Presbyterian banner. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1860-1898, March 10, 1860, Image 3

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VFe direct the attention of ourleAtrttiondO to;
the advertisement of Messrs. (1.
another column. /. „x(11 1 •
Otnt EXCIT.LW:NT NEw 'the Wet.
known and long ostablisiekilituldif aft. John
:sou 8: Co., of l'hilade l o l o;tl*ilikthek
W. S. Haven, of this citn,..w.,
advertised in` - alietiferifdliffillqis - very highly.
spoken of by compithfitiSlidges, who have given
it a full trial. Mr. Henry M. Rhoad's, of Alle
gheny City, is theag . ent i for, this region, and
every statement made by him may be received_
with ebUre c;eittideith.' . ' Those about purchasing
sewint 44001aisstitoitld do well to call.
POkliekillittonan Mustc.-The attention of
° ilk - Pittsburgh and Allegheny is
• eallet4to alooncert of sacred. music, to be given •
in" i Vig a i3Wift's church, on Thursday evening of
:this wbeicrfor the benefit of-the Gorman Presby
terian church, Manchester.* The object to which
;the proceeds are to be appropriate is a very de-
Perving one. We hope, the attendance will be
Commercial Journal.
Mr. D. L. EATON, formerly one of the Editors
of the Gazette, has become ono of the Editors of
the Commercial Journal. Our intercourse with
Mr. EATON has always been pleasant. He has had
much experience, as a successful newspaper writer,
and we can heartily wish him every success in
the arrangement he has now made. The Journal
will be edited by Megan: D. L. EATON and T. J.
.BtonAm, and the business department will be
conducted by Mr. GEOILON H. CHRUITY.
In getting our new type, we have furnished
ourselves with various and beautiful styles.' We
would do the best possible for our friends, both
sellers and buyers. Our subscribers are inter
ested in knowing where articles of 'necessity can
be had. Producers will find among our readers
the very best class of customers. It, will there
fore be a dammoN benefit, to Advertisers, Sub
scribers, and Ourselves, that our columns shall be
duly used.
If, in transferring advertisements to the new
type, a mistake has occurred, wb"shall correct it
on notice.
' ' Death of William B. Foster, Jr. ' • '
This gentleman died from apoplexy, in the
city of Philadelphia, last Sabbath morning. He
Was a native of the city of Pittsburgh, and in
early life became a civil engineer. He was after
wards connected with the public improvements
of Pennsylvania, Canal Commissioner, and
Chief Civil Engineer of the State. Witt! the
Pennsylvania Railroad he had been connected
from its beginning, and has been its Vice Pi eel
dent for several years. He was a courteous and
kind-hearted gentleman, as well as -a thorough
business man. He was one of the men 12 whose
ability and unwearied labors the Penaylvania
Railroad, a road not surpassed, if equalled ; by
any other in the land, owes much of its success:.
, r•• • r
In the •House, Gov. Fosu,'of Ohio, was again
chosen Printer. This t.ime.^hedt'ad a majority of
two votes, and the election stands.
Rev. Trstif4 7 , L fferoincroi:of Philadelphia,
(PrOesitauthfeitodist,) has been ifectiadhapiain.
We ,tir,itlilad of this. Mi.. Stockton is od
man, and the Hotihe iraidsViiiite direction, to be
sought hifiaYer: •—• t=+ '•
A'resolution has been adopted,. to appoint a 'se
lect Contmittee to inquire into Certain atotomenta
derogatory to the Presideitt=siiitsine'ats charging
him with efforts, r by,thp use, of txtus.ey and other
wise, to bjibe'inemhers crigresi; and to carry
party Relgt7e7 . ' A T 1 .5: '. ll w;)
In the Senate; no important business has been
traneiuSted. - The' ,treatjr with ;Mexico is hailer
The Acadomf tdenie and Art, tittshrgh.
ion r
The opening exercises of this inetitution„were
held on the evening of Thursday, March Ist, in
thelpr:444lP,Ofctianstt.Oleguratittg ittiklogge.
Addresses were made by Dr." James. King, Rev.
Dr.,,Howard, and others:, /aukaddress hasibbeen
expected -from - Edgar Covesif, , " of:Greens
btfrig,4lititlii this the Associatidn was disoliVoiiit
ed, and-Dr. Howard was. calledfupenlto. deliver
aadrapr,opiptu address, rwhicb.le diCto .theten
tire satisfaction of the audience. The address
of Dr. Kin iNshlien,of ns bAi , ag nruble and
peculialiehappy.i ihe ,:requeet.: mem
bets • copy has been given for publication.
Tfds new enterprise hai started under most favor
able auspices, and promises to be alike useful
and creditable to•the city; •
Pennsylvania Democratic Convention.
.Delegates Of the Democratic party met in Mead
weiik; it'd, if reports are to be credited,
they had quite as lively a time as had the Repdb-
Huns, at Harrisburg, the previous week. • After
a few ha110:44143 the sikbrpltr i ty candidates were
dropped, and Him& Fdearn, of ~Greeitsburg,
was unanimously nominated as the candidate for
Of iSfriosrma, we hear Inist,favorable rpors,
and 9178.T0r . ,, w(9ik Weihomfoz a
honorable canvass, and for a good Governor also,
for one or the other-must be'elected. Mr. Foster
is c1a1medm„.r50547,9,, bth, by the :Lellpton
and '..ii?if-lelitlhipfon se a trona Of the iii:rty*.
thq Dolcga*appplAted r ta / the 91uFleston.gon
vditiOn; nre'aliieelnimed---ti majority of Diem—
/as Douglas, and as altirrfOliglis, for the Presi
dency: „TUY aremnpildge4landartramlikely to
favor the nomination of Vice Presiclentiinziat-
INRIbn any'other eandidake. '' '
l ithe Platforit'of 'Prinetples`*e have 'not' sernn,
bdt in its ieneral haturis, as repieientod
tePwr hers, it sustains mainly the polieiot the
The =Buryey of the Northern Boundary tine.
'Wittunturox,-Mareh 2.—The report received
afilie 'State Iseparinient, dated November last,
from the , Party , saiveYing the boundii4 line lbe-,
tween the 'United States and theoßritildi pi:etas-
Nimes, okya.tital;the,fortyrninth as far
as detqmined, tshovis a imountainous, country,
and, with:the excipt,rn of „s,,,,faw localities, the
entiraregiOn iiinchientlY unfit for occupation or
settlement-.. The work for the next season - will
extend from Columbia RiVer to t , he ROcky Moun
Liberal Bequests.
Michael Allen, a native of. Ireland, but for
many years a resident of Pittsburgh, Pa., died
here i n 1851, leaving a large estate, the, settle-
Mint' et which involved some litigation;;`' It has,
however,-recently been settled, and the iallowing
bequestsannouneed Orphin's Asylum Jthe
cities Afßittsburgh and Allegheny, $2,000 ; First
Presbyterian, church ,of Pittsburgh, 2,000; ,the
General Aisembly of the Presbyterian Church of
the United' Stites, 10,000; Board ; of 'Foreign
Missions of lite - General Assembly of the Presby
terian Church ,st tlitc : United States, 4,000 ;
ForeiguSvanielical Sodiety, New York, 8,000 ;
Board of DomeStiothlissions pf the :General As
sembly of. tlielreiiiifyisp, Church of the United
Stafes of Amerlea,' 5,060.1 Beard' of Edtieetion
of the General titssiiittOly ef the PresbYterian
Chtirilh of the United' State:ef America:, 8,000 ;
Preislireilan Board .ret - citUblication ' 3,000 ;
American- Bible Society, 4/000; the American
street ' Society, 4,000 ; the ,American Sunday
School Union, located in thit city of Philadelphia,
4,000. ,
.Cinconnat,-March• 2. wednesday ' a
Ins made on n , gang of countafei!prin Lenlog
ten, lteataky, who i wirs, caul/144 not of
altering bills ion the Fatness', Bea -of Rhoda
leland'atur the Faitierlil3,o?k sti , rgansfin,"ind
raising other bonkhiltiks ipelitthitkiPpqn'the
Farmers' Banit,`of tiftyrtwo *mei
Were made.
Seffoni 'jot
o'clock; "fui I 'vrbitmeh" - 'vier,e'deniage'd'! 'Clearing
down St. Xavier's Catliolienchurch, on Sycamore:
"greet, the walls fell, burying cightsen or twenty
9f the laborers in,. 419.KfiR5....1/,p to „tep,o'fllqck
ten dead bodies were' takai - out. ''Tlio, 4 Chnich
was being tortr down for the. purpose of giving,
place to a new on; andlitean'llke'cildeWt Catlolit ,
church in the city. * llia.leeident was caused by
an attempt to overthrow a-wall twenty feet high,
one foot , thick, and thirty feet vypie, by under
mining: Therain yesterdaY Steeled its founda
tions, and es soon as it was loosened a little this
morning by the men, it unexpectedly fell in.. Fif
teen men were at work at the time, and but one
succeeded in escaping. Thirteen were, crushed
to death; and the other was mortally wo unded.
•ii t • • I •,.tk :4 V .
1 • Laws Enforced. •
PRILAMMPRIA, March 6.—ln the Supreme Court
this afternoon, the three Commissioners of Alle
gheny County, Messrs. M'llh.enny, Patterson, and
Brauff, were presented in custody to the Sheriff.
They were severally interrogated whether the'
stood by the return made by them to a writ of
mandamus, refusing to obey the order of the Court.
Each answered ethat,he, stood by the return.
Judge Lowrie informedthem that they,had been
heard by counsel, and that, the Court adjudged
each guilty of contempt, inflifusing obedience to
the mandamus.
. .
. . .
The Judge inquired what , disposition • the
plaintiffs asked. • t
Mr. Meredith, on their behalf, replied that
they left the matter in the hands of the Court.
