44 • the tree; the. 'next pointllretp.4 tkre T r This must be doneli7y etekes, liven Fount Ifie tree, fromf seVeraVioies eiehieoured to •the stein, binding a piece . of -woolen • ,cloths arouni.the tree before ßeel:l4;4 i the mds„ Theetlie lP tririnayle" prefect* d'* - fro'ria" chafing. • Tree-guards, .or fences •with vati4 ous 'other `devicelf fOr securi,iig trees against disturbanee)3ll66 . 0 - 0* ;W O:40. The disturbance of the tree in the soil, is a great drawback tojts,groldh,Farnier and, Gkidener*: : " " [Selected It is n ow- admitted very generally that the nui ? l v d,Pi t et* i ti to n c ..of the verylret: squashes Gown. in this eonntiy, ..and ha"' to pr.serve4timii—fivim• . iill'fiireign mix tures 'id Inrinqui4 lof considerahle tibiJ portaiiCe. l .l.lkr . ihMrerszthis,.inquiry will give you my mode of , doing•so, and expe= rienee. In the:first place, it is necessary' to i preserVe the seeds from a - number of, Bare squashes put up in separate, pack 'ages, and each ipaeka,ge numbered. In pihnting-tifn4 the 'next process itt, to place a Stake to every row of hills, .numbered. with the samtjumnber' that is , on ' the pack age from which you have taken the seeds, and-in no •we to plant all the -seeds; but should be rttaiiied for :the next yearfs' ruse.; Now the solution. of the abpye,:inquiTyr,itt pelf r evidento that if yen,have a•crop pure-blood-,squashes onianymne-of .these rows; • .halOng: a. stake and ,numbered, then you know ! , of a cer-L taiiity , whieh package of• seed to plant from the'uniining- year:. And. so. on; from. year. to Yes 4., 'good' seeds may be on =Cor: Ural New. Porker. , , . :We know. ono more important fruit. Ain the striiivberry ; there is 0811 , 8114 . none-4 tn....W.10de nidte • attentieirhatiebSen given. Maniy,*sOna ''itiot had ar rangements nfide for planting in. the. andluive therefore deferred it,tillSpr . litg. Ttkey *nit bo',P, l roniptl7 at work as 'awn as, tho meager. willlfrini4 rforrthere little ttinti'to spare. 'Carol intik, betaken. in re •Ake. ikkt* only Younk. sad vigorou s plants of last seasons'- reject-. ,The fibres, mustmot lie - brokeii; but if i ,iwiflOatty,'tiiinmed • oit • a little. ~,. . . The soil . shOulebnrich• and frialile ; iciw ample. iiiift!rfof thteplints, at least a foot . apart,. in tl4' rovir; . row's "three feet iipart , 'fiavey!s Seating, •Wilson s Scarlet;'there are many othertfavorites; however,. recommen d -. o t by: tiu4"*.ith.' Whom - . they . have succeed eil: Try thein al if you •have spaCe, time, and"means.- :Do not plant one sort under two iiiuned'if you can avoid it.---Farmer and Gal; s , , FWN! Planting, Sq4aoql.. Atiii.Xbditss Harsr.kdieh. 'Xtribidig. - liOrtiet-rsidiili' is prier:illy eon side:44d iv Witter •of 'very little •consequ?nce inc regard.. to the manner of cultivation; :Ahk'iestilt is, in most cases, small roo are inferior in flavor, are raised. It is very easy to grow this plant' with' rttotfj us llrge . as' a' nnuOi grist. Select a . Ach; warini piece . 'expoLied to the rays t .of the sun, and.,early in the season dig deep; mark It off for rows,. three feet apart, and haul the earth out, of the ro4va, so as to reeeiire'ii heavy ma nuring tipti . cover the 'manure with the dirt taken Ifrozu-the .rows, : anitlet-the roots abOiit diktat' keep they free:uf weeds ? Its , feyry: other anC.the.reettlt greithlit horseradish thatie worth. growing. • • How taint Wornii•atllmpleets of 'Nadi the earth tiiAhe depth that the -wornifv-nanally penetrate: Then take about; a pand'of unslaeke4 Irak it with' the earth removed 'from. the. tree .4:3otT andllelt:the , iiiityte . into dm emea vatiOli aroma this tiie then .potti-iiiter uprm . theIIS . MERIDIAN SPLENDOR; on, Tot Sureolas.,Aorrons or .Sawcnntn CHRIETIANS, laid. open iu Seven Simmons: By. William Seeker. Withitn Introduction. bpi/. P. Misuth;D.D. 1 vol., ltixio. Price' $l.OO. - From the New York -Eicteiijeliir; ' l 'o%o'l'4We:re will find the Book; from beginning to 44 n String ef. gems, quaint , and , rare. The author is, alway's iviiikricalwayarlgurims and pungent." THE YOUNG 11ENOlf AMERICA. A Prize Essay. 