( After eimsultption, ,Judge . : Lowrie„. for -the
Court stated that they had no power, tinder it lie
Act of Asiebibly; to go tinY • further in the en
forcement 9f the 7-ot, except by ; punishing thepe
Men for the offence = already committed;•of con
tempt' of Cotiri,'which'is limited' to a fine. An
act of the Legislature which prohibits the. Court
from enforcing tuyydpr,ip. i the ordinary-manner,
has st46eli ddwnheflrocess of the Court. A re r
fusel to obey an injunction is punishable by im
prisonment until the parties agree to obey the
order of the Court; but the power of the. Court
here, in a case which is purely criminal, is lim
'ited to a '
The prisoners wero ordered to stand up, and
after some remarks upon the enormity of their
offense and the folly of their : course, in placing
themselves at the head of a rebellion, the Court
imposed upon each a fine of one thousand dollars,'
with the cost of the attachment, and they were
ordered into the custody of the Sheriff till the
fine and costs are paid. • . ,s
"Immediately` after the passage'of the' sentence,
Mr. 'Meredith applied for an alias peremptory
mandeinus. The motion was then sustained, and
a. refusal to obey this writ, if it is granted, will
render defendants liable to another fine.
The Increase of the African Slave Trade.
Thq i correspondent of the New York Times, at
St. P i de Loando pronounces the slave trade
treaty, between the United States and iEnglaudia
dead letter, and says the facility with Which
vessels are cleared, even if captured, • causes
the treaty to be virtually incooperative for the
suppression of the trade.. The trade has in
creased for years beyond measure. A few
months' eiperience has convinced us "that the
whole 'slave coast, as we may say, , lined with
slavers, who are generally from New York,
cleared from the Custom House, bringing all the
appliances of the trade with them, and mapoeer
ing about the coast under various pretences Juld
disguise otlegal traffic ; particularly under that
most Specious blind—obtaining halm oil-until
the favorable moment having arrived, the cargo
is shipped, and a few hours finds them out .ot
danger, ontheir way to the'West
The opinions that the palm oil trade is •flour
ishing,on the African coast, and that the compe
tition between English and American merchants
is eager, are wholly false. There are very few
or no English vessels•the palm oil
trade ; during eight months,. but • one English
vessel was seen, and dozens of American on
traders. The oil is scarce, and at Ambriz, 'to
which point these vessels , clear, anchor
rnoment,kindlthen leave; there is none tostieliad.
Moreover, these vessels leave New York filled
with water caski, filled with fresh water, under
pretence of carrying them for ballast, and on
the coast pumping outlhe water and filling them
with 'oil. Now,' waterveaski and oil misks 'are
two different things, and the legal traders say
that the oil casks come out in storms, are; put to
gether 'herM'and, previous 'to being filled with
oil, are whitewashed inside and out.
The only way to carry out the treaty effectual
ly is for the United States Government to declare
any 'vessel a lawful prize, which is 'folind on the
Western coast of Africa under American colors,
carrying any water ( casks, huckets
spoons, &c., over a certain . numbei and quantitf.
. ~. ..
Amotto the many apparent-trifles continually
being "brought to the surface from :the ideal
under-world of the rtnknown,. there are oecasion
ally simple` articles' `costing 'but- little in detail,
but 'whose combined' benefits, usefulness, and
economy of time and money, aggregate en 'the
basik efi inglions., s.tio, wt.): row* , 11Wpiarlye
Prepared Olue, "Its uses are innumerable, and as
its cost is:pext to uothing, the demand for is
univer all , It* is : . prepared walk Chemaalio, and
used cold---4.equirmg.but little skill or time for
its application. Home .Tournfil, New, Yark, Aug :
27, 1859.
• • Wilane's Terffilinge.
Fleming Bros., Sole Proprietors.
Nose ever invented his been so shccess
ful as the great worm niedlcine of Di. M'Lano,
prepared by Fleming. 8r05.,, of Pittsburgh. All
l iwt e-Ai dc ed t -haye bean equally. astonished
and delighted at its wonderful energy ,and effi
cacy. - ,publish all the testimonials in its
favor would till volumes ;,we must therefore cort 7
tent ourselves with a brief abstract of a few of
Japbet,C. Allen, of Amboy, gave a dose te
child six years old, anctit brought away eighty,-
three worms. He soon after gave - another , dose
to the 'aarao child, which brougbt away. fifty
morel - making
„one 'hundred and thirty-three
worms,in about twelve hours.
Andrew 'Donning, of Cranbury townshiP,
Venango•County, gave his child one tea-Spoonful,
and she passed one hundred and seventy-seven
wortnts. Next morning, on repetition of the
dose, she pessejkonalumulredllud thirteen more.
Jonathan Houghman, of West Union, Park
'County, Ind., writes thaihe unable to supply
the dOrelaP;Vas..the /people /bit neighborhood
say, after a trial of the others, that nonelsozinal
M'Lane's Vermifuge.
Messrs.' D. & W. ! Colton, of Winchester,
Indiana, happened last, Spring to get Borne of
this ;Verinifirge. - After selling a few betties, the
demand became so great for, it that ,lheir 'stook
was , soon `. exhausted. They state - that - it :#ll6
produced t . he best effect wherever ,used, and is
very popular among the people. 4 , "
Turchisers wMbe Carefulto ask'fornklP.taile's
Celebrated Vermy`nge, manufactured by Fleming
Brtpt. ` of 'Pittsburgh, Pa. All other Vermifuges in
- compr;iecul y are - , worthleys , Dr. I X 11.411 0.
genuine Vermifuga, also his Celebrated Diver
Pills, can now brhsartt,4ldl respectable drug
stores. None g«innino. without the signature
of FA:VIKING lines.
t .
211 1 4 itt nae.
European, dates are received to February.lsth
Parliamentary proceedings were interesting, but
,40. 0 ..:YM.frimPortartt.0 ' n't)
In the•Fouse ,of ,Commons ,an . interesting de
bate had-taken place on Chinese affairs. . - '
Lord Pabnerston promised a full exposition of
the diplomatic 'course pursued by 'the Govern
ment in its 'relations= with Chilm, .at• an early
The Italian
• question had been debated in *the
HoUse of lorda, and', a strong sentiment`ex
pressed.against the proposition of France to an
nea Savoy. F.
The death of Sir William Fa:Pieria announced.
In the debate in the House of Commons on
Chinese affairs, Lord lalmqtniier Said the utmost
forbearance would be obeirved in 'treating with
this nation. He was sorry -that the hopes of's
satisfactory settlethent had been ioniewhat disii
,pated by recent events.
The London , Times ittforiqeil .that Loroj i F f igie
will ititileitiike the second misatoa arlenlioten China, in the lope of being able, by` the
'influence obtained on-his fonder 'visit 'to secure
`the ratification of the treaty of Fuea-Stein, , and
an entire cessation of ,hostilities...
The Parts Constitutiannel states that , the -cipen.
ittileeoktiffaxof , the rt3enete , Pandoregtslittiretp g y
has heso,ppstperied bit:theist . alfalfa. '
Atka hid keeelved a thit -wairdag
" for havingainiiiiid the most
malevolent remarks, which would wound the
ibelings of the nation and are contrary to the
real state of affafri:" 7 : 7 t
The Gazette de Prance received a second wit IV
ing for an article which,. "in disfiguring, the
history of *Nranoi, calUminates the great oats .by
which Napoleon the, first .established Catholic
worship An France."- - • .
The Vienna Gazeete publishes a circular to the
Protestant Consistories in, Hungary, conveying
the imperial permission for them to assemble in
Conference, and decide on 'the means to be pro
posed to the Government for the redress of their
,grievances. . .
- ,
A Vienna dispatch says
" The reforms promised' hi life ministerial pro
gramme are about to be printed. 'llveryproyince
will receive a separate constitution and adminis
tration, according to the wants tif the different
It was said at Vienna that anew loan-rl4l pro
• CHIN • '
Pekin dates are to the 4th of December. The
Russian mission was going on well.
The rebels were not agreed among theMselves,
and the imperial troops had victorious over
. .
A Madrid telegram says :. •
" The Spanish cabinet will listen to no pro
posals for peace from Morocco until Tangiers has
been taken, against which place operations are to
continue." •
Marshal O'Donnell announces, in an order. of
the day, that he will continue offensive
'lions until the enemy asks for the mercy of
Spain, and until.reprisali shall
been 'taken
for the insults of the enemy, arid indemnitj
. ob.
tained for the sacrifices of Spain. -
The Spanish Government was about . to' issue thtf amount of two hundred millions of
reale, their payment insured by the sale . of
:riatiOnal property. '
Advicee from Vienna •state,that France 'has re
quested the Pope of R,ome to make proposals by
.which a settlement of so much of the Italian
question - as. : p t s coecerm. Ropesgiep . s: ; in: , the
'Romagna, may be effected.
Le *ord'saya that .the reply ‘ofeAu6tris,l6 the
English' proposition for the settlement of the
Italian question, has reached Paris. Count
Reohberg states that Austria cannot retract from
tle engagements of Villatrauca and, Zurich, and
therefore %%mica admit de, the facts contrary
to these engagements and the treaty between
Francs and Austria.
He observes that if the treaty of Zurigh 3 A
spected in Venetia, why should . it not he re
tiliectedin the Italian duchies ? If tli fileposi
tions of England are carried twit; it is a 'great
experiment Pat is about =tile
. in, Central
Italy. Austria will not oppose the experiment
"by forte of arms, being convinced that events
will not fail to give support to the cause of right,
and justify Austria. •i
, A Berlin,telegrain, on.l.lte same subject, says
that Austria had declared her resolution not to
'abandon the basis of agreement of - rillafrartea;
,i..kat she will not promise an absolute nop-inter
vention in Central Italy ; and. that, should. no
Congress take place, she will only negotiate with
r. 4 1.)".
APPiES—S3.2II444B tor choice, and ifLWEixgammon:
~ .BACON-Bupr .oated •llstrui, 12t ,mod
Western Hams, 10 7 X- Mee t 9. sa c. •
BUTTER—Prime Roll, I 3 Ibc. .
• 41BANS—&501111c. per bushel.
CHEESE—Western Reserve, 10®11c.
•DRIED • FRUlT—Apples, $1.75@11.87; Peaches, $4.00.
- ELIOS-1214@13c. per dozen.
FEATHERS—Western, 48®50e. • '
.FLOUR—Super. $5.40@6.36; Extra, $5.70@6.76; Extra
Family, $5.90(0.00; Fancy, 86.26g6.37.
BRAIN—Corn :'from depot, Sic,; (coin store, 62465 c. Oats,
45@id6c. Wheat: Kentucky White, $1.38. Rye, s4.oo(sl.o6per bushel ' •
• GlitOOEßlES—Sugar, "fl lb. Molasses, 4545 Dr.