'By Samuel Batcheldor, Jr. 1 vol.; 12mo. Price 40 c'enta•• .Frorn: ME Belton Gasdle. , • "Hie-emu is well written and practical; froo from vision ary sentinaintaUtY; but an'earriciat purpose. in view. Its lone isliesilthy,,lte Style; clear and chaste, and it can be read !loth With phiaeure and profit." flOr'Tlie above sent -by. mall, on . receipt of the priori an- A VALUABLE . rt PUBT.. An-Exi.ti*ely,N.-crvvr AMERICALCHRISTIAN - RECORD' To-which iverospS6tfully.lnvite attention. It is an'authen — itic and complete book of reference on all current religious topics and alUreligiouteverits of the yair; will contain A Classified and Statistical Record of Religious and Morat Associations in the United States and Europe ; The History, Confession otPaith, - and Present Statistics of Balch of_theßeligtous Denceiiiitatlons of the halted States • and Burepe ; Statisfics'of Morat, - BeneWichit 'and Educational fruithutioni in the United Suit& _ r . A. Classified List arid alp Offico . Addresif of Peril:Plea of all'denernhiattoris in the DURO LiSt rif.Die4ingQontributori and yestittors to Iteligiouif and ' BerieVolent'Enterchisse; 'tented of Deatheln the illinhitcy. fer the Year Notable ffelpi fortifdendalsilkig the Scripture's. Iteligiinfe of Asia anti Africa: ' Religionsand Merni Titichers id lftntlrid' Sacred Books of all ' Missionary. Societies.;,, • Bffilo'Sotlttici of United Stitseitsd Surori! Religious Periodeals In the United Steal and Europe . ; Eminent Christians whoaavoAte,li List of Generous Contributors to chrletian Enterprises During the Year . : /tdp 'et.t.;i . ". Ad.; &C.; ' : ac 4 • The abov64ssi4iehlricird to - conve' tea idea' Of the general character of the work than .ns an Index to its voluminous contents, .which will embrace everything of interest to in telligent religious minds. Wo halve a genciel,record like this, to .trhic k eVerY,pne might. turn for .autiletatiC infOrmition on tilltoples of,ctirrent religious lot has long been wanted, and would be foutuL of geeit:Con . venlente . not only to' cleigynien she otherchinclf officettclittlefalr inierestedin the Moral•intireligions move ments of. the.ago. It :has ,been the aim of the pubiblhfors4o: supply this wtuit,. and in THE AMERICAN RECORD' 'Pfesent a work which would 'innble'all hams familiarly to underhand• one teother's* faith,. efforts'', • and strength, in which each , should be able to read the past and present story of his pin - Udder denomination, and com pare it with that - of others;' and in which all might perceive at a glance, first, the efforts of individual institutions. and then the malt .of their tinlfed operations throughout die entire world. , In corielubloin. we rentere'io;Sny, that so iiiinViit;Snseiniti of varied information on religious subjects. has never before, Mien brbiight witiiin the centimes of ' a single solnine. Largo-32M0, in clear Brevlcr type, on' good neatly,hound in muslin.. Price $1.2a.. • . Cdpies inailciL prepaid. on receipt of $1:25. AST AGENTS WANTED in all parts of the wintry. W. R. C. CLARK &.MEEKER, Publishers,. No. 49 WAlkstr, Street,. N.sw ,Yprk, sa4 12 21 . 8 %reet , Breit.• .fetrlB4m VIE :.AletßiekcitActototivit, , NO 919 Chestnut Street, Phihtdelphht, . . . . . Offes:N. as! .sultable for individuals, churches, familia; and, Sunday Schnolig, elate variety of . - • • • STAIsTDARI) RELIGIOUS PUBLICATIONS. Of.theac, alargc number is intended for Children and volitinta"being hiallsOniely — illnattitted by tile gravings, printed in clear type, and well bound: The assortment embraces' over four handrett'. and alty volumes: BIOGRAPHICAL, . HISTORICAL,. POETICAL; • PHACTICAL, DRVOT7ONAL, HELPS TO.II AD,THE BIBLE. Beslddi 8014. own publicatiOnti, the Sodiety have on hand • come of the books; and colored engravings. of the Religious 4Tract Society, London, ,Nebion's Colored"Views,and a large assortment of Bibles of all Priedet tfrid'irtiddirof binding. ' Subscriptions also. recoiVed; far Abe AnfiTican Messenger and The Child's Paper, monthly periodicals, which are held in the highest estimation in all parts of the land. TERMS: American. Messenger, 8 copies to.otie -address, one Year;sl.oo "r, . 