Coffee: Rio, 121:1c. lit ID. •
NAY—At scales, $14.0.06g19.00 sit ton.
HIDES AND LEATHER—Omen beef hides, 646%c.; green
salted hides, 737 a c.; dry dint, 15018 c. Rough country
leather is dull atU6•l7c. Dressed loather •is quoted as fol
lows: Red Spanish Sole It lb., 21025 c: Slaughter Sole gi
26029 c.; Upper Leather, Vi dozen, 333088; Bridle Leather
itt dozen, WOO; Skirting Leather 'fl lb., 324g34 ; .Harnes s ,
• LARD—Packed, 11c.; country rendered, 10 1 4.
ONIONS-82Me. per bushel. • . •
• POTATOES- - Mixed, 37A. -Niehannocks and Pinkeyee,
55060 c. .
BEEVES--2 %.; wbolo number offered, 828; sold,
.801; twilit East,
~81LEEP-1,007 head offered; 347 sold, at 0.4705.83 por
11- : li7.7tead were sent East. •
• New•Tork.
7vEitiAy,airalth - 6:—ootion: for middling up
lands. Flour, '55.2065.25 for • super, State, .64565.54 for
extra State, 65.2066.80 for super Western, 5.4065.60 for corn
apirOmediturPrattPlr'Welderifraiirb.9sol:lo 'for ShiPPiiit
brands of extra ,R. o..,Canarliait- Flour, 5.75@7.30 for
common to choice 'eitta. '"R.941•• Fleur, 0,11 . 04.40. Corn
Meal: Jersey, $3.65@:175. Buckwheat Flour, 51.6234@t75.
Wheat: prime white Indiana, $1:05; Chicago Spring, 61:10®
1.22,and Milwaukie tClub, -51.2301:26. , Rye;:r 87(485c., tßar
ley : CaneXiin; 135 c. "Corn : 77140800: for yellow, and SO®
Me. for , white., Oats: 44@1434e. ter Wpstern and Canadian,
- FOR SAIL—Two SCROtAltintiPS in the
HUM CITY MUM. Inquire at this office. tf
. ,
Trtisteeepf*.Teffersou College will meet In tholorayer-lidt
WEDNESDAY, the 28th inst q ut 10 o'clock Alll,! l Pkinctwil
attendance Is requested. -• JAS. 3I'CULLOIIO.II,
m arlo-3t
. , . . ,
Anneal Exanihmtion of the 'Students:l44lde College :will
'commence on FRIDAY; March 29A,at 9 O'clock ASA.
.. .
Examining Comraittoo on poxt of Board of Tnitem: ROY.
Carnplx3ll,,4e;i 7 Dr. Eagleson, Mon. John H. Bytinp.A.
W. AdIIZIOU, Pll4, and Di..T..MclieiMaii;Mini Com
mimeo on .part oP Synod:,Rax..Riqtard Brown, Rev.-4;11. M.
Todd, ltov. Sammol*Boyd,Mov.Wm. M.: Wading:-
The 'Board of Titu*aviiil ineis on WiDME,SDAY, March
28th, at 2 o'clock P M.
`'.4(Onnal.Conitat boi4.een the Phsraii,SoChniei on M-P.M
-ifiaDAir EVENlNG,llarch,2Bth:
miiilo4t T.IIcKED,I . NAN, Seely Board of Trustees
- • -ar,,tith.
A ft'
t I , 3 f. 3 • 3 ... t'
At Woodyuy,..yEnTgounty, l 44.,i7APrttary 22d, by Rey.
J. HA Marshall, Melt: li.Vootii, Couniy,
to Miss Bus r.ll. , Gesny.Vof ;the ferineriplant.
In Winterset, lowa, February 18th, by Rer. Thos. J. Tay
kfr, gOlnik -List et: Jespep- County, to Miss M.
I.'l.rsiNe; of•thillorilier'plade ' ' • '
On the 14th, ult., by, Rov. A Mobart.Mickson, Mr. J.tmcs
Ttiomi*e: Mies', roman , both, ;of Mercer
County, Pa. A •
übn, the 16th of .Fobivary,' , at - the h;ose..or the 41111011
mother, by nev.,A. !CrAtg,lbLr. (WAWA G.l l lfirra-to Mies
Jtsou:r,x, .A..?Mowrooltzß.y, all of Hanover. " •
At ;Indiana, on the 2lot ult., by .Rev
~, A,;MeEtnotn, "Kr.
'Whinat M'CLOiXT to NUBS SABAH Z.' SIIIEI4 both of' Rayne
rownithip,ltidhaut colAity, Pgl.'
By Rev. Samoill liehaffm
on the 23d ult.„Mr .. .peozol,W.
HENDER43IIOI . , Jr. - , to7dieeehlkeorauti A:OAREIVIT; zdif of pi
wont County, 0.
naiy`23ll; 4- brRoTM-ILeKoolint; Mr.
11,01MRT DOUGHERTY to Miss Mum. JAiss,,doughtep-of JOIRES
MVUgllTAHl.ittit or WaiddiliTOdepOtillTA Pa
- "
On Wednesda* l evening,'Pebruary Ink 'by Rev. M. Floyd,
both of Klehanoquillas Qin*, Pa
+L On Thurnday onorning, March let,- hy , Raw G. Van Arta
dalen„ Dix= Airaannus MCLuitz, Esq., of Huntingdon Co.,
Pa., to Mies FRANOId AGNES livEn, of Waterford, Juniata
County, Fa. On - Thureday,ereninc Februlry.23d,•asnrent
AMMO HERTER, Med.Atrati Valley, Franklin ohunty,o4
to MIES JANE MILLE, of Shade Gap, Huntingdon Coudty,Va.
Pebraery 28th, at the residence. of the bride's -father, neer
NewjlArry, by.,4ev. J„.P.julten, Vr,WILLIAX
ofi t m;mwt6wnwigithiristinorwindresinito 'lto Hiss
Netter/AS, BARB, of. Derry Township,. Westaiorelrnd Co.,
On #1 13thnit., Mr: ltzuess kteexe to .Miss Euseesta
. Jeuzierew bath ofSnit/airline Westmoreland County, Pa..
By Um David Sterrett, on the 23d of February, Mr.
Tont; Amen, toldisaiSaaan d.oinaros, both opperry County,
Pa. On the 276, Mr. Davin Dimity' to MISS SUSANNAH LIS
' rAitzZliothpf Huntingdon County, Pa. , On "the 23th, 'at Lin
'dei.ov Mr.' Jona R. &wire to Alba Maim& T. liroone,
both of Cumberland County, Pa.
,Bylßev.4.ll).llowevonclannary sth; Dire Ems. IVatent ,
to hlipa .Nanctr,DUETIKLO, all of Venango :County, Pa.: On
January Ztat, Alr.Vanasnicttowar.t. to Mee 'BAIRAft E. :Ply
ca.T4 till of Ft:linch CrogkeltAnttago •ConntyoPa.;,On
ery a*, Kr. intaottilloana to Mite Nino!' Benoit:cur nil of
Canal; Venango County, Pa. On February Md., Mr. 70111 Alt
L. Mosalablyto'BlßM Itinacce. , krOenier; au of. g im p, L a k e ,
Vottanso Countycra.., • ~ •
.41141itre, krui ,f,, ,„,
' Virrtrl2YFpt rcr
. ,
DIED—, At hiereeidence j in Perry Dounty, Pa., on the 14th
of February, " Mr. WILLIAM 3POLINTOCK, in the; eoch
year of li . soge. „ , ,s ..,
DIED -At her • residence, near Smithtown, ,Monenzatia
Coon Ira, .on Monday, the Zith ' eilt.;; him SARAH.
114.9 i (formerly . Moe Web Wyiteil' widow of - lg r : yr ! .
Nor ' 'dectd:Akod 88 years odd 3 /aye: ' ' •
.0 XA0 11 1:714.R,IM301H1 0 1
DIED—We nntry_ 3d.,,et s , moorseilie, 'Pe,pfter a short DI,:
nem, hlr. 4MIERSONMEED; iti the ` 18ih you'd , sib age.
Thefitatoito Waif a,,y.)xian of much pregloe. At the
e. •
timetrf his death besras a Pupil (Moos file Academy;
where he gave ovidence . ef haying ,tinsty,e#l,tsb!e . qualities,
by securing the esteem of ias teacher and Classmates. Pos
sessed of a vigorous constitution, and, until hie lint sicknes4
of UnProken health, bls death : 111:a • ecnifirmatiOn of
the truth that no age or condition of life has a sure title to
to-rnorruw..:Maytthe Fathet.4tha ilittOrlesit i and the Ens.
,alin4Pf #l e w ldTv ,l ? i P4,‘ l 9l! l9 : l rnif
psi broten I •
, 1;i . 1;4 •ti
I,DIED—AI Blain, Perry CotinthPal; meth., ilith;of Pepru
arY,lllre. MARGARET IVCKlDlS,'in'thels7.tti yeiti Of her lige.
The deceased was the wife of the late Joseph' Wom', who
died on the 16th: of animas was of
short duration—only . eight dfwa.loTer, Istesals, was typhoid
fever. Very early in tire sbe beifFn? a Meenber .of . tbe Pres
byterian Church, by a proferlon•f hi Christ, and
so' continued till the close - of itfe. •II eillY samieti on
her deatii-bed wee witlireiard h'eF
would bathankfult to be. symied •to'ses *in • Bottled: life;
but wasmerertheless,williag 4 9 . iwttibTpiATOwere the will
et 43°d. • ` ;•i•• •• • t:Ttf ;`. i
Cox •
!" . • • ••• ... ••• •.• , e: . • Vni , 4 ,11 . ,C4t, 3, g , • •
::;i1 ! . 'tl ., .. " 0 f" VI li Pit . : I •.
..czara it4rx •
Family. Sening,-,Maehines.
1• , .i kNEWISTYLE....PI3ICEBSSOiOO: ). "
r aiiimt oiiiixii t iiii iiii itiv(i4i .
) *liu g us'!Dry.GoodsiStore,).Enzastot elthltsmerserri
Prrrasonon. /, 4% BROADWAY, Nil! Yosk. • • - •.,
• '4lO ClitlsTNUT EMMET, PRI4Dt4TIA. ' . 6 ,. , ,. ‘,
Ai`. These Moddnes ew from:two trpottis, Fend • bow iii
tseam of unesustped strength, beauty. nod` elasiqtyilobld
will not rip; essa It et'ory fourth"- stitch be: Out; .Theriot
unquestionablytths beat in the market for fuuttrise..•
•IK 3 r . BE" 1 0. 11 A,9/K.l:. • • .. • ' l 449 4 Yir ".
Wii,A .11. .7 rEir.nitt •.). -....1! c 7 ~.• • -, .• .:
, 1 A (situation al .111abiLlUt in br km= teiwkot ia.:•yrell
quAlltled,to give inspreetkon th• es. ;Lilinjinealer.
'and Natural geieSsiedi fAddrea .' '' ASSISTANT, '
:i • hit l 4 l l -2 t s . I i! if .; ilib#4 , 410wwthispitPrifuld Co, Ps , •!
Ai PERFECT 13AYNG13.A.Nlik-r-NO• one'
taKips the trouble to examine, the pamphlets used aewrappers
for thee* preparationd •be the elittniii of linposture. If
' , genuine, the water-mark, "Holloway, ' New York and-Lon
don," will be found on each leaf • of the pamphlet. The .test
Is simple and should not be neglected.
, Sold a t manulkets , ry, No. SO Maiden Lane,, New Rork,
and by all Diaiggistir and sLOOper pot of box.
, •• • •.• .' .10 1., at •
into ORLAND 9 S.'titERICifIt :;BITTERS
}Yfllpositlielycure . . . 7; ... 4
Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Neneuslltililllo,4o.;
pOm the. Rev. J. 4. itirtian, - Ot tits Reformed
•o' • • • antral: 9 1 1 • :
" I.OIW JAcitsoN:L.-INdloptisit !MT: been
troubled with. Dyspepsia for steady' twenty .Yeare; and have
never used' any • mediclrie tat diet so mach good as
Hooftsmirs Bitters: lam very.*oeb ;Improved ' .health,
after having taken five bottles: •.P• ;
Yours, with respect, • • • HERMAN. • ;
Kutztown, Desks County, Fa., Aptil,lB.sll:
. For sale by Druggists and Deniers everywh ere. Pike . it
cents per bottle :.: .' • • • . ' , marlti•it. •
A :. R.!) ~ •
Olome lostitiite for Young Ladies.
*o have, tfie pleasure* of antionneing to the friends I'6l.
patrons 'of.OLOME, that the ensibur iguihnter Session- (cow
menelni.oo the hrst Monflay of May, wit open ,under ,Tery
'favorable auspices. A corps of Tmchers of 'atiperiOr worth
and qualificational bes:elroulyibeenlfoooEldi and no efforts
will be spared to render the luelleilion worthy thepatronio
of tho'imblic. l • •L. ,"n ,i»t T.);!.%
Circulars, announaing p fbeinwinr im andy t ,te7ns
be !mind within o'hyi ion • •
• be het be
lion to the.Principel, t;,•1! 0 41. PRIMO% •
„ „ •••,-711; ?v.!! n FH ,Ea. I. PI7
. .3v
$, Steinway riat
The subecrher`bogi ledvo to nform admiren
S 6
way's Pianos .and the :public ini general, that' he kiwi, one
East to personally eolect, at the factory, a choice Stock of the
celebnited STEINWAY'S PlAtiplif.lif 411 stYles - aid 'prices;
.amongUtbers, one of their new PATENT ,OYEE-STEXING
ORAAD PIANOS will be broughtlon;dnd Which, it fe coal
dentry: expected, 'mill surpass anything inibutilano line ever
eihihited in this city. It is the embscribiir's determination to
use the utmost care in the selection, so that this 'Coining
Spring stock nisy•be regirded the cho4cettast• . .Of pianos as
yet offered to the public.' • • •r 'B. KLEBEIt,
• 'netrlo , 4l •• • • •
..4 4 •111gRiCt;stont k
-EA" • 7.1 • ..i• • - .car '.iS '
• 6,•1.•.• t , 1 3
S.E W,LN G M.A.i011.1-NE S
Tlii3' l l3eigt fiti.",rlCree.' . • '
These Machines make the &turns, or Loki vikkit
is undeniably the. best.. r: • • • .
They use but little Thread , work algae Isaiimasily,
Simple, and easily operated. sift 141 f 71 , .11 ,I,
. . . . Federal Street; Allegheny,gity..
Sir SEND FOB i A =Roux AR.,-sa •
T. SEMINARY, located qt . , the healthy and
pleasant village of Tartle Creek, Allegheny CCurity,kPa.,itni
the Pennsylvania Railroad, twelve miles bud- of Pittsburgh.
The next session of this liiititnticin will commence on
TUESDAY, the 2.4th , •day •of April , next. -The 'Seminary
building is large and commodious, .contidhing forty rooms.
The design of the Truititudim is to' give — young bailee a thor
ough education in all:the bianchea usually taught in our beat
Seminaries, and propare c young men for entering the ad
vanced classes in Collage. Young ladies and small boys front
a distance are expected to's:o .l' rd witbiltlto, Principal. Young
men can obtain boarding in respectable' fluidlies convenieo,
to the Seminary: . • • ; . ; "
Boarding, Room,' Furniture, and !light,
,850. ; , Tuition, $O,
$B, $lO, and sl2,' according tie the' branches studied. The
usual extreCcharges•bir lf,ocalind!lnstrisinental Music An.
For further partidulans soo circular', in. apply to the Princi
pal, at Turtle Creek. . . cr. • • e
REV. OLIVER KATZ, Principal. :,
14.10.. JANE xATz;'Avioetrite Rrhicipat .
; ` • •
CE AB: A.:DICKSY;II..M„ Principal;Asebdant
, ,Tus(iTyibli§lo4l:
With, Numerous Additions from the ~9, 8 y ,imprikil by the
' Author 'for ro=piabticittod.'• Relived 7and Cor. •
. • reeled, with AddltioriAls , Nellpsi - :t' •
Br .8108.A.8D TA.TAAR,!. k.p. L...., .3,T
-,i1F99!;1 . •
44 ;PO% . . / # ln 4 9n •: .• ••; • I ;
jamprif, Axopsu, Thiladelphis.
. a
Thisbe . * will bs rent by mul l , pm.peid
.uport• ritostpt of
~i„. . • ~!;, JP°67l7
Cow R. WHITE sc, CO..
, iwnvomeoirl; , . .
c. 4.1. i t
*l. ) , t 1 i! !•-••• •...s-ee,•l• 3 Pi, e p..-
A ,til l Al in coirwrzarogir Or: • •
s: ' ' • .s 1 , 1?
.3713/WiS, C;lO.OP,Sa* a, .a.
1. BDK iointa; fresed 5 9 Floutiotoli.l,4 <;;. : ,1r1 .
.„ORIMADINE ,ROSES, from top Ft
viIIAREGE VRANCAIB, &filo- 6 io 9.1P1
.frimi 6to 9411mutiopsoli t , •- :
Together with IiAREGES Printed,lo67l.lllliSlLlCl m t4
.30CHRill,:,?. • ,1 1 1;[. (
pinvant 'soofttpoent of air the'now•paralliss bi • '
• •••• 1 •: " PlcA
Veige iabOriliundoi • , 1 ,......Eniti0,434Ar i 1ef‘i..(
••. • • .• •7 I,
• ge - r ,z, •
And the most cloafrable stockof ?' 1
• •
, thd Latest idl° AWLS; the Yeiiiisti
y till lier
• • ; !!;MO OP' 'SKIRTS,Ibtr: , .•
gtfa A°•:tY f:•;:
WHERE'SHALL - I . s.END'lltirt S!
T o ionoor,pli ri
t r Miler& will itit JAW:lab* nbt lie .:yoiing dilliraintottilliiir it
,menly, to dlebbez parentp, boraea,ol}¢; IllaniVl,Of.Aruref??.. 69 :
be disobedient' 'and disorderlY at school uniy'
, not be t h e Idle, the vicions,',thei:Prefaue .Nbeie)Win' Ole •
influences and restraints bo such as to At him for the highest!
usefulness and happiness? Whereiiilj taied I:
. To pikreuteasklng : tlmiaratut ei??tilar l otweAloßsefit rtipect-,
fully present -
''TUsCAßtig*•AtiEtkEravol , '' ,, )
Ude of the oldest'stbools iirtlie State. la laid saran!
,years it his bad uptyatde of. fifty,, young men 'preparing Ad:
• the . thiepel ministry. The efileiency'of its iinnitaf anemoral.
training has been endorsockby : poonte a . nd,bydOefFeenityhf,
numerousCotbsgee. : Summer,Seeeicp oßepsPialjElt. • 1
' Titiraig :=465.60 per Seri& Of Yieficitsul
:Germamextra: lot pirtimdars,tapply, to ;
r J. 11..81.1tIMAKER,
' ' 4nielata•Courity,-Pill;
M F , it u , r/r . 1.1
Haying for Many year. 'paid 'siocial attiontiort tip eke
•vithin of WWI. fruits, sve•are now; tireparad !to fliz141111111111!
small or large qiuntities, the following valuable miles:
is •
Strawberries. • . ,
Over one hundred varieties, embracing nearly all the mative
and foreign' kifids 'of any repute.' The - most rinlversailly
popular of those hi undoubtedly the . • o • •
Of which, we have on , hand the .largest stock Inexistence,
Which ire olTer. et 26' cents per dozen, sl.tper 100, 156 per'l,ooo,
andt6o per 10,000. • ; •", , • .; • . ; , •
• It la unneeeteary, to , Bar anything In praise of this fruit,
airaii one at ail conversant with'ertrawlierry Mature for the
lint two yoare,,who hes acquidnted,hlcatielf with the discus,
alone of fruit-growers' *immolations, and the contents of, the
Horticultural Press, siware that, size, irbiltietiveneas,
and profit, It. stands at the,very head of the list of Strawber
ries. ' Fruit 'ortide remarkable 'variety. from' our. ground
sold in the, Pittsburgh market last seasoiet $1.00; pert quart,
and zeingle,plant lined with thejrult on,„,oo. ,A
Writer in'the • aittitry Gialleinan aays; It 'neciebdis well' on
almost any 1011,, and that it has produced Nittjt film seem rate
of $6O hualielno the acre. .