40 " " "‘. The Child's Paper; 10 " " " " 1.00 a a no ic <4 ai « .4,50 ' ' 100 ult g . pitl Onlisit maybe N HISSELIa . • be sent t . • IL .. •• T Tsart No. 929 Chestnut Street, Phila. MEI= EMI rttiirke•PAClPlC . EXPOSITOR: The PACIFIC EXPOSITOR is to be devoted to the expo sition of Gliti's,.WO'nl;-"ands the ;preaching of the •.Goistiel, fe cirrifitig•Mthe Standards'et our Church. We wish ,to do by . the Press, for our fellow-eitimiiisAnit Whittw'e do forCalizery congregation, every Sabbath; Diet is,i to, expound; esplain and preseh to theta the Word of theLiiieg,Gai. We would, if polistble, ftimialkeerintina to heir-arid onthe Lord's day, in the lonely piece of our valleys . and monutrilnis where there is no pastor or evangelist to open hie mouth and show the way of salvation; and into the. crowded . .village of rillheny fartneri, and travellers; where as yet there is no hone of -worship, we desire to send the Itxsosiroa, to open to them theScrtptnnuf,• and preach unto them Jesus. Kis well known theta large nullifier of the half nilllion Of 'Souls thatiri on this 'ebissfdo not attend any church 'orniiiiing-horise; many thensands of thtenbover limit ,a sermon nraiehed fin= 'year to . jeer; We would' -t fbraishhernwitheuch rearlinglus would remind their' of .their early tralning—the home of their youth—and muse them to seek andeerve the God of their fathers, With el .per feet heart and.' a 'willing mind. We hope to mike ..the EI. p SITOR e, missionary, that may preach even- Whero.Die colporteur and the evangelist d'o . Rot go. Not Olia dollar Of tfie subecrlptiens will lie appropriatod to the editor's private use. All that is subscribed -beyond the actual beepentln„„mbmtling,the,circulation of the, work aincingani'ininen,-eattle!drivere, fartuirs, sailors; and travellers. The Exscerroit wi l e Maned every nwnth, at Three Dollars per annum . invalicit." . It will make an • octavo volume of over F 4 Mi,. ',lit is very neatly printed, and on gooft, papet.: , The, is prepaid to any part of the United States is ma emer for each number. Gold ' dollars, or three dollar pieces, or drafts on the. San Francisco Express Companies, can be sent at our risk, by mall: .. - • To my friends and the Christians of "the blessed old States," I would say; that thongh California is makingithein • rich, we are poor, and in building, up• Christian institatiorr we need not only your prayers.and sympathy, but we need your coutrihatlons. • As a utisslonarrrey, it is difficult to see hoivieu,can do as much by Gum chars ; in any othei wkj, as you can do by subscribing for, is - work.: BY . .meanie , of the Poet OITiCS, yen can Send it to" intim& to thousands. that have,been taught to read, but do not attend, church, and indeed hrtvo.nono to go . • star. Alinistere, , elite's, church offlitem, and :Others, who are friendly to this work, riro invitexliq act as aiosita iu procuring subscribers. A liberal commission will be allowed. short ; The night enmeth ponni.when nu mann,esn work.' Ito day lists. Will. you.helpf . . , W. A.- SP. TT. : Ban Francisco, Octobor 10th, 1859. no4l24kin BUSINESS NOTICES: JOHN. M. H.IRHPATRICK,... . ATTOR'N'EY AND COUNSELO . ii. AT'L i A*, and, Solicitor iiC.:ChaneArY, • • ..14"L'Ofiiiii7o13'31roiraifr Sriiisv t . fiTe bore . 15. th Vela:Street; Pit" . . • arrklr PHILADELPHIA. NET:I3.AaIk• • • HAT Pi . • The firm of 'E.' T. MOCRRIDOE . & CO:, vim on: the Firot of January. • The' IDidifiliiined . will 'a:lndium' the Hat Bueinnse,EXCLIISIVELY ON THE CASH PRINCIPLE, of 6Y•North . Fourth' Woo; (up ettairi)'Thiorealibie:the Men:haat?? Hotel, where' Burin Ia n - And 'a Stack 'or HATS' AND CAPS,at flgUros from.2o to 30 per cent. loss than,rogu laktrixllVPiicet.- •Ithalfaadhili, ' • E. T. MOCKRIDGE. . . Highest obtalnidlor }TRW soig to neon'. Commierion. mir3-3m ' "••• - tr.G S 0 , 0 -L. D S A IRRI TATION, SOBJENRSB, or any . affeetion of iSRoN the .Tur.oar, CURED ; the Backing Cough ).„ Consumption, Drenching, . Whooping: TjittiOr'vn; by orBROWN'S BItONCIUAL • COTIOR Louxors. • • " A dm& and elegant coutbihation fir Gstoihs,.fie." Dr. 0. Y. Bionow, Boston. for ligaeseit OS." • • ' • ' . Bee:'HinntrWklm Bennis: " I recommend tbfir use to Public,Speakers." (Baits; Now York. " 4 ..ir00t eitaMry reliefin Bronchitiz. n. • Rev. E. SeiGtatzD, ht017i401711; Ohio. "Beneficial when compelled to spook, sufforlug'frem Rer. S. J. P. Anterason,•St. Linda, "Effectual in removing Hoarseness- n and Irritation of the. Throat, so comhion with Speakers,and Singers." Prof. M. STACY JOILNEON, LaGrange:, Ga., Teacher of Mull°, Southern Female, College. . "Grept benot4 wheri.takett before and after Ina/whin& ea: tiMiy. prove* Boat:acmes,. From their past effect, I ,thlnk they'wlLl be of Pernianent advitanige'to inn." • ltov Roister, A.M., Presklent Athens' College, Tenn. ,OB". Sold by all Drugglats r at 26 cents per-box. .. -Also, BROWN'S LAXATIVE TROCHES, .or Carom= Imattor.s,. for Dyspepsia. Indigestion,. Constipation, ileed athe Billoui*AtloMites,"&e. nOI9-am" seNr.r.. E*L. GR A • , DatialPait* *MAW • ZAR&QIEe, N0..19.