Other varicose proportionately low,Andisidtifinilizeinnents
afrard to 114 .° w anting i l rl P•q u " ti t e ll• 1; I
t ; • i RaBPberrieSem„,,!
Brlncitle't orange, .1,51.5111 Per dozen, $7.00 per Agq ;
• Riisis' Lahre f itruited' Mndihli,'Kii'evitttet Glint,' Rid and
Yellow Antwerp, $1 per dozen, $5.00 per 100. ; .. . ;
sue s*6. edOzbil,) $5:00 li6'ge3,o6al-1
. '.DORCHESTER.AAT .Narfractek's implogass.
Po're-z4 0 94 24 ei f l e f
`Wholesale prirehasers snit edam a ral '
contd. i f .•;: •I 111.' 3 0' ot .
„•' • -PLANT& BY
„Fgr $l.OO We wIU mend I to any PontAtSee in •tho :conritri,
egixpt Oregon and Cilitoptie, postpaid, and p:araialiyipat .up
In.eottotiandttiad allitaeita to carry arafiiiyjdary,Wilaon a'
Atbapy, Seedling Strawberry. SAnta ;,or qvi wine numbeil of_
plants of anS , otber'lnariiiii in our cataroide ofTertd at twenty-
Ire Vents por t doiam those at. fifty eezte • per dotes, bolt the
annibtu - . 7°01.00 we will else,
ea f ,Six. New Ilothelle
'Bln;clitierifPlante, •• 1•• . ),1 •. ..
• L. • L t
l i .. .l;lll4kLnetructi6 • pe for gollintion wikl.iocca9pany . Paati..
14446111*04911L911, Olitloan . 0.0; • r
•I ~: 1 , • J.V.III . NOX • !
The subecribere rd . * thousand barrels of
in Lots to suit Puretuteen. This male Is In the twentieth
year of its introduction into this reentry, and has outlived
fertilisers of every other desoription d for the following
reasons: e_
Ist. It is made from the night soft Orme City of New York,
by the L. Id. Co.„who, have a oaplial„of $lOO,OOO, invested in
the , busidesi,` which ' le 'at 'dile •thip! Make 'a ' bad
2d. For Corn and Vegetabfee It hf ILo neatest and
hsndieet manurairrthe world; It au be pineed n direct Con
tact with the seed, forces and ripens. vegetation two weeks
earlier, prevents the cut worrd.', doubia the crop, and is with
out disagreeable odor. Three dollars worth, pr two barrels,
L all•eufticient to manure an acre of corn iii,tlm
PRICV4 Dbl., 12.00;'2 MAL, 0..50; 5 bbls., over
6 bble., $1.50 per barrel ; delivered free of cartage, to vessels
Or railroad in New York City. , •
A paniphleicontatining even inforMatiOit.• IMl'coitilltates
from farmers all over the United States, who have used it
from two to seventeen Yeara win belkiiit free to anyone ap
plying for tho same. ORIFFING, BROTHERS & CO.,
_ ii:••,• North.itiver ltural.Warehninici:
60 Courthad Nreet„ New York.
C AR YF IVS LA T E , V illllo 4P4 l lP# S.
v.. .1. Plu ~
93 Wood Sireet, -Pitisburgint.,
&anon, by thllLev. M t Grattanpninneas. 0 12 mo, $l4l.
"This pdPulat Yount iirisdiser,'wlio has just" aniviid upon
oar shores, and ht death* quite a, sensation wherever he
goes, here preaches to them putth inted page in fif
teen sermons., Ills language is . lain bpointed ;,and.the
central truths'of4he Gospel are primetited with greaVelear
ness and force. There is an unction about them which goes,
straight to tho hearts of readers arid hearers.--Prubytrrian
Lectures on the Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians. By
John Lillie, D.D. Svo.,
$2.00. •
"Dr. Lillie is a critical scholar of well-known ability. In
deed, therVarelete in America who excel.. blot in a critical
knowledge of the Greek Text of the Now Testament. ,In the
volume Wore us he dispenses altiNtether with , the apparatus
of Biblical criticism—using no ,phrase ,which I. not Within
the reach of iiiY•intolligent readei—but he'whipts - the re
sults of grammatical and textmil-criticiswittithe purposes of
Christian edificaUon. Thus with the - variety, vivacity, and
familiarity of expository, discourse, there is preserved a
scholarly dealing with Seriptisre."-;-/tuleperident.
Scenes and Impressions -Abioad. • By the Key. J. B. Rock
welL D.D. $l.OO.
Dr. RoCkwell has - so- picasaaly pictured 'the imideittli of
his travels, that he will have many, read Ors, and they will not
be disappointed at his recitals."=Presbyteriait.
no Bible By Itself. , An Address before the New 1(ork
Bible Society .by•Willisso Allem Batter. • 'lBtho.. 'Gilt' edges.
25 cents.
Memorial of Mary, ,EntM. By her father, the Rev.. Dr.
Potts, with theliernitni preacheititt her Fineral by the late
J. W. Alexander, D.D.. limo gilt edges, 25 cents.
Lectures on the Book of Revelation. By the Rev. C. M.
Butler, D.D. 12m0., $1.25.
"Dr. Butler, Withont broaching any positively.nowlitioory,
and without betraying any,of the,blinding enthusiasm which
tarry seine Into the region of fancy, heigiven a rational and
not unlade exposition of matters which propheey
alone make certain. His book, therefore, may be mad with
profit."—Prabyterian. . • •
The Power of Josue Christ to Bare unto the Uttermost. By
the Rev. J. A. Campbell. , 16=a, 75•1: ants. • • •
Paul the Preacher. By the Rev ? Dr. Raiiie. ,
Boner on the Psalms. Van; • •
Ilamil ton's lane( James Nilson. _ $1.00, i ,,.....
Memoir of MaryNtnilow. By her son.' *1.00:
The Precious ThinEpi of•Ood. ~By,Dr. Winslow. 76 amts.
Bpregue's Annals of the Baptist Pulpit' ti.oo.
The Captive Orphan. By Dr..Tyng. $ l.OO. •
'Vie on Lukc:' :2 i 01.54 RAO: • •,• ".
lodge on Corinthians. 2 Toll, $2.00. ~
Hart and the Water Bnxika. — By blaeduff: • 60 Ben ts.
The Missing lAnk.-.1 711' cents. .F.• •i
Haste to thoßesm. 75,centa,
Prof. Huntington ti•Lebttnroa.'
Lewis' Divine. Human In the Scriptures. - $l.OO.
The Life of Krill. 76 cents.
paid, upon receipt of price. artarlfia
RARE olThrf*.#l l rr ; OF
i ttr OrtIOCCS I :
Prior to rem oval-to their Now' INivet, Nos. 448 and - 446
-1 3.16" hail ill
'Will sell by Auction, commencing on TIIEBDAT, the 27th a
March, at 3 P. M., ,and i eontinmed,the.following afternoons,.
Walla Ellayeartb,Aiuctibritierd,"alneCollection of Works in,
e7,er3j,,dppartrlefft.of literature, a largo number,of,.whickare
' , •
: • ;•;
to reMoVeni 'plAtitiew iiiii4tfully invite, Wei'
attention,ofitheir frientia and the•publiclo .the, books In this
catalogue; corepriking "selietione add' duplfcates Haan their
large and ;unrivalled atock , ini ay:Yu': department" of human
knowledge; bound .by the; moat experienced and. classic
workmen in London; - and well 'worthy the attention' of gen=
Sentra addiug Im i theic libraries:, •••.; ; • -
The:pliblic may rel' implicitly that all the book's in this
catalogue Will positivelyabe relieriation, 3
Among them will be found. , •
Robertli Sketches bEilut slily Land. 'Bride., folio'. •
• , MuSce Imperial. of, Franom - , 17 vols.!: ' ; •
". Florence Gallery. i . 9 vols., folio. • • ;
Tersailled Gallery. 19 vols., folio.
. Galeria pugilism* DeErance. AO vols.; ,• .1 •
Stafford Gallery. 2 Vols. . •
I Muke Fnitictus.' 4V015., folio. ;-'• •
;Galeria Elamantle.: E01i0...
- ' l loibdin's'Brograplifeal Works.: 25 yob.
Edinburgli Review. r. 1.10 volt • . - • .‘
Encyclopaedia Britannica. 28 vols;dio. . •
Pinny•Cieliimeilla. , - 16 V015.,4t0.'
Rees! Cy elomedia. 47 'vols. . ' •
Blziekwood'a Magaiiite. 82 vole:
-;; '
Cletelispes seat to anraddr'ese on receipt of a atimp.' Peie
.0 41 1 00 0,,,,. • xee lll, M to. attend' th e sal% •uly have: their
r7r ricull*PY, Me Auctioneers.. • marl,o-11 r
• l• r , • •.• MILL • BE GIVEN !N
Dr. Swift's Church, Allegheny 'City;' .
• E4BYTIMAN atuget
• • '
iiteo" ;..
It.' OR SLL•Novi the • Bign of Jildahilia • Reisidit.
2. Dam—Arrayed in ' "• • ShaW.
3. CaohniSorui of Zign. • ...;..,..«,..Nowmaa:
4.:AustezrneWhat.'Beiime so Bright::
5. Sdia—The Marvelous
6. QUARTItIVE—Dawn Gentle Flower.. • • • Roseiiii:
7. Clionna7Toey;bortirclißt on High. •
I. Cunene—Moir Long Wilt Thou Forget Me C..F...M00t.
2. TaiciPrcitect • tit Through the Coming
3..Cnontra--Bight'aßhade No Longer "• Rossi/lit.
4: Dicero Lovely Peace 'Handel.
s:.Ctroana—Triumphant " • • ' • • • • Gluck:
6. Qmatners—Root, Spirit, " • Rourke.
7: • Centus ,l Btiike the Cymbal ' Puretta - .
air Concert to commence at 754 O'ClOck. Tickett,' 25 Ctn.',
to, be had at E. C. COplifiAßE'S 'Rook Store. Alleny, at
the mike dares of J. IL 31ELLOR and HLEB EE, and at
the door. . . • ntar3-2t•
A N.T-.F.• •
'I Student in•the Wisteni Th eoicigieal 'Eetninary desires a
situation as teacher In nomo good Academy, •or High EchocA.
Engagement to commence by the Ist of May.,
,Setereacea glvib, If required. ; Aildriaa . • •
feb2s-4t* S. V. McKEE,, 'LINO
. • •
r , AGENTS to p sell,fine Steel Plate Engravings; including
'Bl7l , PF.F.;)&o.f..fce".' An'actlre perion,'Witk only n'innoll 'air&
Oa, can make $5O to Wiper month.' For rexticulan, address
L. 11. HISLYOED,I67 Broadway, New York.
tri 1 1 A
JE: • ri i e.. 0 .1
HERRON will bo candidate an t he Does
ppCbirle crab° Court; iatueet to.thci decision:o4lU Itepubilr
gin PountYrOonver!OßN. 7: ; 4
CLEitiC OF . COURTSti 7 • t
O *s M r J AO*MlekE 8:1O nadoT;. 7 1 0 9fW 11
- &..akdi
rockrsubleGt tenßith:=p
• I •
1431, 1: :•i •li:i
. I i%.1/:
• •." ./ 'FP 0•4!:-. MT.;
• The subscriber turr yin
of ./goonniarat thm i l
xirr4 r.lll t "#"
l ' ) . .04aUitt 5 T r OP ; Dta4.1114,;.*
at the unprecedented low price of '
Btu, 23 BY 31 Isonm.
'Thai geeie rfelinier 'Price' far
Miinrtinis 'of
the d zeind
qualit y of this ss—and newer to the question, Hon
h th e y,.te mid for One Dollar!" the subscriber would , Mae
j i
't,(esd . orbitlog 6,oX , Aiislit'2, he'ltitheilooo '
copies at sl. The main expense of such a work is not in **el
paper and printing, bat in getting . the, plates.. If 5,000,
Moly aid soid,lBs ie butva•fidr;price. Butt it 100;000 are sold
aggregate profitare Larger than on the 5,000.. ; 1
The :Original Nth
in*, of which the En gravings 'are 11
pAo.sixtia copy, was fainted by Itembrindavale in.the!cityl
of Baltimore, in 1828, and hes been the study and adnil
of tens of thousands ot ourcitizetia infglinii mailed
A . •(A11) 1;',.!/ • r • 1,,T
" inn, nit
Death is personified as a King or Monarch, and thagetp
a skeleton or anything repulsive Biala
“There arettwatirrlrstizz • Poilssizen„tionam it hl,f the ems
!graying, and arranged Into' flvo groups, presenting hying!
treprdsentitiOns 'Of ;Death; War,. Sentrual Pleasure, Intiimper,
ance, and the Triumphs of Christian Faith over' theTer t r : ors.
of Death. •
It is a work to delight the eye and tirove - the theart. Ifs
can be studied•and understood by a chit while rtes sublime
dirieeihicin''affords scope to the ' strongest I
It has briewmade, the subject . of ,spmial-Xwoouree by Awe!
Dr. : Bprague, Rev. Dr. Welch, Rev. Dr. Bacon, Rev. Xir. Clewes!
bind; ttir.-Dr. Waybitid; and others: • . ' rt!i,•
...A Xecireimpresitive, instructive, ,or beautiful prior . O t nia,
Ment could not be ptuctiased. • ' S.
, The subscriber,wai advised to have : the; drapery: of the . 11gi
ores brilliant and showy, to gratify the Mate of the t• country,
people," bathe hetermined to imitate exactly tbe • ricti
tiuts:of the originntrin i tlig in this nAeFt.,lThe
. . .
dechilon is veri ed only by the Artists In th
'city; but by the vitherableßembrandt Peale htniselfoie will
be ern by the toll7ring tuigmtliflod corttheme tt t
it tt
. , . ••SII.ADEiPBII; NOVOMD4Y 111 . 0359,
• "I lisio seen - tbe •Chromo-Litliographie -Entrriiing of my
Painting of the Court of Death, recently,executed, for
Q. Colton (the present proprietor) by Baropy,Major A - Bnapp;
of New York,. and 'can tortify;thal it is' an accurate ind ad'
intia t p bleopy, of the original Painting. • ,
. •• • • ••• • • ' •'!" 4 •RisArmiAluir
By' inclooing One •Dollar•and (tom' letter stamps; (to' pai
postage) i the Et:swing will he Itirwarded, poet-paA rolled In
;t; Clergymen cansmid largely to their "yearly income (Moose
mlesions).hy interesting themselves in, the distribution,, and
at the IRMO time' aha. bi r ths hinds • otleich
sermon. en panvaa." f• i , f• • !r.:, •IT •'t 2 1
• Any person who will diner this icivertimmencobtath AV,
miteCri"Nrs,•Mittfi*StiritigsbalPreosive I sixth coppgrads;
P rr id. -
13 TSL-geritlemen.dr liCdies—can ra .idly
• bYmkini• enteeriptiose for Ods.beatatinil• ,watik.l f One Dollar
and lox stamps from Agents, for ono coprAnd a letter. of
- Ageney;lrtiting Braid tenns. • : •• a Pi:
~..Anracp,vor k gonkann not make Imo than thaw Awo.amdoo
tt.'thite'hiindre dollirs•per year id - the thiiilnein, •abdij•W..
penile*. A description will be mint with each picture:: ,1;••1
;Me enbecLihsv .refyrs to, the !pill:Liu ge.etlergee: Th e
=venerable Beinbian2lNPAli, i th s miuma
:Melons , Briplo;,:the Bev: P, -Nair
York Observer; ROY. M. B. Palmer, DID., New Oilcans • A.
•Prbftriiitor 'New Orleans iPthey u tie t' the
Rev. Asa t .D.Bmtth, D. 14, the ROY. ,Dr. Abel Atevens,:Battcie
ArLicspd - Joriruil, New' York ; the Bev.: Oar-
Ihtuio,Dl•AlabOtt, a:lin/tit:aeon the UOntlntatna Brookt,t
. New 7 . 911 x • the op. Beery . J. Rey:piped, New York. )
-' ,l 2o , n 4 rced inietakeii the Ninie, rn - • • ;'Ckfinity, 2 ahri t l3lLoe'
:• 1 4l*Ps 1 1 1 knir*" . .l l E l l l ... nit l' e u..A.4 dr .o u r 1J,• 1 t 1.1
-0: so L 79
Na. 37 Park Row, N
p.;,1400:6/042443)1110?.?rir r 49004 1 i •
Have jest reeel•raii i ii .ripply of the . Lain .14
of the following poblishere, viz.:
BOARVbr ktusudhinozi ; v •
s ; n CARTER'S NEW WORKS: Et ' ,
. • • .
WltlttWeetr' ctheriate piiblicattane waprtsing the foliat
ing, viz: Spurgeon's Gems, and Sermons; pletionai7 of tb•
Holy Illoptrated;lLlS of Pe.,Bakar
from the 'German; 'Maury and Habits of Animals, Illus ;
tasted:M l
ica forouneProtatants,' Illustrated ti Lid ' Capt.
of t issue; Hadji in Syria,. hy Mm. Sarah Barelay,Jolmston.
Ala:a:large apply of Annelids and Gilt &ohs,' suitable' rot
the llolidays.. .
.„. -
at the Deptadtcry, 415'IST. CLAIR .
htirSh.- ' ' •' ; • " 4141111:4:f
sinwnorr !ritco:taktLisT
- Iq - E -, 6o""i§is - 40 ,"
JUSrgsIUED. • • •
THE HtISPEVINUtHAZ, Tho story of Its intrOthle•
Bon and marvelous progii Otiolou the Burmese and Karen..
ErsoCirod"Wybo.. t 1 t 12mo. • Price SLOG. t
. ,'T Normal intertiritz, Exams Passe. - .'..!
it The work is written ina clear and simple style, abounding
with kapny 'Scripttite motnice and pertinent quotations;
while the story itself qiicomores an.intereat so .deep and No fin
cleating ti to enehitin the reader's attention till ita elem."—
Nonconfirrnyit. ,
'.lHrs.Bryile‘ tins actaimplisited her' work with much 'dis
tinctness and literary-ability; The order at the . narrative is
adinliably maintained, White the incide*a eo 'kited are char-
acteristle oS ra.l forditres, .so • that tho hiibirical plan is
ner.or lost t of, in details. We oordialYr commend
Nis bootli"Perttinl of Otir 'retulers."Bireuti of the
Creiret4q..i. , til sir,: •-, t " r l , f(C 1,1.• : '".. . ', 4
SPLENDOR . ; . alt;" TEii ' giliOtrLAX ' 'Amara ' or ' atiterrrtin
CHRISTIANA, laid open in Seven Sermons: By William
Seeker. With an Introduction by C. P. Kninth,D.D. 1 vol.,
12mo. Price $l.OO.
, f . ..
• .40emneatters-will find the book, frombislitnitirto
string 'et pini, quaint and rare. The Autbror always
setakno, - akittre vlgorona and p unge nt. • • •"' • ,
Ratcheidor, Jr. 1 vol., 1 Price 40 cents.
" lite essay is well written and practical; free from vision
ary ideas or sentimentitilty, but with ;an earnett . thirpose in
view. itsitahicliilhltelia ray* °lett and'iand it
can bitricidlioth witki karma and Ili ht."
Sir The above sent brionil, on receipt of the prices an
nexed. • fobla-1y
Just !eilblightid •
• •
, • • • • 2 , •••••;• 9 1 . •
•E)r • "\"•11i C IJCIOOODEIVZH -• '
0.1 i ; With an liiirlidniitiOirby.ltirmiEr N. .
. 01 °M • 5 1 • 00 .11'..... : •
4iiiik..wilirrne„ities, excited extraordinary Interest among
thoughtful lesiler4 anilreceived the Wheat icsamendatione
*On Pastors ftlid__the, Jl ll o 3 * /1.. / •
Such honk does not appear once in a century., It makes
and marks '
The discriminating nature °Pada weak; the evangelical
tone of its sentiments, and,the [earnest, Christian. spirit with
Which it Is imbued,' make it an exeeileitt book to aid in the
great work kif.self-extunlnation."—N. T: Observer. ' •
‘ ,l 4 ,We, know of,no. work; since ,the days of President Ed
wards, which approachei thisln thortinghtiess and ccimplete
nets. —lf..Y...Evtingelfst.:/ii i 1 • ! . •
4 I t‘ It hi difficult to livewestintalbs/the. sbeor'bing. Interest of
this voiniie upon our mind"-11. Y. Chronicle. -
Theronghly Original In contention, substance and form;
glowing book,.okeubjecta usually regarded as dry
and reprdsive."—Excitniner. .