-:Fifth.Street, P. ITOSBORCIH, • • • Rawjtust inturned.frows . thardiatarn .oitios,.arakicimrars aa4.)Vlßterdit:oek Clottus, CoaspnerhatTpatlnoop.k,, gs, ige * VM city and country trado, which will borninclalitp , to . order with Komptnosa and dispatch, and at rates tut low as at anrothor sinillaroidibllalinidnt In thb (dry; • sprGigivs szwntrct DttenireirEs. SEWING— OPT Atechinoe are,Thttly itwor to any otter. traele and dettente Sewing Midas* to plMtire. OW eye inehity; are remennenaed Ibr Amity 41st They will not answer tho PI/I,o*e. Family Sew°in Mess 'ought te tie itienief &At any dChbr; worn red, • add •gb into' feiurskilltill ever buys one of 'our -knows to certaintydt will PERFORM-THE WORK REQUIRED: • • Oall mid erzizolarbilbrei•picithledig. • • • " 1.• splly A V.I N. 6.• N D ICAMON.I.T. IIARATY, TRUST COMPANY', CharIIPINI bY Ole Rata of Pennsylvania. . • lit - LE§ • 1. Money Is reoilvidinery day, nod in any amount, large, or small. 2. FIVE PER CENT. interest is paid for money from the day it is pit in.' 3. The mooey la alwaya paid back in,ool , l , wharP r 4 t called for,Ond without notch. 4. Money . . is. received from : Ekecatoril Cluardinna, - andothers, who deaire to hayejt in a placepf.per fikt'seretyVabdwrliek B Intereg (fait 'be obtalreed for' tV , 8. The money•reeived from devaitons is,invesed ah E L ESTATE, MORTGAGEE,'GROUND 11NTS,n first 4laisl itecuritieem the Chitrter directi. 8. OFFICE HOURS—Evory day from 9 till 5 o'clock, In , on. Mondays and•ThuiedijiYe tilt 8 o'clock in the evening: HON. RENRY L. BENNER, President. 44.. Itoafiti2 liriftthoa, Vice President. .' William I. Itcedateorelanii. Jar OFFICE : Walnut Elfzeoc, ernith-Wast Corner or Th &root, Plilladcdphlic • •t t Jin2l6l It Ft AS'IL , LANDS. The 'id:ideal - nail Will &Valid 'to the locating of Land Ws - radts'in the ,OriuthP . and Nebraska City-land'dlitricts, N. • The land edlggs. will take placo .in . tlie months of July and- - thltrAdas, Land-Warrdnfi cab be used. The lauds of this Territory are of ,the finest quality. Good spiel, tione can be made near tbti and "'alai - settle', meats. •All warrants entrusted to iny'caro will be located on lands selected by careful laud examiners. .LEttrifi'of inqutry requetted.• Terms reasonable.' • - - ALEX— F. W.KINNEY, Oriapolis, Cass County, N. T., • REFERS' TO • • • KliAltf ER lkinkerit; Pittiburgb. ' DLOYD. el; BLACK,,. • " • 'REV.' D. ariciNkEY, " • 7tDDEXEL• & CO.. Einkersi Phibidelphia.••• • • 1 . 11. J. LOMBAERT, Auditor Penna. R.R., philadelphie„ BRYAN, ONEDNER „ FP.M. M. LLOYD A .00., •Bankers, Altoona,. Pa. , ;•., GMR. MONVItY,Meu., ClibMgo. ALEX. FINLEY, MIEL.',I3t.DOnLe. PROF. G. LOOMIS, Oriapolie„ N. T. 32 Market Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. = N EW,WA.p.F4roIISE. • .• • NV** ' T.. 4 - .:1k , .1:.•5-i . • • 1'14; Sm ithfield • (nelisly oppoirito the: Custom . Hanse4diaalast-.cmattod - a Tory choice' selection of • GREEN; ANDMACK, oa ethe'intest imitortatione. Alio, BYO, LA , AND tGO VERA ' "IdENT ;JAVA New. Corlearie, Cidiei'Cittehed, and Bugetit; • Bpddialoi PlotitiVearrand Cott Reich; • BMWs,. dari,-.l4laamiroak Vermicelli, Cooii,•Brcrina, Extra. 3•lo.l.l;imid ;breed' Chacelate.; Pure Ground Spices Castile,_Abate* Wfdt;'Pallin, 'Gorynari,' toid - Rositi Soaps ; Sap. Carbonate of !Bads; Cream Tartar; X itra Fine Table Salt; Pula.' Eitiiteti LOMB Vanilla ; Star,Mottld,and Dieped.Candlis;-Sngari Cured Vann; Dried Beef; Water, Butter, Sugar, and Soda Dtackerlii Foreign Fruila, Sce.; ac. .114.