"Pull' of original' thought 'and sharp analysis, and im
portant suggestions . ; not one can .readilt without feeling its
quickening power.:',Watchmart and lietkctor..
• C.6m - rrinnioii• with God.
v t • •. • , 111r5Itrrri PHELPS, • •
Profercr lyriterer,Thpologind Seminary. '
:Cloth. 38 cents.
•Gowrmrs:—L Absence , of God in Prayer; 2. Unhallovied
prayer; 3. Romance in Prayer; 4. Distrust in Prayer;, b.
th in Prayer; B. Specific and Intense Prayer;
7. Temper
eat of Prayer; 8. Indolence in Prayer; 92Idolatry in
Prayer; 10. Continuance in Prayed ; U. Fragmentary Prayer;
12. Aid ortbo - HelyldffErin Pray/F:l3. Iteallty of Christ
in Prayer; 14. Modern Habits Or,P,rayer.
This little worlierfil find n•warin response in every Chris
tian heart. It 'treats of prayer, as a real power with God,
committed unto men, and shows how this power any be used
tclaccomplish the largest results, and how it often falls of its
proper end, from indolence and unbelief, and want of earned
and perm cring zeaL • It will commend itself to every reader
as the best treatise on Prayer in the English language. It is
faarked by the freshness and vigor of thought, and 'the enor.
myriad elegance of style, which have won for Prof. Phelps a
krenioet place among the Divines of New England. —
Ceptee seat by, poet-pald,,on ricelpt of the price.
•• rbig , • •• -
By niegiiitisslielisire.
By CHRISTIAN SCHRIVER, Ifinisbn , 'of Magdebmgdet
•,2571. , Translated from the Twenty-Elghth German Edition,
— by Itew:Boizim lifsussa.. lii"yanous styles of bind
ing,vla-t : 1!: . ••
Cloth, plain, $1.90; Tinted Paper, szo.
pziptArry, !Fith itimclutuallble mines of devotional
Works, has piodriced'ne treatise's° iieh•in•thOWit, so quaint
in .style,and so tender iu sentiment as GOTTHOLII'S EM
BLEMS. lt Ia one of the precious treasures bequeathed to us
hy:thel piety Oran I earlier generation. The minister may
leent•from it how
,to enrich his sermons and,visits by natural
and striking imagery the business man and the mist - nese of
ti,feirtily how to:carry prayer and devoutness Into their daily
labor, and children will find u much anrosement in its quaint
fancies as In the allegories of Bimyan. " •
,The novelty and richawat of its contents, its,elegant, letter
presi arid superb.binding; make it at once the cheapest and
sadist desirable Gift Bookof the season.
59 Washington St., Boston.
• , •
Li.A"IE Sl3 S
- • Prebyterian
.• 821.. Cheotnoti Street;
The Chnrcti Register, 6intaining- Tiblin, • with suitable Di- •
TialOne and Headings for keeping lists of the Elden, Deacons,
communicants, .Marriages„Baptisnos„, and . Deaths in any
°Minch: 144tpp. ; .1 •
Minutes of Session. Prepared for" the use,of Sessiims,.to
aid in the neat and orderly Preparation iind•Ptelierviation of
thilli t jteprne.,ilt baa wtsuitable, Title t .page;Prefaint; Mead-
Inge, fze. The size of the rule] pap, le 1.0%, h y 8 1 .4 inches. ,
Price, full bound in sheep, 2 guirt-e.61924p., $2.50; -holind
with,the 3 Auires-v2BB pp, 4121;• bound. with
the' Register,,Sl. '4 unites...l3B4,pp., $ 3.50; bound with the
Regittet; $4.50: ; , • , - ; t'
Blank Fotme for Systeniatic Benevolence in Churches.
Cards for Monthly Subscriptions of Sabbath Scheof'Cliii-
Qe. rtilicatte ofDieniielhAnot MitgeternAidAceijiletee, -
per dozen ! each 6 cents. , 31
GiiCesincl Glory. 40 and:4s'clinte.':•••" '" • `
Patnilyllteligiortqlmith.), 60 contr. .
;•," ; -
thilitiatillome (4...cdriei.) 60 Opts:
'Esther and her Times. 60 cents. - • • ". 01 .• ".
BenOniz v 2O aild 25 MO. =s „ .
Aienhi Leslie: 'l4 ante 20•
-i;;•••••••s: ;•1 NEECiskO. t; •
Sunday Laws. 4 cents. i
, Laborer's Right to theAabbath. 4 cent!.
•' - -
No. 230. Ten Reasons for being a Presbyterian.. I 6 pegs.
No. 281. The Thief on the,Oroee.,, 20. pages. •
No: 1 2:12. :31doin — Or2Calviniatieffitterature:1 i4OVittes. —
No. 233. Consolation on Dirtli,of,lnfanp,. ; .,2o
BB- For .sale in. .Pitisburgh at the Preebytezian...lkrok
flonzini,'St.'efaittStreet;i t)JiIOSEI2II I :I4ENGLEk-i •
• 7 1 , • 1 04 - trt r 1-gOI434ing4IPPL -
:!';tf , !,t
The Celebrated • Large Engravlitg,,
• r `,„ •
•Ltsfy,• • • • , off,* ..'"
' t ;4;6 ,
iattRIST 4IND. .4qS , ,APOSTIES,
_ - .4, (#t! -1,1
-Phi Rill 1,- , N•iiiT:t f r liff Kl4l 7,? 7,1 •,,, J .
017 1 1 00 ; • AftvalJ.*Jl
:.:lil - ApBEFAUTINLIL ,-,, 818LE 'IN .11ILT , ;;;;i)
r ; ,f .
:C. Taw'. tjNyx JYttr,
•; - --f £ jJ7l"• l ` ,
It is prs ! cliiiimistly, appropriate:, fnr i the,.T .
Either on the s pariorgireli:rox ikeni 1.
g a vioi i i , .1; i t:11 1 1. '
Itis *1... • ~.„
it: 7 7 J r, •
Niagnifx-gent ,Wjr? Atal Tor /Art
Loy , .A.A ...30tr r =,/,)
A W PI,IM: V.I) . r I?Pr'Af.ft 9I .9 3- 1 r Prt Ptr,"l4l
piyton. & Co.'s /advertisement of..theiAim engraving Of
TlierehtidAn's °Riding& "`Christ *Obis Aprtlea"
will attract attention. One of the pictures hangin ourstridy,
and ve rd the wet& as .eminently,suitablo for the walls
of.heery thi-lichischold." l The bide:Wel clieped I
which is presented with it, Is - bolindth. feltat end .gilt % and
the price at which he offers them hi low, - that" thonssinds
May siviliFthembidees'oftlienmeilidnity.llWehdreithey
Mom tile . , Rey.Dr Primo.) . ,
,DAT TOO ,ENGRATufes.—We: would ern call 4 attention
Dayteal'eAdvartleetaintle '_we hat 'VrarY reason to be.
ileVerdiat theta be the proper !' Tommie 'lkani•ldr. 1
eatabli t ehmnt Jo aFtylegeo,centainipli mory for epleutild
Worki,of , Art. " 4 . 1 .
Prom the Now Xorit.L?sder.)
j 'i4;•,`:• tt , Jt , r£4.,
fin ° J i i h t9g ra eq l 4' a •
. " Christ and His Apostles;"' r
with morrelaborate enrrounduige4 copy otwilich Wanted
'grad attention skthe kr,thetilistpre Okldetey; is ihoet l '
valuable adjuno to the the or „the hpudoir.
Atte 'l;ift-sedienipshjing tlihsettteifilike , a line *kit Bible,
~,unit.thiMul" 41 1 .1 - , t‘•
TheSible which imptee, epterithtbis insprestre.eninetta,l
is 24m0, bonnd iu velvet—with # 4 giit
,titratalfrcon-AtP $t •,t 1;0-7 •
To *ow Irdroovieltr to„ parch** „, et*, 1 , 1 4 9u , k.
liel-Bitde; - the price le' L 11; tli 12 cents ito'Payl
I'IPOOBBL •;.1:7',7 ', , ..Lre.•!Dri ".,•• • ,
„ sak-Benclto pA,YTBN„,&;c4.7„ tri„Nltiltotr,' ht.''Xt, 22, and
'25 - 'cbatte lie etathint poi&gb on .Enlitiving andi •
!!Bible. 11 ). 4 a".sbvt 541 1)1E8
.o„,* Editors giving the above an h r 4rtion.and forwarding ft +
copy of th eir paper, via qi.'„ - cdprerf.elllitsr oft
Publicati?nlibrahati. PtetsiC ` , l thiress:')
DAYTON & CO., t,
SI Park-ROw, New York.
- - Errenal2a.Henthl.of-Truth.)— •
Engravi g ,n of. Thom/admens s , Chrs4, and
'111811‘• Thelegkiiviig exe4
ISete4. n A tokath. Irlitsupt.*, eiteleitottig, 0 ,1 0/0 1 7i
110' ivArulytfo t#72.3.1 44 - 4.1401
b t
514:4-44iiiii,ecrd apit 11.00-lau ; .
ortmei - Fri4l 7- r, A
w reevee *a o
.„ tour 40 . 0
Moat Bible Ire not . %wow e
..G4 O .WN4O.S ) +TI7`E MAE.
Will find the most complete assortment of books relating to
their business that can be found in the wort& at C. M. SAX
rim BARKER & CO.'S ,Agricutturai Bock House, 25 Park
Row New. York. Send for a caltdegoe., febl&ly .
18 6 0
Thle . viduablo end ,etandard Magazine, istabliehed *by
lemotited A. J. Downing, in 1848, begins a 'new" , yolzdne witl4
the January. number. Its extended and valuable coiner
porkenca, presenting the experience of the most intelligent
caithiatore lb America; has made It eagerly 'might after by
thoseqntensted is the progreaa of
:Gardening" and Rural Taste. --
,To all peranns, aliva i to,the,improveanent of their.
orchards. or 'edtintry seals—to' icientific and pnictl Culti
vators of the tioil,-toinitreerymen and commercial pediment,
this Journal, giving tho Mutat discovering and improvemente
experiments 'and. acquisitions in Horticulture, and those
branches, of Iknowledgo.connected with it, will be found in.