-Thitr stock had betariarrehasidlot Mini,' arid ' , WIWI:4 off9rekta:tha Trade; sad - also fo Farnitiee, , at very.rooderate adianees, from whom we respectfully solicit a share pit; .ronage. • • • • - • jinti-if ' g IL IF- HU O F , S • CELEBRATED S' . .lYltr IVO 1t.A . C.111.11v. - The . Thisst; iii" ' ti* . lyqfirias;; or Loci Snit , ie undeniably tlia West. • • ' ThOy um •Mu Thrsitavelork almost noiselessly, , eiti simple, s and easily, operated...; Atent, . • Foiling Street, Allegheny . City. • . ....... Sir SEND -FOR . A CIRCULAR. 'VP meato-iy ' * . • R.Y.O . . • etatlßSdN, . . . (Late Baeza.& Jonatamt,) - . • ... . soe.ldannfarterer find Dealer. la Um following. three dietinct • , , kindn of ROO1144.:. • • int rGninSlastio'COniiiiit;;Felt slid bin — van' ' 2d. Improved Felt, Cement and Gravel Roofing. 3d. rotont.Eoglialt Felt.Rooo%. . • :fll - Five Watir Piyx — if; arid , ircit6:ool44." • Roofing IdattirtAF for ale, With- prinieid inatt ' dei[6ne for Ofilco st Bates tioteneonti.old , 75 • 'lr. is as a iriant.for, Metal Itootp, lasting.twir i c an long, aid cheseer.tlian.ccebliicti paint - . also an a PIM:to preiriardimtokeiiiiin . dec3.-1y • . • .• IVM. JOliNaoxi•• • CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES. FRESH. Fitt 'STOCK RECEITINe AND FOR SALE AT LOW. FRIDE.% AND - REl'4.* , • ' " ' MIN itENSKAW, :Liberty- *opt.. Thosattention,of his old friendif, and the .public isihirited to a superior areortment, • ineinding 100 CHESTS GF.Ekir AND ]iLeck*.kfl, Stnigreateit care from-the bitpisturiportithms of the'ne. stuck Of JAIrd.,R10;1110111LI, Aire TiAoThiYibik cOFFEE, °aid i . gerieitiramoilaiierieVilfie Family Groceries, Ffulte, Spires, Be.; of ererrdasdipihtiu , . ea-.containing an extended list of, m,T, 4inkturt, C hhatr l Y ff'deaffixi. 49,4 No agate' Itir cartage. ' ! • • :,laifigq! • C 'A:: . lelrtriir . 0 114 • s ' .4conprigs,.. apspedsse,l`.gsx ma et: It vlll bi an itYlis Oreiiatonsiii feebly eSfe;•"eind free dtioni'all offensiVe• odor: 11166 end for sale by Wi • IVEACKEOWN, • reply 167 Lowir7.6Ture, Pnvautrzez. JOHN D. BrcoßD.-.,....,1 1 . 1 . • ......JADES 8.. wools. 111111C 1 '. 100, 0 • Ifitte; WHOLESALE AIM Rtir ISI . :Street Pittittri.k . . . . Hire now on hatid for Spring sales, as Irate and corriplete,an inimortinent of Goods as can be found in any of Cie Kialein f OHles, consisting of • . and WOol Hats ," of evcrylttile add quality; CAPS of sitkir - y quality and learnt fashions; Paint.Lsaf;f.Stratri Leghormirsdid Panama 'HATS; Straw,. and Silk BONNSTS etc., etc: Persons 'fiddling. tq puichaieeithei - bY•WholiiiiiloOr • ltatieViilll•iind it to !Mr' advantage. to call andoxamine onr stock. mar19.13t.1 FIRST PREMIUM AWARDED BY TTIE,STATE FAIR TO , , , • , 40/1 41C41111101., EcHt THE BEST S SST ES AND R Alll3i E S ;VW aed BEST WOOD COOK STOVE: e AltirtNO. 245',.DIBERTY STREET, at thc head it Woad;' Plttsburgh,Pa : fcbl9-1y ti, • N" 'IV ERA IN sew:4* . 3MLACcitk:mss During the last foUrbeen years, some four hundred_patints ha* .WMI , grtatted on' inventions :difefgtied tit lighten 'the drudgery of family sewing, and attbe same time to produces , machido'tbid could be prdlltabli need for mamifliernrini perms*: but, strange .to say,: ant of this large nuMborot Sewing ltlathines, only some half dozen have been proven to be of practical value; and of this smtJf nieritber, not one hi/ in it combined the advantages of a family and manufacturing Machine. 'There are large; heavy:- noisy, cumbrous, 7 and eomplicated machines, designed for heavy work; that answer. the purpose very weir whilit'there are °there of light inetchanimeamidelicato atijiustmentai which perform on light; Work to advantage; and while the former are excln iitelYimnSired tx.fheavy work;thb latter - are of little on light fabrics. Therefore. .I take great Timmer" in : statiogthe • infportant fact that Mr. Dons; the Original in: 'venter of Sowing Machines, has recently perfected hisl3ltuttlii Machine Boas to combine, in a much smaller space and with fa'fleaanifainbrY, the strength nail4,irdbttity of the maim-: lecturing machines, and at the same time possessing that . delicacy of movenient and emeof operation peculiar to the' family machine, and which resident this the only machine in nuktiket,sapable of Weri4ng-491 1 .4kfosPerifitoA 1 04est- 4 441 and is therefore designed for ALL. KINDS OF WORK' • For shirt-mhkorei A/eh-tinkers, Tsillors,l3lto*lAndelt, Gaiter- Alton. )laptoiemaiseti. Corrlage*lmiiiitro, je&ionVi for all 'yarietlee of FAMILY' SEWING, THE HOWE MACH-INE - li, the only ono that can give eatialaiition ; and they wit) be eolitfOrente-ha(f the wrier chatgedlor any: othermuleblim capable of doing ma heavy work . in as good a manner.. These machined cannot tie get ont Of bidri by al.