,The. Editorial Department is at present in charge of Mi.
reran B. ?dean, a gentleman well known 311 a practical
Ilirfticulturlet; and who will receive madames and cotiperi..
tion from the beet horticultural talent in all parts of the
co ,ni untry i)
fa published Monthly, slick number:' contain
-eigtotemm. FRONTISPIECE and other en !
gravings. diter's Table and'AnswerateCorreepondonts
furnish oopleets hinds, to the novice in practical .culture,
and the 'Editor's 'Viewer presents, among other things,
summary from the leading Horticultural Jonnala. 6!
rope. The
. .
Numerous ,and.. Beautiful Illustrations,
Plans for Cottages, Greenhouses, Ate, the Figures of New
Fruits and Plantb—added to the valuable featurap ifiovet
mond:combine to , render this one of the Cheapest and ,most
valuable works on either,sido of the Atlantic.
New subacribent will be furnished with the volumes for
:1586,10.'57,180. end '59; bound in neat cloth, for $lO. •
TERMIA :—Two ,Dou.atts per, xear—Four copies for Elm
tMEA:alta. ixtyments to be made in adman. Eipecimeit
numbers furnished on invitcritlon; • ' •
„Alt business letters and communications to be addreesed to
Proprictoro, -
• • No. 2& Park Row,. New .Y,ork, -
Who keep conatantly.on hand the most complete aaaortmede
of BOOKS ON . .I.CCRICULTTJRE that can be formd 'ln tie
world. ,Dooka valet by mall. Catologuee Agen t s
wanted. feblB-4t
~ • •
. .•
4 UT. I . C. P.BIIBHING, Preilthist, alathied Ay a
-• •Stnierior adventigos we afforded for otheining a thorough
Academic and .Collegiate education. Every, effort *ill be
t made to-secure the 'happiness Mid improvement of - di ithia'
may attend. The Collegiate year begins Awust 31st; second
Session, Deciember 7th ; and tho third, March 21it. Tuition
tromrifil to $lB per &melon, according to studies.: For
turther,informatlon,.apply to the President, or to Professor
KNOWLESPPIttthargh, Pa. • nun
REY. SANDERR• DIEFFENDORP, D. D.,(Prineipal, and
Profesior,of Languages,
Jelin' , Munson, Profeasor of Mathematics and As;
Samuel Glass, M.D., Lecturer on Anatomy and Pbyslology.
Rev. James Y. Ashenhurst, Professor of Moral and Niit'Sral
• . .
James Yocum, M.D.. Lecturer on Chemistry.
Mr. Peter Zahnei, Tutor.
Mr. J. 8. - LeyentiOrger t Tutor In Mathematics.
Mr. Z. W: Armentront, Lecturer on Book-keeping.
Mr. Henry L.•Grebei Profesecir in Music:
This Institution IS located in the quiet and healthy villags
of Ilayesville, ASIA(Mid County. Ohio. During the last year
there were 011171 , TW0 MUICDRED.BIIIDENTS,' Male, and Female . ,
in attendance. Diplomas are awarded to young ladies who
finish the course of-studies laid down in the Catalogue. '
The branches taught are the following : Arithmetic, _Higher
Arithmetic, and' Mental Arithmetic, Geography, English
Grammar., AnalyslS,• Orthography, Book-keeping-, Algebra,
Geometry, Trigonometry,
.and all the higher Mathematics;
Philosophy Chemistry, Astronomy. Botany, , Physiology,
Blistery; Mental' and Moral Science, German, French, -Span
ish. Italian, and,theLatin and Greek Authors usually read in
College_ •
For new;e4rititisollare, paid In 'advance a student /ball
receive good hoard; a room furnished with bedstead,' table,
chairs, stove and fuel,. and tuition in any of ;the above
Munches, for Two lieasions of Five DI oaths, each. Or for
Forty-two Dollars and Fifty Cents paid on the 20th of October
next, all the above items will be furnished for the -Winter
Session of Five Months.
The next Sesetim will open October 27th.
Two students will occupy the same room, and furnish their
own' bedding, which can easily be brought 'fit their trnnka.
Studcitta•aee admitted at any time..
Instriction is given on the Plano and Melodeon, at
moderate charges. S. 8188/ENDOW, Principal.
136.00 'pays touTation . In Book-keeping, and the entire
course. ,StuclentsAnter stony time. Minister's sons received
it ball price. 'reritirculeir and Specincrui„ inclose five letter
stamps to , Y. JENKINS, PittOurgb, Pa.
the public'to the PH:quiDIIIMITA
' -
Housekeeping Dry Goods : Store, . ,
where may be found a large-assortment of all kinds of Dry
Goode, required. in ; furnishing. a .honse,,' thine saving . the
trouble usually experienced .x in bunting such articles, In,va
rims° phew. In consequence of oar giving our attention to
this kind of stock, tb the exclusion of dress and fancy goods,
we can guarantee our prices and styles to bo the 11100, 5111 , 011/-
ble in the miuket. .„ .
, are able to giro , perfect tatisfaction ' being
the Oldest Es.
, tablisked Linen Store in the city, andhaving-been for more
, than twenty years regular importers from some of the best
nuunstlscbarers in Ireland. We offer, also, a largo stock of •
of the best, qua/Gies to be obtained, and at the very lowed
'prices. Also, Blankets, Quilts, Shootings, Tickings, Damask
Table Clothe, and Napkins, Towelling, Diapers, Iluckabacks,
Table and-Pianti . .Coveii, Damasks and idoreans; LiCe and
Muslim Curtains, Dimities' Furniture Chintzuw. Window
Shadloga,'&d., &e. ' J . Q)3N Y. COWELL & SON,
- ' • S.'W. eterner of Chestnut and fieienth Ste., Philadelphia.
Foi , $60.00:
Them ftfachhees,v;:hichhaie gained such an enviable tort.
qation'Ove'irt4 oFlier Hadliinesim account of
•1 1: , B441.11V live'recellence - oi 'stitch; Imre - both Moe a
the fabriczeifPd; . • .
t . / " . "4, •,. •
3. Simplh:iity oru
fl thomuf o hnoraOf construction,
4.TeitltetT;eive•oi opeie tfOn and te#Megemeinf;
6. Quiltupes of movement;
T. steenigth; Iltnefebee; theiviilyn4
rip Or. iivef; .-
8; A.pActibility to's:isticti of piiiioom end roeti
. Compact:nese and elegmnim of 4in:del Mid infoh: 7 .
WITS .. 1 5 4 !!'z. 0 .1rer.e'd?fev.k: !rf ' ••. .;• • •
4.111- ,
:At.atelictu•Ped, , Etrieqs,
13y. .- ; :1 ' iALEIEJ .11-.IItErED,
;.7 . 6 Yk4h.-.StM4-I!it4bAr.gll,,PFt»
THE 3747 E 70
,4610111 . 01CIEUIP 1611 F IEVAMdi„
5 ,-- I+OR , THE-BEST!' 4 : * rwr
i S TAL-V , ES' E. 44
.8 'For,...familits,:andn.BEST,-WOOD &OK ISTOTE.
215-4LBERTY - STRELT, it the'boil aU,Wooti,
it*FglN Pa. , -; - f!341..9://'
, ,41030...triV*010 1 30, ,
NO. 104 IFOuRT 1 1" :41 4 R..isroix.
ei Wood d sMithietti Streets.
0 1 7F,ICE ^HOWE'S: ."
ass From o;clock A. M.„ to 4 o'clockaP.l4l.. ;
„Vic A YR7D. "'.
- .
Manufacture aad Dealertn -Straw Goods,
N 08.403, 405;4 1: 21122411 . 11;BEOOKII,ST., ;
le'no~v revel his SPRING STOCK; A:hi:eh will comprise
116 4 Mid trOzolent of BTRAWAND kACE 000D8.
mar3At , ,
•1164 H. HARTLEY.
, Sc.
- ILO :I' •!'w:o 0 D .
Anew Pitt4burgh,...ll24
..0 . 441411, Harness,-,.and- I Trunks,.
. ,
' and Sitieitor in Chititcery.
43T o.9loo7lio..l4,oextvallvaiel, five doors above Smith.
field Street, pittsburgb, ma.lyv
• , c;
14 0
- A t SaYe; the Pieces-I
fto.:*e* - “*...# 4 , l l*****
Tory (teakettle to hove'soak Ihrtair e n d vikeeraleut way for repair.
Ettrialtitre. ToYe. Crakkery;
ISPALDIN 'S 11133PAILED 131.11 E
arVikeilr initrikrWilelareirind ao'holatehrid ;err ;Wired tali
ap ye- the- etlekhayipotat.
There is nol longer a s TIOCGIIRity For thealeg chair", eallatearit era
treeke. headleei delliiiintirhairken'aiadles. It -Is pia tate era&
„kr cone,,abell.and v othar arseksaatel work. eepkpalae r with ladles
Of refla;kikierit'anettrte.` .
Ihia:irdralrablifyikairireeilenho maid eold, tiafi j eteir bad
MM whales awl, peerriag all the saluabla i ga l lther of spe-Irleri
be" et OrdttWii
betrylk vast*, morearihritire.-*' .. 7
.I; lrreft4:"..AtUkti: 4 ; FFER.:X •.ggterffit..*! ,
—..jhf — i+9 wth6 7Twt c f °sow. /11".41-3.•
Wbousali Dapot, No. 30, Nows-'fook.
1 1 i 1i - - : •BOx No: 3,011, IMArVerk.
daxeu-s, hic 8
64.1- w PoPi!aft
.8 - ALnr4ops .IF y
L 'lntbiag i gailtro7a. rCe - 4
4 1 mTli" ."- aze L y u rtorem. '.111154".
211Valattlab:z.zid!ok fk 40 1 4: tsif:A. IR Ira XXI
airup With. L. it wo smile sup
rgll i l l Ornti rtnirA :Mg
WhoiesolsOopqtEetnoyed 91,4 plat atreet, to;