* fide rind i they will be fully warranted for one or more ,yeani.., Tim will ditch, horn, tuck, cord; bind, 00m,, and fell, ioithost basting—malingthelock-ertictrewun (alike on both; eidwi)•'of grp/t beauty, atrpngth, and eloaticiky, and which .cannot be ... rip*ll or raveled. . 1 ~-).,,,,,, invited titinklf tit' • 4 To MO: 60 MARKET STREET, np stain, -and thi .tekt.'theae, machinee.rin all kinds of work; , don't. ber , by merely: twang a kladhine sew on a rag, but bring . alcnic 'R jour eit— 'eat and beivieiliviork; and put tholdithinesto ibeet rigid' Active and,te s ponsitde Agents are wanted fi n.; the sale of. theSo . ldiclitfics, upon* liberal terii - e. 'Plesie send fOr of aid plartieblitriee agetiajr. :.Addresi :•. • ' , W. LABWELL, Agent, lea l4ta •1 • , ' Pittibursh, Pa. iftz. 4 01764 seveiilto,6n Neil , AO. SECONDAMID. PIANOS " • " F R .S .A I E., " Wishingto reduce nw.stOck Renting.P . lnnos, I will; Wt. the followtb g deidiablo Mir, and Sem : . nd.hand, Bin" non. extremely low. pikes annexed to' them, and those" who do pnrchase„rnay, be assured that such an optautunity, is sel dom offered. On thoeo marked for Con, .no discount will be allowed.' 'Those , for•eale on• credit, Three. Months onlywill •be gfron, and must be settled for by note; payable. in the city, or a discount of theee•Per cont.. for cash. The following itokeioasod. ureal bstave raumss, ON A CRADIT OP THREE MONTS& • • A now and elegant 7. octave Ropeompd t0 . .:1404 • with sit tho latest tinprOventente, made exproady.• efitacribeT, and'aill be **Trento& The, facti# • of WI itylebrEBoo; • foe eile ».:::. 'lllBl5 Another of theamno style an&prie0gp1aa..........:44...4-...48 Anotbir . froid the same maker,. in sail, elegant ***Wood Odkionanblheturerd TH.*: 2975) . 2*... • 280 An.elegentltoaewrood 7 octal* Pianofilhiele brEtnerecin; . • .Boston; in perfect order, and in. aliapterSbati waon A'rlehly caTeed 7' detiiro: new' end Wide litalle"Te _asettest' • . • Piano; finatia:-.byrA: • lf:! Oaleirthiti Nitta Ifthatlade Vt Arh 1 4 1 :2 1 43' 0 W51NMa11.440? , ...-4-th4--r.:tis3- xv g 1100 Tivo clog-ant Reoewood 7 octave .1 3 isoos, corm tine; ethle frorri Vika ;'• mirk* VOL' Attisfse:' • erect by •good. judgea. ea among- the'llektattlia. gem,: York' makers; at .tho low . price of ' ' .275 One mine eol&.Bl4cietiktie4., 250 Our 'desalt; gobiGroo& tliteiritTng& Bbn'e * ad mile, n earnotttiiiii than: - six. moethalbei retail* pike' • • of which 18,827E4. 714 THE - FOLLOWINGIRE: VOiti MIR": 43h4440iiiy;'410 5 pre:iisistd Chrelteritt desOns • ' . . A - Rosewogd, octayss• by, Wilklln6onl •• • 41U:150 A:Mslkogrkbloc*.°P, ..... . :• ss•iss4.4 180 A iffialogspx, Ative, sz,..Stelast"..... 60 A blikhoginyf 6 oeti t se; •by Bebe* • 1.... A bfaltogany 6 octave, Mod A Roeewood, octs*Clikdtesi . - A Rosewood, 6 octavo. -0, IT% Nunes it 4 rt.... iite,fintr -patatektkee oratergcto.go.loirttittaatike• •• .1. •••• :zit • • • _ JOHN • {l.,' MBilak : feb211.17 • 81 Wood Street. • • t r , v g 10m Alt • 4: Birirr'o ) iir Manullacturers_ and. Wbelessle aid Retail Dealers. No. 32 NORTII SICOND Sr, giber Market, Philadelphia. F The largest, cheal*Litiatitil4 Velealanont of PLAIN and a 7.4 cT . BLEIDs of any other establishment In the fi Waal States. 44" IMPAIRING 131 , 4:dopey sitteMedttb. Oita r. ',roan and eattyfy yoara*ye"..., - , • foba•ly prns - Buica - y - wv .16,8 ffWMEN Located at , Station, on 'the'-Pltitibufgli• Ft. Wayne d ',Chicago Railroad, and Ohio Ittver,tin niiks Wait of the ity. This Institution combines superior advantages, for the coolish:II treatment* and complete 'mite of disettee. We .. A. ,"uld especially invite the attention of females who have • erod for years, and, have almost despaired of Ending re in . t 6 our establishment. We chn 'redanlitend this Inman- F'‘ IL to female sufferers with great confidence, as in our long ....rieileo in &atlases peculiar , pecu to their sex, we have had an ; most uniform success. We will gladly give - any further • fdribittloix to Shope who desire it. Addrearßox 1304, Pitisi [l. usgh, Pe. , , ; FERAS)3,II.D., Physician. ; ap24-tf' ASTHMA. JonasivliVitt9omb's Remedy, preps fit= a Gai ' ns . n ' xiicips attuned hy the fate Whitcomb; la Seraph: It lo Ural known to ban alleviated this disorder s in his ca se , all other appliances of medical skill had been abandcined by bane in despair. In no case of purely asthmatic character his it failed to give immediate re lief, and it has e ff ected many penusinent cures. Within the pasetwo yeals rthis• rimedy has been used in th0111181:11111 of eases with natordshingfind uniform success.. It contains no poles:Ma or inlnrloOf .properties whatever; an infant may taketit with perftbt taiAty. - The • followinguraFtlfleat# tarnish conclusive evidence of iDe remedy` Mast 12, 1867. Ma. Binusarr :—I take *sums In Mating . , the wonderful effects of " Whitemnb's Iteinedf.lisiAieAsthmi, n on my wife. She had suffered for,yeers more then my pen can describe, with the speimmilic form of that terrible disease. A. often as ten or twelve times in s!yearshe was brought to the eery gates of death, requiring two or three watchers siSmodmes; for several• days and ,nigkts: in succession. l At there — e,,bi hours, it would seem as if every breath mist be the Ilsit We were obliged - to open dcarrs and window in mid. Winter, and to resort to every expedient that affection could deities to keep her alive. •At one tune she was' so far gone that her physhium could not Mount her pulse. At length I beard of "WhiteconWs Remedi." It acted like a chaise. It enabled her to sleep qitietly inu few minutes. • * • • I em a Methodist clergyman ' stationed here. I shall be happy to nnirwoenny inquiriks respecting tier cake, said you are at liberty to make any use of the foregoing facts Mat wilt benefit the afdict4ul. Yours, truly, If:ThrIIALL•HADLItY. ,C 1 fii" - - Ikanriftrativitt Fah. 25;-1855. GiUrdiniatr:—lt is now nearly twelve months .sinee I re ceived the first bottle of your valuable medicine 'far thif Cure of the Asthma: I was tietermitrod. to give-It a thorough trial. and to convince myself that It was through its effect that I was being so ranch benefited beforUillironf yob.. am now satisfied that 'Ay relief from one of - the tiniiie'eggravating, malt distressing, ; and. most ! ruirelentipopidisorders, that ever fidgeted a human being,' Es' to be 'attilluted wife* to this reniedy. For thirteen'. yeantleuffereflettth the Asthma,' and during that time there were but fuss . months in which I did noteriffer riaroilita thit eisiffely PrtfaratEd ; fir two or-three days, and som . etnnee,tonger, It very- 'open Me in iiiierify, Until, in 1853 and 1854; I Was obliged for months together,. td sleep:in my chair ;.and the • least%actliroszerciso would bring on a paroxysm oftentimes so severe that I could lot ' rim an inch for houra. Bit if 'is treelfie6'. irni , frii describe the tortures of the spasmodic siethina: Those:for ei hom. this is intended lino* Trill well what it isi anB'l wilt merely say, , that.from the time•l took: the first dote of your "Remedy, " to the present hour, bare not had a bed attack, rim 'flow my sYetnixt is 'so free -froni it , ttitit • thi r ;it,ber activb . exercise and' exporr,ure seldom has any other effect than to eliglifly reetriit. the lungs. Your medicine soon dirpehi that finnutlon; atid•l•eari safely claim's general release. from the tormentor. . With veritteepietcyotir obed't . • , . , - • • • • 7; IL BRAGDON. . ASTHMA*: zartivot *WWI Wh'•diatlngttiiinid;lsid = in • Moine. • •-•. 'ft t o ' .:1:1.• - • . nigrnaurvt- - I . istve;posell delaYed writil d to you ; ItsicrtitoiatighlY- 7 tbs ., ' tcoialls' 'Remedy for the ,Aamit„),st differentona . yo . ar t for .1 Lad often taitalisel retie c lot 'alini-eiblefioin ;hinds of medicineh.leadingagadunanent good effects. Thus I tried inure ,thof i rirty different apec j flcs for the ;Asthma. until" Irtsa4l vith . WorrCgovin - hy, - disease, and !almost discouraged. W ea' I commenced taking your medi had,btlett aillictill with the dilemma ainnt ;twetityltArs. 'lt is of the spasmodic kind; and in albad attack I have, fro-. 11 -114611 1' . Rot ull'lalltheltinlithti inaiiil66. , hotsit latof taking your medicine, T found an unaccrustomedvoliat , My health - and' atiffmtililbtgari io inittrilvd: Thave ginned abdni twenty pounds m f , 'ha ist, :land ve, comparatively,nt asthma. • ' When. I e symptoms returning, a few ter tupoetioftdl" Ira the Medi ii enillaient to Arnow, IL.. • •' ; It sepias tst mo thakthe very foundation of•my dinewnhsat qisin'brolceis iip,isnd.thist: it wilt aeon' entirely leave'ine. any rate no one ; that- has anifond what I have, heretofore; and enjoyed the, health that I bare enjoyed since last gall; cafe hesitate-to :denerve 'that, afeidief a wundirful tpindit Jonas Whitcomb's Reme d y for the A s th ma. Respectfully, IC R. VOSS: sa....l6iiiiis'lnat636Vis Ramsay '• kit ' , Asthma is .prepirrod onIy;by,JORER,II.I3IIRNETT A CC., 27 Central Sttoct..Boa ton, Sad for hide* Onisnalfir!'- ...,. .: F - 7,..f ...................................: : T ;: :: : , 71 . :,.; .:: ;we . '..1 7 1001 7 .iiii !Mt r 1 ;:Ivr r: ..7-.•1 .. ' WO Bitt c o , -- '..:0.i..,,..H - 0 , ti 41, 6- - ii ir.A. z 4". AZDARD REDEEMS ~• hae,7 • mweimigh ye. or tad: uilbbilithiroosmiiiiii l . so iiiiidotiot* tL a 1/1 onviiisig• • ^ ; r e 17 7 41 1 .. ZfirOrtlialrlOYSlMMO' Oila:WO% sawas 'lll4l***4o- IS& 2affiatiM' ' II I dl idi .from • dtmorlicroilkneg'or rn!!egi0)..!M, 1 1 111, !! 4 / 1 /47stive° 1 ,11 1. . iv* Pcmin:3l.l 'Or" "-J wa ve, An l ia r , . seoi.feTZ. , fix proof: rynwi.o 6:44 r and bag paribrmed thomoot amthaishing ecia•irterancrenv r CO - C/AgthiliblEAKC l b s Dissairks Oared it is ImiN4Wl44y/fis: Por** • being well kiewn tlirOgitoot E:ntnne pi . „111 , twrrilm,nsede . • no conitnenditldb" 'Thai are ‘ptife . l3 l iegeiable L i"tisia ireriar — iir:lßCh great eiattneen, and are sugar-coated. No , better Catlin/tie Pill tante-feta& "Pik lebiWarlisi: • These mediciiliescani On, Philadelphia, Pa., and St. Unit, 510., and axe mold by • dragedeand.deakwe =edit:intim imerywhein. ' Thesis. i • native of .C..-libgananow will , be, on , the entail. of sack bottle, or beZ.l,;,. , aro ".*!eaphiakilt . 'nhli&ad azotteallysioi,,! Will find . , parte of the coon y. 64441,1iiiinedb* all Only i v iiits. • , ' !.:1 . ,•"' • ' , ;/.. . • 1145 P ititliP°F . Lildler"C°. n 1 1486111 b:./: P , • A t„ , ' , D • : a NEE grAVAallriel" t • ilfq}i'd 'right/Wink - a: dielifilke -- of . - .tlie3ilsl',:yetetteto schlietiisies • the pain is in the' lefEr 'I , the! iauiek is able to lie - cm•the,laksidei Va n itbrmis is - 'felt'the. pain Midei . ,'iliPihmil'aer l 'lblade, ausljt , frequendy extend. to. , :the top of the shoulder, and. is sometimes , mistakeni forotil rheumatism in the arm. The -stomach is affected with • loss of • aptetite • and • the tiofvels 'iii, general ' are Assiiie;, :;;1 4 , alternative with lax; - head is troUtl4r„ with, pain ,. accompanied with a dull, heavy-• sensation in the lack. part. There is gene.. rays considerable loss of memory, 'accxan , ill:lied with etlinful. -reft' : ) . At 844 mugh dna* The Patient of Watriness'asidlielatyP he 'is easilyicirmai his feet- are, leolCtrtlurning; and lei earn. plains •of ,a prickly-, sensation of the7skin-; his spirits are lcrat.; ,and,.Athqugh ;he is satis fied that exercise, would be beneficial to him, yet hee4 f scarcely ,sunpon ; IT fortitude enough-.§ ay it, In Sict...* OF " o " ;I,STA:I I # .* . e.:taliiire smitaplns ittOiad 444:41vF exiahutioLLaß'n 'Bl% hal ahopPit 4 the el %feign% leiiiiAtly.fitiastiect • • .AGJI3 81. AND •F E Poi • IVPll;fralittitiiie ebb OF tate - nWiritifitrotiitir . ; 'areintxttkiioe•lif moit/14133r4sults:•'Nfi• - bet*r-tathartie' "tairtieiziedr- ptd ry- to; or ;after , taltkiginissev wet vioulac advise all who arc afflicted with this disease to give thaita ramonwiti !.% Add* -to • PA_ 15:i Dealers and,thy!" fricnuskantering le?cn paces thaw, . ' 'Flticabbgrßrios:, *ell to *Hui Wen , onters dietlfit Up, Inui:l4 - sLiume but•:Dr.lllTLenes,.trelnen!d b Filadesp. ; Bi-os., Paestum h, Pa. _rn 9soss,79Lbing give .. t.bens ; pee nialisS-ysild,-So say-part•ert • ,tito United,E4istsit, onl ; bo* Abe tWare,t..lll 4 . 'idoinike'fitunps;lnor ene xis! of erifilfage Illefesden Ant-CnI); litmumks..44 l sirkrtrzna Ca lambi WlMlkbi fee. oompanled by. twenty cents extra. • 4,,am Cif Antteii,ii truabikvai l citki c itilier . ; Keeters gbneranY• . •:". . ,!:•:;k:;:r;:! cotl-ly ME MEDICAL. ASTHMA. 0-It+ vl Or rr ) CERMAtt... „ r MEE • A: , •• DR * u's' ~`b"usii~'cTr =MEI LEINE ME